#idk take the warnings into account for ur own comfort
nacregames · 2 years
Idk if this is spoilers or not but how would the ROs react to luci eventually just being so worn out emotionally that I guess they are so numb and hollow in the inside to the point where they are so expressionless? In a more simple term self-hatred and depression and emptiness to the point of suicidal? Also for the JV mc if you have time, although I’m not sure if JV mc’s angst is as sad as luci lol. How would the ROs react and how might they help support mc? I just realized while writing this that MS is all about angst so this will probably pop up in the story but maybeeeeee a small hint under a cut with spoiler warnings? 🥺🥺
(I really just crave hardcore angst that will make me cry at 1am)
this asked sat in my inbox way too long and i apologize deeply for ruining ur angst hours. hopefully you'll enter another phase soon and will be able to enjoy the answers
aight, I think I already mentioned the reactions to this kind of thing, so I'll just add their ways of helping the MC get through it (it will be mentioned in-game for MS, unsure about JV tho)
Chal has enough experience with these feelings to know how to properly deal with it. Not only through herself; she did have to fight through her own lowest point in life. But it's mostly bc she has known lots of ppl close to her who were in the same situation and even lost some of them. Chal would do anything in her power to get MC out of that pit, no matter how long it takes or how many times she had to repeat herself. BUT, and here's the thing; she'd only be this persistent if she knew that MC hadn't given up entirely. This would be either the case if Mc and her met before MC fell into said depression and she got to know the real them or if MC wasn't too deep in and refused any kind of help. She'd be heartbroken ofc, but she's also very much aware that you can't help everyone, especially not someone who refuses it vehemently. There's also the thing called boundaries she'd respect.
Mercy would be relentless. They'd try to get MC to out of that feeling with all their power, but it would only make things worse for both of them. It would start with them trying to cheer MC up (as much as they can, tho they have a different way of cheering someone up, then let's say, Arrow). But they'd get frustrated real quick if the results weren't to their liking and they'd start to become another source of pressure for the MC, asking them why they were this way and why they couldn't see how much Mercy tried/did for them. And soon Mercy would end up guilt-tripping the MC and finding themselves in the same situation as the MC.
Candy isn't too far off of that kind of situation herself; she's been through much and currently at the lowest point in her life. But in contrast to the MC, she's fueling all her disappointments into anger. Revenge is the only thing holding her together right now and everything else is just secondsry. She wouldn't blame the MC for being that way, tho it depends how close they are. If Candy likes the MC, she'll be angry on their account too and otherwise she wouldn't care/think of them as a coward for giving up without fighting back. Candy would try to force a reaction out of them one way or another. All in all she has mixed feelings and doesn't even understand her own.
Arrow is very understanding and way more sensitive about these things than ppl give him credit for. He wouldn't try to convince MC into thinking that everything will be alright or force them to solve their problems in any way. He's just there to comfort them whenever and however the need should arise without being another source of pressure forcing the MC to feel like they're disappointing another important person in their life with the way they are at the moment.
Mel would be very nervous and anxious around MC. Like she's all about chilling the fuck out, but if MC had such major troubles, Mel wouldn't know how to react and feel lien everything she does is making their situation worse. She'd just feel like she's failing them if she didn't get the results she wanted whenever she made a move to help them and it would frustrate her greatly.
Clay is so done with life himself, but if he realized that MC was worse off, he'd make a 180 degree turn and demand why the fuck they've given up life when there's so much to make out of it. When called out, he'd blissfully ignore it like the hypocrite he is. Clay would literally force the MC out of their depression, tho you have to give him credit for giving out actual good advice.
Lei is...weirdly aggressive in his attempt to convince the MC that life still has to offer so much to them. He's still understanding and nice, but there's this strange, unfamiliar urgency in his actions. His harshness while trying to comfort MC might seem like a lack of empthy, but deep down he's scared because he has witnessed this kind of situation before many times and it never ended well.
Camus would be angry. So fucking angry. The reason is too spoilery, but it actually makes sense once you know it. Anyway, he'd wonder how he ended up in this kind of situation snd how Lucifer came to be this way. It would all be so ridiculous... to the point he questioned everything he believed in. If Lucifer gave up on everything, Camus would too ngl.
Lilith... well Lilith would blame herself and put some distance between herself and Lucifer. There's not much she can do about it, being as hesitant as she already is. If their condition didn't become any better, she'd just...exist...and be pretty much the opposite of alive, just floating around like a ghost.
Polly doesn't really know how to deal with it. She had to live through something similar after her father died and her mother fell into the same state as Lucifer. But she didn't know how to handle the situation back then and doesn't know how to do it now either. Polly would probably try to get Lucifer to accept help, but if they refused it repeatedly, she'd distance herself
Falito: well Falito depends on many things, but he'd be very frustated and angry. But not at Lucifer, but at himself for being responsible for their situation. They wouldn'tbe this way if certain things didn't happen and Raphael being spiteful towards them is one of these. He'd stop at nothing to get them out of their depression and his patience would never wane.
Ara is similar go Falito in regards on helping Mc, tho with less guilt and frustration and more with sympathy and understanding. She'd slowly guide/accompany them through it and slowly loosen all the knots that keep them from being able to show their emotions and feel something. While Falito is fully supporting MC and offerinh to take their pain, Ara would also confront Lucifer with their own mistakes and everything that troubles them.
Mac would always try to comfort the MC, but his problem solving skills aren't the best, so MC would actually need to actively want/accept help otherwise they'll just suffer through it together.
Gab would be very clinical about it and probably make Lucifer's condition even worse or possibly angry. She wouldn't have any strong opinions about them in general (as in angry bc they gave up or sad etc). But she'd eventually get them to think about the reasons why they feel the way they do and offer them guidance/help to overcome these heavy feelings burdening them for so long.
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bosspigeon · 3 years
if you're still bleeding
Pairing: Jax/M!Merc
Words: 2657
Summary: Jax should know better. He should know to mind his own damn business. But, unfortunately, he's well beyond "knowing better" now that he's gone and gotten tangled up with an unhinged mercenary with more knives than sense, and the scars that say the chances of him finding any sense are slim to none.
and if you're still bleeding, you're the lucky ones.
'cause most of our feelings, they are dead and they are gone.
we're setting fire to our insides for fun.
collecting pictures from a flood that wrecked our home,
it was a flood that wrecked this home.
- "Youth" by Daughter
CW for: implied/referenced sex, sexual humor/innuendos, references to blood, violence, and trauma, and implications of kink
Knox is a man with scars.
Jax has plenty of his own, of course, but Knox has a lot of scars. There's a story to most of them, too, and he's never shy about telling them. Hell, half the time he tells those stories completely unprompted, whether you want him to or not.
There's a scar on his chin from where Royal told him he couldn't knee slide the entire bar. There’s the ugly knot of scar tissue where his left arm used to be, where the port to his prosthetic is grafted on. There's the scar in his stomach from the mook Jax had to help him bury. There's a scar on his lip where he bit himself too hard with his freakishly sharp teeth trying to keep quiet while Jax bent him over the hood of his car outside Saints and Sinners in the wee hours of the morning.
He's particularly happy to blab the story about that one to anyone who'll listen.
But he doesn't talk about the scar across his throat.
As little clothing as he tends to wear on the day to day, ("As little as I can get away with," he says with a sleazy wink) his neck is always covered. High-collared shirts, a jauntily knotted scarf, decorative chokers and heavy leather collars always keep it covered. He'll flash his tits before he'll show his throat—but in all fairness, it's not really all that hard to get him to flash his tits.
Jax didn't even see the scar until the fourth or fifth inadvisable hate fuck, at which point he was beginning to think he didn't hate the merc quite as much as he thought, considering he kept letting the little bastard in when he showed up at the door out of nowhere—and didn't shoot him when he decided to forgo the door entirely and come in through the window. (Jax still can’t be sure how he even got to the window, seeing as Jax lives in an apartment well above ground level, but he figures he’s better off not asking.) He didn’t think to ask about it until he’d actually lost count of how many inadvisable hate-fucks there’d been, and when they’d progressed somehow from inadvisable hate-fucks to still pretty inadvisable but otherwise amicable casual fucks.
Knox was loose and relaxed, quiet in a way Jax didn't even think was possible when they first met. And, to think, all it took was shoving him face down into the pillows and thoroughly wearing him out. Usually, he rolled out of bed as soon as his legs could hold him again, commandeered Jax's shower, and used half a bottle of his expensive conditioner before he disappeared without so much as a thank you. This time, he stayed. He sprawled gracelessly across Jax's sweat-stained silk sheets, arms stretched over his head, eyes half-closed and his ever-smirking mouth curled into something softer... almost sweeter.
Jax doesn't know what possessed him to roll over, to reach out and touch, but he did. He started at the inner thigh, the bruises he'd left with teeth and then fingers, a rumbling of possessive pride stoking the banked coals of satisfaction in his belly. His knuckles skimmed the soft curve of the merc's belly, the angry red scar tissue of that knife wound, then higher still. Inked into his sternum is a coyote skull, surrounded by boldly outlined flowers that curve along the underside of his breasts. Jax was almost surprised by the softness of the design, especially in comparison to the rest of the merc's ink, like the crude stick-and-poke perforated line and little pair of scissors right above his prosthetic, or the dirty pinup of some generic muscled pretty boy on his bicep, or the peach on his inner thigh that bears an artful addition of a T-dick very much similar to Knox’s own.
He wondered vaguely if the flowers meant anything to Knox.
Before he could dwell on the uncomfortably tender direction his thoughts had taken, his fingers travelled upwards, flicking absently at one of the heavy, angular piercing through Knox's nipples. Knox huffed a rough laugh, watching the progress of Jax's hand through eyes narrowed to dozy, yellow slits.
He traced Knox's collarbone, and his body was all but melted into Jax's bed, soft and pliant. Like he belonged there.
And then Jax’s curiosity got the better of him. He saw the scar, a thin line, pale with age, but standing in stark relief against Knox's tanned skin. It sits at a bit of an angle, slicing across the middle of the merc's throat.
The second his fingers made contact, skimming that raised line of flesh, he knew he'd fucked up.
Knox's body went taut for a split second, and that was all the warning Jax got before Knox was twisting his wrist hard enough for the bones to grind together and snarling in his face like a wild animal. If his knives weren't two rooms away in his discarded pile of clothes, Jax knows he would have lost fingers.
For once, Knox didn't say anything. For once, he was dead silent, mouth a grim sneer, eyes flat and hard. He shoved Jax roughly off him and rolled out of bed. He didn't look back once, stalking out of Jax's bedroom naked, every inch of his compactly muscled body vibrating with tension. Jax heard the rustle of clothes, the jingle of buckles and zippers and a half dozen knives, and then the front door slamming shut.
He didn't see Knox again until Orla called them in for another job, and it was as if nothing had happened. He was his usual smug, annoying self, not a single break in his usual facade of irreverent humor and Napoleonic bravado.
And maybe some of Knox's reckless stupidity is rubbing off on him, because Jax can't shake the curiosity that grips him, even now. He shoves it down, naturally, because he doesn't want the batshit merc to get twitchy on him again when he's got enough knives on him at any given time to outfit a military squadron. Hell, for all Jax knows, that's the end of it. He's not going to go crawling back to Knox (even if the sex is really fucking good—it's always the crazy ones, isn’t it?) and he knows Knox won't come to him first.
Except he does, dragging Jax into one of the back rooms after a meeting with Orla, shoving him against the wall, and dropping to his knees. Things go right back to normal after that, or as normal as they ever are with Coyote Fucking Knox. And as normal as they can be once Orla oh-so-sweetly reminds him there are cameras in the back rooms, and if he doesn't want stills of his dick forwarded to the entire Mirage gang, he'll keep his and Knox's exhibitionism where she doesn't have to see it.
So Knox continues to invade Jax's privacy, steal petty shit from his apartment and/or pockets, and loudly demand that Jax fuck him hoarse (-er) if he wants him to shut up.
And he winds up tangled in Jax's sheets again, sprawled out on his belly with one leg tossed over Jax's thigh, his face smashed into a pillow, one smug yellow eye watching Jax try to catch his breath beside him.
He could let it be. It's not like this is anything but a convenience. Some fun between… well, they're definitely not friends. Coworkers, if anything, and even that's pushing it. For a while, Jax considered it a fair trade for dealing with Knox's bullshit constantly. Now, it's becoming a pattern, and when it comes to semi-regular sex with a stab-happy mercenary, patterns can be dangerous.
But he can't kill the curiosity.
He figures his best bet is being blunt. And maybe getting ready to dodge in the very likely event things go south. He doesn't touch this time, at least not where they aren't already, Knox’s knee between his legs, the skin feeling a bit feverish and clammy as the sweat cools. The urge to touch is still there—he left some nice bite marks on Knox's shoulders he'd like to reacquaint himself with—but he ignores it for now. He rolls onto his side, meets that one yellow eye with quiet consideration, and props his head up on his hand.
Knox must read the change in his face, because he goes from cat-got-the-cream contentment to a warily curious tension. Jax just goes right for the throat, so to speak. “Any chance of hearing the story behind that one?” he says, casual as anything, and nods in the vague direction of Knox’s neck.
There’s a growling noise building up behind Knox’s teeth, but he bites it back. He smiles, but it feels feral, like an animal baring its teeth looks like a smile, but it's really a threat. It looks brittle, like it'll shatter if he tightens his jaw any further.
Jax gives in to the urge, reaching out to touch, fingertips skimming down the mercenary's spine. A shiver ripples across the skin. He’s not sure if it’s the right move, but at this point, if you’re going to Hell...
“I don’t know,” Knox says flatly, and Jax is almost shocked he answered at all. There’s no inflection, no mirth. Just that broken-glass smile.
Jax snorts. Knox never fucking shuts up, that much is true, but Jax isn’t stupid. He knows when someone’s talking a lot and saying nothing of importance on purpose, and he also knows when Knox can’t deflect, he lies his ass off like he was born to do it. Even Orla barely knows anything about her least favorite favorite merc or where he came from, though the chances of her caring enough to even try to find out are slim to none. Still, he has no idea what the mercenary even has to gain from lying, especially here. "If you don't want to say anything, just tell me to fuck off."
The knife edge smile stretches wider. Tips closer to the breaking point. "Fuck off," he echoes like a parrot.
Something starts to uncurl in Jax's gut, something burbling and acidic, a nasty niggling feeling he can't quite name. "You're serious," he says, and he doesn't want to believe it, mostly because he can't imagine someone like Knox taking that sort of… personal unknown well. “Nothing?”
The smile cracks, and Knox lifts his head so Jax gets the full effect of it. His eyes are wide, wild, and suddenly that smile is too big for his face. Slowly, he sits up, and there's the scar. Old and faded, but splitting his throat neatly and boldly from east to west. He drags his thumb across it, digs it in hard enough the white scar tissue goes a bit pink. He laughs. He's never had a pleasant laugh, rough and raspy and mean. Somehow, this one is worse. “Not a lick,” he drawls, and the effort it takes him to sound so casual almost makes Jax cringe. “There’s a reason Orla found me in the fuckin’ bargain bin.” He taps his temple, his messily painted nail clicking against the chip in his head.
Jax’s eyes flick down to the scar, frowning deeply. It doesn’t make sense. Knox is deflecting again, he has to be, but there’s something in the way he’s holding himself, the tension radiating from him, the way he slumps against the headboard of Jax’s bed with his knees pulled up, not quite close enough to hug to his chest, but more like he’s thinking about it, resisting the urge to physically hold himself together and risk looking weak.
"I have nightmares, sometimes," he admits, so soft the syllables catch on the rough edges of his ragged voice. "They never make any fucking sense. I'm just… I'm choking. Something’s cutting into my neck, and there’s someone behind me, and I know them, but— But I'm guilty? I don't know for what." He laughs, bitterly brittle. "Could be fucking anything. Got a lot to be guilty for that I can remember, never mind what I can't."
He inhales, and it sounds like it hurts him, like his breath is made of shards of glass. He drags his hand down his face until he can curl his fingers around his throat so the scar doesn't show. "I just know there's this perfume Orla wears that makes me want to climb the fucking walls and I don't know why. I think I know how to play the piano, but I can’t even look at one without wanting to smash it to pieces. Sometimes I hear some… some fucking opera song, or some shit? And I know the words, and I want to sing along, but then my voice just—just cracks, and I feel like… like a broken fucking wind-up toy? It's like my head doesn't remember anything, but the rest of me does and it makes me so fucking angry. What am I missing? Why does it matter?” His voice hitches dangerously, and there’s a stab of panic in Jax’s belly, his hands twitching like they want to—to reach out? “Why can’t it just leave me the fuck alone?"
Knox squeezes his own throat so hard the skin dimples around his fingers and bleeds white where he’s cutting off bloodflow. His shoulders tremble. There's something in the furrow of his brow, the twist of his mouth, that says angry isn't the only thing it makes him, but he either doesn't have the words to say it, or he just won't, not even to himself.
The silence falls again. Jax always thought he preferred silence where Knox was concerned. Turns out he was wrong. This silence is brutal, heavy and choking and just… wrong. When Knox does see fit to break it, it's with a loud exhale that almost makes Jax start.
"Would you look at the time," the merc says loudly, shaking out his bare wrist and looking at it critically. Jax could almost laugh. Knox tosses his legs over the edge of the bed smiling crookedly over his shoulder. "I should really head out, huh? Don't wanna overstay my welcome."
Before he can think, Jax snaps a hand out and catches Knox’s hip, squeezing. Not enough to stop him if he really wants to go, but enough to give him pause. Once again, Jax counts himself lucky they rarely make it to the bedroom before one or both of them are naked, which means all those knives are somewhere by the door, or scattered across his coffee table, or in the leather jacket tossed over the back of his couch. Coyote turns slightly, just enough to eyeball him. Just one yellow eye.
There's a lot Jax could say, a lot he even wants to, but there's something raw in that one yellow eye, something wary and broken that just wants to hide somewhere quiet and lick its wounds. They've been at this for way too fucking long at this point, Jax should know what to do with that, shouldn't he?
Maybe he does.
He snorts. "When the fuck have you ever cared about overstaying your welcome?" He smacks Knox's hip just on the wrong side of gentle, and rolls over. "You're not leaving until you help me change these sheets. Hell, maybe if I'm feeling generous, I'll let you back in bed after we shower."
He pushes up to his feet and stretches out the kinks in his muscles, allowing himself to luxuriate in the pleasant soreness leftover from their romp. Knox is quiet behind him, and he can't really think of when he actually started to trust the crazy bastard enough to turn his back to him.
Knox makes a rough little sound, something not quite a laugh. "Is that an order, Sir?" he asks, low and raspy-sweet.
Jax glances back with a raised eyebrow. "Do I need to make it one?"
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blxetsi · 3 years
HIIIII!! can i get a pieck finger dating headcanons if that’s alright with you of course? your stuff makes me soft, stay safe!
yuh ‼️ tysm for your request
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pieck finger dating headcanons (modern au)
pieck finger x gn!reader
warnings: literal fluff, no angst or anything i love pieck
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- bc pieck is assumed to be like 23-26 this wont be a uni au or anything
- idk i rlly think you guys wouldve met in a mundane way
- like you bump into her on the sidewalk and try to the really awkward "oh im so sorry i didnt see you there- no really it was my fault- are you sure youre okay ?- okay great- no im not hurt- yeah- okay have a good day and again im so sorry !!" thing with her
- and then maybe you guys see each other again at a coffee place, youre there with your friends and shes there with hers, and you dont wanna talk to her obv bc that would be awkward
- then ur friend makes u go and order another coffee for them, and while youre waiting for your order pieck comes and stands beside you
- and shes very observant yknow ?? if she sees a face its very hard for her to forget it
- so she immediately recognizes you and blurts out "its you !"
- and you have to be like "oh yeah ! it is me ! its you too"
- she finds it quite cute and giggles about it
- a very laidback person but also a very blunt person
- she doesnt find any harm in asking "can i get your instagram @" look she doesnt wanna be a creep and ask for ur number right at the start
- and it gives her a chance to find out what kind of person you are
- it would absolutely suck for her if such a cute face was posting fishing pictures and alt right propaganda yknow ??
- so you two do and then both of your orders come so you two give awkward goodbyes before going back to your groups
- her instagram is very pretty, nice themes
- she posted a couple of hours ago, with her and her friends in a park, taking a couple of posed photos while some looking like they were natural
- shes adorable and you cant help but feel your cheeks go warm as you basically stalk her page
- she dms you and says "are you too busy looking at my feed that you havent followed me yet ?" and you see this mf staring at you across the room like 👁️👁️
- okay nosy lets calm down now 🙄🤚
- you try to defend urself but ur typing so quick you keep making errors in your writing, she ends up saying something else
"you know, i was doing the exact same thing. youre beautiful you know"
- thank you pieck 🥰
- over the next couple of weeks thats how you two communicate. she'll send you instagram memes and edits of her favourite shows, movies, games etc. and you find yourself having a lot in common w her
- you check her story so frequently it becomes one of the first accounts on the top of your homepage
- and FINALLY, when she feels she can see you as a friend and not just some pretty stranger she met on the street she asks you out
- it was a simple thing, just to the movies, and she even let you pick which one !! (imagine its pre covid idfk)
- you two go and its an awkward hug before you both head inside
- you pay for your tickets and she gets an extra large popcorn and a drink
- you assume shes just v hungry but before you can order yourself something shes like "what are you doing i got this for us !!"
- rlly cute bitch omfg
- during the movies, after she eats literally most of the fucking popcorn, she pulls your hand out of your lap and holds it with her buttery one 🥰🤚
- this bitch had crumbs and didnt even think to wipe them off
- you still held her hand tho anyways
- after that night you parted ways in front of the theater after making sure you two would be getting home safe
- and that became routine for a couple of weeks, not going to the movies obviously bc thats expensive but watching movies together !! youd go over to her apartment or she would come over to yours
- one thing about pieck is that shes very touchy
- one way or another she will end up cuddled with you on the couch
- it doesnt matter if its you being forcefully pulled on top of her body or her draping herself over you like shes a blanket, you two WILL be cuddling and you WILL enjoy it
- but finally, as if the gods gave you mercy, she finally kissed you
- it felt so nice, her lips were soft and sticky from her lip gloss and she tasted like the swedish berries you had gotten for her to munch on
- and the rest of the movie you two just sat there, kissing each other and giggling like teens
- she ended up staying the night, and complimented your bedsheets
- your relationship moved pretty fast after that
- she had already told all of her friends about you, they werent very surprised
- when you got officially introduced her friends zeke and porco tried to do that whole "if you hurt her.." speech before she slapped them and had marcel pull you away to safety
- other than that the night was very fun, you got to talking about your career, why you moved to the city, and other mundane topics
- pieck is actually a graphic designer, and everytime she comes to sleep over she just HAS to bring her laptop with her
- its basically just her laying in between your legs while she types away, youll pet her hair and lay soft kisses on her neck, and occasionally ask what shes doing
- she likes to tell you, has no problem in answering the questions you have, even if you think theyre stupid ones, shes very soft with you
- also a bit of a trickster
- for your first april fools together she slept over, you didnt have anything planned for her bc youre a good person and wont hurt the ones you love
- she stuffed your breakfast muffin with mustard 😁👍
- you gave her the cold shoulder for the rest of the day until she apologized by getting you a new muffin
- now she always dropped the l bomb to you, but she never needed you to say it
- thats why, when you were helping her cook dinner at her place you softly said "see ? and thats why i love you" she kind of,,, stopped what she was doing
- you realized why she wasnt washing the knife she used to cut your vegetables and tried to backtrack, but it was too late, she was already tackling you into a hug and taking you down onto the floor
- she just gave you kisses while repeating "i love you i love you i love you" over and over again
- bc of her you burnt ur fucking chicken smh
- you spent that night eating junk food and watching movies
- piecks a very observant person, so she always knows when youre sad too
- when you give that little huff when you come home to your (new !) shared apartment she knows something is up
- she'll slowly trail behind you as you walk to your bedroom, stripping to your underwear and changing into your pajamas
- you crawl into bed just wanting a nap to forget about the day, and she'll crawl in with you and hold you
- you never like to cry but youre so frustrated and upset at your coworkers, at that rude customer, at those deadlines, that you just breakdown
- and she lets you, she lets you almost suffocate yourself in her chest with how much your pushing your head into it, she strokes your hair while you choke on your own cries and hands you tissues when you need to blow your nose
- "what do you need my love ?" "i just need you" "okay baby"
- communication is a big thing in the relationship, and because shes been so open and honest from the beginning, talking about how you feel has never been easier
- in fact, you like talking about how you feel about your relationship, or how you didnt like what pieck said to your friends the other day, this and that, you feel comfortable and safe with pieck no matter what, which makes talking about even the most hardest things seem so simple and natural
- all in all, even when she wakes you up with spontaneous ice cream dates or asks that you put raisins in the popcorn during movie night, even with the fights and the crying and the exhaustion the next day, life would be much duller without her, and you only have to thank your clumsy self
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uhh i feel like this is very short but yeah ❤️ requests are open so go crazy mfs ‼️
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i submitted a request abt joseph with a cuddly s/o, just wanted to specify i meant headcanons :)
sorry if i forgot to clarify ajajsjd :(
also i really love ur blog! and its vry nice and i love ur writing!
//sobs hello! I wondered where I recognized your username and it’s bc I follow the same accounts you do on my main lmao!! I really appreciate you saying you like my blog 💕 💕
Warnings: mentions of Joseph’s brother (is that a spoiler..?) oh, and Gender neutral reader! (They/them)
Joseph Desaulnier with a cuddly S/O
Honestly, despite his hunter nature I think Joseph would lowkey crave physical touch-
ESPECIALLY if his s/o is somewhat warm.
I personally hc Joseph, since he’s,, yknow ☠️ dead ☠️ that he’s pretty cold to the touch,
Think cold glass
But because of his natural temperature, he finds the warmth comforting... I think it’s because his the warmth reminds him of Claude 🤪
If his s/o is cuddly, it will take him a moment out of shock, but he will warm up (no pun intended) to the idea in its entirety!
After rough matches, and his s/o approaches him with slow sluggish movements, opening their arms, he’ll take them into his own and stand there for a moment, no matter where they are- including during matches (which gets him in trouble... a LOT)
I think Joseph loves the small moments with his s/o, he’s so used to seeing the past within his own reflection and someone he cares for so much just- holding his hand reminds him that he is Joseph Desaulnier, and he is real, and he is there. Right there, with his s/o.
Picture this: s/o straddling his lap with their face snugly burrowed in his neck, arms dangling from his shoulders whist Joseph absentmindedly plays with their hair with one long well-manicured hand, whilst writing in his journal with the other
Joseph probably isn’t a big fan of major PDA, considering the time period, but letting others know you’re together simply by having his s/o hold onto his arm as they walk?
Bonus points if you’re- SOMEHOW- taller than him (all of the hunters are S O tall I—)
He doesn’t like to admit it, but if his s/o is taller than him, he loves it. His natural ‘manly’ nature will shine and he’ll be a bit insecure but once you wrap your arms around him - mans almost breaks down.
In conclusion, Joseph deserves hugs - WAIT IS HE EVEN DEAD HOLDON—-
Aaaand! Here you go! Sorry they’re kind of all over the place, and that it might be OOC? school kinda- //sobs// kinda whacky y’all- anyways! I hope you enjoy 💕
Also note: idk how to do the keep reading thing sorry :// if someone can teach me pls do!
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ollieologys · 5 years
why, i’m just so happy! | p. parker
summary; New experiences lead to new discoveries; or perhaps you knew deep down - just never trusted yourself to say it. Enter Peter Parker: the boy with a heart of gold that changes yours to prosperity.
words; 945
pairing; Peter Parker (18) x Reader (18)
warning; marijuana usage! don’t do drugs if ur under 18, or 21, or 25. idk lol. this takes into account erm - my experiences. as does most of my writing. love u tons. i swear i’ll clear out my inbox before the end of summer.
notes; honestly not much detail on the smoking part but i just wanted that to be in there. also i’m working on my atmosphere so !! yeah love u tons
     Your last days of senior year were a saddening but beneficial time of your life.
Midtown High School waved their senior class goodbye as tears were shed, hands were held, and chairs were placed on desks. You confessed how much you’d miss the place when you went off to college, and how you promised to stay in contact with all your friends. Even Flash Thompson, a known arrogant and incompetent boy, admitted his feelings of admiration for his graduating class. Not that you were surprised, entangling his arm in yours and smiling brightly. A group hug was formed in the final hours of the day, and you felt a pang in your chest that lasted for longer than you can recall.
Peter, the residential boy in the place that was your best friend, left school that very day walking in rhythm with your sneakers. Queens braced summer as the sun beamed down on the borough - a warmth spreading the entire city that while you may not swim on, the population of New York migrated into the streets to bathe in the heat.
Bustling as ever, you walked in comfortable silence with him. Both staring at the ground beneath you, your eyes shifted from the cracking cement to the boy beside you. White dress shirt beneath his blue sweater and all, you imagined him to be the someone you’d admire forever. Not just that, of course. You could never forget about his beautiful laugh or his precious smile, and you’d always remember the way he clutched your hand just the slightest bit more when he’s excited. The sparkle in his chocolate eyes that tells you everything you need to know about Peter Parker; he’s undoubtedly the best person to exist.
“What are you looking at?”
You stopped in front of your house in the suburbs of Queens. Your sneakers crumbled the specs of cement as you rolled on the balls of your feet. Peter peered down at you, awaiting your response with a suspecting look in his eyes. Peter Parker truly was, undoubtedly, the best person to exist. You’d never tell him that though. Not really. Instead, you would smile.
“An angel on Earth, baby,”
He would feign embarrassment, his hand brought up to his chest in a fake gasp.
“Oh, stop! You’re making me blush,”
You winked, a playful smirk forming.
“I have an idea,” Peter’s questioning looked returned. Your voice lowered, comically whipping your head around - even though you had known your working parents wouldn’t be home until hours later - before leaning closer to Peter’s muscular form. “Wanna get high?”
Such and such lead to such and such, and suddenly you were sitting on your platform bed with a prerolled joint sitting in a perfectly clean ashtray and Peter Parker to come with it. You knew Peter hadn’t tried anything of the sort during his high school years. You, on the other hand, had tried your fair share of tastes throughout your years at Midtown and discovered how helpful a plant truly could be.
He had just turned eighteen, though, and it was the last day of senior year. What could it hurt?
No less than twenty minutes later and you lied face down on your covers. Peter laid beside you, his eyes half-lidded and gazing into your own. Soft music played in the background, just to fill the air, while you could almost feel his breath on your face.
“Y/N?” He grabbed your attention, his voice slightly muffled from a quarter of his mouth being smushed against the bed.
“Yes, Peter?”
“Why are you smiling like that?”
And for a moment, you thought about retaliating. That is until you realized you actually had been smiling. Perhaps the grin was there the entire time, or maybe the soft smile reflected Peter’s unusually bright eyes. Then you reminded yourself he asked you a question, because you tried so very hard as to not forget a word he says to you, and you think of an answer.
You look at Peter, unresponsive, and in a way, look at yourself. He asked you a question, and the answer was simple; because you’re right there, Peter Parker. Because he was your closest friend, your best partner. It wasn’t just the sparkle in his eyes, his beautiful laugh, or that precious smile. Instead, it was the crinkle in his nose at something that hits his heart beautifully. The stars of freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose and just below his eyes. That messy left eyebrow, the way he smells, the sweaters over white dress shirts and the feeling of just his pinky intertwined with yours as you walk on the balls of your feet back to your home. The warmth his body provides to yours when he holds you. Smiles from across the hall, running to your house at night (he curses how there’s nothing to swing off of in the suburbs), and the late-night texts.
How could you feel all of that, and not say anything?
“Why, Peter,” Your smiled widened as you sat up, pushing your hair out if the way and moving face to face with him. His cheeks tinted red, analyzing you. “I’m just so happy!” You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him tight.
Peter instinctively wrapped his arms around your hips and pulled you close. His nose and mouth nozzled in your shoulder, his voice muffled once more.
“You are everything this world could give,” He promised.
“Impossible,” You proclaimed dramatically, glaring with fire in your eyes. Somehow, you took note, your pinky found his and connected seamlessly. “For you are everything this world has.”
Notes; i don’t know what that was don’t eat me. also i edited it today because. i wrote this at 3 am on my phone so i made a lot of mistakes
peter parker taglist: @really-lucas , @exquisitebts , @pastelastronomy24 , @eridanuswave , @snowxbarryxendgame , @s-ecret--garden , @obsiidio , @lost-in-translating , @awokenfandoms @estate-euphoric , @night-girls-world , @notanicekid , @guccixuxi ,
general tag list: @devin-marie , @imagine-lovebug , @nedthegay , @magicalturmoil , @poc-gotbang , @zabdisamor , @romance-geek , @hollandshearteyes , @jackiehollanderr , @etudaire , @spiderperalta , @mapreza1
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04loved · 7 years
To A Happy 2018
This isn’t a follow forever or mutual list, I just wanted to give a little personal shoutout to some of you who make tumblr a place i want to keep coming back to.
There are many more wonderful people I didn’t mention, but I hope in the coming year to step out of my comfort zone a little and try to talk to you all more, even if it is only over anon.  To everyone who has sent me an encouraging message or anon in recent days, I was truly touched and I thank you so much.  To all of my followers, i love you and you’re doing great and i hope you have a soft 2018 filled with love and good things!!
@bbhsavocado i feel like i learned so much about u pricilla that night of the bbh in panties talk aldkjsgljk how validating to see my kinks shared n sub bbh appreciated like that, but it was also awful n i hated it. i love all ur bisexual bbh-loving content n ur friendship with some mutuals is so adorable i hope u all find great gfs this year <3 i have no idea y i took so long to follow u bc ur everything i want in a blog
@bbhsthighs nicole, u want to be a person who gives happiness like the boy who inspired ur url, and u do, u really really do. ur hilarious and adorable in ur tags and ur interactions with ur other friends on here. i can tell how much you love them and how much they love you back <3 maybe some ppl first liked u for ur humor and light, but love means accepting u when ur hurting and when u dont feel like u can shine anymore. pls dont be afraid to share that side of you with those who deserve ur trust, bc thats what a true friendship is. pls treat urself with the same kindness u give to everyone else. asking for help isnt being selfish and it isnt letting anyone down. u do not have to shine for everyone else while being blind urself. following u has been a wild ride from the day i first found ur blog and ive enjoyed every day since. this year i hope the world becomes a bright and beautiful place for you.
@bobohu elaine, im not sure who you want following you since u changed ur blog...i think u left while i was taking a break from tumblr, but i found you again from a post about the kinds of love you feel for exo, i knew there was only one person who writes like that, so beautifully and so full of love. you were one of the first exo blogs i followed and you have always been someone who radiates good vibes and sunshine. i want u to know i appreciate every one of ur positivity posts, and even in your selfies, your smile, you look exactly how i would expect from the kind of cute content you have. i want to genuinely thank you for being a fan for so long and doing what u can to make others happy. i love seeing your posts and im very happy i found you again
@boxianb ive been following u for so long and like idk how u do it but u reblog every single baekhyun post i have on my blog without fail. always. u r just all baekhyun all the time and u know what i admire that i respect that so much that is dedication and i see u and appreciate that, its exactly what i want and need in my life, thank you !!
@byunchen mel, ive seen your posts lately and how you are lonely and missing friends on here, and ive been following you for like...two years now..and we don’t really talk, im shy and you say ur shy and bad at talking.... but here’s me saying that i see you and i appreciate the time you spend on here blogging and talking. im not really active enough anymore to promise to interact a lot but this year i will try to talk more and i wish you many adorable anons and people to call friends !! thank u for coming this far and being an important part of my dash
@exolgbt around when i first followed u i was questioning a lot if i was actually a lesbian and somehow ur blog just like...comforted me ? made me feel good ? helped me try to understand myself ? seeing someone so proudly a lesbian and also so in love with exo... ive come to terms with being bisexual but i admire you and really love your content and all the exo mlm appreciation !! ur doing good work <3
@imagine-baekhyun i dont know who is running this account but ur literally ruining my life thanks i hate it !!!!!!
@kjonginswife i have to admit ive wanted to talk to u for a while alkjgslkjg its nice to see someone my own age on here, i did see ur universe reaction and i think youre adorable haha i dont follow a lot of non-bbh stans and honestly i think i followed you at first by mistake but i have never regretted it !! idk how to put it into eloquent words but basically u give me such good friendly vibes and i love seeing your posts and your tags and your personality and just know someone on here really appreciates you and would miss you if u left
@kkaeb-my-song one of the holy first baekhyun blogs i followed <3 from the beginning you struck me as a very sweet person so cutely in love with baekhyun and that hasn’t changed, ive only come to appreciate you even more. you’re a constant on here and being in this fandom wouldn’t be the same without you !!
@mochibaeks I LOVE YOU i know youre not as active lately jelly but I LOVE YOU youre like the sweetest cutest squishiest most adorable person ive seen on this site i just...love...everything you say and make!! im p sure i first followed u bc u did like the bias audio challenge a while ago...u sounded so friendly and adorable, ur voice is very fitting for you haha you are so warm i hope you stick around for a long time because i love you soooo much
@rosybbh ive been following u sophia for a while and we’re mutuals but we havent talked a lot and im still honestly intimidated by you lol idk how u feel about this view but i see you as a very strong person, just the way u talk seems confident in some way to me, whether u feel like that or not. i dont really have the right words, but i admire that. i LOVE everything u say about bbh...all ur posts for bbh n about u n bbh...damn u always got me daydreaming about him too :( except ok there was this one pic of chanyeol and u said smth like ‘imagine him manspreading’ and id like u to know that that actually ruined my life and i havent forgotten it so thanks. for u especially i hope u have a very bright and healing year
@r-velvets vivian i know u have been gone recently but still lurk, and u have one of my fave blogs content wise and gifs and personality. u r still like THAT way too cool mutual i get so excited to see...especially bc you’re also so kind and during that really hard night after the news of Jonghyun, idk how or why but just those few words u said made me feel a lot better. i miss you online but i hope youre doing well in your real life and finding happiness
@sefuns i dont have a lot to say bc im really shy but u were the FIRST exo blog i ever followed and you have given nothing but great content since i found you two years ago, and when u followed me more recently i could not believe the notification aglksjgljk i have no idea how u found me but knowing we’re mutuals made me very happy and gave me a little blush and i just wanted to let u know that
@thundaelights fey, i dont think this will mean much to you coming from a stranger, but after following you for two years, i feel like i know you some, and i want to say that i hope this year you see many beautiful sights, and your heart feels light, and you are surrounded by things that give happiness. i hope something happens soon that makes the whole world look different, look brighter. its funny how life can change so fast and without warning. i wish you not just strength but also a safe place to fall apart and hope to put yourself back together. may you find countless reasons to smile
@wangeun we talked a lot for a while and then i just kind of disappeared i think as i often do rip but i still love following you and i just want to say real quick that i see you and i notice you and i would miss you if you left and i hope youre finding a lot of success in your life
to new mutuals @cuddlyjd @okaybaekhyun @baekhyuns i still get so shy and happy when anyone follows me back but thank you !! you are all three cute and adorable and funny n kenzie i hadnt followed a great jongdae stan in a while since the old dae-biased blogs i followed became inactive thank u for loving jongdae so well alkgjs
@sebyun @winterbyuns @etherealbbh @progamerbyun @dearbyun @baeksee @byunvoyage @solobaek @queenbyun @baekhyy @baehkhun @ethereal-baek i love all of u bbh stans giving baekhyun the love and adoration he deserves n giving me the positive baekhyun content my heart needs. esp solobaek (kiki, right?) u have the cutest most wonderful tags i love reading them all and seeing so many heart emojis
im sorry i dont have the most to say but im thinking of you all and wishing you the best!!!!
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