#idaho jumpscare
esperwatchesfilms · 3 months
Dune (1984)
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This is my father's favorite movie. Every time I walk into my parents' house, I see the Baron floating around laughing maniacally. I have never watched it in its entirety, and with the new ones out, I wanted to watch this before I moved on to Dune: Part One. I spent an hour of the film being SO confused about what was happening and why. But about an hour in (I know, that's a long time), I realized how super into it I was, and the more I started to understand what was up, the more I enjoyed it. Ultimately, a really good film, and I hope I enjoy the new one as much as I liked this one! And I can't express enough how much I love the pug that made it through the whole damn film. ESE: 150/100 50 +2 for the brown spot in Princess Irulan's otherwise greenish eyes +3 for her soothing voice +5 for 9 bulldogs +10 for Patrick Stewart -10 for the laughably horrible effects they used for the shields -2 for the wild eyebrows on Thufir -3 for marching with Barbie hands +10 for the Duke telling his son that people need new experiences to grow +5 for the Atreides family pug -10 for the gross-ass fucking pain box +10 for Brad Dourif -10 for needles in eyes -10 for super nasty Baron pustules +5 for Sting -5 for the nastiest juice box ever +10 for Lady Jessica's hair +5 for Paul ticking off prophecy boxes +5 for how proud the Duke looks that his son knows how the suit should be worn +10 for Duke Atreides saving the miners and saying "Damn the spice!" showing he cares more for his people than the spice -10 for the Reverend Mother jumpscare +5 for Paul saving Shadout Mapes +10 for Shadout Mapes informing Paul of the traitor in his midst -10 for Yueh being a major shitterton +5 for the pug making a getaway +10 for Gurney saving the pug -10 for Yueh being all sookie-la-la after betraying people who were so good to him -5 for the death of Duncan Idaho +10 for Yueh's death because seriously, what a shitterton -10 for the Harkonnen Mentat guy trying to feel up Lady Jessica +10 for Paul using the Voice -10 for the Duke's death -10 for the Baron being alive -5 for the death of Doctor Kynes +10 for Paul's waking dream +5 for the second thumper +10 for the Fremen +5 for Paul Muad'Dib -5 for eating the cow tongue +5 for Feyd's goofy undies +5 for Thufir's new cat -5 for the weird advancement of Usul and Chani's relationship +5 for the weirding way +5 for worm-riding -10 for the fast-forwarding through Alia's growth and Usul and Chani's love story +10 for Gurney still being alive! +5 for Paul's blue eyes +5 for Chani trusting Paul's judgment and giving him the Water of Life despite being scared to +5 for the Emperor calling the Baron "that floating fat man" +10 for Alia +5 for the pug making it to the end of the film +10 for rain on Arrakis
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
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My recent finds at a Florida antique mall:
The most terrifying Dopey doll ever (I got jumpscared by it since it's between 2 display cases)
The mice are catholic
Macarena Barbie(?)
Bonus: antique mall in Idaho had a seashell bloody jesus
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what brought up the don't mention idaho post if you don't mind my asking?
okay so my fic broken rhythms has a large portion of the fic or at least an important plot point set in a tiny town in idaho. and see. no one ever talks about idaho. no one.
so every time a member of the sbi, specifically wilbur soot or technoblade, mention idaho (they both have at least once since the fic came out), I get jumpscared because broken rhythms is what my mind first relates idaho to
anyways I was looking at my broken rhythms post and I think it's a funny post :D
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thealexchen · 3 years
Highlights of the Katy and Erika Q&A
Link to the Q&A! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1161022793 
- Erika’s first audition with a scene partner was with Han Soto (Gabe)! Neither of them had gotten their parts yet, but Han still called “I’ll see you on set!” over his shoulder as he was leaving. Erika also said that he was a wonderful mentor figure and also someone who gave her a lot of shit, like an older brother would.
- THEY ANSWERED MY QUESTION!!! 😭 I had asked, "Since you were working on this game for several years, how do you think your performance or skills as an actor changed over time as you got to know your character better?"
Erika explained that in an early callback, she had to act out Gabe’s death scene and got into the moment by imagining that her little brother Evan had died. Later on she realized that it wasn’t healthy or sustainable to go to such dark places mentally over and over: “It's great to bring your lived experience in but not at the at the level of sacrificing your own health.” She later referred to the Lucid Body Technique invented by a dancer named Fay Simpson that she learned while on an acting retreat in Creed, CO (”Fun fact, Creed is actually a small mining town that was saved by theater!”). Instead of calling up traumatic memories, Erika focused on where that emotion “lives” in her body, accessed them safely, and was able to bring herself back to the present moment. Katy also mentioned she studied the technique in college. All super interesting stuff!
- Han pulled so many pranks on set that Webb (performance director) and Corwin (mocap producer) forced him to limit it to “one prank per day... on Erika.” He managed to jumpscare her every time and when she tried to get him back, “He didn’t even blink. I was like ‘What the fuck is going on?”
- Alex evolved a lot over the course of writing the game. Apparently the first iteration of Alex was a lot more like Chloe-- very bitter, brittle and with a lot of repressed anger-- but that got softened as they developed Alex’s power and as Erika brought more of herself to the performance.
- Apparently Gabe’s death scene was fun to film because when Gabe got knocked off the cliff, Erika got pulled in a sled to simulate Alex being pulled toward the edge while tied to Gabe. So they did a million takes of that and Erika just got to sit in a sled. Meanwhile Katy was at a butterfly garden down the street.
- Another fun scene (apparently) was when Alex fell down the mineshaft at the end of chapter 4 and the beginning of chapter 5, as Erika describes: “They basically rigged me up to a swing, like a sex swing-- not a sex swing. I mean, I walked in and I think that was my first question. I was like ‘Is that a sex swing? What are we filming today? I didn’t get these scripts.’” Cue the chat going insane.
What actually happened was she hung onto a board and two pulleys dropped on either side of her so she fell onto a crash pad. Apparently Webb practiced before and “really bruised the shit out of his ribs.”
- The “The crowd is really picking up on my energy. Haaaaa we love you Alex! Haaaaa Steph sucks!” line during the foosball game was entirely improvised by Erika, just having fun on set. Erika also admits she’s very chatty and just enjoyed getting to know her castmates so that they were already all friends when they acted together.
- Webb sent Han and Erika on a day trip to Idaho Springs early in production to bond and of course Han suggested they go gambling (Erika added, “Which of course is something that Gabe would do! Like ‘Let’s go do something sinful.”) They also played with Han’s drone. Katy went to see one of Erika’s plays in Colorado!
- When asked about what Erika would do if she had Alex’s powers: “I think it would be a cool power too because there’s so much covering that happens with all of us in social settings and professional settings. And being able to have insight into what’s really going on would probably create the need to be a much a kinder, generous, forgiving person, which are things that I’m always working on. I don’t think you could not become that.”
- Erika on Asian representation in True Colors: "[Alex is] not the best friend, she's not the tiger mom, she's her own fully realized, three dimensional person with flaws and goals and dreams and things she wished she could do over again. And I think that, for me, as somebody who grew up not seeing people who looked like me in movies-- and that's why Lucy Liu was such a fucking huge deal-- but the fact that D9 didn't do it in a tropey way was incredible. I know how important that Alex is a woman of color. She doesn't fit the mold of typical video game female bodies either, which I think is amazing."
- Erika lowkey hated the mocap suits. She couldn’t understand why Katy didn’t mind them and said “Katy. Katy. Katy.” “No it was so comfy it was like I was in my jammies!” “I remember you said that and I was like ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?! This is not comfortable!’”
- Erika’s advice to aspiring creatives: “Don’t let the fear of being bad at something stop you.”
- E: “I feel like I've been talking a lot" K: “This is your interview!" E: “Yeah I know but your voice is better.” K: “What?! MA’AM. MA’AM??”
- When Erika and Katy talk about teleportation as a superpower: “Or like when you wake up in the middle of the night and you have to pee, like ‘Should I just pee my pants? Or should I walk to the-- it’s just so far.”
- When Erika mentioned she grew up with a Golden Retriever the chat went “RYAN THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER”
- Erika’s closing remarks: I cannot wait for y’all to play the DLC because Wavelengths is gonna be the shit. And I’m gonna tell you why! Because it’s all about Steph! Which means it’s all about Katy! It’s gonna be so fucking good you guys. It’s gonna be beautiful. It’s gonna be funny. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll want to live in Haven Springs even more. You’ll want to marry Katy Bentz. What more could you ask for?? K: Could you be my hype woman forever please?
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familiaanteomnia · 5 years
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① ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE ? Nope, my name is 100% all just what fit me and it’s pretty uncommon. Then like what’ll probably actually be my first name is just neat sounding/fits. Ironically though my very ‘feminine’ middle name at birth was suggested against for being ‘too masculine’ which is wild. 
A few hours ago. 
I do not, unless we can qualify like a few of my story characters and ocs in which case oh yeah I’ve adopted quite a few lost souls. 
Immensely. I have rendered people speechless with it. But it’s usually more subtle than up in people’s faces. Depth or something.
⑤ WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE ?  Unique little quirks? Like the way their eyes will shine when talking about a really adored person/hobby,etc. Or the difference in their body language/smile. If they’re nice,etc generally. Also depends on if we’re talking friendwise or what. ⑥ WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR ?  This sounds like a weird joke every time I say it, but my eyes literally change hue/shade/color frequently. Honestly it’s my best trait probably. ⑦ SCARY MOVIE OR HAPPY ENDING ?
I’m pretty picky about horror movies, cheap jumpscares and a lot of the mainstream ‘classics’ make me roll my eyes. Like give me a plot, suspense any day over ‘lets have all the problematic content, and ma stuff’. As for happy endings, again it depends usually that’s more if I’m watching something I want to have one. ⑧ ANY SPECIAL TALENTS ? Hypersensitivity, I’m pretty hyper aware of other peoples emotions at times.  Naturally gifted creatively, can see debates,etc with a usually different perspective than either party.  My eyes, seriously that isn’t pretty average.  Writing music in my dreams (failing to remember the tune,or lyrics in the morning) Vivid, lucid dreaming.  Being oddly attractive *in terms of being likable/getting strangers to chat at me even when I’m scowling visibly* -shrug- I’m pretty average for the most part
⑨ WHERE WERE YOU BORN ? Idaho, I’d make a joke or be like ‘middle of nowhere’ but honesty really carries nothing cause I’m sure people will be like “wait but that’s not a real place” etc.
⑩ WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES ? Writing, art, photography, creative things.  Reading.  R.oleplaying. S.kateboarding Y.outube(I have this whole project/channel I keep meaning to put together. And filming a documentary that’ll take years.)
⑪ DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS ? I’ve had quite a few fish, as in pets that were all mine. There’s a family cat *my brothers supposedly* who really has attached to me and practically acts like mine/I love quite a lot. 
⑫ WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED ? Nothing like outside of school, or any seriousness. But soccer was a passion for a while. Volleyball I really adore/was good at. Skateboarding *wip tbh*.  ⑬ HOW TALL ARE YOU ? 5′2″ or something
⑭ DREAM JOB ? Writer, published author. 
⑮ FAVORITE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL ? They all kind of sucked tbh but art, choir, english/language arts. 
Tagged by: @thecolosseumsfinest
Tagging: @ofmenandangels @ofmedan @detholmes whoever else wants to
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kxlebcross · 4 years
[ 60, 39, 21, 47, and 37. merci! ]
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21.  An overrated actor.
i know i’m supposed to choose one but i can’t - also these 3 share the 1st place on my most overrated actors list: henry cavill, matt bomer, ian somerhalder.
37. Share an unpopular film opinion you have.
a film doesn’t have to be “exquisite” to be good. if u enjoy a movie with bad acting/shitty cgi/a shallow plot/etc. and watching it gives u joy, then it’s a good movie. after all it’s not the technical part, what makes the movie good (that’s very important too! and i appreciate all ppl who put their hard work into making movies), but the emotions and enjoyment u get from it. for example, there’s sharknado or attack of the killer donuts, and, let’s be honest, those aren’t the peak of artistic expression, but if you enjoy it, why wouldn’t u watch them? just bc ppl consider them bad based on the not really ambitious cgi? come on.
39. Biggest Oscar snub(s).
kind of salty that Midsommar didn’t get nominated, but oh well, i can live with that.
47. Movies that you think everyone should watch (not necessarily your favorites).
Farewell, my concubine (1993)
The Thing (1982)
Pet Sematary (1989)
My Own Private Idaho (1991)
Freier Fall (2013)
my taste in movies, monotone and obvious? that’s more likely than you’d think
60. Biggest movie pet peeve.
when a movie is predictable. do u know that moment when u pay actual money for a movie ticket just to go in there, sit there and be able to predict every next thing that will happen? like ur watching a horror movie and u can immediately tell when there’s gonna be a jumpscare, or who’s gonna survive until the end. i prefer my movies to actually be interesting, you know?
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YO i've been following you a while but had never read any of your fics. finally got around to it (reblogging that self promo post works) and read broken rhythms and it was awesome! your characterization of everyone, especially technoblade, is so solid and i enjoyed it a lot. it's the most ive ever been invested in a mystery in a fic so long as i can remember and i feel really silly for not reading any of them earlier, but i guess i have stuff to catch up on now!
the purpose of this ask is not just praise though! because man! i have never been caught more off guard than seeing melba, idaho referenced in a fic. i have family that lives there, see. you nailed the nothing-going-on farm town vibe and i don't know if it was on purpose, but the antique store was a great touch bc every small ass town around here has one, even if theres not much else. fiction rarely puts anything near where i live so it was pretty cool seeing it in a fic :]
so yeah in conclusion enjoyed the fic excited to read more and thanks for the very rare location jumpscare!
aksgfdhhksdf??? I'm gonna hope that this is okay to post and isn't, like, indirectly doxxing you anon, I can take it down if you'd like
but anyways thank you so much :D!! I'm really glad you liked it and the characters and I'm super glad that I was able to keep your interest all throughout the mystery
also absolutely wild that someone who has connections to melba has read the fic I'm gonna lose it. I'm glad I nailed the vibe I suppose! I know nothing of this town or the rural midwest so I'm happy that I got it right :D also lets gooo antique stores pog
tysm anon <3 love ya :D
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