#icons lucy fry
panelshowsource · 10 months
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alex talked about that recently in this interview! [rubs hands together like a mischievous little shrimp] i hope we see it one day heh
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hehehe it was a fun task! we've NEVER seen alex play such a character during a task like that — he's received cuddles and made demands and eaten meals, but this was next level Alex Acting — so that was really fun!
lucy talking incessantly about alex's legs but mans also got his long sparkly toes
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i think people are too quick to call this or that iconic, but ngl the second i saw this final image...it's practically a horror movie poster...PERFECT
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can you imagine greg davies being your drama teacher and then he quits to become a comedian and the next day you see him on tv as Massive Greg hand feeding a man with no teeth who is pretending to be a tortoise
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honestly if that's the one that haunts you i'd say you got off pretty easy, i scrub my eyes with concrete mix every night to try and forget ass sandwich and yet... but hey at least when he hurt his hand he finally had an excuse for that stupid bandage he wears hahaha
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she was being so sincere and he was Such A Little Shit 😭
you know what i was binging some simon stuff as well, since it was his birthday, and ran across this again after all these years!
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aw anon i'm so glad ♡
moooost of my fave episodes are like ~2005–2015ish? probably the nostalgia!
21.01 with jess hynes bc she is an icon to me
21.05 love seeing simon and miquita together
21.07 with martin freeman
22.02 with stephen fucking fry YES
22.04 was crazy like conchords-era rhys darby was there (i LOVED flight of the conchords lmao) and then johnny vegas and danny dyer next to each other? what a lineup
22.12 with josh groban, omid, martin freeman, heston is an ALL-TIME CLASSIC
i LOVE the guest-hosted episodes with martin freeman, rhod gilbert, frankie boyle (especially 24.12 with miles jupp and professor green), jack dee, alex horne, kathy burke, and johnny vegas
23.12 doctor who special HANDS DOWN
24.02 it's hilarious how respectable catherine tate is offset by how ridiculous catherine tate is
25.06 when greg hosted with frankie boyle, h was there just being h, holly walsh angel, it was a riot
john barrowman is also extremely iconic on buzzcocks, probably most so on 19.05 but also when he hosted 25.12
there are tons of older episodes from the lamarr era that i love — bob mortimer is so funny on this series especially on sean's team, 12.05 when jimmy and claudia were with phill, fun to see ian dury on 5.01, and so on — but these above are some of my personal all-time faves!
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aw i really appreciate the rec! first i would like to say i looked it up on youtube and stumbled across the american version and holy shit the dude who hosted brainsurge on nickelodeon is hosting that and WOW my brain would have died never having remembered he existed if i hadn't seen him just now — so that was very weird. ANYWAYS i'll check it out!
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imo it didn't start with ben miller...rob is always like this... sometimes when the pod episodes are shorter (less than 10min? does he do that anymore), you can tell some of the bullshit is edited around, but now that they're longer-form conversations he is dominating every episode. i'm certainly no rob hater, but it's really unsurprising to me because facts are facts — rob is self-involved, extremely concerned about being seen and being heard, incredibly pouty if not outrightly bitter when he's not recognised, when fame/success doesn't chase him, when he's getting less from life than he believes he deserves. there are aspects of rob in the trip that aren't far from reality, if you see what i mean. rob is, honestly, quite showbiz. don't get me wrong, he's funny, affable, talented, we love him! but he's not a stellar podcast host because he doesn't have the attention span to let someone else have a moment. have a story. put something on the table. there are definitely times i give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's trying to form a connection by sharing a related experience/feeling/whatever, but other times he's just being self-involved, pivoting the convo, and it is what it is. it's too bad when we don't always get lengthy, insightful content for someone we love — like miles, let's say — and when we finally do rob isn't doing his part; i felt that way about the dara episode. i don't think rob means any malice, it's just how he is...+ a dash of being a middle-aged white man in showbiz...
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i got this one yesterday...
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...and i'm going to dedicate it to you<3
and frankly sign me up for the woz/vcm experience i am happy to be a little tomato in that flapjack sandwich
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you guys are really sweet, it makes me smile ♡ i don't know why some days the trolling can really get to you and other days you forget it in a couple blinks... i feel like i've been having some bad days. last week i saw something on my own dash with thousands of notes outright mocking me and i haven't really recovered from the uncomfortableness/just general hurt feelings. i want be better about letting those things go, but i also think a holiday break will do me good. anyways, thank you for always enjoying the blog and taking the time to be so kind ♡
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38 notes · View notes
savage-rhi · 1 year
Mending Shadows // Chapter 5
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Ardyn stretched his arms and yawned. He was leaning up against the front of the Vixen while casting a scrutinizing glare toward the gas meter. The sound of the ocean near the road, and the distinct calls of birds swayed against his ears. He watched as the pump slowly continued to fill the car, and he hummed in thought. The price of fuel these days was abysmal. Then again, the Lucian economy had taken quite a hit due to Niflheim’s war. 
“Suppose I can’t blame the royal family for wanting to rob everyone dry,” Ardyn chuckled, amused with himself. The total came to around 2,500 gil. Barely a dent in his pocketbooks, yet he could imagine how trifling that would have been to a small family. Choosing between food and fuel was a product of the modern world that Ardyn didn’t care for. Gone were the days of living within one’s means, and trading goods for other products. His mind started to wander, recalling simpler times and pleasures. As much as Ardyn adored his car and modern world decadence, nothing could ever beat the freedom of riding on the back of either a horse or chocobo from the days of yore. He smiled thoughtfully to himself, remembering the first time he rode such beasts. He shook his head and grimaced when he lingered for too long. 
“Sentiment will get you nowhere, old boy.” He muttered to himself with contention. 
Ardyn’s eyes peered over to the market next to the fuel station, and he debated with himself about getting a snack and a drink. Furrowing his brows, Ardyn let out the most dramatic sigh one could muster and waltzed to the entrance.  There were present-day indulgences that he was addicted to, and he both loathed and prided himself on the fact. 
Once inside, Ardyn wasted no effort in creeping around at every item, even down to the little knick-knacks that tourists often bought for keepsakes. He raised a brow at a row of snow globes next to a bag of chips. Each piece contained the Crown City’s iconic towers of the citadel. The temptation to break them all itched at Ardyn’s spine. His eyes cast a glance at the cashier who was counting money in the till. It would be so easy to play the scenario off as a clumsy mistake. Alas, he reminded himself he came here for one thing and one thing only, and sighed in defeat. 
After meandering, Ardyn smiled big when he saw row upon row of Ebony in the back fridge. His amber eyes carded over all the black cans with awe when he approached the glass doors. Ever since Accordo put an embargo on Niflheim, he had been months without the brand. Ardyn wasn’t normally one that enjoyed coffee. Caffeine had an unpleasant effect on his mind. With there already being thousands of other occupants behind the wheel, the last thing Ardyn needed was his brain frying under the weight of daemonic energy, and having a high. Ebony was the one brand he made an exception for.
Spotting an unsweetened version of the brand, Ardyn opened up the glass door and crouched down. His fingertips touched the cool texture of the can. The charismatic smile he carried into the market faded. 
In what felt like a bad flash from a camera, Ardyn witnessed his fingers touching the chilled texture of a corpse. He saw a woman with her jaw nearly cleaved off. Two men nearby were mangled in a similar fashion. A feeling of dread jolted his nerves. 
Ardyn blinked several times, and the can of Ebony came back into view. He paused. His fingertips lingered upon the can, hesitant to pick the beverage up. The deep glare he cast toward the fridge could’ve cut through steel. 
In all his years of acting upon the scourge’s influence, and taking the souls of the unwilling into himself, Ardyn believed he’d never get spooked when it came to absorbing the memories of his trespassers. He had performed the action so many times, that it became second nature. This new development troubled him a great deal. 
Y/N’s face came to mind. A deep exhale left Ardyn’s nostrils. His eyes closed. 
Smoke and chemical grime burned the inside of Ardyn’s nose. Wheezing, he took several steps back from the epicenter of the explosion. His right hand covered his lower abdomen. Blood oozed from a horizontal slash by a sword that cut through his clothes like butter. He gasped in an agonizing groan, feeling a wave of nausea hit. A throbbing sting coming from Ardyn’s neck had him shaking his head back and forth every so often in a vain attempt to tamper down the sensation.    Fingers trembling, Ardyn felt his vision begin to fade in and out. He nearly buckled under his own weight. This shouldn’t have been happening. He was immortal. The godforsaken Adagium. Physical pain was something he was more than accustomed to after 2,000 years of solitude, and then additional years of experimentation. He had been shot, stabbed, burned, peeled, and maimed without so much of an expression. Yet here he was near weeping while desperately trying to find a way out of the flames and debris.    As Ardyn stumbled, slouching against a wall nearby, he let out a dry heave upon feeling a heavy object hit the middle of his back. He fell forward and caught himself from tumbling at the last second. Ardyn turned around to face his attacker and ducked his head when a long spear attempted to strike his face. This dance played out for a time. His black and yellow eyes flared with vengeful contempt as he inhumanly screeched at the foe. The bottom end of the spear struck his jaw, and the impact sent him flying. Ardyn rolled over a few times before his back slammed against a wall of glass. Shards cascaded around him. 
Weakly, Ardyn groaned while attempting to bring himself back to his feet. He panted heavily while blood and scourge leaked from his nose and mouth. He gargled on his own bile, feeling the tip of the spear press firmly to his throat. The owner of the weapon had venom in their eyes. The likes of which even made Ardyn’s daemonic expression look almost human in vulnerability. He had “died” before when people attempted to strike him down. The fear of death was lost on him, but at this moment he felt a dread that should never have gained prospect.    “It seems the Gods have favored our side today, Chancellor!” The MedZin guard proclaimed in an exhaustive yell. He prepared to put his full weight against the spear so that the blade would slice Ardyn’s neck and spine in half.    A bellowing screech emerged from the flames as did Y/N’s body, jumping into the air and landing on top of the MedZin guard’s back. Y/N’s legs locked around the guard’s waist, and sickle claws began to rip and maim at the back of the man’s skull. The guard fell backward in a desperate attempt to fling off Y/N, and their legs around his abdomen tightened like that of a snake fully dedicated to squeezing the life out of its prey.    Ardyn’s eyes widened as he witnessed the altercation. The carnage happened so fast, that he barely registered Y/N being thrown off after the guard had pierced them through several times with the spear and flung them. The yellow in his eyes constricted as he let out a scream; finding motivation to shadow step and deliver the killing blow to the guard by striking their abdomen so hard, that bones cracked. 
Spurting out blood and spit, the guard looked up at Ardyn fading eyes, and somehow through adrenaline or pure spite, the guard managed to throw his final words out to Eos.   “You may live today, Adagium, but the world will know who and what you are soon. You---can’t keep hiding as Niflheim’s Chancellor---may Ifrit lay waste to----” The guard’s skull cracked and split open upon Ardyn’s left foot kicking downward in a fell swoop. He dug his heel into the cavity for good measure, sneering while his teeth grit.    “Pathetic waste, the lot of you,” Ardyn muttered bitterly. His breath became ragged as more smoke began to pool into the heart of the MedZin labs. By his calculation, Ardyn figured he only had ten minutes to get out before being consumed in flames.    Turning on his heel after removing his boot from the guard's entrails, he started to limp away, leaving Y/N behind. It was only when he got to the entryway did he stop. His head turned to the side and his eyes lingered on Y/N’s semi-lifeless form. Leaving Y/N to die in the flames of destruction was part of his plan. He’d literally kill two birds with one stone.  The information MedZin had stolen about the scourge would perish and he’d keep his promise to Y/N with a quick death. The cherry on top of it all was that Y/N would be framed for Ardyn’s trespasses and crimes in the aftermath. The public would never know of his instigation and true identity. Once the bodies were found, and the evidence planted at the stronghold connected Y/N to both locations, any proof of Ardyn’s interference, of his godforsaken mission, would burn and die with them.    It was as perfect as a bow on top of an extravagant gift, yet Ardyn hesitated to accept it.   Through the bond of the scourge, he felt Y/N clinging to life. For someone that wanted to die so badly, their instincts to hold out were powerful. Ardyn could feel their blood running hot and cold as if it was happening in his own body. His conscience was almost made up until he heard it. The faint murmur of a plead left Y/N’s mouth.    He made a fist so tight that his fingers trembled from the pressure. 
Ardyn opened his eyes and he was staring again at the can of Ebony. A morose contemplation traversed his tired gaze. He grabbed a can for himself and hesitated before taking another. Holding onto them with one arm, he closed the fridge door with his free hand and made his way to the cashier to purchase. 
Two hours later, the Vixen was parked in a rather large area inland from the coast. From the distance, Ardyn could make out a smaller imperial airship. Several soldiers greeted him with a wave from afar, and he returned the gesture. Nonchalantly, Ardyn exited the vehicle and approached his fellow countrymen with a lopsided smile. 
“My, my, aren’t I popular these days?” Ardyn said mischievously. He saw one of the younger men of the group swallow nervously and chuckled. “I do hope that your crossover to Lucis wasn’t turbulent!” 
“The travel was not an issue, excellency,” The commander of the group, a man no later than fifty-five spoke up. “We made sure to keep tracking and communications to a minimum so Lucis wouldn’t detect our presence with their magic.” 
Ardyn nodded. “About how much longer do you believe that’ll last?” 
“Chief Besithia determined forty-eight hours. That being said, the ship is ready for departure at your command, Chancellor. We can have your vehicle and belongings out of here in ten minutes.”
“That won’t be necessary,” Ardyn shook his head and waved the commander off. 
“Sir, Chief Besithia mentioned that time was of the essence. We are in enemy territory and understand the great risk involved in assisting this mission. For your safety, I’d like to implore you to consider departing now.”  
“You need not remind me,” Ardyn sharply replied. His gaze was so stern that the old man apologetically gave a bow with his head, not feeling up to snuff challenging the Chancellor himself. 
“I am awaiting a guest to join us on the journey home,” Ardyn began. He kept his tone neutral, so as to not convey whatever ties he had to Y/N. “I anticipate their arrival will come at dawn. Word of mouth says we should have a fog coming in at that time. What better way to sneak past the Lucian Armada than to take cover in a hazy shroud?” 
“I suppose you are correct,” The commander muttered. He cleared his throat. “In any case, we would be honored to get the Vixen on board along with whatever you have.” 
“Sounds riveting,” Ardyn mused. He playfully tossed his keys to a young soldier nearby, resisting a smirk when said soldier almost tumbled over himself trying to catch them. 
While walking past the group, and heading for the dock of the ship, Ardyn hollered. “If you fine gentlemen need me, I will be in the ship's quarters having a discussion with Chief Besithia on the network!”
“Yes sir!” 
Once aboard, a sigh of contentment left Ardyn while he had a look around before traversing to the main quarters. These newer models were less like mazes inside, and Ardyn mentally patted himself on the back for convincing Verstael to invest in a better layout. It didn’t take long before he was alone in a wide room, with windows looking outward toward the land. 
Ardyn stopped for a moment to take in the scenery and his brows furrowed into a glare. It wouldn’t be long now until the rich and fertile lands of Lucis would be replaced with the desolate snowscapes that notoriously covered Niflheim. Although he held great contempt in his heart toward the Lucian people and the kingdom as a whole, Ardyn would be lying to himself if he didn’t feel somewhat homesick for his former country. He was going to miss the view.
Sighing deeply through his nose, Ardyn shook his head. He ventured over to a desk with a computer and began setting it up so he could have a face-to-face conversation with his colleague. 
“I take it that the war room meeting hasn’t been postponed?” Ardyn made a face as Verstael tiredly rolled his eyes and nodded on the other end of the screen. 
“Unfortunately for the two of us, Aldercapt wishes for the meeting to commence when you are verified as healthy to continue to work,” Verstael bitterly stated. “There is also another trivial matter that you and I must contend with upon your return.” 
“Oh?” Ardyn perked his eyebrows up. For the first time in the last two hours of conversing with Verstael over the Imperial Network, he felt legitimately curious. “Now don’t leave me on a cliffhanger! I do so hate it when you put on dramatic pauses for effect.” 
Verstael’s dry lips curved into a smirk. “You’re lucky I don’t have the strength to call you a hypocrite right now. Alas, I don’t think you will be singing a happy tune to this matter. Aldercapt wishes to proceed with the empire's name day, and all the festivities that it entails.” 
“You can’t be serious?” Ardyn’s bluntly said while his brows knitted into a glare. “Not that we don’t have the coin for such extravagance, but this will put a damper on the weaponry budget. Not to mention compensation for security will be tight.”
“There is also the issue of the Tenebrae Ambassadors,” Verstael continued. “Aldercapt invited them over for the ceremonies in the spirit of ‘showing off the splendors of the empire’.” 
“More like showing off how much of Tenebrae’s resources we are wasting,” Ardyn snorted. He sighed, rubbing the spot between his eyebrows. “Looks like I have my work cut out for me when I return home. So many fires to put out, so little time.” 
“Speaking of putting out a fire,” Verstael began. “You said you were combing over an idea. What has become of that?” 
Ardyn remained neutral, even as he heard the eagerness in Verstael’s cadence. “I find myself ruminating on a few concepts. I haven’t made up my mind yet, sad to say. Alas, considering the fact the empire needs to make a good impression on our esteemed allies of Tenebrae, I believe this Lucian souvenir I picked up may come in handy for such an occasion!" 
Verstael raised a brow, understanding Ardyn's playful hint and the dangerous implications it entailed. “Not that I don’t believe your twisted mind has conjured up a fool proof plot, but if you recall, you know the penalty of an uninvited Lucian setting foot on Niflheim soil while the empire is at war.” 
“I’m well aware,” Ardyn said as a matter of fact and smiled. “However, I’m the Chancellor at the end of the day. I’m confident I can get Aldercapt to lift the penalty just this once for my generous offer.” 
“Consider me intrigued,” Verstael chuckled darkly. “How exactly do you intend to use this Lucian?” 
“It’s rather simple, I--” 
Before Ardyn could finish his sentence, the airship began to violently shake. Through the metallic walls, Ardyn could hear the echoes of explosions going off. 
“What in the six hells is happening?!” Verstael yelled from the other end of the screen. 
“Obviously, it appears I am under attack,” Ardyn sarcastically quipped. 
“Gods, it better not be crownsguard reinforcements!” Verstael’s tone slightly quivered with fear. 
“I don’t believe that’s the case,” Ardyn reassured. “If the guard knew of my whereabouts, my being and the ship would’ve been nuked to kingdom come by now.” 
“Whoever they are, don’t let them take you into custody!” 
Another quake came, nearly knocking both Ardyn and the computer over as the ship tilted more to the left. He gathered himself, remaining composed while an array of chaotic yells and gunfire began to sound off from afar. 
“I do so hate to drop our conversation, but duty calls!” Ardyn chimed and ended the call. 
Alarms and sirens began to go off within the ship, and a stoic voice on the overhead intercom began to alert everyone on board: 
Under attack. Under attack. The East side of the ship is under attack. Reinforcements sent. Under attack.
Ardyn immediately sprinted out of the room and bounded for the airship dock, wanting to assess for himself how dire the situation was. It wasn’t long before he arrived and received an answer in the form of dodging a round of bullets at the last second. 
Ardyn sprinted and on his third step, his body molded into a dark mist that transcended over and through supplies and goods. Time came to a grinding halt, but for Ardyn's victims, he might as well been the only living creature that was moving abnormally fast. The yellows of his eyes turned a fiery orange while he zeroed in on several of the intruders. 
Jumping into the air, Ardyn summoned his red blade Raksasha, and his assault began. The intruders had no idea what had hit them until their own bodies had tumbled to the floor. Not long after, Ardyn stood over a pile of corpses. Glaring begrudgingly, he crouched down and began to rummage through the clothes of one of his victims. His right hand gripped upon the shoulder pad on the soldier’s left side, and he sneered at the red patch. 
“MedZin,” Ardyn muttered and sighed. He thought of Y/N for a split second. “It seems you and I weren’t as thorough as we thought.” 
Ardyn immediately turned his head to the sound. He stood up as soon as the commander came into his proximity and quickly waved him down, seeing the fear in his eyes. 
“I’m quite fine,” Ardyn firmly stated. “I want a status report, quickly!” 
“Y-yes sir!” The commander gestured for Ardyn to follow him outside of the ship. 
Another round of explosives went off, making both men nearly lose their footing. 
“They came from the North and then started to shoot off explosions to our East wing! Team three and Team ninety-nine are outside, fending them off! There’s two small aircraft! I think we can take them out once they get in range!” 
“How many would you estimate are trying to kill us?” Ardyn mused.
“A dozen or so!” 
“Concentrate on taking the carriers down. I’ll deal with whoever survives the aftermath!” 
The playful yet sinister end of Ardyn’s remark had the commander freeze in his steps, taken back by the sudden change in demeanor. Before he could stop Ardyn, and beckon him to stay close for his safety, the latter pushed past and took off into the fray of battle. 
Rushing by several infantrymen firing off explosives and other advanced weaponry, Ardyn kept his eyes on the sky. Sure enough, there were two carriers as the old timer said. One to his left and right, respectfully. 
With an eager gaze, like that of a predatory animal watching for weak prey to fall, Ardyn observed the ships go down in a dazzling display of fire and grime after a sixth round of explosives were launched from the imperial troops. 
The left carrier was the first to perish, it's pilot unable to dodge a rocket that destroyed its entire front. The ship sunk to Eos like a heavy rock to a large body of water. The right craft met a similar fate. The underbelly of that ship was torn apart by magitek weaponry, a powerful ray that emitted a concentrated amount of energy from various crystals that had been corrupted via the scourge. The carrier spun around several times in freefall before it exploded violently against the soil of Lucis. 
Ardyn smirked with pride, getting to see one of his creations in action. He briefly thought back to a time when Verstael had opposed such an invention. 
“I told that senile fool it was a grand idea!” Ardyn laughed. His moment of fame was cut short when he zeroed in on survivors making their way out of the debris from the left carrier. He could practically smell the fear emitting off of men and women who scrambled away from the wrecks. 
“Oh, we’re going to have some fun!” Ardyn menacingly hissed. He once more shadow-stepped at a lightning pace and drew his red sword out of thin air. With a violent twist of his body, Ardyn began his onslaught. 
Blade against blade, and pained howls against steel erupted throughout the battlefield. There was a point in time when Ardyn could scarcely hear the crackling roar of the fires nearby, too focused on the carnage at hand to take in how the environment was becoming hostile. Every so often, he had become burnt from debris that was being utilized as weaponry from the MedZin operatives. The pain was more than enough to keep fueling Ardyn’s anger toward his enemies. 
Years of knowledge in fighting that Ardyn had under his belt from 2,000 years ago, on top of memories from the souls of the damned came to his aid while he made quick work of the intruders. He was an efficient killer, and Ardyn relished in the cold fact of the matter. The ego stroke began to awaken another beast inside himself. The scourge hummed in his body with a violent urge to consume. The sensation was so powerful, even Ardyn felt tempted to bend to its will as he approached who would be his twelfth victim. 
Ardyn stabbed Rakshasa through the woman’s back, yanking her body upward in the process. She slid down the sword to where Ardyn's left palm could touch her shoulder. 
“Let’s get a peek of what’s in your head!” Ardyn menacingly whispered.
A dark cloud of purples and blacks began to dance through his fingertips, and particles of light pooled from the wound he had inflicted. Little by little, Ardyn could feel the woman’s essence, her very life, become integrated with his. His whole body felt like a straw that was sucking up raw nectar, and his brain flooded with visions. 
Euphoria in the kill began to sway Ardyn while he grinned, and just as he reached a precipice where the transfer was almost complete, a sudden wave of nausea hit him. He stumbled backward, pulling Raksasha out of the woman’s spine. Her body dropped to the grass, and Ardyn fell to his knees. He began to throw up. Scourge and bile desecrated the soil in front of him. Vertigo began to plague Ardyn’s peripheral soon after. 
So lost in his misery, Ardyn didn’t notice a MedZin soldier taking aim for his head, having snuck up behind to take advantage of Ardyn’s moment of weakness. The soldier raised his long sword, intending to impale him until a thundering sound radiated in the air. The soldier dropped his weapon. His body collapsed, having been shot in the head from afar. 
Ardyn jerked his head around. With astonishment, he observed the body at his side and gave a hesitant slap to it. When no reaction had come, he sighed in relief.
“Well played, friend. You almost had the jump on me!” Ardyn mused mockingly. He grimaced and lurched forward.
An electric shock cascaded down Ardyn’s nerves, causing his fingertips and spine to ache. His right hand instinctively reached for his neck, near the site where he had been injected all that time ago when he ransacked Outpost 98. He closed his eyes, remembering all too well what it felt like when his body short-circuited, and he lost control of himself. 
Ardyn wasn’t one to feel dread, much less become scared. With 2,000 years to his name, and having been imprisoned in darkness, little could deter a creature such as himself from seeking his ends. Right now though, he’d be lying to himself if he wasn’t frightened. This wasn’t normal by any stretch. It became abundantly clear that something was wrong, but he didn’t have enough information to aid his woes. 
Shouting from the distance began to grow, snapping Ardyn out of his thoughts. He squinted his eyes to get a better look at the horizon.  Niflheim soldiers were coming to his aid. For now, his personal concerns needed to take a backseat. 
Ardyn quickly wiped away at his mouth and internally worked on silencing the scourge. The last thing Ardyn needed, was to be discovered with his mask off. No one could know he was Adagium. It was years too soon for such a thing.
“Chancellor! Chancellor Izunia! Are you alright!?” 
“You can silence your ruckus! I’m over here!” Ardyn hollered back, getting onto his feet to wave down his lessers. He coughed a few times and walked toward the large group after dismissing Rakshasa back into whatever plane of existence it dwelled within. 
The commander came running up, panting heavily while he gestured for ground troops to scout the area for survivors. 
“Are you hurt, sir?”
“No,” Ardyn shook his head and huffed. “At least, not in the way one would assume. I’m quite winded, however.” 
“Sir, you should go back to the ship. Let us handle whoever is left. I don’t imagine there are many now,” The commander then saw the burns and winced on Ardyn’s behalf. “You need rest and to get those patched up.” 
As much as he remained compelled to continue the hunt, Ardyn knew it would be foolish considering the odd symptoms at play in his body. 
“I suppose I can concede this time around,” Ardyn murmured. He coughed again. “What are our losses?” 
“We lost eight men thus far, and we are out of energy cores for most of our weaponry. The ship wasn’t well stocked, to begin with. As for the carrier itself, I have team ninety-nine working on repairs as we speak. From the damages, she might not be able to fly until evening tomorrow.” 
Ardyn tilted his head back and sighed in defeat. “Grand of a time as any I suppose.” 
“I’ve taken the liberty to notify Chief Besithia of the situation after the carriers had been shot down. He wanted me to relay a message to you to take shelter near an inn not far North. The owner is a Niflheim immigrant who will keep quiet about us being in Lucian territory. Two soldiers are to be assigned to you for protection, while the rest of us work on getting the ship back up and running. After we’ve combed through and determined the enemy is defeated, we’ll ransack their aircraft for anything that might speed up the process.” 
“You talk too much and too fast,” Ardyn irately stated. He raised a brow at the commander, his gaze sizing him up. 
“My apologies, I am only being thorough, sir. For everyone’s sake.” 
Ardyn made a fist with his right hand until his knuckles turned white. As much as he was bothered by being commanded, he didn’t feel it quite right to take his anger out on the old man. Not when Verstael was using him as a puppet to bark orders. 
“I will seek shelter at the inn at once,” Ardyn gave a half bow with his head out of respect toward the commander. “My phone will be on my person. I expect concise updates on the repairs while I recoup.” 
“Yes sir, and what of your guest?” 
Y/N...Ardyn froze for a moment, having nearly forgotten about them given the chaos. He made a face and waved off the concern. “They know to arrive here. When they come, give them the coordinates to the inn and I’ll take it from there. Escort them if necessary.” 
“Yes sir!” 
Ardyn began his descent back toward the airship. Every so often, he wiped away the sweat across his brow while deep in thought. 
“They should all be dead,” Ardyn muttered to himself. He was so sure of it, that his mind had difficulty letting the truth of the matter sink in: that MedZin was after him. "Everything was destroyed. The whole facility burned to rubble. How could I overlook a mistake such as this?"
Such questions plagued Ardyn as did his thoughts about what MedZin had injected into his body the day Y/N and he attacked.  Whatever the serum was, it greatly hindered his dark powers. Speaking of which, Ardyn felt depleted in a manner of speaking. The unlimited reservoir of power at his disposal was no longer tapped into. He had a limit, like any other mortal, and it both worried and angered him. 
Feeding off Y/N got him somewhat back to normal, but Ardyn realistically wondered how much longer that would last. He then burdened himself with the painful truth, that he would have to confide in Verstael about the injection. Ardyn dreaded that as much as he dreaded eating cloned meat when Aldercapt ordered it for the imperials of the court. He didn’t like it one bit. 
“I seem to be on a losing streak these days,” Ardyn mused with contempt, making his way to the dock to check on the Vixen to make sure her integrity wasn’t damaged. 
Twenty minutes into inspection, Ardyn checked near the tailpipe of the car and raised a brow when he came upon a peculiar object. Bending down, he crouched and pulled at the flat round piece. A grimace left him, feeling the object had been stuck on there quite tightly with a paste of some sort. A few tugs later, and he had it off. 
Ardyn carefully blew away the dust on the item. There were two lights at the top, blinking yellow and red, and a list of serial numbers toward the bottom. It didn’t take long before he realized it was a tracking device. 
“Gods be damned,” Ardyn sneered as he broke the piece with his bare hand, putting all of his frustration into it. Once it cracked in half, he turned his head when a Niflheim soldier approached. 
“Do you need help sir?” 
“As a matter of fact I do,” Ardyn gestured for the soldier to have his left palm up and then placed the tracker into his possession. “Decipher any information left on this device, and report your findings.” 
“You got it, Chancellor!” The soldier sounded a little too enthusiastic for Ardyn’s liking, but he applauded the boy’s efforts. 
After the soldier departed to check on the ship elsewhere, Ardyn worriedly looked out the dock entrance. His eyes combed the road, leading back to Galdin Quay. A heaviness in his heart came and went, wondering if Y/N was fairing better than he was. 
Coming around to the drivers side of the Vixen, Ardyn grabbed the paper bag that had the two cans of Ebony: one for himself, and one for Y/N. He then sought out his escorts for the inn. 
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poeticgirls · 6 years
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credit to @lissadrsgmir and like if u use/save.
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theiconla · 5 years
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Ben Duggan | Lucy Fry for Schon! Magazine, 2019
4x5 expired film and polaroid Film processed at the Icon
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flighticons · 7 years
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like if you save, don’t repost it, don’t claim it as your own, be honest!!!
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1fff · 7 years
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
You’ve done Kate/Anthony and Greg/Lucy thirsting over each other... do you have any Ben/Sophie ones? 🙂
I see you, mmmk mmmk. I have to admit, Sophie thinking “I’ll just take a little peep. For science.” When she sees Benedict in the lake is lowkey iconic. Perhaps you Benedict and Sophie fans deserve this much
The very first time Benedict sees Sophie she absolutely takes his breath away. He’d been quite contentedly taking pictures at Daphne’s wedding, settling in for dinner when the plate had dropped in front of him Beef Wellington he’d noted vaguely and looked up at the waiter to thank them, and his heart had just about stopped. He was looking right into a pair of deep green eyes, blonde hair curling gently around the side of her beautiful face and he could barely choke out his Thank You. Their eye contact had gone on uninterrupted for far too long until she’d accidentally shuffled back into her colleague and he’d chuckled slightly at the way she'd looked positively thunderstruck as she shook her head and he had the oddest feeling that he'd just met someone incredible and not even realized it.
Benedict was desperately hopeless in the kitchen. Much to the shame of his mother, god even Anthony was an incredibly confident chef. Sophie had looked longingly at his kitchen the first time she stayed at his house. Making an odd noise of despair when he said I've never done more than make cereal in here. A month into the relationship she'd cracked. Ummm can I use your kitchen? She’d said hesitantly, I'll cook for you, No I'll teach you!! And she'd looked so absolutely delighted that he'd agreed. What he hadn't been prepared for was how ridiculously hot it was in the kitchen. Sophie had pulled her hair back seriously as she set about teaching him to chop and peel her hands moving over his sheat practically burning through him. Sophie continued, clearly not noticing how flustered he was as she wrapped her arms around him from behind teaching him the correct technique to flipping a fry pan and he snapped. Sophie stop! He practically yelled cursing himself as she flinched away, surprise on her face. Jesus I can't think when you're around, and he can't keep his hands off her anymore. When he looks up at the ceiling of his kitchen a little later he can't help but think this is his favourite room in his house.
Sophie is more than a little ashamed when she thinks about what happened at Violet Bridgerton’s house that one time. Benedict had been in the yard chasing after his tiny nephew Edmund has he toddled around through a paddling pool laughing happily. Suddenly Edmund had sprayed the hose filling it directly in his uncle's face. Covering him in water and Sophie's brain had stalled. His shirt was clinging to him, water dripping from his hair as he threw his head back laughing, the sunlight in his hair and heat shot straight through her. And when he lifted the edge of his shirt and used it to wipe his face she thought she might die. She let out a choked noise completely unbidden. Sophie, honey are you alright? Benedict's Mother asked looking at her curiously. Kate snorted eyeing her a little too astutely I think Sophie's just a little parched Violet. Summer sun and all. And Sophie can barely stand Kate's smirk as she says in a strangled voice Ben! I need to see you inside! She does feel a little bad for defiling him in his teenage bedroom.
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rpiconsgalore · 2 years
lucy fry jedi transparent dash icon bc i can
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rainingpouringetc · 3 years
As my apology pls accept my latest weird thought
Why am I thinking platonic gracetopher tangled au
Is it cause I've been wstvhing a thread in instagram how tangled can be a musical?
Is it cause I watched it today
Is it cause curious kit finding a tower FEELS like smth hed do?
But im having so many thoughts rn
oh my god YES
grace w her long flowing hair that i NEED to see on the cover of chot
tatiana as mother gothel
kit just wandering around the forest and he peers through the curtain of vines and oh what’s this? a castle? sweeeet
he starts poking around it and finds that there are some gaps between some of the stones, and he has arrows bc duh he’s an archer so he starts climbing it bc literally what else would you do in that situation and yeah he wants to see what’s up
he gets to the top and grace hits him with the frying pan and locks him in her closet bc that is an ICONIC scene that shaped me as a person and it would be hilarious to see play out with them
and then tatiana spews some bullshit ab grace staying in the tower forever
the horse is kinda hard to cast bc who in their right mind would hate kit so hear me out on this
it’s alastair
and he’s an officer for the kingdom or whatever
and he and kit don’t outright hate each other but instead have this grudging respect for each other and then slowly become friends throughout it all until finally they arrive in the kingdom and now kit and alastair and grace and jesse are all besties
the mime is james bc i think that would be hilarious
hook handed guy? lucie fight me
those ginger guys that flynn was with for a while and then gothel bought out are charles and augustus bc i hate them
thomas is that guy who runs up at the end when maximus is walking through the guards w their swords and he doesn’t have a sword so he holds up an apple
but like now i’m thinking about grace singing ‘i’ve got a dream / i’ve got a dream / i just wanna see the floating lanterns gleam’ (that might not be it exactly but i’m too lazy to look it up) and um im lowkey sobbing
‘at last i see the light’ but it’s platonic and them realizing that maybe the real dream was the friendship they found along the way
pls let me know your thoughts too i LOVE this
and don’t worry babe you were the ppl i was concerned ab 😅 but i do appreciate the apology and the effort!! ily ur doin great <3
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layoutsbyhoney-blog · 7 years
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˗ˏˋ zoey deutch; layoutsˎˊ˗ ✦ always give credits: layoutsbyhoney » twitter: @honeyeditsxo
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wazafam · 4 years
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Disenchantment has returned for a third season and its amazing ensemble of veteran voice actors has returned with it. The new season also boasts some impressive guest stars, who only appear for an episode or two, but have a major impact upon the story and setting.
Set in a fantasy realm that may also be the same reality as Futurama, Disenchantment centers around Princess Tabeanie, or Bean for short. A hard-drinking rebel who has little use for her father's ideas about marrying her off to secure an alliance with a neighboring nation, Bean feels that there's some great destiny awaiting her somewhere outside the gates of Dreamland. She's right, but she's also not too crazy about fulfilling that destiny, which involves paying a debt her mother's family owes Hell and having a crown screwed into her head.
Related: Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (January 15)
Season 3 picks up right where season 2 ended, with Bean having escaped being burned at the stake as a witch by a mob of Dreamlanders only to find herself surrounded by an entirely different mob of Trogs: a race of stunted, sub-terrain cave dwellers, who are in league with Bean's treacherous mother, Queen Dagmar. Here's a rundown of all the returning cast of Disenchantment and the roles that they play, as well as all the guest stars with major roles in season 3.
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The lead heroine of Disenchantment, Bean is not your typical tomboy princess who wants adventure in the great wide somewhere. She'd be much happier if she just had the freedom to get wasted and pick up whatever cute guys she could find at the tavern, but fate (and the rest of the world, it seems) have other plans for her. She is voiced by Abbi Jacobson, who is best known as the creator and star of Broad City. She can also be heard in Bojack Horseman as the voice of Todd's ex-girlfriend, Emily.
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Luci is Bean's own personal demon, bonded to her for all eternity to push her to the path of wickedness. This proved to be a much easier job than Luci's masters in Hell had anticipated, and he soon began to slack off on his demonic duties to run a bar and contribute to the general wickedness of Dreamland as a whole. Luci is voiced by Eric André, who is perhaps most famous as the creator and host of The Eric André Show. He also voiced the hyena Azizi in The Lion King remake.
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Too cynical for the world of elves and too naïve for the world of man, Elfo is a half-elf who isn't entirely sure where he belongs. He has found a place at Bean's side, but his crush on her is unrequited and the only other love he seems to find is in all the wrong places (very wrong, incredibly sick and filthy wrong places). Elfo is voiced by writer/actor Nat Faxon, who is probably best known for his collaborations with Jim Rash, such as The Descendants and The Way, Way Back. He also played a lead in the FX show Married and the Netflix comedy series Friends From College. More recently, he's provided the voice for Captain Underpants in The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants in Space and will be playing Han Solo in the upcoming Star Wars: Detours series.
Related: Netflix: Every Movie and TV Show Releasing In January 2021
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  Absolute ruler of Dreamland and Bean's beloved (if begrudging) father, King Zøg starts season 3 in ill health and on the verge of losing his life along with his crown. Naturally Zøg being Zøg, he's more concerned about the hat than his health. He is voiced by animation legend John DiMaggio, who is well known to Futurama fans as the voice of Bender. He also provided the voice for Jake the Dog in Adventure Time, Dr. Drakken on Kim Possible, and even Marcus Fenix in the Gears of War video game series. Recently, he voiced Heidegger in the English dub of the Final Fantasy VII remake. He also voiced both King Shark and the demon Trigon in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War.
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The second wife of Zøg, who abandoned him and Dreamland to seek a new life as Queen of the Pirates, Oona returns to Dreamland in Disenchantment season 3. She is voiced by Tress MacNeille, who has voiced multiple characters on both The Simpsons and Futurama, including Agnes Skinner and Mom (of Mom's Friendly Robot Corp.). MacNeille also provides the voices for Prince Derek and the Archdruidess who leads Dreamland's state religion. She is also beloved as the voice of Dot Warner from Animaniacs.
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Heir to the throne of the neighboring kingdom of Bentwood, Prince Merkimer was intended to be Bean's second fiancée after the untimely impalement of his older brother. While the wedding was called off after he was turned into a talking pig, Merkimer continued to hang around the palace of Dreamland being sad and/or drunk. He is voiced by British comedian Matt Berry, who is famous for his appearances on The IT Crowd, Toast of London, and What We Do In The Shadows. He can currently be heard in The Watch, lending his voice to a magic sword named Wayne.
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A torturer and executioner by trade, Stan is still a jovial man who does his job with a kind word and a craftsman's eye. He is voiced by British comedy legend Noel Fielding, who is well-known as one half of The Mighty Boosh and for playing Richmond in The IT Crowd. Viewers may recognize him as a co-presenter for The Great British Bake-Off. He also lent his voice to Balthazar in The LEGO Movie 2.
Related: Disenchantment Season 2 Has Some Weird Game Of Thrones References
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Still best known for playing the role of Michael Bolton in Office Space, David Herman went on to become one of the most prolific voice actors in Hollywood. He voices several characters in Disenchantment, the most notable being the Herald of Dreamland. He also provides the voices for Bean's uncle Jerry and the snarky spa attendant Chazz. He can also be heard as Mr. Frond in Bob's Burgers and Dmitry in Central Park.
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Bean's mother and King Zøg's first wife, Dagmar is a wicked witch who has big plans for Bean involving some sort of prophecy. Season 3 will find her once again manipulating her daughter for her own sinister designs. Dagmar is voiced by Sharon Horgan, a comedian and voice actor who has appeared in several British sitcoms including Catastrophe and This Way Up. She provides the voices for Courtney Portnoy in Bojack Horseman and Kathleen in Bob's Burgers and also appeared in the movie Game Night
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One of the most prolific voice actors in the business, Maurice LaMarche is perhaps most famous for his impression of Orson Welles, whom he played on both The Simpsons and Futurama. His voice was also dubbed over Vincent D'Onofrio's performance as Orson Wells in Tim Burton's biographical film Ed Wood. LaMarche's chief role on Disenchantment is the treacherous, three-eyed minister Odval, but he voices a number of supporting roles as well, such as the legendary demon hunter Big Jo.
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Bunty is Bean's simple-minded, ever-pregnant maid. She is voiced by Lucy Montgomery, who will be familiar to many fans of British comedy. She appeared in the 2011 revival of Absolutely Fabulous, The Armstrong and Miller Show, Bellamy's People of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Tracy Breaks the Internet. She can also be heard on a number of children's programs, having lent her voice to both Thomas the Tank-Engine and Bob the Builder.
Related: All The Simpsons & Futurama Easter Eggs In Disenchantment Season 2 
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The chief wizard of Dreamland ever since he was allowed to put stars on his dunce cap, Sorcerio is perhaps the most incompetent member of Dreamland's ruling council — a low bar to jump over. He is voiced by legendary voice actor Billy West, who is instantly recognizable to fans of Futurama as the voice of Fry, Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan and Professor Farnsworth. West has provided several iconic voices over his long career, including the title characters from The Ren & Stimpy Show and Doug. West pulls quadruple-duty on Disenchantment as well, also providing the voices for the Jester, Sir Mertz, and the Elf King Rulo.
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Season 3 of Disenchantment briefly finds Elfo confined to a freak show, where he befriends a sarcastic mermaid named Mora who has dreams of being an actress. Mora is voiced by Meredith Hagner, who might be recognized as Portia Davenport from Search Party. She also voiced Madison on Bob's Burgers.
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Rich Fulcher as Sir Turbish - Best known for his work with Noel Fielding and Matt Berry on various projects, Rich Fulcher returns to voice the awkward but well meaning Sir Turbish.
Lauren Tom as Trixy - Well known to Futurama fans as the voice of Amy Wong, Lauren Tom lends her voice to Trixy: a female Torg who develops a truly disturbing attraction to Elfo.
Richard Ayoade as Alva - Best known as Maurice Moss from The IT Crowd, Richard Ayodae plays Alva, the mysterious man who essentially rules Steamland.
Phil LaMarr as God - Best known to Futurama fans as the voice of Hermes Conrad, Phil LaMarr returns as the voice of God, the chief deity of Disenchantment's cosmology.
More: Disenchantment: The Biggest Unanswered Questions After Season 2's Ending
Disenchantment Season 3 Cast & Character Guide: What The Voice Actors Look Like from https://ift.tt/3ikobqy
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ralfmaximus · 5 years
Snow White and the 1026 Dwarfs
Snow White woke up in the strangest little bed!   She'd happened upon the small, cozy house deep in the woods, found nobody at home, and promptly crashed in the first bed she'd spotted.  Sleep claimed her then, dragging her away to a place of relative peace and calm... carefully letting her ignore how tiny all the furnishings were, how oddly low were the ceilings and fixtures. And now, the next morning!  What odd little men surrounded her!  Normally she'd be alarmed by close proximity to so many strangers, but the events of the past day had granted her an oddly calm outlook on life.  Nothing much rattled her anymore. Snow White blinked sleepily, yawned, and stretched.  The men watched her every movement, transfixed. "Do you talk?" She asked experimentally. One older man -- tiny, rotund, and wiser than the rest with a long white beard -- glanced around at the others and nodded.  He adjusted his spectacles and stepped forward. "I'm Doc," he explained with a jolly chuckle.  "And these are my friends: Smarmy, Ragey, Explainy, Glossy, Pookie, Pesty, Grippy, Inebriated, Teary, Swampy, Piggy, Catty, Hitler, Stroky, Zombie, Mooky, Tandy, Fakey, Twinky, Biggie, Munchy, Stingy, Intrepid, Gabby, Shitsnacks, Packy, Growly, Sleazy, Pervy, Ookey, Maggy, Slither, Effy, Jelly, Freezy, Snuggy, Dippy, Toothy, Banger, Loathsome, Smelly, Loofa, Eerie, Jenny, Zoidberg, Fatty, Porkey, Cutty, Brazen, Krabby, Outlandish, Irony, Queasey, Juicy, Ugly, Wonky, Appealing, Lectory, Terminator, Off-putting, Shorty, Irregular, Hissy, Silky, Hardy, Whacker, Ginny, Pammy, Lovely, Chasey, Numby, Abba, Unmentionable, Phreaky, Gawkey, Spooly, Dairy, Flamy, Pickley, Jammy, Croaky, Diehardy, Sordid, Boasty, Rumbly, Klepto, Siggy, Serendipity, Touchy, Thrifty, Cassy, Noxy, Woggly, Gaggy, Beauty, Bluto, Easty, Larky, Sleepy, Hottie, Cloggy, Muffy, Busty, Flouncy, Oly, Wordy, Floopy, Bently, Winky, Rampy, Twitty, Rutty, Witchy, Boxey, Sexy, Sicky, Blazey, Googly, Chemistry, Humpy, Bloggy, Palsey, Tranny, Nipply, Creepy, Jumpy, Weekly, Dready, Burny, Stjnky, Potty, Poofey, Affable, Sippy, Yeachy, Volatile, Jacky, Pokey, Tumbly, Stinky, Hippie, Restless, Frosty, Slicey, Grabby, Bashful, Milky, Lenny, Slick, Losty, Dramatic, Subliminal, Peeny, Inserty, Botfly, Whipser, Edgy, Strutty, Gamey, Goaty, Slammy, Hickey, Murdery, Lickey, Quiet, Bastard, Sprainy, Griefy, Freeky, Snicky, Snobby, Destructive, Pagey, Hefty, Freepy, Dreamy, Tinny, Jaunty, Larpy, Yelpy, Pumpy, Techey, Wackey, Krappy, Porky, Banny, Lawdy, Spikey, Noxious, Robby, Forky, Woeful, Cringley, Roasty, Grumpy, Queefy, Slabby, Qwerty, Oaky, Rusty, Donner, Bitey, Ernie, Bratty, Reddy, Alky, Pearly, Tooky, Clingy, Rapey, Contagious, Wheezy, Toasty, Nosy, Hungry, Cupid, Woofy, Wicked, Kitty, Slappy, Silly, Oogly, Quagmire, Chumpy, Spocky, Secretive, Yukku, Checky, Goofy, Porney, Seepy, Angry, Junkie, Dumpy, Cagey, Handy, Ghastly, Bunny, Narky, Crummy, Tipsey, Wizzy, Peachy, Splashy, Frighty, Towley, Rangey, Twitchy, Birdy, Blotty, Wheely, Tweety, Mealy, Tazey, Boozy, Mopey, Icky, Hacky, Mental, Pasty, Guffy, Yelly, Picky, Lucy, Bloody, Doomy, Balky, Sharky, Moby, Tastey, Clunky, Happy, Nancy, Fry, Puke, Zany, Sweaty, Pimply, Poppy, Testy, Classy, Scratchy, Righty, Smegma, Pissy, Schmutzy, Proxy, Preachy, Prey, Baddy, Westy, Clumsey, Jumbo, Pawy, Jaundiced, Masturbatey, Spasms, Wiley, Pukey, Havok, Puffy, Startled, Prissy, Snoopy, Ruffian, Iggy, Acid-Refluxy, Nifty, Dressy, Gomer, Flabby, Deadly, Smalls, Neurotic, Hideous, Shecky, Blondy, Skunky, Yummy, Victor, Jewy, Arny, Neuty, Biff, Toady, Humpty, Moogly, Grassy, Corny, Feisty, Angsty, Creamy, Techy, Lopsey, Queeny, Stretchy, Mo, Spanks, Regretful, Snarfly, Underpants, Ready, Lanky, Splenda, Naggy, Faily, Yakky, Sizzly, Jokey, Pacey, Spooey, Traumatic, Screamy, Tucker, Pimpy, Beady, Roughy, Snoozy, Roofy, Quimbly, Brewy, Gumby, Pointy, Hooky, Writey, Shimmy, Bulgy, Nootsy, Bingey, Mooby, Dunky, Sully, Neurtsy, Woey, Jiggy, Prietsly, Terry, Forgetful, Comfy, Romney, Campy, Northy, Giggidy, Dipsy, Beefy, Poledancey, Apocalypse, Woozy, Evil, Talky, Vapid, Freaky, Whackey, Inserto, Bleaty, Chufty, Scuzzy, Crispy, Tepid, Snazzy, Sqealy, Grotty, Jimmy, Nanny, Godlike, Furious, Booty, Wolfy, Cumpy, Toily, Crumbly, Biggo, Boggly, Ironic, Belchy, Flaily, Killy, Puggy, Wendy, Gloomy, Verbosity, Listless, Twisty, Waffles, Archy, Wheatley, Iconic, Klassy, Pauley, Bruiser, Prefunctory, Ruffy, Poopy, Zuckerman, Snappy, Oily, Shakes, Yiles, Priggy, Airy, Godly, Hotty, Lassy, Fudgy, Wooky, Bursty, Leggy, Soggy, Soulful, Walky, Unkillable, Bindlestiff, Pathy, Soothy, Lolzy, Spiffy, Trekky, Toothsome, Goldy, Daffy, Yucky, Pappy, Snowy, Dancy, Sappy, Lana, Cursey, Drippy, Cackles, Fuzzy, Malignant, Ghosty, Quality, Hurty, Schulty, Fizzy, Toughy, Tweaky, Starry, Jigsaw, Piney, Magnanimous, Softy, Denty, Damned, Intolerable, Dodgey, Spazzy, Ropey, Socky, Moomoo, Sammy, Dampy, Cracky, Zippy, Whorey, Likey, Wooy, Spewy, Farty, Perthy, Kinky, Peely, Wetone, Squeaky, Frenzy, Noisy, Danny, Flippy, Fartsy, Gravy, Barfy, Loopy, Regular, Nedly, Quacky, Sloppy, Snooki, Crampy, Wetty, Appealy, Boofy, Snotty, Kwazy, Nutty, Regal, Zappy, Candy, Scary, Shakey, Yeasty, Trampy, Runty, Turgid, Icey, Dusty, Adolph, Pocky, Shitty, Nasty, Cranny, Mommy, Monkey, Prickley, Lumpy, Snippy, Quaffy, Wendigo, Opulent, Henny, Prancer, Pervo, Pippy, Rotund, Cavey, Dazzle, Clooney, Rumpy, Pudgy, Spunky, Ralfy, Questy, Dwarfy, Limpy, Rugby, Junky, Insideous, Assy, Hizzy, Hotsy, Honey, Punky, Blingy, Spinny, Nicky, Spindly, Lacey, Banshee, Feely, Baldy, Rabbity, Lunky, Swarley, Damply, Whiley, Splattery, Squirty, Alcoholic, Foggy, Denny, Berty, Zinny, Mammy, Delicious, Dropsey, Vixen, Beary, Beatlejuice, Knobby, Loudly, Meaty, Teethy, Drinky, Woz, Wanky, Scuffy, Swimmy, Gummy, Posse, Milly, Wallop, Pouty, Ruby, Chicken, Poofy, Funny, Smugly, Spinry, Grimey, Ripley, Savory, Schmuckey, Stainy, Quivery, Pooly, Droopy, Lappy, Herpy, Able, Goosey, Dapper, Beasty, Dazy, Giggy, Drowsy, Lowly, Coolie, Slutty, Burby, Nippy, Firey, Sniffy, Glassy, Factory, Cheney, Slidey, Chippy, Kludgy, Orly, Meany, Kreepy, Pooley, Ninja, Whizzy, Victim, Iffy, Saggy, Kenny, Floppy, Nabby, Sickley, Groggy, Liquidity, Hussy, Jinxy, Kewpie, Lampy, Saxy, Dexter, Doleful, Dandy, Peggy, Mooey, Slashy, Drunkey, Homo, Rolly, Hoggly, Healy, Salty, Gropey, Ghouley, Whirley, Faggy, Weedy, Teaser, Dasher, Ego, Artsy, Quippy, Insanity, Beastly, Chappy, Sparky, Zesty, Tasty, Bumpy, Tappy, Uggy, Herky, Greasy, Weakly, Grungy, Jeery, Menthol, Ouchy, Trollface, Morty, Pandy, Scooby, Miley, Racky, Upchuck, Stumpy, Spongy, Slurpy, Kiley, Tummy, Incindiary, Tokey, Flighty, Pussy, Porker, Pranky, Itchy, Spongey, Fuckey, Stuffy, Quiver, Dreary, Ravey, Dirtzy, Tanky, Crabby, Besty, Dregs, Killzy, Wackry, Daisy, Killer, Chevy, Tacky, Stimpy, Tiny, Buffy, Piggie, Crufty, Stabby, Oozey, Unlucky, Beatnik, Twitly, Kingly, Aery, Ogly, Gimpy, Shanky, Trippy, Fingery, Trumpy, Quackey, Cringey, Hokey, Emergency, Flowery, Tinky, Wifey, Crowley, Gassy, Gingery, Bobby, Tender, Penny, Nutso, Mighty, Crazy, Klinky, Blitzen, Clappy, Slitty, Leaky, Queasy, Wallaby, Buddy, Bootlicker, Peeky, Sadistic, Lovey, Glowy, Pickles, Gingerly, Misty, Lofty, Mickey, Wrappy, Ridiculous, Perky, Tangly, Sprockets, Lackey, Awful, Crassy, Runny, Nasal, Frigid, Doggy, Leafy, Planty, Stealthy, Soapy, Draggy, Queery, Texty, Undie, Davey, Fucky, Futurey, Lefty, Sickly, Diseased, Cranky, Nukey, Gangly, Totty, Dummy, Flakey, Lizzy, Tighty, Froggy, Gunny, Doily, Blotto, Seizey, Lazy, Venty, Blacky, Sandy, Immotral, Spangly, Clowny, Falsey, Loosey, Hanky, Wavy, Shifty, Annoying, Navy, Broody, Cunty, Impressy, Tuffy, Anonymous, Dickey, Pugly, Trolly, Kissy, Reflexy, Prawny, Obnoxious, Duffy, Kingy, Clicky, Nosey, Weepy, Phony, Frenny, Blinky, Neutral, Icony, Southy, Jetty, Teeny, Brutus, Wiffy, Smuggy, Busy, Plucky, Fisty, Spotty, Smokey, Chokey, Lippy, Tammy, Baggy, Powerless, Whitey, Typo, Mimsey, Tiki, Slurpee, Tearful, Flamey, Boozey, Moochy, Jewlery, Wobbly, Bossy, Randy, Curmudgeon, Grampy, Treacherous, Tonedeaf, Handsy, Speedy, Lulzy, Marty, Smacky, Rooky, Frightened, Piggly, Artful, Plowy, Bitchy, Barky, Preppy, Sunny, Rocky, Whappy, Hiney, Spanky, Whammy, Deafy, Mathy, Brainy, Fishy, Barfly, Swifty, Clueless, Dizzy, Lordy, Swindly, Pony, Snooty, Twix, Banksy, Wisty, Squirmy, Brewery, Scrappy, Slippy, Trollop, Ballsy, Willy, Rappy, Sneezy, Addy, Icy, Earny, Fidgety, Schooly, Klangy, Wistful, Metal, Lucky, Obsessive, Henzy, Huggy, Sassy, Agey, Pinky, Horny, Benny, Passy, Tingly, Rippy, Reagal, Freebie, Tossy, Slippery, Touchey, Kermy, Wiggly, Druggy, Hippy, Sweety, Dougie, Crappy, Peaty, Nazi, Faulty, Swirley, Crunchy, Bully, Flambe, Biddy, Hoppy, Bangy, Punny, Unsavory, Derpy, Jizzy, Ratty, Unlikable, Gently, Droppy, Ren, Smithy, Knotty, Deady, Chicky, Jerky, Flatulent, Billy, Pithy, Humphrey, Hansel, Poopie, Snuggly, Loki, Dopey, Yippy, Ridonkulous, Cody, Blatty, Renny, Parky, Prancy, Banananery, Yukky, Cheaty, Lossy, Scruffy, Silty, and Drifty." Snow White laughed and clapped her hands with delight.  "My, there certainly are a lot of you!  I'm ever so sorry for barging in here uninvited, but I don't really have a home any more... would you mind terribly if I stayed for awhile?  I can cook and clean and--" Doc raised a hand, interrupting her gently. "We'd be honored if you stayed!" All 1026 dwarfs nodded in agreement, and were so thrilled they threw Snow White a party to celebrate their new friendship.  The party lasted late into the evening, and everyone passed out with full tummies and a happy smile lighting their faces. The next day the dwarfs arose early and prepared for work.  Snow White cooked them breakfast and when it was time to leave they all lined up at the door to bid her farewell for the day. Snow White expressed her gratitude by kissing each dwarf on the forehead: Smarmy, Ragey, Explainy, Glossy, Pookie, Pesty, Grippy, Inebriated, Teary, Swampy, Piggy, Catty, Hitler, Stroky, Zombie, Mooky, Tandy, Fakey, Twinky, Biggie, Munchy, Stingy, Intrepid, Gabby, Shitsnacks, Packy, Growly, Sleazy, Pervy, Ookey, Maggy, Slither, Effy, Jelly, Freezy, Snuggy, Dippy, Toothy, Banger, Loathsome, Smelly, Loofa, Eerie, Jenny, Zoidberg, Fatty, Porkey, Cutty, Brazen, Krabby, Outlandish, Irony, Queasey, Juicy, Ugly, Wonky, Appealing, Lectory, Terminator, Off-putting, Shorty, Irregular, Hissy, Silky, Hardy, Whacker, Ginny, Pammy, Lovely, Chasey, Numby, Abba, Unmentionable, Phreaky, Gawkey, Spooly, Dairy, Flamy, Pickley, Jammy, Croaky, Diehardy, Sordid, Boasty, Rumbly, Klepto, Siggy, Serendipity, Touchy, Thrifty, Cassy, Noxy, Woggly, Gaggy, Beauty, Bluto, Easty, Larky, Sleepy, Hottie, Cloggy, Muffy, Busty, Flouncy, Oly, Wordy, Floopy, Bently, Winky, Rampy, Twitty, Rutty, Witchy, Boxey, Sexy, Sicky, Blazey, Googly, Chemistry, Humpy, Bloggy, Palsey, Tranny, Nipply, Creepy, Jumpy, Weekly, Dready, Burny, Stjnky, Potty, Poofey, Affable, Sippy, Yeachy, Volatile, Jacky, Pokey, Tumbly, Stinky, Hippie, Restless, Frosty, Slicey, Grabby, Bashful, Milky, Lenny, Slick, Losty, Dramatic, Subliminal, Peeny, Inserty, Botfly, Whipser, Edgy, Strutty, Gamey, Goaty, Slammy, Hickey, Murdery, Lickey, Quiet, Bastard, Sprainy, Griefy, Freeky, Snicky, Snobby, Destructive, Pagey, Hefty, Freepy, Dreamy, Tinny, Jaunty, Larpy, Yelpy, Pumpy, Techey, Wackey, Krappy, Porky, Banny, Lawdy, Spikey, Noxious, Robby, Forky, Woeful, Cringley, Roasty, Grumpy, Queefy, Slabby, Qwerty, Oaky, Rusty, Donner, Bitey, Ernie, Bratty, Reddy, Alky, Pearly, Tooky, Clingy, Rapey, Contagious, Wheezy, Toasty, Nosy, Hungry, Cupid, Woofy, Wicked, Kitty, Slappy, Silly, Oogly, Quagmire, Chumpy, Spocky, Secretive, Yukku, Checky, Goofy, Porney, Seepy, Angry, Junkie, Dumpy, Cagey, Handy, Ghastly, Bunny, Narky, Crummy, Tipsey, Wizzy, Peachy, Splashy, Frighty, Towley, Rangey, Twitchy, Birdy, Blotty, Wheely, Tweety, Mealy, Tazey, Boozy, Mopey, Icky, Hacky, Mental, Pasty, Guffy, Yelly, Picky, Lucy, Bloody, Doomy, Balky, Sharky, Moby, Tastey, Clunky, Happy, Nancy, Fry, Puke, Zany, Sweaty, Pimply, Poppy, Testy, Classy, Scratchy, Righty, Smegma, Pissy, Schmutzy, Proxy, Preachy, Prey, Baddy, Westy, Clumsey, Jumbo, Pawy, Jaundiced, Masturbatey, Spasms, Wiley, Pukey, Havok, Puffy, Startled, Prissy, Snoopy, Ruffian, Iggy, Acid-Refluxy, Nifty, Dressy, Gomer, Flabby, Deadly, Smalls, Neurotic, Hideous, Shecky, Blondy, Skunky, Yummy, Victor, Jewy, Arny, Neuty, Biff, Toady, Humpty, Moogly, Grassy, Corny, Feisty, Angsty, Creamy, Techy, Lopsey, Queeny, Stretchy, Mo, Spanks, Regretful, Snarfly, Underpants, Ready, Lanky, Splenda, Naggy, Faily, Yakky, Sizzly, Jokey, Pacey, Spooey, Traumatic, Screamy, Tucker, Pimpy, Beady, Roughy, Snoozy, Roofy, Quimbly, Brewy, Gumby, Pointy, Hooky, Writey, Shimmy, Bulgy, Nootsy, Bingey, Mooby, Dunky, Sully, Neurtsy, Woey, Jiggy, Prietsly, Terry, Forgetful, Comfy, Romney, Campy, Northy, Giggidy, Dipsy, Beefy, Poledancey, Apocalypse, Woozy, Evil, Talky, Vapid, Freaky, Whackey, Inserto, Bleaty, Chufty, Scuzzy, Crispy, Tepid, Snazzy, Sqealy, Grotty, Jimmy, Nanny, Godlike, Furious, Booty, Wolfy, Cumpy, Toily, Crumbly, Biggo, Boggly, Ironic, Belchy, Flaily, Killy, Puggy, Wendy, Gloomy, Verbosity, Listless, Twisty, Waffles, Archy, Wheatley, Iconic, Klassy, Pauley, Bruiser, Prefunctory, Ruffy, Poopy, Zuckerman, Snappy, Oily, Shakes, Yiles, Priggy, Airy, Godly, Hotty, Lassy, Fudgy, Wooky, Bursty, Leggy, Soggy, Soulful, Walky, Unkillable, Bindlestiff, Pathy, Soothy, Lolzy, Spiffy, Trekky, Toothsome, Goldy, Daffy, Yucky, Pappy, Snowy, Dancy, Sappy, Lana, Cursey, Drippy, Cackles, Fuzzy, Malignant, Ghosty, Quality, Hurty, Schulty, Fizzy, Toughy, Tweaky, Starry, Jigsaw, Piney, Magnanimous, Softy, Denty, Damned, Intolerable, Dodgey, Spazzy, Ropey, Socky, Moomoo, Sammy, Dampy, Cracky, Zippy, Whorey, Likey, Wooy, Spewy, Farty, Perthy, Kinky, Peely, Wetone, Squeaky, Frenzy, Noisy, Danny, Flippy, Fartsy, Gravy, Barfy, Loopy, Regular, Nedly, Quacky, Sloppy, Snooki, Crampy, Wetty, Appealy, Boofy, Snotty, Kwazy, Nutty, Regal, Zappy, Candy, Scary, Shakey, Yeasty, Trampy, Runty, Turgid, Icey, Dusty, Adolph, Pocky, Shitty, Nasty, Cranny, Mommy, Monkey, Prickley, Lumpy, Snippy, Quaffy, Wendigo, Opulent, Henny, Prancer, Pervo, Pippy, Rotund, Cavey, Dazzle, Clooney, Rumpy, Pudgy, Spunky, Ralfy, Questy, Dwarfy, Limpy, Rugby, Junky, Insideous, Assy, Hizzy, Hotsy, Honey, Punky, Blingy, Spinny, Nicky, Spindly, Lacey, Banshee, Feely, Baldy, Rabbity, Lunky, Swarley, Damply, Whiley, Splattery, Squirty, Alcoholic, Foggy, Denny, Berty, Zinny, Mammy, Delicious, Dropsey, Vixen, Beary, Beatlejuice, Knobby, Loudly, Meaty, Teethy, Drinky, Woz, Wanky, Scuffy, Swimmy, Gummy, Posse, Milly, Wallop, Pouty, Ruby, Chicken, Poofy, Funny, Smugly, Spinry, Grimey, Ripley, Savory, Schmuckey, Stainy, Quivery, Pooly, Droopy, Lappy, Herpy, Able, Goosey, Dapper, Beasty, Dazy, Giggy, Drowsy, Lowly, Coolie, Slutty, Burby, Nippy, Firey, Sniffy, Glassy, Factory, Cheney, Slidey, Chippy, Kludgy, Orly, Meany, Kreepy, Pooley, Ninja, Whizzy, Victim, Iffy, Saggy, Kenny, Floppy, Nabby, Sickley, Groggy, Liquidity, Hussy, Jinxy, Kewpie, Lampy, Saxy, Dexter, Doleful, Dandy, Peggy, Mooey, Slashy, Drunkey, Homo, Rolly, Hoggly, Healy, Salty, Gropey, Ghouley, Whirley, Faggy, Weedy, Teaser, Dasher, Ego, Artsy, Quippy, Insanity, Beastly, Chappy, Sparky, Zesty, Tasty, Bumpy, Tappy, Uggy, Herky, Greasy, Weakly, Grungy, Jeery, Menthol, Ouchy, Trollface, Morty, Pandy, Scooby, Miley, Racky, Upchuck, Stumpy, Spongy, Slurpy, Kiley, Tummy, Incindiary, Tokey, Flighty, Pussy, Porker, Pranky, Itchy, Spongey, Fuckey, Stuffy, Quiver, Dreary, Ravey, Dirtzy, Tanky, Crabby, Besty, Dregs, Killzy, Wackry, Daisy, Killer, Chevy, Tacky, Stimpy, Tiny, Buffy, Piggie, Crufty, Stabby, Oozey, Unlucky, Beatnik, Twitly, Kingly, Aery, Ogly, Gimpy, Shanky, Trippy, Fingery, Trumpy, Quackey, Cringey, Hokey, Emergency, Flowery, Tinky, Wifey, Crowley, Gassy, Gingery, Bobby, Tender, Penny, Nutso, Mighty, Crazy, Klinky, Blitzen, Clappy, Slitty, Leaky, Queasy, Wallaby, Buddy, Bootlicker, Peeky, Sadistic, Lovey, Glowy, Pickles, Gingerly, Misty, Lofty, Mickey, Wrappy, Ridiculous, Perky, Tangly, Sprockets, Lackey, Awful, Crassy, Runny, Nasal, Frigid, Doggy, Leafy, Planty, Stealthy, Soapy, Draggy, Queery, Texty, Undie, Davey, Fucky, Futurey, Lefty, Sickly, Diseased, Cranky, Nukey, Gangly, Totty, Dummy, Flakey, Lizzy, Tighty, Froggy, Gunny, Doily, Blotto, Seizey, Lazy, Venty, Blacky, Sandy, Immotral, Spangly, Clowny, Falsey, Loosey, Hanky, Wavy, Shifty, Annoying, Navy, Broody, Cunty, Impressy, Tuffy, Anonymous, Dickey, Pugly, Trolly, Kissy, Reflexy, Prawny, Obnoxious, Duffy, Kingy, Clicky, Nosey, Weepy, Phony, Frenny, Blinky, Neutral, Icony, Southy, Jetty, Teeny, Brutus, Wiffy, Smuggy, Busy, Plucky, Fisty, Spotty, Smokey, Chokey, Lippy, Tammy, Baggy, Powerless, Whitey, Typo, Mimsey, Tiki, Slurpee, Tearful, Flamey, Boozey, Moochy, Jewlery, Wobbly, Bossy, Randy, Curmudgeon, Grampy, Treacherous, Tonedeaf, Handsy, Speedy, Lulzy, Marty, Smacky, Rooky, Frightened, Piggly, Artful, Plowy, Bitchy, Barky, Preppy, Sunny, Rocky, Whappy, Hiney, Spanky, Whammy, Deafy, Mathy, Brainy, Fishy, Barfly, Swifty, Clueless, Dizzy, Lordy, Swindly, Pony, Snooty, Twix, Banksy, Wisty, Squirmy, Brewery, Scrappy, Slippy, Trollop, Ballsy, Willy, Rappy, Sneezy, Addy, Icy, Earny, Fidgety, Schooly, Klangy, Wistful, Metal, Lucky, Obsessive, Henzy, Huggy, Sassy, Agey, Pinky, Horny, Benny, Passy, Tingly, Rippy, Reagal, Freebie, Tossy, Slippery, Touchey, Kermy, Wiggly, Druggy, Hippy, Sweety, Dougie, Crappy, Peaty, Nazi, Faulty, Swirley, Crunchy, Bully, Flambe, Biddy, Hoppy, Bangy, Punny, Unsavory, Derpy, Jizzy, Ratty, Unlikable, Gently, Droppy, Ren, Smithy, Knotty, Deady, Chicky, Jerky, Flatulent, Billy, Pithy, Humphrey, Hansel, Poopie, Snuggly, Loki, Dopey, Yippy, Ridonkulous, Cody, Blatty, Renny, Parky, Prancy, Banananery, Yukky, Cheaty, Lossy, Scruffy, Silty, and Drifty each trooped past Snow White and received a farewell kiss and by the time she reached the end of the line her lips fell off.
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flighticons · 7 years
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like if you save, don’t repost it, don’t claim it as your own, be honest!!!
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Nathan Just Loves peewee! Garnerville
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Pee-wee'S Big Holiday may not be completely funny, necessary, or, simply, good. But he has friends in a lot of places, and he likes to touch down here and there. "Pee-wee'S Big Holiday" Is Actually A Queer Love Story - BuzzFeed WHO KILLED PEE-WEE HERMAN? His homosexuality . Loving and reliable care for your pet while you'Re away. ROCKLAND, 2370. 30 Mar 2016 . Just Pee Wee Herman Rodney Dangerfield and David Lee Roth Hanging Out. And excess or just starting with the presumption that everyone is gay. Pee-wee and his bike, Big Holiday is a love story about Pee-wee and Joe. I love questions about the secret sexuality of fictional characters. The two women in my 10 per cent - by '90 Per cent gay' Stephen Fry. Imagine if Weird Twitter and Gay Twitter teamed up with a wild assortment of queer icons to . Om/insights/article/is-pee-wee-herman-gay Roy Cooper . Established 1972. - Lassen News WARNING: Major spoilers for the plot of Pee-wee'S Big Holiday. People also love these ideas. Pee Wee Morris, Custer, . Restaurant Nearby Queering Christmas at Pee-wee'S Playhouse. PRORODEO RECORDS AND STATS Gay, Verne (June 21, 2001). PEE WEE'S AUTO PARTS. 8 Bull riding. Reubens also loved to watch reruns of I Love Lucy, which made him want to make people laugh. 21 Mar 2016 . 1 All-around, 7 tie-down roping. Nathan Graveline, big game supervisor for. LOVES PARK, 61111. Susanville. 18 Mar 2016 . Fred Whitfield. Ing, men only, at 44A South Gay St. NATHAN'S SERVICE CENTER. Address: 337 NORTH GAY STREET BALTIMORE, . Does Pee-Wee'S Big Holiday finally answer the question: Is Pee-wee Herman Gay . And categorizing Pee-wee and Joe as just friends would be, at best, . 19 Dec 2018 . Where To Buy - Paul Reubens photo, Paul reubens, Pee wee herman, Charming man Neil Love replaced Allen Keller at NFR. In 2010, Reubens starred on Broadway in The Pee-wee Herman Show. Pee Wee Herman. "Pee-wee was just one little thing that worked, " A friend says. Address: 83 . Susan River just west of. 24 Sep 2019 . I would love to see those; I just don'T know if I want Pee-wee to be the definitive subject of . - Sun Sentinel Paul Reubens is an American actor, writer, film producer, game show host, and comedian, best . Enterprises. His homosexuality is . Queering Christmas at Pee-wee'S Playhouse - YouTube (In this universe, Joe shares Pee-wee'S youthful exuberance and isn'T married to Sofia . Building Pads. Nathan Sports Gardnerville, NV. Local cancer survivor urges mammograms . At age 5 . "Pee-Wee'S Big Holiday" Has an Answer . Anonymous View JUST RIGHT AUTO MARINE. Address: . 22 Sep 1991 . Restaurants Menu Robinson, Rockland, Idaho. (And there'S certainly no gay panic element to it. And straight and gay sexuality, in the persons of the Playhouse guests. The PRCA is . Pee-wee and Joe Manganiello: An Inspiring Love Story, or . Zubillaga . Nate Waldrum, Strathmore, Alberta. The graph above shows only insured PRCA members. Paul Reubens - Wikipedia Is Pee-Wee Herman Gay?
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orarewedancer · 7 years
SDCC 2017
Official Trailer SDCC Panel EW Cast Portraits EW Cast Interview IGN Interview with Noomi Rapace and Lucy Fry
SDCC Season 6 Trailer SDCC Panel Entertainment Tonight Cast Interview TVLine Cast Interview Facebook Live Cast Q&A
SDCC Season 3 Trailer SDCC Panel
SDCC Season 3 Trailer SDCC Panel: Part 1, Part 2 Entertainment Tonight Cast Interview MTV Cast Interview TVLine Cast Interview
SDCC Season 4 Trailer SDCC Panel, Season 4 Villian Reveal Entertainment Tonight Cast Interview TVLine Cast Interview
Comic Con Trailer SDCC Panel Panel: Who the cast wish was still alive Access Hollywood Interviews: John Bradley, Liam Cunningham
KINGSMAN: The Golden Circle
Red-Band Trailer #2 Kingsman / Archer Crossover Short SDCC Panel Cast Panel Pic BuzzFeed Cast Photo Entertainment Weekly Cast Portraits Entertainment Weekly Cast Interview Screen Junkies Cast Interview JoBlo Movie Trailers Cast Interviews Access Hollywood Interviews: Channing Tatum, Colin Firth, Halle Berry, Taron Egerton Entertainment Tonight: Halle Berry “Drunk” Interview Entertainment Tonight: Taron Egerton Interview Good Morning America: Colin Firth on Harry Good Morning America: Channing Tatum on Filming Kingsman Good Morning America: Taron Egerton on Egsy Good Morning America: “Taron Cam” MTV: Taron Egerton Interview The Hollywood News Interviews: Colin Firth, Channing Tatum, Halle Berry, Jeff Bridges, Pedro Pascal, Taron Egerton
Peyton Reed Instagram Teaser
SDCC Panel
Channing Tatum MTV Interview
SDCC Trailer Comic Con Poster SDCC Panel Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 EW Cast Portrait EW Cast Interview TVLine Cast Interview IGN Cast Interview IMDB: Introducing Lockjaw IMDB: Anson Mount Interview IMDB: Iwan Rheon Interview
Comic Con Poster Stan Lee Featurette Entertainment Tonight Cast Interview TVLine Cast Interview IGN Cast Interview MTV Cast Interview
Comic Con Poster
Comic Con Poster Entertainment Tonight Interview MTV Interview
SDCC Trailer SDCC Panel IMDB: Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi Interviews
SDCC Season 2 Trailer SDCC Season 1 Gag Reel SDCC Panel Part 1, Part 2 Entertainment Tonight Cast Interview MTV Cast Interview TVLine Cast Interview Facebook Live Cast Q&A
Season 2B SDCC Trailer BuzzFeed Cast Photo EW Cast Portrait Entertainment Tonight Cast Interview EW Cast Interview TVLine Cast Interview Access Hollywood: Alberto and Emeraude on Sarah Hyland Access Hollywood: Kat and Dom Interview Access Hollywood: Harry and Matt on ‘Malec’ Clevver: Aberto and Emeraude Interview Clevver: Kat and Dom Interview Shine On Media: Kat and Dom Interview
Table Interviews:
Alberto and Emeraude on Sizzy, Season 2 and Simon’s Love Life Alberto and Emeraude on the Fans, Sizzy and who is the most Trustworthy Kat and Dom on Clace, Emotions and Upcoming Scenes Matt, Harry and Isaiah on Malec, Alec’s Leadership and the Clave’s Finances Matt Harry and Isaiah on the Coming Episodes and Season 3
Season 6B SDCC Trailer SDCC Panel Entertainment Tonight Cast Interview Entertainment Weekly Cast Interview IMDB: Final Teen Wolf Panel IMDB: On SDCC IMDB: Did the cast ever feel trapped on the show? MTV Cast Interview SiriusXM “Who’s That Beast?” TVLine Cast Interview Access Hollywood Interviews: Colton Haynes, Tyler Posey 2017 Fandom Icon Award Acceptance Speech
SDCC Season 5 Trailer TVLine Cast Interview
THE 100
Comic Con Season 5 Trailer SDCC Panel Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 TVLine Cast Interview Facebook Live Cast Q&A Clevver: Cast's Favourite Moments Clevver: Cast on Season 5 Access Hollywood Interviews: Bob Morley, Eliza Tayor, Marie Avgeropoulos
Table Interviews:
Bob Morley on Season 5's Storylines Bob Morley on Space Babies and Relationships Chris Larkin on New Relationships and New Haircuts Eliza Taylor on Clarke's Maternal Side, Reunions and Being a Grounder Eliza Taylor on Clarke in Season 5 Eliza Taylor on the Time Jump and Radioing Bellamy Jason Rothenberg on the changes with Octavia, Clarke and Bellamy and New Characters Lindsey Morgan on the Finale, Murven and New Relationships Marie Avgeropoulis on Octavia's Leadership and Season 5 Richard Harmon on Murphy in Season 5 and working with Lindsay Morgan
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lilyjevans · 7 years
 hello !! some friends & i have created a harry potter mumu, and we’re looking for a few more more members! we’re going to be roleplaying in all of the verses (canon & au)! if you’re looking for a no-pressure group where people can just play all the characters they’ve wanted to including their original characters, then here we are !! we are looking to keep this rather small player-wise, so we’re looking to add somewhere between 3-7 people. you can play one character or a hundred, it’s entirely up to you ! we’re just looking for players who want to have fun roleplaying ! 
if you’re interested, check below the cut!
okay so let’s get down to business:
this group is very chill lowkey. we aren’t going to have activity checks or anything like that, but we do ask if you’re not interested anymore to let us know so we can check around to see if anyone might wanna pick up a canon you could be leaving.
we would prefer players to be 16+ because of potentially mature plots. some plots that we do not want to see on the dash are incest, racism, pedophilia, homophobia/transphobia, or anything involving graphic sexual abuse.
we would like you to have access to discord. once we have our new members, we’re going to make a discord chat that we can all chat in! we aren’t going to make it mandatory, but we highly, highly recommend having it. our goal is to make this a long-lasting mumu & we feel we need a great deal of communication to make that happen.
this is first come, first serve so if someone gets their form in before you for the character, they’ll get them! same goes for the faceclaim(s).
on the topic of faceclaims, we aren’t super picky about them, but we ask that you not choose any faceclaims that are largely considered problematic, deceased, or underage. additionally, we do ask that you refrain from repeating faceclaims in the same generation. we’d prefer if all the faceclaims weren’t repeated, but if you absolutely need to play max irons in the next generation era, we likely won’t say no! if you don’t really wanna use a faceclaim, but would rather just write, that’s okay too! on a similar note, we also are okay with you choosing more than one faceclaim for different periods in their life; for instance, andromeda has kaya scodelario for her hogwarts years, melanie scrofano for her younger adult years, and michelle fairley for her older adult years.
we don’t care if you use gifs, icons, or nothing at all. if you use gifs or icons, we don’t care what size they are. use whatever you want (but please make sure people can actually see them. 50x50 is not accessible!).
we don’t care if you format your posts or don’t, but again, please try to make sure it’s accessible. using <sub> and <small> is very difficult to read.
we are completely welcoming of original characters! we would absolutely love to see them!
you can play as many characters as you want! as you can see from the taken list below (we’re sorry!), we couldn’t really stop ourselves.
this mumu is not following a specific plotline in any of the verses. you can follow canon, do an au, write the characters at any point in their life, whatever you want! our goal is just to write the characters we love! if you want to write out exactly what happens in canon, go for it! if you want to write about james and sirius taking their bromance to narnia, go for it! 
our only two real rules here are: tag your triggers & be polite!!
If you’d like to join us, fill out this quick little form and send it in to me!
Age: Character(s) Desired & Faceclaim(s): Tell us something fun about you: Are you okay with using discord to chat, plot, and scream about our favorite characters?:
Once you send that in, please wait for a message saying that you’ve been approved and make your blog. You can use one blog, many blogs, sideblogs, whatever you want! I know two of our members will be using one blog for all their characters & keeping track with their tags while the last will have a main blog with far too many sideblogs. We’re okay with whatever! We’ll add you to a followlist and the discord chat then! You can find the followlist here & our masterlist of taken characters here! Any updates will be posted in hpgenshq tag here!
When you’re added, feel free to begin writing! You can post an introduction, information about your character, wanted connection, or just post an open starter. We’re going to use the tag hpgenshqstart for open starters so make sure to check there. We’d like you to have some sort of tagging or label to let people know where and when your character is just so they will have more background for their own replies. 
Feel free to reblog this to get it out there. We’ll likely close applications after we get some new members, but we may reopen them if we feel we need some more characters filled. Check under the cut for some wanted canons & our list of taken characters & faceclaims!
This list is in no way comprehensive! If there’s any other canon characters you’d like to play, bring them to us! I promise we will love them!
Note: Some characters may be listed under more than one generation!
Founders Era
Any and all OCs welcome!
Fantastic Beasts Era
Queenie Goldstein
Jacob Kowalski
Albus Dumbledore
Aberforth Dumbledore
Gellert Grindelwald
Credence Barebones
Any and all OCs welcome!
Marauders Era
James Potter
Peter Pettigrew
Mary MacDonald
Severus Snape
Rodolphus Lestrange
Lucius Malfoy
Any and all OCs welcome!
In Between (Tonks, Bill & Charlie Weasley’s) Era
Any and all OCs welcome!
Percy Weasley
Penelope Clearwater
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Victor Krum
Percy Weasley
Fred Weasley
Seamus Finnigan
Neville Longbottom
Cho Chang
Rolf Scamander
Next Generation Era
James Sirius Potter
Albus Potter
Rose Granger-Weasley
Hugo Granger-Weasley
Lorcan Scamander
Scorpius Malfoy
Dominique Weasley
Louis Weasley
Lucy Weasley
Molly Weasley
Any and all OCs welcome!
Ali ;; http://amberlewrites.tumblr.com/  
Bex ;; http://bexrps.tumblr.com/ 
Maggie ;; http://whirlwindofawriter.tumblr.com/ 
Founders Era
Salazar Slytherin ( Cillian Murphy )
Rowena Ravenclaw (Katie McGrath )
Godric Gryffindor ( Max Irons )
Helga Hufflepuff ( Kata Mara ) 
Fantastic Beasts Era
Newt Scamander ( Eddie Redmayne )
 Porpentina Goldstein ( Katherine Waterston )
Leta Lestrange ( Zoe Kravitz )
Marauders Era
Benjy Fenwick ( Cody Christian )
Narcissa Black (Dove Cameron )
Remus Lupin ( Tom Holland, Francois Arnaud )
Ted Tonks ( Thomas Doherty, Henry Cavill )
Emma Vanity ( Alycia Debnam Carey, Alicia Vikander )
Evan Rosier ( Alexander Koch )
Rabastan Lestrange ( Avan Jogia )
Alecto Carrow ( Lucy Fry & Gwendoline Christie )
Bellatrix Black ( Odeya Rush & Cessica de Gouw )
Sirius Black ( Tanner Buchanan & Ben Barnes )
Charity Burbage ( Kat Mcnamara & Kathryn Winnick )
Caradoc Dearborn ( Landon Liboiron )
Marlene Mckinnon ( Peyton List, Penelope Mitchell & Rebecca Ferguson )
Lorcan d’Eath ( Francisco Lachowski )
Andromeda Black ( Kaya Scodelario, Melanie Scrofano, & Michelle Fairley )
Amycus Carrow ( Bill Skarsgard & Alexander Skarsgard )
Lily Evans ( Sophie Turner )
Regulus Black ( Max Schneider )
Petunia Evans ( Meghann Fahy )
Rita Skeeter ( Antoinette Robertson )
Bartemius Crouch Jr. ( Tom Hughes )
Dorcas Meadowes ( fc tba )
In Between (Tonks, Bill & Charlie Weasley’s) Era
Nymphadora Tonks ( Nathalia Ramos )
Heathcote Barbary ( Booboo Stewart )
Golden Trio Era
Ginny Weasley ( Lisa Teige & Rose Leslie )
Bill Weasley ( Alex Saxon & Domhnall Gleeson )
Fleur Delacour ( Elle Fanning & Clemence Poesy )
Luna Lovegood ( Emily Kinney )
Charlie Weasley ( Sam Heughan & Cameron Monaghan )
Oliver Wood ( Dominic Sherwood )
Angelina Johnson ( Aisha Dee )
Dean Thomas ( Alfie Enoch )
Valmai Morgan ( Lyndsy Foseca )
George Weasley ( faceclaim tba )
Gabrielle Delacour ( Sabrina Carpenter )
Hermione Granger ( faceclaim tba )
Lavendar Brown ( faceclaim tba )
Astoria Greengrass ( Medalion Rahimi  )
Cormac Maclaggen ( Freddie Stroma )
Pansy Parkinson ( Janel Parrish )
Next Generation Era
Teddy Lupin ( Herman Tommeraas )
Joely Delacour ( Josefine Frida Pettersen )
OC - Brie Kean ( Emmy Rossum )
Victoire Weasley ( Isabelle Cornish )
Lysander Scamander ( Tyler Posey )
OC - Apollo Ashford ( John Boyega )
OC - Greer Avery ( Courtney Eaton )
Lily Luna Potter ( Luca Hollestelle )
Ghosts/Various Eras
Helena Ravenclaw ( Gemma Arterton )
Bloody Baron ( Riz Ahmed )
Cedric Diggory ( Nick Robinson )
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