#idk if technically this is abusive but i think its rude!
poisonousquinzel · 2 months
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Behind the Scenes With Harley Quinn (Dc Secrets Revealed!)
I'll add this little book completely to my collection one day but for rn
jfc I hate him 😭
"Harley loves to leave handwritten notes for The Joker all around his lair. While he almost always throws them away, a few have escaped his waste bin."
Harley baby I'm so sorry that an ugly ass loser like Joker would throw away your sweet little notes!
how truly disgraceful of him
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jetlaggingbehind · 2 years
Whooo I really am writing that bulleted list about mistholme s4e11 bc owie! under the cut:
Throughout this I'm going to continue to call guide guide even if that's not technically its name, mostly cause it proved too confusing for me to keep track of after a while, ill probably get used to it eventually tho
Starting off easy with the interdepartmental turmoil lol
Retrieval bro why u gotta be so rude
'does the guide get a vote' I MEAN YOU'D THINK SO AFTER ALL THIS TIME LMAO
The wish engine is just so wild man though I do think what you wish for and what you get will be very different, especially when you consider what it did when asked to not exist
Research's resentment is palpable D:
Side note I like her va's voice it is very nice :)
what I wouldn't give for a qna episode during a season break with all the vas
The museum is really struggling to keep itself together after everything nowadays, u gotta wonder what it's like for the patrons lol
Tbh this was such a plot heavy episode but it didn't feel full of exposition, which is great
Lmao ma'am did you forget abt the recording you requested??
Idk if we already knew that restoration is called diana, but either way neat!
Damn it retrieval you've jinxed it
Here we start the emotional damage :'(
Beast kinda forgot abt its curator story and I didn't notice until I relistened 😫
The guide puts so much trust in beast and it hurts me so much that it's misplaced get guide some more non abusive friends 2022
the voice actingggggg u can hear guides fear it's so aghhhhh
'Won't be happening anytime soon' AAAAAA???????
He broke out the villain speech O_o
(though I have to say that switching TMWTV's gender was a genius move in making me be completely blindsided by this reveal bc I hadn't even considered him a possibility..... dang it's just so smart)
also im so angy that we started off w an antagonistic character, thought it had some good in it, then it turns out it actually was antagonistic... emotional turmoil :’(
Stares at the beast backstory episode that is now also a TMWTV backstory episode
*flashbacks to hello jon apologies for the deception*
(was it a reference? It would make me laugh through the pain it it actually was)
It's completely loyal to TMWTV..... it knows what it's doing is wrong and is still doing it???
me, sobbing: beast you absolute bitch we all trusted you we thought you were cool
(probably it was in shock understandable tbh)
End notes:
obviously this bodes terribly for the museum– beast literally having guide under its complete control is absolutely horrible, which gets worse when you consider how much information guide holds since it straight up knows restorations and eagles names for starters. adding in how its only just become considered anything close to a colleague/friend to the triple r departments, this whole situation is gonna give it even more trust issues
both plots were built on heavily, on one hand narrative wise this was a phenomenal episode, on the other hand me very sad D':
also this season is spelling 'IRRESOLUTIO', presumably irresolution. foreboding 😬
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ultradiplr · 5 years
Stress Relief
Plot: You notice the head butler of the estate you’ve been invited to has had a rough night and offer to help him relieve his stress.
Tags: Age Difference. Size Difference. Master/servant dynamics. Oral. Fingering. Penetration. Reader is Gender Neutral but is referred to as Sir as an honorific because Idk, I didn’t feel like thinking too hard about it.
A/N: Prompt provided by the Sigma Server and voted on by my lovely followers on Twitter, head over there yourself to see art and vote in the next poll if you’d like! Twitter.
Company get togethers are always sort of awkward, but when its hosted at the founder’s estate it just adds a whole new layer of unpleasantness. Although you were technically nothing more than a file pusher at the lower levels of the company you won a lottery draw to join with the bosses and executives to said founder’s estate and you dreaded the idea the moment your name was announced.
You did not belong around those sorts of people, rich assholes that just had a knack for ordering people around or the types of people willing to kiss up enough to join them, and you felt completely isolated as you stood in the nicest thing you owned alone at the back of a large party room filled to the brim with fancy business types all wearing suits that probably costs more than your entire life savings.
You were sure no one would realize you left if you just walked out right now, no one except maybe your boss but they were off rubbing shoulders with their boss’s boss so maybe not, but you stayed anyway. One because free food was free food, and two because well… you hated to admit it, but the owner sure had some fine looking help.
Especially the head butler. An older man, insanely tall and broad, with sharp but still soft features and gorgeous grey-periwinkle eyes that dazzled as if filled with stars. It was embarrassing how quickly you became smitten from simply laying eyes on him as he greeted everyone as they came in through the door, it was more embarrassing how quickly filthy thoughts entered your brain when he held your hand in his gloved ones in a polite handshake.
You always had a thing for older or bigger men, and this guy was the complete package. God, you wanted to run your hands through his cute greying hair and hold onto his shoulders for dear life and kiss his pointed nose but alas, you did not have that sort of confidence. So you contented yourself with simply staying and taking your fill of him from afar for tonight.
Not very afar though, he was good at his job and came by to ask if things were alright quiet often, perhaps seeing you alone as a sign of a problem. You usually just answered him with a quick “I’m fine, thank you.” when he asked, and a simple “No, thank you.” when he offered you a glass of wine. You blushed hard every time he came around with something new and he spoke to you in his rich, sweet voice, and every time you made sure to thank him for his offers, especially as you noticed more and more people simply waving him off without so much as a glance.
You felt bad for him as the night slowly winded on and you noticed he started to look a little frustrated as he had to deal with increasingly rude guests. Disrespecting him, not answering him, and finally actually shouting at him, he took everything in stride but that last one really got to him, you could tell, as he apologized, turned on his heal, and walked out of the room. No one paid him any mind except the asshole who yelled at him who simply looked pleased at the abuse he inflicted before turning back to his group and chatting on like he’d done nothing wrong.
It boiled your blood but you weren’t in a position to stand up for the poor butler either, after all everyone here was technically your boss too. But you wanted to help the guy, he had been so thoughtful of you tonight, even if it was his job, so quickly you followed after him.
It took a bit to find him again, his stride so much bigger and faster than yours but when you did find him he was pacing around and looking as frustrated as ever. He didn’t seem to notice you, or any of the other help that shuffled past him quickly taking things to and from the party. He looked a bit disheveled and his hand combed through his hair as the other was gripping repeatedly into a fist. He was a lot more angry than you thought.
You stood a distance away from him, and coughed to get his attention, “Sir?” You said and he stopped in his angry pacing to look back at you, “I’m sorry for what happened back there, you didn’t deserve to get yelled at.” You said hesitantly.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes betraying his confusion even as his face stayed placidly angry. He blinked, sighed and composed himself as best he could, smoothing his hair back with one of his gloved hands.
“Thank you, I appreciate your concern.” He half smiled at you, the tire now coming out in his features. “But I advise you to return to the party, this area is restricted to staff only.” He said calmly, shifting easily back into his service voice.
You blushed and chuckled awkwardly looking around you realized you had no idea where you were, “Oh… um, alright.” Was that it? A simple thank you? Was he alright? You didn’t want to leave him stewing in negative emotion but at the same time you didn’t want to seem like you were pushing boundaries on this complete stranger.
“So it’s a left and then right, right?” You ask pointing behind you and he looked in that direction and back at you.
He sighed again and straightened himself out, “I’ll escort you back.” He said and you instantly felt bad, had you just interrupted what little break he wanted to take?
“No, it’s fine, thank you!” You say quickly, stepping back from him but he closes the distance between you instantly and takes your hand, wrapping your arm around his and leading you briskly back in the direction you came.
“No, no, I don’t want you getting lost, it wouldn’t be the first time a guest has and the onus is on me if you do anyhow.” He sounded a bit annoyed and it stung your heart, you didn’t want him to be angry with you, you just wanted to apologize and make him feel better.
“I’m serious about being sorry for what happened.” You say as you try to keep up with his gate, “You did a really good job tonight, you really didn’t deserve that yelling, I just wanted to know if you’re alright.” You spoke fast, mind slightly distracted with not tripping over your feet and falling flat on your face.
He stopped and you jolted a bit by the sudden lack of momentum, the party could be heard slightly muffled through the thick walls, perhaps only just right outside were it was being hosted. He looked down at you, his expression amused, tired, but amused.
“I’ve done this job for many, many years, that wasn’t anything I can’t handle on my own.” He says assuredly with a soft squeeze to your hand, though that doesn’t really make you any happier.
“At least take a break, please?” You ask up at him, for the first time in your life actually pouting, “You looked awfully stressed back there, I can show you a few ways to relax if you want.” You said with a touch to his chest.
He blinked at you as all expressions dropped from his face, and you looked at him confused for a moment before blushing hard with the realization about how that sounded. He seemed frozen, like he was unsure about what you said, and in truth you were unsure too.
“I-I know some breathing exercises.” You correct quickly, withdrawing your hand slightly. You saw his expression change slightly into.. Disappointment? Wait a second, he couldn’t have actually wanted…
“But there are other things too… if you want… I wouldn’t mind.” You added quickly after that, splaying your hand on his chest again, feeling his heartbeat under the thick layers of clothing.
You watched the cogs turn in his head and flush a little darker as his eyes quickly flick over you. He looks up at the entrance to the party and back at you and then he lets out a slightly shaky breath. Without a word he holds you a little tighter to him and leads you to another door in the hallway.
When he opens it he quickly ushers you inside before shutting the door and locking it behind him. You feel softness around you and are kind of freaked out before he turned on the light to reveal it’s just the coat room. You’re momentarily distracted from your handsome partner by the idea of being surrounded by so much money, but your attention is drawn back as he pulls you into him and lifts you so that he can latch onto your lips.
You moan into the kiss as he flexes his strength, holding you tightly against him with one hand firmly on your ass as the other hand threads it’s fingers in your hair. He’s frustrated and rough, devouring your moans as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and cling to him desperately.
Your make out session did not last long, or did it? It was hard to tell, time felt so fake as you felt his tongue explore your mouth, but soon enough he pulled away, chuckling at your already disheveled appearance and wiping away the little saliva that followed him.
“Did that please you sir?” He asked cheekily and you felt a weird sort of feeling roll through you at the title.
“Y-yes.” You squeaked out and he chuckled giving your ass a squeeze before letting you down.
“I believe you wanted to show me how to relax, sir?” He said, the honorific dripping with pointed lust, and you gulped.
“I.. um.. I think you’re too tall… standing.” You stutter out, hands resting on his thighs and seeing easily if you were to get down on your knees you wouldn’t actually be able to reach him.
“What would you like me to do, sir?” That word was making your head swim, even if it was a respectful title it sounded more like a pet name in his tone.
“Sit?” You say unsure and he lowers himself to the floor instantly, keeping his legs wide to allow you room.
“Is this alright?” He asks as you settle between his legs and start to run your hands along his thick legs.
You nod, “Perfect.” You say a little breathlessly, and he chuckles, watching with amusement as your small hands feel up his calves and thighs.
The fabric of his uniform felt expensive too, soft and smooth and very breathable. He was warm to the touch and so very muscular. You wondered just what this uniform was hiding, but at the same time the sight of him sitting with his legs spread before you while still wearing such an outfit was much too delicious.
You ran your hands up his thighs, feeling them quiver just the slightest as your small hands roamed over them, and slowly felt up to his already hardening bulge. He felt hot to the touch, even through his pants as you cupped him, moving the fabric over him as you gave a few light tugs at him. He moaned softly and bit his lip, his face red and his eyes dilated in lust. As you felt him up you leaned down and kissed him over his pants, earning a satisfied sigh as a white gloved hands settled on your head, petting it softly.
You unzipped him enough to free him and you gasped when you pulled him out. He chuckled darkly at your expression and you felt your face heat up even more.
“Is it to your liking, sir?” He said smugly and your face reddened even more.
You could only nod, wide eyes and open mouth as you held is beautifully thick and long cock in your hands. It was heavy and hot and just so perfect with a thick vein running along the bottom that you thumbed as you stroked him experimentally. His hand flexed on your head a little but he made no move to rush you, settling back more as he watched your hand pump him slowly, taking him all in with your eyes.
You locked eyes with him as you lowered your head and licked a long stripe from his base to his tip, smiling when it pulled a delicious groan from him that hit you straight in your loins. You liked his head, swirling your tongue around it and lightly sucking on it as you jacked him, delighted to feel his hand grip into your hair.
“Sir.” He whined as you took him deeper into your mouth.
You knew no matter how much you wanted to take all of him you simply did not have enough time or luxury to adjust to him so you compensated for the extra inches with your hand as you took him as far as you could, moaning around him as he twitched in your throat. He smoothed your hair out of your face with his extra hand and before you could do anything both hands gripped your hair and forced your head up and off of him before slamming you back down onto his shaft.
You let him, drooling around him and lazily looking up at him, tears falling from your face as your hands abandoned their stroking to simply grip onto his pants. He was rough and obviously trying to just chase his own release regardless of your comfort though you noted he didn’t force you down any further than your limit. He bucked his hips into your mouth and delighted in the awful sounds that came from him fucking brutally into your rawing throat.
“You’re a natural, sir.” He bit out, the sir adding a strange and arousing layer to the  degradation. He was mocking you and it was so fucking good.
He pulled your head off of him and pulled you to him, smiling at the way your eyes rolled and locked on him, unfocused and dilated to hell, gasping for air through your rubbed raw lips. He kissed you, tender in comparison for his rough treatment.
You straddled his hips, locking him between you as he continued your make out session from before, only this time with a lot more biting and mumbling as his hands quickly grabbed and pulled you out of your clothes, stripping you completely while he still sat fully clothed.
As he tossed your shirt deeper into the closet he pulled back to admire you, eyes taking your in as his soft gloves caressed all your sensitive areas lovingly.
“Mooi.” the word drifted out of his lips breathlessly and although you didn’t know what he said it made you blush all the more harder.
You wanted to cover up, feeling exposed under his eyes and the fact he was still clothed but he simply did not let you, lightly swatting your hands away every time you tried. His hands smoothed over your sides and down to your hips where they rested and guided you to grind onto him a little. You grabbed onto his shoulders and mewled as you felt his hard shaft under you.
He thrusts lightly up into you as he watched you glide along him, precum dripping along himself and helping you slide smoothly even more. You whimpered when he lifted you a little high and you felt his tip ever so slightly catch into you before gliding back over you. He kissed your shoulder and whispered into your ear,
“Is this what you want, sir?” He tilted his hips and you felt him push up just a little into you and you gasped loudly, gripping on his shoulders so tightly your knuckles went white.
“Y-yes.” You huff out as you feel him glide over you again.
He chuckled darkly and leaned you back onto the floor so that he loomed over you. He smiled down at you, looking awfully menacing and sexy, all done up and proper still save for his slightly crooked bow tie and ruffled hair. He braced himself with one arm beside your head and with his other hand he brought it up to his mouth and removed it in one smooth motion. He spit the glove away to the side to be lost with your own clothing and delicately began to caress you again, no barrier between you and his skin now.
You writhed a little under him as he felt you up, running his fingers over your neck and shoulders and down the middle of your chest and over your stomach, teasingly stopping just at your waistline and skipping straight to your thighs that he pet lightly.
“Please.” You sighed raising your hips as his hand traveled higher up your inner thigh, “Please.” you pant as his hand lightly ghosts over were you want him to touch, “Please.” you moan when he finally does.
He leans in to capture your lips as you pull him close when his fingers finally enter you, wasting no time in stretching you out. It was a little painful but you didn’t care as you slowly adjusted, moving your hips along with his fingering, loving how deeply they hit inside you. His chest rumbled with moans as fingered your tight entrance and you squeezed down on him, the need to shove his cock into you growing by the second.
When he felt you prepped enough he took his fingers from you and grabbed onto himself, stroking himself a few times as he lined up with you. He gave you a look, making sure you were ready and with a nod he began to push into you. His other hand had to clamp down on your mouth as you let out a long, strained and loud whine as you felt him stretch you. You couldn’t stop it, the stretch just too much. Not bad, not bad at all, but just.. So much. You went ridgid at just his tip and he had to coo you into relaxing with kisses and soft words.
As he slowly worked inch by inch into you, you felt your orgasm rapidly approaching, the mixture of the feeling of being so full and his sweet attention being a dangerous concoction, and before he could even get halfway in you jolted with a sudden orgasm. He stopped instantly and a desperate, muffled cry was pulled from his throat as he felt you squeeze around him.
“Are you alright?” He asked with a huff, touching your face and waiting for you to snap back to reality.
“Y-yes, fuck, keep going.” You asked leaning into his touch and moving your hips to encourage him, helping him slip into you even more.
He groans and continues to push forward, bottoming out with a full body shiver and holding your hips tightly with his hand to keep you from squirming, trying to calm himself down long enough to actually start moving. You meanwhile grabbed and scratched and pulled on whatever you could reach, pulling him closer to kiss his face and feel around under his suit jacket. You felt so hot and overwhelmed in the best way, stretched wider than you ever had and completely addicted to the feeling already.
You were sure you’d be ruined for any other man after this.
When he started to move you nearly came again, the long, agonizing drag out forcing you to feel every little detail of him. You mewled and muffled yourself in his shoulder, biting down on the fabric there as he snapped his hips into yours harshly. He set an agonizing pace, slow out and hard in, making you lose your mind as you were pushed quickly toward another peak.
“Fuck” He barked as he felt you cum again but this time he did not stop, continuing to thrust into you as you quivered around you, dragging it out.
His hips picked up as he began to slide into you easier and easier as you relaxed and adjusted to him and soon your whole body was wrapped around him in an attempt to hold onto him as he pounded relentlessly into you. He kept his hand firmly on your mouth as every thrust pushed a moan out of you and his head was bowed harshly into your neck, his breath hot and quick on your skin as he huffed with every brutal thrust.
You heard mumbling from him but you couldn’t tell if it was English or Dutch, mind lost in the feeling of his thick cock.
When he came he bit down hard on his arm he was using to brace himself as he emptied a thick load into you with a full body shiver, continuing to fuck into you until it finally became too much and he stopped, panting and whining quietly.
“Thank you.” He says softly, breathlessly, and it hits you how tired and relieved he sounded, how much more… lively his voice sounded like this.
“You’re very welcome.” You say so softly, nuzzling into him with a wide and tired smile, warmth radiating through you.
After you had gotten redressed and presentable he helped you out and called a private driver to take you home, seeing that you had no reason to stay any longer.
“I do hope you enjoyed your short visit.” He said as helped you into the back of a very nice car.
“Yes, very much.” You say as you settle onto the nice leather seats.
Before he could shut the door you stopped him smiled, “If you ever need to relieve some stress again I’m always free.” You flirted.
He smiled, a beautiful genuine smile and nodded, “I’ll be sure to remember that on your next visit, sir.” He said with a wink and with that he closed the door.
Damn, guess you need to get a promotion asap.
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aeniith · 4 years
finally getting around to this ask meme. Idk any cities in Aeniith, so apply these to which city or town you have worked out: 🌳🗣💰🥦⚔️🛡
Sorry, I’d totally missed this somehow!  Anyway, I’ll use it for the Hidden City, the Rílin capital.  🌳 - is your town more urban or rural? do people care about maintaining the town’s beauty/natural areas, or simply about expanding? This city is very rural. It in deep in the middle of a forest valley. The Ríli are some of the best stewards of their land, so yes they care about the natural areas. 🗣 - how do people treat each other? are they friendly? do they keep to themselves? what is considered ‘polite’ among people? ‘rude’? (ex. in busy areas, it’s generally considered more polite to do your business quickly, whereas in more rural areas, it’s often more polite to stop and chat. or, in australia, calling people ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ is more disrespectful than not.)
I think they’d be pretty polite, but also pretty casual at the same time. Rílin culture puts emphasis on peacefulness, so people are very conflict-avoidant. Politeness is accommodation of others and not challenging them, basically.  💰- how wealthy is the average person? is there a particular person or group that controls most of the town’s wealth? how much does money matter to the people living there? Wealth is an interesting concept for the Ríli. They didn’t have formalized official currency until about 500 years ago. The Ríli (at this time and place) live very communally and collectively, so there is individual wealth, but also a centralized pool of resources that ensures the citizens do not suffer. Resources have been stretched very thin lately though, during the war with the Tosi Empire.  🥦 - where do people get their food from? is there a farmer’s market? mom and pop grocery store? big corp? do people grow their own food? Because this city is in a forested area, most of the crops come from flatlands to the east, where agriculture is most practiced. A lot of people in the city also do their own hunting in the forest. Most food is sold in private shops in the city or in a communal sort of soup kitchen.  ⚔️ - what are the biggest threats to the town? what are the biggest internal problems (robbery, vandalism, mugging, murder)? how does the general populace feel about these things? Definitely the biggest threat right now is the potential for the Tosi armies to find the location of the Hidden City (hence its name amongst non-Ríli). This would probably be disastrous. The Ríli are pacifistic by nature but also terrified of the Tosi.  🛡- who protects the town? is there a neighborhood watch? a police force? are these people servants of the community or is it more common for them to abuse their power? The guards of the city are trained and paid by the central government of the city. They are hired from amongst the population, as servants of the community. They are naturally very conflict-averse, even though their job may technically involve physical violence. This is a last resort. Abuse of power is rare, because they are held to the same strict standards against violence as the rest of Ríli. 
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suckitsurveys · 5 years
Do you ever hang out with your ex?: No. Would you like the ability to read minds?: It would be kinda cool at times. Like if I only get to do it once a month or something so it couldn’t be abused. Do you see the same people everyday? Yes. What are you wearing? Jeans and a tshirt. Would you go out in public like that? I’m technically out in public.
What are you doing tomorrow? I might go to the gym and then stop by my sister’s to see her before she goes to New York. Then I have to clean my damn house. Have you ever made out on a couch?: Yes. Are you mad at anyone right now?: Yes. Always. Do you have any text messages that you don’t want other people reading?: I guess I wouldn’t want my sister to read the texts my friend sent about her. Ugh drama. Are you a different person now than you were five years ago? Yes. What’s the last movie you saw?: II watched The House Bunny the other night. Describe the shirt you’re wearing?: It’s a tshirt with the school I work for’s logo on it Did you sleep alone last night? Nope. Is there anything in your room that reminds you of the past memories?: I mean, yes? Were you single on your last birthday?: No. Last person you kissed calls you, what are they calling you for?: I don’t know. Could be anything. He never calls me when I’m at work so I’d be a little worried to be honest.  Name something you did last night: Harvested some goodies from our garden. Would it be more likely of you to fail Science or Math?: I don’t know if I’d completely FAIL either. Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?: Yes. Did anyone see your last kiss?: No. It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings, what do you do?: See who it is? Have you ever fallen backwards on a chair?: Yes. The last person you kissed wants to come over at 3am, can they? We live together. What does your last text say?: ”idk I think dimes are pretty neat” from my friend Miles, making a joke about saying people don’t like change haha. Have you seen your best friend today? One of them I see everyday. My husband. Do you want anything right now?: Sleep. Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? You literally just did. What are you listening to right now? I hear the AC. Honestly, who are you texting?: Miles, kinda.  Could you use some sleep right now? Yes. Has there been a day this week you just wanted to say “fuck it”?: Yup. Last time you laughed so hard you cried?: I remember doing that sometime this week but I can’t remember why. Are you happy with the way things are going?: Sure. Who last talked about kissing you?: I mean. My husband and I don’t really “talk” about it, we just kiss each other? Who last said they loved you?:  Husband. Who was the last thing/person you took a picture with?: My sister. Do you think its possible that you could move on from someone?: Of course it’s possible. Have you ever been rude to someone without realizing it?: It definitely wouldn’t have been intentional. Have you ever kissed someone who was high? Yeah. Did you speak to your father today?: Not yet. Would you ever get gauged ears?: I’ve thought about it. How has 2010 been so far? It’s 2019. Are you good at giving directions? For the most part. What aren’t you looking forward to?: Winter. What did you go to bed thinking about last night?:  Nothing, I passed the eff out. Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?: Yes. Did you like anyone last summer?: Yes. Is there a person that you can go to in sweats, and still feel comfy?: Anyone. Is it hard to make you laugh?: No. Would you rather get your tongue or lip pierced?: Neither.
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assholemurphy · 6 years
i got all the units done and made the base for my graph. all i’ve got left to do is create wiggly lines at various tempos. hopefully i can copy and paste or find some on google images and strip them down in photoshop to make it go faster. actually, i should be able to do that regardless, so i think i’m gonna create them in photoshop and paste them into my word doc, but idk if i can paste images over shapes (lines) so i’ll have to test it before i put in too much work, but if it does work, i’ll only need 11 speeds, so it should take roughly an hour to make all of them (bc they have to look good). after that, i just have to add in text boxes (which i hope to also copy and paste, but if i can’t, it’s nbd, just a bit more work) and paste all the wiggly lines onto the graph at those points, which should take roughly another hour. so, i’ve got two hours of work left to do. and then i have to watch the first 30min of shrek: the musical on netflix. i can do the lines and stuff while at the drs office and (depending on how long i spend with my mom) before rehearsal. i might be able to watch s:tm before rehearsal, i might not. but, after class i have like, an hour free before my mom gets here, and i think i’m gonna nap, maybe. that should be enough to keep me going for the rest of the day. then, before bed, i’ll email this shit to hurricane bianca and tim the toolman and crash. or hang out with friends, idk just yet. i have an hour and a half before class rn, so i’m gonna get dressed, take my meds, and smoke, then i’ll see how long i have left, drink another monster, and maybe watch s:tm now. maybe.
we’re working on our monologues in class, so that means i’ll have some time to read atf and work on my mono character analysis. idk what’s happening in stagecraft, i just know i need to talk to prof j abt the spotlight shit i’m doing so ik wtf i’m doing. hopefully she doesn’t realize i’m dead tired. fingers crossed we can fake alertness, baby. done it before.
after that, i’mma nap for an hour, then go to my drs appt and work on my graph in the waiting room/while waiting to talk to the dr. hopefully i can get my adderall upped (not bc i want to abuse it, but bc it wears off too fast and it’s honestly not strong enough anymore bc i can’t focus after it levels out unless i constantly drink energy drinks and that’s not healthy). it’ll mean i probs won’t be able to abuse it ever again, tho, bc i’m afraid it would be too high to do that bc it already makes my heart race as is when i do that, but if it actually does its damn job the right fucking way, i won’t need to. that would be nice. i just want my fucking brain to work right, dammit. it’s all i want. if my brain could function in polite society, i’d be set. so, i’ll talk to him abt that, and abt my migraines and see if he can run some tests or something to see why they’re coming back (i’m p sure it’s stress/lack of sleep, but idk, that wasn’t what it was last time, so i’m a little worried).
but for now; meds, clothes, smoke, s:tm. in that order. then class. where i will try not to die. (tho, technically, i could get away with working on my graph in class if i wanted to, since my analysis isn’t due until tues and i can work on it this weekend, but the graph stuff is due (not technically, but hurricane biance is demanding it be done) by 11a tomorrow. like, i do get why, but the bitch could have been a little nicer abt it. or, idk, told me over fall break that he wanted it before the 19th??? ya know, when i had fucking time to do it???? fucking dumbass doesn’t give two shits abt anyone but himself. i’m p sure he’s not gonna like my work and is gonna either make me redo it or do it himself (and make me feel like shit) just bc it isn’t a++ material. it’s fuck a material, asshat. ik bc i’m good at hw, i just don’t do well with fake deadlines and no sleep. bitch. one day karma’s gonna knock him on his stupid ass and i’ll laugh myself to death. it’ll be great. i don’t know why ppl like him. he’s a horrible person. bitchy, snobby, flamboyant, and rude af. he’s just a jackass with no real personality or empathy.
so, i’mma get ready for class and try not to die. y’all cats have a great ass day. drink water, eat a vegetable, take a nap, punch a facist, whatever it takes to make your day great.
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Hi, sorry I'm on my phone so /format/ and that's why it isn't under the cut. Also RUDE BOTH OF YOU I'M OFFENDED @tragichime @deadpan-sexual 1. Are looks important in a relationship? Yes and no. You need to be attracted to the other person but they shouldn't be the defining factor. 2. Are relationships ever worth it? Yes, no matter how they end you will learn something. 3. Are you a virgin? No 4. Are you in a relationship? I'll say yes, but it's complicated 5. Are you in love? Hmm, lemme think about it 6. Are you single this year? No 7. Can you commit to one person? Yes 8. Describe your crush Cute, funny, adorable, sweet, caring, smart, a huge nerd and so so much more 9. Describe your perfect mate Someone I can talk to knowing I won't be judged, someone willing to call me out on my bs without fear, somone who is willing to hold me when I can't do it on my own but won't make me ask them to do it 10. Do you believe in love at first sight? No 11. Do you ever want to get married? Maybe 12. Do you forgive betrayal? Depends on what it is 13. Do you get jealous easily? Eh, maybe 14. Do you have a crush on anyone? Technically 15. Do you have any piercings? Not anymore 16. Do you have any tattoos? One, but I won't more 17. Do you like kissing in public? Small kisses, no making out 20. Do you shower every day? Yup, but I don't wash my hair 21. Do you think someone has feelings for you? God I'd hope so 22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Probs not 23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Fucking hell yes 24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? Fuck if I know 25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? I mean... yeah? 26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yes, but it was in a manipulative way 27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you? Nope 28. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes 30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body? My boobs, I want a boob reduction and then a lift. 31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? Unfortunately 32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Yes 33. Have you ever had sex with a man? Yup 34. Have you ever had sex with a woman? Yup number 2 35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yuppers 36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Again yes 37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Hahahaha yeah 38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Hahaha oh yes 39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Kindq? 40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? No, I'm not that talented 41. Have you had sex so far this year? No 42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Eh, depends on the comfort of my partner but a long time cause i'm /nervous/ 43. How long was your longest relationship? 2 and a half years 44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 7?? 45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013? One 46. How many times did you have sex last year? -shrugs- I was being a hoe 47. How old are you? 22 48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? This has happened, I would be supportive and encourage them that they should talk to them. Not like I'm gunna confess anyway. 49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Depends on the person cause everyone is different 50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? No 51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Yeah, my brother 52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why? Yes, because they made it clear through their actions that I wasn't worth the effort. 53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? I don't think so? 54. Is there someone you will never forget? Yes, but not for good reasons 55. Share a relationship story. I'll give a meaningless one from like freshman year. There was this dude who orginally hated me cause I was going through a "emo" stage but freshman year he was basically like: damn girl you cute and we dated for like 8 months or something 56. State 8 facts about your body It's gross, I'm chubby, covered in stretch marks, I'm short, my boobs aren't even, my hands are man hands, but I think I have a nice ass. 57. Things you want to say to an ex Fuck you. Fuck you for making me think I'm not good enough. Fuck you for leaving me broke and dead inside. I hope you choke on the new girls left tit you left me for. 58. What are five ways to win your heart? Be caring, funny, /communication/ open-minded, be real with me 59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) (Bastards, its above) 60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? 3 years 61. What is the first thing you notice in someone? Physical? Eyes then their laugh 62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? COMMUNICATION👏 IS 👏ALWAYS 👏SEXY 63. What is your definition of “having sex”? Idk? Its just sex? 64. What is your definition of cheating? Being emotionally/physically involved with someone who is not your s/o 65. What is your favourite foreplay routine? Oh man oh man uuuuuhhhhh idk? I don't have one, never really /had/ that v much. Most of my past people were v selfish 66. What is your favourite roleplay? I plead the fifth 67. What is your idea of the perfect date? I'm not a materialistic person. Something heartfelt, just something they thought I would like. 68. What is your sexual orientation? Pansexual 69. What turns you off? Cockiness 70. What turns you on? I /might/ have a praise kink 71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? Again. Plead rhe fifth 72. What words do you like to hear during sex? I stg if someone says pussy I am INSTANTLY dry.... that is all I will say even though it doesnt answer the questions 73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Play with my hair and sing to me 74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? Probs just if they are cute~ 75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? Surprised me sushi and YOI stuffs when I had a bad day at work 76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? I made dinner and bought them gifts and a movie and flowers just cause I felt like it 77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? Both people better be 18+ else ima fight 78. What’s your dirtiest secret? My side blog (no I'm not telling you what it is and please I beg don't look for it) 79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? Hmm... not jealous but protective. My "crush" was telling me about their shitty exs and I got mad. That's the last time I remember anyway 80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Probs like 5 minutes ago to a friend xD 81. Who are five people you find attractive? Vanderwood, Hoshi, Shownu, Jimin, Ruby Rose 82. Who is the last person you hugged? God.... I don't even know 83. Who was your first kiss with? This guy I had a crush on freshman year, he dumped me a qeek later cause he realized I was a virgin. 84. Why did your last relationship fail? Lack of communication and mental/emotional abuse 85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? Yes
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pokefanbri · 3 years
Found out something about myself today. The type of anxiety I have is called social anxiety? My breathing is rapid & I just shut down, & can't talk when someone is angry at me or raises their voice to ridicule me....an affect of being abused most my life, I can't help it when it happens & I cry, but I can take a moment after an ordeal to breath & recover. Working in a social environment probably isn't the best for me, but a rude customer is somewhat rare so other wise im fine. Does explain a couple factors of my previous relationship with my ex bf though, I didn't ever want to disappoint him but I felt I was a disappointment...it wasn't bad just a tiny bit of a bully 😅 but that's normal for him...was all it took i guess when it came to him cuz he was the 1 person I did care of what he thought of me...my anxiety just mainly crying & somewhat steadily constant. I don't get it though he was extremely mild compared to let's say my mom or my brother, he was great....but words hurt sometimes. But again I didn't want to disappoint....I couldn't be myself after a while, I was an emotional wreck just being empathetic....sensing the atmosphere & body language that I wasn't wanted & was just a bother...it is a very sad feeling being alone when someone's there. We clicked but not fully, I couldn't be comfortable & more so on edge with him than with my ex husband of which I dont think I ever cried. idk completely what it was but at least I know what causes me to panic & uncontrollably cry 🥲 as long as I know I can try to control it better. I let people get to me more than I should, it hit me more with him cuz I really do care about him more than anyone, so I sought for his approval & fell short..and felt worthless. He does this all the time & did it to me technically...though not the only solution either 😒, he taught me something valuable that I forget sometimes, whenever there's a person u can't deal with use the ban hammer or block them....its not like a stream or social media though when they're right infront of u 🤔 its more difficult to manage.
Social anxiety is a chronic mental health condition in which social interactions cause irrational anxiety. For people with social anxiety disorder, everyday social interactions cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, and embarrassment. Symptoms may include excess fear of situations in which one may be judged, worry about embarrassment or humiliation, or concern about offending someone. The exact cause of social phobia is unknown. However, current research supports the idea that it is caused by a combination of environmental factors and genetics. Negative experiences also may contribute to this disorder, including bullying.
The more I find out about myself, the more I can better it as long as im aware of it, it can be helped at least a lil bit. I can learn to better deal with it. Many things affected us & contributed to our downfall but we still had fun together nonetheless as best friends do, I fell too hard maybe...I treasure the time we spent, & I place him close to my heart forever. He's worth it to me, the only one I've loved more than anyone else, unforgettable. Getting my heart broken by him showed me the depth of my heart. I ain't ever loved no one liked that. We didn't work through our issues, but that doesn't mean we can't learn & grow from our experience & try our best wherever we go next 💖
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imreszekeres · 7 years
for the anon that wanted all 100
1. Name- Ash! 2. Age- 18 3. City that you live in- fear, usually 4. What do most people not know about you?- nothing really, i compulsively release useless information about myself 5. What do most people know you for?- being fat and annoying 6. Hobbies- makeup, youtubers, sleeping, writing, drawing 7. What are your passions?- writing 8. What do you search for in a significant other?- i really Really need to be understood, and someone who is patient is nice too 7. What are you most proud of?- I hav gone to State and gotten within the top 10% in my Journalism competitions, which puts me in the top .08% of all high school students in my state. :-) im good for some things 8. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?- every day when I talk to @pizzasteveofficial <3 all our conversations are significant 2 me 9. Have you ever collected anything? What was it?- I collect my tears in a jar and store them, then shower in them every night 10. List 10 things off of your bucket list.- I want to get married in the snow, have a daughter, get a Heartagram tattoo (at least one lol), write a successful book, and.. idk what else :0 11. What was the last thing you learned?- jesus I dont know, you learn sth new every day! hard to remember 12. How many relationships have you been in?- um.. 7 I think i feel like im forgetting one tho. I wont name them obvi but i think im forgetting one? i feel like ive been in 8 oh well 13. Turn ons- validation 14. Turn offs- being alive 15. Favorite food- frozen yogurt! I like the vanilla or white chocolate flavor with looots of toppings 16. Favorite drink- Coke 17. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?- i dont really know! I dont remember a lot of my birthdays for trauma reasons so  18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?- pessimistic by far lol 19. Do you sleep during class?- its happened a handful of times, I try not to bc I HATE missing work its annoying 20. What is the most expensive thing you own?- myself?? jk its my laptop 21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?- a 1 dollar ELF blending brush. yall those things are bomb please go buy some! 22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone?- that number does not exist holy shit  23. Text or call?- TEXT BLEASE I HAVE SUCH BAD HEARING 24. Opinion on long distance?- it can work! ive done it a lot of times. distance has never been whats broken a relationship for me, not directly anyway 25. What is your definition of success?- success is when you’re happy. you do not have many worries, not the kind that keep you awake at night or make your tummy sick anyway. You have people that love you and, if you died, you’d be remembered as a good bean 26. Favorite song?- right now im really diggin “Hate (I Really Dont Like You)” by the plain white Ts 27. Favorite artist?- HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 28. Celebrity crush/crushes?- Ville Valo ALWAYS lmao hes my god 29. When was the last time you read for fun?- like last month 30. Favorite flower?- roses 31. What is the best gift you could receive right now?- a plane ticket to Connecticut and like 1000 dollars 32. Any guilty pleasures?- pop... music... BUT LIKE THE GOOD KIND U FEEL? I DONT LIKE STUFF FROM THE LAST 2 OR 3 YEARs...  33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?- my weight, and that sounds so shallow but it. is taking a toll on me. 34. What do you search for in a friend?- someone who is like me! 35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month?- not enough 36. Where did you last go other than your room/home?- school.. 37. Why do bad things happen to good people?- because life isnt fair 38. In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out or being stabbed in the eye?- what the fuck being stabbed in the eye have you ever been stabbed in the fucking eye? because i havent and i can already tell you that if my friends were talking without me and then someone stabbed me in the fuCKING EYE I WOULD BE JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE PREOCCUPIED WITH BEING STABBED IN THE E Y E  39. How many green shirts do you own?- none lol 40. Do you like anime?- sure! I dont watch it rn but i dont watch anything rn, haha 41. What do you invest the most time in?- sleeping,, 42. What was the name of the last book you read?- Rebecca :3 very gud book 43. What's the difference between loving and liking someone?- when ur main squeeze gets a hair cut and u still wanna suck their dingus u love em, thats it sorry i dont make the rules 44. Where are you most productive?- i dont.. know what this is asking lol I’m most protective over my romantic partners. As much as I’d love to say im most protective over Sarah, nothing compares to how “troll guarding his treasure” i am w/my loves.......... *eyes @my crush* 45. List 3 things you enjoy doing with friends.- talking shit abt rude ppl, playing vidya gaem, and talking abt life 46. List 3 things you enjoy doing alone.- watching makeup tutorials, watching lets plays, and thinking about everything and anything 47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist?- absolutely not. theres too many people on the earth to achieve that 48. Do you have any allergies?- Not to anything specific but i get them really often seasonally. i get them pretty much every time the weather changes :( 49. When was the last time you cussed at someone?- i mean.. every day of my life so like 50. What was the last promise you made?- idek dude 51. What was your last dream about?- IT WAS SO WEIRD IT WAS ABOUT MY CRUSH’S MOM? I DREAMT THAT SHE WAS A DEMON WHO STORED HER EGGS IN LITTLE PORCELAIN JARS AND THAT MY CRUSH HAD AN EAR INFECTION AND WE WERE IN A SNOWY VILLAGE IDK DONT ASK ME its weird bc my crushs mom is so sweet... 52. If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be?- i would literally only take Sarah bc i hate everyone 53. How many countries have you visited?- ive never been outside the US 54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.)- writing :-) 56. When was the last time somebody complimented you?- those nice anons i got yesterday/the other day! 56. If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself?- what do u even mean? youd know bc youd be like THIS ISNT MY BODY 57. Do you consider yourself mature?- kind of, yes 58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr?- too fuckin many 59. What is your favorite quote?- “Worship Satan!” -Ville Valo (no but rly any HIM lyric is my favorite quote, theyre so beautiful,,,) 60. If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be?- dont hurt ppl unless they hurt u, dont touch ppl unless they want u to, and respect gender/sexuality 61. What is your greatest accomplishment?- going 2 state! 62. Do you believe in the death penalty?- yeah i actually think it should b used more lol, kill all rapists and p*dophiles :-) 63. What are your goals for life?- i just wanna b happy, man 64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?- being a fucking idiot, probably 65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.- CALIFORNIA LMAO IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR CALIFORNIA AND I NEVER EVEN BEEN THERE 66. What were you like in 2013?- awful but also really sweet... then again i wasnt TECHNICALLY the host so lol  67. Do you have a job?- no :( i cant drive 68. Tell us a story about your childhood best friend.- she was an abusive bitch who took out her parents hating her on me the end 69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be?- i would make discrimination a way more serious crime than it is taken for rn. ppl who discriminate should b put in jail 70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before?- just one when i had to install the sims and it took 6 years 71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website?- my fave website is youtube 72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?- suck a dick, i guess 73. Does money equal happiness?- not all the time but it sure can 74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?- never, i dont think 75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime?- too many times 76. What is the funniest joke you have ever been told?- you know that joke abt the blind man at the beginning of Crazy Rap? yeah thats fucking HILARIOUS  77. When was the last time you looked at the news?- this morn :0 78. If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say?- im gay 79. What is your favorite animal?- RACCOONS!!!!!!!!!!!! 80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it?- i mean sure lmao nobody would b upset about it so 81. What is one thing that everyone is bad at?- being a human. 82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get?- i usually go to bed at 10 and get like 6 or 7 hours 83. Does age necessarily equal maturity?- not at all! 84. What is your favorite clothing store?- hot topic lol 85. In the winter- beanies or gloves?- gloves b 86. Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?- wings?? why would i want a fish tail 87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it?- absofuckinglutely.  88. What do you fear the most?- being like my rapist. thats a little too deep than i like to go but im being honest, thats literally my biggest fear Ever 89. How many digits of pi can you recite?- 3.14 lmfao i hate math 90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be?- 2004. I would stop it before it happened. :-( 91. Describe yourself in one word.- stupid 92. Describe your last victory.- i woke up today w/o killin meself 93. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?- bendytoots cucumberpitch’s face 94. What is something you will never forget?- prom.. something rly nice happened 95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail?- forget everything. please 96. Have you ever broken a bone before?- nope! 97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody?- probably harder to love them lol 98. Coffee or tea?- coffer 99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way?- I dont overdose on a constant basis in a BPD-fueled rage any more so thats good 100. How many hours have you spend on tumblr today?- probably 1 or 2?
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sobdasha · 5 years
so it wasn’t exactly a new year’s resolution
but I did tell myself that this was the year I'd actually get serious about my library list and start reading some books!!!
(I always say I like reading, but that is a lie. I am given to understand that people who like reading like reading just about anything and everything, especially classics of all types that I find deathly boring and rudely dismiss as "something you are forced to read in school" [luckily, I seemed to go to a lot of schools/take plenty of classes that were lax about making us read lol so I have successfully managed to NOT read so very many classics]. What I like is endlessly rereading the same small selection of books I already know I like, or waiting 5+ years after someone's recced me a book to decide that probably there is a 95% chance I will definitely like it so maybe I should pick it up after all??)
a n y w a y I'm going to broaden my literary horizons by still avoiding ~classics~ but at least looking at things that seem to be popular and decently likely to be enjoyable to me personally, on the grounds that "look, you, it's not like you have triggers or anything, you are just a jerk and what's the worst that can happen if you start reading a book and it turns out you don't like it? You read really fast so how much of your life can you possibly waste doing this"
so, future me, here is what past you was up to in case you want a go at rereading or just can't remember what you've actually read lol
Dragonriders of Pern, Anne McCaffrey This wasn't actually this year, BUT it was part of my first failed move to library more things so it counts. First, let me shame myself: in 5th grade we had a Pern short story in our lit book. It was great. It was exactly up my alley, it had dragons, it was good. I knew I would love these books. I knew I would have such a good time reading these books. I did not actually put in a request at the library until I was like 30. So in that regard, supes, I got on reading Ancillary Justice really fast loooool. Anyway the short story was my typical favorite thing, about a boy who is on the fringe and doesn't have close friends but he ends up with the coolest dragon chosen-hero style and it's great. This is what I expected Dragonriders of Pern to be all about. The first book is not at all about this. Maybe future books are better, because at the end there was a mention of them pushing their society to be more like the way it's set up in that short story, but like. I just can't. Push through to see. The two main dudes were cool for the first 10 pages but then they just. Became jerks. The women could have been cool but I couldn't stomach how the men viewed them (wow maybe if you didn't abuse your gals and then be mean to them when they get depressed they might? Be less?? Depressed??? JUST A THOUGHT.) I didn't sign up for baby dragons violently maiming and murdering children as a special bonding activity??????? I signed up for kids cutely bonding with eggs and then being bffs when the eggs hatch??????????? I tried but it's gonna have to be How To Train Your Dragon franchises for me, sorry.
Earthsea, Ursula K. LeGuin Another series I should have read as a child. I tried the first book back at the time I tried Dragonriders of Pern, and let's be clear--it was not bad. It just didn't hook me, the way it captivates so many other people, so I never borrowed any of the other books. I tried again at the start of this reading binge, and I managed to get to the middle of the third book before I quit. I wasn't invested in the characters and story, it was pretty depressing, also I marathoned a bunch of it while I had flu/pneumonia so maybe that didn't help either. Sorry, Earthsea, I should have been more proactive and grandfathered you in as a child, like I did with Narnia, so I could share this Earthsea nostalgia with everyone else.
The Raven Tower, Ann Leckie This technically isn't part of my reading list because I had zero hesitations about reading more Ann Leckie lol. I just want to say, I highly recommend all her stuff and read The Raven Tower it's! Good! I highly enjoyed the second person pov narrative conceit that's like "Can you hear me? Can you hear me now? Well I'm just going to keep talking until you can hear me. Here's some relevant backstory. Can you hear me? Maybe you're sleeping or something so I'm just going to narrate for you exactly what you did today until you realize I'm speaking to you and you listen to this very important backstory context I'm giving you, ffs can you hear me already." Like, it wasn't specifically framed as such, which I appreciate, because when one tries too hard to apologize/explain away a narrative choice that logically doesn't make sense, it now makes even less sense after you called attention to it and that bothers me, so since this didn't do that I was free to read in what I liked and it felt very clever.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams Errr so I started this because it's been on my list for ages and the roommate just picked up a used copy of the trilogy so it was readily available without me having to put forth much effort. And a mutual Pratchett-loving acquaintance told me she also adores Hitchhiker's Guide, so. I…….am in chapter 8 of The Restaurant at the End of the Universe and that's? Where I stopped?? To read everything else on my list that I'm enjoying way more??? Hitchhiker's Guide is as it was billed to me, it's funny and witty and all, but...idk, for me it toes the line of what I actually find funny? I think mostly why I'm bored and lost motivation to continue is two reasons: 1) Arthur Dent is ordinary and boring, and as an ordinary and boring person who would also, if on a space adventure, just be whining about how inconvenient it is that I can't get tea instead of marveling at the marvels of the universe--I don't want to read about how boring I am! I wanna read about someone cool having adventures!!! and 2) I think to me it's showing its age a bit, esp. like in regards to Trillian (she's a cool independent brilliant beautiful woman who don't need no man so why is she still trailing behind Zaphod, not doing anything cool of her own, and putting up with him being a jerk to her??? Plenty of current writers have moved beyond that type of story and I could be reading that instead!!! so I went and read that instead.) I guess, since I'm not very invested in any of the characters, the experience has a kind of flat feel to me. I may come back later and try to finish it? I have left my bookmark in it and put it on my own bookshelves to shame me, so we'll see.
To be continued!
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