#ibble dibble
Meg's Doing It ALL Wrong!
"the most ass backwards, shocking, antisocial fail I've seen possibly ever."
If you've ever had a desire to eavesdrop on any business school course or psychology of business course, Ibble Dibble's most recent case study on Meghan Markle's business scams is not to be missed. Please forgive my use of gifs as I salute her 1,2 knock out punch to MM, Omit, NOprah & Sparry's ridiculous allegations of waycism. No one has come close to telling it like Ibble Dibble.
I salute you #1 I.D., take a bow! Your quote should be etched on the Duchess's future Frogmore Cottage tombstone because you did something no one else has been able to do: nail her waycism insanity in 1 intelligent sentence.
Friends, help me show our support for the female content creators on YT who are actually saving intelligent women from following in MEgain's footsteps.
Please follow the link to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to Ibble Dibble's YT channel. At one point the megbots had her YT channel demonitized, but ID fought back and won. ID is an intelligent threat to MM's low class megbots. Also follow the Duchess of Suss who called out the aroscam in a hilariously funny video.
Meg's Floptastic Flaws #3: Meg is a Terrible Snob
there are good snobs like Prince Charles, Princess Margaret & Martha Stewart, bad snobs, and snobs who are just very bad at snobbing
Meghan is a narcissist who is actually an
ARCH SNOB : a snob who is a bad bad snob
"Meghan's snobbery is so appalling because SHE is BAD at snobbing."
"She is literally labeling and ranking people. Her big product launch is at best a freudian slip, at worst a passive aggressive power play...it is the most ass backwards, shocking, antisocial fail I've seen possibly ever."
A passive agressive power play:
audicity to think she can buy those celebs as friends for a jar of jam
poach their followers
insult them personally by numerically ranking them from most to least important on the very labels
the celebs are too dumb to know she's negging them
thinks we the public will admire her behavior & line up begging for the next batch of worthless nonsense she danes to sell
simply to posture on social media... gross but also ineffective
on some level Meghan always knows she's shooting herself in the foot
Meghan exhibits High Social Dominance Orientation: a genuine belief that some groups of people are innately superior to others and should therefore hold more power in society.
Meg's fury, jealousy & resentment for being scorned by Hollyweird & British high society in turn, snubs the only people who pay attention to her--you, US potential customers
a narcissist harboring true malice & intends to arrive at her rightful place upon the social ladder by any means necessary
believes she is due limitless revenge for being snubbed and immediately commences enacting it by any means necessary (a la her sewer squad & digital justice)¹
believes she has the right to exploit & abuse perceived inferiors
Meg is a bad snob. She does not judge in a qualitative measure but snobs purely to service her own delusions of grandeur OR at worst to entertain herself by upsetting her victims and creating chaos
meg has a following who wants to be like her & we know bc they leave insane comments
"Meghan Markle can't present herself as the loveable villain because she has NO sense of humor! She's just a bad bad snob." Case in point:
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"Meghan (unlike a good snob), flipped what was likely a single joke about a little orphan annie ginger fro, (she heard 2nd hand), into an international incident with legal and diplomatic repercussions."🎯🎯🎯
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Meg's fury, jealousy & resentment for being scorned by British high society...she believes she has the right to exploit & abuse (Catherine & William) perceived inferiors
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"Another Rip Off"
¹comparisons to Mao's (actress) wife and the biblical queen Jezebel are accurate. Mao's wife jailed & murdered all who had rejected and/or criticized her during her climb up the greasy pole. Queen Jezebel sought to murder and silence all the true prophets or outspoken truthers. Meg's mission for "digital justice" is to criminalize criticism.
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
Paparazzi, Celebrity Deals, and David Duchovny
Credit to: ibble dibble's top-tier videos explaining the inner workings of upper echelon society. Clips taken from her video here.
Paparazzi is part and parcel with celebrity culture. Celebrities themselves likely have to deal with harassment, boundary stomping, and any and all pap craziness as regularly as their juice cleanse bowel movements.
However. All celebrities have contractual obligations with at least one paparazzi company, picking and choosing which locations and events they want leaked to the press; and when' and how "edited" the final results will appear.
It's not so much manipulation (though it can be) as strategy: they want to live their lives on their own terms but also know the health of their projects and "brand" depends on a certain degree of public exposure and opinion. Therefore, celebrities in New York-- as mentioned in the video-- and, more relevant to this post, California exist mostly unmolested, surfacing for promotional circuits or other public and social events. Paps who harass, stalk, or follow a celebrity, unwanted, are generally bottom feeders who are too foolish or greedy to let a quick opportunity pass in exchange for, perhaps, a deal with that celebrity's team later down the line.
In David Duchovny's case, his brother summed up the situation quite succinctly here: "We'll go out to dinner, and out from the weeds pops up some paparazzi guy shooting away, y'know. Dave'll be like-- he'll know his name, he'll go, 'Look, Warren, I thought we talked about this: you can shoot me surfing, you can shoot me on the beach, which I let you do, but I'm here with my wife-- you said you wouldn't.' 'Oh, I gotta make a living, gotta make a living!'-- and then they, like, disappear like little rodents under the bush...."
Therein, Danny delineated between cooperative pap shots and vulturistic opportunism-- two very different beasts. (Beast One keeps their distance, takes their shots, and splits the proceeds between their company and the celebrity. Beast Two tails after and mouth breathes in the celebrity's vicinity, opening themselves up to harassment charges or future opportunity loss. And if Beast Two is making money off of informants, the celebrity will be able to quickly narrow down who in their close circle has tipped off the paps.)
It's part of the business; and probably a contributing factor to David expressing "shame" or embarrassment over being an actor: his work is an artistic expression of himself, yes; but as an actor turned director and author and musician, he won't be able to escape "selling" himself, to an extent, to stay relevant (a frustration he's echoed since the early days.)
This post wasn't written out of judgment, just exploration. After all, even girl scouts have to make numbers.
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trexalicious · 4 months
Ibble Dibble brings it! Rachel's failings and word salads of shame...
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sbnkalny · 1 year
That's the way IT'S supposed to be. like the others, you were strong and swift rapids; Its constant steady thundering below all mere surface sounds; and that did it: he flashed on the carpet. it is fucking dead.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Nigeria’s Role in Invictus Games
Time to review some facts as Harold & M book another private jet to another continent. Hopefully some publications will engage in some research on this.
So how many African nations have attended the Invictus Games (IGs) prior to 2023? ZERO.
In 2022 Meghan Markle unexpectedly announced to the world that she was 43% Nigerian. Ibble Dibble does an excellent job debunking this btw here https://youtube.com/watch?v=0CYNcie-PAs&si=AJ5IF8qLod4KGyda
Setting aside that Meghan’s claim was false, Meghan still announced this on her Archetype podcast episode on “Angry Black Women” featuring Ziwe Fumudoh who is the daughter of two Nigerian immigrants. The highly profane comedienne also attended Northwestern, although it’s unlikely she was in Meghan’s white sorority. Ziwe was, predictably giddy, and the two instantly bonded. Not sure where her jelly post is.
Nigeria “mysteriously” applied to join the Invictus Games also in 2022, but wasn’t eligible to participate until last year’s IGs in Dusseldorf. They brought ten participants. The question is, which is the chicken vs egg? Based on her family’s ancestry records we know she can’t be 43% Nigerian, so did Harry tell M about Nigeria wanting to join the IGs and M thought “great!” I can be Nigerian, realizing no other African countries participate? Or did M make up the Nigerian DNA story and Nigeria latched on to gain more legitimacy and access some stale royal stardust? Or are we supposed to believe her fake story about being Nigerian in 2022 was purely coincidental to Nigeria applying to the IGs in 2022, when zero other African countries have shown any interest?
In January 2024 Harry & Meghan flew to Whistler, BC to attend some IG ski vacation boondoggle that cost IG tens of thousands of dollars for just H&M’s private jets and very luxurious accommodations, to say nothing of the staggering funds spent on this mini vacation holiday for the entire IG staff, Archewell staff & a very small group of competitors, which included a high society dinner with Michael Bublé serenading a large banquet hall of VIPs, including the Nigerian Chief of Staff who invited H&M to swan about Nigeria. Apparently the vets weren’t invited to that dinner, but they enjoyed all the other perks. That Chief of Staff brought some Nigerian participants with him, none of whom seemingly had any experience competing in winter sports, so it seems shockingly wasteful to squander so much money for a “pre-IG trip just so the Chief of Staff can say he met Michael Bublé.
Harry describes this May 2024 Nigerian trip thusly:
”His visit to Nigeria will include cultural activities and will “consolidate Nigeria’s stronghold at the games and the possibility of hosting the event in later years,” Gusau said.
Nigeria has NO stronghold at the games. They only fielded ten participants and have only attended ONE IG. One. That is not a stronghold. So what is the real purpose of this trip? To bribe Harry for a future hosting gig for the IGs? Bribery involving government officials is the most common form of corruption in Nigeria, according to Nigeria. And we all know how big their scam and bots industry is. That means bribery, although technically illegal in Nigeria, is also very commonplace. Wasting money seems like no big deal for them either.
However, the thought of Nigeria hosting the IGs is laughable. Nigeria has travel warnings throughout Nigeria due to widespread terrorism, kidnappings, armed gangs and general crime. The participating countries are advising against travel to Nigeria https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/nigeria-travel-advisory.html
Aside from putting other nations in extreme danger, it would cost Nigeria over $40M to host this week long party. Nigeria’s entire military budget of $3.1B is .003 of our (US’s) military budget. Basically a rounding error. Yet spending over $40M on a week long party for 500 vets from 22 non-US countries is still hefty enough that it merits a lot of lobbying here, since basic vet needs are not fully met. Yet Nigeria wants to cough this much money up so that 98% of the non-Nigerian prticipants can party in Nigeria? Why? Are all there other veteran needs being fully met? What else is in it for them? This can’t be what this trip is really all about
For Harry & Meghan this is all a win-win. They get to have another faux royal International trip where they cosplay still being royals with royal authority & privileges, which they no longer possess. They will be treated as VIPs, staying at the finest Nigerian hotels and riding in armed motorcades, which is apparently the thing Harry misses most about his former life as an actual senior royal. Meghan gets to rub more heavy bronzer on her race card while working to cement her presence as. co-host for all the future Invictus Games with Harry, who is only a patron, btw, and has zero official corporate authority for the IGs. She will be their Lolo waving her Nigerian flag. Harry seeks to throw his weight around proving that he can bring in nations that will pony up the giant hosting fees
There are rumors that the IG Foundation is considering replacing Harry as their patron. Harry believed his big Netflix Heart of Invictus series would stave that off, but that series didn‘t do that well. Perhaps he believes he can bring in all of Africa. I doubt that will work out well. I think this stunt smells like overwhelming desperation.
The Invictus Games Foundation needs to stop this out of control train wreck. Harry & Meghan going rogue on these projects only brings on more intense scrutiny. Will this charity survive if the amount of money spent on H&M is ever made public? If the US hosts the 2026 IGs I can assure you FOIAs will go out to the DOD. If Birmingham gets it I assume the UK will also FOIA the snot out of the records. The truly big waste isn’t in the IGF’s paltry budget it’s in the $30M to $40M plus sponsorships that goes completely unreported on. MSM, please do your duty!
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author: AM_Rike
submitted: April 29, 2024 at 03:32PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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Plant have you checked out ibble dibble on YouTube? She is similar to you in that her analysis is smart and well researched.
Meghan dresses like a rich granny episode gets right into the ins and outs of her merching. The one on moms is very good too.
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
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mim526 · 1 year
BRF Content Channel Recommends
Starting a running post of channels I run across that I find interesting, most of them all or part BRF content. Most recent finds will be listed first.
The Vintage Read Show: This channel is unique. It covers current subjects as other channels do, but with an eclectic twist. Channel has expanded to include BRF content presented through the lens of someone who loves to thoroughly dig for facts, then form them into wonderfully concise, objective takes.
On Royal Rumble, author/commentator Angela Levin and GB News host Nana Akua have started having very informal chats about the BRF one or twice a month.
Chicken Soup for the Soul TV has a royal family playlist. Nice documentary of William and Catherine was posted in May 2023.
Ibble Dibble: This one I've been following for awhile. One of her videos explains really well how Meghan's merching works.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! Gossip girl here❤️❤️ I hope you're doing well! ❤️❤️ I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond to your last response! I saw it but it was right around the time my college got busy with exams and final papers and stuff (went pretty well yeah!) but now I'm on break and have to chance to get back! Plus then my anxiety go the better of me  again for a bit there so I'm trying ti get back to it! But I hope you had a good Holidays and a good New Year!!
And also I did get to read the drunk Tommy story "Drunk on You" and it was so cute and made me laugh😂😂 Especially the part with the Ibble Dibble game! I didn't know that was a real game and looked it up😂 I loved that story! 
And yeah I'm not able to write when there's too much noise, I get distracted pretty easily and the idea of people I like live with finding out about it just makes me nervous for some reason even though I know they probably won't care too much😂 I have gotten to write more only I got stuck on the michael fic I was doing and started something else and then got stuck on that😅 But I also feel really bad that I haven't actually posted anything in months and I know I have things some people want me to continue but I go to write them and get stuck😅 I think I want to start doing stuff again but I may easy myself in with like headcannons where I can bullet point it out. 
And oh you've been reading Alfie stuff! That's cool! There really are some good writes for him! Every now and then I'll get on an Alfie kick and got through the tags with him just reading stuff😂😂 Truth be told I'm kinda on a Morpheus kick right now? From Sandman, have you seen that show? It's pretty good!
I have been on here for a while I guess but for the longest time I didn't post any stories just small things (and even that took a while) and I also still majorly interacted in anon. I think I've had longer interactions with some people as an anon going back and forth than I have as my account😅😅. Even though all my interactions have been good! Hopefully I'll fix that one day! 
And I actually haven't seen the new version of gossip girl, I actually haven't finished the original yet I should probably go back and do that😂 have you seen it? 
But yeah! I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond back! I hope you're doing well and your new year is going great!!!
Xoxo gossip girl❤️
Hi GG! Missed you around! I was wondering how you were doing, but I’m happy to hear your exams went well, yay for the good notes!!! :) hopefully you will continue like that.
Please forgive for taking so long… how did your break go? It’s been hectic days between reading and writing…. But I always enjoy getting your messages, I peo,Isela I won’t take so long to reply next.
Oh I hope your anxiety is gone (I know it comes like waves…), try to take deep breaths and take it easy on yourself.
I’m glad to hear you read that one! It was fun to write, I didn’t know about that game either, but I love adding those elements into the stories, think it adds a nice touch or make them different.. 
Yeah, I know that feeling 😊 like mmm nope haha… oh! Please tell me how are both stories going? Did you manage to get out from the writers block? If you need/want to share ideas back and forth, I’m sure you can figure something out;) you know, recently I reblogged a post that said something like that idea you’re doubting, turn it into a Drabble, a small story, straight to the point it doesn’t have to be a 28 part series… and it’s been encouraging me to write more, sometimes I feel like, what’s the point? Is it worth it? And then boom something magic happens, and I get little “signals” that gives me the fuel to keep doing it, so the main point is… write that story! 🥰 I really like those bullet points, sometimes it’s a great resource for an idea, or a small line… (I hope you do share some of that)
Yes, I mean I’ve just read a few Alfie stories, but he’s such a rich character, I was watching this cene the other day when he says his classic Shalom Arfur, and man… he knows how to turns heads haha 
Yeah? I’ve seen a reboot or two,but I haven’t seen the series, what is it about? RecentlyI haven’t been to the movies much or either watching movies at home, I just saw Peacock, the movie Cillian did and I’m still wondering why he didn’t get an Oscar for that role, (or breakfast on Pluto for the matter), he shaved his freaking eyebrows!!! And going back to series, I still need to watch the final part for Virgin River, writing has been consuming most of time recently and some days I feel like I do nothing lol
Mhmm I wonder if I know you… it’s alright,if you want to keep interacting under the anon cap, that’s just fine by me, whatever makes you feel comfortable ☺️to be honest with you, I started just like that, commenting on anon, but then I realized I needed to keep up with the stories I was following so I made my blog, super scared at first to start posting my own stories, wondering if anyone would be interested to read, but along the way I’ve learned a lot of things, I think I’ve grown in so many aspects and I hope you do give yourself the opportunity to share your talent ❤️ I mean, what do you have to lose? 
I’m a little apprehensive with second parts, so no I haven’t seen it, I mean look at what happened to sex and the city? 😩 but revisiting the original GG show might be a good idea! I wonder if it’s in any platform… 
Thank you so much for reaching out, sorry I don’t have a lot of news for you, I just found two lovely local cafés I’m visiting sometimes to write and I enjoy so much that time, there alone with ideas flowing and a nice cup of coffee, maybe you could use that to keep writing as well? Or whatever works better for you (but I’m always suggesting coffee lol), but I can share I’m writing for Emmett, Robert Fischer, Jonathan crane and my usual series, would you like to see something in particular?
Are you reading something these days?
I hope your days have been better than mine, and your positivity surely brings a smile to my face 
Can’t wait to hear from you! Lots of love GG xx
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thecrownnet · 4 years
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laimfunk · 4 years
I am mentally checked out for the rest of this year
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Jezebel 2.0 continues her wicked mission to (behead) silence and harass TRUTHERS by criminalizing our digital criticism. Pure evil.
Please subscribe to Proper Wiseguy's NEW Channels & also consider making a donation to help him rebuild. Our world is in desperate need for gifted comedians. Hopefully this silencing stunt will backfire and move him closer to FULL TIME comedic work. He has real TALENT, something that makes The Meghans bitter with envy.
Queen Jezebel was the most wicked biblical "royal." She violently silenced all who spoke the truth while her feckless, cowardice husband---King Ahab---knew better but supported her every murderous scheme.¹ (Spoiler alert: in the end, she's thrown to the dogs.)
Just prior to the launch of their recent Nigerian Scam, Jezebel and Ahab 2.0 used BIG Brother (Google) to cancel/silence truther channels like Lion's new "Proper Wiseguy" channel (formerly Motivation Specialist) and Ibble Dibble. ID is thankfully back to normal. Join me in supporting Proper Wiseguy's effort to rebuild his channel.
Please follow the links to help Proper Wiseguy rebuild his new channel. He's also created a backup channel.
The hackers sabotaged more than his YT channel. Big Brother (Google) is also withholding the ad revenue he generated for them earlier in the year prior to monetization of his Motivation Specialist channel.
Tech experts advised Lion to purchase new equipment. Donations accepted via paypal, Go Fund Me and on his merch website
Please follow & retweet on Twitter @ProperWiseguy
Surely the sewer squad, messy misan and boozy the fraud are salivating over what they perceive as a win. It will backfire.
Murderous efforts to silence the truth will always backfire. Like Obi-Wan: when you strike down a truth teller, they return 7x TIMES STRONGER.
There's nothing new under the sun & nothing new in Darling's tactics to silence her critics: TorontoPaper February 10th 2019
"Did you really think, exposing nobodies with only a few followers, some broke or jobless, would help your image? Have you actually sunk this low? You were proud, almost arrogant. What happened to you? I don't recognize you anymore."
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Lion is back and better than ever!
"I see myself in all of you too"- 🤡
"People see me as a role model." 🤡
Lion: Are people aspiring to be DList Actresses 😂
"So they loaded up Madea's jet & they moved to Beverly, Hills that is..." 😂
Sparry is lizard lip licking again...dressed like the king of fried chicken Colonel Sanders😂
From Lion's Comments Section
BTW-I don't think she has any of Diana's jewelry.
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Proper Wiseguy Channels
Backup Channel
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Go Fund Me
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¹Sparry to the Sussex Sewer: "Keep doing what you're doing."
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ghost-opossum · 3 years
*ibblies your dibbly*
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sbnkalny · 3 years
The player Visits Dagoth Ur welcomes you, Nerevar, my SUN and leave teardrops everywhere i look through the porthole and see an astronaut, but all your crew is inside and accounted for
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
Ibble Dibble is Hilarious - Final (?) Takedown of Rachel's Nigerian Scamfest by u/Legal_Huckleberry_80
Ibble Dibble is Hilarious - Final (?) Takedown of Rachel's Nigerian Scamfest For your viewing pleasure:https://youtu.be/coXnIGJSLXM?si=3dDIRkt6-b6ppGss post link: https://ift.tt/YePbNjE author: Legal_Huckleberry_80 submitted: May 24, 2024 at 11:41PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Closer, December 21
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Waltons -- we’re still a family
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: The Big Picture -- Natalie Wood 
Page 4: Ken Jennings -- will he win as Jeopardy!’s new host 
Page 6: Picture Perfect -- Mariah Carey on her Magical Christmas Special 
Page 7: Derek Hough and Julianne Hough hosting The Wonderful World of Disney: Magical Holiday Celebration, Drew Scott with a guitar and a Santa hat, Joan Collins toasts the holidays 
Page 8: Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager on Today show 
Page 10: Olivia Colman playing a game of Ibble Dibble on the set of The Crown 
Page 12: Eva Longoria and her son Santiago
Page 13: Sofia Vergara
Page 22: Cover Story -- The Waltons -- we’re still a family -- the warm relationships that began on the show have lasted on a lifetime -- Michael Learned, Richard Thomas, Kami Cotler, Mary Elizabeth McDonough, Eric Scott, Judy Norton
Page 26: Secrets from the 9 to 5 set -- our favorite woman-powered workplace comedy starring Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton 
Page 31: Spot the Difference -- Gabrielle Union 
Page 33: Horoscopes -- Sagittarius Brad Pitt turned 57 on December 18 
Page 34: Entertainment -- Viola Davis on Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, James Marsden on The Stand, In the Spotlight -- Maura Tierney 
Page 36: On the Move -- Cameron Diaz 
Page 38: Best Friends -- Elizabeth Hurley and her new puppy Shivraj, Dr. Mehmet Oz and his cat Babycat, Kate Bosworth and her dog Happy 
Page 40: Great Escape -- Jacki Weaver on Savannah, Georgia 
Page 44: How to avoid holiday weight gain 
Page 46: Heart to Heart -- Angela Bassett -- keep falling in love -- the acclaimed actress shares her thoughts about work, family and staying healthy 
Page 50: Christopher Plummer -- why I’ll never retire -- happy to be done with leading man days the star insists that his life and work have gotten more interesting as he’s aged 
Page 52: Felicity Huffman is happy to be back -- the actress is ready to get to work and put the college admissions scandal behind her 
Page 54: John Travolta healing over the holidays -- the actor has vowed to make Christmas special for his children following the death of their mom Kelly Clarkson 
Page 58: My Life in 10 Pictures -- Dick Van Dyke 
Page 60: Flashback -- berets, Mission: Impossible, Lawrence of Arabia, tree trimming 
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princessanneftw · 4 years
New info on The Crown Season 4 in today’s Daily Mirror include:
Maggie and Denis going to Balmoral and being horrified at the family playing Ibble Dibble
Princess Margaret finding out that two of the Queen Mother’s nieces are in an asylum
The Michael Fagan incident
Camilla taking Diana for lunch in the Ménage a Trois restaurant
The Queen, wondering if she was a good mother, asks an aide to arrange a lunch with all of her four children.
Diana’s bulimia and the marriage with Charles and all the things we knew would be covered
No mention of Anne, again.
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