#idc so much anymore
misandriste · 4 months
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ELOISE BRIDGERTON + being mistaken for a suitor
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yogurtlid10000 · 5 months
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newt from pacific rim
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tndo · 1 year
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i love this funky kid
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ruiiplume · 1 year
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A little to late but happy 10 years to my introduction to fire emblem 2 years after its NA release 😂
Close ups
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strawbubmint · 1 month
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part 2 of the zosan comic! yippee!
in the 2nd page sanji’s going on a whole rant about how reckless it was of zoro to sacrifice himself and then it devolves into how much zoro means to the crew (and him). basically sanji believes so much in zoro’s worth to the crew but refuses to believe in his own worth. sanji’s refusal to believe that he means something frustrates zoro! sanji you mean something okay!!
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themoodyonee1 · 23 days
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It’s official. I’m now a btd “fan” 😔
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djevelbl · 2 months
Quick question — what's the appeal of Colly/Runestraw?? Like /genq, no hate to anyone who wholeheartedly and genuinely ships it, I'm just curious about what made ppl want Cup and Holly to date
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sillyabtmusic · 5 months
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♡ Keonhee in Oneus MVs ♡
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At this point, I'd consider marrying Elbert just so I could fire his maids and butlers
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
hi you will understand my view
saiki has a lot of boxes full of shopkins and miniature things in general
one day in the middle of a hang out w the gang they're bored in his room and he pulls out one of this bad bitches
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ignore the low quality 😭
there needs to be like a masterlist of kusuos fixations/special interests LOL but mini things is definitely one of them.. i like to imagine him with a little dollhouse full of shopkins and other mini things so he can shrink down to their size and hangout inside.. sorry that's so silly but i love it LMAO imagine his parents walking into his room and hes in a little mini hammock in a barbie dreamhouse..
omg kusuo writes in a diary but nobody can read it because its mini and he writes in it when hes tiny..
sorry im gonna keep adding my own stupid things to this but. some of his other fixations include zelda, my little pony, mario kart, hot wheels, stuffed animals, the frozen movies (specific ik), vocaloid (pjsk)..
remember how he made his dads figurine move like a real robo-suit when he was in it ? that but with hot WHEELS and those little mario kart figures oh my GOD. sorry.
i still believe that all of the objects and collections he's accumulated because of his fixations are all in hidden places around his room because he's embarrassed of them since like. collecting cute plushies and shopkins isnt a thing the average teenage boy would do. like his closet and the space underneath his bed or even boxes underneath his desk are like portals to another fucking world bro.
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quixtrix · 6 months
god save our women; a ramble of an analysis
or, captain laserhawk REALLY shot jade in the face and im still upset about it because oh my GOD they really made her be thrown into a role that is not HER and in death she's still a Figure. yknow, i personally don't have a problem with sarah x jade, but over the past few months occasionally i'd think about it. yeah, it's funny to call sarah gay as hell for putting jade in a femme fatale outfit, but. should that truly be our basis for the ship? or should we think a bit deeper on why exactly sarah would put the sole woman in her lil tool set into such a position? i wonder why it wouldn't hurt to think about why jade would be forced into a role where one has to be sexual.
sarah is an extent of eden and eden is society and society will occasionally harp an odd sort of something masquerading as feminism to you that being sexual gives you power! but really it only serves to loop back into being for the man's enjoyment.
now i have to say that being sexual can be empowering! it really is! we just also have to acknowledge that in the eyes of society, sex is an exchange where it serves the man more than it does the woman. it still feels good to be sexual though, and being sexual can be used right for what you want.
but when it comes to jade, jade is forced to fall into this femme fatale role, this role that demands one to be a maneater, when she usually sticks to a more impersonal way of work. in this role, she dresses in clothes that she's not comfortable with wearing, when told to change from her usual outfit she is visibly uncomfortable, and overall it doesn't fit her.
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she is not a sexual person. she does not typically utilise sexuality as a tool in her arsenal, she doesn't even seem to really touch it (or she's just insanely bad at flirting). either way, she's not used to being in this position because she does not choose to be in this position often.
anyways, why does sarah think to put the woman in a position where she would have to step out of her comfort zone? because obviously, she uses things and positions as tools, and sexuality is a tool.
now i want yall to bear with me as i compare sarah to another woman in media; makima. no im not calling sarah some god awful dommy mommy or some shit, i'm bringing in makima to highlight how sexuality is used. she uses her sexuality as a woman to entice this young boy into doing things for her, ranging from a kiss to assaulting him and telling him that she'll give him more as a reward. while not inherently sexual, she offers up a date with her to encourage the devil hybrids under her control. she even offers up a kiss at one point to encourage competition. makima, someone raised by the government and given tools that she uses to manipulate others, has sexuality in her arsenal. it is not a stretch to say that sarah, someone who has intimate understanding of the government, the ladder she climbs, has seen others use sexuality as a tool. hell, it might even be encouraged to use it as a tool. i'm absolutely not saying that sarah fucked her way to the top, im saying that sarah is aware that sexuality is a tool that one can use.
now we all know how sarah got to the top, which can be reasonably assumed to be through military rank and impersonal ways. ways that don't require one to lower your guard and take you in before they strike, like a femme fatale way would. sarah most likely got through to the top by using people and throwing just enough weight around. so why does she not allow jade to flourish in a way that honestly would benefit the team way better yeah no its because she sees her as a fucking tool in order to recognise jade's real talents she must first let go of the notion that she is a simple tool and accept that as a human she has legitimate strengths in unique areas and not just one where you can remind them who is in charge and how you are a tool and FUCK EDEN AND THEIR FUCKING TOOL MINDSET FUCKING CAPITALIST MINDSET IN A SO CALLED POST CAPITALISTIC SOCIETY!!!!! okay im getting a lil heated but yknow what let's continue FUCK PEY'J LOOK AT THIS SHIT
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IM SO SORRY BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL FANS THEY DID YOU SO WRONG BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO FUCKING HAMMER IN THE IDEA OF JADE BEING A FIGURE AND NOT A PERSON EVEN IN DEATH SHE IS BOILED DOWN TO SOME FUCKASS WHO KNEW HER AS A BABY'S LOVE INTEREST AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THEY DID YALL WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they did yall so wrong my god. my god !! imagine! someone who knew you as a BABY openly admitted to you when you were a young adult in your 20s that he has feelings for you! what the hell! what purpose does this serve than to cement the idea that jade is a tool, a motive? jade, a goddamn REPORTER tryna spread light on a legitimate issue on society and then gets thrown into the Ghosts because of it, is boiled down to a tool. a fucking tool by both sarah and pey'j, TWO PEOPLE WHO ARE SEEN by both show and fandom AS POSSIBLE LOVE INTERESTS FOR JADE.
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but yknow what. yknow who also has been seen as a figure and not a person.
dolph laserhawk. eden's child soldier that they raised as a paragon of hope fallen into disgrace.
yknow what also happens with dolph and jade? they treat each other as human. jade includes dolph in her lil vlogs as she does with the rest of the team, because she is a good person. dolph recognises that she is indeed a person, someone worth remembering as themselves. not as who she was to someone, but as someone who went out of her way to offer kindness. she gets a goddamn speaking role in his vr dream alongside alex, who yes groomed him, but he also made dolph feel human.
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i didnt even realise it before that they put the only two people (that are. dead. bullfrog is not here for obvious reasons) that have made dolph feel human and not an extension of eden in one frame BUT THYE FUCKING DID. these mfs and dolph are basically real recognises real
this isn't about dolph though, this is about jade. jade, who didn't get to be shown to the world as a person, who posthumously became a figure for a man's revenge, who was put into a position she is not suited for because she was not recognised as human. jade, who is the most human out of the ghosts, who gave voice to those that couldn't through her work, who went into exposing pagan min because of her uncle, her family that she loved. for being the most grounded member, they had to kill you because you mattered so much. kept the team together through kindness. god they did you so wrong jade.
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ispyspookymansion · 3 months
i dont care much about kudos and hits and stuff but when the omegaverse fic in the tag has more kudos than you do its a little like ohhhhhh right i dont respect any of you people
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scrollonso · 3 months
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me bc of williams admin
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ikazooks · 6 months
caeda's forging bonds uhhh support chain whatever you call it is extremely funny because i expected it to just be like "ohhh yeah marth is so great this marth is amazing that" and completely omit how caeda is also very cool. but then they pulled a little switcheroo on me and made the last half of the entire thing This
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i'm barely joking btw
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(this is in response to an endless number of people lining up to shake caeda's hand)
oh and here's a bonus quote from Marth "Lovestruck" Lowell that killed me on sight:
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fernaldoishere · 5 months
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every single time i see this idiot, my heart genuinely melts. I don't mean this in some crazy fan way anymore, I genuinely love this character so much GOD
It's gotten to a point where him simply existing has made me more confident. I love him, so I start loving things about myself that I see in him. He's genuinely made my self confidence go up, I love SO MANY things that I used to hate about myself because of him. I'm a loser and I'm PROUD
I don't think there has ever been a character I hold so near and dear to my heart. It's crazy, never had a character change my entire view on myself before. He just makes me so extraordinarily happy
Not one to share positive posts like this, but maybe I should more often, this dude fr giving me motivation to just let myself be happy and stop worrying so much. It sounds so STUPID but idc, it's rare that I find a character I love this much.
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britneyhayne · 2 days
my hot take about the people that go on survivor don’t act like they’re on there for a bigger purpose is survivor contestants are probably just as obnoxious about their bigger purposes it just doesn’t make the tv show edit
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