#idk how to tag this post but ik tags get more traction
endercupid · 10 months
anyone narratorate their life? like, all the time
i narrate everything in my life. like, my fucking tv shows
and sometimes i get the narration wrong and it pisses me off
i narrate so much of my life and it feels weird not to but it negatively impacts me to do it.
i have to do it but i hate doing it..
anyone else narrate their life? 😊
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youn9racha · 2 years
helo my sweet! how are you lately :3 (i can't emoji because i'm on laptop but anyways) I FORGOT TO TELL YOU DJGNSKDNFS finals ended and i'm free at last (but for like a few weeks only because enrollment for the next semester is starting TT-TT)
but yeah! i got a new phone btw! i'm still using my tablet, but since i finally got a new phone, i'm planning on doing an smau sooooo 0-0
also hhhhhh since i'm free now, i might finally finish that fic i've been working on as a surprise (not a surprise anymore lmao TT-TT) for you! YEY!!! \(>w<)/
but also, the engagement on this platform really is hard ;-; i've published fics and yet i only been getting like and not much comments or tagged reblogs ;-; it's kind of discouraging to look at honestly ;-; i mean i'm thankful for the likes and all, but most of all i want to know the thoughts of the readers about the fics ;-; though i might not reply to some of them (especially since i don't know how to really form a reply sometimes ;-;) i'd actually appreciate how they'd still let me know their thoughts :( i actually thought of giving up tumblr after maybe finishing the series i'm currently working on
but hhhh yeah that's how i feel atm ;w; a bit dizzy/nauseous if we're talking health or physical-wise! since i'm going through my period ;w; but yeah, i've also been going out a bit more than before, trying to get used to travelling since i have really bad motion sickness and i heard we might have a face to face class at the start of the semester (omg i'm sorry i'm rambling again to you ;-;)
ik that feeling about the whole engagement thing, especially since i also had a rocky start from when i came back from my hiatus, where i had little to no engagement even after posting like three fics since my return.
it was only my recent felix fic where i started to get more engagement and traction. lino’s was a close second because i had engagement at first but then crashed literally the next day lmfao. but even so, for some reason there has been a rise of blank accounts and just liking posts without givibg their feedbacks 💔 it’s disheartening really, and it really demotivates us.
i have been thinking of leaving as well but idk i kinda like being here despite everything y’know ? but thats just me. although it’d suck to see you leave, but i won’t entirely blame you, all i can say is just think about it before you decide to leave or not.
anyway, while im hyped that you have the free time to write that “surprise” fic, please put your health first and rest when you can. you’ve been through enough health wise its only fair you rest rn. the fic can wait and im not going anywhere anytime soon, so don’t feel rushed and always take care of yourself 🫶🫶
also ramble all you want thats okay !!! im always here to listen (or in this case read lmfao)
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stormbreaker101 · 3 years
same anon!- sorry it won’t fit into one… all i can tell you is that maybe not everyone will enjoy it, but someone will,,, (id also recommend posting to ao3 if you haven’t, there’s some wiz/pitty content there) from what i’ve seen, sh*tposts or art tend to gain a lot more traction in general here, so don’t beat yourself up too bad- it’s not you, just the algorithm. ig all i’m trying to say is that i can’t promise people will enjoy your work, so post it here only if you want (2/3(
EITHER WAY!!!! I’ll read it, even though you can’t see my interactions :) i personally enjoy your writing content (heck, enough to bookmark your blog) and think many other would too… sometimes it’s just about getting into the right environment. overall, don’t beat yourself up over this, no matter which way it goes. ik it’s easy to equate self worth to notes and crap, so please be careful (even tho it is frustrating when you work so hard and it isn’t noticed)… take care of yourself first (3/3)
Anon I don't know if the first part of your ask got swallowed up by the site or just sent in the wrong order but gskjdf thank you so much your words are so kind. (i know theres an emoji out there that represents my emotions better than keysmashes but i cant find it)
lowkey ao3 scares me. theres such a complicated tag system from what ive seen when i read posts, plus apparently registering is weird? like you cant just sign up, you gotta make a request or something?? i may be misremembering but the long and short of it is "AO3 scary so no thank you". also idk how AO3 responds to OCs and extreme diversions from canon bc if you havent noticed, ive got hella OCs and the story focuses on those OCs and the weird universe they live in, which has since strayed far from canon.
plus i dont do well when im on too many websites at once, it's just overwhelming. ive already got tumblr, discord, and quotev. my quotev is staying anonymous bc i dont want people to read my unfiltered cringe lmfao
and yea it sucks that my feelings of self worth are based on interaction. i know it's unhealthy but i dont have the money to get a therapist so im stuck with my shit brain lol.
i appreciate your honesty though, 1000%.
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endercupid · 10 months
my sister insists that she’s my dads favorite but my dad doesn’t spontaneously get her milkshakes or Cadbury chocolate ✌️
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