#ice scream sunosan
2a8n · 11 months
Shirogane's dream
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I wanted to speculate a bit about Shirogane's dream shown to us in the Ice Scream Original (Round 2), since some of the moments shown will either be redone in the Ice Scream Remake or confirmed in it. And according to the old tradition, I write in advance: "Sorry for the quality", because some screenshots might not turn out in the best quality, but I tried to make them at least better than my previous such screenshots. Well, let's get started!
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It all starts with showing the ceiling in one of the rooms of the Ice Cavern and our depressive wolf lying on the bench there. Personally, I would be very scared to be there simply because I would be constantly afraid of one of the icicles falling from the ceiling on me. At the same time, Shirogane can easily be in this pleace, and even more so lie and sleep on the bench there. The other one who was there was a bunny, and that's to arrange a GAME OVER player on the screen.
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Next, we are shown the dream itself. It starts all this confusion Suno-san jumping into the middle of the white space like a bunny. At the same time, in Round 3 we will be shown that he can teleport, and also when showing his moving game sprite, we can see a movement that looks more like crawling, but not like a jump. I don't know if this snowman is really capable of moving in as many as 3 distinct ways, or if Suno-san's jumping in this dream is just Shiro's own fantasy.
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Note that in Shirogane's dream, squid tentacles appear, a flower dancing at night in the Peraco house, bunnies, and Nekoyama. This tells us that Shiro saw/met all of these things/characters, which is confirmed by the following: 1) In the Remake, Shirogane lies on the snow and sees a Squid, whose tentacles stick out of the water surface; 2) A similar flower stands next to the television in Peraco's house, but it differs from the flower shown in the dream in the absence of a leaf and a thinner stem; 3) There is no need to talk much about bunnies - they can often be seen on Iceberg Isle (as well as Rock running from anger, probably…); 4) And finally, Nekoyama - our cameo from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. He can be found in Round 2 delivering cigarettes to Orca. As a result, it can be assumed that the rest of what is shown is also familiar to Shirogane. And this makes me wary:
if our wolf could see a simple fish in the same fishing buckets of Rock, then to consider the moon-fish or those white squids, he would have to dive straight into the water, most likely;
Tori-san can be either a simple easter egg (remember Tori-san's toy in Rocma's house), or a frozen Tori-san that Shirogane once saw;
has Shiro met the Mogekoels? I hope they didn't try to hit him with their arrows while doing so…
the head of a huge white "something" with an outstretched tongue raises many questions in me. Is there a possibility that this is the head of a huge turtle, on which a huge glacier has frozen and, thus, having formed Iceberg Isle, it swims in the northern latitudes, preventing the isle from melting and the inhabitants on its back from dying?
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It doesn't surprise me that the phrase "Bad doggy" and Suno-san appear here. I'm more surprise why he uses the parachute of Mogekov Hashasky and… bees on a background.
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If there are good Japanese translators with good eyesight, please translate the symbols on the background. I will be very grateful for this. ( v _ v )
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Here you can see Peraco's name-calling towards Shiro. I don't know what else to add here.
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What did I ever even do? It is this question that our wolf asks when once again the hot-tempered penguin, familiar to all of us, takes out his frustration or anger on him.
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Fall - it is unclear only, emotional and/or physical.
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Shirogane managed to be a wolf, and a dog, and a bunny, and even a caterpillar in his and others' fantasies. It remains only him managed to be happy in real and then his life was a success! =D
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It is noteworthy that the snowman appears here only on the red background. Neither he nor Shiro can be seen on the black background. Because of this, I get the impression (or maybe it's an attempt to convey the impression of the wolf himself) that the talking pissed snow is stalking him and/or watching him quite often…
That's it for now. Yeah, there are some monologues to Shirogane that were later moved to Watch 1 of the Remake, but I want to give them time in a separate post. I will also pin here a video with this very dream from the official DSP channel and a walkthrough of one of the youtubers with this very fragment of the dream game (9:36 - 10:33) in case you yourself want to disassemble it. Until then, see you soon! ;)
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imagineicescreamers · 7 months
Imagine if Shirogane just snap out of his sh!t and starts beating up violently his bullies as a form of revenge against everything they had done with him! (*ahem* Idate and Sunosan)
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ungojirasapiente · 11 months
The other Ice Scream's names
as a follow-up to my previous Ice Scream post, i come with a brief analysis of the rest of the cast's names:
-Rock (ロック), Peraco's (ぺラコ), and Gris'(グリス) names are written in katakana, since their names are derived from non-japanese words, Rock comes from his species, Rockhopper Penguin, same with Peraco, Emperor Penguin, and Gris is curious, since his name apparently comes from spanish, meaning gray, but it could also be a corruption of the english word "grease", since both would be written the same way in katakana.
-Rocma's (ロクマ) name is also written in katakana, since her name is merely a slight alteration of the japanese word of Polar Bear, shirokuma (シロクマ).
-both owl brother's names, Yukisada (雪定) and Yukiyoshi (雪吉) are written in kanji, and they translate to "constant snow" and "auspicious snow" respectively.
-Mafuyu's (マフユ) name is also in katakana, meaning "dead of winter", kinda ominous for such an adorable character.
-Nagi's (なぎ) name means "mowing down a foe" (probably Rocma), interestingly enough, it isn't written in kanji nor katakana, but hiragana, fitting for a young character (weirdly enough, despite probably being younger than Nagi, Mafuyu's name isn't written in the same way.
-and finally, nobody's favourite, Sunosan's (須野さん) name is written in kanji, but ends in hiragana for the "san" part, which makes sense since it's an honorific, basically translating to Mr/Mrs, while the "Suno" part, well... i couldn't really find any info or accurate translation, sorry...
so yeah, that's the post basically, all was sourced from the Okegom Wiki (https://okegom.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page) shoutouts to them.
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djmet · 3 years
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SUNOSAN: Would you slap your best friend in the face for two million dollars?
ROCMA [LOOKING AT PERACO]: Yes and I'd give her half.
PERACO: Yeah, same.
ROCK: I'd roundhouse kick Idate in the face for a couple hundred bucks.
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noree-ewe · 5 years
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meenieweenie · 5 years
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I didn’t really wanted to draw Sunosan cuz hes just a simple smug snowman but I really wanted to finish the Ice Scream cast of Okegom. BUT HERE WE GO! SMUG SNOWMAN
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goldenabysses · 6 years
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I drew this trash of a snowman as a person and i hate myself for it.
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pau-san · 3 years
3, 6, 16, 17, 31
3. Favorite design
I don't focus that much in designs honestly. Any design that's not really simple (like a classic school uniform) it's my favorite. But the designs from the drawing streams are really charming and colorful, I really like them, specially Malon and Plum.
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And Wadda's outfits in the Normal Endings. Witch's/Sailor's clothes in general are pretty to me.
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6. Favorite TGG character
I think it's a tie, but I like Pervy McShades a little more.
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Etihw is my everyday mood & she's super cute. And I've been thinking about her backstory recently.
Emalf is a funny dumbass you just can't hate. At least I can't, even after that 1st bad ending or the stabbing Froze thing... He'd be a good bro.
And I heavily ship him with Adauchi
16. Least Favorite Ice Scream character
Not a big fan of the Ice Scream cast, they're all so rude to poor Shirogane. The only good ones are Yuki, Mafuyu and Peraco when she gets worried for Shiro.
Idate has a pass because... He's Idate. Rocma... She's pretty. But... Rock...
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Idk, he's just the classic "drink, smoke, fuck you". Like Husker from Hazbin Hotel, except that he has a story and is actually a tsundere.
Rock for what we know is no kindness to anyone, no reason to be like that. Not for now at least. Maybe in later Watches I'll change my mind.
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But Sunosan too. Can't he be a nice goofy character? No, he has to be a bitch. At least I hope he has an attractive human form-
(Says as if all human forms weren't attractive)
17. Least Favorite Poison Bugs character
With only one episode and 5 characters it's hard to tell which one I like and which one I don't like much. But for now, I guess...
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Can you tell I don't like "I hate everyone I'm so rude" characters. But he gives me the vibe of the "though boy outsise, soft boy inside", so again, in the future, my opinion may change.
31. Did you download her shimejis?
Nope! I only found out about them like a month ago. But I will download them!
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askfemshirogane · 7 years
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I think this is everyone...
((Click for captions for some extra tidbits!!))
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tinyetoile · 5 years
Do you have any funamusea ships? (from gray garden to ice scream)
The short answer is that I’m a multishipper and I’m pretty cool with almost every ship
The long answer, well,
Gray Garden:
Ivlis x Rieta (I love them)Ivlis x Yosafire (I have a whole AU where Yosafire falls down a leftover portal into the flame world and ends up becoming friends with Ivlis)Emalf x Audauchi (because how can I not?)Emalf x Poemi (I’m a big sucker for precocious crushes)Emalf x Yosafire (I made a fankid for them)Lost x Ciel (I love ancestors. I love ancestor ships. I love them.)
Huh, looks like I had less GG ships than I thought... Onto the next one!
Sal x Wada (The ship that got me into this fandom)Samekichi x Wada (Also cute)Fukami x Wada (Wada has a lot of husbands in my book...)Fukami x Sal (Red sea ftw)Fukami x Dolphi (Remember what I said about precocious crushes?)Memoca x DolphiSal x Dolphi (I don’t know where this ship came from, but I do know I like it!)Old x Tatsumiya (I LOVE THEM)Lobco x Aom (The only healthy Lobco ship)
Ice Scream:
Shirogane x Everyone Except Sunosan And Mafuyu (Shirogane is the town bicycle to me. Everyone gets a ship. Genders may vary)Rock x Peraco (Precocious. Crushes.)Rock x Yukisada (Rock crushing on an oblivious Yuki is good shit)
And finally, the OTP to end all OTPs...
Prosciutto Fairy x The Very Hungry Grotesque Mogeko
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2a8n · 11 months
Addition to "Mini Wolf"
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Something caught my eyes about the design of that unnamed character on the right art. At first I couldn't formulate what it was, but then I saw Shiroma's snow witch character's portrait and it dawned on me: their jackets(?) are the same, in terms of the basic model of clothing in general. And the color of their skin, hair and eyes are also the same (all white).
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Then I saw a merch on OkegomWiki with this snow witch and Christmas tree. And I remembered that the DSP's artwork I showed earlier with Samekichi and Wadda for the New Year's greeting also had a Christmas tree painted on it. These trees were not seen on Iceberg Isle, which is located in the North, which is one of the reasons for assuming that our loving couple is not on Iceberg Isle. But in this case, can we still assume that the place with the Christmas tree is not on the North Pole, but on the South Pole?
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Next we have the snowmens: note that in Shiroma's portrait the snowman has a gray bow tie, the same color as the fur on the sleeves of the witch's jacket(?), and a bucket hat, so to speak, of dark brown colors, the same color as the witch's mittens. Then notice the snowman that Wadda is holding - he already has the scarf, but the bucket hat remains. The color is also different when compared to the snowman in Shiroma's hands. Next we have Suno-san: a snowman that differs from the previous snowmens not only in the color of his scarf and hat, but also in his size (we can safely assume that he is taller than Rock in animal form, whose height is 70 cm). Moreover, his blue-colored outfit is clearly similar to the scarf and hat of the previously mentioned unnamed character (while the drawing of this character itself is made mostly in blue and white colors).
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And what conclusions can we come to in the end? Well, my reasoning has personally led me to the following: 1) In addition to the existence of a family of Sea Witches (Meikai, Wadda herself, and Minami), it's quite likely that a family of Snow Witches could also reside in the world of Wadanohara and Ice Scream. At the very least, some similarities between Shiroma and that unnamed character might lead us to think that they are related (perhaps sisters?); 2) Maybe their world has North and South poles, and as such, Shiroma might answer/reside at the South Pole and that unamed character at the North Pole. But since both polar bear and penguins live on Iceberg Isle (they usually live on different poles), we can assume that the author "united" the North and South poles and there is only the cold North, or that the inhabitants of the South and North poles are in contact with each other and are able to move from one cold place to another (remember Aom, the giant river shrimp, that originally was not a resident of the Sea Kingdom, but moved there); 3) Based on the idea that that character and Shiroma are related, then it is also worth noting that their "family feature" is most likely that they have companion snowmen (and they should all have bucket hats ). By Shiroma's is a snowman with a bow tie. By the currently unnamed character has Suno-san (he may not be unique in this regard, but for now I will stick to the assumption that he is "one of a kind", as is the case with the rest of the snowmens). But at the same time, we also have the 3rd snowman, which was shown along with Wadda. Does it mean that there is also a 3rd snow witch or DSP decided to redesign Shiroma's snowmen - it's not clear…
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And as a BONUS: the title logo has an emblem with a snowman. At the same time, Shiroma has the same emblem with a snowman on her scarf. The only difference is that the bucket hat hat on the emblem of the snow witch is depicted to our left, and on the logo - to our right. However, we most likely see the emblem on the inside of the scarf, so on the other side of the scarf it will look exactly like the snowman emblem on the Ice Scream logo. :)
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imagineicescreamers · 5 years
Imagine how everyone looked like as kids
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hackurei · 7 years
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Sunosan - Reprise.
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djmet · 3 years
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SUNOSAN: Don't let Rocma fool you, she's not scary. She used to do ballet.
IDATE: No way.
ROCMA: Which gave me the physical skills I need to strangle you with my feet.
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