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talyayet474 · 4 months
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Emily Bett Rickards
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jbuffyangel · 8 months
Second Chance: Arrow 1x18 Review (Salvation)
The villain of the week is one step ahead of Felicity in "Salvation" which gives Oliver the opportunity to be there for HER, as they race to save Roy Harper's life.
And oh holy cow is there Lance family drama y'all. WOW. Scandalous.
Let's dig in...
This is one of Arrow’s more suspenseful episodes. Felicity goes toe to toe with the villain of the week and she more than meets her match. This results in one of Arrow's cooler action sequences and some iconic Olictiy moments.
But first, we must work out.
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Of all the times Felicity watches Oliver working out, this is my favorite. Emily Bett Richard’s face is hilarious.
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Her comic skills are so on point and she brings a much needed levity to the show. But do not deny this woman her dramatic work. She can bring her A game anytime - as we will soon see.
Oliver is off to threaten (or kill?) a dirty real estate developer named John Nichols, who doesn’t mind skipping code requirements if it means saving a buck. Oliver fed up with this guy killing people in the Glades and he’s on the List, so hasta la vista, baby. (Do not deny my my nineties cliché remarks. They bring me comfort and joy.)
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) someone else beats Oliver to it and kidnaps Nichols. Oliver is strangely displeased. I mean... what's the difference? Felicity and I share a brain sometimes, so she asks Oliver on my behalf.
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Source: @andjustforthismoment
These two are in their own rom com and we’re just along for the ride. The way he growls “They don’t show my level of restraint,” at Felicity is a lot. Is it really necessary to stand that close to her Oliver? No it’s not. I SEE YOU SIR.
The man who kidnapped Nichols executes him on live television which was super creepy. He definitely has a Heath Ledger as the Joker vibe to him. (Nobody said the comparisons to the Dark Knight are unfair.)
Felicity is unable to crack his encryption code because he’s a former cyber crusader called “The Savior” and the NSA has been searching for him for years.  His real name is Joseph Falk and he erased his existence after his wife was murdered in the Glades.
When he failed to get justice for his wife's death, the Savior took matters into his own hands - not unlike our favorite vigilante. His cyber skills are no joke and give Felicity a real run for her money. She is unable to track him down before he kills Nichols, which leads to a hilarious if frustrated exchange between Felicity and Oliver.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
Things go from bad to worse for Felicity when Falk kidnaps the district attorney. His crime was not prosecuting the person who murdered Falk’s wife. If we were on the fence as to whether Nichols should live or die, then the district attorney snaps us out of the moral grey zone. Prosecutors choose not try cases all of the time for lack of evidence. It doesn’t mean they should die for it.
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Source:  msr-olicity-love
Oliver's impatience only heightens Felicity's stress, but she finally gets a location. It’s the middle of the day which means Oliver can’t hood up. So he grabs the motorcycle and his super sexy brown jacket to hunt Falk down and save the DA.
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This leads to one of my favorite Arrow action scenes. Falk is not at the location Felicity sends Oliver to, which means he has to sprint across town and leap between buildings to next location. Felicity is completely flummoxed because she doesn't understand how this guy is moving locations. Oliver screaming at her over comms is not particularly helpful either. 
Unfortunately, Team Arrow loses and Falk murders the DA on live television, which is completely traumatizing to Felicity who has never seen anyone die before. 
Oliver returns home to find Felicity alone in the dark, twirling one of his arrows in her hands. Oliver immediately wants to know where Diggle is because he’s probably wondering why John left Felicity all alone in the dark.
Felicity: I asked him to leave me alone in my loud voice.
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Source: @westallenolicitygifs
Oliver isn’t going to do the same. He immediately reassures Felicity that it wasn’t her fault (because it isn’t). This is the price of the life they’ve chosen to live. It’s a very lonely one as Oliver knows all too well.
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Source: @jamiedornaniseverything
Felicity is understandably feeling defeatist, so it’s one of the rare times she says it’s better to be alone. Oliver doesn’t have much to say in return, but notice how the scene is shot. The entire bunker is dark except for the brightly backlit desk lamp. Oliver and Felicity are the only thing we see in the darkness.
Felicity also mentions her relationship status, which feels like an oddly placed comment. Umm… ok? SHE’S SINGLE AND HETEROSEXUAL GUYS!
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I love receiving pieces to the Felicity Smoak puzzle, but this comment felt very out of context. “Hey I’m sad, but I wouldn’t know how to talk to my boyfriend about fighting crime. Good thing I don’t have one.”
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It is NOT the fans who create romantic undertones to Oliver and Felicity’s scenes. The writers make it romantic with conversations like this. It’s very easy to keep a scene like this strictly platonic, but nope! The writers decide it’s super important that Oliver knows *right now* that Felicity is single as she pours her heart out to him in her time of need.
The light is equally important, because this relationship (regardless of romantic or platonic) has to be a two way street. Felicity cannot always help Oliver find the light. He has to help her too.
Oliver does come through Felicity by the end of the episode. Not at first because he is equally struggling with the loneliness of the life he’s chosen. He can’t really advise Felicity against being alone because that’s the choice he’s made for himself. So much so, that Diggle takes him out for a burger and a little therapy session. After the disaster zone his past relationships have left in their wake, Oliver is tapping out. He doesn’t require a life, or entanglements, or feelings.
Diggle: You’ve been home for eight months Oliver, I don’t think you’ve left that island yet.
Diggle, per usual, disagrees. He wants Oliver entangled. He wants Oliver as entangled as he can get. It makes you wonder if he has someone specific in mind.
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The Savior puts a big mirror up to Oliver’s face. He is man grieving the loss of his wife and chose to channel that rage and sadness into exacting his brand of justice.  Oliver can see himself in Falk and he doesn’t like what he sees.
Being alone leads to exactly that. While Oliver may say he doesn’t want the complexity of relationships and the difficulties they can bring, the reality of living life alone can lead to some pretty terrible results. Falk cut himself off from his humanity. This lead to selecting victims who didn’t deserve to die. If Oliver wants to maintain a moral high ground, make difficult but ultimately right choices, then he needs his humanity fully intact. Humanity requires human contact.
Oliver reaches out to someone first, but it’s not Felicity. It’s L*urel. He wants to have dinner or coffee or whatever because he no longer wants to be on an island.  It’s a nice line. It would have more meaning if we saw that dinner or conversation, but we don't.
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Instead we see Oliver return home to the bunker, to Felicity and Diggle, and they debrief their latest Team Arrow victory.  It would be easy to leave this scene at Felicity’s funny remark about Roy and Thea.
Diggle: You ok?
Oliver: Getting there.
Instead, Oliver acknowledges, more to himself, that he’s feeling better because John was right. Then we actually see this rigid man move and in the cutest way possible - with a little "Psst." It is a small yet definitive step towards his second chance.
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Oliver approaches Felicity in the now brightly lit bunker and tells her she is not alone. He is there for her always. Felicity may not have a “boyfriend” to talk to, but she has Oliver.
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Then he gently touches her shoulder and lets his hand linger there just long enough to even make Felicity wonder if maybe, just maybe, he means more.
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Actions speak louder than words.  Oliver may talk about not being on an island anymore with L*urel, but he leaves that island for Felicity.
Roy Harper
What are we doing with Roy Harper? Thus far it’s been a lot of Roy and Thea having the same “make better choices” argument and debate their wildly different economic lots in life. This is all well and good but we eventually need movement on this character and “Unfinished Business” give it to us BIG TIME.
Thea is understandably frustrated when Roy admits he plans to hold up a liquor store because he “owes” people in the Glades and that’s how this town works.
Thea: I got you a job at my brother’s club. You have choices. You don’t have to be a criminal.
Somehow this decision puts Roy in the Savior’s cross hairs. According to Falk, Roy Harper is a gang banger.
Roy has a criminal record and holding up a liquor store with an empty gun is not great, but a freaking death sentence? Calm down crazy. The Savior can’t find bigger fish to fry?
Roy doesn’t make excuses or ask for forgiveness when Falk challenges him to defend himself against his “crimes.” He doesn’t care if he lives or dies (just like someone else we know).
Roy: No one’s gonna miss me. I’m just a waste.
Gut punch. This kid wrecks me. Now Thea is crying in Tommy’s big brotherly-like arms. WE MUST SAVE THE PARKOUR PRINCE!!!
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Felicity and Diggle determine Falk is on the old abandoned subway system in Star City, which is why he was moving locations. The Hood finds Roy before Falk can pull the trigger and they engage in a morality debate, which thankfully isn’t broadcasted across the whole city after the feed is cut off. Or maybe the city should have heard Oliver’s arguments.
Oliver: I understand being alone, but it doesn’t give you the right to kill people in cold blood.
The Savior challenges Oliver on the difference between them and, once again, he doesn’t have a lot to say. There's minimal morality wiggle room for Oliver. The only difference between the Savior and the Hood is the people they are choosing. Oliver wasn’t wrong at the beginning of the episode. He has more restraint. He also has a better list of names. The Savior should ask for a couple.
Killing the District Attorney and kidnapping Roy Harper show that Falk is very bad at being judge, jury and executioner. Arrow is putting other vigilantes up against Oliver to show that he is better. There is a good heart under that hood – a potential superhero’s heart. Oliver’s morals and how he measures the sins of others are more just, but that doesn’t make him right. These distinctions we are drawing between Oliver and people like Falk and Helena are merely shades of grey. He is balancing on a very razor thin edge.
Oliver begs Falk to give Roy a second chance, but is forced to put an arrow in him when he refuses. “Salvation” is asking an important question. Who is worthy of a second chance? And who decides who is worthy?
Killing not only ends someone’s life it removes the possibility for change. There is a clear distinction between a man like Nichols and Roy Harper. There should be consequences to sinful actions, but what sins warrant death and what sins warrant forgiveness? Who decides? It’s a question we grapple with constantly in our imperfect legal system and it’s one Oliver Queen must answer as the city’s self appointed protector.
Roy is an easy call to make. He made mistakes, but he is deserving of a second chance. However, the question of whether he is worthy of it can only be answered by Roy Harper.  As he pulls the small arrow that saved his life out from his pocket, Roy is illuminated by a bright red light – a not so subtle nod to the Red Arrow. 
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And thus a hero’s journey begins with a second chance.
The Lance Family
This week on Loving the Lances… Dinah returns home with hopes of resurrecting their dead daughter but family secrets were unearthed instead. Dun dun dunnnnn!!!!
L*urel is on her own show, so I thought I’d give it a proper soap opera name. She never intersects with Oliver’s storyline except when she randomly pops up at the club looking for Tommy, but I digress. In all seriousness, this episode is pretty damn good because some scalding hot tea was spilled!
Dinah is CONVINCED that Sara is alive because she had the exact same baseball cap as the woman in the photo. This is such a weird detail to hang all her hopes on. Does Dinah think Sara was holding the rockets hat in her hand while she was swept out to sea? What’s with the hat? I HAVE QUESTIONS.
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Long story short, Sara is truly dead. L*urel finds the woman in the photo. She’s American, spent some time in China and owns a Starling City Rocket’s hat. We’re going to pretend the Chinese Embassy can find some rando in a photo and deliver her name to L*urel in five seconds flat. Also, Oliver confirms once again Sara is dead and he never lies so we’re all good.
But now we can get to the really interesting part of this little Lance drama unfolding before us. L*urel has the same questions about the hat as I do! I am wildly uncomfortable being this much in agreement with her, but here we are.
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Dinah came home while Sara was packing for her little get away with Oliver. She watched Sara pack the hat. Dinah told her not to go, but Sara said she was in love and following her heart even though others may not think it is right. Just like Dinah did with Quentin (side note – what’s the story on those two?)
Dinah: So I let her go. I killed my daughter.
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This family is so jacked up. They make the Queens look halfway normal. Y’all I don’t even know what to do with this information. HOT. MESS. EXPRESS.
Clearly Dinah is riddled with guilt and is desperate to find Sara alive to erase the terrible decision she made, but she can’t erase it. Just like Oliver can’t.
Somehow this betrayal almost feels worse than what Oliver and Sara did. Alright, maybe that’s too harsh, but it feels just as bad. It feels like Dinah was taking sides and she chose Sara. 
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I really need a therapy session with these women to unpack all that, but this is Arrow and L*urel doesn’t get that much screen time. The best we’ll get is an awkward hug and L*urel asking her mother to call her sometime.
What L*urel is offering is a generous second chance. Perhaps she’s realized that forgiveness is less painful than holding onto all the anger and hurt. Perhaps Oliver coming home and her mother’s time away made her realize she wants Dinah in her life than not at all. It’s really only a decision L*urel can make, but it’s a chance Dinah needs to jump on. She didn’t stop being a mother when Sara died. L*urel needs her too.
Stray Thoughts
L*urel advises Thea to run from the bad boys. Snort. So it’s a “do what I say, not what I do” type of advice day.
Moira serves Frank up on a platter to Malcolm Merlyn as the person who hired Deadshot. Moira’s hands are getting pretty damn bloody.
It has to be hard on L*urel to see that the only time her parents can be in a room together, affectionately touching, and being on the same team, is when they are searching for Sara. I really felt bad for her this episode. Ugh.
Slade and Oliver ransom the chips for a boat. It goes disastrously. Now Yao Fei is captured again.
Hey! Shado speaks English and can kick ass. Neat!
 “Keeps my ears warm.” He jokes!
“I’ll be home in a flash.” Dinah lives in Central City. Season 1 Jen didn’t get that reference, but I am a seasoned professional in the art of comic book references and I totally picked up on it the second time.
“Stay” by Rihanna was playing during Oliver & L*urel’s scene at the end of the episode. This was my song of pain in 2013. The Vampire Diaries used it in a particularly agonizing Stefan and Elena scene as well that year.  It's like white hot pokers in my heart.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 1x18!!!
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me.
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dykemarcille · 25 days
you were in my dream last night :) we were walking in the park and stephen amell was there desperately trying to get people to care about some new tv show he was starring in but nobody cared. so as we were walking past him i said "oh i'm so excited for emily bett rickards's new show" and we could see that his feelings were hurt
i love this. i am fully accepting into my heart that this is literally how he reacted when HEELS aired and everyone called him a scab and no one cared. also who did i look like? when i dream about tumblr mutuals they always sort of look like an ai blender tried to make their icon into a real girl
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rosyzhaorph · 2 years
In the source link, you’ll find 118 HQ textless all under 5MB 268x151 gifs of Candice Patton as Iris West in 1x07 & 1x08 of The Flash. These gifs were ALL made by me. I don’t mind if you use them in crackships or edit them into icons as long as you credit/tag me. But DO NOT put these into other gif hunts or repost them into gif sets! DO NOT use my gifs to roleplay characters that are minors or in smut threads. DO NOT use my gifs to roleplay real life people/celebrities, or in any taboo situations! If any clarification is needed, please feel free to ask! Please like or reblog if you find this helpful and don’t claim them as your own! If you’re a fan of my work and have a few dollars to spare, please consider buying me a coffee! (paypal available upon request)
Credits: PSDs: @lcverevermcregifs TASKS WEEKLY: #021 - Black ETHNICITY: African American (Unspecified) so please cast her accordingly! TRIGGER WARNINGS: flashing gifs, guns, shooting scene, blood, hospital scene, kissing FEATURING: Grant Gustin, Jesse R. Martin, Rick Cosnett, Robert Knepper, Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards Tag List: @malafvma @supportcontentcreators @tasksweekly​
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
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Welcome to the Soneva Jani! 
“Soneva Jani is nestled within the tranquil waters of the Noonu Atoll, where sun-drenched blue skies and azure seas stretch out in every direction. One of the world’s lowest density resorts, there are just 51 over-water and three island residences, the largest and most luxurious villas in the Maldives, each designed for the ultimate privacy, space and breathtaking ocean views. Relax in iconic Water or Island Villas for the ultimate indulgence.”
Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or were not in the ships list - you were included in the generator. If you do not see your FCs name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know - sometimes a name gets missed getting put into the generator. We’re human and it happens! At the same time, if your FC is on there twice by any chance then please let us know. Again, mistakes happen. As we accept new applications and people come into the group before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go for if people get unfollowed or ask to leave the group. We posted the pairings in advance so that you may reach out to your roommate and get new interactions going! Even if a mun is on hiatus, be sure to reach out to them so that you can see if you can head-canon some interactions or plan for something when they are off hiatus. All trips are to encourage new interactions and unlikely connections!
Akanishi Jin and Lee Sunmi
Alexis Kaufman (Alexa Bliss) and Taylor Swift
Ana de Armas and Eiza Gonzalez
Andrew Garfield and Lily James
Andy Biersack and Camila Mendes
Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow
Anya Taylor-Joy and Renee Paquette (Renee Young)
Ariana Grande and Florence Pugh
Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair) and Billie Eilish
Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings
Austin Butler and Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Ava Max and Geoff Wigington
Awsten Knight and Miley Cyrus
Bella Hadid and Nick Robinson
Ben Platt and Emily Bett Rickards
Beyonce Knowles and Gong Yoo
Bill Skarsgard and Lucy Hale
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds
Brett Tucker and Sarah Drew
Brittany Baker and Tyler Hoechlin
Bruno Mars and Shelley Hennig
Byun Baekhyun and Timothee Chalamet
Camille Rowe and Elizabeth Gillies
Carrie Underwood and Molly-Mae Hague
Cate Blanchett and Julianna Margulies
Chace Crawford and Kaia Gerber
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten) and Jackson Wang
Choi Minho and Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Choi San and Jeon Junkook
Chris Evans and Jade Chynoweth
Christian Yu and Kim Jisoo
Christopher Bang (Bang Chan) and Hwang Hyunjin
Cindy Kimberly and Niall Horan
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) and Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Crystal Reed and Valentina Zenere
Damiano David and Olivia DeJonge
Diamante Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie) and Kim Hongjoong
Dove Cameron and Noah Cyrus
Dua Lipa and Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Dylan O’Brien and Maika Monroe
Dylan Sprouse and Madelyn Cline
Eduardo Franco and Peyton Meyer
Emilia Clarke and Jake Gyllenhaal
Emily Osment and Meryl Streep
Emma Mackey and Nick Jonas
Emma Stone and Maura Higgins
Florence Welch and Gigi Hadid
George MacKay and Saoirse Ronan
Grace Van Dien and Harry Kane
Grace Van Patten and Lily Collins
Hailey Baldwin and Joey King
Huh Yunjin and Jerome Flynn
Jamie Campbell Bower and Zendaya Coleman
Jesse Lingard and Ryan Gosling
Jessica Chastain and Robert Pattinson
Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson
Joe Keery and Maya Hawke
Joseph Quinn and Riley Keough
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi and Karlie Kloss
Kathryn Hahn and Liam Hemsworth
Kehlani Parrish and Selena Gomez
Kim Jongin and Lee Taemin
Kim Jungwoo and Lucas Wong
Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi
Kim Taehyung and Jung Wooyoung
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) and Mark Lee
Lee Felix and Lee Know (Minho)
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Louis Tomlinson and Ross Lynch
Lupita Nyong’o and Tessa Thompson
Madelaine Petsch and Otto Wood
Maia Mitchell and Mike Faist
Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan
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Mazz Murray and Shay Mitchell
Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion) and Park Seonghwa
Meghann Fahy and Victoria De Angelis
Mercedes Varnado (Sasha Banks) and Pamela Martinez (Bayley)
Natalia Dyer and Tom Holland
Perrie Edwards and Sabrina Carpenter
Shawn Mendes and Sydney Sweeney
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
Xiao Dejun (Xiajun) and Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Lauren Jauregui and Elizabeth Olsen
Zoey Deutch and Park Jinyoung 
Alycia Debnam Carey and Hailee Steinfeld
Pedro Pascal and Sadie Sink
Avril Lavigne and Olivia Rodrigo
Sarah Hyland and Jenna Ortega 
Jade Thirlwall and Kathryn Newton
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lightscamerafilm · 1 year
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Freeform Announces 25th Anniversary Lineup for October's 31 Nights of Halloween, Featuring Classics and Franchise Hits.
Freeform has locked in an exciting roster of movies and shows for its 25th annual 31 Nights of Halloween celebration, scheduled from October 1st through the 31st.
Audience favourites making a comeback include the iconic film Hocus Pocus featuring Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy, produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Tim Burton's cherished The Nightmare Before Christmas, distributed by Touchstone Pictures and directed by Henry Selick, also makes an appearance, marking its own 30th-anniversary milestone this year.
The Halloweentown series also has a strong presence, showcasing films like the 1998 original TV movie with a cast including Debbie Reynolds, Kimberly J. Brown, Joey Zimmerman, Emily Roeske, and Judith Hoag. The series' other instalments, such as Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge, Halloweentown High, and Return to Halloweentown, are also featured.
Joining the lineup are major film series like The Twilight Saga, Monsters, Inc., The Addams Family, The Incredibles, Spider-Man, Hotel Transylvania, and Twitches.
Popular animated TV shows haven't been left out either. Both Family Guy and The Simpsons have secured spots, with the latter airing its special "Treehouse of Horror" episodes. Following the launch of the latest Haunted Mansion movie, Freeform is set to broadcast the 2003 original starring Eddie Murphy, Marsha Thomason, and Jennifer Tilly.
Rounding out the selection this year are Freeform debuts of Disney’s animated smashes Encanto, Zombies, and Zombies 2.
Article by: A. Iqbal
The 31 Nights of Halloween 2023 Programme Guide.
Courtesy of Freeform
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thehours2002 · 2 years
diva reading list for nerds below the cut
1.     Cold War Femme: Lesbianism, National Identity, and Hollywood Cinema by Robert J. Corber
2.     Heavenly Bodies: Film Stars and Society by Richard Dyer
3.     Stars by Richard Dyer
4.     Stardom: Industry of Desire, edited by Christine Gledhill
5.     The Queen's Throat: Opera, Homosexuality, and the Mystery of Desire by Wayne Koestenbaum
6.     The Diva's Mouth: Body, Voice, Prima Donna Politics by Susan J. Leonardi and Rebecca A. Pope
7.     The Celebrity Culture Reader by David P. Marshall
8.     Divas on Screen: Black Women in American Film by Mia Mask
9.     Moving Performances: Divas, Iconicity, and Remembering the Modern Stage by Jeanne Scheper
10.  Star-Gazing: Hollywood Cinema and Female Spectatorship by Jackie Stacey
11.  Screen Dreams: Fantasising Lesbians in Film by Clare Whatling
12.  “Fabulous! Divas, Part 1,” an issue of Camera Obscura, edited by Alexander Doty
13.  “Fabulous! Divas, Part 2,” an issue of Camera Obscura, edited by Alexander Doty
Book Chapters
1.     “Judy Garland and Others: Notes on Idolization and Derision” by Michael Bronski from Lavender Culture
2.     “A Polemical Introduction; or, The Ghost of Greta Garbo” from The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture by Terry Castle
3.     “In Praise of Brigitte Fassbaender (A Musical Emanation)” from The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture by Terry Castle
4.     “Keeping the Celebrity Flame Flickering: Reality Television Celebrities on Broadway and Fan Interaction Through Digital Media” by Emily Clark from iBroadway: Musical Theatre in the Digital Age
5.     “Judy on the Net: Garland, Camp, and Contemporary Fandom” from Incongruous Entertainment: Camp, Cultural Value, and the MGM Musical by Steven Cohan
6.     “The Lady Is a Camp: Glamour, Star Turns, and the Boys in the Chorus” from Incongruous Entertainment: Camp, Cultural Value, and the MGM Musical by Steven Cohan
7.     “First a Star: Elizabeth Taylor” from Only Entertainment by Richard Dyer
8.     “Four Films of Lana Turner” from Only Entertainment by Richard Dyer
9.     “The Singing Sixties: Rethinking the Julie Andrews Roadshow Musical” by Brett Farmer from The Sound of Musicals
10.  “Re-Examining Stardom: Questions of Texts, Bodies and Performance” by Christine Geraghty from Reinventing Film Studies
11.  “How Do You Solve a ‘Problem’ like Maria von Poppins?” by Peter Kemp from Musicals: Hollywood and Beyond
12.  “ ‘A Cutie With More Than Beauty’: Audrey Hepburn, the Hollywood Musical and Funny Face” by Peter Kramer from Musicals: Hollywood and Beyond
13.  “Divas or Anti-Divas? The Act and Woman of the Year” from Kander and Ebb by James Leve
14.  “Kiss of the Spiderwoman: Sex, Politics, and the Diva Musical” from Kander and Ebb by James Leve
15.  “Ginger Rogers and Gay Men? Queer Film Studies, Richard Dyer, and Diva Worship” by David Lugowski from Screening Genders
16.  “A Few of My Favorite Things: Movie Stars and the Soundtrack of Broadway” from Broadway to Main Street: How Show Tunes Enchanted America by Laurence Maslon
17.  “Queer Jewish Divas: Jewishness and Queerness in the Life and Performance of Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, and Olga Guillot” by Moshe Morad from Mazal Tov, Amigos! Jews and Popular Music in the Americas
18.  “Reading as an Opera Queen” by Mitchell Morris from Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship
19.  “Divas and Divos” by Hilary Poriss from The Oxford Handbook of Opera
20.  “Stars and Fans” by Holley Replogle-Wong from The Oxford Handbook of The American Musical
21.  “The Sexual Bonds of Racial Stardom: Asian American Femme Fatales in Hollywood” from The Hypersexuality of Race: Performing Asian/American Women on Screen and Scene by Celine Parreñas Shimizu
22.  “ ‘Dreamgirls Will Make You Happy’: The Pleasures of Voice and Body” from Studying Musical Theatre: Theory and Practice by Millie Taylor and Dominic Symonds
23.  “Having a Ball with Dottie: Queering Female Stardom from MGM to Todd Haynes” by Noah Tsika from Reframing Todd Haynes: Feminism’s Indelible Mark
24.  “A Matchless Melange of Mirth and Melody: The Stars of The Passing Shows” by Jonas Westover from The Shuberts and Their Passing Shows: The Untold Tale of Ziegfeld's Rivals
25.  “The Streisand Musical” by Pamela Robertson Wojcik from The Sound of Musicals
26.  “Actors’ Biography and Mythmaking: The Example of Edmund Kean” by Leigh Wood from Interpreting the Theatrical Past: Essays in the Historiography of Performance
1.     “Made in Movieland: Imitation, Agency, and Girl Movie Fandom in the 1910s” by Diana W. Anselmo
2.     “ ‘A Legend in Her Own Time’: Lauren Bacall, Aging Stardom, and Cultural Memory in Applause” by Sara Bakerman
3.     “The Virtuoso’s Stage: A Theatrical Topos” by Gabriele Brandstetter
4.     “ ‘The world belongs to the young?’: Age and the Golden Age Diva in Coco (1969) and Applause (1970) by Maya Cantu
5.     “Beyoncé’s Slay Trick: The Performance of Black Camp and its Intersectional Politics” by Constantine Chatzipapatheodoridis
6.     “ ‘What has she actually done??!’: Gay Men, Diva Worship, and the Paratextualization of Gay-Rights Support” by Jimmy Draper
7.     “Embracing Excess: The Queer Feminist Power of Musical Theatre Diva Roles” by Michelle Dvoskin
8.     “The Fabulous Sublimity of Gay Diva Worship” by Brett Farmer
9.     “Greta Garbo and Silent Cinema: The Actress As Art Deco Icon” by Lucy Fischer
10.  “I Had a Dream: Rose's Turn, Musical Theatre and the Star Effigy” by Jason Fitzgerald
11.  “The Romance of Monsters: Theorizing the Virtuoso Body” by Judith Hamera
12.  “The Death of Camp: Gay Men and Hollywood Diva Worship, from Reverence to Ridicule” by Daniel Harris
13.  “Diva Worship and the Sonic Search for Queer Utopia” by Craig Jennex
14.  “The True Voice of Whitney Houston: Commodification, Authenticity, and African American Superstardom” by Jaap Kooijman
15.  “Fierce, Fabulous, and In/Famous: Beyoncé as Black Diva” by Jaap Kooijman
16.  “Divafication: The Deification of Modern Female Pop Stars” by Linda Lister
17.  “Stepping out of Line: (Re)claiming the Diva for the Dancers of Broadway” by Dustyn Martincich
18.  “Feeling and the Filmed Body: Judy Garland and the Kinesics of Suffering” by Adrienne L. McLean
19.  “ ‘Can You Handle My Truth?’: Authenticity and the Celebrity Star Image” by Erin Meyers
20.  “ ‘Queer for Uncle Sam’: Anita's Latina Diva Citizenship in West Side Story” by Deborah Paredez
21.  “Diva Relations in The Color Purple, the 2015 Broadway Revival” by Deborah Paredez
22.  “The Interpellations of Interpolation; or, The Disintegrating Female Musical Body” by Bradley Rogers
23.  “Katherine Dunham: The Crossing and [con]Fusion of Borders by Broadway’s Original Diasporic Dance Diva” by Pamyla Stiehl
24.  “Desire in Evidence” by Stacy Wolf
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theultimatefan · 1 year
Strong, Benson, Basco, Cullen Among Voice Actors Added To FAN EXPO Philadelphia, June 2-4
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Many of the most notable animation and gaming titles will be well represented at FAN EXPO Philadelphia with today’s announcement that nine standout voice actors from those worlds will attend the event, set for June 2-4 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. From stars of animated classics like Tara Strong (“Teen Titans,” “Batman: Arkham City”), Jodi Benson (“The Little Mermaid,” “Toy Story 3”), Kathleen Herles (“Dora the Explorer,” “Go, Diego! Go!”), Dante Basco (“Avatar: The Last Airbender,” “American Dragon: Jake Long”), Peter Cullen (“Transformers,” “Winnie the Pooh”) and Shameik Moore (“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse") to gaming favorites like David Hayter (“Metal Gear Solid,” “Star Wars: The Old Republic”), Dameon Clarke (“Borderlands,” “Dragon Ball Z”) and Xander Mobus (“Persona,” “Lego Star Wars”), FAN EXPO Philadelphia fans will have their pick of top talent to meet all weekend.
The additions to the roster supplement the set of celebrities who give voice to fans’ favorite anime franchises as well, as announced earlier this month. That list includes Josh Grelle (“My Hero Academia,” “Date a Live,” “Attack on Titan”); Elizabeth Maxwell (“My Hero Academia,” “Fruits Basket,” “RWBY”); Jason Liebrecht (“My Hero Academia,” “Fire Force,” “Dragon Ball Super”); Christopher Sabat (“My Hero Academia,” “Dragon Ball Z,” “Black Clover”); Natalie Van Sistine (“Spy x Family,” “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury,” “Mieruko-chan”); Megan Shipman (“Spy x Family,” “Isekai Quartet,” “Overlord”); Alex Organ (“Spy x Family,” “Fairy Tail,” “High School D&D”); Zach Aguilar (“Demon Slayer,” “Genshin Impact”); Aleks Le (“Demon Slayer,” “Rent-a-Girlfriend,” “Samurai Rabbit”); and Maile Flanagan (“Naruto,” “Senko,” “Boruto”). Other previously announced FAN EXPO Philadelphia celebrities with significant voice credits include Sean Astin (“Justice League Action”) and Katee Sackhoff (“Star Wars Rebels,” “Clone Wars”).
They join an impressive roster of guests that includes icon Michael J Fox, his Back to the Future costars Christopher Lloyd and Tom Wilson; Henry Winkler (“Happy Days,” “Barry”); Christina Ricci (“The Addams Family,” “Wednesday”); Sam Raimi (The Evil Dead, Spider-Man); Peter Weller (Robocop, Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension); “Arrow” star Stephen Amell and fellow “Arrow” cast member Emily Bett Rickards; “Punisher” standout Jon Bernthal, “Daredevil” headliners Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio; “Stranger Things” breakouts Joseph Quinn and Grace Van Dien; and Bonnie Wright (Harry Potter).
Advanced Tickets for FAN EXPO Philadelphia are on sale through May 18 at www.fanexpophiladelphia.com, with discounts on individual day, 3-day and Ultimate Fan Packages available for adults, youths and families. VIP packages are also available now, with dozens of special benefits including priority entry, limited edition collectibles, exclusive items and much more.
Philadelphia is the eighth event on the 2023 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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ear-worthy · 1 year
Dykes to Watch Out For; Sacred Scandal; In Our Own World Second Season
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Comic Strip “Dykes to Watch Out For,” now a podcast  Alison Bechdel’s comic strip Dykes To Watch Out For became a countercultural institution among lesbians and discerning non-lesbians all over the planet.
Now, Alison Bechdel’s Dykes to Watch Out For, the award-winning cartoonist’s iconic comic strip that ran from 1983 - 2008, was just released as an episodic podcast in partnership with Audible. The podcast is led by a queer cast in time for Pride Month. Featuring stars like Jane Lynch, Carrie Brownstein, Roxane Gay, Roberta Colindrez, Jenn Colella, and more, with a script by Madeleine George and direction by Leigh Silverman, all episodes of Dykes to Watch Out For are available to stream now. “I am blown away by this podcast; it’s such a great gift to hear the characters and their world come to audio life, talking and kvetching and playing softball and going to marches,” said Bechdel. "Dykes to Watch Out For is smart and political and just great storytelling - like Charles Dickens meets Audre Lorde, with a dash of lesbian pulp fiction thrown in. I can't wait for the world to hear it," says scriptwriter Madeleine George. All episodes of Dykes to Watch Out For are available now, and more information can be found here. Second Season of Sacred Scandal podcast premieres
A sad commentary on modern times is that church scandals are too frequent and appear to infect multiple religions. One of the best such podcasts is Sacred Scandal, which was named one of Podtrac’s Best New Podcasts of 2022. Its second season focuses on Mexico-based megachurch La Luz del Mundo (Light of the World) and Naasón Joaquín García, a self-proclaimed apostle, who is currently behind bars after being convicted of sexually abusing girls from his congregation. He is currently serving a nearly 17-year sentence, but maintains his innocence. Host and investigative journalist Roberta Garza explores Naasón's control over a multitude of devotees, some of whom now describe their experiences in the church as "pure evil." In this true-crime series, survivors share stories about this powerful religious leader and the alleged sexual abuse that followed, many relating to minors. Tune in Thursdays. 
Second Season of In Our Own World launches Have you ever felt like you were born in the wrong decade, or maybe even the wrong planet? Check out iHeartPodcast’s In Our Own World where partners and co-hosts -- Emily Estefan, Emmy-nominated musician and TV host, and Gemeny Hernandez, Grammy-nominated songwriter and stylist -- live in their own world.
 The podcast does truly have an otherworldly vibe to it.
 The podcast follows life’s never-ending questions and journey through unpredictable moments with thought-provoking discussions and fascinating stories, to lighthearted moments like prank calls and games. Season two of In Our Own World has just launched, with new episodes every Wednesday.
Co-host Emily Estefan is a multi-faceted artist who is renowned as a Grammy-nominated musician, songwriter, producer, actress, activist, and Emmy-nominated co-host of the captivating Facebook Watch show Red Table Talk: The Estefans.
Emily Estefan has shared the stage with legendary performers including Bette Midler, Dave Navarro, Carole King, Billy Gibbons, and The Wailers. Additionally, she has contributed to memorable virtual performances alongside musical luminaries like Stevie Wonder, Josh Groban, and Allen Stone, showcasing her ability to connect with artists from various genres.
Apart from her artistic endeavors, Emily shares a profound partnership with her loving partner, Gemeny Hernandez, both in life and business since 2016. In 2022, they embarked on an inspiring journey together as Gemeny created and launched their podcast In Our Own World in collaboration with iHeartMedia, of which Emily is the co-host.
An advocate for equality and justice, Emily was honored in September 2022 with the prestigious "Visibility Award" from the Human Rights Campaign. Recognized for her unwavering commitment to promoting inclusivity and championing the rights of the LGBTQ+ community at home, at work, and in her greater community.
Co-host Gemeny Hernandez is a Grammy-nominated songwriter, producer, stylist, writer, activist, and podcast host. She served as the wardrobe supervisor and lead stylist on the Emmy Award-winning show Red Table Talk: The Estefans. That same year, Gemeny's songwriting talent was recognized with a Grammy Award nomination for her work on The Wailers' album One World, in the coveted ‘Best Reggae Album’ category.
Beyond her artistic endeavors, Gemeny Hernandez initiated the "Recharging Cuba" initiative. This campaign aimed to provide much-needed phone minutes and data to civilians on the island, supporting their communication and connection with the outside world.
Since 2016, she has been in a dedicated partnership with Emily Estefan, and together, they founded Alien Shrimp Entertainment.
If you're into different and fearless, check out In Our Own World.
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
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Although I wouldn't call Hocus Pocus a great film, you can see its appeal. Released nearly thirty years later on Disney+, Hocus Pocus 2 is made for the people who have turned the original into a cult classic. Unfortunately, the film banks heavily on you wanting "more" so desperately that you'll overlook the overwhelming lack of effort in this follow-up.
Twenty-nine years after the Sanderson sisters were first resurrected, aspiring witches Becca and Izzy (Whitney Peaks and Belissa Escobedo) bring Winifred, Mary and Sarah Sanderson (Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy) back from the grave once more. Determined to cast a spell that will make them all-powerful so they can remain alive past the upcoming sunrise, the three spellcasters go after Becca and Izzy’s estranged friend Cassie (Lilia Buckingham) - a descendant of the witches’ old enemy.
Don’t be fooled. Hocus Pocus 2 is almost a beat-for-beat repeat of the first. The witches are just as dimwitted and flabbergasted by modern technology as ever as they try their best to brew a potion that will spell doom for the town of Salem. More than that, the film repeats/updates numerous gags and scenes. Winifred once again finds herself on a stage so she can perform I Put a Spell on You and the zombie Billy Butcherson (this time played by Doug Jones) is brought back for no reason other than he was in the first movie. Several gags are repeated, though the one where the sisters once again find themselves without brooms and grab modern cleaning tools instead has a clever payoff, as do the witches confusing beauty products for potions. I wish writers David Kirschner, Blake Harris and Jen D’Angelo had found a way to bring back the talking cat - my favorite part of the original movie.
Hocus Pocus 2 knows the witches have become sort of icons. It tries to soften them up so we’ll sympathize with them, maybe even cheer for the ladies to stay alive past Halloween night… despite them clearly being evil. The picture’s first scene is set in 1653 and has the sisters running away from Reverend Traske (Tony Hale, who also plays his descendent in the present) so they can stick together. With the film’s strong theme of sisterhood, we’re supposed to see this whole magic thing as empowering for women… but that concept falls apart when you scrutinize it even a little. The Sanderson sisters and other witches murder and eat children so they can stay young and beautiful. Their book of spells is made of human flesh and was given to Winifred by the Devil - or it was until they retconned it in this movie via a clumsy scene early on. Regardless, we know they worship Satan and since magic is real, we can assume Hell is too… which means that harsh Reverend at the beginning of the movie? He was probably right to do what he did. I’m sure Emily Binx’s family thinks so, anyway.
Nitpicks aside, there is something to be said about giving your target audience what it wants. For die-hard fans who've been wanting a Hocus Pocus 2 since 1993 of course this will satisfy. I'd argue ANYTHING would. For everyone else, there’s little here. Being made nearly 30 years after the first, there’s a certain something-something missing. The film isn’t trying hard and a diverse cast, along with committed performances from the three witches (who are the leads - sorry Whitney Peak and Belissa Escobedo) doesn’t make up for it. This Halloween comedy is rarely funny, and even less frequently original. A sequel hinted is teased after the credits, however, so stick around for that if you like. (October 29, 2022)
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jbuffyangel · 2 years
A Leap of Faith: Arrow 1x14 Review (The Odyssey)
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Hello to those who are reading this review right now.  I appreciate your dedication and patience as I have FINALLY resumed writing. HUGS!! I hope I remember how to do this. DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!
Let’s dig in…
This is a heavy flashback episode, so much so they had to render Oliver unconscious so Stephen didn’t have to pull double duty in the past and the present. The writers at least came up with a better idea than Joss Whedon did when Sarah Michelle Gellar hosted Saturday Night Live. He turned Buffy into a rat (which now that we know his disgusting and abusive behavior on set towards women this really tracks, but I digress). 
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Arrow went a simpler route. Moira shoots Oliver.
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Can we just talk about Moira shooting Oliver for a sec? Cool? Cool. So, Diggle has bugged Moira because he added 1 + 1 = THE BITCH IS SHADEY and decided to deal with the math, which is something Oliver likes to avoid, but the recording is damning enough to warrant a visit from the Hood. Oliver crashes through the window, takes out some of the office dudes and aims an arrow on his mama.
Moira holds up a picture of Oliver and Thea, begs the Hood not to kill her because she’s a mother and Oliver lessens the tension on the bow. AS IF YOU’RE GOING TO SHOOT HER OLIVER PLEASE. LIKE YOU MOMENTARILY FORGOT THIS WAS YOUR MOTHER AND THE PHOTO REMINDED YOU??!!! Come on dude.
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Side note: I’d like to point out that Moira literally uses Oliver and Thea’s photo as a shield against the Hood, which is what she always does. She uses her motherhood and children as shield to justify her bad behavior. Moira is not the only person to give birth on this planet, Oliver. It’s not a free pass to murder people.
Oliver is bleeding out and the person he asks for help is not Diggle (even though he’s a phone call away), L*urel (the writers would prefer not to further integrate her into the plot in a meaningful way) or Tommy (they have to save that golden nugget for another time). No, the person Oliver goes to help is FELICITY MEGHAN SMOAK.
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Source: @oliverxfelicity
The scene where Felicity finds out Oliver is the Hood is iconic primarily because she has the best reaction of all the characters in the show. Emily Bett Rickards plays the scene with pitch perfect comedic timing, vindication and genuine compassion. It marks Felicity’s full integration into the show. There is no going back now.
The rewatch is funnier now than it was live because Emily has recounted numerous times that Stephen didn’t fit into the back of Felicity’s Mini Cooper. I have the visual of Stephen’s bottom half hanging out of the side door the scene plays out. 
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Felicity brings Oliver to the Foundry as instructed and this is no small thing. Oliver has been shot enough times to know he was losing a lot of blood and would be unconscious soon. He doesn’t make any kind of contact with Diggle to let him know what happened. Oliver’s life is truly in Felicity’s hands. She could bring him to the hospital, but they both know that would result in revealing The Hood’s true identity. Oliver has no guarantees Felicity won’t immediately go to the police either, and yet there he is in the back of the Mini Cooper.
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Source: @westallenolicitygifs
TRUST is a central theme in Olicity’s relationship. It’s examined from almost every possible angle over the course of 8 seasons, but these early episodes are the building blocks. You don’t get to 1x14 without 1x12. Felicity took the first step. She confronted Oliver about his lies, admits she had no real reason to trust him, and yet there she is in the restaurant handing over Moira’s copy of The List. Felicity takes a leap of faith and so Oliver does the same.
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This revelation has been steadily building from the moment Oliver walked into Felicity’s office and presented the bullet ridden computer. 
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Source: @swifterly
Arrow has many missteps, particularly when they are not invested in a character, but when the writers are invested they can produce really profound character arcs. They slowly and rather painstakingly build Felicity’s character and her relationship with Oliver, step by step, moment by moment. It doesn’t feel rushed when Felicity discovers Oliver’s identity, but it doesn’t feel overdue either.  
It’s Felicity herself who asks the most fundamental question in “The Odyssey” and perhaps in the show.
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Source: https://gfycat.com/discover/1x14-gifs
I think one of the more remarkable aspects to Arrow is that the writers often anticipate the audience’s questions and literally answer them in the show. More often than not, Felicity is the voice of the audience. It’s difficult to explain how dismissive some viewers were of Felicity now that we know how the story played out, but Olicity shippers really had it rough back in Season 1 and Season 2. 
It was LUDICROUS to even consider Felicity as a potential love interest for Oliver - not when you had the queen of comic canon L*urel L*ance right there. This was the Green Arrow’s origin story and there was no other possible ending other than Oliver ending up with the Bl*ck C*anary. 
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Anyone who dared to question the presumed trajectory of the story was on the receiving end of a lot of ridicule and hate. Olicity shippers were idiotic. We were delusional. Felicity Smoak was comedic relief and the Girl Friday. THAT WAS ALL SHE WAS EVER GOING TO BE.
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And yet… we hoped because of scenes like THIS. The writers were challenging their own narrative by asking the very question some of the audience was asking. WHY FELICITY? Why does Felicity find out the truth and not L*urel? Why does Oliver go to HER? If this was really about her ability with computers and becoming his Girl Friday then Diggle would’ve answered that way, but he doesn’t.
John’s answer contains a lot more depth.
“As hard as it is for him to admit, even Oliver needs help sometimes.”
Oliver NEEDS help. He cannot do this alone, even though that was his very intention in the beginning, but as the mission evolved so did Oliver. He went to Diggle first and now Felicity. Yes, they both have skills that are useful to the mission. Diggle is a trained solder. Felicity is a tech genius. (Oliver clearly had some computer skills in the pilot that the writers rapidly backed off of once they discovered the gem that is Emily Bett Rickards.) We can easily right this off as skills are the only qualifications that matter answer.
But Diggle didn’t join Oliver’s mission because he thought Oliver needed back up in the field. John recognized Oliver’s trauma because it was the same as his trauma. Diggle knows the hole Oliver is in because he was in the hole too. Diggle’s mission was always to save Oliver Queen. Whether or not Oliver is capable of acknowledging this is the help he truly needs from John (and he’s sooooooo not capable at this point in the story), it doesn’t change the truth.
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The antis aren’t entirely wrong. Felicity Smoak was nothing. She was a throw away comic book name that Marc Guggenheim tossed into a little scene with an unknown guest star to give it some extra pizzazz. But that’s all it was ever supposed to be – one scene. What happened next was completely unexpected for the writers and the actors. Emily’s performance sparked something in Stephen’s and thus lighted the path the writers were struggling to find in Season 1. Felicity wasn’t supposed to matter, but that’s exactly why she does.
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Oliver’s story is not about how many comic book characters Arrow can produce. It’s not about reproducing a comic canon story directly from the issue page onto a television screen. It’s not about a predetermined ending. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times. It’s about a broken man finding his humanity again. Arrow is about saving a man’s soul.
If we are to truly believe Oliver is a changed man then he must see beyond what’s on the surface. He has to see value and worth in all people – particularly those who are perceived to be nothing.  This is an origin story. He’s not the Green Arrow yet, but for us to believe in his hero’s journey then Oliver Queen must see people’s humanity. The sum total of his mission is not crossing off a list of names.
Felicity Smoak is the first person who sparks something in Oliver when he returns home. This inconsequential human being, who is a means to an end to catch a bad guy, finds a way past Oliver’s cold and detached demeanor and makes him smile. We see Oliver’s humanity. We glimpse the warm, kind and deeply good person Oliver is. We see his light. Felicity makes Oliver feel something he cannot quite put into words, but he keeps coming back for more.
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People are dismissive of Felicity the same way so many of the characters are dismissive of Oliver. One of the main reasons he’s able to keep his identity secret is because so many of his loved ones believe it’s ludicrous to ever think Oliver is a crime fighting vigilante. He’s too selfish and stupid for that. Nobody bothers to look past Oliver’s surface other than Diggle.
I mean… why not L*urel? The woman is a friggin lawyer and she has helped the Hood before. Doesn’t it make more sense at this point to bring her into the team? Shouldn’t Oliver rebuild his relationship with L*urel by allowing her to know the person he truly is? Their relationship fell apart because of lies and betrayal, so wouldn’t the fix be honesty and complete transparency? The answer to those questions are clearly yes, but Oliver has absolutely no intention of ever telling L*urel his true identity, so there’s a solid 75% of his life that she will never know about. What kind of relationship is that?
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Oliver has told two virtual strangers his identity while keeping those he loves most in the dark. Why? I don’t think he trusts L*urel. He doesn’t trust she won’t turn him into daddy. His identity is safe if he’s in her good graces, but if L*urel decides she hates Oliver one week then it’s a trip to the slammer for him.
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Before anyone jumps on the whole “Oliver is keeping his identity secret to protect L*urel” bandwagon, I’d like to point out that Diggle brings up this very point to Oliver after he is revived.  
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I really don’t think Oliver is ambivalent about Felicity’s safety, quite the opposite is true. So, if it’s really that simple then why can’t Oliver protect L*urel? He literally chucks his number one reason for a secret identity right out the window.
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Oliver doesn’t want to tell L*ruel because there’s too much pain, loss and guilt. There’s too much bad road between them. Oliver doesn’t have anything to atone for with Felicity and Diggle. The fact they didn’t know pre-island Ollie is a real friggin plus at this point. Oliver can just be who he is. It’s a clean slate.
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Source: @westallenolicitygifs 
LOOK at how ambivalent this man is towards life. He just survived death AGAIN and he can barely summon any appreciation beyond “Cool.” But the very next scene is Oliver shaking Felicity’s hand and welcoming her to the team. 
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Source: @westallenolicitygifs 
Did y’all fangirl over the handshake? These are the seasons where seasons where shoulders are Oliver and Felicity’s erogenous zones, so an actual handshake is practically second base.
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Oliver extends the same invitation to Felicity that he offered to Diggle. She’s pretty much a member of Team Arrow at this point anyways. But like Diggle, Felicity has her own reasons for joining up with Oliver. Her goal is to save Walter simply because he was nice to her. Felicity is as loyal as they come.
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Source: @andjustforthismoment
We can breathe a sigh of relief. The show is on the upswing because Felicity is finally officially on the team. From the moment she enters the Foundry, it feels like Felicity is coming home.  This is where she was always meant to be. Her bright magenta sweater (with matching lipstick naturally) is like a burst of colorful sunshine amongst all the grey, black and green. It’s been thirteen episodes of just Oliver and Diggle yapping while shirtless. Don’t get me wrong, I like the shirtless, but this show is in major need of a feminine injection. I wonder if she’ll decorate a little.
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Source: @swifterly 
Felicity is the ONLY woman in Oliver’s life who knows who he truly is. This is no small matter. I disagree with Diggle. Oliver did have a choice. There were other people he could have called for help, but he chose Felicity. He doesn’t have to pretend with her anymore and I think that’s in large part why he tells her. Oliver lies so convincingly with everyone in his life, but not Felicity. He is terrible at lying to Felicity because he doesn’t want to lie to her. It’s just that simple. He cannot quantify what he feels at this point, but it is Felicity who reminds Oliver what it means to be human.
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And if you’re truly paying attention to the show the writers tell us why Felicity from the very beginning. We weren’t delusional. We were right.
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Source: @yet-i-remain-quiet
Felicity and Diggle
Stephen Amell is pulling full time duty in the flashbacks, which allows for a long overdue quality Diggle and Felicity scene. These are always so wonderful and so rare.
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Source: intrepidmare 
Diggle catches Felicity up on the previous thirteen episodes and confirms everything she already knew. The fact that she’s the only character to figure out who Oliver is BEFORE he reveals his identity speaks volumes about her. Felicity is brilliant of course, but you don’t need to be a genius to piece this puzzle together.  I appreciate the writers don’t treat her like an idiot for the sake of keeping an identity secret from someone who clearly should’ve figured it out by now (*cough*Laurel*cough*)
Not that I’m taking anything away from Diggle, but he was a hell of a lot more shocked when Oliver revealed he was the Hood. I think Diggle knew there was a lot more to Oliver Queen than he was letting on and he was up to some shifty behavior, but I don’t think Diggle believed that meant he was murdering criminals with a bow and arrow on a nightly basis.
As they wait for Oliver to recover, Felicity decides to pass the time by asking John how he feels about all the murder. It’s one of the few times we hear about Diggle’s experience in Afghanistan and we get a clearer understanding on where John’s moral compass is pointing lately. 
He tells Felicity about the time he killed a young boy in order to protect a warlord in Afghanistan. There’s nothing more righteous than fighting for your country and yet Diggle had to do terrible things. He wanted to be an honorable solider, but came home feeling like he lost his honor. He couldn’t see what good he truly accomplished.
Diggle: I killed this kid to protect this human piece of garbage and I thought am I still good? Am I still a good man? Doing this with Oliver, doing what we do, I feel good again for the first time in a long time.
It is seriously one of David Ramsey’s most underrated performances.
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John’s explanation is simple. Yes, Oliver kills but they are bad people. John isn’t thrilled about the murder, but it’s not like he enjoyed killing while in Afghanistan and he knows Oliver doesn’t enjoy it either. Loss of life is the cost of war, and sometimes a necessary evil, but at least in this war John feels like he’s actually accomplishing something. Diggle is finding his honor again. If he has to break the law to win the war then it’s a cost Diggle is willing to pay.
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Source: @swifterly
This scene is key to understanding why Felicity joins the team. Yes, she wants to save Walter, but it means a certain level of acceptance with the way Oliver does business. We’re going to flesh out Felicity’s attitude about Oliver’s killing a lot more in the upcoming episodes, but he may need to take some lives of VERY EVIL PEOPLE in order to save Walter’s life. Felicity is not stupid. She knows this.
One of my annoyances in later seasons is whenever Oliver does something bad to Felicity it can be treated like the worst thing he’s ever done. Whereas I remain firmly entrenched in torture and murder being the worst things Oliver has ever done. Homegirl not only joined up with Oliver while he was dropping bodies left and right, she also fell in love with him while he was doing it. 
Felicity Smoak is not pure as the driven snow. Her moral compass skews slightly left of dead center, no different than Oliver and Diggle. But we have to ask the same question Diggle asks himself every day – what is good? Oliver operates in a world of grey and watching Felicity navigate it with him is what gives their dynamic the necessary push and pull.
Shockingly, everything I talked about previously is not the main focus of the episode. The Flashbacks are the main focus, but my investment in them was minimal when I watched Season 1 live and they’ve plummeted further upon my rewatch.
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Island Ollie is such a pain in the ass. Honestly, I cannot believe Slade and Yao Fei put up with his ass for so long. Could you blame them if they just bitched slapped the hell out of Oliver and left him for dead? No. They deserve medals. Oliver is so whiney & entitled. How did any woman find this man attractive enough to sleep with him? The hair alone is ... 
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Slade and Oliver are going to commandeer a plane and fly off the island. Oliver would also like to save Yao Fei, but Slade is not convinced it is worth the effort. Oliver’s refusal to abandon Yao Fei gives us a glimpse of the hero he will become, so I am willing to give credit where credit is due. But Ollie is right back to his old tricks when he tries to buy off Billy Wintergreen to save his own life.  
Dear Ollie,
These people are psychopaths. You are in Purgatory. You are paying for your sins. You will not be able to buy your way out of it.
Slade’s training is not a total loss. Well, that’s not true. Oliver screws up virtually every job Slade gives him, but he is able to disarm a bad guy so that’s progress at least. Slade kills his ex BFF Billy Wintergreen too so Team Island is also on an upswing.
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I wondered how much I was going to have to write about The Odyssey since the name of the episode is “The Odyssey” but leave it to Arrow to be subtle about it. It’s the book Fyers is reading on the island and the only book Oliver read in college, so he knows the secret challenge code when the pilot tries to verify their identity.
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For those who never had an English literature class, The Odyssey is a Greek poem written by Homer about Odysseus’ 10 year struggle to return home after the Trojan War. The challenge code Oliver repeats from the poem flat out explains what Arrow is about. 
“Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man.”
Homer is acknowledging that humanity is weak by our very nature, especially when compared to the gods. We are powerless against the pain the gods inflict upon humanity, but more often than not we are the makers our own suffering. Yet, it is this very weakness which makes our victories so sweet. The gods‘ immortality & power ultimately renders their lives meaningless because they have nothing to lose.
Odysseus doesn’t have any magical powers. He survives by his cunning & will, which makes his journey home EARNED. Odysseus appreciates life and those he loves because he suffered. This appreciation for life is something the gods can never have.
“The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” — Homer, The Iliad
Oliver = Odysseus. Here endeth the lesson.
Stray Thoughts
Oliver making Mama Queen off limits is really one of his stupider moves and sets up a lot of the disastrous things coming up.
I’m really trying not to read into Diggle’s “hickey gone wrong” comment in the episode Felicity officially joins the team, but alas I am failing. I will find my Olicity sexual content wherever possible.
Felicity ordered the sample of Oliver’s blood destroyed. Damn she’s good. And we get this adorable gif.
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The bathroom is upstairs in the club? That seems inconvenient.
Yao Fei has a daughter. A daughter with the same tattoo Oliver has on his shoulder. The plot thickens.
It’s really amazing Diggle didn’t shoot Felicity by accident.
Me: UGH. They never include L*urel in the flashbacks. Also Me: UGH. L*urel is in the flashbacks. KEEP IT.
“Do you think you can sleep with your girlfriend’s sister and make it right?” Slade wins all the awards this episode honestly. Finally someone said it.
***No more commentary from the child. She is a teenager and is way too busy to watch a show with her old mom. She will always be an Olicity shipper though.
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Listen to the @watchover-podcast reaction to 1x14!!! 
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legendsicons · 4 years
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emily bett
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