#ic.| lyndis
sentofight · 3 months
@wayward-sword : Zech is grabbing the brush as we speak.
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" . . . ?" was it bad that she didn't think he was the guy who brushes his hair? Listen, she saw what men do. Slap some water and ruffle your hair and that's it. She even caught Hector does this one time(?) She'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
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enarmor · 1 year
✢⁎. despite our promises
He’s twiddling his thumbs. He very rarely does that.
No woman makes him as nervous as his Lady Lyndis. No woman sends eagles into the pit of his stomach, circling overhead and swooping in for the strings of his heart. No woman could demand from him the loyalty to turn his lance against his own father, fight through hell and back—battle a blazing dragon.
And still, he would do it all again, were she to give him the chance.
Maybe this is a bad idea. Maybe Sain ought to turn tail and run, as he had those few years ago. A life beneath the stars and in the talk of the town wasn’t so bad, now that he really thinks about it. Sure he grew lonely and sure his feelings—real feelings—never died down, but he’s starting to think they were better managed without her in his life to make them flare up at a moment’s notice.
She’s alone again. The other students she was conversing with have left.
Sain’s feet begin to move, perhaps without fully knowing where they are going. Are they lost? Is he lost, deep within himself? His liege is the sole reason he came to this academy—he knows this meeting to be fated—yet words choke in his throat. It isn’t until he’s practically breathing down her neck that he realizes he is well within conversing distance. That shouting her name from ten feet back would’ve been far more in-character.
Oh well. No use backtracking now.
One gentle tap against her shoulder beckons her attention, and sends shivers down his spine all the same. Is this his first time actually touching her? That thought hadn’t ever occurred to the knight before, but it has no place on his mind right now. “Aha, Lady Lyndis!” he bellows, washing down all his mixed emotions with a tender smile, “Love could only keep me from you for so long! My passion has guided me here, my fire lighting the way down my path of destiny! Once more I am ready to be your faithful knight, and have you as my lovely liege!”
Did that sound too fake? It definitely sounded too fake. Sain tries to pass himself off with a riled-up laugh, slapping his knee as it rises through his chest. How awkward is it that he hasn’t seen Lyn in several years, yet this is all he has to say for himself?
This is all he’s ever known: sweet nothings and winged words. He speaks with the full confidence that his love for his lord will never be taken seriously, that his feelings are kept safe by virtue of the belief that they are no different from those he shares with every other head of flowing hair.
They are true. He knows them to be. Why else would he come crawling back after having his fill of the roguish life everyone always expected of him?
//starter for @sacaeblade
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sacaeblade · 1 year
“ Please take care when you go, ”  Kent asks of Lyn before she heads off.  “ I know you strong in your own right, of course, but there is no knowing what awaits you and your party. ”
He shouldn't keep her. He knows that. But getting to the point of what he has come here to do feels nerve-wracking, and the desire to extend their time to never have to make it to that point is too great in its temptation.
But although he may be no saint, needs must. He cannot have his cake and eat it too.
“ I shall be your sword and eyes here while you venture forth. Please believe in me for this much, ”  he says, so that she might hopefully feel more at ease putting her all into her mission. It might put a burden on him to meet her expectations of what must be done in her stead, but it is a burden he takes on willingly— one he would take time and time again if it gave her the freedom she needed to perform her very best.
But he is not entirely selfless. His voice drops low, shy, as he takes his lance and unravels the crimson, silk ribbon wrapped around it and holds it out to her.
“ If I may, might I ask you to take this with you? It is a charm someone gave me to wish me victory. Allow my similar sentiment to be carried with you. ”
To bring you back to me if even just one more time.
“ ...And once you come back, ”  Kent starts. He has never been quite so good at concealing his feelings, least of all those he feels for her. It brings itself into full clarity by the way that scarlet hue spreads to his cheeks and ears.  “ I'd like to wish you a happy birthday. Forgive me that selfish wish, Milady... ”
This is not the first time Lyn has been regarded with suspicion, nor will it be the last. An outsider even amongst a group of outsiders. Rumors spread as quick as wildfire and the villagers of Dragonshill avoid Lyn's eye, ducking into the shadows of their doors. No one wants to meet the eye of, much less accept help from, the girl who had come out of a fight with pirates with nary a scratch on her.
Lyn does not resent them, nor does she lower her head in shame, but she cannot pretend their reception does not hurt. This is not her land, though, and these are not her people. Trying to force a relationship here will only drive the wedge deeper.
Not all is lost, though, as the offer from Sister Phoebe is still on the table. Even if she cannot help the townspeople directly, she can still be of use somewhere else. Now, Sister Phoebe has a whole entourage of seasoned fighters to accompany her and the gold they will receive as payment can be put towards a boat ride home.
...Wherever home is.
"I know how capable you are. I have no doubt in my mind that the villagers will be safe in your hands," she assures him. Her expectations are high, but only because she knows he will deliver on his promise to the best of his abilities. One did not become knight commander at his age by mere accident. "They will be reassured knowing they can depend on you, just as I am."
Nestled between pleas to mind her safety (not that he's doubting her strength, of course) is a shy request to accept a charm. Lyn takes the ribbon gingerly in hand. The silk slips easily between her callused fingers, falling like flowing water. The material is delicate, but more resilient than she would have thought by sight alone.
It's a bit like her, she thinks.
"Thank you, Kent. I have nothing to offer you in return...but a thousand blessings on you. I'll carry your wishes with me into the shrine."
Wrapping it around her wrist like a bracelet might get in the way of her sword or her bow, so instead she ties it to her sword belt. The crimson of the silk stands out against the tan braided belt, but not in a bad way. Rather, the ribbon looks quite nice next to all of her belts.
It seems he has one further question in store, though. Things had gotten quite busy with the letters from home and the shipwreck. Her upcoming birthday had completely slipped her mind. Another year, another birthday spent in a foreign land.
"...I guess it is about that time of year, isn't it? Alright, when I get back, I'll return your charm to you and you can show me around Dragonshill." Lyn smiles teasingly and pokes Kent in the forehead. "Besides, how is it selfish to ask to wish me a happy birthday? I'm happy you remembered at all!"
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heartlandians · 2 years
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Block 5: Day 15 (4/10/2022). Photos by: Peter Dillon, Spencer Twins and Shawn Roberts
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goldoanheart · 2 years
Yes, It is I Lady Lyndis... and Her Loyal Knight Kent?
When you break the news about the imposter lords to one of the villages, they naturally react in horror and shame for being deceived. However, something goes awry when the message is passed along to the village elders. A miscommunication down the line leads these leaders, half-blind and three-quarters-deaf, to believe that you are the “real Lyndis”. Whether you are or not, there is little you can do to convince them otherwise, and so they demand you make things right. [Grants +1 Authority]
mission board starter for @cavalry
Look, Kurth wanted the villagers to know the truth, that they were being deceived and all that, but he hadn’t expected them to instantly turn their gaze upon him as soon as they had heard the news. Sure, he was technically a king, but he had no idea how to deal with something like this! He only knew vaguely of Lady Lyn, from seeing her around the academy, but he had no idea what she was really like! How could they possibly ever expect him to be her?! And like, he was clearly too short too. Probably. To be fair, he had only ever seen her sitting down and from a distance.
Either way, he racks his brain, trying to think of anything he knew about her. Ladies had knights, right? Or at least ones who weren’t raised in sequestered castles knowing nothing about the world outside. He remembers maybe seeing her once with a ginger knight, though he can’t recall the man’s name, if he had ever known it all. Luckily for Kurth, he has one of those to make the act all that much more convincing. Even if it is Sylvain of all people.
He bows politely before the elder, who is clearly blind enough to not be able to tell that Kurth is not a woman, smiling tightly and putting on the best air of dignity he can manage. He gestures towards Sylvain, as a way of both urging him to come closer and as if he is introducing him. If he was to act as Kurth’s knight, then he couldn’t be standing so far away! A knight always seemed to be by their lord’s side. At least, that was what Kurth assumed it was like. He’d only ever had a bodyguard, Gareth, not a true knight.
“I promise you we will make this right my good sir. I am the Lady Lyndis, and this is Kent, my knight. Just tell us what you wish for us to do and we will happily aide you. I would hate to see you suffering from any harm my imposter caused you.” That had to do the trick! Hopefully...
Now he just had to keep this up for who knew how long.
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vonochs · 2 years
[ LEAP ] All around the hills outside of town, the people of Fódlan light bonfires to scare away evil spirits. Leaping over them is said to bring good luck, and many challenge each other to see who can jump the highest. Young couples link hands and try to jump together, hoping for prosperity in the year to come.
Lyn observes a familiar redhead (no, not that familiar redhead) beside the bonfires. She hadn't had much time to actually interact with her with her when they were both trapped in the book, but now that she could get a better look at her, she looks much less like a scrappy thief and more like a young noble lady. That would probably explain why she had face planted when they first met. "You know, I thought as much when we were in the book, but you aren't very athletic, are you?" Lyn extends a hand to Monica. "Here, do you want me to teach you how to jump over the fire without getting burned?"
-- MONICA HAS NOT, by any means, forgotten the events of the book, nor has she gone out of her way to purposefully ignore them, but she's certainly... taken the opportunity to skirt around the finer details when possible. Even to her, being assigned a role akin to a suppressor of some sort was something that one could hardly accept as favorable towards their own inclination.
Lyn, on the other hand...
" Ehe, s'pose not! " She leans backwards, nursing the singed parts of her books. " There's a good reason I've decided to change course and start reading books instead of swinging swords, ha! "
The note is accompanied by a flourish of her own hand meeting Lyn's, a curtsy and a wink. " I'm sooo down to have you show me the ropes, though! " she hums. " You're far more suited to this sort of thing than I. "
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kafkaoftherubble · 10 months
I wanna play triangle strategy because I love Benedict and Frederica and Geela but I also wanna play fe7 because I ADORE AND LOVE HECTOR WITH MY ENTIRE HEART. Help me.
Triangle Strategy gave the "me" back then a migraine in every chapter by making my already-running-at-high-capacity brain even more cognitive load (which was contributed by choosing to play it on Hard Mode like every other game i own because "hey if it's hard I'll have to spend even more time on it and earn back every buck! Brilliant!" completely forgetting that, chief, you ain't actually good at gaming you dipshit).
And since I have a negative bias against it you are currently sick, I say play Fire Emblem 7 and let Hector the Guy Who Showed Me How Fucking Sick Axes Are (because the Lyndis campaign deadass made me think axes are dumb because nani the fuck is that accuracy rate? What's the point of it hitting hard if they usually can't hit for shits?! And then Hector showed up) cure you with sheer Hectorness.
Also, biased and based for that Hector admiration. You also liked Matthew and Serra right? If not mistaken? Anyone else?
Mine favourites were actually
and Lucius
and Harken (the hero guy who isn't Raven; I swear people forget this guys exists)
and CANAS!!
and Ursula
and Limstella
and Will (the archer guy; I swear everyone also forgets he exists)
and obviously my "namesake"
and... yes, Hector. Who the fuck can ignore his amazingness?!
Absolutely detest Eliwood. Fucking Eliweak.
Ooh on that note! I saw your Triangle Strategy biases in passing I think! Anna, Ezana the witch girl, Geela, Julio? And yea!!! I really adored Frederica's personal story too! I was actually quite invested in it even though she ultimately wasn't one of my biases. It was really pumping!
My favorites (in no particular order) were:
The ice mage scholar pretty boy dude who's always about his magical magnum opus
Jens the blacksmith fella. I know he's so... normal and unexceptional? But I have the tendency to favor that sort of character too. See Will for example.
Julio (admirable government servant)
Ezana, yes I like her too... But I kinda wish I could give her a pair of undies.
That dancer lady! I dig her kind of personality!!!
Quahuag! This kid who can see into the future or something!
...and Roland.
Yea, the last two really made my last few chapters a head-splitting experience. On the one hand, Benedict was clashing with my idealistic "half." On the other, ROLAND THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN ADVOCATING?! This is so OUT OF YOUR CHARACTER!
Nonetheless, I actually enjoyed these two's backstories and characters, and kinda resonate enough to like them.
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carmennivis · 9 months
Nils in Fodlan!
Personal Info:
Name: Nils Gender: Male (transmasc) Birthday: 7th Day of the Guardian Moon (January 7th) Age: 1200+ Apparent Age: 16 Height: 152 cm (5’0”) Weight: 44 KG (97 lbs) Crest/Holy Blood: He’s an ice dragon, so maybe he could have a crest of his own..? Class: Golden Deer Affiliation: Lyndis Legion, Traveling Performers
Personal History:
(Note:B.W. Refers to before the ending winter. Most years are rough estimates.)
Elibe 300 B.W. - Nils was born to Ice Dragon Aenir and her human husband Nergal.
Elibe 100 B.W. - The Scouring Begins. The family is forced into hiding.
Elibe 0 - The Ending Winter happens. With the air changing, Aenir, Ninian and Nils are forced into human forms.
Elibe 20 - Aenir is captured by humans and presumably killed. Nergal goes after her, and tells his children to enter the Dragon’s gate. They do, losing a large part of their memories.
Elibe 978 - Hearing a voice call out to them, Nils and Ninian pass through the dragon’s gate once more. They lost most of their power when in Elibe and lose their dragon stones, but manage to avoid capture and start a life as traveling performers.
Elibe 979 - The duo was rescued by Lyn and joined her for a time to take back Caelin.
Elibe 980 - The battle against Nergal and the Black Fang happens, where Nils joins Eliwood and Hector after they rescue him and Ninian from the dread isle.
Elibe 981 - With the battle over, Nils enters the Dragon Gate to seal it back up from the other side. An unknown time later, he is whisked away by the gate to Fodlan.
Interests: Performing, Diving, Nature Likes: Music, Dancing, Cold days, Frigid waters, bloody meats, nature walks, a nice breeze, the moon and stars, sweets Dislikes: Selfish Humans, Loneliness, hot days, spicy food, wyvern riders, hot soups and stews Status: Scion of the Elibean Ice Dragon tribe and a traveling bard Close Allies: Ninian, Lyn, Mark
Dining Hall Preferences
Likes: Saghert and Cream, Sweet Bun Trio, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Peach Sorbet, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Gronder Meat Skewers, Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant, Grilled Herring, Fruit and Herring Tart, Fisherman’s Bounty, Fish Sandwich, Two-fish Saute, Bourgeois Pike Dislikes:  Sauteed Jerky, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew, Sweet and Salty Whitefish Saute, Super-Spicy Fish Dango, Sauteed Pheasant with Eggs, Daphnel Stew, Onion Gratin Soup, Cheesy Verona Stew
Dining Hall Quotes
Favorite Dish
“Wow, this is so delicious..! If only I could share some with Ninian…”
Least favorite dish
“Ack, this is- well, um.. Quite a unique flavor… do humans really like this…?”
Tea Time Guide
Favorite Tea: Mint Leaves
Favored Topics
A place you’d like to visit / Books you’ve read recently / Children at the market / Monastery security / I’m counting on you / Our first meeting / Past Laughs / Reliable allies / Someone you look up to / Thanks for everything / The library’s collection / The view from the bridge / Working together / You seem well / You’re doing great work / Favorite sweets / Shareable snacks / Books you’ve reach recently / Heart-racing memories / Hopes for your future 
Tea Time Quotes
“Thank you for inviting me..! Would you perhaps like a tune to accompany the tea?”
Favorite Tea
“Oh, this is..! My sister and I enjoy drinking this together often..!”
5 star tea
“Are you really brewing such an expensive tea for just a humble bard? You truly are too kind..!”
Being Observed
“I’m.. Not used to being looked at so tenderly, haha.” “I-I have unusual eyes..?! No, they’re as normal as can be!” “Do I seem cold? Don’t worry, I actually quite enjoy the breeze!” “Is it normal for people to get this close..?”
Introducing Own Topic
“I’m waiting for my tea to cool off.. I can’t really handle hot drinks, you see.” “The air here is so nice.. It’s like a gentle embrace, don’t you think?” “I can perform just fine, but being close to so many people daily? It's a lot, sometimes.” “Have you ever been to my performance? I’ll make sure to rouse your spirits!” “You’re a bit of an odd one.. But I can tell you’re a kind person.” “It’s been so nice to settle down here.. I wonder if I should stay here longer..” “No matter how far apart we may be.. My bond with Ninian is unbreakable.” “I’m looking forward to winter..! The blanket of snow will be so beautiful..!” “I always take good care of my flute, it’s my greatest tool, after all..!”
“Hm?” “Oh!” “I see..”
“I had fun..! Thank you very much for inviting me!”
Misc. Dialogue
Gift Guide
Favorite Gifts: Any flower, Smoked Meat, Book of Sheet Music Disliked Gifts: Exotic Spices, Coffee Beans, Blue Cheese
Gift Quotes
Disliked gift
“Um.. Thank you? …Are you sure you intended to give this to me?“
Liked gift
“Thank you so much…!”
Favorite gift
“Wow, I love this..! I’ll make sure to cherish it!”
Lost Items
Flute Cleaning Kit - Various tools meant to be used to clean a wind instrument and for its general upkeep. It likely belongs to someone who plays the flute and values it deeply. Location Found: Dormitories Piece of Arctic Coral - A piece of blue coral that only grows in the depths of frigid waters. It likely belongs to someone who can handle such temperatures and enjoys diving. Location Found: Classrooms Bag of Peppermint Candies - A small bag of minty fresh sweet treats that are a bit of an acquired taste. It likely belongs to someone who enjoys sweets with a cool taste. Location Found: Dining Hall
Lost Item Quotes
“Yes, this belongs to me! Thank you so much for finding it..!”
Not owner
“I can’t say this looks familiar.. I hope you can find the owner soon!”
Battle Quotes
Mock Battle Retreat
“Ah..! I knew it, I was never cut out for battle…”
First Kill
“If.. If it means I can protect her, then I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Monastery Lines
Choir Practice
“I prefer instruments over singing, but this is still quite fun! Hmmhmmhmm~”
“I can handle chopping the ingredients! I’ll just.. Leave the fire to you, then.”
“Maybe there’s something in the air..?” Console: “That’s alright. Sometimes you have to fail in order to grow!” Critique: “You’re right.. But I have to keep going!”
“Maybe I do have what it takes!”
“With this new strength, I’ll keep us safe!”
Praise: “Please, teach me more..! I have to grow stronger!”
Stable Duty
“Hmm, You’re quite the sweetheart, aren’t you? Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Weeding / Clearing Rubble
“These hands are so small.. But I’ll keep trying!”
Sky Watch
“Ah… The air is even fresher up here, how lovely!”
Certification Exams
“I’m sorry, It seems like I haven't tried hard enough...”
“I passed? Wonderful! No doubt thanks to your help!”
Lecture Questions
“Excuse me, Professor?”
“I get so scared at the thought of going to the front lines.. But I have to get stronger to keep those I love safe. How do you cope with it? To put yourself in danger like that?” OK: “Try not to think too much about it. Focus on nothing but the battle.” Bad: “If that’s how you feel, you should stay in the back.” Good: “Keep in mind what you want to protect. Let it be your strength.”
Bad Answer
“Sorry, that’s.. Not what I meant.”
Good Answer
“Yes, I see it now. Thank you!”
Update Goals
“For some reason, the idea of bards using bows has become quite famous as of late.. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to try, would it? Attacking from a distance might be better for me, too.. So please help me train in bows!”
“I know as a foreigner, my faith should be different. Yet, something about the teachings of Seiros feel so.. Comforting to me. Please, allow me to train in Faith, so I can explore this power further.”
“Being a bard means being able to charm people. Naturally, someone like that should be able to lead and inspire others too. Please let me study in Authority for this reason!”
Level Up
0 to 2 stats up
“This body of mine is too weak to protect anyone…”
3 to 4 stats up
“Whew! What a refreshing development!”
5 stats up
“With this new power, I’ll put on a performance of a lifetime!”
6 stats up
“I’ll keep everyone safe and energized, I promise this to you!”
Upon reaching level 99
“It’s almost as if I have my original strength back, despite this weaker body…
Budding Talent
“I didn’t realize I had this in me..! Thank you for inspiring me!”
New Skill
“I’ll use this for a new performance!
“What an interesting costume! It’ll liven up my performances, too!”
Battle Quotes
When selected
Full/High HP
“Rouse your spirits!”
Medium HP
“My song hasn’t ended yet!”
Low HP
“I can.. Keep going..”
Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses
“Is that it?” “So close!”
Critical Attack
“I won’t run away anymore!” “Graaaargh!” “Let’s change the course of fate!” “This is your swan song!” “Freeze to the core!”
“Follow my lead, everyone!”
Gambit Boost
“I’ve got your back!”
Defeated Enemy
“Anything to keep us safe.” “I had no choice, forgive me.” “I took no pleasure in this.” “This was your finale.”
Ally Defeats Enemy
“What a performance!” “Such strength!” “You make me feel safe..!”
Ally Heals/Rallies
“How inspiring!” “Dearly appreciated!” “Thank you for the boost!”
Death/Retreat Quote
“This is too much for me.. I have to survive, for Ninian.. Sorry, but I must retreat.”
“Ni..nian… Please be happy.. Get home safely, and.. Please forgive your.. Stupid bro..ther..”
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glacialispictorem · 11 months
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A day in the life of Dr. Strange... featuring his... brand new Ice Cream making machine.
Featured are his guests: Star-Lord, Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil and Lyndis from Fire Emblem.
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ao3robin215 · 2 years
Chapter 22/22x
Eliwood talks to Mark after a battle. However, establishing a friendship with him proves difficult.
Some light angst for the soul.
Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword. Eliwood/Mark.
Lord Pent was like a godsent. He’d acted so humble about the entire ordeal, but truth was that if he hadn’t been there, things would’ve taken a turn for the worse in the desert. But how? How could that be? Mark had been working so hard to keep everyone atop their training. He liked to think that it was the hellish weather, the lack of movement, and the strong enemies, but truth was that he was a lousy tactician. And it hurt to accept it. 
That was why he was working, working, working on his strategies, plans, and tactics. There was no rest for him. After all, he was the only person who could see the battlefield in the way he saw it. And there was no explaining it. There was no explaining all the numbers about every single unit in the army he saw. They’d take him for a loon.
Still, it didn’t matter how much data he had that no one else did. If he didn’t know how to use it, it was all useless. No. He could not waste such an ability. That was why he studied day and night, restlessly, running the battles in his mind on repeat to spot what went wrong and how he could fix it. Following the altered path, he spotted mistake after mistake. And then, he fixed them all. Making his mind and his papers into a mess of scribbles, hypotheticals, and possibilities. 
Studying the past was the best way to not fuck up the future. 
A knock on the door interrupted him. 
Odd… No one comes in at this time… No one comes in, period.
Without waiting for his answer, the door opened, giving Mark merely a few moments to compose himself. He had the impression that he looked like a desecrated corpse while he studied. 
“Hello, Mark. You’re still awake, I see.”
Lord Eliwood! Mark stood up, pushing his chair back with enough force for it to fall over and crash against the floor. With a pit in his stomach, Mark bowed. Then, he grabbed the chair and put it in place. 
“You needn’t be so formal, Mark. I am sorry to have startled you. Please, take a seat.” He closed the door behind him and Mark did as he was told.
What could Lord Eliwood possibly want? He had never come to talk to me about… Anything.
As Marked looked at him, the numbers started popping up in his mind’s eye. He’d come so far. To think building some experience for him had been a pain in the beginning. Now, Eliwood was one of the stronger units he had. Dependable. Not as able to take hit after hit as Hector, for example, but his offense was great, not to mention that he could land a blow when his mind was in the right place. Putting him in the front lines did not risk a lot. Mark guessed it reflected his character, overall.
“I came to ask… Do you know Bern well?”
Mark limited himself to shaking his head. 
“I see. Nor do I. Nothing more than what I have heard in court, really. I know that a traveler such as yourself ought to know more than I.”
But he didn’t know that much more. Bern had always been on his bucket list. Not during a war but…
“By the way, Mark. Where were you born? Before you met Lyndis in Sacae. Where were you?”
Why would Eliwood ask such a thing? In the endless months they had been traveling together, he had never expressed interest in him. Neither had Hector nor Lyndis… Beyond the conversation they’d had when she found him… She’d become so enthralled with her own problems… Mark couldn’t blame her. He couldn’t blame anyone. After all, they had a lot on their plate at the moment. Dragons, Lords, dead parents, spies…
Like a bucket of iced water in winter, realization crashed on Mark. 
Of course. 
Who else better to be a spy than him? The quiet tactician tasked with keeping them alive, but most important of all, keeping them moving forward. If a trap lay ahead, the blame could easily fall square on his shoulders. 
A redness overcame his cheeks and as his shoulders tensed, the tactician pulled out a large map of Bern. Setting it on the table required some things to be shoved off the table. Little did it matter. Then, he pulled out a couple of books with specific bookmarks. Books that talked about dragons and ancient magic. 
“Mark. What’s wrong?”
“This is all the information I have found. Black Fang is elusive, but Lagapult has said that they have a base here.” He pointed out a place on the map. “Most people around are good swordspeople, so the stories tell. So we can expect those in our coming battles. If we approach through-”
He felt a hand on his shoulder. 
“This is all useful information, but I believe it would be better brought up at a meeting with Hector and Lyndis, don’t you think?”
“I am not a spy.”
“You have your reasons to distrust everyone, Lord Eliwood.” Mark took a step back. “However, this is everything I know. I am not keeping secrets.”
Eliwood took his hand back. “Mark!” Seldom had he ever heard Eliwood raise his tone like that. “No one is accusing you of anything. It didn’t even cross my mind.”
“Then… Why do you ask where I come from?”
“If it’s hard to talk about you needn’t tell me. It’s just that… We’ve been traveling together for so long, and I know little to nothing about you. I would like to know more about you.”
Mark’s confusion was such that the numbers in his head started to scramble up and make little to no sense. “B-but… You’d never been interested in me.” He had to break eye contact for a few moments. “Wh-why…? Why now if not because I’m under suspicion?”
“I don’t think we’d be where we are if it wasn’t for you. I could never think of you as anything less than a friend.”
Mark shook his head. “You shouldn't lie to me, Lord Eliwood. Hector is your friend. Lyndis is your friend. I  am your  tactician .”
“How can you say that? You’ve saved our lives countless times. Does none of it matter to you?”
“It matters the world to me! It matters the world to me because that is what a tactician does.” Had Eliwood's speed and defense always been in three digits? No… Impossible… Humanly impossible. “I ensure your survival. Everyone’s survival. Whether or not you involve me in your interpersonal matters was not my call. It was yours.”
“That’s why I  am  asking you-”
“It  was . It is not your call anymore, Lord Eliwood. It is not anyone’s anymore.” Mark took a deep breath. “It is not your place to attempt a friendship with me. Sure… You listen to what I say to the footnote when we’re on the battlefield but outside of that? I am as visible as a pebble on the rocky road to every single one of you. My existence is barely acknowledgeable.” Saying it out loud was freeing, to a certain extent. The mayhem in his head calmed down and the numbers and data in his mind’s eye fell in order once more. “I have accepted my role in this army. I will continue to ensure everyone’s survival, Lord Eliwood, that I swear. But if it is friendship you seek… I can make sure you have plenty of opportunities to engage in idle chat with the rest of the units. Little more.”
Mark shook his head, a pity that none of them would ever be able to understand how he saw the world. “You should get some rest. I ought to go over the inventory before the sun rises.”
No one had ever dismissed him like that. However, Eliwood did not have anything else to say. After all, Mark made himself clear. Friendship was not an option for them. It had never been.
I am still working on my big fanfic. I've been working around some rough ideas. It is going to take me a while longer, though. So, here you have a Blazing Sword fanfic I wrote to wind down.
You can find the fanfic on ao3.
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meimikana · 2 years
Meimiday 2023 Wall of Awesome
January 28th is my birthday, dubbed Meimiday several years ago by my friends (I think it was hojo who started it). For those years, I would spend all day watching streams from said friends playing games for my birthday entertainment. Eleven years ago, however, when asked what I’d like to see I kinda just went “Why don’t you just beat some games?” and so the festivities truly began. Most of us frequent the Backloggery, so it’s kinda easy to see why it has snowballed~
Hojo Several braindead masochists only need apply achievements in Final Fantasy XIV (resplendent tools, luminary pick and axe) :C: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII :P: Mega Man X Legacy Collection :P: The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince :B: & :C: Abzu
SaintTweeter :B: Demon's Souls (Remake) :B: Samurai Maiden :B: Asterigos Curse of the Stars
Dia :B: Final Fantasy XIII-2 :B: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII :B: Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Ginger :B: Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
Ange :B: Picross S2 :B: Steamworld Dig 2
Lyndis :C: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island :B: Into the Breach
ConsoleHandheld :B: Picross S Mega Drive & Master System edition (Switch)
Drumble :B: Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition :B: A Short Hike :B: Titanfall 2
rpgamer606 :B: Fire Emblem Engage
TheKnightOfNee :C: Picross S2
ikzune :B: Axiom Verge
Valkoor :B: Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory :B: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth :C: LostWinds :B: Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Macc :B: Ice Climber (FDS) :C: Quake (Steam) :C: Picross e6 (3DS DL) :B: Picross e7 (3DS DL)
AstraeFeres :B: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
eski514 :B: Diablo II: Lord of Destruction :B: Mario Party :B: Fallout 3 :B: Super Meat Boy :B: Rimworld (w/ Workshop) :B: Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (SNES) :B: Metal Slug 2 :B: Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack :B: Tekken 3 :B: Mega Man 3 :B: Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack
FEZ :B: Doom: Epic :C: Kingdom Hearts III: ReMind
Moomba :B: Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Neko :B: Christmas Puzzle
Slythex :B: Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
CephiYumi :B: Kirby's Adventure :B: Super Mario World :B: Star Fox
Try4ce :B: Quake (PS5)
endaso :B: & :C: Tormented Souls
John :B: Pokemon Scarlet
Paladin356 :C: Wonder Boy: Monster Lair (Arcade)
Honorable Mention: Floony (Always so eager~) :B: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Honorable Mention: ikzune (Australia timezone enthusiasm~) :C: The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki :B: Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu!
Honorable Mention: PaperLink64 :P: SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
Honorable Mention: KasumiBlue :B: Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight
Honorable Mention: Geminias :B: Final Fantasy XIII :B: Prey
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sentofight · 3 months
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😃 (does not drink alcohol(doesnt mind others drinking tho), does not fight, topics that are very subjective for akira, WHAT MURDER it depends<3 <-guy who Is friends w ppl who has killed others
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Why does he remind her of Nils? Adorable much? Kind of want to pinch his cheeks, adorable. "Well, since you are adorable, I don't mind taking you on a horse ride. What do you say?"
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"Oh! So you know what a yozukura anmitsu? That's cool, man. Wanna go grab some?"
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are you one of them type? || accepting || @flovverworks
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scentedchildnacho · 3 months
I was asked if I was alright so I said the traffick is still really racist and I'm from Wisconsin so no one is as poor as me to see the immediate necessity of immediate trials or potentials executions like saddam Hussein
Jeffrey Dahmer was like a mass murderer they finally told poor criminals they had to tolerate him for prison prestige and they killed him promptly
These types of fascistic consumptions has been around as normative secure ing family wealth from others called inferiors as long as i have been alive so it's like saddam hussein they violate arab normatives
The brake squeak freako weirdos are here so it's like someone slammed an ice pick into one's ear canal if your as poor as me it's very excruciatingly painful and I'm not positive about people who appear mostly cowardly and unable to maintain strict orders
Your a racial inferior to steal the goods of the land from and slowly execute of sedentary process so you will notice as you age that car cruelty wealth group will kill you as soon as you think you can have a retirement
This mustang blew past me with an acceleration sound bomb that gave me heart strain....so I will like people when its like mogadishu and we figure out how to crash it and refuse to open roads
Melissa nelson is a nativist with arizona but she looks really German...its maybe her that goes and does the sound bombs herself.....
Then we have to learn little from her.....so I will like people better when they believe africans were like slaves here
They go clear cut the mountains and blind and deaf people....their disgusting rude people
Nigger lover is the only compromise with the institution strategy they have its just awful
She told me I should pray about it........so I told her I have a priest who revealed to me about prayer that they were wealthy and had elaborate seclusions for its practice .............
So the poor actually do have the one God so if your out there in the battle scream recitations of old testament of what God does to unrepentant sodomites
Tattooes plastic surgery as soon as they can better connect to random object masturbation they do sodomites
Ted Bundy torture with noise tools....needs to blind with light and masturbate off others blocked up to ones quick relaxation sodomites
Floods are more and more common people get a land grab together and nature just tells it to get off her so
More about the weight on the earth instead of pygmy communities in a green belt lady earth had to carry all that moved concrete so
Most jobs are a hit lady front runner you have to be careful around if you don't follow sergeant jobs rules she will call a cop fuck on ya so I don't after many years of homelessness feel I will ever carry the badge of honor of re inclusion in the system it's just to criminalize and turn one into a lyndie england
Poor people do have like a royal war God so you have to learn your recitations or it will make you crazy out here turn you into a rap nobody that appears profound and just swore a lot
The Muslims apparently pray but they did do it out of wealth interest and then the mosque started and the....and I don't have any interest in wealth
I said this to her..........because state id phone man was around looking for a schizophrenic suggestible to put a lot under her name then get treated like a daddy by newly released felons
To some felons schizophrenics want to pay for sexual battery it's a very pornographic thing the institution so they try to get them to put additional things in their name then sedate and rape them and steal things from them
So that's why I was like don't pray everywhere you have no idea what all the perpy people around are or what revenge their on or what all they try to do you should believe in deliverance
Its a schizophrenic some of them like Zelda Fitzgerald have never understood it as an impoverished oppression....its she drug deals and people set her up to have a horrible at things reputation and people find them dead young
You don't know all the people I have had in my life show me it's not normal to have a whole hobby of excess electronics or other stuff it's not normal to replace your phone quickly so
Anyway there a released felon would at least put the phone in his name so
My German instructor just said Russians like that phone state 🆔 man seek God through deep depressions negations stimulate their quest for divinity
So that's why he abuses me for him abusing me will eventually cause him backlash....and he finds Divinity and resources he needs in that like Snowden release to Russia maybe
Because abusing me will allow him punishment collapse and theory change so he may finally be released to Russia
Americans if asked how are you are persistently too bright for correct evaluation and that's that man he steals from me because he thinks their condition is to negatory
Then my truth book just said all smoking is about God so....anyway it's their church and they get to put the sign up and she told me not to worry the God of breast health will win this does not please God
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ashenprofessor · 1 year
June Activity Check
Status -> Passed Total skill points: 72
Skill points: Activity +1 (gauntlets); Arena +1 (authority);  Faith (C+ -> B); Gauntlet B+ (1/2) -> B+ (2/2); Sword B+ (2/2) -> A (1/3); Authority B (2/2) -> B+ (1/2) Classes accessed: Butler; Sword Master, Trickster
Threads completed: A sport of fire and Ice (Faith +1) Edelgard
Threads dropped:  Infiltrate the palace, steal the treasure (Any weapon +1) Corrin
Active Thread: The sprit of healing (Faith +1) Maria The power of friendship prevails (Sword +1) Elincia Head in the clouds (Gauntlets +1) Lindhardt Yu-Gi-Oh no (Authority +1) Alm Happy Leif Leonster Day! (Any weapon +1); Laslow No need for hunky boys (Sword +1) Raven Will the real Lyndis please stand up (Authority +1) Elincia Flash of brilliance and steel (sword +1) -> Nils Squeak Squad attacks (any skill +1) -> Hilda Allow me a demonstration -> Kent
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paragonofvirtue · 1 year
🍨 Mark buying it for Lyndis
Send 🍨 To Buy Ice Cream For My Muse (Still accepting!)
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"Thanks Mark! It is getting to be pretty hot this time of year." Lyn smiled brightly and started to dig right into the frozen treat.
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peace-coast-island · 1 year
Diary of a Junebug
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Mastering the art of trying our best and not taking things too personally
Glossy ivory shells have been showing up at the beach and that means it’s time for another crafting event. Joining us at the camp are Kati, Millie, and Alexi, so along with making a bunch of cool stuff, we also did some pottery and had a lot of ice cream.
For most of the day, we spent it at the beach collecting shells. Too bad it’s not warm enough to go swimming yet, that would’ve been a lot of fun. At least we can set up a bonfire in the evening and hang out for a bit before it gets too cold. Besides, we’ve been doing such a good job at finding shells that I think we got most of them within a couple hours. That means more time for us to chill and do other fun stuff.
Today was a bit different as we finished things early in order to go to Milkcloud for a charity stream event that Kati and Alexi were part of. It’s one of those casual gaming things where they mostly hang out while doing challenges involving fighting bosses. Various challenges include using a randomizer to pick their team, completing a fight under a certain amount of time - it’s funny to see what comes up.
The whole thing looked like a lot of fun but I would definitely fail considering that a) I don’t think I have beaten a boss under a minute -  but I have come close! - and b) some of these challenges are crazy hard so I’d be super screwed like if I had use use a character that’s not fully built or I suck at playing. Also there’s some exceptions to the timed challenges as some of the bosses aren’t actually that hard but they’re really annoying because they do things like hide so you spend half the time waiting for them to stop so you can finish them off.
Along with Kati and Alexi, other participants include Aymn, Cheyenne, Estella, Ying, Lyndi, and Atsushi. It was a lot of fun watching them play and hang out together. From what I’m hearing, the event went really well and everyone wants to get together to do it again. I’d totally be down for that!
The charity stream’s for raising awareness on mental health issues, so all proceeds will go to charity. So naturally a lot of the conversations went towards mental health, though they did go off on a tangent that’s sorta connected to the main topic, but also a bit about their personal lives. Other topics such as disability and trust issues came up since those are intertwined with mental health, especially with the stigmas that surround those topics. It was very interesting to listen to so of course I had to get as many of my thoughts down before I forget.
First of all, the participants here struggle with some sort of mental health issue and/or disability or chronic illness. Some people in their lives - family and such - are accepting while others are not so much. Kati has depression, anxiety, and lupus. Alexi is an amputee thanks to a drunk classmate, and on top of that she struggles with PTSD, anger issues, and depression. Cheyenne has anxiety, depression, ADHD, and a bunch of health issues. Estella calls herself a basketcase - she’s autistic with anxiety and BPD as well as a former drug addict. Lyndi and Ying have ADHD, both have the inattentive type and went undiagnosed for a long time. Aymn is autistic with OCD and chronic health issues. Atsushi has ADHD and PTSD, the former also wasn’t diagnosed until adulthood and he was told - in a nice way by the doctor - that he has one of the worst cases they ever saw.
And of course, each one went through various struggles of acceptance. Cheyenne considers herself lucky that she has a good support system, especially since her grandma works with kids who have developmental disabilities. Lyndi, Ying, and Atsushi weren’t diagnosed with ADHD until adulthood, so they spent most of their lives struggling without understanding why.
Lyndi was lucky that her family was supportive too, though she said Ludwig kinda blamed himself for not noticing the signs earlier as he too is neurodivergent. In her case, she said the diagnosis didn’t really change too much aside from making certain aspects of her life easier. Also, in retrospect, she realized that it explained her “unusual” ways of coping with traumatic events like her uncle’s death and estranged mother’s reappearance.
Atsushi said he was considered hyperactive throughout his childhood, which was part of the reason why most of the adults saw him as a problem child. Of course, there were other reasons why he was ostracized by the village he grew up in, but that certainly contributed to it. As a result he grew up aware that something was “wrong” with him, so in a way he kinda overcompensated, and while some good came out of it, he now questions whether it was necessary. Sure he was glad to be a hero, but why should that be the way to make the village acknowledge him as a person? Yeah, I see his point.
For him, his diagnosis was a game changer. Suddenly it all clicked for him and everything was less confusing and scary. Also, it turns out that his mom had undiagnosed ADHD too and she came to the same realization. To think you spent most of your life feeling inadequate or stupid and thinking that it’s just you. And then you find out that there’s a reason why it seems like you’re lagging behind and it’s not your fault and you’re not alone. You’ll still have your struggles but now you know that there’s a reason why and what you can do about it.
Ying says it was similar for her in terms of her diagnosis - relief at knowing that there’s an explanation for why her brain works differently. However in her case, her family wasn’t as accepting. She described her folks as old fashioned, which is also why they don’t approve of her being a musician. Her mom eventually came around and even stood to her defense against some relatives who began treating her differently.
Sometimes people are just like that, once they realize something’s “wrong” or “different” about you, you’re suddenly no longer a person in their eyes. I don’t understand it but that’s just the way some people are, I guess. And they wonder why so many of us have trust issues…
On the other end of the acceptance spectrum, Alexi, Aymn, and Estella have their problems - most which take way too long to unpack so they gave us (the audience) a tl:dr version. In short, not very happy, but at least they’re at a point where they won’t let others drag them down and stop them from living their lives.
Aymn is pretty much cut off from his family for various reasons, being autistic and chronically ill being one of them. He is not exaggerating or oversimplifying by saying that those are two of the many reasons why his parents resent him. There’s also the fact that they’re ultra conservative - dangerously so because they’re powerful politicians - as well as emotionally abusive. He said when his parents tried to get him into politics they didn’t expect him to end up on the opposite spectrum.
For pretty much all his life, Aymn was told by his parents that he was worthless and that no one will ever give him a chance. They pretty much put it in his head that the only way to truly be accepted is through cruelty. In other words, inflict pain on others so they will notice you and then bleed them dry because that’s the only way you can survive. Hard to believe that someone like him grew up with those kinds of people. It’s a good thing he’s a strong willed, compassionate, and stubborn person with an innate sense of justice.
By chance he met people like Sadiki, Safiyya, and Nahla, and they were the ones who prevented him from sharing his family’s toxic views on the world. Over the years he went from some nobody to Safiyya’s right hand man, something that made his parents resent him even more. Though Aymn never aimed for power, the fact that he ended up being the second most influential person in the Lunar Rainforest was the perfect fuck you to those who kept putting him down. Good for him!
Alexi had her issues regarding harassment from that classmate who caused the accident. At school she faced ableism and ostracism from her peers and family to an extent. On top of that, the classmate and his friends kept harassing her on and off for years before he died. It was rough and certain people in her life didn’t make it any easier.
She spent a good part of her life being angry - rightfully so - only to be brushed off and told to get over it. Funny enough, when she brings up the harassment, they somehow make it out to be her fault, as if the fact that she’s here serves as a constant reminder of what happened. Even now, there’s still some people who try to gaslight her into thinking she should take sole responsibility. Talk about victim blaming.
The more I hear about Alexi’s story, the worse it gets. She said if it wasn’t for her mom, she’d hate to think how she would’ve turned out. I don’t blame her for being angry - she was basically fucked over by some rich kid who got off scot free while she got turned into a scapegoat. She didn’t even want to get in that car with him but he forced her while the other kids didn’t step in. He somehow got off with minor injuries while Alexi almost died because help didn’t arrive until nearly an hour later. She was later told that had she been taken to the hospital earlier, they would’ve been able to save her leg.
In response to people telling her to get over it, she says hell fucking no. I agree with her. Even though she’s living her life, doing her own thing, there’s still a part of her that’s scarred forever. That’s not to say that she’s clinging to her past - she’s long come to terms with her disability and what happened - but the harassment and bullying and gaslighting she faced kept holding her back. She said that she was once the easygoing, docile, super eager people pleaser before the accident. To a degree she still is, but now with anger issues as she’s prone to lashing out - again, can’t blame her - and suddenly she’s disagreeable and violent. I swear, sometimes you just can’t win with some people.
Estella has also dealt with some shit that she will never get over thanks to certain people from her past. In short, she had an unhappy childhood being raised by unloving adoptive parents. As a teen she started shoplifting and abusing prescription meds and that eventually got her into a lot of trouble. She considers herself lucky that instead of throwing her into some juvie and locking her away, the guy who arrested her insisted that she undergo counseling and rehabilitation. While her family disowned her, that officer never gave up on her, and she’s forever grateful to him.
Obviously it wasn’t easy and she had a lot more bad days than good. Just when Estella was trying to build a new life for herself, she put too much trust into the wrong people, and that’s how word about her arrest record came out. It’s one of those things where she’s kinda glad it came out as it kinda forced her to confront these problems, but there could’ve been another way. As a result her ex family found her and harassed her from time to time. In their eyes, she was irredeemable and deserved to die in a ditch - not an exaggeration - and she’d be lying if she said that still didn’t strike a nerve with her.
I think the worst part is that no matter how we try to live our lives, there’s always someone who tried to bring us down. They criticize what we do, saying that we’re doing everything wrong, and they try to convince us that we’re not good enough. There’s no use winning with them because no matter what you do, they’ll try to find something to be mad about.
Maybe that’s why I keep a lot to myself. After all, they can’t hurt me if they don’t know what’s going on in my head.
I’m all for letting people live their lives as long as it’s not harmful and such. I’m not one to tell you how to run your life because you do things differently from me. I don’t understand why that’s so hard for some people to grasp.
Ying has said that even though she’s doing well as an artist, there’s still people around her who question her success. It’s fine if what she’s doing isn’t their thing but it is kinda insulting when they act surprised that people actually like her for who she is and what she does. I remember Mae’s response to Daisy Jane’s shop taking off - making a rude remark about mentally ill gays - something she later tried of write off as a joke . It was never funny to begin with.
I don’t know, I can’t imagine doubting someone so much that when they end up succeeding, I accuse them of cheating or insult those who support them. It’s like they don’t want you to succeed so when you do, they take it as a personal insult.
Kati had her detractors from acquaintances when she decided to sell her ceramics. They told her stuff like she’s not good enough or it’s not feasible or she won’t be able to manage it. She recalled that some of those people suddenly changed their minds when her shop started taking off, claiming that they always supported her from the start. Did they really?
On the plus side, Kati and the others agreed that those kinds of situations are helpful in figuring out who to trust. Some people only care about you when it’s convenient for them so they’re not worth sticking around with.
There’s also the issue of people knowing you IRL thinking they could dictate what you can say or do online, which is annoying. That’s also part of the reason why I hardly update on certain socials, especially ones where older relatives usually are. All the participants have a large online presence and most people outside of that are aware. They’re fine with that, but it does result in some problems, which I think are inevitable.
Atsushi and Ying have dealt with some IRL acquaintances who actively complain about what they put online. As in, they’re uncomfortable with heavy topics like mental health, as well as any kind of negativity. Alexi received complaints from her dad for even bringing up any sort of negativity or slight criticism when she talks about her family - a sentiment shared by Ying, Kati, and even Cheyenne to a degree.
I mean I get shit talking and bashing but from what I’ve seen from them, I don’t think what they’ve said is harmful or hurtful. I mean there’s definitely people who do that, but they’re not the kind. Even if they do slip up, I’m sure they’re quick to apologize.
Most of what can be perceived as negativity isn’t even that bad - like they were careful not to name names and keep it vague. Also they’re just talking about stuff and they’re allowed to vent and complain as long as it doesn’t drag things down too much. Apparently one of the things Alexi’s dad complained about was when she mentioned that her family wasn’t really supportive of some of her life choices - like I’m pretty sure that’s the case for pretty much everyone and she wasn’t being mean or anything. Again, if it was a direct attack that’s different, but that wasn’t what I got from her words as she was mostly speaking in general terms.
They’ve all definitely had their share of people reaching and taking something they said and seeing that as a personal attack. Again, it’s the whole watching and waiting for you to mess up so they can make themselves the victim.
Atsushi mentioned that someone from his old village once made an account just to criticize him during a stream - it was actually kinda pathetic. Cheyenne had an incident with Alon, who somehow thought it was a good idea to bring up her father. I was there when it happened - he basically blamed her for not trying hard enough when they were separated. Like what? First of all, she was 11, what could have she done? Wasn’t he like 5 or 6 at the time - why was that any of his business? Cheyenne wasn’t upset, more like baffled because why the fuck would you bring something like that up? In the middle of a chill gaming stream? All she said was that she was planning to spend the weekend with her father but something came up.
The lengths some people will go to bring others down… There’s some things you can get over, others you can’t, and probably never will. That’s not to say that things won’t get better, but even a fully healed scar leaves something behind. All the participants have been through shit and yet they survived.
I’m glad to hear that they’re all at a point in their lives where almost everything’s good. That’s not say that they don’t have their problems, but they’re better equipped to deal with them now compared to, let’s say, 10 years ago. It’s not always easy but it’s important not to let yourself take too many things to heart, especially if it brings you down.
All in all, it was an interesting conversation to listen to. The participants were a bit unsure at first when things started turning serious but we all wanted them to continue. I’m glad they did as I think it’s important to be open about mental health struggles. I think too many of us struggle alone with our problems, so it helps to know that we are in fact not alone and things will get better. We’re all trying our best here, and that’s what really matters in the end.
Read on AO3
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