#i've had this scenario for a while
nikkiruncks · 2 years
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au: Bonnie is tired of the mfg's bs and one night she heads to the bar. That night was when she started confiding in this charming man who becomes her new drinking buddy. Only to find out his agenda.
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evostrashbin · 2 months
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the curse of immortality (spoiler: Kiran is also on this picture 👍)
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cherubshert · 3 months
A/n : Is this bad, maybe? do I write well? no do I love sunoo? yes of course?!?! Happy bday to my favorite boy ever, he's been my bias for a while, but he's so precious and cool and talented :0... Hope you enjoyed!!
"I'm Jungwon, his coworker, he drank a little too much with us. " you tilt your head to the side, frowning at sunoo's limp body. "And he told you to bring him here?" He nods, "This is his address...?" you sigh. "It's fine, you can bring him in."
You shuffle to the side, opening your apartment door wider for him to come in. Jungwon sets the man on the couch, dropping his phone close beside him. Jungwon dusts of his shirt, bowing to you before leaving.
After making sure your door was locked, you let out a heavy sigh. Turning on the heel of your feet towards your living room. you stare at him for a second, before heading for the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
"sit up." you whisper sternly, settling beside him on your couch, a soft groan escaping his lips in response. He takes the glass from your hand, immediately downing it. You watched him lean back, his head hanging over the couch.
"Didn't expect you to pick up drinking." you say, leaning forward to grab your remote, pressing play on the movie you were watching previously. "I didn't, my coworkers invited me out... can't really say no."
He turns to you, the blush on his cheeks growing deeper, his hand rested on your couch slowly finds it way to your thigh. You pull away, bringing your legs to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. "Why did you tell him to bring you here?"
"Today's my birthday, I guess I really wanted to see you. " he takes in your silent response, your eyebrows furrowing slightly, your lips curving downward. "I was thinking about you all day. I was really excited to get a birthday message from you, but... It never came."
"We're not dating anymore, why would I send you anything." "You used to send a message when we were friends." "We're not friends anymore either." You say a little louder, turning to glare at him. He smiles at you, your heart racing as you try to shift your attention back to the tv.
You body heats up, goosebumps rising on your skin when he drew closer, his blond strands tickling your neck. "I still like you y/n, I still want to work on us." "It's been almost two months." you say, your voice wavering.
"We can still try." his hands grab your shoulders, turning your body to face his. The distinct smell of alcohol causes you to cringe, but you let him pull you close. "Please?" tears burn at your waterline, your glistening eyes look down before meeting his again, nodding slowly.
He practically throws himself at you, his arms wrapped tightly around you. He pulls away to press kisses all over your face, laughter filling the air. You press at his chest, the keep him at bay, your right hand going to drag through his hair.
"Happy Birthday sunoo..."
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starrysharks · 2 months
chapter 1 of reassassination's nearly done script-wise! hopefully the next chapters won't take like 6 months of on-and-off work to complete lol
#but i have GOOD REASON as to why it took so long#1. i had no clue how exactly to write the characters and they literally swapped characterisation with every scene#luckily now i've solidified krankenstein as a paranoid control freak#and octavia as a superficially cool girl with a sailor's mouth and zero social awareness#honestly its so hard to explain her chara. basically: character who seems stoic and cool and mysterious but is actually just super autistic#2. i had NO CLUE how and when to expose information#now chapter 1 only gives a superficial look at krank and octavia's characters and the most basic info about postmortem#and the “rules” of octavia (perfect pendant etc)#and 3. i was writing it like a standalone for a while#i had to put a lot of changes into the script in order to turn the chapter into the foundation for a few opening “mini-arcs”#of which will give a lot of characterisation and purpose into postmortem highschool characters#like onion and jaundice#rather than being kind of disconnected like before#anyway now that im nearly done all i need to do is FINALFINALFINALise the designs#(which will probably have a shit ton more changes to make em actually drawable over and over again)#and design environments and props (like krankenstein medical clinic and postmortem as a whole)#even so i only want to start releasing the comic when at least a quarter of the scripts are done and the story is 100% finalised#i have a lot of freedom being out of school right now so i want to write as much as possible#so i guess it will release around late 2025 or mid 2026 in the best case scenario assuming something insane doesnt happen to me
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thelocalconstellation · 6 months
there's like, an entire other side to this I had planned but I spent way too long trying to figure out how to do it exactly so I'm decidedly done wrestling with this for now. Might clean it up and post again later?
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also yeah return of the manbun/half up hairdo that seems to just. attach to 2/3rd of my designs for this man. I have no explanation for this. Manbun. (???)
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
Hello friends! Just a quick kh4f programming note: I'll be out of commission for most of, if not all of today, as I'm having a minor medical procedure done. (Outpatient, everything's fine, dw! 🫶🏻) So if anything notable happens (fully expecting Ash to announce ai2 the second I'm sedated 😌) and I'm MIA... that's why lol. Try not to have too much fun without me! 😘💙
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dylanconrique · 3 months
if you could pick any type of episode that deviates from canon (ie. bottle, alternate universe, musical, origin story, your pick of documentary, etc.) — what would it be and what would you like to see? ♡
i think everything that's wrong with me would be healed if i just for once ☝️ got to witness the rookie gang have some carefree beach fun for a full 45 minutes. plus i need an excuse for lucy to show off some leg (i love her wardrobe, but she's always wearing jeans or a long skirt that covers up her legs and i'm a slut who needs to see some leg and maybe some cheeks, ngl. 🍑) i also think it'd be so funny if tim kept stealing sneak peak glances at lucy like, "GYATDAYUM" 😳😳 i can also picture him (and angela) absolutely dying of laughter at lucy and wesley getting overly competitive about over a game of beach volleyball. 😂
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heartshattering · 5 months
5 AM
Just me and my overactive mind facing the nighttime again 🙃
#hopefully the meds work but while waiting for them to kick in I get so damn nervous#and sometimes I do get nights where even on my full dose my anxiety is too overpowering and I just. Do Not Sleep#I mean I do eventually but not without spiraling first :')#way before I was prescribed sleep meds my longest was 3 nights without sleep while on a VERY stressful trip#I felt like I was gonna die and I did not sleep until I got off the plane and was back at home#(this was like 15 years ago already but it still haunts me fhfgsgdh)#my best friend and I were having a conversation today#and she was like 'not sleeping can make you hallucinate right?'#and I was like :') I get the hallucinations in other scenarios too#BUT I also get what she meant#not sleeping is really bad for me mentally which is why I can't do 'sleep restriction therapy'#and fun fact#a lot of my OCD obsessions revolve around sleep!!!#which is 'awesome' because laying in bed with insomnia makes my OCD flare up so like#the two get to feed off each other and make my life a living hell!!!#and don't even get me started on my sleep paralysis episodes#(which I like to think of as just my brain misfiring but that my aunt tells me is saints or demons trying to talk to me)#'cause she hallucinates too but hers are like 'spiritual' or whatever#same with my mom's hallucinations as well#and to add fuel to the dumpster fire of my mind and body is the fact I've been overcaffeinating again#which I've known not to do ever since I was in middle school and saw the pediatric cardiologist who specifically said 'hey don't do that'#fast-forward to adulthood and I still haven't learned how to handle anything#like. I have heart meds and sleep meds and migraine meds and IBS meds#and yes meds are good but like. I know you need to incorporate lifestyle changes as well#which I do for like 2 weeks until the next time I fuck up#I've been so irresponsible lately but like. ESPECIALLY today#didn't eat#took some meds on an empty stomach and forgot to take my other ones at all#had too much caffeine#stressed out over some stupid situations thanks to overthinking
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mads-nixon · 10 months
okay guys...i may have lied about the new chapter of epiphany not being angsty...sorry not sorry :)
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cws: bloody nose, fainting
um not to project or anything but what if a whumpee could tell they were really lightheaded and probably close to passing out so they were just gonna stay laying down for a few hours to prevent anything from happening. But then they got a bloody nose and now they have to go to the bathroom to take care of that but if they stand up they might pass out
Also both of those things can happen out of nowhere! Fainting and bloody noses! (not completely out of nowhere but it doesn't take too much.) I used to live in a place with high altitude and oh me oh my I did not do well. Dehydration can also do that to a person. And wouldn't it be scary if Whumpee's head started spinning when they stood up and they knew if they passed out they'd fall over and bleed over the entire floor? What if no one else was home to find them? What if there was someone home that they could call out to, but they just hated asking for help, and if they pass out and bleed everywhere it would be all their fault for not asking for help that was totally available? hm
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sage-nebula · 9 months
I've decided to make my own post because I am not an idiot, but full disclosure that this post is 50% based on thoughts I was having while I was driving home from the auto repair shop yesterday and 50% a response to a post I saw just now that conflated "redemption arcs" (things fictional characters go through in fictional stories) with "community support" (things real life people offer to other real life people in real life) and how this relates to "fixing people" (making someone who mistreats or abuses themself or others not mistreat or abuse themself or others anymore).
Read my words very carefully.
In fiction, it is more than okay to like whatever type of toxic or fantastical relationship you want. If you like to read stories about toxic, codependent people who are absolutely horrible to one another and will never, ever change, you read those stories. If you like to read stories about a tortured man who just needs The Right Person to teach him to be better, and then he is, sometimes exclusively only to them though, then you read those stories. Sometimes you want to read stories where the main character says "I can fix him" and fails spectacularly, and sometimes you want to read stories where the main character says "I can fix him" and succeeds spectacularly, and either way, you read whatever stories you want, whatever makes you happy, I'm sure it's somewhere in this vast Archive that we call Our Own.
However, in real life?
First of all, "arcs" aren't things real life people have. An arc is something that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Real life people don't have those, because our stories don't end until we die. Unlike a character, whose life presumably continues even after their story ends (except in circumstances where they die at the end but you know what I mean), we have to keep living day by day, with all the rises and falls that come with it. Now, this does not mean that a person cannot change, or that a person can't get better and learn from their mistakes; but it DOES mean that we can't have a "redemption arc" where we complete a checklist of story beats and then suddenly we're a better person who has experienced the necessary growth to be forgiven. First off, no amount of growth or change ever requires any victims to forgive. And second, that's just not how life works. That's not how change works. Change and growth are baby steps taken each day, and sometimes you go backwards, and you get angry with yourself, but then you pick yourself up and you try again the next day, and the next, and the next. It's an ongoing journey that does not end until you die. That's life.
But second and more importantly, the real idea that I think the original post was trying to get at, but missing the mark on was . . . okay.
So, the original OP of the post (and the person who replied to OP) got angry at the idea that the strawman they had invented (the person who had theoretically said "you can't fix him!") would deny support to someone who needs that help to grow and change as a person. The person who had replied in support of OP added that the strawman clearly believed in punitive justice over rehabilitative justice as well. On the surface, I can see where they are coming from. After all, on the whole humans are a social species and do need support networks in order to not only thrive, but survive. People such as drug addicts need support and assistance in order to get into better places in their lives, and the prison system has been proven to be far less effective at preventing repeated offenses than rehabilitative programs. This is all true.
The reason why "you can't fix them" is still true, and needs to be said and understood particularly by those who are susceptible to falling into abusive relationships (e.g. people who have been abused before, particularly in childhood or adolescence) is because of free will. Specifically, the free will that each of us has, but specifically the other person. Person A can want so, so, so badly to "fix" Person B so that they stop being an abusive alcoholic 75% of the time. But if Person B doesn't actually want to stop being an abusive alcoholic (even if they say they do during the 25% of the time they aren't smacking Person A around), and refuses to put in the work that it takes to become sober and be a better person, then guess what? Nothing Person A does will ever make them be a sober, non-abusive partner. They will be unable to fix Person B. It doesn't matter how much time, energy, money, or commitment they pour into that person. It doesn't matter how much they genuinely, honestly, earnestly love them. Because unless Person B wants to change, and will put the work into doing so, then they will not change, and Person A, for their own health, safety, and sanity, needs to exit that relationship.
Now, does that mean that if, ten years down the line, Person B decides they are ready to put in the work to get their alcoholism under control, no one should help them? Of course not! They should absolutely be put in touch with sober counselors, support groups, medical professionals, friends and family who can help them. Person A could potentially forgive them, if Person A chooses. But that willingness to change and put in the work has to come from within Person B first.
I've been in the position where I've seen people in awful situations just tanking their lives, people I loved and cared about, people I begged to just listen to me and get help, only for them to not . . . and ultimately I had to accept that I couldn't fix them. I could be there to offer support when they were ready to fix themselves, but the core work that needed to be done had to come from within themselves. I couldn't provide that. Not because I was inadequate, not because I didn't love them, but because I couldn't force them to do anything they didn't want, or weren't ready, to do.
So at the end of the day, "you can't fix them" isn't about not giving support. It's about recognizing your limitations as a human being. It's about knowing that:
You cannot force someone to do something they do not want to do.
You cannot force someone to do something they are not ready to do.
Not being able to help or save someone is not a moral failing of yours.
Not being able to help or save someone does not mean you do not love or care about them.
Providing support should never come at risk of your own health and safety, physical or otherwise.
When you love someone, it can be really hard to accept this. You think, "I know I can make them want to try. I know I can inspire them to want to change. I know they love me, so if I just love them a little harder, they will want to change." Nine times out of ten, though, that is just not true. And if someone is abusing you, it is not worth the literal risk to your life to keep trying. You are worth more than that. You are more than just someone else's band-aid.
Keep yourselves safe in 2024.
#not an abuse scenario but: my mom died of covid-19#it's relevant to this discussion bc she was a trump-supporting republican who refused to get vaccinated#bc the far-right propaganda shows she watched told her the vaccine ''wasn't a real vaccine''#and i know this bc when i literally BEGGED MY PARENTS to get the vaccine my mother LAUGHED IN MY FACE and TOLD ME ''it's not a real vaccine#so anyway both my parents got it. my father almost died from it#my mom seemed like she was doing much better . . . except she CONTINUED to smoke heavily while both having covid#and recovering from covid#and once again i said hey don't you think you should not smoke cigarettes while recovering from a serious respiratory disease#and once again she laughed at me#anyway 2 months later her heart gave out in her sleep and she died#bc her body couldn't handle the stress of the cigarettes + alcohol (she was also an alcoholic) after covid had done its thing to her#she was only 56yo#so this was a case where i wanted to fix my mother. i tried so hard. and i've similarly tried to fix my father (who is still alive)#but i can't! my dad almost died and my mom DID die and my dad STILL won't get the vaccine#I HAVE BEGGED THIS MAN. WHO IS NOW 73. TO GET VACCINATED. AND HE STILL WILL NOT.#you can't fix people!!! you can't!!! you can offer them support if they want to fix themselves#you can help them fix themselves but you can't fix them. you just can't. no matter how much you love them#and in abuse cases it can be really fucking dangerous to keep trying.#anyway. that's my TED talk. thanks for attending or w/e it is they say
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blizzardz · 2 months
I need something new for the archive or else i'm gonna go mad
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bunnihearted · 8 months
hmm rn i just wnna be someone's gf. living together. cooking together. just hugging them in the scary cold lonely night :(( holding hands while brushing our teeth. cuddling while watching tv... idk just that comfort. i want it >.<
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scumscuttlers · 1 month
eavesdrop :)
send me “eavesdrop” and my muse will describe your muse like they’re talking to a third party
Instead of answering this prompt as written, I'm going to examine Lanota's relationship with Inezra instead. Examine used loosely.
Inezra doesn't:
Talk about Lanota with anyone.
Think overmuch about Lanota.
Have much reason or desire to talk to Lanota.
This wasn't the case during Inezra's relationship with Sefoni (at which point Lanota was a threat who had a clear and obvious distrust in Inezra). They are both very much on the edges of a shared social group but aren't really friends, even if Lanota has said they are. That was probably intended to annoy Inezra more than anything else.
Nothing has changed enough to warrant updating their relationship status again.
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blujayonthewing · 2 months
[discussing flipping my kayak and falling in a river]
brother: at least with the paint palettes, like, it's water soluble, it'll rinse out but you can just refill it, but with a sketchbook the whole thing's ruined
me, currently has easily fifty dollars' worth of professional grade paint in my palettes:
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catzy88 · 1 year
i'm just saying, if this vgk vs. edm playoffs and the second draft pick beating the first draft pick doesn't revive the mceichel fandom (at least momentarily), we're beyond salvation 😭
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