#idk i just love all the complexity these kinds of characters have to offer
Characters who are class clowns on the outside but use that humor as a coping mechanism to avoid dealing with all the fucked up shit they went through are the best characters pass it on
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hamliet · 1 year
What do you think about the romance in titanic?
It's truly great. Titanic is a good story and a good movie. I would actually recommend Lindsay Ellis' video on it.
But as for my thoughts...
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The romance itself is a little alchemical, at least in terms of their names. Rose DeWitt-Bukator: Rose=red, symbol of the stone and red stage; DeWitt="of white," or the white stage. Rose is the philosopher's stone. Jack Dawson: reference to jackdaws, a symbol of the black stage). Which makes sense since James Cameron pitched it as Romeo and Juliet on the Titanic, and Romeo and Juliet is mega alchemical. (Also Cameron captured the spirit of Romeo and Juliet far better than most. It's hopeful!)
Jack and Rose aren't the most complex characters to grace the screen, but they don't have to be to be compelling (and they don't pretend to be more than they are, either). Their struggles are timeless and complementary, which helps them resonate with audiences around the world and across cultures.
Jack wants a better life, but he wants a better life for those around him, too. His joy and way of finding beauty in everything around him is contagious. He might have "nothing in [his] pocket" to offer, but he still finds moments of cheering about being the "king of the world" at the bow with Fabrizio, makes friends with those around him, plays with kids like Cora, and is fundamentally... kind. He saves a distraught woman from ending her life and didn't even defend himself when he was accused of attacking her. He captures his joy of life in his art, drawing what he sees as beautiful.
Rose wants a better life, just like Jack, but instead of being determined to live her best life where she's at, whatever she has or doesn't have, she has no freedom. Instead of being contagious in joy to where she draws others in like Jack, Rose must instead withdraw to survive. She can't trust anyone around her because they're all counting on her to save them (her mother wants Rose to save them from financial ruin, her fiancé wants Rose as arm candy). But Rose is seventeen. Jack's kindness to her inspires her to save him when he's accused of attacking her, and his love for life and for her just--they give Rose hope.
Is there anything more hopeful than seeing someone else truly alive?
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Of course, then Jack dies saving Rose. And no, he could not have fit on the wood and also when water's that cold your limbs do not work perfectly so they could only make so many attempts to get on the wood in the first place, and yes if she'd stayed on the lifeboat he may have lived. but--that's not the point of the story. Rose is a seventeen year old girl who is tired of having people value her life as only what she can give them. Even Cal saving her by getting her on a lifeboat has nothing to do with Rose living and everything to do with her surviving to benefit him, not Rose.
Rose jumping off that lifeboat is her choice to live, even if it means she'll die.
It's a powerful choice, and people who nitpick or act like an abused, suicidal 17 year old facing trauma would think rationally are just... idk killjoys. Go watch Batman vs Superman or whatever pseudo-noir pretentious drivel tickles your fancy instead.
Anyways. So this motif of life coming from death is again, alchemy! It's a romantic tragedy, because even though Jack dies... there is life that comes from his sacrifice. Rose does live, physically as well as emotionally and spiritually. Even when she "dies" in the end, it's left ambiguous as a deliberate question--is she dying or dreaming? Does it matter, when the point is the same--that she's alive and Jack is alive and they are all together, whether in the afterlife or her dream?
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theskoomacat · 2 months
i want to plug Pacific Drive real quick. i had a free day yesterday so i spent it in its entirety glued to the screen. i'm not proud. check out this game!!!!!!
it's kind of like a mix between STALKER and Firewatch (by vibe. in my head). (the Impact of Roadside Picnic on our society!) idk the official genre tags on the game but at its base it is a survival game with looting and crafting.
but. you're doing all that to spoil your beautiful princess (your maybe sentient cat that maybe will kill you eventually). you spend 80% of the time in your car, it's your defense against the elements and the Zone. the gameplay loop is fairly simple - you drive, you listen to scientists bicker over the radio, you loot, you lose half your car, you HAUL ASS, you get home.
the game offers a HUGE variety of stuff to explore, from anomalies to weather conditions to biomes to the weird flora/fauna to lore. there's SO much lore, idk who decided to write a blurb for every type of paint. huge game for people who love to collect stuff. and collecting stuff is sometimes a puzzle on its own because you need different tools (which are often interchangeable, thankfully, with varying efficiency).
and driving is very fun. i have a special condition called "Played Skyrim in formative years", so the mountains are a challenge to me, not a barrier. i enjoy the fact that driving being the focal point reshapes the world significantly (from the gamedev pov), because it is built to accommodate driving instead of just running around. the roads are the main focus of all the anomalies due to that, so frankly running around would be easier than dodging the roadblocks, but also you would fucking die. it's actually funny that i regularly find the roads by the concentration of anomalies instead of like. the road itself.
the game is pretty. the GIANT walls/lab megastructures blow my mind, they're so fucking huge. BUT. one problem i have is that there are too many nights. i have already toggled "Shorter nights" on, and still it feels like 60% of rounds take place at night (maybe i'm doing something wrong idk). yes, it is a challenge, but also i wish i could see the game?
the world itself is pretty fun. i have already mentioned STALKER, which is a very fair comparison since you're in a Zone filled with Anomalies. except this time the Zone is not a strictly "natural" occurence, which mixes this genre with the "fucked up mid-20th cent american science->military complex" genre. it is really interesting to see many different opinions on what the Zone is doing in the lore. and you can draw your own conclusions from interacting with it. it is as likely to harm you as help you, and most of the time it just Fucks with you (LIM shield ilu).
what hasn't i mentioned yet? the characters are fun, an old jaded scientist lady who's entombed herself within her creation, her ex-colleague and his bf/husband who stayed in the Zone to hunt cryptids, all lovely. the music is mostly good, but unfortunately there aren't too many tracks, so some get old really quick (i WISH i got tired of DOCTOR JUICE). but do check the radio from time to time, there are cool transmissions you can catch there.
idr if there was a difficulty selector anywhere, but you can make the game easier at will in the settings - keep inventory, restore the car when back home, etc. i wish i had known about these settings when i "died" at the EXACT moment i moved to another zone, because i both lost half my inventory AND was forced to continue my run due to that lmao. the game is Not easy tbh. the first time i was in the city with a hole in the center i couldn't climb out of there because it was pitch dark and my car was so so broken, it actually made me super frustrated. but when you learn all that stuff and actually plan for it and outfit your car with it mind, it all becomes manageable and enjoyable. it is decidedly not a horror game, but it Is unsettling at times. dense fog+bigfoot weather conditions made me SO paranoid, although i didn't actually see anything lol
so yeah, i totally recommend the game if you enjoy survival games. here are also some tips for people trying the game out for the first time, aka what I wish I had known:
In the beginning doing more runs (=bringing in more anchors) will be more benefitial than turning over every rock in every zone because a lot of good stuff is locked behind upgrades. One exception - quest zones with Perpetual Stability, you can explore and loot there for an hour if you want
Shorten the nights. It's not fun to stumble around blindly, especially not in the beginning while you're still learning
Hold T to teleport your car out of sticky situations and use Y to sort inventories. idk why they don't tell you that
PLAN. Look at the resources in each location has before launching and bring extra instruments/raw materials in accordance
Invest into better batteries and renewable energy, it gets more and more important as you progress. You don't really need to upgrade the gas tank until you've upgraded the engine, unless you spend 50% of the time trying to crawl up a mountain with summer tires (off-road tires are the shit)
Skip the crowbar, the impact hammer and scrapper can do everything it does
Dying is not super scary aside from losing progress, you just lose your inventory and maybe some attachments, but you will get an opportunity to find the wreckage of your car on a different run (orange tombstone? icon) and to loot it
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laurasbailey · 6 months
if i may add re: one of the women pulling something like that, i always find that such a funny argument in any fandom because, you know. we do #Live In A Society. so them being women Is actually a pretty crucial difference lmao and yes i might very well have liked it if it had been one of them because of it?
(prefacing the rest of this by asking everyone to bear with me and read this in good faith, i’m talking about a character and not trying to say or imply anything about any players)
which kind of tangentially ties into my biggest beef with ashton (and i understand that this is probably harsh and unfair), but between the acting like they always know better than everyone else, the arrogance and massive ego, the martyr/hero complex combo, the dismissiveness of others' feelings, the anger issues and propensity to violent outbursts etc, this is a character that acts and speaks in ways that are virtually indistinguishable from your average misogynist. i don’t think that this is intentional or even conscious (and definitely not malicious) on tal’s part, I think it’s more likely an unfortunate confluence of circumstances with this particular story (ie the campaign being heavily focused on women, so they’re in a position within the story where they're the natural point one would turn to with disagreements and stuff); but it’s like, no amount of dissecting motivations changes the objective fact of how they behave. and to me that makes for a character who’s about as interesting as idk, an asshole coworker. obviously this is all very subjective, and i know a lot of people find him compelling and write very good analysis, and love and light to them, but i personally cannot get past this and bring myself to give a shit you know.
absolutely get where you're coming from, and it's super interesting because as someone who doesn't see a lot of fandom opinion anymore, i wonder how many people also see this? or do most people just adore ashton and this is the minority opinion?
i usually find taliesin to be very self aware about the flaws of his characters, but i think you're right, without context it could very well come across as misogynistic due to the circumstances of the campaign being very female-centric. personally i think he's just being an asshole and by process of elimination, the women end up in the firing line because they're in the spotlight story-wise and are, let's be real, the leaders of the group. fcg is typically agreeable, nobody butts heads with orym, and chetney generally sits back during any verbal conflict. ashton just seems to have a general lack of respect for everyone and just uses the 'i don't know how to show it' excuse.
i think ashton wants to be a leader (whether they know it or not) but right now they just don't have the qualities to be one. in many situations they're like 'i don't like this', 'we shouldn't do this', but offers no alternatives. and sometimes he'll try to take charge in situations where he should really be taking a backseat (i.e. when they were trying to resurrect laudna) and he'll speak way out of turn on things he knows nothing about (again, that time he said he knows loneliness in a way laudna doesn't ??? lmao). it's like he has a compulsive need to always share his opinion and somehow prove he's suffering more than you, and nobody likes that guy at the party.
it's obvious taliesin is playing a lot of these flaws as a character who was raised by, well, no one, which makes sense! but there's been so little character development for 70+ episodes and very little effort made on ashton's part (up until now where he's supposedly going to change) that i just don't have an interest in it. it just bothers me now because characters i do really love will be caught up in the consequences.
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bellshazes · 1 month
I was going to reply on your post about C vs CC distinction but I couldn't, so I hope you don't mind me asking here - my brain wasn't cooperating today so I was struggling to read it and comprehend it properly as written. But does it basically boil down to the fact that it's difficult to create a distinction between what's considered "character" vs "creator" in the digital medium Minecraft offers for storytelling? That there's no real way to draw a distinction between "this PERSON did this in the game" and "this CHARACTER did this in the story's world" because it's told on a platform and in a way that makes it hard to find a non-fuzzy divide, and that we shouldn't necessarily try to find that line anyway? Basically that - when it's so hard to define canon when "canon" is influenced by the person both on and beyond the screen, and interactions between "characters" are often colored by the creators behind them, and when the story being told is never really fully concrete anyway, it's just...better and, honestly, more fun to just enjoy the nondefinable art form for what it is? Because if that's what you're saying, I wholeheartedly agree. ^^
When the story's medium is a sandbox game, it's much more fun to interpret canon and its connected fanon as a sandbox too, something malleable and formable and explorable in a flexible way that doesn't rely on defined boundaries to be enjoyed. It's sand. You can make a solid sandcastle for a while, but eventually the water that packed it together dries and the wind blows and things shift again, because that's what sand does. Just - let sand be sand. :3
(And if I've totally misinterpreted then I apologize, it's been a long day and like I said, my brain's not cooperating hah.)
~ Pixie
I definitely didn't get back to my original point in that rambling reblog, so I think you've gotten what I was trying for up until the idea that the SMP Thing is nondefinable. I really struggle articulating this all the time and people often do take it the way you have, so it's a failure of explanation on my part...
It's not resolvable into a single truth, but currently the dominanf response to that is to throw the baby out with the bathwater and say if there is no canon, everything is equally true no matter what the text says, because the text is as (un)real and unknowable as my own imagination. I comprehend that this is very fun and believe this approach has absolutely no moral valence. often this evolves into annoying (imo!) fandom standards that become quasi-canonical due to sheer popularity in the group sandbox but whatever.
However my patented peter bellshazes perfect world involve not this kind of overwriting being a dominant fandom mode, but people taking the lack of One Single Master Story all other pieces fit into as a joyous invitation to pick apart all the threads on their own and how they relate without forcing them into anything and seeing them more clearly. It's to me like the difference between trying to force jigsaw puzzle pieces to fit that are from different boxes and - I don't know, like a complex 3D sculpture that is one object but portrays different images at every angle its viewed from. And people discovering that instead of taking photographs to find the One True Angle in 2D, walking around to examine the previously unstudied backside.
that's abstract but in practice it means like... idk treating it more like a vivisection. I love taking different perspectives apart as standalones, and also interrelating them, but finding joy and spaces to explore and discuss and feel through in those individual examinations, and not forcing them to make sense in some master truth. It makes me appreciate different approaches to the medium more, how tone and technique contribute beyond C!Cubito Is This Trait or whatever. I like it when people articulate if we think about THIS event and how it was shown in THIS way (in terms of acting/performance, editing, cuts made or not made, ) then the story is like this and what's in the gaps or what if it extended or what would it have looked like if different choices were made from a craft perspective or how does that contrast with or contextualizes a different series or scenario. throwing nothing out but never looking for a grand unified theory of truth.
Again no moral valence but i just feel like maybe if I can articulate my brand of fandom joy people might want to give it a try! and I genuinely appreciate people who care enough to try and parse what the hell I'm getting at bc it's almost always only when I try and answer questions that I feel like I get better at explaining what I was trying to say, so!
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faux-fires · 4 months
tagged by @ranilla-bean for the 20 questions meme!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 35
2. what’s your total ao3 word count? 466,309. Hey, that's not too shabby!
3. what fandoms do you write for? Currently NONE. previously: dragon age, tsubasa chronicle, supernatural, fullmetal alchemist, legend of zelda...
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Your Princess is in Another Castle ("Dragons kidnap princesses, everyone knows this… except sometimes, they get it wrong. Or do they? A story about mistakes, misunderstandings, and flower crowns. Also Kurogane's non-stop never-ending suck of a life, and the idiot that causes all that chaos to begin with.")
For Better or for Worse ("A 'five things' fic, featuring five different times Hawke proposed to Anders.")
The Centre of All Things ("Hawke gave Anders a ring, after their first night together, and never quite told him what it meant. As Kirkwall begins to crumble around them, Anders struggles to strike a balance between love and the needs of the mages.")
Adjustment ("A year after the end of Act 2, Anders comes home late, and Hawke missed him.")
Bound ("Anders receives many gifts from Aggressive!Hawke across the years. He's charmed by most of them, surprised by others.")
most of my fics predate ao3 and while i backloaded the TRC ones on, I can't be bothered doing the same for the FMA fic i wrote 20 years ago. and the SPN stuff, uh, well, AO3 kind of did it for me! i woke up one day and an old archive i forgot my fic was on had been ported to the archive, all my spn fics helpfully attached to my account in the process. when i tell you i orphaned them at something like the speed of light -
5. do you respond to comments? Um.... I MEAN to, but.... i'm not great at remembering...? i really cherish every one i receive and i KNOW it's bad of me, i can only offer apologies.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i literally just write happy endings i can't answer this
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? how are defining happy??? look mikke takes the piss out of me ALL THE TIME for my definition of fluff, ever since i entered a fluff vs angst competition on the side of team fluff with a story in which one half of the otp was tortured and murdered (he got better)! *i* define a happy ending as one in which, during the course of the story, a character grows and develops. by that metric, an ending where the character loses everything and everyone they love but gains a mindset enabling them to find peace with the loss is a happy ending, TO ME. a sad ending, by contrast, is one in the character does not grow or change, and stays in the same state (or worse!) than they started the story.
so with that in mind, probably through a forest wilderness. people die! anders and hawke are rejected as monstrous by the people they tried to save! but they gained one (1) feral orphan and solved their relationship issues, d'awwww. <3
8. do you get hate on fics? nope
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? yes, but not in EVERY story. i find smut to require a lot of effort to write! there's complex choreography and emotions to handle... the only thing harder (HEHEHE) is fight scenes for the exact same reason
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written? i'm not interested in crossovers (blorbos from series a meet blorbos from series b) but i love a good fusion fic, where blorbos from series a have always lived in the world of series b. craziest... probs the trc/wow fusion fic i wrote for an audience of three people? idk i've written a lot! i dreamed of a zukka howl's moving castle fusion a few days ago (probably inspired by chiptrillino's gorgeous illustrations she's been sharing recently) so that was pretty fun, as someone who very, very rarely remembers my dreams.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? nope!
12. have you ever had a fic translated? yeah, to russian!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? yeah, @mikkeneko and i wrote a whole SPACE OPERA. well. half of one, i guess (oops).
14. what’s your all-time favourite ship? whatever i'm shipping at the moment
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i plead the fifth
16. what are your writing strengths? EMOTIONS. also i think i write humour well?
17. what are your writing weaknesses? starting, continuing and finishing. /sob
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? even if you're fluent in that language, it alienates more people than it impresses, i think. i love using other languages as an easter egg (like rana has a character named with a cantonese pun in the iconoclast) but whole dialogue is like... very hard to pull off, and outright mortifying if you don't actually speak the language and just google translate it.
19. first fandom you wrote for? the legend of zelda! my irl friends and i (aged 13) had a massive shared self-insert 'verse going on. my first steps into fandom PROPER tho was with fullmetal alchemist.
20. favourite fic you’ve written? this is a complex question because how do you define favourite? swift illuminations was probably the most fun to write (anders vs hawke arm wrestling) and i always enjoy getting to write comedy - your princess is in another castle has my favourite lines i've ever written, for example:
"Can I go?" Yuui asked Ashura. Despairing it was, then. At least he wasn't naked. It was a low bar to meet in terms of presentation, but so far two of the six people in this room weren't making it.
these skies are breaking i've always been fond of because it's 35k and i wrote it in two days but the plot is uhhhhhh. missing. ash on the windowsill same sitch, 50k in 36 hours and my first completed multi-chapter fic but i wince at how clumsy it is when i reread it. i'm proud of a lot of my later dragon age fics because they contain better exploration of ideas and characterisation, so... idk. toss up!
but in terms of stuff i'm most satisfied with, probs 'how to love a god' this short character exploration piece i wrote for the anderszine. first time writing second person and because of the zine space limit i had a hard maximum word count too so i agonized over every word choice. i don't really edit my own stuff - i post it pretty much hot off the hoop - but i did actually enjoy doing it that time.
uhhhh so that's me. but i'm tagging.... anyone who wants to do this!
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idyllic-affections · 4 months
Mama Xianyun ideas
So, I got hit with this headcannon that, when they were younger, Ganyu- and later Shenhe, would sometimes help Cloud Retainer with preening her feathers, plucking off stragglers (sometimes picking out the wrong feathers. Ouchies.), and helping with those hard to reach spots.
Now, with Shenhe and Ganyu being fairly busy with the responsibilities of their respective careers, I'd imagine that young adoptee, [Name], would inherit the mantle of assistant groomer™️ to our dear mama crane (maybe Shenhe and/or Ganyu would give them tips on what exactly they're looking for when they're helping their adoptive mama).
On another note, when you made the initial post that brought up the prompt of "Xianyun adopting a Liyuan orphan", I could not help but start thinking about the scenario. So, I assume that in the context of the prompt, Xianyun would be doing this in her human form. So imagine little orphaned [Name] finding their adoptive mother is an Adepti? Like, AYOOOOOO????!!!! I like to imagine they'd find out accidentally, witnessing her switching from her bird form to human form (or vice versa), and she has no clue they're there until she hears them squeakily shout "MAMA, YOU'RE AN ADEPTI?!?!?!"
🐉 anon you always get me 🙏🙏🙏
I LOVE THAT IDEA i have similar thoughts about some of my winged ocs, and how their preening process usually goes and who helps them do it (if anyone), so i find myself pretty familiar with such ideas. i find it endearing, and perhaps somewhat intimate, you know? the wings are delicate in a way, and for a bird, very important. so to be able to help with preening is an indirect statement of trust! shenhe and ganyu offering Big Sisterly advice on this matter is such a cute concept. [name] would take this responsibility soooo seriously (and both women can't help but think that their little focused pout is so cute. shenhe probably has mild cuteness aggression towards them when the ropes are off HAHAHA)
and yes i imagined it as her in her human form! like, can you imagine.... everyone in liyue hears about this odd new resident and-- when did she get a child?????? Hello??????? everyone's not sure if that's her biological child or...? turns out she ran into some orphaned kid and was like "wow. okay. this is mine now." it's not even ooc SHE WOULD DO THAT FR
FINDING OUT THAT XIANYUN IS AN ADEPTUS HELP. imagine being a child and finding out that the nice but weird lady that you've come to see as your mother is a fucking IMMORTAL BIRD ADEPTUS? it would be shocking. and i feel like it would just happen randomly and unexpectedly. like, maybe shenhe mentions it. or ganyu slips and says something and realizes that they didn't know. or perhaps it's as you said and they see xianyun switching between forms. and their honest reaction is just "HUH????!!?!??? WHAT. MAMA'S A WHAT???? MAMA?????????" it's kind of funny actually
[name] probably grows up to be a very weird person. not that that's inherently bad! but i think they grow up to be a very odd, but kind, person. being raised by xianyun would have that effect. maybe [name] was already kind of a "weird" child. who knows?
GOD. BABYSITTER MADAME PING. i know xianyun is probably going to act like all the other adepti in that "i definitely have never met this person in my entire life and do not have a long-standing and complex friendship with them ahahah :)" way, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't leave her child with her if necessary.
babysitter ZHONGLI. no particular thoughts about this, since i've already done this concept within the context of a different fic, but i still think it's endearing.
grandma and grandpa basically /hj /lh
cousin yanfei? idk what their relationship could be "categorized" as, but i imagine yanfei could be a friendly figure in their life. and yaoyao!!!!!!! they probably hang out with her often.
idk just all the adepti disciples and associated characters being a silly little family, yk.....
(edit on yaoyao thoughts: i was rereading her lore bc i kind of forgot some of it and YAOYAO AND [NAME] WOULD BE BESTIES REAL AND TRUE..... the babies of the adepti disciples :((((( they would be such good friends, really, especially bc cloud retainer is also fond of yaoyao. i think she would nudge [name] to be friends with her. perhaps they would one day have a friendship that somewhat resembles what cloud retainer's and madame ping's is like, who knows? i just like when there is parallelism and mirroring.
also xiangling GIRL i forgot about her omg but her and [name]...... teaching [name] how to cook even though they're a child and probably shouldn't be near an open flame? and now [name] is eating weird ingredients... oh well. that last part was probably going to happen anyway. mama xianyun will try their dishes but she gives them very honest feedback. it's not mean-spirited at all--never, no mean feedback for her newest child... gordon ramsey vibes; have you seen that man talk to kids? bro is so nice--and it only ever motivates them to do better.
So many thoughts about this...... it has the potential to become a series, like the adoptive dad kaveh one)
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What are your honest thoughts on:
Harriet Hook
Li'l (Lonnie's brother)
Claudine Frollo
Anthony Tremaine
Based on what you read about them?
1) Harriet Hook was barely mentioned at all in the books from what I remember, but I do like all the fanon about her being one of the oldest VKs & sort of a universal mom-friend on the Isle. I also love the HC that she’s taller than Harry & I like to picture her ragging him about it a little lol. I see her as being a tough sort of figure that demands respect but does genuinely look out for especially the younger kids on the Isle & is thus widely known & loved by VKs; she may have only played a small role in most of their lives but it was a good one. She can & will take on physical challenges on the behalf of others, altho most would step down if this happens. She’d never admit out loud how much she cares about people. She’ll tease her siblings & basically lives on her ship as soon as she’s old enough, but she is always there for them when they need her & anyone who talks shit about them where she can hear about it isn’t walking away without a bruise (or a talking to, when they’re too young to fight). However, she also knows enough to know when to let people handle their own battles, her siblings included. She knows how things work on the Isle all too well.
2. I know absolutely nothing about Li’l, if he was mentioned in canon I don’t remember where. I’ve seen some posts by @lilikohirukoma talk about him & I’m gonna default to those bc tbh for a while I thought he was somebody’s OC. I picture him being a lot younger than Lonnie, in the age where he still thinks his older sister is super cool (inevitably he will go thru the phase of thinking she’s too lame to be associated with before realizing she’s actually cool when they’re both older) & idk if that’s accurate to either canon or common fanon
3. Claudine Frollo shouldn’t exist I feel so bad for her. Who gave the disney villain who comes closest to being a s*x offender a daughter. Oh no. I really really hope she’s okay & Frollo just is strict with her upbringing in terms of moral righteousness & he never did anything worse to her than he already did to Quasimodo. If I’m being generous I can imagine Disney Frollo having some of the good characteristics of Victor Hugo’s Frollo & thus the potential to be a good parent but Disney Frollo is genuinely so much worse & less complex than OG Novel Frollo. All of the bad things without the compassion to have adopted Quasimodo willingly. Anyway this ended up being not as much about Claudine but basically if Frollo was a not-as-bad-as-he-could’ve-been parent I can see Claudine being quiet & largely isolated but kind of haughty & internally judgmental of her peers with a sense of moral superiority, and if Frollo was Irredeemably Bad I still seeing her being quiet & externally the same but coming more from a place of protecting herself, esp if she grew up being indoctrinated not to trust anyone but Frollo. Bc that’s exactly how he raised Quasi. Quasi did turn out well after all, so I have hope that she could have an abundant inner world and a lot to offer anyone who can get thru her shell & connect with her.
I don’t remember Claudine appearing much in canon but I had a very strong HOND phase so a lot of this is mostly based on that
4) Anthony Tremaine seems like a fun character from what I remember—cocky enough to ask Mal for a dance when everyone else in their class is afraid of her. I think he knows what he’s good at and knew in that moment he caught her off balance, but would also know enough to stay out of her way in a different situation. Raised by a family with a strong sense of Manners in the traditional sense, he’s good at subterfuge but bad in a physical fight. He would do well in a royal court. I imagine he’s a bit vain & prefers standing back & listening to all the gossip at school to participating in the gang fights. He probably thinks highly of himself for acquiring the “real power” of knowing things about people to use for blackmail but if someone threatened him with physical violence & he couldn’t talk his way out of it he’d go down immediately
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howlidae · 6 months
Do you have any headcanons for that Ace Attorney band AU? You don't understand how much I love the idea. Now it is running rapidly in my head like a dog
omg hi! yes i do!
1. it’s a post-DD thing. it kind of assumes soj doesn’t happen or at least apollo stays in the US? as much as i love the sahdmadhis
2. sebastian helps klavier find his love of music again as a coping mechanism!!! sebastian and klavier write some songs and both get out a lot of their complex feelings about family and trauma
3. takes some inspo from a fic i started reading (idk if it has nsfw as a precaution i dont think it does??) and klavier takes a break from prosecuting to really focus on music again. he gets a creative spark when he hears apollo singing + insists that apollo at least sings a few singles for him. despite apollo’s complaints klavier wins him over and klavier decides “fuck it let’s go full send and make a whole album with a band” after a Minor Episode in which he shaves off half his hair
4. apollo tells ema and in extension kay about the band and kay is like let me in. Let me in. Let me in. apollo is like do you know any instruments? and kay is like No but I can hit things real good. ema decides it’d be fun to pick up where her organ knowledge left off and offers to be keyboardist if they need (they do, and ema is quickly roped into the band full-time). kay is a very quick learner and hyperfixates on drums for a week and a half
5. klavier puts in a leave of absence and simon figures out why. he tells athena who immediately insists she needs to blow the dust off her guitar and join the band. klavier is trying to plan auditions for second guitar + bassist and athena just storms up to apollo like Tell your boyfriend I’m in. she then manages to convince simon to pick up bass guitar again since the reason she picked up guitar was because of simon playing bass for her in the first place
6. Gay little lawyer rock band. that’s all i got. i’m sure other characters could fit in with manager, producer, etc roles but i didn’t think any deeper than that!!!
if you guys really like it i can brainstorm more stuff and draw more content :3 thank u for the interest!!!
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fellhellion · 9 days
idk if you’ve played Persona 5 but one character that gets a lot of hate online is Yuki Mishima? But I’ve never understood it bc like, he’s just a chronically online teenage boy. That’s like, the target audience for the Persona series. Yeah he’s cringe and a fanboy for Joker and kinda pathetic and accidentally offends his friend with his attempts to socialize but like. Wasn’t that most guys and gals at his age?
Does it hurt to have your past reflected back at you? Is it easier to deny his humanity than extend a hand of sympathy?
(This is the same fandom that forgave the likes of Akechi and Adachi, I guess being cringe is a bigger sin than being evil?)
hi hello i am so sorry i am so late replying to this fkjdhjf
i think, at least imo, when it comes to character hate of really any variety, it comes down to what characteristics you find aggravating or repulsive, and why you find them so.
That there are people who think someone palpably wanting to be your friend/your approval is the worst sin and the most cringe action possible, is imo at least kind of a silly line imo to draw on your character love -> hatred scale, and one I think can be a result of just. not offering compassion to characteristics that u can find personally annoying, sure.
i wouldn't even personally characterise mishima as pathetic tbh; i think there elements to his behaviour that have deep roots in trauma as well an inexperience with social skills, that influences a lot of the behaviour that gets characterised as 'cringe'. there are elements to his behaviour tho (like personal boundary pushing w joker and futaba) which i think are deeply inappropriate, but that's the label I'd apply to them.
and i understand the perspective of those who are extremely offput and uncomfortable with those elememts in particular.
w really any character, my view is that i try to be open to understanding, if not always agreeing, of why people have different views to me on what they find sympathetic or interesting about these characters, unless i have a fundemental disagreement about the why of their sympathy/lack of (e.g. for mishima, i don't personally think the fact of someone desperately wanting to be your friend and not sensing u just don't. feel as strongly abt it, is something that warrants hating that character, it's just a slightly awkward fact of that relationship that gives it texture and complexity)
akechi and adachi are interesting examples in that regard because regarding akechi, he saw at least in the western fandom a huge swing in opinion from vanilla -> royal, and it wasn't until royal that the fandom appeared to transition from divisive love and hate camps to just. overall a majority of the fandom enjoying his character. this was imo because the nature of goro's actions as essentially a hitman are, funnily enough, easier to abstract as elements of a story both due to the way in which these actions came about in the first place (he 'approached' shido as a literal child + the overhanging threat of death for non compliance) and the way in which. no one irl has suffered a physic murder yknow? fdkfhj
re adachi, honestly it's not a fandom perspective i overall understand myself (while I don't think people have 'forgiven' him per se, i think he's largely considered a joke and that arguably sands off discussion of what motivates his actions), my view is that it's honestly likely come from the sheer amount of time the majority of persona fans have had to sit with the story of 4. so what retains the largest amounts of staying power are jokes at adachi's expense, even if imo i do think people underscore the misogyny motivating his actions as much as like. nihilism and callous disregard.
ultimately! all of this to say i like to personally evaulate character hate/dislike on a case by case basis and just. stay away from people w whom i fundementally disagree w.
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pigeonwit · 4 months
heya pidge!! 5, 6, 21, 22 for the askssss
5: rare headcanons you love?
y'know i've never really quantified headcanons into 'rare' or 'common'? i suppose 'rare' would be 'not often seen in fanon' but,,, idk it's hard for me to think of them like that. i think one i'm quite attached to that i've never seen before is davey being an avid video game enjoyer. people tend to categorize davey as this 'academic' type character who'd be very bookish and nerdy which somehow disqualifies him rfom liking video games, but speaking as a very bookish nerdy boy myself, i love video games and i know davey does too, but exclusively very plot driven games with strong narratives and lots of room for fan theories, like stray, little nightmares and the last guardian. not farming sims, though. his autistic ass cannot do farming sims or he'll forget to eat. i also personally believe that crutchie is welsh and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
6: common headcanons you love?
jack being a romantic, probably. i know the musical tries to set him up like a flirt but i just do not see it at all; i think he falls in love very easily and tries to pass it off as flirting, but that does not a player make. hcs of both jack and davey being multilingual i like, and also jack being a multimedia artist, like doing photography as well as painting - i like the idea that he can channel inspiration through a lot of different things, not just one.
21. are you writing/drawing/creating anything outside of fanfiction/fan comics? Do you have any original works?
oh davey i am so glad you asked this question - yes, i am! i have to write a creative portfolio piece twice a year for classes, and i have three working ideas (one: the Real Life manhattan, west virginia (which would preferably be a graphic novel) two: a currently untitled story about a robot built for the impending apocalypse which then malfunctions, misses the apocalypse and now has to function in a world that doesn't fit into what it was designed for (which would preferably be a television show) and three: another currently untitled story about a factory worker in victorian england whose brother tragically dies in an accident that he believes was supernatural in nature and now dedicates his life to solving (which would preferably be a novel). and GUESS WHAT i actually sent a few of the things i've written to an animation festival as part of an application process and i've since been offered a place in their creative industries and development programme!!! i'm still kind of reeling at the idea that people actually liked my story concepts so fingers crossed for me!!!
22. what is your favourite topic to write about?
in fanfiction? domesticity. i love big complex plot-heavy fics and i do have ideas for some, but i think i've built a nice nest for myself in writing slice of life fics that allow the character to get to know themselves better and allow others to know them better, too. in my original works? the opposite. i love speculative fiction, i love exploring my experiences through absurdity, i love saying 'what if this happened' and following that allllll the way through, it's the best. yes i AM a little robot who wasn't built for this world, thank you. yes i AM a little victorian boy convincing myself monsters are real so i don't have to grapple with the impending knowledge that death is not just or villainous in any way, it simply Is, WHAT is your problem? hm? hm?
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Time to fangirl about Helluva Boss: S1 E5
But first, isn't the white spot on Blitz's face supposed to be a burn scar? Then why does it look like he has vitiligo? Unless they're all burn scars in which case... ouch.
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And if the white spots are supposed to be scars, like the one across the right eye of Millie's sister:
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What are the two circles on each of Millie's arms? And his father's looks more like a tattoo. And her mom? She has a lot on her tail (which can be understandable) but the ones on her face? Look like blush.
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And these other demons. It even looks like she has them under her eyes.
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And, okey, let's say they're all scars. Then...
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His are supposed to be freckles. I thought for a moment maybe Moxxie is albino, so instead of having black freckles (like Millie's mole under her eye) his are white. But his eyebrows are black so it tears my theory. So, maybe, freckles, moles AND scars are white OR the scars specifically are a less saturated white (thou I would have to know about color theory to really dive in but color theory doesn't want to know me). I'm not blaming the team for not thinking about it (because I've tried writing my own storys and there are things that you just don't think are important for the plot or for a character or for the story in general) but either way it's confusing.
Anyway, in this chapter we're presented to Striker: since the black shadow in his eyes and his golden canine to his rattling tail, we know he's gonna make an impact.
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And he kinda did. He's the one who describes us how society views and treats imps in Hell, and by the look in Blitz's face, those words are something he didn't wanted to think about or they were a trigger. I'm going ith the second option.
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Which makes this scene more important (for Blitz) because his work is being recognized by someone else, someone of his own (an imp) but strange to him. Thinking a little deeper, maybe Striker knew who Blitz was because he was investigating Stolas and the imp who sleeps with him. Eaither way, his reputation precedes him.
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From here the animation changes FOR GOOD:
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I LOVE all these sequence. Everything that happened in this room: LITERAL GOLD.
One of the moments that hapened in the room was Strike offering Blitz to work with him (which would make them a very unstoppable duo, but do their personalities match?)
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And Blitz lies and says he will join him 'cause he was waiting for Moxxie (or someone, idk) to appear. But why not? Why not accept the offer to take down the very people who look down on his kind? What does he wants? Recognition? But for all the imps? Or for him alone? Is he trying to prove something? To who?
I remember we were all impressed by Millie's habilities and violent side, but when this chapter came out, people in the comments were complaining about her not being able to take a hit.
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I know that for a character to be interesting and complex, they need to have flaws; but I also know where people are coming from. I mean, we have a very talented assasin who goes straight to killer-mode when her husban is in danger-
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-who gets taken down only when said husband needs to "save the day". We know she has a high pain tolerance when she says she had worse at the flowers tufts at her brother' wedding when she caught the bouquet "and it was fucking worth it", so this flaw for her... makes sense but it also doesn't. Like, she's too sweet and friendly to be a demon, but she's a very talented killer to be so sweet and friendly. We're talking about personality and attitude. Now you're telling me she''s strong but also weak?
A little EXTRA:
She sleeps with knives above her head and on her nightstand. I'm guessing Moxxie has a gun under the bed, if they're worried about being attacked:
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Another EXTRA:
"Stolas' Lament" playing fast on the background (sorry, I can't unheard it now):
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smileythefirst · 1 year
Bendy AU Designs!
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Here are the designs for my BATIM AU, Bendy and the Ink Well Islands (BATIWI)! I added Carley to this AU because she’s cool and nobody’s talking about her. Also, more doodles of Jack Grimm because I love him. He’s so fun to draw, but it was a struggle to find a way to draw his hair down.
Here’s a summary of this AU:
Joey Drew is the man behind the world of the Ink Well. Or at least, that's what's rumored. No one actually even knows who he really is. But one thing that is known, however, is that he is the whole reason why the so called "Ink Machine" exists. It is one of the, if not, the most complex hierarchy of crime. The only way people are safe is because of the Protectors, the leaders and the system put in place by the only people who were brave enough to stand up against the Ink Machine's hierarchy. Unfortunately for Jay, she was brave enough to take part of this system. And now, after the disappearance of the Ink Well Island's Protector, the Ink Demon himself, she must manage crime in the city while finding out what exactly happened to him...and also putting up with the annoying Detective Benjamin "Bendy" Franks.
Idk if you saw my last AU post, but on one of the pages, it explains how the Ink Well is basically this huge sea of ink, and built upon this sea is the different towns/islands. The ink that makes up this sea is very erratic, and if a human were to fall into it, they would turn into either, the more common form, a Searcher, or a toon. Children are the only exception to this rule, as they aren’t fully affected by the ink, but they can develop mutations and such, like features similar to toons. ��Toons are more rare when it comes to a human falling into the ink, but toons can also be formed by relationships between humans/toons or toons/toons. Searchers can’t really have children because they are malformed, and so is their mental state, so they tend to not want children in the first place.
The ink is why there are different iterations of the same character, such as Alice Angel, Alice, and Allison Angel, or like with Benjamin, The Ink Demon, and Bens (mini Bendy). Jack Grimm, Jill Widows, Benjamin, and Carley are all toons, but Alice Angel would count as a Searcher, as her face is still deformed because of the ink, and her mental state was also affected by the ink.
Jay is a human with toon features, as she got affected by ink as a child. She has the features most similar to a bat, having a pair of bat wings on her back, and has small, almost unnoticeable enhancements, such as having keen hearing, but poor eyesight. She uses a harness to press her wings against her back to hide them, as they can get quiet tedious when she’s indoors or just in the general public.
Jack Grimm is a vampire, but he only needs to drink ink once in a while, or he kind of goes haywire and actually wants literal blood. He usually carries a small amount of ink on him, usually in a small bottle. He has to be careful, though, as drinking too much ink ends up with him still craving literal blood. In the AU, he starts out as more of an antagonist, mostly because he was blackmailed into working for a certain group affiliated with The Ink Machine. Later on, Benjamin and Jay help him get out of his situation. He can “...either go into house arrest, or work with us...”, as stated by Benjamin. He ends up taking up the offer and ends up working in Jill’s Café.
Jill Widows owns a café, which Benjamin and Jay like to visit often, mostly because they know Jill, as they help her find her brother in the beginning of the story. Alice Angel works at this café as both a bodyguard/security member, and a waitress. Alice uses a mask throughout this, because of her face. Allison works at this establishment, as well, and their relationship is much like of that of sisters. This café is where most encounters and meeting between the characters happen.
Carley, much like Jack, starts out as an antagonist. She used to be part of a gang, The Butcher Gang, which later kicked her out because they thought she was too much of a risk-taker. This prompted her to report them, but it only got herself in house-arrest. While in house arrest, she did make a few getaways, but she always returned because she knew the system  would track her down eventually if she didn’t pay her time. The other islands/cities weren’t much of an option because they weren’t too fond of strangers. Although she does have a lot of connections with other criminals and gangs, she never really had a motive to use her connections as she felt like The Butcher Gang had already tainted her name. Carley first enters the story when Jay is looking through files of potential intel members for the criminal investigation group. She views Carley as the most potential member, as Carley has both connections and knowledge, and even has the right abilities to infiltrate potential criminal areas because of her ghost-powers. When Jay makes the offer of exchanging freedom from house arrest for working in her group, Carley views this as a potential way to actually rebuild her name and as an opportunity of escape. Throughout the story, however, even if Carley does get certain opportunities to get rid of Jay and Benjamin, she’s already built a bond with them that reminds her too much of the Butcher Gang. Because of her last “betrayal”, she does tend to not trust her teammates at times and is even paranoid of Jay getting rid of her. At some point in time, though, with the help of Jack, she realizes that Jay and Benjamin wont do those things to her, and she learns to trust them wholeheartedly.
Jay works for the Protector of her own city, Tar City, located on Ink Well Islands. The Protector of this city is the Ink Demon, who works to fight against Joey Drew, despite his sinister nature. In the beginning of everything, he hires Jay and puts her on the place of manager, mostly because he wanted someone else managing most of the paperwork and meetings between him and other Protectors and such. Unfortunately for Jay, this means she’s working for most of her time, as their is a lot of work being set in place in the whole island.
Benjamin is a detective who’s working for Joey Drew, mostly because Joey has manipulated him to do his bidding. Mostly all of the Bendy versions were made by Joey in an attempt to make the perfect Bendy, and, well, Benjamin doesn’t look like the cute little cartoon devil that Joey had accepted to appear when he started his experiments. This means that the other “Bendys” were also made by Joey. This includes the Ink Demon, who has now been turned into the innocent little Bendy.
The Ink Demon can turn into “Bens” at random times, but this time, he permanently turns into him after he gets poisoned (most likely by Benjamin and because of Joey’s orders). That’s why in the story, he’s gone and Jay has to take over the role of the Protector while handling different case.
Hope you like the first batch of designs! ^^
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I'm glad my perspective and opinion has changed, especially on Eggman in Frontiers and how I can say I'm at least ranging in interested in to liking all aspects of his and Sage's portrayals and combined dynamic now. Despite everything that happened the past few months, it feels like a happy ending to not feel bitter anymore and be at peace.
It's unfortunate that I'm this late to understanding the entire picture despite small details I did catch onto even at the beginning- but I think what didn't help is, besides the four Eggman scenes that were leaked, my next look were memos spammed on my dash with wild assumptions treated as fact and were quick to upset me without full context.
Even when I got to play the game a couple of days early and had a headstart to give it more of a chance to form my own opinion before it really blew up, I was too pissed and tired to give a chance or pay enough attention to what was going on because of my reaction to those leaks. It significantly lowered my amount of interest and excitement.
You must understand- I was so excited for a main story game again after five years, to see what Eggman was up to, to see him finally be newly simultaneously voiced and animated again for the first time in years. Years of waiting only to have a lot shoved in my face out of order and context wasn't nice, so I went from excited to confused and angry fast.
At first I really thought they fucked up my favorite character ever and I was devastated. He's very important to me and I was looking forward to seeing what writing and animation there was to enjoy and what kind of analysis and appreciation posts I could make. It was even one of the things that kept me pushing through hard times for years to see.
It was easy to believe that the worst had happened when a loud majority of fandom were saying it. But over time, the more I looked, the more I was like wait the reasons I say that I don't like Eggman's portrayal or the dynamic with Sage actually aren't present in the game, I just wasn't agreeing with how it was being seen as in the fandom specifically.
I realized that was the case with the Maria Egg memo right away when I reacted with confusion to how people got the idea that Eggman was neglected in childhood from it (only for Flynn to also say that isn't implied) but then realized it's the same case with the dynamic with Sage, Eggman's morality or lack of, and everything else much later.
Then I was like oh wait so it's just the same old story when it comes to canon vs fanon lol. Idk where my head was at up until I had this huge sense of clarity, I was a mess XD But everyone who sensibly offered new perspective without insulting or casting me out helped and I'm very thankful for the respect, patience, and for taking the time to explain.
Truth is, I actually love being proven wrong when people actually take the facts into account and provide supporting evidence for their beliefs, instead of insisting I like something just because they do (especially when it's for reasons not actually present in the game) because I want to learn. I judged too quickly, I was too harsh, I realize there's a lot more to be enjoyed.
I don't want to be miserable and hate things like some think, it's not fun. my criticisms only ever come from a place of great passion. I care and want the best out of Eggman characterization and for them to keep all the things that make him so great and lovable present in him. I'm really happy to know he hasn't gone anywhere and I can enjoy it!
I'm glad I love canon Frontiers Eggman, I'm just not a fan of the most popular fan interpretation right now because I feel that, just like me initially, some are overlooking details, context, and moments that make Eggman and Sage's portrayals and dynamic a lot more complicated and complex as commonly depicted and I hope to highlight them in my posts.
I'm really happy and relieved that it turned out to actually be something I can find interesting and enjoy and inspires exploration and creativity in me to analyze, appreciate, and create from! It's what I was really hoping to feel all along and in the end my love for Eggman remains as strong and enthusiastic as ever 🥰💜🥚
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borathae · 1 year
ok my thinking is that BECAUSE TAE IS HIGHLY SNSITIVE ever since his humanity is on he can pick up easily on what poeple feel hence why he comforted yoongi even though that man was closing off to him. and because of HE TOLD HIM EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTED TO HEAR and that takes extra amount of intelligence to figure out what poeple want in moments of solitude, grief, anger! not everyone is capable of that and i feel it's the only caracter in mv capable of that? (jungkookie also but tae's more sentisitive in general whereas tae is sensitive and highly self concious and reflective also maybe his creative self also allows him to be even more reflective and observer of the world and poeple and so hes even more and more emotionnaly smart?) i feel like yoongi at the end reconized how special tae can be
Like HE KNEW YOONGI S ULT FEAR and he didn't tell him the cliché of oh life is beautiful and dadadadad he was like if you don't want to live that's fine but why don't you just give a go and the decide and holy fuck i've never been immensly suicidal but i feel like if i was that'd make me think again? vs oh life is so pretty look at the flowers i'll be like stfu dumb cunt but if someone is like yeah life sucks and it might not get better and you might not feel different but just give it a go, see what happens i'd be like well i guess ...
and alsoooooo hear me out, as much as this man was easily played by jimin as much i believe he empathizes with him (ok maybe that weird captor sympathy syndrome stokholm) because even if jimin doesnt talk about it tae knows that jimin is fucked up all because of namjoon and because of that he offers his emotional net as safety for jimin?! LIKE HE KNOWS HIS HOMIE IS BAD FOR HIM BUT HE KINDA WANTS TO BE HIS PUNCHING BAG BECAUSE HE REALZES HES INTERNALY AGONIZED. like we've been there, you let shit slide because your friend, partner, mom is having a shit day, shit week, shit life lmao? it's a twisted way for love for sure but it's love nonetheless? AND ALL YOU BITCHES CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS BUT MV TETE BEAR LOVES LIKE THERES NO TOMORROW HE DIVES HEADFIRST AND PUTS HIS HEART ON THE LINE FOR EVERYONE
ok AND THIS HIGH REGARD AND PERCEPTION FOR OTHER FEELINGS IS WHAT OC FELL FOR! AND KOOKIE! like hear me out in SA he was so sweet like honey on strawberries!! and the fake kind of sweet where it's just talk that man got oc plants as his way of asking her to move in for example! he also took kookie shopping and spoiled him and stuff so that's the taehyung THEY KNOW.
He offered jaykay a long hug because he sensed that man's starvation for skinship and he was like i'll be the one to give it to him! i also remember how he distracted him in the dinner by whispering in his ear about their nightly planned activoites hehehehe WHICH IS AGAIN TAEHYUNG SAVING POEPLE BY WHAT HE KNOWS BEST GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT AT THAT EXACT MOMENT
We were a little hard on him but that's okay some rough love and he woke up from his trance hehehehe
OK NOW to the important part: KINKY TAEHYUNG SEX WHEN? I need to mark my calendar sibi
Wow I actually fucking love this analysis of his character!! Thank you so much for seeing him this way and for writing such lovely words about him!!
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Like HE KNEW YOONGI S ULT FEAR and he didn't tell him the cliché of oh life is beautiful and dadadadad he was like if you don't want to live that's fine but why don't you just give a go and the decide and holy fuck i've never been immensly suicidal but i feel like if i was that'd make me think again? vs oh life is so pretty look at the flowers i'll be like stfu dumb cunt but if someone is like yeah life sucks and it might not get better and you might not feel different but just give it a go, see what happens i'd be like well i guess ...
YES THIS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING IT LIKE THIS!! when I was suicidal I hated nothing more than people telling me "but life's so good why do you wanna end it?" because back then my life wasn't beautiful and I just wanted it to end and their "comforting words" just felt like mockery to me and proved to me that they had NO IDEA what I was actually feeling. Honestly the only thing what really helped was me telling myself "yeah life sucks but maybe try to hold on a little longer? maybe it'll get better?" over and over again SO ISTFG I WANNA FUCKING HUG TAE TO MY CHEST AND KISS HIS LIDDOL FOREHEAD :(
i believe he empathizes with him (ok maybe that weird captor sympathy syndrome stokholm) because even if jimin doesnt talk about it tae knows that jimin is fucked up all because of namjoon and because of that he offers his emotional net as safety for jimin?! LIKE HE KNOWS HIS HOMIE IS BAD FOR HIM BUT HE KINDA WANTS TO BE HIS PUNCHING BAG BECAUSE HE REALZES HES INTERNALY AGONIZED.
Oooooooh interesting take on this situation oooooooh 👀 and it's definitely not the healthiest way and Tae SHOULD tell Jimin that his behaviour isn't okay, but I definitely agree that this is a reason why he has been staying with Jimin for so long. 🤔 I just hope that one day he'll say "hey Jimin I love you and I'll be your friend but please mistreating me" because I don't want Tae thinking that he needs to stay a punching bag for Jimin. Trauma is an explanation but never an excuse and Jimin needs to learn that 😶
He offered jaykay a long hug because he sensed that man's starvation for skinship and he was like i'll be the one to give it to him! i also remember how he distracted him in the dinner by whispering in his ear about their nightly planned activoites hehehehe WHICH IS AGAIN TAEHYUNG SAVING POEPLE BY WHAT HE KNOWS BEST GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT AT THAT EXACT MOMENT
OMFMGMMGMGMGM PLEASE YES FMASDMFMAM why did I never even think of it that way? fadjfja I'm the author and yet here you are giving new perspectives to my characters fajfdsj I am loving it!!
OK NOW to the important part: KINKY TAEHYUNG SEX WHEN? I need to mark my calendar sibi
*opens calender* well well well, would you look at that? You gotta mark the 3rd of june for that
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johnnys-breastmilk · 5 months
Wally anon: Oh, he LOVES gummy worms. Really any kind of sour candy, he's a fiend for, even as a ghost. You get itttt. 👍 He'd be moaning & sending vibrations all over your dick, getting spit everywhere trying to keep you in his mouth, & you'd be getting his hole all sloppy, stretching him out & getting him loose. 😮‍💨 (Yupppp, exactly. You'd be having to stockpile on so much of it & you know he'd have a favorite flavor from how fast it would specifically be gone).
Mhm mhm. Cause we know he loves to really get silly when the time calls for it.
(truly the most perfect holiday for innuendos like that 🤭) But, yup, it should've been more of a general theme of ~family~ cause like...Idk what that man was thinking when they were having an affair to begin with & it quite literally. was not the faults of every person on his hit list that she died. Just goofy shit. 😶 (it's why I'm so mixed on him not. being the killer cause I think an ~obsession~ motive like that would work more in an OG than a sequel if they happened to make him a killer; we just kinda lost in general except for seeing Milo have another role💀) Okayyy threesome with double Milo characters. I see the vision (even if I have less familiarity with Zed lolll). 👀 Of course @ less complex. But that's what fics are for. 😉
lolllll, you might be onto something there. Can't believe the thought didn't cross my mind (but I'm also not the most knowledgeable on football so 😶‍🌫️).
And you're about to have even more very shortly djdhsj. Gonna be full of Wally/Ryan requests for a whole year atp. 😭 Sonar for your nose fr.
Understandable since it's such a tiny thing to overlook but it was soooo funny to me. Yupyupyup to all of it. I mean, the movie was veryyy clearly trying to do what both versions of My Bloody Valentine did by doing the whole ~love triangle involving a guy who left town & a guy the final girl is with now~ but at least that. made sense cause Valentine's Day, but the half-assed juggling of Ryan & Bobby as red herrings just kept getting in the way of everything else. ❌️ Exactlyyyy @ loving how. into her he was. He was chasing & Bobby was caught slacking (which offers up infinite fic potential cause he just wants it so. bad)! 🙌
Cause Milo is perfect, yup. ❤️ Good to know cause I've got an even mix of ideas for them coming. 🫣 Yesss, happy to hear. 😁 Truly a case of the year coming full circle to give you your gifts as it closes. 👍
Ugh, allllll of it is just so. hot. It's the thing he figures out drives you the most wild when he's teasing you cause the anticipation/promise of it is so close with him putting himself on display like that while only emphasizing his dick, but it's t h a t enticing seeing it flop out & gradually get hard while he manspreads & stretches out, acting completely casual while you can't even care about what's being said in class. 🥵
I can see him just absolutely begging you to bring some into school so that he can take the ghost version of them like how they do in the show. He’ll get subby for a bag of gummy worms with how much he begs. And totally, he’s making a mess because of you just completely unraveling him with his good you play with his hole😮‍💨 I wonder what his favorite flavor is? Strawberry, mango, watermelon, hmm
The silliest🤭 he’s absolutely pounding into you yet making you laugh sksjsk
The only people that made sense were the ones wheeling the shopping carts that hit her. Everyone else was just guilty because that happened to be in the store/contributing to the general riot. But they didn’t specifically have a hand in killing her, so idk why he went after who he did. (plus, we missed out on getting a sex scene with Milo‼️‼️😪 if this was friday the 13th ik we would gotten to see it from the front and front the back and from every angle for several minutes but noooo let’s just see another girl’s ass why don’t we) Also, anon, Milo was in another movie called Prom Pact that was honestly better than any of the Zombies movies. It came out back in March of this year and he plays the “nerdy best friend role with zero friends except one.” And while I thought they were gonna have him be the second love interest (given that the main character is female and the poster shows her between Ben and the guy she ends up going out with, i could’ve sworn it was going to take that direction.) but it never did! Ben (Milo’s character has his own love interest (sadly not male, but he does have a gay coworker and i thought he should’ve gone for him for the rep) And honestly Ben feels like a completely different character from from Wally or Ryan in the best way possible. (I could always do Ben and Wally since they’re both in high school and just make Ben move or something, but yessss Wally and Zed seemed like the perfect paranormal pairing because it’s funny how they’re both undead, play football (with one absolutely loving it and the other not wanting to do it but did it cause of family) and I could just see the potential of two big dicks, two charming men, and double milo (and quadruple cheeks sksjsk) 😮‍💨🫣
Same on football, idk much about it. I know like the stuff surrounding it thanks to highschool and that I always went to the games, even if I had no clue what was happening.
I’d rather drown in Wally/Ryan requests than water tbh🫡 (it’s like his own personal built-in emf detector. you don’t need one to know where that ghost is)
He wanted it so bad that he was willing to fight Bobby several times for it🫣 It was just so hot seeing him take it, then he possessive over it once he had it. Unfortunately, I have yet to see any Bloody Valentine😪 (shocker because Jensen is in the remake and I’ve been loving Supernatural) but idk that movie was one that never really stood out to me in terms of holiday horror movies. (This is coming from someone who’s watched Happy Death Day at the start of each college year or semester if i’m up for it skshdh) But I get what you mean!! They just gave it too much time to where it felt forced and dumb. no contest in that department from thanksgiving.
Yesss I know it’s not Christmas yet but who says you can’t give gifts a few days early?🤭 Like I said, I’d rather drown in Milo requests so keep them coming🫣🫡
He doesn’t even draw your attention to it because it’s so big that it’s a gravitational magnet for people’s eyes naturally. He’s just slouching out more in his chair, letting it grow bigger and stick out the more he does it. He’s rubbing his things casually, not even touching his dick and it’s just still growing, you wonder if it’s ever going to stop because how is he that big?🫣 It might be math class rn, but you’re only focused on the problem next to you and finding the length of that with a ruler sksksjhfs
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