#i've built up such a perfect statue of myself i don't even know if i can let myself out from inside
dragonofthemountain · 9 months
vent or something
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c0rpseductor · 4 months
tbh i'm thinking again about how i'm gonna approach vauthry in my fic, since i'm going to have to write him very soon.
i'm aleady planning on taking some sizeable liberties since in shadowbringers he's a bit cartoonish, both as a villain and designwise. i don't think it. well. i DO think it's a bad choice in terms of the fact that it's massively fatphobic, but in terms of tone i think a video game can get away with a somewhat absurd and cartoonish hate sink villain a bit more than a novelization, especially when he shows up sparingly. i want to keep a lot of the base tone of shb, but i do plan on morningstar being a little more sober and adult. there's sex in it i don't have to go with the shonen anime stuff if it doesn't work
i can't bring myself to agree with arguments that eulmore was Fine Actually, and in my writing i'm kind of making it worse, so i don't really want to go with a super sympathetic vauthry (although i think there can be, and want there to be, a sort of quiet tragedy to him, given his canon backstory). i Really need vauthry to still be detestable in morningstar because he has to pull double time on hate sink duty so i can pull my dirty little tricks on the reader with emet-selch. emet is getting more positive treatment in morningstar (until he isn't <3) so until such time as he has his little moment vauthry Really has to be terrible.
i've been thinking that rather than his being quite as. i guess juvenile as in canon, throwing tantrums and generally getting the "fat = dumb baby" treatment, i want to work the sort of egotistical aspect of his character from a place of sophisticated condescension (distinct in execution from emet's bitchy rich girl thing). he's supposed to represent the worst of nobility anyway, which is entitlement and a sense of others as being beneath oneself or belonging to an ontologically lesser class. i thought it might be interesting if he has a sort of grudging "respect" for pfeil, but regards him as a rogue asset to be seized moreso than a human being. i think it works very well from the angle of vauthry playing the role of a corrupt king and pfeil in many cases playing the role of a fairytale knight. like yeah of course the bad guy wants lancelot for his own. or whatever idk i dont know as much about arthuriana as i maybe should
i also think there's some running thread between them, like that there's something very similar that they take in different directions - moreso morningstar's as yet immaterial "serious vauthry" than the saturday morning cartoon vauthry of canon, but still, if you just lay out vauthry's story on paper, yknow?
on a meta level vauthry and pfeil are both fat characters from a source narrative that very much condemns and loathes fat bodies, so i think there's a sense of "similar monstrousness" that carries through even in a work intended not to be fatphobic given fic exists inherently in conversation with its source material - some of pfeil's Angst necessarily has to address that he's in a narrative role too small for his body, in a sense. fairytale knights and princes are only ever thin, shonen anime heroes are only ever thin, persephone was thin and remains so in every retelling, basically every one of those hot satan statues, you get the idea. all the motifs i draw on to inform his role-identity carry this expectation of otherworldly bodily perfection and attractiveness. to some extent this is what it means to be commodified in fiction at all. vauthry is still condemned to the same fate as he was before, but pfeil is a fat hero in a retelling of a story where fatness is evil, built on stories of heroes whose beauty is indicative of goodness and whose beauty is considered to lie in their thinness. maybe it's no wonder vauthry is like, "ditch these losers and eat bonbons with me," LMAO. sort of a like...what if solidarity was bad. you know
also, vauthry is Doomed, and pfeil is Fakeout Doomed. vauthry's story couldn't have ended any other way because he was set up to take this exact fall before even being born. even if he had been a good person morally he would have to die because his very existence upholds and hastens the apocalypse. on top of this, the circumstances under which he was raised were...less than ideal, let's say. i still vastly prefer to say that despite everything, INCLUDING the lightwarden shit, vauthry still has agency that he exercises poorly and likely had chances to be a better and kinder person which he rejected, because a narrative in which nothing is anyone's fault and no one has any choice and it all just Happens is boring. (not in the sense of tragedy, where fate and its incursion on autonomy and meaningful choice is a huge element that adds interest, but in the sense of like...if nobody ever decides to do anything and nothing is ever driven by character action it's not a story where the characters participate anymore. what is the point of that.) his ultimate aim was to secure paradise in eulmore, but no wealthy and powerful person's conception of paradise is gonna be equitable or sustainable or anything less than monstrous. also paradise is fake we live in an imperfect world and that's the only thing we get!! deal with it how you like but that's it!! the hero here is a satan allegory so he's gonna tear down your fake ass heaven!! so on and so forth. off topic. point is he's a villain, and by virtue of being a villain in a story with a clearly designated hero, he's doomed as fuck, no matter the circumstances or aims of his villainy, just like emet. sorry man
pfeil is, by contrast, Fakeout Doomed. like vauthry, he didn't really have much of a choice in becoming who he is - heroes don't get to resist the call no matter how hard they fight, and like all WoLs, hydaelyn had her sights on him for since forever because time loop shenanigans and arguably because reincarnation anyway. by virtue of being born, and even before being born, he was already stuck on the path he's on now. it's not kind to him, being on this path, but he can't give up on it because it would bring harm to others and he can't accept that. it's not who he is to shirk social responsibility. if it was, he wouldn't be the hero. but i as the author know that it's not going to kill him, and once he does what he was always meant to do he gets a whole life ahead of him free of my fuckin meddling. there's an end to the story and then pfeil kind of does a vague whatever. not my business. in the end, he escapes.
again, of course neither of them really know this because they don't know they're in a story. only emet kind of has that inkling of meta and it influences how he interacts with pfeil. but i think it's something that pfeil and vauthry might understand about each other sort of subconsciously, or voice it in other terms. vauthry is living a terminal villain's existence, where his choices are die or live and end the world, and pfeil by contrast is a Big Damn Hero, a beacon of hope who barrels toward the impossible light at the end of the tunnel. vauthry wants pfeil on his side because who wouldn't want that? maybe they can escape together. or maybe vauthry's terminal existence will feel that much less empty, with someone who is fated to one day be Real in a way he can never be at his side. heroes always win. (except in tragedies.)
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tssspeaknowstan · 1 year
Swift Short Story (Eras Edition): Please Reblog After Reading. I'd like Taylor Swift to like it!
I wrote this months before Midnights was released—back in March 2022 actually. Because this story alternates between two characters, the ~ indicates a change in character.
December 11-12, 2019: Kennebunkport, Maine
You be the prince and I’ll be the princess. It's our love story; baby, just say, "Yes”(1). But our love story later became a tragedy when you: Stephen announced you'd be marrying someone else to please your dad. He told me, "if you and Stephen had been closer in age, maybe it would be fine," and that made me want to die. The idea he had of her, who was she? A never-needy, ever lovely jewel whose shine would reflect on you?(2). I was confused because I didn't feel pretty; I just felt used(3). I should've known that I wasn't your princess; this wasn't a fairytale. I wasn't the one you'd sweep off her feet(4).
We fought about your marriage at 2:30am because everything was slipping right out of our hands. I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street. I’ve raised myself for a goodbye because that was all I've ever known. You then took me by surprise; you said, "I'll never leave you alone because you are the best thing that's ever been mine." But the next morning, you broke your promise. At that point, I became the worst thing that's ever been yours(5).
The morning after our fight, I was driving in my Chevy when you called. You begged me, "Stephen: don't say yes, run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait, or say a single vow."(6). I should’ve stuck with that perfect plan, but I worried my father would sabotage it.
“Sorry Betty, but I can’t.” I then hung up. I still saw your face in my mind as I was driving away because none of us thought it was gonna end that way(7). You and I didn't know that we were built to fall apart. We broke the status quo before we broke each other's hearts (8). I was thinking one day, I'd tell the story of us; of how I was losing my mind when I saw you here. But I held my pride like I should've held you. Oh, I was scared to see our story's ending. Why was I pretending this was nothing? I'd tell you, "I miss you," but I didn't know how. I've never heard silence quite this loud(9).
I then got on with my dreadful December day to marry my witch wife. I would've had the sweetest day of my life in Kennebunkport's chocolate church if I married Betty instead.
December 13, 2022: New York City
Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right(10). My story started when it was hot and it was summer; I had my wife right there where I wanted her. A guy came along, got her alone, and let's hear the applause! He took her faster than I could say sabotage. He had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum(11). He always chased down the newest thing and took for granted what he had (12). And the saddest fear came creeping in; that she never loved me, him, anyone, or anything(13).
Then she came around again and said, "Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me." I remembered how that lasted for a day.I said, "I hate you," before we broke up(14). It was such a shame, because I was Sir Here to stay. Now I'd be Sir Gonna be alright someday. Maybe my wife would miss me; but by then, she’d become Mrs. too late(15). Regretting her was like wishing I never found out that love could be that strong(16).
Betty: three years had gone and I've been reaching, even though I knew you weren't there. I was playing back a thousand memories, baby; thinking about everything we've been through. Though maybe I've been going back too much lately; when time stood still and I had you(17). I've been out in the world; searching for my soul. I haven't been scared to be hip, but scared to get old. The last time I felt free was when none of that mattered because you were with me(18).
One night, I took a train from Kennebunkport to New York City, where I could take a vacation from my sorrow. It didn't take a while for me to find myself walking through a crowd, where I’d hear a Kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under their coats. Everybody here wanted something more; they were searching for a sound they hadn't heard before(19). The only sound I wanted to hear was funk music at Tribeca's Dive Bar, where I later went.
There, it felt like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters and make fun of our exes. It also felt like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight to fall in love with strangers. I was happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. I then saw Betty yammering on with strangers she barely knew(20). Betty: would you still have me? Would you love me? Would you kiss me on this bar's porch in front of all your stupid friends? If you were to kiss me, would it be just like I dreamed it? Would it patch your broken wings?(21) I wished you'd say, "you'll remember me," while standing in your nice dress and staring at the sunset, babe. With your red lips and rosy cheeks, I hope you'd say, "you'll see me again" even if it were just in your wildest dreams."(22).
Stephen: you still got that James Dean daydream look in his eye, and I got that red lip classic thing that you liked. It's been a while; I didn't mean to stare(23). I heard your wife was nothing like me. Don't you smile at me and ask me how I've been. Don't you say you've missed me if you don't want me again(24). And if you've been missing me, you'd better keep it to yourself because coming back around here would be bad for your health(25).
I then saw my ex-man with his new girlfriend. She was like, "Oh my god! Isn't she your ex who lives in delusion?"
With pride, my ex-man replied,"Oh yeah! She’s still 22 and living inside her fairytale fantasy(26). She would've made such a lovely bride. What a shame she's f*cked in her head(27)" I wondered how many girls he had loved and left haunted(28).
Although his comments hurt me, I had to ignore him. So, I asked the bartender fella over there with the hella good hair, "Won't you come on over baby?(29)" I then loudly raised my Jack Daniels glass with the bartender's champagne glass. "Here's a toast to my real friends. They don't care about the he said, she said. And here's to my ex; because forgiveness is a nice thing to do." Hahaha, I couldn't even say it with a straight face!(30) I then pulled the bartender's black shirt towards me. "I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover."(31)
Stephen then joined in on my fun."Hey Betty! How have you been?"My senseless self spoke on behalf of my sensible soul. "Oh, I forgot that you existed and I thought that it'd kill me but it didn't(32). Stephen: don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled. I'm fine with my spite, my tears and my beers!(33)"
~I told her,"Betty: you need to calm down(34). This is why you'd got a long list of ex-lovers. They'd tell you, 'you're insane.' Because I know you love the players, and you love the game.""Oh, my God, look at that face. You look like my next mistake. Love's a game, wanna play?!(35)"
Because you played offence, I now had to play defence. After all, you, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, had knocked me off my feet again and got me feeling like I was nothing. "Betty, all you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life(36). You are wasted like all your potential and your words shoot to kill when you're mad. I hope you have a lot of regrets about that."(37). Thereafter, you stormed outside the bar and ran towards Central Park in tears.
Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest, which made you run and hide like a scared little girl. I looked into your eyes; thought I knew you for a minute, now I wasn't so sure. So here was to everything coming down to nothing. Here was to silence, that cut me to the core. Where was this going? I thought I knew for a minute, but I didn't anymore. For years, I've been staring at the phone; you still haven't called and then I felt so low that I couldn't feel nothing at all. And I flashbacked to when you said, "I'll be here forever and always(38).
I knew men's looks could be deceiving but Stephen, I knew I saw a light in you. And as we used to walk, we'd talk and I didn't say half the things I wanted to. The way you walked, talked, and said my name; it was beautiful and wonderful(39). I wish you'd never changed because we were happy(40). We showed them all no one could touch the way we laughed in the dark. You should've always been there for me. You should've always burst through my door with that "baby I'm right here smile"and it would've felt like a million little shining stars had just aligned. And I would've been so happy. People asked me how I've been as I was combing back through my memories. What could I say when tears were streaming down my face in front of everyone I knew? And what could I do when the one who meant the most to me was the one who didn't show? You should've been here and I would've been so happy.
Later, Stephen caught up to me at Central Park and said, "I'm sorry,"And I said, "I'm sorry too," and that was the moment I knew(41) you didn't deserve me. People like you would always want back my love they pushed aside, but people like me would be gone forever if they said goodbye(42)."Baby—""Don't call me baby. Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me(43) become.""You just don't understand me."
I've been dreaming about the day when you would wake up and find that the best girl you were looking for has been here the whole time. "Unlike your wife, I was the only one who understood you. I’ve been waiting here all along. So, why couldn’t you see that you belonged with me?(44)" Silence then came down upon you as you were looking up. Because you didn't answer, I started running.
And right before your eyes, I was aching. I wore my best apology, but I was there to watch you leave(45), which I couldn’t accept. "Come on Betty, don't leave me like this! I thought I had you figured out. Something's gone terribly wrong. You're all I wanted."(46)
You were drowning in your tears when you replied, "Then answer me!""My dying father threatened to remove me from his will if I didn't marry his business partner's daughter, who later died." Among the properties in that will, included his mansion, where I was raised. I still lived in that home, but without you Betty, I was homeless.
You then surprised me with details on what you've been doing during your love life. "You don't know how many guys I've dated since you left. I've been breaking hearts a long time, and toying with those older guys. They were just playthings for me to use. This is how love works(47)." No, it isn't.
Love was all you wanted, because you were giving it away like it's extra change and hoping it would end up in men’s pocket. But men left you out like a penny in the rain(48). I could've picked up the pieces for you, even though in most men's eyes, you were beyond repair. We had a crooked love headed in a straight line down; it'd make any couple wanna run and hide. Then it'd make them turn right back around(49).
I missed your tan skin and your sweet smile. So good to me, so right and how I held you in my arms that December night. Maybe this was wishful thinking or probably mindless dreaming. But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right. I'd go back in time and change it, but I can’t. So if the chain was on your heart's door, I’d understand(50).
I should've been there in the back of your mind. I shouldn't be asking myself, "Why?" You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet. You should've said, "No" to your dad, and you might still have me(51). But then, I remembered how you were the only one who took the time to memorize me; you still knew my fears, my hopes and dreams(52). Even in my worst times, you saw the best of me(53).
My head wanted to push you out, but my heart wanted to pull you in."As much as I wanna believe you Stephen, I’m scared that ghosts from your past are gonna jump out at me; they'd lurk in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles.” “I don't care because right now you're mine.” Then you said, “don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard. But they can't take the love that's ours(54). I wish you would come back."
And I wish you knew that I missed you too much to be mad anymore. I then began choking up. "I confess, babe. In my dreams you're touching my face and asking me if I wanna try having a relationship again with you. And I almost do(55).” I was a mess, but I was the mess that you wanted(56). You then dried my tears. "It's okay, Betty. I wanna try again with you." “Thanks Stephen. I promise to be your strength.” “And I promise to be your solace—forever and always."
Then, I didn't know how it’d get better than this. My hands shook. You pulled me in and I became a little more brave. It was your old kiss, which was flawless(57). I've been spending the last three years thinking all love ever would do was break, burn, and end. But on a Wednesday on this new day, I watched it begin again (58).
Lyrical credits to Taylor Swift. This story won't be published in any print publication.
Song List
1. Love Story: Fearless
2. All Too Well (10 Minute Version): Red (From the Vault)
3. Lucky One: Red
4. White Horse: Fearless
5. Mine: Speak Now
6. Speak Now: Speak Now
7. Breathe: Fearless
8. The Very First Night: Red (From The Vault)
9. Story of Us: Speak Now
10. State of Grace: Red
11. Better Than Revenge: Speak Now
12. Girl at Home: Red
13. I Knew You Were Trouble: Red
14. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: Red
15. Mr. Perfectly Fine: Fearless (From The Vault)
16. Red: Red
17. If This Was a Movie: Speak Now/Fearless (Taylor's Version)
18. I Bet You Think About Me: Red (From The Vault)
19. Welcome to New York: 1989
20. 22: Red
21. betty: Folklore
22. Wildest Dreams: 1989
23. Style: 1989
24. Don't You: Fearless (From The Vault)
25. Picture to Burn: Taylor Swift
26. right where you left me: evermore
27. champagne problems: evermore
28. ...Ready for It?: Reputation
29. Shake it Off: 1989
30. This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: Reputation
31. Lover: Lover
32. I Forgot That You Existed: Lover
33. closure: evermore
34. You Need to Calm Down: Lover
35. Blank Space: 1989
36. Mean: Speak Now
37. this is me trying: folklore
38. Forever & Always: Fearless
39. Hey Stephen: Fearless
40. We Were Happy: Fearless (From The Vault)
41. The Moment I Knew: Red
42. All You Had to Do Was Stay: 1989
43. illicit affairs: folklore
44. You Belong With Me: Fearless
45. The Last Time: Red
46. Haunted: Speak Now
47. Don't Blame Me: Reputation
48. Tied Together With a Smile: Taylor Swift
49. I Wish You Would: 1989
50. Back to December: Speak Now
51. Should've Said No: Taylor Swift
52. Stay Stay Stay: Red
53. Dress: Reputation
54. Ours: Speak Now
55. I Almost Do: Red
56. Dancing With Our Hands Tied: Reputation
57. Fearless: Fearless
58. Begin Again: Red
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Villain's girl } Im Changkyun [monsta x]
Tumblr media
genre: royal/soldier au, vampire au
warning(s): mentions of war(indirect), kind of kidnapping
word count: 1.9k
He, he was perfect, but I just wasn't ready to get involved with him.
I knew I would regret it because we needed each other. But he just hurt me too much. No, actually I really didn't care about myself. Still, I ran away from him again, probably the most unnecessary decision of my life. The only thing that stood in my way was my fear of the gilding of his life. I simply wasn't worth it, was I?
I was lying on a green meadow that was on a mountain. Hundreds of Lisianthus flowers had grown next to me. I loved them, their scent, their colors and also their sizes. They had a calm effect on me because I had known them since my short childhood.
I've been looking after myself since I was ten years old. My parents? Probably dead. They had left me for a reason unknown to me, but I hadn't thought about it for a long time, because it had racked my mind for the next thirteen years after they disappeared.
Now I was lying here and as far as I knew it was my birthday that day. I couldn't exactly remember that date, but I had celebrated it over and over again on the same day for a long time.
It wasn't a big deal to me as it wouldn't change anything in my life but I was finally eighteen.
The sun had just started to rise, but I wanted to start the day like this, with a quiet hour on my favorite meadow in the morning sun that smiled at me. Unfortunately she was the only one who did that.
Often times I would lie there all night and watch the stars. I was more than lonely, for many years I hadn't met anyone except soldiers who attacked and burned villages, as well as my house eight years ago.
I lost my parents, my house, my food and everything else I owned. Even if it wasn't much, my already small property shrunk even more. But I had to take it for what I was, what I was trying to do.
Despite my health, which had kept up well, I had thoughts of suicide several times. Jumping off a cliff is, eating any branches and herbs. And after a few temptations, I gave up. I couldn't do that to myself yet.
As slowly as possible, I got up to look for something to eat. I didn't really liked to go hunting because I was very fond of animals and hated to hurt them, so I mostly ate berries or mushrooms.
Except once a week, I took my bow with arrow to get me a hearty meal.
When I finally got up on my two legs, I ran and went to my hut, which I had built a long time ago from branches and bushes.
I was there in no time, but something bothered me. Everything was still in its place, but I could make out a musty smell of smoke, which made me cringe.
I looked around silently and indeed, about half a mile away, a huge gray cloud was making its way through the trees.
My heart pounded alarm and without thinking twice, I sprinted in the opposite direction from which the possible fire was coming.
At the moment I didn't care about my growling stomach, nor my hut.
After a while of running I could hear voices in the direction I was walking towards.
I slowly walked slowly in order to be able to listen to every sound, no matter how small. But suddenly a soldier was standing in front of me who looked at me with a grin. I was wearing only a thin, white, yet dirty dress that hung airily up to my knees.
Uncomfortable, that's how I felt. I had never had closer contact with men, how could I (?).
"Well, who do we have here?" The soldier mockingly said.
I just widened my eyes, not to mention my mouth, which had been open since I saw him.
After a short time, more and more soldiers came and looked at me, but I was frozen. People were so fascinating but at the same time so nauseating. The soldier, who was still grinning stupidly at me, stepped closer and grabbed my hand.
"The little one must have forgotten how to speak. But she is breathtakingly beautiful. Take a look at her, guys!" He asked his men to examine me too, which is why they all took a few steps closer.
"Hey!" I heard it from not far away, in the woods.
The one whose voice it was now also ran towards me, which made me take some steps back.
"Don't touch her! She's an innocent one!" The soldier who was now standing in my immediate vicinity.
Fortunately for me, he now attracted the attention that had been on me. He pushed the others away from me, who then stumbled backwards. Then he grabbed my wrist and I felt a heat rise in me instantly, it was a completely new feeling.
I looked into a prominent face with defined cheekbones, which made him look very masculine to me. He looked like someone that could be royal, naturally beautiful.
He looked at me out of his intense brown eyes in which I could have lost myself in, in a matter of seconds.
He raised his hand, pushed a strand of hair out of my face and touched my cheek in the process. All I could do was to stay still like a statue and admire his figure.
His dark black hair that was a little messed up and some strands also graced his face.
A cold but pleasant shiver ran down my spine from his touch. I was fascinated by his looks, it seemed like he looked like a friendly devil. Although his features seemed absolutely flawless, he radiated a dark aura. I couldn't see it but I could sense it. He also had broad shoulders from which two muscular arms protruded. He was looking like a God next to me.
"She really is quite acceptable. Nevertheless, she has to come with me." He pulled me by the arm to the horses, which were not far away at a campsite.
Damn. I should have run faster, now I have to go with them if I don't get a chance to get out of here. I blamed myself silently.
The men were in the majority and clearly superior to me.
The Soldier's grin was quite strong and even when we were already in one of the tents, he was still holding onto my arm tightly. After we I hissed in pain.
Besides all that, I was still totally in shock as it was my first close contact with people in many years.
Suddenly he stopped and took a close look at my body, me not really thinking anything, because I first had to get used to people's behavior and body language.
With his gaze he stopped where he had gripped me tightly to probably prevent me from running away, but slowly the pressure got too big and hurt. Immediately he let go, but he took a closer look at the now yellow spots that adorned my arm.
They weren't the only wounds I had, I kept getting injured and accordingly had blood wounds or scratches all over the place. We were alone in the tent and he finally broke the silence.
"Who did this to you?" He asked, pointing to my wounds, like the blood stain on my dress, over my stomach. At first I didn't know what he meant but then I understood. He meant if I had been hurt by someone else.
"Nobody." I answered clearly and looked up into his wonderful eyes that flashed at me.
"What's your name?" Was his next question.
"Y/n. I think." I guessed to myself.
My name had never been relevant, but I still had vague memories from my childhood and how I was often addressed by that name back then. In the other moment, his gaze softened. He put a strand behind my ear again, as he had earlier. My attention went to his full lips which he twisted into a small grin.
“You are beautiful, Y/n. You will be mine I promise it. Nobody's going to get you." He said with determination.
What did he say? Was that just a compliment? If so, then they sound really nice, but actually I didn't really know what they meant to me. Although I could speak his language fluently and had a good vocabulary to choose from, I wasn't up to date.
"What do you mean?" I was taught to ask when you didn't understand someone, so I did just that.
"Means that we will take you to the palace where you can be sold." He suddenly changed his face and removed his hand from my cheek where it had lingered for a moment.
He had just changed his mind from one second to the other. He wanted me to be his and complimented me, so what now? Now he just wanted to drag me along and let me get sold? Great, I probably wouldn't find a way out on all these soldiers.
"But, to whom should I be sold?" If it was to my advantage I would accept it, then I would no longer be alone and would finally be among people who were equal to me.
"To some rich snob." He simply replied.
I was surprised at his sudden change of heart, but it was the chance for me to finally escape this hole. It had made me sink deeper and deeper until that point. I was redeemed.
"You have to change. We'll stay here one more night before we leave." He stepped away from me and took a white dress down from a kind of drawer, to give it to me afterwards.
A little baffled, I stood there and took the soft fabric towards me. It was soft and embroidered with small flowers.
"Thanks, where should I change and where should I sleep?" I asked briefly.
"Change here. There's a bed back there, behind the curtain. You will sleep with me, I don’t want you to run away." He answered less summarily.
Only after a short moment I could understand what he wanted from me. He was still standing right in front of my feet and looking down at me.
"So I'm supposed to change here and now?" I asked with disbelief in my voice.
"Yes, you should." He persisted.
I suspected he wouldn't give in, so I told him to at least turn around. Then he innocently raised his hands to shoulder height and obeyed my request. When he let his hands fall again, I pushed my dirty dress off my body, which meant that I stood in front of him, completely bare for a moment. Fortunately, he was standing with his back turned to me. But even if not, I would probably have obeyed, because I didn't know whether I corresponded to the typical image of women and had never had unpleasant situations like this before. That's why I never had a reason to be ashamed of my body. But as I stood in front of him I realized how important it actually was to be able to see someone like that.
I quickly slipped into the fresh dress, which clung to my thin body and my delicate curves. It actually looked very pretty, but I could hardly judge it because I still had no taste for fashion.
"You can turn around." I wanted to point out, but my words got stuck in my throat when I noticed that he had already turned around.
I had focused on my dress the whole time and trusted it. Obviously this was a mistake.
-to be continued-
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ginjointsintheworld · 2 years
One perk of NA ending with little notice is that they’ll hopefully go back to their wholesome roots and write a heartfelt, joyful wrap for all the characters. A sudden cancelation sucks but in their case they’ve still got 13 episodes to make things make sense instead of just being stuck with these weird storylines so if they try they can actually end the series pretty well. They should use the fact that they’re done to take advantage of everything like I wanna see family members, old friends, more hangouts, good old silly cases, and an end of series flashback. If written well, they can add all the fun, deep stuff without making it seem rushed.
Like with this season irdc about everyone else(Shaprwin’s pending engagement killed all hope for me of Helen getting to be interesting again with an independent plot)but I’d love to get Lauren and Leyla to a good place by 4x22 and then back together latest by 5x2, even if they’re still working things out, and then the last 3 episodes of the show is just them in relationship bliss and maybe Lauren meeting Leyla’s mom or something. Or just more about Leyla because it’s been seasons! I know it’s a big ask but it’s the end, they can throw in some fan service if they want. And I’m thinking that a 5 year time jump in the finale is the perfect amount of time to let us catch up on everyone and with Leyren, ideally they’d either be married or about to get married. If they really wanna feed me they’ll slide in a scene of a pregnant Leyla waiting on a late Lauren in the doctors office before their ultrasound appointment 🥺 I know I’m setting myself up with all these hopes and dreams but they’ve built them up so they might as well just make them happy like anything else would be evil lol. Especially a ‘Leyla is abruptly written off but she’s happy’ and ‘Lauren’s single because Self Love’ ending 😑 like no thanks. Give us the J O Y.
i know i did my own grumbling when it was revealed that s5 would be a shorten season but honestly? there are shows that pack a lot of really good, well written, well paced, content into 13 episodes of less, ex. love victor s2 and tslocg. so there's no reason to think that it's impossible to do so here. hell, maybe it'll actually be better that the writers know they don't have 22 episodes to fuck around with LOL. but yes, agreed, i hope the writers get more back to the show's earlier roots of patient driven cases and most importantly, synergy between all the main characters. everyone collaborated with everyone s1-2 and as we got into s3 (maybe it was partly covid worries that played a factor) they started to become more isolated into their own spheres and it started to strain on the storytelling in a way because before when you had 1 or 2 cases that all the characters got in on, now they have one for each person and there's only so much time in an episode. they know how to write the show well, they just need to take a step back and breathe lol.
i've sadly already given up on helen's arc this season. i genuinely thought that once they got to london, she'd finally take the forefront of the story while max fell more into a supporting part to it but. alas. we're back on the max vs fuentes shit so. i expect that and the long distance aspect will detract from helen's medical director and family affairs journey. but (and i know other people are over it) i'm still interested to see how floyd's baby drama + navigating NA and iggy's trevor, trying to regain his stride in psych, stories play out. as for lauren and leyla, i'm not playing around, i wanted them resolved and back TOGETHER by 4x22. go into s5 with a clean slate, no more potential drama lurking around corners. whatever manufactured situations the writers gotta cook up to put them in the space to heal, i'll gobble it right up! i need to see them settled and thriving in their doctor girlfriends dynamic that was tragically cut short this season. and if they gotta promote leyla to main character status to make that happen, well then who am i to argue?
i'm all for a time jump at the end. why not? it's not like this show has some grand mystery they need to resolve like it's LOST or Manifest. they can sprinkle in all the fanservice they want. my current finale episode pipedream is lauren proposing to leyla but the episode is very shenanigans-esque. like opening with a typical, ED crazy day and lauren runs into floyd entering her office while she's leaving and the ring box falls out of her pocket and they both stare at it all 👁👄👁
'is that... what i think it i--'
'NO. maybe. yes.'
and it turns out lauren's been carrying it around for weeks trying to find the right moment to propose. and we get lauren, leyla and floyd working the case of the week together and floyd needling lauren at every turn like 'now? what about now? this is a good time?' just playful energy. i feel like that's the way the show should end, on a playful, hopeful note.
anyways i know we're all getting ahead of ourselves here because s4 hasn't even finished airing yet and the writers have burnt through a lot of people's patience with this season, but i really do think they'll do their best to give the show the final season it deserves and recapture what the fans love about the show. to use my favorite phrase for the season, we just gotta wait and see lol.
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nikki-romero · 3 years
The Wild Flower (Tomoki Matsuba x OC) Prologue
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It was finally the long-awaited moving day. I was moving into an apartment by myself. My dad helped me get the perfect apartment. The negotiations had gone smoothly and it was time to move in. I decided to walk to the new apartment to learn the new neighbourhood better.
My cousin and I had stopped and checked the map we had.
"Hmm, it looks like it's this way." My cousin, Ayame, pointed ahead of us. The pedestrian light turned green. "Come on!" She rushed across the street. With how excited she was getting, you'd think she was the one starting a new chapter of her life, so to speak.
"Wha-! Ayame!" I called after her. I quickly shoved the map into my bag before running after her. She turned around to wait for me, and her eyes widened.
"Hotaru! Watch out!!"
I looked to the side and saw a white limo heading towards me. I gasped but managed to leap out of the way before it could hit me, right into a puddle of ice-cold water.
"Hotaru! Are you alright?!" Ayame came running up to me, panicked.
"Peachy." I looked at my soaked clothing in utter dismay. Just as I was about to get up from the ground, a gentlemanly man dressed in black stepped out of the limo. A butler? I stared dubiously at him as he reached out his hand.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Oh, I'm great," I replied sarcastically. I had the right of way. I should not have had to escape death so narrowly. And I wasn't about to take his hand either. I shot him a nasty glare as I got up by myself.
"Your clothing... This is my fault. Allow me to make it up to you."
"What the hell was that? Don't you know how to read a road sign? Jesus Christ, you could have killed me!" I scolded him.
"You're right, I am so sorry." He bowed to me. "I'll get you a change of clothes," the man said gently.
"I don't need it," I snapped.
"Please, I insist. I can't leave a beautiful young girl looking like this. For one thing, my employer would be angry with me."
"Hotaru," Ayame whispered, "Maybe you should accept his offer. He looks like he feels really bad."
"You're too nice," I whispered back before turning back towards the butler. "Fine, whatever."
He smiled as he opened the door of the spacious limo and ushered us inside.
"My apologies. I should have stated earlier. My name is Aoi Shirafuji. I'm a butler to the Ichijo family," the butler introduced himself.
I stilled. "Ichijo?" I repeated.
"Oh, you know Mr Ichijo?" Aoi asked, looking somewhat concerned.
"No, I've just heard a lot about the Ichijo Group," I managed to force out. "The amusement parks the company has built is really quite impressive." I forced a smile. Somehow I felt like I just stepped on a landmine.
We arrived at a large and impressive mansion and Aoi took me to a room with a large full-length mirror and closets full of a wide range of clothing. "This way. Choose whichever you like."
The clothes were both my style and my size. It sent unpleasant shivers down my spine; I felt sick.
"Does a girl our age live here?" Ayame mused. I didn't answer. "Hotaru? Hey, are you okay? You seem a little tense." She furrowed her brow.
"Mm," I choked out. I didn't feel particularly eager to talk about it. "I'm... going to get dressed. Would you mind waiting outside?"
"Uh, yes, sure." Ayame knew me too well. She knew I wasn't being myself.
I took a shaky breath. Then another. Another. I took several deep breaths until I felt slightly calmer. I really didn't want to be here. Feeling like I wouldn't explode, I grabbed the first dress I saw off its hanger, not bothering to even look at it.
There was a knock on the door as I finished getting dressed.
"Yes?" I replied though I hadn't finished fastening the hook of the dress yet. It wasn't Aoi who entered the room.
"I'm Tomoki Matsuba. I'm one of the butlers here. I'm here to pick up the garments that require cleaning," the butler said. Bow-tied, black-suited and bespectacled, he exuded a rigidness befitting of a butler.
"Right. My cousin; did she...?"
"She went ahead to the garden," Tomoki responded.
"Oh." I bit my lip. Now what? I couldn't reach the clip on the back of my dress. I took yet another deep breath." Would you mind helping me fasten the hook on my dress? I can't quite reach it," I said.
"Please turn around." I did as he said and turned my back to him. He swiftly fastened the hook at the back of the dress before speaking again. "I'm going to do your laundry. Would you like some tea while you wait?"
"That would be lovely, thank you," I answered.
"This way." I followed Tomoki to the garden where Ayame was already waiting for me. She was sitting at a table, drinking from an elegant tea set.
"Kyo Aizawa. I'm a butler. Would you like anything else to drink?" Yet another butler introduced himself to me.
"The tea will be just fine, thank you," I replied formally as I sat down. Kyo promptly poured tea into the beautiful cup. "Thank you," I smiled up at Kyo once he was done.
"It's an original black tea blend using roses from this garden," he informed me.
"It smells wonderful."
"I recommend first tasting it black." A delicate pattern covered the teacup.
"This is Queen Rose, is it not?" I inquired, inspecting the cup. It suited the garden, but I was too on edge to enjoy it. Kyo didn't look the least bit surprised that I knew that.
"That's correct. It was produced in the early 18th century at the Raines factory." I nodded as I delicately held the cup and took a sip.
"How do you even know that stuff?" Ayame asked me. My only response was a small smile. Ayame cocked an eyebrow at me, inspecting my lips, and then my eyes. She gently placed the cup in its saucer and leaned over the table. "Hotaru?" she lowered her voice so only I can hear.
I shook my head. "Don't."
Ayame frowned but left it at that.
"It's delicious," I said after having tasted the tea, but the truth was I could barely taste anything. Silence fell upon the garden. Kyo didn't seem to be the talkative type as he watched over us. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another butler approaching, a charming smile on his face. This family certainly had a lot of butlers...
"What's the matter? You look so serious," he commented.
"I always look like this," I replied calmly.
"Itsuka Matsuba at your service. You met Tomoki earlier. Last name's the same," he said cheerfully.
"Brothers, I take it?"
"That's right. Now, how would you two like some freshly baked scones?"
"Scones sound nice, don't you think so, Hotaru?" she asked, a little too cheerfully.
"Thank you," I replied. We were stuck here until my clothes got cleaned so we might as well.
"The strawberry jam is made with organic strawberries from our farm, and the clotted cream from milk from our cows." Was that supposed to impress me? Without responding, I cut open the scone and took a small bite.
"It's very delicious," I said before taking another bite. After eating, I elegantly wiped my mouth with a napkin and glanced at my surroundings. The garden was well taken care of. It was filled with gorgeous flowers and the landscape was really quite breathtaking. "You have a lot of pink flowers and roses here," I noted.
"We're growing them for a celebration," Itsuki replied.
"A celebration?"
"It will be our employer's birthday in a month. And his daughter will be introduced to society on the same day," he explained. It took everything I had not to tremble. Not to react in any negative way. I swallowed.
"Is that so? I'm sure she must be wonderful," I said, keeping the bite I was feeling out of my voice.
"She is. A bit of a diamond in the rough. But that'll make training her all the more worth it." I had to keep myself from barking a laugh, and almost faltered.
"Oh? In my experience, I've found that the rough diamonds are far more valuable than refined ones." I flashed him one of my most dazzling smiles. His eyes widened.
"Oh, how do you figure?" he asked.
"I apologise for not being able to put this more delicately, but in this society, I find these 'refined'," I air quoted the word, "diamonds to be little more than sheep." Itsuki didn't hide his shock at my words, and I smirked ever so slightly. "Of course, I don't blame them. They were raised that way. You know, to follow someone else's orders; someone else's plan for their lives. It's been imprinted on them since the moment they were born and it's all they know. Whereas a diamond in the rough, as you put it, is quite rare in high society, but personally, I find it invigorating. It's like a breath of fresh air in an otherwise suffocating world to meet someone who is willing to against the status quo to do what they believe in. You could even say it's like defying gravity, which, in and of itself is already a very impressive feat." I chuckled. "But, what do I know? I'm just a teenager." I didn't fail to notice Ayame's dubious expression directed at me.
Yet another butler walked up to us, holding my freshly cleaned clothes.
"Sorry I kept you waiting," he said. I had to admit, I was taken aback by how attractive he was. But he had a certain vibe that reminded me of my brother, Eisuke, and that usually only spelt bad things. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yuma Akagi, and I'm the Ichijo family's head butler." Yuma bowed to me.
I smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"I would like to apologize for the actions of one of our butlers today," Yuma said.
The corner of my mouth twitched. "I appreciate it. I'm just glad no one was hurt," I added. Yuma nodded.
"Meeting like this was, I think, fate. I hope... that you and I will meet again somewhere." I forced a chuckle as I looked away. If we did, I'd choke all of them. Yuma smiled significantly as he took my hand, then he gently kissed the back of it. The gesture was familiar, but it never got any easier to bear. "You were in the midst of moving. I'll have the limousine take you," he said.
"Thank you," I replied. I quietly watched Yuma give instructions to the other butlers.
After changing my clothes, Ayame and I got into the limo together with Yuma.
Ayame gave me another worried look as she was dropped off. "Hey, um, call me. Okay?"
"Sure." I nodded.
"Again, I am very sorry about today," Yuma said. It seemed like his attention was focused solely on me.
"It's alright."
"How did you find the house?"
"It was gorgeous. Absolutely breath-taking," I replied.
Yuma smiled, brimming with elegance and grace, but I could tell he wasn't actually buying a word I said.
We weren't far from the new apartment when the limousine came to a sudden stop.
"Are you alright?" Yuma's arms were around me, steadying me after the abrupt braking. I felt myself stiffen; my blood ran cold. In a panic, I pushed away from him. "Miss?"
"Sorry, I just don't handle physical contact very well." I shifted uncomfortably.
"I... apologize," Yuma said as he moved away from me. I shook my head.
"It's fine. But is there a problem?" I asked, looking away from him and out the window in an attempt to get rid of the tension in the atmosphere.
"It appears the road narrows up ahead. The car can't continue. This is as far as we can take you," Yuma explained.
"Here is fine. Thanks for bringing me this far."
"Before you go, might I ask how you found our service?" Yuma asked. An odd thing for a butler to ask.
"Oh, your service was superb." I got a sudden idea. "You're definitely on Geo's level."
"Geo?" Yuma asked. The corner of my lips tugged upwards. I got him. Hook, line, and sinker.
"My dad's butler," I replied innocently.
"Your... Dad?"
"Oh! I just realised I never introduced myself. Apologies. I'm just so used to people knowing I am. I'm Hotaru Ichinomiya."
"A pleasure, Miss Ichinomiya." Yuma smiled, but it was forced.
"I know this is probably common knowledge, but my dad, Akira, adopted both me and my brother, Eisuke. You see, my biological father abandoned me and my mother a long time ago."
Yuma's façade almost faltered, and I saw that. I was right; he knew!
"Abandoned?" Yuma asked, almost hesitantly.
"Yep. He didn't even show up for my mother's funeral after she died."
Yuma looked away. "I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps there was a reason he couldn't take care of you?"
I leaned back in my seat. "I don't care."
"You... Don't care?" God, how many more times was he going to feel inclined to make me repeat what I said?
"I don't. No excuse he could have would ever be good enough."
"I'm sure he must love you." I could tell Yuma was choosing his words very carefully without divulging too much information.
"You can't love someone you don't know. I've never even met him. Or talked to him. You see, the way I see it, blood doesn't mean anything. Genetic doesn't mean anything. I'll tell you what does mean something though: When I needed a dad, Akira was there. Akira is my dad. And my so-called father was little more than a sperm donor." Yuma almost choked on his words, and I chuckled. "Not the most delicate choice of words, but it's the truth. The thing is, you don't get to be a dad just because you share DNA. He wasn't there when I needed him the most, and he has no right to take up that role now." Yuma was speechless. "But I'm sorry to dump all of that on you like that. That was really silly and unfair of me. Please, forget I said anything." I made a show of giving a nervous laugh.
"Not at all." Yuma knew I was full of it. And I knew he knew that, but he didn't say anything more.
"Well, it's getting dark. I really should be going."
"Of course." He got out of the car before I did and held the door open for me. I bowed politely to him and turned to leave. I was happy to see the moving truck in front of the building when I finally got there.
"Excuse me. I'm sorry I'm so late. I'm Hotaru Ichinomiya."
"We've brought everything inside. Have a great day, Miss." With that, the movers left. I stood still for a moment and frowned. They brought everything inside? I didn't have to guess how they did that. I had a really bad feeling about this. I just hoped to god I was wrong. I inserted my key and unlocked the door.
"Welcome home, Miss Ichinomiya."
I wasn't wrong...
I was unable to hide my disdain as the butlers bowed their heads gracefully. I slammed the door shut behind me. The composure I put so much effort into keeping all day crumbled in an instant. I stared at them, not saying anything.
"We're here to serve you. Starting today." Aoi said. The butlers brought me slippers. I glared at the slippers, then at them, and crossed my arms.
"Well. I wish I could say I'm surprised," I snapped scornfully. I slipped my shoes off, not bothering with the slippers as I walked into the living room and sat down on my sofa. Resting my elbow on the armrest, I pressed my forefinger against my temple and my thumb beneath my chin. "Well go ahead. Give me the whole speech about why you're here."
Itsuki cleared his throat, uncomfortable. "Do you remember when I mentioned our employer's daughter?" he asked.
"That girl..." Itsuki started, only to have his sentence finished by Tomoki.
"... is you." I didn't respond. "But... you already knew that."
"And that surprises you, how? I have the power, money and resources to do just about anything. You really think I'd go through life being oblivious and naïve without looking into who my father is?"
"You're going to be a sophisticated woman by the time of our employer's birthday," Kyo said. Sophisticated. I could socialise quite well in and I knew how to conduct myself, but there were many in high society who would argue that I wasn't quite "sophisticated" or "traditional" enough. Men in high society liked controlling everything, and I had a reputation for going against the tide. But I've never been bothered by that before and I wasn't about to start now.
"Right. Your employer, Kazuma Ichijo. My so-called father."
"Yes." Aoi smiled. I bet women were putty in his hands with that smile. The stupid ones anyway.
I didn't say anything, and the tension in the air grew ever more palpable. I didn't take my eyes off the butlers either.
As the glaring continued, the front door opened and Mr Head Butler walked in.
"Why, hello there, Miss Ichinomiya," Yuma grinned as he unceremoniously locked the door.
"Oh, great. The cavalry's here," I said sarcastically.
"Yuma, she knows," Aoi said.
Yuma grinned. It was a sinister grin; the same one Eisuke got whenever he was plotting something. "I figured as much. Everything you said in the limo... You knew all along who Mr Ichijo is."
"What did she say in the limo?" Itsuki asked, curiously.
I snorted. "Believe me, if I'd known you were Ichijo butlers before I got in that limo, I never would have accepted your half-assed offer. But then again, something tells me whether I accepted it or not, we'd still all be here right now."
"Enough. I cannot allow and Ichijo to utter such vulgar words," Tomoki said with a scowl.
I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Oh yes? Try and stop me, four-eyes."
His scowl turned into an expression of both shock and offence.
"Well as fun as this has been, everybody out. Before I report you for break in and entering."
"I didn't expect you'd treat us like crooks. Not when you're the one violating your lease." Yuma held out a piece of paper.
I snatched the paper from his hand and skimmed through the contract until my eyes stopped at a particular 'special feature'. "Personal butler?" I read out loud. And right at the bottom was Akira's signature. My dad wasn't stupid. No way would he have signed this without checking every detail and have the family lawyer go over it for emphasis. Which could only mean he knew about this and didn't tell me.
"We had you come to the house to make the idea more palatable," Aoi said.
"Yes, yes. You set me up. I figured that out hours ago." I got up. "I don't believe this," I mumbled as I grabbed my phone and went into my room. I slammed the door shut and furiously dialled my dad's number.
"Yes?" He didn't look at the caller ID before answering.
"Hi, Dad. It's me," I said in a voice so sweet it sounded sickening even to me.
"Hotaru! I was going to call you in the morning. Have you settled in?" he asked.
"Yes, about that... Did the lease for my new apartment perhaps come with a tiny detail you forgot to mention?" I spoke through clenched teeth.
"The lease?" Akira remained silent for a few moments as he thought. "Oh! You must be talking about the butler service. It was a special they had just for your apartment. I figured having a butler would make your life a little easier."
My eyebrow twitched as I closed my eyes in exasperation. "So you did know about it."
"Of course. You think I'd sign something like that without thoroughly checking every word on it?"
"And you didn't think to warn me about it?" I breathed.
Akira paused. "You're upset..."
"Damn right I'm upset! Dad, you've been duped!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Those butlers! I wouldn't be surprised if they disguised themselves as real estate agents. They probably played on your worry as my dad, too."
"Hotaru, you're not making any sense."
"They're Ichijo butlers! They orchestrated this whole thing! The apartment, the lease, the butler service. All of it! All so they could, and I quote, 'turn me into a sophisticated woman' for his birthday party."
I heard Akira breathe hard over the receiver in an attempt to maintain his composure. "I'm calling Yuzuru."
"What's he going to do? They're practically untouchable, and not because they work for Ichijo. They planned everything to the finest detail and slipped through all the right loopholes. Everything on the lease is legal and you knew about the butler service when you signed it, so we can't even sue them for not explaining certain details on the contract. There's nothing we can do."
Akira paused. "You're right. But there's nothing on the lease about you following their rules. No conditions about you taking any kind of lessons from them. I doubt I need to tell you this, but you don't dance to the sound of their pipes. You dance to yours."
I smirked, relaxing a bit. "You know it, Daddy."
"Good. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you." I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Love you, too."
I took a deep breath before opening my door. Of course they were still there, and they likely heard every word I said to my dad, too. I took one annoyed look at them and moved to the kitchen.
"All sorted out?" Yuma asked sarcastically as he followed me into the kitchen.
"Why bother asking when you heard my entire conversation," I retorted.
There was a moment of silence before Yuma doubled over with laughter.
"I think this will be very interesting indeed," he said as he looked at me with amusement.
I didn't bother responding as I put the kettle on; nothing good could possibly come from interacting with him. I turned around and leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing my arms over my chest.
Yuma's sinister smile returned. I raised my eyebrows in a motion for him to get to the point.
"All you have to do is accept our training on behalf of our dear employer. It's only a month," Itsuki said.
My eyes flitted to him. "No," I said flatly before turning my back to them.
"You had etiquette lessons, but we need to make doubly sure you didn't miss anything. Not to mention kick that flighty nature of yours. Otherwise, you'd just be an embarrassment," Yuma replied with a broad smile.
I barked a laugh. "Wow. That is just hilarious." I turned back to him. "I already told you how I feel about him. And I know you know I meant every word. But just in case you're still processing, allow me to break it down for you. I can barely stomach the thought of breathing the same air as your oh-so-wonderful employer. He can go fuck himself for all I care. And you would be damn lucky if I decided not to embarrass him and his company on purpose, which, by the way, I'm still undecided on." Tomoki opened his mouth to say something. I pointed my finger at him without looking at him. "You say one word about my language, I swear to god I will punch you."
Yuma sighed, exasperated. "How you feel about him doesn't matter. We made a promise to him and we intend to keep it."
I snorted. "Good luck with that." I turned back to the now boiled kettle and prepared some camomile tea. God knows I needed it.
"Alright, it's time you choose," Yuma said. I could hear the amused smirk in his voice.
"Oh, I get a choice, do I?" I retorted.
"Who would you like to be your butler?" Aoi asked.
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