#i've spent the entire last week crying so much that i almost lost my voice
bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Donna’s Wednesday Radio Show Prompt List #16
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It's that time again! The Wednesday Radio prompt list!
There are some really good ones on there this week!
Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
I know the sound, of your heart
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
On the doorstep like we've never been apart
I'm in the phone booth, it's the one across the hall
We don't communicate Can you not say what's on your mind
It's not about reciprocation
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
Is it all in my head Or was it something I said?
I know he's there, but I just had to call
I said, are you gonna be my girl?
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
It's good to hear your voice, you know it's been so long
You ignite all the colors inside my heart
But if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
 a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
I been up against the wall so long, And the bonds that hold me here are strong, Yeah it hurts 
Talk to me Can't you see? I'm on your side
I'd like to talk when I can show you my affection Oh, I can't control myself
Would you wanna run away too? 'Cause all I really want is you
I still remember the day we met, I was hanging on your every word, I didn't think I would ever let, Somebody see into my world
Because I'm trying to forgive And now I'm trying to forget
I see it everyday You hide the truth behind your eyes
So you're with her, and not with me,
You look so perfect standing there In my American Apparel underwear
Say what it is you're trying to say But if you lie to me again I'll be the one that walks away
Oh if you lost your way And it drove you crazy, You would still have me, We work together you'll see, Blood sweat and tears
I can't believe I forgot your name
I was just a tumble went a little too far
I made a mix-tape straight out of '94
But it's enough to make a grown man cry
Everybody told me you were leaving Funny I should be the last to know
But baby in my head I'm nailing you instead
Oh with an aching feeling inside Cutting me up, deeper and deeper Fills me with a sadness that I can't hide
I could see the danger made it more intriguing
When she lays in your warm arms, Don't think of me
She's so sweet With her get back stare
My tell-tale heart's a hammer in my chest
And there's so much skin to see
Looking back over my shoulder I can see that look in your eye
I was bound for trouble when I let myself go
And if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
I wish that we were starting over
I never dreamed it could be over I never wanted to say goodbye
Hope you know that I'm happy to see you
I know sometimes it will hurt And you wanna hate me
Oh baby won't you come again?
You're so conceited
With an aching deep in my heart
And I'm on the rooftop with curious strangers
You think that you're my shadow But you're glittering like gold
On my mind I can't wait anymore
Could it be that we belong together
I heard he spent last night with her
Every day it's a losing battle
Well I could see You home with me, But you were with another man
And I'm sipping bourbon The future's uncertain
It takes two imperfect people To dance a sweet ballet
We got no games to play So we got no rules
Hallucinations only mean that your brain is on fire
Does it bother you now when I'm not there
Torture - my hads are tied it's, Torture - I'll survive but, It hurts so bad
What does it matter if I lie to you?
Don't think you're perfect either But I love you anyway
The world doesn't matter no when I'm with you
I said that I love you
And when I take my mask off It's you I want to hold
I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through
Them girls put on a show But they will never know What makes you beautiful I watch them come and go
We'll bicker and battle and drown in our own sorrow
And we left things to protect my mental health
Can't hear what I'm dancing to Just wanna be with you
What kind of fool would keep hangin' around While you treat me this way
But you call me when you're bored
I'll hold you up when you fall down Even if you say I'm rude
Them boys got all the talk But they don't know a lot, You know my every thought That's why I make them walk
you're playing with yourself
chest tight, and I'm ready to go
And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love
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poguestvff · 3 years
Used To The Cold — S. Cameron
In which Sarah Cameron comes to a realization after her girlfriend moves across the country.
taglist | main masterlist | 2.0k words
warning(s): none, fluff, i heart sarah <33
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Have you ever lost something that held either so many memories or brought a sort of happiness that just warmed you immediately even at the sight of it? Most people have something like that. Such as for children when it comes to losing stuffed animals or action figures that were a source of comfort, they missed it like hell. Said children grow up and look for a new source of comfort. Some teenagers found it in weed and alchohol, others in sports. For Sarah Cameron, she grew out of the beautiful pink blanket her father had gotten her as a toddler. As she grew into a teenager, she found a new solace.
Her girlfriend.
Sarah made it very apparent to show her love to her girlfriend who, at one point, was just her best friend who she could hardly even bare to be away from. Sarah had known she'd loved Y/n before they even got together by the way Sarah had never felt claustrophobic in the friendship that she held with the other girl. She said the three words within the first six months of being with her, words she had never spoken to another being other than her family. It was a word she, personally, took seriously. For her to say it to Y/n showed the amount of trust she held within her. Trust to not feel so closed off with Y/n.
At the beginning of the relationship, Sarah was glad that not much had changed between the two of them. That Y/n let her have her space whenever she needed it without the dependent need to be together all day though it quickly became backwards. Sarah grew even more clingy to Y/n, hardly able to deal without her hands being stuck to her girlfriend like glue. Whenever they went out to lunch, Sarah played a one sided game of footsies that only brought a smile upon Y/n’s features, one of Sarah’s favorite traits about her. Sarah loved the idea of always having a person to call her own, Y/n seeming to be the one person who could bring out her newfound touchiness. Though, sometimes she pondered on whether Y/n herself was even handling it or if she just ‘put up’ with it. If she did have an indifference towards Sarah’s actions, she surely never showed her disinterest in it.
Though the last time Sarah had held on to her girlfriend felt soul crushing and gut wrenching. As the two of them stood on the creaky, wooden dock just before the ferry, Sarah felt drained. Between the amount of crying she’d done in just the past few days had been enough to make her want to sleep forever and the comfort of her girlfriends arms around her hadn’t helped that feeling. Tears held a steady stream down both of their faces though Sarah was the one who was unable to contain her sobs. People passed around them, solemn looks given to the two of them as they listened in on the sniffles and soft wails.
Y/n didn’t need to be a genius to understand that this was twice as hard for Sarah as it would be for her. Y/n was leaving, miles away that Sarah couldn’t even pin on when the next time she’d being able to hold on to her would be. All she knew was that this embrace that Y/n held on her would be the last one for months and there wasn’t a thing that would be able to make up for it between now and then.
It evoked an indescribable sort of fear within Sarah but she knew it was immutable. If Sarah could, she'd even drop her whole life within Outer Banks to follow her girlfriend across the world. There wasn't much Sarah wouldn't do and there wasn't much Y/n wouldn't do for Sarah either, including the moving date having already been pushed back a month because of Y/n's several arguments with her parents.
"I don't want you to go." sarah whispered as y/n kissed her neck. She could hear the blonde's pained and wavering voice, how affected she already was even as Y/n hadn't even stood on the boat yet.
"I know, lover." the y/h/c girl spoke in a low tone, only sarah able to hear her words of affirmation. Y/n was first to pull back, placing her hands on Sarah's cheeks. The sight of Sarah with puffy eyes and a quivering lip made y/n's heart throb and a guilty feeling blanket over her like a raising tide. "i'll visit. Every chance I get, you know I will."
"It won't be the same." she lamented. Y/n placed her lips against Sarah’s, delicately as if the blonde were made of porcelain. When Y/n's parents had called for her and Ward and Rose had called Sarah away from the dock, Sarah only seemed to want to cling further, fingers pressing further into the thin jacket Y/n worse, but their time had finally run out. Even after weeks of pretending that they had all the time in the world, like nothing could pull the two of them apart, it had happened.
The first few weeks, the whole Cameron house had known Sarah spent most of her nights crying herself to sleep and the entire Y/l/n house knew Y/n was not going to be speaking to them for a little while due to their newest decision. Both groups of parents hadn't known that pulling the duo away from one another would become such a quagmire for each of them.
When Y/n did finally decide to talk to her parents, it was usually to say she was leaving to explore the area in which she refused to get to know the first few days. With a driver license, it gave her just a bit of freedom from her parents who's impromptu decisions had still caused for a tearing in their familial relationship.
Y/n sat in her parked car, a hot beverage in hand to adjust to the cold in which she'd just stood in for five minutes. All of it for a drink that wasn't even that good in her opinion but she dealt with it. With the hand not holding the steaming drink, she opened her phone, smiling immediately at the photo of her and sarah as her background. She unlocked it, scrolling around to find Sarah's contact and setting her phone up against the dashboard. While it began to ring, Y/n situated herself to begin to drive. "Hi, Y/n/n!" Sarah shouted excitedly the second she'd answered.
At her tone of voice did Y/n laugh. The enthusiasm was no surprise but it was funny to Y/n every time. "Hi, baby." She replied, fhe smile remaining on her face as she looked towards the screen. Sarah sat at her desk, her hands under her jaw though a pencil between her fingers. She had focused all of her attention from the papers in front of her to the driver on the other end of the phone. "What are you doing?"
The sound of whizzing paper had made Y/n glance to the phone seeing a math sheet now replacing Sarah's face before she placed it back down, a frown appearing on her features. "Math."
"Didn't you just start like two days ago?" Y/n asked, taking a sip from her drink.
"Yes and this teacher is an absolute bitch. You're just lucky you don't start for another week. You would hate Mr. Henley."
Y/n let out an awfully dramatic gasp. "Um, hello, Mr. Henley was literally my home room teacher last year, I'll have you know. Show some respect." She said, almost missing Sarah's chagrined look as she smiled.
"You're supposed to be on my side here."
"Sorry, i don't believe in biases, Sar." She joked for sarah to let out a small snicker.
"So tell me, how's minnesota?" Sarah asked, trying to spark up a conversation even if the distance was the same thing she wanted to keep her mind off of.
"Oh, it's so great. So many hot people." she remarked.
"You're not funny, no one has ever found you funny." Sarah replied though unable to hold in her laugh along with her girlfriend. "I'm serious. we haven't talked much about it and i don't want to like... avoid your new life now."
Y/n sighed, looking towards the phone to see Sarah looking back down at her work in front of her. "Fine. Well, it doesn't particularly suck. The no surfing part definitely does, though, but what can you do. And the coffee here... no, its just so bad, babe. granted, i only had one, and it's in my cup holder right now but it's gross."
"My coffee making is better, right?" Sarah asked as Y/n gave a hefty nod.
"So much better, even if it is the only thing you're good at making." Y/n laughed and Sarah attempted to refuse a smile, her cheeks quivering from trying to keep it down. "But the weather dropped today, randomly. It was seventy yesterday, fifty today but i think i'm getting used to the cold."
Sarah lifted her head back to the phone, watching Y/n focus on driving, her eyes diverting on places away from the screen. Sarah but at her inner cheek, drumming her fingers against the white wood that rested under her forearms. "Used to it?" Sarah asked. She knew Y/n's move was permanent at least until she was eighteen but something about those words made it seem more realistic. She was getting used to a place that wasn't home.
Y/n hummed. "Yeah, i'm probably being dramatic. I saw a guy walking around in a tank top and shorts while i'm wearing double pair of socks right now." she grinned at her own comment though picking up on Sarah's sudden discomfort when she replied with a small 'wow'. "Lover?"
"What's going on?" Y/n asked, the car slowing to a stop at a red light.
Sarah quickly shook her head. "No, it's nothing. Just... the work. Keep your eye on the road."
"Sarah." The blond recognized the tone of voice quickly.
"Just... I just fully realized how permanent this is. I won't see you until, what? December? That's a long time, Y/n! And, i get it, it's your home now and i can't do anything about it but—"
Y/n was quick to cut her off. "I never said this is home. Sure I live here but it's just a couple walls and a roof. It's not home, Sarah." Y/n began. "Home is you. And trust me, i've been missing home the second i got on that ferry."
Despite them having to look at one another through a glass screen the feeling—the connection between the two of them was still felt. Sarah could feel the normal warm feeling she would've gotten whenever Y/n would simply hold her hand or brush her hair over her ear. she held that much of an effect on Sarah in person and somehow even thousands of miles away.
Sarah hadn't even realized she had been staring for a total of twenty seconds until a singular tear fell down her blushing cheeks. she quickly sniffled, recomposing herself as she wiped it away. "Are you seriously making me cry right now?" She muttered with the way the atmosphere had become though relishing in the way Y/n laughed in response.
"Yes, thank you for ignoring everything i just said, lover." Y/n put the car back in drive as the light went green. Due to the steets being relatively empty in her new small town, she took the time to look back over at the phone to Sarah. "I love you."
Sarah's smile widened in thag very moment, pursing her lips before pushing them out. "I love you more."
"And don't worry. I won't get to used to it. I'll be back home, to you, before you even know it." Y/n took a small glance to the phone, enjoying Sarah's gaze that showed even with the distance put between the two of them, they'd be fine.
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
Mercy ☄
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Fem reader X Erwin Smith
Warnings ⚠️
NSFW. 18+ only. Smut. Slight daddy kink and slight degradation.
Tagging: @clovertitan & @jour-de-printemps I know someone is on my veteran tag list, but I've lost it. Please submit it again via the ask box.
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You weren't sure exactly what you were doing.
It was as if you were on autopilot; your mind a haze as your heated, desperate body took over - possessed by the succubus demon residing deep within your soul. So much pent up sexual frustration has broken the barrier between your common sense and sheer hysteria. You'd been touch starved for weeks. Your lover far too busy at all times for such interactions. Especially this month with the upcoming expedition. You craved his touch, the firm yet gentle grasping of your flesh and how oh - so - attentive he was to your needs. How he's mapped your body, knowing every single week spot you have an exploiting them with a venomous greed; one nip from his fangs injects you with his own poison, paralysing you with lust.
Yet here you were, tears almost forming in your eyes from how hungry you were for him. For your lover. Who, as you approach the study, is just now behind that solid oak door.
And God, you could go on forever about how magical is cock is. So large and fat, built for nothing but giving pleasure and releasing his own pressures out from his large, testosterone filled sacks. Ones built for impregnation and nothing else. As soon as that large dick pushed its way into you for the first time, you were hooked. The sweetest dose of Heroine known to mankind as his shape dragged against your walls so perfectly, each push of his hips is like a small orgasm within themselves.
And yet... here you were almost a month without him. Your trembling fist ready to alert him of your presence outside of his office. Your thighs squeeze together as your warm, dripping cunt begs to be touched. Your panties stick to you uncomfortably, the thick liquid of your arousal slowly seeping through the cloth as you tap the door with your knuckles.
You don't know if you could take rejection. If he turns you down, you're not sure what you'll do. Scream? Cry? It was anyone's guess. All you know is you don't think you'll survive another night without his knowing invasions of your body.
Even just his low, rumbled voice sends vibrations through the air and between your legs as your breath hitches and you hurriedly enter inside the room.
His head snaps up from his paperwork - as if sensing who it was before locking his orbs onto your form; his thick brows raising in surprise.
"Your name, I wasn't expecting to see you tonight."
Your mouth opens, yet your reply is a choked silence. Asphyxiation entwined your throat as your once well constructed sale's pitch of your body turns to mush at the sight of his large form, the authoritative aura flowing off him and rolling across the room.
You silently close the door, not yet giving up as you approach him, your eyes already watering, begging him for mercy.
He waits patiently, sensing something was obviously wrong.
You crumble. Your plan in smouldering ruins as you slam both hands onto his desk.
"Erwin. I know you're busy. But please... God I need you. Take me. I'm begging you."
He blinks in perplexion for a moment, before his face rests into a smirk. A low chuckle vibrating his broad chest.
"You're that desperate, are you?"
The tone of his voice is a little cold. Cruel even. His own spark of lust igniting behind his ocean blues at the sight of you squirming so needing before him.
Sitting back in his chair, his large legs splay open, the hand that was free from his quill patting his thigh.
"Come. Let daddy make it all better."
Your elation at his words couldn't be hidden as you whimper almost pathetically; scurrying around and straddling his leg, his arm snaking around your lower back and gripping your hip.
"Go right ahead. Use me." He instructs as he refocused on his work.
You didn't care - you were just glad to have something of him; your hands grabbing his leather jacket as you immediately begin to rock your hips against his thigh. The warmth of him seeping up through your material and onto your twitching pussy as you grind, already panting like a bitch in heat. His thick, solid thigh feels so damn good against you, the muscle definition could be felt with easy through the cloth.
Your pleasure builds up pretty quick, your heated face burying into his chest as you whine, knuckles tightening and your breath hitches as his free arm absent mindedly begins to assist your movements.
"Oh, Erwin... Erwin..." you whisper as you glance down and see the buldge in his trousers growing bigger and bigger, snaking down his other thigh.
It's becoming increasingly harder to focus on his work; instead, opting to sit back and enjoy the view of you humping him like a pathetic little dog. Feeling a little pang of mercy, his fingers begin to unbutton your shirt at a painfully slow pace, your entire body aflame and begging to feel his touch.
Eventually he frees your breasts, his large, broad shoulders hunching over as he takes one into his warm mouth - your head throwing back as his wet muscle flicks your nub, sucking and nipping, your rhythm picking up and stuttering.
He removes his mouth, a string of saliva connecting his mouth to you for a moment as he sits back, holding your wrists and pulling your hands onto one of his leather leg straps of his uniform.
"I said use me."
You nod, holding onto the strap like a cruelly place rein on a steed as you use it as leverage to rock harder, his leg slowly raising and lowering you up and down as he watches with a clouded amusement.
"Ah, Erwin... I'm close..." you whine. "P-please, touch me again. Please..."
"You want me that bad, darling?" He sighs, thumbing your nipple.
Your need for him reaches a critical breaking point.
Without another word, he grabs your hips and lifts you onto the desk with ease - pushing papers onto the floor as if he hadn't just spent all day carefully and meticulously keeping them neat and ordered. His large hand pushes you onto your back and before you could blink, he's pulling off your trousers and soaked panties off your legs - your pussy gleaming, overjoyed he's seeing to your needs.
Taking his two fingers, he slips them into your beckoning entrence, his mouth enclosing onto your clitoris, immediately sucking and assaulting it with his tongue.
Your hands grab at his perfect blonde strands, your climax immediate at his touch. It felt like you were swelling; larger and larger before you imploded.
You weren't sure what left your mouth, but it was something loud - swirling colours and sensations embraced your entirety, your body leaving this world for a few moments as your insides squeeze your lovers digits, filling his palm with a small puddle of your water.
An animalistic growl leaves his vocal chords at the sight of you; a total mess coming undone upon his desk. His tongue rolls over his lip in starvation as he removes himself, fiddling with his trousers and freeing his huge cock.
The smell of his precum snaps your hated attention - you could cry with elation that he was about to push his amazing dick into you.
"Good girl." He mutters as he presses his swollen head against you. "Nice and wet for me."
It's a tight fit as he slowly pushes into you. Your back bends and your mouth hangs into a silent scream as your insides slowly take him, ingesting him like some snake slowly digesting its large prey.
He's not even halfway in as he grunts, fingertips harshly digging into your thighs, head lowering with the overwhelming sensation of you pulling him in.
"You always look so pretty. But you look so much better with me splitting you open like this."
Every single spot within you is being hit, stretched and stimulated as that mystical dick finally is fully in you, pulling and pushing against your internal ridges. The desk begins to clank against the uneven flagstone flooring, but his grunts is all you care to focus on as his hips collide with yours again and again.
"So tight. So perfect, darling. I would never turn you down. All... ah~ all you had to do was ask... I'll gladly see to your needs, my love."
You whimper in response - it's all you can do as his shape pulls and pushes you, dragging along your walls perfectly as usual.
His name leaves your mouth as your eyes roll, the gratifying waves of your second climax faster approaching.
"Where do you want me to finish, darling?" He leans over, sliding his tongue into your mouth for a moment, catching your lips in a tender kiss. "I won't last long this time. You feel too good and it's been too long."
"F-fill me up, Erwin." Your eyes match your pleading tone as he nods, nuzzling into your neck, his tall form covering you with ease.
His pace quickens, hands now on either side of your head as he begins to groan, your orgasm hitting you just as hard as the first - sucking him in deeper. Your walls squeeze so tightly, he's clamped into place, his loud, gruff groan music to your ears as his thick, hot cum collides with your cervix, the huge unloading of Erwin Smith filling you so much so, you're leaking with his mess within moments.
You feel lighter, as if you were floating as you made your way back to your shared quaters, the sweet promise of more later tonight already having you a giddy mess. You were glad you didn't bump into anyone on the way back; your hair a mess and a mark already appearing on your neck. You weren't even sure when he did that.
Once again, you were well and truly fucked into oblivion, your insides sore from his size but already looking forward to later tonight...
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Let's Play A Love Game
Author's note: this one is rated 😈 so yeah. There was originally more angst in my mind but once I got to that part I was over it lol I'm the worst at angst I much rather make it naughty. It's more rushed than I wanted but I don't really have time to write 10k fics right now. But hopefully soon.
Summary: it's just pretend, right?
She hadn't meant to push the event in the corner of her mind until she forgot about it completely, so much so that when the e-vite showed up in her inbox she stared at it in wide eyed shock not even noticing Mi-Seon creeping up behind her.
"It's already time for that? I usually know it's coming because you start buying expensive dresses you can't afford and crying at your credit card bill. Maybe country life has really changed you hm?"
False. Inaccurate. Utterly wrong to the every core.
She lets out a shrill scream letting her head fall painfully on her desktop.
"I'm an idiot! Just kill me now, I deserve it." She has nothing to wear, okay the mountain of boxes in her living room, bedroom and some hidden in the linen closet beg to defer but none of that is worthy of this event. The annual dentist convention in Seoul, it's a week long getaway. It's meant to be an opportunity to build connections and attend professional learning classes, but that has long been abandoned. Now it is a fashion show and chance to show off your success and this year more than ever she has to impress everyone. They all look down on her and her cute little practice. Those judgemental snarky bitches.
"Do we have anymore patients?" She absently asks her best friend, only friend already getting up and walking away.
"No that was the last one. Do you want to call it a day?" She doesn't give a verbal reply lost in her phone and the disease that is online shopping, in the span of three minutes she has already added seven dresses to her cart.
"Chief Hong is going to have a long day."
It's just as Mi-seon says the next day the nosy know it all shows up glaring at her over the handful of packages in his arms.
"Don't tell me you're doing this again. What more could you possibly have to order? How much things does one woman need?" His voice is an air warmer than the last time they were in this very same position, but she tries not to think too hard about it. Their relationship is too confusing these days, as temperamental as the sea.
"Are delivery men allowed to complain this much when they're doing a job they are getting paid for?" She snarks back, snatching her packages from his arms with a huff. Ignoring the grin on his face as she disappears into her house.
"That better be all you order. I'm not coming back."
He comes back. At least six more trips, more boxes each time on the last day he doesn't simply leave after making his delivery.
"I'm coming in for tea because of you I've been working too hard." She squeaks indignantly as he pushes past her, their shoulders brushing in the tight space of the doorway.
She should wait until she doesn't have an audience but she's too impatient so while he's making the tea in her kitchen (so rude and intrusive), she starts to open a few boxes pulling out the contents. Dresses, blouses, shirts, hair accessories, lipsticks in all shades and hues, and of course shoes; heels, flats and everything in between.
"Your house looks like a department store." She jumps at his voice glancing up at him, almost laughing at the hedgehog mug that he's drinking out of that Mi-seon gave her as a joke. Leave it to him to pick the most ridiculous mug.
"Hurry up and go so I can try everything on." She starts to take the objects out and organize them, putting together possible outfits lazily.
"Why not have a fashion show?" He slurps loudly at the tea, sighing and smiling down at the warm beverage. Acting like he's never had tea before, such a plebian.
"A fashion show?"
"Yeah, model all that", he motions to the new boxes littering her bedroom floor, "and I'll let you know what looks good."
She scoffs, loudly looking at his lackluster outfit; a simple white tee tucked into dark cargo pants with suspenders.
"What do you know about fashion?" She replies meanly, despite the little voice in her mind that reminds her that while his outfits are more practical than fashionable there is something distracting about the way his shoulders fill out his shirts and the way his long legs sit in his pants.
He shrugs looking down at himself, "I'm the town handy man I have no need to look good. But I'm still a man I can tell you what I think looks good on a woman."
Oh. It's a nonchalant statement said with no real heat but the implications make her skin warm up, she's never once thought that he saw her as a woman; nor considered looking at him like a man. (Lies.)
"I--why woul--why?" She stutters through an answer, tongue heavy in her mouth. He looks back nonplussed, sitting down pointedly on her couch.
"Never took you for the shy kind. You growing bashful now Ms. Dentist?" His eyes twinkle with mischief and she knows that she's being played but she wants nothing more than to wipe that smug look off his face. Slamming her room door, she pulls off her casual house clothes and grabs the first thing that catches her attention- a buttery yellow dress that grazes her knee, pairing them with white heels and a high messy bun. A swipe of lip tint completes the look and she confidently opens her room door.
Du-sik is staring aimlessly at his phone and doesn't notice her reappearance at first, so she coughs loudly folding her arms and when his eyes land on her, a chill runs down her spine at the look that lands on her body. It's been a long time since a man looked at her in this way, his eyes are undressing her even though he was the one who implored her to dress up in the first place. She hates it. At least she should hate it. But she can't ignore the satisfaction that washes over her at his dumbfounded look, that smug look obliterated by her very first look.
"Well?" She pushes harder, twirling to give him the full look. His gasp is loud behind her, she knows exactly why. The deep revealing plunge that travels all the way to the small of her back. There's no way she would wear this to the convention much too suggestive but that's her business.
"Wher-" his voice cracks and this time she can't contain her smile, dimples flashing now at her clear affect on him, clearing his throat he tries again, "Where exactly are you going again?"
She hums turning back around, gleeful at the vibrant blush on his cheeks. So he is just a man after all.
"A dentist convention." She answers cheekily and he guffaws loudly, eyes narrowing at her like he knows exactly what she's trying to do. They stare at each other for a long moment and she ultimately breaks the stand still, realizing what's happening. It feels a lot like flirting.
Collecting herself, she barrels back into the room.
"What the hell are you doing?" She whispers to her reflection, face too flushed for her liking.
A hard knock at the door pulls her from her self chastisement, "You didn't even wait for my rating."
She sighs loudly covering her face in embarrassment at her own action. She doesn't even have alcohol to blame this time.
"I don't care. This was stupid, let's stop."
Of course he ignores her.
"I liked it. But it's too...sexy for convention. You should wear that for someone special. I doubt anyone with a beating heart would be able to resist you."
What the fuck.
This isn't who they are, when did they become comfortable enough for conversations like this? They despised each other, right? Confused and annoyingly flattered, she peels the dress off her body trying her hardest not to think about the fact that only a door separates him and her naked body.
"I would love to see the others. But I have to go, but if you want my opinion. Red is definitely your color."
"What?" She replies, but she can hear the too loud click of the front opening and then closing and just as capriciously as he arrived, he leaves. 
Burying something that feels a lot like disappointment she flops onto her bed, head fuzzy like its been wrapped in cotton.
"What is going on?"
They don't see much of each other the next day and it's unusual given how much they see each other on a regular basis but she refuses to think about it or even consider that he's avoiding her. He's just busy and she doesn't care anyway, they have nothing to do with each other.
The convention is in two days now, she has her overnight bag packed with all her new purchases and the messages have been pouring in their group chat. She's mostly chosen to ignore them but on a whim she decides to check what they're so excited about, only to feel her stomach drop.
Why isn't Hye Jin answering?
Maybe she's busy with her mystery man 😉
Oh! She has to bring him, we need to interrogate him!
Yoon Hye Jin don't pretend you don't see these messages!!
That she had forgotten about.
"Why did you tell them that he's interested in you? Has living here altered your brain, you idiot." She berates herself.
"Who's interested in you? Why are you an idiot?" Mi-seon looks curious from the doorway, without waiting for an invitation she hops onto the bed with two cans of beer. She grabs one, drinking it in a flash.
"Oh it's that kind of night." Mi-seon says excitedly running to grab more beers.
"So let me get this straight, you told them that Chief Hong is interested in you and that he's been chasing you but you're not interested?"
She nods meekly, wishing the floor would swallow her up.
"Why did you lie?"
That's the brunt of the issue, she's a liar. She should have sent her initial message and told them that there was nothing between them but how could she when they were all calling him handsome and acting like she finally did something right? She'd spent that entire dinner feeling like her teenage self on the outside looking in, wanting nothing more than to be someone worthy of being included.
"I know I should have told the truth."
"Yes, you should have told them that you're interested in him too."
Time stops as she processes the words that her best friend just uttered. There is static in her head as she tries to make sense of it.
"What are you talking about?"
Mi-seon looks at her unimpressed.
"You can both keep lying to yourself but the rest of us aren't as stupid. You're both interested in each other. It's mutual."
She wants to ardently deny the accusation but the words are caught in her throat and all she can manage are refusing sounds.
"You've been wearing red all week." Mi-seon says accusingly and she jumps up in huff, "So what? I'm allowed to wear colors!"
"You hate wearing red. You said it makes your skin look too pale. You hardly ever wear it. So color me surprised when I learned that red is the favorite color of a certain part timer."
That damn town chat. There has to be a way to get Mi-seon out of it. Maybe it was a mistake letting her live here. She was learning too much.
"Don't even bother to deny it. I won't believe anything you say. But I think you should ask him to go with you, you'll get some time alone to figure this out."
There's nothing to figure out. They are..... acquaintances who can admit that the other is vaguely attractive at times. His face isn't all that bad and she's pretty, so it's natural that there is tension at times, like he said they were still humans.
So she doesn't tell him about her fib, pretending everything is fine until it's the day of the convention and her anxiety has all but smothered her and her hands have a slight tremble in them as she starts to drive.
"It's going to be fine. Everything will be okay." She doesn't believe a word she's saying to herself, her heart is thumping in her heaving chest. She doesn't want to go alone. Convincing Mi-seon to leave was a failed endeavour, her and that police officer becoming inseparable. She knew what that smile meant when her best friend had realized that she would have the house to herself. She could barely get a word in as Mi-seon started frantically shaving her legs then pushed her out of the bathroom to "shave her wild cat".
With a sigh she starts driving, the car too quiet despite what she'd told Du-Sik and the Gongjin grannies. Uncharacteristically she turns on the radio, kpop blaring from the speakers. She recognizes the tune, never before has something as mundane as butter seemed so interesting but the kitchen essential was given new life by the song. She bops her head to the catchy beat, trying to ignore the fact that she's driving to the lion's den.
Some time later, she pulls into the hotel a valet already coming over to get her car. Grabbing her overnight bag, she exits the car handing her keys to the waiting hands of the valet.
Everyone is here and none of them had come alone, she was the only one without a plus one. They haven't noticed her yet so she watches as they all laugh at a joke she can't hear, unnecessarily stroking at their husband's chests as if to show off their exorbitantly priced wedding rings. Everything was always a competition here.
She shouldn't have come. Their was nothing about her life that they would be envious of. She was going to make a fool of herself. Impulsively she starts stepping back but it's too late, Hong In-A spots her and points her out and immediately all eyes are on her, they all start walking over to her and she wants nothing more than to run far, far away. Get on a bus and go to the beach and never see any of them ever again. But she's no longer a child, no longer that scared little girl; worked too hard to shed that skin.
Fortifying herself she puts on a fake smile. Ready for war.
"Hye-Jin ah, there you are. We were beginning to think you wouldn't come. You never responded in the group chat." Ye-Ri states with an attitude, looking around her as if searching for someone and eyes brightening when she sees no one. "Did you come alone?" This makes all of them perk up, looking around like chickens with their heads clucking. She swallows the shame the question elicits, "Who would I be with? I told you in already, it's not like that."
They all look at her with pity, it makes her want to slap them all across the face. Who were they to make her feel like shit, she didn't need anyone that didn't make her pathetic.
Finally one of the husbands cracks the awkward tension by introducing himself, she tries her best to ignore the pervasive way his eyes run down her body. Instinctively she crosses her arms, feeling naked under his stare. Nobody else notices her discomfort and after all the introductions, they all walk away as if she's no longer worth their time.
Lump in her throat she walks into the hotel, determined not to show them that they've gotten under her skin.
There's a scheduled lunch and she tries to find a new table but Sung-Mi waves her over and she doesn't see anyone else she recognizes or wants to sit with.
He hadn't been wrong, she has no friends besides Mi-seon.
"You were looking around, were you looking for someone? Are we not good enough to sit with?" The question is asked with a bite and sneer as if the idea is laughable that she would ever be better than any of them.
She swallows her pride, "No nothing like that. I was merely looking around."
Sung-Mi looks satisfied as if putting her in her place has righted her world.
They begin a conversation that completely excludes her, regaling drama that she knows nothing about and doing nothing to bring her up to date or invite her to join. It's the polar opposite of her experience in the countryside and with shocking clarity she realizes that she wishes she were there, it's only been a few hours but she misses it. Nobody looks down on her there, no usually she's the only doing that she notes with shame.
"I'll find the restroom." She says to no one because none of them are paying her any mind except the husband with the wandering eyes and she would much rather not have that attention.
Thankfully the bathroom is empty and she has to stop herself from splashing water on her face, her make-up was done perfectly it would be a waste to ruin it. Pushing her hair behind her ears she takes a deep breath and then another until her head is clearer, the noise lessening.
"It's only a day and a night. You've suffered far worst."
With that lacking pep talk she exits the bathroom, almost colliding into a wall. Wait, no it's just a person- a chest to be specific. She looks up ready to apologize when a familiar face stops her in her tracks.
"What are you doing here?" She stares flabbergasted at him, more dressed up than she's ever seen him. In a white suit with a white vest, the tee-shirt peeking under the only thing that feels like him to her. And his white sneakers. She can't hide her surprise at his sudden appearance and without thinking she starts to pull him to the side, to avoid being seen but she's not fast enough and soon they are swarmed by her colleagues, before she even has a chance to talk to him.
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"Aren't you the man from the picture?" Yoo-Jin asks blushing way too much for a married woman if her husband's cold stare means anything.
"The picture?" Du-sik replies, clearly confused.
"You're the guy that's chasing after her. She told us that you liked her and you were courting her." Sung-Mi answers for her, she wants to vanish. It would be better if she had never existed. Even non-existence would be better than this embarrassing moment. "I got a picture of you two last time, when you followed her."
His eyes ping-pong between the group and her and she realizes this is his chance to ruin her. After everything she's done, all her rude comments and snobby remarks about the town and people he cares for so much, this is his chance for revenge. He can laugh and deny any feelings for her, tell them all that she's a liar and he's never been interested in her, not even once. This is what is going to happen. She prepares herself for the fall out, surely after this she won't be able to show her face in Seoul again.
He starts to laugh and her stomach tightens, her palms are so sweaty.
Here it goes.
"Oh I guess she wanted to keep me a secret."
Wait. What. That doesn't sound like denial.
"We're together now. I finally bulldozed those walls and made her mine. Nice to meet you all I'm Hong Du-sik, Hye-Jin ah's boyfriend."
Her eyes widen as he bows and starts to shake hands with the husbands, the one that stared at her looking disappointed. Their handshake goes on for a second too long, eventually with the latter pulling away with a pained look. She's too confused to consider what that means.
"And you were so cold earlier saying you had no one. Did you want to make a fool of us?"
He answers for her, "It's nothing like that, my honey is still getting used to us. I'm sorry I'm so late I had something to take care of."
Her head is spinning too fast to keep up with everything happening and she's grateful when he excuses them and guides her outside with a large hand on her hip.
Fresh air is much appreciated and she takes in huge heaps of it as soon as they're free.
Then reality crashes down on her.
He knows about her lying.
He had called her bluff.
But he didn't out her.
"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" She finally manages to say, head still reeling.
But instead of answering he's staring at her legs, then slowly his eyes swivel upward cross her thighs curving around her hips, past her breasts (a bit too slow there) before moving to her collar and settling on her face.
"You look great."
She feels the heat rushing to her face. What was he doing to her?
It hadn't been in purpose but she finds herself in red again, an a line dress with criss crossing straps over her shoulder and a middle slit. It was conservative without being too formal or professional. She'd felt comfortable in it but now seeing that look on his face, comfort is the last thing she feels.
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He was distracting her and she couldn't afford that with those harpies inside waiting for her downfall. They needed to get back on track.
"What are you doing here?" She tries again, but he responds with his own question, "Why did you tell them that I was chasing you?"
"It was a mistake. They thought we were together and I just....said that for no reason." It's half the truth.
"They don't seem like your friends. You looked like you needed someone on your side, so I just found myself saying we were together for no reason."
She looks at him blankly, heart pounding now. In her moment of weakness instead of kicking her, he'd lended a helping hand. What kind of person did it make her for expecting the former?
"So what now?" She asks still in disbelief that he's here and that he'd told people that there were dating, she would be angry and offended later that they had readily believed it. Perhaps it didn't seem too farfetched now with him looking like that right now.
"Well, don't look but they're watching us through the glass."
This time she finds herself turning to look and he's the one that has to stop her, he does so by suddenly grabbing her hand and tugging her into his body. She squeaks at the collision. Leaning down so his lips are level with her ear, he speaks, "We can give them a show. I'm happy to be your pretend boyfriend."
She yearns to ask him why he's willing to go this far for her? Why was he even here when she had never told him where the convention was taking place? But his words were hot on her ear and she's tired of being their source of entertainment so she nods looking up at him, "Just this once. I'm going to lean on you. Let me borrow your eraser and copy your homework."
He stares before a blinding smile graces his handsome face.
"Let's go then." His hand is heavy on her waist as he walks back towards the hotel, taking his role very seriously it seems.
He fits in perfectly. Able to talk about a plethora of topics to anyone he's introduced to and even she's impressed by him. Be it travel, philosophy or poetry he seems well versed in everything things that even she is ignorant to and it makes her regret the way she looked down on him before, he was anything but a country bumpkin.
She leaves him to his conversation to get a drink, a whiskey on the rocks. Needing something hard tonight.
Not that. Down brain.
"Yoon Hye Jin? I would recognize that face anywhere."
Twisting to face the voice, she sees a familiar face- old classmate. Rung Do-Bae, they weren't anything more than classmates despite his many, many attempts.
His eyes sweep over her hungrily. She swallows her drink, painting on a shallow smile.
"Sunbae, how nice to see you here."
Invading her space he grabs her hand, "There is no need for such formalities. You can just call me by my name, Hye Jin ah."
As if she ever would.
Gently she tries to extract her hand but he won't let go and she doesn't want to make a scene.
Suddenly she's warmed by a body pressing into her, she knows who it is without even looking, her body relaxes immediately.
"Sorry I got lost in conversation honey. Who might this be? Another friend of yours?" He thrusts his right hand out and Do-Bae has no choice but to release her hand to return his handshake. Scarily enough she's starting to become used to his nickname, barely reacting to him using it again.
"Yes, this is my sunbae from school. Sunbae this is Hong Du Sik my....."
She knows that this is all an act, they were doing this to help her but she can't bring her tongue to form around the word, boyfriend.
"Her boyfriend." He finishes for her, pulling her tighter to his body.
But Do-Bae looks suspicious now.
"Boyfriend? I thought you were still single. You never changed your status on SNS. I've checked."
"Why are you so curious about that?" Du-sik challenges in return, doing a great job of sounding like a jealous boyfriend. She's almost even convinced.
"Hye Jin ah and I have always had a very special relationship. Beyond that of a hoobae and sunbae. Isn't that right?" He directs the last bit to her and she feels Du-sik stiffen next to her, seemingly believing these lies. So she clears that up.
"I have no idea what you're referring to honestly. We have never had anything that would constitute as a "special" relationship. I would appreciate if you didn't spread such lies, especially to my boyfriend. Enjoy the rest of your night."
She tugs Du-sik away, not waiting for a reply from the other man. The conversation was over anyway.
When they get far enough he speaks, "You have a lot of admirers."
She raises an eyebrow at the non-sequitur.
"Are you surprised?"
He brushes a hand across her cheek, making her freeze.
"No. It makes sense."
She blinks slowly before laughing, it sounds fake even to her ears.
"You should have been an actor. Your acting skills are incredible." He doesn't laugh, doesn't move before they're pulled into another conversation and she tries not to think about how tightly his body is pressed against her own.
"How is he in bed? He hasn't left you alone all day, I bet it's passionate." As soon as lunch had ended they had invited her to a spa, she'd considered saying no but she knew they would talk about her even if she wasn't there so it was best to at least know what they were saying.
Du-sik looked sad to see her go, but she told herself that she wasn't good at reading his faces. They hardly knew each other.
"I can't remember the last time I had a passionate night of sex. Kids and a full time job, leave no time for that. I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me and I'm too tired to even care." Sung-Mi confesses and she's shocked when the others nod in agreement instead of threatening to castrate him, as she'd done when Mi-seon told her about her ex boyfriend cheating.
"I have no complaints. He's... attentive. He's always touching me and pushing his way into my space. He's gentle but passionate, and I like...that he's so much bigger than me." She knows she should stop, this is definitely taking the lies too far. But that night bleeds into her thoughts, making everything she's saying feel true. He'd been so gentle with her, those huge hands cupping her face. She wondered how they would feel on other parts of her body.
"Damn. Look at you getting horny just from remembering. I'm so jealous."
Jealous. There were envious of her, it was all she'd been hoping for but the happiness she expected to erupt never comes. Instead she feels cheap, like she'd used Du-sik for her own benefit. She had tainted that night. This wasn't what she wanted.
As the day had gone on she found herself looking at him too much, he'd come all the way just for her and regardless of her brain trying to minimize that, it was huge. He hated snobby people like them who based a person's worth in their monetary success and yet he put on a smile and chatted with everyone, letting them mock his way of life and call people like him useless dreamers. All while she did nothing to defend him and drank wine, happy that they were being accepted.
He was the perfect gentleman all day and he was getting nothing in return for this. It was all just to help her.
Would a friend truly go this far to help? Was she being naive or was it like Mi-seon said, was she lying to herself?
"I'm such an idiot."
Without another word, she flees the sauna rushing to the locker room and changing back into her clothes. Nobody follows her because they aren't her friends. Why had she wasted so much time trying to impress these people who aren't even truly happy in their own lives?
The drive back is long, and she doesn't know what she's going to say but she knows that she's tired of being scared.
Leaving the key in the car she rushes past the valet, into the hotel elevator pressing their floor and waiting impatiently.
It takes three tries to get into their hotel room but once the door opens, he's right there. Sitting in the seat by the window reading a book.
"You're back early. I thought you would be gone until three?" He looks up, dog earring his book and giving her his full attention. Her heart skips a beat.
"Why did you agree to do this for me? Why go through all this trouble for me?"
It's the same question he's been asking himself since he first met her. Why was he was interested in her and why did he keep wanting to save her?
It was the desire that led to him being here.
He had accidentally overhead Mi-seon talking to Eun Chol about being worried about her, the convention was overnight and everyone would be bringing someone and she'd be all alone. The thought of her alone and isolated, made him race to her without a plan. Only stopping at a store to buy his outfit so he would fit in with her crowd, he'd spent more in that shop then he usually did in a week. But it was worth it for her.
It was a miracle that she hadn't questioned his presence more, he knew it was shameless and deceiving but none of this felt like pretending to him. His jealousy had been real, he'd had to strangle the urge to kick the pervert husband with the wandering eyes and then the insistent sunbae who wouldn't take a hint. She was a vision in the red dress and it wasn't a surprise that men found her enchanting, he just didn't like them looking at her. But she wasn't his, never would be because he couldn't confess.
They weren't right for each other.
"Do you like me?"
That question again. Last time he had laughed it off, called it absurd. But it wasn't. Not liking her would have been absurd.
"I don't know why you're asking me that."
"Because I'm tired of us lying to ourselves. Don't laugh and don't you dare say it's absurd again."
He can't respond, he's stuck on the word "us". It wasn't just him, they were an us?
Hearing that gives him courage he had long thought had been most forever.
"I wasn't pretending today. Nothing was fake to me, I meant it all." It's terrifying, unchartered land for them and he waits to see which one of them will chicken out first. It's sure to happen.
"I'm going to kiss you." She says instead of running like he expected and secretly wished for.
And then she's crossing the room and leaning down to grab his face, she watches him giving him a chance to pull away but he does the opposite, this time he meeting her half way. As soon as their lips meet the kiss is already too much, she's sliding into his lap and he wraps his arms around her tugging her closer until their chests are squished together.
He hasn't kissed anyone like this in a long time.
Hasn't been this close to losing control in a longer time.
"You're dangerous." He whispers into her mouth and she giggles at the statement, wiggling in his arms and rolling into him forcing a punched out groan from his lips.
Carefully he lifts her shirt watching her face closely for any signs that she wants to stop but finding nothing but her palpable lust.
Her skin is unbelievably smooth and soft and he can't stop himself from stroking her, rubbing at her back his hands resting right above her butt.
"How long have you felt this way?" She asks softly seductively nipping at his neck and running a hand over his shirt to caress his stomach, he physically aches for her.
"I wanted you the moment I saw you. But I didn't feel this until you convinced grandma to get her implants. That was when it became more for me."
She looks surprised and he is too, that they're speaking so candidly about feelings they've always denied.
"What about you?"
She stops licking at his neck to look him in the eyes. He's nervous to hear her reply.
"I.... don't know."
He tries to hide his disappointment. Maybe she was starting to retreat back into her shell. Maybe he shouldn't have been so honest.
He's about to untangle them when she continues, "It wasn't at first sight but one day I found myself looking for you. Seeing you become the best part of my day, I started to count on you to be there for me. To expect it. Just like this, I've been scared to lean on anyone until I met you."
Now that's a confession.
Impulsively he stands with her still on his lap, forcing her to to latch onto him so she doesn't tumble to the floor. Not that this would ever happen because he would never let her fall.
"I could have fell!" She cries, clinging to his shoulders and wrapping her legs around his waist. Her half naked bra clad body so close to him is causing another biological crisis in his pants.
Walking to the large bed in the middle of the room he falls backwards, enjoying the view of her on top of him a little too much.
It's all probably too soon and they should probably slow down, but his body is strumming and he wants nothing more than to break her apart.
"I'm all sweaty. I should take a shower."
Instantly an image of her wet and naked under the downpour of a shower flashes in his mind and he has to twist away from her.
"Pervert." She accuses but he can hear how satisfied she is with his reaction. Damn tease.
"Do you want to join me?" She teases some more, having fun now that she knows her power over him.
He looks at her helplessly.
"Are you having fun? Remember what I told you before? I'm still a guy. You're sitting here in your bra taunting me, do you think I'm that much of a good guy? Do you think I don't want to throw you down, rip your clothes off and eat you alive? I'm so hard right now just seeing you naked would be enough to push me over the edge. So don't make propositions you can't follow through on."
She looks dizzy from his words, eyes hooded and glossy. He watches her gulp and then stagger off to the bathroom, without a word to him. It's probably for the best, everything is too charged right now.
A shower for her and many glasses of water for him later, she's back and it's almost time for dinner.
"I think they said dinner starts at 6. Should we head down?"
She glances at him, while opening her bag and pulling out skin creams and some fuzzy socks.
"Would you be opposed to ordering room service and staying here?"
It's the best offer he's heard all day, only second to her asking if he wanted to join her in the shower.
"What about your colleagues?" He asks to make certain that she's really okay with this.
"What about them?" She replies with a shrug and he grins picking up the room service menu.
They order too much food and not enough alcohol but neither of them want to forget this night. She tells him stories about her time in dental school and he's happy to get to know her better, chuckling at the funny stories and commiserating at the sad ones.
Before he knows it night has fallen.
And he realizes that they'll be sharing a bed. Unless she wants him to sleep on the couch.
She's wearing a big shirt and loose shorts and he still can't believe he gets to see her like this.
"Are you coming to bed?" She's already getting under the sheet and that answers his question, this is really happening. He starts to follow her lead, getting under the sheets but keeping a respectable distance between them.
"I'm cold." She announces suddenly and he starts to look for a thermostat in the room or an extra blanket, before realizing that she's looking at him over her shoulder, he stares back confused before she lifts an eyebrow and oh, he gets it. Carefully moving closer he feels her warmth surround him as they meet, forth to back.
"Took you long enough." She grumbles, pulling his arm over here body and settling back into him moving until she's comfortable.
She's so close and warm and her smell is all around him and he feels his restraint dissolving and when she presses back into him, her hip rubbing against his crotch he bites down on his bottom lip.
It's too much for him to resist and without warning or preamble, he's turning her to face him and swallowing her moan of surprise eagerly. He grabs her head firmly holding her in place and slips his tongue into her open mouth, her unique taste exploding on his taste buds. He's hungry for more. So he starts to tug down her shorts, heart beat thundering in his groin. She kicks the shorts away, and he groans at the sight of her panties she was trying to kill him, he was certain.
"You're the devil." He chokes out staring at red lace, he'll never be able to see the color again without getting a raging hard on.
"You haven't seen anything yet. Honey." The word drips from her tongue just like the real thing.
Forgetting all reason and logics he lunges at her, devouring her mouth and sticking his hand in her panties. She's so warm and fuck, wet drenching his fingers.
Simultaneously he thrusts his tongue into her mouth and his fingers in her wet folds, groaning as she melts like butter under his touch. There's no resistance, as he plunges two fingers inside her experimentally before picking up his place when she clutches onto him and grinds back on his fingers, begging the whole time.
"More, more, please!"
As if he could ever deny her anything, with one hand he grabs her ass and the other he thrusts into her opening over and over until her voice gets breathy and she starts to stutter, squirming wildly in his arms and he knows exactly what's coming: the beautiful end. So without warning he pulls back the sheet and slithers down her body, throwing her legs around his head and pushing his tongue in to the brim, hungrily drinking at her until she shakes and combusts in his arms. Sweet on his tongue, he swallows it all greedily.
He strokes her as she recovers from her high, climbing back up her body. So much for taking things slow, but he can't even think about regretting it when he sees the blissed out look on her face. He wants to imprint it in his mind. Nobody else will ever get to see this face but him.
"It's your turn." She says sounding loopy like she's drunk and he laughs as she reaches for the tent in his pants but misses his bulge and instead falls into him.
"You're tired. Go to sleep. That was enough for me, seeing you like that fulfilled every fantasy I've had. "
He truly means it. He's a giver. And it's not like he can't tug one out later in the bathroom with her face and moans playing on repeat in his brain.
She starts to argue, but her phone vibrating on the nightstand distracts her. Reaching over she picks it up before chuckling and flopping back into the bed.
"What?" He asks curious, jealous of whoever is making her smile like that.
Ignorant to his inner thoughts, she thrusts her phone into his face. The room is so dark it takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright lighting of the phone, but once he can see he reads the message on her phone and starts to laugh too.
"Dusik is missing! Nobody has seen him all day!! We started a search party."
62 notes · View notes
hxwks-gf · 4 years
*✧・゚:* two little lines
bakugo x fem!reader
summary: surprise! you’re pregnant. wait, that’s not the only surprise...
warnings: pregnancy, descriptions of throwing up, swearing, mentions of alcohol
w/c: 2k 
request: I just read your Bakugou gets turned into a kid fic and it was so adorable, especially since he done well knew what he was doing( the brat lol) Anyhow I wanted to request either Bakugou( pro hero of course) reacting to the news that he and his female S/O are having either twins or triplets.
a/n: THANK U FOR SENDING THIS REQUEST IN, ANON!! i loved writing it so much, and soft bakugo is my fav bakugo. enjoy my loves!
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“Katsuki, I really don’t feel well,” you said as you came out of the bathroom, wiping the sweat off of your forehead. 
Your husband looked up from the piece of his gear he was tinkering with. “What do you mean?” 
“I’ve felt really sick to my stomach for a day or two now,” you explained, sitting at the edge of the bed and closing your eyes. You could feel another wave of nausea coming over you at full speed. “Oh, God--” You clapped a hand over your mouth and ran straight to the toilet again, making it just in time before you violently puked the last remains of your breakfast into the porcelain. 
“Y/N?” he called from the bedroom. A few seconds later and you heard his bare footsteps on the tile floor. His warm hand placed itself on your forehead and pushed back your sweaty hair. “Hey, let’s get you to the doctor, alright?” 
“No,” you moaned into the bowl, “I don’t want to go to the doctor yet, it’s just the stomach flu or something. I just need to rest.” 
“Don’t be stubborn,” Bakugo growled, squatting beside you. He wrinkled his nose at the contents of the toilet. “Let’s go.” 
“I’ll make an appointment tomorrow,” you said, cracking open your teary eyes at him. He had that hard-set look on his face, the don’t-even-try-to-argue-with-me one. You had seen it enough over the last few years of your marriage. “Can you just take me to the store so I can get some medicine?” 
“Tch,” he grunted, rolling his eyes. “You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you out of this apartment in this state.” 
He tipped his head back and let loose an exasperated sigh. “Jesus, you’re going to be the death of me, woman.” 
You held out a hand and he helped you to your feet. He muttered incoherently while you got dressed, something along the lines of “--doesn’t know how to rest--” and “--never listens to me--”. After you were dressed, he at least made you drink some water before driving you to the nearby corner store. 
The fluorescent lights were harsh on your eyes as you perused the aisles with a basket in hand, mindlessly putting cans of soup, stomach medicine, and orange juice into it. Bakugo grumbled to himself a few feet behind you, hands shoved deep in his pockets. 
“I’ll be right back,” he grunted, and disappeared down the snack aisle, leaving you by yourself near the pharmacy. 
As you wandered down the rows and rows of medicine, looking for anything else you might need for the stomach flu, you saw something on display near the counter that made you stop and stare. 
“There’s no way,” you murmured, walking up to them and picking one up. You flipped the thin box in your hand and scanned the back for more information. When was the last time you had your period? On a hunch, you dropped the box into your basket and hurried towards the check-out before Bakugo caught up with you again. 
The cashier rang you up and bagged your items, and you felt another wave of nausea starting to build in the pit of your stomach. Thankfully, Bakugo rounded the corner empty-handed, and headed straight for you. 
“Got everything you need?” he said, guiding you out of the store. 
“Mhmm,” you absentmindedly hummed, trying not to think about the little box at the bottom of your bag. 
The drive back to the apartment was silent, as was the walk up. Bakugo offered to take your bags but you vehemently denied his help, giving him a string of excuses and making a beeline for the bathroom again. 
You locked the door and leaned back against the wall, sliding down until you were in a seated position with your knees brought up to your chest. You were scared. The plastic bag was staring at you on the floor, just waiting to be opened. With a trembling sigh, you pulled out the little thin box and opened the pregnancy test. 
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Two lines. That meant pregnant, right? 
You couldn’t tell how long you spent staring at the little stick in your hands, or how many times you had read and re-read the little instruction booklet. 
Two lines. 
You licked your lips in anticipation and unlocked the bathroom door. You could hear Bakugo tinkering with his hero gear in the bedroom again. 
“You were in there for a while, are you okay--” His sentence was cut short when he looked up at you standing in the doorway, holding the stick in your hands. “What’s wrong?” 
“Katsuki, I’m pregnant.” 
The screwdriver he held in his hands fell out of his grasp and clattered to the floor. Within seconds he was getting up from the bed and gathering you in his arms, his chin tucking itself in the crook of your neck. 
“K-Katsuki?” you said, utterly surprised. 
“Are you being serious?” he said, voice muffled in your shoulder. 
“Of course I’m being serious.” You gently pulled out of his embrace, but he still kept you close. “Look. Two lines.” 
He looked down at the test in your hand. His own fingers reached up and wrapped themselves around it, his brows coming together in the center of his forehead. He stared at it so intensely without saying a word, you were concerned he had lost some screws. 
“Katsuki?” you said again, gently. “What...what are you feeling?” 
“I know I've never been good with talking about my emotions,” he said, his voice breaking with emotion. “But this--this makes me feel like the happiest fucker in the entire world.” 
With those words, the gate that held your own emotions in check completely shattered and you fell into a mess of happy sobs, excited laughs, and exhilarated kisses. You’re not sure when it happened, but the two of you ended up kneeling together on the floor, still holding onto the test like your lives depended on it, crying and laughing and kissing. The only other time you had ever seen Bakugo cry was the first time he saw you walk down the aisle at your wedding. 
“I can’t believe it,” he said, pressing his forehead against yours. “I really can’t.” 
“Pregnant,” you breathed, still in awe. “We’re going to have a baby.” 
“Listen to me.” Bakugo let go of your hands and cradled your cheeks, looking directly into your eyes. “I love you. You are not going to lift a finger for the next nine months, do you understand me, woman?” 
Fresh tears welled up in your eyes as you nodded. “I would expect nothing less from you.” 
“Doctor’s office. Tomorrow morning.” 
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“Well, it sounds like you’re about six weeks along,” the obstetrician explained, pulling on a pair of clean gloves. “Let’s get the ultrasound going so you guys can hear the heartbeat.” 
You squeezed Bakugo’s hand excitedly. He sat beside you, watching the doctor’s every single movement like a hawk. She had you lean back and lift up your shirt to expose the little baby bump that was already starting to show. 
“Alright,” she said, pushing the scanner over your lubricated belly and watching the fuzzy screen intently. You had no idea what she was looking at, it just looked like big blotches of black and white moving around. “Oh--there we are!” 
This time, it was Bakugo that squeezed your hand with excitement. You looked over at him, seeing how focused he was on the little screen. 
“Oh, what have we here?” 
You whipped your head back to the doctor. “What is it? Is something wrong?” 
“Looks like you’ve got two buns in your oven,” the obstetrician said, pointing to the screen. “See that? Two heartbeats.” 
“T-twins?” you gasped, feeling Bakugo’s hand go limp in your grasp. “We’re having twins?” 
“Congrats, Mom and Dad,” she said with a grin, clicking off the scanner and cleaning the jelly off of your stomach. “Twins are much more common than you think.” She stood up and stripped off her gloves. “I’ll be right back with some paperwork for the pharmacy and give you two a moment in private.” 
As the door closed behind her, you looked at Bakugo. He was still staring at the little ultrasound still visible on the screen, his mouth slack and his eyes wide. 
“Honey?” you said, tilting your head. “Did you hear what she said?” 
“Twins,” he whispered in awe. 
Your face broke into a smile and you pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “Twins.” 
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“So, what’s the special occasion?” Kirishima asked, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. 
“Get your feet off of there,” Bakugo snapped, swatting his friend’s feet. “Christ.” 
You chuckled, handing Kaminari and Sero each a beer. “It’s something we’ve been waiting to share with you guys for a couple weeks now.” 
“Are you not going to have a drink with us, Y/N?” Mina asked from the couch, holding up her glass of wine. 
Bakugo moved to stand beside you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. It was rare for him to be this affectionate in front of the rest of the group, but you knew he was too excited. They all looked at the two of you with confused and concerned expressions on their faces, waiting for whatever piece of news you had to share. 
Mina was quick. “Holy shit, you’re joking!” she squealed before you could say anything, kicking her feet excitedly. 
“What are you talking about?” Kirishima said, looking at her with his eyebrows furrowed. “Joking about what--” You could literally see the lightbulb turn on above his head. “Oh, oh! Oh my God, guys! Are you serious?” 
“Yep,” you laughed, patting your belly. Bakugo pressed a kiss against the shell of your ear. 
“Wait, wait,” Kaminari said, holding up his hands. “I’m lost. What’s going on?” 
“C’mon, dude,” Bakugo growled. 
Sero’s eyes looked like they were about to pop right out of his skull. “Congratulations, you two! I was wondering when it was going to happen. I almost had a bet going for it.” 
“A bet for what?” Kaminari whined. 
“Denki,” you said, giving your stomach another exaggerated pat. 
“Yes,” you encouraged, nodding your head slowly. “And…? 
“And...oh, holy shit!” 
“There he goes,” Kirishima laughed, patting his friend on the back. He looked back to you and Bakugo with a grin on his face. “That’s amazing. How far along are you? Do you know the gender yet?” 
“Well,” you started, smiling at Bakugo over your shoulder. “That’s not all of it, exactly.” 
Now they were back in the dark again, Mina included. You took a deep breath and felt Bakugo’s arms tighten around you. “We’re having twins.” 
“Twins!” Mina screeched, jumping up out of her seat and clobbering you in an excited hug. 
“Hey, hey, easy,” Bakugo warned, hostility lacing his words. “Be careful with the mother of my children, alright?” 
A surge of warmth spread through you, all the way from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. Mother of his children. It had a very nice ring to it, and hearing it from his lips only made it that much sweeter. You reached around and tenderly kissed his cheek. 
“Whatever you guys need, please let us know,” Kirishima said as he stood up and clapped a hand on Bakugo’s shoulder. “I mean it. Whatever you need. We’re all here for you.” 
“Thank you, guys,” you said, unable to hide the crack in your voice as a lump formed in your throat. Tears came not a second later. “I’m sorry, everything makes me cry nowadays.” 
“I don’t envy you there, Bakugo,” Kaminari said with a grin. “But I second what Kirishima said.” 
The rest of the evening was spent talking about possible baby names, planning the eventual baby shower, and anything else under the sun that had to do with babies. As you sat on the couch, nestled into Bakugo’s side and casually running a hand over your growing belly, surrounded by friends and loved ones, you knew that no matter what happened, you and Bakugo would be alright. 
You had to admite, the idea of having two little miniature Katsukis running around delighted you in a way that would most definitely frighten anyone else. 
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legolaslovely · 3 years
A Dwarf and His Fairy
A/N: Here it is! The Fíli x Fairy piece I've been working on! This piece taught me a LOT! About editing, plotting, character work, etc., and though it's not perfect, I'm still really proud of it and happy with it. Thanks to all who supported me with this one. I hope you enjoy it :)
Pairing: Fíli x Ivy (my fairy OC)
Word Count: 3,780
Warnings: None!
Summary: Even Fíli needs someone to remind him that self-care is a requirement, and not a reward. Good thing he has a somewhat relentless, but very loving fairy friend to remind him.
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Fíli slid the book away in defeat. It was as heavy as stone and full of numbers and dates and plans and problems. Even as the wicked pages turned by, they let out a nasty hiss and the scratchy old leather cover whipped around with a solid, successful splat, fighting Fíli until it’s last breath.
Once it was done, his surrender official, Fíli’s head fell into his hands and he groaned, making one of the last candles in his chambers flicker in his breath. Truthfully, the nub of wax, short wick, and tiny flame was barely a candle at all. It hardly resembled the tall, radiant torch it had previously been. But it wasn’t alone. Similarly, as the night went on, Fíli’s resolve had melted away and his shoulders warped and rounded like hot wax until there was very little light to give.
All because of that damned book.
       “I need a break,” he said to no one but the silver platter of untouched goodies sitting on the corner of his desk. There was a small, shining jug of sweet milk, a tiny jar of honey with a miniscule spoon to match and a delicate bowl of crumbling honey cakes. It was all left waiting, as was Fíli.
He stared at the treats and swore he saw them move. But he dismissed it, ascribing it to fatigue, and closed his eyes, leaning his heavy chin on his wrist.
Then something struck him.
It was a scent he’d long been familiar with. Despite its peculiarity, he could always pinpoint its source from the first time he witnessed it and matched it with its meaning. This was the smell of magic- frozen as fresh winter frost and balmy as sun bathed flower petals- and it effortlessly roused him from his near nap and provoked him to sit up straight and search the room.
At first, he saw nothing, though he did recognize the swishing sound of her clothes rushing through the air. Every spent candle in his chambers now roared to life with new flame and an endless wick. The room glowed as if it was midday, not only with candlelight, but with the hope and warmth of company.
       “Oh, my friend,” Fíli said. “Make yourself known to me. I’ve longed to see you again.”
She stopped, showing herself just below the ceiling in front of the desk. With a smile, she gracefully and silently descended, relaxing her wings and letting them sway through the air rather than furiously flap. When she found her place before Fíli’s eyes, however, the four little wings revolved again in a blur of speed in her otherwise still, hovering flight.
       “Hello, my dear,” he said, holding out a horizontal finger for her to perch on if by chance she was tired from her journey, or simply wanted to be near him.
She only smiled and took his hospitality. Even when her bare feet landed on his knuckle, Fíli barely felt her touch. Though he hadn’t seen her in some weeks and though they’d met decades ago, she still looked the same to him, as if time would never disturb her.
His fairy’s name was Ivy. She was almost as tall as his hand from wrist to fingertip, and she had long waving hair as dark as a winter night’s sky. The dress she wore was sturdy despite its fabric of light leaves and soft petals. Fíli had no doubt her clothing was made of the same flower whence she came. It was the legend, after all, though she herself never told him so. Instead, it was his fascination and, one could even say infatuation, that spurred on his research.
No matter where she was or what she was doing, his little fairy friend always appeared to glow. Fíli didn’t believe it to be magic or the pollen on her dress or the shine on her wings. He thought it was simply her essence that glowed and shone like a piece of a star drifting from its flight for his own sake and pleasure.
She was a pleasure. And she had been missed.
       “Where have you been?” Fíli asked. It wasn’t accusatory or disappointed or cruel. He just wondered. “Tell me of your travels.”
She sat down on him and squeezed his finger with hers, like tangled blades of grass, as if she knew how much he missed traveling himself. Like she knew of that feeling deep down in his bones that defied his kind and his duties, begging and pulling at him to wander and explore.
Still, the bundle of joy that she was, she didn’t dwell or dawdle, but showed him where she’d been, using pictures in lieu of words so he could see these places himself.
The visions flew up behind her head and revealed scenes that were so clear, it was as if Fíli was simply looking through a window and out into the most mystifying bits of the world. He could smell the warm wind that blew through tall grass on the hills and could hear the gurgling of stream water. He recognized the soft, wet, moss-ridden floor of Fangorn Forest and when he asked his fairy what she’d been doing there, she showed him the fresh green leaves of saplings. Her memories unveiled the fairies’ gifts of hardy seeds and fresh water, along with magic, but not artificial sunlight.
       “You helped them grow,” Fíli said, astonished at the ability and yet, not surprised at his friend’s generous deeds.
Ivy smiled and another scene flashed above her head. This one sent real spray into Fíli’s face that knocked him back into his chair with an indignant cry.
Her feet kicked through the air as she laid back and laughed, making the sound of a small bell ringing in the distance. It was the only sound Fíli ever heard from her and upon hearing it, he instantly forgave her antics.
       “What was that?” he asked, voice left high from his surprised yelp.
It only made her giggle more and even louder, like the bell was soaring closer to Fíli’s ears. With a hand over her belly, she leaned back again and in her entertainment, slid right off Fíli’s finger.
       “Hey there, careful!” Fíli chided, grinning all the way. He caught her, sitting her in his palm to avoid another slip. When she calmed and settled in the cushiony pillow of his hand, he said, “I should have let you tumble for that trick!” He winked. “But then again, you would have flapped your wings before you hit the ground, hm?” She narrowed her eyes at him, but it was fruitless. She giggled again and pointed at him with a shaking finger.
       “You’re right,” he said. “I would never let you fall.”
At that, she turned fully pink. Not just the round of her cheeks or the tips of her pointed ears, but completely pink- wings and all. Fíli loved it when she did that, especially when he was the reason for it.
The bright shade only lasted for a moment, however, and she quickly brushed her hair off her shoulder, pushing the locks down her back, and brought Fíli’s attention back to the scene that had splashed him. With a flick of her finger, she showed him more, uncovering a waterfall that was so tall, it could have reached the parapets of the mountain of Erebor. The water that flowed off the cliff and into the serene lake was as blue as the summer sky and framed with the deep green clouds of the hanging trees and stout bushes near its edges. The bright sunlight left specks of glitter in the fall’s foam and a radiant ribbon through the water’s center that was so blinding, Fíli had to squint hard until the vision moved and gave him a new, less glaring view.
       “It’s so beautiful,” he said.
She let him admire the scene for a long, generous moment before taking him along the trails hidden in the connecting forest to show him its exact location. The exploration was all done through the window of the vision.
       “I know where that is,” he said. “It’s not too far from here, close enough where you and I could sneak away. It seems I’m not the only one who could use a break from my duties.”
The fairy smiled and nodded, hair waving against Fíli’s palm and tickling him. In her eagerness, the shining curtain parted and one stubborn lock fell in her eyes. That rogue twist of hair was something that teased her often, but if it was an imperfection, it was one that only endeared her to Fíli all the more.
Before she could right the tendril herself, Fíli lifted his hand, brushing his fingertip very carefully over her small cheek and pushing her feather soft hair over her shoulder. He let his finger settle against her neck, but she grabbed him in a hurry, pulling him off of her skin, yet still keeping him close to her.
Before he could answer, her entire body shivered and shook and she pouted at him. Then she turned away. As if shaking water from her fingers, her hand flicked to the dark fireplace in the corner of Fíli’s chambers and she built him a fire flame by flame.
She felt that he was cold.
He laughed, immeasurably relieved that was all. He immediately stopped her waving arm.
       “I’ll make a fire. Don’t tire yourself over me, I’ll do it myself.”
She frowned at him, gravely shaking her head as he crossed the room.
       “Don’t give me that look! You know dwarves don’t feel the cold as you do. It’s not like I would let myself freeze over.”
She flew around him, waving over the stone cold bricks to warm them. Then she stopped in front of his eyes with a very unimpressed glare.
       “All right, all right. Thank you for the reminder.”
Then she smiled, wriggled, and flew back to where he’d been sitting.
As he took the firewood from its rack and stacked the logs just so, he checked over his shoulder to assure himself that she hadn’t left in a flurry. But there she was, legs dangling and swinging from her spot on the right arm of his chair.
After singeing a part of his sleeve on the flame she’d ignited for him, he turned back to his work and said, “I’ve missed you, you know,” throwing out the confession before he lost his nerve. “But I knew you must have been busy. Fairies never seem to stop and rest, especially you. Not even for the honey cakes I’ve set out for you every night for the past weeks.”
He finally peeked over his shoulder and chuckled at her wide eyes.
She pointed to herself in question.
       “Yes, they’re for you! I don’t know anyone else who garnishes their honey cakes with even more honey and then finishes them off with sweet milk. Do you?”
He expected a funny little glare from her, but didn’t receive any such thing. She was too grateful, too excited about her treats. She flew around them, as if deciding which one she wanted to indulge in first.
Once the fire was crackling, Fíli returned to his desk chair. He poured the small jug of milk into an even tinier cup for her- one that he’d had made special by the potter at the market. He’d felt the looks burning his back when he purchased it at the stall, but those and the extra work had all been worth it when his fairy first saw it. Specially made for her. And her sweet milk.
       “There’s more where those came from so go ahead and enjoy,” Fíli said.
With two straining hands and trembling arms, she held out an entire honey cake and offered it to him. Only to save her strength, Fíli took it with thanks, and so as not to offend her, he took a bite when she did. As her small piece left her eyes rolling closed as only a delicious delicacy would, the other half of Fíli’s cake crumbled in his fingers as the sweetness dissolved on his tongue.
       “Do you like them?” Fíli asked after a gulp.
In answer, Ivy burst into the air, twirling and spinning, sparkles and glowing fragments of pure joy following her flight. She flew in front of him and nodded.
Then suddenly, she laughed at him.
Before Fíli could lift a finger, she came close to him and her cool hands, like little raindrops, cleaned the mess of cake crumbles from his chin. He was amazed, she didn’t seem to mind the coarse hair of his beard on her delicate fingers. Not at all. In fact, if he could hazard a guess, he would have thought she lingered closeby, touching him, for longer than necessary. Unfortunately, she caught herself. Giving a funny salute, she flew back to her spot on the edge of the silver treat tray. Even when she dipped the next small chunk of cake into the jar of honey, her bite stayed intact all the way from the platter to her mouth. It must have been magic, Fíli thought.
       “I think these are extra tasty tonight,” he said, popping the rest of his piece past his lips. Then he leaned down to her. “But very short. Care to help me with these crumbs?” he asked, wriggling his scrunched mouth.
In a blink, she flushed pink from her tiny toes to her forehead. But she laughed and tugged on the braided mustache that swung closest to her.
       “Fine! I’ll do it myself,” he joked, enjoying her ringing giggle.
After a neat little swig of sweet milk, Ivy rose from her seat, holding her belly.
       “All finished?”
She shook her head violently.
       “Just a break then? Good. They’d call for a medic if we sent even a crumb back down to the kitchens. They all know no tray of sweets has ever survived the two of us.”
She glowed and left her spot next to the cakes. As always, she effortlessly identified the most recent bane of Fíli’s existence. It made him wonder if it was Ivy’s magic that helped her do it, or if it was simply a freakish skill. Either way, the moment she left the platter, she headed for the leather bound book Fíli had discarded before her arrival. She tapped the binding with her toe, questioning. But Fíli knew she’d seen it before and the little thing was fishing for a confession.
He also knew he’d been caught.
       “I was just putting it away for the night.”
She sent a glare his way whose meaning was as clear as if the letters were written across her round little nose: Liar.
In truth, Fíli had forgotten all about the book and its contents the moment his fairy made her presence known. It was mystical how quickly his mind moved from hopelessness and exhaustion to joy and wonder whenever Ivy was near. He often asked himself if he had the same effect on her, but had yet to gather the courage to ask.
Her peculiar movement pulled him from his thoughts. She’d squatted down like a dwarf about to lift a cart brimming with stone and with all her might, lifted the book’s heavy leather cover. Then with silent, bare feet, she walked over the title page until she’d flipped the book open.
       “Excuse me,” Fíli said with mock offense. “There are trade secrets in this book, you know. For no one’s view but my own.”
She rolled her eyes at him and lifted her finger, pointing to the end of the ribbon bookmark. She twirled her wrist and the light shooting out from under her tidy fingernails sent the pages whipping by as if caught in a windstorm. A moment later, the pages fell flat.
The place left open was riddled with smear marks and ink blotches, scrawled notes and words that had been crossed out with enough force to scratch the next few pages.
Her eyebrow crooked like the roof of a village house, accusing Fíli of the mess.
       “Ruling a kingdom isn’t easy,” he explained with a shrug. “Things get a little… untidy.”
Ivy’s lip quirked and she leaned down to skim her hand across the page under her feet. A rippling wave of fresh magic traveled across the paper from Ivy’s toes out to the corner edges, continuing through the air until it hit Fíli’s nose- that light, unique scent he’d always associated with his fairy. It immediately relaxed him, giving him peace wherever the information hidden in that book stole it away.
When the wave cleared, Fíli saw that his entries were organized anew. The spills and blots had vanished, leaving only what he’d intended in their place. Even his notes were left in the margins, now neat and crisp, with not a thought lost. But Ivy’s work hadn’t stopped at one page. Every section was free of crimps or bends, the cover was dusted and the binding was flawlessly refinished all in one singular moment.
It was astonishing.
       “Oh, Ive,” Fíli said, sighing out the rarely used nickname he had for her. From where he stood, he could see the pages were now smooth and soft as silk and he couldn’t help but touch them, running his comparatively rough fingertips over the center of the open book where the pages met. He took a corner and flipped through the last sheets, listening to the soft flaps that rang through the room- a noise that reminded him of the sound of Ivy’s rustling wings flying toward him. This torturous book was now bright and clean with a fairy’s mark.
The best part, however, was the scent left behind, pooling in its pores- that of magic, of his friend, of her belief in him.
Fíli held out his hand and Ivy flew to it.
       “I don’t think I’ll mind this work as much anymore. It’s perfect. Thank you.”
She bowed, flashing her petal skirt with a flourish.
Just as Fíli reached for the neatened pages again, Ivy snapped the book closed with a turn of her wrist, almost trapping his hand inside.
       “Hey!” he laughed, startled from his daze. “I wanted to admire your handiwork!”
Once over her giggles, she planted her fists on her hips and with a demanding stare, pointed to the empty spot in the shelf where the hardcover belonged overnight. A stomp of her foot practically shouted: NOW.
       “All right! I’m putting it away.” He let Ivy dismount onto the silver cake platter and did as he was told, with a dwarfling’s grin wide on his lips. When he’d tucked the book into place, Fíli ran a finger down the soft, faultless binding with a whistle.
       “A craft any dwarf would be proud of.”
When he looked over his shoulder Ivy was watching him- carefully and contently admiring him. Even romantically, if Fíli was brave enough to use the word.
While he had her undivided attention, he winked at her, just as a tease to make her flood that pretty shade of pink. As a retort, she stole a sweet cake from his side of the platter and took a violent bite.
With a chuckle, Fíli plopped into his chair and watched her as he felt the exhaustion sneak into his stubborn muscles and his overstretched mind. He still had a sliver of energy, however, to wonder if his fairy’s glow had grown more intense after this time spent together. He could see it in her eyes. Though they were as dark as fertile soil, they were round and shining in the tireless candlelight she brought to the chambers. And now as she watched him, they were fearless in their gaze and brimming with affection in their softness.
Yet, despite it all, Fíli knew they were both aware that their visit couldn’t last much longer.
She rose and brushed the non existent crumbs from the purple petals of her dress, letting her wings flutter to life.
Fíli straightened in a rush at her movement, saying exactly what had been on his mind in a soft, sleepy voice. “I will never know how you always find a way to comfort me. Somehow, you’ve done it again, my friend. Thank you.”
She beamed, her smile like a crescent moon flipped on its side in the night.
       “Will you visit me again?” Fíli asked.
She nodded.
He leaned to her, taking her tiny hand between his thumb and forefinger. “Please don’t let too much time pass before you do.”
Her beating wings stuttered for a moment and her luminous aureola dimmed. Her twinge of sadness squeezed Fíli’s heart, strangling it like a thirsty vine, and he wished he’d never spoken so selfishly. But before he could take his words back, she fluttered up to his face and placed a feather light kiss on his cheek as her goodbye. Then she smiled, eyes brimming with clear sparkle and so many words unspoken.
With a wave of her hand, she beckoned him to follow her lead across the room. As she did at the end of every visit, she flew in neat ringlets through the air above his bed, dropping warmth, rest, and peace into the furs in the form of glistening sparkles like fresh pollen from her own flora. This ritual of theirs left magic on Fíli’s pillow for days to come. It would give him restful sleep, even with the weight of his kingdom on his shoulders. Her magic even seemed to quell the loneliness that often pulled at his heart. She always left a piece of herself with him.
       “You are far too kind to me, Ive,” Fíli said to her, standing next to the bed, close to her one last time before her departure. “Too generous-”
The blankets below him flew up and covered his head in a magical swoop. A fairy’s doing.
       “Fine! No more compliments!” Fíli cried, untangling himself. “But how am I not to, when you-”
With the covers back where they belonged, he was free to look around the room. The empty room. She’d gone.
In his defeated search for her, he found a gift left for him on his bedside table. A billowing purple flower with feather-like petals reminiscent of her dress sat in the now dim candle light. Curled around the deep green stem was a note that he fumbled to open with his round fingertips. When he pulled it flat, that same scent- the scent of magic, of his fairy- flew to his nose in a flurry and a message was illuminated.
Taglist: @emrfangirl @misslongcep @raindancer2004 @ladybugg1235 @xxbyimm @burningcoffeetimetravel-fics  @fire-flv @nerdbirdsworld @dashesofink @winchesterandpie @tumblinglringlring  @specialagentsnark  @karlthecat15722 @sagabriar @marymegger @aidan-kili-mitchell-forever  @cassiabaggins @guardianofrivendell @lathalea @laurfilijames  @moniamoure @dark-angel-is-back @burningcoffeetimetravel @justfollowtheroad @vem-vem-writes @animallover81 @luckyluckyjesse
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d-l-dare · 2 years
Journal entry #1: It's been a week since I've found myself trapped in this room. It looks like my bedroom, with shelves, posters and the works; yet it isn't my room. The room has no windows for me to peer into the outside world, which makes me question how long it's actually been since I showed up here. There's only one door in the entire room and it leads into the bathroom. Thankfully my captors have given me a place to relieve myself. I'm still in shock and incredible confusion as to how I even got here. In fact, thinking back I don't recall much that happened before the fear I felt waking up here. A part of me hopes that this is only a dream, one that I might soon wake from.
Journal entry #2: It's been a minute since the last time I wrote in here. I'm just thankful that in the panic of trying to figure out what was going on, I still had a journal from my childhood that I never filled out. I guess I knew back then that I'd need it now. For the last day or so, I've been searching for any way to escape, but to no avail. I've even gone as far as peeling back wallpaper, hoping to find some kind of hidden doorway. No luck. There's nothing but plywood and insolation. It just doesn't make sense to me, why make a replica of my bedroom? And most concerning of all, how did they get me into a place that has no entrances, nor exits?
Journal entry #3: I've begun to give up any hope of escape. There haven't been any signs of life outside of myself, making the isolation even more unbearable. I've found myself bored, the only means of entertainment are talking to myself and dreaming up what might have happened to me. Maybe this is some kind of waking nightmare. Did I die in my sleep, only to wake up in purgatory? Only time will tell what will come of this.
Journal entry #4: It hasn't been long since I wrote my last entry. I just heard a sound from outside the walls, a voice that sounds like it's trying to communicate. I'm going to try and say something. I hope they can hear me in here. Maybe they can help me escape!
Journal entry #5: I tried for nearly an hour, calling out until I nearly lost my voice. Unfortunately, the voice did not return. I wanted to cry, but I have to fight the tears and stay strong. The voices are a sign that I am not alone.
Journal entry #6: The voices are getting closer now. I can almost make out their words. They're calling out my name. "Hailey, Hailey!" I think that's what they're saying. It's hard to tell. I think they're coming from behind my bed, the wall opposite my bathroom. I'm going to try and tear at the wall a little bit more. Maybe I'll create a hole just big enough that they can hear me calling out to them. I'll write more if there's any progress.
Journal entry #7: I've spent so long, maybe a few hours, tearing a giant hole in the wall. I'm greeted with insolation and plywood. I've started taking down some of the insolation to see what lies behind it. I think it's another wall. I'm going to try tomorrow to find something heavy to knock a hole in the wall. wish me luck. I'm pretty tired, might call it a night.
Journal entry #8: I had a dream last night that felt like I was moving about in the outside world. I missed the feeling of the cool breeze against my skin and the birds chirping in the trees overhead. But something was off about the dream. It was like someone else was controlling my steps, like I was simply along for the ride while the one in control lead me from place to place, interacting with people through words that weren't my own. It was scary. I don't know why I felt compelled to write the dream down, it was just so vivid and unusual that it might be linked to my situation somehow. Anyways, I think I hear them calling my name again. It sounds so close now, it sounds like they're just behind the wall. Wish me luck.
Journal entry #9: I've done it! I broke the wall down! And the outside, it looks familiar. I can't quite place my finger on it, but I see movement coming from outside. It's like I'm looking straight up at the sky, observing the clouds moving overhead, but I'm not looking up to see it. It's just everything that's on the outside is this. I'm starting to feel dizzy. What is happening to me?
I rubbed my eyes and found myself laying on the ground in a field of grass. I sat up and looked around me. My friends? They looked to be in tears, tears of joy as they looked at me with hope.
"What happened?" I asked, my voice a little groggy. "Where am I?"
"Hailey!" my best friend, Monica said as she leaped toward me, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. "I don't know if you remember any of this, but we messed around with an Ouija board a few weeks ago, and you changed. I guess the spirit we contacted possessed you. We've been fighting all this time to get you back!"
This story was inspired by one of my favorite horror podcasts called "Parkdale Haunt"
Listen to it here: https://open.spotify.com/show/6hfxah5I0URgwr67uVhnpN
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one-smuts · 3 years
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What I can't Have.
Summary: Shinsou falls in love with Denki just in time for Denki to fall out of love with him.
Ships: Denki/Jiro- fluff, Denki/Shinsou- Angst.
Pov: Shinsou
I was happy for him at first. Honestly I was.
It was getting sad for awhile, the way he followed me around like a lost puppy. The lost lovestruck look in his eyes when he looked at me. I felt like a monster, but at the time, I didn't feel that way for Kaminari.
He was my friend, my best friend even. But my lover? I just couldn't phantom it. I remember sitting him down to tell him. He seemed somehow shocked I knew how he felt. The thing about Kaminari is, he wears his emotions on his sleeve. For better or worse.
"So...you know how I feel?" He said, a spark of hope in his voice.
"I do."
"Aaand?..." Christ. He was gonna make me say it.
"I-I'm sorry Kaminari. I just dont feel the same. You're a great guy and all, I just don't feel that way for you. I hope we can stay friends though."
I think I watched his soul shatter that day.
I didn't see Denki for a few weeks after that. Im pretty sure he was avoiding me. Not like I could blame him though. It's hard to get rid of feelings when you see that person everyday. I missed him though. I missed him so much. Looking back, that probably should have been my frist hint.
When he started texting me again, it was a relief. I had my best friend back! And we xkuld actually talk and hang out now. No more lovey eyed guilt trips he didn't even know he was taking me on. Apprently, he'd gotten really into music to process his emotions, and it really helped him heal.
We have Jiro to thank for that.
I don't hate Kyouka. I think she's actually a wonderful girl, and I nothing but thankful for her, for being there for Kaminari when I couldn't be.
That said, the moment he introduced us j saw it. He had that same love struck look in his eyes. It didn't surprise me. Kaminari had the heart of a hopeless romantic, it was made of elastic.
The difference was, she had the same eyes for him. It shocked no one when they started dating. And look, I was happy for them! Denki deserved someone who could love on his level and Jiro fit the bill. She was kind and caring, and they both loved music. I couldn't believe it, but she tought his tone deaf ass to play guitar! They have a small band together now. They make amazing music.
And they really are adorable together. I started inviting Jiro to our hangouts, so she knew she was welcome. At first, I thought I was annoyed at being a third wheel. Watching them curl into eachother on the couch, while I sat on the floor on movie night. How they would get into these feedback loops of just gushing over one another. And don't even get me started on the playlisys.
But, slowly I realized it was more. It was in the way he held her close at all times. They way he talk about her, as if she was some divine gift. It was in the way he looked at her, with those love struck puppy eyes.
Fuck, I missed those eyes being on me.
Leave it to me to only realize I want someone once I couldn't have them. My stomach would turn into knots when's I saw him. My head would feel light, and on the rare occasion it was just us, I'd get damn near giddy. I was a love struck fool.
And, maybe it really was just so I could heal and move on. Maybe it's because I'm selfish. Maybe it was because some tiny part of me hoped he'd leave her for me. But, I told him exactly how I felt.
It started out normal, we were playing Mortal Kombat, but, I guess he noticed my game was off.
"Alright, what's wrong?"
"What do you mean?"
"You lost."
"I lose all the time."
"Yea, but not with noob!" His laughed was always so adorable. "Noobs your main! So what's going on?"
I got cold feet at the question. I was I was sure I wanted to tell him, but now...
"Im fine, I promise."
"Hitoshi, you know you can tell me anything, right?"
"So why are you keeping secrets now?" He asked. He was right. It didn't ruin things when I rejected him, why wouldn't work out the same way in reverse? And his smiled was so warm, and inviting.
"I-..I think I love you."
"Aww, I love you too bro!"
"No, Kaminari, I mean I love you."
His smile dropped.
"Look, I know that I said I didn't feel the same, and at the time I didn't, but I love you! Seeing you with Jiro made me realize, I-"
"Hitoshi, that's not fair." Denki said, uncharacteristically cold. I could see the tears form in his eyes. But, it wasn't the same as last time I saw them. These weren't tears of heart break.
"I waited a whole year for you. I wanted you, for so long, and you told me you didn't want me. Not the other way around. And now thG I'm happy and everything is good, and, for the first time in forever, I feel like I'm not carrying bricks on my chest, you wanna do this? Hitoshi, do you like seeing me hurt?"
"No! Kaminari, I would never do anything to hurt you!"
"Then why tell me?! What did you expect?! For me to just leave Jiro and come running into your arms? I love Jiro. And I'm pretty sure she loves me. She loves me enough not to try and crash everything I worked so hard to build." He was crying now. I wondered how over me he really was. I wondered if that was selfish to think.
"No, I don't want to break anything you built-up. I just had to get it off my own chest. I don't want you to leave Jiro, I just...I dont know."
"I-..I dont know either man. I'm sorry but, I really don't feel the same anymore. I don't know why I'm so mad about it." He confessed. He refused to make eye contact. "I guess I'm just mad that I spent months miserable over the fact that you'd never love me. And, I guess it all feels like it could have been avoided now."
"Im sorry."
"But, I don't know if I want to have avoided it." He wiped his eyes with his sleeve. He wasn't crying anymore, but his eyes still had had a sharpness.
"If I avoided it, I wouldn't have gotten so close to Jiro...but...I just.." He cut his own thoughts off with a groan, hiding his face in his hands.
"Im sorry."
"I know you are." He mumbled. He looked over at him. "I loved you Hitoshi. I really truly did."
"Its not too late, I-" that was the wrong thing to say. A scowl came across his face.
"Yes it is. I loved you. Ed. Past tense. My emotions and how I feel don't get pushed to the side because you finally came you your sense and realized how you felt. My relationship isn't going to just end because you want it to."
He grabbed his backpack and stood up. I wanted to reach out for him and make him stay. But, I knew that would be wrong.
"I-I'm sorry Hitoshi. I just dont feel the same. You're a great guy and all, I just don't feel that way for you anymore. I hope we can stay friends though." He mumbled as he walked to the door. He looked back at me.
"I'll see you later man."
"See you later."
And thats where we are now. I've been laying on my bed going over this entire situation in my head for hours. I definitely could have gone about that last interaction diffrent, but, it doesn't matter. I missed my shot.
Stupid late stage crushes.
I can't help but think about how he must have felt just like this all that time ago. And I feel almost worse knowing I put him through it.
But, I know I can't lose him. He's my best friend, I'd be devastated to lose him completely.
So, I guess I gotta just get over it.
A/N: hope ya like it @firelove151! I haven't ever really written anything like this before so, as always constructive feedback is welcome!
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flowercrown-bucky · 4 years
The Secrets We Hide
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Loki has a secret. A big secret. When Thor needs his help finding Odin, his secret may be exposed.
Authors’ Note: My very favourite reader of my Loki series, Lavender Blue, asked for some more Thor, and whilst thinking about it I got a little carried away
Also Y/N has a last name in this that might make sense if you get to the end oop
If you’re waiting for the next part of Lavender Blue I fucking SUCK at writing smut someone help me-
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"Where are we going, brother?" Thor looked curiously at Loki.
He'd been to Britain a handful of times in his life.
The very first had been sometime during what would later become colloquially know as the dark ages, in the early sixth century, he was inclined to believe. Earth, he had found, was wholly unremarkable, if England was anything to go by.
It was on this occasion that he had learned of his brother's magical talents, travelling on horseback through the countryside. He'd stumbled onto a (Remarkably small, he noticed) kingdom, ruled over by a gentleman by the name of Arthur. The real shock, however, had come to him upon entering the banquet hall in his host's castle, only to find his younger brother - who was, needless to say, not pleased to see him - sat next to his host. The lengths he'd gone to disguise himself were commendable, and the beard he'd magicked up was impressive, but there was no mistaking the mischievous twinkle in the eyes of Loki of Asgard.
However, the England Thor found himself in now was a far cry from the country of his memory. Winchester, he had been informed, was where the bifrost had brought them, but the cobbled streets he was walking on were about as unfamiliar to him as unicorn land.
Loki, however, definitely knew where he was. He had clearly been here many times before.
He'd replied to his brother's questioning with a disparaging look, continuing to walk on. All Thor knew about where they were going is that it had something to do with where Loki had placed their father three years ago. As for his personal theories? His mind was drawing a blank.
Eventually, Loki came to a stop in front of a single house within a terrace. A tall, unremarkable house, by all means, built with honey-coloured sandstone, the paint on the windows flaking with age, several panes baring the circular marks of a pontil. Three tall steps led to the front door, and the view of the living room through large window next to it allowing some insight as to the nature of its inhabitant.
Through the hazy glass, Thor could see a remarkably cluttered, disorganised room. A large leather armchair sat in the corner of the room, worn from use and decorated by a patchwork quilt. A similar rug lay on the wooden floor, a tapestry of fabric scraps. Opposite the TV was a grey cord sofa, upon which a number of odd and brightly coloured socks were strewn.
It was fairly safe to assume, Thor reckoned, that the inhabitant of this house - who was currently upstairs, based on the light coming through the window - was not his father.
So what the hell were they doing here?
Loki's three short raps of the knocker elicited a response from the house's inhabitant. They could hear them scurrying down the stairs and towards the door, and fumbling with the lock before opening it.
The woman on the other side was not what he was expecting.
The arrival of your visitors had come as somewhat of a shock to you, that much was apparent from your face. The second thing Thor noticed, was that you clearly knew Loki.
Your hair, slightly damp from the shower, was pulled up on top of your head, secured by a scrunchie, the deep green shade of which complimented your eyes. You were dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a red woollen jumper, your feet bare save for a silver ring around the second toe on your left foot and chipped nail polish on your toenails.
The third thing Thor noticed about you, was that you were very pretty.
"Father?" His voice came out as a squeak.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his brother laughing.
"Your father I most certainly am not." Your right eyebrow quirked bemusedly, crossing your arms. "But this is a surprise."
"Sorry, I must've forgotten to mention it." Loki grinned at you. "Can we come in?"
You stepped aside, beckoning the brothers through the door and into your home. You shot Loki a pointed look as he entered, prompting him to roll his eyes and, begrudgingly, remove his shoes and place them neatly by the door. In the interest of remaining polite, Thor followed suit.
"I take it this is not a social visit?" You asked, leading them into your kitchen.
The kitchen, Thor noticed, was nice. Homely. Small, but still, homely. The stone floor was cool under his socked feet, although his left being slightly warmer than the right led him to suspect your floor was central-heated, and the aga opposite him would probably heat the entire house. The beams supporting the ceiling were low enough that he'd hit his head twice, although he had noticed Loki had ducked, his posture automatically slouched so as to avoid collision.
Loki had clearly spent a lot of time in this house, in this kitchen.
You hopped up onto the counter, crossing your legs at the knee.
"Perceptive as ever, I see." Loki chuckled. "Although, my manners seem to have momentarily lost me. Y/N, this is my brother, Thor. Thor, this is Y/N Hudson. She's.... She's a friend of mine."
Thor did not miss the curious glance you shot at his brother.
"As delighted as I am to see you, Loki," You rolled your eyes. "What do you want?"
"It would seem that my dear brother has managed to lose our father." Thor glared at the dark haired man.
"I would dearly love to know how exactly one goes about losing one's father." Your lips quirked into an amused smile.
"And you're the only living being on this dull little planet who's capable of finding him." Loki ignored your attempt at riling him, catching your gaze.
"I don't understand." Thor furrowed his brow. "What are you, a witch? Do you have some sort of tracking abilities?"
"No, she's just very intelligent." Loki corrected. "Would you give Y/N and I a moment alone, brother mine?"
Thor nodded gruffly, watching you hop off the counter and walk out of the kitchen, into the room he'd first seen through the window.
He did not miss how his brother bit his lip as he looked you up and down.
Your front room was Loki's favourite place on Midgard.
It might even be his favourite place in the nine realms.
It had quickly become his bolt-hole, his safe place. It was the first place he'd ever been shown true kindness, where you'd brought him after you found him in a back alley, dying and alone. It was where you'd laid him on the sofa, where he'd been tucked under a blanket for the first time, where he'd drunk his first ever cup of midgardian tea. It was where you'd allowed him, a complete stranger, to rest and heal.
It was where he'd returned to pester this annoying, intriguing little human being, a process within which he discovered you were possibly less annoying and entirely more intriguing than he'd initially assumed.
He trailed his fingers across the back of your sofa absent mindedly, staring at the rings on your coffee table. You had a habit of leaving half-drunk, cold cups of coffee on this table - hence, the rings - something that irked him to no end.
The long hairs on the cushion caught his eye, and he wondered where the furry little beast might be hiding. Your cat, Kenneth, did not like Loki, a sentiment he wholeheartedly reciprocated. If you weren't so fond of it, he would more than happily fling the little monster into some unreachable pocket of a distant dimension.
His eyes reached where you'd perched on the arm of your armchair, one leg stretched out in front of you. He allowed his gaze to lazily climb the length of your body, taking all of you in.
Gods, did he love your legs.
"I've missed you, darling." He grinned up at you.
"I've not seen you for two weeks, Loki." Your voice was slow, deliberate. "And you come to me now, because you need me?"
He bit his lip, you had him there. He never was quite sure how to gauge your emotions, never sure how you’d react. Everything you did was carefully considered.
Even after all this time with you, you were still something of an enigma to him. It was one of the things that had initially drawn him to you, one of the things that he loved about you.
"On the contrary, my sweet." His voice had dropped, so much so that he was almost purring. "I always need you."
"Don't you try to charm me, silvertongue." You raised one finger in front of you, pointing it at him; a warning.
"Is it working?" He raised one eyebrow at you as he spoke.
"I'll let you know." You grumbled.
A soft chuckle left his lips, crossing the distance between you in two strides, dropping to his knees before your outstretched legs. He glanced up at you inquisitively, a massive grin stretching across his face at your nod of confirmation.
Gently, he lifted his hands up so his fingertips pressed at your stomach, at the little gap of skin between the bottom of your jumper and the waistband of your jeans. His fingers slid gently under your jumper, taking the woolen garment with it until his palms were flat against your stomach.
"Hey, little one." He cooed. "I can't believe how tiny you are. I can barely see you."
You laughed quietly, bringing your hand down to rest on top of his much larger one. He kissed the soft skin of your slightly swollen belly, and the intimacy of the small gesture made your heart swell with love and affection for both him and the child growing inside you.
"I wonder if they'll be blue." You mused, running your fingers through the ends of his hair.
"Why, in the name of all things unholy," He looked up from his ministrations. "Would it be blue?"
"Because, you're, well, you know..." You waved your hands expressively. "Nevermind. I had a scan a few days ago, do you want to see?"
You fished in your back pocket, pulling out a small folded piece of paper.
Desperation was not something Thor was used to.
However, in that moment, it was exactly what he as feeling.
He'd crossed his legs, he'd shifted his weight from leg to leg uncomfortably. But however hard he tried, he just could not shift the feeling. He needed to go to the toilet, and he needed to go to the toilet badly.
As the age-old saying went, when you gotta go, you gotta go.
He'd uncomfortably wandered towards where he'd seen you and his brother wander off to.
What he was not expecting to see, was Loki knelt between your legs.
His hands flew up to his face, shielding his view. He'd seen this before, and it scarred him for life.
What even had he seen? 
His brother, kneeling between the legs of a mortal woman. Your jeans, he noted, were entirely done up.
Loki was kissing your stomach, caressing it, a dark piece of paper clutched in his other hand.
"Your daddy loves you so, so much," His brother had whispered to your stomach. "But don't give your mummy too much grief, ok?"
Words escaped Thor.
This woman Loki had brought him to, was pregnant. With Loki's child.
He cleared his throat, startling both you and his brother. Loki scrambled to his feet, anxious about being caught in such an intimate moment with you.
"I needed the toilet." Thor's voice came out in a much higher pitch than his intention.
"On your left."  Loki's voice was barely a croak, his voice hoarse.
"I'm okay," His voice came out in a more nervous way than he was expecting. "Congratulations are in order, I think?"
"Yes." Loki's voice was gruff, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Thank you, brother."
"Thank you, Thor." You smiled warmly at the god.
"Anyway," Loki was evidently in a hurry to change the subject. "Do you know where the Allfather is?"
"He's in Norway. That's all I know. He's hidden himself well." You rubbed your chin thoughtfully. "But I do know a man who might be able to tell you more."
Loki's lips curled into a satisfied grin.
Thor's state of confusion remained long after they left your house. He was, as the mortals would say, totally gobsmacked.
Unable to provide the location of Odin, you'd handed Loki a neatly folded piece of paper. As far as Thor knew, his brother had not yet opened it.
Loki had kissed you passionately before he left, an uncharacteristic display of affection and one that made Thor deeply uncomfortable. He'd cleared his throat in a pitiful attempt to stifle a laugh, met only by his brother's middle finger in his face.
He glanced at his brother as they walked. He'd not said a word since they’d left, but his hair was mussed from your fingers and his cheeks flushed from your embrace.
“I’m shocked.” He mused. “A woman - an attractive woman - likes you.”
“Harsh.” Loki frowned. “And she didn’t, at first. Like me, that is.”
“Smart woman.” He chuckled, eliciting a punch from the taller of the two.
In his many, many years of existence, he would never have guessed that Loki would be the first of the two of them to become a dad. He never would’ve even imagined his brother as a father in his wildest dreams.
In all honesty, he had never imagined a woman taking Loki as her lover.
He shuddered at the mental image. Yeugh.
“Congratulations, I guess.” A sudden fondness overwhelmed him. “Dad.”
“They are everything to me.” Loki’s voice was clear, concise in a way he had never before heard from his mischievous brother - he was, after all, the God of Lies. “I would gladly give my life to save theirs. I’d give yours, for that matter.”
“Your sentiment is touching.” He grunted. “Anyway, where are we even going, brother?”
He turned to his suit-clad little brother, watching him withdraw the piece of folded paper from his pocket. He unfolded it carefully, revealing your delicate, printed writing.
S. Holmes
221B, Baker Street, London.
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rottengalzsworld · 5 years
I'm Lost Without You.
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"I'm sorry.." "Let's end this.."
I wonder when it started. When did we lost our spark? When did our relationship fell apart? When did we fall out of love? Or rather.. where did his love go?
We're childhood friends. We have been neighbors for who knows how long. My parents and his are the best of friends. Like literally. Both my mom and dad and his. They even want us to get married if only one of us is a girl. We couldn't careless over such things since we were still kids that time. I remember he always comes over to play everyday. Laughing, Sleeping, Eating.. we did that together. We went on the same elementary he was my saviour when I'm being bullied. At the same time I was his teacher and I taught him everything about academics.
High school started we went on the same school. Again. Same grade, Same section, and year. Since were always together our classmates teases us as husband and wife. It didn't seem to bother him so I just went on with it too. I forgot this is also the stage where we get curious about almost everything. Sexuality. Relationship. Love. Pleasure. One day while walking home after school he told me he wanna come over. I said "Yeah. Sure." I wasn't thinking of anything else since I'm use to him being always in our house. We went inside. No one's home. "Go on to my room first. I'll get us some snacks and drinks" I said. He nodded and went ahead. I brought some cookies and juice. As I went inside my room he's lying on my bed. Faced down. "Hey. I brought some cookies" he gave me a moan as an answer. I sat down on the floor and leaned my back against my bed. He suddenly got up took his bag and started rummaging inside. "Ah! Found it!" He took out a somewhat called a dvd. "DOJUN! let's watch this!" He showed me what that dvd was about and to my surprise.. It was an adult dvd. "Wha-- where did you even get that?!" I asked embarrassingly. He smiled at me "Hehehe.. I saw this from my father's closet and I figured we should watch it together! Hihihi" he immediately put the dvd on and I had no choice but to watch it with him. Then like any other guy in puberty we reacted naturally. We weren't talking nor even glancing at each other. Too embarrassed of the situation. Haaah.. seriously.. why did we end up like this? I glanced at him and his all red and sweaty. His face screams pain. He's covering his crotch. 'Hehehe.. how cute' I thought to myself. "Could you quit staring at me? I'm getting uncomfortable" he's blushing so hard.. 'cute.. cute.. cute..' This side of him makes me wanna tease him more. And so I did. I slowly touched his arms. He shivered. "Wha- what the hell dojun!" He said while still blushing.. "What? You look like your in pain.. just wanna help you out." I said.. aah. He's so cute when he's embarrassed. "S-stop it.." he said.. ugh! I held both of his hands up. Went in front of him.. kissed him while un-buckling his pants. I don't know what came over me. But I can't stop myself. He was.. He kept on saying no.. but why do I feel like he doesn't mean it? I looked at him and stared.. "wh-what?" He asked nervously. "Heesoo.." I called out his name.. with a tone of hunger. I want him. What? Why? Why do I want him? He chuckled looked back at me and said "we've already gone this far.. don't leave me hanging now." After that I kissed him passionately.. started jerking both of our thing. Up and down. Twists and turns. Until we both came.
I kept on apologizing.. but he said it was okay and that he didn't hated it. But it didn't just end there. It happened multiple more times. It became a routine. Every time he comes over. We do it. I realized my true feelings for him when were talking about what we wanted to be in the future and what school were going to. When he said he wants to go to another state for college.. it pierced me. Thinking that I'm not gonna able to see him everyday.. kills me. And so our graduation came. I confessed my feelings. I told him that wherever he goes.. I'll go and that I like him.. more than just a friend. He was shocked. I expected as much. But he answered my feelings right then and there. "I thought I will never hear that from you" he smiled and hugged me. Not long after our parents knew about our relationship and they're all supportive.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. We graduated college and again together. After graduation we bought our own apartment and lived there. We both work and have separate but not so much different schedules. We see each other every weekends. Spend it like any other couple. After a year I was promoted as an executive. We celebrated it but things go downhill for the two of us after this. Higher rank means more work load. I come home late. Wake up early or sometimes too late. We see each other once per week or sometimes we don't. We haven't spent time with each other. And I think that's one of the reason why something changed. It was the night of our anniversary and I did whatever it takes to come home early. I brought flowers and his favorite sweets. As I arrived I saw his shoes. "He's here" I smiled and I looked at the time. I made it. "Heesoo? I'm ho-me.." I saw bags at the side of the entrance. What? Did someone came over? He was sitting on the couch. "Heesoo?" He stood up and came to me. Then I heard the words I have been wishing and hoping to never hear my entire life.
His head's down "I'm sorry.." his voice is shaking "L-let's end this.." That time my chest started burning. My back aches. My knees are losing strength. I'm getting lightheaded. I can't say anything. My voice won't come out. "Nothings wrong with you.. You.. did nothing wrong. It's.. it's me.." he said while still looking down. I wanna say something but my voice just won't come out. I want to ask him why? what's wrong? But none of those were heard. I was staring at him. Surprised. Hurt. Confused. "I'm going." He walked pass me. I can't move. My chest hurts. I can't breathe. He left. He really left. I don't understand what just happened. I can't process everything. I sat down and held my head. Trying to calm down and think. My heart beats so fast I can hear it. My vision is blurry. Tears started flowing.
2 weeks passed and I haven't heard anything from him. I tried calling his number but his phone's off. Messaging him but no reply. I've asked his mom where he could possibly be but she said she have no idea. Even his friends doesn't know where he is. Heesoo. Please. Come back to me.
6 months later.. I'm still working at the same company. And a horrible news came to me. Heesoo's mom called and told me that she know's where his son is. She said that heesoo is moving to another country. My heart is beating so fast. It's burning. My chest. The same sensation I had that day. She said that heesoo will be moving to America but she doesn't know where and that he's leaving today. I ran fast to my car. Drove to the airport. Ran inside. Looking for him. I'm out of breath but I didn't stop. Then I saw him. "HEESOO!" I shouted. He looked back to see where that voice came from. He saw me. I ran to him. "Dojun! What the hell are you doing here?!" I hugged him. Oh god. Thank you. I miss him so much. "Heesoo.. why are you leaving? Do you hate me that much?" I asked him tearfully. "No. Dojun. I don't hate you." He said. "Then why? Why are leaving? That time too. I'm sorry about everything. I promise.. I promise I'll make it up to you.. just.. just don't leave me.."
"I'm sorry.. but I can't" he said. "I have to do this dojun. We've always been together.. always behind each other's backs and coz of that I.. I grew to not live by myself anymore. And so when you got promoted and come home late I felt so lonely I could die." But isn't that a good thing? Atleast I know you can't live without me.
"I know what your thinking. It isn't a good thing dojun. I don't wanna be a hindrance for your growth.. your success.. specially.. I don't want to be a burden." What? What's he saying?
"Heesoo. You know your no--" I tried to say something but he cut me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! Dojun.. this is not just a simple thing. I have to do this not just for me but for us. I don't want us to end up like my parents.." his parents?
"My dad can't live without my mom.. he became too clingy.. at first my mom finds it cute but as time goes it became troublesome. My dad gets jealous easily. Thinking every guy my mom talks to is her lover. I'm slowly being like that.. and I don't like it dojun!" He's starting to cry.. this is the first time I'm hearing this.. "I don't want our relationship to be like that.. That's why I ended it. After fixing myself I'm thinking of coming back to you. I know it's selfish. But for us to have a happily ever after.. I will do everything." Heesoo.. so he broke up with me because he wants to save.. us?
"I want to create a brand new story with you. Start a new relationship that'll last forever and for that to happen.. I have to reconstruct myself... *cries*" he caressed my face..
"I want to be a man that deserves to stand beside you.."
I'm horrible.. I made the person I love cry.
"Will you be able to wait for me?" He asked.. full of hope I'd say yes..
"Heesoo.." I took his hand off my face and held it.. then put it on my chest..
"Your the reason why this is still beating.. my heart will solely forever be yours." I said. My tears fell. One by one.
"I will wait for you.. no matter how long it takes. Just promise me you'll come back."
"I will. I promise. My love."
I kissed him. Hugged him. One last time.
I don't know how long it will take him. But that doesn't bother me. Coz I know he'll be back. Back to my arms.
As I stand here.. watching you go. Staring at your back walking further and further away.. Slowly being engulfed by the crowd of passengers. The burning in my chest fades away. It still stings but I know that this pain will turn into happiness. I just have to wait.
Heesoo.. The love of my life. My one and only. I'll always be here waiting for you. I love you.
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lil-papaya-tifosi · 6 years
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A/N: Dezzy: Hey everyone! We're back with another OS! Technically, according to the request, it is a kind of part 2 of Nice Boys, similar scenario but with Tae and Kookie. This is actually the first thing on here that Sunnie and I have written together, so we're really excited to share it with you. Little mix up when it was posted, but it should be all fixed now. We hope you like it!
Sunnie: Hey Everybody, we're finally uploading this little baby. I must say we had a lot of fun writing this so I really hope you'll love it as much as you loved Nice Boys. This OS was born from an Request so thanks to @pillowiestar for requesting it. Dezzy pretty much explained everything so the only thing I can add from my side is that I also hope you'll like it. And thanks for reading it.
Word Count: 7,568
Warnings: Sub/Dom themes, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, squirting, face riding, lotsa dirty talk, slight impreg kink at the end, bondage, dp, threesome
Summary: When your neighbors get too rowdy late at night you decide to go over to teach them a lesson, but it seems that they don't want to play games anymore.
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You bury your head under your pillow again as your neighbors let out the next cry of victory. Rather, it was Taehyung's shout of joy while Jungkook complained loudly about the lost round. This has been going on for 2 hours now. You could always say exactly when a round was finished because of the volume penetrating to you and because of the thin new building walls you could also say with 95% accuracy who had won. Frustrated you rub your temples and crawl completely under your blanket. The two young men had been living next to you for 2 years. In the beginning they had also been quite nice, but that had changed quite a bit over time. They hadn't necessarily become more unfriendly, because you could still see them hauling the old lady's shopping around on floor 6, but they had become much more ruthless towards your sleep rhythm. The fact that you involuntarily witnessed their extended gaming nights made your opinion of them a little worse. You were slowly getting the impression that the two of them were really doing nothing but spending all their time gaming. Very rarely did you see them outside their apartment. The only evidence that they were still alive was the daily ringing delivery service and the nightly noise nuisance. With a unnerved groan you flip your blanket back and crawl out of your bed again to give yet another warning to your neighbours. It rarely helped and usually only for a short time, but it was definitely better than nothing. So perhaps you were granted a few hours of sleep. Besides, hope dies last, as you know. You simply leave your door open as you shuffle to the neighbouring door and let out your accumulated frustration at the innocent apartment door. It took a moment until someone finally opens the door for you, before you turned it into firewood. A young man with messy grey hair appears in the door frame. Taehyung. >>What gives us the honour at such a late hour? << he asks and gives you one of his boxy smiles, which he almost always seemed to wear on his lips. >>Your less well-off and atrophied brain cells, your apparent deafness and the obvious inability to read the clock give you the honor. Hard to believe, but there are actually people who can't sleep late tomorrow morning, but have to get out relatively early. It really can't be that hard to be a little considerate, can it? << you snap at him and pull up an eyebrow accusingly. Your counterpart looks at you a little surprised. >>What is it? You can be loud otherwise? Have you suddenly lost your voice? << you mock while you cross your arms in front of your chest.
>>Want me to repeat it very slowly? Or do you prefer to have it spelled right away? Would it be more understandable then? << you poke a little farther when you hear a snort from behind the young Korean. Not a second later his roommate appears behind him. Jungkook was the younger of the two, that's how much you had picked up at some point. >>Where is the problem again? << he asks and reaps another incredulous snort from you as he peers over Taehyung's shoulder. Just as you're about to answer, the gray-haired one seems to have found his voice again. >>We are too loud for her. << he said slightly dramatically, which only made you feel more angry. >>Once again. << Jungkook noticed with a crooked grin and shrugged his shoulders. Outraged you gasp for air. >>The 'once again' should definitely make you think by now. Also this should be the last time I have to come over to complain. Next time I'll initiate further steps. I am so sick of it. Contrary to yours, my synapses don't wither through looking at the constantly flickering screens. Apart from that, I can give you another helpful advice: << you say and glare angrily at the two young men. >>Have you ever heard of hearing aids? They are small inconspicuous things that you put in your ear and they are not so expensive. Then you don't have to yell at each other like that to communicate with each other. Maybe you should seriously consider a purchase. << With that you turn around, go back to your apartment and slam the door behind you into the lock. Now that you've been able to vent your anger, it's slowly being overshadowed again by the re-emerging fatigue. You yawn heartily and shuffle back to your bed. When you get there, you fall face first back into the soft pillows. Fortunately, it doesn't take long until you finally fall asleep without a new disturbance.
The next days passed surprisingly without further significant disturbances. Not that you would complain about this development in any way. One evening you had to knock against the wall to put an end to the reappearing volume, but this action was crowned with success, because it had led to the desired silence without resistance.From time to time you've even seen your annoying neighbours outside their gamer's den. This gave rise to some hope that they would do something about the degeneration of their brain cells or at least try to prevent further damage.You, on the other hand, spent the rest of your time learning. The finals were just a few days away and you weren't ready to beat them up just because of the constant noise pollution. Meanwhile there were only two days left until the finals, after that you had finished this semester successfully. Inside you hadn't completely given up hope that the two young men were also distracted by their finals and therefore refrained from screaming at night.
A glance at the clock tells you that it was already 1am. Sighing, you get up from your place at your desk, which had served you as a sleeping place during the last nights, sometimes even involuntarily, and you stagger, rubbing your throbbing temples, towards your bed. Once there, you drop on the mattress with a tired groan and want to make yourself comfortable between your pillows when all your hopes for another quiet night have been dashed. Again. Sometimes you regret moving into this apartment. Since the entire residential complex was a new building, apparently not much value had been placed on thick walls. Unfortunately, this apartment was one of the few affordable ones for your budget. So you had no choice but to complain for the second time this week.
You're exhaling a completely unnerved sound, you get back on your feet and almost storm out of your apartment. Because of your persistent headache, you had even less patience for the two of them. You press the little bell button extremely vigorously while leaving out any accumulated frustration at the innocent door. >>Is someone finally going to open the door? I know you're there. After all, you can’t be overheard. << you grumble at the door. The next blow, which had actually been very unerringly aimed at the door, hit Jungkook's chest with full force when he suddenly opens the door. >>Ouch...<< he sulks at you and rubs the sore spot. >>Stop complaining. That's nothing compared to your noise nuisance. << you hiss and push yourself effortlessly past him, taking advantage of the fact that you took him completely by surprise. He needed a moment to realize that you had just pushed yourself into the apartment. >>Hey, what is this now? You can't just walk in here as you like. That's trespassing. << His statement only elicits an angry snort. >>You just witnessed how I can. Also what you do is noise nuissance, which is by the way not better at all. What do you want to do now? Pull me out by my hair again? << you ask provocatively as you make your way to the living room. Fortunately, this apartment was built just like yours, so you have no problems finding it.
>>Now you've definitely gone too far. A little rest is really not too much to ask for, is it? Just a little bit of silence... << In the living room you finally find a Taehyung who is also surprised. He is sitting cross-legged on the sofa and looks at you with big eyes while the gamepad seems frozen in his hands. Jungkook had stopped in the door frame, probably to block your escape route. However, this one was just of the slightest interest to you. You're looking for something else. Both men were once again dressed in loose sweaters and sweatpants. That's what happened when you had the number of the delivery service on speed dial. Other sports than gaming were probably not considered by either of the two young Koreans. It was a shame, actually, if you thought about it more carefully, because they have pretty faces.
You need a second to find what you were looking for. When you found it, a gloating smile creeps on your lips. You reach behind the TV and pull out all the plugs from the power strip behind it. With the connector strip in your hand, you turn around to the two men again. >>I will take my finals in two days. No, it’s already tomorrow. For days I have been doing nothing besides learning. From morning to evening. As soon as I come home from university, I sit down at my desk and learn. All I need to get some rest in between is my fucking sleep, which I can't get because you two totally ruthless idiots just won't let me. << Angry you look at your neighbors. Taehyung had meanwhile placed the gamepad next to him and was now sitting on the sofa in front of you with slightly spread legs. Jungkook had leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed in front of his chest and looked at you blank. Their much too relaxed reactions only made you more furious, which is why you almost screamed the next words. >>Silence! That’s all I demand. I’m not askng for more. Just a little bit of silence! What is so difficult to understand about it? << The question hangs in the room for a moment. You look back and forth between the two men while your fingers tightly enclose the connector strip.
Before you talk any further, you take a deep breath to stop yelling. >>That's why I'm taking this with me now. So that I get at least a little of the peace and quiet that you ruthless Neanderthals deny me. << frustration follows rage afterwards, which is why you don't even notice how your voice moderates again and now sounds less angry, but completely frustrated and overworked. >>You can pick them up after I’m done with my finals. I just have an immense headache and wish for nothing more than a little sleep before I go on learning. If you would do anything else sometime except sit on the sofa all day and play video games, you might understand. Or maybe you are looking for another hobby or directly a girlfriend. << You can see Jungkook raising an eyebrow slightly mockingly and Taehyung's corners of his mouth curling slightly upwards as you continue speaking. >>A little of dick wetting can do wonders against accumulated frustration. In those two years, the only women I've ever seen here were your mothers. And that's a pretty devastating balance. << Now Taehyung has raised both eyebrows and looks at you amused. But you don't let yourself be distracted anymore and just keep talking. >>But a little advice. Women can only be found out there. They don't come flown into virgin caves on their own to guys who don't even know how to operate a stove, let alone hide under tent sized clothes instead of doing something for themselves. << Innocently you shrug your shoulders. The two men don't look at you anymore, but look at each other, pregnant with meaning, which you can't interpret. >>Good night to you then. << you say briefly tied up and want to leave the living room. But Jungkook didn't move an inch.
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"Get out of my way, kid." You grumble, pushing against his chest with your hand, and his torso feels unexpectedly built under your fingertips. He only smirks in response, still not budging. "You really think you can trespass on our property, steal our stuff, and we'd actually let you leave with it?" He chuckles. You feel a presence behind you, and suddenly the strip in your grasp is snatched away, Taehyung proudly waving it around before putting it back in it's rightful place.
"I think all that studying must've gotten to her head, Kookie. She's not thinking properly." Taehyung calls back as he plugs everything back in. "I think you're right. You said you had a headache too, Y/N? Well, as a medical student I know one thing that could get rid of that for you." Jungkook smiles, lifting his hand to cup your cheek, but you smack it away. "Medical student my ass. You never step foot out of this flat, I highly doubt you even attend classes." You scoff, crossing your arms. "He's right though. He's a med student and I'm an educational student. He's gonna be a doctor and I'll be a teacher." Taehyung chimes in, drawing your attention to him.
You laugh loudly, both of them cocking their eyebrows at you. "There is no way that your lack of braincells could handle all of that. Being a doctor and a teacher require hours of studying, which you two clearly don't do since all I hear through these thin walls is you screaming over your stupid games." You smile, still calming down from your laughing fit. "You know, it's really rude to barge in and ridicule us on our passions." Taehyung pouts. "And do you really think we don't get girls?" Jungkook asks, and you nod in response. "I never see any girls come in or out of that door." You reason, and they both laugh. "We don't bring them over here, we go to their place, because we know how thin these walls are thanks to your late night self love sessions." Your smile drops, Taehyung's words sending a chill down your spine. They've heard you? They know what you do on lonely, drunk nights?
"I have to say, your sounds are so sweet, we've been dying to hear them ourselves, calling out our names instead of 'Matt Bomer! Oh my god, Matt'!" He mimics your sounds of pleasure, making your cheeks heat up. "Also, he's gay, you know that, right sweetheart?" Jungkook asks. "That's not the point! He's still a lot hotter than you two ever could be even if you did work out and all that kind of stuff!" You cry, completely flustered. "Whatever you say, darling. The point I'm making is that we're not the losers you think we are and we'd appreciate it if you could keep all of your snide comments and rude remarks to yourself from now on, or we're gonna have to teach you a lesson." Taehyung smirks, throwing his arm around Jungkook's shoulders.
"Teach me a lesson? Really? Don't use that teacher bullshit on me. You guys are a fucking joke. Please move so I can go home and maybe get a few hours of rest?" You ask, stepping up to them, but they stay motionless. "That's actually gonna be a no go, sweetheart." Jungkook says, stepping forward and taking your chin between his fingers, tilting it up so you look him in the eyes. You don't know why, but it's like his presence, the close proximity to him, his actions, everything about this moment has your confidence from before draining out of your body. "I think you need to be a little nicer to us. You said a lot of things about us that are wrong. Why don't we prove her wrong, Tae?" Jungkook asks, looking back at the older male.
The two look at you, their eyes dark, a tint of something almost animalistic, as if they were hungry lions and you were just a small antelope with no chance of surviving. "I think that's a great idea." Taehyung nods in agreement. "What should we prove wrong first? She said we're deaf, we're virgins, we're stupid, out of shape, the list goes on." He rambles. "Maybe we should prove how in shape we are first. What do you say, baby?" Jungkook suggests, grabbing your hand. He guides it under his shirt, your fingers gliding over his hot skin, and to your surprise, it's fairly tough, your hand gliding over the small ridges of his abs, a small gasp escaping his lips as he closes his eyes at the sensation. You bite your lip, embarrassed at how weak you're getting. You always figured they were out of shape, maybe even a bit chunky since all they wore were baggy clothes, but now that you're feeling it for yourself, you desperately wish to see it.
You don't even realize that he's pulled his hand away, your hand still running over his skin, until both of his hands are rested on your hips. He steps a bit closer, walking you backwards a bit until your back hits something warm, another set of arms wrapping around you. Taehyung pulls you close to him, leaning forward, his hot breath fanning over your shoulder. You're so confused by this turn of events that you open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. "What is it, Y/N?" Taehyung whispers, his lips ghosting over your skin. "Have you suddenly lost your voice?" He smirks before he kisses your neck. You haven't felt this in a long time, and even though it's your annoying neighbor doing it, you can't help but enjoy it, your eyes closing as your head tilts to the side, giving him more access.
As you relish in the feeling of Taehyung's lips, your breath is taken away by Jungkook's lips crashing onto yours, swallowing your gasp of surprise. You close your eyes, moving to wrap your arms around his neck, giving into them completely. Taehyung's hands move up your torso, cupping your breasts, your back arching involentarily, making your ass press against him. He growls into your skin, teeth grazing against you, which makes you moan into Jungkook's mouth. You haven't been touched like this in so long, it's embarrassing how wet you are already. Taehyung fondles your breasts as Jungkook takes your bottom lip between his teeth, your mouth opening for him.
Jungkook groans as your fingers tangle is his hair, Taehyung grinding against you, and you feel him growing hard against you, Jungkook's own hard on pressing against your thigh. Is this really happening? All you wanted was some decent sleep, yet here you are, sandwiched between your noisy neighbors, letting them ravish you. You definitely weren't expecting this, but you aren't complaining. In fact, you pout when Jungkook pulls away from you, smirking. "I think she's enjoying it, Tae." He says breathily, the older male humming against your neck. "Her cheeks are so pink, it's adorable." He smiles, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek, feeling the warmth radiating from it. "I bet she's wet too. Isn't that right, baby? Mind if I feel?" He tilts his head, and you only whimper in response. "I need a straightforward answer, Y/N. Use your words. Yes or no." He says. "Y-Yes. P-Please." You stutter, much to his amusement. "Good girl."
Jungkook's hand slides lower on your body, cupping your heat through your pajama shorts. As you moan softly, Taehyung decides to try and steal your attention, sucking on your neck harshly, and you're sure it's gonna leave a mark. You don't know who to focus on, but Jungkook makes the decision for you, his hand dipping under your waistband, the feeling of his bare fingers tracing over your slit has you bucking your hips. "Holy crap, how are you this wet already? All we've done is kiss you." He chuckles, truly astonished. "Tae, you gotta feel this."
You whimper as Jungkook's hand leaves you, but it's quickly replaced by Taehyung's, who hums against your neck. "Fuck, such a good girl, so wet for us. What is it, have you actually thought about this happening? Have we ever been on your mind when you played with yourself? I'm not gonna lie, we've thought about you. I know I walked in on Kookie moaning your name while he stroked himself. I think it was one of those nights you were screaming. Isn't that right, Jungkook?" Taehyung's deep voice rings through your ears, his finger tracing large, slow circles around your sensitive bud. You look at Jungkook through hooded lids expectantly. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I couldn't help myself. Your moans just sounded too good, I had to picture that it was me helping you, me making you scream." Jungkook admits, his confession driving you crazy. How many times has he thought of you while rubbing one out? How many times had Taehyung? If you could, would you have come over sooner, making your dirtiest secret a reality?
You've thought about it sure, once or twice, regretfully. You couldn't help it. But to know that they've thought about it to, getting off to the thought of you, it drives you absolutely insane. You push back against Taehyung, grinding on him as your hand traces down, palming Jungkook through his baggy sweatpants, the sweetest, softest sound falling from their lips. "Dirty girl. You wanna touch us? You feel the problem you caused us? I think it's your responsibility to take care of them." Taehyung growls, taking his hand out of your panties and holding it in front of your face. "Open up, sweetheart." He whispers, and you do as he says, opening your mouth for him. He pops his finger into your mouth, your lips wrapping around the digit and your tongue swirling around it, tasting yourself. He moans, Jungkook leaning forward to place soft kisses in your shoulder. "Why don't you put that slutty little mouth of yours to good use, darling? I think it'd do a lot better wrapped around our cocks than talking shit about us." Taehyung chuckles.
The three of you round the couch, the boys sitting down on the couch, looking up at you expectantly as you standing before them. "Well, what are you waiting for, baby? Be a good girl for us and get on your knees." Jungkook smirks cockily at you, sending your heart aflutter. You do as he says, dropping to your knees and kneeling on the ground in front of them. As your eyes scan over the tents in their sweatpants you lick your lips, eager to get to work. You move closer, your hands reaching out to palm both of them through the fabric, a simultaneous moan sending another wave of need through you. They shift, pulling their pants down enough for their cocks to spring out, and your breath is taken away. Taehyung's is longer and thicker, but Jungkook's is pretty with a nice little curve to it. You desperately want them in you, but you know you have to give them something first.
You spit into your hand, their eyes widening at the lewd action, before you bring your hand to Taehyung's length, a deep sigh spilling from his soft lips as you wrap your hand around him, pumping him slowly as you grab hold of Jungkook's. As you get closer to him, his breath starts quickening, the excitement of finally being able to see your pretty lips around him making him slightly nervous. Your tongue pokes out, flicking over his tip as you make eye contact with him, a shiver running through his body. Inch by inch you take him into your mouth, bobbing on him while continuing to pump Taehyung, whose long fingers are tangling in your hair, guiding you on Jungkook's cock. When he hits the back of your throat you gag, a loud moan ringing out from him as your throat contracts around him. You suck it up, tears filling your eyes as you continue to take him in as much as you can, wanting to hear as many of his moans as you can. "Y/N, fuck. Tae, I'm not gonna last long." Jungkook whimpers, his hips moving instinctively as he slowly thrusts into your mouth.
"It's okay, Kookie. Are you getting close? You wanna cum?" Taehyung cooes, brushing Jungkook's hair out of his face. "Y-Yes. Oh fuck. Baby, keep going like that, please." Jungkook begs you, and you happily comply, even picking up the pace. You moan around him, his thighs shaking under your grasp. At this point you've kind of forgotten about pumping Taehyung, knowing you'll make it up to him, but you're too focused on how fucked out Jungkook looks already. His head leaning against the back of the couch, lips parted, eyes shut tight, face flushed, and knuckles turning white as he grips the edge of the couch.
A string of incomprehensible sounds tumbles from his mouth along with loud whines and moans. "Y/N, baby, oh god." He whimpers, his legs trembling. You swirl your tongue around him, your drool spilling from your mouth, lewd slurping sounds echoing off the walls, but you don't care. The only thing you care about in this moment is driving him over the edge, and with one more flick of your tongue, that's exactly what you do, his salty cum filling your mouth, and you swallow every drop.
"What a good girl. I think she deserves a reward, don't you think, Kookie?" Taehyung asks, brushing your hair out of your face. Jungkook nods, his face still flushed. "Why don't you get on the floor, Jungkook, and lay down. Sweetheart, your knees might hurt a bit, but I promise we'll make it up to you." Taehyung orders, Jungkook laying down on the plush carpet. "Now Y/N, stand up for a moment." He says, standing up. You rise to meet him, anxious to find out what he's going to command next. The way he's taking control over the situation, even telling Jungkook what to do, has you dripping. His fingers grip the hem of your shirt, peeling it off your body, next off is your bra, his eyes lingering over your bare breasts before kneeling before you, his skin fingers hooking into the waistband of your shorts and panties. He kisses your stomach as he slides the material down your legs, letting them pool onto the floor as he admires you.
You start to feel nervous under their gaze, rocking on your heels anxiously. "Fuck, you're more beautiful than I dreamed. I can't wait until we make you ours. But first-" Taehyung says, standing up. His large hand reaches around your body, gripping the supple flesh of your ass. His thumb runs over your soft lips, his tongue running over his own. "I wanna feel what Jungkook felt. I wanna know how good your slutty mouth is for myself. Now, kneel above Jungkook's face and open your mouth for Daddy. Understand?" He whispers, the nickname making you shudder. You nod, but that doesn't seem to be enough for him. "Say it, sweetheart. Use your words." He cooes, a soft whimper coming from Jungkook on the floor. "Yes, Daddy." You nod, a low groan coming from his throat. "Good girl. Now get on your knees for us."
You comply, standing over Jungkook and sinking to your knees, his hands rubbing your thighs soothingly. Taehyung stands in front of you, and you realize why he chose to do this. With Jungkook on the floor beneath you and Taehyung standing in front of you, if you sit up straight your face is level with Taehyung's cock. You gasp as you feel cool air blown onto your core, gripping onto Taehyung's thighs for support as your legs shake. "So sensitive. Tell us, baby, when's the last time someone else touched you." Jungkook says, his finger tracing over your slit as he watches it glisten with your slick. "Uh, I think, I think it was my l-last boyfriend, Hoseok." You stutter, trying really hard to remember. "And how long ago was that?" "Maybe four months ago?" You recall the last time you slept with him, the night you broke up. "That's too long, baby. You should've come to us sooner. We would've gladly helped you out. I promise we're gonna treat you right. Plus, we're gonna make sure your perception of us changes." Jungkook says.
With that last thought, Jungkook wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you down onto his mouth as he flattens his tongue onto you, licking up your slit. "Oh fuck." You whine, gripping onto Taehyung's sweatpants. "Come on, sweetheart, open up for me." He cooes, holding his throbbing cock in his hand. As Jungkook's tongue dips past your folds, flicking against your clit, your thighs tremble in his grasp as your mouth hangs open, Taehyung taking the opportunity to slide into your mouth, your moan sending a vibration through him. "Jesus fuck, sweetheart. No wonder Kookie came so fast." He groans. "Just keep your mouth open for me. You don't need to do anything. Just let me fuck your mouth while Jungkook tongue fucks you." You hum in approval around him as his hips move slowly, thrusting himself deeper into your mouth.
Jungkook's mouth works on you, alternating between sucking on your clit and burying his tongue into your hole, the wet muscle wiggling around and making you moan around Taehyung's cock. Taehyung holds your hair, keeping you in place as he fucks himself into your mouth, groaning deeply each time he goes too far, making you gag around him. Your hips move against Jungkook, his nose nudging against your bud each time you grind against him, sending a new wave of pleasure through you. You're embarrassed at how close you are to cumming, but you can't really focus on caring, only focusing on taking Taehyung and feeling Jungkook. One of your hands rested on Taehyung's thigh as your other tangled in Jungkook's hair, tugging gently each time he did something right, making him moan and send vibrations straight through you.
"Fuck sweetheart, you swallow my cock so well. It feels so good." Taehyung moans, and you look up at him, making eye contact. "How can you look so innocent with a cock in your mouth? You're so perfect, sweetheart, I can't wait to fill up that pretty pussy of yours and- fuck- and fi-ll it up all nice with- our- shit-" Taehyung's sentence breaks up, his voice cracking as his thrusts get sloppy, doubling over as he spills into your mouth. He tastes a bit sweet thank Jungkook, but it seems like there's a bit more for some reason. Once he pulls out you swallow, and once your mouth is empty you moan loudly as Jungkook fervently laps at your clit.
Taehyung kneels down to your level, and you instantly wrap your arms around him as you grind against Jungkook. He holds onto you, kissing your face and your neck as you moan for them. "You sound heavenly, sweetheart. Is Kookie doing a good job? Are you gonna cum all over his tongue soon?" He cooes, his hands roaming over your body. You nod, feeling the end rapidly approaching. "J-Jun-ko-mmm-" You whine, your body trembling. Taehyung bites down on your neck as Jungkook sucks on your clit harshly, sending you over the edge.
Jungkook gathers every little bit on his tongue, reveling in your sweet taste before patting your thigh. Taehyung hears it, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up to stand. Jungkook gets up, standing behind you. He grabs your arm, spinning you around to face him and before you know it, his lips coming crashing down onto yours, his tongue immediately sliding into your mouth, and you can taste your essence. You've never been kissed with such hunger and need before, you moan into his mouth as you enjoy the feeling of really being needed and wanted.
"Sweetheart, why don't you go to my room and wait for us on the bed? It's the room on the left. I want you to lay down on your back with your legs spread nice and pretty, with your arms above your head. Got it?" Taehyung whispers in your ear. Jungkook pulls away from you, leaving you breathless. You nod, excitedly bounding to the room you were instructed. Taehyung and Jungkook watch as your hips sway, groaning simultaneously at how much they wanted you.
You climb onto the bed, laying how Taehyung instructed, wondering what they have in store for you. You wait anxiously, the thought of what could happen making you aroused again. They finally appear in the doorway, Jungkook's hands behind his back. "Look at that, Jungkook. She's so obedient for us already. All spread out for us." They stalk towards the bed, Taehyung by your lower half and Jungkook up by your head. Taehyung moves so he's sitting between your legs, your knees resting on his thighs. His hands run along your thighs, the gentle touch making you squirm. "What is it, sweetheart? Already horny again? After Jungkook just made you cum? Such a greedy little slut you are. Don't worry, you'll get what you need. Jungkook, go ahead." Taehyung hums, and you raise your eyebrow in confusion. You feel something wrap around your wrists, binding them together tightly. You try to pull them apart, but you can't, your struggle useless.
"So pretty." Taehyung cooes, his finger tracing over your slit, sending a shiver through you. "If we're gonna make you ours, we have to prepare you." He smirks, slipping a finger inside of you. You clench around him, having something inside of you feeling amazing. He quickly adds a second finger, pumping in and out. As his fingers work on you, Jungkook's hand runs from your shoulder to your breast, rubbing it gently. "Y/N, how many fingers have you taken before?" Taehyung asks. "Ah, um, two." You reply. "Well, how about we try three then?" He smirks, adding another finger inside of you. You gasp, the stretch heavenly. He curls them inside of you, his long fingers reaching deep inside of you, the heel of his palm grinding against your previously ignored clit.
"You know, you complained about how we plays games all the time, but do you realize how much gaming helps in situations like this?" Jungkook chimes in. "You see, with all the controls, our fingers have to move fast." At those words, Taehyung's fingers move faster inside of you. "Also, each hand is moving simultaneously, so it's easy to do more than one thing at a time." Taehyung's other hand moves closer, his thumb pressing down onto your clit, your body jolting at the direct contact.
The stretch of his fingers combined with his thumb working on you drives you over the edge faster than you care to admit, your walls squeezing his fingers, but he doesn't stop after helping you ride out your high. You whine loudly at the overstimulation, his hands possibly moving even faster. You gasp and shake your head, your toes curling and your legs spasming uncontrollably. "No no no no-mmmm-no no." You whimper, a tear rolling down your cheek. "No? You don't want this? I think you do, sweetheart. Just one more, come on. Cum all over Daddy's fingers just one more time." Taehyung growls. "D-Da-ddy! Fuck fuck fuuu-" You cry out, desperately wishing to grip onto something. Jungkook reaches down, pushing down just above your pelvis, and your vision goes white, screaming as you're taken over by pleasure.
This time Taehyung stops, a warm wetness covering your lower half. "No fucking way. It actually worked." Jungkook says breathily. You catch your breath, finally able to look down at what happened. You see Taehyung sitting there, breathing heavily with a devious smirk on his face, his sweater and pants soaked. "You ever squirt before, sweetheart?" He smiles. You shake your head, closing your eyes and laying your head back. "Well, then I guess that makes us special." Taehyung teases.
Both of them get up, and you watch as they strip from their clothes. You lick your lips, surprised by how built they both are. You felt Jungkook's body, but now seeing both of them standing before you, you wonder how they got like that. "We do leave our house, you know. We have gym memberships." Jungkook smirks, noticing your stare. You think about that for a moment, how sexy they'd look, all sweaty. "Baby, you think you can stand up for a minute?" Taehyung asks. You try, your legs wobbling, and Jungkook catches you. "I don't think so." He chuckles. "Well then, I guess we'll just have to hold her up." Taehyung smirks.
After some awkward shuffling, giggles, and slips, you're all situated so Taehyung is laying on the bed, holding onto your legs, and Jungkook stands in front of you, also holding onto you, keeping you hovered over Taehyung's standing cock. "Tae, I've got a hold of her. You're gonna have to help me, ugh-" "Don't worry, Kookie. No homo, right?" Taehyung chuckles. You wonder what they're talking about, but you realize when Jungkook gasps, and realize Taehyung is guiding Jungkook's length to line up with your entrance. He pushes into you, both of you moaning together as relief floods over you.
"How is it, Kookie?" Taehyung asks. "So- so so so fucking good." Jungkook moans, his head falling to rest against your shoulder. "Perfect. Alright, Y/N, this may hurt a little bit, but we'll go slow so you can get used to it. You ready?" Taehyung's hand rubs over your back soothingly. "P-Please. Just do it. I want it." You squeak, much to his surprise. "You want it that bad, huh? You want both of us to fill you up? How bad do you want it, baby. Tell Daddy how much you want it." As Taehyung talks, Jungkook stays still, relishing in the warm feeling of you pussy pulsing around him. Taehyung grabs his cock, nudging where you and Jungkook are connected. "So bad, Daddy. Please. I want it so bad." You beg.
Your arms fly around Jungkook's neck, wrists still tied together, as Taehyung pushes into you. He was right, it hurts a bit, stretching you out more than you've ever been before. You cry out, Jungkook shushing you. "Sh, hey, hey, sweetheart, look at me." He cooes. You look at him with tear filled eyes, breaking his heart. "It's okay, princess. I promise it'll get better. You're so good for us. We'll take care of you." Jungkook whispers soothingly to you, kissing your tears away. Once Taehyung is all the way in, all three of you sit there, not moving, them allowing you to get used to it. Taehyung rubs your back as Jungkook peppers your face with tender kisses.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Taehyung asks. You nod, still holding on to Jungkook tightly. "Jungkook." You whisper. "Yes, baby, what is it?" He asks, nudging your nose with his. "Please take this off. I don't want this on anymore. Please." You beg, moving your arms to show him what you mean and grabbing Taehyung's attention. "Kookie, untie her." He says, and Jungkook nods, reaching behind him and untying it with one hand expertly. As soon as you're freed you grab onto Jungkook, holding him tightly with one hand tangled in his hair. "You know, we probably should've done that before we got into this position." Jungkook chuckles. "Dude, we never think ahead." Taehyung responds and you giggle softly, shaking your head.
"Alright, I think I'm good." You nod, biting your lip. "You sure?" Jungkook asks, and you nod again. "Alright. I'm moving then." Jungkook says. The feeling of him sliding out of you, while you're still full of Taehyung, is completely indescribable. You moan softly and you feel him rub against your walls, the sweetest moan ringing through your ears from him. As he pushes back in, Taehyung pulls out, starting an unspoken synchronization that has you moaning uncontrollably, gripping onto Jungkook as right as you can as they bounce you on their cocks.
"Fuck, sweetheart. You're squeezing around us so well. You like it when we fuck you like this? Stretching out your pretty little pussy?" Taehyung growls from behind you. "Yes! Yes I fucking love it!" You cry, your breath quickening. "That's our little cock slut. Such a good girl for us. Now, do you take back everything you said about us?" He asks. "Fuck, yes! I'm sorry!" You shout, burying your face in Jungkook's neck. "Good girl. Such a good girl for Daddy and Kookie." Taehyung hums.
You start to place hot, open mouthed kissed on Jungkook's neck, nipping at it softly, and it's like that flipped a switch for him. "Fuck it, Tae, hold her. I need her to cum right now." Jungkook grunts. Taehyung takes hold of your leg as Jungkook frees one of his arms, bringing it lower. "Wha-ah!" You moan, his fingertips pressing harshly into your clit. "Oh man, holy shit!" Jungkook gasps, the pressure from his fingers making you clench around them. "Shit, Kook, keep doing that." Taehyung growls, both of them still thrusting in and out of you. "You look so good like this, baby. You're so lost in pleasure, I bet you won't even remember your name after this, huh? But you'll remember ours. Say our names, baby girl. Tell everyone in the building whose fucking you so well, stretching your pussy out, whose gonna make you cum so hard we'll have to carry you home tomorrow morning. Say it. Say our names." Jungkook says, leaving you in absolute shock. How the hell did he switch so fast?
"D-Daddy! Jungkook!" You scream out, a pleased smirk on Jungkook's face. "That's right, baby. Now, you wanna cum for us? Be a good girl and give us one more. Squeeze our cocks. Make us fill you up and make you a complete mess. Come on." He cooes, rubbing your clit even faster. "Oh, oh fuck oh fuck fuck fu-" Your cries are interrupted by your own moan, your end hit you like a freight train. "Shit shit shi-it!" Jungkook whimpers, Taehyung only growling as you squeeze around them, setting off their own orgasms. They spill into you, your pussy clenching and milking them for all their worth. They ride out the highs, fucking their cum into you before finally pulling out, laying you down and resting beside you.
"Holy shit." Taehyung breathes, all of you panting. All you can do is smile and nod, completely satisfied. You lay there, wondering if all of that really happened, or if you were actually just sleeping in your apartment. However, the warmth radiating off of the two sweaty men next to you proves it's real, especially as Jungkook turns, facing you and rubbing your thighs soothingly while Taehyung places kisses on your cheek. "Wait." Jungkook gasps, sitting up and looking at you both in shock. "We actually, like, you know. Are you in the pill or anything?" He asks. You didn't even think of that. "Uh, no, I'm not. I'm sorry. I should've thought of that. I'm so sorry." You apologize, feeling stupid. "Sh, no no no, baby, it's not your fault. We should've thought about it to. We're sorry." Jungkook cooes, holding you close to him. "I'm not." Taehyung chimes in, and you both turn to look at him in horror. "Tae, what if she gets pregnant? What's going to happen with all of us?" Jungkook asks. "Then we get a bigger apartment. Honestly, I kinda hope she gets pregnant." Taehyung smiles. "Not gonna lie, impregnation is one of my biggest kinks. Just imagine it, Kookie, her walking around with our babies inside of her. She'd be so beautiful. I mean, just look at her now. All filled with our cum. Look, there's so much it's even dripping out." He's right. You can feel it dripping, you've just ignored it.
Jungkook stays silent, only licking his lips. "And if she does get pregnant, then that just means she'll be ours for sure. What do you say, Y/N? Do you want to be ours?" Taehyung asks, rubbing your cheek. You nod, the idea of being in a relationship with them making you all kinds of excited. "That's great!" He smiles. "Y/N." Jungkook says, catching your attention. "Are you really okay with this?" He asks, and you nod. "I love you so much, Y/N. We love you so much and we're gonna take extra special care of you and appreciate you and all that kinda stuff." Jungkook smiles, placing quick pecks all over your face and neck, making you giggle. "You'll stay with us tonight, right?" Taehyung asks, snuggling up behind you. "Well, I don't think I can really walk home." You giggle. "Well then, I'd say we did a damn good job." He smirks, holding you close. Laying there, cuddled by your noisy neighbors, now lovers, you wonder how so much could've changed in just a few hours. You're not complaining though. Before you drift off to sleep, you imagine how interesting your life will be from now on.
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there’s glitter on the floor after the party...
*About 9 days ago, on May 22nd, 2018, I had just arrived home from your Seattle show at CenturyLink Field. It was 4am and I couldn’t sleep. I had so much on my mind and was still on a high from your show. So, in the early hours of the morning, after my friends had long gone to bed, I began to write. I’ve revised my original note quite a bit since then. I’ve also had the opportunity to do some additional reflecting since tour, and I have some thoughts. So, I guess this is the end-result of a mash-up of 4AM overly-emotional rambling, combined with well thought-out, fully coherent, mature writing. I feel like I really over-explained this. I could have been a lot less-awkward in setting this up. Let's just get into it:
[SO. I just got home from your Seattle show. It's 4 am and I can't sleep. This was my 6th tour, and I made what seems like an infinite amount of unforgettable memories with a group of incredible people I call my ‘Swiftie Fam” (the name needs work...). There's Cecil (my long-time, Canadian Swiftie friend, you’ll see him in earlier posts), Wanda (Cecil’s wife), Kaeden (7. Cecil & Wanda’s son. Major Swiftie. His first concert!), and finally the beautiful Maile (a recent addition to the fam, and now a life-long friend!).  It’s hard to explain in words, but we all have developed a connection that’s special and unique because of what we experienced together. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to stand by my side tonight. We danced, laughed, and cried together… I don’t think I’ve ever felt more understood. These people ‘get’ me.
Not surprisingly, I screamed every single lyric at the top of my lungs and subsequently lost my voice almost IMMEDATIELY. With that in mind, I suppose a more accurate description would be: I wasn’t so much singing, as I was gasping for the remainder of the show. I literally danced with until I was out of breath. I cried (ok, SOBBED) all of my make-up off (a Long Live/NYD mash-up… are you kidding me?! I FEEL ATTACKED). 
By the end of the night, I resembled a pathetic, overly-emotional, glittery, drowned rat.
and I was living my absolute best life.
Also, I was REALLY proud of our outfits this time around! I think we did a decent job of recreating your Direct TV commercial, with my rainbow two-piece, and Cecil’s interpretation of Olivia Benson dressed as a Caticorn (I can’t say I ever thought I’d use that in a sentence). It consisted of around 8-10 hours total of gluing, painting, and hand-sewing, leading up to the show. Everything turned out awesome, way better than expected. Totally worth the man hours! Wanda hand-made matching these adorable matching t-shirts for her and little Kaden (Big Rep & Little Rep), and Maile constructed a beautiful MASTERPIECE from the mountain LYWMMD outfit- it was freakin’ incredible and HOT!
There was something a bit different about this tour for a couple of reasons:
[The fans.] I freaking adore this fan culture. I’ve never met a Swiftie who wasn’t ridiculously friendly, welcoming, and super relatable. The vibe was so positive. I’ve never smiled, waved and taken pictures with so many random strangers in my life. It felt as if we were literally in a different world that day. It felt like home.
[YOU!.]  We need to talk about this major GLO UP you’ve got going on, honey. You exude SO much confidence and you're just pure sunshine. When I think about the way you’ve carried yourself these past couple of years through all of the BS drama, I can’t help but feel damn proud. You’ve successfully converted pain into art, into music. Real music, that’s poignant, raw, and just BAD ASS. Your lyrics continue to foster a special connection you maintain with the audience...a connection that often times breathes life into brokenness.
I felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world tonight. 
This may have been my best concert experience ever, which is actually pretty ironic because:
Unlike Red, I wasn’t in the Pit
I didn’t have VIP seating, like 1989
You weren’t close enough for any potential high fives, waves, or eye contact like I experienced at Speak Now at B-Stage
We were not chosen for Rep Room (or T-Party, Club Red, or Loft 89)
…But, it was OK. It was way more than OK. It was truly a dream.
Listen: Something I've always deeply admired about you is that you make it a priority to maintain a personal relationship with the fans.  It’s clear you want to meet as many of us as possible, and you make a conscious effort to do so. You get to know us as individuals and you CARE, and that means everything us and makes such an impact. I mean, you invite us into your HOME for crying out loud, you walk through massive crowds and give high-fives, you lurk our Instagrams and Tumblrs and interact on social media, and you always make a notable effort to meet as many of us as possible at tour.
However, this can sometimes turn into a bit of a "Catch 22" situation for people. The downside, is that it’s honestly SUPER easy to fall into the “trap” of being consumed with the possibility of meeting you after your shows. Due to the fact that the “selection” process is both intentional, yet also random. To be transparent, it's quite difficult to not obsess with the idea of ‘trying’ to get chosen. I witness this behavior so often, in others and in myself just as much, if not more. Selfishly, I often feel not only jealous, but UPSET when I see photos/read experiences of other fans meeting you. I sometimes feel like the only one who hasn’t yet gotten the opportunity.  It can quickly turn into a mind-game if you're not careful, which has the potential to become toxic if we allow the idea of meeting you to rule supreme over what it's actually about...which is the MUSIC. And, this amazing show you put on for us night after night. And somewhat understandably so, I've witnessed the obsession with being chosen to meet you become a main focus point for a lot of us (including myself a bit!). It's pretty stressful, and can easily dampen or cheapen the concert experience, if you're not careful. As dramatic as this probably sounds, Tumblr (and social media) can be brutal within this fandom, and dare I say ‘cut-throat’ at times. It's easy to get upset watching (what seems like) literally EVERYONE get that opportunity, except you. 
That said, I had a wake-up call/mini-epiphany recently, which manifested while driving home from your show at Midnight on May 22nd with my friends, feeling so amazing and so grateful for what I just experienced…but also a little guilty because I feel like I’ve spent way too much time worrying about the possibility of meeting at you when you come to Seattle, how to get the attention of Taylor Nation, where to find Mama Swift, getting that guitar pick from Papa Swift, and this time was no different. Granted, my intentions are 100% pure and it’s only because you’ve meant so freakin much to me for so many years, and it's almost as if my life won’t be complete until I finally get to tell you in person. That said, there is certainty a valuable lesson to be learned here. I am confident that you and I will come face-to-face one day (hopefully with my Swifie fam!). The stars will align at the exactly the right time, and I will have my moment with you, and it will be SO worth the wait. You can't "force" stuff like this, you know? The privilege of meeting you is almost ‘sacred’ in a sense. At least in my opinion. Anyway, my point is: I refuse to a continue to attempt to “create fate” by attempting to "earn" my worthiness in fandom. It’s not productive, it's not healthy, and it’s not cute.
Alright, this is getting out of hand. I need to wrap this up. 🤣 I’m not sure whether or not you’ve seen any of my throwback photo-posts I posted the week leading up to the show. They definitely explain a lot more about me, and my history being a fan. Either way, I must reiterate how grateful I am to have you in my life, and that support you 100% and will always be here. The amount of hope, joy and comfort you've given me over the past 10+ years is insurmountable, and I'll never be able to repay you for that. And I mean that in the most sincere way. Not a lot of things make me as happy as you make me (especially lately). This experience was the ‘boost’ I needed, I think. And like I said, the relationship I have with my friends/Swiftie Fam is invaluable, and I look forward to making memories with them at your shows in the future. You’ve brought the most random group of people together and created a bond that’s unique, unconditional and unbreakable, and I think that’s so cool.
This was A LOT longer than I originally intended it to be. This escalated quickly. Haha. Thanks for listening. 💗
Don’t read the last page…]
Love you, T
[photos]:  1) The whole crew: Cecil, Wanda, Kaeden, Maile and myself at our seats. 2) Kaeden the night before the show. SO EXCITED!! 3) Testing out the Caticorn onesie w/ Cecil 4) Cecil and myself FULLY DECKED and ready to go. 5) Wanda and Kaeden: Big Rep & Lil’ Rep! 6) the girls! Maile, Wanda and Me pre-show 7) Us at the end of the show! And yes, that’s me in the middle..in disbelief, exhausted, sweaty, and a physical and emotional wreck (see also: ‘drowned rat’ description above). 8) All of us after the show literally in a hotel lobby (and glitter on the floor after the party!), waiting for traffic to die down before we headed home.
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