#idk I just feel like absolute shit and I miss Liv so fucking much
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colesterstrudel · 3 years
So here are my endless thoughts on SVU & OC, all under the cut bc I get rambly and incoherent lmaooooo so here goes the format is shit bc I’m on mobile but are we surprised lmao
It is a crime that we never got to see the dress Liv was wearing to her ceremony A CRIME I know it was a lewk I KNOW IT WAS
The Liv/Elliot stare down dkdkdkkdkddk pls they’re just looking at each other like they’re trying to make sure they’re both really there
The flashback to the episode where pregnant Kathy is in a car accident with Liv was a crime against me, specifically, bc how dare you make me deal with those emotions while Liv is also dealing with them with that 100 yard stare WHY
Fin’s “you’re gonna have to ask him” to Liv in the hospital 🤝 his “you’ll have to ask her that” to Elliot in the bar or whatever
The whispered convo in the corner of Liv’s office hello intimacy lmao personal space whomst Liv and Elliot don’t know her and they never have AND THEN when Elliot says “let’s work it” like they’re still partners, LIKE THEY’RE PARTNERS FOR LIFE, IF YOU WILL
Liv spent so much of their partnership pushing him to be with his family and she STILL has to do it even ten years later after he’s broken her heart she loves him so much she loves his kids she wants nothing but the best for him so she keeps pushing him to go back to his family, to visit Kathy in the hospital, but noooooooooooo hardheaded Elliot Stabler just can’t do it
“I give you my word I’ll behave” so u just gon lie like that to her FACE when you haven’t seen her IN TEN YEARS DKSKDKSKSKSKSK LYING IS GONNA BE ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS YOU DO and also when he started rolling up his sleeves??? BRAIN ROT IMMEDIATELY BRAIN EMPTY
Actually okay the whole interrogation room scene bc seeing them in interrogation with each other is painful enough, but the looks Liv keeps giving him while he’s talking to the suspect dkdkkddkdkdk the last time she was in an interrogation room when she could still feel Elliot’s presence around her was when she was crying after he put in his papers YES I AM CRYING THANK U and then the suspect says “why aren’t you in the hospital with your wife” and it’s practically the same thing Liv told him but he can hear that kind of stuff from her and be okay but when anyone else is questioning his loyalty to his family it sets him off (not that she was questioning his loyalty but you get what I’m saying) and UGH the way Liv keeps an eye on him as he moves around the room to make sure he doesn’t fuckin lose it
She bumped into him on the roof ON PURPOSE she didn’t have to be that close to him there’s plenty of room on the roof for the two of them but it’s like she’s questioning if he’s really there and then you have to wonder how many conversations has she had with him mentally or in her dreams that she has to fuckin shoulder check him on the roof to ensure he’s really there, that she’s really talking to HIM
Elliot’s Catholic guilt rearing its ugly head as he caresses the head of his dying wife while he has so much he wants and needs to say to Liv.......am I overthinking this I thinketh not
Liv watching Elliot kiss Kathy’s forehead through the glass door of that hospital room, like she’s been forced to look in on that marriage from the outside for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The symbolism!!!!!!!!!!!
The waiting room hospital scene yes this will be burned into my brain forever thank u. Neither of them can sit still when they’re around each other now it’s like it’s too much all at once especially Liv she keeps moving and fidgeting and when they ARE still they’re so CLOSE to each other like they can’t bear for there to be any distance, not anymore, not now
They tell each other they love each other without saying the words and it kills me every single time I can’t live like this I wish they were better at talking about their feelings
ANOTHER WHISPERED/BREATHY “ELLIOT” with that side eye YES LIV LET HIM KNOW HE FUCKED UP dkskdkdkdkdk and then she told him she LOVED HIM “you were the single most important person in my life and you just.....disappeared” god this really tears my heart out every time I think about it bc the look in her eyes just 😭😭😭
Liv having to stand up for Elliot once again and defend him to people who don’t see him the way she does, the way he deserves to be seen, she’s had to do it for years when they were partners and now she’s doing it again when he’s only been back like a day and a half
I’ve already talked about the bar scene with Elliot and Fin a bajillion times but!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s just such a good fuckin scene and the emotions and the mannerisms from Elliot are just *chef’s kiss* that man loves Liv so much and he’s so upset he’s missed so much of Liv’s life ugh just thinking about his “who’s the guy?” and how he must be thinking back to “you’re the longest relationship I’ve ever had with a man” and how that may still be true but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t moved on and found someone else to take his place in her heart, in her life, to give her the child she always wanted WHEW
Liv calling Elliot “Stabler” why does that shit hurt my heart so bad dkdkdkdkdkdks CALL HIM EL AGAIN PLS
Amanda likening her relationship with Liv to Liv’s relationship with Kathy? No ma’am. No. Somebody get the spray bottle tell her to shut the fuck up
Elliot called Liv before he called any of his kids about Kathy HE CALLED HER FIRST no I’m fine this is fine that’s just something you’d do like if you loved someone or something lmao def nothing suspicious here
I will never stop talking about that hug okay bc Elliot IS SOBBING and he nuzzles into Liv’s shoulder and she wants to keep her walls up and remain distant but her eyes close and she settles into it too god it’s such a GOOD hug you can FEEL the emotions
“I didn’t get to say goodbye” hello parallels between Elliot and his wife and Liv, the love of his life again this is fine I’m fine
Liv putting his family first and offering to call his kids for him fkdkdkdkdkks god will she ever put herself first with ANYONE or will she always put herself on the back burner can we PLEASE GET LIV SOME LASTING HAPPINESS IN THIS BITCH
Even tho Elliot said he didn’t need her to call his kids it absolutely looks like she DID get his kids and take them to him in the chapel like that’s how it comes across and idk if they did that on purpose or what but that’s what it looks like idk man it just really kills me bc she just keeps putting his family first and keep them together SHE IS THE GLUEEEEEEEEEE IN THAT FAMILY
“I can be objective” not with Elliot miss ma’am and you know that like it’s cute that you think that but 👀👀👀 we all know JUST LIKE WE ALL KNOW that technically you’re off the case but you won’t be off the case you’ll keep looking into things when you can bc that’s your partner, your Elliot, and you can’t not keep looking into it
When Elliot goes downstairs at the courthouse and he starts speaking Italian to those dudes he arrested or whatever and then he starts threatening them and he does the throat slash motion as he gets taken away dkskskskskks BRAIN WORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is that so HOT!!!!!!! @ myself get it together
I’ve already talked about the snow scene in the park but I am not done I will never be done bc the tension!!!!!!!!!!!! Liv won’t hold eye contact for too long and neither will he and I am DYING the small talk is so awkward and then he says “you woulda loved it” about his place in Rome meaning he was THINKING ABOUT HER WHILE HE WAS AWAY
“Elliot, I can’t” OH MY GOD DKDKDKDK and the way she looks at the letter in his hands dkdkdksksks awh hell
Liv was wearing gloves and Elliot was bare handed as they walked around the city in SVU, when she was showing him the pic of the suspect on her phone and here she is again, wearing gloves while Elliot’s hands are bare but this time she brushes her fingers over his ever so slightly while taking the letter from him. The touch is on purpose, has to be, but it’s like the rooftop scene where she bumps into him to make sure it’s really him. Not to mention the gloves vs bare hands thing - she’s erected walls up around her heart and her life and she has all these boundaries she won’t let Elliot cross, not now, maybe not ever she tells herself, and as long as she can separate even the smallest amount of her bare flesh from his she just might be able to make it through him being back in town
ELLIOT WANTED HER TO INTRODUCE HIM TO NOAH YOU CAN SEE IT god he must’ve been so torn up about it bc that’s her kid!!!!!! He’s a part of her!!!!!!!!! He wants to know everything he missed and she won’t even introduce him to her child!!!!!!!!
Angela Wheatley I’m free on Thursday if you’d like to hang out on Thursday when I am free
Liv doesn’t take her eyes off Elliot at the funeral not once NOT ONCE I know I’ve said this before but she’s really the glue that holds that goddamn family together and I am DYING
She holds it together for all the kids and Elliot but the second she walks away her face just fuckin CRUMPLES she can’t hold it together anymore especially after the way Elliot grabbed her whole ass arm to thank her for going I’m dkdkskdkdkdkd this is too much this is too much
Okay so I know Richard Wheatley is the bad guy but I luv him what a MAN. He really said “fuck you you racist piece of shit” and killed his own dad fkdkdkdkdkdksk okay WORK RICHARD
Bell not taking any sorta shit from Elliot I LUV IT I LUV HER GET HIS ASS DKDKDKDKSKSKS he NEEDS people to keep his ass in line bc he doesn’t know how to act not even a lil bit
LIV READ THE LETTER!!!!!! She’s the least stand-offish she’s been to him this whole time WHAT WAS IN THAT LETTER I HAVE TO KNOW
* She knows him too well she knows he’s hiding something from her she knows he’s got something going on but he’s never been good at separating his work from his real life and that hasn’t changed, not now, not even with her and she KNOWS something’s off the way she looks at him while he’s waiting for the elevator is unreal and the lil half nod he gives her bc he KNOWS he needs to talk to her about that letter, especially when she’s WILLING TO TALK NOW but the job!!!!!! “You and the job are about the only thing I’ve got anymore” and he doesn’t even have her, not like he used to, not like he wants to, so he defaults to the job and trying to figure out who killed Kathy and who has it out for him
Okay I obvs didn’t have as much to yell about in OC as I did SVU but I’m so excited to see how OC goes bc it’s got me intrigued already like I need to know. Everything. About the Wheatleys!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!!!! And I need to see Liv and Elliot interact again pls pls I need it 😭😭😭😭😭 ANYWAYS THE END BYE
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 09/21 NXT 09/23 NXT UK 09/24 Smackdown 09/25 Clash of Champions 09/27 + Main Event 09/24
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Billie’s not wrong. None of these people are wrong. That title has fallen so fucking far since Becky held it, Jesus.
Interesting to see Billie Kay be somewhat (?) supportive of Peyton. Manager?
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I implore women to stop using red eyeliner unless you’re trying to look possessed.
Oh at least Mickie’s gonna have her last match with her snazzy pants on.
God that theme music is so outdated.
If there was one person on the roster that could convince me they wrestled in the Diva’s era, it’d be Mickie James.
Beautiful Octopus, dare I say best in the division. Look at those crossed legs. Just beautiful, Zelina.
Man it was cool watching Zelina reverse the powerbomb attempt into a rollup, but Mickie couldn’t be bothered to get her shoulders down for a 2 count before the reversal. Shame.
Zelina needs an increase to her speed to pull off the style she’s going for, but it’s a fun style.
oof I think Mickie actually caught Zelina’s forehead with that high kick.
Seated Senton off the top rope is garbage and I hate it.
Lmfao Zelina won with a backstabber. She’s literally Sasha-lite. Okay.
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Word was Bianca was the star of the pc combine, right? So if you wanna showcase her strength, do it against someone I fucking know lmao. Who was this bro? Of course she’s stronger than a nobody in the pc. Friggin Alexa Bliss can effortlessly give piggy back rides to Sheamus. That’s impressive, because I know how strong and big he is. This could’ve been done better is all I’m saying. Maybe do a sitdown interview with her pc peeps hyping her up, or show footage of her blowing everyone in the combine out the park. Idk.
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Ruby stop hyping up Nia and Shayna individually, individually they suck lol lesbireal.
So did Ruby just give Liv her shirt? …You know what, it works, I’m not gonna dig into this.
I feel like all women use the same starting moves against Nia and it’s a little tired ngl. They do this headscissors into a standing crucifix hold, and then slide down to try and roll her up. Then she picks them up and headbutts them. Come on peeps.
Mk just throw Lana through another table, she’s as useless in the ring (kf wise) as Liv is on commentary (non-kf wise)
Let me rewind, how did Nattie get taken out this time? A punch again. COOL. Nattie confirmed worst tag partner in the history of the division.
Lmfao rip Lana. Bye.
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Wow we just said fuck entrances huh? Ugh God. Imagine Becky not getting an entrance as a damn champion.
So Peyton forgoes jumping for the German suplex, which could’ve resulted in her landing on Asuka’s head, and her reaction is to laugh. Consummate professional. Becky Lynch’s optic cranial nerve injury (caused by a failed German suplex) called, it can’t seem to find the humor.
Idk what that double underhooked move was by Peyton, but it was nice.
What bothers me about Peyton’s spinning heel kick, is as high as she gets it, she only hits people with her calf. Awkward to see.
That attempted transition into the Asuka Lock was... something.
Highlight: Lana going through the table
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Did Tegan say “why me” to Candice fucking her knee up with a metal pipe? Somebody get this girl some tissues.
Haha watching Tegan writhe in pain is funny. Candice gets points. And I do not like giving Candice points.
Really appreciate Rhea’s theme after hearing so much generic garbage lately. She’s so done with nxt as a performer, she has passed literally all of them by.
Not to be that person, but seeing so many people in the ring together bothers me. If one person was sick, literally all of them are sick now. It’s just kinda yikes.
Did they forego having a crowd? If so, wise. There’s enough ppl in the ring and at ringside.
Rhea fucking yeeted that girl into the barrier lmaooo.
“...Marina Shafir who’s done some great things on Raw Underground recently,” lmao sure.
The absolute half-assed attempt by that girl to pull herself up before Rhea booted her down to the floor was questionable.
So adding all these random peeps from the pc to this battle royal was done solely to have Raquel and Rhea flex for their feud in 4 months, huh.
Kacy does cool shit, wbk lmao. Gets kicked out, lands on her back, rolls into a handstand, rotates, pulls herself up into the ring using her feet on the ropes; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, pulls herself up, uses the plexiglass to help balance herself, jumps onto the stairs; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, stands on Kayden’s shoulders and gets chauffeured back to the ring. Brilliant. Would be overkill in a Royal Rumble, but it works here.
R&R eliminate each other/themselves together. Fitting. Dakota “help me I’m useless on my own” Kai is shook.
Why is Indi in the top 5? Or top 7? How is this girl so damn prestigious??
Kacy really just slung herself around the ringpost. I’m becoming a fan of her antics/performances in multiwomen matches.
I see Shotzi’s character is, “I come so close yet cannot manage to touch the gold.” I feel for her... cuz I can’t stand Candice.
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I love how Io carries herself. She’s a shining example of not allowing her heritage to hold her back or make her feel unimportant. She responds in Japanese, and without missing a beat, translates in perfectly spoken and quick English. Never dances, never smiles, never looks like a chump. Serious and answers the damn question. She gets points.
Highlight: Kacy shenanigans
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Lol I love KLR so much. Just ducks out of the ring the first time she’s bested.
“KLR is well versed in mental manipulation,” that she is. She’s honestly a top competitor in that sense; equal to the likes of Sasha and Charlotte when it comes to psychology.
Piper’s got power. Ragdolling KLR here.
That’s right, performing with Charlotte Flair at wm is an accolade one can only hope to achieve (I’m annoying I know) no but seriously, KLR vs Becky Lynch? Take my money.
Nice Superkick, nice Tornado ddt.
Dear ref, stop yelling at her and restart the count. Dweeb.
Lmao self inflicted wreckage of her knee. 
This ref is a walking headache. We’re now getting into the autumn of overbooked women’s matches. And UK’s first title match back. Yikes.
That senton was awkward and looked painful af for KLR’s neck. If you’re gonna risk that move while selling a leg injury, make sure you have more space to correct your landing.
I almost wish that turnbuckle came undone naturally because KLR is already such a good seller, but I’m gonna assume this is a worked move since it’s been left exposed.
Yeah see there are issues with that spot. Positives: KLR didn’t purposefully undo the turnbuckle, so it’s not on her to give another title match; the spot has potential, as I’m guessing that would be genuinely painful. Negatives: Piper is too big of a woman to hit the lower turnbuckle doing the cannonball, so she ended up hitting the middle... which was padded. Good ending on paper if you don’t do the equations, but poor execution. Not Piper nor KLR’s fault though.
Slow pacing and I hate overbooked garbage, but this obviously isn’t the only match they’re having so *shrug*
Highlight: Clean tornado ddt, and I do love KLR’s selling
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Lol Bayley has her chair. She automatically gets a point every time I see it.
Top of the ramp this time? Okay, sure.
Stop cutting to the fancams, production. I don’t care about their reactions.
A fine enough promo to move along both of her angles, but production sucks. Wbk though.
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“...one of the most complex personalities,” which personality of Alexa’s are we referring to, though?
Their timing on her pyro was off and now I’m sad. The pops during the breakdown leading into the fountains are fucking amazing and honestly cannot be topped by any of the other women.
When did Alexa stop wearing her gloves to the ring? Probably when she turned face. Shame.
She just called Lacey bitter, southern tea, and you know what? What a fucking drag. Imagine bitter southern tea. As someone who was raised in the south, that is a disgrace to southern tea. Sweet sun tea or pass.
Look at Alexa: selling Lacey’s strength, full of agile speed, and yet here’s Lacey not even bothering to put her shoulders down for her pin attempt. SAD.
A problem I consistently have with SD in particular is how they set up commercial breaks. They always do something dramatic, cut to commercial, come back and shit’s always completely different. How you gonna cut from Alexa leading and hearing the Fiend’s laugh, to return to Lacey in charge ???
Dear Cole, why are you calling her Alexis lol. Like I know that’s her real name but, hello??
oof Alexa’s midsection is beet red.
Lacey has not been putting on a “clinic” stop tossing that term around, Cole. Good bump by Alexa though.
Love how Lacey doesn’t mind landing flat when her moonsault misses. Respect. Her and Charlotte both eat that so perfectly.
LOVE how the monitors of people turned into Fiend’s face. POINTS.
It’s like she’s reverted back to her heel persona. This is literally 2016 Bliss, right? Right??
Roman is a large, strong, intimidating guy... but holy shit the visual of 5′1 Alexa staring daggers into the back of his head is intense af. I almost complained that he cut off her exit, but well done with the continuity.
Highlight: I’m really digging the Alexa/Fiend story
Clash of Champions:
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Loving the red roots, hate the eyeshadow.
See, if Asuka wants to fuck around in the ring, you won’t hear me complain. I just wish she took her non-wrestling segments more seriously.
The patience Asuka gave Zelina to set up the arm kick was dumb.
“A hard arm bar by Asuka,” he says, even though her legs were completely bent. Easy on the credit given plz.
Zelina telegraphs too much. None of the bumps she takes ever catch me by surprise.
In the spirit of being fair, put your fucking shoulders down and let her attempt a pinfall, Asuka.
Haha Sasha-lite did meteora in the corner.
Nice roll into a kick, half point for Zelina.
No you don’t get to sell frustration or disbelief yet, that’s not buyable.
I don’t know wtf Zelina was going for with that counter before the Asuka Lock, but honestly idc. Could’ve been a kickoff match indeed. State of Becky’s title btw.
Every week it’s the same shit with Asuka. She gets on the mic, speaks Japanese, barely accomplishes anything, then gets interrupted/slapped/attacked... with dancing and smiling inbetween. I really wish she was more like Io.
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Nikki isn’t “medically cleared to compete”, and the tag team titles aren’t being defended. My memory is fuzzy but wasn’t there some covid concerns going around back then? Was that just baseless speculation?
Love that Bayley turned this into an opportunity to be a bigger douche than she already was lol.
I want to hate this from a smarky “give other women a chance” perspective, but Bayley is an ass and this is great for Asuka to build credit as a face, and after being made to look foolish yet again. Lesgo.
Lol sounded like Bayley said, “you think you can cuck me?” I’m sure she didn’t. I’m choosing to believe she did though.
I never know exactly who to blame when Asuka’s Codebreaker looks ugly, but I swear Charlotte is the only one it looks impactful with. Sell job isn’t the problem, but taking that actual move is always dicey af.
Great kick by Asuka. Rekt.
Bayley says nah fuck this rofl. Fair ending; a fun little sprint of meaningless jabs.
“Chairwoman of SD” I like that too, Graves. Points to you.
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LMAOOO Bayley set that shit up perfectly kekekek what’s up Sasha.
She be looking fucking incredible, but that neckbrace is a mega bummer.
Character wise, I’m surprised Bayley’s choosing to dole out punishment rather than taking her title and bolting.
Welp maybe she should have, Sasha going to town lmao.
oof peep that red line going down Bayley’s arm. eesh. Welts all over her back.
Highlight: Sasha beating the shit out of Bayley with a kendo stick
Main Event:
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You don’t pan the camera over to fucking commentary during Bianca’s entrance. Do better @ production.
Ruby puts her confidence in Liv even though everybody knows Bianca is winning this match lmao.
LOVE Liv’s boots.
like 20 seconds into the match and it’s already 10x better than the Bianca vs Billie Kay one. Don’t even waste a spot on Main Event for Billie Kay. No, I’m not not sorry for saying that.
It’s not that I hold issue with Bianca’s showboating or mannerisms, but it’s all so much more fitting for a heel.
Beautiful stalling suplex, but Liv is rather small.
Beautiful distance on that dropkick to Liv. Liv gets points for throwing herself so far.
We have enough women who rip their shirts off deep into matches, me thinks. Don’t need it from Liv as well.
Momentum could’ve been split better, but that was a decent match.
*Clash of Champions would be my highlighted event mostly thanks to Bayley, but if that���s a cop out, I’ll give a slight nod to Smackdown’s handling of Alexa.
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glowyves · 6 years
Can you do small introductions on each loona member? Or i mean not all of them if u dont want ik theres like 27 of them but just little descriptions of what u think of em would be cute
a chance? to talk abt the loves of my life? 
heejin: you knwo that friend who like if u fuck around during the school yr and need someone to help u out w notes and getting yourself together bc u know shes always on top of her game? thats heejin. girly is an all rounder tbh she can sing dance and as much as ppl like 2 clown her for her rapping shes really not all that bad. LIKE shes just so versatile. she showed that thru mixnine which lol i didnt watch besides cuts but if u watch her performing on there and then see her performing with loona 1/3 it’s like complete opposites but she manages to shine no matter what like it’s effortless for her. shes such a sweet girl too i really do feel like theres a reason she was picked to go first bc she has such a likeable personality. shes funny, hardworking, humble (but not to the point to where she downplays her worth), and just seems like a real ride or die type of friend
hyunjin: MY BABY i hav such a soft spot for hyunjin and it’s hard not to??? she comes across as a little quiet at first and she acts like she doesnt care but she does u know she does shes not fooling anyone idc how many times shes told yeojin 2 shut up on camera i know she’d be one of the first if not THE first girl 2 be by her side (and any members side) if some shit went down. shes such a determined little thing too and when she has her eyes on something she goes for it no thinking abt it no questions asked she just does what she wants and thats something so impressive for a girl her age to be able to do. i feel like shes the type of person to just sit in the back and watch more than participate bc she doesnt mind if the other girls take the spotlight like shes such a chill, laid-back soul. i aspire to be like her. and shes so fucking funny really it’s almost criminal how hard she makes me laugh. ALSO she has the best reactions it’s a disgrace more than anything that i dont hav a folder of just her making stupid faces
haseul: the absolute love of my life? THE jo haseul?? theres a reason shes the member i latched onto the most at the beginning and ultimately kinda the member that tied me down to loona for good. like i was onboard w them from the get but it’s her that sealed the deal. i dont joke when i say she really is their guardian angel and no matter what u think of her in the comparison to the other girls u cant deny the fact that shes born leader material. she makes the other girls feel good and at-ease yknow. like she was always around vivi in the 1/3 loona tvs and u could tell it was like 2nd nature to her being by her side as vivi navigated her way through a country and language she wasnt all too familiar with. and like w/ yves for another example like yves if all facts check out was only w/ bbc for a three week period before they debuted her so obviously she wasnt familiar with any of the girls which is why she was so awkward at first. but haseul? bless her soul she did all that she could to make her feel at home. and she has such a beautiful voice i feel like not enough ppl praise her for it. also fuck yg for making her feel bad during mixnine she deserves the world and he can suck my big toe
yeojin: miss thang miss thang. what 2 say what 2 say. first things first shes a trooper. shes a baby i mean a lot of them are babies but yeojin is an actual baby baby i almost fainted when i learned how old she is. but despite her age shes so firm yknow. when shes doing things she wants to do them right to the best of her abilities and shes always striving to be better which is so admirable bc for me personally at that age i was a goddamn mess i couldnt be doing and juggling even a third of the shit she does. and shes right next to hyunjin when it comes to making me laugh shes just so loud and full of energy even 2 the point where i get tired watching her and im loud and full of energy but her being loud and being full of energy kicks my being loud and being full of energy in the ass. if any of that made sense. but theres never a dry eye in sight when shes in the room and u can tell shes such a joy 2 be around as much shit as the other girls give her lol i just feel real protective of her bc shes just so full of life and laughter and i just want her to be out here living her best life
vivi: it needs 2 be said that i have such high respect for any kpop idol who’s from another country bc theres just so much thats going against them. miss vivi is away from home away from her comfort space away from her friends and family away from a place where she can speak proficiently and fluently bc shes struggling to learn a new language and?? on top of that shes doing all the other standard idol stuff. thats some tough shit thats some scary shit but she takes it all on with a brave face and an open mind. and being able to slowly watch her build up more confidence in the language and basically everything else has been such an honor. like when im out here on my weak shit feeling sorry for myself i gotta think 2 myself what would miss vivi do? how would miss vivi tackle this? i lov this girl honestly i would die for her she does so much and i feel like not all of it is fully appreciated but she’ll have her moment i know she will and it’ll only be a matter of time before ppl see how amazing she is 
kim lip: giiiiiiiiirl. lip is such a strong person. like in all aspects. shes crazy talented it’s a little scary to think abt how much she’ll grow once they properly debut as a group and she gets more experience bc?? she just has so much going for her. her charisma is off the charts she can easily pull a crowd if her solo being a real big jumping point in spreading the loona name says anything at all. and shes such a good pick for the oec leader she definitely has those vibes like u just cant help but listen to her regardless of whatever bullshit she says and she says a lot of bullshit but do i liv by that bullshit and eat it up like shes spouting out the new testament u can bet ur ass i do. lip is definitely one of those girls that u cant help but be drawn to like u just want 2 be her bff bc once u remove her from the stage she has such girl next door vibes i feel like she’d be the type of girl u see in the club and u make small talk by the bar bc u made eye contact by accident and all of the sudden before u know it youve spent ur whole night w her and u hav her phone number and plans to meet up next week bc shes so friendly 
jinsoul: i make fun of her a lot. but w good reason: shes easy 2 make fun of. shes so quirky but not in the ironic way like shes really quirky and a bit of a walking disaster but it’s charming and she makes it work. even if shes not ur fav? shes still? kinda ur fav? even if u dont know it? if i made a list of some of my fav loona moments i assure u she’d be included in about 80% of it like shes such a staple to the group i really cant imagine her not being w them i mean i cant imagine the group w/o any of them but jinsoul especially. sometimes i watch loona vids knowing good and damn well shes not gonna be in them but i still end up thinking where is jinsoul?? bc not 2 speak for everybody (i will tho) but no one can get enough jinsoul. also her voice? i love it it’s one of my favs in not only loona but kpop in general. both speaking-wise and singing-wise. it’s just so pretty i really did astral project the first time i heard sitr & love letter. true out of body experiences 10/10 would recommend the yelp reviews are in shes 100% worth It. what is the It shes worth? idk but whatever It is .. shes worth It.
choerry: i just want her 2 be my little sister wow. miss yerim really has my heart. truly the embodiment of :) . shes so smily and has such a strong energy u cant help but like her. in every loona tv shes in shes making someone laugh or smile and it’s no coinkidink it’s bc shes really just that much of a ray of sunshine and u cant help but fall for her. give her some time i pledge w my life that once they debut she is going 2 shine on variety shows theres no way she wont. she has such good sense and shes so flexible. and if lcm is anything 2 go by shes able to switch it up and kill different concepts and sounds at the drop of a hat. def one to keep ur eye on bc u just know shes gonna go far in the future theres no way she wont she has all the tools in her arsenal to make it big no problem. does she resemble the annoying orange? yes and i’ll hate kim lip forever for putting that image in my head but that wont stop her shes truly a force to be reckoned with.
yves: my baby! u didnt hear this from me but i lov her a lot. she was kinda just thrown 2 the wolves w/ her three weeks of training i can only imagine how nerve wracking it must’ve been for her. here is an army of girls bbc has as potential loona members whove been training for years/knew the other girls who were already chosen as loona members/have even gone along for the ride with the chosen loona members to film their mvs and yet shes the one who was picked to be added after three weeks of her being w the company. three weeks !!! thats a lot of pressure but despite that she gave us everything she got. she was real nervous in the beginning anyone could tell when u watched her loona tv arc but she got over it and by the time chuu’s arc rolled around she was joking around w/ the others like it was nothing. shes so funny too but in an awkward way. like she doesnt mean to be but she says and does shit that makes u ?? and u cant help but laugh. her gig with marishe? i have never seen anything funnier like that bitch really took 100+ photos all w the same face and w the same three poses if that’s not talent idk what is. and i dont think it’s been confirmed in writing yet but shes gonna be such a good leader for the eden unit i feel it in my bones 
chuu: when i tell u my heart has skipped a beat over this girl. im not saying it 2 be dramatic im deadass. my heart has skipped a beat multiple times watching her whether it be a fancam or a loona tv or even a selfie. i’ve watched that little instagram update of her in her pig onesie more times than i want 2 disclose. her voice???? oh my god im in love with it. shes such a strong singer like STRONG and u can hear that in heart attack and girl’s talk and see saw but if u listen to her covers shes done before being introduced as a member it’s like !!!!! wow. and she makes a lot of noises. like just incoherent sounds and its so cute i could cry. like i dont have the attention span 2 sit and watch a vlive if it’s not subbed … but i’d do it for her just bc i love hearing her talk i love her voice on any and all levels u could love someones voice. and all her little mannerisms are adorable and this could really turn into me typing a whole mla formatted essay on how i find her 2 be one of the cutest girls in the world but i’ll spare u. and ofc shes not just cute like i said before this girl is talented and i cant wait for loona to grow as a group so she can be on bigger and bigger platforms for more and more ppl to hear her sing bc thats just how it should be
gowon: i lov her i lov her i lov her!! i’d do just about anything for this girl if she asked but i feel like regardless of who u are u wouldnt be able to refuse her even if u wanted to. i latch onto every word she says everything she says is gold. shes so giggly and a lot of that giggling is bc she probably feels awkward but it’s still real cute. shes also lowkey highkey gotta mouth on her like she’ll really come for ppls throats if she feels it’s necessary and thats beautiful to me. she doesnt get enough credit but as pretty as she is more attention should be focused on her talents bc she is a talented girl. her vocal tone is high and ‘cute’ but i think it melds so well w/ the other girls’ voices and theres a lot of opportunity there if and when they decide to create new sub-units/have more duet songs. and my girl can dance im tired of ppl overlooking her bc?? her pre-debut vids are a little stiff ye but theres so much potential there shes such a gem and i cant wait for her to grow more bc i know theres so much she could be doing w/ what she has
olivia hye: when she said love myself today let u go today? i felt that
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preyed-llama · 6 years
Emotions personified
I'm sick, I've got an idea that isn't sanders side. This will be one post (presumably) give me a second.
So like, someone personifies emotions and they're all like chill and shit in our world. And those around them get a rush of those emotions. But like... they can control it? Look idk. I've just got the characters of some of them down. This is character design based on emotions. If you’re willing to look that’d be neat.
Happiness is nonbinary (because the emotion doesn't have any gender links like love is known as being feminine and anger is masculine, we'll get back to that.) they are kinda short.. like 157 cm. so like average height. But they have light golden short hair and ambery browny eyes. They wear black jeans, a black jacket, and a red Tshirt. They also have a habit of bringing with them the dorkiest glasses they can find. Like ones in the shape of two swans, one is the heart glasses, one is dollar signs. The point is they're always dorky. This is because with an outfit like this it fits all ties, does the person get happiness from reading? From theme parks? From alcohol? Who knows. But when they smile everyone's just so embarrassed and can't help but smile too. Happiness tends to go by happy because it's not that weird of a name.
Anger is a chick, because I thought that would be cool. She has dark browny reddy hair. Her eyes are a hard brown. She has a gun on her (it's usually not loaded though). She wears fingerless gloves, high heel boots and black, ripped skinny jeans. Glasses tend to sit on her hair and she wears a white tshirt with a dark grey hoodie over the top. She's always ready to fight, but always for a cause. She rides a motor bike and tends to have her hair pulled back so she can see everyone. Small amount of eyeliner and red lipstick and she's good. She doesn't tend to get into fights that often because it doesn't help with the anger and her friends just get disappointed in her. She goes by An because why the fuck not? Do you wanna fight her over it?
Love is so dorky and cute. He has circular glasses and freckles! He wears button up blouses and brown dress pants with those v neck sweater things. He blushes easily and stutters a lot. Butterflies seem to love him. He has curly sandy blond hair and soft brown eyes. He tends to have a book on him that he gets really embarrassed about. But everyone loves him, not just in a romantic sense. He tends to go by Liv, so what if it's feminine, he's a little feminine, and if people can love him despite that then it doesn't matter what you think.
Sadness is genderfluid. Some times she feels like a dull throb of sadness, other times he feels like a wave of misery. It tends to be somewhere in between or more empty so they tend to stick to they on those days. Sadness has a black bob that they like to pin back. Their eyes are a mixture of light blue and dark blue, that tend to edge on grey when they feel empty. They wear a dark brown coat over a blue shirt and a black skirt or black shorts depending on their mood. They have a thermos full of hot chocolate for when they feel too sad and has a small teddy stuffed in one of the big pockets to hold if they get too sad. Sadness goes by Sam, it just felt nice, especially when the others started to refer to them as that. 
Jealousy is a girl. Women as she prefers to hear. It makes her feel more professional. She tends to be constantly buying the newest things. The desire to be the best, to have what they have, is a big problem for her. She has to talk to the others to try to combat it. She hates how she needs all their attention, how she needs the newest stuff, how she is so demanding. She spends so much time trying to get over it. She constantly has her phone on her with some good looking earphones and a pair of stunning shoes, anything to get rid of the jealousy she feels when she looks at anyone. She has green eyes and light brown hair that falls perfectly around her face. Everything about her is perfect, from the shape of her eyebrows to her lips and tooth size, but she still doesn’t feel good enough in her own skin, she needs to look like the others, but to look better. She wears a short green dress that has a slit up her left leg and hugs her body to show off her toned stomach, and perfect hour glass shape. She talks to Love about her problems, because although Love gets so much attention, and she hates him for that, she also loves him platonically and he manages to make her love herself for a small amount of time, but those breaks from jealousy are enough for her. She goes by Jewel, mostly nicknamed Gem, but when she hears a name she likes she can’t help but despise them.
Fear is male. He tries to act tough in front of strangers to try and hide how terrified he is, and he tends to let his guard down with his friends. He lets his legs shake and himself flinch when he’s around his friends, because they understand. He wears a thick black jacket with a grey tshirt underneath, and sweatpants. His hair is pushed up and pinned so he can be aware of all his surroundings. He wears headphones around his neck, although he never listens to them. His phone is in a protective case and he rarely ever takes it out because his hands shake so much he can’t use it. He used to wear gloves because they thought he was just cold, they quickly realized it was nerves. He skips meals because nausea forces him not to eat. He has black hair and dark brown, almost black eyes. He goes by Nicolas but people nicknamed him Nikki and Nico. He wanted them to stop but someone had mention that that was santa’s name and instantly he was trying to get a different name. Happiness and Love took him to a night in the town to prove him wrong. When people complimented his name he decided that maybe it wasn’t that bad.
Serenity is a female with purple eyes and silver hair. She tends to wear flowing sundresses with flowers in her hair. Shoes are only worn when absolutely necessary. She likes flower scented or ocean scented perfume. Even when Anger shouted at her and almost punched her, the peace she felt didn’t seem to slip far. Instead she calmed Anger down and relaxed next to her as the sun began to set. She pretty much has a flower on her somewhere and is always relaxed. She occasionally had birds land near her. She goes by Selena.  
Nihilism likes to wear suits. He spends most of his money on dumb shit (which is why his friends bank some of his money). He’s done more dangerous shit than anyone could count. His things have gone from setting fire to a random pile of leaves during Autumn and setting off fireworks inside. He does what he enjoys, and frequently ends up injuring himself because of it. He constantly has a lighter on him to use when the opportunity arises. He has shaggy black hair and awkward stubble, with rich brown eyes that seem to dance with fire. He goes by Ned, because it was the first name that popped into his head, no one really mentioned it.
Curiosity is female. She tends to dig too deep to get information. She’s pissed off Anger more times then see can count by pushing to find out what’s wrong. She constantly feels like she’s missing something. She wears oversized sweaters over a tank top and leggings. Her natural desire for knowledge has led her to be following Nihilism into dangerous situations. She spent many nights researching different things. And she’s constantly dyeing her hair because ‘I wonder what I’ll look like with this colour.’ It is a pastel purple. Her eyes are naturally brown, although occasionally she’ll put in contacts because ‘I wonder’. Her curiosity is like a hunger she cannot fulfill. She constantly has a book on what she’s studying and a note pad to solve things or write out the questions she’s going to study. She’s done many thing’s she’s regretted because of curiosity. She almost shaved her hair, which had to be stopped by Anger because she wanted to know... needed to know. In the end she edited it in photo shop and was glad that Anger had stopped her. She also had a nose piercing and spider bites because she just needed to know what she would look like. 
Hatred is nonbinary. They are bitter and resentful. They wear expensive suits and jewelry. Their face is has resting bitch face. They have their black hair combed up as their red eyes look cold and dead. Their glasses rest on their nose. They contain their influence, determined to let people decide for themselves. They struggle with the hatred they have for people. It becomes even more of a problem when they keep flipping between hating Love and loving him platonically. He kept it hidden and hissed out insults. They hated themself for everything they did. Jealousy and Hatred bonded over their emotion. They both hated themselves. They went by Harley, they still hated the name, but it wasn’t for them, they knew who they were, the others needed something to call them by. 
Disgust is a male. He has chipped fingernails and heterochromia. His hair brown hair fell in front of one of his eyes to hide the mismatch and even ended up getting contacts. His natural distaste for others and himself was the only reason he befriended Hatred. He wanted to be able to like people, but the moment he saw them his mind would instantly find something wrong with them and it made him feel sick. His brown leather jacket, black jeans, low cutting v neck tshirt, and knife screamed danger and distaste. His nail polish would chip after a day of wearing it and he had to look into a mirror to put in the contact. Every part of him was disturbed by his own existence. Love tried to help, but that didn’t do much when he felt sick being near him. He tended to stay away from people and flip off anyone who came to close. He went by Dean, he somehow felt worse with that name than Disgust, but the feeling lingered with every name, like it was embedded in his very being. Probably was. 
Craving is a male. He constantly had the lust for sex, the craving for a cigarette, for beer, for food. He constantly craves something. Some times he can’t even put a finger on what it is. He was constantly forcing himself not to have that alcohol or cigarette or keep eating until he burst. The cravings were unstoppable. The craving wasn’t necessarily physical. Some days he wanted to hear certain words, a certain persons voice, or achieve a certain thing. He couldn’t be content. There was always an itch somewhere. Always something he couldn’t achieve. He wore gloves, scarfs, jackets and jeans. His entire body was covered most days to hide the scars from the days he craved pain, from days where the cravings could only be fought back. He had incredibly short hair, the craving for change or to cut his hair always stopped him from growing it out like the dull craving for longer hair demanded. He would walk around with a pen so if any cravings appeared he could distract himself. Craving never could settle on a name, the cravings to start new, to have a different name demanded him to change. Anger once jokingly called him Carl. It ended up sticking. He always felt an itch when someone said it, but he tried to force his cravings for the new to stop. His cravings for silence and to be alone always seemed to interrupt his cravings for attention. 
Loss was a female. She constantly struggled to keep up a conversation. She would fail to comprehend what others are saying and keep hold of all her thoughts. Emotions always seemed to be fleeting. She would constantly misplace things, even the note book she had with her to write everything down before she forgot it again. The white dress mixed with her pale skin and dark black hair always made her look like a ghost. It didn’t help that you could hardly see the brown from the black in her eyes. Emptiness was a familiar feeling. She tried to maintain friendships, but it was always so hard. Serenity and Love were always willing to sit with her with a smile. Loss chose Lily, it was the only thing she could think of, and it was because Serenity was holding a lily. 
Determination was male. There was always something he was set on. Whether it be winning the game or achieving his goal. He would keep repeating it until he succeeded. He couldn’t give up. Some people called him ambitious, they didn’t know that it was an obsession. He felt nausea and like he was suffocating if he admitted defeat. He couldn’t handle it. He wore a choker with a small cross on it, some faith that maybe he would succeed first go next time and not have to repeat it again and again. His hair was shoulder length and a deep red as his body was covered in small scars and scrapes from repeating a tedious and dangerous task again and again. His eyes were a warm brown. He wore a black tank top and a red varsity jacket with navy blue jeans. He was as stubborn as they can be. He was always going to be right. His problem led to sleepless nights and trips to the hospital. He couldn’t bring himself to regret it though when the event paid off. His name was Damion. 
Trust was female. She always felt like a kind motherly figure. She was gentle and caring. Always willing to listen. She always listened and was over trusting. She was like an innocent child and a mother all in one. She was so gullible and would trust someone, even when she shouldn’t. No one wanted her to get hurt. They all tried to protect her. Everything she said you’d know was the truth. She wore a knee length yellow sundress with a large sunhat. Her long pink her was constantly plated (curiosity needed to know what one of the others looked like with dyed and trust was the only one to agree) and her bright blue eyes always seemed to see light, even in the darkness. She would carry spare food for if she bumped into someone who was hungry. She broke all the rules, she followed people down alleys when she was alone and accepted drinks from strangers. Her name was Tina. 
Anticipation is male. He always seemed to be waiting for something over the horizon. He would look impatient, even when he wasn’t waiting for anything. It always felt like something was coming. Something big. Something good. He spent money gambling, talked to strangers, and constantly went on adventures. There was always a tight knot in his stomach and excitement bubbling in his chest. He tend to have a fidget cube although he’d never admit to it. He wore an obnoxious green shirt and light blue jeans. Food was difficult to eat because the constant feeling made him too excited to focus on that. He forced himself to calm down and do normal things, he couldn’t let him self keep sitting down and waiting for it to arrive. Birthdays and Parties were the worst for him because the anticipation only seemed to grow. He always felt antsy when it came to making changes. His platinum blond hair was half way down his back, like the anticipation of it getting longer was something he couldn’t quench. ‘Soon it’ll be longer than it’s ever been!’. His green eyes could rarely ever stay in the same place. He had to force the excitement down. Anticipation would go by Anthony. 
Shame was male. It was like he was a mess. He couldn’t do anything right. He was always embarrassed. it could be anything from making the wrong amount of food or drawing a line wrong and suddenly it was like everything was collapsing around him. He would feel nauseous to the point where to couldn’t eat or do anything other then lean over the toilet. He wore a long white tshirt and brown jeans. He would have ginger on him constantly for when the nausea would set in and would carry a lucky charm with him. The others always tried to make him feel better, but it was so deeply rooted, so embedded into his personality that he couldn’t escape it for long. He had to keep his dyed green hair groomed constantly, and he couldn’t let the colour fade. He had to shave the stubble. It needed to be clear. His deep blue eyes always seemed to be too expressive. Tears always seemed to fill his eyes. He had selected the name Shane, it being the closest to his actual name, he didn’t feel right to choose something so different from him. He deserved to be called Shame. 
Annoyed was male. He tended to keep to himself. His nose buried in a book or in a videogame. He would nitpick anything his was paying attention to and would grow more frustrated when they wouldn’t correct it, despite not being able to hear him. He would get frustrated if someone kept pestering him when he just wanted to be left alone, but he also got annoyed by being ignored. He wore an vibrant orange and khakis pants. No one could comment without getting a loud and forceful sigh. A beanie was on hand if too many people stared at him and he almost always had a collection of notes so he could just hand over one to tell them how annoying they were being. He got annoyed by his hair and shaved it all off. With nothing to hide it, his yellow eyes were always on display. When choosing names, Anger had chosen An before he could talk which ended with him letting out a frustrated groan and choosing Adam, because some people had to go and choose his names.
Vulnerability is female. No matter what she does she feels too exposed. She tends to wear long, male clothes that hide her body completely and shorts. Her hair is long, just so she can curl it in front of her and use it to hide behind. She only shares what she feels comfortable sharing, which is barely anything. And on bad days she can't be in the same room as someone without breaking down in tears. Anger and determination promised to protect her, no matter what. But her emotion continues to freak her out. She cries into serenity’s shoulder until peace takes over. Her grey eyes are usually bloodshot from crying as her skin is red and damp. She would carry around a box of tissues and a book. On really bad days she’d borrow Angers spare gun and clip just to make herself feel a little safer, she knew she could never pull the trigger.  She chose Vida and almost tried to escape after the name slipped out. Liv and Happy smiled happily at her as An nodded at her and Selena held her hand and hummed.
Sleepy is female. She tries to avoid lying down because otherwise she falls asleep almost instantly. Her memory is awful and she barely feels energized after a 16 hour sleep. Determination and Anticipation have to lend a hand when she has to stay awake for a long period of time. She constantly wears yoga pants and a cozy pastel blue jumper so that if she falls asleep, at least she’ll be comfortable. She consumes more coffee and caffeine than healthy, but she doesn’t have much of a choice, she constantly had a thermos full of coffee only one step down from nitro coffee. Her plum hair is always pulled back into a bun as her hazel eyes always have dark bags under the. She had chosen Aurora after sleeping beauty as she fought to keep her eyes open. Tina was resting her hand on her shoulder as Nicolas looked ready to grab her if she fell asleep. 
Kindness is male. He had the softest smile and smoothest voice. He wore a jacket with a snail on it that said ‘take your time’ and would wear dumb shoes with rabbits on them. He would hand out random gifts that he thought others would appreciate and made sure that everyone was alright. His orange hair was in a pixie cut as his green eyes felt warm and inviting. He tried to comfort them, although without the presence that Serenity and Love had, he fell a little flat at hitting the root of the problem, although warm cookies managed to get them to stop brooding. He gave money to the homeless and would spend all their money on an animal shelter if he was allowed to. His name was Kennith. 
Euphoria is female. She would always be bouncing off the walls. She was  hyperactive to the extreme. It pissed off Annoyance and entertained Love and Happiness. She wore a pastel pink Lolita dress that didn’t stop her from doing cartwheels and racing around. When she was on the more mellow end of the spectrum, she would spend her time giggling as she typed at a mile a minute to someone. Curiosity wasn’t the only one interested in finding out who she had inflicted her pure, unstoppable happiness on. She tended to calm down and actually sit down when she having a bad day or when sadness had calmed her down. You could have a normal conversation with her without missing most of her words due to her talking too quickly. Her hair was dyed an electric blue to match her eyes. She’d chosen Elfie as her name. 
Innocence is female. She seemed to have a child like fascination with everything. She was trusting and friendly. She always seemed to be dreaming about somewhere else and would never hurt anyone. She always had a deck of cards on her to show off her magic tricks. Nothing seemed to bother her as mean spirited jokes and dirty jokes flew right over her head. She didn’t bother asking and would instead go back to focusing on what she was doing before. Her mind struggled to comprehend somethings, despite being the same age as the others, it was always a struggle to connect. Her clothing was always a plain white top and blue shorts, someone would put whatever jacket they had if they had gone out when it was cold. Everything about her seemed calm and yet joyous. She had chosen Ivy on her turn. 
Bravery is female. She stood up for everything. She was like the main character in their group of misfits, the hero in the middle of the battle. She was courageous always ready to dive into the next battle. The problem appeared when she fought until she was too badly injured. She was powerful and deadly. She always had a packet of painkillers and bandages for if she or anyone else she liked got injuries. She was good at fighting... suspiciously good up fighting. She rarely ever needed to fight, but she was willing to argue and fight for justice. Instead of mindlessly fighting, she only did it in self defense. She had light brown hair that was always pulled back into a high pony tail and soft browny reddy eyes. she wore a black top that hugged her arms off her shoulder, leggings that look like leather and high heels. She had chosen Bethany. 
There we go. the complete thing. @paradoxicalpatton I’m sorry? But there.. tagged. 
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fmlfpl · 5 years
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Lineup Lamentations - GW12
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s for the week!
No guest slacker this week sorry I forgot to do it yesterday.. fuckin’ Friday deadlines...
And if you missed it for subscribers Friday My Life episode came out last night!
IN: Hayden
Passive cuck mode has been engaged and I'm floating my other transfer instead of hitting Vardy in.
I was quite close to fucking the world and bringing in Ozil and Wilf, but as I lay in bed looking at my team with these two beauties in it, I remembered that while fun is fun, getting green arrows is really the most fun. And so I'm going to trust the process, be disciplined like a good little boy, and try to make pod partner proud.
Pope (WHU)
Short leash for this poopyhead. Couple good fixtures but who knows if that even matters at this point. Praying..and biding time to turn him into Hendo or Gaz.
Alexander-Arnold & Robertson (avl)
Trent and R0bbo with a rough one this Sunday but as we know always shouts for attacking returns. Feels good to have held them throughout the season as they've been quietly trickling in and the law of averages demand cleans are near.
Lundstram (tot)
Pointstram has a rough on paper fixture but he seems still like an ok start. Spurs struggle against buses so who knows what will come.
Rico (new)
Starting Rico for the first time in last couple gameweeks with his cleans stuck first spot on my bench...so we all know how that goes. 1 pointer incoming up the geordies.
Salah (MCI) and Sterling and De Bruyne (liv)
Sticking with the big lads Mo, Raz and Kevin. Dunno what will come to pass in this tie of giants but generally speaking I am going to hold the City guys and see where the chips fall.
Mount (CRY)
Mount remains with the somewhat good signs to his recovery and starting this weekend against Palace. It will be his byebye game in my team while he turns into a bag of coin to fund Vardy next week.
Abraham (CRY)
Tammy has been a good lad since getting him in not much to see there. Seems like a pretty steady hold for a while as long as he's fit.
Pukki (WAT)
I can't even believe I have to type his name again..but I still have Pukki. I hope he just avoids a yellow and gets me 2 points. Kill for it.
Salah (MCI)
Back to Mo. Time for Mo to cometh and dongeth.
I'm going to probably stick cap on him for a little spell here after the IB as well with their good fixtures. Don't really have a good feel for this game but with Mo on pens and Bravo in goal idk whatever the fuck.
Get in Mo.
Saving because I’m being indecisive and scared and passive and don’t really know what to do?
The moves that have sounded best in a week of tinkering involve turning Kelly and probably Lowton into Trent/Robbo but I wouldn’t want to do that this week anyway with City rolling up so maybe that’s where I’ll start going next week.
I had an extremely hard time figuring out my 11 this week and like Walsh kept reminding me on the pod and on Friday My Life and over text - I will bench points this week 100% so I guess whatever yolo here we go.
Gazzaniga (SHU)
Gaz in a good clean fixture this really should be a clean for Spurs even though they’re kind of bad they’ve been tight at home.
And for as good as SHU have been they’re still a mostly pretty conservative and bad attacking side. 
Lundstram (tot)
I went on my rant on the pod on how good Lundy’s attacking stats are and all that shit and then add in SHU’s defensive fortitude and this guy is just never getting benched by me again this season.
0-0 would serve me well with Gaz.
Tomori (CRY)
Legitimately a clean banker but also I don’t trust Chelsea to make it easy.
Palace will have at least a couple of big chances through probably errors from Zouma/Tomori/Kepa/Azpi and I just have to hope that they don’t convert’em.
Söyüncü (ARS)
Leicester are still putting up absolutely fantastic defensive numbers and listen, Arsenal will not be an easy clean, but there’s also the chance that Brodge just plays like four defensive midfielders who park and in those matches where he’s done that they’ve been very tough to breakdown.
And Arsenal aren’t exactly lighting the world on fire.
A clean seems totally possible to me.
Salah (MCI)
Obvs fit Mo gets in there.
Sterling and De Bruyne (liv)
Obvs the fit city guys get in there.
Hudson-Odoi (CRY)
Last second change bringing in CHO for Lowton. Lambs change. Felt it while typing out why I’m starting Lowton and changed it.
It’s a complete gut feel here but fuck man we know Palace are gonna be parked, we know the minutes in Willian’s legs and Puli’s legs, and we know that CHO isn’t gonna be completely bombed out... It’s time for a CHO start against the bus, he’s the perfect player to be dancing and taking people on in the box to break down Palace... Come on Frank!!!
Chelsea supporters seems pretty 50/50 split on whether he starts or not but really I don’t expect a Lowton clean anyway so the floor difference in points is nothing while on the other side of things if CHO starts the ceiling is absolutely in the double digits... Going with the gut feel and the ceiling play here.
Praying for the CHO start so fucking hard.
Vardy (ARS)
Glad to have the key man in Vards for the long haul.
Don’t expect a ton of goals flying in at home to Arsenal but he’ll get his one or two chances and honestly probably convert at least one.
Abraham (CRY)
Tammy still putting up elite striker numbers as he has done basically all season. What a guy. Love him.
Palace are tough to break down but I back this Chelsea team to put up good attacking numbers week in week out and Tammy is at the center of it all.
Pukki (WAT)
Hey at least it’s a home match? An absolute piss take that we’re both still owning and starting Pukki but life is hard... ok?
Watford have been keeping it tight lately but also they have to begin to try and pickup points at some point in the season or they’ll be relegated by January... Norwich similarly should be going for this one at home and while Pukki and Norwich are complete garbage I actually think he might get a goal... Lol at me...
Woke up this morning with a text from Walsh that said, “There is nothing that would make me happier in life today than if Pukki got an assist. One time Finnish cunt,” and so yeah that’s where we’re both at at this point in our lives. Fuck.
Abraham (CRY)
Been on him all week, haven’t really wavered at all. Do not like the Vardy cap nearly as much but I guess I’m alone there?
As Walsh has been saying all season there are more 4-0s and 5-0s to come for this Palace side and I’m hoping that this week is one of those... Chelsea and Tammy and CHO for a festival of dongs come on boys let’s go.
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