#idk i was thinking about cheers (shocker)
cultherent ยท 1 year
An Accidental Email [Ch.4]
Chapter 4
Waking up from your bed, you immediately got up to check on Bakugo. Once you opened the door; however, the blond was gone, sheets folded nicely on your couch. You huffed, crossing your arms as you approached where he should have been.ย 
โ€œWhat the fuck am I going to do with him? All the things he saidโ€ฆ I donโ€™t know what to think.โ€ You rubbed your head as you went back to your room to get your phone.ย 
With your phone in hand, you made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Using the toilet first, you checked your messages to find nothing from the man of the hour. You texted him, โ€œI hope you got home safe, but we should talk.โ€ After staring at the screen for a while, you swiped out, hoping heโ€™d respond back. You clicked on Minaโ€™s contact and told her what had happened. You stood, finished your business, and started brushing your teeth. Right when you spat out the paste, your phone buzzed. Looking at the screen, it was Mina, and you were a bit upset it wasnโ€™t Bakugo.
Mina: Holy shit, thatโ€™s fucking crazy. What are you going to do?
Y/N: Idk Mina. I genuinely donโ€™t knowโ€ฆ He still hasnโ€™t texted me back.
Mina: Just give him some time
Mina: Heโ€™s probably remembering everything he said
Mina: Maybe heโ€™s scared
Y/N: Whatever it isโ€ฆ Iโ€™m getting more anxious
Mina: Completely understandableโ€ฆ I donโ€™t mean to change the subject so suddenly, but are you still going to the party tn?
Y/N: Ig but Iโ€™m not doing anything crazy
Mina: Okay perfect
Mina: Iโ€™ll meet you there then
Rinsing your face with water, you begin to complete your chores for the day.
The clock soon struck 10, and you put the finishing touches on your makeup. You decided not to think about everything that was said last night; this is your day of enjoyment. Youโ€™ll fuck some people, get fucked, dom, etc. Your time to escape. Grabbing your bag containing your outfit changed, you took your keys and headed to your car.
You got onto the freeway and glanced at your phone; you received a notification. You made a mental note, so when you arrived, you stayed in your car to check. Putting the phone in front of your eyes, it turned on, and a message from Bakugo was on the wall. You scrolled it down, not wanting him to know you read the message. It read: I got home safe. No need for a talk.
You huffed, โ€œWhat the fuck you mean by no talk.โ€ You rolled your eyes and swiped the message away. You texted Mina that you were there and grabbed your things. Knocking on the door, you saw a familiar face wearing a warm smile.
โ€œY/N, itโ€™s so good to see you!โ€ You were hugged by your friend, Denki.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s been a minute! How have you been?โ€
โ€œIโ€™ve been great. Throwing these parties has been a lot of fun and Iโ€™m so glad you can join us tonight.โ€ Denki ushered you to enter, closing the door behind you, and directed you to the changing room. โ€œYou brought a mask, right? Itโ€™s a masked event.โ€ You nodded and he grinned. โ€œLet me know if you want to have some fun. Iโ€™ve missed the good olโ€™ days.โ€ You winked as the corner of your lips curled, then made your way to change.
You got dressed, your outfit consisting of a latex shirt and a corset top with a latex-like appearance. You put on thigh-high socks and made sure they wouldn't slip down with bowtie garters. You threw on a shocker and touched up your makeup and hair. You put on platform boots littered with buckles and straps, which made you look much taller. To perfect the look, you slid on a mask that covered your eyes and a bit of your nose. It was elegant and had feathery strands on the top.
Dusting off your outfit, you stepped outside and spotted Mina. She recognized your clothes and mask from the picture you sent her earlier. โ€œOh my God, you look God-like!โ€ She cheered, engulfing you in a hug.
โ€œSo do you,โ€ you preached as you stepped back, gasping at her outfit. She wore a sultry red bunny bodysuit with a tail and ears. โ€œI love it.โ€
Mina smiled as she put her hand in yours, โ€œDo you have any plans yet?โ€
โ€œNot really. I might mess around with Denki, but thatโ€™ll be later.โ€
โ€œPerfect! I have something you want to see.โ€
Mina tightened her grip as she guided you to one of the houseโ€™s living rooms. โ€œWhat exactly is going on?โ€ You stared at a room filled with people. You were surprised, youโ€™d never seen a party with this many people. It could easily turn into an orgy.ย 
โ€œJust listen, you might like this section.โ€
A man stood on a stage. He wore a skimpy gold tuxedo, โ€œToday, weโ€™re here to meet new people. Explore kinks with someone new. Who knows what type of relationship can turn about! Come over and line up, fill out this small questionnaire and weโ€™ll partner you up with someone suitable. Scan this QR code." You looked at your friend and smiled; this seemed like fun.ย 
As everyone filled out the questionnaire, you as well, listened to the man reciting the rules you knew all too well. Consent is the major point as well as the door rule. If the door is closed, you cannot go in; if the door is open, you can watch; if there's a tag on the door, you can join.ย 
On the paper, you wrote that your partner had to be attractive, a man, in their 20s-30s, femdom, and a possible scenario. You submitted the survey and waited with Mina. โ€œIโ€™m a little nervous,โ€ your friend frowned.
โ€œWhy is that?โ€
โ€œWhat if we get someone we donโ€™t like? What if weโ€™re not compatible?โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t worry so much about that. If anything, just leave, and find the bouncers if they make you uncomfortable. But, youโ€™re amazing, Mina. Anyone would love to be your sex partner. I sure know I do.โ€ You smiled and your words made her as well.ย 
โ€œStop, youโ€™re so sweet to me.โ€
โ€œNow, if you feel uncomfortable at any point, let any of the stripped people know. Anyone wearing gold and a red piece is one of the higher-ups, like me, so you can talk to us. We want to make sure everyone is safe and having fun.โ€ The man pauses to grab a piece of paper and then reads it out, โ€œAlright, weโ€™re going to call up the people going into the room first, โ€ They called several numbers, and those people left, filling into bedrooms.ย 
The man more numbers off, the next group going. Another group, then finally you. Mina had left in the second grouping, so you were alone. You walked down a hall to find your number attached to a door with another number. As you placed your hand on the handle, you breathed in. โ€œItโ€™ll all be fine,โ€ you whispered to yourself and got the courage to open the door.ย 
The room was illuminated by red led lights and a bed in the center. Walking into the room and closing the door, you stood at the foot of the bed. There, a man laid tied up like a starfish. You made your footsteps known, their breathing fastening. You bend down, looking them in the eyes, their black mask covering their upper head, their hair hidden.ย 
You smirked, your eyes going to their lips. He was pretty. His lips were red and wet from their tongue. You sat beside them and placed your hand softly on their bare chest. The man before you whined. "Sensitive, I see," you hummed and for a moment, you were lost in your thoughts, remembering about someone else.ย 
The pale man grumbled, noting your lack of attention. He rubbed your back with his leg. He grinned when you came back to reality, your hands moving up and down his body. He squirmed beneath you as he pulled on his restraints.ย 
You picked up your phone to see what your match wrote about. "To be punished. I've been a bad boy," you read out loud. You glanced at the man and for a moment, his gaze looked different. "Are you alright?"
In a low tone, "I'm not sure if I can do this. Take off my maskโ€ฆ"
With a raised eyebrow, you did as told, revealing someone you did not expect to be here at this very party.ย 
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toomuchracket ยท 8 months
this is random but I had a thought about maybe flatmate girlie getting a bit put out by the girls in the girls video. like not mega jealous, but maybe a bit insecure? like obviously theyโ€™re GORGEOUS and stuff but seeing them all in their underwear and matty is obviously around them and looking at them and stuff. idk, just a thought. like maybe theyโ€™d get home and sheโ€™d be a bit snappy and short with him (I too get like that when Iโ€™m jel or sad lol), and heโ€™s like have I done something wrong? is everything okay? and she just doesnโ€™t know how to say how she feels without being like I want it to be me that you gawk at in lingerie!!!!!!
you meet them in the pub after the shoot and it's all nice and fun until hann (bless him) slides his phone to you and says "here, we did a little behind the scenes thing to show you because you couldn't make it earlier"; literally the second clip is matty chatting to a couple of the models in their underwear and them being a bit giggly, right into an actual video clip of them kissing him on the cheek, and you're literally clenching your teeth to try and keep a straight face as you ooh and aah at the rest of it. matty leans forward after you've watched it to be like "so this is the idea it's a pisstake of pop vids and then there's the robert palmer reference with the hot girls and the lipstick and-", and you cut him off like "yeah i'm not stupid i understand the concept and the inspo" - he's slightly taken aback like "oh. of course. yeah. sorry, darlin", but you're already chatting to george about something. and it's all fine for a little bit, until ross casually says "matty. are you gonna see that girl with the short hair again? she was cool. seemed to really like you", and he's like "oh maybe. she's so fit. couldn't keep my eyes off her when she was pretending to be me, to be honest lol", and that's IT for you; you're like "oh it's my round, same again? i'll be back in a minute", and go up to the bar for a bit of space and some silent seething. but that's fucking ruined by matty following you like a lost puppy giving it "hi sweetheart. thought you might want a hand carrying everything over. missed you today", and all you can do is hum in response - he's immediately concerned like "you alright, darlin?", and you're like "yeah. just tired. i'll take these two drinks back if you can get the others. cheers" and walk back to the table. he can tell there's definitely something up with you, but he can't tell what specifically; there's no way you're jealous, right? no, must be something else (๐Ÿ™„). he asks when you get back to the flat and wordlessly take your shoes off in the hall, before you can go to your room and slam the door - he's like "darlin, i know you're upset with me, and i want you to tell me why so i can properly address it, please. was it me explaining the video? i didn't mean to make you feel like i think you're daft, you're the smartest person i know. i'm sorry if i came across like that", and you sigh like "it's not that. it's just..." and you think of how best to phrase it without giving yourself away before continuing like "i think i feel a bit left out". not a lie, because you want him to look at YOU in your underwear and not some random model, and matty just nods and says "because this is the first 75 vid you haven't been on set for?", and you're like "mhmm yes that's it. just felt out of the loop! exactly". he hugs you and apologises, and you feel better after the contact; even better when he looks at you softly and says "you know, you look really beautiful today, if you don't mind me saying" (and you don't), because shocker! he was wishing you were the one he was looking at the whole time too! god you two are so stupid in the early days lol. cute though <3
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eiightysixbaby ยท 9 months
โ‹†๊™ณโ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™โ…*ฬฉฬฉอ™โ€งอ™ โ€งอ™*ฬฉฬฉอ™โ† อ™อ› หšโ‚Šโ‹† โ‹†๊™ณโ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™โ…*ฬฉฬฉอ™โ€งอ™ โ€งอ™*ฬฉฬฉอ™โ† อ™อ› หšโ‚Šโ‹†
๐œ๐จ๐ฉ๐ฒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฉ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž, ๐ญ๐š๐  ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฆ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ง๐๐ฌ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ค๐ž๐ž๐ฉ ๐ข๐ญ ๐ ๐จ๐ข๐ง๐ 
๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ค ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ...
๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š› ๐š๐šŠ๐šŸ๐š˜๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ: iโ€™ll be home for christmas (shocker) or cruel summer
๐š–๐š˜๐šœ๐š ๐š—๐š˜๐š๐šŽ๐šœ: horror movies & chill
๐š•๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šœ๐š ๐š—๐š˜๐š๐šŽ๐šœ: wrapped in red
๐š•๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šœ๐š ๐šŠ๐š–๐š˜๐šž๐š—๐š ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š’๐š–๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜ ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ: maybe santa baby?
๐š–๐š˜๐šœ๐š ๐šŠ๐š–๐š˜๐šž๐š—๐š ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š’๐š–๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜ ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ: iโ€™ll be home for christmas (solely because it has the most chapters)
๐š๐š’๐šŒ ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐šœ๐š๐šŠ๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐šŠ๐š— ๐šŠ๐šœ๐š”: i donโ€™t think i have one!
๐šŒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š›๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š๐šŽ๐š› ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š›๐šŠ๐š›๐šŽ๐š•๐šข ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜๐š›: steve
๐šŒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š›๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š๐šŽ๐š› ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐šŠ๐š•๐š ๐šŠ๐šข๐šœ ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜๐š›: eddie
๐šŒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š›๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š๐šŽ๐š› ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š ๐š’๐š•๐š• ๐š—๐šŽ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š› ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜๐š›: any of the minors ๐Ÿคฎ
๐š‚๐Ÿป ๐š™๐š›๐šŽ๐š๐š’๐šŒ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š—๐šœ?: steve and/or el dies, there will be a time jump back in time to 1983 when it started with will, jonathan/steve/nancy team up once again, eddie comes back LMAO
๐š”๐šŠ๐šœ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐š˜๐š›๐š’๐šœ๐š (๐šข/๐š—), ๐š ๐š‘๐šข/ ๐š ๐š‘๐šข ๐š—๐š˜๐š? I think the kas theory would be cool but I donโ€™t think theyโ€™ll actually use it. just feels like theyโ€™re playing it too easy if they literally follow the theory everyoneโ€™s scheming about and i do not trust the duffers
๐šœ๐š๐šŠ๐š—๐šŒ๐šข ๐š–๐šŠ๐š”๐š’๐š—๐š ๐šŠ ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š–๐šŽ๐š‹๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š” (๐šข/๐š—) ๐š ๐š‘๐šข/๐š ๐š‘๐šข ๐š—๐š˜๐š? NO. NO NO NO. jancy is everything to me, and even if they donโ€™t last I hate stancy. steve is not the person for nancy and nancy is not the person for steve. end of story.
๐šŠ ๐šœ๐š–๐šŠ๐š•๐š•๐šŽ๐š› ๐š‹๐š•๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐š๐šŽ๐šœ๐šŽ๐š›๐šŸ๐šŽ๐šœ ๐š•๐š˜๐šŸ๐šŽ: idk how many followers everyone has and which blogs are โ€œsmallโ€, so iโ€™m just gonna share a few of my besties!
@littledemondani @trashmouth-richie @prettyboyeddiemunson @succubusmunson @eddieschains @onegirlmanytales @lavendermunson
(i literally love all of my wonderful moots so i could really sit here and tag EVERYONEโ€ฆ i wonโ€™t put you all through that)
๐šŠ ๐š‹๐š•๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐š–๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š•๐š˜๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š› ๐š‹๐š•๐š˜๐š›๐š‹๐š˜ ๐šŽ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š— ๐š–๐š˜๐š›๐šŽ: deadass like every writer i follow, in some way, has made me love them more
๐š๐š’๐š›๐šœ๐š ๐šœ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šข ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐šŽ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š› ๐š›๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š ๐š๐š˜๐š› ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š๐šŠ๐š—๐š๐š˜๐š–: the first one i remember reading that really drew me in was meet the munsons by @mypoisonedvine, but i know it wasnโ€™t my very first.
๐š๐š’๐š›๐šœ๐š ๐š๐š›๐š’๐šŽ๐š—๐š ๐š’๐š— ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š๐šŠ๐š—๐š๐š˜๐š–: i canโ€™t fully remember but it was probably @taintedcigs or @lofaewrites ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’—
๐š๐š˜๐šŠ๐š•๐šœ ๐šข๐š˜๐šžโ€™๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š‘๐š’๐šŽ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š ๐š’๐š— ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐šข๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š›: honestlyโ€ฆ i started writing this year. sometimes the scariest part is simply starting, so iโ€™m glad i did :)
๐š–๐š˜๐šœ๐š ๐š ๐š˜๐š›๐š๐šœ ๐š ๐š›๐š’๐š๐š๐šŽ๐š— ๐š’๐š— ๐šŠ ๐šœ๐š’๐š—๐š๐š•๐šŽ ๐šŒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š™๐š๐šŽ๐š›: 10.2k
๐š๐šŠ๐šŸ๐š˜๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐š›๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š— ๐š–๐šŽ๐š–๐šŽ:
Tumblr media
๐š๐šŠ๐šŸ๐š˜๐š›๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐š๐š›๐š˜๐š™๐šŽ: probably best friends to lovers
๐šœ๐š–๐šž๐š, ๐šŠ๐š—๐š๐šœ๐š ๐š˜๐š› ๐š๐š•๐šž๐š๐š?: fluffy smut? the best combo
fฬพuฬพcฬพkฬพ ฬพmฬพaฬพrฬพrฬพyฬพ ฬพkฬพiฬพlฬพlฬพ
๐š๐šŽ๐š, ๐š–๐šž๐š›๐š›๐šŠ๐šข ๐š˜๐š› ๐š–๐š›. ๐šŒ๐š•๐šŠ๐š›๐š”๐šŽ?: fuck murray marry mr. clarke kill ted. i know mr. clarke would treat me RIGHT
๐š“๐š˜๐šข๐šŒ๐šŽ, ๐š”๐šŠ๐š›๐šŽ๐š—, ๐š˜๐š› ๐šŒ๐š•๐šŠ๐šž๐š๐š’๐šŠ? (๐š๐šž๐šœ๐š๐š’๐š—โ€™๐šœ ๐š–๐š˜๐š–): fuck karen marry joyce kill claudia (IM SORRY MRS HENDERSON)
๐š‘๐š˜๐š™๐š™๐šŽ๐š›, ๐š ๐šŠ๐šข๐š—๐šŽ ๐š–๐šž๐š—๐šœ๐š˜๐š—, ๐š๐š›. ๐š‹๐š›๐šŽ๐š—๐š—๐šŽ๐š›? fuck wayne marry hopper kill brenner
๐šŠ๐š›๐š๐šข๐š•๐šŽ, ๐š“๐š˜๐š—๐šŠ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š—, or ๐š”๐šŽ๐š’๐š๐š‘? marry jonathan fuck argyle kill keith (did i even need to say this one? ofc iโ€™m marrying jon)
๐šŽ๐š๐š๐š’๐šŽ, ๐šœ๐š๐šŽ๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐š˜๐š› ๐šŠ๐š›๐š๐šข๐š•๐šŽ? marry eddie fuck steve kill argyleโ€ฆ sorry argyle
๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š˜๐š‹๐šŠ๐š, ๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š˜๐š๐š˜๐š›๐š๐šŠ๐š—, ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š—๐šŠ? โ€ฆโ€ฆmarry vecna fuck the demogorgon kill demobats
tagging anyone who wants to join in! i already tagged quite a few people up above soโ€ฆ ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
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eternalglitch ยท 2 years
Hi there! First of all, Iโ€™m not kidding when I say lfls is one of the best stories Iโ€™ve had the pleasure to read in a looong time and I canโ€™t thank you enough for sharing such a wonderfully written story :D
When I started reading the fic it had about 5k kudos and not many chapters were plagued with comments. Now thereโ€™s like more than a hundred comments in the latest chapters with 10k kudos and still growing. How does that feel? Does it get overwhelming? What kept you motivated when the numbers werenโ€™t as high? Iโ€™m so curious to know how the growth in popularity has been on your part!
Iโ€™m also loving the lfls playlist. Have you heard Karma by AJR? Idk why but I feel like it goes really well with the story.
Hoping youโ€™re having a great time in your day to day and once again thanks for sharing your work!
The numbers and statistics on every single one of my social media accounts don't feel real to me, I will be honest.
In 2017 I had another decently big fic (or so I thought), and I was (positively) overwhelmed by waking up to about 24 new comments the next morning when I posted a chapter and that was about it for that chapter's comment count. Now I get maybe 50 within the hour of posting and about ten new ones every day.
I think the first three months of writing lfls I had no concept of anyone really watching. Chapter two got maybe two comments within the week it was posted, but I was also studying abroad at the time and had plenty of things irl to keep myself busy with over in Singapore.
I never had an issue by the (lack of) numbers in the start, because I thought the fandom was too small in the first place to get numbers. I was just writing this for myself. In a fun reversal, sometimes it's harder to write with the bigger following because of stage fright for me. What if I make the wrong call on a plot twist? What if I leave an embarrassing typo that thousands of people will now see? These weren't issues when it felt like no one was watching. But if I get stuck in that mindset for too long, I simply vanish for a break. Make like Avatar Aang and go hibernate for, say, 6 months away from my fic. I've done it before, long enough that I forgot that there was anything to really be nervous about. That was back when this first started really snowballing in attention though, and I think I've grown a bit more used to it all.
Still, my friends make fun of me because my brain can't fully understand just HOW MANY people follow me. It feels like I have 50 followers, when this is not the reality. As a fanfic writer surrounded by very talented artist friends my entire life, I had grown used to the idea that on social media I would never really get a following and would just cheer my friends on for that. The usual script is that the artists get more attention on Tumblr and Twitter, and the writers get their time to shine on ao3 or fanfic.net, but not elsewhere. And I was totally okay with that! I am always very happy for my friends' success. Visual art gets consumed faster and is quicker to draw attention and that's that. But then suddenly this was not the case AT ALL for me. I made it as one of the exceptions. It's really nice to have this weird power to boost other people on social media and get their work seen and recognized in turn.
Because of this popularity, I'm also exposed to a lot more opinions about my work because usually people only find and talk about the fanfic that meets what they are looking for. Now that lfls has fully escaped containment and is in most Rise fandom areas, people that do not seek out or read angst are trying angst. My condolences to those poor souls, I would say my writing is not actually that dark to people that enjoy these tropes but it sure is quite the shocker (lol) if you're new to the scene. Or maybe I'm just terrible at judging how dark I write, I genuinely think some chapters are breathers and yet have seen jokes online that those are some of the most emotionally heart wrenching ones.
But yeah, getting fanart and comments every single day is SO GOOD for keeping up enthusiasm for a long fic. I dread the final chapter a little because it's been an awesome ride that I don't want to end. Excited to show everyone the rest of the fic too, though! And maybe some people will stick around for my next writing adventure.
I think the real crisis is I'm about to maybe even OVERTAKE in kudos one of the fics I really look up to and have aspired to write in that kind of quality for the past 6 years. Which sounds fake. That is FAKE, I haven't gotten my skills sharp enough to do that yet.
And yes I do know that song!! I can definitely see it for lfls. I found it with a Steven Universe amv a few years back.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my work in turn! :}
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everysongineverykey ยท 2 years
"this was always going to happen" this. "she's been dead since the beginning" that. narrative inevitability and deaths that cannot be avoided once the story is in motion are great, but lately i've been thinking about television, and specifically the way that sometimes, the ongoing format of the medium creates deaths that weren't always going to happen, that were never planned by the writers, but that happen anyway, suddenly, completely out of the blue, sometimes even offscreen, because of real-world circumstances with nothing to do with the story.
an actor suddenly walks out, or decides to leave before their character's arc is planned to be completed, or dies themselves, and so their character's fate is sealed with a phone call, a resignation paper, a contract. a death in-universe that was never meant to happen, that isn't even satisfying or cathartic in any way, that happens for seemingly no reason, at least not a reason those characters will ever know.
those deaths are not fair, not even fun to watch. they don't make sense like everything else in that world. this wasn't always going to happen, but it did, and the ones who wrote the story are just as unhappy about it as the people in it who never got to say goodbye.
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youngjusticeslut ยท 3 years
My jaw dropped twice (the glamor charm and Barbara) and I cheered once (Jade!!!) Wjat did you think of the ep? Did you enjoy it?
Thanks for asking! I liked the episode, I didn't love it though. Here are my thoughts:
The Pros
Enjoyed seeing M'gann absolutely wreck M'comm and literally murder a bunch of his conspirators (they are confirmed as 'corpses' in the audio description during the ep)
Liked the (obvious) twist that Cassandra was the mole. (Oh no, shocker, so surprising..... but still satisfying to be right.)
Still love Onyx. Really hoping she's not also a mole, or a double agent or something.
Cass' design is just peak. I love her so much.
I like that they didn't do The Killing Joke
M'gann's b story was heartbreaking. Girl needs a team hug, stat, and some time to grieve.
I really liked Barbara constantly looking out for Cass and I do enjoy their relationship here.
JADE. She continues to be the best. (Come on, we all knew she was coming in one way or another)
Great cliffhanger leading to a setup of what I'm sure will be a very action-packed finale for this arc.
The Cons
Really didn't like how Artemis just narrated the short story for a bunch of the ep. I was talking with @ittybittytatertot about this and like, it feels like they didn't trust the audience to make the connection, but had to spell everything out for us. Maybe it was to fill the silence so it wasn't a straight up copy of a silent Santa Prisca mission like 'Exceptional Human Beings'? Idk.
Very messy. In my opinion, YJ does best when it sticks to a strong A plot, with a minor B plot. The A and B (and fucking C, goddamnit) plots cannot all be equally compelling and important, otherwise they are literally all clashing and fighting for attention.
M'gann's plot did not belong in this episode. With all due respect, M'gann and Conner had four episodes devoted to them, with no interjection from anyone on Earth. Why do we need to cut into Artemis' arc in order to move M'gann's story along? It could have waited. Not to say M'gann's plot wasn't interesting, because it was, but it didn't belong here and it took away focus from the Santa Prisca plot. Em'ree joining them and coming to Earth is something that could have easily fit into a credits scene.
The episode was TWENTY (20!) minutes long? Insane. I can only hope they took away minutes from this ep to add to the next one, because otherwise, that's unacceptable.
Still don't care for the Joker. Don't understand why he got to have a useless, rambling monologue that took up nearly three of the aforementioned twenty minutes.
And then there's the whole Babs getting paralyzed by Cass plot. I've seen takes on both sides, and as to my opinion, well, there's aspects I like and aspects I don't like. I would have enjoyed more focus on this and fleshing out to understand why/how Barbara knew to stop her. I don't like that it took away Cass' motive as to why she never kills. I do like that it gave Barbara more agency. I don't know, it's a mixed bag of feelings for me.
On the whole, it was a good episode. Not as great as "Artemis Through the Looking Glass". But, with all that said, I'm a lot harder on this arc than I expect to be in subsequent arcs because this is the one I was most excited for. And at the end of the day, all of these episodes have been legions (hah) better than the majority of the episodes in Season 3 (IMO).
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beomglocks ยท 4 years
what beomgyu is like as a boyfriend
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warnings & other: no warnings, its just that i wrote this at like 4am, very on brand for me i know,ย itโ€™sย unnecessarily long and i think i just went on a tangent about how beomgyu is the ideal boyfriend
w/c: 1k if weโ€™re rounding
letโ€™s have a look at what our choi beomgyu is like a boyfriend, shall we?
how could anyone think beomgyu is cold
yeah maybe when you first meet him heโ€™s all like
you seriously think he hates you or something or that heโ€™s super uninterested
i mean but even then he canโ€™t keep up the facade, he tries to be polite and you know heโ€™s smileyย 
but after you really get to know him itโ€™s like
โ€œmy god help meโ€
heโ€™s an extrovert and an 01โ€ฒ liner its in his blood (rip me whoโ€™s introvert and 01โ€ฒ)
youโ€™re either super alike or super different than him
no in between
but i think he lowkey vibes with people who are opposite from him
itโ€™s a good balance
if youโ€™re naturally calm boom heโ€™s hooked
because he can annoy you and knows you wonโ€™t get heated too easily
if youโ€™re alike then expect arguments
not too many serious arguments but arguments over which meat to eat for instance
to be honest i canโ€™t see beomgyu actually arguing with anyone but man
if youโ€™re like him iโ€™m telling you right now
prepare for trouble make it double
he sticks his tongue out at you
you do it back
him: โ€œdonโ€™t you think youโ€™re being too meanโ€ (๏ฟฃฮต ๏ฟฃ)
clowns you
literally clowns you for everything you do
this dude wonโ€™t let you live
trying to learn his part in a dance?
him: โ€œyou look so silly lolโ€
*bursts out in laughter*
also him: โ€œif you wanted me to teach you you couldโ€™ve just askedโ€
calls you a fucking idiot
for anything...literally any little slip up
he better not catch you slipping
ok maybe not a fucking idiot but its pretty close
not in aย โ€œim fed up with youโ€ way
its more like aย โ€œyouโ€™re an idiot but youโ€™re my idiotโ€ way
and likewise
but donโ€™t take it to heart
thatโ€™s his way of flirting
phrases include (but not limited to):
โ€œyouโ€™re so dumb youโ€™re lucky i like youโ€
โ€œyouโ€™re so stupid but thatโ€™s your charm and i love you for itโ€
WAIT,, he doesnt mean it in a condesending way, he thinks youโ€™re actually very smart (โ—ห‡โˆ€ห‡โ—)
ok but
hoodie season?
donโ€™t even try it
you know how he looks so cuddly in his sweaters
those are literally his safe haven
donโ€™t try to take them
him: โ€œisnโ€™t that my sweater?โ€
him: โ€œTHAT WAS MY FAVORITE ONEโ€ โ•ฐ๏ผˆโ€ตโ–กโ€ฒ๏ผ‰โ•ฏ
(the grey one)
plays guitar for you
like yeah
he can actually get really soft
heโ€™s not a complete meanie
super cuddly
rests his head on you at random times
because the boy sleepy
he work hard he sleep o(ไธ€๏ธฟไธ€+)o
on his off days you have to console him
words of assurance will do!
โ€œcheer up gyu! you did great today!โ€
โ€œhey dont forget im always here when you need meโ€
when heโ€™s down and youโ€™re trying to cheer him up he seems like the type to laugh at your attempts rather than the actual thing idk
you have to compliment him
him: โ€œi look good rightโ€
you: โ€œnoโ€
โ€œShut upโ€
โ€œyou shut upโ€
him: โ€œjust admit you like me so muchโ€ ใ€’โ–ฝใ€’
super playful relationship
but super chill at the same time
like yeah itโ€™s fun and games
but when it comes down to it
heโ€™s someone who can trust in with your secrets and hardships
like maybe heโ€™s experienced what youโ€™re going through and can give you tips
you guys just help each other out all the time itโ€™s honestly wholesome asf
your friends think you hate each other
oh no sweetie we just seem like it but weโ€™re super tight knit
dude wonโ€™t leave you alone
and likewise
heโ€™s gotta be touching you in someway for comfort
or just to annoy you
if you have thick thighs, good luck charlie
rests his head on them
squeezes them but not in any kind of sexual way
you: โ€œstopโ€
him: *sighs* โ€œbut i like themโ€ /_ \
falls asleep on you a lot
wants you to run your hands through his hair
heโ€™s out like a light after that
his hair
just run your hands through his hair
careful though because when heโ€™s cranky he doesnโ€™t really want you to touch him
but he gets free passes to touch you
*im mad so donโ€™t touch me but let me back hug you while you do everyday mundane things*
best hugs
introducing you to the members good god help him
him: โ€œso this is my significant otherโ€
txt: โ€œwait you have a partner????โ€
just to tease him you go along with it
you: โ€œhahah yeah i know rightโ€
gets mad at you but like not for real
he can take jokes
smacks your arm playfully
him: โ€œi hate you i knew this was a bad ideaโ€
you: โ€œnah you really like meโ€
him: โ€œyou like me mo-โ€
txt: *gagging noises*
random kisses
he be kissing you at random times
fuck having 10 reasons to kiss you
heโ€™s got 1 million!
not the jealous type
heโ€™s territorial but not crazy jealous
wonโ€™t step out of line but will remind the person involved that youโ€™re his if he has to
i think he just knows you wont ever cheat on him so he trusts you but he doesnโ€™t trust everyone else
you might be insecure because you know itโ€™s beomgyu weโ€™re talking about
but donโ€™t worry heโ€™s only yours, heโ€™s always showing you that
uses his satoori on you when he wants something
him: you think this looks good on me?โ€
you: โ€œit looks terribleโ€
him: โ€œimย definitely wearing it nowโ€
pesters you afterwards because he can
you guys just love each other so much itโ€™s actually gross
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mrs-tsunderemeitantei ยท 3 years
Soo in case you missed it, Gosho released the SDB Justice Plus some time last month:
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The biggest shocker was the answer to Question number 4, shown below:
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Basically this translates to:
Q4: On the Mystery Train, he (Amuro) said to Miyano Shiho that โ€œMy comrades who are tracking us have made arrangements in order to retrieve youโ€, but were those comrades from PSB? If thatโ€™s the case, Iโ€™m curious about how he planned to deceive Vermouth...!
A: Those were comrades from the Black Organization, so there was no need to deceive them.
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Idk about y'all but when I read this, I was livid. It didnโ€™t make any sense to me. And quite frankly, I didn't want it to. Maybe because I am one of those (very rare) people who thought Rei and Shiho could eventually end up together (Don't laugh, it would have made sense, and I'll write about that in a separate post).
Anywho, safe to say Gosho's latest confession left me in absolute confusion. Like why? Just why? Then I realised I'm more butt-hurt about this because I was fixated on a certain idea of Rei's character and chose to ignore his other sides, as if they didn't exist. It didn't help that his past is so freaking depressing which got me sympathizing with his character and led me to either ignore or make excuses for any red flags.
But now that I think about it, it sadly makes sense. It also explains why he didn't show any sadness or regret when he saw Shiho supposedly โ€˜dieโ€™ in the luggage cart in the Bell Tree Train Arc.
Now to let me wrap my head around this, I needed to breakdown his three "faces":
1. Amuro Tooru is a cheerful, friendly, generous, carefree, outgoing man.
2. Furuya Rei is a serious, law-abiding, calculating, patriotic police officer who is willing to die for Japan's security.
3. And Bourbon is a devious, manipulative, cunning, deadly agent.
Yet, ever since we found out he was in fact an NPA agent, we (or at least I), seem to have forgotten about those dark sides he possesses. Also with Zero's tea time showing us a softer side of his character it was easy to get caught up in "he's 100% one of the god guys" when in fact, he's a complex, grey character.ย 
He has shown on multiple occasions, just how far he is willing to go, to achieve whatever goal heโ€™s set his mind on. Let's not forget how in Zero the Enforcer, he completely flipped the switch. (I know this isn't Canon but...) The man went as far as to create a suspect and jail the innocent Mori Kogoro so he can legally investigate the case and emotionally manipulate Conan into unkowningly help with the investigation.
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Also, in the Detective Nocturneโ€™s case he deliberately didnโ€™t tell Ran as soon as he noticed Conan might have been kidnapped by the criminal because he hadnโ€™t finished investigating the apartment.
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And in the Scarlet Arc, he was willing to harm Jodie's teacher friend, so he can lure out the FBI and advance his investigation on Akaiโ€™s death. Letโ€™s not forget once he figured out the truth, he was willing to expose Akaiโ€™s fake death (which I get it he's out for revenge), but by doing so, he would have also gotten Kir killed (even though I'm pretty sure he knew at that point, she was in fact a NOC).
As we can see, be it Bourbon, Furuya Rei orย  Amuro Toru, he will stop at nothing to reach his goals, even if it means throwing innocent people under the bus. So, now when Gosho says his "partners" were in fact BO members and not the PSB, I'm no longer surprised.
I mean, why wouldnโ€™t he sell Shiho back to the organisation? Because he knew she was Senseiโ€™s daughter, and that should have meant something to him? Alright, letโ€™s talk about that.
Did he love Shihoโ€™s mum? Yes, he did, thereโ€™s no doubt about that (one of the reasons he joined the joined the police in the first place was to find her, so you can't convince me otherwise).
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But what if he loved Japan even more? (It's not canon, but he did say in Zero the Enforcer that the safety of this country matters most to him, even if it means heโ€™d end up paying with his own life).
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So, I'm going to take a wild guess as to how he could have felt when he found out the woman he loved as his own mother, willingly joined the deadly organisation that threatened the safety of his country. Based on his memories, he remembered her encouraging her husband to join the Carasuma group.
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So, if through his investigations, he was able to realise she is the same woman from his childhood, Iโ€™m pretty sure he would have been very disappointed.ย  Iโ€™m not sure the extent of his knowledge about the drug, but if he also found out their research created the poisonous APTX-4869, I reckon it would be more reason for him to be upset.
Now let's talk about Haibara/Shiho. To any outsider who's unaware of the truth of her past, she is a woman born into the organisation, then was groomed and taught from a young age by the syndicate and promoted to take on their research. A research that produced a poisonous drug, just like her parents did. Also, she only ran away after the organisation killed her sister. Before that, she was a high-ranking member. With all these facts, why would he think of her as anything but a criminal just like the rest of the BO members? Itโ€™d be rather foolish for him to not hand her back to the organisation just because she is the daughter of the woman he once thought so highly of. If anything, heโ€™d be killing two birds with one stone, by executing a criminal, while also gaining higher standing in the organisation.
As fans of Haibara, we are rightfully upset by his intentions of returning her to the organisation because we know her truth. He doesn't. It wasn't until we learnt more about her painful past and kind and caring nature that we grew to love her. We know she never wanted to create a poisonous drug. That she already hated the organisation for using the drug as a poison. That she had to develop the drug to protect Akemiโ€™s life.
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There is no way Rei would have known about any of the bullying she or her family faced from the BO. By nature, Shiho is very secretive and reserved and very little of her personality or history would have been known by any of the BO members (except maybe Gin). Therefore, apart from the files the BO would have kept on Shiho and her role in the organisation, thatโ€™s all Rei had to learn about her. So, I canโ€™t really blame him for choosing to hand her back to the organisation.
Some people who are still in denial, argue that if he planned to kill Shiho, why was he willing to kill whom he thought was Vermouth instead of handing her over?
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Shouldnโ€™t that prove he was going to take Shiho to safety to the PSB, not the BO? Before Gosho's statement, I would have agreed but now...sigh. Now, I get why he did that. If Shiho were to die BEFORE she was returned to the organisation, he wouldnโ€™t have gained the trust he was seeking. If she were to die AFTER he delivered her, I highly doubt it would have mattered to him. Although I'm still hoping he maybe he had a plan of not leaving her in the organisation's clutches after "handing her back" and he never truly intended on getting her killed. But since Gosho also said there was no need to deceive Vermouth, I highly doubt it. (Heart breaking).
After such an explanation, does everything make more sense now? Maybe. Am I ok with it? Hell no! Iโ€™m quite angry and annoyed that this is how things turned out to be, but it is what it is. We have to accept that Rei is not a good character, and he's not a bad character. He's a grey character and when you think of it that way, it's easier to understand his behaviour. Not that I agree with it. After Gosho's statement, I think pretty sure Rei is in dire need of some character development. He could stand to learn a thing or two from Conan who manages to reach his goals while preserving as many lives as possible (Akai's fake death being the burst example while managing to drive Kir back to the BO).
For now, Iโ€™m looking forward to the developments that will entail. Iโ€™m curious to see how Rei and Haibara will react once they eventually meet each other. It'll be interesting to see what will go through his mind once he figures out her true identity. One thing I'm sure of is once they're introduced to each other, emotions will be running high and things will get intense. Which honestly, I can't wait for and I'm counting down the days till I get a proper Amuro/Haibara interaction.
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thepigeonsopinion ยท 3 years
As I said, after my theory and salt rant on the spoilers and trailers for the episode โ€œCrocoduelโ€ (link down below)
I would probably say my thoughts on the episode after I was done watching the episode itself. So, here I am. :)
Also, Iโ€™m on a road trip with my family and some family friends, so I watched the episode and typed this up late (or early) night (or morning) soโ€ฆ:p
Anyways! Before I start saying my thoughts on the episode, letโ€™s do a summary or a synopsis of the episode.
Warning: Spoilers for โ€œCrocoduelโ€
The episode starts during Kitty Section Rehearsal. Everyone is having fun, while Kitty Section is playing. When Kitty Section finished their set and everyone was praising them Luka all of sudden mentions that Marinette hasnโ€™t been to rehearsals in a while, which leads Luka to think that sheโ€™s avoiding him, which also leads to him starting to get depressed. Everyone tries to reassure him that she isnโ€™t avoiding him, sheโ€™s just really busy (mainly Rose). It doesnโ€™t work and Luka gets more depressed and leaves the group. The group then tries to make a plan to help Luka and Marinette by exploiting the twins b-day.They ask Juleka if she approves of the plan and she nods. Juleka then tells Luka about the party that theyโ€™re having on the boat. Luka gets excited to see Marinette and everyone at the party. After, Marinette finds about the party on the Liberty sheโ€™s able to piece together the groups plan and ask Juleka if she can somehow find a way for Luka not to be there at the party. Juleka tries to tell or ask Luka if he canโ€™t attend the party, but she doesnโ€™t have the heart to tell him. Then, all of sudden Jagged comes the through the porthole of the twins room. Jagged gives Luka the attention while Juleka is in the corner. Anarka burst into room to tell Jagged he is not allowed on the boat, which results in Jagged being invited to the twins b-day party. On the day of the party, while everyone is going down to the Liberty, Juleka starts to feel anxious about not being able to comply to everyoneโ€™s wishes. When Marinette goes to thank Juleka she sees Luka and starts to panic and leaves below deck. Luka takes this as a sign she doesnโ€™t want to be his friend anymore and starts feeling depressed, which almost causes his akumatization Luckily, everyone is there to reassure and comfort him. Meanwhile, with Juleka and Marinette, Marinette asks her why Juleka wasnโ€™t able to not invite Luka, which Juleka starts to feel guilty about it which almost causes her akumatization, but Marinette is there to comfort her. Cue, Jagged coming aboard the Liberty and greets Luka. They go downstairs so Jagged can give his present to Luka. Juleka starts to feel left out and Marinette calls him out. Jagged explain to them that it was a misunderstanding and tells them that the gift was for Juleka and the gift Luka gets is an old record of Jagged and Anarkaโ€™s is old music. Anarka sees this and tells him not give Luka that because itโ€™s the reason they fell apart. Jagged disagrees with Anarka and they get into argument, which results in both of them being akumatized. Everyone evacuates the boat and watches the two akumas. The akumas instead of putting an onslaught on Paris they fight each other in a battle. But, when Ladybug appears and intervenes they both go after her. Meanwhile, Adrien is getting ready for a photoshoot (i assume idrk and idrc :)) and sees the commotion and transforms into Chat Noir. (ok guys yk the drill) Ladybug and Chat Noir fight against the akumas, then Ladybug has to use Lucky Charm. The charm leads her to get Juleka and give her the tiger miraculous, which debuts the super heroine Tigress Pourpre (or purple tiger as it said in the english sub :)). Meanwhile, the akumas bring their fight up to the sky and have a stare down before the two super heroines intervene. They get the akumatized object. Tigress uses her power โ€œCollisionโ€ (which i still donโ€™t know what it does other than it sends a power full force or punch). They capture the akuma and Ladybug does her Miraculous Ladybug and everything returns as the way it was before the akuma attack. Jagged and Anarka start arguing again until Juleka finally stands up and yells at them to talk instead of argue. They two are shocked, but comply and they make up. The party continues, Jagged and Juleka have their little moment, and Marinette and Luka have a talk about how Marinette avoiding Luka made him feel, which ends on them agreeing to be friends. End of episode.
Wow! That was a long, detailed, and unnecessary summary, but, oh well itโ€™s too late now. :p
Now onto my thoughts on this whole episode :)
So, letโ€™s start off from the beginning. I liked how the costumes were the exact same as the โ€œSilencerโ€ episode, EXACTLY the same :) (you can tell iโ€™m being sarcastic) But, in all seriousness I wish the outfits were a bit different, but I get it, I still like the original costumes though. Luka being sad about Marinette really struck a sad chord in my heart (because I have a soft spot for Luka). And when Rose tried to cheer up Luka by saying she was just busy with water ponies and all that, some might find that stuff endearing and funny, but tbh I found that kinda unnecessary. Not to mention, the way Rose described Marinetteโ€™s favorite โ€œwater ponyโ€ โ€œPom Ponyโ€ it suspiciously sounded a lot like Adrien Freaking Sunshine Agreste. I mean โ€œhas a gold mane. that is just so good to brush! But he is super sensibleโ€ doesnโ€™t that ring a bell of some kind, itโ€™s kinda obvious with the gold mane, but then again I might be looking to far into that. Anyway, moving forward, I know Juleka is kinda like the outcast or the seventh wheel of the group, but like come on! It was clear that she didnโ€™t think that the plan was great idea, but she just didnโ€™t have the courage to say anything. Like, canโ€™t anyone see that she seems uncomfortable. But, I guess that was a bit redeemed when they gave us a cute julerose moment. Moving forward, to when Alya was talking to Marinette, so the scene itself wasnโ€™t that bad, but when Marinette went up and said and I quote โ€œButโ€ฆitโ€™s going to be so weird! You know that Luka loves me and I love Adrien! And every time we see each other. he gets hurt because he knows I will never feel the same!โ€, โ€œYou know that Luka loves me and I love Adrien!โ€ โ€œI LoVe AdRiEN!?โ€. I swear to everything that is keeping me sane if I hear Marinette mention how much she LoVeS AdRiEn and how much she wishes he would notice her Iโ€™m going to lose it. I mean, all crushes are valid, but come on! Do we a need a reminder EVERY FREAKING EPISODE! Also, where are the Adrien pictures I swear they were there before, but idk. Also, for once I agree with Alya, she canโ€™t keep avoiding Luka I mean look at this sad boyโ€ฆ
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I donโ€™t wanna see this boy frown I wanna see this boy happy and play happy chords on his guitar not sad ones :( Anyway, more into the episode, I feel so bad for Juleka. She really was everyoneโ€™s scapegoat this episode. Not to mention, how she felt left out and guilty at the same time. For one, not being as acknowledged as one should be on their b-day on both her family and friends. And then she also felt guilty for not complying to Marinetteโ€™s request and feeling bad if she did comply to Marinetteโ€™s request. Moving along with the episode, I know that Jagged being Luka and Julekaโ€™s dad is a big โ€œshockerโ€ but come on Marinette you knew that Jagged was Lukaโ€™s dad you were there! It so easy to piece together that heโ€™s also Julekaโ€™s father too because, well theyโ€™re twins! But, I digress. Speaking of twins, everyone is aware that Luka and Juleka are twins, but (and yes I am bringing this back up) in the synopsis they only say โ€œJulekaโ€™s Birthdayโ€, I wouldโ€™ve played it off if no one knew that they were twins and it was supposed to be a big reveal where everyone found they were twins (even if Astruc spoiled it already) but no, everyone was aware that they were twins, so I donโ€™t see why it they couldnโ€™t have just added his name in or said the Twinโ€™s Birthday. But, okay I guess theyโ€™re just lazy. So, where was I? Oh, right! So,Marinette goes below deck and Juleka follows and in which results in Marinette comforting her. And I feel like that this is the reassurance that Juleka needed, to know that everything was going to be ok because when you look at her face in that scene all her negative thoughts leave her and she feels liberated of some sorts. Fast forward to when the parents get akumatized, three words Couffaine Family Drama and thatโ€™s it, thatโ€™s legit all I got on that. Anyways! Onto when Ladybug intervened in the akuma fight, I still donโ€™t get why they had to include the scene of Adrien getting ready for something, I kinda think that scene was a bit unnecessary. Like, even if that scene wasnโ€™t included in the final cut of the episode I wouldโ€™ve been fine, but okay weโ€™ll just deal with the scene. Not to mention, they had to make Chat Noir appear right after Ladybug get hits by the canon ball, some people say coincidence, I say convenient. Now, letโ€™s talk about the lady of the hour, the new super heroine, Tigress Pourpe! I LOVE HER! and Iโ€™m not joking. Even when Juleka met Roar, her kwami, I was like โ€œYES!โ€ because Roar actually is the one that helps Juleka get her confidence to help her in suit and out. Not to mention, the relationship between the two is really cute. Even, Julekaโ€™s suit is beautiful and very detailed and you can see the confidence that the Juleka has in the suit. And I AM HERE FOR IT! I also love that Julekaโ€™s super heroine identity is apart of her overall character arc because of how you can see that Juleka standing up to her parents is the first step for her to be able to overcome her anxieties and become more confident in herself. Also, the Jagged and Juleka moment was so cute. I kinda underestimated Jagged as father figure. You can really see that he is trying his best to spend time and provide for his kids and I love it. Now onto the final scene, first of all, I am so relieved that Luka didnโ€™t say โ€œYou and Adrien are meant to beโ€ because I swear if he did I wouldโ€™ve been dead on the floor. Second of all, I freaking melted when Luka said โ€œit hurt more not to see youโ€. You can tell how much Luka loves and cares about Marinette when he only needs to be her friend to be satisfied, he doesnโ€™t have to be in a serious relationship with her he just needs to be her friend and be able to see her. Luka deserves so much more than what the show has given him.
And with that my rant and review on the episode โ€œCrocoduelโ€ is finished.
I know I probably left some things out, but if I have an epiphany Iโ€™ll probably just post it later. Now that this is finished Iโ€™ll probably also do a rant or review on the episode โ€œWishmakerโ€ because Iโ€™m very hyped to see it and I know Iโ€™ll have a lot to say about it.
And with that I hope everyone has a great rest of their day (or night)! :)
And always rememberโ€ฆ
But thatโ€™s just my opinion (ใƒปฮตใƒป)
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pwrlessobvious ยท 3 years
hey thereโ€™s a long ass opinion about PTD under the cut bc apparently it triggered something in me, if you donโ€™t care about bts and/or are here to hate donโ€™t interact *mwah mwah*
donโ€™t get me wrong i would DIE for bts and up until now i loved their american songs, i was the biggest apologist when my army friends were shitting on them. the american songs are funky and cool and give me serotonin and thatโ€™s all that matters tbh buttt. this has got to stop now for realsies.
i applauded hybe/bh and bts for wanting to prove that america is in fact racist and xenophobic (shocker) through releasing songs in both korean and english and seeing how they chart. of COURSE the english songs charted higher and are charting right now, Butter has just stayed its 7th week on #1. itโ€™s a huge achievement and what they did with Dynamite was a big deal as well, so they have proved to the world the ugly truth that the language and the way the song is built do matter if you want to be as successful as white american artists and i LOVE that and i support that. both Dynamite and Butter have a simple structure, clear verses, bridges and chorus that are easy to identify, simple beats, the sound is similar to what america has known for decades, etc etc. they were both made to be played on the radio, they were both made with becoming summer anthems in mind, they are both simple and cheerful songs that people could listen to and smile and forget how horrible the world is right now, y e s. itโ€™s fabulous and bts have given the people what they needed to hear. with PTD I understand that they wanted to make a song that would celebrate the end of the pandemic - that way, what started with Dynamite could sort of evolve and come to a close in a natural way. in that sense i can totally see why it needed to come out. but iโ€™m mourning one thing and thatโ€™s the loss of quality.
there are fans who hated Dynamite, then they hated Butter even more and now under no circumstances can they get through the entire 3 and something minutes of PTD. i was a fan who really enjoyed Dynamite, liked Butter even better and now is extremely disappointed. so while some could say that itโ€™s been getting progressively worse, i would say that none of the three were top notch bts weโ€™ve been used to for the past 8 years but they werenโ€™t tragic until now. with Dynamite, it was preceeded by MOTS7 that redefined what music is (except for the Sia feature) and brought the best bts song of all time (Black Swan). Dynamite was followed by BE, an entire comfort album of straight bangers. Life Goes On, like Dynamite, was made to comfort people, but it was written and done in a way that didnโ€™t lack the typical bts vibe and artistry - not saying that Dynamite was bad, but just very different. more party and good time, less actual in-your-face โ€œitโ€™s going to be okay.โ€ both were needed, both were needed to co-exist. made total sense.
then we got Butter and Butter is the PERFECT summer anthem and it would have been stupid of hybe not to want to follow their biggest US release thus far with another one for the summertime when chances of success are the largest. and it turned out to be really freaking cool; maybe the lyrics are a bit questionable but the sound makes up for what they lack. so: MOTS7 - Dynamite - BE - Butter. one proper comeback, one american single, then again and again. makes perfect sense. aaand now we got PTD. iโ€™m not saying theyโ€™re jinxing the end of the pandemic but they totally are - iโ€™m kidding ofc but ..also not? i just donโ€™t get the timing. even the mv says 2022 and weโ€™re currently halfway through 2021, so why was the song released right now? it feels like thereโ€™s a logical error here somewhere. maybe iโ€™m missing something and need someone to enlighten me, but while the US has been successfully rolling out jabs, many if not most parts of the world are still hecking struggling. whatever progress there is, itโ€™s small. but there is hope now bc of the vaccines, unlike last year, so yeah, okay. letโ€™s sing about that hope for 2022 then. but I donโ€™t get a hopeful vibe from the song at all. itโ€™s like everything is over in the world the mv and the lyrics are presenting and suddenly everyone can go out and party and kiss each other and whatnot, and thatโ€™s simply not true. i know it probably sounds a bit ridiculous but that genuinely bothers me lol especially since both of the previous songs had a clear reason as to why they came into existence.
i guess i want that clear reason from PTD as well because I need to be reassured that this is just a phase, the american songs, the american lyrics, the american song structure, the exclusively american promo. you can make positive, light-hearted, funky songs and they can be good, but PTD just isnโ€™t. and bts in my eyes are next level artists when it comes to sound, lyrics and choreography, so when iโ€™m faced with the kind of creation that is PTD i canโ€™t help but be disappointed, especially when we saw the light-hearted stuff twice already, three times if we include boy with luv.
let me be clear - iโ€™m not expecting bts to be at the top of their creativity and the artistry that weโ€™re used to all the time. iโ€™ve always said that the world needs simple party songs, and i sincerely hope and believe that while bts release and promote these songs (that were not written by them as well) they get to rest and recharge to later release something that our brains wonโ€™t be able to comprehend after just one listen bc it will be that good. i want nothing more than the general public finally realising that bts are a bunch of super talented dudes who can dance super intricate choreos and sing the highest notes and rap the most quality verses, so when they succeed the most with and thus become most popular for songs like the three english ones, it really upsets me because i know what they can do. maybe the american general public have seen what they can do when they were promoting MOTS7, ON and Black Swan, maybe. idk, iโ€™m not a specialist in the field, iโ€™m not even american, but something tells me that no, they know them bc of Dynamite and now Butter. and i donโ€™t think itโ€™s good to be known for songs like that only. iโ€™m afraid that theyโ€™ll need to redeem themselves one day because people will end up thinking they only do silly dancey-dancey songs and thatโ€™s really not fair. and ughhh it feels like armys look a bit stupid now because weโ€™ve always said that we value bts for what it stands for, the message and the art and all the deep stuff, and now the general public will hear that and go โ€˜is that what you call art and deep lyrics?โ€™ yeah. anyway, i know for a fact that this will not last forever and we will be getting a regular comeback soon. iโ€™m happy that they get to rest creatively. iโ€™m SO happy that theyโ€™re receiving the recognition they deserve, finally. i just hope people will be there to chart their korean songs when they release some too.
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hitsuackerman ยท 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.4
Part 4 of WINTW? :D Enjoy!
Akaashiโ€™s lineup: @alluring-akaashiโ€‹ @oikawalmart-hqโ€‹ @extrasugafreeโ€‹ @bbykiyoomiโ€‹ @apricotjihyoโ€‹ @simpformiya @colorseeingchick @something-that-idk
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5
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โ€œHow is she?โ€ Todoroki asked as he witnessed the scene before him.
None of them were expecting your quirk to go rampant for a few seconds. Being kept under surveillance, it was a miracle that UA signed the papers to let Recovery Girl be in charge. With your quirkโ€™s sudden outburst, a good portion of her office was now upside down. The closest bed to yours was flipped over, the machine monitoring your vital signs now rested on the floor, and the window separating you from the rest now torn into shreds.
โ€œHer vitals are still normal.โ€ Recovery Girl said as she fixed the machine. Making sure that everything was as it was, she sighed and stared at your sleeping body. In all her years as a nurse, this would have to be the first time she would experience this. โ€œTodoroki-san. Your fatherโ€™s lab sent me some EEG results. I went over them a few hours ago.โ€
Todoroki nodded. His fist slowly balling.
โ€œIt perplexes me.โ€ She pointed her index at you. โ€œHer brain activity shows no sign of being in a commative state. In fact, itโ€™s the opposite. The results told me that her brain is as active as ever.โ€
โ€œThen why is she sleeping?โ€ Bakugo asked. All this time he had been quietly observing. โ€œIf this extraโ€™s brain is acting up, why the hell isnโ€™t she responding?โ€
โ€œI still have to run a few tests. And maybe call a few colleagues. Itโ€™s only been the second day, with a quirk like hers, it may be normal for her body to remain in a constant state of consciousness.โ€
Deku was about to speak up till he saw the faint glow of yellow on your palms once more. Everyone in the room prepared and distanced themselves from your sleeping body but nothing extreme happened. Staring at how the glow was steady and disappeared after a few seconds, collective hums and tiny gasps filled the room. With nothing happening next, Recovery Girl motioned for the three boys to leave.
Inside the classroom, everyone was waiting for the doors to slide open. When it did, everyone began bombarding them with questions till Bakugo finally yelled at them to shut their mouths. Commanding Todoroki to tell them, the half and half boy began.
โ€œRecovery Girl said that (y/n)โ€™s brain doesnโ€™t show signs of being in a coma.โ€
โ€œThe girlโ€™s quirk went haywire in the clinic. Either sheโ€™s sleep fighting or her quirk is getting out of control. You two were handed a mission, right? What exactly happened half and half? You hidinโ€™ somethinโ€™ or shit?โ€
โ€œKacchan, Todoroki-kun already explained what happened.โ€ Deku tried to calm down the angry pomeranian. It worked but he received a snarl. Looking at Todoroki, Deku asked. โ€œYouโ€™ve known her longest, do you think sheโ€™ll be okay?โ€
โ€œShe was in pain when I last saw her conscious. It angers me that thereโ€™s nothing much I can do but to hope that sheโ€™ll recover.โ€
Meanwhile, in another dimension, you were now preparing the gym with Yukie and Kaori. Dragging the cart out, you had been assigned to take care of the volleyballs. Pumping and making sure that there was enough air in them, you felt glad for the mini work out. It had been too long since you last worked out and even this amount was barely enough to maintain your body.
Asking a member, he hesitantly agreed into letting you become the new ball boy.
โ€œ(y/n)-chan? You sure you wanna be incharge of the balls?โ€ Konoha asked.
โ€œYeah. Thereโ€™s more than enough managers and it would be good exercise for me.โ€ It was a shocker that Konoha even talked to you. Among the team, he was one of the few people you didnโ€™t bother to research about. All you knew was he could cheer Bokuto up and that was that. Satisfied with your reply, you watched as he excused himself and walked back to begin his warm up.
At the end of the day, your body was far from sore. Not even an increase in your heart rate. Though, you did sweat but only due to the heat the gym radiated. Now that you were inside the girlโ€™s locker room, you stretched your limbs only to be left unsatisfied.
โ€œYou moved and caught the balls like there was no tomorrow yet you barely broke a sweat.โ€ Kaori commented as she took her shirt off. Yukie chimed in and agreed with the statement.
โ€œI used to work out a lot back in Musutafu.โ€ Taking your shirt off, the two girls gasped at the sight of your toned body. It had only dawned you that this would be the first time you were changing with them. You always made it a habit to enter the gym earlier than the others.
โ€œWere you in a gang? Why do you have a lot of scratches on your body, (y/n)?โ€ Yukie took a step closer and feasted on all your small battle scars.
Mentally cursing that you did not think this moment through, you chewed on your inner cheek and tried to think of an explanation.
โ€œI think itโ€™s pretty obvious that Iโ€™m a clutz, Yukie-san.โ€
โ€œA big one at that.โ€ She pointed to a particular one. The most painful one of them all. Running from your shoulder to the tip of your breastbone, the memory of Toga digging her knife across your skin made you shudder. Seeing how you shuddered, Yukie felt guilt for intruding such personal space.
โ€œItโ€™s fine, Yukie-san~ No need to apologize.โ€ You stopped her before she could speak. โ€œThose were justโ€ฆ tough times ya know? But, this doesnโ€™t hurt or even affect me that much anymore.โ€
โ€œWell, you better get dressed quickly,โ€ Kaori commented as she giggled. โ€œAkaashi-san just sent you a message saying heโ€™s waiting by the gate.โ€
Changing quickly, you could feel the stares behind you.
โ€œNothing is going on, okay? Weโ€™re just neighbors.โ€ You pouted with your eyebrows furrowing.
โ€œSo you mean to say, you have the strength to walk past his beautiful face?โ€
โ€œYes, Kaori-san.โ€ You replied with a deadpan voice. Yes, you admired him during the first day here in this dimension but that was it.
โ€œAnd that none of those athletic boys caught your attention?โ€
โ€œNone at all.โ€ Shrug.
The two girls shared a quiet giggle. Squinting your eyes, you stared at them till they waved you off and told you to have fun on your walk back home with the setter. Now that you were walking towards the gate, you checked up on your quirk once more. The pulling sensation was a little stronger, the glow a little brighter, but no significant changes. When you saw Akaashi leaning on the wall, his gunmetal blue eyes looked silver under the moonlit night.
โ€œShall we?โ€
The walk began and it was wrapped in silence once more. But, this time, the silence was comfortable. It gave you enough time to gather your thoughts. Every now and then, you would ask a school related question to the setter and immediately a response was given. Passing by a cafe, your eyes were glued to the (favorite pastry) being showcased. On record time, your stomach sang and your cheeks turned red.
โ€œYou hungry?โ€ Akaashi asked as he stared at the (favorite pastry). โ€œI donโ€™t mind eating dinner out. The food this cafe offers is pretty tasty.โ€
โ€œCan we?โ€ A wide grin formed on the corners of your mouth. When he nodded his head, you grabbed on to his hand and dragged him inside the cafe. The scent of brewed coffee accompanied by the soothing melodies of soft jazz reminded you of Kiri and Bakugoโ€™s study sessions.
Bringing him to the counter, Akaashiโ€™s eyes focused on both your hands. There was no spark now, but this time a small pulling sensation took its place. Judging that it might have been the effects of practice he brushed it off and enjoyed the warmth your hold had to offer.
โ€œIโ€™ll have pasta and a slice of that (favorite pastry) please!โ€ The giddiness in your voice made the cashier smile.โ€What about you, Akaashi-san?โ€
โ€œCaesar salad and a pork chop.โ€
Offering to pay for the food, you let go of his hand and fished out your pocket. It wasnโ€™t too expensive and the money your o-mother gave you was slowly piling up. Getting the number, you pointed to a small booth that had enough privacy the two of you would appreciate.
โ€œDo you eat here a lot, Akaashi-san?โ€
โ€œNot quite.โ€ The way he sat down was very proper compared to yours. Though he didnโ€™t really mind. โ€œI do like their latteโ€™s here. What about you, Firecracker?โ€
โ€œFirecracker?โ€ You raised a brow and your palms began to sweat.
โ€œHave you eaten here before?โ€
โ€œNope. This would have to be my first time.โ€ Your eyes scanned the decoration. It was homey and rustic. The lights above you looked as if the designer had a lot of glass bottles at home. โ€œYouโ€™re pretty good at dealing with Bokuto-sanโ€™s personality.โ€
โ€œBarely. I just grew up with him.โ€
โ€œWere you in the volleyball club in middle school?โ€
โ€œYeah.โ€ He began to play with his fingers. โ€œBut my teammates werenโ€™t as dedicated. What about you?โ€
โ€œWell, I didnโ€™t join any club.โ€ You placed your elbow on the table and rested your chin on your palm. Your stare glued to the boy sitting across you. โ€œBut I did like aiding the support department from time to time. They built some pretty interesting gears that helped me and my friends cope with the curriculum.โ€
โ€œGears?โ€ The look of confusion was amusing. It was subtle but clear.
โ€œYeah.โ€ You smirked. โ€œUA was pretty brutal when it came to subjects. Being in 1-A was interesting and the smallest trip caused a lot of chaos. It was fun, scared the shit out of us, but the experience was worth it.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re talking as if you have special abilities.โ€ His eyebrow was the one raised now. The playful glimmer in your eyes evident.
โ€œAre you saying Iโ€™m not special, Akaashi-san?โ€
โ€œI never implied that, (l/n)-san.โ€
The both of you stared each other down for a while. Being with Akaashi in a private booth was a different experience. His extra shirt was a little loose on him, thus hiding his well formed shoulders. A little sad, you had to admit. Being given the opportunity to stare at his face, you had to give him praise. He really was gorgeous despite looking a tad tired from the heinous practice.
โ€œIโ€™m kidding. Ya got me.โ€ You pulled out a tissue and threw it on the table. A white flag, so to speak. โ€œI wasnโ€™t into sports. I was mostly in the background and focused on my studies. Boring right?โ€
โ€œFar from it.โ€ The corner of his lip curled up for the slightest bit. That small smile made your tummy feel weird and tingly.
โ€œIndeed. Iโ€™m far from boring.โ€ You winked. โ€œIโ€™m probably the most interesting person here in this dimension called Tokyo.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re rubbing ass now.โ€
โ€œSo the very proper and dainty Akaashi Keiji knows how to swear?โ€ You feigned surprise and couldnโ€™t help but laugh a bit at the words he had just said.
โ€œAss is not a swear word, (l/n) (y/n).โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re right. Itโ€™s something you're blessed with.โ€ Fuck. You got carried away. Biting your tongue and clearing your throat, the food finally arrived. Hopefully heโ€™d let it slip and just enjoy the meal. โ€œANYWAY~ Thanks for letting me drag you in here.โ€
โ€œMy pleasure.โ€
The meal was pleasant and the embarrassment of complimenting his ass forgotten. Yet, the feeling of finally telling someone about a few things back home was a huge weight off your shoulders. Having to bottle up so much knowledge that youโ€™re a complete stranger in this world was straining.
Akaashi noticed it too. How your shoulders relaxed and your features as well indicated that you had just taken a load off your problems. He couldnโ€™t pinpoint what it was but he was pretty sure that there was more to what you had just told him. Not to mention your choice of words were far from being carefully selected, almost as if it was natural to you. Swallowing his thoughts, he continued savoring the food and the enigma before him.
Now standing on the street, in the middle of your houses, you stared at the gap between the two buildings. 5 meters was your estimated distance. Not too far and not too close, a pretty standard distance based on the houses in the neighborhood.
โ€œThanks for walking me home, Akaashi-san.โ€
โ€œIโ€™ll see you tomorrow, (l/n)-san.โ€
โ€œYa know, we might as well drop the honorifics. Neighbors, same year, same team.โ€ You were never one to like formalities anyway. โ€œBut, Iโ€™m cool with keeping it tho.โ€
โ€œIn that case, I can agree with your proposal.โ€ Akaashi now walked towards his side of the area. With his back facing you, he glanced over his shoulder and bowed. โ€œGoodnight, Firecracker.โ€
Firecracker. That was more of a Bakugo thing, if you were to be honest.
But, coming from his mouth?
You were more than willing to let him call you that.
- - - - -
so did yaโ€™ll like this chapter? we now have a picture as to how our BNHA friends are doing~ Akaashi is still accepting in his line up :) comment if youd like to be a part of it!
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2-player-game ยท 4 years
Can I please request a Leon x Blind!Reader from Haikyuu
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Thank you for requesting btw! I haven't written for Leon, but he seems like an interesting character to write for, I haven't seen season 4 btw so idk if there are anymore Leon's but I hope I got it right, he's a rather underrated character so I wasn't expecting any requests for him. Feel free to request whatever you like any time.
Being blind was never something you enjoyed. Though you envied people who could see the world in it's true colors, you found other ways to enjoy the area around you. Listening to music was always something you enjoyed, it didn't require anything but working ears to enjoy it. Music conveyed so much emotion and imagination without anything being visible.
Now, even though you enjoyed music, you couldn't listen to it while moving. It sucked but you could only rely on your hearing to indicate your surroundings, though your friends gladly guided you around the school. You've gotten used to Shiratorizawa even though the school is so huge.
"Hey Y/N! Wanna come with me to deliver some papers to the coach?" Goshiki asked, he was one of the few that didnt baby you for your disability. He understood that you could handle yourself and didn't need much help.
It was the end of the day, so most people were gone, Goshiki needed to go to practice and deliver those papers and you often stayed with him through practice to support him. Rather than watching the team practice, you conversed with the coaches, managers, and listened to music. A lot of the time they'd explain what was happening in the matches. "Ah! Yeah, Tsutsomu-kun. We can deliver the papers and I'll stay till after practice." You said with a soft smile.
Volleyball sounded fun in theory, the cheering of people as you pass a ball around, each school having a special cheer for their team. It would be great to watch, well you technically could kind of watch it. You could vaguely see things if they were bright, and you have a very bright imagination!
You and Goshiki walked through the halls, heading to the gym. Goshiki was very passionately talking about how great of an ace he would be, you giggled as you listened to his speech. The two of you soon arrive handing the papers to the coach. Just as they started you remembered you had forgot your headphones in your classroom, you stand up and start heading to the classroom.
After walking for quite sometime you realized you must have taken a wrong turn or something because you felt like you were in a new atmosphere, bumping into walls you don't remember being there before. Sometime soon, you hear the echoes of shoes squeaking and balls being hit, did you make it back to the gym again? God this school was too big for you to handle, you sigh, about to walk back into the gym defeated before you clash into a larger figure.
You fall to the ground, bowing your head down "I'm so so sorry! I um I didn't see you and-" you're frantic apologizes were stopped by a now crouching figure placing a hand on your shoulder.
"It's alright, you didn't cause me any harm. You're Tsutsomus friend, Y/n. Am I right? I'm Leon Ohira, you might know, me I'm no star of the team though." He let's out a calming chuckle before continuing "You're not hurt, are you? If you are I'll gladly take you to the nurse." He says. Hearing him speak is so calming, putting your once frantic mind to ease with just his words.
You smile, it was weird, you couldn't see others smile, but you decided to share yours with the world. "Oh, no I'm not hurt at all. I just can't get my headphones, this school is.. pretty intimidating and I can't find my classroom where I left them." You let out a pitiful chuckle. It sounded stupid to anyone who wasn't aware of how much you needed your headphones, but to you they were what kept you sane.
Leon blushed a little, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at you. "You can't see, right? I can imagine how scary this school must be." He sat silent for a couple seconds. "I'll be your eyes for a while when you don't have anyone else. I'll guide you to your classroom." He smiles softly before grabbing your hand and pulling you up to a standing position.
"Thank you, Reon. I'm in uhm class 1-b. I hope you know where that is, I don't want to take a way most of your practice." You said, you felt awfully nervous around him for some reason. He made you feel at peace, your other friends were nice and all, but none of them were as calm and caring as Leon.
Leon laughed under his breath, looking at you, "I know where that it. If you're okay with it, grab my hand, I'll guide you." He stated, you grabbed a hold of his hand, your fingers didn't interlock or anything, but him guiding you could've been resolved by grabbing his arm or his shirt. Something compelled you to grab his hand though.
As he led you through the halls, it was awfully silent. You could tell he wanted to say something, which you were correct, but no one was saying anything. It was very quiet before he spoke up, "you know, you're really gorgeous" he said, which was a shocker to you.
"Do.. you really think so? I mean, I have an idea what I look like, but I'm sure I'm not that pretty. I'm sure you look nice though!" You said with a soft smile as he laughed softly.
"We're here, your headphones are on your desk I think." He said, opening the door, allowing you to grab your headphones. You sighed in relief, thanking him.
After you left the classroom, you pretty much knew the way back, but nearly at the same time, the two of you reached for eachothers hands, instinctively holding them. Maybe you should hang out with Leon more often.
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surveys-at-your-service ยท 4 years
Survey #306
iโ€™m v talkative today so pardon my jabbering below.
What is the strangest type of candy you have eaten? I think I've had one of those lollipops with a bug in it before as a kid? I don't remember. What would be your most ideal profession? A freelance photographer. But I'm honestly starting to lose hope. Have you tried those coloring books for adults? Yeah; it's funny you mention 'em, 'cuz a family friend got me one for my birthday earlier this month. What is a topic you definitely don't want to talk about with anyone? I don't like talking about my sexual history, doesn't matter who you are. It's just uncomfortable. What was your first gaming console? An Atari. Is there something you're eagerly waiting for? What is it? *SLAMS FISTS ON TABLE* MAY NEEDS TO FUCKIN' HURRY. My tattoo appointment is set then. :''') Do you/have you ever belonged to an organization? If so, which one? I was a Girl Scout when I was young. What is something you're very passionate about? Nature conservation, gay rights (equal rights in general, really), the pro-choice movement, and then there are less "important" things like certain hobbies interests and such. I'm sure there are more big ones that are just slipping my mind right now, considering I feel passionately for a shitload of stuff. What are you studying or what was the last thing you studied? I majored in Art & Design with a focus on Photography in college. But guess who dropped out. What was the last present you gave someone? I don't know... I mention enough that I don't have a source of income where I can really buy anything. I think the last thing I did was a Christmas gift for Mom a year or two back of a drawing I did of our late dog Cali, whom she absolutely adored. Do you enjoy plays? If so, what was the latest one you saw? Not really, no. What was the last thing you achieved? PHP has helped me focus on little victories, so prepare for an underwhelming answer haha, but it's something. I Facebook messaged an old friend I really wanted to catch up with, and everyone in group cheered for me. :') It was really heartwarming. What a shocker that this program is really helping me once again. What is something you would like to achieve at some point in your life? I would love love love to take at least one "famous" or award-winning photograph. It'd be such amazing validation that I'm talented at something I love so much. What is one philosophy you have regarding life/living/purpose? That's... difficult to answer seeing as I'm trying desperately to find my purpose. I do try to live by this old quote a therapist said once: "Deal with life, or life deals with you." I think it holds an incredible amount of depth and meaning in such a short phrase. How would you design the inside of your own home? I don't know the details of it, really, besides that shit is gonna look like a Halloween house year-round. I can imagine wanting black furniture, too, and having loooots of decor expressive of what I love and find comfort in. Gotta make a house feel like a home just for me. What is a band you remember liking from your childhood? Backstreet Boys, duh. Do you ever get mad at people for not having the same opinion as you (i.e. abortion being wrong/right, meat-eating being wrong/right)? Two things: it depends on the topic, and "get mad" is the wrong term for what I feel. It's more disgust; ex., I'm repulsed by anti-gay rights people and want absolutely nothing to do with 'em, but I'm not like, mad at them. Do you edit any of your pictures? In what ways? Oh yeah, and it definitely depends on the raw photograph. I edit depending on the mood it emanates; like if you've seen my roadkill photography versus nature shots, there is an extremely distinct difference in editing style and vibe. I'd say in general though, I tend to like to brighten my photographs and add more vibrance. If you like to take pictures, what is your motivation? God, I could write an essay on this. I just love and am so thankful for the fact we can literally freeze time forever with the click of a button and look back on fantastic sights, beautiful moments, memories... It's just magical to me, and I adore contributing to that art. Would you ever consider living anywhere cold? Well yeah, that's my preference, actually. What is your absolute favorite food? The spicy shrimp fritas from Olive Garden, jfc. Would you ever wear snake-skin pants, or other animal clothing? Fuck to the absolute hell no. What foreign country would you like to go to for a shopping spree? Idk, considering I'm not well-versed in the artistic creations of other countries. Perhaps India? Japan? I dunno. If you met your favorite musician, what would you ask him/her? I'm asking for his fucking autograph and a hug while I smile my face in two AND cry lmao. What do you spend most of your day thinking about? I ain't gonna bullshit nobody, my PTSD. In some way or another, he's lurking in that head of mine through memories, flashbacks, wonders of what could have gone differently... but thank God it's no longer in the forefront of my mind after my first PHP. I've come very, very far, but especially when trying to blank out my mind to fall asleep, parts of PTSD strangle my brain until I'm just finally out. I really hope that changes someday. Where is a busy place you would like to go to? Yikes, nowhere, really. I like to avoid busy locations. Do you think video games cause people to become violent? Absolutely not. You are responsible for the decisions you make; music, games, movies, etc. have no deciding voice in stupid shit you do, and it's bullshit that people blame art and entertainment for such things. Vocabulary: What was the last word you learned? I'm unsure. Have you or could you build your own site? Absolutely not from scratch. The closest I've gotten to that is my photography website, but it was through the assistance of Wix. What's the best thing you can cook yourself? Scrambled eggs, haha. I do make some bomb eggs at least. Are there a lot of graffiti around your neighborhood? No. Do you have a hobby that forces you out of the house? If so, what is it? Nature photography. Would you stop eating meat, if you had to raise and slaughter it yourself? Absolutely. God, I want to go vegetarian again... Besides English, what other languages can you speak? I can speak a very little bit of German. Took four semesters of it in high school and became very good at it, but lack of practice has pretty much ruined that. Besides English, what other languages can you read? I can read German well; as in, I can pronounce most words I see, but that doesn't mean I understand what is written. Do you think you could make it as a chef? Gordon Ramsey would deadass kick me off his show on day one, lmao. What's your favorite kind of tea? It marvels me JUST how many tea and coffee questions are in surveys. Anyway, I don't like tea. I am an embarrassment to NC culture. What thing/person/happening has made you the happiest you've been? lask;dfjal;wekrjwe What's the most freeing thing you've ever done? Stealing my happiness back from someone who had no right to hold it all in its entirety. That shit's mine. Do you think today's kids are really impatient? Most, probably, but in some ways I can understand it - at least, in the sense that with the assistance of modern technology and advancements in satiating our wants so quickly, kids just expect it. I definitely believe that patience is something to try to be deeply instilled in everyone, though. I don't have an ounce of it (in most situations) and wish I did. Have you ever tasted birch sap? No. How about the young buds/shoots of spruce trees? No. Which edible flowers have you tasted? One of my favorite Southern experiences is finding a bunch of honeysuckles and tasting the honey (is it technically even honey??). Tastes amazing. My family's hairdresser lives down a beautiful path that sprouts a massive amount of them, and as kids, my sisters and her two boys would go tasting them while our parents talked for so long, or if we were waiting our turn. Good memories. What has been your worst restaurant experience? I'm not sure, really. What's the most immature, adolescent thing that still makes you laugh? "Inappropriate humor type jokes." <<<< They can get me sometimes, too. Have you ever had a life-threatening condition? If so, what was it? No, thankfully. Have you ever had a custom print done on a shirt? If so, what was it? I don't believe so, no. Besides making a tye-dye one in HS with our school colors. Wasn't my idea and never wore it, haha. Do you ever read other people's survey answers? It depends on the person. If it's a friend, absolutely, because I love learning usually obscure things about them I wouldn't have known otherwise. If it's a user I don't know from wherever I got the survey, sometimes, depending on how short the answer is and my eyes kinda just scroll over it. Do you like daytime or night time better? Why? Daytime, especially mornings. I'm generally happier when there's light around. What's your highest level of education so far? Some college. Describe your ordinary day: My average day is embarrassingly uneventful. It's sitting on the laptop doing shit on various sites, none of which are actually important, and playing WoW, which is also without true substance, save for social interactions with my friends on there. I spray Venus' terrarium everyday multiple times as well to keep the humidity up, and obviously eat and handle that kinda bodily needs stuff. Would you ever have a UV tattoo? Ugh, that'd be so dope. I've seen some awesome ones, but idk if I'd get one, considering when am I actually going to be under UV light?? Like I wanna be able to see my tat. What is the brand and color name of your favorite lipstick? I have one black lipstick, but it comes right off so I don't even like it. I only ever put it on to take pictures. What do you like on your tortilla? Just ham and cheese. How about inside your pita bread? I've never had pita bread, actually. What do you like in your burger? It depends on where I'm getting the burger. My basic is cheese, ketchup, mustard, a bit of mayo, pickles, and a light sprinkle of diced onion, but sometimes I add bacon and take away the onions. How about on your pizza? I have three I tend to pick from: pepperoni, jalapeno, or meat lovers. Do you work better alone or in a group? Alone, definitely. Which body part would you not mind losing? I'ma be extremely honest, with just how horribly weak my legs are, I could live without them, I guess. Not saying I want to by any means, it's just exhausting using them. Ideally, I'd take away something minor, like a finger or something. What common saying people use is absolute BS to you? โ€œ'Everything happens for a reason.'โ€ <<<< Fuckin' colossal "same." I won't rag on people who believe it, especially if it gives you courage to keep moving forward, but I don't believe it in the slightest. If it were so, I'd like to talk to whoever is in control of those "reasons," please. What is the most interesting thing youโ€™ve read or seen this week? I had no idea elephants were pregnant for two years, like holy shit, can you imagine. It was in an article I saw on Facebook about a mother and daughter elephant who are both expecting and doing well. Wonderful to hear. Whatโ€™s the most useless talent you have? Ha, I'm a master in the arts of catastrophizing and jumping to conclusions involving people hating me in one way or another. Whatโ€™s something everyone looks stupid doing? I'm one of those people who hate dabbing done by anybody, like you look like you're just smelling your armpit. Which kidsโ€™ movie scarred you for life? I wouldn't say "scarred me for life" by any means, but when I was little, I was terrified of the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz and even had nightmares about her. It sucked because my little sister was obsessed with that movie, haha. In one sentence, how would you sum up the Internet? A source of incredible knowledge but also hate and misinformation. What would be the most ridiculous thing for the government to make illegal? I literally dread the idea of Roe vs. Wade being reversed. Banning abortion would kill so many people with operational uteruses and cause absolute pandemonium. How many friends do you have on social media and how many of them do you know for real? On Facebook, I have 124 friends, and I'd say I know most of them "in real life." However, having been on the Internet since I was so young and befriending loads of incredible people, a good chunk are "online friends." Hell, I'm more interested in their lives than most "real" ones. Long-distance friendships are so valid. What fact amazes you every time you think of it? Lots of things, generally regarding the stupidity of humanity. Whatโ€™s the most spontaneous thing youโ€™ve ever done? Probably going to the beach w/ my old friend Colleen. We had zero plans of doing it, but she just called me one morning and asked if I wanted to go, and off we went. It was a fun day. What has taken up too much of your life? I'ma be real, WoW. I don't think I'm addicted to it like I once was seeing as I go through spans where I barely want to play it at all and don't, so I truly am capable of not playing it, but rather it's just the most entertaining way to kill time in my life. I just don't like how much time I've invested into a game over six or seven years regardless. Where do you not mind waiting? Uh, nowhere lmao. Is there an app you hate to use, but still use every day? No; why would I use it if that was the case? Who is the funniest person you know? My friend Girt is fucking hysterical. What three words describe you best? Complex, passionate, and creative. What makes you think youโ€™re smart? Lol who says I think I'm smart? Who inspires you? Korean Jesus. Okay on a serious note, not just him, of course, but he's #1 in an entire universe of ways. Do you aspire to be like somebody else? If so, who? No; I want to be my own authentic self. How did you meet your best friend? YouTube, back when it had more social aspects. Which one of your accomplishments are you the most proud of? I want to say my recovery, but like... I wonder a lot if it's "enough" to be proud of with how scarred I still am? I still struggle with a lot and feel like I could be so much better by now if I tried harder. If I'm completely honest with myself, I think it's finishing high school in the top percentile of my graduating class. There was a ceremony for the handful of us and all, and I cherish my plaque probably too much. Reminds me of a time when I knew what the fuck I was doing. What's the strangest thing you ever did as a child? Thinking I had "animal powers" where I could invoke the traits of certain animals at will, like what the actual fuck, Brittany. What did your mother teach you? Christ, a lot. Dad didn't do a lot of the raising, honestly, so much of my core values and whatnot were instilled by my mother. She taught me to care for and be nice to others, respect myself, try my best in everything, and most importantly that she is always there for me and my sisters no matter what and can tell her absolutely anything. She was very serious about us going to college and saving sex for marriage when we were younger, but she diverged from those ideas as absolutely necessary with experience. I'm extremely lucky with who I call my mom, overall. What did your father teach you? Eek... Read above. Not a lot as a kid (save for riding a bike and playing softball); most he's taught me has come following reuniting with him after my parents' divorce. I remember we went to lunch once and talked about my breakup, and he talked to me about sometimes, you just have to let people go in order to be happy, like with him and Mom. He's very serious now about ensuring us girls know that he is always there for us and will help us in any way he's capable. What makes you feel powerful? "Powerful" isn't something I really feel, if I'm being real. What are you ready to let go? It would be inexplicably fantastic if I could let every speck of Jason go in both my head and heart. What is your most bizarre deal-breaker? I don't really find any of my expectations and limits as "bizarre?" They're all valid to me. Well wait, idk if you'd find it strange that I absofuckinglutely would not date someone who hunts, but it's not to me. That's a difference in a very serious value to me. Would you rather be hated or forgotten? Hated. God, I don't want to leave this earth having given just nothing. I can live with some people hating me for whatever reason. Whatโ€™s the biggest personal change youโ€™ve made? Accepting my bisexuality, probably. That's something that I consider pretty big for two reasons: 1.) I could end up with a woman forever, and especially 2.) I was originally homophobic. I still have difficulty in fathoming how I ever was. What are some of your short-term goals? PHP is finally starting to make me build these again. I want to get better at selfcare, draw, write, and read more, I want to drink a lot more water, exercise way more... Lots of things, really. What is the weirdest thing about you? Uh. I dunno. Probably that I RP meerkats, which is a very obscure RP niche for sure.
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kahayaya ยท 4 years
The Day Before 2021
Itโ€™s New Years eve today and its been a while since I wrote updates on life on here so lets start.ย 
Currently in the process of moving to Vegas, and I received the news back in October. This news was a complete shocker to me and did not expect my family to move any where at this time. A part of me had doubts about the move because my family tends to always say things that this will happen but never really happens. Thinking about it now, a lot of times I felt like my parents would promise me things that would seem awesome and I would look forward to. Only to be disappointed or still waiting on it. For example, my parents keep talking about receiving large sums of money for compensation on my momโ€™s injury at work. I was told about this 5 years ago and they still keep on talking on how much money we will get. Cuz of these promises I think for I tend sustain my own-self than have others to rely on. Which in return makes me more independent and I tend to ask for help on things because of the things my parents did.ย 
Anyways the moving is still happening and I was shocked as mentioned before. We are currently signing papers that we will buy the house they offered and the house here is already signed off to the buyer. The condition is that we need to secure a house in Vegas within the month of January in order for the house in Hawaii to be sold. As of what I see, I think we signed that weโ€™d accept the counter-offer of the sellers in Vegas. So I think we are good for now on that part.
The more I think about moving the more I just want to get it over with. I want to be inside the new house and get ready to move on to the next. I want to explore Vegas, get my own car to drive around, I want to just settle in. I feel stuck in the current home, knowing my next step from here. The anticipation is killing me. I am very excited to move to Vegas cuz of the new things that await there. I will defs miss Hawaii with its food and my friends. However I think being in Vegas will make me feel more at home. What I mean is that I felt like my house in Hawaii after going to college never felt like home to me. I never really had a room for myself back in Hawaii, so I never really felt rooted to where I live. Thatโ€™s why I think renting out in SF made me more connected with SF. I felt like I had something that was actually mine and I could call my home. Moving out of SF was definitely sad for me, as I lost a home that I was just getting ready to set forward. But with moving to Vegas, I will be able to have my own room and actual place to settle. its also close to a lot more places so getting anywhere in the U.S is easy now.ย 
Also wanted to talk about my nic addiction. As predicted, I am hooked on nicotine. I want to quit but the feeling good is just too hard. I tried to quit when I left SF but that same craving I had back when I started nicotine has. crept on me. What did not help too was that my friends back in Hawaii also smoke nicotine and that gave me in. In the end I bought a device to satisfy my nicotine. Actions I am taking however is that I am lowering the dosages of my nicotine, and I can quit slowly in this fashion than quitting from a high dosage to nothing. So that is my story as of right now on nicotine addiction.
Another thing thatโ€™s been on my mind is dating other people in general. Iโ€™ve had the thought of downloading tinder and maybe actually search for someone, but again a part of me feels like I donโ€™t really need to find anyone. What I mean is that I donโ€™t see a reason why I would want to find somebody else. Which stems back to what I mentioned earlier is that I just feel like I can just be sufficient for myself. Another part of me tells me that I donโ€™t really have any passion for anything. In my opinion I donโ€™t think there are things that define me. For example, the type of music I listen to can range from indie pop to rap to edm. Like there is nothing defining in that I feel like I would be someone that just follows what others does. I donโ€™t really do anything else, other than play video games but even that is something I donโ€™t like to do all the time. These are things I question about my self because I feel like donโ€™t really have anything to offer anyone. And to add on to that, I just like where I am at life right now. IDK. I think the reason I am so conflicted is because I want to have something for myself firs than to rely on others for something. I donโ€™t really have financial stability and I have schooling to finish off. Maybe Iโ€™m just too focused on this to worry about dating in general.ย 
Speaking of schooling, I am entering my final semester of college. Despite the end, I really do not know what I want to do after. I know what it takes to get a Software engineer job, but I really donโ€™t know what I want. I never really felt passionate about coding or anything comp sci related. I felt like a foreigner to the comp sci department at our school, while I see my peers interact with them. So after college is a clueless for me. Im thinking of just applying to a bunch of jobs or internships and just see how it works for me. Get experience from there and then I will have a better understanding of where to go from there.ย 
Also with schooling ending, I also feel like this will be the first time I will have have no responsibility put forth on me. There will be no teachers/professors to do stuff. And this will also be a challenge for me. I feel like my life has been centered around getting task done with whatever is presented at me. This is the first time I will have no guidance to go in life and I can do whatever I want. Similar to what we learned in existentialism, where there are too much freedom. I know I will be reaching that point in life where I will have way more freedom and no assignments to turn in. Now the real games starts when I graduate.
Also I keep forgetting that today is new years eve. To sum up 2020, its been chaotic, but great change. COVID happen and I had to move out. I think November has been a really stressful month for me but I managed to survive. The Spring semester was a challenge due to the transition of going out to minimizing outdoor activity. I tried new things when that happened like make pour-over coffee and try photography again. I also grew closer with Alex and this year cemented our friendship for life. I got to try acid and that experience was great. My brother got married this year and I met his wife. Quick note, they visited Hawaii when I was here and when they left his wife called me Kaleo-Kun. NGL that was pretty cool to hear. Anyways, I survived Zoom University. I got to diet and exercise Fall Semester. I got to make new friends like Kass them. I got my ears pierced. I dyed my hair. A lot of things happened this year and it really went by quick. Even though those moments when it happened felt like years, looking back at those times seemed like it happened within months.ย 
I am sitting on my bed just waiting to move. Life will be so different when I move and that will set-up my 2021. Once I am in Vegas, life will be different and I am eager to see what that holds. Iโ€™m not too sure what 2021 will hold for me, but I am excited for anything to happen in the year 2021. 2020 for many was probably the toughest and shitiest year for them. But for those that are here, we came out on top and we survived. Cheers to 2020 and time to embark into 2021.ย 
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shes-outta-sight ยท 5 years
thank you @flowrxchild @satans-helper @pvre-mourning @cantbehandled-ever for tagging me to answer some really tough, but also very fun, questions!! โœจ๐Ÿ’›I really love reading all of these, and doing them as well!
What was the last thing you read?
my nutrition notes /:
Favourite movie?
Already a hard question lmao. Iโ€™m gonna say Almost Famous (i know, shocker!). others are Interstellar, Lady Bird, Annihilation, La La Land, Pink Floyd - The Wall, and Dazed and Confused lol.
Favourite book?
Call me basic but iโ€™m gonna just say The Great Gatsby. Itโ€™s a classic and I canโ€™t tell you how many times Iโ€™ve read it. I have a lot of favorite books that arenโ€™t popular, but ya girl is so bad at picking favorites.
Dream date?
Definitely a concert. I just want to be with someone with similar taste in music, or at least appreciates mine. Also stargazing, anything outside, or a museum date. idk anything really
Do you have a crush?
on sammy of course! and all of my mutuals (;
What are your hobbies?
listening/finding new music always, watercoloring, reading, and now i love painting denim! Iโ€™m trying to get back into my creative hobbies, but school really doesnโ€™t want that to happen
Whatโ€™s your favourite time of day?
dusk/sunsets. but Iโ€™m a total night owl, so late nights are my thing!
If you could look like anything, what would you look like?
Not sure what to say. Honestly I wish i had a better body. and I wish I was more confident with how I actually look!
Are you romantic?
Whatโ€™s your favourite type of weather?
If Iโ€™m inside, I love big rainstorms. I have always found the rain and thunder to be peaceful. However, i love fall weather where the sun is warm, but the breeze is present. (not like Texas fall)
What do you like talking about?
What are your turn ons?
Definitely a sense of humor. I will seriously fall in love with anyone who makes me laugh. Also intelligence, usually someone more outgoing than i am, and easily excited.
Turn offs?
no sense of humor lol, cockiness, and unnecessary rudeness!
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it?
Thereโ€™s this small sketch of a half sun and crescent moon with faces together that iโ€™ve wanted for a while, maybe on my ankle. i also used to want a small butterfly on my inner arm, and some wildflowers on my ribcage, but ouch!
Do you have any pets?
I have a siamese cat named Flash at my parentโ€™s, but i am getting my own cat next fall when i move into a new apartment. Very excited!
Dream job?
Dream place to live?
As someone who has grown up in a huge city, i would love to live in a small town with more country area eventually. Also wouldnโ€™t mind living somewhere in Colorado closer to the mountains.
Dream vacation?
Greece and Italy has forever been a dream! I would also love to go backpacking through Europe of course.
Do you have any piercings?
i have 2 normal piercings in each ear, 2 cartilage in one ear, and a nose stud
If you had kids, what would you name them?
iโ€™m not one of those people who has exact names planned out because who even knows what i want. However, i have always loved the nameย โ€œPresleyโ€ for a girl.
What are your best traits?
Most of the time, i think my independence is the best. i also think i have a pretty great sense of humor, and my empathy.
Worst traits?
Iย definitely hold grudges. I try not to, but I do.ย 
Whatโ€™s your worst fear?
A few. While I love being on my own most of the time, I am afraid of ending up alone. As a kid i was very scared of being kidnapped, so that still kinda lingers. Also, losing loved ones, and Iโ€™m deathly afraid of cockroaches (everything really is bigger in Texas)
What do you want to eat right now
Whatโ€™s your best vacation youโ€™ve ever been on?
Iโ€™ve been to Isla Mujeres in Mexico many times with my family. Also had a vacation with friends in Seaside that was pretty great. Other then that, i havenโ€™t traveled a lot sadly.
Favourite city?
I have that Houston pride (;ย 
Honestly, I havenโ€™t traveled enough to say though.
Favorite social media platform?
Tumblr! Occasionally twitter. Iโ€™ve mainly decided Iโ€™m done with instagram, snpachat, etc.
Favourite article of clothing?
i loveee my jean jackets. but also my doc martens, and generally sweatshirts!
Do you play any sports?
haha as a kid, i played pretty much every sport, even including dancing and cheer. I also did swimming and water polo throughout high school, but definitely not good enough for a scholarship, so that ended!
Favourite meal of the day?
i love breakfast, but i never eat in the mornings. so dinner? or breakfast for dinner !ย 
What are you excited for?
for once i can say that there are so many things!! i am done with finals next Wednesday so Christmas break!! my bestfriend who goes to university in England is coming home next week, and gvf concert in 17 DAYS!!
Not excited for?
my ochem finalย 
When was the last time you cried?
yesterday after i took my lab final (see the pattern?)
Dream house?
cottage home for sure!! i donโ€™t want much, but i have always wanted a house with a front porch that has a swing or chairs outside.ย 
Whatโ€™s something you hate about the world?
idk if this is cheating, but Ricky iโ€™m going to keep your answer here because i couldnโ€™t say it better myself!
ย โ€œInjustice, prejudice and ignorance. I have no tolerance for it and there seems to be a lot of it. Wish a lot more people would just have less hate in them.โ€
Whatโ€™s something you love about the world?
i love that despite all of the bad shit, i can still find reasons to be happy. Sometimes itโ€™s the little things that make a huge difference, and more often itโ€™s the beautiful people who make it a better place!
What scents do you like?
i love eucalyptus! also fresh linen and the smell of rain.
What kind of sleeper are you?
ha i donโ€™t sleep. but i have to sleep on my side with one leg out, and i guess iโ€™m a medium sleeper? Not heavy, but I do oversleep early alarms if Iโ€™m not careful.
Are you a cat or dog person?
if i canโ€™t say both, then i am a cat person. i love them both, but i have grown up with cats!
How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?
lol not long at all probably. idk maybe a few weeks?
Are you trusting?
I think i am?? Unless iโ€™m given reasons not to be I guess. There are probably times where i could be more.
What fictional character do you identify with?
fuck iโ€™m sorry, thereโ€™s honestly so many and i canโ€™t choose!
What labels do you commonly get?
I get sensitive all the time. And you know what, I am. Also sometimes i get shy which is also true in certain situations.
What song would be your life anthem?
ooooo idk about an โ€œanthemโ€ but Iโ€™m gonna go with tiny dancer, gypsy, or even flower power!
What issues are you dealing with rn?
This semester of school has been really hard on me, so the usual stress and anxiety. Things are starting to look up though.
How can someone win you over?
Itโ€™s really not hard. If youโ€™re nice to me, you probably already have. or just make me smile/laugh!
Whatโ€™s something about you people donโ€™t know?
ummm not sure what else to add
tagging: @mountainofthesunn @aint-no-denying @thatflowerpower @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade @gvfyeet @nosferatyou @woman-ina-dream @pennylane-gvf @highwaytunez @that-glassbottomed-egoย @imacrowcawcaww
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our-smooty ยท 5 years
Flowerbeds and Fertile Soil: Chapter 6
Fandom: Good Omens
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens, )Anathema Device/Newton Pulsifer
Tags: ย Kidfic, Mpreg kind of, they can choose to present however so idk, Crowley Has A Vulva (Good Omens), Crowley Has A Penis (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has A Penis (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has A Vulva (Good Omens), OCs Galor, parenting, using your snake form to avoid confrontation, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, if I missed a tag lemme know
Summary: They could do anything, go anywhere, all without the worry of Above or Bellow making a fuss. Even so, they mostly kept to their little patch of Eden, their cottage and garden and the simple life theyโ€™d carved out among the locals. Aziraphale opened a book shop in town, where he only occasionally sold any books (and the ones he did sell, were all modern and stocked specifically for that purpose). Crowley focused his attentions on the garden, and if he occasionally helped their elderly neighbour with her disobedient willow tree, then that was a secret no one needed to know. Lately, however, they had both been feeling rather restless, unbeknownst to each other. Aziraphale tried reorganizing his store, changing the way he tied his bowtie and even ate pizza โ€“something he considered to be far too messy for him personally. Crowley had branched out into birdwatching, and then car maintenance (the human way), and even reading. Nothing scratched the itch for either of them.
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They ended up calling Anathema. She took it pretty well, and Crowley had the suspicion that sheโ€™d expected it in that weird witchy way of hers. She instructed Aziraphale to get Crowley into bed with some crackers and water, and for him to nibble on those until he was feeling better. Crowley complained that he almost never ate anything, being an immortal demon, but decided to try it out anyway, if only because being sick was a new and frankly frightening experience he wanted to be over and done with as soon as possible. And to his chagrin, I actually did help.ย 
Aziraphale hovered around anxiously, asking over and over again if there was anything Crowley needed, and fluffing the pillows, and fussing with the comforters. Crowley let him do it because who didnโ€™t like to be pampered once and a while? Charlotte and Annabella had crawled into bed too with a few of their dolls and were currently reenacting the scene from the kitchen in great detail. It was honestly so domestic he wanted to throw up all over again, or maybe that was just the morning sickness coming back.ย 
โ€œComfortable?โ€ Aziraphale asked, once again re-fluffing the pillow behind Crowleyโ€™s back. โ€œDo you need anything else. More water? Tea? A different type of crackers? I can go down to the shop and--โ€
Crowley leaned over--carefully so he wouldnโ€™t upset the delicate balance in his stomach--and grabbed Aziraphaleโ€™s hand. โ€œIโ€™m alright, but Iโ€™d be better if you joined us.โ€ He gave Azirpahale a crooked, slightly fragile smile. To tell the truth, he was feeling pretty overwhelmed and more than a little nervous, having all this come crashing down when they were supposed to be enjoying a fun day at the park. Crowley glanced over at the girls playing at the foot of the bed. He needed to keep it together for them if nothing else.ย 
โ€œOh well if you insist.โ€Aziraphale sat on the edge of the bed, then folded himself carefully into the space between Crowley and the kids. โ€œYouโ€™re sure youโ€™re alright?โ€
Crowley shrugged. โ€œHappens to humans all the time when theyโ€™re expecting, you heard Anathema. Guess Iโ€™ll have to get used to it.โ€ He was trying not to think about it too hard. Theyโ€™d been going at it like rabbits for the past month with the express purpose of this but now that it was happening Crowley was honestly freaking out a little bit. โ€œYou know, I think I did something to my back while I was hunched over that sink, you think you couldโ€ฆ?โ€
โ€œOf course my dear. Scoot up a bit then.โ€ Crowley did, and Aziraphale began the massage. He hadnโ€™t actually done anything to his back, but he knew his angel needed something to do with his hands and this sounded like the most mutually beneficial activity they could get up to with the poppets around. And Crowley had gone nearly 6000 years with minimal contact from well... anyone so this wasnโ€™t exactly a hardship. Not the exciting day out at the park heโ€™d planned but also not the worst day (though heโ€™d live through the apocalypse and thinking Aziraphale was dead so his standards might have been warped).
โ€œThatโ€™s nice angel, maybe a little further down, near the wings? Ah, yeah,โ€ Crowley moaned happily, twitching said appendages in the not-quite-there space they resided in. โ€œI always forget how good you are at this.โ€
โ€œWings?โ€ Lottie asked, consequently losing interest in her doll and crawling over the bedspread to sit in Crowleyโ€™s lap. โ€œYou have wings Uncle Crowley?โ€
โ€œUhh.โ€ They hadnโ€™t exactly hidden the fact they were supernatural in front of the girls. Normally there would have been concerns about them telling other humans about them, but they were children who often said strange things. The few times Bella had said something of that sort to another human they usually wrote it off as the excited ramblings of a three-year-old. And Lottie was getting to the age where she was beginning to catch on that her uncles were a bit different and actually enjoyed keeping the secret. But neither being had shown the girls their moreโ€ฆ ethereal bits so far because honestly how do you explain giant wings to humans who were only just out of babyhood?ย 
โ€œDoes Uncle Azi have wings?โ€ Bella asked, stealing her sisterโ€™s doll and hiding it under a nearby pillow for later use. โ€œShow me.โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t think thatโ€™s a good idea, sweetheart. It would get rather crowded in here,โ€ Aziraphale explained while simultaneously turning Crowley into a pile of mush with firm circular motions to the base of his spine.ย 
โ€œAw Hell angel, it canโ€™t hurt to show them,โ€ he said, smiling down at Lottie. Aziraphale sighed but Crowley knew heโ€™d won; the angel was just as weak as he was when it came to the requests of their goddaughters.ย 
โ€œLanguage, dear,โ€ he chided before letting his own wings out with a woosh. Crowley followed, careful not to knock Aziraphale off the bed. The room was filled with the distinctly dusty-magic smell of wings brought into the physical plane and both Lottie and Bella gasped.ย 
โ€œMagic!โ€ Annabella cried, forgetting her dolls and scampering over to grab a fistful of Crowleyโ€™s feathers. He winced and pulled back reflexively, which made her little face fall. Slowly Aziraphale took her hand in his and placed it gently on the demonโ€™s wing, showing her how to be gentle.ย 
โ€œCarefully, like that dearest. Like petting a puppy.โ€ Bella nodded, using the utmost care while playing with his primaries. Lottie joined in as well, enjoying picking through the layers and finding the tiny, downy feathers hidden beneath. Crowley couldnโ€™t hold back a tiny laugh as their hands tickled and prodded.
โ€œOh sure angel, keep yours out of the way while they muss up mine,โ€ he joked, spreading his wings out more so the girls could see the iridescence of the secondaries and tertiaries. Aziraphale went back to massaging, really getting into the muscles where his wings met his back.ย 
โ€œIโ€™ll sort them for you later if you want. Besides, I think weโ€™re both overdue for a little preening as it is,โ€ Aziraphale chuckled, grabbing one of his own tertiary feathers that had fallen onto the bedspread and handing it to Lottie. โ€œWeโ€™re both moulting all over the place.โ€
โ€œAre you a bird?โ€ Lottie asked, spinning the snow-white feather in her fingers.ย 
โ€œDaddy says birds are for watching and not for scaring,โ€ Bella added sheepishly, tossing some of the loose down into the air.ย 
โ€œWell for once your dad is right, what a shocker,โ€ Crowley drawled, earning a light pinch from Aziraphale.ย 
โ€œBe nice to Newton Crowley. Heโ€™s a lovely young man, if youโ€™d made the effort to get to know him.โ€ Crowley rolled his eyes again but didnโ€™t reply. He honestly didnโ€™t mind Newt and Anathema. They were alright, as far as humans went, and heโ€™d probably miss them when their short lifespans came to an end. But that wasnโ€™t something he liked to think about too often--or when he was sober--so he made the executive decision to change the subject.ย 
โ€œAre we still going to the park?โ€ The girls both looked up hopefully. Not even the magical reality of wings could compare to the thrill of their local children's park (the one that had been put in suspiciously close to when Charlotte had been born. Crowley had the suspicion Aziraphale had had more than a little bit to do with it).ย 
โ€œIโ€™m not sure if thatโ€™s a good idea, love,โ€ Aziraphale answered. Crowley groaned and tossed his hair back dramatically. โ€œOh donโ€™t be like that you were literally passed out in our kitchen not two hours ago.โ€
โ€˜Iโ€™m fine now,โ€ he pouted. Was this how the entire 9 (or however many months demon/angel babies needed to gestate), was going to be? Aziraphale being overprotective and Crowley forced to lay in bed doing nothing? โ€œI donโ€™t feel sick anymore and I ate all the crackers.โ€
โ€œPlease Uncle Azi?โ€ Bella begged, turning her big, dark eyes on the angel and pulling off a pout so manipulative it made Crowley proud. Heโ€™d seen Anathema use the exact same look on Newt when she wanted a refill of her drink at the baby shower.ย 
Aziraphaleโ€™s resolve lasted all of three seconds before he nodded and withdrew his wings. โ€œFine. But only for an hour and only if Uncle Crowley agrees to spend most of the time sitting.โ€
The girls cheered, accidentally tugging at Crowleyโ€™s wings in the process. He discreetly disappeared them back into their pocket dimension and made a mental not to give them a once over that night. Monthly wing groomings were one of his favourite part of moving in together. Back before the Apocalypse Crowley had sometimes gone decades without a proper groom because demons did not--in any capacity--groom each other. Only when heโ€™d seen Aziraphale and theyโ€™d been in the position to act friendly had he gotten a good groom in, and he cherished many of those memories.ย 
โ€œI promise to take it easy angel.โ€ He leaned back and rested his head on Aziraphaleโ€™s chest. โ€œGirls why donโ€™t you go get dressed while we get ready?โ€
Charlotte and Annabella ran off, though not before collecting the majority of the loose feathers from the blankets. Crowley watched them go with a smile before rolling over and spreading himself over his Aziraphaleโ€™s chest and shoulder. โ€œMmm, thanks for the back rub, angel. Really hit the spot.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s the least I can do, dear boy,โ€ Aziraphale answered, pressing kisses to the demonโ€™s forehead and cheeks. โ€œYouโ€™re very cuddly, arenโ€™t you?โ€
Normally Crowley would deny that fact until he was blue in the face, but right now in the bed, the sound of their goddaughters making a complete mess of their bedroom vibrating through the walls, he felt content. โ€œFeels nice. Kinda surreal but, nice.โ€
โ€œNice is a four-letter word starlight,โ€ Aziraphale pointed out, planting one final kiss on Crowleyโ€™s lips. โ€œAre you sue youโ€™re feeling alright?โ€
โ€œShut up and get me my shoes,โ€ Crowley laughed, kissing back with fervour. โ€œGive a demon a break Iโ€™m carrying some sort of Angelic parasite inside me and itโ€™s turning me soft.โ€ There it was easier to talk about if he made it into a joke. Baby steps.ย 
โ€œDonโ€™t call our child a parasite,โ€ Aziraphale admonished with a gasp. โ€œI suppose itโ€™s too early to pick names, but what about a nickname?โ€ The angel began mumbling to himself as he got ready, purposefully not going near Crowleyโ€™s shoes.ย 
โ€œNgk,โ€ Crowley choked, blushing scarlet. โ€œToo early, y-yeah.โ€
Aziraphale smiled slyly. He was enjoying this, the bastard. โ€˜Weโ€™ll have to think about it, wonโ€™t we? Well, get a move on dearest, the girls wonโ€™t wait forever. Do you need a hand?โ€
โ€œNo,โ€ Crowley growled in what he hoped was a menacing way. Not that it worked on Aziraphale. Crowley watched him practically flounce from the room, entirely too pleased with himself. He never had handed Crowley his shoes.
After changing out of his comfortable clothes and into something more appropriately suited for playing in the park, his third skinniest pair of jeans, shiny leather shoes, and a spiffy blazer covering a deep purple t-shirt, Crowley stomped down the stairs to wait in the entry, completely ignoring the commotion from upstairs.ย 
โ€œNo, Annabella you may not go out in your underthings--and Charlotte what did I say about those scarves? One is plenty--! Oh bugg-blast! Donโ€™t pull your sisterโ€™s hair!โ€ It sounded like the girls were giving Aziraphale a run for his money. Crowley considered going back up to give him a hand, but the effort of getting dressed and down the stairs had left him a little lightheaded, so he decided to stay put. If he fainted again Aziraphale would make a big deal and probably refuse to let him leave the house for the next nine months. There was only so much he could do around the cottage grounds and he didnโ€™t want to go completely mad.ย 
Upstairs things seemed to be calming down anyway. Crowley smiled as he heard one of the girls giggling, then Azirpahaleโ€™s answering chuckle. Somebody, he loved that man so much it almost made him want to be sick again, but in a good way. Feelings were confusing. Even 6000 years of experience didnโ€™t give him any advantages. Or maybe Crowley was just a mess; that was also a distinct possibility.
โ€œAll good angel?โ€ he asked as Aziraphale descended the steps, Bella on his hip and Lottie trailing behind him. The angel looked frazzled, but fond.
โ€œWe got there in the end, didnโ€™t we girls?โ€ he answered, jostling Bella and making her laugh.ย 
With both of them there it wasnโ€™t as much of a struggle to get everyoneโ€™s shoes on and out the door. Crowley took Charlotteโ€™s hand while Aziraphale walked with Bella. The park was only a few minutes walk and once they arrived both girls sped off ahead to clamber over the equipment.
โ€œNo monkey bars! Canโ€™t have you nearly busting your heads open again!โ€ Crowley called after them, locating a bench and sitting heavily. OK, so maybe he should have stayed in bed a little longer. His gaze shifted over to Aziraphale as the angel took a seat beside him and debated saying something.
โ€œI have to say Iโ€™m glad we decided to come out after all. Best to enjoy these last few days of summer.โ€ Nevermind then. Crowley wasn't going to make a fuss about nothing if the angel was enjoying himself.ย 
โ€œBefore everything turns all grey and slushy you mean?โ€ Crowley hated winter. He wasnโ€™t cold-blooded per-say, but he did usually run at a few degrees colder than most. Which made the winter particularly unpleasant.ย 
โ€œWe arenโ€™t in London anymore Crowley, you know the winters here are beautiful,โ€ Aziraphale remarked, procuring breadcrumbs from one of his pockets and scattering them for the birds. This area hadnโ€™t had many pidgeons before they moved in, but because Aziraphale expected parks to have birds to feed (and there was no body of water large enough for ducks) there were now several groups of birds who visited daily.ย 
โ€œFreezing. Wet. Full of unbearable holiday cheer. Sounds lovely,โ€ Crowley drawled, conjuring up his own, larger chunks of bread to huck at the birds.ย 
โ€œI know Christmas really isnโ€™t your thing darling. Oh!โ€ Aziraphale wiggled slightly. He brushed the crumbs from his hand and began running his fingers over his lips in excitement. โ€œNext year, weโ€™ll have a little one to celebrate with. Wonโ€™t that be exciting?โ€
Crowley grimaced to hide the strange way his face wanted to crumple up. โ€œGuess so. Youโ€™re not going to make me do the whole โ€œSantaโ€ thing with them are you?โ€ Crowley would never, ever admit it out loud, but the idea wasโ€ฆ not terrible? He liked to give Aziraphale presents at Christmas, but that was because giving his angel gifts was practically ingrained in him now. And Christmas gave Crowley the excuse to go all-out more often than not. Would it be the same with the kid; would he want to dote on them as much as he did on Aziraphale? Maybe more?
โ€œBut thatโ€™s half the fun!โ€
โ€œSure, sure. Telling kids a great big man in a sweaty red suit breaks into the house and leaves them things is all well and good angel--quite demonic really--but what about what you have to tell them heโ€™s not real?โ€ Heโ€™d been saved that ordeal by Warlockโ€™s parents, or more specifically his mother, who decided that six was a perfectly acceptable age to rid her child of that sort or silliness. She hadnโ€™t intended to be mean, but Crowley had still spent the entire night with an armful of sobbing little boy.
โ€œHm, I guess that is a little bit of a problem. But thatโ€™s years away and humans seem to grow up fine believing in him,โ€ Aziraphale countered, letting his fingers travel up to twirl around one of his curls. A few feet away Lottie and Bella had started making flower crowns. โ€œGirls, what do you think about Santa Clause?โ€
Lottie barely looked up. โ€œSanta Claus is a tool used by the capitalist government to force people into participating in the endless cycle of purchase and debt,โ€ she answered automatically. โ€œDaddy says not to tell other kids though.โ€
Crowley burst out laughing, knee-slapping and all. โ€œOh, that has Book Girl written all over it. And your face, angle!โ€
Aziraphale sputtered indignantly for a bit before sighing and giving a small smile. โ€œI guess thatโ€™s one way to deal with it. Though Saint Nicholas himself wasnโ€™t too bad. Had ale with him a few times in Greece.โ€
Within a few seconds Crowley had gathered himself enough to sit back up, now leaning heavily towards Aziraphale in companionable closeness. โ€œSure sure. Of course, youโ€™ve shared drinks with literal Santa Claus.โ€
โ€œCharlotte stop putting grass in your sister's hair please!โ€ Aziraphale scolded, making like he was going to get up if she didnโ€™t stop. Of course, she listened immediately, knowing that any further misbehaviour would mean the end of their park trip, but Crowley also saw her steal a few flowers from Bellaโ€™s pile during the distraction. Heโ€™d have to keep an eye on her at this rate. โ€œThatโ€™s the sort of thing weโ€™ll need to decide on, isnโ€™t it. To tell them about Santa, or what to do about school bulliesโ€ฆโ€
Crowley groaned. โ€œDo we have to talk about this now? For somebody's sake Iโ€™ve barely been...you knowโ€ฆ for six weeks going by what Anathema said. Canโ€™t we talk about all that later?โ€ Not to mention heโ€™d only known for a few hours and was still adjusting to that particular piece of information.ย 
Every once and a while since this morning Crowley found himself resting his hand on his stomach, subconsciously looking for a bump that wouldnโ€™t be there for weeks, if not months. The idea that there was actually something growing inside him was as weird as it was exciting and for once, Aziraphale was the one moving too fast. Crowley needed time to process all of this but between the angel and the girls, he didnโ€™t think he was going to get much.
โ€œWe can stop, if you like. But I do hope youโ€™re up to having this discussion soon. I have to admit, Iโ€™m very excited, if a little nervy about the whole business.โ€ Nervy was one way of putting what Crowley was feeling. A right state, too. He just wanted some peace and quiet on this nice park bench while he sorted through some stuff, but he wasnโ€™t exactly sure how to ask for that without sounding like a massive arsehole.
โ€œNervy, yeah. We can talk about it in a bit?โ€ There that wasnโ€™t too bad right? About as non-committal and non-confrontational as possible. And if it was really a problem and Aziraphale needed to talk well then Crowley would just have to deal with it somehow because there was no way he giving Aziraphale a reason to be cross with him and force himself to go through this alone. โ€œThe little monsters will be gone in what, 2 weeks, 3 tops? We can talk then.โ€
Aziraphale looked like he was going to complain, but stopped himself. He met Crowleyโ€™s eyes through the lenses of his sunglasses and Crowley must have been giving off enough signals of stress that the angel picked up on them. โ€œIโ€™ve been pushing again, havenโ€™t I?โ€
โ€œA bit,โ€ Crowley said with the best casual affect he could muster while simultaneously thanking Someone that Aziraphale remembered from their last argument that he could be a bit pushy when he got excited. And that Crowley was not his usual cool, โ€œwater off a duckโ€™s backโ€ self when it came to this issue.ย 
โ€œSorry again love. I got a little carried away, what with just finding out and then you getting sick itโ€™s been a rather big day.โ€ Crowleyโ€™s head bobbed in sympathy then ducked towards Aziraphale again. This time he went all the way past casual leaning to resting his head on the angelโ€™s shoulder. Luckily, his smell was either being blown away by the wind, or whatever sort of episode Crowley had been experiencing was finished. Which was good because he really, really wanted to sneak a cuddle in.ย 
โ€œSโ€™OK, I shouldโ€™ve said something.โ€
Aziraphale hummed against Crowleyโ€™s hair. โ€œAt least this discussion didnโ€™t end in you leaving in a huff.โ€
โ€œOr you running off to get lost in your books.โ€ Lottie had wandered away from Bella towards the swings, though Crowley was sure she wouldnโ€™t be alone for long. She was too social for that, not to mention her sister was a bit of a clinger.ย 
โ€œThat too. How are you feeling now? Not too hot out for you is it?โ€ Crowley resisted the urge to roll his eyes, all too aware that they had only just avoided another fight.
โ€œStop your fussing, Iโ€™m fine. Told you how many times now?โ€ It was mostly the truth. Since the slight dizzy spell after the stairs heโ€™d been feeling fine. He knew enough about human pregnancy to know that morning sickness was a common enough thing. The angel was making a huge deal out of nothing.ย 
Aziraphale tutted, but still squeezed Crowley around the shoulders where his arm lay. โ€œYes, yes, I know. You cannot fault me for worrying, I love you so.โ€
โ€œNgk,โ€ Crowley answered, watching as Lottie helped her little sister, who had, in fact, followed her promptly, onto a swing. โ€œLove you too, even when you bother me.โ€
They spent the rest of the early afternoon in the park. Eventually Crowley got up to help Lottie try out the monkey bars safely while Aziraphale took Bella home for a nap. Or for โ€œstorytimeโ€, since telling a three-year-old to take a nap was just about the worst thing you could do. Crowley had agreed they wouldnโ€™t stay longer than half-an-hour and that he would call the second he felt off. But nausea didnโ€™t come back, and Charlotte managed to get half-way across by herself without Crowley having to intervene and everything was good.
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