#i.love you all
paradisepoisoned · 9 months
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One more WIP to end the year💀it's been a weird fucking year but I made death note buddies so thats a win in my book lol
Also Thank you to the wonderful @deelavis for indulging my batshit headcanons lol
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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devoti · 2 years
Hows your day going my loves
My day went on fine today, thank God!
we had class in the morning, to which i dozed off liked multiple times, then I had lunch with my friends (I had beef noodle soup) and then we went back to the campus library and rented a room to watch a movie !!! it was insidious part 4 and it was alright 👍 not that scary tbh
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mmmthornton · 1 year
i don't hate gay people, i am a gay person and i.love gay people. i didn't smear her, i rightfully called her out on her transphobia, because people need to know she (and you) align yourself with those who smear people like me as pedophiles and rapists.
For context: https://www.tumblr.com/butch-reidentified/719311495708753921/pajrc1234-blocked-me-before-even-commenting-that I'm not sure why you sent this anon; i thought at first that maybe @pajrc1234 is a side blog but its the one you replied on? In any case, since my message to YOU was off anon and you used "I" to address yourself, for transparency I'm keeping your information here.
Hey, i'm really angry about this but I'm holding myself back from being mean and sarcastic to make a point.
The whataboutism? Stops fucking here. There ARE issues in the gay community. There ARE issues with lesbophobia, misogyny, there is petty drama, there is stupid bullshit, there is every conceivable kind of human flaw and foible to be found in human beings under the LGBT umbrella. Do you know why that is? Its because we're human beings, with all the variety that that entails.
That means that, for a community to still be able to come together, we need to recognize we'll bruise some elbows and even come across Genuine Bad Actors in all areas of life. We deserve to look out for OTHERS in our community by calling out behavior - BEHAVIOR - itself that is harmful.
What that does NOT MEAN. Is that you start a witch hunt, targeting almost EXCLUSIVELY same-sex attracted woman. for THINKING or ASSOCIATING with the "wrong" ideas or people.
Do you notice what I did there? Do you recognize theres a difference between "BEHAVIOR" and "THINKING"? or even "CRITIQUING"? Because I don't know that you do! And i don't know if a lot of the loudest voices in "queer activism" these days knows that either. Because it seems to me its pretty clear the people who are actually COMMITING the hate crimes that target gay people (uhhhh including trans women, because thats the only demographic anyone wants to talk about when they go into a lesbians inbox), are NOT people IN the community sharing tragic and traumatic events from their own lives.
Lesbians are members of the LGBT Community. Lesbians have a RIGHT to to be here, and we have a RIGHT to discus the things that are hurting us, same as anyone else.
What you DON'T have a right to do, is police the lived experiences of lesbians on the internet or otherwise, to play out your own victim complex. If YOU BELIEVE that eeeeveryone is out to get you, and that SOMEHOW the worst participants are lesbians on tumblr, I need you to know that is pathetic of you.
Women to start with - Cis women even, if you want to be specific - have the lowest possible numbers for violence. Cis women have the lowest numbers for supporting conservative ideas - by voting records! We have that data. Add on top of that, lesbians are a TINY minority of all cis women. So, a minority of a population that is more frequently targeted for violence is SO SCARY to you, that you HAVE to defensively smear their name before they can get you?
Grow the fuck up. I don't actually believe you're "afraid" of violence from lesbian women. I think you just found a way to be a bully and have your victim cake too. Women aren't required to be extra special niceys to you, the only thing we have to do is survive amidst the other factors that make that difficult, and honestly if you have to turn any attempt at LGBT healing into "But what if you maybe someday possibly align yourself with my actual enemies?!" I think you're a wuss. If you actually cared about chasing out bad actors and right wing extremists, you wouldn't go after the demographic that is the LEAST likely to vote republican.
You don't go after the real enemies, because you KNOW that men are more likely to be violent and abusive and harass you and do all the things that you accuse "TERF"s of doing. You're more afraid of them than you are willing to face the problem, and women are an easy target to you because of that. That is the definition of a coward. Hell, that's probably what got you so mad! @butch-reidentified was in a horrifying situation and survived, WHILE helping someone else, and it triggered you so badly you just dug deep into your ugly woman-hating soul to immediately slander her name and make it about YOU.
You. Are. Pathetic. Get better or shut up.
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naavispider · 2 years
I.love how quaritch always ends up being kinda creepy bc 1) he is trying to not show his true feelings and/or 2) he really doesn't know better (i know that it's also bc he is a manipulator and at this point i think this mf sometimes does it without knowing ☠️) like
Quaritch: "nah kid, i'll find you😈" (bc i love you and ur My little guy little boy and You don't have to come for me or do anything cuz i know it's stressful baby leave it all to me dont worry )
Like idk if You meant for that to sound creepy but thats how it felt for me i hate this guy
That's what I wanted for this snippet! Yayy 🎉 Quaritch having absolutely no idea how to talk to a person that is important to him... Quaritch wildly blundering.... Quaritch yelling when he wants to cry... Quaritch seeming evil when he is just touched... yes
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Hey gang. So it's been a hot second. For starters I apologize for the delay. Originally it was just me waiting to get back from a trip from England. Then there was some after college shit I had to do (graduated college btw). I had begun working on the dreaded backgrounds that kill my grandma when life hit me...hard. to keep it as non personal as possible, my life is in shambles and I have hit a bad depression spiral...one that I don't know when I will come out of.
The blog isn't dead, and in fact I been wanting to work on it...but there is no motivation due to the aforementioned depression. I hope by August I can get a bit back into the flow of things...but we'll see. I.love this blog and all you folks who support it. I promise chapter 4 will go on. It just may take way longer then I had hoped
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justanotherfanaccount · 7 months
A play-by-play of the live action Avatar
Episode 1
SPOILERS (obviously)
Daaannngg CGI is good
Who is this guy?
Ohhhh it's a flashback...totally knew that (he in fact did not know that)
I kinda love that we get to see all the air nomads 🥺
...aang can fly? ...that's a huge thing that he can't do for a reason hold up...maybe he's just gliding a lot?
Aang is so cute 🥺 just a little baby
I love that we get to see aang learning he's the avatar and seeing him with gyatso
"Keep pretending I'm your friend" "I am your friend" don't mind me crying 😭😭
"Monks don't even trust me to feed the baby bison" that's so aang love that for him
This kid is such a good actor for saying this monologue to Appa who is probably some giant blue thing in reality
So far the worst CGI is Appa (which I think is kinda funny)
Is it gonna show the genocide!? AHHHH NO THAT'S TOO PAINFUL
"brothers, sisters were under attack!" If that doesn't show you how peaceful they are 😭
Omg I hope gyatso doesn't believe aang abandoned them in their time of need
...this is brutal... Netflix definitely changed the "no deaths on screen" policy. I'm just watching people get burned to a crisp
I know what happened and I'm crying seeing Gyatso protect all the kids 😢
(This is really good so far... I'm enjoying it)
100 years later
*said in SpongeBob voice*
"Sulk later paddle now" there's the sokka sass
(Also I like how they haven't stated that it's been 100 years cuz I feel like they're gonna make it a big reveal)
RIP sexist sokka causing katara to release aang 😔😔 we'll miss your character arc
Zuko looks so tiny next to the other fire benders hehehe
I love how dramatic aang looked just for him to slide down the hill
"Mysterious little bald person" hahhahah yeesss
Irohhhh I love yoouuuu (all he did was show up)
APPA thank goodness
Sokka stepping behind katara was perfect
Not gran gran saying the theme 🤭 I can't even take it seriously
I feel like gran gran isn't dramatic enough. Give me that SHOCK factor.
Don't make fun of zuko BITCH 😡
"Are you okay?" ...no katara...he's not okay
"Guess he had to grow up fast" yes 🥺 he did...my baby
Yes zukoooo get that fire
"A nice cup of jasmine tea" 😌
"You're wrong" ...he's not wrong baby but I understand...it'll take a while
"I'm a warrior I should be able to do more for our people" I love her 🥺
Das not good (referring to the fire nation)
Dang gran gran knows everything
I kinda like angry sokka 👀 I feel like he's gonna have a good character arc
"I am sokka" > "hi there, zuko here" pipeline
Aang baby whatchu doing watching sokka get beat up
...spoke too soon lol
THE ROCKS LETS GOOOO CHILD WARRIORS sokka looks like a proud dad 🥺
"I think you're the bravest person I've ever met" 😭 sokkas face when he said that
"Let's go save that weird kid" heck yeah sokka!!!
"Myself included" love the honesty iroh hahhah
"Is that what you believe?" No answer is an answer iroh 👀
I love how none of them have ever dealt with an airbender before so they have no idea how to deal with him
"There's no way you're getting me on that- AHHHHH" is the most sokka thing yet I laughed out loud
HIS GLIDER LET'S GOOOO (I know that's in the og but i never know what they're gonna change so I'm gonna continue getting excited over little things)
Zuko is so concerned 😟 his face literally says 'that's my only hope getting away'
Aang not going into the avatar state is kinda cool cuz you got to see katara be a badass
"So where do we go?" My brain immediately went "do you want to go penguin sledding with me!?"
...well this is way sadder than penguin sledding
On another note aangs tattoo is so cool...i.love the patterns in it
Gyatso 😭😭😭 NOOOOO
This must be so hard for him cuz in aangs mind he just saw everyone YESTERDAY
Don't mind me I'm just crying
That was very emotional...I was not prepared even though I should've been
I'm glad sokka still had some comic relief in him...I was really worried
Aang keeping gyatsos necklace (??) 😭
Showing zuko during aangs speech was good 👀
I love how dramatic it is but i hope they still put in some of the silliness from the original show
Overall I enjoyed it though!! I was really nervous so it went a lot better than I anticipated I'm not gonna lie
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oldsamarie · 1 year
omf i.love slideshows that are like Video essays I recommend! and they're all 1/3 watched. I know you can rewatch stuff but it's funny to imagine people on tiktok can't watch a video for more than 10 mins
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nemeliis · 1 year
It has been a pleasure to be your #1 asker lmaoo
Ill be here supporting you and your stories! (btw i.loved chapter 4 i want to hug Chimbley so bad lol) Your writing is amazing, keep up the good fantastic work! :D
aww tysm for all of your kind words!! Sorry I didn't get to this earlier.....I was to busy rewatching SU
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okwonyo · 8 months
So I was wondering how would enha react when y/n is mad at them?
You don't have to answer if you don't want to <33
hello nonie, thank you so much!! here for you <3
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maythray · 2 years
UGHH i have to keep saying i.love you to myself cause its like all i have at this point. i love you so much.
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Yesssss, Dont ask me why but this picture is a good sign to me that everything is alright still, shes not like my Dadnor a Bitch at all I live her still shes totally the women I remember I.love her she remembers Imeont emvarass her but no FUCKING WAY YOU FORGOT ME MRS BRENNT..., I understand men want me to think of the slug sex as something to worry about.... well i just had some terriblensex with a very pretty lady and i was like no we tried its just we are both attractive people who wouldnt normally fuck butnwould obviously... i want what i had with Kali Roses I want Love that was love and not really only from her mostly from me shes AMAZING SHE DIDNT DO IT!!! I W9NT GIVE HER THE IDEA BUT MAN I WAS RIGHT TO TRUST HER!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CjP-pH_uVK6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mothric · 4 years
thinking about tsukishima and going crazy
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aquickstart · 6 years
this bitch is going to england for the entire month of august to read virginia woolf and jane austen in the hallways of oxford😪✌🏻
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pangzi · 5 years
but i swear i drank a lot when i came back from the concert!!!!
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ghost-teat · 3 years
Hey I.Love your follow up to ur dinncobb story is it implying. Din is not quite human? With the references to feathers that died in the skin (which is beautiful) he has all these struggles Internally that cannotbe reconciled? Please share more if you can
my thought about humans in star wars land is that they’ve been mingling with other species quite a lot for a long time and nobody’s really sure what 100% Pure Human is anymore, if in fact there are any left. everyone’s sort of a mutt. din is basically like “well nobody told me humans’ teeth don’t replace themselves endlessly like sharks or that they don’t grow feathers sometimes, so who’s to say i’m not Grade A Pure Human?”
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