#idk it just doesnt seem like a change that i care about getting mad about
bananonbinary · 10 months
i can kinda understand being annoyed at the new layout on the principle that unique is more fun, but also like.
the new layout isnt particularly annoying or difficult to use. i mean, it's popular for a reason, it's a very simple and functional layout. i do wish websites had a bit more individual personality still, but this doesnt really feel like a hill worth dying on imo. it works just fine.
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infizero · 8 months
grian: "i'm not gifting you the heart, i'm giving it to someone SPECIAL."
scar: (hangs his head) "wow..."
grian: "aw ok i'm sorry- no no i'm not even gonna fall for this, i got guilted into helping you out last time, and you got a ton of stuff! i'm not being fooled"
#jaw kind of dropped when grian said that bro. UNCALLED FOR#anyways theres something so interesting to me about. grian being mean to scar and then as soon as scar acts hurt#grian's instinct IS to apologize. but then he changes his mind and is like no no im not gonna be guilted im not gonna be fooled#<- WHICH TO BE FAIR. this is scar we're talking about here. but also#its very interesting to me. with my little ''grian does care about scar he just has Emotional Issues from 3rd life that never really#went away'' mindset. this feels like progress. from just being mean to scar and not caring about it#its a little thing but the fact that he goes to apologize at first. makes me think things are looking up#i feel like they're already on much better terms this season which um. considering how last season ended is a little surprising#but not really considering. scar never seems to blame grian or get mad at him for anything he does#and idk if grian feels bad about his ''betrayal'' at all so to both of them its like not an issue and therefore doesnt affect#their current interactions#NOW. this could age very poorly. im still not over the bait-and-switch that was last season w barely any interactions and then That#they could act all niceys to each other this season and then later down the line when everythings crazy something terrible could happen#and i'll go insane over it. but for right now im uncharacteristically an optimist when it comes to these two. maybe they can finally just#be niceys to each other the whole time. i doubt it but maybe!#serena.txt#serena.live#slsmp spoilers
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myriadsystem · 2 months
#must not text him texting him is the growth killer#must not text him texting him would be bad because it will make us feel bad and its my fucking bday this weekend#im not letting me do that to us#but fucking god i miss him rn and a lot lately 😭😮‍💨 was there a traumaversary i didnt know about??#the only him related traumaversary already happened in feb and we handled it pretty fairly well (mostly due to the ffected being dormant)#but still like. what did i do last year for my bday? what did we do the year before he was probably there then but i dont remember feeling#this way around last bday? which he prroobbabblyy wasnt there for? time is not easy for me#idk its driving me crazypants lately like i miss him so much i thought he was my everything forever he told me he would be#but hes not and he never was and hes done a lot to hurt me but none of it was on purpose he was never mean or violent#and looking at old pictures we look so fucking good together and old chats the way he talked to me was so sweet and but that doesnt change#the fact that at this point in time and probably never again is he actually here#fuck this noise man ive got a cute outfit ready im going to the local museum with my grandma for my bday day#and ive got weed and tunes planned for the evening there are so many things to look forward to coming soon why#why do i seem to be stuck in the past lately. like not in active ptsd mode im not triggered as the kids love to say but i just cant stop#thinking abt him and the whole relationship and wishing he was here. wishing he never left? or more like wishing hed come back#hoping that hes changed enough and that i have too to make it work. i keep having awful visions of him coming to my door after a life attemp#and im so mad at him but i cant leave him out here so of course i invite him in to care for him and make sure hes ok#and its awful because it feels like a whisper away from being reality. its too close to what could be real#and its awful not because its a dream but because the closeness to what could be reality hurts so much when logic kicks in#and i know its not reality no matter how dang close it seems#personal#i think im splitty lately. im losing more time than usual and i cant get this boy outta my head.#i hope hes a lingering thought and not a permanent resident oh that would fuck us up so so bad#idk. idk dude! everythings fucked up atm im doing a lot of personal growth but im also behind on so many other things#i just want him out of my brain. its my fucking goddamn birthday and im making this one a good one for fucking once#i can handle the other shit later but this one do be fucking me up in a major way lately the last few days. weeks? who knows
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yongislong · 2 years
pet names + dreamies.
genre: fluff, established relationships with non!idol dreamies
cw/note: none, enjoy! will be doing wayv and 127 soon :) take care of yourselves. very much not proofread oops
mark... babe, hes a simple man. calls you baby sometimes too but everytime he does a part of him dies inside lol. pegs me as the type of guy to also say kid? or buddy? esp when ur being silly idk. calls you love on special occasions but he loves your name anyway! thinks its funny when you call him stud haha, but also prefers babe or just his name? idk i dont think he cares too much about that but def would call you things imo
renjun... love but also something artistic and celestial! calls you divine during intimate and more sweet moments but opts for love/lover. has you in his phone as the name of a god/goddess bc to him thats what you are. also uses the anotamical heart emoji for your contact instead because he thinks its more meaningful. likes it when you call him charming or prince, something soft but he prefers ren, he likes the way it sounds when you say it
jeno... gorgeous, bunny, a shortened version of your name he came up with! he doesnt seem like he would want to use traditional pet names, he gets kinda bored. always changes them up but always calls you something along the lines of pretty, gorgeous or cute at least a couple times a day. also likes babe in general, his number is saved as casanova and he had to google what it meant and once he figured out what it meant he went "aouh??" that shocked face and sound he always makes. he feels he needs to step up his game now
haechan... anything tbh? super cheesy and annoying but theres times where all he wants is to be lovey dovey. calls you poppet if you're smaller than him because he thinks it sounds silly. he thinks he sounds like a knight when he speaks in medival language, hence why he also calls you princess/prince or any royalty type term. likes to say your pet names in a british accent bc.... idk. LOL anyways!!! he loves you and he takes your phone to change his contact name into something different almost every month, a menace
jaemin... angel 1000%. sometimes he doesn't even have a name for you he just whines and groans until he gets you to do whatever he wants. hes definitley a pretty girl/boy/baby type of guy! tbh i can see him calling you honey even though you tell him its corny, thats one of the reasons why he does it though, he likes to see your reactions muahaha. you call him bunny duh, but his name on all your socials is bunny boy
chenle... babe, baby. super chill boyfriend tbh. likes to call you stupid names as a joke esp when you're angry. calls you daegal's other parent. also likes to call you parental names like mom or dad when you scold him because he knows it makes you more mad than you already are LOL. but overall doesn't seem too keen on pet names, would mostly opt for your name with an ie or y at the end to make it extra cute
jisung... babe, your name, or shorty. even if you're his height or taller he likes to shorty and idk why. he likes babe, its simple and he already gets babied and teased enough so i don't think he would go for anything overly sweet unless it was you two alone. you're in his phone as my #1 with a bunch of ring, marriage and fire emojis. he thinks its peak comedy lol. has called you love on a few intimate occasions but just keeps it to your shortened name and ji for him since you both usually don't have very much alone time
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i-sveikata · 19 days
I’m re-reading the last chapter and I’ve just got to say I really like how you write Vegas’ character. Forgive me if I don’t explain this correctly but I believe the original character of Vegas (and the Vegas portrayed in most ff) is very much only interested in being in control and a Dom when it comes to sex with Pete. (Maybe I’m wrong and this is just the Vegas portrayal I tend to see). But in yours he is very into the idea of Pete taking on that role and whilst I’m sure he would love to do do the same to Pete he knows that’s not really an option atm because of their past. But what I love with your writing of Vegas is that you haven’t changed his whole personality because of this. Idk if it makes sense but soooo often when I read a ff of the characters switching this dynamic it’s like their whole personality changes with it! But no, your Vegas is still absolutely mad and I love it😂
I hope that makes sense but if not all you need to know is I love your writing and I looooove how you write Vegas’ and Pete’s personalities and the reasons why they act the way they do!
Hey anon!! Thank you!! Ohhh that’s really interesting!! Tbh I’ve only read a handful of fic about them and I’ve never actually read the original book so mostly all of the decisions I’ve made have been tv show vibes ✨ that I’ve interpreted from the characters.
I didn’t really think that I was doing something that different for him character wise lol I mean took one look at that man being an absolute loser causing problems for everyone else on purpose and just thought hmm that’s someone who is absolutely desperate for love and would be fiercely insane unhinged about it and here we are!!! Lol
Also just comparitively between him and Pete in the show- Pete has a distinct steadiness/ confidence to him that Vegas doesn’t appear to have imo. Or at least Vegas displays it like a game, wears a mask of confidence but defs comes across as emotionally and mentally insecure in a way that Pete doesnt. He strikes me as the one who needs love wayyyyy more than Pete to the point that he’s absolutely feral about it and these kind of character traits seemed to lend very easily (at least to me) towards Vegas being at Pete’s mercy in a lot of ways and Pete being the steady one who wants to take care of him. So yes that comes across in their sexual dynamic too.
But tbh I guess I also just love the concept of Vegas completely ignoring Pete in the beginning/ kind of writing him off as a non entity when he was trying to get Porsches attention only to absolutely lose his mind over him now. To not even be able to exist without Pete after he first dismissed him. I just especially think that turnabout is neat ahahahha.
Especially because it’s a lot more fun turning the typical class differential/power dynamic between them completely on its head then playing into what felt to me at times like the very one dimensional character Vegas was acting as. Like it’s very easy to write him off as a psychopath little raincoat murder boy who is willing to go to any lengths to get what he wants because he’s the villain of the story.
It’s 100% more interesting to me that he fucked around and found out and is now entirely swept up in his feelings and desire for Pete as a consequence of that and now he’s fully prepared to submit to Pete instead. To now be willing to do anything in order to keep him. So showing Vegas as a much more complex person and actually a painfully insecure and fucked up one who can’t believe that Pete might actually genuinely like him just came very naturally in this story. That kind of dynamic is much more spicy to me than it would be if it was simply Vegas sleeping with an adjacent subordinate and domming Pete because he likes to be in control. It feels more like a subversion of the serial killer/psychopath/mafia boss tropes to play around with Vegas’ submission to Pete than it would the other way around.
And tbh I think if it was the other way around I’m not sure I would find their dynamic so interesting esp because Pete starts off in such a powerless place in this story- so for him to still be in that position or dynamic obviously wouldn’t be good for Pete re his trauma- but it also allows for less of a shifting/ growing sexual dynamic that’s also running parallel to their own advancing relationship and growing feelings for each other too.
But yes I do hope I haven’t strayed too far from his personality in playing all of this out and I’m glad that you like what I’ve come up with!! It’s not about putting a character in a position where they do something that doesn’t make sense or reflect their personality or actions it’s about twisting the characters thoughts and feelings etc and their circumstances so there’s no other justifiable way for them to behave that really makes writing complex characters fun!
No you totally make sense! And it’s really great to hear peoples different perspectives and their experiences in the same fandom because we’re not all going to think the same about all of these things. It’s all such a wild ride! And truly fascinating to me how people interpret characters differently!!
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people keep sending me asks about the Gina seeming like Nini thing so i'm gonna address it here and only here:
The post i made about the ninification of Gina was a sh-tpost alright? It's not that deep. i didn't plan it or thought it through too much. I just thought she looked like Nini in some shots on the trailer and paired that up with my already existing thoughts of the writers trying to fill Nini's shoes after she left the show. I had a thought, i posted the thought. That's it.
Y'all can't seem to grasp the concept that it's not about the hair. The hair sparked the conversation because i had already existing thoughts from before. From when she had curly or braided hair. It has nothing to do with the fact that she has straight hair now, i thought again of it when i saw it, yes, but it's not my focus. So even if you agree or disagree, you guys keep focusing on the hair when that's not relevant at all. Someone said that in S1 she had straight hair and no one batted an eye. Yes, exactly, because it's not about the hair.
It's not a race thing. Idk abt others critizing Gina, i know i'm not, but i cant speak for them if they are. I know that I saw it a little fishy when she started changing, but it had nothing to do with how she looked. It was more of how the writers started changing essential parts of her personality to fit a main character archetype they want.
It has nothing to do with Ricky. This one really makes me mad because people assume i make these observations because i'm a portwell. Not every opinion i have has to do with with couples, or love triangles or ricky or ej. I can have an opinion on Gina without it being related to any of them, or trying to hate on Ricky through Gina. If i wanted to hate on Ricky, i'd have plenty of stuff to critize about him without getting Gina into it. I started seeing the changes before she got together with Ricky. In fact, I havent even seen her with Ricky, and I already have these thoughts. I had these thoughts even in S3 when she was with EJ. It's a criticism on the writing, not on Gina herself.
Finally, if you don't agree with me... okay? I don't care enough to fight over it, especially when it's counter-productive to even discuss it. I'm not going to change your mind with my arguments, you're not going to change mine, we have different grasps on the show and that's fine. We don't have to get into an argument about it. You don't have to get mad at me if i disagree. After all, it's just a silly disney plus show, there are more important things than arguing with me about it. Plus, i dont care enough about it to actually argue with everyone who doesnt agree with me. If you say it aint so, then okay lol.
I'm not gonna make any more posts about this since i dont care to discuss it. You can send me your asks if you want, I'll read them, I just won't reply to them because I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Do send EJ and portwell asks tho, I love talking about that haha
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punchsea · 1 year
Here are the aran/joe hcs i shared before
-They have a slowburn relationship. It starts off with Joe being scared of Ryan due to the reputation the guy held and how weird, unpredictable and dangerous he could be during a match. While Ryan saw Joe as kind of pathetic and weak and liked to humor him and pranking him.
-But their relationship is a particuliar case in this world because it didnt develop during their boxing match. Joe was actually "lucky" that Ryan didnt need to cheat or had time to bully him because the fight ended ridiculously fast, like it often happens for Joe. This surprised Aran cuz he never fought this guy before but he found that very funny. But it wasnt the worst match Joe actually had in his life.
-They saw eachoter more often after that match in the changing rooms or at gyms. But it mostly involves Aran pranking Joe a lot. But Joe is just a really nice dude who is EXTREMELY patient (passive) and it doesnt really bother him that much or makes him mad. He just kind of avoid Aran a lot at first but hes still very polite when they talk.
-Their relationship went from joe being scared of Ryan to Joe being scared of what dangerous/goofy situation they might end up because of Ryan. They have this nice but cowardly weak guy x daredevil nutcase dynamic going on.
-so despite being extreme opposites they still share have mutual trust despite that. Their goofy looney tunes adventures make them connect to eachother.
-Aran encourages Joe to cheat sometimes but Joe always refuses and that drive aran crazy but hes doing his best respecting his wishes.
-they both have a girly scream and hold in eachother when they get scared by something
-Despite Ryan acting tough he really appreciates Joe's kindness and his little grandma-like behavior. He never admits how cute he can be
-Ryan forgets often that Joe is also a boxer.
-they are both HUGE slackers when it comes to training they dont seem to care since Joe considers retiring soon and ryan relies a lot on his luck
- their main hobby is doing shopping (in the case of Ryan its shoplifting)
-Ryan gets super excited about sharing celtic tales he heard from when he was a kid to Joe. But its often the goofier ones rather than the whole mythos. Also Ryan never remembers them correctly but Joe still likes hearing him talk.
-they like making the other giggle because they both have long laughing fit
-they cuddle like puppy dogs idk how to explain this one just imagine it
-They have a slowburn relationship. It starts off with Joe being scared of Ryan due to the reputation the guy held and how weird, unpredictable and dangerous he could be during a match. While Ryan saw Joe as kind of pathetic and weak and liked to humor him and pranking him.
-But their relationship is a particuliar case in this world because it didnt develop during their boxing match. Joe was actually "lucky" that Ryan didnt need to cheat or had time to bully him because the fight ended ridiculously fast, like it often happens for Joe. This surprised Aran cuz he never fought this guy before but he found that very funny. But it wasnt the worst match Joe actually had in his life.
-They saw eachoter more often after that match in the changing rooms or at gyms. But it mostly involves Aran pranking Joe a lot. But Joe is just a really nice dude who is EXTREMELY patient (passive) and it doesnt really bother him that much or makes him mad. He just kind of avoid Aran a lot at first but hes still very polite when they talk.
-Their relationship went from joe being scared of Ryan to Joe being scared of what dangerous/goofy situation they might end up because of Ryan. They have this nice but cowardly weak guy x daredevil nutcase dynamic going on.
-so despite being extreme opposites they still share have mutual trust despite that. Their goofy looney tunes adventures make them connect to eachother.
-Aran encourages Joe to cheat sometimes but Joe always refuses and that drive aran crazy but hes doing his best respecting his wishes.
-they both have a girly scream and hold in eachother when they get scared by something
-Despite Ryan acting tough he really appreciates Joe's kindness and his little grandma-like behavior. He never admits how cute he can be
-Ryan forgets often that Joe is also a boxer.
-they are both HUGE slackers when it comes to training they dont seem to care since Joe considers retiring soon and ryan relies a lot on his luck
- their main hobby is doing shopping (in the case of Ryan its shoplifting)
-Ryan gets super excited about sharing celtic tales he heard from when he was a kid to Joe. But its often the goofier ones rather than the whole mythos. Also Ryan never remembers them correctly but Joe still likes hearing him talk.
-they like making the other giggle because they both have long laughing fit
-they cuddle like puppy dogs idk how to explain this one just imagine it
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dolliezo · 2 years
I'll always reblog your stuff!! I reblog anyone's stuff to show support and love <3!!!
Also thank you :') I rlly only make human characters cause I worry if I make a mutant it'll be too furry cause I'm kind of a furry??? So like 😭 ye a
youre the best and i love you <333
naw i honestly dont care if its seen as a furry lol its my character and i wanted to have fun with it so why not make a m u t a n t 😁 plsu there's mutants in tmnt/rottmnt/etc
okokok i dont have much on them buttttt
theyre 4 siblings, like the turtles, but not all the same animal yk? they all met each other at a young age, at different times and such
we'll go from youngest to oldest!!
Mango is a racoon mutant thats full of energy and chaotic thoughts and ideas! Shes quiet literally the embodiment of sunshine and chaos lmao shes the 'donnie' of the group! the one who makes creations and machines! as well as art and skating! rollerskating to be exact! they have a pair of metal nunchucks that can turn into really anything they want
theyre ambitious and like to do a lot of things lol hence the reason why their nunchucks can change weapons
he tends to be a bit of a bubble head and loud yet quiet and smart at the same time? like its not exactly loud loud but still loud yk? he's just a little thing that likes to do a ton of shit
on its right ear is a tear from a tag that they ripped out after they escaped some scientist :( they where the 3rd one that was welcomed in the group
Raisin is a panda mutant thats tired and sarcastic! he likes to laze around and eat bamboo! they're weapon is a bamboo stick that seems to never break lol in reality they just carry around multiple bamboo sticks (they come from nowhere and its honestly kinda scary)
theyre a big dude, round stomach like a panda :3 they're comfy and the pillow of the group! they let the others sleep on their stomach and such
theyre not big on doing much but meditating and yoga are things he likes! raisin is the voice of reason, the one who tries to talk his siblings out of doing something but fails hfveusa he's a tired father
they have a few scars where hair doesn't grow anymore due to his past that they like to keep a secret 😋 (aka i haven't exactly decided yet)
Durian is a Highlander Cow thats full of seriousness and clumsiness! she may be a serious cow but he's simply a shy bean that's protective of his family! he likes to shine his horns that rest on his head that often get caught in his long hair! idk man he's mad about it but he cant do anything about it lol
hes scared hell accidentally hurt his siblings with his horns so he gets a lot of hugs, reassurance, and such from his siblings
he uses a katana as his weapon, he finds it easy to move around with his long hair! sure it can cut his hair but she doesn't care at all
she can tend to be a but playful with Mango due to their playful and childish personality kinda rubbing off on them! therye motherly towards Mango as well, their instincts kicking in when around her
hes jsut a scared dude who doesnt want to hurt his family
Zalzaka or Zalz for short is a lion mutant whos protective, bit of anger issues, and lazy! ofc he's not fully lazy but shes just a lion its in their nature to lay in the sun for long periods of time lol but he's like the uncle that just got out of prison fhrej
she uses her brute strength as her weapon, not a big fan of weapons and such for no reason! he's playful and tends to hyperfocus on random things! they get distracted quite easily, especially if its insects like butterflies, beetles, caterpillars, and ladybugs lol
jsut a chill yet prankster that likes to hang around the place and the sun lol not much on her quiet yet
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away-ward · 1 month
hey 👋
Sliding in our conversation for ask and answered 288, because i'll diverge from kai's mbti and your response to it in another ask, to compare and contrast some other things. (And im sorry about that but of you also being infp haha! Dont worry, i like INFPs! 😂🫶)
"Also please put the reference where Kai when behind Michael’s back with his gf because I have blanked on this!! This little petty jerk." it's in chapter two hideaway. I think that chapter alone in general sums up kai's earliest personality, and his opinion/dynamic of people, including damon and michael's pretty spot on with his type. Like he view people a certain way, and that opinion is harder to change. BUT it doesnt come out of nowhere, damon did his part, and kai was onky reacting to what he see. But then it made a great contrast with emory who i feel like is more perceptive and observant of how dmaon move, because i swear idk it's just me but by the end of nightfall, when damon gave back her tin box, his personality seems a bit muted? So i can see why when damon was beside emory, he seems less aggressive. No because he wasnt aggressive anymore, it's just that his sparring match might be an equal or more. i feel like thats why characters like rika and banks pop off in damons pov, because he gets to be he one shining and in control. Heh, interesting! Just wanna add that that chapter also kinda makes me think that prison didnt change kai mori drastically, his mischief had already existed since he was young. Rules rules rules. Breaking rules. Being dirty. We dont see this from emory's pov. Emory didnt react much when it comes to "dirty" or "taboo" things. We only see self interest, duties, care, pride, arrogance, indulgence and class consciousness in her pov, or at least, mostly. People around her was the one who assumed that she was embarrassed. Like alex in the train and thats a good comparison because alex's ex roommate was embarrassed of their FF hookup and alex was ashamed because of it, but at the bridal meeting with the girl gang, the thought of shame didnt even exist in emmy's pov. So was the shame that aydin tried to make her feel. Then Like will in the rain thinking she was embarrassed of him, like damon telling will how emmy thought of them when he thought she looked down on him for the wrong reasons, she looked down on him because he was hurting people, not because he was embarrassing.
Funny because i feel like damon carried some shame there too because if he didnt care that she thought he wasnt good and wanting to be good, then his characterisation 1. wouldnt involve him being obssessed with befriending kai, loving winter, and doing good. Because he wanted to be like them too, doing good WITH them, 2. being obsessed of being around will because he was pure, and was tiny bit jealous with how he interacts with women, dreaming about the kind of man he could be if he grew up like will. And we saw him intiating his interaction with women he cared about as the story goes on and 3. Getting out-of-his-way pissed off at emory because he thought she viewed will (and by extension, him) as nothing. Like a deadweight, shallow and no hope. For a character as selfish as damon, it's impossible to say that he was only angry at the girls because they made his guys unhappy, because damon thrive around people he loves and want to care for. Have you thought of this possibilty? Even damon's closing arc was about doing good with winter and building the world with rika and banks. Damon needs and actually wanted to be around people like kai, will and emory in his life too whether he wanted to admit it out loud. Beause they also resemble a part of his life that's good and impressive that he wish for himself and the people around him. anyway, back to the point of that shame thing, emmy didnt agree with aydin when aydin slut shamed alex in BC, like how emmy didnt understand why alex was mad in the train because slut shaming a friend, a woman and a sex worker is just not her reality (her pov is very different than rika, banks and winter. There's a lot of sex related shame in their povs, and it's not always because they wanted to be malicious towards other women, but it's a part of their growth because they're prone to be impacted by their surroundings than emmy) and i guess thats why when we see her interact with martin at the police station, we dont see him slut shame her or shame her for things like these anymore because as an abuser, he knew it didnt work or never worked on her before, as the only things that hurt her was the life of innocents, her beliefs and her authenticity for her dreams, her responsibility towards her people and goals, and this includes will and evento a certain the horsemen too. She wanst only sorry for will, she was sorry to kai, damon and michael too.
another thing that i feel like it's true after KAI's mbti discussion, i dont think prison changed kai to the extreme. I think it just escalated him to the person who he was always meant to be and who he wanted to be outside of what he thought he should be. Like it just highlighted his path, not change him from good kai to bad kai. It just heightened his mischief, he can hide behind prison tonexcuse his misdeeds now. Hiding again, again again. A bit different than emmy, where we dont see much of struggle of her admitting what she likes or hiding her likes in private, like shaving herself to wait for will in that shower stall before damon came to scare her, confessing her feelings to that godzilla toy when no one was around, admitting to herself in the train that she finally is ready to share that oart of her with a family who accepts her now, not feeling ashamed with any kind of weird sex in nightfall where even the readers dont agree about. Because she owns herself, it's harder for external reasons or characters to hit where it hurts, but when it hits, like martin with will and her works, damon with her self esteem, and kai in the train about deseving will, she got hurt, and as a reader, some of us feel angry for her too. emmy didnt have any problems admitting herself in the nightfall, but to share it with people in the light, to want to love and be loved the same way with the same intensity, i think thats where her character very much differ from kai. She's not religious, but kai kinda is, so maybe that impacts their story in some ways too. it's harder for her to share it with people about her likes because of her introverted intuition Ni, hence her problem with trust. Ni really likes to be secretive to others, but not to themselves. Usually be seen as a private, nit so much a mystery like Ne. Because Ni is convergent, and Ne is diveegent. Divergent leads to possibilities and mysteries. Emmy tried to uncover will's grandpa, and will avoiding the topic because he likes it that way. But one thing i found interesting about kai now is kai THOUGHT he was being truthful, but when we look at his character again, he did exist behind a lot of lies and mysteries that he cooked up, even from himself, sometimes just for he fun of it, just because he thought they justify his likings, very similar to will, but will was more self-aware than kai. Even though on the outside, will looks like he is less likely to admit it out loud than kai about their wrongdoings. Interesting! I guess thats where their Ne Fi stack interchange, will is more private with his feelings even though he looks like he's open, and kai looks more open but actually his diverging intuition Ne decides it in private.
however, out of everyone, inckuding side chars, the only char that i still dont know to type is Rika. Like wtf is she? I feel like PD is making her to be everything and now her char seems confusing.
never thought i'd like to see more char analysis of kai but here i am! But i think it's also because i probably didnt understand his char as much 🧐
what do you think about this part, ko?
Heyy!! thank you for waiting!
And im sorry about that but of you also being infp haha! Dont worry, i like INFPs!
Oh no, it wasn’t a problem. I just hadn’t even had my morning coffee when I read it the first time. Somehow being sent a list of your personality flaws before you’re even fully awake is not a peak experience. Who knew?
“Also please put the reference where Kai when behind Michael’s back with his gf because I have blanked on this!! This little petty jerk." it's in chapter two hideaway.
Okay, that’s what I was thinking, but I didn’t thinking that the girl was Michael’s gf, so I wanted to check.
But then it made a great contrast with emory who i feel like is more perceptive and observant
I agree that Emory is more perceptive and observant than Kai. I made a post about it before, but in chapter two, Kai talks about how Damon has no secrets and everyone knows Will’s business. Yet even Kai, as one of their closest friends, didn’t know what was really going on with either of them on that day. Emory on the other hand picks up on things pretty quickly for the most part, though she does have her moments.
when damon gave back her tin box, his personality seems a bit muted? So i can see why when damon was beside emory, he seems less aggressive. No because he wasnt aggressive anymore, it's just that his sparring match might be an equal or more.
I have a love/hate relationship with that scene. Obviously, I love the interaction. It really helped form the idea that these two have a unique understanding of each other, because they were both abused by someone who was supposed to take care of them. Banks and Rika didn’t have the greatest parents, but even as things got bad, they mostly experienced neglect. And while the relationship between Banks and Damon was toxic to a degree, Damon was not ever supposed to be Banks’ caretaker. He assumed that role because he was toxic.
Damon and Emory’s abuse was overall more severe and from a source that constantly framed their abuse as love, so they understand that about each other. They both have an intense love for Will is another area where they share an understanding. I’m not the first to say this, but I remember Damon telling Banks that he thought Will was the only one who would walk through fire for him, and of course he wanted to kill someone to force a bond with the horsemen that would tie them to him forever. In the end, it was Emory who helped him bury a body, for no reason other than she understood why he needed to, and she validated his mixed emotions. They have a bond that he doesn’t share with the others.
And I’ve mentioned other places, but I don’t think Damon building Emory’s gazebo was entirely about Will, but also a thank you to Emory for what she’s done for him, and an apology for letting Will burn it. Not that he would have changed anything, but that he knew it was wrong and let Will do it anyway (as he said, he tried to stop Will). Building the gazebo might have been a form of therapy, since he built it while Will was away, but who knows.
At the same time… what was Damon doing out taking care of the lights? The night after his wedding, he would rather be doing chores that be with Winter? Did he wear Winter out and while she was asleep, he thought might as well get something checked off my to do list? He has such control issues that he can’t let someone else touch the gazebo? Damon doing such a menial task when they probably had a cleaning crew (I mean, who set up the lights and the rows of chairs for the guests?) seems like such a random thing, and totally done so that Emory and Damon could talk.
Anyway, I’m off topic. By this point in the series, it feels that Damon’s lost his bite, which is annoying because PD is still trying to sell us on that he’s the most terrifying. I’d much rather we go with the idea that Damon is healing and he doesn’t need the bite he had before protect himself. That happiness is something he can actually feel now, and it’s okay that he’s changing.
Or alternatively, if Damon were still mean, that would be fine too. If that’s just what his personality is and it never mattered what level his happiness was at, he was always going to be mean and scary and crazy, I could live with that. But this mix of he’s the hardest of them all but also the gentlest, best dad, and also the funniest and also the most mostest character ever is hard to swallow sometimes. Pick one.
People around her was the one who assumed that she was embarrassed.
I might be forgetting a few instances, but I think in the past, Emory got embarrassed when she was caught doing something. Example, the times she was caught watching people – ex: kids in the hallway, Will in the wrestling room. In these examples, though, she was caught by people she thought were better than her. When she was caught by Trevor, who wasn’t well liked by other, similar to her, she didn’t have the same reaction.
By the train scene, she’s already come to the conclusion that none of these people are better than her. They all suck in one way or another. She has nothing to be ashamed of.
(I think a hard part on reasoning this way is that they act like they’re “owning” that they’re horrible people, while they’re actively denying it. Or is that just me?)
Funny because i feel like damon carried some shame there too
I don’t know if I would say he carried any shame for trying to keep Will and Emory apart. He was trying to keep Will under his control, and Emory had the ability to take Will away. Damon wasn’t ready for that. I don’t think he even cared whether Emory had good intentions for Will or not – in fact, her having good intentions was worse for him. If she could make Will happy, what use would Will have for him anymore? It would ruin their bond.
I also don’t think he cared how she viewed him. He didn’t need her in his group, so her opinion meant nothing.
But I think Emory impressed him. She was unwilling to submit to him in the shower. I’m sure there were plenty of girls who set their eyes on one horseman, but settled for another as if they were interchangeable. But Emory wasn’t even responding to Will and yet she wouldn’t settle for anyone else. And then the murder thing.
For a character as selfish as damon, it's impossible to say that he was only angry at the girls because they made his guys unhappy, because damon thrive around people he loves and want to care for. Have you thought of this possibilty?
I actually think he was angry at the girls because they had the possibility of making them happy, and the idea that that happiness could take them away.
But, on the opposite side of that and more to your point, the conversation between Will and Damon on the cliffs comes to mind. Damon was upset that Will was despondent and distracted. The fact that Emory had the power to do this to Will irritated him. I think he thought only he should be able to make Will feel this way, but maybe it was just that Emory made Will unhappy and he was mad about it. He goes on to talk about his future wife and children, making clear he already had plans for Winter, but that he wasn’t going to let that distract him from the now.
It seemed to say to me that Damon didn’t care who Will ended up with, as long as they submitted to Will and served their greater agenda. Emory was never going to submit and Will would spend the rest of his life being chasing after the loss, and that pissed Damon off.
And then, like you said, it is when Damon starts seeing the women as having their own power instead of tools, and how their power actually elevates his friends instead of weakens them, that he can start admitting that what he wanted all along was to be wanted, and all of this was just to stay close to the people he cared about.
But maybe I’m wrong.
I think it just escalated him to the person who he was always meant to be and who he wanted to be outside of what he thought he should be.
Same. I think prison probably brought out the worst in Kai, but it was something that was already there. Kai’s the type of character that spent his whole life keeping the two versions of himself separate, but he would switch between the two frequently and that brought a sense of balance. But when he went into prison, he couldn’t find that balance. He had to be all of one version of himself, and that version became more twisted the longer he was in.
He has the potential to be just as terrifying as Damon if he would find harmony between the two sides. If a little bit of the version that was in prison still existed, and instead of hating himself for it, kept it just under the surface, right there behind the mask of friendliness. It would be a nice counter balance to Damon, who keeps his crazy on the surface and how devoted he is underneath.
(and ohhhh this is an interesting thought, because it’s obvious that Damon and Kai were always supposed to be two sides of the same coin, but this means that Michael and Will could serve the same purpose. And that thought brings to mind the conversation they had about devil’s night in Will’s truck. Will suggested the Cove and Michael rejected it. One is out of control, one is always in control. One has drive and ambition, one just floats through life. But both find something in the other that they need. And the following it up with Michael naming his son after Will. Might be something there… as Will said, the four of them create a perfect storm.)
A bit different than emmy, where we dont see much of struggle of her admitting what she likes or hiding her likes in private,
I do like this comparison, because while I think that Kai always did struggle a bit. He fully acknowledged that side of himself but he didn’t like sharing it with a lot of people, and he struggled a bit with not being the “good son”. Whereas Emory didn’t always accept that side of herself, but once she did, there wasn’t a thought of hiding it away. She just doesn’t open up to a lot of people in general, but she also doesn’t pretend to be anything but what she is.
he did exist behind a lot of lies and mysteries that he cooked up, even from himself, sometimes just for he fun of it, just because he thought they justify his likings, very similar to will, but will was more self-aware than kai.
I do agree. I think Will was aware that he was hiding his most authentic version behind lies, while Kai was desperately trying to believe the self that he presented was his true self, or at least a part of it.
however, out of everyone, inckuding side chars, the only char that i still dont know to type is Rika. Like wtf is she? I feel like PD is making her to be everything and now her char seems confusing.
 Rika is bit all over the place and suffers from being PD’s perfect princess.
Likewise, I still don’t know Kai well enough to fully analyze his character to that degree. It’s funny, because he likes being a mystery to people and he’s certainly succeeded with me!
I’m happy we’re discussing it though. He was my favorite in Corrupt and I was so sad to lose interest in him during Hideaway. I think the potential he has is huge, and if PD were more balanced with the characters, his character could have had just as big an impact as Damon’s.
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liinos · 4 years
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#fuck man just like. i wish i could explain the apathy i have towards shit to someone but hhhhh i cant#like barring tumblr bc this doesnt officially count this is the void i yell into#but idk like sometimes i feel like. maybe telling someone would feel good or would help me understand it#but who am i gonna talk to#my parents are out of the question theyll just get mad and say its bs 😔 like everything else#one of my sisters will just be like change your mindset :) and the other acts like shes only one who's ever allowed to go through stuff#aside from brief mentions or jokes i dont bring it up with friends bc how can you really explain yeah so i just. cant find it in me to care#about school anymore esp when most of them do seem to enjoy themselves 😔😔#and i also just cry anytime i talk about anything remotely personal that i dont deem 'safe'#idk maybe it wouldnt help but its really just not good and i know that but i cant make it go away just by wishing#i guess the panic that kicks in like an hour before things are due is good but it needs to kick in earlier fuck#like maybe im not apathetic im just lazy idk 😭 its not full send enough but hhhh idk#but i also like CANT do work without a certain amount of pressure breathing down my neck ive never been able to#honestly. ngl. i really do frequently consider just dropping out#but what am i gonna do then#in this day and age you need a degree to do anything and i also just dont want to be a hastag disappointment and failure 🤪#i just want to vanish man just become a leaf floating down a river a flower in a patch of sunshine#its not like im especially sad or anything or want to die really i just... dont want to exist either? not as myself anyway#ive never been a big meaning of life type person i really just want to be content with myself and secure#but sometimes. sometimes i wish there was some tangible meaning#and i know some people have it and find their calling but tbh i dont think thatll ever be me#i have no clear idea or vision of things i want to happen or do or really the future at all#i try not to think about it but i think about it a lot esp bc like 2 years left of school you know#i dont think the future is scary but i guess you cant be scared of what you cant see#i like to think that itll all work out in the end bc it cant be like this forever but im also me so. maybe it wont#idk maybe ill figure out a way to just transfer existence at that point
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kaz11283 · 3 years
ok ok idk if ur still taking request but can i have a drabble or a one shot or anything of loki dealing with/ taking care/ drinking with drunk y/n??? i’m drunk rn and that’s allll i need in life
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The party at Starks compound was going off without a hitch, celebrating the man himselfs birthday. The music was to loud, lights flickering everywhere, and laughter bouncing off the walls.
"Come drink with us y/n!" Thor bellowed to you across the bar montioning you to follow him to the group that was sitting around one of the back tables. You flopped down next to Loki and let out a sigh.
"How are you this evening y/n?" He asked moving his leg over slightly so that he wouldnt have to touch you. That was your power, being able to read people minds with a simple touch, nights like tonight all ways set you on edge with to many people bumping, shoving, touching. The whole atmosphere drove you mad most of the time.
"Handling it." You forced a smile looking over at him. "Alcohol helps repress it." You said picking up your drink and giving a silent cheers to the handsome man that had decided to dress in a black dress shirt and dark colored jeans. You threw your head back and took the shot.
"Starting the party stong this evening y/n?" Tony asked raising his eyebrow at you.
"Putting everyone elses thoughts on the back burner for tonight Tony." You said smiling sweetly at him before taking another shot.
"So whos on babysitting duty tonight then?" Bucky laughed looking around the table.
"I'm not that bad-"
"Thor had to pull you off the bar last time before you started stripping." Your face turned bright red as you glanced over to Thor whos face was the same color mounthing out sorry.
"Dont worry I've got her this time." Loki laughted taking a sip of his wine.
"Babysitter." You rolled your eyes again taking a sip of the mixed drink that Nat had put in front of you making sure her hand grazed your.
Loki seems quite excited to be on babysotting duty tonight, you might be in for another private stripping session tonight.
You shot her a look that sent her into a fit of laughs.
"Another round then!" Thor yelled at the bar tender. "We are celebrating the Man of Iron tonight." You sighed slouching back in your chair.
"Relax, darling, I've got you tonight." Loki whispered leaning over to you. "I won't let you make a complete fool of your self."
As the night grew so did your buzz, your cheeks were getting warmer, and the dress you had on now started feeling constricting. You started pulling at the bottom and then neck.
"Your fidgeting darling." Loki said placing his hand on your leg causing you to jump.
"My dress is to tight. I just need to get up for a second." You said standing to walk over to the bar.
"Dress to tight?" Steve asked looking over at Loki.
"She had to get up for a moment." At that moment there was whistling coming from the dance floor.
"Umm, babysitter." Tony said pointing behind Loki. As he turned around he noticed that you had already started to pull the dress up more than you should have. Loki jumped up running toward you.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" He said grabbing your hands causing your dress to fall back down.
"Lok, I'm hot. So freaking hot. This dress, its to tight. I need it off." You said trying to shake him off.
"Come on then, lets get you out of here." He said pulling you out the door. You bumped into a man standing near the door.
Wish she would have finished. He doesnt deserve to be able to see all that undressed.
You stopped suddenly looking at the man before raring back and punching him in the face. "I dont think its any of your concern who sees me like that." Loki stopped and stared at you before escourting you out of the crowed room.
"Asshole." You huffed behind him. He was able to lead you to the floor where his room was. "You could have just taken me back to my room so that you could go back." You sighed flopping down on his bed. The buzz had slowly started wearing off but the room was still spinning.
"Its ok y/n. Besides if I'm taking care of you then I cant go back to that overrated party then can I?" He laughed sitting next to you.
"I get so tired of being able to hear what people are thinking. It is literally exhausting. Trying to find somewhere to sit thats not to close to someone. Especially one of the guys, all of yall are perverts. Course the girls are just as bad most of the time." You put your head in your hands tearing up. Nope, the drunk still wasnt over.
"The power that you have makes you you y/n. If you didnt have that power you wouldnt be here with your friends."
"Yeah friends that I can hug because im afraid that I might hear something that I shouldn't. I made that mistake once. I hugged Steve not even thinking and he was thinking about Nat. Like thinking about something that no one but those two should know about. After that I just stopped touching everyone. Do you know how bad that sucks?"
"Ah, touch starved." He said laughing. "May I try something?"
"Its no use, everyone tells me they can shut it all off but theres always something on their minds." You shrug.
"Give me your hand." He saod placing his hand out palm up. You begrudgingly put your hand in his causing him to smile. "Well?"
"I think im about to be sick." You said jumping up and running to his bathroom silently thanking Tony for sticking with one layout for every room.
"Oh dear." Loki said following you in there and grabbing ahold of your hair that had fallen. "I think you will live." He helped you sit on the side of the bathtub as he got a clean rag for you to whip your face.
"I'm sorry you got stuck with me tonight." You whispered closing your eyes.
"Stop that nonsense. I volunteered for it. I knew what was coming." He laughed as he walked out to his room to get you a clean shirt. "Now tell me. Did you hear anything when I touched you?"
"Actually no, I didnt even realize it when you was pulling me from the party." You said putting the shirt next to you. "How?"
"I can 'turn it off' if that makes any sense. Telepathic people drive me insane. Always trying to figure out what your thinking. I learned at a young age how to block stuff like that out. Wanda tends to be the worlds worst."
"Its nice. The quiet. I havent had that, ever." You leand your head aginst the cool wall closing your eyes.
"Hey, no no no. Lets get you changed and laid down in bed before you pass out." He pulled you to your feet and looked at you. "Do you need assistance?"
You laughted as him. "No. Its fine ive got this." You pulled your dress off and pulled his on before walking out and flopping down on his bed.
"Do you mind holding my hand? Its nice not having to worry about what i might hear." Loki laid down beside you and placed his hand in yours.
"If you ever need some quiet time you are more than welcome to come find me." He sais placing a kiss to your temple before you fell asleep.
Thank you so MUCH for the request! I hope you like it. I had one, erased it and restarted so thats what took took me so long to write this one. If you have any more please feel free to send them in!
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relaxxattack · 3 years
hey im the anon who sent you the link of Ranboo saying the boundaries of character shipping
good job not answering my ask and just ignoring it entirely and instead reblogging all of you're 'ran and jackie arent beeduo' bullshit. Real mature to not even attempt to open a debate.
It doesnt matter how much backstory that you wrote or who the characters were based off of, it is still their tftsmp characters, and Knifetrick breaks boundaries.
hi friend. honestly i didnt feel like opneing a 'debate' with you because i've been 'debating' all week, and honestly? i'm tired. it may be immature, but it's true, sorry
anyway, it's as simple as:
1. ranboo said don't do anything weird with his character (i have seen the clip many times)
2. therefore i do not under any circumstances do something he hasn't done with his characters before. i only follow his example, to be extra safe, because i'm a paranoid person, and i care. i don't think anything he himself has done with his character before can be considered weird.
3. i know you don't believe me but like. ran is so far removed from ranboo i honestly forget they even had a link in the first place (until this drama started that is). like, if i were to read a fanfic about she-ra, aimee carrero would probably not be on my mind? if i were to read a shipping fic about TAZ characters, i wouldn't picture them as the literal mcelroy brothers? that's kind of... weird?
like, i really doubt i'm gonna change your mind, especially because you seem to be pretty ticked off already. but i have a whole group of people and a lovely editor who hate weirdos who would have murdered me by now if knifetrick was actually weird, so i think the fact that i'm alive is a good sign.
i'm really truly sorry, but, i don't see how it's my fault that you don't know the difference between actor and a one-off character they played one time? maybe that's too harsh idk :/
i could see it with c!ranboo because they share a name and are way too similar for comfort, but like. ran... isn't... ranboo. i'm sorry.
i don't even know why i'm explaining since i'm pretty sure you'll just get more mad.
anyway, i'm sorry about all this, and i'm sorry for making you uncomfortable.
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astrochemstry · 3 years
oooo hello! how about writing dating headcanons for dazai osamu? 🙈
YO I love ur leaving for a trip HC omg thanks for requesting
probably bad bcs I feel detached from myself today buT YEAH HOPE U LIKE IT
Character: Dazai
Warnings: Mentions of Suicide bcs dAZai
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When you first meet:
“D OU bLE SUIc IDE???”
I mean i think he does that at first
Talks for a bit but forgets u after a while lmao
But when he sees u again, idk doing whatever you like with a smile and feeling happy
He just goes “wow cute smile”
Is constantly thinking about u afterwards
“Haha cute smile”
Ok tbh i think Kunikida would find out first
Tells Dazai hes in love
Dazai is !??!?!??!?!??
Kunikida--though he didnt know Dazai was from the mafia-- he's smart, I think he'd pick up on subtle changes of mood, he'll feel the room's vibe turn into a cold tension, not so different with Dazai but he doesn't know the intentions of  his sudden mood changes, as if he doesn't know how to handle his emotions
Cough cough
Look he may seem like he doesnt care but he dOES
So he helps Dazai!!!
Kunikida is a romantic no i don't take criticism for this
Dazai does remember something you like though, maybe youve been eyeing this item or you like these flowers, this book and etc
So he tells Kunikida, they buy it, Kunikida wants him to wrap it, he uses bandages
Jk he was just joking around that time, probably gets something thats your fav color or design and stuff
So the day comes when hes gonna give it
He actually brought a balloon where he drew something like a cat idk you choose
I think he woudnt know what to say? He prob goes “hey” agGRESSIVE GIVING AND LOOKS AWAy
Ofc he glances a bit to see if u like it
U do ofc
Whether you ask why he gave u this or not, he goes
“I found out you liked that so i bought it for you”
Pls do the asking out here
When u do
Stops being quiet and starts gasping, fake fainting, dramatic poses that stuff
To be real?? He felt anxious like damn what if he made a bad impression?? What if its not good enough?? whAT IF HE LOOKS BAD??
Look this guy, he overthinks too, hes just that good at hiding it
But ofc he accepts the offer who wouldnt
And that concludes your first meeting and going on a date
When Dating:
This guy is the best
Surprise huGS
And as I said before,, cH E e k KIS SES!!!!
yo I think you guys would ride those supermarket carts
Yes in the store but
You guys don't play safe, you guys take riSKS
and no you guys didn't ride the cart without getting caught
Kunikida bailed you out lmao
And as I said in that pamper s/o hc, this guy
Yes he loves getting pampered tbh
But at the same time, hates it?
Not like annoyed, mad, not hate hate
He just doesn't feel like he deserves it
But reassure him pls!! Boyo deserves lots of love
When you guys first kiss or you do smthing affectionate
he's so surprised
He's just ?????!!!!!!!!!!??????
like yeah for a split second you'll see it but he can get himself seem like he's unfazed
But bro,,, bro… I swear,, he just wonders sometimes how he got someone like you
Another thing he does is
If you don't work at the agency, he'd bring you from time to time and just show you off lmao
*Loud sigh* "DaZAi" sMACK
And of course we can't forget our Kunikidad I mean Kunikida
Everyone is surprised except for Ranpo and Kunikida
They love you btw you're very sweet heh
Anyways, You guys I think,,
You guys just sit together
Park bench, couch, whatever but you're watching the sun set or something pretty
And you just, sit. In silence. Enjoying eachother's presence yk?
Also look, I think he has topics he found out through a newspaper or the internet and he just researches about it and is literally passionate about it
Ask him about it and he'll just, he won't stop talking until hes told you eVERYThing
Would also be surprised if you remember a thing or two-- or even start getting into the topic too!!
He'd be so excited because he has someone to talk to about it
Now when you get more closer, yk the relationship is now months or years old
He'll open up
This is Dazai Osamu, remember that, it's hard to read this guy and nobody really knows what he thinks unless he says it
So be patient with him, it's worth it seeing his vulnerable side
Meaning he trusts you that muchh
When he opens up, he never expects he would tbh? He never thought he'd find someone he'd open up to (like Oda)
And his past with the Mafia?
Tbh, I think he wouldn't bring it up? Like, he's afraid yk?
He doesn't want to ruin something good, he doesn't want you to think he's the same person as before
But I think you'll find out either way, either some Port mafia mission happens and you just happen to see it or whatever coincidenctal scenario
Though, he might uh avoid you when that happens
He's just afraid yk? Overthinks the whole thing and is scared but he keeps up the same persona to avoid concern and suspicion
But hey, you know he ain't the same person and he's working hard to be a better person--
You guys talk about it and now you're both okay
I think I just ruined the whole request by making this that long but yeah!! That's all I got for today
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doolkat · 2 years
Spoilers and thoughts
The fact that FEZ didnt see play that was meant for him... I....
Ok but can we talk about the letter that FEZ was gonna give Lexi? was this a love letter? I belive so.
The letter in the end got stepped on and crushed. I hope this doesnt mean what I think it means.. just suddenly. all his dreams and hopes for future were crushed. Like that piece or letter that he was gonna give for Lexi.
God.. I really want to see healthy relationship between Lexi and FEZ but like.. we cant cuz FEZ is gonna be in prison and I feel like death of Ashtray is gonna fuck him up. That was his family who he failed to protect. Does Lexi have to be the person who takes of care again? Id love to see that this time that person is Fez, but how can he if he is in prison and saw his brother die in front of his own eyes. I want happy Fez and Lexi. Best couple hands down.
Speaking of couples... Im so glad Rue and Jules broke up. I dont really want to see them get together ever. Worst couple, Jules cheated on Rue and never really loved her imo. Neither did Rue? Rue didnt really love Jules imo they just had deep connection and they were teenager. Idk either way Im glad they broke up. I am mad tho that Jules never addressed or someone else addressed how she cheated on Rue many times? I dont think Jules understands what being in love is like. As Rue said "You love to be loved you dont love me". Thats true.
Also Nate. I wonder whats gonna happen now? Are Nate and Jules gonna get together? Is Nate going to change? Im sick of this guy. I was kinda expecting he'd kill himself in front of his dad or sonething. Dont ask me why I just had that thought. I dont really want him to see fuck up ever more peoples life. I know he.. had it bad but like.. get this man therapy instead.
will he and Cassie have the most fucked up relationship possible. I cannot tell. I feel like we had a lot of Cassie but same time not enough of her? Is she reflection of "daddy issues" at finest or is in there in surface sometjing else that makes her choose "love" over and over again. Nothing else in here life seems to matter. She wants to be loved so bad. Does she not feel loved by her family and friends that she has to do this?
Also is Kat just gonna be like that? or what. I was expecting bit more of her in this season. She was just? alwful. Ethan is such a sweet guy.
I cant help to think tho. Who was the person who Kat in season 1 (I think) had video chat with and couldnt see, why did this scene exist if it didnt pay any role later on. Also correct me if Im wrong but didnt Ethan spike someones drink in season 1 like at the fair when he was waiting for Kat? These reasons are why I never trusted Ethan in first place.
Did like the writers forgot about all of this? Or what purpouse did these scenes serve. They kept bugging me the enitre season and never got answered.
I dont know.
Anyways this finale was good. I honestly dont wanna see anymore Rue's dad flashbacks. we saw enough. Now finally lets get to other characthers. Sorry if that sounds rude. I just feel like there should been a little less of that. I think we saw a lot of the same flashbacks too much that could been used instead of sometjing else. Or new flashbacks. Glad that story is over with tho and Rue can finally move on.
What are your thoughts on season finale?
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
I kinda wanna write a better version of tlh where Tatiana is still insane but there's no Belial bc that makes zero sense to me
In this version there would be:
Kamanna done correctly with actual genderqueer rep and not toxic relationships
Barbra and Oliver bc fight me she didn't die
Genie and Filomena bc I love them and all the lightwoods are queer
The gracelet doesn't even happen bc I refuse to write that
Grace is pretty much still the same but she breaks off their(hers and james') relationship bc she notices that he loves Cordelia
No bad James. He's not a shitty person to Alastair, and he doesn't treat Cordelia like a sex object
Anna puts a stop to Kellington and Matthew's relationship before it gets serious. She also tries to get him to stop drinking all the time
Alastair apologizes around seeing them again for the first time. The merry thieves are a little reluctant because of some of the things he did but they don't actively try to keep him away from events that they're at
Matthew notices how Alastair looks at Thomas and locks them in the sanctuary with Genie and Cordelia's help
Grace gets badly injured due to a mistake in necromancy and Christopher helps her treat it without letting people know
Lucie meets Jesse, and falls in love ofc, so in order to bring him back successfully she asks Malcolm to train her in using her magic
Matthew opens up to his mom about the incident. She doesn't blame him at all and instead apologizes for often putting her work before him
Matthew finds out about Charles and Alastair because he found Alastairxs break up letter to Charles
Matthew, the mother hen he is, decided to attempt to murder his older brother, only being stopped by James who had been there at the right time
Kamala ends things with Charles and tells Anna that she still loves them and hopes that she will give her another chance
Anna told her that they needed time to think, and that she is worried how Kamala's reputation will be affected if anyone besides their friends and Anna's family finds out
Kamala respects her decision and doesn't contact her until Anna's ready to talk about things
The merry thieves don't ignore Christopher and they actively listen and help him
The merry thieves also aren't terrible to Grace bc they realize she's been isolated alone with Tatiana and 1) she might not understand what's saying/doing is wrong or 2) that sometimes she's trying to push them away so her abilities don't accidentally make them do something
Good tid parents
James and Alastair being respectful to each other despite personal differences
Matthew, Alastair, Kamala, Christopher, and Grace being besties, or as I call them, the neglected squad
No fetishizing mlm/wlw
Domestic cuddles and taking care of the other one when they're sick
Jesse/Lucie/Matthew pairing bc I love them and I refuse to pick between lucie/matthew and lucie/jesse
Christopher teaching Grace the elements(at the time) on the periodic table
Tatiana dies at the end yay
It's very unpolished and I'm open to b hearing any feedback and/or suggestions that anyone may have
The idea came to me and I decided it would be best if I told someone before I forgot
hi, I'm sorry it took so long,but I wanted to properly answer this and I keep having either internet connection issues or little time
Look, I've been on the verge of rewriting ChoI, and I keep saying I want someone to write a TLH that will live up to its potential, but I've never actually came up with a proper idea for it, and you?!! YOUR BRAIN DARLING THIS IS GENIUS
ok hold up I'll just react to each and every single one so
yes please?!? I mean it started off so sweet in EEV?! Also actually genderqueer Anna and not dancing around the subject like CC is doing now?! That's what they deserve, and that's what we all deserve too
yesss please. also just,,,, Barbara, the feminine, not-wanting-to-fight-which-doesnt-make-her-less-badass queen that she is, getting the page space and appreciation she deserves
that's actually brilliant?!? it would be so great, just imagine the new girl arrives for her travel year and Genie is completely awestruck. I'm so invested in Joshwood it's difficult to imagine not having them, but this is actually the only valid alternative?!
ok that's fine. I think it could still happen and be done well, but tbh for now... the gracelet doesn't seem to have done anything relevant to the plot itself? I mean yeah it messed up James's life and Jordelia, but what did it give Belial? Tatiana? nothing. It makes no sense atm.
could be! maybe she's still encouraged by Tatiana to befriend/seduce him, but without the gracelet it doesn't work out? or maybe James somehow manages to realize that she's in danger and he actually like,,,, kidnaps her? idk idk
yes. YES. just,,,,z James is a sweet compassionate literature nerd who accidentally makes a good leader and he actually cares about people, and not just judges them from his high horse; he does still have hero syndrome, but he's kind and respectful and overall a good character
ok yes, so what about: basically TMT don't harass Alastair and accept his apology, and realize they were also being stupid and mean at times at the Academy (especially Math). Matthew doesn't want to accept Alastair's apology, because of The Sin, but his behaviour alerts the rest of TMT and they inquire what's wrong and he tells them about the sin and that's how he later tells his parents (because his friends encourage him) and as you say, she just hugs him and reassures him it's not his fault; so after that Matthew slowly begins to heal and accepts it wasn't Alastair's fault, and also since they've kind of adopted/started including Alastair in things, he can't help but notice he's actually changed and he even starts to grow fond of him
then like you said, Matthew notices Thomas likes Alastair PLEASE HE SO WOULD. I'm not sure about the Sanctuary, if it actually happens (I'll get to why later on), but him and Lucie get really invested in the matchmaking schemes, they include Genie/Kamala because these two are friends with Alastair (both? Or at this point only Kamala?) but they also share some Moments during their scheming/talking about love 👀 (yes I'm a Fairdale shipper, I think it's time to expose myself lol)
Which leads me to (sorry I'm going off order rn) YES YES YES LUCIE AND MATH PLEASE. A FELLOW SHIPPER, HELLO, NICE TO MEET YOU. But since we're actually fixing him then we can give Jesse a personality and I'm totally down for poly Math/Lucie/Jesse
Lucie seeking Malcolm's help in secret, morally gray heroine style?!? no, it's probably not legal. but also has there ever been a Shadowhunter like her? If the Law doesn't expect such situations, it can't really forbid them...
Plz Matthew ready to strangle the carrot when he learns about their relationship, YES. sure, maybe he's still not the biggest fan of Alastair, but he's seen how much the boy's been through and starts to develop an attachment to him, and besides, NO ONE DESERVES TO BE GROOMED AND TREATED LIKE THAT. He's SO MAD at Charles, and he confronts him about it - remembering Kellington as he does, and it makes him sick to think his brother would do the same thing to someone. Maybe he gets very emotional over this and later finally tells his friends about Kellington? Maybe they didn't know before, only Anna did? So when they all realize what was happening then they comfort him etc? Or maybe it's just Alastair that learns now, and the others knew before, and they share a bonding moment over that?
Injured Grace seeking Kit's help is a genius idea I didn't know I needed
Kamanna giving each other time and space and deciding they need to question their relationship and figure out if it actually makes sense would be great. Anna realising she's very privileged and Kamala doesn't have those same opportunities, and also in general realising coming out should never be pressured or forced. Just,,,, Anna being self-aware and respectful towards Kamala. Well-written Anna. Plz. Also Kamanna is actually developed and not just "in love" because,,,,, they're attracted to each other? Maybe even remaining friends while Anna makes up their mind?
yeah just TMT being more compassionate and less judgy because they're not written by Judith so her bias isn't projected onto them
It's not a want, it's a need. They adopt Alastair and Grace eventually. Like, maybe not literally - although, Grace? - but you know what I mean.
I think they all should just have various friendship dynamics and switch between them, because people need more than one friend group
no fetishizing, no watching your brother make out with his lover, yessss
yes domestic cuddles, affection, taking care of wounds, all those things. plz.
Gracetopher bonding over science yes
obviously. or maybe she's imprisoned?!
ok, now for some more notes/my ideas etc., if you don't mind:
I actually think Belial could still be featured? After all, I don't think Tatiana could do much on her own, and since she seeks help from demons, it makes sense to include a Greater Demon as well. But Belial would have to be a stronger villain, written better; I'll think more about this
if that was the case, the serial killer plot could still happen, but be done better. and it would allow for a scenario I talked about with @littlx-songbxrd to happen, where it's Alastair who's falsely accused of murder. It creates a great opportunity to explore some things, because we know Alastair is much more likely to be seriously suspected, considering all the prejudices and bad rep his family has and all that
...what do you say to well-written Jordelia? 👀 Cordelia hasn't been obsessively in love with James since childhood, she only had a crush then. And now that they meet again, she's fond of him but not in love, not straight away. They're both grown up, and different people, but as they spend more and more time together, they fall in love. What if Cordelia gets to flirt with some other boys first? What then. What if she ends up choosing James, instead of going for the only boy she's ever had feelings for and idealized since childhood. What if we even make it friends-to-lovers and have James be a little jealous at some point?! but not in a possessive awful way, just "oh damn oh no"
Now I won't know peace until this exists BUT THANK YOU
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away-ward · 10 months
You know, the more i read your posts and anons' messages, the more i find kai mori annoying, hahahaha! To me, he never really stand out as a character and his annoyingly moral righteous standards are just really laughable to think about after everything he did to rika and banks, and when he keeps friends like michael and damon around knowing the kind of hurt they do to others that are not them (even if he never witness them himself, because he couldve just ASKED, but he didnt). What i find interesting too was your take about the horsemen not really caring about anything as long as it doesnt serve them in a way, and this alligns really well with what emory said in the train and its so true. Theyre not the "good bad guys" that they thought they were, and i feel like to continue living like that for the rest of their lives, they must have live their lives with a certain amount of consistent delusion because they seem to genuinely believe that they were RIGHT all damn time.
When Kai found out the secret behind banks being mysterious background (relating to not wanting to expose damon), he called her "loyal". But emmy did the same, and alone too with no contact, but she's a traitor? I know the degree and seriousness of banks and emorys situations here are different but idk, its the same concept no? Idk idk, kai who was already dull to me, became even more unappealing after he said that, because aside from will, he was literally the second most privileged guy in the group who's issues were just daddy's expectations (which wasnt even so big, katsu just wanted the best life for him, but he goes around befriending alleged rapists???) and depression after jail. Even in jail, they got premium seats, unlike damon, so i honestly cant take kai seriously even more now. Idk, maybe i am being a hardass towards privileged characters like kai, but he's so icky and whiny to me (almost as much as will) and it turns me off. Dont get me started with damon and michael though, they were already at the bottom of my list from the start, but at least they got something going.
This might also be one of the reasons why millionaire or billionaire romances just dont hit it for me, because these men are so annoyingly whiny! They solve everything with their money or reputation, so we cant get a deeper insight of their characterisations because "oh yeah, money can solve it". They dont have a solid personality outside of dollars and fame, and its just not something that i wanna read as an escape for a romance. Idk, Ana Huang, Sophie Lark, Rina Kent, Lauren Asher, sports romance authors, theyre all writing their stories with this formula, and while i have no problem with others enjoying stories like these, i wish once in while, we get an amazing rich x poor or rich x rich characters' romance stories. If you do have any, other than the Addicted and Calloway Sisters series, please do recommend us some!
At first I found this sad and then I just found it funny that this blog had the potential to ruin the perception of Kai’s character. The idea that it can take someone from neutral to “wait. Actually I find him really annoying” is so hilarious to me.  I didn’t mean to do it, I promise.
I think for me, a lot of it comes from my disappoint about how his character was revealed. I had such high hopes for him going into Hideaway and was just left feeling so irritated with him all the time. This was not the intelligent and thoughtful member of the team I’d built him up to be; the Heart to Michael’s Brain to balance the crew. The source of wisdom and principles to guide them when they went too far off course. And maybe that was putting too much on him, but I really felt he could have carried it. My fault for building him up so big and putting him on that pedestal; it’s not fair to PD or to the character to be mad about not getting what I wanted, so I don’t really go there with it.  
Of course, I liked Kai more in the past scenes that the present. Obviously, prison changed him and I’m not arguing that it shouldn’t have, but I didn’t like the direction he changed in. He is morally righteous, and I think beyond any of the others, his double standards are the most offensive to me because of it. Kai always wanted to be the good guy with a bad streak, but because of this blemish on his record, he felt that it’s all anyone would see when they looked at him. And I get at first, it can be painful to accept how things got out of control. He was a teenager, or at least young, when all this went down. But after a while, I wished he stepped back and considered, “What have I really lost?” and realized that he didn’t lose all that much, in fact. He still had his friends, the town was still on his side, he had the opportunity to finish his education (though not in the manner he would have liked), he owned his own business, he married a woman who understands him on a deeper level, who doesn’t expect him to hide or control his thrill-seeking inclinations but will indulge with him. By NF, he has a beautiful son and is well on his way to rebuilding his relationship with his parents. Five years on from prison, and by all accounts he’s exactly where he should be and probably would have been if his life hadn't been interrupted. And yet, what do we hear about when he gets upset? Prison. It all comes back to that for him. He’s stuck there, and it made me wonder if all of those accomplishments weren’t enough to help him reconcile with what happened to him, what would be enough?
I still don’t know.
When Kai found out the secret behind banks being mysterious background (relating to not wanting to expose damon), he called her "loyal". But emmy did the same, and alone too with no contact, but she's a traitor?
Yeah, because Banks didn’t send him to prison. It’s really that simple for him. I was really disappointed that it was Damon showing all of the wisdom and understanding in this instance. That not an ounce could be found in Kai is what really sent me over of the edge of tolerating him.
I’m not going to minimize what prison was like for him. His story about paralyzing someone because he let his fear of what would happen get the better of him, and then lost control would be difficult. I bet he lay awake at night, think about what could have happened if he went just a little further. He could have killed that man because he was scared and lost control. That’s would be a dangerous line of thinking for anyone and it makes sense that he came out of prison with his fist so tightly wound around his self-control that he couldn’t relax. And then nearly losing Will and his fight with Damon – I’m sure he had to quickly process that if it came down to it, he’d have to kill Damon. He’d have to kill one of his closest friends and one of the two people he feels understands what he went through. Like, Kai went through a lot. And I don’t want to minimize that. But he’s so exhausting sometimes.
Theyre not the "good bad guys" that they thought they were, and i feel like to continue living like that for the rest of their lives, they must have live their lives with a certain amount of consistent delusion because they seem to genuinely believe that they were RIGHT all damn time.
They would have to live in a state of delusion to think they’re right all the time, and part of me thinks they do. But I also don’t think they care if they’re “wrong” as long as it’s what they want. Which is the bigger issue of them thinking that doesn’t make them corrupted.
That line from Rika really irked me. If they had just admitted they were criminals, I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. I can’t critique what they freely admit, but since they want to believe they’re right for all they’ve done and are doing, and doing it in a less that legal manner doesn’t make them criminals, then I can sit here a nitpick all I want.
When you say the second privileged next to Will, do you mean in terms of home life? Because I always understood that Kai was the least wealthy of the four? And he certainly understands that his parent’s money is not his money, except for his inheritance. (Side note – I never understood what he meant in Kill Switch when he said “Rika has money,” implying the rest of them don’t? Where is he getting the money to buy properties and start companies, if not his parent’s or his inheritance? And if it’s that’s the case, where is the rest of it? Will still lives off his parents, Rika has her inheritance and income from the diamonds, and Michael is a professional athlete, so that answers that. What does he mean, they don’t have money??) If you meant in terms of his family, compared to the Crists' and Torrances' home life, then yeah. He had a really good home life. And his dad had reasonable expectations of him. So… yeah.
Also, what did you mean by this:
when he keeps friends like michael and damon around knowing the kind of hurt they do to others that are not them (even if he never witness them himself, because he couldve just ASKED, but he didnt).
Because even if I were in Kai’s position, I also wouldn’t be asking my friends “hey, did you commit any felonies or seriously injure anyone today?” Or maybe I would, but I would be joking. Like, I wouldn’t care if they did either… if I were Kai. I don’t know. The friendship between the boys was very “birds of a feather flock together” and I don’t think Kai was interested in changing their dynamic enough to care. Plus, I think for the most part, their pranks were probably painless to the community. It seemed that what we witness in the narrative was probably some of the worst things they came up with, since they escalated each year. Yeah, it probably cost the community money, but the Thunder Bay is wealthy enough to deal with it.
As for recs, I probably don’t have much to share. I’ll point again to the Crowne Point series. The series itself centers around this wealthy family that’s framed as basically American royalty. They have money in a big way, but I enjoyed how that was only a variable to their problems, and neither the reason nor the solution, so that might be something you’re looking for.   
I’ve only read Heartless Hero and Stolen Soulmate. The tropes for Heartless Hero are friends-to-enemies-to-lovers and body guard. Abigail is the youngest of the Crowne family and the one who gets into the most trouble in public. She has a penchant for scaring off her body guards until her grandfather and head of the family assigns her the perfect one to keep her in line – her ex-best friend and crush who is not excited to return to Crowne Point to cater to Abigail. Things went sideways the last time they were together and he also has plans for revenge for a perceived wrong, so similar to Devil's Night in that way.
The tropes for Stolen Soulmate are… enemies-to-lovers, maybe? I actually don’t know what to file it under. Grayson mistakes Story, a member of his household staff, for someone else and kisses her in a dark room… and confesses some secrets as well. When her identity is revealed, he wants to remove her from the house, which might as well be the country for all Story knows and cares. She strikes a deal with him that she can restore his relationship with the person he intended to kiss, his childhood friend and arranged fiancée, and things to awry from there.
They’re both dark romances, and while Story and Gray’s story continues on, I chose not to continue the series since I didn’t like where it was going, but I enjoyed the first half of the book and if you’re looking for a billionaire romance where the billionaire can’t just throw money at the problem, then this would fall into that.
Unfortunately, I do think a lot of romance books right now are formulaic. I don’t read too many that I remember pass closing the book for that reason. They all sort of blend into each other. ‘Sempre’, which you might have seen me rb some of, is one that’s stuck with me since I was younger. Some of the writing is dated and cheesy, but I do love it. Like the others, there are many problems the characters deal with and very few of them would be solved by money – which the main family does have. It’s also a mafia romance, so there’s that also, if you’re interested.
Sorry, I wish I had more. If anyone has some they'd like to recommend to other readers, feel free to share. And if you guys are interested in knowing more about what I’m currently reading (when I’m reading, that is), let me know. I’ve tried to keep this pertaining to DN with a few things on the side because magpie brain demands it so.
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Thanks for the message! Hope you're having a wonderful day. Let me know if you decide to check out any of those books.
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