#idk about other people who talk too much about comics on this app but don't yall just want someone to talk to u about ur ideas?
breadandblankets · 10 months
if I had to add to the entire mountain of criticism against fandom (and this is going to be DC specific cause that's what I'm seeing) but the only time you can get consistent interactions is when you're bitching about the source material/other fans and that's honestly really disheartening
fandom is a net positive, collaboration experience and to water it all down to complaining or passive consumption is such a downgrade from what it Could Be
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Idk if you've talked about this before because I haven't found it yet while scrolling through this blog.
Does jensen now completely own the characters of spn? Mainly dean sam and cas I mean? I know it was said he isn't going to change anything about the entire 15 years of the show. But if he's thinking of making other shows besides TW, something like a sequel continuing from the finale or focusing on characters beyond the winchester family , involving all the characters from spn (other than the ones on TW) he can take the them any which way he wants, as long as it doesn't contradict the original's canon?
First, he didn't say "not going to change anything". That's a rephrasing. He said the original canon will remain in tact. The very sentiment of the spinoff is recontextualizing the main piece. The content remains the same, but the additional content and context gives it entirely different meanings.
Second, kinda yes kind of no. First of all, erase from your head the idea that corporate gives a fuck about any kind of continuity or plot holiness. They barely fucking know, ESPECIALLY now that it's new ownership and hierarchy.
Jensen does not *own* these characters (the old ones; the new ones ARE his). WB and Kripke own the characters, he just has permission and license to use them. But much to the chagrin of antis, with all this corporate takeover, there's nobody even CONNECTED to WB older than Jensen at this to HAVE a goddamn opinion.
Furthermore, he already secured that licensing. Zaslav cut the red tape on creatives, and removed the 3 tier reporting structure. Creatives that have their budget and shit already don't have to Ask Permission. They do what they do. He'll call if their numbers fuck up.
So while there's a (C) on the characters, nobody really gives a fuck about what he does with those (C) characters. He can do whatever he wants with them, within a cleared property.
The idea that Nexstar is going conservative is a manufactured lie from undereducated idiots. It's, as I've been saying, a white lib syndicate at large, and internally they've installed political-left presidents, heads of TV and more (such as, the current CW president using his Linkedin to signal boost ways to end the class gap.) Most of them worked in primarily black entertainment centers that lean blue too. Dennis used to work for Ted, for example. Now Dennis runs what used to be Ted's airwaves before WB picked it for parts to begin with.
The Conservative Panic people induced--some in ignorance, some in conscious manipulation for fearmongering propaganda--really is comical since this fandom REEKS of bland white liberalism and all its fakeness. So really they're just screaming that their own politics are toxic. People don't just suddenly stop voting blue after 35. 18-49 is not the jump they're pretending. It's just telling you that grown adults here need to stop acting like teenagers, as many do around here. Because we're going into the grownup verse now. But I digress.
Jensen is clear to use these characters for a few years. And seeing as The Winchesters is making hand over fist on their digitals, running about 3x the value of other "top shows" like Walker within the app, and the advertising packages very easily compared, there's little chance anyone--WB, Nexstar, anyone--is really gonna give him a hard time.
If TW is cancelled, it will only be to re-order a new replacement who's budget is already set from jump to comply with the new payroll, depending on how their licensing arrangements work out. They mentioned based on how many watch. So like, AA may be old and above the 3 year bloat point, that's flip flop potential but there IS internal talk of whether they keep one or both AA.
TW doesn't have that issue though, and is in like ZERO risk of threat, because it would take a slackjawed idiot to EVER even TRY to imagine that they're going to ax the product running the same or better lives than everything and triple-over their top in-app performers. *especially* now that the digital and live classic ads are sold in bundle marketing, because that triple digital value basically means average them together and they're about 2x value for their ad slots above, say, Walker. Just. Infinite amounts more value. Nexstar could just decide to scale their budget up anyway.
If Nexstar proves to be TOO inflexible, which is really unlikely, then yeah. Just boot into a next series already form fitted to lower budget, like a central roadhouse setting so half of it can almost film like a sitcom. So like The Winchesters-->The Roadhouse or whatever. But that would just really be means of budget fiddling without losing integrity of a show.
There's nothing to stop Jensen from signing it again. Roth was Jensen's mentor and was called in to personally advise Zaslav in which properties to ax, keep, or focus on and promote. Minding that Roth also told him to make CM to begin with and pitched him several spinoff ideas, I'm going to let you guess what that translates to.
It's Jensen's all the way down, regardless of the little (C) icon. He can't necessarily "take team free will and run" (he could take carlos and latika and run, possibly, depending on the fine print). But also there's really absolutely 0 people in the universe that can give him shit.
It's *why* he built his property the way he did. It's *why* he hired Renee Reiff to run operations, knowing full well the power she has in the LGBTQ community and ability to strike fear in Zaslav that DC itself could turn on him. And why would they need to? Roth had it. Just let Jensen do what he do, he's got this, here's your next harry potter franchise. Everything Jensen has done has been methodical, to ensure The Winchesters had maximum financial support (4 sources if you count CM's financiers as one unit behind CM), maximum social support (renee reiff, Out Hollywood), and so on. It's only the dying breaths of antis hoping there's a fellow homophobe to block them, and they think if they dream real real hard, one's gonna pop up out of the aether, teleport back through time to the last episodes filming, and interrupt it.
And it's not gonna happen. It's like Fletch. Stop trying to make it happen, it's not gonna happen.
I know that goes a little beyond your ask, but the surrounding context really helps put in what it all *MEANS* beyond "nope."
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eddieydewr · 11 months
You know stantwt has rocks for brains when they see someone say "he had a conversation with us 2 times about us being the only fans there and asking us to take pics and signing and stuff" about noah and understood it as "he had to beg 2 fans who came to his event for pictures" (@hooyosnotproud and @pynchyaoi r being idiotic and wording exactly that! Bunch of close-minded black and white thinkers). Like how the hell would you interpret 2 TIMES AS 2 PERSON?? Even little kids who aren't fluent in english wouldn't interpret it like that 😭 Like I genuinely don't know if people on that app has their brains overly rotten from talking about stranger things way too much that they're now incapable of having the most basic understanding and comprehension of the things they read or they're just being stupid on purpose and twist someone's words so they could go with that narrative of how much of a loser noah is. One of the people who was actually there said there were like 50 people at the event and it wasn't even a meet and greet. Like they could go hate on him idc, but the way they're spending way too much time and energy making false narratives about celebs they hate INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING TO HELP OUT is pissing me tf off. Like go share masterlinks, share donation drives, watch youtube videos wherein the revenues from the ad go to the Palestinian organizations, encourage others to boycott brands that finance the Israeli government. But no they decide to make fun of someone instead and think that that's enough activism. I see videos of Palestinians especially kids being killed, injured, and traumatized and my first thought wasn't to mock a fucking celebrity but to look for ways on how to help out and idk curse, insult and say all the bad things known to existence about the IDF and the prime minister who ACTUALLY DO THE KILLINGS themselves. I haven't seen anyone who tell the IDF and the prime minister to fuck themselves off and to kill themselves like what they do to celebrities btw. Seems like these people's priority is to hate on celebrities rather than to help which is sad because Palestine is suffering right now and what they're doing isn't productive.
lmao i think i saw the tweets you’re talking about. acting like it was a comic con when it was something to do with startups and entrepreneurship? not exactly a meet and greet with an actor when he was there for the TBH brand. and you’re right; none of it helps palestine. not even when they tag noah in tweets containing gory pictures and videos of palestinian victims. completely counterproductive and noah never alluded to wanting palestinians to die, and being gleeful about it. whatever they seem to think of noah, he is not that kinda person. they’re just determined to hate on him and assume the worst 🤷🏻‍♀️
i notice millie is getting a lot of accusatory comments about not caring about what’s happening, and being an UNICEF spokesperson, she ought to do better 🙈 girly isn’t even on social media. whereas there’s barely anything for finn and stan twitter LOVES to complain about him every 5 business days because he’s friends with “problematic” people. none of it makes sense.
i know i keep saying it but online activism just pisses me off.
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experiment-000 · 4 years
My Top 10 Ships of 2020
It's been a weird year but I've seen other people doing this. Plus this year I've been way more into gen fics (love a bit of found family especially in clone wars and marvel) than anything shippy. So I genuinely don't know what imma put on here aside from two ships for sure. Sorry this post is super long idk how to do the below the cut thing and I've had this app for 5 years...
10) Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki - Yuri!!! On Ice
It was a real toss up between this, supercorp, kanera and wolfstar cos they're all very integral ships to my fan heart but this son because of the Yuri on Ice fandom's rebirth this year. I've never stopped shipping this, never stopped reading fanfic of them for any extended period of time, they're still my most bookmarked ship on ao3 (although I think now star wars - all media types may have overtaken them for fandom). They were one of the first things I watched where the queer ship I loved became canon and I can't wait for the film (and hopefully someday a season 2). Heck I even made my mum watch Yuri on Ice with me so I think that says it all.
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9) Edelgard Von Hresvelg and female Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
My first fire emblem game was fates when I was like 14 (and finally gay awake lol). I was so disappointed that I had to be with a guy character because the only female option was kinda creepy and also I wouldn't get the character of kana. So when three houses came out I was so happy because finally there were beautiful incredible female characters my female byleth could romance (I'm so sorry mlm you deserved so much more than you got). I got the game as soon as it came out (had to search a lot of shops let me tell you) and started on black eagles. I was actually kinda disappointed back in 2019. I didn't like the explore the monastery bit (still find it kinda tedious) and the battle mechanics weren't quite the same as fates (no pairing up?! Aka my main battle technique for protecting the weaker units). So I got like 20 hours in and put it down. Came back to it in lockdown and finally finished it! I'm so proud of myself I virtually never finish games. And I fully fell in love with the useless lesbian edelgard in the process. When I started back playing in 2020 I was like eh I wish I'd picked a different character to romance (like shes an emperor that's morally very shady) but then the romance stuff started with edelgard and I fell the heck in love.
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8) Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter (and Topanga Lawrence) - Boy Meets World
Disney+ was released in the UK this year and I finally got the opportunity to watch boy meets world in its best quality (aka not on YouTube). I watched it back when I was like 12 or 13 and it's such a nostalgic show for me. Watching it again I still absolutely adore it (and my bi ass was low-key crushing on Shawn especially in chick like me - I'm 18 btw and I got so scared for a sec but rider strong was 18 when chick like me came out so it's fine woah). And of course now I see the possibilities of the beautiful Cory and Shawn relationship like they were so bromance it was basically romance and throw in topanga it's the perfect ot3 (but I'm also fine with just Cory and Shawn or just Cory and Topanga). Read some good fanfic for them this year. My favourite was one about Shawn stealing makeup and stuff and exploring gender (need more fics like this I'm biiii).
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7) Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes - Marvel Cinematic Universe
I rewatched all the MCU films this year too. And got really into Peter parker whump and irondad. Plus my eternal obsession with identity and relationship reveals of course led me from Spiderman identity reveals (and found family cuteness) to stucky coming out. Especially when it involves the internet and social media. Not my favourite ship but it's been significant to my year due to the sheer amount of marvel stuff I've read.
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6) Satine Kryze and Obi Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
I rewatched clone wars in prep for season 7 and wow Satine's death was sad and sudden. She first appeared in S2 E13 I think and just the sheer sexual tension of their bickering. "The sarcasm of a soldier. The delusion of a dreamer." Just ugnnhhh my bi ass can't take much more of this. And Anakin just sipping his wine in the background grinning. And I fully believe korkie is a Kenobi.
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5) Commander Cody and Obi Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
I am very much an Obi wan multishipper. I don't really have a favourite but I fully believe he was with satine and Quinlan in his life. I don't think be would've actually done anything with Cody because of the whole superior officer thing. And this probably isn't even my favourite Obi wan ship - that honour probably goes to quinobi or obitine. However the most popular ships in the fandom are codywan, quiobi and obikin. No offence to anyone who ships these they're just personally not to my taste, but I can't stand quiobi, and obikin I find only slightly more tolerable and I think that's just because there's so much obikin content so if I like the concept of a fic that happens to be obikin I'll read it. I'm just not a fan of the mentor/student relationships. So I generally favoured the codywan fics when there was shipping involved meaning I read a lot of them this year. Needed that nice fix it content post season 7.
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4) Zuko and Katara - Avatar: the Last Airbender
Again I am a multishipper I have nothing against zukka it's cute. But I'm a zutara shipper first and foremost because when I first watched avatar I was like 13 and denying my gayness and gayness in general so I shipped the straight things and the straight things only. Most of these ships I stopped shipping - dramione, spuffy, some my little pony ones which we don't talk about. Zutara stayed. (I have nothing against any of the things I used to ship I just stopped shipping them so much/shipped new things more). I've continuously shipped zutara since I first watched avatar even if I didn't necessarily spend that much time on it it has always been here as one of my favourite ships. It has such good fanfic I swear including my favourite ever fanfic from any fandom - love thy enemy. Plus like the black games (reread this for the millionth time this year), a delicate subterfuge (which I read for the first time this year and damn it's so good) and so many more. With the avatar resurgence this year I haven't actually rewatched avatar aside from my normal random episode every now and then when I feel like it. But there's been a lot of avatar on my dash from people I follow getting into it and people I followed for avatar returning so naturally I returned to the fandom and read quite a lot of fanfic. I also read just a lot of avatar gen fics which were great at the whole found family thing I've been so obsessed with this year.
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3) Catra and Adora - She Ra and the Princesses of Power
Catradora is canon! They kissed! What more is there to say. Arguably they should've been top but I never shipped them that much since I was always very much a multishipper when it came to she ra so yes I was very happy it became canon because we actually won for once but also I've never read much fanfic for them etc. But they are very much a dynamic I love and watching she ra all again in prep for season 5 I really enjoyed the build up of their relationship. The other two only go above because Buffy is my favourite show ever and damn there's some good fuffy fanfic and Aphra and Tolvan is both fresh in my mind and star wars owns me. Would love some catradora fic recs btw if anyone has them tho.
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2) Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I didn't realise it was last year that I got super into them but according to my ao3 bookmarks it was lol. 2020 I swear it's lasted an eternity. I got into them about a month before lockdown (which feels like another lifetime). I've loved Buffy since I first watched it when I was 13. It's arguably still my favourite TV show. I've been through a lot of ships for Buffy - bangel to spuffy and now fuffy. I still think angel and her were a beautiful ship back in season 2 and especially in the angel episode I will remember you. But faith and Buffy had so much chemistry in season 3 - she would've been a fresh start for Buffy and the amount of fix it fics I read I swear. My favourite has to be one where they met in LA during Anne and how that changed everything feat Buffy's internal homophobia.
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1) Cheili Lona Aphra and Magna Tolvan - Star Wars
I read Darth Vader (2015) and Doctor Aphra (2016) for the first time at the end of 2020 (got a comic subscription which has served me very well already I've nearly finished the star wars canon comics). Just to see canon queer ladies in star wars was so magical for me as a queer lady. I didn't think star wars would be so overt yet as to have a queer kiss in canon (even if it's in the comics) and especially not with the main character of arguably their main comic series. Now we just gotta hope that we'll get it in live action someday soon. They weren't the ship I consumed the most content of in 2020 but they were the highlight of my 2020 because star wars did that and I finally found out about it
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Honourable mentions: Vivian and Elle - Legally Blonde, Candace and Vanessa - Phineas and Ferb, Stevie and Alex - Wizards of Waverly Place, Xander and Spike - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I actually don't ship this but damn some authors are good - this was the ship that made me realise I don't need to like a ship if the author is good enough to write it well), Eli Vanto and Mitth'raw'nuruodo - Star Wars (started reading the books last year but finished this year and only started with fanfic this year), Villanelle and Eve - Killing Eve, Kanan and Hera - Star Wars, Barriss and Ahsoka - Star Wars, Remus and Sirius - Harry Potter, Kara and Lena - Supergirl (let's hope this becomes canon next year!) (Those last four are ones I've shipped forever some of my og ships but nothing particularly big has happened for me this year with them so)
I got Disney+ this year so rewatched a fair few things from my youth and though hey my obsession with that character may have been a little gay.
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realasunicorns · 6 years
"Give me a character and I will answer:"
@callmehername asked me about Ron Weasley.
(My answers to other characters are here)
Why I like them
I have to say that, even though Ron isn't the kind of character I enjoy the most, he does have a few qualities that make him stand out to me.
Damn, he's loyal. Damn he's generous. Damn he's courageous. And to what extent! He's got whole lots of all that. And that seems to me something that he clearly got from where and by who he was raised. I said I don't particulary love Ron, but I do love the Weasleys as a whole. And that kinda makes me love Ron too.
I love the Weasleys as what I believe they are meant to be in the story. A selfless pillar for someone (Harry) in much need for exactly that. Or in other words, what a family is (or what it is supposed to mean, but not always is anyway). And in Ron's particular case, he's a brother. Not in blood, but in bond.
He may not be the wealthiest, but he does have a whole lot to offer. A laugh, a hand, a home... He will go out of his way for his loved ones, give or do whatever they need from him. Set his own needs aside if he must. Lay his own life if he must.
For someone to be so aware of others, so selfless, loyal and courageous at such a young age is definitely inspiring.
Oh, and he can be ridiculously comic tbh 🤣
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Why I don’t
How his insecurities get in his way. So he frequently feels attacked or left aside and reacts badly, says things to hurt people, to the people closest to him, because he's hurt.
A bit of sexism and a few other -isms here and there, etc., etc.. I think all of my issues with him come from there, so his mean comments/sense of humour/whatever you wanna call it are mostly a nope for me, but that's about it, I think.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Probably him being scared by spiders.
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(feel him so much)
Or him just being scared. He looks funny as hell 😂 When he's in DADA class and adds the "spider Boggart" some skates! I wish I could do that to real ones...
Favorite season/movie
Half-blood Prince or Deathly Hallows part 1 actually. I just really like the whole 'finally getting things out and making peace with them so we can keep on', very therapeutic xD (No, seriously, I enjoyed Ron & Harry very much. Underrated movie btw! A talk for another day tho, we're here for Ron)
Favorite line
"She needs to sort out her priorities."
Look, best thing ever. Loved it since I first watched the movie and I always quote it with my brother. It kind of became like an inside joke for us to say it at the most unexpected times. But it's not in the books so:
"So you're going to suffer... but you're going to be happy about it!" but I'm not 100% sure it's in the books either lol so:
"Excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul?" I laugh uncontrolably every time 😂😂😂😂
(Yes, I was using my bad memory to get more lines in... #cheatiiiiiiing)
Favorite outfit
I think it's pretty obvious it has to be this one.
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Not a big shipper, but here you won't find that thing Rowling said she should be with HarryHELL TO THE NO SHE SHOULDN'T, THEY ARE BROTP AND HARRY IS PERFECTLY FINE WITH GINNYand Ron with her, period.
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Head Canon
OMG I don't have any?! I didn't spend enough time thinking about stuff from this character to get prominent headcanons, I guess...
Unpopular opinion
He's an angel sent from Heaven to Harry, yes, but... if it wasn't for that I wouldn't like him much. I think that relationship and what it put them through definitely showed the best of him. But it's the little things about people, you know? The ones they do in daily life. Those are mostly the things that makes us like or dislike their company, not their overall persona. He's not an awfully bad person or anything, but like I said above, he's full of details I just don't like... Most of the time I don't think he's a desirable person to be around tbh. He's certainly not a good influence when it comes to studies, but that's the least... His humour is SO disrespectful in so many ways... He's not usually what one would call nice... Not for me anyway. After all this is just a very personal opinion.
A wish
That Rowling didn't make him a sexist, etc., so I could fully enjoy the rest of his character? lol
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Coming from Rowling, who knows... [Insert here whatever], God no, please don't do that.
(You certainly know I don't idolize her at this point.)
5 words to best describe them
Sarcastic. Loyal. Generous. Insecure. Courageous.
My nickname for them
Just Ron idk ffs I suck at this nickname thing no matter the character! 🙈🙈🙈
And this is all!
Unicorn Kisses! 🦄
*I did the best I could with sourcing, but hell it was difficult for this one idk I almost didn't. I'll give it the proper format once I'm not in the shitty tumblr app...
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