thechanbaeklibrary · 3 years
Hello!! Are there new fics with disabled characters?? It could be happy ending or unhappy ending... I'm ready 🙂🙂
Angel of Mine 
Write On Me
I don't need to hear you say you love me.
Marshmallow Love
Tender love
Gestures Mean More Than Words
enjoy! -admin jackie
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kaisooficrec · 4 years
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Hello there, fellow KaiSooists. I have never had as much concentrated written fun as when I was reading these fics. I really love intense violence/crime AUs and I had to leave out so many spy and hitman and military fics for the sake of sticking to mafia. SO I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY LIKE I DEFINETELY DID.
Mafia Boss - kyungsoo is the mafia mob leader / vampire and has his secretary jongin by his side. he has to protect jongin since they got an unexpected news from him (mpreg)
Mad Love - mafia au, jongin is kinda soo's trophy wife ;) lots of sexual tension, nini in stockings n purple cropped sweater uwu 
Bluff - ot12, unfinished but chaptered. My all-time full EXO favourite. In a mafia based on playing cards system, Kai is a Heart and Kyungsoo the “leader” of Spades. Jongin betrays his group to join Kyung. Tao-centric but godDAMMIT THIS AUTHOR PREDICTED LOVE SHOT AND LEFT US ALL HANGING. I adore this, I really do.
Not Good People - Kyungsoo only wanted to prove his independence to himself and to his mafia boss of a brother, but he wasn't going to complain  when he got unexpected sex ed from a hot gang leader.
Ascending Rain - Yakuza!AU, psychological, angst(?), mystery, smut. You know what's hot? Japanese mafia heir tatted up Jongin and pristine looking genius sociopath Kyungsoo. You know what's even hotter? Both of them being in the darkest love-hate relationship in between murders and mind games. So much plot, so many details, great OCs, and occasional first person chapters. Awesome read, too bad it's unfinished.
spring snow - Character death, multiple ships. This is practically the modern shorter version of 48 Hours.Yixing helps Jongin find the man he left behind and watches a mafia slowly die out. It's heartbreakingly good.
Running Up That Hill - Recced before, but I can’t not mention this legend. A chaptered masterpiece with suspenseful angst, awesome smut, intricate detailed plot, ot12 characters, side XiuHan, top!soo and violence. No matter what I do there is no way I can express how unbelievably addicting this fic is. Just read it, it should be a fandom classic by now. 
Cypher - OT12, ongoing.
smoke - Oneshot. Kyungsoo as the heir to a security firm discovers that his dad is caught in mafia business. Later, as a president, he is faced with the same pressure from Kim Kai, the heavy smoker mob leader himself..
safe like springtime - only two chapters so far, with Jongin being bratty son-of-a-mobster teenager!Kyungsoo’s confused bodyguard.
4x4 (and away we go) - Twoshot, smut, tw. The Kim family is indepted to the famous stoic mafia leader, Do Kyungsoo, and Jongin finds himself obliged to pay back.  Uhm, unsettling
Subterfuge - Oneshot, smoking. Kyungsoo’s a mafia leader, and Jongin a heavy smoker barman. Again, a subtle piece that leaves you wanting more. (a.k.a I’m really whipped for kaisoo and mafia!au)
bang and burn - Incomplete, 4 chapters, pretty heavy drug use, smut and very mild angst. Jongin doesn’t understand what his retired sniper ex did to be worth a million dollars, but dead. He also didn’t understand how in ten years, his pancakes and skin are just as delicious. Indigo’s (a.k.a my favourite active author) freaky shot at assassins. Pretty damn awesome. 
in their blood and from the gutter - Oneshot, angst, smut, side BaekXing and murders. Kyungsoo is an associate of the biggest mafia ruling the city. He’s constantly in danger but one assignment officially makes him a dead man. An intense great read ; I’m not a fan of open endings but holy damn, I loved it.
and your sexy enemies closer - SeKaiSoo, based on the Love Shot MV, with bits of crack and uhm, a weird fingering scene. It was pretty good and unsettling because my first KaiSoo+someone fic.
I really don’t wanna let this rec go, but here, the latest pure mafia!AU rec. You can also (re)check other awesome fics here for extra action. And, well, long live KaiSoo, with lots of guns and rainbows.
- Admin Cookie
@icequeenpalace​ (Hey lovely reader! I am so so sorry for deleting your ask. I didn’t notice and our hero admin J in here told me about it. I hope you still know that it is for you too that this list has been formed and that I am sorry for the accident. PLEASE ENJOY ANYWAY AND FORGIVE A SMITTEN SOUL.)
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soofection · 6 years
Besides soos lips, what other part ji loves to kiss :3
plumbum, heart and soul
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thechanbaeklibrary · 3 years
Hello, I hope all of you are doing well~~ can you recommend mythological fics, where they are like deities, Olympians or things like that~~^&^ thank you so much!!
Scars of Time
In the Light of the Sun
Flames and darkness: a Valentine's surprise
Between love and war
The Sun and the Moon
-admin jackie
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thechanbaeklibrary · 3 years
Helloooo .... I hope you're doing well. I want to read fics where one of them is blind or mute?? I don't know if it's ok ..🤗🤗 Thank you for everything.. take care 🍒
hi, please check out this + our disability tag!
-admin jackie
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thechanbaeklibrary · 4 years
Domestic!???? 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Thanks for the work you do ❤️❤️❤️🎄
hi, check out our domestic tag + these:
Lights, Camera, Action (to your heart)
To live & learn
Run Away
From this day on (now and forever more)
Good Morning, Sunshine
Burnt Tongue and Cold Lips
A little too much of a drink
All the Little Lights
Loneliness finds red
Day after day.
check authors tags before reading, enjoy! -admin jackie
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thechanbaeklibrary · 3 years
Summary: It was foretold that Chanyeol is going to marry a starchild, but it seems like Baekhyun is just not the right one for him. Author: baeconandeggs, hyunchanee_exo Side Pairing: kaisoo, mention of hunhan Lenght: Oneshot.  Status: Completed Genre: Angst, Romance, Smut, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Royals, Arranged Marriage, Implied Mpreg, Rough Sex, Drama, Minor Character Death. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: a rollercoaster of emotions, pay attention to chanyeol hands.
Submitted by: icequeenpalace Why You Submitted: for me it’s a great fic because it has a little bit of everything. chanyeol plays the violin!!!
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kaisooficrec · 4 years
Fic search n.2 🔎
This is another list of fics that our readers are looking for in one post! In case it’s found, we’ll link the fic as well as credit the kind-hearted soul who found it 🥰 the post will be updated and reblogged regularly and we hope that that way we’ll be able to find as many fics as we can with your help ~ you can find the older ones under #fic search tag (here)
Aghzuu: where ksoo is getting abusive with jg and betrays him with workmate in their own house.When jg discovers them ksoo hits him.Jg goes to friend taemin, leaves ksoo,starts work at shop,meets Sehun. Then ksoo appears at shop with his gf,shocked to see jg so lively. At the end they somehow make up. Do you know link to that fic, is that still online?
Our Time is Running Out by dyominateyou (thank you @icequeenpalace!)
@somuchloveohmy: hi! I read this kaisoo fic two years ago where kaisoo are best friends in high school but Kai has a crush on Krystal while kyungsoo has a crush on Kai. When Kai finds out he says some homophobic things to kyungsoo :( also kyungsoo is friends with Krystal. I really want to read this again 🥺 
come back baby please (cause we belong together) by Avelys or All is Said and Done by drawingstrings
mina: hello! i am (desperately) looking for a kaisoo fic i read years ago. the only thing i remember about this fic is that it was supernatural, that kyungsoo died at the fic which left jongin devastated. at the end) and that lead him to destroy everything around him because of how painful everything was and how sad he was. i know finding it will be super hard as i don’t have a lot of information but i thought i could still ask! thank you so much :)
Grease: Okay, this is going to be vague and I apologize lol: I’m looking for a fic where I think kyungsoo has a job in some estate where Kai lives with many of the other members. I think it has angst?
And the Rose Said to Me (thank you @katitajaz92)
Maria: Hi! I'm looking for a fic wherein Jongin and Kyungsoo went on a trip (somewhere in Switzerland) Jongin is inlove with Kyungsoo. They ended up making love next to a scenic lake.
is it Self Discovery? by AlbinoPeacock
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