#ianto my absolute beloved
spookylostboy · 8 months
Ianto: Diversity win! I’m bisexual and I’m going to kill you! :]
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jakowskis · 8 months
torchwood resources
just some stuff i've accumulated during this fixation :) hope it proves handy :D
ianto's-desktop (livejournal) - archived most of the things found on the torchwood website during season 1 and season 2; the only thing missing is the videos. / note: click the headers of the posts to see the full thing, or some stuff with appear incomplete. took me a sec to figure out, lol
speaking of the website...
season 1 website (archive.org)
season 2 website (archive.org) - unlike the s1 website, the bulk of the s2 site's content is pretty inaccessible through the wayback machine (at least for me; maybe i'm doing something wrong), so thank g-d for ianto's desktop
there's also a good amount of rebloggable site content in this person's tumblr tag.
season 1 declassified (youtube)
season 2 declassified (youtube)
season 1 commentaries (mega.nz)
torchwood books (google drive) - gonna be honest, i haven't tried to download any of these myself
border princes audiobook (read by eve) + all of the radio plays (archive.org)
torchwood magazines (beta.reddit) - download links for all of them! p fuckin kewl
torchwood official yearbook (archive.org)
herecomesthedrums (youtube) - account that started posting before the show came out and is chock full of promos, trailers, interviews... some real fun goodies in there
torchwood: up close (youtube) - handful of bts videos with the cast + crew
season 1 unreleased tracks (soundcloud) - the end of days ones hrhghgh
out of time unreleased tracks (soundcloud) - i absolutely adore the music in this ep so i was so happy when i found these
the torchwood fanpop - this has sooooooo much content like i scrolled for a loooooong time and never reached the bottom. lotta stuff i hadn't seen before, too. there's fun hd promo pics, pics of the cast, and a lot of extremely early 2010s edits, graphics, and fanvids. / note: i also had this page bookmarked + it's got different content than the main page so i'll link it
aaand under the cut i'm gonna dump some silly stuff i've collected of the cast. but yeah, there ya go :-)
gally 2015: zip files of someone's pictures of eve, naoko, and burn (livejournal)
gally 2015: someone's account of the torchwood panels + meeting the cast (everyone was there but gareth!) - naoko & burn's solo panels / autograph table chats + barrowman photo-op + the naoko&burn&eve group panel / barrowman solo panel + burn&eve joint panel
dragon con 2013 (flickr) - i found two albums: this one, and this one, which has torchwood cast images on the first and second pages.
burn at chicago tardis 2012 (flickr) - ehehe 2012-2013 burn gorman w his classy little outfits my beloved. this is just hq pictures of that event. burn's in a bunch at the top and some at the end of the second page
the hub 2009 (flickr) - some kind of torchwood event. gareth, burn, eve, kai, and tom are all there. i dunno
hvff 2018: 'insights from the whole cast'
hvff 2018: video of everybody goofing off (twitter)
gareth endorsing owandy teehee (twitter) - this is getting dumped here bc im gay
sigh. (blogspot) - pics from that one fuckin 08 panel where gareth & john made out like 5 times + gareth took his jeans off for some reason. i don't even go here but i feel like this is unfortunately historically relevant. also the fujoshis in the comments are really funny
incomplete but sizable lists of cons gareth's been to and john's been to, in case anyone wants to dig around for photos/footage of any of these. the other cast members (excluding burn, for some reason) all have pages on this site as well, but theirs are super incomplete so i won't bother linking
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gallifreywhere · 23 days
Ianto and Rhys being roommates & stealing fridges from Harwood lorries together is absolutely hilarious. And of course Jack comes over....... Poor Rhys. Ghost Train my beloved.
Ianto: Are we having a row? Was it about last night and the thing with the-
Rhys: No! It's about you!
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What has been nominated so far
Note, just because something has been nominated, and so is listed here, does not mean it will be included, I will include the absolute most I can but if I can't find it on TARDIS wiki its not getting in because i can't verify its a piece of who media
Also note, there might be some mistakes on here, I'm copying the nominations across directly, there might be some stories that are listed twice without me realising, because of alternate titles, or I just didn't spot it, or stuff that was spelt wrong when it was nominated, feel free to tell me
I've done my best to spot when nominations of a series were intended to enter the individual parts rather than the series as a unit, if I've got this wrong let me know and I will fix it. (if a story is on one line its currently being considered as a unit)
Final note, a couple of things got nominated under multiple mediums, usually full length TV story and minisode, so if you can't find your nomination, maybe check one of the other mediums
You can make further nominations here, there are basically no limits so long as its set in the Whoniverse (or its about Doctor Who, eg An Adventure in Space and Time or The 5 (ish) Doctors Reboot)
the list is under the cut (I will endeavour to keep it up to date)
Main Range
The Marian Conspiracy
The Apocalyse Element
The Shadow of the Scourge
The Holy Terror
Storm Warning
Minuet in Hell
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
The Time of the Daleks
Spare Parts
Creatures of Beauty
Doctor Who and the Pirates
Master (Main Range 49)
The Natural History of Fear
Arrangements for War
The Harvest
Faith Stealer
Terror Firma
Other Lives
The Kingmaker
The Girl Who Never Was
The Condemned
The Doomwood Curse
The Magic Mousetrap
The Company of Friends: Benny's Story
The Company of Friends: Fitz's Stroy
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story
The Company of Friends: Mary's Story
A Death in the Family
The Silver Turk
1963: The Assassination Games
The Widow's Assassin
Dalek Soul
The Grey Man of the Mountain
The Eighth Doctor Adventures
The Blood of the Daleks
Horror of Glam Rock
Immortal Beloved
No More Lies
Human Resources
To the Death
Doom Coalition
The Eleven
The Red Lady
The Galileo Trap
The Gift
The Sonomancer
Absent Friends
The Eighth Piece
The Doomsday Chronometer
The Crucible of Souls
Ship in a Bottle
Songs of Love
The Side of the Angels
Stop the Clock
Escape from Kaldor
Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg
Companion Piece
Day of the Master
Stranded as a Whole (I think, I couldn't find a story called Stranded)
UNIT Dating
What Lies Inside
Paradox of the Daleks
Here Lies Drax
The Love Vampires
Albie's Angels
Special Releases
Living Legend
Out of Time
Out of Time (individual story)
The Companion Chronicles
Peri and the Piscon Paradox
The Cold Equations
The Last Post
The Scorchies
The Tenth Doctor Adventures
Death and the Queen
The Sword of the Chevalier
No Place
The Creeping Death
The Tenth Doctor and River Song
Expiry Dating
Once and Future
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50
The Diary of River Song
The Bekdel Test
The Lost Stories
The Queen of Time
Paradise 5
The Elite
Short Trips
I am the Master
Forever Fallen
A Full Life
Bernice Summerfield
Oh No It Isn't
The Faction Paradox Protocols
The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play
The Last Beacon
Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Square One
First Days of Phaidon
Gallifrey IV
A Spoonful of Mayhem
The Lumiat
Too Many Masters
The Paternoster Gang: Heritage
The Cars That Ate London!
A Photograph to Remember
Destiny of the Doctor
Smoke and Mirrors
Novel Adaptations
Fifth Doctor Box Set
Iterations of I
Iterations of I
The Fifth Citadel
The Forgotten Village
The Concrete Cage
The New Counter Measures
Troubled Waters
The Hollow King
The Eighth of March
Inside Every Warrior
TV Comic
Time in Reverse
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor
Space in Dimension Relative and Time
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor
Old Friends
Doctor Who Magazine
The Star Beast
The World Shapers
Ground Zero
The Flood
The Fallen
The Land of Happy Endings
Direct to Home Media Films
PROBE: The Zero Imperative
PROBE: The Devil of Winterborne
PROBE: Unnatural Selection
PROBE: Ghosts of Winterborne
PROBE: When to Die
The Stranger
The Stranger: Summoned by Shadows
The Stranger: More than a Messiah
The Stranger: In Memory Alone
The Stranger: The Terror Game
The Stranger: Breach of the Peace
The Stranger: Eye of the Beholder
Shada (1992) - version with linking narration
Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor
K9 (spinoff series)
Regeneration/Liberation/The Korven
The Bounty Hunter
Sirens of Ceres
Fear Itself
The Fall of the House of Gryffen
Jays of Orthrus
Curse of Anubis
Alien Avatar
The Last Oak Tree
Black Hunger
The Cambridge Spy
Lost Library of Ukko
Mutant Copper
The Custodians
Taphony and the Time Loop
Robot Gladiators
Mind Snap/Angel of the North/The Last Precinct/Hounds of the Korven/The Eclipse of the Korven
A Fix with Sontarans
Born Again
Clara and the TARDIS
Dimensions in Time
Emperor of the Daleks (More than 30 Years in the TARDIS)
famine appeal 1986
Merry Christmas Doctor Who
Pond Life
Rain Gods
The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later
The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel
The Doctor's Meditation
The Great Detective
The Last Day
The Naked Truth
The Shrink
Time Crash
Wall's Sky Ray lollies advertisment
Seret Message from the Time Lords (Weetabix advert)
Novels & Short Stories
Short Stories and Short Story Collections
12 Doctors, 12 Stories
Grey Matter
Lepidoptery for Beginners
Something Borrowed
Nothing at the End of the Lane
The Room With All the Doors
Harvest of Time
The Stranger
Engines of War
The Eighth Doctor Adventures
Vampire Science
Alien Bodies
Seeing I
The Scarlet Empress
Unnatural History
The Blue Angel
The Burning
The Turing Test
The Year of Intelligent Tigers
The City of the Dead
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
The Book of the Still
The Crooked World
Camera Obscura
The Gallifrey Chronicles
The Past Doctor Adventures
Divided Loyalties
Fear of the Dark
Fear Itself
Doctor Who and Shada (fan novelisation)
Virgin New Adventures
The Left-Handed Hummingbird
Human Nature
Faction Paradox
The Book of War
This Town Will Never Let Us Go
Of the City of the Saved
The New Series Adventures
The Blood Cell
Step Into the 80s!/On Through the 80's! (adverts)
Ronald Rat continuity announcement
Zygon: When Being you Just isn't Enough (Porno)
The Man From MI5
The Infinite Quest
Dooms Day hour 1
Doctor in Distress
Doctorin' the TARDIS by the Timelords
I'm gonna Spend my Christmas with a Dalek
TV (this category is less about if it was televised and more about the length to distinguish it from minisodes)
Search Out Space
Real Time
Shada (2 nominations)
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rockstcrs · 8 months
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ a love letter to my precious husband:
My beloved,
I send you this message because you are the most important person in the world for me and with this letter I want to express the great love that I feel for you.
I would like to start this letter by making you remember that thanks to your love I am the luckiest man of all. I hope you know how much our relationship means to me. Getting to know you over these last two years had changed my life. I am happier than I have ever been and I owe that joy to you. Before I met you, there was emptiness in my heart that at times seemed to consume me, that threatened to break me — but now my life is full of meaning and purpose. I can see my future more clearly now, you are the light in the dark that guides my steps to where I want to be. When the entire world was once overcast by subtle shades of gray, when I seemed caught in a cold winter, you brought vibrant colour to my life and in my heart I felt the warmth and the light of spring again.
I adore your kind smile and your gentle eyes. When I look into your eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes, I see a reflection of my own soul. And when I’m in your arms, I know there’s no place on earth that I would rather be. You have so much good in you, you treat me so well. You can always make me laugh, even when I don’t want to.
I want to thank you for the endless things you do for me, even if you don’t realise it. I want to thank you for loving me endlessly, even when I am most certainly the biggest pain in the ass that you could’ve ever imagined. I want to thank you for being so patient with me, especially when I’m being stubborn and refuse to admit that I’m wrong. I want to thank you for every time you tell me I look beautiful, even when my hair looks like it could house a small family of birds. I want to thank you for not losing your shit over me when I’m being absolutely ridiculous, but instead calming me down and talking me through whatever it is I’m unnecessary flipping my shit over and I also want to thank you for always lifting me up and never knocking me down.
You always encourage me to do my best, you always believe in me, even when I can’t believe in myself. You are everything I have ever wanted and so much more.
Every night when we go to sleep, I stay up for some time, listening to the beating of your heart. It is a sound that comforts me and makes me feel safe, at home again. I can never be the same again, now that I know you. I love you more than you can ever imagine and more than anyone else in the world ever can. I do not say his lightheartedly — I say this because it is the honest humble truth. You mean much more to me than anything else ever has and ever can. I am blessed to have you with me.
There is one thing which I want to ask from you. Ianto, just be there for me forever. I will love you always. There is no future for me without you, since there exists no me without you. You make me complete and there is nothing else that I want when you are with me. Just be with me and I shall be with you until forever.
Yours sincerely, Andrew.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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It’s Friday, innit? I am back with more reading!
Somebody Like You by @jayne89 had me weeping. Wow. This is definitely a different kind of fic. Blaine was married to Sebastian, but Sebastian died, and now he remarried Kurt. Sebastian leaves a message for Kurt and I was on the floor.
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And just when I’m about to pick myself up, Kelly absolutely drop kicks me back to the ground with Broken Glass: Just A Little, which is the second part of the season 6 rewrite. Ouchies ouchies! I’m excited to see where it is heading.
Okay, let’s get off the angst train. Staircases by KCgleek on AO3 is a new fic by a new writer! I’m always excited when people join the fandom after its peak.
There is also some cool canon divergence in Just Married! Surprise! by Canttalkgrounded on AO3. I wish Klaine and Brittana had this kind of wedding instead of the canon one.
More cute stuff! @cerriddwenluna​ is writing a sequel to Swipe called When It’s Right, It’s Right. Yay! Gwen, I am obsessed with the series title being called Swiper, No Swiper!
@rockitmans​ also started a Valentine’s fic called Blaine Anderson vs. Valentine’s Day and it is off to a hilarious start. Blaine, you’re a freaking mess.
You know who else is a mess? Simon Snow in Prejudice, Jealousy & Things You Feel When You Don’t Know You’re Queer by @boyinjeans​. I am obsessed with Simon in this story. And how he realises he’s queer and goes “that makes sense, let’s kiss Baz”. Also, Basil, I recognise your AO3 name and icon from a comment you left!!1 WHAT’S POPPIN LGBTs!
I also read for not one but two (2) new fandoms this week! paint me in trust by @a-tiny-sloth is the first Radio Silence fic I’ve read. It’s a friendship fic and I am so happy! I looked into the Radio Silence tag as a preparation for my own Radio Silence fic and I am so glad I did.
I also stumbled into the Torchwood fic world! Wow! I never even watched Torchwood (long story)! I was scrolling through the Doctor Who & Related Fandoms tag to see how many people write The Sarah Jane Adventures fic (not many) and I saw the premise of For this Day, For this Moment by Lottiethroughthelookingglass on AO3. The first 6 chapters are up and it is so good! Jack and Ianto accidentally get a kid (look, it makes sense within the story) and UH OH what now?
Since we established last week that I count Zelda AUs as fanfiction, I cannot NOT mention everyone’s favourite dilf dadlink by @pluviatrix​. I am so obsessed with this AU. I even got a 69% score on the lore quiz (nice)! For the ones out of the know: the Legend of Zelda games are on one big confusing timeline that spans thousands of years. The reason there are so many Links and Zeldas and Ganons is because of a whole reincarnation thing bla bla what’s important to know is that this means that fans can also make their own AUs and their own Link, Zelda and Ganon. This one is basically two stories in one: Zelda and Link defeating The Big Bad (I support gay rights, I also support gay wrongs) and then Link quits at the ripe age of 20, has a one-fifth life crisis, and then has a kid with Pherse, only for more shit to happen and Pherse goes missing, so Link and his baby Fen need to find her. I love all the original characters (Ishka my beloved) and I specifically love the relationship between this Link and Zelda.
For non-fic news, I read I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver, in Dutch, and Maybe In Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Both were nice. I do not know how many fics I’ll read next week, because I borrowed 8 books from the library and I now have 17 books at home. We shall see.
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marthaskane · 23 days
Ep 12: FINALLY! We dive into Jack's backstory!! And omg can't believe he came face to face with the real captain jack harkness, it was a nice twist to see Jack come face to face from when it all began! And omg when Tosh asked who he was before then, he couldn't remember! That's how long he's been immortal for, I hope we can see who he was before then on the Boe planet!
My beloved Tosh, so smart, so resourceful, so strong! And omg Jack & Tosh are an underrated duo, I love that it's Tosh that's with him,
I love the increased sci fi element, its a shame it took the whole season to find the balance but at least we got there!
Seeing Ianto take on more of a leader role was amazing, cannot wait to see the more badass side of him!
Seeing Owen's destructive side come to a head was well done, really raised the stakes plus I love that they showed how much Torchwood changes them
Did they open the rift temporarily, there's definitely gotta be repercussions or does it all set up the finale?
- ⏱️
it's really sad to see that jack has already liver such a long life that he's lost so much of who he is. (also boeshane peninsula is coming 👀)
yeah, the first series is pretty messy but we definitely end strong.
what can I say? tosh is my absolute favourite character in this show and this episode really lets her shine. her dynamic with jack is beautiful and his desire to look after her here has a nice parallel later. I am always haunted by her writing the message in her own blood too.
ianto is also a ball of rage, literally don't mess with him.
yes! I really do love how much people become damaged by the job and the different ways that manifests in different characters.
oh them opening the rift definitely has repercussions for the finale. they've once again caused a mess, that's all I'll say
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javic-piotr-thane · 1 year
oh that is very interesting with the books swaying you into gwen negativity and their mischaracterisation! i have read - many years ago! - border princes, i think, but i have absolutely no recollection of any plot. unfortunately reading fiction is beyond my energy capabilities (which is partly why im so grateful for big finish! i can listen to the plays) so it will be a while before i can get to them (if ever) but i definitely don’t feel like i am missing out on too much now haha. im aware theres some disconnect between being able to read fic but not fiction but it’s complicated lol.
i think your decision to make fandom a better place for yourself by enjoying the positives of gwen’s character more than any negatives to be a really good way to go. i am a big supporter of trying to make fandom into a positive place for yourself & not something that causes you frustration and upset - which is perhaps partly why i tend to only linger on the outskirts.
this isn’t a slight at all and im not saying this is what you do (because i dont think it is), and please don’t take any offense, but for me i do find i enjoy seeing and recognising flawed characters and while not focusing completely on the negatives, still sometimes leaning in to them if they contrast with how i think it should have gone. (okay i read that back and im not sure i made sense. basically: i like embracing the negatives where often others try to ignore them if they contradict w their hc) and it’s not just gwen here either, sometimes tosh, & often owen. also jack & lesser so ianto but that’s mostly bc i have a soft spot for him haha. i think for me being able to be like ‘ok i like this character and its sometimes because they do some stuff that makes me frustrated/annoyed’ gives me more enjoyment than trying to either explain away or rationalise (or perhaps ignore) the negative issues i have.
i think i did it a lot in the glee fandom, where i was able to see good in ‘bad’ characters and also bad in the ones who were portrayed as goodness incarnate (ok im exaggerating haha but the thought is there) & it opened up a lot more of the fandom to me? which, as someone who adores fanworks is absolutely wonderful.
!!!!! i'm not offended, i see how my words could be misunderstood! of course i embrace characters' flaws, what i meant here specifically was sinking into a certain bitterness that goes far beyond what Gwen's flaws are or aren't; making her not so much a terrible person as a terrible symptom of a flawed society that scoffs at nerds and insecure people and adores everyone with confidence, no matter how much they fuck up or now rude or otherwise not-great they are.
that type of shit.
i was afraid to slip back into that kind of rhetoric, that kind of thinking. that's what i meant to stop in its tracks! i've not taken down my old discussion posts on the topic, but i am so not doing that ever again.
.. *deep breath*
as for another thing you mentioned, minor but - Border Princes my beloved!!!!! that's my second-favorite of all the TW novels, and that's a really close choice!! i love it so much, it's sad that you read that of all books and forgot :'D but ah well.
[oh and the irony of you saying you don't have the strength to read fiction but love the audios doesn't escape me, as i fucking love reading (fiction or nonfiction) and i really need strength/focus for audio :''D you're the lucky one in this scenario though bc just in case i hadn't said this clearly enough before: the TW audios are by and large superior to the novels XD so there's that on that]
[....though waiiit.... weren't the first three books made into audiobooks?? i never cared about that but... i'm not saying look that up but maybe look that up 👀👀]
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2x05 my beloved 
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kaydeefalls · 3 years
Character ask: Captain Jack Harkness
Aw yeah, let's go!
why i like them
Jack is a spectacular example of a character who obfuscates by telling the truth, and it is FASCINATING. He's a great storyteller and an absolutely shit liar. You can always tell when he's hiding something because either he 1. gets incredibly over-the-top charming (if it's a con) or 2. just clams up about it (if it's personal), but usually you DON'T notice because he's distracted you with all his charm and blather. He tells the most obscene and ridiculous stories that are 100% true because he knows no one will actually believe them. And, yeah, he's has never heard of "shame" in a sexual context and doesn't see why he should bother with it, which is just so freaking liberating. Jack is the last person who will ever, ever judge who you are or what you're into, he will fly that freak flag high with PRIDE. And he's genuinely got the biggest heart, I think he really does fall at least a little bit in love with just about everyone.
why i don’t
The amount of manpain that Torchwood shackled him with did make him a bit grating at times, and tried to shoehorn him into the "brooding antihero" archetype in a way that didn't really suit the character. (HATE all the tragic backstory bullshit with his brother, so so so much.) And, okay, John Barrowman is entertaining as hell, but he's...not that great of an actor, and when the story tried to take Jack to deeper places, it often fell flat due to Barrowman's performance. (Sorry.)
favorite episode (scene if movie)
KISS KISS BANG BANG MY BELOVED. There is nothing I don't love about that episode, but Jack shone in it. The resolution of a lot of his Doctor-related angst immediately lightened his character back up again, and he also got to play charmingly wrong-footed and vulnerable when it came to winning his team back, especially Ianto.
favorite season/movie
Doctor Who reboot series 1, no I will not be accepting criticism at this time. It's where the character was introduced and what made us all fall in love with him so hard they had to write him a spinoff.
favorite line
"Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, ooh, this could be a little more sonic?!"
Jack/Ianto goes without saying, I think. They are such a study in contrasts and I still love them so much. Children of Earth, who? Never heard of it. But I also have a lingering soft spot for Jack/Nine/Rose as my TARDIS OT3.
Jack & Martha are EXCELLENT bros. More of them please and thank you.
head canon
We never actually got any of his backstory with the Time Agency or why they wiped two years of his memory. I do believe it's because he realized the Agency itself was immoral and covering up something awful, and that he was wiped for trying to get the truth out. Jack may need some guidance finding his moral compass sometimes, but he does have a strong sense of right and wrong and which side of that he falls on, and I think the Agency absolutely hung him out to dry.
unpopular opinion
...he's much more interesting as a secondary character than primary, and Torchwood works best when it's about the ensemble than about Jack himself.
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spookylostboy · 1 year
Ianto: FUCK being the bigger person! I’m just- I’m just gonna start biting people!
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yewphoric · 3 years
For da TV show/movie thing: Torchwood!!
gonna do my best 2 answer on mobile lol
favorite male character: ianto jones my beloved
favorite female character: gwen cooper my beloved....
least favorite character: ??? uhh honestly dont know lol. probably some side character i cant remember rn
prettiest character: all the women-- ok honestly im most attracted to suzie costello and martha jones
funniest character: jack harkness, professional clown
favorite season: absolutely 2. 1 has great episodes and stuff but i genuinely like Every episode in 2 and it still has the good Torchwood Feel before 3 and 4
favorite episode: kiss kiss bang bang
favorite romantic ship: since it was the first one i ever shipped and it Hits Different its probably janto. tosh/owen is a pretty close second though
favorite family ship: honestly just. torchwood 3 as a big found family. yes please
favorite friend ship: platonic/queerplatonic gwack means so much to me,
worst ship: tbh im not one to hate on ships or anything? i cant rlly think of any in torchwood that grind my gears so. yeah
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horselover107 · 2 years
6 & 14?
6 Favorite Character to Write For
It’s probably a toss up between Gwen and Ianto (I know, I’m predictable). Gwen has a really great balance of strength and compassion, but also a tendency to barrel into things. She can be both the outsider POV or the experienced world weary veteran depending on where in canon you put her. And it’s just really fun to write dialogue for her!
Ianto is a character that in the very beginning I would second guess myself on. It doesn’t help that in the actual show his character is mostly facial expressions, and his characterization in Big Finish while much beloved is pretty different than tv canon at first glance. But once I got a hold of him…God he’s so fun to write! He’s exactly my type in character: someone that is outwardly snarky but inwardly a complete mess that is absolutely just faking it all. He has the most interesting backstory to play with (well okay second most, first place goes to “Captain I was A Time Agent and a Com Man and then I was immortal in Cardiff for Like 200 Years” obviously). His relationship dynamics with everyone are really complex and there’s lots of rich stuff to play with. He bounces of other characters really well, and in really different ways! Like I know Ianto is everyone’s favorite. It’s not a ground breaking opinion. But he’s legitimately fun to write dialogue and get inside the head of.
14. What stage do I get titles?
The end.
Usually the very end of writing something (or at least the end of whatever I plan to post first). I’m usually not great at them, but I’m getting better at it.
The one exception to the title struggle was I Sing the Body Electric. That title came to me early on. And the Second and Third entries into the Untitled Series. I knew I was going to keep that joke/theme going.
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enderon · 5 years
21, 13, 11 for the torchwood asks!
21. Stories you'd like to see?
First and foremost, I wanna see a Ianto and Tosh duo adventure. They're both just so good, especially together, and I just know it would be so very much fun, especially cause they're both, arguably, the most functional members of the team, so we could get some really high stakes. And also they're both very snarky and also sweet and play off of each other so well.
Secondly, I want more stories of the team between season 1 and 2. I'm very happy that we have 'Kaleidescipe' and got to see how they all reacted immediately following Jack's disappearance and how they decided Gwen would be in charge, but I just want more, it was way too short. Maybe even a whole story about what they were getting up to during the year that never was, expedition to the Himalayas and all.
The last one is really just a completely self-indulgence thing, and I highly doubt we would ever get this, but a story that brings Ianto back? Even if it was like an alternate universe Ianto, like Yvonne in the new seasons (from my ubderstanding). I just, I want him back, he didnt deserve to die when he did for the horrendous reasons he did. Theres so much to him and it's really like they finally let him be confident and happy just to RIP everything away from him again. Let him be alive and happy damnit!!
13. Books?
My number one Torchwood book has to be 'The Undertaker's Gift'. I know a lot of people have their issues with it, and it most certainly does have issues, but I just absolutely love the constant foreboding feeling and genuinely high stakes involved in it. Honestly, I wish that our pen-ultimate conflict of Children of Earth had been something like this instead. It just, always gets my adrenaline pumping to read it. Also cause that part where Jack talks about killing Nazis. That's pretty awesome.
My second would have to be Risk Assessment, another controversial one. I dunno, the whole premise of Jack being petulant cause he can't boss this crazy woman around is just so funny to me. Theres also several extremely soft and good Janto moments in it, as well as letting Gwen have some fun and shine quite a bit. I'll agree that it still has its issues, but I find it fun.
My third would have to be 'Consequences'. It's just a really nice collection of really good stories, what more can I say?
11. Big Finish audio dramas?
Number 1 place absolutely has to go to 'Broken' cause I'm a weak and predictable bitch. Not only do I love it for finally letting us see the actual start of Ianto and Jack's relationship, but as someone who loves Ianto I love that it showed us all the little behind the scenes moments and what he was actually going through after the events of 'Cyberwoman'. It's just top notch stuff that also works to build on Ianto's character so very well.
Second place has to then go to 'Outbreak', cause he doesnt want a sudo zombie apocalypse style story? Fun plot, fun build up and usage of beloved characters, Norton is a fun addition, and having the situation once again be a situation of the evil of humanity is just top notch. Literally the only issue is the fact that I have to listen to people clawing their own skin off directly into my ears. That I could absolutely do without thank you very much.
Third place goes to 'The Last Beacon', once again cause I'm a predictable little bitch. What can I say? Ianto and Owen going on a buddy adventure out in the country and bonding with a nice happy ending? It's so good. Ianto and Owen are both so good, with Owen getting to reveal a bit more of his softer side while still being just as sharp and brutal as usual, and we don't have any deaths. It's all just very good, very feel good.
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cxptained-archived · 5 years
@itsjustkind | so i wasn’t gonna continue but oh my god jack needs to get in there and help and save the doctor, i can’t let it end this way
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                         While Jack’s running an onslaught of scenarios go through his mind. He might die doing this. That’s okay, he’ll come back without question. It’ll hurt. Probably. But he’ll get right back up again and he’ll carry on his mission to save the Doctor. Of course, he can’t die IN FRONT of the Doctor, he can’t do that to the Time Lord who made him promise so firmly that he he would never die for him.
Does this count? Surely, he can break that promise in a situation like this one? A situation where it’s quite literally life and death? God... he’s getting a headache thinking about it. Taking a breath as he runs he decides.
“No easy to avoid deaths, no dying for the sake of dying... but if it’s necessary Captain Jack Harkness. You die for the Doctor. You die and then you keep on running. And god... just try not to do it in front of him.” He mutters to himself.
Jack follows the screams. They’re easy enough to track but harder to listen to the closer he gets. His fingers wrap around the grip of his gun and without thinking he shoots the guards outside of the Doctor’s cell straight in the head. The Doctor might not like guns but there are only so many values Jack can stick to when it comes to saving his life. If he’s not allowed to die then he’s going to have to be able to shoot else he becomes a sitting duck.
                          And what use is that?
                                                         A deep breath and he bursts through the door.
The sight shouldn’t take Jack by surprise. The screaming should have warned him. The sounds of absolute pain without mercy should have been enough to tell him what he was walking into wasn’t pretty. But seeing The Doctor like this, seeing his LOVE like this was a little more than Jack’s brain can handle.
Images flick through his mind. The faces of those he’s lost, the playback of those who died in front of him. It all happens in a millisecond but he feels like he’s rewatching them forever. The last face to cross his vision is Ianto Jones. Jack wants to throw up at the SIGHT of seeing him lying there dead. He looks up, greeted with the sight of his tortured beloved and shoots.
Aliens after aliens fall, Jack’s face turned up into a pout as he lets the anger flow through him. Jack Harkness is a soft man. He cares deeply for his friends, his partners... he will hold them close and whisper sweet nothings into their ear. He will kiss his friends when they need a pick me up. He will hug you close and hold you to his chest like you are the MOST important person in his universe. And often, in that moment, you truly are.
But those that hurt the people he loves get no mercy. Jack would tear down cities. He would destroy colonies if it meant saving someone he cares about. All of that resides in his eyes as he shoots bullet after bullet into anyone who tortured the Doctor.
It’s only when he’s done that he throws his gun to the side. He didn’t die... that’s good. Pure adrenaline and aggression probably ensured that. Jack lunges forward to the Doctor.
“You’re okay... you’re okay...” Jack murmurs, his usual soft and gentle demeanour returning as quick as it left. Anger no longer lives in his eyes but love and concern instead as he works on removing the cuffs from the Doctor’s wrists, an arm wrapped around his waist so that once he undoes them the Doctor won’t fall.
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 years
lulu’s super long doctor who notes, third and final part!! 
from turn left, to the end of time 
-there is so much going on in turn left aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA  -that setting was mighty stereotypical, though. 
-you know what??? i've seen some discussion about whether or not ten intended to die with the racnoss, re: the parallel world possibly being based on what donna knows of ten and not knowing he could regenerate so she thinks he would've just died, but 1) i think this parallel universe is clearly a little more than just being built by donna and the time beetle 2) no, 100%, ten intended to die.  -the amount of times after the racnoss that ten is willing to die?????????? and with the place ten's at in the runaway bride, right after losing rose????? the look on his face????? yeah. yeah, he would've. it's absolutely not far-fetched at all to think that if donna hadn't stopped him, ten would've outright refused to regenerate and let himself die.  -yes this absolutely shatters my whole chest to think about and i am screaming :) 
-if it had been focused on ten instead of donna, in like a completely different tone, this episode is just it's a wonderful life and from that angle it's like -not only is the doctor so important. but this particular incarnation, ten himself, is so so so important, not just to the world but to donna  -donna is brilliant!!!!!!! and her friendship with ten is so pivotal and important to both of them, they both save each other and make each other better people  -and everyone else he's met!! sarah jane and martha!!!!!!!  -how many times can i say 'it's the human connection' before it gets old 
-donna has a long flappy brown jacket like ten's................
-rose babygirl...........you've grown up so much...........can't call you babygirl anymore 
-oh, i'm gonna say it now. i'm feeling it now and i'm not even at journey's end, donna also deserved way better from her season  -sometimes i think she's written as way less intelligent than she actually is (even if she doesn't think she is she's very clearly smart in her own way and does have skills, and this is acknowledged when it's relevant.) and big dislike. you're telling me a woman of donna's age doesn't know what a labor camp is.  (-oh i don't feel this about the poison sky, though. quite frankly if i was in her position and had to go around bonking potatoes on their air ducts, yeah, i'd be fucking terrified and reluctant to do it and forget i had three fingers. it's the terror of, this is real life and you can't mess up.)  -i loved her hanging out with martha because donna is still in focus in those episodes, but then she gets sidelined so river can be there (we do still see her but clearly i have problems with those episodes as a whole so no, doesn't count.)  -and then she's not in midnight :(  -i just feel like there's a lack of donna in her own damn season, of donna getting to be donna 
-the whiplash of ten needs to live but that means in this universe donna has to die so she can live  (-ten having to meet donna to live. but donna can't remember meeting him and really living) (rtd you are testing me)
-it's so nice to see everyone in stolen earth/journey's end even with my absolute complete lack of torchwood knowledge :)  -oh i'm serious!! the gang's all here, look at them!!!!  -i did not recognize gwen as gwyneth (although i thought that was fun!) i recognized her from broadchurch  -ah, so here is the fabled ianto 
-i'm pissed that rose doesn't know about martha :( i mean i guess it works itself out when rose says she likes her but. meh :(  -martha is as important as donna!!!!! 
-mr copper foundation????? like??????? like clive swift???????? mr copper my beloved  -and here we have another......large scale thought movement through a phone network..........although this is more like a bat signal which i think is hilarious 
-me watching ten and rose reunite: i'm already crying bc i know he's gonna get yoinked but god look at them :( my babies 
-is it a vanity issue?  -don't know. have very little thoughts about it right now.  -there's probably thoughts to be filled in here after the end of time and i will come back to that  -although, i won't deny, i do think ten does like the way he looks and is a lil vain about his appearance, i just think there's more going on here  -ugggggg not to be petty but i also think eleven saying that is like half the doctor covering up for using a regeneration/ten's absolute hellscape and half moffat taking shots 
-oh davros coming in with the hard truths. wow  -"you take ordinary people and you make them into weapons." cause they are LITERALLY all threatening some sort of genocidal sacrifice to stop the daleks, just like the doctor -"this is my final victory, doctor. i have shown you yourself." ohh i actually have thoughts about something like that from earlier that i hadn't actually written down yet bc i couldn't get it to flow right but like. YEAHHHH
-so ten is like, very much confronted by pieces of himself, what he's capable of, what he's lived, what he's not capable of; who the doctor is, at the end of the day  -dr. lazarus and regeneration; the family of blood and immortality; everybody lives/everything has its time; john smith and tentoo (and even tom) living lives he can't; his voice used against him on midnight; his friends, who made him better, ready to do the very thing that destroyed him, without a second thought  -TENTOO FLAT-OUT KILLING THE DALEKS VS TEN OFFERING TO SAVE DAVROS  (-THE NEXT DOCTOR)
-oh you know the one (1) thing i did not know was gonna happen in journey's end???? the thing that had my jaw literally drop and had me going 'excuse me?????? the fuck?????? again???????????' -MICKEY SUDDENLY DECIDING TO STAY ON REGULAR EARTH -I'M???????????????????????????????? FOR REAL???????????????????????????? -i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was absolutely building a life there for the past like??? two years or something????? and just DROPS IT and IMPLIES IT'S MORE BC OF TENTOO THAN HIS GRANDMOTHER. LIKE MICKEY YOU WERE STILL HOLDING OUT FOR ROSE????????????????????????  -god. unbelievable 
-all of them working together!! all of them flying the tardis!!!!! everything i ever wanted :) -"you've got the biggest family on earth!" the doctor does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  -and yes they've all got someone else :( 
-tentoo is. fascinating  -and terrible. like, truly terrible -i mean..........................tentoo is jammed with potential, this half-human version of the doctor, this copy, this real thing, this complete and incomplete mess, this awful wonderful being, donna’s attitude and determination and ten’s determination and anger  (-godddddddd if ten and tentoo had actually, really, truly interacted. ten fully presented with everything he is and everything he's done, and can't be. the doppelganger that's just you. the physical representation of your best strengths, your worst actions, your self-hatred. i want them to hug. self-recognition in the face of yourselffffffffff) (GOD HE IS A COOP) -but he really is. like. the strangest fucking consolation prize to rose. rose gets A Doctor but she does not get Ten. she doesn't get The Doctor. she gets him but she doesn't get Him.  -ten has to stand there and purposely not say he loves her so that tentoo can say it and they can be together instead  -i mean something clearly has to be done with tentoo!!!!!! and i love this potential!!! but!!!! like!!!!! rose spends all this time getting out of the parallel world and now, she, has, to, go, back  -WITH THIS YES-BUT-NOT-THE-DOCTOR 
-i'm, very iffy about donna being 'the most important woman in the world' and the, coincidences converging on her in a fate/destiny manner  -and it's because donna doesn't get to remember being the most important woman in the world. she doesn't get to change. she spends the entire season never really believing she's worth it, or even getting real onscreen time to address it, then she gets one pep talk from tentoo, and then has to forget everything and doesn't get to remember that she has worth  -it. breaks my heart it's so absolutely unfair to donna  -tentoo survives bc he's more time lord than human bc he grew out of the hand but donna can't bc she's more human than time lord and that's so terrible. donna should've been allowed to, idk biologically compensate for that a little bit somewhere too  -does having a time lord brain have to mean knowing everything ten knows, specifically, instead of just, being time lord-y?  -but it's ten's knowledge that lets donna fix things, the doctor's overall knowledge, not just being a time lord -WELL IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE  -no i don't know how i would resolve donna staying a time lord in a timely way before eleven, but you know what????? DOESN'T MATTER CAUSE SHE STILL DESERVED THAT!!!!!!! -it's just awful. and such a slap in the face to donna's character  -donna deserves knowing for real that her life has meaning beyond being a temp and not even that she did all these wonderful things but that she's loved and worth it  -i don't even want to say "I GUESS" and call it a parallel for rose and the time vortex because it's just that awful  -IT DOESN'T ALWAYS HAVE TO BE A TRAGEDY, IT DOESN'T, THOUGH  -in a season that also had jenny, a genetically created time lord, and tentoo, exactly the same as donna only with the benefit of being a time lord first, donna existing as a time lord????? feasible.  -you know we could've had the most absolutely fucked up but fascinating plot line of ten accidentally rebuilding the time lords only they're cooler. sort of. not really. they're a mess, he's a terrible dad. but yeah  (-wait that means we’d get  the master: i made everyone into me! ten: yeah well i..........oh, shit) 
-no i don't know how i would resolve donna staying a time lord in a timely way before eleven, but you know what????? DOESN'T MATTER CAUSE SHE STILL DESERVED THAT!!!!!!!
-wilf making me cry again :( 
-top top fav ten+donna episodes -- partners in crime, the fires of pompeii, planet of the ood, the sontaran stratagem/the poison sky, the doctor's daughter, midnight 
-specials time!!!! specials time ~  -every day i get closer to watching the waters of mars and every day i go 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' about it 
-aww i thought the next doctor was really very sweet 
-"you've got your son, you've got a reason to live." "and you haven't?" every day i am in pain  -it's very........no, he does not. but also his reason for living is so he can possibly sacrifice himself to save the world yet again  -ten needs a vacation. and not one that ends with a cowboy hat and a lei!! -okay you know what. i think you could say ten's suicidal beats are maybe getting smacked a little too much but i'm gonna let it go BECAUSE -he does eat dinner with them!!!! he does!!!!! oh my god but he does  -my heart :) 
-even if i do think he would've genuinely let himself die in turn left and i stand by that. i also don't think ten actually truly wants to die i think he's just high-key exhausted and worn down and ready to stop  -and ready to do what he thinks he has to  -like he wouldn't have stopped killing the racnoss or the flooding, without donna. but he would've stopped you know????  -just, stopped.  -when you don't want to be anymore  -ten in the lazarus experiment saying "in the end, you just get tired."  -and he's ready to sacrifice himself to be a hero, to be a very reckless hero, to at least go out like that, or, if there's anything that even vaguely overrides the depression tired it's the hero complex  -there's a lot in here and i am trying to be very careful in parsing it without shattering my brain too much or getting it wrong or projecting 
-i know i'm getting ahead of myself here but  -so then being confronted with his death in the end of time.....  -it is and it isn't the kind of death ten would've chosen  -he gets to save wilf, who means so much to him, but this means the end of him  -and no one really wants to die.  -and ten, specifically, is considering this regeneration as a death, where nine did not  -i don't think it is so much a matter of vanity, i think it is very much that yeah ten is the most human of the regenerations and clearly thinks of regeneration as more of a death than an ongoing part of the doctor's overall life 
-ANYWAY. still have another note to make here for this episode -"i suppose in the end, they break my heart." yeah :( there it is :(  -i also stand by 'it doesn't HAVE to be a tragedy all the time but like sometimes. the companion/doctor relationships are tragedies' 
-hey. so how do the images of the doctor get on the infostamp. like. yknow  -no i think this is really really funny HOW DID THE CYBERMEN JUST HAVE FOOTAGE OF ALL OF THEM 
-"he will knock four times" sounds so much more master-adjacent than it winds up being and it's WILF
-aaaaaaaaaaaa waters of mars waters of mars waters of marsssssss  -christ!!!!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  -first of all. beyond the god complex for a moment. the cracked skin and the water was i think The scariest thing i have seen on this show. that was a lot. 
-god even the episode titles are reversed. the fires of pompeii vs the waters of mars  -"anything i do, just makes it happen" TEN  -well yes pompeii did wind up being him, which was terrible. and again -- the doctor's presence helping and exacerbating at the same time in really all circumstances 
-it's like. it's really a lose-lose situation  -once ten knows where he is, he has to leave. ten knows he has to leave, and is first not allowed to leave. ten is then allowed to leave, but chooses to stay bc the little fucker just can't not stay and help and find things out because this is something new  -and who is the doctor if not someone who helps? even at a fixed point?  -but he has to leave, and he knows that! and he goes to leave!!!  -and then adelaide asks him to help (and ten just said in the next doctor "two words i never refuse") and he can't, this time he has to refuse them  -you're at a fixed point you know you can't change. this has to happen. APPARENTLY THE ENTIRE FUTURE HINGES ON THIS WOMAN DYING RIGHT HERE which is, oh you know that's mildly dicey, see this is why we need a fixed point that's not death, but it's also a matter of, so often it really is just the tiniest things happening that matter in so much else because no one is living a truly solitary life, you're always touching someone else's life  -and the moment adelaide accepts that, that her death is happening and it has to. even after she asked him to help. even after she said "damn you"!!!! the moment she acknowledges that this is a tragedy and that's how it's gonna play out  -TEN HAS HAD ENOUGH 
-he watched pompeii burn and it was his fault and donna asked him to save someone. he listens to people scrambling for their lives and trying to live when he knows they're going to die. he's the last of the time lords, because he made it happen and watched the same thing then, too. and if he's the last one then there's no one higher than him to keep time in place. these people are dying and and it's not his fault but he feels like it is and ten is so fucking done  -and ten is so painfully aware also that this is almost it for him. the end of his time is coming  -so sure! fine!! everybody lives! everybody fucking lives, because he can't stand anybody else dying!!!!! he can outrun time!! for everyone, for himself!!!  -and it's not okay. 
-"if you could decide, doctor, if you could choose who lives and who dies, you'd be a monster." vs "no one should have that much power." "tough."  -time can't just disappear it's a universal invariant isn't obliged to anyone. especially not one broken time lord experiencing a massive mental breakdown 
-nine in father's day saying "who said you're not important?" vs ten here saying "saved some little people, but never someone as important as you." and adelaide saying "who decides they're so unimportant? you?" 
-and that it didn't matter, in the end! ten didn't actually save anyone here -- rest of the crew still died!! mia and yuri live but at what cost!! the timeline is the same, but adelaide had to kill herself to do it!! 
(-just, a question, daleks aren't like.......time-savvy? yeah? or are they? how did that one clock adelaide as being important  -just, wondering) 
-what would donna have done, at the waters of mars  -donna who wanted to save everyone at pompeii, confronted with another fixed point where saving just one person isn't possible this time 
-sometime last week or the week before when i saw a picture of ten in the cowboy hat and lei, my brain misread the lei as like a cabana top and i was like 'frank costanza's cabana wear and a cowboy hat????? my boy is not okay' -anyway the point is, i want ten in a terrible cabana wear shirt  -.......someone's put crowley in a cabana shirt, haven't they. i can feel it. i can just feel it in my bones. i know that has to exist 
-wilf!!! god!!!!!!!  -of COURSE this van of old people is gonna find the doctor. have you SEEN retired old people with nothing better to do than look out their windows and call each other and gossip?????? 
-ten and wilf talking in the diner just breaks my heart over and over ten is barely holding it together and wilf cares about him so much
-well i'm happy donna's happy and shaun looks like a real sweet guy but i'm still very :(  -"and then sometimes i see this look on her face, like she's so sad, but she can't remember why." :(((((((((((((((( 
-WILF GETS TO BE A COMPANION WILF GETS TO SEE THE STARS WILF GETS TO SEE EARTH FROM ABOVE and just wants to know if his wife is okay in her grave i'm 
-hey wilf: you should, shoot the master, though  ten: i absolutely cannot.  also ten: /finds out the time lords are returning ten: GIVE ME THE GUN I NEED TO GO SHOOT RASSILON 
-the master is undeniably one of the biggest threats possible, at all times, in any incarnation, and always will be, and something should definitely be done about him, but ten loves him too much and can't murder the same way the master has, and ten does not hold any remaining love for the time lords as a whole at all, enough to go 'no, my biggest problem is definitely rassilon and i'm taking him out at the knees'
-"don't you dare put him before them." wilf is right though 
-i think a lot of ten's love is tied up in wanting to help (fix) the master and his hero complex and his pride and believing that anybody could be good and he can make them good (.....except the time lords otherwise), this is redemption for himself too, if the doctor can fix the master and fix his mistakes with the master than the doctor can do anything; but it's also just their history together, that they have literally over 900 years of back and forth shit together and it's all twisted and terrible  -they grew up together!! ten tries TWICE to get the master to just go away with him!!! half of the master's modus operandi is just 'hmm. time to fuck with the doctor cause i want the doctor to look at me. is the doctor looking. how about now. ....how about now'  -love to hate. hate to love. but you do. hate you so much i'm gonna practically save your life like you just did for me so i can kill rassilon  -they'd BOTH rather kill rassilon than each other 
-"i don't know what i'd be without that noise." "i wonder what i'd be, without you." "yeah."  -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  -~what are you without the terrible terrible things that you think make you you, that you've carved your life around~ -would anything be the same? would it even be better without this? 
-ultimately i think the master as well is fascinating and especially ten's relationship with him, and the drums being retroactively put in his head as a child because the time lords have become that outrageous to ruin a child for their own purposes is the most awful thing, but also the master is a straight up charismatic villain fucker and a lot of times just needs to get out  -let us not forget he too ate the baby wow what do you know uhh like probably a decent amount of people, at minimum four, as well as general murder and enslavement and misogyny 
-the way that i want to approach the end of time is, is rtd himself trying to retcon the genocide of the time lords  -and i'm gonna go with no  -because 1) ten is still 100% ready to do it again  2) he sends them back into the time lock to meet their fate at the hands of his past self; he has no true interest in saving them because he knows what they became  3) time lords still die.  4) looks like rassilon was only interested in bringing back the high council specifically??? -- he brings gallifrey with them, sure, but not like, to really save gallifrey???? to ~ascend~ and destroy earth  5) time lords still die and the doctor would do it again. yes, he never shoots rassilon -- but he won’t save rassilon, either. he can’t do it again, and he does. even taking a third option means the time lords still die. 
-no, this is not the way ten would've chosen to die, because realistically ten wanted to keep cheating death forever and ever and ever  -"you had to go and get stuck. because that's who you are." you know that's also very much ten @ ten  -ten would've done the same. any other day, ten would've gone in that radiation cage for that random guy so he could get out, too, just like wilf  -but ten's ego is also very present here as well and his fear and it hurts so much to hear him say "look at you. not remotely important. but me? i could do more! so much more!"  -"i've lived too long."  -i think maybe a little, ten's lived too long. i think ten's also been hurt for a long time too and he can't stop being hurt  -ten was born out of love and it's turned into him being so agonizingly lonely 
-ten's reward is getting to see the impacts he's made on his companions' lives my god  -that he made them happy; that they can be happy without him, too  -"all there is, is a collection of people connecting, living, influencing each other, and departing."  (-oh joan's granddaughter was unnecessary and yeah i will never be behind martha and mickey)  -donna 💖💖💖 -that he goes to see rose last!!!!!!! and he can't see her now so he can see her one last time before she even met him  -and she can't even really see him but he can see her and her bright heart and her kindness one last time, directed at him  -he still loves so much, even after everything 
-"this song is ending, but the story never ends." yeah though!! yeah.....
-goodbye my boy 💝💔 -gosh, what a time. i had a great time!! any time i get to scream for 15,000 words even if half of it was complaining i'm having a grand ol time 
-i keep trying to write this in a less 'oh god but that's terrible because i just dissected him and i'm laughing' manner but i can't. ten is just gonna live rent-free in my head for the foreseeable future. i love him 
(-i do have minor eleven thoughts but i am, wary of talking about eleven without having watched eleven and tracking the character arc, but again i really do have very little if any desire to  -i did watch day of the doctor, and i do have......some thoughts but quite frankly after i watched it it's just whatever to me. i don't care  -i still do think it's a dicey retcon but i'm just gonna leave it at that and move on)
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