#i.e. primarily acts of service and quality time
Home based Training programs, is an Asha Hai initiative which provides psychological services in South Delhi, where we seek to help our parents work through a variety of concerns be it academic, social or language based, especially if logistics are something that are preventing them from reaching us. A home based training program is a comprehensive plan that can also act as a parent support, taking into account the concerns and goals that the parent would like us to reach with the child for a month, as we believe that consistency in an activity is imperative and hence, will help in skill enhancement and goal achievement in a more holistic way. A home based training program is a psychological services in South Delhi is also very helpful in encouraging parent-child interaction and also helps the parent in spend quality time with their child outside of primarily focusing on academics therefore acting as parent support. This training program i.e. a psychological service in South Delhi also involves learning about various new activities ranging from fun games to interactive ways of teaching a concept that would otherwise appear to be mundane to the child.
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uswnt-has-my-heart · 4 years
Tbh Sue has probably known about the Time 100 thing for ages - the recipients are almost certainly told well before the list is announced, and Sue has form in congratulating Megan for things well after its happened as well - when she won the FIFA award it was a couple of days later that Sue posted anything. So it just seems that the social media congrats aren't something Sue goes in for much (she has definitely been hyping her up in person)
I mean Sue is very obviously less into social media and public declarations of pride and love so I’m not super surprised tbh. Plus you’re right, they definitely knew before hand
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strawberry1212 · 3 years
The healthy masculinity of Seongyeom in Run On
“Masculinity” itself is a difficult concept, but in this post I intend on using the word less in association to a person’s gender, and more as a characteristic that both women and men can embody. For example, I think Mijoo has masculine characteristics such as assertiveness, and Seongyeom has more feminine characteristics such as doing nurturing acts of service towards those he cares about. I believe a well rounded person has both masculine and feminine qualities, and one set of qualities should not be prized over the other (as masculine qualities are routinely over-valued in our society). (This is a complicated topic, so any discussion on gender/gender expression is appreciated and I am willing to learn!)
The typical toxic masculinity
Seongyeom’s healthy masculinity stands out starkly in a Kdrama sea of toxic masculinity. I have made a list breaking down toxic masculinity tropes in Kdramas, but essentially Kdrama Male Leads (ML) draw their masculinity from dominance over others. This is usually in the form of being in a dominating position over the female lead (FL), such as being her boss, being above her in a high school social hierarchy, or she is under some contract to serve him. He also usually dominates society at large, being the son of an heir, a CEO, etc., some position where he benefits from the capitalist exploitation of others. The scenes that showcase the ML’s masculinity are when he asserts dominance over the FL through wrist grabs, backing her into a corner, etc., or when he flaunts his wealth (the typical scene in an upscale store, “we’ll buy everything from here to there”), and provides these Grand Romantic Gestures via his wealth (helicopter rides, renting out a whole restaurant just to talk to her, etc.). He knows what he wants, he goes after it, and he gets it, the “it” often being the objectified FL. As viewers we are supposed to swoon over the fantasy of being dominated by this rich, hot man. 
Seongyeom’s healthy masculinity
Now enter Seongyeom. Seongyeom does not really seek to dominate anyone--instead his masculinity stems from his defense of those weaker, and his commitment to his values. He is strong because of his goodness, rather than the typical male lead being soft/good in spite of his masculinity.
The core plot point is his relationship to Woosik: although him beating up Woosik’s bullies is a display of more typical masculinity, his overall protection of Woosik was not in that act of violence, but in his persistence to be held accountable for that act of violence. In the toxic sports world where violence was not held accountable, Seongyeom’s protest was not to commit the act of violence, but to openly admit it and force others to hold the act of violence accountable. He repeatedly states that non-defensive violence is not ok no matter what, breaking with the traditional toxic masculinity that a guy fighting for the girl or some other “valiant” reason is therefore okay. 
Seongyeom has a rare integrity, and his unshakeable commitment to this integrity is what impresses his masculinity upon the viewer. The hallmark moment of his protection of Woosik is again, not in beating up his bullies, but in boycotting the race, and coming forward about the violence and demanding to be held accountable. This action was peaceful, but incredibly courageous. He is protective (a typically masculine trait) of Woosik, but not through violence or abuse of power, but by having the courage and integrity to do the right thing.
When he protects/supports Mijoo, it is also not in a possessive way. I think a prime example is when Mijoo gets sick: it’s a classic Kdrama trope, girl gets sick from overworking, guy arrives to save her. Any other Kdrama would have him arrive just as she’s fainting and catch her. Using his wealth, he would get the VIP room of a hospital for her. But Run On is different. Mijoo is able to get to the hospital herself--she doesn’t need saving. However, he arrives to stay by her side supportively, and when the old ladies are annoying her, instead of using a combative method, he is his normal, gentle self, and charms them into being more quiet.
The drama’s handling of Seongyeom’s privilege
A cornerstone of toxic ML masculinity is his position of immense wealth and power. Interestingly, Seongyeom also comes from a background of wealth and power. However, rather than fetishizing it, as kdramas tend to do, Seongyeom is clearly separate from his family’s background. This is established from the fact that rather than simply being a CEO inheriting his family’s company, he has made a name for himself as a runner, having his own profession, with his own unique skills. The drama generally refrains from ostentatious displays of his wealth, and his actions for Mijoo are acts of service and time (bring her a glass to drink her soju out of, taking the driver job for her, moving close to her so she has to walk less, and overall being a kind, supportive little bean to her), rather than servicing his immense wealth to her . 
More importantly, it is how the drama handles the emotional impacts of Seongyeom’s privilege. Usually wealthy, but lonely backgrounds are used as an opportunity to excuse the male lead’s disrespectful behavior, to explain away his shitty personality, and also as an opportunity for the cheerful and kind female lead to “heal” the male lead. I cannot stress how much this trope disgusts me, as this “broken man just needs the right, patient woman to fix him” narrative is the kind of mentality that keeps women in domestic violence relationships. It is so harmful, and also serves to put down other women (I need to prove I’m different from other women, I understand him, I can change him, I will succeed where other women who were too shallow to understand his scars have failed, etc.). Seongyeom is far from a jerk male lead, but he still has emotional difficulties from his upbringing, primarily that he is inexpressive. Jerk male leads are also inexpressive about their emotions, and usually heap verbal abuse upon the female lead, but it is just brushed off as a “quirk” that the girl must put up with because she knows, ultimately, through his Grand Romantic Gestures, that he loves her. In Run On, his inexpressiveness is instead treated as a real problem that he must work through. He journals his feelings to work through them, and undergoes difficult discussions with Mijoo about his tendency to put up walls. It is shown as part of his growth, rather than something Mijoo must just accept.
Mijoo is key to Seongyeom’s healthy masculinity, because so much of toxic masculinity is based off of the female lead’s passive, objectified state. The toxic trope of Power Imbalance cannot work because Mijoo is a financially independent, career-driven adult. The One-sided Pursuit trope also cannot work because Mijoo is always willing to put in her share of the effort in the formation of their relationship. She meets him halfway, and maintains open communication of their problems so that there is no space for weird toxic male jealousy/noble idiocy tropes, etc.
As I’m writing this I realize maybe why I like Seongyeom so much is not just because of his healthy masculinity, i.e. healthy ways of being protective, strong, etc., but also because of how in touch he is with femininity, and vice versa with Mijoo both being a blend of masculine and feminine qualities. I really love this drama so much, and I can’t wait for the episodes to come <3
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szymonwalendowski · 4 years
Othello - race and ethnicity
DEFINITIONS AND CONTEXT The play written by Shakespeare in the XVII century is the very first whose black protagonist is portrayed in a positive way, allowing the text to acquire a vital role in the history of drama. Yet the clarity regarding Othello’s race has not always been so unquestioned. As the play has been reproduced on stage thousands of times over the past centuries, so has the perception of Othello’s skin colour. Starting from the publishing of the play in 1622 the characters dark skin remained intact, up to the 1820’s when a scholar by the name of Samuel Taylor Coleridge published a paper in which he states - ,,Can we imagine him [Shakespeare] so utterly ignorant as to make a barbarous negro plead royal birth? […] It is a common error to mistake epithets applied by dramatis personae to each other as truly descriptive of what the audience out to see or know.” (Coleridge, 385). Following the release of this essay Othello was depicted as light-skinned or bronzed until the 1870’s. The problematic approach to the protagonist’s skin colour has been evident throughout history, as well as discussed in the play itself. The term moor refers to somebody from the region of Arabia, Palestine or North Africa, generally speaking - Muslims. These people had the possibility to receive high ranks and gather large fortunes (just like our protagonist did) OTHELLO VIEWED FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIETY At the time, England’s population consisted almost entirely of white Europeans, and the few black people that lived in the area were heavily associated with negative traits such as dishonestly and hostility. Thus most of the literature created before the publishing of the Shakespearean drama, rarely incorporated characters of colour, and if they did, they were presented as evil, cruel villains, with the sole purpose of causing chaos and pain. Shakespeare’s play acknowledges societies perception of black people, but does not support it. Othello is consistently judged for his race, called racial slurs and undermined by people of lower rank, that nonetheless, feel entitled to insult the man. This is most visibly conveyed in Act I Scene I of the play, before Othello is even introduced. The reader/viewer witness a conversation between Iago and Roderigo during which they discuss the ‘unlawful, socially unacceptable’ marriage of Desdemona and Othello. In fact most of the racially charged vocabulary comes from those two characters and Brabantio, who later joins the scene as well. However, it is evident that Othello has managed to gather respect in his position, as the Duke of Venice, when praising him to Brabantio claims - ,, your son in law is far more fair than black” ( 1.3.291). Said as a compliment, but still undermining the man for his blackness, this is an ideal example of what Othello was usually faced with. Common pre-existing stereotypes in the culture of XVII century England regarding black men, state that they tend to be overly jealous; are exaggeratingly passionate (hence unreasonable) and gullible. All these mentioned traits have been portrayed by Othello in his behaviour, and used by Iago to manipulate him. Fundamental concepts – • Othello is generally respected as a military man. • The Duke of Venice, a person of a very high rank, respects Othello’s opinions, treating him more seriously than his own senators, which is presented in the act 1 scene 3, where the dynamics between Othello, the Duke, and Brabantio are shown. One of the symbols of respect is that Othello was greeted first, before the senator. • Although he is positively perceived, characters do not ignore his race, which makes him an outsider despite his behavior and status. How other characters refer to Othello? Starting from Iago, the characters name derives from Santiago, which is a symbolic title for people who fight against moors ( or moor-slayers ), meaning that he is by nature supposed to be opposed to Othello. Iago, being the villain he is, insults everybody around him, but he has a designated vocabulary reserved primarily to either describe or infuriate Othello, as he refers to him as an old black ram contrasting him with Desdemona represented by an ewe. Desdemona on the other hand deeply admires her husband. Unlike what the people in her surroundings think, she is infatuated in Othello. Portrayed as one of the strongest feminine characters in Shakespeare, Desdemona opposes to her fathers will, falls in love with a man her when socially it would have been unthinkable to do so, and even follows him to war to Cyprus. Her defiant personality has led some to believe that her love for Othello was kindled by his race. Othello’s skin colour, symbolises his exoticism, creates an atmosphere of mystery and ambiguity around the man, and this is what attracts Desdemona the most. She is fascinated by him. Their love is also illustrated by the imagery of the night, representing Othello, adoring the day, symbolising Desdemona. Nonetheless, their romance will be testified against her, as Iago presents her rebellious personality as a reason for her to cheat on him, creating dramatic irony. Emilia as well as Iago directly correlate Othello’s dark skin colour with his evilness. Most characters believe a black ‘outside’, meaning physical appearance, must be related with a dark ‘inside’, accusing him of malicious intents and cruelness, solely based on his exterior appearance. Fundamental concepts - • Most of the characters in the play refer to Othello using race- and ethnicity-centered epithets, i.e. “the Moor”, “the thicklips”. • Characters that aim to present him in a negative way, like Iago, often use various animals with negative connotations, for instance “Barbary horse”, or “an old black ram”. • The dark color of Othello’s skin is used to symbolize sin and evil. For example, Iago uses the term “blackest sin”, and Emilia “blacker devil”. How does Othello refer to himself? In the face of constant judgment based on his physical appearance, it is inevitable for Othello to not think poorly of himself. In Act I Scene III, the character attributes his problems in expressing his language in a courteous manner to his years spent in the military, but as the play progresses, his insecurities start surfacing. By the time the reader reaches Act III Scene III, he states – ,,Haply (perhaps), for I am black And have not those soft parts of conversation That clamberers have” – thus blaming his racial identity for the qualities he lacks. The phrase above reflects how self-doubting the character must have been of himself, if in the moment when he is presented the biggest doubt of his life, he immediately turns to his ethnicity seeking for a part of him to blame, to point out what he was most afraid would happen. Othello, indeed, numerous times wonders why Desdemona fell in love with him, and even feels anxious about having such a lovely wife. The low self-confidence of the character ignited by years of racial marginalizing, has made him an easy target for manipulation, as Iago manages to smoothly slide into Othello’s mind, pull out his biggest doubts, and without providing an explanation leave him to his thoughts. The final monologue of Othello is also crucial in understanding his perception of himself. As he prepares the knife that will later lead to his death, he lays down his principles. He asks the witnesses to ‘’Speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuate/ Nor set down in malice” a final plead to be remembered by his service for the state, behavior and human, instead of skin color. Othello also makes reference to his race by including exotic metaphors, and his final sentances are as follows – ,,And say besides that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turbaned Turk Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, I took bt th’ throat the circumcised dog And smote him – thus!” As Othello retells the sotry of one of his many victories while serving for the state, he indicates that he, himself, has become an enemy of Venice. By degrading himself to the level of those he despised most, which is visible in the vocabulary he used to describe the enemy nation, he presents himself as equally worthless as those who he killed, and subsequently stabs himself in a deadly lunge. At his moment of death he identifies himself as a foreigner that despite their biggest efforts, never managed to become part of the society that so deeply rejected him. Fundamental concepts - • Othello often acknowledges his ethnicity, often combing it with some stereotype, like saying that he is a bad speaker because of his race: ”Haply, for I am black/ And have not those soft parts of conversation” • He is conscious of the fact that he is an outsider, but he also knows that his service to Venice is important and that he is a trusted and successful soldier. • In his final monologue he uses many exotic metaphors (dropping tears as fast as Arabian trees, Indian throwing a pearl away), a reference to his background. OTHER LOCATIONS REPRESENTED o Venice - a very well prospering place due to international trade. Its location by the sea not only enabled business connections but also allowed many cultures and races mix in the city. Venetians were considered very open minded at the time, as they emphasised work and their interests rather than religious values imposed by the church. As they liked to point out – “we are Venetians first, and Christians second”. The city was a place of ambiguous morals, perhaps the only city at the current time in which an interracial marriage, such as that of Desdemona and Othello’s, would be somewhat eligible. o Florence - in Shakespeare’s time the city was considered to be the center of education. Cassio, a Florentine, speaks in a very elegant manner, which confirms this perception of Florence. A Florentine was also used to describe homosexuals, and other males with high femininity levels. o Cyprus - a place very different from Venice, as it is a fortified outpost. The island plays a very important role in the play, as the actions starts unfolding once the characters arrive. The size of the area is smaller and the political situation is uncertain enhacing the atmosphere of the island being a dangerous outpost unlawful territory, making it the perfect place for Iago to carry out his evil plan. Cyprus was also the birth place of Aphrodite, a mythological goddess of love, which ties in with the themes of love and jealous.
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mayrasportfolio · 4 years
Othello in the context of race and ethnicity
The play written by Shakespeare in the XVII century is the very first whose black protagonist is portrayed in a positive way, allowing the text to acquire a vital role in the history of drama. Yet the clarity regarding Othello’s race has not always been so unquestioned. As the play has been reproduced on stage thousands of times over the past centuries, so has the perception of Othello’s skin colour. Starting from the publishing of the play in 1622 the characters dark skin remained intact, up to the 1820’s when a scholar by the name of Samuel Taylor Coleridge published a paper in which he states -  ,,Can we imagine him [Shakespeare] so utterly ignorant as to make a barbarous negro plead royal birth? […] It is a common error to mistake epithets applied by dramatis personae to each other as truly descriptive of what the audience out to see or know.” (Coleridge, 385). Following the release of this essay, Othello was depicted as light-skinned or bronzed until the 1870s. The problematic approach to the protagonist’s skin colour has been evident throughout history, as well as discussed in the play itself.
The term moor refers to somebody from the region of Arabia, Palestine or North Africa, generally speaking -  Muslims. These people had the possibility to receive high ranks and gather large fortunes (just like our protagonist did)
At the time, England’s population consisted almost entirely of white Europeans, and the few black people that lived in the area were heavily associated with negative traits such as dishonesty and hostility. Thus most of the literature created before the publishing of the Shakespearean drama, rarely incorporated characters of colour, and if they did, they were presented as evil, cruel villains, with the sole purpose of causing chaos and pain. Shakespeare’s play acknowledges society's perception of black people, but does not support it. Othello is consistently judged for his race, called racial slurs and undermined by people of lower rank, that nonetheless, feel entitled to insult the man. This is most visibly conveyed in Act I Scene I of the play before Othello is even introduced. The reader/viewer witness a conversation between Iago and Roderigo during which they discuss the ‘unlawful, socially unacceptable’ marriage of Desdemona and Othello. In fact, most of the racially charged vocabulary comes from those two characters and Brabantio, who later joins the scene as well. However, it is evident that Othello has managed to gather respect in his position, as the Duke of Venice when praising him to Brabantio claims - ,, your son in law is far more fair than black” ( 1.3.291). Said as a compliment, but still undermining the man for his blackness, this is an ideal example of what Othello was usually faced with. Common pre-existing stereotypes in the culture of XVII century England regarding black men, state that they tend to be overly jealous; are exaggeratingly passionate (hence unreasonable) and gullible.  All these mentioned traits have been portrayed by Othello in his behaviour and used by Iago to manipulate him.
Fundamental concepts – • Othello is generally respected as a military man. • The Duke of Venice, a person of a very high rank, respects Othello’s opinions, treating him more seriously than his own senators, which is presented in the act 1 scene 3, where the dynamics between Othello, the Duke, and Brabantio are shown. One of the symbols of respect is that Othello was greeted first, before the senator. • Although he is positively perceived, characters do not ignore his race, which makes him an outsider despite his behavior and status.
Starting from Iago, the character's name derives from Santiago, which is a symbolic title for people who fight against moors ( or moor-slayers ), meaning that he is by nature supposed to be opposed to Othello. Iago, being the villain he is, insults everybody around him, but he has a designated vocabulary reserved primarily to either describe or infuriate Othello, as he refers to him as an old black ram contrasting him with Desdemona represented by an ewe.
Desdemona on the other hand deeply admires her husband. Unlike what the people in her surroundings think, she is infatuated in Othello. Portrayed as one of the strongest feminine characters in Shakespeare, Desdemona opposes to her father's will, falls in love with a man her when socially it would have been unthinkable to do so and even follows him to war to Cyprus. Her defiant personality has led some to believe that her love for Othello was kindled by his race. Othello’s skin colour symbolizes his exoticism, creates an atmosphere of mystery and ambiguity around the man, and this is what attracts Desdemona the most. She is fascinated by him. Their love is also illustrated by the imagery of the night, representing Othello, adoring the day, symbolising Desdemona. Nonetheless, their romance will be testified against her, as Iago presents her rebellious personality as a reason for her to cheat on him, creating dramatic irony.
Emilia, as well as Iago, directly correlates Othello’s dark skin colour with his evilness. Most characters believe a black ‘outside’, meaning physical appearance, must be related to a dark ‘inside’, accusing him of malicious intents and cruelness, solely based on his exterior appearance.
Fundamental concepts -
• Most of the characters in the play refer to Othello using race- and ethnicity-centered epithets, i.e. “the Moor”, “the thicklips”. • Characters that aim to present him in a negative way, like Iago, often use various animals with negative connotations, for instance, “Barbary horse”, or “an old black ram”. • The dark color of Othello’s skin is used to symbolize sin and evil. For example,  Iago uses the term “blackest sin”, and Emilia “blacker devil”.
In the face of constant judgment based on his physical appearance, it is inevitable for Othello to not think poorly of himself. In Act I Scene III, the character attributes his problems in expressing his language in a courteous manner to his years spent in the military, but as the play progresses, his insecurities start surfacing. By the time the reader reaches Act III Scene III, he states – ,,Haply (perhaps), for I am black And have not those soft parts of conversation That clamberers have” – thus blaming his racial identity for the qualities he lacks.
The phrase above reflects how self-doubting the character must have been of himself if at the moment when he is presented the biggest doubt of his life, he immediately turns to his ethnicity seeking for a part of him to blame, to point out what he was most afraid would happen. Othello, indeed, numerous times wonders why Desdemona fell in love with him, and even feels anxious about having such a lovely wife. The low self-confidence of the character ignited by years of racial marginalizing has made him an easy target for manipulation, as Iago manages to smoothly slide into Othello’s mind, pull out his biggest doubts, and without providing an explanation leave him to his thoughts.
The final monologue of Othello is also crucial in understanding his perception of himself. As he prepares the knife that will later lead to his death, he lays down his principles. He asks the witnesses to ‘’Speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuate/ Nor set down in malice” a final plead to be remembered by his service for the state, behavior and human, instead of skin color. Othello also makes reference to his race by including exotic metaphors, and his final sentances are as follows – ,,And say besides that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turbaned Turk Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, I took bt th’ throat the circumcised dog And smote him – thus!” As Othello retells the sotry of one of his many victories while serving for the state, he indicates that he, himself, has become an enemy of Venice. By degrading himself to the level of those he despised most, which is visible in the vocabulary he used to describe the enemy nation, he presents himself as equally worthless as those who he killed, and subsequently stabs himself in a deadly lunge. At his moment of death he identifies himself as a foreigner that despite their biggest efforts, never managed to become part of the society that so deeply rejected him.
Fundamental concepts - • Othello often acknowledges his ethnicity, often combing it with some stereotype, like saying that he is a bad speaker because of his race: ”Haply, for I am black/ And have not those soft parts of conversation” • He is conscious of the fact that he is an outsider, but he also knows that his service to Venice is important and that he is a trusted and successful soldier. • In his final monologue he uses many exotic metaphors (dropping tears as fast as Arabian trees, Indian throwing a pearl away), a reference to his background.
o Venice - a very well prospering place due to international trade. Its location by the sea not only enabled business connections but also allowed many cultures and races mix in the city. Venetians were considered very open minded at the time, as they emphasised work and their interests rather than religious values imposed by the church. As they liked to point out – “we are Venetians first, and Christians second”. The city was a place of ambiguous morals, perhaps the only city at the current time in which an interracial marriage, such as that of Desdemona and Othello’s, would be somewhat eligible. o Florence - in Shakespeare’s time the city was considered to be the center of education. Cassio, a Florentine, speaks in a very elegant manner, which confirms this perception of Florence. A Florentine was also used to describe homosexuals and other males with high femininity levels. o Cyprus - a place very different from Venice, as it is a fortified outpost. The island plays a very important role in the play, as the actions starts unfolding once the characters arrive. The size of the area is smaller and the political situation is uncertain enhancing the atmosphere of the island being a dangerous outpost unlawful territory, making it the perfect place for Iago to carry out his evil plan. Cyprus was also the birthplace of Aphrodite, a mythological goddess of love, which ties in with the themes of love and jealousy.
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dunloecapital-blog · 5 years
What is DunloeCapital?
Visit our website http://dunloecapital.com/
Dunloe Capital is a family of hybrid private equity funds that invest their own capital and accept capital from external investors on a transaction by transaction basis. Our investment focus is heavily weighted towards growth sectors we believe in and also have significant experience in such as life sciences, data sciences, real estate, and consumer products – primarily wine and cannabis. Dunloe Capital also incubates businesses when a business opportunity presents itself. In general, our approach is to seek out lower and middle market investment opportunities that don’t typically fit within the mandate or deal structure that larger investment firms require. From time to time we may also compete with these firms when we believe we can offer competitive financing, specific expertise or industry contacts that these firms may not readily possess.
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Why do investors join Dunloe Capital’s investor network?
#1. Complete Control over Investment Decisions
When an independent sponsor structure is used, which Dunloe Capital uses exclusively, the investment opportunity will be well known to investors well before the investors execute their investment. Prior to the execution of any investment, Dunloe Capital will deliver a placement memorandum, investor deck and a shareholders’ agreement specific to the investment opportunity. Investors may also be introduced to management prior to investing.
Investors in a traditional venture or private equity structure don’t typically possess control over the investments made by the fund. Once they have invested in the fund they provide full discretion to the fund manager to select and execute investments. This is how funds have operated for a very long time but recent returns for traditional funds of this nature have been quite underwhelming.
#2. More Control Over the Investment Terms
An independent sponsor structure often involves a small number of investors who negotiate the terms for each investment with Dunloe Capital’s manager prior to execution.
A direct investment in a traditional venture or private equity fund generally implies that you accept the investment terms that the fund proposes. There is no negotiation.
#3. Access to High-Quality Investments Otherwise Ignored by Most Funds
We seek high-quality investment opportunities that are typically out of reach for most traditional funds such as a business that is just about to “make it” or is on the doorstep of a major event but is not quite mature enough to justify a large valuation. Most venture and private equity funds are forced to seek out investments in the upper and middle market (i.e. larger & more mature businesses) because they are generally mandated to invest their capital within a certain timeframe and desirable investment returns are difficult to generate when larger capital pools are applied to smaller deals and crammed into arbitrary timelines.
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#4. Investor & Independent Sponsor Interests Aligned, Greater Project Control & Commitment
An independent sponsor such as Dunloe Capital will generally be involved in the ongoing operations and business planning of the company in which its affiliated funds has invested in. The independent sponsor is generally an actively engaged and committed party acting on behalf of the investors on a frequent if not daily basis. An investment of this nature is by no means a passive investment – from the sponsor’s perspective. Further, the independent sponsor structure generally promotes a smaller portfolio of investments that the sponsor will oversee, which in turn suggests that investment opportunities that Dunloe Capital presents to investors will be of the highest quality possible – all of these factors suggest that the investors and Dunloe Capital’s interests are fully aligned.
A traditional fund rarely provides frequent if not daily engagement with its portfolio companies.
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About Author:
Dunloe Capital’s founder James Crane, CPA has been associated with some of the cannabis industry’s most prominent investors since 2014. The transactions listed above are only inclusive of those that were executed by Dunloe Capital and its affiliated funds.
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rextunn7737817-blog · 5 years
Batch Changing Aiff To MP3
Utilizing Mac OS X's powerful constructed-in media encoding instruments, massive AIFF audio files may be quickly and easily converted to compressed prime quality M4A audio, prepared for use on in iTunes or an iPod, iPhone, or elsewhere. iTunes is an efficient utility which can be utilized for converting audio information into MP3 codecs. Using iTunes to convert music information to MP3 has various added benefits as well. iTunes is a media participant, reminiscence administration software program and it also acts as a media converter. iTunes is appropriate with virtually all devices. iTunes possess no limitations and offers ease of implementation and usage. If you open your file in iTunes and proper click on on the doc you may see a drop down menu. You will see there's a "Change over Selection to AAC" option, yet we don't need AAC, we need MP3, so do not choose this feature. We now have to change the inclinations first so we can make the MP3 option accessible there. Let's have a look at how you can convert AIFF to MP3 with iTunes below. The other vital security concern is data privacy. We do not suggest utilizing on-line purposes to convert sensitive material like bank records or confidential information. Even if the service guarantees to delete and destroy all records of your file, there's still a gray area. As soon as your file is uploaded to a developer's cloud or server, the service can crawl that file for data to retailer or sell to the best bidder. Though audio recordsdata are less vulnerable to knowledge breach than picture or document recordsdata, there may be still a chance that a copy of your file may very well be stored elsewhere. RealNetworks also affords tools for creating RealAudio and RealMedia recordsdata. The latest model (as of this writing) is RealSystem Producer Plus, which offers complete instruments for changing audio and video to streaming format. Earlier creation tools embody RealEncoder, for simple conversions, and RealPublisher, with superior features equivalent to wizards for creating HTML and FTP support. Audio might be saved in either the present and most well-liked RealMedia format (.rm) or the RealAudio format (.ra) for support in older variations of RealPlayer (5 and earlier).
That is true virtually all of the time. The one time it might make sense is you probably have a lower bitrate audio file in a top quality format like WAV. For example, it'd make sense to convert a ninety six kbps WAV file to MP3, however provided that you select a bitrate of 192 kbps or increased. The upper bitrate on the MP3 file will enable it to maintain the same high quality because the WAV file, regardless that it's a lower bitrate. When we put the key phrases to a search engine to get a solution, we're certain to find quite a lot of tools able to achieving the transformation. They are indeed workable on this but in all probability we're allowed to add the AIFF recordsdata one after another instead of adding all files to transform if we get an online-primarily based device assist us. Apart from MP3, assuming that we want to change AIFF files to WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, FLAC, OGG, RA and lots of different well-liked codecs, a web based converter simply usable for AIFF to MP3 transformation is way from enough to utilize. Don't fret. I've acquired some of the powerful online converters to keep you away from the aforementioned bother. Hit here to log into the page. From the iTunes menu bar, Click on ‘Normal' after which choose ‘Import settings' option. With the Importing possibility selected you'll see you've an possibility that says "Import Using": trailed by a drop-down menu. Click on on this case, and decide MP3 Encoder. For the setting dropdown field set it to "Good Quality". At that time hit OK. An ideal choice for changing AIFF to MP3 on Mac (newly macOS 10.14 Mojave included) is iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe This app allows you to convert video and audio in AVI, MKV, MP4, MOV, AIFF, MP3, WMA, WAV all with remarkable ease. Additionally anticipate super fast conversion thanks to the most recent NVIDIA encoding and decoding expertise-supplying you with quick conversion with loss-much less file quality. And you are able to convert multiple information in a single batch, saving time. FYI, this all-in-one video converter also lets you customise audio output settings including bit charge, i.e, if you want to smaller your file, you possibly can lower down the bit charge and other settings.
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MP3 is the precise file format in your COMPUTER, MP3 players, iPod and cell telephones. You can get pleasure from MP3 downloads on all of your cellular gadgets. Audials is your MP3 converter and converts nearly all file formats to MP3 information. Your MP3 songs might be played back at your PC, MP3 participant, cellular phone, Apple iPhone, Apple iPod or Microsoft Zune Participant.You can play AIFF and AIF information with Home windows Media Player, Apple iTunes, QuickTime, VLC and possibly most other multi-format media gamers. Mac computers can open AIFF and AIF files with those Apple applications too. For those who find you might have the player which doesn't assist AIFF file, you should use the above method to change it into MP3 or different appropriate format for playback.iTunes affords the ability to convert your songs into a variety of codecs- AAC, MP3, WAV, AIFF, and Apple Lossless - every with their own benefits. No matter what format you like, iTunes makes it easy to transform songs whereas nonetheless protecting your original version in your pc in case you alter your mind. Read on to learn how to convert songs, in addition to some advantages of each format.
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Online Marketing Articles From AMAZINES.COM
The term list building is one that you regularly listen to if you remain in the online sales and advertising world. With integrated, consumer connection monitoring, lead administration, email advertising, on the internet workshops as well as education and learning, safe forms, and also occasion scheduling, Increase MD provides powerful marketing as well as sales attributes for solo, healthcare facility, and also team medical practices at an inexpensive rate. Using testimonials i.e. short video clips featuring your existing clients that essentially clarify as well as examine just how using a specific product of your own functioned well for them as well as what qualitative worth they think the item holds and why so. The more live an experience is for people, the more likely they are to reply to it, making it much more probable that the spectators offer a considerate idea to your item thus making them your prospects. Although such databases can be beneficial because they contains countless documents, they are best made use of as a pointer or lead generator for areas to seek records, and also ought to not replace court searches of counties where an individual has lived or worked unless the data source has the exact same info that is offered at the court house. On the internet lead generation describes practice of accumulating an individual or gaining's details - typically for a info, service, or item, and after that reselling that info to companies interested in advertising to, or offering to those collected leads. Kevin: Yeah, absolutely, as well as I would certainly contribute to what Mark said that in addition to the on the internet components which are really important nowadays, there's a great deal of offline advertising strategies that are available to neighborhood services. And also I'm personally very happy to be operating at a business that lives a commitment to favorably influencing the world It barely seems like work when my company's mission is to "produce social as well as economic value on a worldwide range" by utilizing the Net to bring work to people regardless of where they live. This issue emerged in 2016 when ProPublica reported that it had the ability to purchase real estate ads that excluded African American, Oriental American and Hispanic people from seeing them, a technique that the Congressional Black Caucus pointed out to Facebook was a "straight infraction of the Fair Real Estate Act of 1968." The social media titan later claimed it would disable settings that enable advertisers promoting employment, credit report as well as real estate to omit ethnic and also racial groups. Given that it will certainly be much easier for Facebook individuals to share their contact info, it might weaken the high quality of leads being created for the business, and using Lead Advertisements might not be the right marketing campaign for them. Certainly, you're in the Duct Tape Advertising And Marketing Network so I will see both of you most likely quicker than later, however congratulations on the book and certainly regional companies, this is details you need as well as it remains in a very absorbable style as well as fantastic task. I assume Mark mentioned the suggestion, you know, a lot of individuals locally, when they're looking for a business, that's what they're utilizing to browse so even if it weren't for the reality that Google was now not going to show your site, I indicate it makes such a bad experience for that individual that gets on a phone anyway. It's a huge subject, yet it primarily concerns seeing to it you have regional accounts on all of the major search engines (Bing, Yahoo!, and also Google) and also use of right local key phrases for the target market as well as area. So, you have to have noticed by using your sixth sense that making your site with an aim of advertising it on internet search engine results in a much better layout as well as likewise assists in the Search Engine Optimization initiatives that will certainly come later on. Since Nissan documents the purchase date of each vehicle sold in a customer database, they can adhere to up automatically making use of email advertising and marketing automation to remind consumers when their auto is due for maintenance as well as produce leads for its network of solution stations. Nonetheless certain mind control strategies were made use of on these remaining personnel to make sure that they would have no memory of what they were servicing. This bring about the sensation of 'absent time' which to the majority of people makes them examine their very own sanity.
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marypink8 · 2 years
Holiday Schedule Of The Visa Workplace Of 2021
In circumstances where employers aren't able to receive the certified ETA Form 9089 documents by email, OFLC will ship the original safety paper ETA Form 9089 and Final Determination letter utilizing UPS common delivery (i.e., roughly 2 to eight days depending on delivery location). U.S. Department of Homeland Security regulations require that—in order to file a USCIS Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers, with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services , for sure employment—based immigrant visas-employers must concurrently submit an original labor certification issued by the united states Benton County is internet hosting its annual spring Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event on Saturday, April 30, 2022 from eight AM to 3 PM. The Pacific Alliance consists of Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, permitting its citizens to travel visa-free. This is a joint visa agreement between Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Citizens of those nations can travel visa-free between member states. The Schengen visa is a shared entry permit that may let you enter any of the international locations in the Schengen Area— there are currently 26 European member countries on this settlement. The European Union’s ETIAS will turn into obligatory ranging from the end of 2022. The OFLC will now not reply to inquiries to seek for information in response to FOIA requests, or present info for requests for duplicate certifications for LCA functions with a last willpower issued in 2008 or earlier, consistent with the OFLC information schedule. The varieties for the H-2A program are at present in evaluate for a 3 12 months extension. Notice of a second remark interval, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act, is expected to be printed within the Federal Register in the coming weeks. The Chicago National Processing Center will continue to accept the present H-2A program form with 2016 expiration dates, which can be prolonged in one month increments till the complete three 12 months extension is permitted by OMB and the new types are posted on our web site and up to date in the iCERT System. Highlighting best practices or quality prevailing wage requests and labor certifications applications from the 2016 submitting season. The Department is processing purposes in accordance with procedures announced on June 1, 2018, whereby applications are assigned to analysts for processing primarily based on the date and time at which the application was obtained into the system. To see the F-1 rule, click here , To see the logging rule, click right here . To ensure this digital notification supply comfort works for all PERM stakeholders, please add and to your Address Book or Safe List within your e-mail system to keep away from being filtered as SPAM. In addition, if e-mail addresses for the licensed representative or employer have modified, please notify either or . Please provide the case quantity together with the updated contact data. As part of the Office of Foreign Labor Certification's on-going efforts to increase public engagement, OFLC's NPWC will host a webinar on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 designed to coach surveyor's, stakeholders, program customers, and different involved members of the public on H-2B surveyor ideas and general filing tips. The first hour will give attention to data to surveyors and the second hour may have more general info for PWD requestors and employers. Coronavirus Covid Amsterdam has flights to Xiamen from April, and to Guangzhou and Shanghai from June. Sydney has flights to Shanghai from May, to Guangzhou and Xiamen from April. Toronto has flights to Xiamen and Chengdu from April, and to Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou from May. Pre-departure tests need to have been administered within 72 hours earlier than travel to the united states Before coming to UC Davis, get tested 3-5 days after travel and self-quarantine for 7 days. Travel to aCDC COVID Level three or four countryis subject to evaluate by submission described below. When you travel to the United States by air, you may be required to show a negative COVID-19 check end result or documentation of restoration from COVID-19 before you board your flight. People age 50 or older might now obtain a second booster dose of an mRNA vaccine no less than 4 months after their first booster dose. People age 12 or older who have reasonably to severely compromised immune techniques may obtain a second booster dose of an mRNA vaccine at least four months after their first booster dose. People age 18 or older who received a Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine and booster dose may also get a second booster dose of an mRNA vaccine a minimum of 4 months after their first booster dose. Hotels , Opens another site in a new window that will not meet accessibility tips. For any questions related to UW travel to China, please contact the UW Global Travel Security Program at All official student journey to China after Tuesday, February four, 2020 is restricted. China International Travel Information While some consulates are reopening to supply visa providers, many are still closed for routine visa processing or are solely offering limited companies. Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina began accepting functions for F, M and J visas on August 24, however remains closed for other visa processing. Applicants with urgent travel needs or who believe they qualify for one of the National Interest Exceptions generally should apply for an expedited or emergency visa appointment. Up-to-date details about visa processing could be found here. It is understood that courier companies are arranged only on the request of visa applicant/s and Chinese Visa Application Service Facility assumes no obligation for a similar. Applicants treatment, if any will be solely in opposition to the courier company and the visa applicant/s consents to the identical. An agency like Travel Visa Pro may be authorized to use for a visa on your behalf, saving you time, money and skipping the hassle. We have nine staffed workplace in the US accessible to major cities, in addition to dozens of decide up and drop off locations in your space that provide free transport to our trained staff. All People’s Republic of China Passport holders carrying 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas are required to have an EVUS enrollment to enter the United States by air, land, sea beginning on November 29. If you're already within the United States on November 29, you will not must enroll in EVUS to depart the United States. However, you have to enroll earlier than your next journey to the United States. The Embassies and Consulates have the best to request a consumer to supply further supporting paperwork or request the applicant to attend an interview. Application fees can be paid by bank card, money order, or cashier's verify. Some consulates outsource their visa processing to a third-party firm, which can incur an additional value. Below you’ll discover info on whether you need a visa when traveling to these popular international locations within the Americasas a U.S. citizen or everlasting resident of the U.S. Tourist visas cannot be acquired through the embassy in Washington, D.C., but you'll find a way to apply online by way of the Zimbabwe eVisa web site. Immigration officers in Namibia have been recognized to offer shorter stays, so check your entry stamp and the validity of your keep to be secure. You will need a passport legitimate for six months with at least 3 clean pages for a visa and stamps. You can also be asked to supply proof of enough funds (at least $100 per evening for the length of your stay). China Visa Software Incessantly Requested Questions Planning to visit China, but don't know how to apply for a China visa? We're breaking it down for you with our step-by-step guide, observe the steps and get your China visa efficiently. As an alterative to customizing the beneficial excursions linked above to satisfy your individual requirements, we can help you tailor-make a tour according to your pursuits and requirements. Most attractions even have a every day limit on the variety of individuals permitted to enter . If you had COVID-19 up to now 90 days and recovered, you do not want to be tested unless you develop new symptoms. But it doesn't assist travelers from nations just like the United States where Chinese vaccines aren't available. Most international nationals, together with nationals of the United States and the European Union member states, are required to obtain a visa for business activities from a Chinese Consulate or Embassy prior to journey. Only nationals from select nations, together with Brunei, Japan, and Singapore, are eligible for visa waiver status, which permits guests to enter and conduct business activities in China. Please obtain an individual assessment previous to travel to find out your eligibility for a visa waiver. By far probably the most simple possibility is to apply in your house country. Citizens of most countries or areas on the earth want to apply for a visa to enter mainland China, but residents of some international locations can enter China with out visas for a restricted period of stay if they meet sure conditions. U.S. citizens touring or residing in the PRC, together with the Hong Kong SAR, may be detained with out access to U.S. consular services or details about their alleged crime. U.S. citizens may be subjected to extended interrogations and prolonged detention with out due process of legislation. The consular officer will determine on whether or to not concern the visa and on its validity, duration of keep and number of entries in gentle of specific situations of the applicant. Alternatively, there is an possibility to apply for a visa upon arrival. All foreign nationals excited about coming into China must apply for a Chinese visa at the Chinese Embassy in their residence country. There isn't any provision for China visa application at the port of Entry. The China work visa type Z is a single-entry visa out there for foreigners who have obtained a job supply from a China-incorporated firm. This visa is the most common visa kind for people who work within the nation and is legitimate for 3 months. Ideas For Applying For A Visa You can even decide to remain in Portugal for eight months with varied breaks inside the yr. In particular circumstances, pupil visa fees can be waived, dependent on your nation of origin. As a foreign worker, you will want a visa to get a job in the united states Each kind of visa has distinctive necessities, situations, and time limits. Learn extra about the means of making use of for a TN nonimmigrant visa. In such a case only a valid passport is required for entry and exit purposes. The United States has a number of visa restrictions that affect whether a possible customer is granted a tourist visa. Visa purposes may be denied on the grounds of well being, a felony document or different safety causes. For instance, anyone with a major communicable disease or a bodily or mental well being disorder that poses a security threat is not going to be allowed entry into the US. Atlys strives to maintain its data correct and up to date. This is related provided that you additionally meet different college admission necessities. A day when new students are informed concerning the university’s premises and activities. University diploma awarding studies.You must have acquired the confirmation for admission in research from a acknowledged higher education supplier here. This is relevant for studies resulting in a acknowledged higher training diploma, similar to Bachelor , Master , or PhD. (This applies if your international high-school leaving certificates just isn't acknowledged in Germany). Or, equally acknowledged qualification, allowing you to start university research in Germany. Do You Want A Visa For China? These are the web page with data and the one with emergency contact details. Get more travel inspiration, ideas and exclusive offers despatched straight to your inbox with our weekly newsletter. China Highlights is your China tour tailor-making skilled. 72- and 144-hour visa-free transit provide great convenience if you have a layover in China. Please join our Facebook group to get the latest details about visa insurance policies during the pandemic. If you may have another nationality or live overseas, you don’t should get an Entry and Exit Permit since you aren't thought-about as a resident. Instead, you will be topic to the visa requirements of your second nation of nationality. Proof of accommodation in Taiwan, corresponding to a hotel reservation, a call for participation from your host, and so on. Original passport, with a validity of at least six more months after the date of arrival and with a minimum of three blank pages. There are many steps if you need to journey to China, the first being that you have to get hold of permission to enter. Relationship between applicant and host, who shall be responsible for price of candidates lodging in China). Invitation letters have to be accompanied by a photocopy of the host’s Chinese Identity Card . As U S Revokes Chinese Students' Visas, Considerations Rise About Loss Of Analysis Talent The COVID-19 pandemic has further aggravated these dynamics. Closures and limited access to U.S. embassies and consulates, travel restrictions, and private safety concerns have sophisticated visa issuance and travel plans of worldwide college students. The Trump administration initially tried to bar students from getting into or remaining in the United States if their schools supplied only on-line programs, though the order was quickly rescinded. Still, the move contributed to confusion and frustration for U.S. colleges and universities and their worldwide college students. One in 5 of those students was learning on-line from one other country. Yes, however touring throughout this time should be undertaken with warning. USCIS might ship you a request for proof when you are away, nonetheless, so you'll wish to make sure you have provided an accurate U.S. tackle both to your DSO and on the applying and would be succesful of send in requested documents. Also, if USCIS approves your OPT utility, you could be expected to have your EAD in hand to re-enter the United States. The international national would possibly undermine China’s nationwide safety and interests, disturb social public order, or be engaged in other illegal legal activities. The foreign national has been deported or expelled however not fulfilled the required variety of years overseas earlier than in search of readmission. But what if your plans are for more informal or fun study? For 台胞證 , a few weeks of cooking, yoga or art classes? Or perhaps you simply want to take a brief or part-time academic course and spend the remainder of your time traveling in the United States. If you are applying for an F-1 or M-1 visa, your spouse and kids might have the power to journey to and stay in the us with you. Saudi Visa For Chinese Language Citizens Are you wondering what you may do whenever you get to Turkey regardless of the pandemic? Restaurants, motels, and points of interest are all absolutely open in Turkey. There is a current curfew in some areas, in addition to travel restrictions. Still, all of these rules are solely applicable to Turkish residents and citizens, not international vacationers. That's why you can transfer, have enjoyable and travel freely in Turkey. Transfers from one city to another usually are not limited since there isn't a extra lockdown. Chinese nationals permanently residing in Hong Kong are additionally ineligible and are required to obtain an Exit and Entry Permit. Russia do not need a visa to go to Taiwan for trips lower than 21 days. Most eVisa applications for Taiwan are processed within a quantity of business days. Depending on the current volume of applications, a traveler may receive their approved eVisa inside a few hours. Travelers from the majority of countries need a visa to go to Taiwan for any purpose, together with tourism and enterprise. Travelers should examine all Ethiopia eVisa necessities earlier than finishing their online utility. On the opposite hand, the eVisa permits Chinese travelers to skip these traces for the rationale that process can be accomplished entirely on-line. The only two exceptions to the visa requirement are Kenya and Djibouti.
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Productive Way To Make Your Sexual Lifestyle Far Better!
Some males said that they felt the variance from first week even though some say that they experienced to get it on a regular basis for 21-45 times to get the final results. Elite Male Further I remarkably advise Male Extra pills but, you could begin with finest male enhancement pills itself. Listed here are a few ideas that will really aid you out a whole lot.
I truly feel the advancement in my penis dimension. Now I can satisfy my partner for the extended several hours. My endurance electric power and endurance also improved. I truly feel the challenging erections.
Aside from testosterone improving energetic components they have similarly involved the energetic substances that support in maximizing the blood movement. All you require to do to obtain all the advantage is be standard with the intake of the dietary supplement.
How Does Elite Male Further Work? Elite Male Added consists of a mix of aphrodisiacs and professional sexual vitamins which assist you execute better in the mattress. The all-natural aphrodisiacs of Elite Male Extra strengthen libido and restore vitality.
The components has standard elements that allow an specific to knowledge currently being a male one a lot more time boosts a man’s conjunction. I’m absolutely sure you are going to take into account obtaining it. What is Elite Male Extra Male Improvement? This is a regular capsule-primarily based supplement but there is only 1 distinction. This capsule is manufactured of all pure substances.
For more safety get it on its official site, listed here you will have no doubt that if it is or not initial. Keep away from forgeries and possibility of throwing your income. And if we chat about orgasms, Elite Male Extra will enhance the top quality and period. You will appreciate that particular instant even much more than you would generally do, many thanks to this penis enlargement health supplement.
With a excellent offer of nutritional supplements all over, you could be considering about why you want to make use of this particular merchandise. Lowered T culminate very low strength levels, low muscle mass mass, infertility, erectile dysfunction, lessened sexual intercourse generate, sluggish hair development or hair decline, loss of bone mass and gynecomastia (improvement of breast tissue in men).
These all issues also suffers our body thanks to the occupied and nerve-racking timetable of our each day routine. Due to the hectic schedule, we don’t get appropriate protein and nutritional vitamins to make our sexual composition sturdy. It is finest for the enhancement of your penis sizing. Your penis will get greater as effectively as denser and eventually, you will be capable to come to feel good and self-confident degree.
Be that as it may possibly, you can test the bundling when acquiring the merchandise for the elements applied. But a lot of males said they started out going through the advancement in sexual electricity right after two months of common use. And couple of claimed taking even longer. You ought to maintain in thoughts that it is not a wonder tablet.
This can be exceptionally frustrating. No person needs to come to feel like they cannot satisfy their partner or go by means of the disgrace of undressing in entrance of her for the first time just to expose a much less than remarkable member.
A lot of says that their verge sexual intercourse lifestyle has turned to amazing due to the fact this solution has presented then with a risk-free and effective remedy of maximizing their sexual intercourse daily life. You are heading to really feel self-confident achieve. It is remarkably encouraged by the health professionals and regarded a single of the finest quality solutions. It has been specifically intended for the individuals who are over forty several years.
It is an approach to dispose of any bashfulness, disgrace or far more all apprehension skilled in the place specifically if suffering from erectile brokenness. Elite Male Extra Ingredients and How they Function?
The speedy absorption of nutrients in the blood permits the fast surge in vitality and extended release allows it to sustain the nutrient’s skill to the for a longer time time. Not like numerous of the competing items, such as Naturomax or Durazest, Elite Male Further hopes to be equipped to assist adult men who have challenges, thanks to a number of self-assist eBooks. What are the components in Elite Male Added?
Because of to restricted stock offered, get the get area appropriate now and appreciate the positive aspects of the product or service. For a lot more in depth details kindly visit the formal site. This merchandise is getting quite a few beneficial critiques and males above 30s are its users until 60 years of age. All of them are possessing one particular thing common to say “Elite Male More rocks”.
How does Elite Male Extra get the job done? Elite Male Extra has twin action components which not only surges the electricity in the physique but also provides a pleasurable appreciate lifestyle. It is composed of pure substances only and does not have any facet effects. The solution is normally worried with the stimulation of the male hormones i.e. testosterone. It encourages your power stage and will help you get for a longer time really hard erections.
You can also switch to areas exactly where you can access the Web, and you will uncover a huge range of consumers with the use of this nutritional supplement to their genuinely uncommon knowledge.
What is Elite Male More? When testosterone stages are reduced then gentlemen have a tendency to expertise reduction of interest in power and reduced sexual activity as very well. These inquiries and numerous other issues will be answered in information of this report. What is Elite Male Additional? It acts with a emphasis on maximizing sexual exercise of guy.
In advance of acquire it remember to read through all details about it then purchase it or else talk to much more about the nutritional supplement on buyer variety. The health supplement is dispatched at your tackle. It has several assortments to improve the physical issues. The nutritional supplement cancels the shortcoming amount of the body and it expands the sexual stamina degree.
The Elite Male Further is taken 2 capsules when a day and is advisable 30 minutes right after foods. This lessens the cost of its lengthy-phrase use, which, by the way, we propose for ideal results. Owing to the limited info furnished by the company, it is really hard to establish the side results. Nevertheless, the users have furnished with data on the foundation of their experience.
So in this situation, a improve is needed which can enable you in your make out and fitness center periods each. An successful enhance in these kinds of situation is Elite Male More. Boost Libido: The organic aphrodisiacs of Elite Male Extra support you boost libido in a protected and normal way.
My bed functionality has enhanced and my existence spouse very happy with my sexual efficiency. It has completely transformed my existence and I am happy with it.
On the other hand, man’s character has the inherent capacity to come across solutions. The higher than said sore has obtained a solve in the variety of Elite Male Additional. This foodstuff complement has numerous strengths in it.
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biotite, diamond, emerald, and ruby
biotite: the biggest problems my muse is currently dealing with
B o r e d o m. Also Jack’s broken bones that he’s pretty sure he’s concealing!!!! And he has WORRY!!!! You heck!!!
Also low-key worrying about Aradia given her age and what he’s read about her blood caste’s longevity
diamond: a sex headcanon
Can I just say here that I fucking love that “Diamond” is the sex headcanon LOL God.  Anyway.  He’s got a bit of an odd relationship with sex.  He enjoys it and he finds it to be a useful tool, but he isn’t sex-motivated? If that makes sense?  Like if the opportunity Arises, Cool.  If it doesn’t, Also Cool.
emerald: how my muse tells someone they love them without words
So!! Di’s love languages are primarily acts of service and quality time. He’s actually pretty much the worst with expressing love with words, since admitting love is kind of hard for an emotionally unavailable like him to do!  So treating people to dinner, driving you around--taking time out of his day to do small but meaningful things for you and spending time with you are how he shows that he loves you.
ruby: a happiness headcanon
When Di is particularly pleased, he tends to be very musical about it, i.e. hums/sings to himself! (This can, in turn, be terrifying when he’s whistlin a jaunty tune while torturing a fella.)
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market-researcher · 3 years
Physical Security Market Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Supply, and Manufacturers Analysis Research Report 2028
Research Nester has released a report titled “Physical Security Market – Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2028”which also includes some of the prominent market analyzing parameters such as industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, year-on-year (Y-O-Y) growth comparisons, market share comparisons, BPS analysis, SWOT analysis and Porter’s five force model.
 Smart cities use different kinds of Internet of Things (IoT)-based sensors to collect data for the efficient management of assets, resources and services, and further allows for advanced intelligence and mobility, thereby making cities more effective in using resources to improve everything including security and surveillance, air quality, water quality, transport, power and communication system. As such, to maintain and protect this ecosystem, there is a rising demand for the security and surveillance of the smart cities, which is anticipated to be one of the major driving factors for the growth of the global physical security market.
Get Exclusive Sample Report Data Of This Report @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-2528
 The global physical security market is anticipated to achieve a CAGR of 8.03% across the globe over the forecast period, i.e. 2020-2028. The market is thriving on account of the increasing scope of IoT in enabling data protection through innovative connected networks of physical security system is anticipated to promote the growth of the global physical security market. Moreover, increasing spending by government bodies worldwide on installation of new physical security systems, such as video surveillance, access control & others in government offices & public facilities is further anticipated to provide growth opportunities to the global physical security market. The market is expected to garner a value of USD 210893.7 million by the end of 2028 from a value of USD 98410 million in the year 2018 and gain an incremental $ opportunity of USD 7549.1 million in the year 2020 as compared to 2019.
The global physical security market is segmented by vertical into government & defense, BFSI, retail, residential, transportation, IT and others. Among these segments, the government & defense segment held the largest market share of 23.38% in the year 2018 and is expected to grow by a CAGR of 7.28% during the forecast period and attain an incremental $ opportunity of USD 435.8 million in the year 2020.
Based on region, the global physical security market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region, out of which, the market in North America held the largest market share of 39.69% in the year 2018 and is anticipated to achieve an incremental $ opportunity of USD 2763.4 million in the year 2020 as compared to the previous year. The market is primarily driven by nations, such as U.S. and Canada, where U.S. held the dominant market value of USD 26872.5 million in the year 2018.
However, concerns for data privacy and the security products being prone to hackers and increasing data thefts are some of the factors estimated to act as a barrier to the growth of the global physical security market.
This report also studies existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global physical security market, which includes profiling of Bosch Sicherheitssysteme Gmbh, Axis Communications AB, Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE: HON), Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO), Johnson Controls International PLC (NYSE: JCI), Secom Co., Ltd. (TYO: 935), Genetec Inc. (KLSE: GENETEC), Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd. (SHE: 002236), Securitas AB (STO: SECU-B) and Prosegur Compania De Seguridad, SA (BME: PSG).
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 The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which comprises of business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. Conclusively, the report titled “Physical Security Market – Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2028”, analyses the overall physical security industry to help new entrants to understand the details of the market. In addition to that, this report also guides existing players looking for expansion and major investors looking for investment in the global physical security market in the near future.
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Lupine Publishers |Value Chain Analysis for Medicinal Plant based products in India: Case Study of Uttarakhand
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Value chain concepts and approaches can be used to understand the integration of producers of high value products in developing countries with regional and global markets. A value chain is a description of range of activities that involves processes of production, delivery and final disposal of the product after use. The value chain analysis involves the study of the structure, actors, and dynamics of value chains that connect farm and forest products. The participants, linkages, structure of cost and benefit and dynamics of the value chain are studied.
The standardization of the production procedures in case of medicinal plant industry is important to develop a uniformity and acceptability in all parts of the world. The various processes of the value chain i.e. cultivation, maintenance, harvesting, processing, storage, packaging of the medicinal and aromatic plant industry are required to be standardized to meet the criteria for the certification as well as for the assessment of the quality and safety norms of the product and extracts thus produced. Certifications and the standardization define the safety and quality of the product that are essential in the international markets for the commodities to be traded abroad. The analysis discusses about the current scenario of value chain of the medicinal plant industry and how the standardization of the value addition contributes in the trade of medicinal and aromatic plants.
Keywords: Value chain; Medicinal plants; Uttarakhand; India; Herbal industry; Spices
Value addition is the process of economically adding value to a product by altering its current place, time and from one set of characteristics to other characteristics that are more favored in the marketplace [1]. Value addition is the process of creating value in existing value chain of a product. Value addition in medicinal plant industry starts at grass root level of cultivation of medicinal plants and primary processing of medicinal and aromatic plants which includes the procedures like cleaning, drying and sorting of medicinal plants at very initial phase of collection and harvesting of medicinal plants.
The basic theory for calculating the value addition at every level of the production process is the difference between the market price of the product and the total cost of production of the inputs used for the production (Figure 1).
The demand for chemicals and products derived from medicinal and aromatic plants is increasing globally and has opened up opportunities for entrepreneurs to add value to these plants through processing, thereby generating enormous employment avenues [2]. India has abundance of medicinal plants with 8000 medicinal and 2500 aromatic species which are mined for natural chemicals and processed for commercial products that are then exported globally. An upward trend has been recorded in the exports of medicinal and aromatic plants’ products in recent years which have encouraged Government and private organizations for developing processed products with medicinal plants. Value addition through processing involves employment of unskilled rural youth and unemployed, educated urban youth. A number of value added consumer products can be developed from a single medicinal or aromatic plant for trade in national and international markets.
Value chain actors
The returns received by the actors of the medicinal plant value chain namely villagers, middlemen and wholesaler, constitute the total trade in medicinal plants. The villagers constitute the first link in the trade in medicinal plants wherein the cultivators separately or combined collect the medicinal plant produce and take them up to the processors for further refinement. There upon, the middle men intervene in the medicinal plant trade and act as facilitators due to the lack of efficient infrastructure and link the cultivators to the wholesalers for commissions. The wholesalers are the distributors of the medicinal plant products to the ultimate markets and they carry out the work through a complex network of agents and retailers.
The medicinal plant value chain also included the secondary actors which are the industries that use the medicinal plants and their extracts as their input materials and then the value added to them through the processes operated on them through which the end products are obtained. The Pharmaceutical industries and the Cosmetic industries are the prime example of the value addition made to the medicinal plants. These industries use the medicinal and aromatic plants in fixed percentages and the final products made are the blend of multiple such plants and extracts.
Research motivation
The medicinal plant industry in the North Indian state of the Uttarakhand though is established, but the industry lacks a systematic structure and direction which can grant the various actors of the medicinal plant value chain proper guidelines and direction to develop the products that match the international quality standards. The international trade in medicinal plants and allied products is based on certain qualitative and safety standards which should be in place to ensure safety of the medicinal plants traded. The application and adherence of such standards in production of the medicinal plants in the country is eminent in order to explore the entire international trade potential of the medicinal plants.
For the purpose of analyzing the impact of value addition made by different actors of the medicinal plant value chain and the value added by the standardization of the production of medicinal plant products, qualitative method of analysis has been used. The existing studies have primarily focused on determining the value addition made by various actors of the value chain of medicinal plants. A very limited number of studies have explored the benefits of standardization of the various processes that are crucial to the quality of the end products of the medicinal plant industry. This study attempts to do that.
Objectives of the research
1. To understand the value chain processes in medicinal plant industry of Uttarakhand
2. To identify the issues in the value chain processes of the industry
3. To analyze the impact of standardization of active ingredients of value chain on the trade
The study begins with the introduction of the study. The previous studies pertaining to the topic have been discussed in the literature review section. Research gaps have been identified in the same chapter and research framework has been formed. In the next chapter, research methodology has been stated in which the process that has been adopted during the entire course of the investigation has been discussed. Data analysis has been discussed in the succeeding chapter. This chapter is followed by discussions, conclusions, and recommendations for future work.
Literature Review
Value chain of MAPs
Value Chain (VC) defines a complete series of activities which are mandatory to carry the product or service from beginning through the different phases of production to the end consumer and discarding the product after its usage [3]. The value chain concept is an analytical approach that is been deployed used for evaluating the performance of the marketing initiatives of any industry or organization. This kind of analysis helps in identifying the loop holes in the performance system of marketing initiatives and implementing measures for refining the private and public interventions [4].
Medicinal plants and its related products have a wide ranging value chain activities associated with it. Recent estimates suggest that trade related activities of herbs is projected to attain a financial worth of US$ 5 Trillion by 2050. Realizing this increasing demand, it becomes important to assess the activities that can be restructured for smooth flow of medicinal herbs from producers to end consumers. This kind of analysis helps in understanding the difference that prevails in quality of the herbal medicines in different market zones and identify superior quality products over the inferior ones.
The value chain in medicinal plant industry comprises of the producers, collector, processors, wholesalers, exporters and distributors and retailer. The producers, or the cultivators or, the collectors are the upstream actors of the medicinal plant value chain and they provide the industry with the basic raw material and inputs for the other participants to function. While the processors, the wholesalers, the retailers, the traders and the exporters are the downstream actors of the medicinal plant value chain which provide the raw inputs of the medicinal plants with value and the capacity to the trade. The downstream actors enhance the utility of the medicinal plants and impart value to the products through processing and packaging of the products which increases the shelf life of the products.
The production system of MAPs products comprises of three major groups; wild crafters, plantation operators and cultivators. The three broad categories of producers differ according to the level of power they own, the practices they employ and the benefits they draw from these valuable resources. State Forest Departments are anticipated to control the harvesting of forest produce and are also expected to maintain a record of such produce. Thus, majority of information about the raw materials can directly be obtained from people working in the state forest department.
Collectors are those middlemen who gather harvested herbal species from agriculturalists and wild crafters and make them available to processors. Because of the changeable demand of the products, collectors do not involve in the gathering process until they receive an order for the same. Formerly, several cooperative societies in Uttarakhand were assigned the role of collection process. Bhesaj Sangh, was one amongst the trusted collecting agency. But in the year 1986, Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam (KMVN) was started by the government officials to undertake activities pertaining to collection process and regulate the unnecessary exploitation of the growers. Thereafter, Garhwal Vikas Mandal Nigam (GVMN) was assigned the authority of regulating the allied activities of the medicinal plant agricultural sector. Despite this, Bhesaj Sangh, because of its consistent attention on collection of medicinal and aromatic plants,wasfar more popular in comparison to their counterpart.
Processing of the harvested medicinal herbs is done in two stages; semi-processing and alteration in the preparations. The first stage of the processing includes activities like cleaning the organic material stuck to the herbal species by drying; building concentrates, disinfecting, boiling and grinding. Marketing processed products adds value to their produce thereby allowing them charge higher prices for the same. The processing stage involves numerous activities including the drying, packaging, storage which enhance the shelf life and assist the marketing of the medicinal plant products.
Wholesalers and exporters
The wholesalers and the retailers constitute the organized part of the medicinal plant value chain. The links like the cultivators, collectors, processors and handlers in medicinal plant industry in Northern India are inherently unorganized and scattered in nature, while the downstream actors, the wholesalers and retailers are relatively formal in their structure. The wholesalers and the exporters provide the upstream actors of the medicinal plant value chain with valuable information of the trends and patterns of the consumer demand for the medicinal plant products in the domestic as well as in the international markets.
Distribution and retailing
The distributors and retailers play a crucial role in connecting the consumers to the producers through the wholesalers and help the consumers in attaining the products they desire. The medicinal plant cultivation usually is situated in the remote areas of the countries with abundant and rich biodiversity while a majority of the consumers are centered in the clusters of urban areas. The retailers provide the function of connecting the producers with the consumers. The retailers obtain the medicinal plants from the wholesalers and in certain cases, directly from the producers (processors) and offer the medicinal plant products in the market to the consumers for the ultimate consumption. The retail sellers of the medicinal plant industry also performs the function of acquiring the required credential sand certificates for the medicinal plants before such products can enter the consumer markets as the per the national and regional safety and quality norms [5].
The distributors, on the other hand perform, similar functions like the retailers but they interact with both the wholesalers and the retailers while the retailers interact only with the consumers.
Standardization of MAPs
Lazarowych et al. [6] in their study of the Standardization practices of the botanical drugs and the various strategies used for the standardization, have highlighted the standardization of the medicinal plants and the resultant botanical drugs has enabled the development of the required strategies for the enhancement of the quality of the products of the industry and maintenance of the homogeneity of the medicinal plant products. Well established system of standardization, according to Lazarowych et al. [6] can help to establish efficient control mechanisms for quality of the raw medicinal plants and the processed extracts of the plants. The need for standardization in medicinal plant industry has been further accentuated in a paper by Folashade et al. [7] which corresponds to the issue of standardization of the herbal plant industry. According to Folashade et al. [7] the standardization of the medicinal plant and the herbal product industry is eminent because of the act that the medicinal plants and the processes involved in their value addition are based upon a fine balance of constituents and are precariously time lined. Any deviation from the balance might lead to serious implications on the quality and nature of the end product. Without the standardization of the production and processing stages, the value chain actors may act independently and the resultant products might not be favorable for the consumers for the desired treatment of the ailments. The authors lay the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the consumers and the products that they consume on the Authorities’ shoulders and the safe procedures of production, harvesting, processing and packaging ought to be outlined by the authorities so that the ground rules for the production are set in the industry which can then be used as the basic criteria for judging the products and the assessment of the products can be assisted in similar manner.
Research gaps and framework
Certifications and the standards provide the products with the scientific seals of safety and quality that are essential in the international markets for the commodities to be traded abroad. The current study determines the importance of standardization of value chain processes by examining its impact on trade volume and trade price of Medicinal Plants (Figure 2).
Irrespective of the increasing demand and huge market size of the medicinal products, there is a huge gap in the amount of studies that have been undertaken in the context of value chain of medicinal plants, that too specifically in the context of Uttarakhand. There exist several prior researches which focus on determining the value addition made by the various actors of the value chain of medicinal plants but not many studies explore the benefits of standardization of the various processes that are crucial to the quality of the end products of the medicinal plant industry.
Research Methodology
The aim of the study is to understand the current status of value chain processes of medicinal plants in Uttarakhand and the impact of standardization of value chain processes on trade volume and trade price of medicinal plants. This is done because it has been observed that majority of the trade in this particular sector was happening in its raw form. The data has been collected from various government sources such as State government medicinal Plant websites: NMPB, ENVIS etc. and empirical research papers related to this area. The analysis provides information about the certifications the various systems of AYUSH, value chain practices, cost and benefits and trade related information of medicinal plants. The impact of standardization on trade volume has been analyzed in the data analysis.
For the purpose of satisfying this particular objective, analysis has been performed to ascertain the impact of the standardization on the Indian export of medicinal and aromatic plants and the allied products, the year in which the standards were established in the Indian medicinal plant Industry has been used as the benchmark year and comparative analysis has been done of the Indian trade in medicinal plants five years prior and five years post the standardization of the industry in order to gather the overall impact of the standardization on the economy.
The study is descriptive in nature in the sense that it includes collection of data that explains events and then organizes to come up as a result. Secondary data related to quantity of medicinal plants collected/produced/traded have been collected from the records of the State Forest Departments in many research studies [8,9] (Figure 3).
Value chain analysis of MAPs in Uttarakhand
The value chain makes addition at every level of the production. The value chain actors are responsible for processing and adding value to the medicinal plants and developing the product to fulfill global demand. The value chain analysis of medicinal plants is done to understand the discrepancies in the process and to assess ways to improve the same.The division of the returns from the trade in medicinal plants among the various actors in medicinal plant trade has been depicted below. All through the medicinal plants under consideration, trend continues wherein wholesalers takes up the largest piece of the pie and get the largest share in the returns from total trade in the medicinal plants and returns to middlemen follow soon after for receiving the second highest share in the total returns from medicinal plant trade. The initial cultivator or villagers are the worst off group of players in medicinal plant trade.
There have been identified issues regarding the distribution of income and an attempt has been made to understand the probable reasons. One such reason can be unregistered and untrained farmers. Lack of training and understanding of the process and acknowledgement of market value of medicinal plants is the reason for unequal distribution of returns arising from sale of medicinal plants.
The analysis of the data set reveals a larger share of medicinal and aromatic plant trade going to the wholesalers which is contradicted by the findings of Shahidullah and Haque (2010) in their study of the relationship between the medicinal plant production and livelihood enhancement in the case of Bangladesh. Their study indicates that the primary and secondary- wholesale markets for the medicinal plants are dominated by the middlemen and not the primary producers and the wholesalers who benefitted from the trade in medicinal plants. According to their findings, the medicinal plant cultivation is sustainable for the relatively economically well off cultivators who usually have access to the better quality of land and the technical equipments. However, Shahidullah & Haque [10] also agreed that the small scale medicinal plant cultivators need to organize themselves in order to gain better holding in the market through an improved control over the quantity supplied in the market and hence the prices which determines their returns.
The value addition in specific species was also assessed. The comparative scrutiny of the value addition made by the cultivators for the given medicinal plants reveals that the value addition was the highest in the case of Chandramul, Kapur Kachari and Sarpgandha at Rs. 13680 while Kali Jiri had the lowest value addition made at the primary stage of cultivation. The value addition in the given data set was lowest for the plant Kali jiri while Kapur Kachari, Sarpgandha and Chandramul had the highest value added at the cultivation level of the medicinal plant value chain.
Standardization of medicinal and aromatic plants and its impact on trade
The certifications of the value chain processes improve the tradability of medicinal plants since it assures the quality of the product to buyers in different countries. Certification programs have been introduced by Indian agencies as well to improve the acceptability of Indian medicinal products abroad. However, the compliance is not made mandatory for the companies and other participants. The systems wise distribution (%) of good manufacturing practice and non-good manufacturing practicecompliant Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy pharmacies has been depicted below that suggests that many of the AYUSH pharmacies do not comply to Good Manufacturing Practices and do not even have license.
AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Sidhha and Homeopathy
GMP: good manufacturing practices: The capacity of trade of medicinal plants in Uttarakhand has been assessed through number of traders present in different districts, amount of wholesale trade and trade through mandis. The district wise distribution of the medicinal plant traders in the state of Uttarakhand in the period ranging from 2008-09 to 2012-13 has been depicted below. In the year 2008-09, the total number of traders in the medicinal plant trade amounted to 571 and the highest number of traders were in the district of Pithoragarh while the lowest were in the districts of Rudraprayag. The year 2009-10, the total number of traders was 600 wherein the highest number of traders was in the Pithoragarh 259 and the lowest numbers of traders were in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. In the next year 2010-11, the total number of traders was 864 and the highest number of traders was in the Pithoragarh district while Uttarkashi and Rudraprayag had the lowest number of traders of the medicinal plants. The year 2011-12 witnessed the numbers of traders decline to 594 with the highest number of traders in Pithoragarh (337) and the lowest in Rudraprayag (1). The year 2012-13 witnessed an increase in the number of total traders to 732 with highest number of traders in the Pithoragarh district and the least traders in Rudraprayag. The number of traders in the given period increased from the 571 in 2008-09 to 864 in 2010-11 but declined to 594 thereafter in 2012- 13 (Figure 6).
The impact of standardization on trade has also been assessed. The voluntary scheme of standardization scheme introduced in the year 2009 was adopted by many companies involved in the value processing of medicinal plants. The impact of the scheme on the trade values of medicinal plants has been assessed and for this, pre and post 2009, figures of trade, when standardization was introduced for the medicinal plants has been compared.
The exports figures of the medicinal plants in the years prior and post the launch of the standardization scheme by the government in the year 2009-10 have been depicted. The years 2003-04 to 2008-09 have been taken into consideration to grasp the export scenario of the medicinal plants before the launch of the medicinal plant standardization. In the year 2008-09, the total exports of the medicinal plant products was 125.4 million USD which was a major improvement since 2003-04 when the Indian exports of the medicinal plant products to the rest of the world used to be 65.71 million USD. The total exports for the given period amounted to 528.75million USD. The exports reached a high of 233.7 million USD worth of medicinal plant export in the year 2014-15. The total exports in the period ranging from 2009-10 to 2014-15 were almost the double of the total medicinal plant export of the previous period at 1068.22 million USD.The trend of Indian exports of medicinal plants over the period ranging from 2003-04 to 2014-15 and the effect of the standardization on the total exports of the medicinal plants of the country have been analyzed. The year 2008-09 has been taken the bench mark year in which the National medicinal Plant Board of India introduced the standards in the Indian medicinal plant industry. The year post the introduction of the certification policies in the system saw a fall in the export of the medicinal plants for one year which picked up in the corresponding years. The Indian medicinal plant exports have improved over the year’s post the standardization of the industry which implies the positive impact the certification and standardization has had over the industry exports .
The analysis of the data reveals that the standardization of the medicinal plant industry does indeed has improved the foreign trade quantities of the Indian medicinal and aromatic plants in the foreign which is evident in the study of the pattern of trade which corresponds five years prior to the standardization and certification obligation (2004-05 to 2008-09) in the country and five year post the standardization (2009-10 to 2013-14) of the industry. The comparative analysis of the figures shows a boom in the Indian exports to the world in the years after the standardization was made compulsory in the year 2008-09 for the medicinal plant cultivators, processors and the marketers and traders. The basic requirement for the standardization of the medicinal plants is explained by Tierra (2002) in his research article discussing the need for standardization of the medicinal plants and extracts. Tierra emphasizes that the standardization of the medicinal plants and extracts would lead to a higher degree of technological refinement of the products of the industry as compared to unorganized system of the medicinal plants and the resultant products provide safer, stronger and more effective products that are supported by an adequate scientific evidence to substantiate the quality and the authenticity of the medicinal plants and the extracts and oils derived from them.
The standardization process is likely to minimize the gap between the prices offered in Indian market and international markets. Authenticated raw material is the basic starting point for the development and manufacturing of a botanical product. Harvesting, storing, processing and formulating methods may effect on the quality and consistency of the herbal product. Our herbal products are not getting international market because we are not capable to show the international standard of our products. A coordinated effort of all the supply chain actors and improved market facilities is likely to improve the export prices of the medicinal and aromatic plants; as discussed in Table 3. The rising export prices from the year 2008-09 till 2012-2012, shows that significant improvements were made in the traded prices of the medicinal produce. Thereafter the prices declined might be because of ineffective marketing strategies or poor market linkages.
Lazarowych et al. [6] in their study of the Standardization practices of the botanical drugs and the various strategies used for the standardization, have highlighted the standardization of the medicinal plants and the resultant botanical drugs has enabled the development of the required strategies for the enhancement of the quality of the products of the industry and maintenance of the homogeneity of the medicinal plant products. Well established system of standardization according Lazarowych et al. [6] can help to establish efficient control mechanisms for quality of the raw medicinal plants and the processed extracts of the plants. The need for standardization in medicinal plant industry has been further accentuated in a paper by Folashade et al. [7] which corresponds to the issue of standardization of the herbal plant industry. According to Folashade et al. [7] the standardization of the medicinal plant and the herbal product industry is eminent because of the act that the medicinal plants and the processes involved in their value addition are based upon a fine balance of constituents and are precariously time lined. Any deviation from the balance might lead to serious implications on the quality and nature of the end product. Without the standardization of the production and processing stages, the value chain actors may act independently and the resultant products might not be favorable for the consumers for the desired treatment of the ailments [11,12].
The standardization of the production procedures of the medicinal plant industry is eminent for the development of a more systematic, uniform and high quality medicinal and aromatic plant industry in India. The standards of the cultivation, maintenance, harvesting, processing, storage, and packaging function of the medicinal and aromatic plant industry are necessary to set up the criteria for the certification as well as for the assessment of the quality and safety norms of the product and extracts thus produced. Certifications and the standards provide the products with the scientific seals of safety and quality that are essential in the international markets for the commodities to be traded abroad. Further, the analysis talks about the current scenario in the medicinal plant industry wherein the returns are unequally distributed among the various actors of the medicinal plant value chain which leads to the low participation in the industry as well as the poor performance at the grass root level. The wholesalers and the middlemen in the state of Uttarakhand take up a majority of the medicinal plant sector’s revenue while the small scale cultivators receive little which impedes the performance of the sector. Medicinal plant sector in the North Indian state of Uttarakhand needs a systematic organization structure which assists the value chain actors in receiving the quantum of returns due to them and the injection of standardization and uniformity of the commodities produced which further enhances the value of the products in the domestic and the international markets. There are various issues identified in the value chain process of medicinal plants such as distribution of income among the various value chain participants, lack of training and understanding of the process and acknowledgement of market value of medicinal plants and lack of quality of products. These issues can be addressed through standardization of medicinal plants value chain and a strong plan to create awareness among the participants of value chain. The government of India in collaboration with the national medicinal plant board and the state medicinal plant boards has decided permissible level of contaminants in the production of selected medicinal plants. These level needs to be adhered to in order to gain local and state level permission from the authorities to function in the markets.
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Connect with professionals and leaders within your field. It’s not always easy to promote campaigns towards those within the same field. However, with LinkedIn Ads, the process is simplified!
Give and receive recommendations from your 'Connections'. LinkedIn also offers the option of exchanging recommendations and opinions between ‘Connections’ (i.e. contacts). This is a surefire way of improving both your reputation and that of others.
Opinions, discussions and forums. There are tons of specialized groups on LinkedIn focused on what truly interests people within a given target market. You too can join these groups! As a part of these communities, you can learn about the most recent innovations within your sector, positioning yourself to be an up-to-date and informed person within your area of expertise.
Find the perfect people. LinkedIn Ads are perfect for reaching clients, contacting providers and for recruiting new ‘talent’ for your company.
Promotion of your products and/or services. LinkedIn Ads make it easy for you to showcase your products/services to a sector clearly defined as your target market.
Track profile visits. LinkedIn Ads will often generate visits and direct contacts via your profile. Thanks to LinkedIn’s integrated statistics software, these actions are easily trackable.
Networking and traffic. Networking is LinkedIn’s greatest strength. Furthermore, if you decide to share quality content with your connections, you can also direct quality traffic towards your website and/or blog.
Job listings. Even though job listings can be found on other websites as well, on LinkedIn you can review the profiles of those who match specific qualities who are already using the network as digital supplement to their résumé. This being said, it would be hard not to find the right candidates on LinkedIn.
Professionals who offer diverse expertise. LinkedIn is full of people with varying expertise within your sector. You can learn from them as well as use them as reference for implementing new ideas and for improving your own company.
Connect with other social medias or with your blog. LinkedIn can also be used as an added source of connection. It can easily integrate into your website and can greatly complement it as well. At the same time, it can serve to help as an extra aid in generating content on other social networks.
Promotion of courses, seminars and conferences. If you’re going to host a specific training course, LinkedIn is the best place to recruit people and/or those interested in attending.
3 Types of LinkedIn Ad Campaigns
Sponsored content. These are ads which promote content. Using special links, they can be posted on LinkedIn, your blog, your website or on any other platform. The goal here is to increase brand awareness; we want to get people talking about you/your business and to be contacted/followed by people interested in the sector.
Sponsored InMail. These Ads can be used to send personalized messages to a specified audience by way of LinkedIn Messaging. This service is very useful for offering specialized content that could result in leads and, through the presentation of your company’s products/services, conversions.
Text Ads. If you're familiar with Google Ads, or you’ve created an ad on another social network before, then you already know how LinkedIn Ads work: They center on creating an attractive text ad that helps to lead members of your target market to your website, to a product landing page or to any other pertinent webpage designed to help you get leads and/or make conversions.
 Twitter Ads
What are Twitter Ads ?
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Types of Twitter Advertising Campaigns
Twitter is a worldwide social network where any business could find their target audience. For this reason, there are different kinds of campaigns you should be aware of. At any rate, and before deciding on anything, we recommend you clearly identify and analyze your business goals. Then, you will be able to increase your ROI (return on investment) by the end of the campaign.
Followers: if you wish to be seen more on Twitter and increase your number of followers, this is the type of campaign you’ll want to use.
Clicks to your website/for making conversions: if you plan to use Twitter as a means to generate more visits to your website, or perhaps increase your number of conversions, this campaign is the one for you.
Interactions: this campaign is Twitter’s biggest weapon if your plan is to increase brand awareness and make some noise online.
Downloading/Use of Apps: if you have an App you want users to either know about or use more, this campaign is your best bet.
Lead Generation Cards: these cards allow you to get leads on Twitter so that, later, you can create targeted promotional campaigns. Additionally, this type of campaign could suffice as a means to obtain users’ emails; they will not have leave the platform in order to give you their info.
Video Playback: this campaign is ideal for launching video content on Twitter and also holds the most potential for going viral.
Personalized: this is the most ‘frequent’ type of campaign Twitter Ads offers. It’s perfect for advanced users or for businesses that want to combine the better parts of various options.
Advantages for Using Twitter Ads
Immediacy: Twitter is the ‘microblogging’ social network and is primarily characterized by its shortness. On Twitter, the “here and now” is what’s important. In this sense, the obtained results (assuming everything is well-planned) come quickly.
Effective Business Goals: thanks to the different types of campaigns offered by Twitter Ads, (in addition to its massive network of users), it’s quite easy to put together attainable business goals with the help of Twitter Ads. As an added bonus, you can also measure the progress/statistics of your ads.
User integration: even though advertised tweets are tagged with the word “Promoted”, (which is clearly visible amongst ‘organic tweets’), they are seamlessly integrated within a user’s timeline and offer the same reactionary options as non-promoted tweets (e.g. RT, like, etc.)
Multi-display and mobile version: Twitter allows for a perfect viewing experience regardless of the screen size/type; it's also perfectly optimized for cell phones. This is extremely relevant today and it will be even more so in the future since, every day, there are more and more people using their phones instead of their computers.  
Better CTR: various studies have concluded that Twitter Ads have a better CTR maintained over time. Compared to the rest of the social media networks, Twitter Ads seem to be more effective in this field. This could be due to the fact that there are less companies taking advantage of Twitter than there are with other social networks (which are already quite saturated).
Good practices for increasing ROI with Twitter Ads
1. The ‘now’ of social media. What’s important with Twitter is the here and now. If you take advantage of this immediacy and include, for example, mentions of current happenings on your feed, offers that ‘only last for a few more hours’ or breaking news, the ROI of your Twitter Ads will increase. 2. Power in numbers. Although "twenty" and "20" are exactly the same thing, visually speaking, the number itself has more power (even more so if you’re referencing a discount or a percentage of a discount). The recommendation is to always use this option; consequently, it also means using less characters than writing out the full word. Needless to say, carefully choosing each character on Twitter is of the upmost importance. 3. Newness makes magic on Twitter. If something is new, there’s a much bigger chance of it doing extremely well if you're using Twitter Ads. Therefore, make sure to keep your audience in the loop when you talk about something new and exciting! 4. Chance triumphs in micro-blogging. Practically everyone likes to try their luck to win the lottery/raffles; furthermore, on Twitter, these types of publications are also well received. So, if your business goals fit this type of campaign, don’t hesitate to it to better your ROI! 5. Questions and/or polls: another helpful Twitter tool is in relation to interaction and generating engagement. Any type of general question/poll which requires a response on the user’s part can help to achieve both your business’s objective(s) and to increase your overall brand awareness. 6. A picture is worth more than a thousand words with Twitter Cards: Twitter allows you to integrate more formats than just text with the help Twitter Cards. With Twitter Cards, you can include any kind of necessary information in order to improve engagement or increase the ROI of your Ad. Tweets that have extended formats get 52% more RTs and 313% more interaction.
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khalilhumam · 4 years
India’s National Education Policy 2020: A reformist step forward?
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/indias-national-education-policy-2020-a-reformist-step-forward/
India’s National Education Policy 2020: A reformist step forward?
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By Urvashi Sahni The recent National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in India comes 34 years after the previous policy, announced in 1986 and revised in 1992. It took six years of work and consultations with thousands of educators, policymakers, and members of civil society. It was truly a democratic effort and is highly aspirational, aiming for India to “have an education system by 2040, that is second to none, with equitable access to the highest quality education for all learners, regardless of social and economic background.” The NEP’s chief purpose is to reform the education system and bridge the gap between current learning outcomes and those desired. Recognizing the need to keep up with a rapidly changing world and knowledge landscape, the NEP 2020 articulates that “[t]he purpose of the education system is to develop good human beings capable of rational thought and action, possessing compassion and empathy, courage and resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination, with sound ethical moorings and values. It aims at producing engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive and plural society as envisaged by our constitution.” Such strong emphasis on equity and quality is laudable, as is the effort to broaden the scope of “quality education.” The policy proposes a move away from content-heavy curricula in order “to make space for critical thinking, more holistic, inquiry-based, discovery-based, discussion-based and analysis-based learning.” Giving equal importance to co-curricular activities (i.e., arts, sports, vocational skills), it mandates a shift toward multidisciplinary education, away from rigid silos of “arts,” “science,” and “commerce” streams, with renewed focus on 21st century skills. This is a welcome breath of fresh air, given that the current system is strongly driven by rote learning and content-based examinations, divorced from any real application to life. Below are the most notable points of reform proposed by the NEP 2020:
Inclusion of early childhood education: Education will begin at age 3, rather than at age 6 for students in first grade, to focus on children’s foundational years (ages 3-8). Previously, children’s right to education applied to grades one through eight (6-14 years); the NEP aims to extend this right to children ages 3-18. This is particularly relevant for public schools, which serve a majority of children from low-income families and who, compared to middle-class families, often lack preschool education, thereby widening the gap between them further.
A focus on equity and inclusion: An entire section is devoted to the inclusion of Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs), broadly categorized as girls, transgender and children with special needs, children from rural areas, Dalits, and victims of trafficking. Additionally, it recognizes that children with disabilities are not receiving the attention required to learn and thrive in schools, primarily because teachers are simply not trained or equipped to address their learning needs. Thus, it makes an effort to ensure teachers are adequately prepared in the area of special education. Lastly, the NEP recognizes that children in SEDGs are those who most frequently are unenrolled, drop out, and learn less and “recommends that the policies and schemes designed to include students in SEDGs … should be especially targeted towards girls.”
An expanded concept of “quality”: Given the poor basic literacy and numeracy outcomes reported, the new NEP aims to create a solid foundation for children during their early development by establishing a National Mission on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy that would prioritize “the development of communication and early language, literacy and numeracy.” The NEP also calls for much-needed teacher education reform, including an overhaul of pre-service programs, including the B.Ed, and for the first time, mental health and social-emotional learning receive a strong mention. The need to leverage technology is also recognized, along with intentions to extend optical fibers to the remotest villages and achieve universal digital access and literacy.
The NEP 2020 is ambitious and progressive, as was the NEP 1986 and the Right to Education Act 2009. There is an enormous opportunity for India’s considerable young population to become its biggest strength. However, to achieve this, the government must fully commit itself to the policy’s implementation with the political will and urgency it deserves. While the document takes great strides in advocating a more inclusive and equitable system, especially for girls, it does not go far enough. “Gender sensitivity” is mentioned repeatedly throughout the document, but it does not address the need for systemic change. Strong patriarchal social and political structures—and their inherent discrimination and violence against women—must be questioned, critiqued, and recognized as contradictory to India’s constitutional values of equality. The same is true of castes: Though the NEP recommends special efforts to help castes access and remain in schools as SEDGs, there is no mention of caste prejudice, nor of the need to work toward its eradication. Teacher training programs and school curricula should include a focus on eradicating a discriminatory caste consciousness and hierarchical caste identities. Similarly, education focused on gender power dynamics should be compulsory in school curricula in order to develop egalitarian mindsets in boys and girls from a young age, including in early childhood education. This is imperative if we are to change the “social customs and mores,” as the policy euphemistically refers to the discriminatory social structures. Given the enormity of India’s school system (1,522,346 schools, 8,691,922 teachers, and 260 million students) and the country’s regional, linguistic, and cultural diversity, universalizing quality education is a challenge; yet, the policy says little on the issue of governance and management. Robust systems for managing the large public school system have yet to be developed, and governance represents the government’s greatest challenge. Data collection, monitoring, and accountability systems are weak and inadequate. Without the strong, efficient governance of a well-functioning public school system, the reforms outlined above will fail. Furthermore, serious political commitment must be demonstrated, including adequate budgetary allocation, personnel training, and improved curriculum development and infrastructure. While the NEP commits to increasing the education budget from its current 4-6 percent of the GDP, this was also promised earlier but never materialized. Additionally (and more importantly), efficient and judicious marshaling and management of all available resources is needed, including in the private sector. Similar to the policy’s development, a democratic approach should be followed during the NEP’s implementation. The Uttar Pradesh state government has solicited recommendations from civil society organizations, and I recommend it go one step further by partnering actively with civil society organizations, private foundations, the corporate sector, private schools, and communities. To improve both access to and quality of education, particularly in the pubic school system, the government should harness innovative solutions, including through the use of technology, developed by several NGOs. Education is a public good. Everyone is a stakeholder and should therefore be invited to contribute to actualize the vision of the NEP to make India’s education system strong, inclusive, and equitable.
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