dirjoh-blog · 1 year
The Iasi Pogrom
The titles of this post is “The Iasi Pogrom” , but I am starting with a different event. It is important to put the Iasi Pogrom in a wider context. It will be a long read, but it is such an important subject that I feel compelled to be as detailed as possible. Approximately 7 months after the Iasi pogrom, on January 20 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the Reich Security Main Office , summons a…
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elarea · 7 days
6 contra 9 y ganó el buzón (1936)
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Gracias al aporte del historiador oficial de la IASA, Marcos Antonio Pérez, se ofrece hoy una nota sobre el partido que en el marco de la "División Especial", lo que vendría a ser la actual Tercera de Formativas, enfrentó a Sud América y Peñarol el 16 de agosto de 1936.
Lo especial de este match fue la expulsión de siete jugadores, cinco buzones y dos mirasoles. Obviamente no existía el reglamento que contempla una cantidad mínima indispensable de jugadores para continuar un partido y la IASA venció por 2-1 con tres jugadores menos en un glorioso 6 contra 9. De Ripley.
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sirellas · 8 months
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leolaroot · 2 years
guy who's been watching a lot of defunctland: yeah I've been mentally designing a farscape theme park ride.
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trekkienatural · 5 months
should your catcher play a full doubleheader? sure, go for it. should your catcher play two doubleheaders in a row? sure, as long as they get a day off after. should your catcher play three doubleheaders in a row in 45 degree heat (+ gear and turf heat)? ABSOLUTELY NOT??? WHY IS THAT A QUESTION
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you know what yall should watch? farscape. good fucking show. love it
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Busug Kaau Kug History Ron. About Sa
- Climate Change
- Population Growth
- Economic Inequality
- Art, Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings
- Institutional
- Investments, Inflation, Governance, Aliens
CORRUPTION. Halus Tanan Video Akung Natan.aw
Dli Jud Mawala Ang Corruption. Mu Relate Jud Siya
Why Nation Is Striving Or Not Developing. (Politics)
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ancaxbre · 6 months
Am dat cumva de Ana cu cea mai de cacat viata din toata literatura romaneasca? Nu-s sigura, dar ma cam obsedeaza viata fetei astea. Si, da, stiu ca amestec doua variante destul de diferite a unei balade pentru toata povestea, ceea ce poate n-ar trebui facut, dar sunt pe prea mult paracetamol ca sa-mi mai pese. So...
Fata de imparat frumoasa ca o stea, floarea florilor etc etc, isi traieste viata linistita pe langa ma-sa cand se trezeste unu' sa se indragosteasca de ea. Cine putea sa fie decat cel mai voinic dintre voinici, brat de buzdugan etc, etc, Iovan Iorgovan fecior de....acelasi imparat. Fata normal ca-l trimite la plimbat de ursi, dar afla parintii si ii blesteama pe amandoi pentru incest. De ce pe amandoi? Ca sa se mire cititorii. Fata nu mai poate cu drama asa ca fuge de acasa si traiese in pustiu ca o fata salbatica. Isi gaseste la un moment dat niste prietene cu care se intelege de parca ar fi surori si zburda impreuna prin paduri, dar alea de dovedesc a fi fake friends ca o lasa intr-o zi de izbeliste in mijlocul padurii cand ea dormea si nu mai stie saraca cum sa iasa din padure. Dar totul e OK e un cuc pe aproape si in n mii de balade cucul e defapt un Fat-Frumos care te scoate la civilizatie daca ii promiti sa te mariti cu el. Amamdoua problemele ei s-ar rezolva cu aceeasi pasare, daca ar avea si ea putina bafta, dar cucul ei e doar pasare si n-are chef nici s-o ajute, nici de insuratoare. Apoi un balaur vrea s-o inghita ca n-o avut fata destule pe cap pana acum. O aude un voinic strigand si vine si omoara balaurul. Is fate finally giving her a break? Nu. voinicul ala e frate-su, Iovan Iorgovan, si inca vrea sa se insoare cu ea. Ca cica 'scumpi, nu mai pe tine te vreau ca esti ca Ileana Simziana si nu se mai gaseste nicaieri in lume alta ca tine' si bla bla si bla bla. Fata normal ca-l refuza iar, si incearca sa-i explice 'mai omu' lu' Dumnezeu, suntem pe valea Cernei nu a Nilului si nu merge cu incest pe aicea.' dar nu se prinde nimic de el. Iovan o leaga si o suie pe cal si nu-i mai ramane fetei nimic de facut decat sa incheie povestea aruncandu-se in Cerna. Dupa ce se ineaca se transforma intr-o floare de colt.
Numai una din variante ii da nume fetei si cred ca nu surprinde pe nimeni ca e Ana. 🙃
Exista cumva vreo Ana in toata literatura romaneasca care nu moare si are o viata fericita?
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astarionfixation · 7 months
Am I Fu**ing Insane !?!
A multi chapter adventure in Astarion's mind
Chapter 2 - +As if I had been kissed by mint leaves all over+
Rating: eventually Explicit but just a lot of mind tease so far.
Word count count: 2.3k
Pairings: Astarion X OFC Tav
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54356776/chapters/137824306
I have a quite serious praise kink. Which also means compliments in the forms of tags and/or comments might very well spur me to write and post more
In an exasperated sigh he breathes in again and all the effort he put into keeping lucid since he got back into her room is crashing down upon him. The nauseatingly spiced mix of wine and flowers assaulting his senses once again, and her breath caressing his face as he just now realises he must have leaned in without thinking. *As if she’s not been a damned little inconvenience already!* But that’s when she begins stirring and the image of the moment when he was just that close to her a few hours prior, flashes in his mind again. Her warm fingers on the back of his neck as traitors ready to find a spot to bury a dagger  *I should know! I’ve played this game before, you hussy! better than you ever will!* Those fingers seemingly trying to grasp at him just before a soft whiff of that intoxicating scent escaped her lips when she hummed, barely intelligible: Stay.
Chapter Two - *as if I had been kissed by mint leaves all over*
Notes: *Astarion's Thoughts* +quotes from her journal+ "audible dialogue" -remarks-
aul iasa nha tho is Elvish for "in vino veritas", otherwise said "In wine there's truth" or the general idea that people are much more guileless when intoxicated.
He must’ve read those pages so many times that it’s surprising how they have not been worn out. And the fact he doesn’t technically need to sleep surely hasn’t helped the surprise quickly turn to addiction.
*How could I have not noticed?!*
The tightly kept book gave him more access to her mind, her actual thoughts, that any connection the worms might have forced them to share, and that’s likely why everyone promptly agreed to stay out of everyone’s business for the time being. And it wasn’t quite like he meant to break that deal, he was just severely unprepared for what he had found in that insignificant shiny little volume. All handwritten. By her.
Along with the odd note of information gathered during the last few days, the pages were filled mostly with just her reflections, clearly never intended for eyes that were not her own deep ones, eyes he never felt lingering on him more than the time it was necessary to be called for duty, to be addressed as politely as an accidentally forced companionship put them together. And he was supposed to know, to see, to read people and understand how to play them as if fiddling with an instrument he himself had built from scratch! The countless souls he alone had enticed and played every key, including -especially- the dark, heavy ones. Then how could he have missed the eyes she had been looking at him with? How could he have missed the intention? How could she have walked this earth without a tenth of the time he had and compete with his own ability to mask and dissipate any impression of sentiment or feeling?
He started to genuinely wonder if there could have been a mistake, perhaps she had been keeping the little metallic book for someone else *and yet I saw her and her damned quill on it! I saw her unimpressed and vacant eyes!* while clearly less than a day ago her thoughts must have been so focused on him they should have burnt a hole in his back:
+I cannot cope with the heart rending clench, from my stomach to the tip of my hair, diffusing a cold, quivering heat as if I had been kissed by mint leaves all over in just a moment, every time his voice pours, like honey, into my ears+
He found himself catching breath he didn’t need for hours, disgusted surely by the idea that she kept him in her mind so often, yet compelled to scrutinise every single line, with no chance to concede that even just one word she spent on him could have gone amiss. He had dozens of pages to commit to memory before sunrise, now that his plans toward individual freedom had suddenly fallen apart. There was no tadpole solution, no way to charm and dominate the worms, nothing to guarantee he could remain himself while still feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin.
*Nothing to guarantee the warmth of her skin if her thoughts get consumed until there’s nothing left of her*
And he has to shake his head physically from the thought because *why!? Why would she be the issue now!?* when he has his own thoughts, his own brain to worry about, his own survival as the only thing that has kept him unnaturally alive for over two centuries, well before she was barely an idea in her parent’s minds! 
His arm pulls back and the book’s metallic cover hits the door he’s still sitting against. He should be throwing it with such force that would destroy that little insignificant piece of paper conjuring all kinds of soft, enticing visions, while none will help with their shared issue: they are all on borrowed time.
+it was a good delusion of power, as if anyone could really be just... So mature for their age... But that's another story, I don't like the stories of my memories, read in hindsight…+
And that’s what froze him in place. She doesn’t spell it out but just reading the words pulls his stomach just the same, he knows that feeling, the lulling comfort that the idea of pleasing a tyrant and taking each beating as a compliment will do. His eyes close and this time the little precious book is brought to his chest, just where his heart last beat all those centuries ago. And his tintless eyebrows furrow, his usually graceful traits tighten in what is almost a grimace, teeth clenching as his head shakes once more, but this time it’s because his own memories made stories out of his delusions of power, when no matter the amount of sacrifices he brought back every night, neither his body nor his mind were spared the abuse and humiliations from his cruel Master. Cazador’s looming body flashes behind his tightened eyes.
*Fourth: thou shalt know that thou art mine.*
The rules of his master played like an obsessive charm in his head over and over,  and then it’s kinder, it’s easier to embrace what felt like the only power he had, seducing and pleasing whilst hoping for the lesser beating.
It does not matter that air is not needed now, because the sharp intakes cut through his lips and down to the bottom of his lungs, and his lips pull almost as if from muscle memory and like he so often did before. To please and appease him, to make the punishment shorter and numbing his own mind for longer.
And all of a sudden it all stops. His arms feel as if they are strained by efforts he does not recall, the heavy door behind his back certainly not as comfortable as the bed in front of him and 
*oh yes, the little useless book* 
The book that gave him no more freedom he had the night before. He would throw it mindlessly but his hand finds a way to just leave it to rest on the floor, while with an agile movement he’s back on his feet, and in a moment he’s theatrically falling on the bed, face hitting the pillows first, and a long unnecessary breath empties his lungs with the last remnants of something that reminds him of mulled wine and flowers.
The noise of boots outside snaps him out of his trance just when the last of the candles must have burnt out as a swirl of smoke still rises in the otherwise darkened room. Voices muffled behind the door tell him his companions are only now getting to their beds which means not much will be expected of him that morning.
*Thank fuck!*
His arms move the pillow around to bury his face onto it and hoping to fall into trance again when a deeper sigh rises from his chest, and he knows. He knows what he has to do to avoid any consequences to befall upon him. Never before a sleight of hand has failed him so spectacularly and now he's not only stuck with the merry fellowship of warmbloods ignorami 
*no closer to understand and control the worm in my head*
but now with the knowledge that their pretty, little accidental leader has had her eyes fixed on him way more often than he ever realised.
*Shit… does she know?* 
And with that thought he rolls on his back, the crook of his elbow sheltering his eyes and with a final exasperated sigh he pulls himself up. Even in the darkened room he can see the metallic cover trying its best to reflect whatever resemblance of light it can catch. His long, delicate fingers pick it up and he finds himself almost laughing at himself
*You thought this was going to be your freedom and now you're just more chained to her them*
Of course he's just stuck being a monster, what did he expect? He gathers the book in his hands and not far, discarded by the door, he finds the small lock, the mockery of having to use his lockpicking skills to put it back together does not escape him.
Once the lock is back in place there’s only one thing left to do. His resignation has almost taken over if it wasn’t for that tinge just at the bottom of his stomach that wishes for him to destroy the book, destroy the room and have splinters find their way under his skin so that maybe, hopefully, the pain will take his attention away from the spectacular failure he is.
*serves me well for conceding anything to hope*
In a flash he’s out of his door, gliding through the shadows. The corridor should simply bow to his graceful presence as he approaches her room. Again.
His hand pushes the door slightly and in a moment he’s in, this time making sure the lock is turned just to avoid any sudden interruption, and within a few seconds his senses are assaulted once again by that scent that makes him feel both a drunkard and abstinent by necessity more than choice. A sigh is the loudest noise he allows himself to make as he exhales: the less he has her scent in his lungs, the easier it will be to ignore it.
Her breath is deep and regular which gives him information enough to carefully reach for her bedside table where her bag was discarded, and indeed, it’s still there waiting for him, half open. The little book still in his hand and he’s just about to place it back there
*Like absolutely nothing ever happened*
And in that moment he realises, as soon as it’s back, it’s gone. His one window to her unadulterated thoughts is gone. The one access he has ever had to someone, anyone’s actual idea of him that wasn’t serving a purpose or trying to extort something from him. If her behaviour had fooled him so completely then it was reasonable to consider the possibility she never intended to act upon any of her reflections, and the book held so many he found himself cursing the fact his elven life ended earlier and lasted much less than his immortal one, before he could learn how to commit to memory more enduringly that the last few hours perusing the little tome allowed him.
*nasty little tease! letting my mind slip that far back!*
His head shakes slightly and a bitter smile pulls the corner of his lips. There’s no point crying over spilled milk again. His hand doesn’t even touch the bag, but the book is back in it, as if it never left. With his body crouched next to bed he can see the look on her face, the look of someone who has really been peacefully resting for the last few hours, completely and utterly unaware about how she has taken that peace almost directly from him: he should have rested, he should have gone hunting and the mere thought reminds him of that dry, stinging feeling in his throat. But instead of satiating his hunger, gaining any ounce of strength back, any semblance of mortality, he just wasted the entire night on that vexatious little book that she guarded so intensely for absolutely no reason. 
*Nothing no one of value in it!*
In an exasperated sigh he breathes in again and all the effort he put into keeping lucid since he got back into her room is crashing down upon him. The nauseatingly spiced mix of wine and flowers assaulting his senses once again, and her breath caressing his face as he just now realises he must have leaned in without thinking.
*As if she’s not been a damned little inconvenience already!*
But that’s when she begins stirring and the image of the moment when he was just that close to her a few hours prior, flashes in his mind again. Her warm fingers on the back of his neck as traitors ready to find a spot to bury a dagger 
*I should know! I’ve played this game before, you hussy! better than you ever will!*
Those fingers seemingly trying to grasp at him just before a soft whiff of that intoxicating scent escaped her lips when she hummed, barely intelligible: Stay.
And she might just have given him an excellent solution. Out of that image it finally dawns on him: 
*For all she knows, I have never left*
As if the mystification of the last hours had never happened, he can just slip back into the flirtatious role that she last remembers, and at that, he whisks himself up and his leg gracefully drapes over hers so that in the next moment his body is now behind hers, without so much as a breath *or heartbeat* skipped on her part. She wanted him to stay didn’t she? In hindsight it’s just like they say *aul iasa nha tho in vino veritas*. And now her tipsiness really reads as someone’s infatuation, he had confirmation from her own well guarded thoughts, her fingers and heart committing words to paper that would have kept being nothing but denied by the demeanour she carries herself with, except for last night. 
*And isn’t it going to be a delight to coax the truth out of her own lips, when I already know I have her protection, before I even had a chance to persuade her so*
That is the first time the realisation dawns on him: no matter how well she hides her feelings, he is already under her skin, there is nothing that he can’t convince strangers to give him, the knowledge that 
+he’s on my mind, really almost all the time+
And *oh! What a terribly applicative concession!* He knows, before he even thought to strike, that he will hit the target in the perfect bull’s eye. The attainment of that awareness almost lets him enjoy, for the first time, fully, completely, the exhilarating aroma that she emanates, because in due time, understanding how that little precious tome has  opened her mind, her actual mind, to him, he now knows. 
Before he has to ask. 
He will taste her. 
Because she already says yes to him in every thought of hers he occupies.
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cutecatdoodles · 1 month
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Artfight attacks, set 12! Only one more after this!!
Miss Sheep for ~wilbgur Agnes for ~SwagCicada Lilyana for ~Katie_cat436 Underfloor X Flowey and Napstablook for ~Hectorillo123 Ford for ~Shark-Bait Kiwi for ~FireBird7577 Keco for @x-is-okay TV / Wifi for ~GreyGhost I’a Kālā for ~Frostkat Dame for ~Piccohan4heartss Estallido lunar for ~aguacate_con_mbeju Comet for ~iamhope Iasa for ~Zeruk A group of Buggies for ~MiniMinun
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elarea · 3 months
Estadios imaginados (22)
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Hoy viajamos al Parque Carlos Ángel Fossa, el "Fortín" de la Institución Atlética Sud América, un casi inexpugnable feudo en donde los gladiadores "buzones" saltan al campo de juego dispuestos a conquistar la victoria o vender cara su derrota.
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cat-eyeball-nul · 8 months
Aaaaaaaaaa i am so annoyed that english is not my first language tma is not in my language cuz i KNOW that it would scare me so so soooooo much better like, ye, it can be scarry at times but i m so detached from english that it s like, ah yes, spiders in my mouth and not paianjeni in gura simt cum mi se catara prin nazofaringe o sa imi iasa prin urechi, you know?
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Mi-a facut Teodosie (da, ala de la biserica) cu mana in timpul procesiunii de plimbat cadavre de sfinti prin centrul orasului de parca nu il injuram pentru faptul ca au decis sa blochez singura strada ramasa circulabila pentru masini. Literalmente au bulevardul Tomis facut pietonala in fiecare weekend. Plimba sicriele de aur (nume bomba de trupa de manele metal) pe pietonala! Lumea mai munceste si duminica sau vrea sa iasa la SUC!
Also, era acolo si o profa de romana de la prima scoala unde am lucrat. Tin sa mentionez ca m-a urmarit pe scari sa imi spuna ca Halloweenul e malefic si ca toti copiii vor arde in flacarile infernului.
Also 2, fix cand sunt in plina sedinta de tarot? Right in front of my Lenormand?
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freckleslikestars · 1 year
I have this really dumb headcanon that in the Farscape universe Judith Love Cohen was still an aerospace engineer and worked for IASA (or at least was contracted by IASA at points) and that she and Jack Crichton occasionally worked together on projects. And that she occasionally brought her kids along to like the work holiday parties and events things, as did Jack. Which lead to John Crichton and Jack Black kinda vaguely hanging out as kids a couple of times a year, and consequently John Crichton vaguely follows Jack Black’s career with some interest because ‘oh hey we used to hide under the table stealing snacks and having pretend lightsaber fights at IASA events together’.
This literally impacts nothing in the show, and the only reason it’s never mentioned is that it’s not relevant.
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as-th3-crow-flies · 10 months
💫 MAYDAY | Space Lads 1
Kagehina | Slow Burn | Astronauts AU
The IASA coalition's mission to Mars goes wrong ... leaving two particularly stubborn astronauts marooned on a planet far from home.
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e-flatmajor · 2 years
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