#its all bullshit
The degree to which i see some people bend over backwards to excuse or justify or change or solve Geto’s character is honestly astounding. Just own it up. This man commited atrocities enough for a death sentence. Accept it. Its fine it adds flavour.
The phrase “there arent good or bad people, just the choices they make” is right HERE. Geto and Gojo have a great dichotomy and a big part of it is the fact that in person Geto is the good guy and Gojo is the unbearable asshole. In contrast to that, Gojo is one making the typically “good” choices ant Geto makes “evil” choices. Gojo will save you but will piss you off in the process. Geto will kill you with the kindest smile on his face. I sure hope we dont need to have a conversation on why genocide is a bad thing
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dragon-wolf90s · 3 months
I see so many political posts on here this time of year, saying both are bad but you should still vote.
If both are so bad
Vote third party
It's not that fucking hard. If everyone hates both Trump and Biden then vote for a thirsty party that isn't an extremist.
The US is not a bi-partisan government. We've just had it for so long that everyone forgets. Trump and Biden are not the only names on the ballot.
If they're both evil then don't vote for them, vote third party. None of these posts talk about that. It is an option
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localdiscountgoth · 11 months
wish dropping out of college was more normalized
the fuck you mean i have to explain to employers why i dropped out (and have to LIE about it)
the fuck you mean jobs dont actually care what degree you have just that you need one to do this bs job
they dont fucking care.
why cant this be normalized
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t1nym4u5x2 · 3 months
It's strange being in this weird generational gap between constant access to porn and not having Internet. Don't get me wrong I love mutual masterbation and watching/making porn with or without my partner but it's like socially and generationally sex has become more of a transaction or a means to an end rather than the art of two people exploring sensation together. It kind of reminds me of this documentary I watched where a girl working at a bunny ranch was talking about her experiences with a client who couldn't get off because he was so used to fucking his mattress they tried everything but she was like I can't be a mattress. We get so used to the certain ways we make ourselves cum that it completely desensitizes us to all the different possibilities and levels of sexual stimulation because we're so focused on what we know. And then there's that weird barrier caused by puritanical views of virtue making it harder to let go completely with someone you respect/love because you don't view them as something disposable like a "slut." Sex isn't always sexy like in porn sometimes it's awkward, frustrating, or silly or painful because we're all just humans. I would love if we could all as a collective get back to the connectivity of all of our senses sexually with someone else and just enjoy the ride rather than be slaves to the imagery on a screen and instant gratification.
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how do i explain to my parisian culture professor that i have no idea what im saying (even after having taken french for seven years and still being able to speak it fluently) because i was writing sitcom fanfiction instead of paying attention in class
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heartsoji · 1 year
i am actually stupid why do i suck at math im literally crying
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Was reading your tags & hell yeah! They had to be boring! We could've had Billy fighting demodogs! Who wouldn't wanna see that?! They could still have him be an asshole if they wanted but they seriously missed some amazing plot potential!
EXACTLY BESTIE. They chose to be boring as hell, and I hope s5 is SO BAD it makes the last episode of Supernatural look like one of Tolkien's masterpieces.
They don't have the range. The worst thing about it is... they fully admit that could've been canon. But they're actually happy that they're squares.
I want them to be humbled 🙏
Yeah! Let him be an asshole! Why is it that in this instance suddenly being an asshole is a bad thing for a character? Everyone likes assholes!
If they don't, they have absolutely no taste smh.
Letting out all those feelings he has as well as protecting others? Billy realizing he can do both? FUCK YEAH.
Or just... play it safe 💀.
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whatacutiedonnie · 1 month
Oooh Mega Rant***
Months and months of this stupid ass discourse. Do we really need to make everything drama, a headline, a story? Is the news that slow that we have to pick up on petty bullshit? Can we fuckin quit it with this propagandized generation war of a nothingburger? For a generation that was rampantly bullied and shit on by the generations before, why keep the hypocritical cycle going. Gen Y, yall preached against it but continue to purpetuate the hate and hurt. It fuckin kills me. Im the Zillenial subcategory where we dont fit either gen. In months of mass talks, a lot are torn like I feel. Scolding one half and shielding the other. I dont even want to talk about the bashing down from Gen X on Gen Z, like yall those are YOUR kids yall talkin about (my parents are X but not on the hate train), like yall RAISED us. All generations before give the knowledge, tools, support, opportunities, etc. for the generations to come. Yes, its not a perfect system either. Yes, shit is out of balance hardcore. Yes, we got the shitty timeline that is basically a repeat of history time and time again. Critical thinking and internet literacy are at an all time low across the board. Please please please people just think for 5 seconds, check sources, make sure its not just AI generated slop thats invaded majority of searches. All this infighting is tearing everything apart. Can we please just do a little critical thinking and play nice? No smear campaigns? Focus on the bigger picture, not the petty bullshit that somehow keeps getting publicized.
Obligatory yada yada “not all parents, people, xyz, etc.” then this isnt for you or aimed at you! Carry on!
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bvlletproof-heart · 7 months
I wish I had my own place because I've been in and out of crying spells for the past 2 days and i don't want my mom asking questions.
The only privacy I get is in my car.
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acediscowlng · 8 days
charles going "i'm aces with other people" literal seconds after he died from being murdered by his friends is absolutely fascinating, this kid's optimism and sheer determination to bullshit his way through every traumatic event he goes through and pointedly refuses to examine really knows no bounds
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clockworkclownart · 5 months
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Day 4 - Wander - #DannyMay2024
"Wow, that sure is alot of green" 💚
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localdiscountgoth · 1 year
POV- your quitting your job and fully on verge of committing full blown arson
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andwhatifitookover · 2 years
Well. Time to go explain to my manager again that i am moving away and not willing to make the hour commute. How much can i bet I'll get 'well some people are travelling up to 2 hours'
Like. I dont give 2 shits. I am setting a boundary. I am not willing to throw away all my spare time for a job that is already destroying my body. Not when I'll be doing 8 units a week. Not for work i hate
And certainly not for a place that tries to manipulate me out of leaving. Every 'oh but others are doing this' or 'stay so we can help you' makes me want to leave more. I can not be fooled that fucking easy
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reveluvjay · 7 months
Me making sure my sweetie pie Arthur has a bath because he deserves it 💕🎀🌸
Arthur: This is the cleanest some parts of me been in weeks! 🤠
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cloudyydraws · 9 months
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more mario and luigi doodles but i took their mouths away
+ extra unfinished stuff under the cut
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
At the end of the day, they're still just little kids making noise outside his office.
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