#idk if this qualifies as monsterfucker
shigarakicam · 10 months
I've been absent from tumblr for years but i just wanted to share i've hit rock bottom
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gummy-sharks666 · 11 months
Dudes with fangs and horns do something so evil to my brain ,,
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femmchantress · 1 year
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1. Favorite kink blogs: @augustandrogyne is like my number one fav at the moment, with just some phenomenally visceral and intimate fetish and kink-based writing and content - idk if someone talking about sex and sexuality had made me cry before his work. @lilsuccubunnie is wonderful for age play and various aesthetics based fetish work. @werewolfgirlknots always delivers quality monsterfucking, musk, piss, and breeding kink work. And would it be cheating to mention my wife @gaytanic-panic? :3
24. I would actually not be fine in a relationship without kink, it’s an integral aspect of how I relate to my sexuality and the way with which I express and expect intimacy. I can of course be intimate and loving with folks who don’t relate to kink at all, but for a like “capital R” relationship it’s very much a requirement for me.
25. Lesser known kinks I love? Omg okay umm… hmm. Idk if it qualifies but historical role play is really fun to me. One of my go to RP fantasies is that my husband is a Roman prefect stationed in Alexandria, Egypt who has kidnapped me following the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE and now keeps me as their captive Jewess whore - each day they come home to fuck me and beat me, but strangely the experience draws us closer together and eventually, despite the labels of the relationship never changing past that of Prefect and Whore, the dynamic begins to develop into one of intellectual fulfillment and a sorta unique companionship (think like Pericles and Aspasia).
I also think armpits, step-moms, and bird-related pet play are deeply underrated.
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lokivangelist · 2 years
Kanezra Halloweek - Oct 31: In The Dark
For @kanezraweek...a humble contribution.
Rating: Upper teens, I guess? mildly nsfy
Summary: idk I play a lot of D&D and all I can think is that if Ezra wound up in Barovia he'd be an intensely empathetic monsterfucker...and the equivalent of a Jedi is an Eldritch Knight
Ezra held his sword aloft over his head, though the light it radiated could barely penetrate the shadows around him. He swung it one way, then the other, but there was nothing. No trees. No forest. Not even a slope of the ground to distinguish one direction from another. The glow of his sword blade illuminated a few feet in whichever direction he pointed, though the light struggled in this place. Wherever he was. Some realm of pitch black and featureless ground. His boots crunched over dry, dusty earth and kicked the odd pebble as he turned a wary circle, trying to get his bearings, but there was nothing. No sound. No movement. He couldn’t even feel anything.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true.
There was…something…out there. In the dark.
It was difficult to register. Barely a brush on the edge of his senses. But in the absence of all else Ezra clung to that hint of…something…in the midst of so much nothing. His steps moved warily in those moments when he could pinpoint a direction. Trying to get closer. Trying to follow it. But whatever “it” was, it was fast, and moved with a speed and silence as if another part of the darkness itself.
Maybe it was?
Ezra held his breath for long stretches at a time, trying to listen. Closing his eyes since they were of minimal use here anyway. Straining his other senses to pick out…something. Anything.
“I know you’re there,” he said out into the darkness, clamping down hard on his voice to keep it from trembling. Determined to stay confident. “You don’t have to hide. Show yourself.”
For a moment, there was no response. Ezra wasn’t really sure he’d been expecting one. But then–
–there! Yes. Somewhere behind him. A brush of air through itself that hardly qualified as a sound. But Ezra caught it.
He stopped moving, planting his feet where they were. He kept his sword up, reasoning that anything capable of hunting in this darkness would have been able to find him, light or not. Better to hold up a beacon to draw it out. To not prolong this chase. So he could know exactly what he was dealing with.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said again into the black. “It’s alright.”
This time, there was a response.
A definite sound. Not a whisper of air or barely-there shift of dirt.
It was a voice. A soft, gentle chuckle. Lighter and less reverberantly evil than Ezra would have assumed.
“I’ve seen a lot of lost souls come through this way,” it said, genial. Conversational, even. “But you’re the first one to reassure me that you mean no harm.”
“Who are you?”
Something slithered in the darkness. Behind him–no. In front? Off to the side. Maybe all directions at once.
Ezra remained still, keeping hold of his sword. His other hand moved, balling up a coalescence of protective magic. Just in case.
“I haven’t had a name for a long time,” said the voice. Ezra swore he felt the brush of a wistful sigh tickling the hair behind his ear.
“Okay,” he said. “Then I’ll call you Caleb.”
The voice…the energy…whatever it was…stopped. There was a suddenness to it that gave Ezra cause for a little smirk.
“What?” it said.
“Why not?” Ezra shrugged. “It’s not a bad name.”
Something swirled up behind him, with a heat and tangibility that seemed out of place here. It made Ezra’s heart leap for a moment into his throat, but he swallowed it back down, taking deep breaths to keep its sprinting calm.
“Aren’t you afraid?” said the voice, low and whispered just over his shoulder. It sent a jolt of lightning down Ezra’s side that…might have been fear? It might have been something else.
“No more than is reasonable,” he answered. “Fear doesn’t get you anywhere.”
The voice hummed. Then it…reached around him, sliding a wispy tendril of visible darkness up under his chin, tipping back his head to expose his neck. Ezra didn’t resist, having already made up his mind to not let this thing get the better of him. Because it was true. He wasn’t afraid. Not really. The same way he’d never been afraid of anything his entire life, even if it landed him in trouble day in and day out.
Maybe it was his sense of empathy. His ability to connect with things.
Maybe he was just reckless. That’s probably what Hera would have said. She might have even been right. He wouldn’t have been in this situation if he didn’t run headlong into helping people at the slightest provocation. (She’d taught him that, though. So it was really her fault.)
“You’re a strange one,” said the voice, tendril gliding under Ezra’s chin and around his neck. It wasn’t…an entirely unpleasant sensation.
“I get that a lot,” he smirked. “Don’t suppose you know the way out of here?”
“I do,” said the voice. As it spoke there came more tendrils - warm and black and just slightly transparent - caressing out of the darkness against him. One around his waist. Another curling along his thigh. “I might even show you.” Ezra bit back a shuddering breath, letting it happen. “Yeah? What’s the catch?”
Another tendril wrapped around Ezra’s wrist that held his sword, firmly forcing him to lower it. His other hand relaxed, letting the magic go out.
“Yoo know,” said the voice, this time rumbling against the back of Ezra’s neck. He didn’t suppress a shiver that time. “There is a saying…that once you name something, it belongs to you.”
“Yeah?” he laughed a little, low and breathy. “You gonna charge me for that too?”
“Perhaps.” The darkness closed in around him again, this time blotting out the light of his sword. Ezra didn’t mind. He had a feeling that, whatever happened next, it wasn’t going to be so bad. “We can discuss that after.”
The tendrils tightened suddenly, all around him. Driving a cry of both pleasure and pain as Ezra felt himself bound and held in a warm, quiet strength, even if it did grind down hard against the growing throb in his crotch.
“After,” said the voice.
Ezra couldn’t help it. He smirked again.
“Okay. Caleb.”
They didn’t talk again - nothing resembling conversation, anyway - for a long, long time.
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immortalled · 3 years
bold  —  always  applies .
italic  —  sometimes  applies .
strike  —  never  applies / hard  limit .
default —  indifferent .
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—  INCLINATION  /  HABITS :  is  submissive  | is  dominant |  prefers  to  top  |  prefers  to  bottom  |  likes  to  switch  | identifies  as  heterosexual  | identifies  as  homosexual  |  identifies  as  bisexual  |  identifies  as  pansexual |  identifies  as  demisexual | identifies  as  asexual  |  enjoys  sex  with  men  |  enjoys  sex  with  women  |  enjoys  sex  with  aliens  |  enjoys  sex  with  androids  |  enjoys  sex  with  monsters  |  enjoys  sex  with  any  sex / gender  |  enjoys  sex  with  multiple  people  at  once  |  initiates  |  waits  for  partner  to  initiate  |  spits  |  swallows  |  prefers  sex  in  the  morning  |  prefers  sex  at  night  | will  have  sex  anytime  |  no  sex  drive  | low  sex  drive | average  sex  drive  |  high  sex  drive   | fluctuating  sex  drive 
—  BODY  /  APPEARANCE : small  build |  medium  build |  athletic  build  |  muscular  build  |  curvy  build |  voluptuous  build  |  wears  boxers |  wears  briefs  |  wears  boxer  briefs  |  wears  lingerie  |  goes  ‘ commando ’  |  shaves / waxes  |  manscapes  | doesn't  shave / wax  |  cup  size  a – c |  cup  size  d – f |  1 – 5″  in  length  |  6 – 9″  in  length  |  10″  or  over  in  length .
—  SOUNDS :  is  silent / makes  little  to  no  sounds  | is  very  quiet | is  very  loud  | grows  in  volume  over  time  |  bites  hand / partner / pillow  to  muffle  themselves  |  calls  out  partner’s  name  |  curses  |  growls  |  fakes / exaggerates |  prefers  a  quiet  partner  |  prefers  loud / appropriately  vocal  partner  |  prefers  a  responsive  partner  |  no  preference  towards  partner’s  volume  | is  turned  on  by  dirty  talk  | is  turned  off  by  dirty  talk .
—  TURNS  ON  /  KINKS : having  their  hands  pinned  |  pinning  their  partner’s  hands  |  having  their  hair  pulled  |  pulling  their  partner’s  hair  |  being  watched  ( by  their  partner )  | being  watched  ( by  a  third  party )  |  watching  their  partner  |  receiving  oral  | giving  oral  |  calling  their  partner  ‘ daddy ’  |  being  called  ‘ daddy ’  | calling  their  partner  ‘ mommy ’ |  being  called  ‘ mommy ’  |  calling  their  partner  ‘ master ’  | being  called  ‘ master ’  |  calling  their  partner  ‘ mistress ’  | being  called  ‘ mistress ’  |  giving  praise |  receiving  praise  | biting / marking  |  being  bitten / marked  |  spanking  | being  spanked |  teasing |  being  teased  |  having  toys  used  on  them  |  using  toys  on  their  partner  | giving  anal  | receiving  anal  |  choking  |  being  choked  |  dirty  talk  | being  tied  up  |  trying  their  partner  up  |  being  worshipped  |  worshipping  their  partner  |  humiliating | being  humiliated  | degrading  |  being  degraded | being  pegged | pegging  their  partner | being  edged  |  edging  |  age  gap  |  anonymous  sex  | blood  play  |  breeding |  chastity  devices  | clothed / partially clothed  |  condoms  |  deep - throating  |  gun  play  | intercrural  sex  | knife  play  |  lingerie  |  nipple  play  |  orgasm  denial |  overstimulation  |  pregnancy  | prostate  milking  |  public  sex  |  rimming |  roleplay  |  sadism / masochism  |  size  difference  |  somnophilia |  squirting .
—  PLACES :  airplane  |  alleyway  |  bath  |  beach  |  bedroom  | boat  |  bus  |  car  | cathedral / church  |  cemetery  |  closet  |  concert  |  dressing  room  |  elevator  | empty  or  abandoned  building  |  field  |  forest  | gym  |  home  bathroom  |  hospital  |  kitchen  |  library  |  movie  theatre  |  museum  |  ocean  |  parking  lot  |  planetarium  |  pool |  public  bathroom  |  rooftop  |  school  |  sex  club  |  shower  |  tent  |  terrace  |  train  |  workplace  | anywhere / have no preference.
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Does falling in love with someone who was given the ability to turn into an animal a la animorphs or magic/curses qualify someone as a monsterfucker? If so, Taiyang Xiao Long from RWBY married a such a shapeshifter.
I think just regular, magical shapeshifting into a normal animal might be too far off in the grey area to count? Normal animal nay, beastlike one yay? 
Cause, at the end of the day, Raven is still a human in a world where everyone gets some special ability or other. (The shapeshifting being an added one from a wizard, but I digress.) Like, if Tai counted, then I'd have to count literally every single one of Merlin’s exes. That's a good month of Merlin. Idk if I'd survive. 
I'm open to arguments otherwise though, if y'all think they should count.
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devilcrushmango · 4 years
The ~vibes~ I get from you are red, green, and pink for some reason?
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GREEN IS ACCURATE, Red is... I'm the crybaby variety of angry yes but is 5'7'' small??? And as for pink idk if its meant as in monsterfucker, in which case i believe i qualify given i simp for tma characters, or as in like, the energy drink? In which case sorry no i cant even stand the smell lol
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werewolfchoir · 4 years
Actually, it's about monsterfucking discourse.
Where OP lists multiple examples of things that aren't exclusive to LGBTQ people in any sense, that have all being critiqued by feminists of various orientations. There are cishet women who want their partners to accept and desire them even if they don't meet certain beauty standards, and so on. Not super controversial.
The reply, which brings up how The Shape of Water and other narratives can be read as an allegory of interracial relationships, also troubles the idea that there's some monolithic normie cishet vs. LGBTQ experience, but idk if OP really acknowledges that in their attempt to assign "queer culture" the exclusive role of resistance and moral goodness. (Though maybe by reblogging, OP intended to qualify the original statement... It seems like the second person in this thread has a more nuanced opinion, where cishet people can also be people of color invested in anti-racist work.)
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