#icb i wrote 5.8k words of leona brainrot
traumxrei-archive · 2 years
【 chapter 5 - of promises (and memories to be made) 】
author's note: it's been over a MONTH since i've updated this series,,,,so i apologize for neglecting you guys of leonayuu content sjkfjdsk this chapter turned out a lot different from the initial plan, but i like it !! it's fun and there's a lot of cute moments in it <33 leona's having a great time in this chapter haha *thumbs up emoji* i hope you enjoy !
word count: 5.8k (yeah it's hella long, fight me)
tags: new year's feast !!, they're munching on expensive food, yuu visits afterglow savanna (REAL), leonayuu first meeting storytime sjfkdjfk, ghost camera actually comes in handy, crowley makes a Mistake, leona's left to deal with the consequences, #pray 4 leona everyone >:DDD
[ baby it's cold outside series | or read it on ao3 ]
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warning: depictions of being drunk.
New Year's. Yuu didn't think that it would be a big deal in Twisted Wonderland as it was in their world but after Ace and Deuce started blowing up their phone about "coordinated magical laser shows" it seemed like a pretty big thing. It seemed that even in a foreign world, celebrating the start of a New Year wasn’t uncommon at all.
They had also gotten a message from Crowley saying that he was sending over a feast via Magi-livery— an abbreviation of Magic Delivery, apparently— to Ramshackle dorms. (This was the first message they had received from Crowley since break started and yet they were simply glad that he remembered about them.)
Now the hard part was convincing Leona to walk all the way over to Ramshackle to have the feast.
"Absolutely not," Leona has said, still buried face-deep in his pillow. It wasn't as adverse of a reaction as they were expecting. Maybe he was still hazy from his afternoon nap?
"Please, Leona-sama," His ears had twitched receptively at that. "Our dear headmage is sending over a high-quality feast for free. And there'll be a laser show to celebrate the New Year."
"A laser show!" Yuu grinned winningly when Cheka bounded over, hopping onto Leona's back to get to them.
So that was how Operation: Get Leona to Ramshackle For The Feast became a success.
Sure, they had to trudge through a bit of snow to get to Ramshackle, and sure, Leona was cursing under his breath the whole time. But the important part was they made it to Ramshackle with minimal losses. The only loss was the feeling in Yuu's arms after carrying Cheka. Cheka had started getting fidgety as the sun was setting and Leona sent them the most withering glare so far so...they had to sacrifice their arms just a little to make the plan a success.
Opening the creaking gate felt almost nostalgic after being away for so long. And if Yuu didn't want to be called crazy, it almost looked like the house missed them too. They rapped on the door, setting Cheka on the floor before the door opened.
Grim looked overjoyed to see them, "Henchman!!! Did you finally realize that the Great Grim is a better boss than that lazy lion?"
"Well, 'that lazy lion' wants to go inside, or else maybe I'll have you both for dinner," Leona grumbled, shoving past Grim and the ghosts who had curiously floated towards the front door.
"I'll explain more inside," Yuu said, shaking the snow off their jacket before hanging it up. They did the same with Cheka's before realizing that Leona had gone inside without removing his jacket, no doubt trailing snow, and- Yuu sighed, and walked into the living room, Cheka trailing behind them like a lost puppy.
"What is this place, Yuu-tan?" Cheka asked, staring at the gaunt paintings and the peeling wallpaper in what looked to be fascination. Maybe this wasn’t the most kid-friendly house to be in. It was a wonder Cheka didn’t start crying as soon as he saw the darkened hallway.
"This is my house. Or the place I'm usually staying in," Yuu explained.
"Your house?" Cheka's ears twitched. "Oh, so you don't usually sleep with Ojitan?"
"Hah? Why would I share my bed with them all the time?" Leona was all bundled up, sitting in front of the fireplace. And Yuu really couldn’t blame him. Although Ramshackle was as temperature regulated as the rest of campus, it didn't stop small drafts from making it through the cracks of the house itself. As they kept telling Crowley, this place was really due for a renovation.
"Mmm," Cheka bounced onto the couch with a giggle. "Cheka thought Ojitan and Yuu-tan were roommates since you guys are best friends!"
Grim let out a haughty laugh at that, "No way! The henchman is my roommate, and they're my best friend too!" As the two started to bicker over who Yuu's best friend was— without asking the person themself— Yuu walked over to Leona.
"C'mon, hand over the jacket," Yuu sighed, seeing the stubborn stare on Leona's face. "It'll be colder if you get wet, just hand it over."
"What're you, my babysitter?" Leona took the jacket off anyway. "You're gonna be living in...this all winter long?"
"I'm your servant, remember?" Yuu folded up the jacket. "And I guess. Unless you do all your school work."
"Ugh, there you go again mentioning work," Leona's ears folded as he sprawled out in front of the fireplace. "Where's all that food you promised?"
"It's practically nighttime, so it should be here—" A loud knock caused them all to jump. "—soon. I guess I'll go get that."
The ghosts were hovering near the front door, "Ooh, there's a package."
"It looks safe," Another ghost commented. "No malicious energy coming from it."
Yuu opened the door to see the inconspicuous-looking package with a note on top of it. The note was written in Crowley's rambling font, and their gaze swept over the hastily written words:
Dearest Prefect and Grim,
I have been informed that the Crown Prince of Afterglow Savannah is also staying with you over winter break! How commendable of my best student to take care of them! To reward you, I've prepared a grand feast within the box. Make sure to open this whilst you are in Ramshackle's foyer or else it would be a disaster.
And I trust that you are keeping up with your tasks for this winter?
From your favorite headmage,
Dire Crowley
"Favorite headmage my ass," Yuu muttered, ripping off the note and placing it on the mantle. "Okay, I'm not sure how this'll work so, stand back."
"No way I'm moving, 's warm here," Leona grumbled from his place on the ground.
"Suit yourself," Yuu shrugged. "Don't blame me if you end up getting some food propelled into your face." Now that got Leona moving, much to their delight. But Leona just ended up draping himself over them like a particularly tall and particularly heavy blanket.
"Can you...not...?" They gritted their teeth, trying not to buckle under Leona's weight.
"Mmm, you told me to move, you didn't say where," Leona's arms wound around their waist, and strands of brown tickled their cheeks. Great Seven, he was being more insufferable than usual today. They felt small hands by their pants and they spotted Cheka ducking behind both their legs in a flurry of giggles.
"H-hey, stop hiding behind my henchman!" Grim huffed, rushing to get behind them. "That's not fair, y'know! Leave a spot for me!"
"Okay, I'm gonna open it," Yuu announced, having finished peeling the tape from the edges of the box top. "Three, two, one."
As soon as Yuu managed to pry off the top, a bout of magical energy burst into the room. The house creaked and groaned as the magic wrapped around them all. The furniture moved, bent to the will of the strong magic flowing from the box into the foyer, and in its place appeared a large mahogany table. Chairs lined the table, followed by a table cloth in a sequence that looked straight out of a movie.
"Ah! There's food!" Grim's excited voice was distant as they watched the food appear, stacked high on top of multiple golden plates. Yuu's jaw nearly dropped from seeing how much...of everything there was. From sushi to steak to even...was that a chocolate fountain? The table had it all.
Yuu finally drew a breath as the room stilled, "Holy shit. That was...awesome."
Leona gave a hum, slipping away to sit in front of all the steaks, "Not bad for a feast made by that crazy crow."
"Woah! There's so much cake!" Cheka exclaimed as Yuu finally did a circle around the table. The food looked world-class, akin to the type of food that they usually saw at Scarabia's lavish feasts. And not to mention all the plates and table wear. How many hundreds of millions of thaumarks did this all cost?
"Make sure not to break anything, Grim," Yuu reminded the monster, who was already face-deep in what looked like a chicken pot pie.
Grim swallowed, smearing more juices on his face as he grinned, "Yeah, yeah. The old crow's probably gonna bill us for broken things, right?"
Yuu slipped into the chair next to where Cheka was precariously perched, before lifting the little lion up, "You've gotta eat some actual food first before you get to the cake, little guy."
"Mmm! I'm a good lion, even my Papa doesn't like eating veggies," Cheka giggled as Yuu grabbed a couple of pillows for him to sit on. "Can I have some of the fried chicken? Ooh, and that green stuff?"
Yuu passed over the food, glancing up at Leona, "I guess that's one similarity between you and your brother, huh?"
There was a tail swat to their legs, "Shut it." It was almost intriguing to watch Leona run through his second steak. It was like...he was some sort of vacuum with how fast he was getting through them.
They nudged at his leg, putting a cup of water next to his plate, "Don't choke yourself on it."
"What a nice and caring servant I have," Leona's words dripped with sarcasm, but even so, he took a sip of water before slowing down his pace.
"Would you guys like to sit down too?" Yuu glanced up at the ghosts who were still milling around the table.
"Hihihi~ How nice of you to ask~," One of the ghosts said.
"We're okay, dearie," Another said. "You go and eat your fill. It's a special occasion after all."
And with that, Yuu finally got to eating themself. They took on a bowl of ramen, knowing that Grim wasn't too fond of soup and the like. The ramen itself was delicious, and so were all the other things they tried.
Cheka was tugging at their shirt before long, "Yuu-tan, Yuu-tan! You gotta try this thing! It's all squishy and melty on the inside but the outside is hard like a cracker." As Cheka raved, he swung what looked like a fried stick of...something on his fork.
"Yuu-tan, you'll try it, right?" Cheka said, finally presenting the fork towards Yuu's mouth.
"Sure," They took a bite, feeling melted cheese flooding their mouth. "Ah, I think that's a fried mozzarella stick."
"Fried...mozzarella?" Cheka's ears quirked. "I don't think I've ever had that before."
"'Course not," Leona commented drily. "At the palace, all you get is traditional food, right kid?"
"Mhm! But Mama said it's okay if we order Magi-livery twice a month," Cheka recited before chewing through the rest of the mozzarella stick. "Ish becuth Pwapa wansh to."
"And wouldn't your Papa tell you to eat first and then talk, brat?" Leona gave a sigh. "I'm warning you if you start choking..."
Yuu hid their smile behind a hand, "Woah, this is a rare sight... Leona being...caring?" That earned them a snarl and they felt Leona hook a foot under their chair and tug. They yelped as their chair jolted from the force.
"Being awfully chatty today, huh, herbivore?” He gave their chair one last shake. “Want me to remind you who has more to lose?"
"You need not worry, Master," Yuu made a show of bowing slightly. "I'll be your faithful servant till the day the winter ends, I promise that on what little possessions I own."
A strange look passed over Leona's face, and he paused mid-bite, "So what? After winter, you'll just go on your merry way?"
"Yup! You don't gotta see his face anymore after," Grim said, his face a mess of all the dishes he tried. Yuu grabbed one of the napkins, shaking their head as they wiped up the mess.
"By the end of winter, your paid gopher will be back," Yuu couldn't help the teasing that slipped into their voice as they added. "Oh my, will Leona-sama miss me?" There was a pause before the strange look passed from Leona's face completely.
He folded his arms, challenging them with a crook of the brow, "As if, I'd miss your annoying ass."
"Well, I'm sure Ojitan is ly~ing," Cheka declared loudly.
"Yeah?" Yuu brought up another napkin to wipe at Cheka's mouth. "How do you know that, little lion?"
"Because," Cheka pointed between them. "You guys are best friends. And cuz I'm gonna miss you, Yuu-tan! So Ojitan has to miss you too. Oh, promise you'll come to the Savanna to visit me sometime?"
Yuu gave him a soft smile, "I promise." They did it simply because it was...nice to have plans for the future. Especially with how uncertain everything was. It was nice to have places to explore and promises to keep; if only for the time that they would stay here.
"And if Yuu-tan came, then Ojitan would have to come home too, right?" Cheka smiled brightly at Leona then. "It's been so long since you've come!"
"I'd only come to keep you out of trouble," Leona said, sending them a pointed look. "The palace is filled to the brim with hunters, and you're the freshest prey. And they won't be as lenient as I am."
"Oh yeah? As lenient as you when we first met?" Yuu tapped their chin. "What was it that you said? 'Hope you're ready to leave behind a tooth?'"
Cheka gasped, brows scrunching together, "Ojitan, that's not nice, that's violence!"
"Yeah! And you were almost ready to punch us," Grim piped in helpfully. "We were just passin' through, y'know!"
"Ugh," Leona scratched at his ear. "I didn't know them back then, and they stepped on my tail first."
"And I was going to apologize until you threatened to knock out my teeth," Yuu countered.
"Mmm, sure you were," Leona propped up his head as he reached for yet another cut of steak. "You and that monster looked two seconds from running away."
Yuu threw their hands up in defeat, "Y'know what, I give up."
And at that exact moment, a bright light flashed through the window, illuminating the room for just a brief moment. Yuu blinked, feeling Cheka suddenly latching onto them and Grim's claws on their other side. What...was that—?
"You guys really are a bunch of scared herbivores," Leona drawled, looking unfazed. "Didn't you mention something about a laser show?"
"That was the laser show?" Grim exclaimed, looking half-scared and half-intrigued.
"I was wondering how Ace was expecting me to be able to watch it from here," Yuu muttered, peeling Grim's claws away from their arm. "I guess it's just...really that bright."
"I wanna see!" Cheka announced, no longer afraid as he bounded for the couch. Grim wasn't far behind him and Yuu followed them as well. The lights danced, nothing like the laser shows they saw in their old world. No, instead these lights seemed to have a life of their own. They formed pictures, of different animals and sights from Sage Island recreated in the backdrop of the night sky.
“O-one day the Great Grim will be able to do stuff like that, y’know!”
“Will they do a lion? I wanna see them do a big strong lion, like Ojitan!”
“Wanna take a picture?” Yuu blurted, looking at the two kids. “I mean, I still have that ghost camera, so it’d be a waste not to take one.”
“That’s a great idea, henchman!” Grim proudly sat in the middle of the couch. “The Great Grim will take the center place, y’know!”
“I wanna sit next to Ojitan!” Cheka proclaimed before sending the biggest kitten eyes over to Leona, who was still at the table.
“No way. I’m not joining that.”
“Come on,” They shook the camera in Leona's direction. “Just do it for the memories! We haven’t taken pictures at all, so isn’t it okay to have one picture to commemorate this winter?”
And maybe Yuu was speaking too closely to their own heart because after the winter, this would really all be over. They were a first-year, so it wasn’t like they had many opportunities to see Leona in class. And it wasn’t like Leona ever attended class. They would have no excuse to seek him out again after their…contract was completed. But was it really wrong to want to hold on to memories of this? Of the first time since they've gotten here that they really felt like they belonged to something?
So Yuu was secretly overjoyed when Leona finally stood up, lumbering over to the space next to Cheka and sprawling out on the couch. “I’m allowing one picture. One. And you better not post it anywhere. I don’t want anyone thinkin’ I’m getting cushy with herbivores like you.”
Yuu ignored the off-handed jab, positioning the camera on the table. They stacked a few books underneath it, balancing it against a spare candleholder. They glanced towards the seemingly-empty hallway, “Would you guys like to join us for the picture? Since it’s a ghost camera, maybe it could capture ghosts too.” As they thought, the ghosts appeared one by one, all displaying their creepy-yet-also-kind-of-friendly smiles. 
“We would love to,” One of them said, before floating over to line the back of the couch.
“Henchman, I’ll allow you to sit next to the Great Grim,” Grim placed a paw to the vacant spot next to him. “And I’ll let you sit next to me too, y’know.” Cheka smiled brightly at the permission, squeezing between Grim and Leona.
“Okay, I’ll set the timer for five seconds, so everyone get ready,” They glanced over at Leona, rolling their eyes. “Leona-sama, could this humble servant request an expression that isn’t one of such disdain?”
“Tch,” Leona’s face morphed into one that looked awfully like a cross between a sneer and a smirk. Well, it was better than the huge frown he was sporting earlier.
They clicked on the button, carefully making their way to the couch and sitting down. They made sure to lean towards Grim, giving the ghost camera a big smile as it flashed. As soon as it was over, the ghosts dissipated, returning to their wandering. And the two kids? They returned to watching the laser show.
“Ah! A lion, they did a lion, did you see that Ojitan?” There was a grumbled reply as Yuu tucked the photo onto the mantle for safekeeping. It was definitely a photo to remember. From theirs and Grim’s matching grins to Cheka’s toothy smile, and Leona’s disgruntled look, it was all captured in the ghost camera’s film forever.
Yuu walked back to the table, taking this as a good time to start cleaning up. As they stacked the empty plates, they could feel Leona watching them. "What?" They asked, adding a few more cups onto the precarious pile of dishes.
Leona's expression soured, "You're such a goody-two-shoes."
"Hey, I'm trying not to waste food," Yuu brought the pile into their hands. "Besides, I don't see you volunteering to help."
"You're right. I'm not," Then Leona was back to folding his arms. "Just do it quick before the brats get loud again."
Yuu made their way to the Ramshackle kitchen, which...wasn't really much of a kitchen. But hey, at least the stove and fridge worked. They carefully placed the stack into the kitchen sink before going back to pick up any dishes they didn't get. Leona was watching them for a while before he lost interest, looking more like he'd fall asleep in two seconds.
Now it was the fun part: sorting all the leftovers. There were a couple of dishes and a lot of desserts that went untouched. Probably because Leona wasn't much of a sweet tooth, and the kids had filled themselves to the brim with the main dishes and appetizers. After putting them away into plastic containers, Yuu leaned against the counter with a sigh.
The two kids sounded energetic, despite it almost being twelve already, and they could hear them chatter and argue even from all the way over here. And last time they checked, Leona was slumped on the corner of the couch, scrolling through his phone.
Yuu grabbed one of the unopened glass bottles, pouring its contents into a cup. The liquid looked sparkly, almost like someone poured a tube of glitter into it. They gave it a cursory sniff. It smelled like some sort of...fruit juice.
As soon as they took a sip, they deemed that it was some sort of soda, as the liquid fizzed and popped against their tongue. They downed a whole cup of it in no time, the slightly-cold drink feeling nice after their hard work. And hey, who were they to deny some probably-expensive magical sparkly juice that Crowley bought them? Even when...wait, was magical juice supposed to make the temperature of the room rise?
There was a tug on their pants and they looked down to see Cheka standing there, "Ojitan said it's time for bed because it's almost twelve." Yuu fanned at themself before nodding, feeling the heat settling at the base of their throat. When they looked up again, it felt like the room was tilting and they stumbled right into the doorjamb with a grunt.
"Ah?" They felt confused. How come everything felt so floaty and weird all of a sudden? They crouched down, planting themself on the floor to avoid...crashing into anything else.
"Yuu-tan! Are you okay?" Cheka was there in seconds, little hands pressing against their face. "Your face is all hot... Ojitan! There's something wrong with Yuu-tan!! I think they're sick!" Their ears rang as Cheka yelled and they leaned their forehead against their arm.
They could practically hear the growl in Leona's voice as he answered, "What is it, I just got Grim to shut u- why does it stink of alcohol?"
"Al...cohol?" Yuu shot up immediately, stumbling over to the counter.
"Hey, slow down," They felt a warm hand on their shoulder, holding them still. "If you get hurt, 'm not taking responsibility, alright?"
Yuu blinked, trying to get the blurriness away from their eyes as they read the tag stuck on the other bottle:
This is the sparkling fruit liqueur I got for Kingscholar-kun as a treat since he is of age. Make sure not to drink it, Prefect, since it is quite strong~
Your most benevolent headmage,
Dire Crowley
There was a loud gasp from Cheka, "Yuu-tan said a bad word! Ojitan, they're sick...Yuu-tan's sick! " Cheka was now clinging onto their leg, which was doing absolutely nothing to help with their balance. They leaned against the counter before shoving the bottle into Leona's hands.
"I didn't...I didn't mean to-" Yuu pressed a hand to their head, wincing at the headache starting to form. Leona still held firm onto their shoulder, reading the note with disdain.
"Of course, you didn't mean to. No one's mad here, except maybe that birdbrain for sending students alcohol," Leona huffed, before turning towards the teary-eyed Cheka. "Hey, screech box, could you listen to me for a sec?"
"Are you gonna help Yuu-tan?" Cheka asked hopefully, climbing halfway up Leona's leg.
Leona held him in his arms for a second, "I'm gonna help the herbivore. You be a good kid and go upstairs, okay? Grim's waiting in the room, you can watch the rest of the lasers there while I take care of them."
Cheka's ears flattened at the instructions and Yuu felt...bad. They were the reason that Cheka was so distraught in the first place. So they leaned forward, hand reaching to pat the lion cub's head. His ears twitched receptively and he leaned closer to them, wrapping his little arms around their neck.
"Don't worry," They murmured. "I'll be okay."
"Can I get a goodnight kiss then?" Cheka's voice was muffled in their shoulder. "Just in case I fall asleep before you're feeling better." Yuu tilted their head. The request in itself wasn't strange, it was just...the first time that Cheka had asked them.
They found themself nodding, "O~kay." Cheka pulled back and Yuu pressed a light kiss to his forehead. They clumsily brushed at his hair, patting him once more, "Sleep well with Grim. Don't fight, okay?"
"Mmhmm," He scrambled back into Leona's arms. Leona, who was staring right at them.
"What?" Their tongue was starting to grow heavy. "You want one too?"
Leona shoved a hand to their cheek, "No. You sit down, I don't want to hear you crashing into shit while I'm gone, okay?" They hummed in reply, plopping down onto the floor. They gave Cheka a wave as Leona left.
So this was what being drunk felt like. It wasn't...unpleasant, but they did feel a little too floaty. They reached a hand out towards the cupboard only to wince when it collided a little too fast. And maybe it was better to lie down. The flat of the floor felt nice against their back, and maybe if they closed their eyes for just a second, the floaty feeling would go away...
They didn’t know how long it was till they felt someone nudging them. They let their eyes drift open to see Leona, "Up. Now." There was a firm hand under their arms as they scrambled for something to hold. The transition from lying down to upright did nothing to the buzz in their brain.
"Wait, y-you're going too fast," They slurred out, squawking when they bumped right into Leona's chest.
"How low is your alcohol tolerance that you're this hammered?" Leona muttered, going just a little slower.
"I don't've a low tolera~nce," They tugged purposefully at Leona's hair. "I drank a who~le bottle of that sparkly stuff." Leona stared at them like they were crazy. Or was he even looking this way at all?
"You stay on the couch, don't fucking move," Leona commanded, and the softness of the cushioning made them sigh. They wouldn't ever want to move from this. Oh but, it was nice having Leona there to take care of them. They could just imagine the frowny face Leona was making, all while doing his best to accommodate them. Ah, they really, really did like him after all. The thought of it all made them giggle.
There was a press of something cold to their cheek, "What're you giggling for, herbivore? Here, drink this and eat this." They sat up, or attempted to before Leona was dragging them into a sitting position.
"You're not sleeping until you finish all that." They took a sip of the clear stuff, which was water, to their delight. It was cool, trailing down their throat so smoothly.
There were still lights flashing outside, and they turned their gaze towards the lights, "'S not done yet?"
"No," Leona sounded a lot farther than before, sitting all the way at the other end of the couch. "There's still ten minutes till the new year."
Ten minutes.
They looked back at Leona and hoped that they would make it past the ten minutes. Having Leona be the first thing they saw in the New Year...well that made their heart swell. And look, Leona looked so pretty under the darkness. And when the lights hit him, ah, he really was handsome, wasn't he? They swallowed another gulp of water. They belatedly hoped that they wouldn't say anything incriminating. Wait…what were they just talking about?
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[ omake : give me one good honest kiss ]
Leona didn't know if he had the strength to deal with this. After wrangling the two kids, he had to deal with a drunk herbivore? The Great Seven really were not smiling upon him tonight. And he definitely wasn’t letting that damned birdbrain off the hook. He was to blame for all this after all.
"Why're you so far away, anyway?" Leona watched as they leaned against the couch, taking a bite of the bread he gave them. "Blergh, this tastes like ashes."
"I'm not far away," Leona couldn't help but sound irritated, because really, he wasn't far away. He was close enough to reach for the glass in case they lost their grip on it. "And that's just plain bread, stop being dramatic."
The herbivore hummed in response, quietly staring at him again. The usually reserved and cunning Prefect, reduced to the starry-eyed person who offered him a goodnight's kiss.
Leona could feel the heat at the back of his neck as they continued to stare, "What're you staring at?"
"You," There was that damned smile again, the one that was never directed at him. "You're pre~tty. Or- do you prefer hand~some...?" Sevens, how was Leona supposed to last in these conditions?
"C'mon, finish up the water at least," Leona ignored the comment, reaching for the half-eaten bread.
But they moved their hand away, frowning, "Are you rejecting my compliment, Leona Kingscholar? I just called you pretty handsome. Usually, you'd be gloa~ting."
"I'm not going to gloat over a simple compliment," Leona caught their wrist, easing the bread from their grip and setting it on the plate he prepared. "Why are you being so difficult?"
"'M not," They gripped at his hand in return. "You're just being stu~pid." He really could not deal with this right now. He missed their normal self. He really took their normal self for granted, Leona thought sourly.
Leona glanced at his phone, "Okay, there's five minutes till New Year's. You're going to sleep in five minutes, alright?"
Yuu's frown deepened, "But I wanna stay here with you." And if that didn't make Leona's heart melt, he wouldn't know what did.
"You're here now," Leona ambled closer after figuring out they weren't letting go of his hand any time soon. "I'll take you upstairs after the New Year. Here, I'll turn on the radio so you know I'm not tricking you."
That seemed to satisfy them as they leaned back on the couch, eyes trained on the fanfare outside. The radio played in the background, the announcer talking aimlessly to fill in the time. Nothing could've prepared him for the question they would ask next.
"Have you ever had a New Year's kiss?"
Leona's mouth felt dry as he spoke next, "A...what?"
"New Year's ki~ss," They repeated, laughing lightly. "Don't tell me they don't have those here?"
"They...don’t," Leona lied easily, and he didn't have an answer as to why he did. Ah, but if they did offer to kiss him, he should refuse. He would refuse. That was the only way to keep their relationship as it was, right?
"Really? So you've ne~ver kissed someone at New Year's before?" They were fully facing him now.
"No." Now that one was a truth.
The tradition existed here, but it was something special to be done between two who loved each other very much. A lot of the times they were married or engaged couples, or people who were...dating. And Leona wasn't interested in anyone that way. Or that was until the recent months.
"How many minutes?"
And Leona swallowed as the radio answered for him with a cheery, "We have a minute left, folks! Get ready with your party poppers!"
There was a hand on his shoulder and he fought not to flinch as they closed the distance. "No," Leona said in what he hoped was a stern tone. "I'm not kissing you."
They laughed again, face dangerously close this time, "You're so boring. C'mon~ It's my first New Years here~"
He pressed a hand over their mouth, hoping to deter them, "You're drunk."
"And you're Leona Kingscholar," They still managed to lean forward just a bit more. "Stop stating the obvious."
"You don't even like me," He shot out, not caring for the answer. He just pleaded that they would give up. The countdown started in the background, his own heartbeat mixing with the sound of numbers.
"I do like you," Their eyes curved, and he could feel them smile against his palm. "'S why we’re here together, right?"
"-wo! One! Happy New Year!"
There was a press of something soft against his palm before they flopped onto his stomach, "Still kissed you… Happy New...Year's..."
Leona didn't know how long he was frozen in place. All that he knew was that it was long enough for the post-New Year light show to finish and that by the time he finally moved, the herbivore was fast asleep.
He closed his palm, nursing the ghost of warmth left there. His first New Year's kiss. It wasn't, by all means, traditional. But it counted to Leona. He let out a low laugh, because of course it would be Yuu to steal his first New Year's kiss away from him. He watched the slow rise and fall of their shoulders as they were blissfully unaware of the turmoil that they caused.
"If you're gonna kiss me, do it properly next time," Leona's hand stroked their hair cautiously. "Specifically when you aren't drunk."
Now he knew for certain. He knew here was no denying how simply and utterly in love he was with them. It was so dumb of him to think that he could just ignore it all. How was he supposed to ignore them when he was the one who made a contract where they would have to be with him for weeks on end? That was an oversight on his part, but it wasn’t like he could’ve predicted that he would’ve fallen this hard. The evidence being how he still couldn’t make his heart calm down even after the moment had passed so long ago.
He sighed as he pulled out his magic pen, casting a spell to make them float. He couldn’t trust his knees to hold their weight after what he was just subjected to. Still, he held them close as he made his way up the stairs. The steady thud-thud-thud of their heartbeat helped him to finally calm down.
Finally, the cramped bed that they usually slept on came into view. The two kids were predictably cuddled up to each other under the blankets. It was a surprise that Grim didn’t kick Cheka out. Then again, when did he start caring about things like that?
He gently placed them on the bed, his ears flattening as the bed squeaked. He made sure to tuck them in nicely. As he finished, they instinctively held on to his arm, mumbling incoherently as they drifted back asleep. Leona ever so carefully removed his arm, replacing it with the tangled mess of Grim and Cheka.
There was no way he would be able to lie down on the bed, so he grabbed a spare pillow before dragging himself back downstaira. The couch was surprisingly soft, and in no time, Leona felt himself drifting to sleep. And if he dreamed of them in his sleep, of New Year’s kisses and promises and memories to be made… That was something that he would keep a secret, even if the dream would slowly slip through his fingers by the time he would wake.
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will leona ever get that kiss ? who knows ! (it's me. i know. but will i tell you ? ....no-) but i do hope you enjoyed this chapter >:DD if you'd like to see more of my works, check out my masterlist (i've been churning out leona fics n drabbles bc of leona rot lately so :')) have fun with that :')) )
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