#id card printing price
Mastering Identity Cards: A Comprehensive Guide to Designing, Printing, and Costs
In today's world, identity cards hold immense importance in verifying personal information and establishing individual identities. Whether you're an organization in need of custom identity cards or an individual seeking an ID card, understanding the process of designing and printing is vital. This article will serve as your ultimate guide, covering the advantages of professional ID card designers, exploring factors that affect ID card printing prices, and providing insights into finding nearby PVC ID card printing services.
The Vital Role of ID Card Designers : Designing an ID card goes beyond mere inclusion of a photograph and personal details. Professional ID card designers bring expertise to the table, creating visually appealing and secure cards that effectively represent an individual or organization. They possess knowledge of design principles, typography, color schemes, and graphical elements, enabling them to craft unique and captivating ID card designs that align with branding and individual style. Furthermore, ID card designers assist in selecting appropriate security features, such as holograms, barcodes, QR codes, or magnetic stripes, enhancing card security and preventing counterfeiting.
Unraveling the Factors Influencing ID Card Printing Costs : Several factors contribute to the overall cost of ID card printing. The complexity of the design, the quantity of cards required, and the printing technology employed are key determinants.
Customized ID card designs with intricate graphics or special features often incur higher printing costs, while simpler designs prove more cost-effective. The quantity of cards ordered can also impact pricing, as bulk orders frequently qualify for discounts.
The choice of printing technology plays a significant role as well. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) stands as a popular material due to its durability and versatility. Different printing techniques, such as direct-to-card printing or retransfer printing, affect pricing. Direct-to-card printing offers a cost-effective solution for designs with fewer colors, while retransfer printing allows for full-color, edge-to-edge printing, ideal for intricate designs albeit at a potentially higher cost.
Finding PVC ID Card Printing Services Nearby : Locating PVC ID card printing services in your vicinity requires careful consideration of several factors. Begin by conducting an online search for reputable printing companies or service providers. Scrutinize customer reviews and peruse their portfolio to ensure they possess the necessary expertise and experience. Local printing services offer distinct advantages, including quicker turnaround times, direct communication, and the ability to inspect the final product's quality. Online directories and business listing platforms facilitate the search for nearby PVC ID card printing services. Take into account their proximity, pricing, delivery options, and customer support.
Prior to finalizing a printing service, request samples or proofs of previous work to assess their quality standards. Additionally, inquire about their printing equipment and technologies to ensure they meet your specific requirements.
Identity cards are indispensable tools for identification and verification purposes. Whether you're an organization or an individual in need of an ID card, understanding the process of designing, printing, and associated costs is crucial. Entrusting professional ID card designers ensures visually appealing and secure cards that accurately represent your identity. When considering printing options, factors like design complexity, quantity, and printing technology influence costs. By utilizing online resources and local directories, you can conveniently locate nearby PVC ID card printing services, guaranteeing an efficient and satisfactory printing experience.
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rachanasharma1028 · 4 months
ID Card Printer UAE:- Looking for the best home automation companies in UAE that can make your home stand out from the crowd then do contact us. We provide all ID Card Printer Suppliers in Dubai. For more info visit us. https://autodataits.com/id-card-printer.html
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leiawritesstories · 11 months
I saw the below prompt and could easily imagine Aelin running a black market of printing services and I would love to see what kind of favors she’d take from a certain buzzard who is pressed for time.. especially if they’ve maybe been secretly pining after one another this whole time? 👀
Prompt: You’re the only one in our college dorm building that owns a printer so you run a black market of printing services for favors/money/food/etc. I don’t have time to walk twenty minutes across campus to the library, please help me.
Congrats on 500!
Okay so.....this is actually real-life me at my college 🤣🤣🤣 I own a desktop printer so I don't have to use the campus printing service all the time and half the people in my building want to use it. Naturally I charge a fee--either money or food or coffee, i'm not picky lol. Anyway this is literally me in real life except for the secretly pining part bc i'm very very single and I adore this prompt, thank you so so much 😁
Here you go!!
Word count: 870
Warnings: maybe some swearing
"Hey, Galathynius! Do me a solid?"
Aelin glanced over her shoulder to find Fenrys jogging after her, catching up to her before they made it to the dorm building they both lived in. "What do you want, Moonie?"
The blonde huffed a dramatic sigh. "First of all, stop calling me that, you know it doesn't fit my mature persona." Aelin snorted so hard she almost coughed. Fen just rolled his eyes. "Secondlyyyy," he groaned dramatically, "I need to print a paper. Lemme use your printer? Pretty pretty please?" He widened his big brown eyes irresistibly.
"Your sad puppy face isn't gonna get you free printing, Moonie," Aelin drawled. "A dollar a page, or $30 flat if it's more than 20 pages."
"Highway robbery!" he gasped.
She rolled her eyes. "It's the same price I've always charged and you know it."
"Ugh, fiiiiine," he grumbled. "Unless...how about I cover your coffee for the next week?"
"Hmm." She pretended to seriously think about it, knowing full well that she'd accept. Who was Aelin Galathynius to turn down free coffee, especially when she spent somewhere around 40 dollars a week on her precious caffeine. "All right, I accept. I'll text you my drink order, and I expect it delivered every morning as I leave for my first class."
Fen saluted her. "Yes ma'am!" he chirped.
She smacked his shoulder teasingly. "Cut the flourishing, drama queen." Fen flashed her a grin and jogged off towards his next class, while she swiped her student ID in the building's card reader and walked into the dorm. She, Elide, and Lysandra shared a triple room with an ensuite bathroom on the fourth floor, so she had to climb three flights of stairs to get to her room. As she opened her door, she noticed a sticky note stuck to the wood. It wasn't uncommon; people who wanted to buy her printing service often left notes stuck to her door. She gave the note a cursory glance.
HELP! Need to print 30 pages for 2pm class! -RW, #350
Aelin glanced at her phone. It was 1:15 pm, meaning whoever had left that note was probably pacing around their room in distress right about now. So of course, she decided to go pay Room 350 a little visit.
"Ah, shit!" yelped a male voice from inside the room when she knocked. There was a flurry of noise and stumbling, and a tall guy wearing a UTerr Hockey sweatshirt opened the door, his pale blonde hair a frazzled mess. "Um, hi?"
"Well hello there, Whitethorn," Aelin smirked, delighted to see the normally perfectly put-together Rowan Whitethorn, star defenseman of UTerr Hockey, all flustered over not having printed materials for class.
"Aelin, thank the fuckin' gods," Rowan gasped. "Did you get my note?"
"Mhmm," she hummed, intentionally vague.
"Ae," he groaned, his desperation showing, "can you print my articles? Please?"
"Got payment?"
"I--yeah, gimme a sec." He vanished into his room and banged around for another couple of minutes, rummaging through drawers and probably his closet as he tried to find cash. He reappeared with a sheepish, embarrassed blush staining his chiseled cheeks. "Uh..."
"No cash?" Aelin clicked her tongue softly. "Sorry, Ro. I don't take credit cards."
"Please," he begged, dropping right down to his knees in front of her. "Fuck it, Ae, I'm desperate! I'm fucked if I don't come to class prepared, the professor already thinks all athletes are dumb jocks who pass classes on daddy's money." He clasped his hands together and stared imploringly up at her, his deep green eyes wide and pleading.
A very naughty part of Aelin wanted to tell him all the sinful ways he could pay her for printing his articles. But because she was a mature woman, she kept that part of herself quiet.
"Well," she mused, "I suppose you could offer me a favor, but it better be worth thirty pages."
Rowan closed his eyes and tipped his head back, a soft groan slipping from his lips as he frantically tried to think up a worthy favor. That gods-damned little groan of his did bad, bad things to Aelin's naughty little inner voice.
Or maybe that was just her enormous little crush on him.
"Dinner." Rowan's voice broke through her traitorous wandering thoughts.
"I'll buy you dinner," he repeated. "Anywhere you want, as much food as you want. I swear."
Aelin couldn't have stopped her response no matter how hard she tried. "Like a dinner date?"
Rowan's face flushed a surprisingly endearing shade of vibrant pink. "Um...yeah?"
A tiny, pleased smile curled the corners of Aelin's lips, blooming into a full-blown smile the longer she made him squirm. "Okay, I accept. It's a date." Without waiting for his response, she waltzed off.
When she returned to his room, his articles in hand, he was waiting by the door. He took the papers from her with a slow, relieved smile that made a dimple in his left cheek pop out.
"Thanks, Ae."
"Of course." She waved him off. "Better not be late, Ro."
"You too." Her brows furrowed in confusion, and he winked. "Our date, darlin'. Seven o'clock tomorrow. I'll pick you up."
Gods help her, she could not wait.
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Hello to the worst parallel in the world (affectionate)
@respectthepetty made an entire post about symbolism in Moonlight Chicken that was truly excellent and spurred a conversation in the comments that gave birth to another truly excellent post about potential for the central conflict in Moonlight Chicken.
And as I watch episode 3 I cannot help but think about this moment of foreshadowing at the end of episode 1 and the statement it is making.
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Above is a photo of Wen's ID card with the Marina logo printed on the back of the ID and the words "Wen- Moonlight Chicken- Temp Staff" scrawled in marker on top of the plastic ID cover. The words here block out or overshadow Marina, showing Wen's attention and interest lies in the chicken shop above his interest in Marina.
At this point in the show, I had begun to suspect that Wen (and possibly Alan) would be involved in a Marina project that would potentially threaten the Moonlight Chicken Diner. When Episode 2 aired, this conversation between Kaipa and Jim made me think Marina would just be building new food market territory in the zones around where Moonlight Chicken Diner was located, driving up prices of both rent and food and making it impossible for Jim to continue to operate at the prices he is currently charging:
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Enter Episode 3 where we get the Grand Reveal. Marina is planning on expanding their food court (which we already knew), they are not just going to purchase the buildings and put their own vendors in, they are planning on demolishing the existing structures and build something new over top. And what do we learn about the zones Marina is considering? The zones include the Moonlight Chicken Diner
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And here is where the worst (emotionally) visual parallel comes in to play. The Marina logo with the tagline "creating a sustainable future" printed on top right corner of a photo of the Moonlight Chicken Diner. Looming over top of the building like it's waiting for its moment to strike. Even Jim's green truck is parked in front of the diner in this photo. He's in that diner, he's preparing food for the evening when this photo was taken, completely unaware of the fact that someone is outside, ready to tear his chicken shop to the ground. And respectthepetty, if you are seeing this post, I for one think it is very rude of the blue and red color coding to continue even in this photo with the blue wall and red lanterns.
Something something Moonlight Chicken being written over Marina on Wen's ID something something Marina building on top of the rubble of Moonlight Chicken Diner something something.
Anyway, the gay chicken show has consumed my life and we are only 3 episodes in.
I haven't finished episode 3 yet, only got through part one and felt compelled to make this post so unless they already handle it later on in the episode I am very interested in how Jim will react to finding out that he's the other man once Alan show up in full force, or what I will affectionately be calling 'The Cock Fight" but you know...that's a whole other post.
Also, please do NOT get me started on the irony of Marina's tagline being "creating a sustainable future" when they keep driving prices higher and are only interested in demolition of old historic buildings *cough, cough*
Edit: lmao, not me starting part 2 of episode 3 and having them give me the same parallel immediately.
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watercolourcritters · 4 months
Commissions Are Open!
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Please shoot me a DM if you're interested, or email me at [email protected]! For watercolour and marker art, I do other sizes besides 5x7" and 8x10", those are just the most commonly chosen sizes.
Please note that for shipping of commissioned art (other than the digital art print), it must be tracked shipping, which is about $15-20 CAD. If you would prefer just the digital scan of artwork, that is an option as well!
[ID: Four slides with the following commission information on them:
One - A plain slide reading: Commission Info. Pet portraits, custom greeting cards, encouragement art, fanart. All prices in Canadian dollars, shipping not included. Payment through Paypal, Etsy, or E-transfer No: Vehicles, Mecha, NSFW
Two - A slide reading "Watercolour" 1) No background, $1.15 x Area, 5x7" = $40, 8x10" = $92. The example shown is a realistic watercolour painting of a bearded dragon wearing a party hat with a light blue wash as the background. 2) Full painting, $1.50 x Area, 5x7" = $52, 8x10" = $120. The examples shown are both realistic watercolour paintings in the same style, one of a short haired collie dog sitting in the woods, and the second of a hand painted bookmark of a sewing machine sewing a rainbow quilt.
Three - A slide reading "Marker Art." Animals only, simple backgrounds. $1 x Area 5x7" = $35, 8x10" = $80 The examples shown include a full pet style portrait of a Bernese Mountain dog, art of an American robin sitting in a tree, and a jaguar with text reading "Your sadness has a place here, just as much as your joy."
Four - A slide reading "Digital Art. Cartoon style fanart only." $20 per character, $10 for a loose background. Fandoms: OFMD, CR, Locked Tomb, and more! Optional art print included (+$4 shipping) The examples shown are three digital artworks all in a cartoon style, and all of OFMD characters. The first shows Jim, Archie, and Oluwande dancing in the style of the Three Of Cups Tarot Card, the second shows Jim and Oluwande napping together on their bed and wearing each other's hats, and the third shows Jim and Oluwande sitting together and napping.
End ID.]
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ahedderick · 1 year
   Two of my earliest commissions, we’re talking over twenty years ago, taught me that art buyers know nothing about copyright law, and don’t even know that they don’t know.     One man told me openly that he’d taken my ink drawing to a local print shop and had copies made for family members. This was a piece that would ONLY be of interest to his family (his grandmother’s house), and he had given me a truly splendid ‘tip’ over and above the purchase price I asked for, so I said nothing about that. He just didn’t know, and the tip certainly made up for what I would have asked for if he’d actually bought the right to copy.
   The next lady had commissioned a large oil portrait of her 1770′s era mansion. She had all sorts of [legitimate] suggestions about what she wanted, including eliminating power lines/air conditioners, making the shrubs look more tidy (they hadn’t been pruned in a while) and emphasizing the flowers in the flower garden. All fair requests, and the finished work looked marvelous - just like the mansion but j-u-s-t a touch nicer and neater! The next year I saw that her brochures for wedding events were using my artwork instead of a photo of the place. That was - NOT cool; uncredited commercial use of my artwork. However, she was kind of a bigwig in our community (and notably quite mean and litigious) and I was a relatively unknown artist. I felt like pushing this issue would hurt me more than it helped, so I let it be and used it as a learning experience.
   In later commissions, I actually explained copyright to my clients. Where the piece would have value only to family members (and that happened quite a bit) I’d tell them that is was ok to copy for family, just not for commercial use. And, of course, adjust my price a bit. One lady who ran a museum/heritage center actually needed copyright to make posters, so I not only built full copyright into my pricing, but gave her a written statement to attach behind the painting so that her printer would know everything was fair and square with that. Also, I was credited on those printings, which meant a lot to me!
   One of the best, though, was a local man who has lived about two miles down the road for my his whole (80+ years!) life. He built his house himself, every bit, and he told me about the process in great detail when I went to get reference photos for the painting. As before, I told him that he could copy it for family or to make some greeting cards for himself (he is so proud of his house. So proud.)   Wouldn’t you know, some time after I delivered the painting, I got a holiday card from Frank. He’d had a printer make him cards from the painting. That was a delight to receive in the mail.
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[ID: An oil painting of a two story stone house backed by early spring woods with redbud trees blooming. There is a scroll at the bottom that reads: Stonestack 1965]
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emzurl · 2 years
The Office Collection is dropping September 17 at 11:00AM EST!
✨ Shop Link ✨
Patreon members get 24 hours of early access + discounted shipping! Join here by September 16 at 11:00AM EST to gain these perks!
Collection Price List (all in USD):
Full Box Set (includes special box and exclusive poster) - $70
Full Bundle - $60
Flat Bundle (Lookbook, 2 prints, sticker sheet) - $30
ID Bundle (all 5 id cards, lanyard) - $23
Lookbook - $26 (B-Grade: $22 / C-Grade: $18)
Prints - $5 each (B-Grade: $4 each)
Sticker Sheet - $6
Acrylic Charm - $12 (B-Grade: $10)
Hard Enamel Pin - $12
ID Cards - $4 each (B-Grade: $3 each)
Lanyard - $8
Acrylic Standee - $18 ($16 B-Grade)
✨ SPECIAL LIMITED ITEM not part of the Collection, only sold individually
"The Kiss" Flipbook + Slipcover - $30 | Only 20 made - individually handcrafted, numbered, and signed!
📢 Shipping worldwide except for the UK, Northern Ireland, Germany, and any suspended destinations listed on the USPS website at the time of launch (only those listed under "Suspensions"). Sorry for the inconvenience!
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englishflagcumrag · 6 months
£2 lino prints!
i’m planning on starting to sell my lino prints at some point in the near future but i’d like to get some practice in. i’m doing very very cheap commissions now, really just to crowdsource ideas while also covering material costs - eventually i’ll probably do commissions at actual commission prices but for now you’re only really paying for the lino sheets. for £2 i will attempt to make a print for you and if you want a physical copy (or a few physical copies!) for sticking up on walls or on holiday cards or whatever it’ll only cost whatever it costs to ship from the uk.
here’s a little roundup of the prints i’ve made (excuse repeats - i was also just using this page to test them out)
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[ID: various lino printed designs on a large piece of paper, including some mushrooms, a hat, a pigeon, the words “outpace + outlive”, a snowglobe with two houses in it, a small knife, and a flaming torch and pitchfork crossed over with “peasants revolt now” written in the smoke from the torch. most of these designs are printed a few times over. end ID]
because this is for practice i particularly welcome requests for
text (political slogans (with the obvious caveat that i’m not doing anything that goes against my beliefs), jokes, lyrics, “happy new year”, whatever you want, though preferably not too long)
scenes (preferably not too complex but i’ll do my best)
people (your ocs, your guy off the tv, your dad, whatever)
i am a beginner so complicated designs might be an issue, but i will do my best.
commission me on my ko-fi or shoot me a message here or at englishflagcumrag on discord if you’re interested!
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popfizzles · 10 months
Question about the functional amiibo cards you plan on selling, do you think youd consider an alternate etsy listing, or some way to get the full quality pngs, instead of the cards? Since i have my own nfc tags already buying cards would be kinda redundant, but id still love to be able to use the art if you were to make that an option :0
I'm sure I could offer some nice high quality prints of just the art (with no functional NFC tags in them) at a lower price compared to the cards? I could likely save them without the card backgrounds (and have them just be cute full bodies) as well!
I've never really considered that an option simply because I never thought of my art the kind people would purchase prints of! <:)
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songofsaraneth · 1 year
A question for my friends who sell art, especially commissions...
is there any kind of general standard/guideline on how much more someone should expect/offer to pay if they would like to also purchase rights to print/sell copies of the work? at some point, i would like to commission an artist or two for mermaid art of myself, that i could have printed as stickers to sell at the events i work at as a mermaid. but i'm not sure how to go about asking politely or how much to budget for that kind of thing. everyone i've commissioned before/the info i usually see from artists specifics they are just for personal use, and i respect that/would never try to print and sell anything without establishing terms and extra price for it first. Is 50% above the base price reasonable? Double the base price?? Some set dollar value on top of however much is being charged initially? I don’t want to come off as rude or contact people only to bow out because standard value is much higher than I’m capable of paying. 
all the info i'm finding online is guidance in regards to large volume/high distribution contracted work like for book covers or trading cards or so on, compared to how like, reasonably id expect to sell under 50 stickers per year probably. I only work 5-7 small local events per year usually, so very low volume/distribution, so I would rather not shell out like $500+ it’ll take me years to earn back. 
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trivialbob · 1 year
An Amazon notification just hit my phone. It says an order is being shipped to my house. I didn't order anything, but I'm not the only one who uses the account.
Being a curious fellow, I looked at the order.
It's a brand name, designer lanyard for a work ID card. What! Yes, a brand name, designer piece of string with a metal clip. You know what comes with a brand name, designer lanyard?
An enormous price tag. Huge!
Do you know how much string I have in my garage? Plenty. I also have a box of paper clips in my desk.
I could have fashioned a perfectly adequate lanyard myself. No, it would not some designer's name printed all over it. However, it would have been made with love. And cost nothing!
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mofffun · 5 months
hello! i'm planning on trying for g-rosso s4 in march, and i would just like to ask more about your guide post for ticketing, about buying through a proxy and bypassing jp phone number verification? how would that work?
thank you for your help 😭
This is very regional-dependent: I just search for "japan proxy" on facebook (more reliable than instagram because old people website), check their history and look for "ticketing" in the description (filter those that only buy goods or just personal travellers with no on-site agents).
You give them the show's information and they'll give you a quotation. If you agree with the price, make a deposit and they'll proceed with the lottery and refund if it fails. Some companies take a service charge regardless if the lottery succeeds.
My proxy mentioned eplus's lottery ticket will have the buyer's name printed. The G-rosso I remember is not that strict with checking ids, so I'm not too worried. More after my visit.
You'll need a prxoy if you buy through eplus (= online ticketing sites) whether or not you're joining the lottery. I used a proxy that handled everything, but there's also proxies that only handle the phone verification part. You get to register an account with your own name.
Phone verification: Echoing other posts: You need to make a call to eplus's number. Other people suggested using an 050 IP Phone or buying a Japanese SIM card from Hanacell or Mobal. But IP phones might be banned and the SIM cards only work within Japan so I'm not sure how it works either...
Redeeming the ticket: Remind the proxy to choose "pick-up at convenience store" instead of delievery, either Family Mart or 7-11 is fine. Eplus will send you a redemption code via email two weeks before the show and you can print the ticket from the convenience store machine once you land in Japan.
edit: I just realize the whole exchange happened online unlike actual goods that need to be shipped, so maybe it's not as region-specific as I thought...
Experience with S3:
Lottery: You will only be considered for one showing and you have up to three choices. You can't pick the seats, so just pick out the date and time.
Pretty much everyone on my twitter tl (jp fans) failed the Premium round, but managed to score in the General round. We reckoned it was simply because there are just too few Premium seats (38 x 3 rows = 114 seats). Some General seats are still available as of today, except the first and final showing.
The consideration of whether you MUST need the first 3 rows or you're fine sitting a bit back in the first block: If Row A-C is a must, I'd choose a less popular date and time. Not the first or final showing and Satuday rather than Sunday. For S4, I'm kinda debating if I should even bother because of the odds would be even greater now the Jeramie fans are in the race too. Though, S4 has 16 days and S3 only 9 days. I could only speculate how eplus's lottery system works and there'd be different stats maths based on that with ticket types but i digress
twitter tickets: I don't see anyone reselling Premium seats in the first week, but listings from the general round showed up at an average rate. I am seeing S3's last weekend, so the general sale opens before my weekend's seating reveal, so I grab a ticket just to be safely seated more upfront than general sale. I am cheap and waiting for last-minute (and premium) resells after the redemption date and closer to the show.
same-day tickets: The website states there will be no same-day free-seating tickets. I suppose they mean there will be no discount, but if seats are available, you should be able to buy one from the convenience store or ask the staff. I'll confirm this on-site.
three rounds of tickets:
Permium lottery
General lottery
General sale
(ticket redemption date: 2 weeks before showing)
Schedule for Feb & March:
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srisairaghu · 6 months
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We do Bulk Document & Photo’s  Digital Scanning / Bulk Legal Document & Study Materials Digital Color / Black & White Printing with Bulk Hard Binding / Perfect Glue Binding / Spiral Binding.
SRI SAI ENTERPRISES is a Bangalore based firm dealing with Digital Bulk Hard Copy to Soft Copy, Digital Bulk Xerox, Digital Bulk Color & B/w Printing, Bulk Perfect Glue Binding / Hard Binding & Spiral Binding, Bulk PVC ID Card’s Printing Services & also we do Bulk Digital Study Materials Printing & Bulk Digital Legal documents printing.
We have emerged into the domain to prove how passionate we are about what we do to provide 100% satisfaction to our customers. We are committed to providing a High Quality Bulk Digital Printing / Xerox / Scanning experience at affordable price to our customers, which is why, lot of our customers are happy and satisfied with our services and are our permanent customers.  We ensure to provide the best services with 100% clarity & quality.
To serve our clients efficiently, cost effectively and fulfilling the end user requirements through our prompt Digital Xerox / Printing / Scanning / Spiral Binding / Hard Binding & Perfect Glue Binding services.
Our philosophy and our success are based upon treating and maintaining long-term business relationship with our customers.
Our customers are also experiencing our services through Online & Offline booking for printing.
We have built an active and extensive online & offline store that sparks much of our innovation – we are always finding new ways to engage with our customers.  We look forward for positive customer satisfaction in every order we go through because our motto is “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION”, so stop wandering and begin exploring with us for printing services at SRI SAI ENTERPRISES.
If you would like to know more about our customer satisfaction Reviews & Ratings, then go through at
Like Share and subscribe to my YouTube Channel @srisaienterprises1
Purushotham G
No. 346, 11th “A” Cross, 14th main, J P Nagar, 2nd Phase,Bangalore–560078, Karnataka, India. 
Mobile: + 91 - 9739289295 / 080 - 26582233.
Land Mark : VET College.
Website: www.srisaipurushotham.wix.com/raghu
Youtube account  - https://youtube.com/@SRISAIENTERPRISES1
Channel id - UCl2o4E5fGXwdqBFAm6F74Zg
Google Feedback & Review - https://g.page/sri-sai-enterprises-karnataka/review?gm
Subscribe to Youtube Channel - https://youtube.com/@SRISAIENTERPRISES1
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feather-bone · 2 years
Hello! Can I ask how you make your art prints and stickers? I’ve been trying to set up my own online store and am not sure of I should go with print on demand or use a local print shop.
Thanks so much for any advice/help, your art is lovely!!
hi, thanks for the lovely message! i'm happy to share my process for merch - i'm gonna post this publicly in case anyone else wants this info.
for stickers, i order vinyl sticker paper online and use a canon pixma mg3222 (that we inherited from a friend) to print em at home, then add a layer of adhesive laminate.
once theyre laminated i just cut em out with scissors while i watch tv or whatever and then they're done! i really like doing these by hand - they're not as waterproof as vinyl stickers from a professional printer but they look pretty good and are quite water resistant! if i ordered from a company i'd have to order at least 25 or so of each design and the cost would be very high and i would not be able to offer even close to the price i'm selling stickers for currently ahaha - though if you're doing larger runs of few designs bulk ordering is definitely a lot easier.
for prints i've found it more cost- and quality-effective to order prints 5"x7" and smaller from mpix and larger prints from shortrunposters - both online printers that send the prints to me to distribute. the surface texture is quite different between the two but i like them both.
stuff like the species id cards and packaging labels i print at home or get from staples, depending on how quickly i need them. i've gone through professional printers for a few different things in the past, but i've never used drop-shipping so i cant say much about that option, but what kind of printing you use will really depend on your situation - what kinds of things you want to print and how much of an investment you can make upfront in time or money or both.
i think that's it!
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fullsteamzine · 2 years
Preorders are open for the charity zine, with 80+ pages celebrating female + NB original characters in science, tech, engineering, arts, and math!
📅 June 18 - July 18, 23:59 PDT
🛒 fullsteamaheadzine.bigcartel.com
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🚀 Full Bundle 🚀
🛍️ One random full bundle will include a tote bag! 🛍️
➟ (1) Physical zine + PDF copy
➟ (2) Prints
➟ (1) Petri dish coaster
➟ (1) Glitter acrylic charm
➟ (1) Sticker sheet
➟ (2) Custom ID cards of your characters
➟ (1) Early access to an original game
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🚀 Book Bundle 🚀
➟ (1) Physical zine + PDF copy
➟ (1) Print of choice
➟ (1) Custom ID card of your characters
➟ (1) Early access to an original game
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🚀 Digital Bundle 🚀
➟ (1) PDF copy
➟ (1) Early access to an original game
* Not eligible for stretch goals
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🚀 Custom ID Card Set 🚀
⚠️ Preorder exclusive ⚠️
➟ (5) Custom ID cards of your characters
➟ (Add-on) Physical zine
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🚀 Bulk Book Orders (USA only) 🚀
➟ Prices start from $18/ea for 10 books
➟ Exclusive print set with each set
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🚀 Stretch goals 🚀
* Eligible for the full bundle, book bundle, custom OC ID cards bundle
Help us unlock these goals to discover them!
➟ 30 orders: mysterious multi-edge object
➟ 60 orders: unidentified long object
➟ 90 orders: peculiarly-shaped object
📅 June 18 - July 18, 23:59 PDT
🛒 fullsteamaheadzine.bigcartel.com
@faneventshub @all-zine-apps @fandomzines @zinefeed @zine-scene @zinesubmissions @zinesunlimited @zineforall @zinecenter @fanzinewatch @zineapps @atozines
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Stickers are here!! Up in the shop, even!!
I've got the lovely three vinyl stickers in the first photo, and then some real cheap discount stickers that are the result of a home printing attempt. I wasn't pleased with the quality (hence the low price), but wanted to toss them up on the internet JIC anyone wants 'em!
My etsy shop can be found here!
A few other things got posted tonight as well, including the bookmark shared yesterday (see here) and a new card!
[ID: three product photos showing various stickers. The first shows three bright vinyl stickers with art of a hedgehog with rainbow spines, art of a raccoon holding a progressive pride flag, and art of a frog with text reading "the world can be tough but it's better because you are a part of it."
The second photo shows three OFMD themed stickers. One has chibi art of Stede with text reading "Stede Bonnet #1 Pirate," one has chibi art of Ed bending over with his butt to the viewer with text reading "Best ass in the caribbean," and one shows more realistic art of Jim dipping Oluwande in a kiss in the 'sailors kiss' pose.
The third photo shows a variety of stickers with marker art of animals on them, including a red fox with text reading "breathe deep, let this moment be calm," a yellow rat, an aardvark, a snail, and a chicken with text reading "time to scream aaaaaaa." End ID.]
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