Ice Cream
Pairing: Bucky x Reader Word Count: 800 Category: Fluff Warnings: we beat around the PTSD bush in this one. 
A/N: This is my entry for Day 15 of @ibwhellospring ‘s 31 day short story writing challenge. Today’s prompt was “That’s it! We’re going for ice cream”. I’ll put links for each day on my masterlist if you want to catch up.
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It was past midnight when you finally wandered up from your office in Avengers Tower to the common room and flopped down on the only available bit of couch. The movie was almost over, Clint was asleep with his arms crossed and his mouth open. Pepper had dragged Tony to bed some time ago and Sam was out on a date. It was just Steve, Nat, and Bucky left watching the second installment of The Lord of the Rings. The trilogy had been on Steve’s Need To Watch list.
Bucky seemed antsy and his face clearly said he wasn’t enjoying himself. His leg was jiggling and his arms were fully crossed. He was watching the screen with pursed lips and a furrowed brow.
“You ok, Buck?” You ask quietly, trying to avoid drawing the other’s attention. He looked at you with a haunted expression. You look at the screen to see the Battle of Helm’s Deep in full swing, men and elves dying in droves. It's a war movie and understanding hits you like an anvil.
“That’s it, we're going for ice cream,” you whisper. Bucky lifts his eyebrows questioningly.
“Where are we gonna get ice cream at 12:30 at night?” Bucky whispers back.
“It’s New York City. Come on.” You stand up and extend your hand which, after a moment’s questioning look, he accepts. You haul him off the couch and head off toward the elevator, leaving Nat and Steve to the movie. They exchange a glance and a small smile once your backs are turned.
The front door spills you out into a humid summer night. It’s relatively quiet, with a few cabs driving around searching for a fare. One slows in front of you but Bucky waves him off as you set off down the sidewalk. You head in the direction of the corner store in silence.
“So,” you start tentatively, “you didn’t like the movie.”
“No.” Bucky’s response is short and gruff and you’re happy for him to leave it at that. You walk on in silence for a while longer but you can feel his tension building. You chance a glance at his face to find the same haunted look from before. You reach out and touch his arm, bringing you both to a stop.
“Buck,” you say softly. He glares at you but you meet his gaze. You brave his scowl for his sake. You’re here for him, no matter what he has to say.
“It was too… familiar,” he finally says. And his brooding glare turns into something much more broken. “It was really like that, ya know. The guy next to you was there one minute and then…”
You swallow thickly. You’ve never heard Bucky talk about the war. It was hard for him to remember anything before hydra and what he did remember wasn’t pleasant.
“Steve was the golden boy, ya know, the symbol. Me, I did the dirty work. I was on the edges taking the shot no one else could take. It’s just,“ he pauses to gather himself, “it’s hard to see it like that. Offered up for entertainment.”
You nod your head in understanding and you both start walking again.
“I don’t know what to say Bucky. I’m really sorry you went through that.” He looks at you again and this time his eyes are soft.
“It’s ok darlin’. Don’t worry about me,” Bucky says with a sad smile.
“But I do, Bucky. I do worry about you.” You’re in front of the corner store now but Bucky stops and looks at you with an expression you can’t read. You watch each other for a moment while your stomach squirms under his gaze.
“Come on, Buck. Ice cream, remember?” You take his hand briefly and lead him into the shop, to the little, blue cooler with the sliding doors plastered with pictures of different frozen treats.
“What’s it going to be? Coronetto or Choco Taco?” You ask turning to look at Bucky. You’ve finally pulled a smile from the corners of his lips and your stomach swoops at the sight.
“Coronetto. Always,” Bucky replies, sliding the door open.
“Me too.” You pay for the treats and the two of you begin your stroll back to the tower. Your hand brushes up against Bucky’s a couple of times. After the third time you realize it’s deliberate when Bucky takes your hand and weaves his fingers into yours. You look down at your hands and then up at Bucky who’s looking at you with a timid hope in his eyes. You smile at him and give his hand a firm squeeze in reassurance. You walk back to the tower like that, hand in hand, ice cream dripping down your fingers.
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beckzorz · 5 years
“You’ve been at home all weekend, babe.” Bucky pulls your feet into his lap and raises his eyebrows at you from the other end of the couch. “I wanna go do something with you.”
“We can watch another episode…”
“Did you miss the part where I said I wanted to go do something?”
“It’s too hot to go outside,” you whine.
“It’s not even ninety out!” Bucky tugs you down the couch until your thighs are across his lap and your shirt is bunched high on your waist. He looms over you, eyes glinting as he smirks. His hands slide up your legs, raising goosebumps in their wake. You’re immobile, drowning in those sea-blue eyes even as your body trembles from his touch. “You scared of a little heat?”
Heat? Yes, you’re scared. Scared he might stop. Your hips roll against empty air as his hands spread your legs. He shifts, and suddenly he’s lying between your legs, one hand holding him up and the other sliding under your cotton shorts.
“You scared, babe?”
“Of you? Never,” you whisper. You tangle your hands in his hair, brushing it back from his face and yours. You pull him close, closer—
Bucky hops to his feet, leaving you hot and bothered on the couch.
“That’s it! We’re going for ice cream.” He grins cheekily at you as you glare up at him, yanking your clothes back into place.
“Are you kidding me?!”
“Nope!” The p pops loud as Bucky hauls you to your feet. “C’mon, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t like some ice cream to cool you down.” He links his arm in yours and leads you to your shoes by the door.
“Blech, fine.” You yank on your sandals and a sun hat while Bucky ties up his hair. “But you’re paying!”
“If you like,” he says. “But you better not complain.” He grips your hips and noses his way under your hat to whisper in your ear, his broad chest pressed tight against your back. “If you’re good, maybe I’ll give you an extra treat when we get home.”
You shiver.
“I’ll be good,” you murmur. You squeeze his hands against your hips. “Promise.”
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
HELLO SPRING DAY 15 + Bingo Entry: Scout Leader Bucky HC
Pairing: Bucky has a crush on Reader. she does too ngl. Warnings: fluffy and bucky + kids! Category: AU! Scout Leader!Bucky Word Count: N/A, this is a headcanon so i didn’t count. Bingo Square Filled: interacting with kids for my @star-spangled-bingo card! Guest Appearance: Steef Rawgers.
Troop Leader Bucky has a wonderful team of kids, in his eyes they always deserve a treat so he takes them to Y/N’s Sweets Shop, definitely not cause he’s crushing damn hard on the sweeter-than-her-own-products store owner
Day 15: "That’s it! We’re going for ice cream” for my Spring Short Story Writing Event + Bingo Square for my #StarSpangledBingo Card. HEADCANON.
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there’s a cut cause it got quite long and i don’t want to disturb anyone’s timeline. please read it tho?
Scout leader Bucky.
He’s amazing with the kids
He insists since day one that they all call him Bucky instead of James or Mr. Barnes or anything else.
He plans the most amazing outings and tries to always get the team to work together.
He’s also great with the parents.
In fact he’s the reason most parents want their kids in his troop or the reason a lot of them even signed their kids up for scouts.
He insists on having all the parents’ numbers, makes a group chat with them and is always on top of activities and reminding them of games, trips and fundraisings.
It doesn’t hurt he’s extremely good looking - all the single moms melt whenever he calls them to ask if they can bake the brownies for the next event -
He looks great in uniform.
The kids adore him cause he’s funny and he listens to them and makes sure everyone is having a good time.
like that one time he fell in the lake? hilarious they never let him forget it. or that one time he got scared by a little lizard? iconic.
They think his metal arm is fucking dope and they love his stories when camping, whether they are made up or not because let’s face it he makes up the greatest stories.
He’s also a prankster and whenever a food war breaks out he looks angry for 10 seconds before grabbing a slice of cake and chucking it across the room to continue the fun and then gets in line with the kids and looks like a wet puppy when a higher rank leader finds out and they all get called out.
His troop specially loves the summer camps. They spend more time with their counselors and troop leaders, meet more kids and do cool stuff. Sometimes even science experiments – but only sometimes and when counselor Tony is there, cause Bucky won’t have a repeat of that time something exploded brown dust on his face: again, hilarious.
But this year ‘round, so far Bucky has taken the kids for ice cream thrice.
It’s friday and much like last week when the kids are finished with whatever outside activity, Bucky is checking everyone’s progress/finished assignments.
His hair is tied back in a neat bun that pops out of the open part in the back of his cap and his bandana is tied around his bicep.
He claps twice and blows his whistle once, getting everyone’s attention. “Great work guys, I feel like this calls for a treat” he’s asked the parents in the group chat for permission and they agreed.
And all the kids are exclaiming in joy. 
“That’s it! We’re going for ice cream!” and even though this might not be news they are excited because the kids love ice cream and that’s not the only sugary treat they can get where bucky takes them
It’s this quaint little sweets shop located not very far so everybody buddy’s up and they practice the look three times before crossing the street when they walk there.
the decoration is cute and vibrant, and the kids love the thematic seats.
Inside they all line up to receive a scoop of ice cream, some opting for a small bag of cookies to switch it up, and he even makes sure any kid with allergies or intolerances gets a treat they can eat.
Gluten free cookies for Evan – Steve’s kid.
Vegan ice cream for Poppy
No peanuts for Ryan and Matt.
Its the reason he picked this sweets shop: they have options.
He also picked it because of the owner. You.
Your face lights up when he walks in with the kids, you’ve already memorised some of their names, and his face lights up when you add sprinkles to some of their treats per the kids requests.
He strikes up a conversation with you each time, as the kids all fill the booths and the two of you look over them, wiping messy chins, placing napkins to avoid stains on uniforms, and picking up fallen spoons, exchanging them for clean ones.
You also give him a discount, after all he brings in so many customers. He always refuses but you don’t take a no for an answer.
They don’t leave until the very last kid is done with their treat. Making the most of each second he gets to talk to you.
Since he discovered your little shop he’s come here alone a few times and with his troop four times, and he always makes you giggle with his jokes and blush with his words.
You hate saying goodbye to him but he promises they’ll come back, after all the kids love her treats, and so does he. You also bravely admit you love his company and his face gets so red. It’s adorable.
There’s a chorus of “Bye Ms. Y/N thank you for the food” as the kids file out and Bucky’s giving you one last wave goodbye and a wink promising to see come by tomorrow.
He’s going to gain like 100 pounds if he keeps coming to see you but he doesn’t care.
When they day’s over, he catches a ride home with Steve, his best friend, when he picks up Evan, who’s munching on a cookie he saved.
“How was your day with Uncle Buck and your friends today?”
“Good! We went for treats again!”
“Again? Uncle Bucky is spoiling you guys”
“They are marvelous, so they deserve a treat” Bucky argues back. 
“I think Uncly Bucky takes us there so he can see Miss Y/N” Evan says innocently, causing Bucky to turn bright red and turn so fast to look at Evan in the backseat it almost gives him whiplash.
“Miss Y/N huh?” Steve is mocking and Bucky glares at him.
“Is she your girlfriend?” Evan continues.
“S-She’s not” Bucky coughs “yet” he whispers, wishing he can someday say you are, and looks back at Evan with a fake menacing glare “and someone is about to lose their loyalty badge”
“BUCKY AND MISS Y/N SITTING ON A TREE!” Evan chants all the way home, with Steve joining in with the “K-I-S-S-I-N-G” as Bucky sinks down on the seat laughing embarrassedly. 
this was written very quickly so im sorry its bad and sorry if there’s any mistakes.
feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Even if it’s just something in the tags, please i beg you, if u read this tell me what u thought, send me an ask, a reply, a dm, whatever.
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