#idk if i'm actually getting sick but it doesn't feel like allergies
fooltofancy · 6 months
my body like what if we got sick for the first time in over a year the night before we're supposed to do friend things for the first time in weeks? yeah? good???
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absolute-snzaster · 1 year
ok I'm officially tired of waiting for literally any other person on snzblr to get into the same weirdly specific visual novels as me so fuck it, here's the a/ndromeda s/ix snzcanons that literally no one asked for! under the cut because I write so many fucking words oh my god
dad sneezes, because of course he does
fully vocalized, throaty, with two separate and clearly enunciated syllables
literally sounds like "AAAH–CHOOO!" what can I say, the man's a classic.
probably owns a fucking monogrammed handkerchief. or several
kind of looks like he's allergic to life but I feel like he'd lose his voice from all the dad sneezing so idk
one million percent the kind of stuffy, straightlaced bitch you want to see get absolutely wrecked by the worst stress cold of his life
the tiniest, highest-pitched, most adorable little kitten sneezes you could possibly imagine
can, will and has threatened the life of anyone who dares to mention it
this does not stop at least 50% of the crew from doing so anyway.
soft, wet, whispery/unvocalized sneezes
occasionally has (equally whispery) hitchy buildups, but never hitches more than twice per sneeze
probably the type to sneeze into cupped hands. or a crumpled tissue/several tissues/handkerchief in said hands
sniffly, probably rubs his nose a lot
has allergies and specifically stifles his allergy sneezes for whatever reason.
stifles by pressing one finger under his nose and somehow it actually works?
this might just be because he's my number one favorite best guy (sobbing crying I love him so much ough) but I could totally see him having the kink and being SUPER embarrassed about it. just so blushy and flustered and aaaaaa 🥰🥰🥰
I feel like I had another thought about this but I forgot it bc too busy thinking about June blushing 😊
he would just have the shyest smile after he sneezed like especially if somebody blessed him oh my GOD I would die for him my sweet sweet boy
long, breathy buildups and soft, satisfying releases
doesn't necessarily have the kink, but does seem like the type to really just enjoy a good sneeze
I could see her having the kink tho. just bc she probably knows how to cure a cold in like 3 minutes if she wanted to
also probably knows what plants to use to make people sneeze... 👀
I picture her sneezing into tissues, but like... weirdly oversized tissues. just for the Aesthetic™
soft, rapid fits
uses tissues. will give anyone shit for using anything else (hands/sleeves/etc because she thinks it's gross, and handkerchiefs because she thinks they're dorky :PPP )
sneezes eight times in a row, like, regularly. it's specifically eight
always looks surprised before/between/after sneezes
probably allergic to cats. probably puts her face on them anyway
would tease a partner to within an inch of their life if she found out they had the kink, and then indulge the almighty fuck out of it. like possibly to the point where it'd be like kind of a lot for them actually. it's really just another form of teasing
she'd fucking love that she could turn someone on just by sneezing tho
really snotty colds. probably gets a pretty bad cough with them too
absolutely the type to get laid up with man flu. just the most melodramatic when he's sick
probably goes to Ryona the second he gets a cold all sniffling and going "helllllllllp :("
can make his tattoos flash when he sneezes as a party trick but disables it when he has a cold bc it makes his head hurt
once accidentally did said party trick during sex. liked it a weird amount
not above using his grease rags as snot rags when nobody's looking
maybe even when they are looking, honestly.
angry, breathless fits that leave him doubled over and gasping every time
almost sounds like coughing... or snarling
sneezes into a loosely closed fist. with gloves on, usually
[redacted] used to worry about him when he got fits and would always try to rub his back and lend him a handkerchief
he would always try to laugh and act like he was way too cool and sexy to use a handkerchief.
he still has one of the handkerchiefs
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somanywords · 10 months
headcanon anon back again !! don't worry about the smaller details of the movie, my headcanons are mostly based just on vibes.
these are my scotty headcanons :)
⏤ he's autistic. my proof is that i'm autistic and he is literally me as a child.
⏤ spoiled as hell. look at him. only child raised by an extremely loving and doting mom. there's no way she didn't spoil him.
⏤ more of a science and math nerd, but he does enjoy history and english as well.
⏤ gets the WORST spring allergies.
⏤ can technically cook, but only if he has very clear step-by-step instructions on what to do. so he can only make stuff like boxed mac and cheese.
⏤ kinda likes doing class presentations because he feels proud of the work he put into it, although he does get kind of shy when he actually has present in front of the class.
⏤ he always double-knots his shoelaces because they will come untied if he doesn't.
⏤ he simultaneously likes scary stories and the one who gets most freaked out by them. he'll pretend not to be scared though.
and my benny headcanons !!
⏤ he's a morning person. it was his idea to wake up at eight o' clock in the morning to go play at the sandlot.
⏤ he has younger siblings. he just gives me older brother vibes idk.
⏤ he refuses to admit when he's sick. he could be dying and he'd still be like "i'm fine, you guys are overreacting."
⏤ says he doesn't like little kids, but he's still really great with them.
⏤ literally the most earnest person in the world. says exactly what he thinks, whether it's positive or negative.
⏤ you can tell he's an oldest sibling because he's bossy as hell. like if he tells his friends to stop doing something and they ask why, he's always like "because i said so."
⏤ adding onto the last headcanon, he always explains why if they ask again, but his initial reasoning is almost always the "because i said so."
⏤ sometimes he'll just lay down and toss a baseball in the air while bored. he has smacked himself in the face doing this SO many times.
that first one--your word is going enough for me! :D also yeah. only children 🤨 OMG i can totally picture him sneezing up a storm in the spring too poor guy. benny has SUCH older brother vibes, he's so good at adopting kids. oMG the last one lmaoooo i love it. all of these are so fun, you can really get a rounded sense of who they are as characters here! great stuff!
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jatlokgwo · 8 days
I'm thinking about wof!melodyverse and feeling so much euphoria it's unreal... snow leopard doesn't necessarily not ID with eir name, ey just don't want to be seen as an icewing, so in private it let's you / shrimp call it that and when anyone else is around it goes by moon jellyfish (jelly for short). My brain is also just kinda crying about being supported with stuff because I'm kinda really used to people sidelining my identity because it inconveniences them (ex. Yesterday my mau literally was lamenting how annoying it was that im transnutallergy because she's already struggling so much to get me to eat so having even more restrictions makes it hard on her. For context I was struggling to eat yesterday because the idea of food was making me sick and I was having some severe demand avoidance about having to eat before she went to work) (ex. #2 is people using pronouns other than she/her for me, even though i havent used she/her in years. Or they/them in special cases. It/Its is a special treat that everybody has to try really hard to use because they don't want to and dislike it. It was the first set of pronouns I WANTED to use and it was made clear from they beginning they would NEVER be used.) (I wish these issues were rare to see but I can think of multiple instances where each of these has been in the spotlight recently) So it's really nice having people who understand and support me anyway. This is turning into venting help (<- just remembered that a few weeks ago when my sibling was out to dinner with me and my mau I asked their opinion on my struggling with being constantly misgendered and they said everything I had been saying to my mau and being brushed off for and then i started crying because I had felt like I was crazy so feeling seen like that meant a lot to me) (They are also non binary !! Actually they might be the first nonbinary person I met? They figured it out while they were living with us during lockdown)
Sorry for rambling in your inbox emotions are hitting hard right now
(Also im putting this on anon just because I'm 90% sure everyone who knows me on main thinks I have a cisnutallergy which. I'm hoping im on the way to because last time I accidentally ate nuts I got sick!! And Bell said that allergies can still be developed into your early twenties...)
!!!!!counld eep last night n am inbetween bein small so im not doing words good but !!!!!!!!!!!!! i love leopard jellyfish idk why the wip is taking so long but hands you!!
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also!!! 🤝🤝 people are meannn about stuff they dont like when i only used it/its lots of people told me they wouldnt call me and it because its dehumanizeing like decideing my identity for me based on waht they like isnt??? samesame mood i kinda wish bio mom would call my transids annoying she accsepts me for as long as the conversation where i tell her about being trans lasts and then forgets exept for transgender but she only uses the words that match my agab i always try to use the pronouns that people probably arent useing for people but its hard to remeber more then 1 ^^
baps you i love you alots!!!!!! my songcat<333 like it when you talk!!!!!!!!!
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^ me rn pretending that my blanket is your fur (exept your sibling/littermate/purother)
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sleptwithinthesun · 2 years
j/onathan b/yers snzcanon time Oh Yeah :) 
- doesn't really have bursts of multiple sneezes (at least, not from colds/allergies), but once he starts sneezing, it's usually a very long fit 
- however if he DOES have a sneezing burst it's just rapid-fire. i'm talking one breath for five fucking sneezes. it's a bit terrifying 
- those will occasionally mix into his sneezing fits and the first time will heard it happen, he genuinely thought jonathan was about to die and screamed for joyce
- near-silent buildups!! his sneezes are pretty sudden to people who aren't paying attention since he gives almost no hints whatsoever 
- on that note, he has also mastered the silent stifle. 
- does the little knee-jerk thing, so there's still an indication/evidence even if no one hears him sneeze <3 
- always into his elbow 
- literally gives himself NO room to be sick 
- and like he'll work himself until he collapses. idk if other people have noticed but jonathan always appears EXHAUSTED so it takes a bit of time for him to actually look sick. in the first few days of a cold, people really just won't notice that he’s feeling unwell 
- he might be a bit quieter and more soft-spoken but that's really not unusual for jonathan. so what if he doesn't want to talk to anyone? maybe he's just having a bad day, who knows 
- colds go to his chest first, so he's not all that sneezy when he gets one. they're almost always accompanied by a fever, though, and he's gotten to the point of hallucination a concerning amount of times. 
- not super allergic?? like he doesn't get hayfever at all in the spring BUT he does have not-quite-mild ragweed allergies. he can also be sensitive to certain perfumes and dust and shit, but not to the point where he considers himself allergic (regardless, he still kind of is) 
- he's allergic to mint too and it's really funny since they have to get different toothpaste for him and everything
- one time joyce forgot and let me tell you that was A Morning
- he's SO photic though it's adorable. it's really bad after he's been in the darkroom for a while and once he leaves he'll be sneezing for at least five minutes, but it's usually closer to ten or even fifteen
- anytime someone opens the door he sneezes before he can yell at them and THIS are where most of those five-sneezes-per-breath fits occur. it's led to some awkward interactions lol
that's all i have for today. this is really bad since i typed it all out in my notes app while failing to sleep on that camping trip and i'm STILL not quite home yet sooo. anyway. i'm loving all the j/onathan b/yers prompts i've been given and if anyone wants to send either a photic or allergy scenario i'd also love that. ty!!
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datingdonovan · 3 years
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Hello, I would like to send you about me for the match-up fame with Haikyuu guys, here we go:
Pronounciation: I am a she/her but I kinda had this a little bit boyish look/style.
I am a straight female, Capricorn sun and virgo moon. I am an INFJ-A/INFJ-T, 5'2, Chubby, Slytherin and introverted.
Personality: I am very emphatic, mature, ambitious, sneaky, likes to help, gentle, hard working but also can be lazy, logical, calm, collected and has a high tolerance with patience but I can be sarcastic, sneaky, cynical, blunt, sadistic (rare), and if I'm furious I would let a diabolical laugh and act like a raging bull. (Imagine kyoutani but calmer, tsukishima but less asshole, and kenma)
Style Preference: Usually likes to wear baggy clothes, closed clothing, or dark coloured clothes and mostly I iften wear a burgundy, navy, brown or black clothes.
Looks like: A long wavy dark brown hair (almost black), beige skintone (a bit darker), beauty mark on left cheeks, dark brown eyes (almost black), short, and have a surgical scar on my right knee.
Likes: Zodiac, Animals, Children, Foods, Literature, Art, Children (not the loud and clingy one), Certain sport like swimming and badminton, Travelling Cooking, and writting.
Dislike: Bullies, Idiots, Karens, Crowds, Loud people, Clingy people, not getting a personal space or me time, selfish people and ill mannered people, people who aren't emphatic or understaning, people being disgusting, impolite and obnoxious people.
Hobbies: Writting, Reading, Listening to Music, cooking, swimming, and sleeping
Looking in S/O: Tbh, I can match up with anyone but I feel disgusted with people who are rude, snobby, clingy, and people who are not understaning.
Sickness/Disability/mental illness: Genu Valgum (A legs with x shaped), allergy (to dust), ADHD (but in my case, it's ADD), and Depression
This is what I mostly look like:
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a/n: omg erina im so sorry this took 100 years hahaha but I hope you like it!!! I love your piccrew by the way its so cute!
ok holy crap. I went to this study group for my math final the other night and I saw this guy I haven't seen in a zillion years. like, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I know him from when we were kids but it's been a really, really long time. we caught up and everything and he's super sweet and really cute now, but the whole time I was just thinking that YOU would really like him. so, ofc, being the best wingman ever, I got his number B) use it wisely. his name is... kuroo
I swear this guy is THE guy for you. he's so SMART and I feel like that's the number one thing I think about when I think of the person you need, like you cannot canNOT be with someone who doesn't have a quip for every occasion, a quote for every emotion, a bit of trivia for every party, you know what I mean. and this is 100% that guy, like im serious he's your man. he's so intelligent and SO funny and sorta like, quippy in this laid back dark humor way that I think you'd really vibe with, BUT he's also like, really stable and hard working and sweet like he can sort of come off as this blunt wisecracking guy at first and I might get that impression if I hadn't known him forever, but I've seen him in so many sticky situations as a kid hahaha so I know he's also very encouraging and really sorta focused on bringing people together and doing his part to give people what they need to succeed. idk like he seems so snarky and aloof but he's actually really selfless and measured and emotionally intelligent and I just think he would be a great match for you because he'd challenge you intellectually and you'd never be bored, and he's a great leader and a stable partner, which I think you'd like. but beyond what he shows outwardly the first few times you meet him, I feel like he's sorta low-key and laid back and down to earth in a way that people don't really recognize, you know? I feel like he's such a chiller truly and wouldn't mind if you could be a bit rigid or intense at times bc like he's really good with people and would just take it in stride. also just like, good with people in the sense that he has a great innate understanding of how others are feeling and you'd rarely have to worry about him pushing a joke too far or something like he wouldn't be the one to do anything that would be super embarrassing or hurtful out of ignorance. I can totally see him being a sort of stable, patient, calming presence that would keep you grounded with just a ruffle of your hair and a whisper in your ear if you were feeling stressed or upset, and he would also not be intimidated by you like he'd be so unfazed by your commanding ambitious intellectual presence and I think he'd be such a great partner to push yourself with, who would know when to stretch you to your limit and show you that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. I feel like he'd love being that person for you and he would really adore the fact that you're this quiet hardworking genius match made in heaven for him. sheeeeesh you two would be such a power couple but like, you also have this special dynamic that only you two see. am I making any sense??? anyway, here. im airdropping you his number. I know you're gonna love him
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Shu Yi jumps to conclusions... not surprised. So far none of what has happened seems out of character for both of them which is great.. And I know people are mad because he hit Shi De but like Shi De isn't getting any messages back from Shu Yi so that means they both aren't receiving them, which wouldn't make sense about Shu Yi not getting messages because we do see that he gets the line messages so I don't understand why he didn't reply to the previous messages. So Shi De is the one not getting them if Shu Yi is replying, which I think he is because because all of the dialogue between them in the special ep seemed like they are emails/messages to each other. There is no way that Shu Yi isn't emailing/messaging him. It's probably his dad or something. And we already seen Shi De and Shu Yis dad talk and Shi De said he gave in 5 years ago so obviously something happened. We already know that Shu Yi's dad doesn't like Shi De from he trailer.
Also about the violence, that's years of pent up anger and sadness.. I don't agree with violence I'm just saying.
Like a lot of people have said, the girl and the kid might be like a stepsister and nephew or could even be a friend. There is no way that Shi De would cheat on Shu Yi especially seeing him always trying to message Shu Yi. But then again that message about having to tell Shu Yi something in person was a little sus, could be about his mom but still.
Also the timeline is confusing but maybe Shi De goes back to Taiwan after two years but Shu Yi and him don't see each other in another 3 years because of the misunderstanding and not being able to communicate, which is also weird since their friends can help with that.
The thing Shi De wants to tell Shu Yi is probably something serious looking at the hospital bills. But like I said timeline is confusing because when we see the hospital bill he is emailing Shu Yi about the delay on the plane and how he just got home, yet they show us an emergency room bill. So maybe his mom is sick and that's why he actually went to America with her? Idk
And when did Shu Yi come see him? 2022? Right before Shi De left for Taiwan?
The bracelet that Shi De gave Shu Yi, I don't think he actually threw it away. He probably grabbed did back out and put it somewhere. With the necklace in the first season, he dropped it in the pool but later when seen him wearing it so I feel like he would have grabbed the bracelet back out.
So honestly we all just need to try and understand from both perspectives until we know what actually happened and stop hating on Shu Yi or even Shi De.
I am really excited for season 2, I think they make this show really good with their acting and chemistry definitely one of my favorite BLs.
EDIT: I just seen a post about the hospital bill! I didn't even notice that it said Troy as the patient so that has to be the step-dad. I also looked up the charges so there were two charges charges medicine; meperidine which is a narcotic that treats moderate to severe pain and promethazine which is an antihistamine and qntiemetic, It can treat allergies and motion sickness. It can be used as a sedative before and after surgery and medical procedures. This medication can also help control pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Also there were two charges for a level 2 service and IDPA emergency level 2.. if I looked correctly level 2 is trauma. So something happened to the step dad but I still don't understand why Shi De has the papers the exact day they landed.
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the-amalgam-house · 3 years
Lots of trauma memories lately, mostly relating to my illnesses and my dad. I just want to sleep but there's so much going on in my head I can't just DO that. Been mulling over the whys irt mostly Nöe, since she's the one that holds the emotional part of it all without remembering the actual events.
I remember first starting doctor and hospital stuff, first asthma attack in memory followed by lots of allergy testing (the source of my hypodermic needle phobia). Between...around kindergarten and first grade where my hospital visits started. Bronchitis, being made to take pills, pnuemonia, IVs, not being able to hold down any food or water...I was sick since an incredibly young age and all of the testing and meds and bright lights and white coats... probably starting as young as what, 5 years old? The pneumonia being around age 9, and around the same time Papi got in a collision and his car flipped. Police officer at the time, miraculously didn't break a single bone but was using a cane for a while due to severe bruising.
Nöe doesn't know the whys to her reactions. I don't remember the reactions in the moment, just the sort of factual details of the events. I remember that I did cry getting 15 needles in my back for allergy testing, but I don't remember the exact feeling that was happening. I do remember I freaked out about getting an IV when I was a child, and the fact that two nurses, the doctor, and Mami all had to hold me down for it, but when I think about it the actual feeling, the probable level of panic, I can't exactly remember. I know that I WAS panicked, but don't FEEL the panic, if that makes any sense. But Nöe feels the panic. Not knowing why it comes up around doctors but still panics anyway.
Even recently, an owl had hit my brothers car while he was taking me home. I dissociated and cried, but now when I think about it I can only think about how hilarious the term "owl dust" is cause it left a dusty print on his windshield. I know THAT I was scared and crying, but the feeling self doesn't come back up when I think about it. But the loud and sudden noise, it scared Nöe so bad.
And it's not that I don't remember ANY emotions if trauma, I still do in certain flashbacks of my adult life mostly, but the things that happened when I was Very Young and things that left marks from that era in life all go to her and not me.
Between constant hospitalizations, severe illness, my dad's injury hospitalizations, depression, his anger problems... all before the age of 9.
She doesn't get older than age 14, though. That was when my dad was stabbed just before my 14th birthday. The family went to see him on my birthday. I got a little glass sculpture of an underwater scene in the shape of an egg from the gift shop. We're brought him a looney tunes Tasmanian devil balloon cause that's his favorite lt character. He had a tube in his chest cause of a punctured lung, and always mentioned that he technically died and had to be revived. 14 was when I started becoming suicidal. Nöe doesn't really carry anything after that age, I don't think she could beat it anymore. Plus, a lot of the later things were just repeats of the earlier things. I don't think she carries anything specific to alcoholism though, that was a different coping mechanism. The fatherly anger, sure, but that was there before the alcohol.
Idk I'm just working through some things I guess. Aside from all the overthinking and a few flashbacks, Greyson made me get up and get some food like an hour or so ago. I knew I was hungry and we both knew I wasn't gonna get up on my own with my head swimming in terrible times so he just went nah we're getting food right now. Bologna sandwich and a cup of milk, quick and easy and was already back in bed before I really noticed.
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