#idk I just rewatched this ep and I'm convinced
kingdomoftyto 1 year
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bish-plz-haha 2 months
I haven't seen any posts about this so I wanna make it; bare with me as I'm not sure my thoughts will be entirely coherent and understandable (this Pennsylvania summer heat got my brain melting, no joke).
So I rewatched the Lightning strike ep and the coma ep, and I found something quite interesting on my watch-through (as well as watching some edits of buddie on tiktok). So I've been thinking: why was everyone else in Buck's coma dream but Eddie. Eddie is one of the closest people to Buck. So why wasn't he there?
I'm not sure if this will make any sense, but the coma ep is basically Buck living out a dream where everything was fine and he grew up with his brother and parents and sister.
Now almost everyone except Eddie and Athena were in his dream. All completely different people: Bobby was an alcoholic and drug addict (at least that seemed my take from the ep), Maddie was still playing happy wife to dickbag, Chim and Hen were friends and firefighters but they had NO CLUE who he was, his parents were actually kinda nice and supportive of him (kill me now. That's nice and all but I hate them so much). And even Chris was there at the end of the ep, though he didn't particularly recognise Buck. He sounded lost, and like he was asking a stranger for help, not his best friend.
Now when 'Daniel' tells Buck when he wakes up, "Next time you go up a ladder, have someone there to spot you." And, as we know, Buck replied with, "I did," we get kinda a quick flashback to the ep previously to kinda remind the audience what happened. We kinda see a quick flash of Eddie hooking him up and hear his voice saying "go get em cowboy" (the implication of that is another thing in and of itself if we're being honest).
Now, why would Eddie not be in Buck's coma dream?
Honestly, with Buck being able to 'remember' he went up the ladder with a spot (AKA Eddie), I don't think he really had a reason to hold on to him. He already remembered him as he was- in uniform, doing his job, and having Buck's back ("You can have my back any day").
He has all these people in his dream because he's trying to hold on to them. To remember who they are, not necessarily how they are, just who. His central nervous system had a jolt and he was clinically dead for 3 minutes (and 17 seconds, courtesy of Eddie counting the time it took for them to get him down and start compressions: you cannot convince me that that man didn't mentally count each passing second from the moment he realised Buck had been struck and was dangling from his safety line to the time he got Buck down and placed onto the stretcher). That's a lot for someone's system to take. His brain lost a lot of oxygen in that time: and, speaking generally, when the heart stops for a good amount of time (being about 2 and a half minutes or more since the brain can take only about 5 minutes without oxygen before permanent brain damage without CPR), the chemical makeup starts to change because your brain is basically sending signals to the body that it may be dying and it might be time to shut down the body too. To go into a permanent slumber (hence the "superpowers," which is a real thing. Though a lot of people, including myself (it's my fun fact about myself: surprise! I've died), develop a "sixth sense" if you will).
So back to my main point; why Eddie wasn't in the coma dream.
Buck's subconscious already remembered Eddie. He may not have remembered his face or anything, but he most definitely remembers him. He remembers key things about him. There's no need for Buck's brain to conjure up a version of Eddie because he's already significant enough. He is the only one we hear and see that Buck actually remembers being there for him. The shot they replayed as his memory was solely of Eddie and himself. Yes, Chim was in the background but he wasn't the focus of the shot. He was barely visible. And, again, we only hear Eddie's voice.
Idk maybe I'm crazy thinking about this but I'm at work, I'm bored. And it's been on my mind for a few days now.
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coredrill 6 months
this post is not abt bravern but it Is abt my Bravern Feelings
i miss this show so much already SOBS. i did enlist another g roup of irl friends to watch it w me though and we are starting tomorrow so yay :] and also beware the rewatch posts
[guy who has said that i'm glad i watched this live every week voice] i'm rly glad i watched this live, but this time its bc. i think there is something so truly and genuinely special abt the way that the theories abt bravern himself evolved week to week.........like at first everyone was like Well maybe he's an evil alien who is gonna Kill isami. and then everyone was like Well maybe he's a death drive and isami is his lulu. and THEN everyone was like Well there's still some knuth in there so. but none of that was the case!!! none of that was true!!! it was literally just this one guy and all of the love he has and Absolutely Sucks Shit at expressing!!!!!!! and i just. idk. that hits me rly hard that maybe it was percieved as sinister at first just cause it was a little Off but in the end it was something really really sweet :] it also just feels like yet another way of the show doing its "we know audiences aren't willing to accept optimism at face value these days" schtick like they mentioned in that one interview and just. showing how bravern himself evolves in the eyes of the viewer. it's rly special to me :]
i know bravern speaking german in ep2 was a nod to the translator he uses on superbia later but. what if someone loved you so much they became german (if i ever mention kyouji again in a bravern context just fucking shoot me)
WILD to watch the finale and then see the isami hate train take off FKSJDHFJ cause i feel like i adored him so much in that ep LMAO. my guy really felt every emotion known to man in the span of 22 minutes and then started makin gup new ones. he's very human!!! and i love that abt him!!!!
although some takes. i'm ngl. i know we joke abt subtext and cowards but it becomes less funny when the subtext that is there is missed LMAO
sorry to keep bringing up ep4 but i think its SO interesting how like. the way that bravern seems to helps isami out emotionally in that ep actually ends up not helping him in the long run aswell? like getting to know all those ppl care abt him is good ofc but it also feeds Directly into his hangups in ep5. and i remember being a little confused as to Why that was the case on first watch cause ep4 was So abt his beef w lulu (FLSDKJFH) but w the smith being a human again thing in the end it makes. so much more sense!!!!! i can't wait to rewatch the show w it still fresh in my mind and find even more!!!!!!
and omg the beef with lulu. literally nothing is funnier to me than "we are gonna have one Rival Fight in this show and that position is gonna be filled by isami and smith's fucking KID" SOBS. LIKE. it kills me FKSLDJFHL. though i will say again that i think it is So fucking special that in ep10 lulu specifically calls out isami taking care of her after smith dies and it apparently happens to such a degree that like. he is worth her time traveling back to save independently aswell? even though there was no way that he "took care of her" for more than a couple days? which i think just says so much abt isami in the sense that like. at no point before ep6-7ish in his arc would he have even entertained that idea. uwu
i think i said this before but ikd if i included the screenshot but. the fact that while bravern is dying he sees THAT SAME FUCKING PICTURE is just evidence that men do not take enough photos i think
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there is literally Nothing more onbrand for bravern than the fucking. "ep13 abema listing" (if anyone who has not heard abt that sees this. it was just a rebroadcast of ep12 mislabeled) sending everyone into a tizzy regarding like. Secret Episode Question Mark except half of everyone being convinced its an april fools joke and the other half being convinced that the april fools joke is that we didn't expect it. and then it turns out to not be interntional atall and the real april fools joke is Fry Pan. SOBS
Crunchyroll I Am Begging You If You Dub This Please Dub The Songs Too Oh My God (<- delusional)
anyways!!!!!!!!!!! again i know recency bias is the killa but god. i really loved this show a lot!!!! it might be an alltime fave story for me in general!!!!!! even if it's not it was a really special experiance and story on the whole and i'm just really really happy i get to carry it in my heart forever :]
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ranger-kellyn 4 months
def not pacing this rewatch like i did with atla since i just finished the first season lol
i ended up remembering just about all of the episodes as they happened. not sure why i was so convinced i had missed some?? i'm guessing it's because korra is a lot more fast-paced than atla was since the season is ~8 eps shorter than atla's season 1.
overall, i am enjoying myself. i'm excited to keep watching, and it's been fun getting to think about all the extended universe stuff and how it all weaves into korra's story.
any complaint i have about korra i know mostly goes back to how yanked around during production they were. at least, that's what i was always told?? tbh, it's been so long, i don't know if i ever read like. official. sources dkfjhk that might just have been tumblr posts claiming korra was getting unfair production treatment, getting told something like halfway through that they needed to wrap things up bc they weren't getting a second season?? but with no sort of citation. it's not like that's too hard for me to believe given my specific grips with the storyline all stem from how rushed everything feels. (and at this point, the show is already over and done with it's not deep enough for me to care about doing any actual digging about what did or didn't happen behind the scenes)
even as open of a mind as i went into this with, i still don't think korra/mako was built up like....at all???? like i guess that brief moment of them leaning against each other under the tree was??? it?????? but in all fairness, i now firmly disagree with my younger self that bolin was "better" for korra. i think bolin has just as much growing up to do as mako. to me, his feelings could best be described as puppy love. yes, he's a sweetheart. yes, he's my angel. yes he's my babyboy, and i love him more than anything-- but he's Just A Boy.
idk, all i know is i was going along fine with it all right up to episode 5, the spirit of competition, that started with the little recap that was like "love is in the air!" up until that moment, i didn't really??? think any of the romance was all that believable? i feel like that recap did a lot of heavy lifting there, bc all of a sudden the love triangle bullshit was just. full throttle, in your face.
and when i say the love triangle stuff just bogs this down....like there is such limited time in this show to get things done and we're really doing this... flkdjglnkj
really, i just feel bad for asami lmao she didn't do a fucking thing wrong. that whole situation sucked for her.
other primary complaint is that the whole amon storyline just. doesn't feel satisfying. that ending was absolutely rushed, and killing him off they way they did was convenient, and nothing more.
the final conflict between him and korra isn't satisfying. having her hiding from him under a table just and then in a hallway??? that's the setting they went with? and i understand waiting for her airbending at that critical moment, but it wasn't satisfying. nothing about that moment connected me at all with the nature of airbending, and i just...idk just saying amon was using some perverse version of bloodbending to take away bending??? like. i guess that's an answer????
and honestly??? again, this is probably just a "we ran out of time" thing, but by the end of things??? i wouldn't say the benders have done literally anything about what lead up to amon gaining such a serious following. that kind of resentment doesn't build up overnight, and if we take the comics into consideration, that's been building in that area for decades.
i also don't think amon's motivations are...clear?? like, at best we get a guess from tarlok of something like "he thinks bending is the source of all evil in the world" bc their father was a blood thirsty bloodbender???? (a guy whose motivations are even less clear??? like yeah i guess some people just want to watch the world burn but like. ok...*john oliver voice* cool.)
idk i just don't think the benders did anything to help with the "non-benders are feeling threatened/oppressed by benders" they built up.
main stand outs are:
the air kids - forgot how funny these goobers are, and it's going to be a lot of fun watching them grow up over the seasons.
mako - walked away from this, like i had hoped, liking him more than i did in the past. he's just an older brother, your honor. he's doing his best. his best isn't great, but neither is mine most of the time, and i don't even have the excuse that my parents were killed in front of me as a child.
asami - girl literally did nothing wrong and honestly i don't even know why she sticks around team avatar. by all accounts, she has every right to hate these goobers just as much as anyone else dvhldkfj. babe, they do not deserve you dlakfhl i think she would be a fun character study to try to write from her perspective of the season. like. she had her whole world kind of turned upside down. again. clearly she never expected her father to harbor such extremist attitudes. (smh hiroshi dont u know u have to indoctrinate ur kids early?? before they can think and form opinions for themselves????)
regardless of anything, like i said, i'm having a good time. i do find it fun to be able to ask, "why didn't this work?" and i'm looking forward to continuing on. a quick scroll of the images for the next season reminds me that, once more, A Lot happens in this season dslksfjn
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silviakundera 8 months
Manner of Death rewatch ep 7
This is The Sex Episode 馃帀 馃帀 I do recall the important things
Corrupt police being worthless per usual and Bun shows up to throw shade.
I really shipped the teen henchman & neighborhood boy in my first watch but now I know it goes nowhere I'm whatever about them. Letdown!
Bun thinking he can emphasize with Tan's brother issues lmaooooo
I have watched these episodes twice now and I still have NO IDEA how Bun latched onto the idea that "Dam" is a likely culprit of everything. Like, I know he's a terrible investigator and biased but ???????? I feel like all that was established was this Dam guy is a local enforcer? That's it. You have a literal creeptastic video of a congressman & commander assaulting Jane. Bun, baby, I want to look inside your brain & see how it works in there.
and btw Tan, why did u take Bun to the mob owned nightclub for date night? idk if I'm supposed to think part of him wants to get caught out so he can be honest OR if he's just a dumbass.
Bun, checking in with the teenager who is apparently the main source of information that Dam is super dangerous: What do u know???
Neighborhood teen: actually I think that was a misunderstanding?
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2 hapless gay men stealing a laptop and then smashing their faces together about it before fucking nasty can be SOOOOO PERSONAL
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no but I'd like to salute all the actors &actresses out there who understand that if you're going to do a sex scene then u should ACT in it with the same dedication to your craft of make-believe as a crying scene or injury scene. Make the viewer think you are aroused, like you convinced me earlier that u were sincerely furious and grieving.
if u can't be arsed to do it right then just... don't? Then leave those roles to someone else who can give a complete performance.
anyway, these 2 are good at their jobs and that's why everyone remembers their dramas (it does help that this one is delightfully batshit).
naturally Bun comes to drop off a cute lunch with a smily face drawn on it and finally realizes his pseudo husband is Dam 馃槺.
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ok episode 13 time folks
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my little gay heart can't take this with lauda being ranked at having better odds than sabina
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this little twink
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spiderman pointing meme
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i feel like the first 2 suits in this battle royale duel are the only cool looking ones lolz
i also can't believe how we got trolled by that 2nd cour trailer and everyone thought everything in it was at least a few episodes worth of footage and instead it was just this fuckin duel suletta blew through in like 5 mins lmao
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i don't want to waste too much of the post image limit on the OP but can i just say how much i love these two shots? like when i saw the episode i couldnt stop thinking how cool the grassley girls look in this frame lmao
also will admit i wasn't like super into slash for like the first 2 eps and now i can't decide if i like it better than shukufuku
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handsome suletta has entered the building
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i will never forgive them for including this shot in the OP... after the OP silhouette of eri changed to actually show eri, i was so fucking convinced at some point the OP would update to pan up and actually show notrette to us
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it's kinda nuts that earth house were the ones to step up after the 2nd school shooting later on when right before the school festival and in the aftermath of the plant quetta attack theyre all so traumatized over everything that happened
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remember when everyone thought this was gonna be a pantsuit and all the fanart that got drawn of miorine being handsome... yea we got a fake out but she wears a pantsuit later on and timeskip miorine is handsome as hell
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ha ha sure glad we don't live in a world where corporations can have say in military matters......................................
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these lesbians
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no mask prospera spotted and shes sitting down
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sorry prospera haters, but it's true
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this little goober trying to comfort nika-nee is the sweetest thing ever lol
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just dropping this here to go along with miorine's line to prospera that suletta couldn't stop shaking from how scared she was to ride calibarn
the next line in this scene is also suletta p much saying she was able to gather strength to go save miorine because of her mom. i don't think it'd be wrong to say she was able to do the same piloting calibarn although it wasnt just for her mom but her whole family, including miorine
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lmao i know dara materials is just one of the front companies shaddiq made up but i'd love to know whatever backstory he made up for them
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and honestly how bad is asticassia's vetting process? i totally forgot nika's backing company isn't real either. which in retrospect, yeah duh, makes sense
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the entire sophie montage is really amazing and on rewatch feels so depressing tbh
initially, i found sophie a little annoying if i'm being honest but thats because i don't like characters who get reduced down to HAHA I LOVE DOING EVIL THINGS... which is not at all what sophie is about once we get to the next episode. she's a victim of capitalism doing it's thing
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regardless of went down from this point forward, nika was always gonna play the martyr, which i still think is silly, but honestly out of all the things i have a gripe with in the 2nd cour this like one of the lowest things lmao
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i wonder if this was just meant to be a throwaway line or not cuz like yeah... you're not gonna talk your oppressors into being nicer to you lol
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suletta doesn't even know how cool she can be sometimes huh?
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this line still cracks me up... suletta, sweetie....
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norea up in the pharact like sophie cmonnnn
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ending the episode on cool suletta again
also mannnnnn remembering watching this ep the day it came out and this scene with red birthmark starting up was so amazing lmao i was kinda iffy on the song at first because it felt kinda whiny? idk what other word to use because i'm not really a music person... i definitely don't feel that way now and if i had to describe it to someone right now i'd say it's a very emotionally-charged song. it's honestly one of my favorite anime endings both the song itself and the actual ending animation
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legit one of my favorite frames from the whole ending sequence and i'm so happy to know that this is confirmed to be made to look like calibarn and not aerial in this shot lol
like this literally is one of the most gorgeous anime endings i've ever seen lmao i don't think i'll ever stop gushing about it
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cmon look at them
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literally cannot believe to this day there are miorine haters or people who think miorine didn't care about suletta enough. miorine's possessions were literally taken away as we see later on when lauda gives everything back to her... but here she is, holding on to cool-san and just longingly staring at this stupid ugly little keychain
i didn't fully mind the sulemio separation arc... but god, i hated that for the first like 3-4 eps all we get of mio are these post-credits minute or two long scenes
all i'm gonna be able to think about while watching this whole cour is what could have been if bandai weren't stupid lol
ok might do episode 14 in a bit, but now i wanna go listen to red birthmark lmao
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gins-potter 1 year
Are you all caught up on the OC finales? What did you think?
I caught up today! I thought they were fine to really good!!
Med was really solid. Surprising no one I'm absolutely heartbroken that Will is leaving but I'm glad he went out in typical Will fashion, had a really nice scene with Sharon at the end, and we got Manstead endgame. Liliana and Dr Charles are back together! They're so flipping cute, I love that for them. Dasher are doing Dasher things, I had to LOL when Hannah was like HARD NO about dating Archer and he was so offended. I think Med's gonna return to somewhat normal next season, probs the first half will be dealing with whoever buys the hospital and convincing them to turn it not-for-profit again. The only question marks for me are whether Maggie and Dr Song stay. I think if they continue to do O.R 2.0 things, Dr Song will, and I think they've left it a bit open for Maggie depending on Marlynne's health and what she decides. I was a little surprised they didn't address it more in the finale about the possibility of her leaving since the episode before made it feel like much more of a sure thing. A solid episode!
Fire was... kinda meh if I'm being honest. Like it's not unusual for me to multi-task while I'm watching tv, but I still pay attention to what's happening with the plot, but I was dicking around on my phone while watching Fire and kept realising that I was fully not paying attention to what was going on and kept having to go back and rewatch. Like, it just felt like lots of talking ha ha. I think where we go from here is super dependent on whether Taylor comes back next season or not. Feels like they're setting up Carver and Violet, which I'm not against, but haven't fully let go of Carver in his feels over Stella either, so if T.K doesn't come back and Stellaride break up (BIG IF NO ONE THROW TOMATOES) they might continue to pursue that as well. I'm more and more on the Stella/Carver train (NO ONE HATE ME) so I'm super fine with those angsty looks he's sending her lmao. Super here for the little friendship between Kylie and Ritter and very keen for Kylie to become the new candidate (that has to be where this is going). Sylvie's adopting the baby, yay for her I guess, I mean, like I said in another ask, I'm pretty sure I know this is heading for a Kara exit, which I'm not opposed to, so I'm just very.... okay? about this storyline. It feels rushed, but it's fine, and I get a Brettsey endgame (probably) so fine. And Mouch... maybe I'm stupidly optimistic but I don't think he's dying. I think Christian is leaving the show, but I don't think Mouch is dying. Idek why tbh. It's a bit anticlimatic if he does die tbh. Like he didn't even get shot, it was a random piece of shrapnel. Idk, I think he'll probs survive and then retire. Maybe I don't think they'll kill him because it would mean that PD also has to change Trudy's characterisation over on that show. Like imagine her husband dies and they never even mention it on PD 馃拃馃拃馃拃
PD was the best episode imo. The pacing and writing was great, even though I'd seen bits and pieces of it already online I still felt drawn in by it and I really felt the tension. I felt like Adam, Kim, and Kevin all got to shine. Hailey and Voight not so much, sad for Hailey, get fucked Voight. Absolute snaps for Kevin getting to shoot that racist mother fucker, and I know he's just a kid but lmao fuck Callum. Fuck his mum too and I hope she goes down for some of this shit. One of my only question marks is why Torres wasn't in the ep? I can't tell if it's a weird writing choice to keep leaving him out of episodes or if the actor has some sort of other commitment keeping him from being in every episode, but I feel like they either need to commit to his character being part of the team, or drop him and bring someone who will be around all the time. Burzek slayed as always, inject that moment of Kim on the phone and absolutely sprinting to get to Adam into his veins. Kim in the ambulance, and at the hospital, "Are you his partner", "You're with Adam" "I'm with Adam" yeah girl you tell that bitch. You ARE with Adam. I mean, as with every other Burzek shipper I'm annoyed that they clearly filmed a Burzek scene at the hospital and then cut it. I hope they release it as a deleted scene at some point bc I need it. I've seen the theory that they cut it because it shows Adam's alright and Paddy might leave the show.... I mean.... maybe? I doubt it. It's more likely they cut it bc the show has a hard on for Hank Voight and wanted to end on him. I think it would have been a better ending to end with Burzek because it would have been a really full circle, cyclical ending from where they started the season, and the episode, but, what can you do? I'm sure someone will write the fic. Still, despite all that, a really great episode and end to this arc.
Sorry, this got long but yeah, those are my thoughts. Med 6/10, Fire 4/10, PD 8/10.
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coffincoitus 2 years
watching a video of a guy talking about helaena's children being aemond's (as one does) and apparently there's a conspiracy going around that the baby gibberish the little twins say in that scene in helaena's room right when alicent says the word "father" sounds like "aemond". it's funny bc it does kinda sound like aemond and helaena makes a panicked face (but the clip the guy showed was purposely short so she could be making that face bc of the conversation in general. idk, I'd have to rewatch the ep to pinpoint that). but more importantly: why would helaena (or aemond) tell the twins aemond was their father even if he was???? kshdjd it seems to me they'd literally be the last to be burdened with that secret!
at best, that implies aemond spends enough time with the kids (while aegon doesn't) for them to mistakenly associate that word with him. and helaena would naturally be on guard for the faus pax in front of alicent. at worst, it was just baby gibberish lol.
I'm 100% convinced that aemond and helaena like each other more than they like aegon and that they keep their closeness hidden from their mother and everyone else. I think he takes on the role of companion and protector of helaena and her children bc he loves her and bc he lives to excel at what aegon can't. but I still don't think the children are his lol. the only compelling argument is the "a son for a son" thing, but it's just an odd unexplained phrasing, not evidence.
not even aemond's rivalry with daemon post blood and cheese convinces me bc all it implies is that he loves helaena, the children or is committed to protecting them (or all of the above), and not necessarily that jaehaerys is his.
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james-beaufort 2 years
Hii! I was rewatching rinas scenes of 3x07 and i realized gina keeps staring at ricky in the scene where her purse falls and they both go down to get it. It might be like a second but ricky looks towards the voice that calls them but gina keeps looking at him and so i was thinking then of the their next scene together in that ep and how gina wants to know what ricky was gonna tell her and i think she didnt believe what he ends up telling her about carlos but she lets it go cause it was a long day for her but she does smile looking back at him when they are leaving. That said, now moving to ep8 and the first scene they have together imo when ricky says about last night... And gina answers then ricky says is this about... And she answers ej right? I think she could be expecting smth else from ricky? Idk maybe im reading too much into it. But anyway my point is imo gina didnt know about rickys feelings until 307 not totally confirmed and then when he looks at her during kristoffs lullaby. And then in the flash forward we dont even see rickys confesion, do you think its gonna be brought up in s4? Imo it couldve been smth ricky confessed at some point during that month, even before they saw the trailer. But anyway when gina says she didnt saw it coming , do you think she saw it during ep 7 and 8. I mean my assumption is she knew about rickys feelings at least done of it in that time jump. What do you think? (Sorry if my thinking out loud is a mess lol)
Hi there - thanks for the ask - always love sharing my thoughts on the show.
So basically, I think that Gina was confused for most of the time. I'm gonna go back a bit to s1 & 2 bc this will help explain my answer a bit more. I think in s1 she knew he had feelings for her, but during s2 when he was with Nini she became convinced she got it wrong and that he never liked her (see when she says "trust me, i've been wrong before").
When we get to s3, gina has convinced herself that there was never anything there and that they were always just friends. So I think she was never looking at ricky as a romantic possibility, even when there was obvious flirting like the hearts racing scene.
I agree with you that in ep 7 gina has her realisation - i think she realised she still likes/loves ricky during wcat. and then in the coat check they share the almost kiss moment and she keeps looking because i think for her, she was realising maybe she wasn't wrong.
In my opinion, during the conversation they have at the end of the episode, she knows what ricky was going to tell her and that what he said about carlos is a lie (making the "there's nothing wrong with a friendly fib" line have a double meaning).
I think in ep 8, the "is this about... ej" both wanted to talk about the almost kiss, but took an easy out to make it about ej instead. While, their feelings are obvious to us the viewers, I think ricky and gina had a lot of trepidation and uncertainty. Ricky had seen gina with ej all season and they only just broke up the night before, he was not going to bring up his feelings if he didn't think she was ready for it (although I do think ricky may have realised in ep 7 that gina might like him back - I feel like that random segment in 'here i come' where he talks to ej and says his night was confusing was about that). Gina at this point doesn't really want to put herself out there, because of what happened last time ("you ever put yourself out there and get nothing back"). I think she is hoping for ricky to jump in and say it is not about ej.
So while, I think gina *knew* ricky had feelings she was confused about it because he never spoke on them. Plus we have the scene where he defends her against Channing, which I think gina took as them just being friends and her getting it wrong again. A lot of people take this scene as gina knowing ricky likes her and is just defending her, but I don't know I just read it as more confusion for her. I think her expression and the way she says "for the first time in forever" is sad and to me it comes across as - now I know where we stand and we are just friends. Then obviously the very next scene is Kristoff Lullaby where Gina 100% knew Ricky was singing to her. To me that was Ricky's confession (he always says it with song).
We might get a little flashback of them during the month in between opening night and the premiere (since Sofia deleted that insta where she had braids, maybe she was filming a flashback?). I don't think this flashback will be a Ricky confession tho, because in my mind that would cheapen/counter the point of Gina's confession. The great part about Gina鈥檚 confession is that she was confessing for herself and her own closure, rather than because she knew Ricky liked her.
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theheightofdishonor 2 years
Get To Know Your BL Mutuals
tagged by @telomeke-bbs (thanks for the tag btw!)
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
Disclaimer, I only started watching BL a couple months back and had to scrounging through my history and make a google doc just to figure out what I watched and which ones were from 2022.
Based on the stuff that was produced this year, I'd say Kinnporsche which I watched sometime during the middle portion of my hyperfixation and again, i wasn't well versed or versed at all in bl before and has only watched a couple bl leading up to it so yeah, it did take me by surprise. Especially because most of what i'd watched until that point were low heat GMMTV offerings and censored chinese bromances.
But Kinnporsche is a delight to watch and super easy to get swept up in, even if in hindsight, the plot doesn't stand up to scrutiny and I wish it had been tonally darker. Overall though, it's a really good show and the pairings have great chemistry. Most importantly, it's a fun watch.
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What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year
Vice Versa, The Eclipse, Big Dragon
Vice versa's first couple episodes were so good. I loved the concept, I loved the whole 'each episode is a different colour' thing, I liked jimmy and sea, obviously ohm and nanon were in it but around like episode 3/4, it started to falter because I cared more about potential implications and consequences of the whole body/universe swap thing than the show did. And that was frustrating and dissapointing and I kept watching every episode hoping it'd go back to that magic it had in the first couple eps but it did not. Would still rewatch ep 2 again though, nanon was such a gem.
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I put off watching the eclipse until it was complete but I had really high expectations for it based off of tumblr and the concept. Like enemies to lovers, opposite sides, rebelling against authority, high school setting, possibly supernatural elements, all stuff that's right up my alley. I thought it was a given that i'd love this show.
buuut I did not. I watched the whole thing but idk i wasn't all that into it? not terrible enough that i couldn't finish the show but it wasn't all that fun and i wanted it to be so.
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And then, Big Dragon. This is another one I expected to like because toxic relationships are interesting to me but Big Dragon just fell flat. It's all the toxicity of tharntype but far less compelling. I ended up skipping a lot it and definitely would not rewatch.
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What has been your favourite BL this year?
Semantic Error or Old Fashion Cupcake.
I didn't think a KBL would be on here because Korean BLs are my least favourite type of BL but i'm a sucker for a well done trope and Semantic Error has flawless execution. I'd even rewatch.
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Old Fashioned Cupcake, I didn't think i'd like. I thought it'd be too slow paced and sweet but it was great- largely because i really liked the themes of the show. It was a kinda like a less cavity inducing Cherry Magic - ironic considering the amount of sweets in this show. I can't think of much to say about this show atm actually but know it was good and def worth watching and i'd even rewatch.
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Favourite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
Patpran. They say save the best for last but I started watching bl with Bad Buddy and nothing has ever come close to this show and to patpran. I dare say they're unmatched.
Thai bls, in my experience, have an issue with chemistry where I have a really hard time believing they're in love. Like, 2gether. Bright's good but I could never convince myself that Win's character was in love with him.
singtokrist and early offgun both have this issue too though to be fair, Off gets more believable the longer he's been paired with Gun.
But Ohm and Nanon?? There's not a single moment in Bad Buddy. where you don't believe that they're in love. They match each other's energy and have more chemistry in one longing glance than a lot of couples do in an entire show. (They've got range too, their dynamic in vice versa in totally different to bb and yet still believable and interesting and im so mad there wasn't more of them and they're able to turn it off and on, you'd never believe they could go from blacklist to bb until you actually saw it) I hope someone convinces them to do another bl together.
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Moving on,
Gao Shi Di and Zhou Shu Yi from We Best Love.I think i've talked this show well into a grave already but WBL is that girl and it deserves to be talked about. The chemistry between these two is perfect and their acting is really good and their kiss scenes are believable and they just deliver in every single scene they're in and play off each other so well. Oh, and top notch confessions too. You're the lucky one??????? And then the highway scene?? Gah, perfection.
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Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu from Word of Honor. I grew up in tumblr fandoms so censorship doesn't bother me and their romance is beautifully executed and they've got good chemistry and most of all, the writing is great fun to analyze.
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I also liked ohm and singto in that ghost show they did, billkin and pp in i told sunset about you and all the kinnporsche couples.
Oh and the something in my room boys even if i haven't finished that drama yet.
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If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
Bad Buddy all the wayyy. It's not too cliche but the tropes it uses are well done, good acting, good writing, emotional, not too sweet. What more can you possibly want?
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If they're into romance, A Tale of a Thousand Stars. It's pretty much the most classic romance novel you can think of but on screen and with beautiful cinematography. Personally, that's not my thing but a lot of people eat that stuff up.
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What's your non-BL favourite for this year?
I just got myself into that bl mindset. Pivoting genres is so hard, especially when I watch so many things. Um, I liked The Batman more than I ever thought I would. Pattinson catapulted to the top of my list as favourite live action Batman.
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K.G.F. 2 babyyyyyyy. Literally who does it like South Indian movies. The soundtrack is spectacular. The costume design? Peerless. Like fine, the writing's still too melodramatic even by my taste and the love story somehow got worse (#let reena be unhinged 2022) and the misogyny jumped to a new high which shouldn't have been possible but atleast the theme song's a bop.
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And i'm currently obsessed with May I Help You? which is still airing and has 10 episodes so far. The plot's starting to falter but I still have hope. Hyeri is also a captivating actress and i'm still not really a kdrama person but I might end up watching her entire filmography anyway because she's that good, y'all.
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As for tagging, I genuinely am too new to bl tumblr to know anyone so i'm just not going to.
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ripkarl 2 years
Um okay I just realized that in ep 7 when Roach interrupts the captains they're talking about Ed leaving and Stede is very intent on the conversation and not happy at all to be interrupted. Of course it could just be that he's upset at the idea of Ed leaving but he was really trying to talk to him about it and says "don't leave on my account, we're ALL enjoying your company here."
I'm sure I'm reading too much into this but what if he was trying to tell Ed how MUCH he is enjoying his company? Trying to have a real conversation about FEELINGS and that's why he's so damn snippy because his boyfriend is talking about leaving him and his chance to convince him to stay was cut short. I don't know if at this point he realizes his feelings for Ed are romantic but he certainly does have feelings and doesn't want him to leave. Desperately. Then later he decides, show, don't tell, and takes him on an adventure to prove he is fun and Ed has no reason to be bored with him.
Idk I was looking at a gifset about the oranges and I was like "what was he doing that was so important that he's this uncharacteristically upset about the interruption and this bitchy throughout the rest of the orange cake conversation? And why is he in his pjs" so I rewatched the beginning of the episode and this kind of hit me.
I may or may not try to make a more coherent post about this later when I have more time
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natdeviantrat 2 years
reveal your watch & rewatch drama list
thanks for tagging me @talistheintrovert!! was a good excuse to attempt to reorganize my watch list
CURRENTLY WATCHING: - choosing to ignore all the ones i'm technically watching but haven't touched in ages -
Ultimate Note - like 5 ep in? so i'll finish in another 2 yrs but unlike other chinese shows i've watched i do think i'll make it through
Our Flag Means Death - halfway through but i cancelled my hbo oops
Man Who Defies the World of BL s2 - how have i been watching this for two weeks when it's literally like an hour run time, no clue
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - i'm sooo behind, probably gonna end up in the unfinished pile if i'm being honest
STARTING SOON:聽 - with a very generous definition of soon, considering how little i'm actually watching things atm -
The Eclipse or Love in the Air - i want to keep up with at least one currently airing bl but haven't decided which
Not Me - my most anticipated bl which somehow means i've yet to touch it but i swear i'm gonna get there soon
Light on Me - i've heard great things and tend to enjoy kbl so
Obi-Wan Kenobi - i shipped obikin long before i knew shipping was a thing, so there's no way i'm not watching this
Full Metal Alchemist - promised my sibling i'd try some anime and this was the top rec
The Sandman - said sibling has also convinced me i need to give this a try despite having no familiarity with the source material
The Boys s3 - sometimes you just need terrible ppl beating up even more terrible ppl yunno
Imitation - i'm curious to see (some of) ateez act and also for the idol storyline
Sweet Home - i've heard great things and from the trailer it seems like it might satisfy my occasional craving for gore
Long Time No See - bl featuring assassins? idk how i just recently found out this existed
REWATCHING:聽 - i don't tend to rewatch much at all tbh but recently there are a couple exceptions -
Semantic Error - idk what it is about this show that makes me wanna run it on loop but i'm just gonna pretend it's helping me practice my korean and not question it
KinnPorche - but specifically just certain vegaspete scenes
Color Rush s1 - this was my first bl and my introduction to korean content, so i wanna go back and see what it's like to watch it now
LOOKING FORWARD TO:聽 - i'm so out of the loop with future shows at the moment, but just like probably everyone else i'm still waiting on Between Us as well as GAP -
okayyyy that's more than enough. @thegays-areinlove come do this with me, along with anyone else who wants to of course
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quakeriders 2 years
okay, I'm done with my shadow and bone rewatch and if I were in a better place mentally I would want to write a few different meta posts about a few things but since i'm not, there's a few messy, rambling thoughts.
alina telling genya that she doesn't like farms, plus in the book alina and mal kiss and that's the moment the stag shows up. i'm not putting on a tinfoil hat and going on about how they won't be canon in the show, but i find it interesting that unlike the books with were in alina's pov, the lack of her inner monologue makes it seem more like there's a supernatural connection between them that strengthens their bond (mal writing about the high noise that calms down when he's with alina, 3rd amplifier, yada yada)
the darkling asking for alina's consent in ep 5 while making out, meanwhile he's planning on enslaving her with the collar. like i get that in the moment, it was just a nice thing to add, because of the power imbalance and age difference. but in hindsight and contrasted to how he keeps holding out his hand to alina while holding mal captive (to put on the collar) it just makes it so much worse, because the darkling somehow tries to convince himself that he's doing it for the good of his people and that he has no choice or whatever.
(also i would love love love to talk about "you could have made me your equal".. like. the concept of equal in power, or that the darkling has the power to make alina his equal, not them already being equals, i just have thoughts and emotions)
also, some speculation about how show alina is much more in tune and accepting of her powers than book alina. her learning control without amplifiers and how that makes me hope that she won't have to give up her powers and they might re-write her ending (though idk if the books are done messing with her, so). like, i just want alina to keep her powers. like, the show emphasizes the "being outsiders" thing, so if being grisha is a part of herself too, then she should not want neither have to give that up.
idk man, its not that deep and idk why i do this to myself but i just want alina to have a better story. its not even that my non-endgame alina/mal thoughts are about her and the darkling, because holy shit thats for fanfic not canon lmao. no, mal and alina's ideas of a happy ending are fundamentally different so she shouldnt have to give hers up for his. and if that means they fall in love and then realize its not working or if they have a more will they wont they kind of relationship or even a more platonic thing (stag appears; book: kissing; show: leaning on shoulder/huddling for warmth) i'm fine with either. idk.
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freensrcha 2 years
Reveal your watch & rewatch drama list
tagged by @billlkin (quan your currently watching is honestly a work of art and i thought i was something when i had 7 on my list 馃槶. the dedication is commendable, how do you hold on for so longggg. watch me drop a show after 1 ep slightly bores me.)
currently watching: (i mostly only watch things which are airing so all of these are very "current")
1. twenty five twenty one - my utmost beloved
2. a business proposal - my chaotic beloved (i'm concerned about the fact that these two will end together and what am i supposed to do then.)
3. enchant茅 - yes i'm still here..
4. cutie pie - slightly chaotic, highly hilarious (i mean we got vampire zee last week) ft. perth
5. remember 15 - just stress every single episode. i'm still catching up (on ep 7, more than 1 ep a day isnt good for my heart) but like is there even one decent person there 馃檭
6. mindhunter - idk if this was just supposed to asian dramas but still i'm adding this one
starting soon:
1. kinnporsche - i/m obviously gonna be up on that the second it comes out. i've decided its gonna be my new hyperfixation
i may watch cupid's last wish but i'm still not convinced about it 馃樁
1. something in the rain - i needed me some comfort so i just started it yesterday night.
obviously as is no doubt i'm always rewatching bb (pat just got shot 馃憖)
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edward-little 3 years
nedward little (for the character ask thing!)
i tried to add an emoji and it obliterated the entire response i'm
First impression
did NOT know who he was until my first rewatch. god bless
Impression now
what's the opposite of a poor little meow meow? i enjoy it when he suffers. he's a miserable man and i find it both funny and compelling. he's like if the song my way was about someone fucking up near constantly for three consecutive years. he is prometheus on the rock and i'm cheering the crows on.
that being said, i do like the moments of competence he has sprinkled in through the show. also he layers like a lesbian, so he earns some points in that regard.
Favorite moment
when he gets beaned by armitage
serious answer: when he gets beaned by armitage. also in ep 5 when crozier tells blanky to escort silna off of terror and little shakes his head.
Idea for a story
oh jesus. okay hmm i still really like the idea of an au where tozer convinces him to go along with the mutineers-- maybe tozer mentions that hodgson will likely go with them and little decides that he's going to go along so he can talk hodgson into mutinying the mutineers, but it ends up backfiring. little and hodgson in ep 9 after eating gibson doing a combination copypapista/ep 10 dundy tent scene where when hodgson says "i'm hungy and i want to live" the implication is don't you? and little folds, though he tries to convince himself he's not folding.
Unpopular opinion
needs more misery!
but hmm i think. idk if this is popular or unpopular (i don't keep track of fandom opinions which means i often end up agreeing without realizing it) but i wish the specific way he gives in to pressure was explored more? idk maybe i'm just making this up but it seems to me that in the show, he can stand up to an officer (ep 3 "lt little would never agree to it," ep 4 "a full court martial is technically required when a ship is lost," ep 5 head shake, i'll even count him giving an order to contradict crozier's in ep 10) but when it's anyone else-- especially a crowd of anyone elses-- he goes down like a rock. to me, that's a rich vein for conflict especially considering blanky's fury beach speech.
Favorite relationship
unfortunately i am lost in the joplittle sauce -_- honorable mention to the terror lieutenantcule though they always seem like they're having a good time
Favorite headcanon
[raises hand] i think nedward's a lesbian
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to-come-alive 3 years
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Baht Oyunu 1x05
OMG!!! She loves him too!!! I know we could see this in the previous ep, but in this one I think it was more clear that she's obviously feeling smth for Bora. She had to come up with her cat's death memory to control herself in front of him! I mean, our girl is REALLY caught up!
Poor Bora beycim! You guys don't imagine how sad I got at the end of the ep. He was so ready to confess his feelings. I even thought they were gonna kiss (although that was really not the right moment). So are we gonna have a LOT of pining next ep? ... maybe. So anxious for it!!
It was so great that Bora believed in Ada! I thought they would just make the ep end with Bora still thinking the baht oyunu text was Tu臒莽e's and Ada was lying. But then they really surprised me when he remembered her text from that bathroom scene in the 1st ep. I loved it! Bora is always surprising me positively. And now I just want Ada to convince him that it's him that she wants and not that trash bag. Will she tell the truth? I hope so, although I think it's too soon for this big plot point to be dissolved. I also think Bora knows cause he sees what happens around him, and he isn't jealous of Trash for no reason.
Gotta say that the fact that Bora didn't say the words 'I'm sorry' bothered me. But I stan a couple so I'm forgiving this, what can I do.
I think I hate Tu臒莽e now. Did she forget that Ada was helping her before? I was kinda indifferent abt her before, but now I really don't like her. Thank God they didn't make the ep end with Ada being wronged while Tu臒莽e wins one. And I wanna see what Bora is gonna do. Cause now he knows Tu臒莽e has smth to do with the change of names on the articles.
I don't understand why Belma insists so much on Tu臒莽e. I know she thinks Tu臒莽e is her only hope to marry Bora, but the girl don't even know his niece's name! This is unacceptable. And Belma does everything for Elif so how she will trust her son to that girl?! Ugh... I just don't understand.
So are they all gonna live together at the same house until when? Is everybody really going to do everything that Elif wants? Elif is sweet and all, I love her, she's the best, but she's a kid and people must give some limits to her.
You know what? I'm not gonna talk about Trash. He did nothing that I wasn't already expecting from him. So no different opinion here.
So aunt Yasemin and Evren are going to become a couple? Did not see that coming. I think you guys know why. It's Evren. If we forget the fact that he's... how can I say... different, he's not good. At least I don't like him. Idk, he's annoying for me. While I like aunt Yasemin, she's really funny. So idk if I'm gonna like this couple. Let's see.
All that talk about marriage on the dinner table it made me want to see Bora and Ada marry like right now. I was rewatching that 1st teaser where they're on their wedding and I'm just melting. I gotta see them together HEMEN!!!
I guess what I want to see for next ep is how Ada is going to handle things. Cuz although she said she would stop goign after him and focus on herself, I'm afraid she might still be a little divided between Bora and Trash and I don't want to see that anymore. Whether she wants or not to be with Bora it doesn't matter. She just needs to stay away from Trash!!
That's it. I took too long to write this. I don't know how I'm gonna handle 2 weeks without this dizi 馃槵馃槩
Bye for now!
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