#idk i think im still coming to terms with like.
marzylics · 2 days
(Maybe some incorrect terms idk im kinda dense) warnings: kinda agnst ig. probably not spell checked. Really short
The car ride to the Tarmac was always long. Always felt like it would never end, you wish it didnt. Your hand discretely holding Simon as you sit next to him in the car hoping the rest of your taskforce wouldn't notice.
As The car finally pulled up to the tarmac Simon requested to have a private conversation with yoh before leaving.
"Listen, if anything happens-" he starts to say before he is cut off by you
"Nothing will happen" you try to reassure Simon "we are both gonna make it back, I promise"
Before you could add anything else he pulled you into his arms for a hug. "I love you" he whispered to you as you were still in his arms.
"I love you too Simon" you say as you hear the sound of the helicopter landing and price calling you to come over.
You think of that day often as you renew the flowers on your Simons grave.
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combeauferre · 1 year
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kareenvorbarra · 2 months
doomed to always be the only nahuseresh fan in the chat
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fruitybashir · 3 months
writing sentences and having to pause to pull my shirt over my mouth and scream a little, this is going to be the death of me.
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bisaster-energy · 8 months
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thinking about the idea of grimmjow being relatively young for a hollow i guess bc the idea that he just pops out of the sand one day and jumpscares di roy and everyone is funny to me
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
#i was looking through old photos today. they where from wjen i was like 1 and it made me so sad#bc my mum would have been like only a year or 2 older then i am now and she looked so young#and now she has an abdomen full of tumors and blistered hands and feet. theyre prob gonna hsve to remove her bladder#but shes still very pragmatic abt it. but she grew up in a house where no one really cared about her feelings so she made them small#and now her mother calls and doesn't ask how her grandkids are doing and doesn't ask how her daughter is doing. im cursed with terrible#grandparents on both sides but i resent my mothers mother worse. though my dad said i probably wouldnt have survived his upbringing#and hes right. my nana has like zero empathy and cant cook for shit. idk how my parents r so normal but the fact i had a good upbringing is#probably the only reason im still here. and thats the other thing that made me sad abt the old pics. just looking at this little baby with a#fucked up head and thinking: in 25 years that kid is gonna b so broken down their not gonns kno what to do or how to fix it. idk whats wrong#with me. ive always been some stage of miserable but i used to b able to get things done. and now i cant seem to force functionality#and it sucks. bc im home now and i still feel like im cringing around this open wound in my chest. but whatever#as of today ive started taking ab1lify. hopefully it helps in the long term but in the short term it triggers my 0cd. which is not fun#its so frustrating. whatever. i also found out my eyes used to not work together. not enough to have a lazy eye but it was hard for me to#read and apparently my eyes were tracking at like double the speed of a normal person. wtf is wrong with my brain? also also my mum was like#yea i never would have guessed bip0lar but we thought it was something. autism i could see 100% but yea didnt see that coming. ao i guess#i brehave like a bit of an oddball. ans my nana would bother my dad to try to make me participate in church and my dad was like no. she#clearly don't wanna b here lol. ay. they did the best they could which i appreciate#unrelated
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padfootastic · 1 year
Its tragic that Regulus died but it's more tragic that he didn't have to. Kreacher could Apparate him from the cave. And if Regulus wanted to protect his family, his secret death achieves this how? He just disappears and Vold isn't looking for him or punishing deserter' family? Isn't worried that the boy whose house-elf he borrowed to test horcrux protection vanished? But the again, Vold wasn't shook when Kreacher showed up at Bella's in 5th book though elf supposedly died in that damn cave. XD
everything about regulus feels like an exercise in didn’t have to tbh
like yeah i know heroic teenager sacrificing himself blah blah but,,,,after reading a lot of fics that actually focus on worldbuilding/plot/side characters--im not entirely convinced that'sd what it was. like. if harry & co hadn't found the locket by sheer luck, then there's a v good chance things wouldnt have ended the way they had. reg ended up making things harder in his quest to vanquish the dark lord or wtv.
and like, im not even trying to bash here, but when i look at regulus the top character traits i see are arrogance, ambition, inflated sense of self worth, recklessness, and single mindedness (if thats valid). i mean,,,our boy could've easily asked sirius for help, he knew for a fact that his brother was on the other side, but he didnt. why? i cant see anything but ego there. he didnt even try. he was nowhere close to putting the cause above his own self.
but also,,,the fact that he actually went in the cave, presumably knowing he would die,,,that kinda indicates something much sadder for me. like, why else would he be so ok w the fact if he wasnt, say, unbearably suffocated and hopelessly over his head? if there wasnt latent suicidal ideation or, at the very least, a desire to get out, get away, not be here.
like, idk. i cant think of why he wouldnt ask kreacher to apparate him back/help him escape when he knew house elves could bypass the magic until he'd just fully accepted (perhaps even wished for) his death ykno?
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kazoologist · 13 days
not to be a colossal fucking cowabummer about everything but it really does suck that like. my really chill and like. supposedly more realistic type of career goal feels about as unattainable as like a kid saying he wants to be a singer or something
#kazoo noises#like yeah this was supposed to be a job i COULD get. i thought bc like. i was going into the field bc i loved the work and not bc i couldnt#make it into academia (fuck u alt-ac term users yall are snobs) id like maybe be able to cobble it together bc like. im good at doing work.#i can usually make something happen and i got a good attitude. but jesus ive got one year left and every job app comes back negative if the#even bother to respond#like idk man. i knew iwasnt gonna be making money or shit and i knew it was gonna be rough but like. everyone else i meet already has a gig#or at least like gig adjacent. volunteer or field experience or internship and like. i cant get anything to stick. its not like ive done#nothing either? ive worked extensively with small scale exhibition design. i have worked extensively with special collections libraries.#i have literal years worth of research experience from college. i have an entirely customer service based resume thats not academic so i#can handle a patron (and crucially different from my peers: I WANT TO)#i can organize. i can write and design labels. i can communicate. i can handle special collections objects. i can make ANY microfilm reader#work for me even when it doesnt want to#and im not saying my classmates arent qualified. but like. surely this has to amount to something. i have been so stupidly lucky#to have even half the experiences i do. i have variety in my degree that even some of my classmates would kill for i think. i did. so much.#i have had so many advantages and i like to think i use them well and that i am grateful for them. but why cant i make that shit connect???#my resume is good. im reliable. i want to work more than anything. so why cant i get a call back???#legitimately how much longer do i get to keep telling myself i a not the common denominator here#sorry for diary posting but im prepping to walk to the house tour and planning what job apps i can fill out when i get back and literally.#just like. why do i bother. i should have just held my nose and done the online only program in state. i'd probably spend less time rotting#god being 23 fucking sucks. it is going to be better. im literally just barely an adult. this cant be it and it wont be it. but jesus. i go#over having to beg for a rejection letter about ten months ago when i still felt like i had a shot at these experiences
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scionshtola · 14 days
cori is bi and shtola is a lesbian but it doesn’t really bother me when ppl tag posts of them together or whatever assuming they’re both lesbians. but it does bother me when ppl assume cori is a woman ahdhdjsk
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aroaceofthesea · 3 months
I thought i had friends but turns out they have a group chat without me and when i found out i asked one of them if they could add me but its been over a week and i havent heard about it again
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narugen · 1 month
having a complicated one sided relationship with ur mother is so
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munadyke · 10 months
ok. sometimes I just want to listen to people talk abt star wars but the youtube results are all men and I refuse to do that to myself. found myself on a reddit thread of good sw youtube accounts/podcasts and it's like....for one dollar name a woman:/
#CRINGE or whatever#but like i am thinking abt themes of fate and agency and the way they change across series and how certacertain characters exist outside#the narrative etc and i just wanna talk abt rebels and how its such a fantastic follow up to tcw/the prequels in terms of its core cast and#the fact that their only commonality is that they chose to be a part of the rebellion as opposed to the characters of tcw that are stuck in#this perpetual loop of following orders and uplifting those in power & feeling as though everything in their lives are destined meanwhile#there were so many opportunities to stop the end destiny (if u will) of the prequels if only they werent so blind etc but at the same time#you have characters like maul and ahsoka who exist outside of these power structures (one by choice and the other not) and when it comes#time to change anakins fate together ahsoka cant do it bc shes refuses to see the truth#and then this is directly paralleled at the end of rebels s2 where it takes kanan being literally blinded for him to see ezras pull to the#dark side bc until then kanan (the last remaining jedi) still clings to the beliefs and structures that raised him. he cant see/understand#ezra bc he refuses to view the world outside of the lens of his jedi training he has to be blinded to see the world around him in a new way#ofc this is all happening while ahsoka and anakin meet again and we see what could have happened had kanan failed to change#idk something something the illusion of choice under capatalism & 2 party systems leading to facism#something something rebellion/change comes from the ability to question authority and find individual purpose#noooo idea where im going with this shit at the end i promise i understand facism#see this is why i need to listen to other people talk abt it i am just spewing nonsense in my tumblr tags!!!!
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piplupod · 4 months
that question is sparked by me seeing a very obnoxious (i.e. eyestrain to the point of inducing a headache) dni banner that lists "bi lesbians" on it and I look at the person's carrd and they have "anti-neopronoun/xenogender/mogai" listed right underneath "bi lesbians/lesboys/etc and supporters"
and i am just. feeling a little crazy. because i genuinely do not understand this fsdjkl i feel like... if you are supportive of xenogenders then you should understand gender is complex and doesn't line up nicely with sexuality labels sometimes so you have to twist things to make them fit right for you and your internal experience... this is why we have cool labels like cloudgender and stargender and all that fun stuff!! these labels are cool! they are good! so why suddenly are we saying that lesbians and gays who do not fit the traditional "i am solely a woman attracted solely to other only-ever-women" box are wrong and bad ?
i dont want to be saying horrible things bc im misunderstanding or straight up not seeing the issue though, so genuinely if anyone has insight please tell me because im so beyond confused at this point
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vaugarde · 4 months
unprompted pmd oc lore thats sorta based on rescue team dialogue cause im thinking about it: the proper pronoun to use when you don't know a pokemon's specific gender is actually "it/its", not "they/them". In some cases it's considered disrespectful to refer to some legendary pokemon as anything other than "it".
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sgt-celestial · 4 months
sitting at the kitchen table doing fuckall rn might do my makeup for fun in my tiny handheld mirror. should i
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