#ichabbie holidays
chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
New Fics: 11/1/22 - 1/21/23
11/1/22: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Chexton Fic: I Have You 11/2/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upzek Fic: Reasons Why Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: Thinking of You Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upstead Fic: Let It Go Fandom: NCIs Pairing: Jemmy Fic: Miscommunication Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Rollisi Fic: Worthy of You Fandom: New Amsterdam Pairing: Sharpwin Fic: Already Home 11/3/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: None Fic: You're Not Alone Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: My Home Is With You 11/4/22: Fandom: The Magicians (TV) Pairing: Queliot Fic: Into The Unknown Fandom: Sleepy Hollow (TV) Pairing: Ichabbie Fic: Perfect Fandom: New Amsterdam Pairing: Sharpwin Fic: Can't Remember Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upstead Fic: Here to Stay 11/5/22: Fandom: Arrow Pairing: Olicity Fic: In the Silence Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Chexton Fic: For the First Time 11/6/22: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Manstead Fic: Days Like This Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Rollisi Fic: All of It 11/10/22: Fandom: Riverdale Pairing: Bughead Fic: Nothing I Can See But You Fandom: Arrow Pairing: Throy Fic: Not the Only One 11/11/22: Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Jemmy Fic: Making Up For Lost Time 11/12/22: Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie Fic: Later Fandom: Glee Pairing: None Fic: Better Than Sex 11/13/22: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Chexton Fic: Official 12/8/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Linstead Fic: A Little Holiday Spirit 12/9/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: none Fic: Mending the Heart Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upstead Fic: A New Chapter 12/10/22: Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: Trying My Best Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: None Fic: Old Friends Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Upzek Fic: Running 12/13/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: None Fic: Meaningful Fandom: NCIS: Los Angeles Pairing: Langer Fic: Running Out of Time 12/15/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Burzek Fic: Silent Night 12/18/22: Fandom: Chicago PD/Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Carindsay Fic: The Road Less Travelled 12/19/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: None Fic: Everything I Want Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Burstead Fic: I Just Wanna Be Yours 12/24/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Dawsess Fic: It's You Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Dasay Fic: You're What's Keeping Me Safe 12/27/22: Fandom: Chicago PD Pairing: Linstead Fic: Being There 12/28/22: Fandom: New Amsterdam Pairing: Sharpwin Fic: You Changed Me 12/29/22: Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Bensler Fic: According to Plan 12/30/22: Fandom: Chicago Fire Pairing: Brettsey Fic: The Right Thing 12/31/22: Fandom: Chicago Med Pairing: Manstead Fic: What Comes Next? 1/1/23: Fandom: One Tree Hill Pairing: Brathan Fic: As It Should Be Fandom: Law & Order: SVU Pairing: Rollisi Fic: Following My Heart 1-2-23: Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: Definitely A Thing 1/3/23: Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: There You Are Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: Not Easy to Love 01-04-23: Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: Everything Changes Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: You Calm Me Fandom: NCIS: LA Pairing: Densi Fic: Wasn't Supposed to Fall
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morewinepod · 2 years
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Happy Wine Wednesday! While shows are on holiday hiatus, we’re covering new properties you should check out.
In the last episode, Solomon Missouri I talked about why you shouldn’t miss out on one of 2022’s best shows - #TheBearFX.
We’re shifting gears this week & revisiting a past show we have a much more complicated relationship with - Fox’s #SleepyHollow.
@stickykeys633 and Tamara join me this week to revisit #SleepyHollow - a show that got off to a spectacular start and then made a series of baffling choices that completely alienated its loyal fan base. Grab your wine and join us for a long overdue reckoning!
In Part 1, we discuss the pilot episode and the off the charts chemistry between Nicole Beharie and Tom Mison. We really could’ve had it all with #Ichabbie!
In Part 2, we pull no punches as we talk about all of the crimes the #SleepyHollow writers must answer for and of course we demand #justiceforabbiemills and Nicole Beharie.
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Ichabbie Vignettes
TITLE: Firsts (But Not Last) - Part 1: Mistletoe
A/N: This is the first in a series of vignettes that feature Ichabbie firsts (but not lasts, obviously). Also on AO3.
The first time he kissed her under the mistletoe came as a startling surprise. Ichabod and Abbie stood in the doorway waving goodbye to Jenny and Joe as they drove away after their night of Christmas fun—baking sugar cookies, watching a movie, and sipping on wine. They moved back into the house together, their hands joined, and Ichabod closed the door, locking the cold night air outside. Abbie moved towards the kitchen, but he tugged her back towards him, and she gasped an “oh!” as she ended up in his arms. She wondered at the smirk on his face until he rolled his eyes up, pointing to something above them. As she looked up to find a sprig of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, Ichabod swooped in, his lips settling warmly against her throat. “Mmm,” she hummed low as he kissed his way up the side of her neck. Quick pecks along her jaw, and then he kissed her fully.
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darlablovesichabbie · 7 years
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#Ichabbie just wants to wish you guys a Merry Christmas. 
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youwerenevermine · 7 years
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Ichabbie | “New Year’s Eve Celebration” Moodboard
Happy New Year Everyone! 
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like-bunnies · 7 years
Winter Dreams Pt. II ‘Pudding’ -- an Ichabbie Holidays AU Fic
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Abbie Mills is closing up her bakery on Christmas Eve when a stranger comes in desperately looking for something. What will the two of them manage to find together? 
An Ichabbie AU that can be read as the next part of Winter Dreams or can be all on its own. One of these years, I will get a Christmas story done by Christmas. Oh, who am I kidding? And this is like Hallmark Channel Christmas Movie silly fluff. But with a little smut added in. And AUs really aren’t something I’m very good at but I’m trying! 
Abbie was ready for the holidays to be over. It had been exceptionally busy in her quaint bakeshop and there was an endless stream of people picking up their orders for Christmas Eve. Her sister, Jenny, was helping by getting all the internet orders shipped on time and even Jenny’s boyfriend, Joe, pitched in early mornings before his shift at the ER.
Still, she was glad that they would be closing soon and tomorrow was Christmas so she could sleep in for the first time in a very long time. The last customer had shuffled out with their goodies and Jenny was about to turn the sign on the door over to “Closed” when a tall, bearded man came rushing in from the snow.
“There’s not much left,” Jenny said as he rushed by her and to the counter, looking pleadingly at Abbie.
“I desperately need a Christmas pudding,” he said and Abbie’s ears perked up at both his accent and his weird request.
“I… sorry… a what?” Abbie stammered, still staring at him as he shook the snowflakes out of his hair. It was longer than she normally liked on guys but thankfully not long enough to pull it into a man bun. She had seen enough of those with the college in the next town. This man’s hair had the cutest curls near his neck and… he did have a lovely neck. And face. And eyes. What was it he wanted again?
“A Christmas pudding. I have tried and tried to get one right and they have all failed. I’m hosting the history department’s ‘holiday away from home’ dinner tomorrow for all my colleagues who are, well, away from home, and I promised there would be a pudding,” the man said, his hands flying around expressively as he spoke.
“I don’t have any puddings. I do have some pies left. Oh, here… these are also good,” Abbie said, offering him something from a bag.
“I can’t serve my guests something from a bag,” he said as he reached in and popped one in his mouth. “Oh, these are good.”
“Listen… Doctor… what’s your name?” Abbie asked.
“How did you know I’m a doctor?” he asked, licking the cinnamon sugar off of his fingertips.
“History department. Colleagues. Away from home so I’m guessing you’re at the university as a teacher? It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to work that one out,”Abbie said as he grabbed another donut hole and shoved it in his mouth.
“Besides, she used to be a police officer. Was going to be a detective one day had she not been injured,” Jenny said as she continued to clean up the small store, wiping down the few tables they had so customers could enjoy their pastry in the morning. The front door was now locked, the keys dangling from the lock so they’d be able to let this last minute customer out when he was ready to go.
“Ah. I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure that was a great loss to the local police force, And it’s Crane. Doctor Crane. Or professor if you like. I’m actually here to teach about the American Revolution from the British perspective and to work on my book,” Crane said.
“Isn’t the British perspective that we kicked your ass?” Jenny asked. Abbie rolled her eyes at her sister but Jenny always liked a good argument.
“Only because you had the French,” he said, pointing a finger in Jenny’s direction.
“You had the Hessians. You had the best navy in the world at the time. You had an organized army with excellent leadership and still you lost,” Jenny continued on in a sing-song fashion.
“I see you’ve taken my class,” he said with a slight, wry smile.
“Jenny, could you go in back and make sure I didn’t forget anyone’s order? I can drop anything off on the way home. Now, Doctor Crane, would you like a pie or what?” Abbie interrupted, hoping to end this thing between the professor and her sister. Jenny went off to the back, whistling Yankee Doodle. “I apologize for my sister.”
“No, she does have a point, which is actually why I’m at the university here. I am researching how the Americans did overcome the odds and win. This region is filled with so much history and I’m enjoying all of it immensely. I just can’t find a bakery that has a Christmas pudding!” he said.
Abbie bit her lip and thought for a minute. If he wasn’t so cute, she would have sent him back out into the snow a long time ago but there he was in that pretty navy coat that made his blue eyes even more blue and she felt for him. Felt a lot of things for him, actually. It had to be the accent.
Jenny called out from the back that there was nothing there and she was going to go make a quick trip to the grocery store before the market closed early. Abbie mumbled that she would see her later for Christmas Eve dinner and listened as Jenny locked the back door. Both doors were now locked and she was all alone with Doctor Crane.
“What’s your first name?” she asked. “I’m Abbie, by the way.”
“I guessed that one,” he said, arching an eyebrow up at her. She looked at him puzzled until she remembered she had her name on the front of the bakery. On her apron. On her shirt. On her name tag. She never in her life thought she’d own a bakery. She wasn’t even that great at it at first but she learned and came to love the whole thing, accepting help wherever it came from.
“Yes… Abbie Mills. Formerly Lieutenant Abbie Mills. Now baker Mills. Who knows what’s next. Maybe candlestick maker,” she said, laughing nervously. He had put his hands on the counter and was leaning in her direction.
“Oh, Lieutenant. I like the sound of that,” he said, the timbre of his voice dropping even lower. “And my name is Ichabod.”
She couldn’t help herself. She let out something more than a nervous chuckle this time.
“You can call me Crane if you’d prefer,” he said. “Ichabod was an old family name. I had some relative who came to America centuries ago with the same name. I should look up where he’s buried whilst I’m here.”
They seemed to be getting further and further away from the topic of baked goods. Abbie closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to focus. When she opened her eyes, he was still staring at her.
“Okay, Crane. How about we look up your pudding on the internet and see what we can do,” Abbie said. He looked incredibly relieved to have help. She, on the other hand, was wondering what the hell she was getting herself into.
“Well, I think we’re pretty much screwed when it comes to a Christmas pudding,” Abbie said as she scrolled through recipe after recipe. “You needed to start two weeks ago at the very least for something authentic.”
“I see that now,” Crane said as he stared over her shoulder. They were both in her tiny office near the back of the store, staring at her monitor. She normally just handled orders and inventory in here but there was a handful of personal photos around. She couldn’t help but notice him look at a few of them, especially the one of her and some of her former police colleagues. Many had died in that raid a couple of years ago. She was thankful she had lived. She missed Andy and Luke a lot but there was no changing the past.
“This one says you need to start it at the end of November,” Abbie said, trying to draw his attention back to the matter at hand.
“Surely there must be a recipe somewhere for bumbling professors who forget to do this ahead of time and can’t even figure out how to work their oven?” he asked. He placed his hand over hers on the mouse, moving the cursor so he could click back and try a different search on Google. He leaned over her and typed in instant Christmas pudding.
“How do you plan on hosting an entire dinner if you can’t work the oven?” Abbie asked, turning in her seat to look at him.
“Frozen lasagna in a pan?” he said with a laugh. Her eyes opened in shock. “I’m teasing, Lieutenant. I can work the oven. I’m an excellent cook. I just can’t get the hang of this damnable pudding. Sadly, baking is my downfall.”
She looked back at one of the recipes he had found. It was much faster than the ones they had been looking at and she did have most of the ingredients for it. She might need to make a quick trip to the market or call Jenny while she was still there. She hit print, wiggled out from under his arms, grabbed the copy of the recipe and went into her bakery with him following behind.
“I’ll make a deal with you, Doctor Crane. I will make this and bring it to you tomorrow if I can taste just how good of a cook you really are,” Abbie said. She felt her cheeks grow warmer as she realized she just invited herself to this man’s Christmas dinner. Jenny and Joe usually did their own thing on Christmas day while she spent the day in peaceful slumber but this would be nice. At least it would be if he said yes.
He didn’t say anything right away. She was worried she had read something wrong. Maybe he was married and his wife was back home in England. Maybe he had a whole family.
“You want to spend the day with a gathering of boring historians?” he asked incredulously. She found it strange that he didn’t seem to realize exactly how cute he was. That he seemed to think he didn’t have any game.
“No, I want to spend the day with you,” Abbie said, her cheeks on fire now.
“I’d like nothing more,” he said, looking down like he was shy, his eyelashes fluttering away, before he looked up at her and smiled. She smiled right back and hoped like hell she could actually figure out how to make a pudding in one night.
Abbie had a hard time finding the right address in the blowing snow but eventually she made it, Christmas pudding in hand along with as many other of her baked goods as she could carry. Dinner with Jenny and Joe the night before had been wonderful and she crawled into her bed soon after the gifts were exchanged and they left for the evening. Up early, she was at her bakery trying her best to make this pudding seem authentic. There was no way she could make up for the time it really needed, but she thought she did a good job. If the guests didn’t like that, they could always fill up on the pies.
She used the heavy door knocker and waited with all her parcels for Doctor Crane to open the door. His eyes lit up when he saw that it was her and he took as many of the packages from her as he could.
“Lieutenant! I’m so happy you’re here! I was worried that the weather would prevent you from traveling to my home…as it has some of my other guests. Two couples have canceled out so far,” he said as he started toward the kitchen.
“You can call me Abbie… where would you like for me to leave my boots?” Abbie asked, not wanting to track snow through the house. Both had their arms filled with desserts and Crane motioned for her to follow him. Abbie did as he led her down a narrow hall to a warm and cozy kitchen. Everything smelled delicious and she could see that he had been chopping vegetables when she had interrupted him with her knock at the door. “You really can cook.”
“As I said, cooking I can do. Baking just goes wrong. All those precise measurements makes it like a science experiment. I prefer the magic of cooking instead. A little bit of this. A little bit of that,” Crane said, taking more baked goods from her arms and stacking them up on one of his granite counter tops. Abbie slipped off her scarf and coat and pulled her snow boots off, leaving her in just her stocking feet. She had her favorite lace-up boots in the large tote she had brought with her but Crane had whisked her wet winter gear off to where it could dry by the fire and was already back, asking her questions about what she had brought with. And if she had brought more donut holes.
“Yes, I did and some other donuts you might enjoy. You can save them for tomorrow, if you’d like. They would go great with a cappuccino,” she said, noticing the gourmet coffee maker he had tucked beside the toaster. “I thought you said you were only here for a short time.”
He followed her gaze and smiled. “Doesn’t matter how short the time might be, I can’t go without my coffee,” he said, going back to his chopping. “So, Lieutenant…”
“So, Abbie, how did you end up with a bakery?” he asked. Abbie fell silent as she collected her thoughts. She watched Cranes hands and his fingers as he deftly chopped vegetables, adding them to a stew that already smelled delicious. He was smartly dressed in a pair of dark gray flannel trousers and the most beautiful blue cable knit sweater she had ever seen on a man. She wanted to touch it to see if it was as soft as it looked. Instead, she focused on what he had asked.
“I…uh… after I got shot and I couldn’t come back to work, or at least not the way I wanted to, I thought it would be nice to have a place like that. It was supposed to just be a coffee shop but there are too many of those in town already,” she said.
“Starbucks on every block, cutting out any local coffee houses with precision,” Crane said, his kitchen knife stabbing into the air as if to illustrate his point.
“So I opened the bakery that would also serve coffee. Honestly, after the incident… after I lost a few very good friends in that incident…”
“I sense one of them might have been more than good friends?” he asked, looking at her as if he was trying to suss out everything there was to know about her.
“Mind your business, professor. Anyway, after that, I thought it would be a great place where the local LEOs could come in the morning. I’d serve them some warm apple pie if their shift was ending or a blueberry muffin and a cup of coffee if their shift was just starting. It was a way to stay connected, you know,” Abbie said, remembering how desperately she needed to keep close with the people she relied on for so long. “I wasn’t the best baker at first but I was determined. I learned from some of the best and now my little shop is doing rather well, and my friends are all still there bright and early in the morning. Good thing I love mornings, right?”
He had stopped chopping and was staring at her intently, taking in every word she said. Just looking in his eyes sent a wave of heat through her and she crossed her arms, trying to protect herself from this feeling. It had been a long time since Luke had died. And then Corbin was killed a year later. She had shut herself off from most everyone. She had that one fling with that visiting FBI agent but she even kept him distant. But this… was charged with some sort of electricity she hadn’t felt with anyone in so long.
“That’s really incredible,” he said, still focused only on her.
“It’s just a bakery. Look at you, Doctor Crane. Where did you go to school anyway? How did you get involved with American history when you have ages of history of your own?” Abbie asked, trying to deflect the attention away from herself.
“I grew up in London, went to Oxford… Merton College. I ended up in America when a friend talked me into doing further studies here, I was married for a very short while but she then ran off with that same so-called friend. I got my doctorate from Penn, which is where I discovered the answer to the other part of your question. The history of our two countries is entwined and I found it fascinating. Now I’m doing more research into the British officers who turned. What would drive them to fight for a land that was not their home? And this is a great area in which to do so,” Crane said.
He was starting to clean up the scraps of vegetables when his cellphone rang. He wiped his hands off on a dishtowel and answered the call. Abbie listened as he went through a series of “uh huhs” followed by a “that’s too bad.”
“Now the Andrews can’t make it. They don’t want to venture out into what might become a blizzard. They are new here, from somewhere in Georgia, so that’s understandable but still… I hope the others can make it,” Crane said.
“Do you miss England? London?” Abbie asked. He paused from his mixing and stirring and thought about it for a beat.
“Have you ever been there?” he asked instead of answering.
“No. I made it to Paris after I started the bakery but didn’t make it to London,” she answered.
“It was my home. Yes, I miss it but home isn’t necessarily always a place. It’s the people. I try to find the right people wherever I go. My ex-wife, Kat, didn’t like that. She wanted to settle down in one place and with Abe, she could. I wanted to keep moving. To keep learning. To keep meeting people,” he said. He looked at her and smiled brightly. “People like you. I would have never met you had I stayed in England.”
“You never know. Fate might have stepped in. I might have been there on vacation and bumped into you in a coffee shop,” Abbie said.
“Our fates are entwined, just like our nations?” he asked.
“Maybe,” she said, feeling her cheeks flush again from the way he was looking at her. “Maybe.”
Abbie was putting the finishing touches on the dining room table, enjoying how nicely the place was decorated. It wasn’t over the top for Christmas but he had a fresh tree and candles everywhere and a nice table setting. Crane even had Christmas crackers at every place setting, waiting to be popped open by cheerful guests.
She stopped moving when she heard Crane’s phone ring again. Another guest was canceling because of the snow. She felt a bad for him because of all the work he had put into preparing this meal but then again, she wouldn’t mind eating with him… alone. She returned to the kitchen to find him opening a bottle of wine. He poured himself some and took a sip before pouring her a glass, too. It was a fantastic red wine and now she was also glad they didn’t have to share that bottle with as many people.
“That was Trevor, one of the doctoral candidates I’m helping out. He said the snow on his side of town is getting too deep for him to venture out on foot and he doesn’t want to pay for an Uber. Too be honest, I think Trevor would rather spend his day with his new X-Box but what do I know?” he asked with a disappointed shrug “I haven’t even taken my new one out of the box yet. Trevor is the lucky one.”
“So, who is left?”Abbie asked. She would have to go clear another place setting, which only left four.
“Doctor Hashemi and her husband. That’s it. I didn’t expect so much snow on Christmas. Everyone kept saying they never get a white Christmas. They’re getting one this year!” he said, taking another sip of wine and looking out the window. “I’m going to have to go shovel the path soon. If you want to get home before the roads get too treacherous, you can. I don’t want you to feel that you have to stay here,” he said, pouting a little as he considered the snow.
“No, I’m good. I’ve lived here all my life and I’ve driven in worse than this. Besides, I can help you shovel the sidewalk,” she said, standing beside him as they looked out of the kitchen window over the sink. His narrow backyard was pristine white now and although she wasn’t fond of shoveling, it did look like it would be fun to play in. If that involved playing with him.
“They are going to miss out on the best pudding ever,” Crane said with a smile.
“How did you end up responsible for this Christmas dinner?” Abbie asked.
“I do like to cook. I thought it would be nice to get together with friends and colleagues and enjoy a nice meal,” he said. The phone rang again and he looked at it and sighed heavily. He turned away from the window and took the call. When he hung up, he looked at her and shook his head. “Samira and Bahram will not be able to make it, either.”
“You wanted dinner with your friends but now instead, you’re stuck with a stranger,” Abbie said, honestly feeling sorry for him.
“If we do get snowed in here, at least we will have plenty of food,” he said, looking around the kitchen at everything. He didn’t say anything else for a moment before he turned to her. “And I don’t consider spending time with you as 'stuck’ and I don’t feel like you’re a stranger at all. I feel like I’ve known you longer than just one day. It’s like we’ve been friends forever.”
She laughed nervously because she had been feeling the same way.
“At least I don’t have to worry about serving that rushed Christmas pudding to anyone. Unless you plan on eating it?” she asked.
“God, no. I never liked them in the first place but I had promised the Andrews. We can just stick to the donut holes,” he said and they both laughed.
He had put on a suit coat over his button-down shirt and his gorgeous sweater and Abbie finally put on her shoes, not wanting to dine without them on while he was trying his best to look like the perfect holiday host. They had agreed that shoveling the walk could wait until after dinner and he poured her more wine before they put the last side dish on the table. He pulled out her chair for her and helped her take her seat before tucking himself in.
“This is all good. Next Christmas, I’m going to make you some of my mama’s mac and cheese, though. That’s the only thing missing,” Abbie said.
“Next Christmas?” he asked, his one eyebrow arching up on his forehead.
“I’ll still be here. How about you?” she asked, taking another serving of the stew she had found him preparing when she arrived.
“I don’t know, to be honest. I’d have to have a pretty good reason to stay,” he said, tilting his head slightly, asking so many questions without using a single word.
“So, do you believe in fate?” Abbie asked. It was a pretty serious question for holiday dinner conversation but she wanted to know everything he felt and believed.
“Do you mean that two people are supposed to meet? Across time and space and all that? Over and over?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Does this mean that I keep meeting my ex-wife first? Because to be honest with you, getting my heart broken like that over and over and over would become rather exhausting. And annoying,” he said and they both laughed.  
“So she wasn’t your soulmate but she taught you a lot, I’m sure. All part of the path to the right thing?” Abbie asked.
“I did learn a lot about who to trust and that sometimes you just have to do your thing first before you can bring someone else into your life. That is one thing she did teach me,” he said with a shrug. “Thankfully we didn’t have children together. That would have been a disaster!”
They both fell silent. She watched him as the flickering candles sent shadows over his face. He was watching her right back, nervously smoothing out his beard before focusing back on the dinner at hand.
“Dessert?” she asked, breaking the tension filling the air.
“Capital idea! And I’ll make coffee!”
With their stomachs full, the dishes done, and fueled up on coffee, they bundled up in protective gear and headed outside during a break in the snow to shovel the walk. He only had one snow shovel so they took turns while one of his neighbors up the street used his noisy snowblower. Finally, he finished and went inside, leaving the two of them alone in the eerie stillness. There was the sound of the shovel scraping and him asking her questions about her life and her taking the shovel from him and asking him more questions about his.
Just when they had finished, the snow starting drifting down again and Abbie sighed. The good thing about her apartment was someone else did this! Crane put the shovel near the front door and returned to where Abbie was standing, catching snowflakes on her tongue.
“You are so beautiful,” he said, taking her gloved hand in his. “I have not even known you for an entire day and I’m smitten, Abbie. If this was fate, then yes I believe in it. Absolutely. Completely.”
Abbie’s heart starting beating hard in her chest when he said those words and she didn’t know what to say. She felt the same way about him but… it was so fast. Is this how it worked? You met the one and it was like throwing a switch?
Instead of saying anything, she led him toward the part of the yard where the snow wasn’t too deep but was packed just enough and pulled him down into it, urging him to make a snow angel. He complained about the wet and the cold only briefly before he joined in. As her arms were forming the angel wings, he propped himself up beside her to look at her.
“What?” she asked, crossing her arms over here.
“You truly are heaven sent,” he said, pulling her scarf away from her face just enough so he could lean in to kiss her. It was slow and soft at first, like the snow drifting around them. Slowly. Softly. The snow was falling and Abbie was falling, too. Her lips explored his and she wanted to feel more. To explore every bit of him. She touched his face but her damn gloves were in the way. He pulled away, his eyes searching hers. She shivered from the cold and from the way his eyes were devouring her.
“Should we go in and warm up?” Abbie asked.
“I have some wonderful ideas on how we can do that,” he said, his voice dropping. She scrunched up her nose and giggled at him. “No! I meant we could sit by the fire and have a drink… I didn’t mean to sound so forward! Abbie, I’m sorry!”
“I wasn’t laughing about you being so forward. I was laughing because I had plenty of ideas of my own. But starting with a drink by the fire would be good,”she said. He stood up, put his hand out to assist her to her feet, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they walked to the door.
“What ideas do you have?” he asked.
“I’ll just have to show you.”
She swallowed the Scotch and felt it warm her all the way down. After getting out of her snow boots and her coat again, she settled down on his couch while he tuned in to a satellite radio channel playing jazzy Christmas music. The old house had several fireplaces in different rooms and the one in the living room was now stoked to a roar.
Abbie made herself at home and covered up with a soft and worn plaid quilt that had been over the back of the couch. Crane sat beside her and took a long sip from his glass.
“I have to tell you… I don’t do this very often. I rarely have the bakers I meet on Christmas Eve spend the next day at my house helping shovel snow and set the table,” he said.
“I rarely go home with my customers,” she said. “Only the special ones who are desperate for a Christmas pudding.”
“Yes, I only invite over the bakers with the best donut holes,” he joked. They both fell silent for a quiet, comfortable minute. “I want to see you again. I don’t want to do anything that would make you not want to come back.”
“You haven’t done anything yet.”
“I want to.”
“I want you to.”
He set his glass aside and pulled her to him. His mouth was warm and tasted of Scotch. The blue sweater he had on was as soft as she imagined it. Didn’t matter. She wanted it off of him. Wanted everything off of him. Wanted him on the floor in front of the fire. Wanted him.
A moan escaped his throat as her tongue delved past his lips, meeting his. Heat burned through her, settling between her thighs and she thought about how crazy this all was but she certainly wasn’t going to stop. She pulled away from his kiss and stood up, putting the quilt over her shoulder and reaching out to him. He grabbed her hands and she knew he’d follow her anywhere right now. She put the quilt down in front of the fire and they both sank down to their knees on it. The twinkling lights from the Christmas tree danced across their skin and she pulled his sweater off over his head. He unbuttoned his shirt and shed it quickly. Abbie looked at his chest, gasping when she saw a scar across his heart.
“What happened?” she asked, her fingers running across it.
“It’s silly, really. I was doing some research in grad school at a battlefield reenactment and I got in the way of something I shouldn’t have. Thankfully, I had modern medical care and an ambulance that arrived in a matter of minutes,” he said. She leaned in to kiss the scar, running her lips across it, her tongue teasingly flicking out at his nipple. He moaned and leaned back away from her, sitting on his heels.
“I have scars, too,” she said.
“I’d like to see them,” he said and she pulled off her wool sweater, revealing her silky black bra.
“Here,” she said, pointing to a bullet wound on her abdomen. Abbie then unfastened her trousers and wiggled out of them, showing him the wound on her thigh that ended her career. “And here.”
Now his fingers explored her flesh, feeling where she had to be put back together with titanium and screws and stitches.
“Does it still hurt?” he asked.
“Not as much as it used to. Sometimes when it’s cold and I have to shovel snow for some guy I barely know…” she teased and he rolled his eyes.
He motioned for her to lie down and she did, shivering as he continued his study of her with his mouth. Her thighs fell open to his gentlest demand and her back arched up when he kissed her clit through her thong. Crane tugged the tiny scrap of fabric down her legs and off and she closed her eyes, hardly able to believe this was happening.
He kissed up and down her thighs, teasing her until she couldn’t take it anymore. She reached for him and showed him exactly what she wanted. His tongue danced over her clit and then inside of her and she couldn’t stop moaning. His beard tickled and his hair kept flopping into his face and he’d have to push it back before diving back in. His hands would grab her hips and pull her closer but there was no way to be closer. Abbie’s back arched as she came and all the lights seemed to grow brighter before fading into nothing. When her body finally calmed down, Crane climbed up beside her and kissed her. She could taste herself on his lips, a combination of the two of them, and it was sweet.
“Better than any Christmas pudding could possibly ever be,” he said. She reached up and tucked a loose lock of his hair behind his ear.
“Since I didn’t really expect anything like this to happen… I mean, I only expected dinner… I didn’t exactly come prepared. Except with a lot of baked goods,” Abbie said.
“I haven’t been with anyone in a long while – not since Kat. I was tested afterward because of that whole thing with… well, you know. So. I’m clean,” he said. She knew this was stupid. She was on birth control but still. Why did she want this person so badly that she’d throw away common sense and wisdom?
“So am I. Clean. And on birth control,” Abbie said.
“Well, then, Lieutenant… do you want to move somewhere more comfortable or do you prefer right here, by the warmth of the fire?” he asked. She liked it here, with the crackling fire and the lights filling the room. It looked and felt like Christmas. She always imagined being with a man she loved on Christmas, enjoying each other. This might not be love yet… but she was certain it could be soon enough.
She took off her bra and then fumbled with the buttons on his pants (who wore button-fly anything anymore?) but finally slid them down his narrow hips along with his silly Christmas boxers.
“Who was supposed to see these?” she asked, laughing at the ridiculousness of them.
“Can’t a man enjoy some festive underwear for the holidays?” he asked. She was looking over his lean body and when her eyes got to parts she hadn’t seen already, she forgot all about the boxers. He was already hard and it was impressive.
“Well, Merry Christmas to me,” she said, licking her lips in anticipation. He blushed, his eyes turned down shyly until she wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked it a few times. The thrust into her grip and she leaned in to flick the head of it with her tongue as her fingers kept moving.
“Uggh,”he managed to say as her tongue continued to dance around him. They surely looked ridiculous here in the middle of the living room on nothing but a quilt on the floor, nearly naked except for their socks. It was too cold to go without socks.
He moved quickly, and was on his knees with her legs wrapped around his hips and her arms around his neck, slipping into her body. He filled her completely and she was mesmerized by the way he was staring into her very soul as he thrust in and out of her. It was like he had known her forever. Like this wasn’t their first time together.
Everything was a bit hurried and frantic but they could take it slow later. Right now they both needed to satiate this thing that was between them. He threw his head back when he came and cried out her name over and over and she never wanted this precise moment to end.
They fell down next to each other on the quilt, Crane struggling to catch his breath. She was only supposed to deliver a pudding. Just a pudding. Not pudding and sex.
Oh, but she was so glad it turned out that way.
“Please say you’re staying the night?” he asked when he could finally speak coherently again.
“I have to go into my store at about 3 am and prepare for the day,” she said and he sighed with disappointment. “Unless I call my sister and ask her to go open the store. That’s always an option. Or I could tell her I can’t make it because of the snow but she’d never believe it.”
“I have nowhere to go tomorrow. I could come in with you and watch you while you bake,” he said and she looked at him with disbelief. “Oh, Abbie, I’d go anywhere to watch you.”
She laughed.
“You sure it’s not to get more donut holes?” she asked.
“There is that, too,” he said.
She was snuggled in his arms under the glow of the tree, the quilt now partially wrapped around them. And Abbie knew without a doubt that fate was real and they were meant to be together this Christmas and every Christmas for the rest of their days.
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iammisstt · 7 years
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Eat Sleep Love CH7: Family Ties - An unexpected visit causes tension at Grace's Place B&B. Ichabod makes a choice that worries Abbie.
Happy #IchabbieHolidays ~ENJOY~
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Good night/morning fellow Sleepyheads. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone here a happy Mother’s Day 💐. Moms are just the best aren’t they. No matter what you do, they’ll never stop fighting for you. As is the case of Lori Mills, Abbie and Jenny’s mom. She was struggling with supposed mental illness; when really she was holding off Moloch’s minions from capturing her daughters. She fought tooth and nail till the bitter end to ensure their safety.
While investigating a string of suicides at Tarrytown Psychiatric, Abbie discovers that the spirit of her mom is trying to warn inmates about a demonic nurse aptly called “The Sui-Psycho”. After our researchers gathered up her remains, Team Witness called Lori’s spirit back from the grave to say their goodbyes and hopefully get their affairs in order. She did indeed left her daughters with a fitting legacy: to win the tribulational war and protect humanity from the forces of darkness.
It seemed appropriate that I air this on Mother’s Day as a way of truly thanking all the moms out there. Like Lori, they’ll never stop protecting you...no matter what. Never forget that. Be sure to tune in this Thursday for a continuation of said motherly theme. Enjoy your weekend folks.
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piccolina-mina · 5 years
I tend to blend my romantic ships, friendships, and family ships as one. If I love a dynamic enough, I don't care what they are or end up being as long as I get that relationship in some capacity.
So I often get arguments about why certain relationships feel familial or are friendships. And I know people are entitled to their opinions and often have valid reasons for them too.
But I still get 😬 when without fail, specific dynamics are INSTANTLY put in non-romantic categories. The same arguments resurface.
"They're better as friends." Which, fine, but also, that doesn't exclude romance. Don't you want to be friends with your lover too?
Some of the most iconic ships started as friends first, right? Friends to lovers is popular for a reason. Many people have at least a foundation with someone before they embark on a romantic relationship together.
Ginny Baker had half of her team willing to die for her by the end of Pitch. She and Duarte confided in each other a bit, and it was a solid friendship that could have easily been something more but wasn't. Blip was the closest to a best friend she had walking into that locker room and remained so all season, but those friendships are diminished because Ginny and Mike should just be platonic since you don't see that. But you do ... in the same show.
"Why can't they just be platonic? We need more platonic relationships" There is an abundance of them though. Focusing on the primary characters or your favorite characters at the expense of everything else does not mean there are no platonic relationships. And friends to lovers usually starts with genuine friendship that starts of platonic and then may evolve from there.
Hacy from Charmed may not be platonic. But Harry and Maggie and Harry and Mel obviously are and those relationships are cultivated and important too. Mina from the resident has genuine platonic friendships with Devon and Conrad and Irving (he used to have a crush on her but has moved on), but a hint of her pursuing something more with AJ and it's suddenly "why can't they just be platonic we need more platonic relationships.)
"They're like siblings" I mean, cool. I get it. I can even see it, but sometimes the set up for why they're like siblings is generally the same set up for best friends, or friends to lovers, or enemies to lovers etc, but it gets coded as sibling-like for specific couples right out the gate. There's a reason why bromance became a thing and it dances on the line of being equal parts platonic or potentially romantic.
Also, using a common ground and relationship both individuals share with someone else to make them platonic. Like if they share a similar bond with a parental- like figure in their life that immediately means they can only be platonic with one another and coding a non-blood related or familial related relationship as incestuous.
Example: Boy Meets World. Shawn Hunter was nearly adopted by the Matthews' more than once. It was implied often that he was like Alan's son. He lived with them before and spent holidays with them. But it never stopped Cory and Shawn from being shipped often. It was probably just as popular as Cory and Topanga.
But despite The Flash following a canon relationship. A constant criticism of WestAllen is that because Barry viewed and was treated like a son by Joe, and they lived in the same house, he and Iris are like siblings. And therefore their relationship is incestuous. An argument that could be made for Brallie on The Fosters, since Callie was officially adopted, but not for The Flash where it wasn't the case. It's not an incest ship. And yet ...
"They don't have any chemistry" It's true chemistry will mostly be subjective, but it's also odd with series where chemistry test overall are utilized just to make sure the right people are chosen for the job.
Chemistry isn't explicitly romantic, chemistry and romance are not mutually exclusive, so "they don't have chemistry" is often a weird one. Maybe you don't like their chemistry, or you don't like what their chemistry can lead to, or you don't want it to be romantic chemistry, but just a flat out "no chemistry" is poorly articulated, especially when there are cases of insane chemistry that is mostly driving a series. (I.E Ichabbie from Sleepy Hollow or Sharpwin from New Amsterdam) some chemistry is undeniable. There's a distinction between "no chemistry" and hoping the chemistry isn't romantic.
"It's coming out of nowhere" is another interesting one because sometimes it's valid, but other times it's a case of someone not paying attention to what was being outlined for some time OR saying this the second something is hinted at when that specific moment is the starting point for something the writers are choosing to explore. It has to start somewhere, right? So you can't call "out of nowhere the second two characters you prefer not to be together share eye contact.
Example: Richonne on TWD. They spent seasons building this relationship up. From distrust to being each other's most trusted person. The attraction between them was even there delu enough if you paid attention, but since attraction is a part of life and doesn't always lead to anything, it could have meant nothing to meant everything but it was there. But one of the biggest complaints was "it came out of nowhere." Careese from POI "came out of nowhere, despite their dynamic being built for God knows how long. Meanwhile, Ruzek and Upton barely glanced at each other before they became a couple on Chicago PD.
Ben and Ryn on Siren is something everyone saw, but Ryn and Maddie and Ryn, Maddie, and Ben together "came out of nowhere." Not if you were paying attention. Yeah, I may as well add Maria and Michael from RNM in this too.
I'm seeing it again, and while I don't necessarily disagree with the latest dynamic in question and why people may not want to ship it, the repeat pattern gets me.
Since I've given examples, may as well point out that this is in part a reference to Brightwell on Prodigal Son. It's new, and I'm not even sure I romantically ship them or Malcolm with anyone to be honest.
But the main reasons why there are already people against the mere mention of them is all of the above reasons. And the thing is, there are many reasons why people wouldn't want to ship them: Malcolm's mental instability, just not seeing them in that way, it being too soon, it being unprofessional, loving the team dynamic more without romance. Liking the relationship as is and not wanting to tamper with it.
And all of that is valid as hell. I get it. I agree often enough myself. Fortunately, the fandom is really fun and open and genuinely nice and hilarious and one of my new favorites.
And I don't think it's one of those fandoms that veer toward problematic, but this is more so an observation on how fascinating it is that the same language is always used. Regardless of intentions or sentiment.
I do think many shippers wouldn't be put on edge, hell many non -shippers but just fans in general representative of what is being shown probably wouldn't be on edge or have their hackles raised if the exact same arguments weren't used against specific dynamics every single time almost instantly.
Like, I wonder if there are better ways to express why a certain relationship doesn't do it for you without dipping into that same well. And it is unfortunate that what should be innocent statements come off a certain way regardless, but even when you can tell it's not ill-intended the pattern and verbiage remain gobsmacking. Like clockwork. It's a quiet observation and I do wonder what if anything can be done about it.
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darlablovesichabbie · 7 years
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It’s beginning to look a lot like #IchabbieHolidays! 
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youwerenevermine · 7 years
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Ichabbie | “Meet the Mills-Crane” Moodboard
Wishing y’all a happy holiday season!
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like-bunnies · 5 years
Mistletoe and Rum - An Ichabbie Christmas ficlet
I just wanted to write something cute and short and fluffy for the holidays! 
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Mistletoe and Rum by likebunnies
“This is the definition of insanity, Lieutenant,” Crane said as Abbie tossed him another pillow, gently hitting upside the head. He sighed heavily before he continued complaining. “How did I ever let you talk me into this?”
“Because you know as well as I do that it will be good publicity for the historical society. People will get a sense of what it is and will want to come back. Maybe spend some money. Maybe want to hold more events here. Besides, you look cute with a little meat on your bones,” Abbie said.
Crane shoved another pillow down his big red coat, trying to spread the padding around.
“An obese man shimmying down chimneys in the middle of the night. It’s more Christmas nonsense,” he said. Again. She had heard about Christmas nonsense a dozen times in the last hour. Thousands of times since the beginning of December. She was thankful he was too busy trying to get dressed to give her a lecture on everything wrong with Christmas. Maybe she should have found him a Grinch costume instead.
“This nonsense is for a good cause. The sheriff’s needed a nice, safe place to do their Christmas event for the kids and you have a nice place. Right across the street,” Abbie said. Even though she was with the FBI, she still had plenty of contacts with her old department. When they asked, she gladly offered up the archives for an evening.
“Yet that does not explain why I have to be the man in the red suit. I’m not nearly the right age… do not look at me like that… and I am nowhere near the right size for your modern Father Christmas.”
“Santa Claus. The kids are coming to see Santa, not Father Christmas and not some grumpy colonial dude in breeches,” Abbie said as Crane’s red pants started to slip down again. Even with his breeches on underneath, they were hard to fasten on his slender hips. She had pinned them as much as she could but they were still meant for a man twice his size.
He twisted around, pulled the pants back up again and somehow secured them. She hoped they would hold until the kids all got to tell Santa what they wanted and for them to receive their one present they were getting this evening.
Did she mention to Crane the part about the kids sitting on his lap and whispering in his ear? Surely he knew? He had seen enough of modern Claus to know that was part of the deal.
“You do understand what you have to do, right?” she asked Crane as she handed him the fake white beard for him to put over his shorter, dark one.
“I have to appear to be jolly.”
“That and hand the kids their presents and listen to each one of them as they tell you what they would like for Christmas. These kids don’t have a lot so their stories can get a little emotional sometimes but… what? Why are you looking at me like that?” Abbie asked.
“Am I going to have help with this?”
“Of course you are. Everything is all planned out. You just finish getting dressed and your helpers will meet you out there by the tree, okay?” she asked.
He nodded but did not look okay at all.
Crane was sitting on the velvety Santa Throne and feeling very panicked. A few adults were starting the gather the children around him and some of the youngsters were already in tears just looking at him. He had seen enough on the internet to know this was a normal reaction many children had to seeing Santa but still, they could wait until they had a chance to meet him first. Someone had set up a camera to take pictures and the bright lights made it hard to see anything past the circle of children.
Abbie had said he would have help with this but so far that didn’t seem to be the case. Where was the Lieutenant anyway?
“Hello, Mr. Claus. How’s it going?” he heard a familiar voice ask and he turned toward the sound. He was expecting to find Abbie dressed in her usual ‘officer of the law’ outfit but instead she was in a short green and white striped skirt with a green shirt and an adorable pointy red hat, all trimmed in a white ‘fur’ much like his outfit. The pointy hat matched her pointy shoes which had bells on them.  
“Are you one of my elves?” he asked, trying not to stare at her legs but failing. She had on red and white striped hosiery and he wondered briefly why this whole Christmas thing always seemed to involve stripes but he got distracted by her answer instead.
“I’m your only elf tonight,” she whispered and he raised an eyebrow at her. “We could only find one elf costume packed away and I drew the short straw. You should see how happy Jenny is right now.”
Abbie might have lost but Crane definitely felt as if he won. She was adorable as an elf. He was sure Miss Jenny would have made a fine elf but he’d rather have Abbie by his side doing whatever it was elves do.
As the night went on, he discovered that most of what this particular elf did was laugh at him when kids started screaming and to hand out candy canes when they were finished getting their gift and their photograph was taken.
He was thrilled when all the children had received their presents and he could finally exclaim that he had to get back to the North Pole. He and Abbie made their way to the historical society office and closed the door behind them. Abbie was commenting on how well he did with the kids while he was digging through the desk drawers, slamming one shut when he didn’t find what he was searching for.
“I wish I still kept a bottle of rum here,” he said, trying to pull the beard off as quickly as he could.
“Stop. I want to get a selfie of the two of us in our outfits,” Abbie said, pulling her phone out of somewhere on that tiny costume.
“We just had our picture taken about 200 times,” he said as he put the beard back in place.
“Yes, but not a selfie,” she said. She found the perfect angle for the two of them and snapped the picture. He looked at it briefly and shrugged.
“I look preposterous.”
“Says the man who once wore powdered wigs and by the way, now wears breeches to work every day,” Abbie said. She was typing in something on her phone and he was certain that the photo was being uploaded to somewhere.
“You should dress like that more often,” Crane said while she was distracted and Abbie gave him a wide-eyed stare.
“Like an elf?”
“No, that’s not what I meant. I was suggesting that you… well, you do have very pleasant legs. All that running… they are… oh! You know what I mean!” Crane exclaimed before he got himself into more trouble. He pulled off his hat and white wig and tossed them aside followed by the fake beard.
“And you should wear the color red more often… you look good in it… no, you know what I mean… not red like a ‘Red Coat’ when you’re here working but… oh, I give up. Do you need help getting out of that?” Abbie asked.
“Maybe. Do you?” Crane asked in return.
“I don’t have another outfit on underneath mine so I’ll be an elf for the remainder of the evening. That should make you happy,” Abbie joked as she jingled the bells on her shoes.
“Not as happy as some mistletoe would right now,” he mumbled, almost inaudibly, and Abbie stopped jingling immediately.
“Wouldn’t that be more Christmas nonsense?” Abbie asked. His cheeks were the now the color of his suit and Abbie was a bit stunned that he had even suggested such a thing. Or said it aloud.
“Some of the nonsense is fun,” Crane responded.
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing,” Abbie said.
“Sleigh rides. Hot chocolate. A warm fire. I have grown to appreciate that kind of Christmas nonsense,” he said with a shrug. “Gifts are wonderful. As is time spent with good friends. And I’ve always appreciated mistletoe.”
“Too bad we don’t have any,” Abbie said. It had been years since she had last had any hanging up. She had kind of given up hope that one day he would just kiss her for whatever reason. They had just saved the world or outrun a murderous jackalope. Anything would have been a good enough reason.
“That and the rum,” he said. He looked up at her, his blue eyes sparkling. “Wait! I remember where I hid some.”
Crane returned with two coffee mugs filled with rum and took a slow sip, savoring the taste. Abbie took a sip of hers and set it down. He looked at her again but now his eyes had grown darker. She was always mystified at how he did that. He finished his rum and put his mug down next to hers.
“Mistletoe and rum. Always moves things along,” Abbie said. She was still trying to figure out exactly what the hell was happening. Perhaps it was just the silly costumes or the holiday season but… did he really want to kiss her? Finally? He didn’t need booze or a parasitic plant for that. He just needed to get up the damn nerve to do it. “Let me help you.”
Abbie removed his huge plastic Santa belt and all the pillows fell out around their feet.
“Next year we really do have to find someone who fits in this better,” Crane said as the fluffy red pants slipped down again.
“Maybe you can join me and be an elf,” Abbie said, laughing at the thought of Crane in candy cane striped tights and jingling shoes.
“I don’t know if I have the legs for it,” Crane said.
“I don’t know about that. You have some pretty shapely calves,” Abbie said and Crane blushed again. The Christmas music had gotten louder in the other room as had the sounds of the children laughing. They must be playing a game. A far different game than the one going on in here. Maybe it was time to move this game along. She boosted herself up so she was sitting on the edge of his desk. “Come here, Santa.”
He looked confused but did go to where Abbie was now sitting. She put her hands on his face and drew him closer to her, her lips meeting his. It was just a short, sweet kiss but it was still a kiss. It was a sign that things would be going in another direction now. It would never be the same again and she was ready for whatever was next. She pulled him to her, snuggling her cheek against the fleecy warm coat. He pulled off her elf hat and cradled her head in his hand like he had done many times in the past. It was always comfortable and soothing. He was comfortable and soothing. But this time, it was just a bit different, too.
“Happy Christmas, Lieutenant,” he said. He gently lifted her face towards his and kissed her once more. Her heart began to beat faster and she grew dizzy. This was more intoxicating than the earlier taste of rum. More so than a whole bottle of rum.
Nothing else meant a thing. Holidays. People. Presents. The noise outside the door. None of it mattered except the feel of his body pressed to hers, his hands on her face, his mouth against hers seeking out more. She wanted to give him more but perhaps not here on the desk. Maybe at home. In front of the fireplace. Under the tree wrapped in cozy quilts. The kiss ended and she expected him to turn away or look a little embarrassed by what had just happened. He didn’t. Instead, he finally looked, dare she say, jolly?
“Yes,” Abbie said, looking at his rosy lips and darkened yet twinkling eyes.  “Happy Christmas to all… and to all a good night. A very good night.”
The End
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iammisstt · 7 years
Eat Sleep Love
CH6 : Warm By The Fire
It's a busy holiday week for Grace's Place. Standra hopes to make things challenging for Abbie and drive a wedge between Ichabod & Abbie.
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Good afternoon fellow Sleepyheads. My what a wet and rainy day we’re having isn’t it. Speaking of wet, here’s a little something to spark your romantic fantasies. It’s for a special subsection of Ichabbie Summer; X-Mas in July. For those of you who don’t know the concept.it’s a dumbass holiday invented by Hallmark to sell Christmas ornaments early. 
Anyway, I figured that with July in full swing, I thought I might spice it up a bit with this sensual piece of fanart courtesy of DeviantArt. Remember you can join me on said website for more Ichabbie Summer fun in my community called Sanctuary Enterprise. There you’ll be able to find more awesome fanart just like this. Well, I have to run. Till next time Sleepyheads!
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nathyfaith · 8 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sleepy Hollow (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ichabod Crane/Abbie Mills, Ichabod Crane & Abbie Mills, Victor Crane/Cecilia Crane, Joe Corbin/Jenny Mills Characters: Ichabod Crane, Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow), Jenny Mills, Joe Corbin, Victor Crane, Cecilia Crane, Original Female Character(s), Sasha Additional Tags: Christmas, Dogs, emotional support dog, Family, Elves Summary:
Ichabod goes to visit his family for Christmas with his dog Sasha, except they accidentally lose her favorite toy which is a plush elf. Follow them on this journey of finding a new elf toy -- until Abbie comes to their rescue.
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