#idk i may be traumatised cause ya know
The degree to which i see some people bend over backwards to excuse or justify or change or solve Geto’s character is honestly astounding. Just own it up. This man commited atrocities enough for a death sentence. Accept it. Its fine it adds flavour.
The phrase “there arent good or bad people, just the choices they make” is right HERE. Geto and Gojo have a great dichotomy and a big part of it is the fact that in person Geto is the good guy and Gojo is the unbearable asshole. In contrast to that, Gojo is one making the typically “good” choices ant Geto makes “evil” choices. Gojo will save you but will piss you off in the process. Geto will kill you with the kindest smile on his face. I sure hope we dont need to have a conversation on why genocide is a bad thing
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pips-fics · 2 years
dude, angst is my middle name
but yeah i could picture how they wouldn’t be as good back then as they are now. once i finish some shows i’m watching i might try one of the ones ur talking abt!!
ok this is relating to the angst part but um i really liked (most) of the show, girl from nowhere. it’s like horribly disturbing but in a good way?? like some scenes i just cant watch and there’s the one specific ep i will never watch again bc i was traumatised but besides that it’s hella cool. and the main protag nanno is a queen so that’s that (except when she’s like ya know manipulating ppl to do horrendous thjngs) but yeah um viewer discretion advised lolol
oooh id love if lucy did an anime ost it would really fit their vibe imo. also idk if it’s just me and idk if u know the band but gfriend has a few songs that sound like they could literally be anime openings soooo honestly love that
ahhh that’s cool tho i love gamer friends-hint i’m that friend lol
(random but just a little fun fact i’ve been listening to the song moscow moscow by onf so much lately oml)
oh my gosh it's been so long i practically forgot what we were talking about :') how've you been my dude???
iirc the first couple of things were in response to my favorite dramas, which... i have never felt more angst from any show/book/movie than the untamed. i told sunset about you is like.... idk i felt the character's angst deeply but in hindsight maybe it wouldn't have been as intense if i didn't watch it while it was airing. i cried a lot while watching that show. i didn't cry while watching the untamed but i know it has made me cry multiple times since i finished it. also i've never found higher quality fanfics than those in the untamed fandom so that may have been the cause of a good amount of my tears
ANYWAY i actually almost started watching girl from nowhere a few weeks ago!!! then i chickened out lol i feel like it will disturb me greatly so it remains on my to-watch list until i feel Ready
ahh i could see gfriend having that vibe too, yeah!!
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