#idk im rambling im tired
I imagine barnaby trying to be all cool and flirting with howyd subtly but his smoke gives him away fjsns
he thinks he's smooth smh...
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blighted-lights · 2 months
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the way that ravage clearly loves and idolizes megatron genuinely makes me ill you have no idea. like this is someone who clearly still adores megatron despite being betrayed by him. and on the other side, the way megatron interacts with ravage in this entire scene is so,,, he's tired. he isn't at all what ravage idolizes and he knows that. he doesn't know what he is anymore but he's not the valiant savior ravage needs and wants him to be, and he Knows it.
ravage is clinging to a version of megatron that no longer exists (or maybe never did in the first place, and only existed in ravage's mind) and megatron no longer has anything to cling to so he rejects his past completely. these two make me ill.
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gophergal · 1 month
To say an Aspec person's life is wasted because they lack an interest in [sex/romance/platonic relationships]* is like saying an evergreen tree has wasted its life for refusing to grace its branches with apples
*(respect aros, aces, and aplatonic folk equally or taste my blade)
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tortilla-of-courage · 1 month
why does every single surface npc in skyward sword use male pronouns
like yes the goron have bested gender and dont care about that so they default to male pronouns for ease. they're born from rocks. bam. they're all brothers. and the gorons we meet in skyward sword care more about investigation or whatnot so they're like yeah yeah just use he/him. wanna hear about the legends of old?
and kikwi just Spawn from a bush or something probably. they dont even know what gender is. link and fi default to using male pronouns for them but like. you ask them what their pronouns are and they're like. pronouns? what's a pronouns? is that like another type of zelda...? kwee...
but what's the deal with the mogma. pretty sure they all use male pronouns too. did they hear the gorons use them and go yoooo i like the sound of that!!! let's use those too!! hey Ledd use he/him for me!! sure thing Kortz! Kortz he/hims treasure!!! yoooo!!! yoooo!!!
the only she/her users in the Surface before Zelda falls down are Impa and the Old Woman....... and i guess Hylia herself. where's my hashtag feminism,
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soulspice · 1 year
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el-pada · 5 months
why is it always my splatoon art being stolen bruhh, just had to deal with an ig account who was getting 5 times the attention off of my stuff
hell even before the game released a random game news site used my first ever deep cut drawing as if it was a game asset, atleast it just took 1 email to make them take it down
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anyway speaking of metamy possibly the funnest part to me is that like. ok so amy falls in love with sonic but it would never work out one because age diff and two because she CONSTANTLY needs attention and affection cause she has severe abandonment issues meanwhile sonic loves to just run off places and live by his own rules and gets very uncomfortable when others initiate physical contact and isn't really that good with "feelings" and stuff. so like she's constantly chasing after him and it just drives him farther away cause they have different emotional needs for a relationship, y'know?
but here's the thing. metal sonic? oh my god if metamy happened you KNOW this bitch would be COMPETITIVE. "i am going to be the WORLD'S BEST BOYFRIEND, way better than SONIC could ever hope to be." amy would be like "hey metal you'd never leave me right lol jk unless" and metal would just be like "i will WIN the WORLD RECORD for MOST TIME SPENT AROUND AMY ROSE" and she'd be like "oh sick"
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sad-leon · 4 months
medic leo who started studying medicine by learning about deadly diseases and spiralling over them, so he vows to learn everything he can about medicine to protect his family from sickness as best he can
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pup-pee · 28 days
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he is the dirt under my fingernails
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cassied03 · 2 months
keith learnt from an early age that being angry got attention. it was easy to ignore a calm kid who was lightly tapping you and asking for attention, but it was much harder when the yells of a kid were like the sound of nails on a chalkboard.
of course keith learnt very early on that yelling and being angry was a form of sure way of getting his foster families attention.
he didnt learn that not all attention was good, later on. after his fifth, he started making a tally on how different families reacted to anger. or, any emotion. really. he treated it like it was a study. anything, so make sure he didnt get attached.
then shiro. shiro didnt react. well, he did. but not like how keith was told adults reacted. sure shiro was maybe 8 or 9 maybe years older total, but he was an adult. and keith wasnt.
but shiro was fine with his anger. was fine with his emotions. was fine with keith. keith started to feel at home. i mean, who wouldnt.
Meet the Kerberos accident. The home wrecker.
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viensamoimoncher · 3 months
wait, so we know from Madeleine that the fledgling (and maker) feel one another — pain, love, all of it
if Lestat wasn't sure if Louis survived his suicide-by-sun attempt in '73, that means either:
a) Lestat was in such a depressed (and possibly dissociative state) following it that he couldn't feel anything beyond his own turbulent emotions and grief; if anything, given how Louis describes Dreamstat having somewhat of a palpable presence, Lestat might have believed it to be his own hallucination of Louis (I strongly suspect he had his own hallucinations)
b) Louis' own mental state was so awful that he was so numb to the world and himself. Given how severely depressed Louis seems to be in Dubai, how very grey and monotone his whole existence there is, is it possible Lestat couldn't feel him because there was nothing there to feel?
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standing-flowers · 1 month
I've said it before but I'm gonna say it again - I'm sick and tired of seeing Shane being portrayed as this skinny, clean, twink. one of his dialogue options is him saying he's gaining weight, and he's an alcoholic and has been since before the farmer met him - he's not gonna be this perfect white boy. he's greasy, dirty, fat and all that jazz, yknow?
its all a key part of his character and it's so frustrating to see it be ignored just bcs ppl are so focused on what's conveniently attractive. fat guys are hot, messy guys are hot, like bfr.
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
I feel like now is a good time to announce that I’m in the process of moving blogs! Im doing so for a few reasons, the main one being paranoia, so for that reason I won’t be saying my new urls publicly so like please dm me if you’d like my new url so you can follow me there! I’ll be reblogging this post a lot so ppl can see it (so sorry if you get annoyed by that)!
I’m also remaking my discord account as well so if we’re friends on there then feel free to message me for my new username!
friends and mutuals please do reblog so shared friends/mutuals have a higher chance seeing it!
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fengchikelp · 8 months
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since this is fanart i should upload it here...its a quick sketch trade for my friend !!!!
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riotcat103 · 6 months
2 am draft
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ya'll see this guy? yeah he's me wife, other than can we take a moment to appreciate this mf?, like from all 'yandere'( if that's what you call the genre lmao) visual novels I played Mushroom Oasis really played diff, like..hello? it doesn't follow the classic stalker/creep/obsess with you vibe of any other love interests in games, in fact Mycheal doesn't even know you existed till he found you, yeah he doesn't want you to leave but it's kinda understandable? I think I remember the creator saying Mycheal doesn't have that much romantic attraction to the MC just yet??(also he's canonically asexual! :D yey) , cause this mf has been living by himself for what? years? decades? who knows, so obviously he'll react that way, obviously you can't just set aside all the fucked up things he's been doing to the MC, but that's the thing, he has his own reasons as I mentioned, he's still like the other love interests in games ( forcing the MC to stay/be with them etc.), he doesn't ant you to leave him since your the only person who doesn't see him as a 'monster' or said he's one. and what I like the most is his backstory, it's still all a mystery and complex, so is how his body works since he's not human.
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jalo-parker · 2 months
This is actually a cropped version of the drawing but uh more sad and tired hels cause like.. me too
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I referenced someone else's drawing for the pose and it ended up looking too similar so I didn't want to post the whole thing :') I (mostly) just cropped my sona out though so dw you aren't missing any helsknight content
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