#idk how many of us are in that venn diagram; but you know I had to merge my interests
racingliners · 1 year
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@f1blrcreatorsfest week 2: space
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deandoesthingstome · 8 months
Thanks to you, I've read a few Dom!Walter Marshall fics now, and it got me thinking.
There's a joke among my friends irl (and many others online) that the venn diagram for d&d/table top players and kinksters is actually nearly a perfect circle (and if you add SCA and rennaissance faires, it becomes a stack of pancakes). We've said this for at least 20 years, and it's caught on online (or maybe it was one of those things that was pulled from the collective unconscious. Idk).
Back in my kink club days, one of the dungeon masters there was also a D&D dungeon master, and almost every person I ever played D&D or Vampire: Dark Ages or any other dice-based RPG was also into kink/ bdsm to some extent.
Anyway, my point/question was this:
Henry Cavill is a d&d/rpg enthusiast, is he not? 🤔 🤭🤭🤭
All those Januhairy pictures got me thinking. And full disclosure...I haven't been attracted to Henry since I watched The Tudors back in the day, and even then, I was way more into John Rhys Meyers. But there is something about Henry with the longer hair and beard... makes me want to drop to my knees and say, "yes, Sir."
I'm late to the damn party, as usual.
Whoa. There is a lot to unpack here. Please bear with me! Also, I got wordy so here's a cut.
First, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to let me know the influence I've had on your reading repertoire. That is amazing!
Second, you can't just drop "I've read dom!Walter thanks to you" and not tell me what you've hit on! First thing that comes to mind for me, like immediately, is Under Orders. Please tell me you've given that a gander?
Third, I will be perfectly honest that many of the words or letters in the rest of your ask are foreign to me in their use. (That's a little bit of a joke. Welcome to me!) While I do know about d&d and rpg and renn faires, I don't play. And I have no idea what SCA is. Though also honestly, I'm not sure how pertinent to the ask that is, since...
Fourth, yes, I DO believe HC is at least an rpg enthusiast (if, again no idea, Warhammer is that kinda thing?). So I feel like you're hinting at a facet of his lifestyle I don't know anything about, nor do I want to. No judgement, just fact: I have no doubt the HC we see is a little bit of a character as much as any of his on screen personas, and while I don't doubt he's a gigantic nerd, I don't really want to dive deeper into thoughts about who he really is. All this is my way of trying to say that while I don't have anything against RPF (I wrote some for god's sake) or those who want to know more about HC personally, I just feel like I'm never gonna know who he really is so I'll stick to my character fantasies. Okay. That was a lot. Sorry.
Onto fifth position. Well, that's me on my knees in front of, at a bare minimum (and yes, probably bare) Walter Marshall (full head of hair, full beard), August Walker (adequate head of hair, full mustache, adequate facial hair), Captain Syverson (shaved head unf!, full beard), or Geralt of Rivia (full head of hair, no facial hair I think). Or any of several combinations of these 4 guys I currently travel between.
All that to say: I'm may not agree with you about the correlation between body/head/facial hair and how willing I am to get on knees and take orders. But boy, was this fun to think about.
And hey: If anyone reading has any dom!Walter you want to throw my way, I'll gladly take it.
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jakowskis · 6 months
Day 2 - Who’s your favorite Torchwood member? (And if it’s not one of them, who’s your favorite character?) Why are they your favorite? Do you have any secondary favorites (maybe a one-off or minor character that really stuck with you)?
owen, infinitely. i could write essays on why i love owen - hell, i have written essays. and at this point, you know when a character means so much to you there’s not even words for it anymore, they’re just kind of a fundamental part of you? Yeah. but nonetheless, i guess to majorly sum it up, he’s just one of the most utterly broken and fascinating characters i’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across. there's just a visceral sadness and anger to him that immediately reeled me in and i don’t think i’ll ever get over it, like he actually haunts me. and he made his way into my top 3 characters of all time in just a few months, which is pretty damn impressive. something just kinda clicked there. (and i highlight how fucked up he is, but then he's also complex enough that he's got a silly/dorky side too, which im super endeared by as well. i love his complexity. perf character for me, hes got like 30 things going on and im intrigued and compelled by all of them. i love him endlessly.)
also, okay, i’ve observed my favorite characters tend to unintentionally fit certain criteria, like when i look back at all my favs i can sort them into three categories. namely, it's 1) characters that make me lose my mind bc theyre so interesting (and/or endearing), 2) characters i relate to, and 3) characters i’d smash. fhdjkf. i tend to visualize it as a venn diagram, and most characters sit in one or two of the circles - owen is, i believe, the absolute only fav i’ve ever had who’s firmly in the middle. which probably has something to do with why he’s top 3. dhfdsjk
as for secondary favs… well, i absolutely adore the rest of the team, especially ianto and the girls (including suzie!!!!!!!! my girl suzie). i’m not sure why, gwen’s become a particular favorite. she gives me like cuteness aggression HFKSDF i wanna squish her (lovingly). she’s so fucked up n interesting, but also a lil gremlin to me. i love her playful side she’s such a love.
one-off characters… actually, quite a few have stood out to me and made an emotional impact. torchwood has had some wonderfully talented guest actors who really managed to get me attached to their characters, despite having so little screentime. carys, eugene, and beth all come to mind. i think about beth a lot. and maggie, ohhhh maggie. ill talk about aditd a bit tomorrow, ff.
also the episodes with mothers, oh g-d. eugene’s mom, and jonah’s, and jasmine’s. all really heart-wrenching, and damn good actresses. i always get emotional with plotlines about parents + their kids, fff. parental pain + fear just hits diff idk. i used to watch a ton of criminal minds and that was about the only place my empathy jumped out fhsdkfjd.
i also love the various romantic interests - john, diane, mary, lisa, mark (cough), katie, tommy. rhys!! i love you rhys. torchwood is such a character-focused fixation for me like g-d i just adore every character sm. so many good ones. AND HOW COULD I FORGET MY FAV GUY OF ALL - ANDY!!!!!!!! ily pc andy <3 <3 <3
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edwinspaynes · 10 months
"send me ask about thomastair or matthew"
12 days of Christmas, Qs about our beloveds!
what are all three of them watching during the holiday season?
What would a skincare / make up routine (if he wears it) be for our Matthew on an average morning?
if each of them were on social media, what would be their go-to social media app and why?
who would you consider the most street smart, book smart and the most emotionally smart and why?
what would be each of their fav holiday traditions this time of year?
One can allege that both characters are super alike but extremely different in a lot of ways. so how do you think Matthew and Magnus in personality overlap and where do they differ?
what are some questions you HATE receiving in your ask about these three characters and why?
Between Thomas and Alastair, who is assigned what choir and why in the maintanance of their flat at Cornwall Gardens?
Who is more prone to bouts of sadness between thomas and alastair and what does the other do to help them feel better or take them out of their funk?
What are some of their favourite dishes they make for each other? They give me the vibe of being massive loving home bodies so i'm curious to know your take on what they make for food and what are their go to dishes!
What are in each of their stockings and who gave what to contribute to stuffing their stalkings (for all three of them! Matthew and Thomastair)
Last day of christmas question :) - What are YOUR predictions/wishes of who/what the scene each of them will be, in the better in black novella? :))
Ily! I hope you liked this! it took me over half an hour to think up q for what i was trying to do hahaha
Nice I'm so glad that I saved this for when I was high.
I think that they're watching various shows and Christmas movies. But I also think that they're watching their usual things.
This is actually so interesting : https://www.beautifulwithbrains.com/beauty-history-cosmetics-in-the-edwardian-era/. So he had Concoctions and creams with Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Lanolin, Petrolatum, Witch Hazel and Glycerin.
Matthew is a Tumblrina and you can pry that from my cold dead hands. But also probably TikTok and Instagram, because he can't stay away from the travel videos for long. He has a whole IG page to his travels (@/wilde-wanderer, of course). And he has tons of followers who love the aesthetic landscapes and dog pictures. Thomas is a Duolingo boy - languages? Owls? Definitely, and that's most of what he does on his phone. But he does have a Twitter account to share his scores to, and he competes with Alastair to try to get ahead of the other one in their target languages. Thomas also uses his Twitter to follow accounts in Spain and language learning accounts. Alastair hits it big on YouTube because Thomas encourages him to showcase his piano. So he has many followers. It's really amazing for him, and he posts new things frequently. Kind of like VSQ, but solo piano.
Street smart is Matthew because he has all walks of life experience. Like this dude woke up wrapped in the Union Jack one night when he was drunk (Waterstones edition bonus letter). He could get by in back alley deals and make his way thrugh the world. Book smart is Alastair because he grows up lonely and reads a lot, and also he has a natural curiousity for life and the world around him. Thomas is emotionally smart, he sees minute details in people and can tell what they need so they can feel better.
Thomas likes to make cinnamon bread. Alastair likes to sing and play carols. Matthew likes to decorate and make beautiful.
MATTHEW AND MAGNUS okay. I will make a venn diagram:
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Idk dude
ALASTAIR CHORES: cleaning the counters, cleaning the floors (he is a very cleanly man and just does these things), cooking dinner for both THOMAS CHORES: laundry, organizing (can reach tall cabinets), cooking breakfast for both. both characters do dishes
I think both are equally prone to bouts of sadness. I think Thomas will be more prone then Alastair to bouts sadness for a while, first, because of terrible grief over his family members. Alastair will still be in that "thank God I can breathe" phase but not in te "oh god how can I breathe i have to learn" phase, which will come in time and be the worst bit. But I think that Alastair has a shitmine of trauma to process and it will be incredibly emotional journey for probably the rest of his life, so he will be the most prone in the long run. Both of them are of course there for each other, I think that they hold each other and they talk about what the grief is and they comfort each other and they feel acceptance and support for one of the first times ever. I love them.
Thomas and Alastair, right? Yeah lol I wrote in my fic they spent a long time together alone and then they had their friends over and they wanted to get rid of everyone and be alone together again. I think they're, like, each other's favourite person. I think they are like being in a partnership. in all things. Like , if Alastair does something wrong, Thomas still has his back. And if Thomas does something recless, Alastair is not mad with him but he is worried for his safety. Anyway, I'm higher than I want to be. This is not the question. I think that thomas makes Alastair a lot of Persian food when he wants to, but he is kind of not a naturally amazing cook so he has to be taught by Alastair. Alastair shows him though and it is fun and romantic and bonding experience. I think Alastair makes for Thomas handmade trifle. It is his favorite dessert. Also salads without a hint of celery.
I will draw an image
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I jsut want them to be IN the short stories! It's important to me. My mutual posted a post about how Cassie said something promising. Also when I asked SoS team they sent me a ;).
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freckliedan · 11 months
Speaking of your first Dan vid, do you have any takes about Charlie? (Mine are 1. In retrospect she dressed like a wlw, idk but I love her. 2. I used to find her pretentious but now that she’s out as a woman I support her teenage pretentiousness. 3. There are new layers to the relationship between her and Dan, I feel like closeted ppl always have extra walls up around other closeted ppl, which is too bad bc they might have been friends in early YouTube)
i don't have like.. takes?? takes feels so detached and i'm anything but. i just remember that charlie is trans and i'm like YAY YIPPEE AND SUCH I LOVE HER ... ‼️
she was such a foundational part of my early youtube experience, one of the very few people i'd point to as a potentially bigger/more well known youtuber than dnp (at least at a certain point in time? maybe???? baby me thought that) so like. the fact that thee biggest names in youtube to me all turned out queer is amazing.
i literally texted like so many people the news when she came out. like people i fully had not talked to about youtube in years.
also. i am infinitely delighted by the fact that my husband (also trans) was absolutely having a gender about charlie circa 2012/2013. (kind of a venn diagram with matt smith at the time). i love how us trans folks end up latching on to other trans folks ages and ages before any of us even know what that spark of recognition is.
charlie didn't seem pretentious to me but that is very likely because i Also absolutely come across as pretentious (it can be argued that i am a hipster).
oh another thought: duet with myself as a trans song is SO much
& oof yeah! i feel like dnp & charlie had a lot of mutual respect, & if that could've been a friendship that was closer that would've been lovely.
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girlboss-enthusiast · 3 years
So. I do not consider myself a radfem, TERF, or even gender critical. However, I have found myself reading more and more posts from radfem accounts and I'm kinda scared to say that they're starting to make more and more sense. I still support trans people, and most of the ones i've met are genuinely nice people that I wish all the best. However. I just dont buy into everything thats being said about including trans women who have not fully transitioned (aka no top/bottom surgery, hormones, etc) into women's bathrooms. I also feel ( no matter how hard I try to deny it) uncomfortable at the thought of letting trans women into lesbian bars, because its unfair of women to show forced attraction to literally the thing they came out as not being attracted to? Does that even make sense? Im confused, and worried, because most of my friends are very liberal an dsome are even trans/non binary/genderfluid, etc. and as much as I love all of them, Im starting to see things that they say or do that just dint make sense and seem suprisingly like something the media has brainwashed them into believeing and parroting. Idk what Im looking for- clarification? Reassurance? A horrible response so I can go back to hating/being against "TERFS"? Sorry for the long ask.
Hi anon! You totally make sense. I think a lot of us now-radfems had very similar experiences. I know I did. I'm no feminist scholar, but I do like to babble talk, so I'm going to give you my perspective on your points, then some resources that might help you sort things out. Though I am not going to touch on philosophical topics like postmodernism because frankly, I'm still trying to understand the details myself. First off, I know trans people whom I like very much. I used to ID as nonbinary and I still have friends from that time period who are pro-gender ideology. I don't think that individual trans people are evil, want to cause harm, or are intrinsically bad people. Personally, I approach the groups of trans people and Trans Rights Activists differently; the former are regular people who are doing their best to survive, like most of us. The latter are the ones pushing gender ideology into the public view and causing harm. There is considerable overlap, but this Venn diagram is not a perfect circle, so I'm being super-specific for clarity's sake. That said, some radfems genuinely do hate all trans people. I disagree with this, as you can see*. I take what I semi-jokingly call the JKR stance on trans people: many of them are good people. All of them deserve absolutely every human right that anyone else does, including respect, protection from violence, and medical care.
But there's a phrase that goes something like "Your rights end where they encroach on mine." That is my problem with gender ideology and the trans rights movement. Because proponents of gender ideology and trans rights are genuinely encroaching on women's rights. They are passing legislation to change the definitions of gender to be based on feelings and not on any material facts, suppressing not just the needs but the very existence of biological women.
Your mentions of lesbian bars and women's bathrooms are perfect examples—the eradication of female-only spaces in favor of ones inclusive of trans women (males). Women are being de-centered from womanhood—not just in feminism, or even in pop culture, but in the experience of being female and having female-specific needs.
So, why is this problematic? (PS: I don't know how much radical feminist theory you've read, so apologies if you're already familiar with these concepts.)
Female socialization begins at birth (or even before) and consists mainly of the stereotypes of femininity being enforced on us. This socialization is part of what creates the divide between the oppressed and the oppressor. This is true regardless of when a person transitions; they could be ten years old and still will have lived 10 years being treated as their biological sex. This is just true, regardless of what anyone says. There are countless studies on the topic, which I can link you if you want, and of course, our own lived experiences—females are treated differently (worse) than males, and it starts before girls can even consciously realize it.
So, females want our own spaces because we have different needs, for physical and social reasons, and those are being taken away. This isn't ~TERF hysteria~ but objectively true; males want into our space and society is being convinced to let them have it. In fact, I would argue that trans-identified males (trans women) are appropriating oppression for claiming discrimination when females assert boundaries for their female-only spaces. It is fundamentally unfair to expect women to drop their boundaries to be inclusive of males.
(oh god I wrote literal paragraphs on other material consequences of gender ideology...not posting them now but can share if you're interested)
You also mention that you've noticed your friends parroting ideas that don't make sense to you. You aren't imagining that or making things up. The words "groupthink" and "thoughtcrimes" get thrown around a lot, but I really do believe there is a massive suppression of critical thinking or even asking good-faith questions about gender ideology going on—you are socially punished for questioning it, and sometimes legally punished. So, many of your friends may be supporting TRAs out of fear. Some might feel powerful because of it and be happy where they are. Some might buy into gender ideology because it's easier than thinking critically about these concepts—I was like that for a long time. Gender ideology gave me nice, pat rationalizations about my own feelings, cushioned me from acknowledging the reality of misogyny, and provided a friend group based on the queer community. But it is fundamentally not true, and I decided I care more about truth than my own emotional comfort.
(That said, it did take me years to come to this conclusion, so I empathize very much with women who also take time.)
So what I'm trying to say here is that your concerns are valid. I encourage you very much to do your own research and form your own opinions on the topic of gender. Contrary to what some TRAs say, reading or watching radfem content is not going to brainwash you. For all I know, you'll think, "wow, this is bullshit." (I suspect not, but you never know.)
Regardless, learning about radical feminism will inform you, and you can take what you've learned and decide what to do with it. Please remember that you are a smart woman who doesn't need to adhere to the gospel of any community because they say so.
(And for what it's worth, I've found radical feminist communities to be much more open to differing opinions and debate than queer communities ever were.)
Here are some resources:
Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism - Kathleen Stock (I adore this book. She has a very measured take on the topic and concentrates on the impacts of gender ideology as a whole rather than on individual cases.)
JKR's infamous essay, if you haven't read it
Detransition: Beyond Before and After - Max Robinson (A tentative rec because I only just started reading it, but it's an account of a woman who underwent transition due to dysphoria, then detransitioned as she discovered radical feminism. Short summary of a complex book, but it might be worth reading.)
Good luck, anon! Please feel free to DM me or send me another ask if you'd like. I 1000% will never out anyone who contacts me.
NB: Can any of my followers contribue video resources anon might find helpful?
*I want to acknowledge that as a 30-something bi woman in a long-term het relationship who doesn't do much social media (or even interact with many people IRL), I haven't been exposed to the bigotry, hate, and occasional physical violence that, for example, an early-20s lesbian might have. I'm sympathetic to women who've experienced this and understand their anger.
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Bop Team Comics wise for the character ask meme
I started drafting this with all runs in mind and ended up talking more abt pre52 and movie related stuff akdjs sorry anon!
Favorite thing:
A woman-led, woman-driven team will always be Iconic. No matter what form they take I’ve been happy with most versions of this team and am always excited to see what DC does with them! Cautiously Optimistic with more recent runs ofc, but I’m so glad that there’s such a wealth of material to return to!
Least favorite thing:
Erasing Babs place as the Brain of the operation mostly (or just straight up erasing her bc of the movie+recent continuity as most of those tie-ins have done ooof)
Favorite line:
Nothings super jumping out from any of the comics runs for me rn, but I do VASTLY enjoy the sheer number of expletives that were sprinkled throughout the movie aksj. It just 👌 hits different
LOVE everyone’s bonding and their dynamics and I’m SO GLAD that they all became like surrogate aunts for Charlie especially omg. Kinda would like to see more of that happening for Cass too in the future but lbrh DC wouldn’t capitalize on it in the right way :/ (Altho the Palmiotti/Conner BoP series seemed to be doing a pretty good job at balancing that idea+pre52 Cass characterization into the mix? I’ve only read up to issue 2 last tho so don’t quote me on that yet oooof)
Obvsly love Dinah/Babs and Helena/Renee. Also have a soft spot for Helena/Zinda but mostly just bc of that one issue with the Shark guy lmao. Uhhh rlly could ship these gals almost any way you slice em tho aksjks
Don’t Ship:
Again, I’m p fine with any bop ships. So nothings rlly coming to mind that I’m like >_> over
Random Headcanon:
Some Birds absolutely use Oracle to help hook them up for Girls Nights Out aksjak yeah saving the world is Important but so is UNWINDING. Sometimes ya just need to know who’s a half-hour flight away and down to paint the town red lmao
Unpopular Opinion:
Despite sending out invites to many heroes, I firmly believe that Babs only had a few in mind that she genuinely wanted on her team and who she regularly keeps in contact with as members. iirc it was implied as much in the first run, but like... it adds a layer of deviousness to her character that I absolutely love. And throws a potential wrench in team dynamics if/when that ruse is discovered. (like when Helena learned abt it) Yes Babs is slightly more emotionally attune than Bruce is, but the similarities that she shares in how WILLING she is to manipulate others to her own ends is just SO compelling to me. Basically she’s a bitch and I love her but not in the ways that some fans might try to paint her as a Bitch™️
Song I Associate with them:
“Portugal” by Walk the Moon! Idk there’s a lot of lyrics beats that feel applicable to them but esp that opening I think best parallels Babs & Dinah’s early relationship “our Venn diagram is one circle” just... Hits.
Fav pic of them:
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It doesn’t make ANY sense as far as How Moniters Work (unless they’re Holograms I guess?) but I love this way this is composed and the fact that it’s all the major players For The Time aksja I just love it!
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lightandwinged · 4 years
Anduin Wrynn rode as if a thousand screaming servants of the Void followed close at his back…
...okay, ngl, when I first read this line, I thought it said that he “rose” as if pursued by a thousand screaming Void bitches, like got up in the morning as if pursued etc., and my first instinct was to say, “Anduin, sweetie, that’s just 2020 happening.”
Anduin is riding away from some unnamed darkness on his horse named Reverence, which seems ill-advised. Having a named horse and being an Alliance leader, I mean; that’s ended badly before. Mathias “surprise I’m queer!” Shaw is following him, like “Anduin, it’s Westfall, slow tf down” but Anduin’s like
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He muses on the huge ass column of debris in the middle of Westfall, and my Kindle highlights the line, “Nothing was permanent. Any city could crumble, but foes could also become allies, even friends. There was no more wisdom in cynicism than in optimism.” Because we are a philosophical young king today.
Mathias “representation” Shaw catches up, and they have some banter about how he totally would’ve whupped Anduin’s ass if they were actually racing, which is true. Anduin reminisces about horse stuff, which is like… again, if you’re an Alliance leader and you like horses, I don’t know that things are going to go so well for you. Also this had better hint at Arthas showing up somewhere in Shadowlands, I stg, if everyone else gets their fave somewhere, Arthas had better be pooping around in the Maw
But I appreciate Roux as an author, because even this horse-shaped reminiscing (like seriously, World of Warcraft tie-in novels are the spot on the Venn Diagram where books for Warhammer guys and books for horse girls intersect) has a point, and the point is another highlighted quote: “Only the fool thinks himself an expert in everything. The wise man admits his limitations and endeavors to know more.” This quote is attributed to Varian sometime when Anduin was a whelp, no specific age, so it leaves me having a lot of questions, but whatever.
Shaw then obliquely calls Anduin a pain in the ass, because Anduin is avoiding a question. On this particular day, Anduin is avoiding said question because Tyrande and Malfurion won’t answer his letters and he feels sulky that just being his adorable self isn’t enough to make up for the NElves totally getting the short straw in every expansion ever, even though he gets that they’re pissed. Like if Stormwind got blown up and it was supposed to be forgiven because… idk, Eitrigg kicked it or something, he’d still be pissed too, and I have a feeling I’ll be yelling this at him in a few chapters.
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Anyway, while they’re musing, there’s an explosion nearby, and Anduin and Mathias chase it to what used to be a barn where a man, his son, and a drunk named Jago are all covered in soot. Jago apparently blew up the barn and is drunk because his lover, Wilmer, was one of the Forsaken Sylvanas offed back during the last tie-in novel before an expansion. And that’s fair, dude. That’s fair. Anyway, Jago is miserable and gets knocked out by Alleria Windrunner, who’s Here, Now. 
And just like that, Anduin has to move on because it’s Time, and Alleria is Early (for what? I’ll find out in a few paragraphs, I hope). Alleria has no news to report, presumably about hunting for Sylvanas, and that makes Anduin want to hulk out, bless him.
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He’s thinking that HOW THE FUCK CAN ONE WOMAN BE HIDING FROM ALL OF AZEROTH, and as someone who’s done world RP without godmoding on many an occasion, it’s not that hard, princess. For whatever reason, the fact that Alleria hasn’t found someone who’s logically very hard to find--a ranger and Full of Dark Magics--makes Anduin think “oh shit, she’s a bad guy too!” He’s basing this also on that Alleria asked Anduin to let her and Sylvanas face off against N’Zoth together, to give her another chance, which is like… yeah, they’re sisters, dude. We’ve had about 72 bits of writing about this explicit fact. 
Anduin’s sore that he’s been betrayed before and he breaks the fence o snap, and then he’s like “whatevs, let’s keep looking for her.” 
Is this going to be a book about Anduin’s anger issues? That should be fun.
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samthestarkid · 7 years
Questions!!!! Maybe a bit late, but they're here 4, 17, 26, 29, 48, 63, 68, 88, 93. There were a lot of good ones this time and I'm always nosy.
Questions!!!! Never too late to be nosy my friend.
4. Last song you listened to? 
Cherry Wine by Hozier because I keep listening to his album at the moment
17. This year have you laughed until you cried?
Almost definitely. I can’t actually think of any examples off the top of my head but this has involved such wonders as the ‘gaydultery’ hug pile, many horse fails, us navigating Rome, and living with some of my uni friends that have me some great quotes including ‘porn accidents with family happen all the time’ and ‘it’s both very gay and very good writing which sounds like a Venn diagram you’d love to be in the middle off’
26. What did you do for your last birthday?
My mum and I went into London and went for a walk around the canals and then went out on one of those peddle boats in hyde park... we also made pizzas and had pink G&Ts for dinner so it was pretty good
29.  Name something you CANNOT wait for 
48. What do you like about yourself?
Good question? I’ve been trying to start actually helping myself the past few days so good on me there I guess? On good days my hair, I guess I like my eyes and randomly enough I like how I sound when I read Shakespeare?? I also make people laugh and they seem to come to me for advice or just to chat so I guess I like that I can make people happy (or at least I think I can idk...)
63. Right now you are waiting for...
Well I’m starting my first job on Saturday so I guess I’m waiting to start working and getting that money. In the more general sense, I’m just waiting for things in my life to settle a bit because a lot has changed or has happened in not a lot of time so my human is currently permanently in a state of !!!???!!!
68. Which is better, hugs or kisses?
I guess hugs because they are more universal and I can get that soft comforting squish from most people but also if with the right person kisses are so great so I’m saying hugs but I’ll take both.
88. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nope. I believe you can be attracted to someone at first sight for sure but love? Call me a cynical millennial but no. 
93. How would you label yourself?
Small, soft, bi, nerd, anxious, tired, stressed, introvert, writer, wants a goddamn break, simultaneous wanting and avoiding attention and affection, doesn’t know how labels work, am I doing this right?
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sophygurl · 7 years
Navigating Body Image While Genderqueer / Genderfluid / Non-Binary - WisCon 41 panel write-up
These get long to click the clicky to read.
I hand write these notes and am prone to missing things, skipping things, writing things down wrong, misreading my own handwriting, and making other mistakes. So this is by no means a full transcript.
Corrections, additions, and clarifications are most welcome. I’ve done my best to get people’s pronouns and other identifiers correct, but please do let me know if I’ve messed any up. Corrections and such can be made publicly or privately on any of the sites I’m sharing these write-ups on(tumblr and dreamwidth for full writings, facebook and twitter for links), and I will correct ASAP.
My policy is to identify panelists by the names written in the programming book since that’s what they’ve chosen to be publicly known as. If you’re one of the panelists and would prefer something else - let me know and I’ll change it right away.
For audience comments, I will only say general “audience member” kind of identifier unless the individual requests to be named.
Any personal notes or comments I make will be added in like this [I disagree because blah] - showing this was not part of the panel vs. something like “and then I spoke up and said blah” to show I actually added to the panel at the time.
Navigating Body Image While Genderqueer / Genderfluid / Non-Binary
Moderator: Theo Nicole Lorenz. Panelists: Lee Bauersouth, Sam Einhorn, Jack Evans, Kris Mayer, Mo Ranyart
#NavigateGNCBodyImage for the livetweets and such
[I feel like I’ve both moderated and been on a version of this panel in past years, so it was neat to just be in the audience this time. Also - while looking around me at the panelists and my fellow audience members while waiting for the panel to start, my internal monologue was just a bouncy repetition of the word “Gender! Gender! Gender!” because IDK folks, I just adore gender and it’s many permutations and discussions of it all.]
Theo began the panel by acknowledging that the panelists were mostly white AFAB folk and that they wanted to invite other perspectives to join them. They also said everyone uses their own language for their own bodies and identities and if people use any words that make you feel uncomfortable, you should do what you need to take care of yourselves and no one will judge you for leaving if you need to.
Jack, referencing pre-panel joking around, introduced themselves by saying “I am goat, and I’m a goat.” Then seriously added that they are a non-binary trans man - but kinda wooshy-washy about it. They added that, as Theo’s assistant, the two talk about gender a lot. 
Sam began their intro with “I am Sam and I am *not* a goat”, and then added that they are genderqueer or maybe non-binary - they have trouble figuring it out. But mostly ID as a genderqueer butch person depending somewhat on the day. 
Sam also talked about how they discovered all of this gender stuff around the time as discovering fat acceptance movement and wanted to talk about how those two things informed each other.
Lee’s introduction began with “I’m questioning if I’m a goat or not...” - then worried some about if they’d offended anyone by calling themselves a goat and added “This is SO Sunday.” Lee introduced themselves as actually being agender, which they consider to be under the umbrella of genderqueer. 
Lee added that genderqueer and gender dysphoria are not a circle but a venn diagram and said “I’m in that sliver.” 
Mo left off the goat-joke intro and introduced themselves as being a femme non-binary trans dude - sort of. They also talked about fat activism in addition to having a history with an eating disorder. They said that they do have trans-related body dysphoria. 
Kris introduced themselves as non-binary and butch - mainly due to how they are read by society. They added that internally, they feel like there are rules to butchness and they don’t follow them, so they don’t necessarily identify as butch. They also talked about how we often worry about doing gender right - even as we tell others and ourselves that there is no right or wrong to how to do gender.
Lee added that they forgot in their intro to say that they are also coming at this topic from the perspective of a professional therapist.
Theo began their introduction with “I describe my identity as .... oh gosh... non-binary or agender or both?” They also said that they are stepping their toe tentatively into the trans pool and it kind of fits for them. 
Theo, author/artist of the coloring book Fat Ladies in Spaaaaace, created it while still thinking they were a cis woman. After discovering genderqueerness, they realized this thing they created for body positivity no longer fit for their own body. This was a loss to Theo. 
Theo then posed the question to the panelists - how has your relationship with body acceptance changed since realizing you’re not cis, and what do you need out of body acceptance movements now?
Jack acknowledged how Theo’s example was a loss, but for Jack there was something they gained when realizing they weren’t cis. It was so freeing because they suddenly didn’t have to fit a model of what a man or woman should be. But Then they started the transitioning process and felt they had to be more serious and conform again, which was hard.
Sam said they really didn’t know about trans, genderqueer, etc. for a long time. They discovered gender discourse and fat positivity around the same time. They were finding it was okay to be butch but not fat on the one hand, on the other in the fat pos. movement there were all of these expectations around femininity. So these two parts of Sam’s identity were constantly criss-crossing.
Lee talked about coming from the angle of chronic health conditions and the disability acceptance movements. They were being told to celebrate being a woman while having 9 week painful periods. They were being told to nourish their body while thinking - no, my body’s an asshole. They had an ablation, which they described as “I had my uterus electrocuted to send a message to my other organs”. 
Lee discussed the frustrations of feeling weaker and being treated as a delicate flower and how that made them want to find some plaid real quick. [I found myself nodding vehemently to this - nothing makes me wanna butch up more than getting sympathy for my chronic health issues]
Mo talked about having issues with “body positivity” - it felt like this was just a way to say it’s not okay to be fat but let’s celebrate other bodies! They talked about how “love your body” can feel like a kick in the teeth and loving one’s body can be really hard for some people. What about a truce instead? Can I have a friendly acquaintance with my body?
Mo also asked - can you be not-a-woman and be part of the fat acceptance movement? They had difficulty finding space for non-binary bodies in body acceptance. Instead of being part of the larger group, they’ve found smaller groups of people just huddling together. 
It can be hard to get all intersections covered so these movements need to be much larger and much more inclusive. 
Kris posed the question of - what if there are parts of my body I don’t want to make peace with? They talked about feeling violent towards certain body parts. When complaining about menstruation, they were told that it was a spectral of the goddess. They replied - no deity owns a part of my body.
Kris also talked about having dysphoria around their breasts. Am I allowed to say I don’t want to be positive about this?
Theo discussed how they were able to get top surgery and how that decreased their feelings of violence with their body. Post-surgery, Theo thought - “I hope they’re happy wherever they are now - maybe on a farm upstate somewhere - frolicking with all of the other breasts.” [I about bust a gut laughing - and had to share this with my friend who is about to have a double mastectomy because we’ve been making all sorts of jokes about her breasts post-surgery. Now we get to imagine them out there in a field romping around with other boobs - thanks Theo!! lol]
Theo posed the next question for the panelists - what do we need from these movements?
Lee answered with acceptance of the fact that chronic pain is not something they’re going to love. They compared their pain to a large dog shredding the sofa continuously and saying - “look, I’m trying to take care of you but you’re not making it easy! But if I stop taking care of you - you’ll crap on the bed.” [yes yes yes]
Jack answered - inclusion of all intersections. They talked about how they got into power lifting in order to build up masculine strength but then realized that health issues meant some days they couldn’t even lift a pencil. They don’t see many examples of trans guys like themselves.
Sam answered with more acceptance of different kinds of bodies - not just size related but gender, and other differences. The importance of not only letting these other kinds of bodies be there in the movements, but of actually making space for and including/welcoming them as well.
Mo talked about the problems with body acceptance focusing on the line of thinking like “you, too, can be attractive!” That’s good, but it’s not the whole thing. You should not have to love or accept parts of your body that are causing you actual harm or trauma, pain, dysphoria, etc. 
Mo also talked about things like “info for all the ladies out there” and being - what about me? Can that be for me too? Mo just wants more general awareness that not all people are like you - is that a big ask? It feels like it some days.
Kris brought up the decentering of attractiveness in these movements. Prioritizing beauty when not all of us are going to or even want to fit societal beauty norms. [wow this sent a lightbulb off in my head so big! need to think/write more about this myself]
Theo talked about more acceptance of bodies in liminal spaces. Bodies in transition are often treated like an unbaked cookie - someone adds in that those can be tasty so the panel finally settled on uncooked waffles as the analogy. So this uncooked waffle is treated like - well, you have potential to be something cool. What if I already feel done though? What if I’ve transitioned as much as I plan to? What if I don’t want to be fully cooked? 
Lee gave an example of a friend with many complicated health issues who was able to get phalloplasty but can’t take T - so there are some parts of the transition process they could and couldn’t do.
Jack added that in that example, the person had the phalloplasty without having a vaginectomy - they wanted to add that so that folks would know you could do it that way.
Mo talked about ways in which non-binary becomes it’s own box to fill in next to Male or Female instead of being an opt-out altogether. Often the idea of non-binary that people carry with them is an androgynous thin person in men’s clothing that’s tailored for people with breasts. And that’s great that those kind of clothes are being made and people who fit that archetype can find acceptance - but that’s not all that being non-binary is or all that non-binary clothing can be.
Kris talked about how they identified as genderqueer for a decade but then switched to non-binary because it felt like a shrug when it comes to gender. For years, Kris chased masculinity as the only model they knew. Now, they are having fun with nail polish and earrings. They added they get most of their accessories from Claire’s because inside they feel like their gender is a 13 year old girl. (Several panelists agreed with this notion for themselves)
Kris added that since exploring more of this feminine side, they find themselves worrying about outside perception of their gender - am I still non-binary enough? Trans enough?
Theo also related to the idea of chasing masculinity. They said they’re much happier since feeling more comfortable playing with femininity. 
Jack brought up sex positivity for a variety of different bodies - especially intersex bodies and for trans people who haven’t had “The Surgery.” 
Theo posed the question of where they’ve found what they needed as far as body acceptance and all of the panelists said at WisCon [me toooooo :)]
Theo also talked about finding a photo, on a website where there were hundreds of photos of trans bodies. This one photo looked like Theo’s body and the person in the photo looked so happy and free with their body and it really helped Theo to feel more acceptance and hope for themselves.
Sam discussed how getting positive reinforcement on twitter about both their gender exploration and their fatness has helped. This was Sam’s first WisCon and seeing so many people who look like them was also very powerful. Most of their friends don’t share all of their intersections. 
Jack reiterated what Sam said and added that they need WisCon for their soul - just to be with people like themselves. Jack then talked about how they didn’t use makeup until they came out as trans - it became more of a choice to them then. They started sharing selfies and got positive feedback and that helped too.
Mo also talked about how taking selfies has helped them. In particular, it’s helped them to gain a greater sense of themselves. Between the gender dysphoria and eating disorder, Mo spent a lot of time not knowing how their own body looked. The first time Mo shared a selfie online, they almost threw up. Then they got home and had 20 positive comments. So they kept trying to do it and have recently realized that they no longer feel sick when doing so. 
Mo also added that having good sexual experiences with people who are not assholes has helped. [I had some *feels* here]
Kris discussed the difficulty they’ve had in finding a network of friends, but they rely on support from friends online. They also feel lucky to have genuine family support.
Lee said - I guess I lied earlier. (Theo asked - so you ARE a goat?) Lee clarified that when they said earlier that they didn’t have any dysphoria, they’ve realized that they do have some around their breasts. 
[At this point, I became triggered by something said and stopped taking notes. This was through no fault of any of the panelists btw - they were only speaking from their own experiences but it was upsetting to me based on stuff going on in my own life so I closed my notebook and just listened to the rest of the panel, which was still really great and I’m sorry I didn’t get it all down. However, do check the hashtag for the panel for much more that I didn’t get! #NavigateGNCBodyImage]
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mega-aggron · 7 years
ask meme 1-150
¯\_(ツ)_/¯gdi winston
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
erica, my friend across the hall
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
super shy ;-;
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
idk! i’ve gotten a surprising amount of diversity in friend and family interactions the last week or so. pretty content right now.
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i think so? i hope so.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
i’d hope so?
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
funny people. broad guys. guys with beards.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows. 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
lorde lmao
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
not really, i just usually can’t provide much input on the subject
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
uH probably my mom
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“Going good, spent the weekend at home for Father’s Day. How’re you doing?”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
shit fuck why is this always a question (at least they give me a top five instead of making me choose one :p) more recent faves:
perfect places [lorde]
pool [paramore]
bandages [hey rosetta!]
cut to the feeling [carly rae jepsen]
youth (day) [oohyo]
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
i don’t mind.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
i mean jesus did some cool shit but i don’t really think much about miracles in a modern context
15. What good thing happened this summer?
got a job doing fun web dev work :D
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
i can’t remember the last person i kissed
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
yeah! probs not our solar system (or even close) but it is likely!!! man read up on the fermi paradox or the drake equation and get back to me, i think this shit is so interesting
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
first “crush” (thought i was straight lol): nofirst real crush: yep! not super frequently but we just got ice cream with some friends recently
19. Do you like bubble baths?
haven’t had one in like 13 years but i don’t see why not
20. Do you like your neighbors?
yes! they’re my closest friends
21. What are you bad habits?
procrastination (but i usually pull through in the end)
22. Where would you like to travel?
so many places my dude. dubai seattle and back to san francisco are probs current top 3
23. Do you have trust issues?
i don’t think so. at the very least, not usually
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
don’t really have one
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
my weight :/ i hate looking like a twig but have stayed this weight for like 4 years. also i don’t embody the physical traits i find attractive in other people so i just kinda think of myself as an unattractive person
26. What do you do when you wake up?
wait for my second alarm to go off and roll back under the covers
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
i’m pale as fuck and sunburn, i wish i could tan at the very least
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my friends? hashbrowns, friends across the hall, roommates, sleepovers with nitesh, dnd squad, all good options
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
nah lol i had a boyfriend for like a month it really wasn’t meant to be
30. Do you ever want to get married?
yeah! someday™
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
no, but the top is getting longer than usual even though i just had a haircut oops
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
yowza hello what
33. Spell your name with your chin.
(well that could have gone better)
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
volleyball during the school year. i just got a summer gym membership so who knows maybe i’ll swim or run more
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
tv hands down. i already don’t watch it a whole lot but wowza i love music
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
it sucks
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i don’t really think many silences are awkward? if anything i guess i try to think up a new topic to talk about but most of the time i’m fine staying quiet
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
isn’t this like #6
idk someone who likes laughing and is a nice person. video games, beards, and being bigger than me are also plusses
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
uniqlo is a fun store
40. What do you want to do after high school?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
usually. i mean it depends on context (like, if you cheat on someone, you probably don’t deserve a second shot at that in my book) but most of the time i think forgiveness is on the table for a first offense. but if behaviors repeat for a long time, i’m less inclined to offer it.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m probably thinking about something, zoning out, or disagree with whatever was just said and am not trying to start something
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
the fear of disappointing others realizing i’ve spent as much time as possible in bed without making myself late
46. What are you paranoid about?
not much?
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
i don’t think so?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
i literally wish i was sara bareilles but other than that no
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
just like… my body structure as a wholeor maybe just the ability to grow a better beard, i am not about this 90% neckbeard life
53. Favourite makeup brand?
don’t wear any
54. Favourite store?
nintendo world store
55. Favourite blog?
mine #getrekt
nah idk
56. Favourite colour?
turquoise / teal
57. Favourite food?
hhhhh cheese tortellini w/ pesto
58. Last thing you ate?
orange chicken, sweetfire chicken, and chow mein from panda express
59. First thing you ate this morning?
a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i won a beauty pageant freshman year with my talent being rapping busta rhymes’ verse from look at me now and a choreography to super bass
i won a battle of the bands with the hip hop orchestra to be an opening act for t-pain and lil dicky when they performed here too
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
not in the reciprocated romantic way yet
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
i was lying on his bed watching a movie when he turned over to face me. we looked each other in the eye for a while before closing them and going for it.
65. Are you hungry right now?
li’l bit, but i’m not even halfway through these questions so i’m trying not to think about it
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
it’s a venn diagram, some of my closest irl friends are my tumblr friends and vice versa
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
i mean this list would be like 20 names long because i don’t really use the title “best friend” but nitesh winston jared and siddy are all pretty high up there
71. Craving something? What?
nothing atm
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
1 to 3. usually have 3 on my bed.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
on campus i have my eeveelution plushies, a totoro plush and a kicks plush. at home i probably still have some webkinz, a build-a-bear dog, a giant togepi, and a treecko.
75. Favourite animal?
oh geez idk i just…. love all of them
i really love australian blue cattle dogs, elephants, parrots, chinchillas, and otters
76. What colour is your underwear?
uh it varies but today they’re white
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
vanilla ice cream, chocolate pretty much everything else
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
vanilla, mint chocolate chip, or cotton candy
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
(i’m in pajamas it’s ok that these colors clash)
81. Favourite tv show?
geez i’m really out of touch with tv
parks and rec was good? fma brotherhood? good
82. Favourite movie?
begin again
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
is this even a question? original
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
only have seen 22 jump street but i think i’d prefer mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
why is this person so obsessed with mean girls
idk i like cady?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
dory probably. or squirt
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
orange president
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
see #89
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
2? maybe 3?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
legit could not tell you lol
as a substitute, last musical i watched was sound of music last night at the kennedy center
96. Favourite actress?
…sara bareilles
97. Favourite actor?
mark ruffalo is pretty cool
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
yeah! parents have a dog named zoe and i love her
100. How are you feeling?
pretty ok! fluctuated the past couple days but i’m ok now
101. Do you type fast?
yes (perks of being in cs)
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
not a whole lot tbh. nothing that was so bad i’d want to go back and redo. i think.
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
some high school friends, i guess. but it’s been long enough that i’m kind of over it, the ones that i miss most still make efforts to keep in touch so it’s fine
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
just once, i think
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
not as far as i know
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yep! family friend rides horses and let us on hers over the years.
108. What should you be doing?
nothing! finally. (realistically, getting back into journaling. that fell by the wayside this semester and i’d love to get back into that.)
109. Is something irritating you right now?
not really. since the semester ended things have been pretty calm
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
deja vu
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
i don’t cry in front of others often. not afraid to or anything, just doesn’t happen a lot. possibly satvik back in like september
113. What was your childhood nickname?
got called punkin’ by my mom (short for chunkin’ punkin’ because i was a fat baby) but didn’t really have nicknames from my friends
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yep! fairly regularly
115. Do you play the Wii?
geez when was this survey made
play on my switch now. n64 and wii u occasionally :p
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
it’s ok!
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
the kite runner by khaled hosseini
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
not really, though i still do weird things sometimes because of the dark (double takes, turn lights on/off)
121. Are you mean?
i hope not! i really don’t think so
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
haven’t tried :p don’t get white shoes often
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
sigh i wish but i think it’s more lust than anything most of the time
125. Do you believe in true love?
not like “there is 1 person in this world destined for me” but i like the concept of making one’s relationship as strong as it can be
126. Are you currently bored?
well, i have answered 125 questions so far without looking for something more entertaining to do
127. What makes you happy?
pokemon, music, the mcelboys, humor, overwatch…
128. Would you change your name?
last name for marriage sure why not
first name i’m cool with not changing
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
inform them that i am unfortunately super duper gay
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
again, deja vu
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
hm!!!! geez there are so many good lyrics from after laughter and melodrama
“I’m underwaterWith no air in my lungsMy eyes are openI’m done giving up” - pool, paramore
“All the nights spent off our facesTrying to find these perfect placesWhat the fuck are perfect places anyway?“ - perfect places, lorde
134. Can you count to one million?
i mean, i know the order of the numbers but god forbid i try this anytime soon
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
geez idk once when i was 7 i told my grandma i couldn’t find my watch while i was staring right at it so when i wasn’t looking she took it from me and swatted my hand for fibbing
as far as i know, no lies i’ve told have had big consequences; i don’t lie that often other than what time i’ve gone to bed to my parents back in highschool
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i love wavy hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
geez idk most of them are pretty good. may is nice, august is my birthmonth.
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
dark = milk > white
145. Tea or Coffee?
don’t really drink either, but leaning towards tea (esp. chai)
146. Was today a good day?
yeah it was alright :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
uh never had a mars but i’m not too big a fan of snickers so i’ll risk it
148. What’s your favourite quote?
life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“The Great Tree stands in the center of a vast forest, and a variety of living things come here to ask for its blessing.” (Hyrule Historia)
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