#i've written this final scene
sunlitmcgee · 1 year
question would you all be bugged if a porn with plot fic ended with one of the characters being soft on their kid like would that be whiplash or werid or uncomfortable /genq
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simpingforstardew · 1 month
how it feels writing a slowburn but the burns too slow
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
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The more things change.... (The Brave and the Bold #183 vs. Detective Comics #822)
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bekkachaos · 1 year
if I was the night then you were the moon 🌙
Buddie | 28k | T | 🎄| Chapter 4/4 - Complete!
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Eddie sighed. He had made such a big impression in just a few days, and Eddie almost forgot that it hadn’t just been on him, but Christopher too.
“You miss him,” he said warmly.
“Buck is my friend,” he said.
“I know Chris,” Eddie said, taking in a breath as he tried to think of what else to say.
“You miss him too,” Chris said, and Eddie’s brow furrowed.
“Why do you say that?” he asked, almost before he could stop himself.
“You smiled more when he was with us.”
Eddie felt a lump rise in his throat.
He probably wasn’t wrong, Eddie had felt more relaxed and at ease and just comfortable with Buck around than he had in a long time. He just didn’t realise that Christopher had noticed it too.
“Did you guys have a fight?” he asked, and Eddie bit down on the inside of his cheek.
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “No nothing like that. He just had his own life to get back to. That’s all.”
“But we were his Christmas wish,” Chris said.
“Buck said that for Christmas he wished every year could be like this one,” Chris said. “Because he was with you and me.”
“He said that?” Eddie said softly, and Chris nodded.
Read Part Four now on AO3, or start from the beginning
title from The Kitchen, by Tow'rs
You made me dance in the kitchen with you
If I was the night then you were the moon
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wario-speedwagon · 5 months
Dave and Old Sport Adopt a Kid: Chapter 12
Hello! Greetings! I hope you're ready for an angsty one >:] Full chapter below the cut <3
Chapter 1 Chapter 11
Chapter 12
The two uncostumed employees were disgruntled that their friendly competition was cut so prematurely, as they'd only just gotten out of their suits fifteen minutes ago after a couple hours of dicking around—er, performing in them. And now they were already heading back to those smelly things again.
But Jack wasn't quite as bitter as Dave was, considering that regardless of Dave's cheating scandal, he'd left off with the higher score.
“Maybe we can at least spend some time looking for Pruny while we're costumed again.”
Oh, he was still hung up on that?
“You sure are a worrywart. She'll be fine, she's a big kid who's fine on her own.”
“Yeah, but you never know if someone'll snag her while we're not watching or something…”
Jack just shot him a judgemental look in the eyes that said ‘are you serious?’
Dave had always had a glaring blind spot for his own hypocrisy. Jack had come to notice this over time: that instead of maliciously unfair and double-standarded, Dave was just more often horrendously self-unaware.
Case in point was him having the gall to adopt a kid he was just about to murder with zero sense of irony.
While it sometimes made it a little bit easier to forgive some sleights of his, it was far from a source of comfort.
The two had marched down the shabby maintenance hallway, and at the end of it, Dave casually pushed open the hidden Saferoom door.
The puppet reacted immediately by standing itself squarely between them and Pruny in the latter's defense. Though Pruny was visibly excited by the new visitors. At least for a moment.
“Oh not you again.”
“Dave Miller. This child and I were just on our way out.”
“You were on your way out. Leave the kid alone, comprende?”
Pruny’s excitement immediately dissipated upon seeing how the two were reacting to this puppet with such stern demeanors. And as she “listened” to what Dave said, she realized that this was a two way conversation they were having with it.
“No, you ‘comprende,’ Miller: you and your loser friend will give up on claiming your fifth victim. If you do it nicely, I might even let you both live to see another day!”
“I'm telling you, creep-ass, the girl stays with us—”
“And you, Jack.”
Empty eyes filled with a child’s soul were suddenly piercing through Jack’s own racing thoughts. Jack had not said a single word, and it was because he was busy sorting out how to feel after this unexpected and sudden reunion. He’d not faced her personally since he’d…
“... Yeah?” he feigned nonchalantly.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”
“...I have nothing to say to you.”
“Because the last time I saw you, you and I were in agreement about Dave.”
Jack was silent for a good few seconds, carefully measuring his next words.
“…From now on, this won't be happening again,” he cautiously negotiated.
“Ha! Is that right!? Now that’s not what you would lead me to believe after your actions yesterday!”
“A lot has happened since then.” His voice continued to carry an uncanny calm, but—
“…But is that a promise, Kennedy?”—the only thing Pruny could see was how tense Jack’s composure was and how tightly he clinged to his own wrist.
“I’ve since sworn off making promises.”
“Then your word is only as good as your soul.”
“I have no soul, Dee.”
“Is that a confession or an excuse?”
“—Sorry, but I’m lost,” Dave interrupted, looking to Old Sport. “What's up with you and this thing? You two got history?”
“I'll, uh, fill you in later…”
“No, Jack Kennedy, there won't BE any more ‘later.’ Not anymore.”
“Watch it, pal. I may not’ve designed you, but I sure as hell know how to disassemble you…the right way, and the fun way.”
Pruny finally gathered the courage to dash toward them, but a dark, clawed arm held her back.
The Puppet slowly creaked its head back to face Dave.
“I don't fear you anymore, William. Not after all you've done to me, and not after all you’ve done to everyone after me. And certainly not after what you've done to Jack.”
“Mind jogging my memory who Jack is again? One of yer kid friends I took or something?”
But the nausea in Jack’s stomach was only growing worse, and he could feel his face growing pale.
“You don't even remember what you did to Jack Kennedy. And apparently neither does he.”
“‘Kennedy’ huh? I'll sleep on the name tonight, alright?”
“Oh, there’ll be plenty of ‘sleeping’ for you after I'm finished with the both of you.”
Pruny had carefully snuck her way over to her protectors' sides after seeing how threateningly tense the situation had gotten, and she huddled up between both their sides, one hand on each shirt.
That helped to ground Jack back down from a rising panic.
“Prune,” he voiced silently, his usual comforting tone failing to come out. “Get out of here.”
The Puppet returned her attention to Jack, but said nothing.
Meanwhile, Pruny's nerves had turned to fear, and to that she responded by gripping both of their shirt-tails closer to her.
Jack immediately moved to shove Pruny out of the Saferoom door, only to feel claws bore into his shoulders with enough force that he himself was pushed against the wall next to the door. The claws didn’t release, and in his ear:
“I won’t let you hurt another child.”
But before he could think to respond—
“You asked for it.” And before they knew it, the Puppet itself had been shoved onto the floor by Dave who was now standing over her.
She quickly moved back to her feet, but a forceful aubergine arm immediately pushed her back down and kept her pinned her to the floor.
“I’m gonna enjoy this, you right pain in the ass! Here's to years of gettin' in my way!” And with his other free hand, he whipped out a crowbar, arm raised and poised for a strike—
—and forcefully hugged back by Old Sport…?
“Don’t, please—...”
The Puppet took this brief window as an opportunity to retreat.
And the aubergine and tangerine just traded bewildered and bewildering looks, raised arm still trapped by the other’s desperate embrace.
But a set of claws flashed across Dave’s face, followed by his shout in pain and the loud clattering of a dropped crowbar.
Dave staggered back a few steps, giant hand pressed tightly against the side of his face, and without thinking, Jack ran to intercept the Puppet’s next lunge toward him—
Where is he where is he—
“Hey youngster, don’t run so fast!”
Please, where is he—
She felt someone running behind her, and to her relief, it was exactly who she needed!
And then…
Then it started to sink in…
She froze up in panic.
“Are you okay, miss?”
He was staring at her, probably waiting for her to say something, she needed to say something—!
It wouldn’t come out, it never does, why not!?
“Plea— the— I—” She couldn’t decide what sound to start with, so her wasted voice turned into panicked gasp for air.
“Kiddo, slow down, one word at a time.”
The Phone Man lowered himself to one knee down to her level. That was good, it meant she still had his attention despite saying nothing yet.
So she really needed to—!
She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him along, and thankfully he got the message right away to follow so she ran for the Saferoom.
He’d done the right thing, but he’d done a horribly wrong thing.
It was only one strike. That’s all it took for the gravity of his impulse to crash over him.
That he’d attacked her.
The loud clatter at his feet startled him. The crowbar had apparently slipped from his shaking hands.
“Jack, why do you defend him?” said the now-malfunctioning Puppet with an open gash to its newly-cracked mask revealing damaged circuitry inside. “Do you not care what he did to us?”
He didn’t have an answer. He’d hoped up to this point that he’d never need to come up with one. Getting to see her again was the one wish of his he never wanted granted after all this.
“Why…? Why would you join him?”
Jack still stared back in short supply of an adequate response.
“Did my death really mean so little to you that you'd befriend my murderer?”
He couldn’t take this anymore, this was too much—
“Dee, I’m sorry…”
The Puppet remained silent, as if waiting for Jack to continue.
But that was the only thing he could find in himself to say.
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say about it?”
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re a coward.”
“...Sportsy, don’t go apologizin’ to that thing.”
Dave had gotten to his feet, hand still pressed against half his bleeding face but otherwise not at all deterred.
“I dunno who she is to you, but I don’t care. Anyone who threatens to hurt my partner can die before they get the chance.
Congrats, kid; you’re finally done with that freaky body.”
“No, Dave, don’t.”
Dave was careful not to turn his gaze away from the puppet this time when asking, “Why?”
“Disable her all you like, but don’t you dare do anything to hurt her.”
“I’d like to see you try,” she challenged bitterly.
“Challenge accepted—” but Dave’s threat didn’t land as the puppet immediately scrambled to swipe at his feet and tripped him onto his butt.
“Stop it, both of you!”
That ended up being far more effective than Jack expected as both combatants quickly paused their violent scrambling to give him their attention.
“Dave, I’m dead serious. If you lay another hand on her, I’ll make sure you never walk again.”
Dave was stunned to complete silence by the seriousness behind that threat.
“And you, Dee. I know you have no reason to believe me ever again—”
“Save it, Jack. I’m not interested in what you have to say anymore.”
“Dee, just listen to me—”
“You listen to ME, Jack Kennedy! If I see you or Dave with that girl or any other child ever again—”
But her threat, too, fell flat when Pruny ran up out of nowhere to hug Jack’s legs.
“Prune, what’re—!?”
“What on earth is going on in here?”
All faces turned to the Phone Guy in the doorway. Well, all except for Pruny’s teared up face that was pressed against Jack’s thigh.
No one said anything in answer, so Scott spoke up again. “I see the ‘Puppet’ is out and actively trying to kill you. I warned you you’d regret it if you let its music box run out.”
Again, no one had a response to give.
“Alright; Dave, go ahead and do your thing and disable it, we all know how much you love to do it.”
“You think we haven’t tried!?”
“Then dismantle it the messy way, whatever it takes!”
But Dave nervously glanced toward Jack whose hard stare back was not permitting. Yet before Dave could utter a word in response, the puppet had already made a sudden dash for the Saferoom entrance, pushing aside the Phone Guy in her path.
“Dee, wait—!”
“‘Dee’?” But Jack ignored him to walk after her—but remembering he still had an aubergine child clinging to him, he stopped his pursuit.
“You two have a lot to explain in the office.”
Although what Scott secretly wanted to know most was why the names ‘Dee’ and ‘Kennedy’ were being thrown around.
(Chapter 13)->
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zer0ogravity · 6 months
I haven't had anything finished for the past three prompts (+ was sick the past few days so haven't had much energy to work on them) but I wanted to share something so here's my roudise playlist. (Both spotify and YT link)
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quiet-admirer · 2 months
My new job has so much less downtime than my last one and I'm being slowly tortured right now as I'm brimming over with horny thoughts and ideas for scenes for the hardcore punk story but I don't have time to write bits down on my phone to email them to myself for later, or or making little doodles on post-its, or even really spend much time daydreaming about them and my brain might explode
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dykeinthedark · 5 months
being a pretentious fuck is embarassing sometimes. bc if someone asks me what video games i play im like "yeah i only play story based indie games about depression and guilt" like omfg shut UP
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thefallenangelsgang · 2 months
15 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well. @fablewritesnonsense strikes again! As always, no pressure, I just really admire these lovely folk's work: @helena-bug @just-another-wasteland-merc @roystory4 @druidgroves @heylittleriotact
(I'm going to be completely honest, I'm working of off 5 incomplete scenes if I just do BG3, so I'm also going to throw in some By Any Other Name quotes. It's technically the same character from a different story. The backstories vary a little but I'm confident the character is still there. By Any Other Name quotes are marked with an asterisk * at the end)
Wynleth Reiden
“Lathander isn’t going to strike me down if I don’t stop and kneel."
“Are you stupid?”
“Of course I’m not going to kill you!”
“And I’m still not sure you are actually what I think you are or just some freak with filed teeth and a biting kink!”
“My faith is entirely a different matter.”
“I am going to drown myself in the Chionthar.”
“It is precisely because you are a depraved beast that you get the juiciest gossip.”
“Yes, good sex!”
“I was married, he died… fifty-four years ago come Mirtul?”
“I- I think I need to be alone for a bit. I need to pray. I need to do something or I’m going to fall apart.”
“Is that why I took up the role of a garden water feature when I tried to dominate it?"
“Becoming a Paladin, beginning a life in politics, was how I could take control back. I never had a connection to Lathander like you did. I didn’t find him when I lost. He was never there for me in my darkest moments. He was forced upon me because it was expected . He inundates every single one of the worst moments in my life. Because of them .” *
"Here, every second of every day is focused on the words and what they mean and it's been like that for centuries. We are like an ouroboros. The dogma is causing us to consume ourselves.” *
"You are a soldier with faith, I am a priest sent to war. They are entirely different things.” *
"I have Saints, Martyrs, Prophets, all manner of Holy Persons in my family line. I was supposed to follow in their footsteps. But I didn’t. Not totally.” *
If you would like to see more of my writing (or some of the incomplete scenes these are pulled from) check out my tag on my account #Jericho Writes
If you are a Legends of Avantris and Edge of Midnight fan, By Any Other Name is a published oneshot about the Chapter 17 memory ritual you can find on my Ao3!
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skitter-kitter · 1 year
It’s two weeks before the PML officially begins. Lear’s collected all the required badges, so he should be spending the time before the competition training his pokémon to be in peak condition. Except, his best friend has been kidnapped by Team Break. Lear would do anything to get Hoopa back. Going undercover to save it from Team Break doesn’t seem like a huge deal, at least not until he finds out who Team Break’s leader is and why he’s so focused on ruining Lear’s life.
Chapter five's out!
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chocosvt · 1 year
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bookshelf-in-progress · 10 months
This just in: Writing dialogue makes the story and the characters much more fun.
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charlescoded · 2 months
damn, i went from 4.7k to 7.3k while still at the same part without realising it 😵‍💫
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bad0mens · 3 months
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
writing adult kel & co for the first time in my life
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starscreamingg · 1 year
When the Shrek spinoff about the silly little cats gives you fully body chills and also makes you cry
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