#iasip ranked
valsnotgothstuff · 5 months
david: so *throws his arm around your shoulder* y/n-
y/n: david, i'm gonna stop you right there. first of all, your breath smells like an old-lady fart passing through an onion.
y/n: secondly, i know you're trying to manipulate me-
y/n: and it's not going to work. get your hand off my shoulder because i've got a surf n*zi to burn 🔥🔥
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charmac · 11 months
Doing a little statistics with my rankings, comparing my opinions to the populous, cos why not:
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And it's funny 'cause on first glance it's kinda like: damn my opinions seem pretty divided as compared to the "Popular Rank" (which I calculated as an average for the season ratings pulled from IMDb & Serializd.)
But then you look at the actual averages and it's literally:
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The difference between the lowest ranked season and the highest ranked season is only 0.73 of a star. For a show that's been running for 18+ years with 16 seasons, that's kind of an insane amount of (high quality) consistency. I thought it was cool to visualise, at least.
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coelacat · 7 months
watch dungeon meshi
i dont wanna watch it i wanna read it and i plan on it once i get home. literally tomorrow. maybe today
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Genuinely love how so many of glenn's characters have kicked cat energy
we should rank them on how soaked and shaking their kitten like demeanor is
ooooh good idea (istg glenn has never played a character that doesn't radiate kitten energy)
so number one for me has to go to cliff gilbert, purely because that man just EXUDES sopping wet kitten energy. like he's just so pick-up-able, and I feel like he would enjoy head scratches. also gives off very 'tiny kitten afraid of everything' vibes. no I will not elaborate just look at him
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number two has to go to dennis reynolds, because yes he's a different kind of cat, but he's still a cat boy to his core. he's the sort of cat who you find on the street just clawing and hissing and growling but then one day he'll come and curl up on your lap and you won't understand exactly why but you'll appreciate it. definitely a biter. will knock shit off the counter just to piss you off.
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last but not least of the big three is jack griffin. now please do not mistake his ranking as me thinking he is any less of a wet kitten than the other two, he's just slightly toned down. the harvard education whittled away at his feral nature but if you look below the surface it's definitely still there. case in point the sleeping on the desk scene. there is perhaps nothing more 'cat energy' than curling up in an environment not meant for sleeping.
he didn't fall asleep at his desk. no. he purposefully lay down ON TOP of the desk and hit the hay in the most cat-like 'idgaf I'm sleeping here way' possible.
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margle · 1 year
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My top ten and lowest ten episodes, according to @dennisboobs episode ranker. No. 10 is Charlie Work, narrowly beating The Gang Chokes. It took 929 rounds and by the end I was going purely on my first instinct, so there are probably a few episodes that deserve to be in my top ten that are lesser known. The ONLY episodes I couldn't chose between were the first 2. Looking at the last 10, I'm pretty happy with that, though maybe I was a little harsh on A Cricket's Tale and the Gang Does A Clip Show and The Gang Turns Black.
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My Series Ranking:
1. The Gang Goes Bowling
2. Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day
3. Frank vs. Russia
4. Frank Shoots Every Member of the Gang
5. Risk E. Rat's Pizza and Amusement Center
6. The Gang Inflates
7. The Gang Gets Cursed
8. Celebrity Booze: The Ultimate Cash Grab
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forgondor · 2 years
from my observations the top 3 most meme-producing tv series are
1. always sunny in philadelphia
2. community
3. seinfeld
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IASIP Season 16 Ask Game!
Haven't seen one of these yet and thought it would be fun!
What was your favorite episode and why?
What was your least favorite episode and why?
What surprised you most about this season?
Did any of your predictions come true?
Most rewatched episode?
Least rewatched episode?
Was there anything you didn't like on your first watch that you liked more when you saw it again?
Was there anything you liked on your first watch that you didn't like when you saw it again?
Who do you think was the stand out character?
Which character(s) do you think deserved more?
Favorite joke?
Favorite new piece of character lore?
Favorite moment from [insert character]?
Least favorite moment from [insert character]?
Favorite moment from [insert episode]?
Least favorite moment from [insert episode]?
What would you rank this season compared to the others?
Favorite acting moment?
Which episode do you think is the funniest?
What elements of 16 do you hope they keep when writing 17?
What elements of 16 do you hope they change when writing 17?
Favorite [insert ship] moment?
Favorite piece of theory/meta?
Any episodes you expected to like, but didn't?
Any episodes you didn't expect to like, but did?
Favorite side character appearance?
Least favorite side character appearance? (Uncle Jack is disqualified for this question--too easy)
Is there anything about [insert episode] you would change?
Favorite outfit from [insert character]?
Least favorite outfit from [insert character]?
Have you read any s16 fic yet? Any you recommend?
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ellieellieoxenfree · 1 month
mdzs book 2 power rankings
1: murderous petulant body parts that rolled together like the super-turd in IASIP to try to wreak vengeance again
2-999999999: queen a-qing
10000000000 and also beneath the center of the earth crying like a huge punk bitch while doodling little hearts around 'xxc + xy tru luv 4vr' in gel pen in his diary: sniveling loser xue yang
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macisms · 1 year
my pre-rewatch personal enjoyment episode ranking for s16 bc. lists. everything between 3-7 is muddy though i can be swayed to think otherwise.
1. shoots - probably the best pacing of the season, the only episode where i feel every character felt complete. good episode for both the characters’ pasts and where they stand now wrt to their families. dog frank. mac and charlie’s legacy :)
2. inflates - still had a fairly good pacing and good division of screen-time between characters. fun character dynamics especially between frank and all the others. charlie “won” at the end. there was only one bed.
3. celebrity booze - before you yell at me hear me out. this is where my ranking starts to get silly and more personal. i love breaking bad i was excited for this episode to come out before i even watched iasip. mac was serving. charlie threw up nickels over some guy. however frank dee and charlie were sidelined hard. this episode isnt that great im just heavily biased because of braaron. if it was any other celebrity this would rank in the bottom half for sure.
4. bowling - lost points because the men vs women stuff was handled poorly. dennis should not have won that strength competition against the waitress. i could go on about how this episode failed at the actual competition and ways they could have improved. i loved all the side characters though. i liked mac charlie and frank in this ep but they were kind of useless to the plot. also dennis’ misogynist rants were too on the nose. good sibling lore though.
5. dtamhd - some of you are going to kill me for ranking this lower than celebrity booze which is deserved just remember that im hugely biased because of braaron. also because this was the only episode i had any expectations for, which you should never do with this show. plotwise pretty solid though parts of it did get repetitive (we get it, its the systems not the people). i wont lie though ill never like "it was all a dream" endings. also in general i dont enjoy watching episodes where the majority of the gang dont feature in general (part of the reason why i found mfhp boring too). also the gore. i loved the gore. you did so good sweetie.
6. fvr - the hysteria surrounding that episode was so fun but honestly i think the actual frank versus russia part is soo underdeveloped that it throws the episode off balance. also i didnt love the character writing, especially for mac, he was a little too cartoonishly stupid for me here. oh and unfortunately i had expectations for this one too (mac having a bf) so while the catfishing stuff was CRAZY it didnt fulfill my need to see mac be gay onscreen. please let him be gay onscreen. to me the episode is full of pieces that didnt quite fit together. why did dee disappear for the last few minutes. why was uncle jack there he was so useless and unfunny. the sinned system reveal and the dating sequence was awesome though.
7. cursed - i really need to rewatch this episode. none of the plotlines feel fleshed out enough so it all kind of blurs together. why was cricket involved? why was uncle jack there again someone needs to kill him fr. i liked mac's chase utley lore but other than that i feel like nothing actually happened this episode lol?
8. risk-e-rat - i just. cannot get past how nearly every scene is some iteration of "wow i dont like X, that's not how it was when we came here!". the characters barely did anything they just kept saying shit. this season has episodes that are so goddamn repetitive and this by far is the worst. it was boring. they didnt even fuck the rat. not even their criminal activities can make up for that.
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charmac · 2 years
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cleardishwashers · 1 year
@good-then-dont tagged me in this tag game :)
name: wouldnt you like to know weather boy (jk. its deepa)
first fandom you became a part of? hgdhfhgfj probably harry potter..... i was like 10..........
what was the first tv show fandom you joined: i was veryyyyyy into doctor who at ages like 10-12 but just kind of looked at posts on pinterest and wasnt like. active. so id say first Active tv show fandom would be supernatural 🫡🫡🫡
how old were you? uhhhhh. probably 12
latest tv/movie fandom you became a part of? im gonna say good omens bc i was suuuuuper into it when s1 came out but then sleeper agented until s2 came out which i only watched like. this month. and technically not In The Ecosystem like that but i yell about it w my friend so it counts. (im not In The Ecosystem like that for much nowadays.... lets ignore that)
a tv/movie fandom you haven’t joined but like to creep on?: im gonna say pacific rim bc i never do anything but reblog a bunch of posts BUT i do this like. quarterly. because i am insane 👍
your favorite fandom? probably oceans 11... very small no drama and i got some very good friends from it....... id say the good parts of iasip fandom circa 2019 pre-s14 (ie my absolute besties shoutout og sunny server) def tie for that spot but there were a lot of White Takes in it so that brings the total ranking down a lil
the tv show that gives you the most brainrot? right now? good omens. but top contenders across time include spn (hear me out), archer, iasip, leverage, cobra kai (unfortunately), and 911. honorable mention to crashing bc i watched that shit three times in one weekend
the fictional couple that gives you the most brainrot? honestly? destiel was the blueprint but lawrusso and newmann take turns pulling me back in every couple months....... i hate it here
guilty pleasure fictional couple? macdennis they are sooooo toxic and i love them sooooo much
guilty pleasure tv show? id say glee but im not guilty about it its one of the most tv shows of all time. maybe iasip? or cobra kai but i dont ever rewatch cobra kai its just. there in my brain
and finally, something that made you happy this week? i went to the beach on monday as a fun little last day of summer thing and it was sooooooooo epic i love the beach i love water i love swimming!!!!!
tagging @frogcabbage @turnaboutstevie @lauraexplorer and whoever else i forgot/wants to do it!!!
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charlieism · 1 year
I've been getting a bit into IASIP too and legit my favorite scene so far has been the part where Dennis goes on a sociopathic rant in a psychologist's office and frightens dee and the psychologist
dude dennis is so insane and frightening but hes also so my pathetic babygirl meowmeow at the same time yknow hes so fucking funny 😭😭 i could make a list of my fav line deliveries from that man. i literally started a tiktok account so i could post my fav clips 💀💀 any one starring charlie ranks pretty high up for me tho
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
Gonna critique a man's acting real quick nobody needs to read this
Okay, so I remember talking to a coworker once about IASIP and I ranked the cast, in terms of who was the best actor and I put Rob last and she was a little surprised at first before she was kind of like yeah I get it, because here's the thing, Rob knows he's not as good as everyone else and it shows in his acting, he is insecure and self aware and you can always tell that he is acting. But he's not a bad actor, he is absolutely a good actor, but he's in a cast of some of the most talented and skilled and experienced performers in the industry and when they are all standing next to you doing the thing you are also trying to do but they are doing it a whole heck of a lot better than you, it is very hard for the audience not to compare you to them. Because you can't tell if Charlie Day is acting, you can't tell that Glenn is acting, you can't tell that Danny Devito is acting, and you can't tell that Kaitlin is acting, as the audience you know that they are, that they're probably nothing like this in real life, but you're more willing to believe them as their characters because they're better at making you believe it. I've said it a million times before, but it's in the eyes, if your eyes can say a million things without your mouth opening once you will be a great actor, Rob's eyes tell me one thing most of the time "my coworkers are so much better than me and I'm not sure what to do in response to their great acting choices" He's insecure in himself and he doesn't have the same confidence as his peers to just say 'fuck it' and go, I can see him second guess his own choices so many times as he acts while everyone around him is just in the same room operating at a level of creative choices he just doesn't have the capacity for, I think there's a reason he saw in his own eyes that Fat!Mac was when he was at his funniest, his best moments are when it's about his body and his physicality, there's a reason Rob was given an emotional dance instead of an emotional monologue like Charlie Day was given in the last finale. All this to say I don't dislike Rob or Mac or his portrayal of the character, and when he's around other actors and in other things I think he can honestly be one of the best in the cast and it's because of his exposure to people as talented as his castmates on IASIP, they've taught him a lot just by him being in the same scene as him and you can tell, he's not bad, just the weakest link on a very strong chain
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blorboconfessions · 7 months
ok. heres my freakster moment. nsfw and some implied noncon and i guess gross. idk.
ive got an armpit kink? and recently it was reinforced by someone else and now i cant stop thinking about mac macdonalds pits mannnnnn
hed smell rank but tbh i bet hes got a good sweat musk to him after he works out. i GOTTA scrape the deodorant off his pit with my teeth like some fuckin oreo filling man
dennis i also have been. obsessed with. but i dont think he'd be into pit stuff. but pshhh its fine hes already anemic and never eats. its not like hed fight back in a particularly strong way. mans got glass bones and paper skin, a light breeze could send him away on the wind. i could sit on him like a paperweight and i bet he'd never be able to move or get me off. anyway.
sorry for rambling about the gross ways i wanna fuck the iasip characters i just had to get this out of my system. keep marching on fellow soldiers 🫡
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clipperlighter · 1 year
my ranking of iasip characters always fluctuates between dee dennis and mac
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