#idek if this is character or plot analysis
monstatrbl · 2 years
Okay so I said I would pen some of my 911 thoughts so here we are with my main thought.
I think we’re at a pinnacle point in the show where an executive decision needs to be made (if it hasn’t been already) in the writer’s room about whether or not Buddie will go canon. I do not think they can continue to make the show without making a concrete decision. The main reason being where Buck and Eddie are in their character development. Seasons 1-5 have been about the past for them; about confronting and working through their past traumas. Season 6a on the other hand has clearly established that we are now looking towards the future. For Buck, he’s at a point where he’s starting to question his life and what it means to be happy. It means examining his current life and looking at what he would need/want in the future to attain what he eventually deems as happiness. Clearly a big part of that happiness will be being a father; they wouldn't be doing the sperm donor storyline if it wasn’t.
For Eddie, he’s at a point where he’s gone/going to therapy and is in a good place. He’s learning to live for himself, especially now that he has more time to himself as his kid is growing up and seeking independence. With this time to himself will come with questioning what he wants out of life; what’s his happiness.
Clearly both of these characters’ trajectories are going towards the future. With the way the writing has been going, it would be very easy for the writers to make these two characters’ desires of the future be interconnected. I personally think that’s the way to go with the story, considering, whether intentionally or not, they’ve already set the groundwork. However, if they really do not want to go in this direction, I think now would be the time to decide. While a solid argument can be made that they queer baited their audience for 4 whole seasons if they choose to go with the “band of brothers” route, I think with some directional and writing changes, they still could establish Buck and Eddie as ride or die friends. But, imo, they truly cannot continue with not making a decision and stringing along the fans knowing that they’re intentionally baiting them by giving them hope that Buddie will happen. It just doesn’t do justice to the characters, the show, or their audience.
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wickedlyqueer · 1 year
What I meant was you were saying things about how it's bad that Pfanee, a character that you consider privileged, being gender swapped and possibly being lgbt. I was trying to point out that there are other characters that are far more privileged than Glinda's friends. I think it's great that lgbt and pocs are playing major roles. I'm just looking at the reception of the tv reboot of the film Heathers which got criticized for portraying minorities as the villians. sorry for the misunderstanding
Ooooooooh. Your first ask makes a lot more sense now!
So having Pfannee being genderswapped and possibly lgbt isn't necessarily a bad thing. What I worried about in the post you mention is that I don't have very high hopes that this very queer(coded) story is going to be... queer.
Or it's going to be "queer" in the way Disney or big movie franchises do "queer". AKA not relevant to the plot by a meaningless character so the scene can be cut or the line can be edited when distributed in homophobic countries. ((Also.... big studios who do genderfluid and/or non-binary identities? Have you ever seen them doing it right? I already cringe just thinking about what kind of "woke" shit they come up with...)
That was why I responded the way I did with the announcement of Pfannee. I don't care that much if she is queer in the movie, since the announcement I've kinda turned around, and see the shits and giggles of it tbh. I also realized that for Legal Reasons they probably couldn't use Crope or Tibbett (which was my initial reaction. why not use one of them?) bc they are solely book characters and the movies are a legal adaptation of the musical.
So yeah. please don't read that post like it's the pinnacle of a queer theory analysis of the movie adaptation. :') bc it's not. What you read were the initial anxieties of a non-binary queer person who has been Down This Road Before and is terrified that Pfannee is going to be our sole LGBT "representation". That's what worries me.
Like I said before. Substantial gelphie subtext >>>>>>>>>>>>>> a walking gay best friend trope with no narrative relevancy and (possibly) only present in the first movie.
Also on a different note, idek who Bowen Yang is but Michelle Yeoh? FUck yes! I'm very hyped to see what she brings to the role.
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nadia-zahra · 1 year
….Hey 🤠✋….. I’m back from the dead (again)
I’ve been SUPER busy with with some stuff happening in my life, but I think I’m back in a place mentally and physically where I can hyper fixate on byler
So here’s what’s gonna be in store for my future posts (and I’m not even gonna make any promises cause I’ve been shitty with keeping those 😵‍💫)
Revamp on s4 mike and his Gay ass behavior + how it fits with his behavior from past seasons
make a post ab how El is bi
deep dives on Will and his gay feelings
I hate to do this but…. I will not be making a pt 2 to my Talisman theory. Ik I said I was going to but the theory I have up already explains why I think s5 will parallel the talisman so idek what else I could add to it. Like it’d be dumb for me to be like “here’s my s5 plot speculation: *reiterated entire talisman plot in depth*” like that’s kinda a waste of my time, when I think showing the parallels between the characters is better rather than plots (cause obviously Stranger Things is not gonna be exactly like the Talisman)
I have a post in my drafts currently showing a lot of interesting shit from s4 that no one’s really noticed or talked ab. This will most likely be the first thing I post, and the second will be the revamp on my s4 mike analysis
edit: omg I can’t believe I even forgot to add this to my list cause it’s been consuming my mind A LOT recently. I wanna make a post ab the st5 foreshadow games cause holy shit that whole thing was amazing and needs to be covered in depth
Another edit because I’m reading over my draft post I mentioned above and it talks ab smth I need to discuss: stranger things color theory and how it is used in st4
Again, not making any promises on when all this will come out (except for the 4th point cause it’s already pretty much finished) but yeah 😀 sorry I’ve been super absent but I think I’m fully back into byler brainrot
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emblazons · 1 year
I think we all should agree to not trust whatever the Duffers are saying on interviews, i mean stuff like saying they actually forgot about Will's birthday, because, really you forgot about the beginning of the scene where Mike gives the first monologue and the one that most likely was used as reference for the character for the other monologue and the fact that when they see Will is using morse code they bring music and play 'should i stay or should i go' as they keep trying to reach to Will, only for music to be back as a way of escaping Vecna in season 4?
The show has made one simple quote remind in our heads for years;
Well, guess what? The Duffers aren't our friends, are they?
Well first—full transparency is that I personally am not really invested in any of the “gates” (birthday gate, flickergate…idek all of them lmao) because that’s not my style of analysis, or even how I consume the show?? Like. I focus on core narrative elements, themes and arcs for guessing how the show will go—and yeah, the details are important and often foreshadow things, but…I just never personally latched onto any the ideas I’ve seen about the importance of Will’s birthday to the overall plot.
Now, could The Duffers be using that detail to tell some aspect of the story S5? Certainly! I don’t think it’s impossible, and them bringing up in one interview that someone sent them a letter with all their canonical birthdays listed (absolutely hilarious, btw) might spur them onto including it for fun if they weren’t already. It’s perfectly possible—it’s just not integral (in my mind).
As for not trusting The Duffers or thinking they’re “not our friends” in general…I dunno. It seems like a lot of people are a lot more disappointed in them for “forgetting” or “lying” than I am, as what they say generally seems in line with both my perception of the show and my expectations for it. Sure, it’s taken me a lot of digging and analysis to get a base grasp of why some narrative decisions were made / what was going on with certain characters, but…I guess (at least with the things going on with Will, Mike & El) I don’t feel underwhelmed or confused, which…seems to be a rarer view lmao.
I apologize if that’s not the answer you wanted, but. I don’t really feel lied to by The Duffers about Will’s birthday + know them being vague and cagey about plots is pretty standard issue press tour behavior, so I’m a little bit less inclined to think they’re being willfully deceitful just to make their fans angry lmaoooo 🤷🏽‍♀️
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Tar (Rant)
A great character analysis if you are more into characters than the plot of the movie. The character is likely heavily influenced by many traditional powerful men, such as Harvey Weinstein. I find it very fascinating that they decided to make her lesbian and a sexual predator, the reduction of power dynamic with her being a woman makes it extra fascinating and creates another layer of intricacy and complexity within her character. If Tar’s character has simply been a man, the movie would lose its flavor a little and become a plain criticism but having a woman as a sexual predator and having women students as the prey brings a fake sense of equality in a way but continues to demonstrate the perpetuating power that is held by someone of high SES. Having her to work in Thailand is a fascinating plot choice as well given white people’s colonization history and even to these days white people abuse their privilege and power within Thailand and other Asian countries. Also having that scene where she goes to the massage parlor and she was able to select a woman message parlors from like 20 women was also very interesting I wonder why the director decided to put that scene in it. Is it because it again demonstrates how Lydia Tar has came from the bottom of being selected as a woman back when she was a young conductor? And once she got the power she decided to abuse it and internalized the power play, and that scene made her remember how she was likely being chosen and selected as a woman?
why did they decide to include Petra as a part of the plot? Is it to allow the portrayal of cancel culture and induce empathy within the audience or simply wanting to add the complexity within the character? It was also interesting with Sharon’s dialogue about how Petra is the only non-transactional relationship Lydia has ever had in her life and also how Lydia used Sharon to understand the rules of orchestra and in a way I wonder if Sharon was ever abusing that power dynamic as well. Possibly Lydia is simply repeating the power dynamic and the same system that she was previously in. And also the cinematography, I love how the camera angle films the orchestra in relation to conductor Lydia Tar, it is such a direct and visual way of demonstrating the power dynamic. The conductor has the power has the control as to how the performance would flow, she even has the control of every single orchestra member. And I also wanted to talk about the ending, her narcissistic tendency truly remained consistent. It started from the denial and distortion of reality in relation to the reports that were filed against her, she assumed that she would go to the states and come back to Berlin as if nothing has ever happened, and even in the last scene she was conducting for an entertainment ride (Idek what it was) she continued to act so prideful. The movie was a lil long tho feel like it could have been shorter
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rinisbowen · 2 years
so... the new popsugar article (in the source link) truly was sending me haha. but- it’s clear that the writer of the article hasn’t watched the show in its entirety, and certainly not season 2 given the main things it seems to accurately identify from season 2 is that ricky and nini did break up, the nini music thing from the finale, and the fact that lily exists... 
for those who need a breakdown, i wanted to do one, especially since some people aren’t able to see all the slides evidently? idek what’s up with that. i’m going to exclude the new characters (even though i know some people can’t see maddox and jet’s, there’s nothing new there that wasn’t in the announcement). 
let’s go through it piece by piece shall we. (with of course my thoughts on the stuff they’re claiming)
her piece says essentially that yes she’s returning, and also that she’s confirmed to “have solo performances this season”. they note that she and ricky are reconciling and “slowly becom[ing] friends” (i mean i guess), and then get into the music stuff. while they say that nini was “gearing up to launch a music career”, following season 2 i think that’s a bit of an overstatement. i haven’t gotten into this in another post yet, but i think that arc will be over by the time we’re midway through the season, and i highly doubt she’s going to have any sort of actual ‘music career’. this is based on my own analysis though, so on surface level, it’s not a bad call. 
something i did think was weird was this though, was the last sentence. “Fans hope to see Nini take off in the music sphere this season, and they're definitely interested in knowing where her dating life will take her.” i’m not gonna lie, i’m very much not under the impression that nini’s dating life is the thing fans are very interested in right now. like even people who really like nini’s character are probably way more invested in the potential with the music arc than they are her ‘dating life’. 
if nini dates someone this season i will personally be caught off guard, unless it happens at the end. her plot this season can’t be romantic, because tim is clearly not willing to let nini’s independence arc actually rest until she does it single. i do think this is quite dumb, but that’s another post. moral of the story, i think nini’s not on a romantic journey this time around. also i highly doubt that’s what fans want from her this season anyway. 
his has very little worth discussing i’ll be honest, but it has two main points. “While he isn't necessarily Nini's love interest anymore, that doesn't mean the two can't be friends.” is the first thing they mention of note, like essentially sorta incorporating the fact that ricky and nini broke up, and that they probably will have some sort of friendship going forward. that would make a lot of sense considering the fact they’re literally childhood best friends. it would make less sense for them to not be friends. 
the other thing they say about ricky, is that he’s kind of a theatre kid now essentially, having played two leads so far, and that “he'll most likely be cast in another huge role” for Frozen. which i think huge is a bit of an overstatement, i don’t think it’s a bad guess to think he’ll get another decent sized part. 
they start by calling this boy, “everyone's favorite theater-jock” and i find that endearing, though also pretty hilarious as a descriptor. they talk about how he’s sort of gotten a “bad rap” for not showing his “softer, more emotional side.” but then go on to say viewers see that he’s a good person deep down in season 2. i mean, to be fair i think we do see more of his actual emotions instead of the surface in season 2, 2b especially, but their next line is “If he were as self-centered as we'd originally thought, he wouldn't have bought Gina a plane ticket so she wouldn't have to miss their show.” 
i think it’s odd they act like his redemption arc happened in season 2. that event they describe very much happened in season 1, and for me personally, when i watched that finale, despite seeing it as a dissatisfying end to his redemption arc for me, i knew based on other disney shows that that was in fact his ‘redeeming selfless act’ that basically absolves the character of all past misdeeds. it’s just the formula, and i was (and am) inclined to just take it at surface value despite my individual feelings about it. ej actually kinda took a turn in 2b that i hadn’t exactly anticipated, and like- he’s well past redeemed at that point. but i still think it’s weird they act like he wasn’t redeemed until season 2. 
but then after they say he’s probably going to get more character development, there’s the most laughable part of this whole article... and the part that makes it so clear they haven’t actually watched the second season... 
ej’s part ends with: “We'll likely see more character development as season three progresses, and we may even see some more onscreen sparks between him and Nini.” and like- that doesn’t sound like a very convincing take. while i don’t doubt they could put him and nini in closer proximity this season maybe as friends, if they wanted ej and nini to reunite, they would’ve spoken more than once in season 2, i’d call that a fact. (technically they spoke twice, but only one of those conversations was one on one). they could’ve made the school thing a bigger deal last season, and that could’ve driven the two of them having a friendship, but they didn’t, and given they’re not even really properly friends right now, i highly doubt they’re going to be having “sparks”. 
gina’s is weird, because even for season 1 standards, it’s kinda an odd description for her character. the author says they’re excited to watch her get more character development, which of course, but gina did a LOT of growth in season 2... i don’t think that she needs the development that i assume they’re referencing in terms of her being a ‘mean girl’ in season 1. what i do personally disagree with is their saying she “comes off as super reserved” when we first meet her. standoffish, yes, but not necessarily reserved, i know i didn’t read her that way when i watched the first season. this is followed by the, we come to learn that she’s the way she is because “she's used to moving around and not having a permanent home” aspect. a little bit of an oversimplification of the situation, but i’ll take it. 
and then there’s the kicker. just like in ej’s they have a season 1 based relationship assumption, and i’ve already seen a lot of ricky and gina shippers grasp onto it despite the uncredible source... “In season three, Gina will likely strengthen her roots at East High and her connection with Ricky, who seems to be the person she most trusts.” 
strengthening her roots at east high was her progression in season 2, and while i suppose in season 3 they could still choose to strengthen her connection with ricky in some form, as of 2b the person gina has begun to confide in is ej or ashlyn, rather than ricky. this is a very season 1 based prediction for me, and i’m sure anyone who’s read the whole article would agree that this isn’t a solid source to be using to somehow prove your endgame. 
this one was accurate in its characterization of ashlyn, but the content in it was all very season 1 for me. like these lines here in particular. “At the end of season two, Ashlyn finally comes out of her shell. No longer just "EJ's cousin," she's now a confident teen in her own right. That's especially apparent when she kisses Big Red.”
that all happened in season 1. does ashlyn come out of her shell in season 2? yes. but this whole kissing big red thing and the not being ej’s cousin was season 1, when she performed “wondering” as miss darbus. 
they do call ashlyn “an incredibly kind and determined student” with “passion for singing and performing”, which is all lovely, but when they talk about more opportunity for her to shine in the next season, i can’t help but think about her actual role in season 2... rather than what she might do at summer camp in season 3. 
this is a season 1 based article, and kourtney’s slide is another that proves it. they say that she’s “back as Nini's partner in crime”, and like sure, but even as they note that kourtney’s involved with the theater, they use it in an as nini’s friend way instead of kourtney’s actual story from season 2. this one’s very short as well... and i mean there’s plenty they could’ve said about her. 
carlos’s slide is definitely interesting... i’m admittedly quite confused though. 
they say “he may not be serving as Miss Jenn's right-hand man this season”, and sure... i mean he’s kinda been her number 1 student this whole time, and he wouldn’t be filling that for the musical this season since miss jenn won’t be in charge of the musical. but i mean calling it “the Wildcats’ production of frozen” when they say he’ll be involved is like... how they’ve been referring to it in the article, but is it really their production considering it’s a whole camp? 
but my biggest confusion is that the “best showrunner East High has ever seen” as carlos’s goal is simply not... a thing. he perhaps likes to have authority and everything, but he’s neither a ‘showrunner’ in any capacity that we’ve seen, nor does he seem to have aspirations of such. he proved in season 1 that he’s not really a capable authority figure, and gina is easily able to undermine him in season 2, adding to this fact. 
if we’re going to see anyone stepping into that type of role in the future (not this season bc it’s camp), it’ll probably be nini not carlos just based on her arc in season 2. maybe ej if they want to lean into his original synopsis that says he’s kinda a producor type??? not carlos though at least for me. 
at least the “his friends will continue to encourage him along the way” thing is true. like- “in a heartbeat” anyone? 
miss jenn: 
miss jenn’s slide is absolutely hilarious to me i’m ngl. i’m just gonna drop the lines here because i find it amusing. (minus the last sentence just saying she’s returning)
“I have one word for Miss Jenn: legendary. I mean, who else would put on the best production of "Beauty and the Beast" ever done by a high school just to take down her ex-boyfriend, who just happens to be the drama teacher at East High's rival school, North High?”
but yeah. the BEST production of it ever done by a high school... alright. i mean i guess? i mean i’m pretty sure north high’s was canonically better, but that’s not actually important. i just find this description amusing. like- the content of this article is based on vague internet research and not season 2′s actual content which is... fine but also funny. 
as another piece of evidence that they’ve never seen season 2, lily’s slide is literally just saying that she’s coming back for camp, not to “let the sweetheart act fool you”, which yes. and then to say that she “does not come to play” when it comes to acting. besides the glaring missing information here, like- they may as well have added the ricky thing or the harness? the thing that also shows it’s not based on having seen the show, is the fact it says “with the rest of her fellow Wildcats”. while lily was at east in episode 2, she was at north high this season. i anticipate her transferring back, especially given she’s now a series regular, but... still... 
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vintagecandyshop · 2 years
ive been seeing ppl on twitter say its good and like. it truly does show that the only thing ppl care about in movies are cameos and references 😭 the plot of that movie would not be able to stand on its own
I know people say some praise is automated, like the youtube comments are fake and all that, but I'm sure there are people who simply don't know to notice what's wrong with it, and I do understand... But of course, as an animation student with a love for media analysis it drives me crazy!
Oh good god, don't get me started on the actual plot of the movie! If I were to spell the plot out, without using any names, it would sound like the most boring, run of the mill procedural cop show episode! The absolute biggest twist in this entire mystery-based crime movie is that the cop chief is evil but they were too lazy to even give him a motivation for being so. Meta jokes are always just an easy-out to never actually take your characters seriously for five seconds tbh.
There's also a random live-action lady who replaces the already tech smart mechanic toon from rescue rangers through most of the movie as well. To be fair-- maybe because she had some of the worst animation problems, her hair and eyes just always looked off... " Ugly Sonic" isn't even just a throwaway gag, like he should have been at best, he's around for multiple scenes, too.
And I thought perhaps the peter pan thing was going to be a metaphor for letting go of childhood nostalgia on a meta level, but honestly the fact he's a washed up peter pan barely comes up in the movie and.... that theme doesn't really apply when they end it planning a reboot instead of a new Chip and Dale show and nostalgia kind of connects them together so... idek if they thought about it, honestly.
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levmada · 2 years
So I saw this post
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On your profile
AND read your comment regarding if we wonder about what You think about Levi 🦋 The answer is yes.I personally think You being a psychology student makes all your perspectives even more interesting;and your talent with writing even Moore beautiful 💙❤️
Compliments aside though I would love to see your thoughts on Levi on a more personal level
Like why do You like him so much,is it because of his looks,his personality,maybe You have a more close to the heart (lol) reason for it? Because I personally relate yo him in a LOT of wats,especially his personality and the way he reacts to things.
Anyways I am not particularly great with words but i hope i got the point clear :c gimme your thoughts 😂😂😂
Nice to read You! byeee! 💖💖
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i could write a whole dissertation on a thorough analysis on levi’s character tbh
i mean :( this man who quite literally came from nothing, fighting to live and losing everything he loves along the way, no matter what he does to protect them. because of his strength he feels SO much responsibility that even things out of his control are in the end his fault, things he needs to avenge.
like kenny leaving him?? levi thought it was bc he didn’t live up to his potential enough, he he became determined to be the strongest.
izzy and farlan?? he blamed his pride until erwin convinced him it was the titans. it became his mission in life to kill them all and make erwin’s dream realized.
his original squad?? levi was Very Clear when he told annie how he planned to torture her and make her regret what she did. this conflict was retconned in s4p2 convince me otherwise
he thinks the way eren turned out was his fault (him being levi’s responsibility from the start). his 30 comrades in the forest?? levi thinks he should have sussed out the poisoned wine. not to mention those times he let zeke get away.
baby feels he has NO worth other than his ability to fight. he is willing to become the worst person on earth if erwin’s dream can come true, and he even let erwin rest bc of the devil he was becoming even tho he believed it would doom humanity.
levi is simply. the most selfless character and also the most beautiful and brave and complex and badass. idek what else to say. ultimate blorbo status.
it’s SO much more than his looks dkvnsn canonically he looks so tired all the time and he’s so small that isayama cuts him off in most panels dkfnehfjr. ppl love to imagine levi tall but that’s just weird to me lmao. it doesn’t fit him at all. i think a large part of his character represents humanity’s strength itself as small but mighty hehe
i didn’t even Notice levi the first time i watched aot a million years ago?? but i think the type of person i am, i’m more attached to emotionally unavailable ppl who are v strong and v damaged. that’s mommy and daddy issues for u.
is levi my highest kin ever??? yes. abandonment issues? check. super awkward and cannot read social cues to save my life? also yes. emotionally constipated. loyal to a fault. always moving forward despite living thru a hell that would ruin other ppl?? this also. trauma. acts like the embodiment of a brick wall which behind waits the most sensitive person you’ve ever met?????? u bet.
i may or may not have latched onto aot in general when life was Awful so now aot is somehow my comfort show and him as my comfort character😭 i don’t think i can escape tbh
ONTO OTHER THINGS… the only reason majority of conflicts in aot existed (s2 as a whole, the rumbling fights, the yeagerists uprising in s4) was bc levi was somehow out of commission, injured, or had a plot excuse to not be there. such a waste imo.
absolutely got done dirty by fans who saw the 1 (one) scene from s1 when levi beat up eren TO PROVE THAT HE COULD HANDLE HIM as their sole proof that levi is a sadistic unfeeling asshole. those ppl watched the anime with their ass.
and please do not get me started on shipping levi with literal children and even incestually with his own cousin. gross.
lastly, irl i would be fuxking petrified to be around a stoic awkward person like him at first,,, but if shown 1 sign of who levi actually is i will fall immediately in love. i don’t make the rules.
my favorite character ever thank u for asking
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shireviews · 4 years
“painter of the night” (야화첩)
by byeonduck
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“Na-kyum is a young painter with an exceptional talent: creating erotic images of men. Though he has published a few collections under a pseudonym, he has decided to quit painting. Then Seungho, a young nobleman, barges into his life. A hell-raiser notorious for his insatiable lust, Seungho forces Na-kyum to become his private painter. However, the nights that await Na-kyum are beyond anything he could have imagined.”
status: ongoing
warnings⚠️: kidnapping, rape
this is literally like every asian historical drama ever but 50 shades of GAY
✨the plot✨
one night, our resident orphaned, high-functional alcoholic, nakyum is given a job offer by our resident sodomy-loving lord seungho for his UNIQUE ability to paint hentai erotica that ERECTS SEUNGHOS LOINS! however, nakyum declines, makes excuses, and gets a guy killed all because he is a ・゚✧*changed*✧・゚ man and does not paint that absurdity anymore.
does seungho listen? of course not, this is a yaoi.
so lo and behold, nakyum is kidnapped and forced to watch and paint seungho and his plus one jihwa get it on. but when nakyums refusal to paint becomes a problem for seungho and his ding-a-ling, mega-nerd jung inhun is introduced as leverage. why? because softboi nakyum adores inhun and would do anything to see his teacher’s political career pop off; even paint seungho and his mega schlong. 
however! more! drama! ensues! when we learn that inhun is the reason nakyum stopped painting. but if stop painting he remains, then undoubtedly would inhuns non-existent career be ruined by seungho, and nakyum loves his teacher way too much for that to happen. 
the painting sessions then begin to involve NAKYUM ON SEUNGHO action which threatens and angers seunghos plus one jihwa cough irrelevant cough enough to put out a hit on nakyum. so yeah season 1 ends with an assassin coming 4 nakyums a$$ and inhun finding out and calling nakyum a prostitute.
hooray for season 2
✨the character development✨
yoon seungho
this man went from pegging 5+ men in one night theres a reason ho is in his name to ONLY pegging nakyum on the reg if thats not character dev idk what is 
at least theres consent in season 2 
baek na-kyum
he cries so damn much but i mean given his circumstances it could be worse. idek what to say about character development for nakyum like the only thing that develops is his endurance to seunghos bullshit so i mean theres that 
it’ll come to me later i swear
jung in-hun
he was a tolerable character but gradually got worse and worse if they dont bury this silly mofo in season 2
he couldnt take the hint for like 90% of season 1 and when he finally did, had the audacity to call nakyum a prostitute like homie that is not the move -- he is the whole reason why your literature and career is even being CONSIDERED atm and you go and call him a whore great work
✨the porn✨
censoring system: light sabers
first smut scene: chapter 1 they said yall wanna see sum real speed
favorite smut scene: chapter 45 the consent is immaculate
least favorite smut scene: they were all okay
i will now proceed to summarize my analysis of every single smut scene in this yaoi 
meat and ren can suck it
🔞 = major smut scenes
chapter 1 + 2: 
sudden, not an actual smut tbh u just see images of seungho blowing/pegging his plus one 
chapter 3 + 4:
first scene!
pegging galore god
multiple rounds seungho said STAMINA
imagine getting that horny from a bunch of pictures cant relate
chapter 8:
orgy gone wrong
chapter 9:
orgy gone right
nakyum beats his meat
chapter 13 + 14 + 15:
nipples, blowjobs, fingering, multiple positions
plus one gets jealous lmfao
chapter 16:
nakyum x seungho omg periodt pooh
🔞chapter 20 + 21:
technically rape since nakyum thinks hes doing it with inhun learned sir poor babe
hes enjoying it (???) 
🔞chapter 25 + 26:
we’re border lining killing stalking rape god this is not how you recover memory loss seungho
hes enjoying it (???^#!!#$^&&%%$)
we all hate seungho whats new
chapter 27 + 28:
follow up blowjob but dont get caught by inhun wowza
this is oral rape oh my god
🔞chapter 31 + 32:
nakyum x seungho development we love to see it
less rape more noncon
they’re enjoying it 
multiple rounds and positions they said FLEXIBILITY AND STAMINA
chapter 36 + 37:
less rapey blowjob for NAKYUM THIS TIME LESGOO
squishy seungho cheeks and not the ass cheeks
chapter 39:
the ancient version of public sex
🔞chapter 42:
nakyum initiated it this time omg what he did get slapped tho
yea nakyum is a sex crier
✨the v✨
this was the second yaoi i read and although better than killing stalking imo, it still retains that rapey energy so uh 
i first read this in april and as of writing this in late july, out of all the yaois ive read in those three months, painter of the night still remains one of my favorite art styles. literally nothing drawn in this style can be ugly.
also fun fact, i binge read the first season of painter of the night in like a day and the ENTIRE time i was listening to mayday by crush ft. joy and now i cannot listen to that song without associating it with seungho and his horse sized manhood good day and good night
🦋 make your puthy throb percentage: 96%
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piracytheorist · 5 years
WHook Week Day 4!
Old Hook!
I don’t know what this post exactly is, but it’s about him, and it’s his day, so... there it goes?
I’m far from the only one who did a complete 180 with 7x02, so I’m sure most of you know how that felt, but still, feelz.
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Damn him. He fools not only OG Hook, but the audience too. Making us think he’s just the “drunken fool” version of the former, making us question his goals... 
And it’s just, that’s 100% Killian Jones. Distraction, making others underestimate him before he strikes. That’s classic him. Far it be from me to give the writers credit, but damn when they focused on developing characters and not plot...
He gives one inkling of the fact that his life was full of misery and heartbreak, but at that moment we’re OG Hook; we don’t know what he’s talking about, we don’t know how exactly his life changed... and we can’t even imagine.
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Ohai brb crying because this is probably how he was like before he found Ariel. Helpless, homeless, alone, desperate... I mean, he’s just old. He shouldn’t look as sickly and unkempt as he does... but he gave up on himself. We don’t know exactly for how long that was, but it was long enough to have an impact on his personality and appearance.
But after he found himself again, he knew he could use this to his advantage, same way he once used bravado and sex appeal. He knows that stuff. He’d been there, years ago, and now he’s got something new to use and distract others. So it’s effective even on his, well, considering, less experienced self and Wish Hook gains the upper hand.
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It’s been so long and still most of the time I have to tell myself “Shit, that is Colin right there, under all that makeup. WTF. How.”
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Like, seriously, I need a few seconds to go like “I know there’s a ton of makeup and fake hair and whatever but, how is this the same man??”
And idk I’m entirely convinced this is also due to how Colin is acting. He’s not just playing another version of Hook. He is playing an old man. Still Hook, but old and mature in such a convincing and realistic way. And idek how to describe it, it’s just perfect.
Of course, that analysis comes only in hindsight, after watching the whole episode and knowing what his true motivations and reasons are. Without those, it is confusing and we don’t know what to expect, but well, Colin and the director did. And it’s why eventually his behaviour makes sense. And knowing that I get a bit sad that we didn’t get more scenes with him. Why were we denied?!
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Can you imagine this old pirate, huddled in a dark, dirty alley, crying over how he’s failed the family he didn’t expect to have again? Losing himself, thinking he’s a complete failure, then picking up the pieces and continuing to search for a cure?
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morenerdthanperson · 5 years
Editing tool: turning points in chapters
For when you’ve just finished your first draft or rewrite, and need to check whether each individual chapter is on track! (Note: this is not a tool for checking the overall pacing of your book.)
TL;DR: Look at each chapter and decide whether there is some sort of value shift within it. If not, there is probably a problem with that chapter.
A bit ago I was recommended a series of videos based off the book “The Story Grid” by Shawn Coyne and the part that was MOST useful to me was part 4, “Spreadsheet”. It provided me with a way to analyse how my book was going scene-by-scene. 
I thought I might show you guys how I’m applying the spreadsheet method to my own editing process!
As Shawn Coyne recommends, begin with a spreadsheet with these headings:
Scene (chapter) number
Word length (recommended is 2000-3000 words)
Story event (in as few words as possible, what happens?)
Value shift (e.g. ignored to chosen, or apathetic to driven)
Polarity shift (basically, does your character go from a positive to negative attitude, or negative to positive, or negative to VERY negative, etc.)
Turning point (where these shifts happen)
Point of view (who is the speaker? Check that the info being told is consistent with this speaker)
Period/time (within the book; could just be e.g. “two days after last scene”)
Duration (how long the scene goes for)
Location (where the scene takes place)
Onstage characters (who is literally there)
Number of onstage characters
Offstage characters (who is mentioned)
Number of offstage characters
I know it looks like a lot, but it should only take a couple of hours when you’re doing it for your own WIP, and it’s helpful to know all of it!
However, for this exercise, the most important columns are 2-6!
I’m still unfamiliar with this whole “value shift” and “polarity shift” and “turning point” thing, so I’m sure that half the time my analysis of them is actually wrong, however trying to identify them has allowed me to spot whether each scene has a “point” or whether it’s just fluff. Word count is also helpful in this; I found four massive chapters that simply needed splitting in two (because they were all over the place and had two turning points).
When I discovered a chapter that didn’t have a turning point, I highlighted it until I got this: (I’m literally dumb and don’t know how to put photos into Tumblr posts yet, apparently, so please open in a new tab if you want to see it better...)
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My colour key was:
Red = has no point (need to rewrite or delete)
Yellow = may be problematic and/or word count is too long (may need to rearrange/do minor rewrites but probably can be fixed)
Orange = needs to be split into two
Blue = add in
To demonstrate some of these colours in action, have the first few chapters:
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The prologue and first chapter are fine; they have clear turning points where something changes within my protagonist or within the world. 
Chapter #2 has its “scene” part highlighted because while I was able to come up with a turning point for it, it seemed a bit weak and I think I’ll have to go back and strengthen that chapter by giving it a more consistent mood or “point” without bombarding the reader with too much information about different facets of my protagonist’s life.
Chapter #3 is problematic because it is essentially an exposition dump that occurs while the characters are travelling somewhere; nothing changes within it. I probably need to delete it and figure out a way to get that exposition into other parts of the story, or rewrite it so that it has a change.
In the turning point of chapter #4 you can see I wrote “idek” because honestly I have no idea if that was really a point where there was a shift. I couldn’t really decide what changed, much less when, so clearly this chapter needs a re-think so that it can become more centered.
Before doing this, while I knew that each chapter needed a point, as such, I didn’t have a tool for evaluating whether they were each moving the plot forward. Now, I know what chapters I need to focus on for further rewrites.
As always, I hope this helps you! <3
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 13x21 “Beat the Devil”
okay, whoa. dick jokes and also HEART-DESTROYING PLOT TWIST, what a combination
i’m sure it’s 100% intentional but when i hear the title of this episode i just think of “beat the devil’s tattoo” by black rebel motorcycle club
things i want from this episode:
team free will doing things TOGETHER
no women to die
also i have an inner ear infection so if i pause for a long time it’s because looking at things makes me dizzy and seasick (yay)
okay here goes!!!
but also wow cute??? his affectionate smile when he looks at dean??
mary: “john and me used to call him our little piglet”
and cas obliges
now mary’s talking to sam and this is probably a dream either sam or mary is having, which makes my worry that they don’t get rescued 
oh no
gabe wants to extract grace “~in private~“
cas: “so i left him alone in dean’s room”
dean: “whAT. noawww.”
i’m just.............this is so cute??
but also my brain is like “extracting grace = masturbation... cas sees dean’s room as the masturbatorium” (!!!)
but also extracting grace is not like masturbation but ALSO I’M PRETTY SURE BERENS WAS INSINUATING THAT IT IS
which basically means asmodeus was raping gabe? and metatron raped cas??
which i guess makes sense as a sex/grace parallel since removing it without consent is obviously a big no-no even if you never compared the two
wow this cuteness went downhill fast
that seemed like a “cas usually does everything in dean’s room” kinda smile
or an “eyyyy not my room” kinda smile
oh shit?? like maybe cas is confused because “i am an angel, i am allowed to do private things in dean’s room. gabriel is an angel, therefore dean’s room is the place to do private things. wait--! *confusion* why does dean say “naoowww” like he objects? is gabriel different?”
#nailed it !!!!!!!
seriously this is such a small moment but??? SO MUCH SUBTEXTUAL INFORMATION
it’s definitely important
60% sure gabe just walked in wearing dean’s clothes
the leather jacket from the time they went to LA??
when do we get to see CAS in dean’s clothes ;a;;a;a;
gabe: “more than enough to get the job done”
preeeeeeetty certain the portal’s gonna close early without enough grace
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cas: “well that was....fast”
sam: “very, very fast”
rowena: “one could even say premature”
i recall that meta post saying that everyone’s meeting their abusers this season
sam hasn’t faced lucifer yet
(i mean, since last year in LA)
but also dean hasn’t faced john yet and i kinda wanna hold out for that in a weird way?? idk if i want that
gabriel picks up a book called “laying pipe”
is this episode gonna be..... filled with dick
but also what is that book doing in the men of letters library ?
headcanon that it’s a secret vintage gay porn book, which dean keeps hidden in places that aren’t his room ‘cause that’s too obvious if someone finds it. at least if it’s in a public place then he can say “uhhh must’ve been a men of letters thing”
gabriel and rowena: SJKFSD [IMPOTENCE] KSJFGJDGH
rowena: “the three amigos? with their bro hugs, pep talks, and melodrama?”
yep that’s them
news flash: gabriel has a butt
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oohhhhh she’s gonna get more grace out of him
edit: guess not, just some good ol witch/angel hanky panky
I CN’t hnANDLE THIS and neither can cas
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that lucifer-catching thing with gabriel and rowena was kinda fun
lucifer: “hey look all the people i love to torture in the same room”
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is it just me or did dean look kind of into it for about half a second
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@ rowena i recommend a silencing spell to shut lucifer up
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ruh roh, lucifer’s in the other world
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edit: guess we’ll find out what she did in a later episode
oh right the packet of yellow things must’ve been glow sticks
SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH NO!!! THE BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh no
i feel light-headed
and idek if its because i;m sick or because of sam
i was not expecting this at all and i’m in like... mini-shock
sam looked very much dead
like actual dead
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my heart hurts
because mary but no sammy
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oh no
...i .. need a minute
i’m just
i can’t???
too much
four minutes of processing/mourning later i return
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sam: *gasps alive*
rowena maybe?
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oh that’s not good
lucifer: “i want what you already have. a relationship with my son”
well shit
i just can’t help but think about all the actual real people on the planet right now who are in situations like sam is
given gifts they can’t refuse, blackmailed or threatened, and then forced to offer an abusive person a relationship with their child
aside from all the magic powers, lucifer is very much a real character to be found in real life, and my heart goes out to all the sam-types suffering in his oppressive reign
like as lucifer just said, he took his personal moral high ground here, as opposed to just kidnapping jack. what a shitbag
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that moment when you realise that yet again, lucifer is the fucking worst
it’s over
given the tone of the start of the episode i did NOT see it going the way it did
really enjoying the team free will + gabe + rowena thing
...........oh man i’m exhausted after that
i kinda wanna lie down or something. just to think about this. and breathe. and remember that sam is okay
jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez that really fucked me up for a while
fuck the writers, but like... in a good, congratulatory kind of way ‘cause they tore my heart out but then put it back but then tore it out a little bit again
10/10 tbh, would cautiously recommend, so long as there’s blankets and hot drinks and post-episode fluff available for immediate comfort
/sits quietly
with my face like  ( o______o )
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greywindys · 7 years
the whole thing with 2D's character this phase is what bothers me the most. there's seems to be a big misunderstanding with his mental difficulties & just presenting him as all round dumb? the comedic effect of it wore thin in that first live interview. despite everything 2D always felt like a grounded character like you could see him functioning within the plot. he's vulnerable not clueless to the entire situation
Yeah IA. 2D has always been very thoughtful and prone to rambling in interview questions and while yeah, he’s been slow to catch on to things sometimes, he also didn’t express many qualms in sharing or expressing his understanding of a wide range of topics. I’ve seen some responses saying that his new answer format is his a reflection of his sense of humor but literally when has he ever answered that way? And about things he’s already openly shared? Yeah, maybe you could say it’s off-screen character development but I could also counter that with a number of other examples where the inconsistencies were clearly just someone forgetting things (i.e. Noodle’s birthday) so why should I believe that suddenly whoever is writing is putting any more thought into 2D?
And on top of that is the obvious like, lack of understanding between fans that somehow criticizing the writing = actually believing 2D is dumb or something? Or that somehow criticizing the writing = reading into things too much? Which I’m personally having a lot of trouble understanding because to the first point, the majority of fans I see discussing your first point (that 2D is dumbed down) overwhelming believe that he’s actually pretty clever and intelligent in a number of areas. The thing is, this used to be apparent in his dialogue. Like, can people really not see the difference between this and ROTO? Or interviews from other phases? The same goes for “reading too much into it.” The plot has never been entirely consistent but it has aaaalways been heavy on references and symbolism in the art, videos and writing. I wasn’t a fan before this phase but it’s been my impression that many older fans are quite used to analyzing the story and coming away with a lot of interesting theories. And idk…I tend to read things and remember things. I say this as someone who did enjoy the first live interview and honestly still enjoys mocap 2D, so I do enjoy his answer at least half the time. It’s just that today was SO blatantly like…idek.
(and on a more superficial note: the “analyzing too much please just have fun” thing doesn’t exactly work with me because I’m a virgo and for me analysis is fun lmao)
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arebelnow · 7 years
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excuse the rather shitty graphic, i churned it out before class. i wanted to do something with an octopus ( because i’m that guy ), but i got kicked in the shin by schoolwork and neglected to find one i could work with. my bad, my bad.
but! the important thing isn’t my budget image, it’s the fact that i’ve had bodhi for over a month now and i swear, i’m in love with this fandom. from rogue one players to originals to prequels to the animations: you guys are amazing. i haven’t been this excited for a fandom in a long time. i don’t know if star wars just attracts the kinna writers i click with and admire or what but you guys are 👌👌👌👌👌. however, i wanted to use this mushy-gushy holiday to be sappy and show a little appreciation to the people who have really made this blog something i cherish.
i wish i could write my undying love for everyone i adore, but i doubt i could do that a) before class and b) within the average human lifespan. so these are the folks that i either talk to a lot ooc, write a lot with, or just make me really, really happy by just existing. you’re the friends that send me things, talk to me about nonsense, get real with me, and are just an all around treat. even if i don’t know you very well ( yet ) you are have made bodhi an experience i won’t ever forget and our talks that have me drabbling about this shadow-jumper pilot on the back of my homework. 
like, i just---- *blows kiss @ u* 
@bretttal  + all your baes - YO!!!!! we’ve been friends/saltmates/prosebros for how long now? two years now? but like, it also feels like forever, like that kind of kinship you got with someone who just weaves in seamlessly with your life and mind like damn, son. the fact that we can be so dank levels of emo and crack at the same time with each other but then get so brutally honest and real the very next sentence. we don’t shy from anything and we express ourselves openly but respect when the other wants to be quiet with details. and the fact that our passions overlap: linguistics, culture, politics, and the various aspects of humanity. like, to have someone that i can talk about those things with, who is as passionate about strengths and tragedies of the human mind is such a sacred thing to me. like, to say the ideas we come up with for our muses ( especially now with bodhi in the picture ) are controversial to the mainstream mind is an understatement, i don’t know how many others would dare to tread where you and i go. so, i am so fortunate to have you as a friend and ally, especially with the world the way it is. because ( at the risk of sounding like a ball of cheese ) you, my dear friend, are the kinna soul that gives me hope, the kinna person i know i can trust with the future.
you also cry about rogue one and horror movies and xenomorphs with me. a lot. bless u.
@leadkiss + all your baes - okay, okay, i know. we haven’t interacted on this blog yet but idgaf, you’re a pillar wherever i go. we have so much history, the relationships and plots we craft together make dark souls look like a putt-putt game. we are lovecraftian horrors, we make the tragedies of old look like child’s play and the darkest of apocalypses feel like sunshine. and don’t know many people i can be brave, to be honest and open about real life, and certainly i don’t know many people i’m on the same wavelength with. and i know, our approaches and situations often clash...a lot  *heart hands*  i wouldn’t trade it for the world. your words are precious to me, whether written or spoken. so idk when we’ll write with each other on our current blogs, i do hope soon but until then, i’m more than happy to just gush at each other in skype about our baes past and present and, lbr, future.
@seijoki + all your baes - *gently gritos in admiration* no but seriously, we met like three years ago. and even we barely talked ooc, you had such a major impact on my muse. and then when jasper happened, you were literally a central part of his character???? you are so precious and such a bae like i can’t even with words to describe how awesome you are. and your characters are just as meaningful and your portrayal of them is so truehearted, i’m blown away. you just have a way with your muses that others, myself included, can’t help but be a little shook like, damn. *waves hands* like, we’ve gone through such an extra af journey together. from felix’s murder-aunt to the unfortunate sister of goggles mcfirehazard and moon moon the carebear. and you as a person are such a masterpiece. i envy your ability to remain patient and noble in situations with people that would have me making strangle-y hands. your such a good, tori, and like, i hope you know that. 
plus, the fear of owls. you get it.
@catchthatregenerator - *toddler clapping* dude!!! you play a villain and don’t pull punches, i fucking love it. you get more and more unapologetic about how much of delightful garbage can adam is and i could just yasssss~ about it all day. you don’t woobie your boy, and you don’t try to excuse his behavior. you embrace and recognize who and what he is and are a responsible antagonist-player. bless u so much, man. as someone who used to play villains, i admire and love what you do. and also your writing, whether it was about adam or not, is amazing??? you’re so honest about your analysis and you don’t throw around fancy world and scripple with purple crayon everywhere for the sake of  “quality”. you just write. your voice is strong, you don’t need falsify your prose with grandeur and it’s such a hallelujah, mang. it makes writing with you so refreshing and just *blows a kiss* you’re such a treat and i’m a lucky sucker for having you in my life. no joke. also, you as a person....idek how you manage to be so sweet and warm??? wtf??? how you can be so kind and gentle but still stand your ground is beyond me. you’re a brave soul, in both your personality and writing and i just have become a meme when it comes to you i swear. you are such a treat and i always look forward to your adam and any muse you pursue.
@sergeantstardust / @scavengered  / @halfworldborn  / @lightlived  /  @scarificed ( and your other blogs ) - so i don’t know each of your very well yet. i’ve only just met each of you but you guys are those blogs i halt my dash browsing for to read whatever the heck you just posted. like, it doesn’t matter what stage of writing we’re at: whether we’ve done a few replies, just barely started, or are still plotting --- i have so much respect and adoration for what you guys can do. the care and effort you put into your characters and prose, the thought behind each word and action, there’s never a dull moment and i’m always excited to see you guys on my dash ( or when you talk to me, like sorry i nerd out whenever i get an IM ding from y’all ngl and nerd out even more when we plot or i read a reply to our thread ). 
section for all the folks that make me *hearteyes* because you guys are filled with such talent. you all have such fascinating and unique versions of your muse and your prose is always on point and i’m so jazzed to be mutuals with you whether we’ve had a chance to write together or not.
@thcenemy ( @blindhim ) / @rogueandcr / @rebelsacrifice / @fcrcepilot / @cxptainandor / @pilotcorellian / @awakenedrey / @ginatcnic / @strongwilledsoul / @imqetuous / @fulcrumm ( @sospes ) / @rcbelborn / @lastorgana / @aldcraanian / @hotshotflyboy / @rebelcassn / @stardusttoash / @stardusttings / @xaedificare / @aftcrshocks / @libertinedeath / @bridgrs / @jvnstcrdust / @rebelcourage   / @pilotlng / @likemyfatherbeforeme / @galaxyslasthope / @rebellioncaptain / @arepure / @amcureux / @binarywake / @camewithguns / @helluvapilot / @vilibertatis / @captcassiansandors / @scioncfel / @snipisms / @jaigvision / @eireniic
just a small little section just to give some recognition and love to my fellow bodhi players who i’m mutuals with because you two have a 👌👌👌👌 taste in muses and i appreciate you for exploring the dude with the body of man and the soul of chihuahua and making him your own.
@imthxpilot & @rogue-one-aviator
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jungblue · 7 years
do u watch anime?? i really want some recs bc i just got into it recently??
bro i fucking love anime… ah this is going to be very long lmao. i’m sure you just wanted a simple list, but i need to go into detail on my love for each rec lol - please forgive me ;;;
sports! okay for those that don’t know, i’m sports anime trash and the biggest advocate for the genre lol, and i always say even if you think it won’t be your thing honestly just try one of them out bc i remember back in the day (lol) when i saw a preview for kuroko and was like wtf who makes an anime about basketball?? sounded lame af, but i decided to watch an ep just to see… which turned into me watching 50 (i’m not exaggerating) episodes in 2 days. it was a life changing experience lmao. so yes, everyone please love sports anime and feel your heart bleed w passion lol. but anyways my favs are, diamond no ace, for the love of god pls watch dna, it’s underrated among international fans, but imo - which in this case is the right opinion lmao - it is the greatest sports anime to ever. ever. fucking everrrrrr my people. so yes pls watch it, and if you do come talk to me about it  bc i could literally do a 30 page analysis on why it’s so amazing not just as a sports anime but as an anime in general (sorry this anime is just perfect to me). next is kuroko, ahhh the sports anime that sent me into a downward spiral of searching for every sports anime in existence lol. it’s so hype, and sure it can be seen at dbz the sports anime but bro it’s fucking awesome lol. yowamushi pedal, omg i have the fondest memories of screaming at my tv at the top of my lungs watching these guys cycle lmao. so goddamn intense - CADENCE!!!!!!! ahaa you’ll get it if you watch lol. one outs is like death note the sports anime lol. okay maybe not that intense but definitely super psychological, so yeah sports and psychological combined???? fucking amazing!! haikyu!! i really like haikyu bc it’s right in between the line of diamond no ace’s realism and kuroko’s absolute unrealistic fuckery. so it’s really fun and entertaining in that way! - jfc i’m a sports anime dumpster lmao
romance! again i’m trash for a good romance anime, or even a cliche romance anime. i just love watching people fall in love okay??? /sobs/ as for my recs, of course no list of romance recs is complete without nana. nana is just so… idek how to describe it. but honestly i wouldn’t suggest watching it until you’ve watched a bunch of other romance animes bc then you will appreciate it sooooo much more, when compared to like the usual everyday high school shoujos that come out (which i love, but nowhere near as much as nana). but as for those cutesy shoujos that i’d rec before watching nana, some of them are ao haru ride (i love tsundere boys okay? sue me). say i love you, which is so different from ahr bc the main guy is the opposite of a tsundere he’s just so eager to be the w mei, anddddd he just so happens to be voiced by takahiro sakurai who voices my ult anime crush miyuki kazuya from diamond no ace, so yeah def a plus lol. next rec is bokura ga ita - bokura ga fucking ita!!!!!!! sorry i get emo af when i think about this show. it had me drowning in my own tears, and so then i went and read the manga and cried even harder. it’s just… it’s just amazing and i honestly wish that they’d remake the anime and give it better quality but even as it is i cried so much bc the relationship portrayed in it is just very realistic. like they fight over legit shit and it has some adult ass themes in it. so yes, definitely rec this, it’s probably my second favorite romance anime after nana! the anime golden time is also amazing and it takes place in college and it’s just really lovely!
action / adventure! i’m always up for a good action anime w awesome characters and animation, and the show that fits that perfectly and is my ALL TIME fav anime is………….. FATE/ZERO!!! okay another anime i could do a 50 page fucking analysis on why it’s the greatest anime ever, but i’ll keep it short here lol. it’s very adult, not much comedy at all tbh, it’s just straight up plot, characters, motivations, and the best goddamn animation you’ve seen in an anime series (that is objective my friends, objective lol). pls watch it subbed though so you can have archer as your problematic fav like me lmao. also one of my fav animes ever magi! magi is sooooo good. i always want people to watch magi bc it’s everything an anime should be. usually when people think of anime they thing of these long-running animes w 400+ eps w filler arcs for days, but magi is none of that. it’s seasons have a sure story line, w each episode holding a purpose to advance that specified arc, and it’s just so fun. next is samurai champloo! omg i love this anime so much. it’s so fun, and i’m not one to like episodic series, i prefer animes w a long-running plot, but this show is just so funny and the setting and soundtrack are killer! last one for this category is gurren lagann. guys if you haven’t seen this you’re doing yourselves a disservice. it’s so over the top crazy… but it just works? like every time you think there’s no way they can top this, they do and it’s one of the most entertaining shows i’ve ever watched 
sci-fi / fantasy / supernatural! okay last category i promise lol. psycho pass!!! honestly psycho pass is one of my fav shows ever simply bc i loved the universe so much, and i thought that it was so incredibly interesting . it’s definitely a show i use to get people into anime who think anime is just kiddy cartoons, bc it’s got cool action, good characters, but it’s not the most serious anime ever, in comparison to something like fate/zero. next steins ; gate! this anime is great, fan-fucking-tastic, and it’s time travel done right, and the ending omg the ending is so satisfying. the full circle and perfection of it is amazing and you definitely should watch if u haven’t already! next after that is durarara / baccano! okay so i honestly have no idea what category to put these shows under bc they’re so unexplainable to people lol. like i have no idea how to describe these shows to people other then, they’re fucking awesome just watch and you’ll get it after you’re done lol. next isssss nagi no asukara! omg this show. i’m crying just thinking about it. the only word i can use to describe this show is atmospheric. is just makes you feel like you’re in this world with them and i cried buckets at the middle mark guys, BUCKETS :”) 
misc. okay these shows i didn’t know what to put them under so i’m just going to quickly mention them. zankyou no terror. this show seems to be very polarizing for the anime community. people either love it or hate it, i’m definitely in the camp of thinking it’s amazing. there are most certainly flaws but i can overlook it bc when i watched it for the first time it just made me feel something, like this sense of absolute misery (lmao yes it’s depressing af but a great show imo!), like i’d never be happy again bc the ending just got me that much. also the anime beck! it’s an anime about music and something about it is very… raw? idk how to explain it, it just feels very natural, and it’s a very boyish version of nana, so if you like nana i think you’ll also like beck!
jesus christ what have i done?????? idk how this got so long but i hope you find something you like in this messy list of my feels and emotions lmao
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