#idk the proper tags used for the live action onlys sorry :((
gaymakima · 1 year
funny moments i pray make it in OPLA s2
yes i DO believe we are getting more and so should you (assuming s2 covers alabasta saga)
sanji vs zoro: who has the bigger meat?
the entire scene with crocus inside the whale
the baroque works bird drawing the straw hats faces in perfect detail after they find out who mr 0 is
robin's goth cowboy fit in general
robin using a giant turtle with a matching cowboy hat as transportation
zoro trying to escape wax by amputating his legs. and then giving up and deciding to just pose so he'll look cool when he dies
a flashback between Luffy going to punch wapol and the impact like the manga.
luffy having no idea chopper is a doctor and just inviting him on the crew based on vibes
smoker blushing bc of luffy
immediately after: "damn. we fell for it" "it was a good trap"
ace falling asleep while eating and everyone thinking a guy just died in a bar
luffy training a whole group of dugongs bc his charms work on animals too
bon clay extra screentime. make it happen.
water luffy!!
"I'm the 8th warlord of the sea lol"
i mean. not a funny moment but i think we should see robin be evil and sexy and kill people. im not biased or anything it's just what the people want
nami realizing that the weapon usopp invented for her is for fucking party tricks
i could probably think of more but i'm getting distracted thinking about robin in live action. women <333
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blmpff · 2 years
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
Thank you kindly for the tags @lelephantsnail and @gillianthecat ❣️ I enjoyed reading your posts as well! ❣️
(I got tagged on my main account @asdfghjklmpff but I'm answering here as I've made it my bl dedicated side blog 😊 Sorry for the wait!)
(just a heads up, I don't keep any lists nor master spread sheets or anything, I'm just writing down what comes to my head as I read the prompts)
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
First that comes to mind is Eternal Yesterday that's ending this friday, I completely wasn't expecting to be so into it, as I'm more of an action packed, and fast paced shows fan, but every week I am sat with my eyes glued to the screen.
Also Big Dragon, because I was expecting it to be like The One That Shall Not Be Named Fahlaruk level of toxic and trash, but it was surprisingly layered and meaningful, with lots of nuance.
Ghost Host Ghost House started slow for me, and I even considered dropping it, but when the main couple got together their chemistry blew me away and it made me appreciate the show more. I think the show didn't do a proper build up to the second conflict, but the couple ended up talking about the issue and it kinda made it up for me. Kevin and Pleum's chemistry is definitely one of my favorites this year.
Honorable mentions: Semantic Error, Old Fashion Cupcake, Minatos's Laundromat, DNA Says Love You, Blueming, My Only 12%, More Than Words, My Tooth Your Love, My Ride, To My Star 2 (bc we all know that sequels more often than not don't live up to the previous parts, but oh god was it good)
What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
Plus & Minus, I did genuinely like the show, but it really threw me off with that random break up at the end, and now I don't want to rewatch it at all, even up until those last two eps....
Check Out and Fahlanruk bc yeah... (hopes and prayers that P'Jojo gives us the proper enjoyable messy show we all want and deserve, and not the annoying (gestures everywhere) whatever these two were),
Ocean Likes Me I was really looking forward to seeing Holland act, and surprisingly I did like his acting, but what I had issues with was that it felt like half the plot/story ended up on the cutting room floor and it didn't feel put together enough to draw me in. Also, idk if it was the make up, lighting, or what, but the other guy looked so pale and sick all the time to me.
The Tuxedo!!! The actors had such great chemistry in all the bts footage I saw on my socials leading up to the release I was so hyped, and then the show came and I was so let down... The story made sense, but the execution wasn't there, and the directing/scene choreography was also lacking, and overall I ended up so disappointed... (funnily enough, it was my second time seing The House that's everywhere now lol, I had no idea it's going to be in half the thai productions this year)(The first time was in The Player, and the rest is history),
Love Class, I truly enjoy kbls, but I really didn't feel that one, and I'm surprised they got a second season confirmed.
What has been your favorite BL this year?
It's impossible to choose just one ;-; also it's almost all the same as the ones that surprised me, probably that's why they're one of my favorites
Korea: Semantic Error, Blueming, and Choco Milk Shake.
Thailand: Big Dragon, Between Us (duh), Ghost Host Ghost House, Bad Buddy and Not Me (they finished airing in 2022 it counts shh), Something in My Room (yes I know it's slow as hell, but somehow it charmed me and I ended up binging it till late am on a work day. also wtf was up with that alien plot)
Japan: More Than Words, Old Fashion Cupcake, Minato's Laundromat, Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai, Seven Days,
Taiwan: DNA Says Love You, About Youth (fuck those parents tho, and the father in particular)
What are your favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
(not the order of favoritism, just who comes to my mind first)
Pat x Pran - Bad Buddy
Da-woon x Si-won - Blueming
Nozue x Togawa - Old Fashion Cupcake
Jae-young x Sang-woo - Semantic Error
Seo-joon x Ji-woo - To My Star & TMS2
Jin Xun An x Bai Lang - My Tooth Your Love
Win x Team - UMWA/BU
Choco x Milk x JungWoo - Choco Milk Shake (not a couple I know, but try and tell me I'm wrong, I dare you)
Kevin x Pleum - Ghost Host Ghost House
Cake x Eiw - My Only 12%
Qiu Zi Xuan x Xia Yu Hao - History 2: Crossing The Line
Meng Shao Fei x Tang Yi - History 3: Trapped
Igawa Shun x Hibino Nagisa - His (2020)
Dan x Yok - Not Me (it's criminal how little time they got. hehe get it?)
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
This is going to sound the same as 99% of people I saw doing this, but it's true so here goes:
Softer ones: Semantic Error, Bad Buddy, Seven Days, Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai, Light On Me, Be Loved In House I Do, About Youth, We Best Love, Life; Love On The Line, To My Star 1 (then 2 if they're invested).
And more action packed: History 3: Trapped, Manner of Death, Long Time No See, 3 Will Be Free, KinnPorsche The Series (for VegasPete).
What's your non-BL favorite for this year?
Weak Hero Class 1, At a Distance Spring is Green (when I tell you I bawled my eyes out, and I don't cry like at all)
The Sandman, Bastard Son and The Devil Himself (recommended for all you 3 Will Be Free enthusiasts, like myself), Wendel and Wild (bc I love Coraline and it's by the same guy, also the rep)
I probably missed a lot, but it's long enough already 😅
As for the tags I feel like everyone's done that already, but if someone haven't yet and would like to, consider yourself tagged! <3
@loooreleii @seung-sung and @varis-world maybe, if you want to? 😊
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
I was the anon who sent the ask about cs, and you actually addressed some of the major arguments i've seen - being with hook turned emma from a strong, independent woman into just a love interest, hook pursued emma with no reciprocated feelings, and that he never really redeemed himself. I've also seen arguments that cs is abusive, which i've seen to some extent in anti-kataang posts. i try not to dive too deep into the anti tag for my own sanity but these are some of the main things i've seen
ok, sorry, i was just caught up in the euphoria of reminiscing about my captain swan feelings that for a moment there i lived in a world where the Anti CS Brigade didn’t exist. but no, yeah, i know exactly what you’re talking about and honestly i think i just......blocked 90% of it from my mind because so many of those arguments were so vitriolic and widespread but also baseless, like...
gods, ok, here we go. anon you have activated my dormant ouat wordvomit processors and idk if i’ll be able to shut up any time soon but i have A Lot Of Thoughts Here, and also a lot of really bad memories cause ye gods, the ouat shipping wars of the days of yore were vicious.
ANYWAY, like, the vast majority of these arguments came from the ‘swan queen nation’, which is where you can trace a lot of super toxic wlw ship stans back to--just for a little context, but clexa and supercorp both had their roots in swan queen, among other ships, but those are the Big Three i always go back to because what they have in common is ‘the main character of the series is explicitly abused/treated horribly by another woman and for some reason the shippers go nuts over this pairing and will insist the show is queerbaiting them if this specific pairing is not made canon’. and swan queen stans, in particular, had it out for captain swan, because they were incredibly insistent about regina and emma being in love, and naturally the existence of emma’s romantic arc with killian threatened that.
as a result, they quite literally made shit up.
it’s funny (not ‘funny ha ha’ but like funny depressing), because a lot of what they accused CS of is actually shit that happened explicitly on screen with regina and emma. they claimed that emma was no longer strong or independent because she fell in love with killian, while ignoring the fact that she’d become a literal doormat for regina’s many abuses (there are so many things regina did to emma even after her alleged redemption which, if she weren’t being so coddled by the narrative, emma would never have let her get away with--like blaming her for saving the life of a woman regina had murdered in the past, or like telling emma to her face that she wanted to tear killian’s throat out because he managed to come back from the underworld while the man regina loved stayed dead) because, for some reason, they interpreted emma being happy and no longer closed off to the people she loved, choosing to let down the walls she’d built up over a lifetime of trauma as her being ‘reduced to a love interest’ which just did not happen.
like, factually, straight up, emma was every bit as badass while dating killian as she was back in season 1. the only difference is, in season 1 emma didn’t trust anyone, she was closed off, she had a million walls built high around her by trauma, and she wasn’t willing to let anyone in because she believed that if she did then she’d only be traumatized again when they inevitably left. by season 4, when she started officially dating killian, many of those walls had come down, she was happier and healthier, she was falling in love and she was letting herself be in love, she had her parents, her son, the whole town full of people she loved. she was fucking happy, but she wasn’t happy with the right love interest, so swan queen shippers insisted they wanted ‘season 1 emma back’. because they would rather emma be miserable so they could interpret her antagonism with regina as closeted gay pining, than have her dare to be happy with a man and a family that didn’t include regina.
as to the other claims, while hook did make his feelings for emma clear once he realized he felt them, the ball was in her court almost completely. he made comments, told her how he felt, said things like ‘when i win your heart, and i will win it, it will be because you want me’ where the clear emphasis was on emma’s feelings--he believed she had some feeling for him, but he wanted anything between them to be because it was what she wanted. emma initiated every explicitly romantic interaction. killian made a flirty comment, which he was wont to do, and which she could easily have brushed off--instead, she grabbed him by the coat and yanked him into a kiss which lasted far longer than it needed to if all she wanted to do was make a point. (sorry, that scene is just burned into the brain of every CS shipper, i know it literally by heart lmfao) he made it clear that if she wanted him he would be there, but i she didn’t he wasn’t going to push her. he followed her through an entire damn portal into the past because he wanted to help her, because he’d go anywhere for her--to the end of the world, or time--but emma was the one who invited him to dinner with her family. emma was the one who noticed he hadn’t come in yet, and went to see him. emma was the one who kissed him, initiating their relationship.
like @storynightlight said in the replies to the last ask you sent, a majority of the important milestones in killian and emma’s relationship were initiated by emma. she was the one constantly progressing their relationship, it went entirely at her pace in large part because one damaged soul recognizes another, and killian had been through enough trauma in his long (long, long) life to understand that emma needed to work things through on her own terms. he wanted to be part of her life, but it had to be when she was willing to let him in. and he was perfectly content to wait for her to be ready.
as far as the ‘abuse’ claims go, that was honestly just straight up fabrication on the part of swan queen shippers mostly, which is intensely ironic considering the state of emma and regina’s ‘friendship’ for literally the entire damn series. most of them referenced things that happened while emma and killian were enemies (they called their sword fight ‘abuse’, which like.... i’m sorry but two people on opposite sides of a violent conflict having a fight is not abuse, and incidentally that’s an argument that zutara gets hit with too, to this day, clearly words don’t actually mean things anymore), and ignored the fact that killian’s behavior changed as his redemption arc progressed. he didn’t become a good upstanding citizen overnight, but he did feel remorse for his prior bad actions and the harm he caused, he went to great lengths to make up for that harm when and where he could, and he tried to be as good a man as he possibly could in later seasons, even when circumstances (like, oh, gold having possession of his heart and using it to control him, which anti CSers also blamed him for, go figure) made that nearly impossible.
meanwhile, as late as season 6, regina was still blaming emma for everything that went wrong in her life. regina happily browbeat emma about everything she ‘stole’ from her for basically the entire series. regina, in the context of their friendship after her alleged redemption, was constantly verbally and emotionally abusive to emma--and yet that behavior was completely overlooked, or deemed ‘pining’ or some other obvious evidence of romantic feelings, by swan queen shippers who would prefer to claim emma was being abused by her caring and loyal boyfriend who constantly believed in her even when she had trouble believing in herself. (incidentally, it truly is incredibly rich of regina stans (and rumple stans, a lot of them say this too) to claim that killian never redeemed himself, when regina is the one with a vault full of hearts she never returned to their proper owners, and regina is the one who murdered someone emma cared about and never confessed to it, let alone apologized for it; graham died in emma’s arms while regina crushed his heart, and it was never once brought up again. regina got away with it scott free, and it is just one on a list of crimes she literally never expressed even the slightest bit of remorse for, let alone tried to atone for. yet killian is the one who ‘never redeemed himself’ mmhmmm ok sure jan.)
I’M SO SORRY ANON, you probably had no idea the can of Worms you were opening with these asks, but CLEARLY i still have a lot of damn feelings about this fucking show lmfao. THANK YOU THOUGH!!! i haven’t talked about captain swan or even really reminisced much in a while, and i miss them a lot, so it was nice to dive back into my Feelings and remember so much of what i loved about them! i may do a rewatch soon >.> it’s ok if i just skip 4b except the finale and then turn it off immediately after emma and killian’s reunion at the end and pretend the entire show ended there, right????
i hope you’re having a good night! thanks again for the asks <33
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savnofilter · 4 years
no nuance november!
a/n: which is basically you have a bunch of opinions and dont explain any of em' and let your followers discuss them (much more suited for tiktok sjsnj). i'll be doing it since it compiles with many topics like fandom, racism, lgbtq+, politics and etc. i highly encourage people to do this simply because why not? feel free to send your own opinions n stuff, i wanna know what my followers think!!
disclaimer!! ⚠️ all of these are broad, not pin pointing certain people or situations. even though these are my opinions these were all in fun and have been collected over the years and will change as time goes on. nothing is sugar-coated so thread carefully. feel free to agree or disagree. :)
warning(s): mentions of racism, p*do micro aggression, fetishizing, toxicity, abuse, politics, labelling, mental health, cancelling, fandoms, ages.
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iswis = i said what i said, no explanation to that one.
whe = will happily explain.
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stop sexualizing gay/m|m/yaoi relationships. it's not only demonizing to the males, it's also very fetishizing. (iswis)
most times /10 yall root for "feminine men" when you really mean white boys and fetishised asian men on social media. (whe)
bullying someone isnt educating. you either cant cope with the fact people have different opinions from you or you have a struggle with things either always never going your way or the opposite. (iswis)
straight people will never have a say in lgbtq+ issues. stop inserting yourself. (iswis)
white people will never have a say in poc issues. stop inserting yourself. (iswis)
poc will never have a say in black people issues. stop inserting yourself. (vice versa but im black and it happens more often to us lol) (iswis)
using the defense, "but black lives matter, right?" when one black person does something bad isnt facts, youre racist. (iswis)
fandom adults need to stop gatekeeping the target audience (demographics) to animes/shows. (iswis)
poc people can be racist. (whe)
even if a certain site was adult doesnt mean that every adult wants to see your porn. either keep it to yourself or tag properly. (iswis)
saying shit like, "im more xyz than you and im not even xyz" is not only disrespectful but disgusting. just because you believe in a popular opinion of a group does NOT suddenly make you a person in it, get over yourself. (iswis)
dont hate on people for the same things you have done at a young age. (ex: writing fanfic, seggs, etc) (iswis)
blaming a minor/someone mentally unstable for being abused is not only victim blaming, but it enables the notion that people who go those things that they wanted it. (iswis)
going off of that last point, if you do victim blame for situations and been in them yourself you either still havent coped with what you went through and still think it was your fault when it wasnt. (whe)
it's stupid people hate minors for being undeveloped when adults are the reason as to why people get traumas, abused and quite literally are destroying the world right now. (iswis)
gen z is white as fuck. (iswis)
early 2000s kids are equivalent to 90s kids who use to post, "only 90s kids under this" and post something that 2000-5 experienced. (iswis)
dear 2005+ kids, abusing harmful substances and having sex doesnt make you grown. stop it. (iswis)
adults, being able to post porn doesnt make you grown or mature, stop believing that it does. (iswis)
just because it's a coping mechanism doesnt mean it's healthy. (iswis)
avoiding conflict doesnt mean youre mature. if there is an active problem and you know ignoring it will only benefit you and not the actual problem at hand that is selfish. (iswis)
black women generate clout for everyone. when we're hated the person gets patted on the back, someone appreciates black girls they are praised, and people of many groups repeatedly steal from our culture. (iswis)
if youre black you do not have to be democrat OR republican, there are many other parties. (whe)
i do not trust either parties, no minority should. (whe)
this 2020 election was not a win for poc people no matter who won. (iswis)
we do not decide whether or not what to do on columbus day. it is up to the natives themselves. (whe)
pointing out other countries (current) faults is not racist. although the issue can be misconstrued, if proper research is done it safe to say it's an educated observation or opinion. (whe)
privilege heavily varies; ex, americans are seen as privileged, while the people who live in it experience a disadvantage because of the societal standards. within the country itself. (whe)
americans, stop saying that america is the worst country and there are other countries who are suffering much worse than we are. yes sometimes it sucks but do not label it as the worst. (iswis + whe)
white people are privileged and will always be until we break the racist issues deep rooted in EVERY community. (iswis)
9/10 when marginalized groups like (women, lgbt) are mostly focused on white people and never address the poc counter parts. using the excuse "well idk much about that" is not good enough and just promotes pseudo-white supremecy. (iswis + whe)
do not use aave. (iswis)
aave is not gen z language, stop calling it that. (iswis)
gay men (white especially) use black women and get praised for the things we do that are called ghetto. (iswis)
yes it is offensive if you touch a black persons hair with or without permission. we are not your pets nor zoo animals. (iswis)
and yes it is offensive if you see a black women with beautiful hair and assume it's fake or ask, "is it yours?" "is it real?" (iswis)
using jailbait as an excuse to lewd minors is just as disgusting. (iswis)
beauty standards for women is rooted from pedophilia. (iswis)
using other pedophilic relationships as an excuse to ship yours is disturbing and you shouldnt be near children at any capacity. (iswis)
everything doesnt need a label. (iswis)
the fact that gangs have been criminalized while mafias havent is racist and feeds the stereotypes that poc are criminals. (iswis)
people are more forgiving to white predators than to poc (neither are good but people let white off the hook more often). (iswis)
if youre okay with your friends being racists, creeps, abusers you are just as bad. (iswis)
although you can like what you like, making dark content shouldnt be as glorified as much as it is. (iswis)
some kinks do deserve to be kink shamed. (iswis)
adults need to be more held accountable when held in situations with minors. (iswis + whe)
everyone perceives the world differently, many people will see the same things you see differently. (iswis)
calling people crazy for questioning the things around them doesnt make them crazy, youre just asleep. (iswis)
the human body can function without a soul. (iswis)
stop disrespecting christianity. you wouldnt do the same with hinduism, islam and etc. (iswis)
the bible was altered by white men and the true meanings have been misconstrued. (iswis + whe)
bullying someone who you THINK is problematic is not excuse to be hateful. youre just scum and feel the need to justify your actions. (iswis)
not everyone has to like you and dont need a reason. (iswis)
just because you dont like someone doesnt mean you have to make a show of it. be mature and move along. (iswis)
yes callouts/cancelling has its place but it's never done right. (iswis)
"cancel culture" wasnt a thing till white people joined in. (iswis)
dont cancel someone for stuff they did years ago. bringing it up is important but not allowing them to understand, reflect, and apologize is not only bullying it defeats the purpose of bringing awareness. (iswis)
big writers need to stop complaining when one fic or a few dont do good. not only does it rub in small writers faces, it shows that if you need people's validation to write you probably shouldnt be writing. some works will be popular and some will flop, get over it. (iswis)
stop witch hunting & crucifying people for shit you have done or your friends have done and going "uwu sorry" when you get caught. (iswis)
90% people believe content creators with bigger audiences. (iswis)
people spontaneously posting, "uwu take care of your mental health" doesnt mean that they actually care. (iswis)
people are always quick to judge people with real mental health such as depression, anxiety, adhd, and etc are always the one to turn and pretend to be exactly what they just mocked. (iswis)
dont have kids if youre not going to take care of them. (iswis)
stop baiting baby otakus (people freshly getting into anime) into watching cp like yarichin bitch club or boku no pico. they are minors, it's not funny, stop it. (iswis)
stop being protective & toxic over anime characters. if they were real they probably wouldnt even like you. (iswis)
just because someone is your friend doesnt mean that they arent toxic or abusive. (iswis)
start believing when people show their true traits. (iswis)
trauma happens in different forms, stop saying something didnt happen because it didnt go the way that has commonly happened or the way it occurred to you. (iswis)
stop saying minors should "know" while also being the loudest to say that our brains arent even developed till 25. (iswis)
the adult age should be raised to 20 years old. (iswis + whe)
tos should be raised to 16 years old. (iswis + whe)
minors take "18+" & "minors dni" out of your bio. (iswis)
yelling at minors for finding the content you freely put out without any care is your fault not theirs. (iswis)
there are plenty of adult sites that are more confined for adults but you guys ignore them because youd rather get popular on writing erotica on a popular social media platform. (iswis)
trying to cancel someone over one mistake and or blowing said things out of proportion is toxic and stupid. (iswis)
if you take someone saying they need to distance themselves for mental health reasons personally and make them feel bad for it youre an actual shitty person. (iswis)
if someone disrespects you, you have the right to say whatever you want in response. (iswis + whe)
stop hypersexualizing everything (adults especially). (iswis)
the excuses of, "they look grown" "i mentally think xyz" "theyre fake" is creepy and weird and yall should come up with a better excuse. (iswis)
yes i do believe minors should be writing for minors only, but i will not give a shit if an adult does if said characters are aged up in every work sfw or not. (iswis)
stop saying teens cant go through traumatic things and cant experience mental illnesses. it just shows that you werent cared for as a child and never get the therapy for it. (iswis)
gen z has a very colonized idea of activism. (iswis)
feminism was never for all women until the rest of us forced ourselves in. and even now it's still an issue whether or not people realize it or not. (iswis)
poc solidarity doesnt exist as much as we try to make it happen. (iswis)
colorism is an issue, and no you will not tell me otherwise. (iswis)
the hot cheeto girl is offensive and demeans black & hispanic culture. (iswis)
stop bashing minors for breathing, just say youre mad youre not young anymore and move on. (iswis)
black men are the white people of black people. (iswis)
there is no reason as to why you anyone would refer to black people as "blacks". nor should you (non-black people) be arguing whether or not to say nigga even with the hard r. (iswis)
if you (pertains to white people) think white privilege doesnt exist but go on to make fun of or ignore minority problems you are the living and breathing example of what we are talking about. (iswis)
loli/shotas are fucking disgusting and people who like it deserve to be tortured for eternity. (iswis)
seriously, stop using theyre "fake" as an excuse. (iswis)
if youre comfortable with being hateful to someone but still consider yourself a nice person because you do the hate minimum to be a decent human, youre either a narcissist or have a god complex. (iswis)
coons have no say in black issues. (iswis)
people need to stop blaming the "home wrecker" for ruining the relationship when it was the s/o's fault as well. there is no home to enter without an owner. (iswis)
stop saying any asian man yo see reminds you of a haikyuu character and or any anime character. it's racist. (iswis)
stop saying any asian person looks like a kpop idol, it's racist. (iswis)
stop downplaying and invalidating when black women go through traumatic things. not only does it promote that we have to be strong and save everyone else's problems, it says that we dont have emotions and cant be a victim which is disgusting. (iswis)
if you say shit like "minors curate your own experience" then go and turn around to say you REFUSE TO TAG YOUR SHIT YOU ARE LITERALLY MAKING THE PROCESS OF CENSORING HARD! (iswis)
white women are just as much of a problem as white men. only difference is sex keeping them apart. (iswis)
stop saying kpop is racist. expecting artists from a different political progression to understand that things can be offensive is bland. (iswis)
people accept boy groups fuck-ups more than they accept girl groups. and most times out of ten, the males are worse. (iswis)
if you engage in nsfw conversation with a minor, it is your fault they responded. (iswis)
anyone can be abused. (iswis)
stop coddling adults and bullying minors. (iswis)
most of you females have internalized misogyny and dont even know it. (iswis)
you can callout issues without having to drag a group of people. same with uplifting. (iswis)
if youre fine with being a sheep unfollow me. (iswis)
seven deadly sins is not a good anime. (iswis)
there is a difference between boku no hero academia fans based on if they call it "bnha" or "mha". (iswis)
ships literally are not serious stop harassing people over ships. (iswis)
do not harass creators of series because they do something with THEIR story. make your own. (iswis)
stop saying horikoshi sexualizes his women too much/mineta is the worst when you guys enjoy shows like one piece, hunter x hunter, naruto and etc. (iswis)
minors often or not are sheeps (heres your sign you dont have to agree with everything other people say). (iswis)
just because minors can be mature doesnt mean that they are adults. stop treating them as such. (iswis)
we should give more voice actors in the asmr (idk what to call it) community more recognition instead of just one. (iswis)
writers are the ones that send hate to other writers. anon hate is so corny and if you do it that goes to show that you are truly a toxic person wearing a fake mask of kindness when youre not on anonymous. (iswis)
stop being mean to smaller writers because they did not have as much luck as you. (iswis)
stop blaming your readers because one story flopped. (iswis)
ignoring someone's shitty actions encourages them to do it more. (iswis)
going to school and getting a job is much harder now than it was before. (iswis)
being an adult doesnt automatically make you mature. just because youre older doesnt mean youre better or you opinion is more valuable. it just shows that you werent heard when you were younger. (iswis)
there should be no reason as to why someone of the age of 18 should be having any romantic relationship with someone who is a minor. (iswis)
hawks is a shitty character. (iswis)
bakudeku isnt toxic. (iswis)
just because bakugo is in a ship, doesnt mean it's toxic. (iswis)
stop shipping male characters together simply because they have screen time together. it's creepy. (iswis)
almost all of 1-a students have ptsd and anything close to the after effects of being traumatized. (iswis)
no, editing characters to be poc is not racist. youre just mad they arent "white" when they never were. theyre asian and come in many colors as well. (iswis)
wanting to only be with a different race to get a mixed baby is fucking disgusting. (iswis)
stop ignoring pedo relationships between older women and younger boys and or with older women in general. (iswis)
males can be abused, stop telling them to suck it up or that they cant go through things. (iswis)
shaming young females about things they cant control is misogynistic and is damaging to their identity and shouldnt be excused. (iswis + whe)
not all females have to shave. (iswis)
what you dont like in someone is the projections you see of yourself on other people that you dont like about yourself. (whe)
popular bl stories extremely misrepresent gay relationships and frankly it's disgusting that theyre boosted as much as they are. (iswis)
jjba isnt ugly, you just watch animes to sexualize the characters. (iswis)
it's shitty that anime and kpop only became cool once white people stated to like it and made it mainstream. go gatekeep family guy or something. (iswis)
if you have been anime fan for a long time you were with bullied/teased for just generally liking it or you were a weirdo who recreated shit from it. (iswis)
weaboo and weeb were bad terms till we made them positive?? literally otaku is the word for it but we use weeb instead lol. (whe)
normalize and promote educating someone without going straight to bullying them. (whe)
haikyuu isnt really a good manga/anime nor is the art style the best but the characters make up for it. (iswis)
stop misusing terms and stop nitpicking definitions to manipulate your narrative. (iswis)
toxic positivity is manipulative and if you have to make it back handed you are not as nice as you like to make it seem. (iswis)
studying a major doesnt mean youre actually good in the subject. (iswis)
normalize people realizing their past mistakes and growing from it. (iswis)
do not self diagnos unless you actually feel like you may have that issue and would like to seek help. mental health is not a personality trait. (iswis)
stop projecting onto people. (iswis)
stop misusing terms and stop nitpicking definitions to fit your narrative. (iswis)
stealing any type of work should not be tolerated. (iswis)
constantly trying to trigger someone to go back to their old ways (being toxic, abusive, addiction, suicidal etc) after changing is toxic and manipulative. (iswis)
if you make jokes about hurting kids and or feel the need speak badly about them i do not want to speak to you. (iswis)
the human brain wasnt developed to understand complex ideas such as death or the universe. (iswis)
we will never truly know what is beyond our skies. (iswis)
thats all, thanks for sifting!
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professor-glasses · 4 years
Hey; curious if you were going to try explaining why you don't feel the dichotomy between Desmond/Descole is rooted in DID, 'cause I agree and can't explain it, -.- (unless I missed the side blog, in which case, sorry). They actually strike me as fairly similar in their personalities and reactions (both are pretty sarcastic and somewhat sassy). IDK, Descole is just the actions of an unmoored man who was punted straight over the despair event horizon)?
Oh hi!  I assume you’re referring to my tags on this reblog here (dw about missing the sideblog, it’s not one I really link to anywhere and I never did end up making a post after all).
Very quick nitpicky thing, I never said that I don’t feel the difference between them is due to DID. Regardless of whether or not what I said was basically to the same effect, I don’t know enough about DID and am not qualified to be able to say one way or another. I hope this makes sense, it’s just something I want to put out there; I’m personally uncomfortable with using "proper” terms like that unless I’m reasonably sure I know what I’m talking about.
The main thing I had issues with iirc was that people complained about Descole and Sycamore contradicting each other, which I don’t feel they do. From my perspective (which is just my perspective), Sycamore is literally a past form of Descole, which is no longer the "real” one, but now merely something he maintains to present a certain way in certain situations. Like how you said, Descole acts how he does because he basically gave up after losing everything. For me, this is especially evident in the AL special episode with Aurora. He straight-out says his sole purpose is revenge and he doesn’t care about anything, because hoping/trying to lead a normal life turned out to be futile, and just ended up in more pain. (I also believe he was being honest in this episode, he’d just been zapped by the laser and had zero reason not to be. It’s the most uncomposed and raw we see him ever, and that’s important imo).
I don’t know if that explains things well, but in shorter form:
Sycamore was the original way he used to be, trying to lead a normal life (and continued acting afterwards in certain situations just because of necessity, though he didn’t think that way anymore). Descole was the result of him giving up and not caring anymore, going all out for his goals and revenge. People say “I don’t understand how Descole could do all these nasty things when Sycamore is so nice”, and say it’s contradictory and hypocritical, but it’s not. The key is Descole comes after Sycamore and is what happens when he no longer cares. He no longer cares about being nice, or having hope, or living normally. The only thing he cares about is the Azran/revenge, because the rest is useless.
I hope this makes sense! It did become a little rambly.
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lizziethereader · 6 years
a bunch of 11 questions tags
I was tagged in a few 11 question tags over the last few weeks and am finally getting around to them. I hope you don’t mind me putting them all together in one masterpost under the cut. 
thank you so much  for tagging me @anassarhenisch, @thereadingchallengechallenge, @books-are-portals, @maddie-mux and @bibliophilecats! I really do appreciate getting tagged even though it takes me a while to doing the tags. 
I’ll put my own questions and the people I’m tagging up here and the answers to all your questions under the cut ;) 
my questions: 
1. What are you looking forward to most when it comes to the upcoming holidays? (whichever holiday you want to refer to) 2. Have you been to a concert lately? Which one?  3. Which piece of media (book, movie, video, etc.) are you looking forward to consuming next?  4. If someone wrote a fictionalized (and heavily embellished) novel of your life, which genre would you like it to be? 5. What’s the last song you had stuck in your head?  6. What’s the weather currently like where you are? 7. How many open tabs in a browser is too many? (asking for a friend) 8. Are you good with money? (if so, teach me your ways!) 9. What’s the coolest thing a teacher of yours has ever done? (I wanna become the cool teacher, so I need to do some research, haha) 10. If money, space and time didn’t matter, which animal would you like to have?  11. Share a random fact about yourself! (please?) 
I’m tagging @bookvoyage, @lilymaidofgallifrey, @dreamingofreadinggoals, @aliteraryprincess, @flamingmirrorbookish, @the-forest-library, @manuscripts-dontburn and @thelivebookproject (no pressure though)  and anyone who just feels like doing this, of course! 
sooo, let’s get crackin! 
here’s @anassarhenisch‘s questions: 
1. Celtic rock, yes or no? 
I have honestly never listened to it... I’m not averse to give it a try though!
2. What’s the last book you quit reading?  quit as in abandoned? I don’t really do that... The last book I finished reading was ‘Big Mouth and Ugly Girl’ by Joyce Carol Oates
3. What’s your favourite fall activity?  baking and drinking cider! (yes you can do that all year round, but it just feels cozy, right?)
4. Do you believe in ghosts?  I’m probably a ghost agnostic. I don’t know if they exist but I’m not saying they don’t
5. When’s the last time you went to a circus or carnival?  There’s this big children’s festival in my town for two weekends every August and there’s always a circus, too. They did a special performance for all the volunteers who help with the festival and I went to that. So, long story short, like 2 months ago?
6. What does your favourite shirt look like?  hmmm good question. If we’re talking about T-shirts then it’s probably my Portal shirt. 
7. Do you like eating fish?  hahaha, not at all actually! I rarely meet other people who don’t. But yeah, I actually don’t like any seafood. 
8. Who’s your favourite artist?  oh man, this is a very difficult one! I’m not sure I can name a favorite. I like just being in awe of a piece of art (be it a painting, piece of music or something else) and I wouldn’t say I have one person I like better than all the others. Sorry for the lame answer!
9. Do you have any celebrity connections?  none whatsoever (that I know of) 
10. Are you a sports fan?  only equestrian sports and even then I don’t need to see every event there is. But I do enjoy watching the occasional tournament
11. How comfortable are you embarrassing yourself in public?  NOT AT ALL. Good thing I became a teacher then, eh? :P 
next up: @thereadingchallengechallenge‘s questions: 
What are you currently reading?  I just started reading Children of Blood and Bone!
Favourite snack?  I can’t pick just one, so: popcorn, macadamia nuts, chocolate covered raisins and all things chocolate :D
Do you set yourself a reading list or pick books by mood?  half/half. I have some types of books to read each month (1 poetry book, 1 classic, 1 nonfiction book) and then choose one of those based on my mood. And then I randomly select 3 books from my tbr. Those are always a surprise! 
Have you travelled anywhere so far this year?  Yup. I went to Germany 2 times (to a theme park), flew to London for book shopping and musicals twice, and went to Budapest with two friends for a weekend 
Reading anything spooky before Halloween?  Not really. I’m not a spooky books (or movies) person. 
Binge watching anything at the moment? I just finished binge watching Star Trek Discovery yesterday but I’m sure I’ll find something new soon. 
Who’s the author you’ve read most?  Douglas Coupland, apparently
What’s your favourite season and why?  Spring! Everything is getting warmer and greener again, my depression gets better and things are just generally looking up (usually)
Are you looking forward to any new releases?  I don’t think I’m waiting for anything at the moment...
What’s a quote you love?  “No, we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars” from Oscar Wilde’s Lady Windermere's Fan
Recommend a book?  With pleasure! It Devours! by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor 
then we have @books-are-portals‘s questions: 
1. First thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “waffles”?  the amaaaaazing waffles at my town’s children’s festival each year. Also Leslie Knope 
2. Have you ever knitted anything? What was it?  When we learned to knit in school I knitted a scarf but I haven’t knitted anything since and I’m not sure I still could
3. What’s been the weirdest book you’ve enjoyed?   idk, what’s a weird book? Welcome to Night Vale is purposefully weird, if that counts? I’m not sure I’ve read any proper weird books...
4. Pick a random book from your shelf and recommend a film based on that book.  book: Tin Man by Sarah Winman - movie: Third Star (totally different storyline, but similar vibe, maybe?)
5. Top 5 clothing items.  - not really clothing but my riding boots (I love them. They fit me perfectly and weirdly give me so much confidence??)  - my new Pikeur breeches (yup, riding stuff again)  - the black business dress I graduated in (both High School and university)  - my Dirndl (you gotta have one if you’re Austrian :P )  - my (fake) leather jacket because it makes me feel cool  not sure this is an accurate list since I don’t really think about clothes much... 
6. Name the first song that comes to your mind based on your current read. Why that song?  hmm, I’m only 50 pages into my new book, this is very difficult! maybe ‘Battles’ by Hudson Taylor? The lyrics just seem to fit and I have a feeling the book will be harrowing, which the song definitely is. 
7. Would you rather visit the Moon or Mars?  I kind of want to go to Mars and see if Curiosity Rover is alright. 
8. What’s your favourite scent?  top three: freshly cut grass, new tires (I know, this one is weird), and the smell of tress like cedar, fir, and pine 
9. What’s the last thing you ate? Was it good?  kinder Schoko Bons and YES. 
10. Name 3 positive things you’re good at.  don’t do this to me! uhmmmmm reading? singing? maybe cuddling cats? 
11. What’s the strangest word from your first language(s)?  Well, I don’t really know what would be strange to you but I’m really fond of ‘oida’. It’s sort of an exclamation that can be used in a lot of different ways and its meaning depends on how you say it. So it could mean you’re really disappointed, angry, shocked, disbelieving or it could just mean something like ‘dude’. I love it and use it way too often considering it’s sort of lower class slang, I guess. 
aaaand here’s @maddie-mux‘s questions: 
1. First fictional crush?  I’m not entirely sure. Maybe Ziegenpeter from Heidi? :’D 
2. 11 authors (dead or alive) who you would want to spend a night in a haunted house with?  oh no, that’s a) way too many people and b) not something I would ever want to do 
3. Kiss, Marry, Kill - authors  I don’t really feel qualified to answer this. I don’t really get into people as much as I get into their characters and fictional universes. Doing this with real people feels weird, too, because I don’t want to do any of those actions with anyone.... I’m sorry to cop out of yet another of your questions!
4. One author whose books you automatically buy, of no matter what?  either of the Green brothers
5. Favourite fictional place?  maybe Night Vale? But not because I want to live there, just because it’s so wacky. 
6. Kiss, Marry, Kill - characters  this one is easier!  kiss: Poet from Trick (before he is spoken for, of course, I’m not a home-wrecker!)  marry: farmer Oak from Far From the Madding Crowd  kill: there’s so many to choose from! but I really really hate Aaron from The Knife of Never Letting Go!!
7. Favourite place to read?  on the go 
8. 11 characters who you’d take for an eternity on a tropical island?  nope nope nope - there’s nobody I would want to spend eternity with 
9. Hands down, all time favourite book and why?  you should be ashamed of yourself! you know most readers can’t answer this question :P (well, I can’t anyway)
10. Favourite fictional nonhuman animal character?  is it too basic to say Black Beauty? 
11. Fiction or nonfiction?  both! I read more fiction, but I wouldn’t want to live without nonfiction in my life! 
last but not least, @bibliophilecats‘ questions: 
Your favourite word from your first language.  I’m gonna use one of my previous answers for that and say ‘oida’ just because it’s so fun and versatile. Do you know ‘oida’ in your part of Germany? 
And your favourite word in any language.  Not sure I’d pinpoint it as an absolute favorite, but I quite like ‘alas’ because it sort of embodies my view of life, haha 
Name 5 positive things about yourself.  5?? It took me 10 minutes to come up with 3 for one of the questions above! Unbelievable...  - I try my best to keep an open mind  - I try to also get my students to do this  - but I also like to question things  - I’m not blind to my shortcomings  - and I do want to become a better person, though I need to put more effort into it 
And now 3 things you are good at (I kept that one from @books-are-portals list because self-love is important)  I am NOT coming up with more because I am absolutely unable to do so. Sorry! (yes, I have issues, I know)
What’s your “Patronus”-memory, i.e. the happiest moment in your life?  ooooh good one! maybe the day I got my degree and graduated from university. (because leading up to this point my mental health was so bad I wasn’t sure I’d live to see that day...) 
Recommend a book which you think I should read.  maybe ‘Welcome to Night Vale’ or ‘It Devours!’? 
Do you set yourself a reading list or pick books by mood?  both! see above for a more detailed answer
Did you make friends on tumblr that you met (or want to meet) in real life?  I would love to meet quite a few of you! (sadly I haven’t, yet)
Last book you read that was completely outside your normal reading preference. Why did you pick it up and did you like it?  Probably the Kite Runner? I picked it up because sooo many people and many of my friends love it. I, however, did not. 
Favourite christmas book?  I haven’t read many so far, but Dash and Lily’s book of Dares!! 
Favourite christmas movie?  I’ve always loved Miracle on 34th street but I haven’t rewatched it in years so I don’t know if it hold up
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eucliffesting · 7 years
why do you hate touken?
Glad you asked!
(Edit: this ended up being a lot longer than I was expectingholy shit????)(Another edit: I forgot to actually censor the word to**ken so now it’s gonna come up in the tags I’m sorry lads)
First of all, I wanna start by saying that I’m not a “saltyfujoshi who’s upset that my yaoi ship isn’t canon” or a “Touka-hatingmisogynist”. I like hidekane but that doesn’t affect my views on touken bc Iknew that it wouldn’t be canon and that a touken endgame was more likely. Also I’vealways loved Touka since I started the series two years ago, but her currentcharacter regression is what’s slowly making me dislike her. Also I’m writingall of this off the top of my head, so sorry if I give any false information orleave important bits out!!
Okay so I actually used to like touken because I thoughtthey had a lot of potential for development and really could’ve been a greatship. My main problem with it is how poorly written the ship is. I’m mainlyfocusing on :re because I loved the og Tokyo ghoul series. Let’s start withtheir development from both characters’ perspectives. Start of :re, we seelight-haired Touka, all beautiful, grown up and mature-looking running her own café.Wonderful! Turns out she built the :re café as a home for Kaneki to come backto, even though everyone else thought he was missed or dead. Tbh I thought itwould be for everyone since she valued her family and friends at Anteiku asmuch as Kaneki but still: it’s really sweet, I can’t fault it much. At the sametime, it’s also very disappointing because og Touka had clear goals in life,wanted to attend school and university and build an independent life and careerfor herself and cared about all of her friends and family equally. That’s theTouka I love. But no, let’s have her wait around for several years for a guyshe’s merely just friends with and doesn’t know that well. Because that’s agreat way to write a strong, independent, smart female main character! Also, whatdid she do for him other than the :re cafe? She recognised Kaneki as Haiseimmediately and said she didn’t want to force herself upon him and make himremember his actual self, which sounds nice of her in theory, but she knew thathe wasn’t actually happy at the CCG and how he was treated there. Yet she didnothing to try and help?? She even told Tsukiyama to just give up when hewanted to save Kaneki?? I thought she loves him? Touken development from Kaneki’sperspective: he thinks Touka is very pretty. That’s really it. And that’s whilehe has amnesia. What did she doexactly to inspire him to keep living? What did she sacrifice for him? What otherromantic things does he say about her except for her pretty appearance? Notmuch.
Let’s skip forward a bit. Touka and Kaneki haven’t seen eachother properly for ages and haven’t had a proper conversation. Bear in mind:they’re still just friends at this point. Not even best friends or anything.Kaneki’s spent more time with Nishiki than with Touka at this point. This is agreat opportunity for them to catch up and have a nice, meaningfulconversation. What does Touka think a great thing to bring up in thisconversation is? Ask if Kaneki’s a virgin! This is based solely on “how helooked at her” when he had amnesia.Not long after asking this, she says that she’s always trying to find ways tostop him from leaving, which heavily implies she was trying to tie him downwith a relationship which is really gross. I understand that she hasabandonment issues due to her past, but that isn’t a good enough excuse. Themeaningful conversation I was hoping for comes back into light when the two ofthem start talking about Yoriko and Touka asks Kaneki about Hide and how hecopes with it. Kaneki gives her a heartfelt answer about how he could never doanything concrete because he’ll start missing Hide again. This is a wonderful opportunityfor them to mutually discuss what it’s like to be a ghoul with a human bestfriend and how to handle the pain, therefore developing and deepening theirrelationship. Let’s have a quick recap of the atmosphere here. They’re in anabandoned warehouse in the middle of a war, they’re tired and need to rest(which Kaneki suggests) and talking about their dead friends. Of course, thissituation is BURSTING with romantic, sexual tension and Touka feels the need toclimb on him and kiss him out of the blue. Does this lead to them discussingtheir feelings like adults, seeing as Touka stans love to talk about her “amazingcharacter development and maturity”? Nope, they fuck without any protection orforeplay out of an impulsive decision which results in pregnancy. One, how clichécould you possibly get? Two, didn’t Itori say that conception with ghouls wasvery unlikely at the start? And we’re supposed to believe that this chaptermakes sense and isn’t ooc at all? We’re supposed to just accept it because “she’sa girl and he’s a boy”? Kaneki could’ve had a sex scene with Hide or Nishiki inthat chapter and it would’ve made the same amount of sense tbh.
Moving on again. I would’ve been alright with chapter 125 ifthey had realised what they had done was irresponsible, yet they recognise thefeelings they have towards each other and start building a healthy romanticrelationship at a reasonable pace, discussing their issues and working toresolve them. Or, it could’ve been hinted at or explained that Kaneki is usingTouka/sex as an emotional crutch due to his mental illness. These would’ve madesense. But no, Ishida doesn’t ever discuss the unhealthy aspects of theirrelationship which is what led me to hate the ship even more. Within the next10 or so chapters they’re fucking pregnant and married? Even though they wereonly just friends like 11 chapters prior? Where was the development? How can y’allhonestly think this is good writing? It’s so rushed and forced and makes nosense. They’ve literally been dating for like 2.5 seconds, why are they alreadymarried? They’re married and they hardly know anything about each other! Beforeyou argue this point, lemme explain:
-         We’re supposed to be seeing Touka as Kaneki’sOne True Love and the light of his life but she’s STILL hitting him at thispoint in their relationship. I don’t care how many people try to brush it offas comedy or “tsundere behaviour” it’s domestic abuse! Why is Kaneki’s motherabusing him seen as tragic and a massive factor towards his mental healthissues, yet Touka, the Love Of His Life, punching him into a table (knockinghim unconscious and saying “I feel much better now!” afterwards), pushing himviolently and calling him an idiot when he wants to have a serious conversationwith her is seen as comedy? Why? Because she’s pretty? Because she’s his waifu?It was even shown that he was worried about her hitting him again. I’ve seensome people say “He’s a grown man if it’s abuse he could just leave”. Mostabuse victims don’t recognise it as abuse dumbass!!! He literally said he wasused to being beaten by those he cared about which is why he’s normalised it inhis mind!! Just because she’s a girl it doesn’t make it okay for her to beabusing her partner. Touka stans like to use the excuse “She doesn’t know abouthis past!” which EXACTLY proves the point I’m making. She hardly knows him! Andthey’re married! Regardless of if she knows that he’s an abuse survivor or not,her actions are still gross. Y’all wanna talk about her “character development”but she’s still acting like her angsty 16-year-old self who can’t express herfeelings properly. She’s an adult woman now. It’s not fair of her to treatKaneki like this when he’s been nothing but kind to her throughout theirrelationship.
-         I’ve also seen the excuse “Well, Kaneki left herwhen she has abandonment issues so he’s just as bad as her! It’s mutual abuse!”.First of all, you’ve just admitted the ship is abusive. Congrats, you playedyourself. Secondly, it proves my point again. He hardly knows about her too!You would think that Kaneki would take it upon himself to get to know Touka andher past and try to understand her as a person before marrying her. And we’resupposed to think that he’s smart? Of course, they were only friends at thetime and he had no obligations to Touka but it’s still not great that he lefther. Arguably, he originally left so that he could be strong enough to protectthose he cares about, including her, sooo yeah. The idea that he’s using her asan emotional crutch makes a lot of sense here, but we all know Ishida wouldnever show touken as the unhealthy relationship it is.
Next point, more bad writing. How is Kaneki out here sayingthat Touka is his only reason to live and calling her his best friend? I’m notdenying the fact that he loves her (I truly believe he does, but not to theextent that’s being currently portrayed), but is he forgetting other peoplehave done for him in the past? Who stopped Kaneki from taking his own life?Hide! Kaneki could’ve hallucinated about Touka down in that sewer if she wasreally the Light Of His Life, but no, he thought of Hide because his subconsciousknows that Hide is the only person who could’ve truly saved him at that point. Whatdid Touka do to stop him from taking his life? I’m not trying to say that Hideis better than her, but it makes no sense for Ishida to suddenly keep pushingthe idea that Kaneki’s number one top priority is Touka and pushing hisrelationships with other characters to the side. Don’t even get me started onhow Tsukiyama’s being treated. He starved himself for 3 years and was miserableafter thinking that Kaneki was dead then all of a sudden, he’s happy to plan atouken wedding? Who is this man idk him?? Honestly though, how is Kaneki 100%deeply and madly in love with her when the only romantic development from hisside was calling her pretty? They’ve hardly spent any time together where didhe find the time to fall in love with her and consider her as his best friend. Also,another thing; ghouls getting married via bitemarks is the dumbest thing I’veever heard and sounds like bad fanfiction. Ayato literally ate Touka’s kagunein the past and she’s recovered. Kaneki has been tortured and had his toesripped off in the past and that’s healed. Yet his bitemarks on Touka stayed?What the literal fuck? By this logic, Kaneki is also married to Rize, Amon (inthe ova they were canonly married and Kaneki asked for a divorce), arguablyHide depending on if he bit his shoulder and was already married to Touka fromtheir fight with Tsukiyama in the church. Yet this wasn’t pointed out untilnow. Bad. Writing.
Another point: I cannot believe touken stans are out here really thinking that sex cures depression and that Kaneki found ‘true happiness’ by busting a nut in Touka like lmao are you serious? Being with Touka doesn’t automatically erase his mental illness, the torture he’s been through, his psychological and physical damages and his tragic childhood. Yes, being with her does add a positive aspect to his life but this isn’t how mental illness works at all, you don’t need to be a medical expert to know that, it’s just common sense. 
I think this is my last point so here we go: Touka’scharacter regression due to touken and Kaneki. So far, it probably seems like I100% purely hate Touka, which is not true. I hate how she’s being written andtreated by the author. Like I said previously, I was literally in love with ogTouka. She was a total badass, she was smart, she was independent, she lovedschool, she loved everyone at Anteiku, she loved Yoriko and rabbits and musicand was just such a cool character. I originally shipped her with Kanekibecause I thought they had good potential and her character and independence wouldn’tfalter as a result of a romantic relationship. Well, I was wrong. Currently,Touka’s only relevance to the plot is to look pretty and be Kaneki’s waifu andbearer of his child. Ishida is trying to write her as a soft waifu but at thesame time she acts like an angsty teenager around Kaneki half of the time, howdoes that even work? How could you not possibly think this is unfair to her andis blatantly sexist writing? Because clearly a female lead can’t exist withoutbecoming dependant on a man or becoming a housewife at some point, right? Whydoes her character have to revolve around him yet his character doesn’t have torevolve around her? Why does her character and personality have to suffer as a result of a relationship?News flash: women can be in love and still be their own person. ToukaKirishima, who valued school dearly and loved her best friend Yoriko so muchthat she ate human food solely because she knew how hard Yoriko worked to makeit for her, gave up on her life goals and hardly cared when Yoriko was gonnadie? Even Kaneki thought that was weird. Also, Ishida is trying to push theidea that Touka has become smart and mature and makes good decisions. Uh,where? She waited around for Kaneki for several years when she could’ve beendoing more with her life, she had unprotected sex with him in the middle of awar, she’s now pregnant which puts her at a disadvantage as she has to fightand using her kagune would mean the baby would be absorbed as food for strength,which will cause emotional pain to her and to Kaneki. Wow she’s so smart,Einstein is shaking. Original Touka wouldn’t do this. She’s literally no betteras a 20 something year old woman as she was as a troubled 16-year-old child. Callit character development all you want, it’s character regression. Also, thispart is a bit of a reach I must admit, but Touka’s being drawn to look youngerwhich is really weird? Light-haired Touka at the start actually looks like anadult, yet current Touka looks like a teenager with her original hairstyle and bigshoujo eyes and a small nose and mouth in quite a lot of panels. Ishida evendrew her with the cutesy sparkly shoujo background when she told Kaneki thatshe was pregnant. Was that necessary? You can’t replace her current lack of apersonality with a pretty face, she actually needs character development lol. I’mnot denying that she actually loves Kaneki (once again, I truly think she doesbut needs to learn to express herself better and act like an actual adult).
I have more points I could make, but I’ll stop here becauseI literally wrote a whole essay here lmao. I just want to finish off by sayingthat even though I hate touken, I don’t hate touken shippers because I can seewhy people ship it, but I hate that 95% of you guys blatantly ignore theunhealthy aspects of their relationship and refuse to hear any criticism about Toukaor Kaneki because that’s just gross. The ship and the characters are problematicwhether you like it or not. Like I said, I wrote all of this off the top of myhead so if I’ve said anything that’s incorrect or missed things out please tellme!!
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gingerly-writing · 7 years
Questions Tag Games
explanation: I’m super late to these, I suspect not many people will want their dashes spammed with my random answers, and I’m not tagging people, so I’ve amalgamated all of these into one post. 
tagged by @concealeddarkness13! haven’t spoken to you in a while, hope you’re doing great
1. Would you rather write a more classical hero or an anti-hero as a protagonist? I’d rather write a hero for the protagonist, but an anti-hero as a general character
2. Who is your favorite character you have written and why? Ever? That’s cruel. Out of people that y’all would know, Urial does seem to generate the most emotional reactions
3. How many WIPs do you have? 3 proper ones, currently: Iron Flower, Space Royalty and Piracy Pays
4. Who is your least favorite character you have written and why? To write? Klarion from Young Jutsice fanfic. Motherfucker would not follow the assigned plot. Hate-wise? Possibly Coincidence or Accord, neother of whom you guys have met yet. Those two are a pair of nasty criminals/villains, and they are a little too good at punishing anyone who gets in their way
5. What is your favorite aspect of writing? Finishing!
6. If you had only one sentence (per WIP) to get someone to read your books, what would the sentences be? They wouldn’t because I suck at loglinesss...humourously though?
IF: an entire continent is saved from the ravages of war by the ancient art of sexting via treaty negotiations Space Royalty: ‘she stabbed me? god-fucking-dammit I am so in love with her’ Piracy Pay: you get to chug your drink every time I kill a character
7. If your protagonists fought to the death, which one would win? Protags? Depends if morals were removed, and whether it was on-on-one. Koronis, if not -he’s an emperor with black magic and an entire galaxy-wide army.  If it was on-on-one with minimised morals, Ace would stand a damn good chance. Boy is smarter than he gives himself credit for, and very adaptable. Galaxy is also pretty viable. Girl can swing a superpowered punch like she means it, and she hasn’t survived this long on luck alone.
8. Which protagonist(s) would survive the zombie apocalypse? Koronis would. Ace would die trying to save someone else. Solaris would...provided Monarch was dragging him around, and even then they might go down together in a dramatic last stand. Galaxy would be in charge of a small, benevolent queendom. Cleo would, those plant skills would make her handy to any new civilisation. Fact would go down staving off the hoardes so everyone else could run. Rosalie would think she was the weak link of her group, but they would probably keep her alive; L’aura would kick zombie ass.
9. Which is your favorite story you have written or are working on? Space Royalty is damn fun to write -the benefits of extravagant, overdramatic space operas I suppose. Piracy Pays has had a good reception, so I’m pretty proud of that. Hopefully I can keep the momentum going until the end! It is a huge pain o write though
10. Which of your characters is your favorite villain and why? Raph is my evil supervillin crimelord Big Bad and I adore him utterly
11. When do you find is the best time of day for writing? Evening! 8pm-1am
tagged by the lovely @a-sundeen​! this is so old I bet you don’t even remember tagging me, oopsie
1. When you’re describing a new character, what feature do you usually note first? Build, usually, as in their height/weight ratio, muscles/skinniness or lack of, how they carry themself etc. The reason for this is that I often start with the macro ‘impression’ of the character before zooming in on a few specifics. I try to use an interesting description or comparison here as well.
2. Do any of your characters play an instrument or really enjoy music in general? If so, what instrument (or what genre, if it’s the latter)? I am the least musical person on planet earth, so making my characters musical often doesn’t occur to me. Koronis can sing and play the space-piano (forced childhood lessons), and Jade can play the violin, but neither of them are passionate about it. Kolya/Cynosure (the popstar/supervillain) is very very musical, but I skip around a lot of the specifics because I’m a big cheater. He mostly makes anti-establishment and anti-hero music, but he’s one of those artists who strays all over different genres.
3. Which musical artist usually gets you the most pumped to write? Les Friction does good dramatic music and they’re not so well known, so I like to tell people about them when I can
4. Do you prefer writing fight scenes over other types? (This is a weirdly worded question I’m sorry, rip) It’s worded fine, sunshine! And no, I don’t like writing fight scenes because I don’t like the logistics of them. There are too many limbs to keep track of, and then I feel like I’m neglecting their surroundings and potentially useful items in favour of mentally tracking who’s where and what their arms and legs are doing. I cover up for my fight scene weaknesses with too much dialogue, and I’m fully aware of that fact.
5. Is there a city or country you’d really like to write in or about? Write in is probably just where I’d like to travel, so Russia, India and South America (I know that’s general but it’s the only continent except Antarctica that I haven’t been to) are my top choices. Write about…I’d like to sink myself deep into east coast USA to really nail the feeling of Galaxy’s city and her character, and then be able to confidently write about it. I do have a study year abroad coming up in 2020, so here’s hoping…
6. Do you prefer to be warm or cold while you write? Warm! I love blankets and my big fluffy dressing gown, and on top of that all my friends always complain about how hot my house is
7. Do any of your characters have hobbies you’d like to try out someday? Fiction wise, glo-ball from Space Royalty sounds like a very entertaining game, especially when I’m kept safe behind a pod. sodding netball injuries Jade paints and draws, and I’d love to get better at art. Likewise, Rosalie sews, making and decorating her own clothes, and I’d love to be able to do that. Idk, does being a supervillain count as a hobby? I’d love to rob a bank…not even necessarily for the money, just the #aesthetic
8. What is your favorite type of character to write? Villains! And morally grey people. And characters where the POV character has no idea what they’re really thinking, who they really are, what they actually want etc. And, on the flip side, balls of positive sunshine, because they make me feel better about the world
9. Halloween is here! Which character has a costume made for them by their mom? Ahahahahaha can you tell how late I am to this.
10. Halloween is here (again)! Which character thinks the holiday is childish but dresses up anyway? I AM SO LATE. Rosalie thinks the holiday is childish but dresses up in the most elaborate homemade princess outfit ever and entertains all the kids she can find. What, it is a children’s holiday, surely she should be making them happy on their special day…
******************************************************************************************* tagged by @blackfeatherantics who is now @mbovettwrites I think? I hope?
1.      How long have you been working on your WIP(s) for? Iron Flower is the oldest current one, and I started it on Christmas Day 2016
2.      What song would you assign as your protagonist’s theme tune? I’ll just pick one, and Koronis’ is Young and Menace by FOB. No real lyrical reason, it just reminds me of him
3.      Do you have any favourite spots (gardens, parks, cafes, etc.) where you like to write? The sofa in my living room next to my family
4.      Poetry or Prose? Prose!
5.      Where do you draw inspiration for your writing from? Everywhere! Other people’s writing and prompts and published novels and TV and movies and random stray thoughts and daydreaming and chatting to other writers and-
6.      Is there any popular book that you wish you had written and why? The Lies of Locke Lamora because I’d take out the first 100-ish page of solid worldbuilding and backstory that seemed almost completely irrelevant to the rest of the plot?And the domino-effect of all the plot elements knocking each other into action at the end was so clever, it annoyws me that the beginning means I don’t like reccing it to people
7.      What’s your planning process when you start working on a new WIP? I daydream about it for at least a few weeks to make sure the idea has staying power. Then I come up with character names, quirks, descriptions etc. finally, I lay out the plot chapter-by-chapter from the beginning to the end so I have a guiding rope throughout the whole process and I’m less likely to get stuck. Of course, that’s when I plan on letting a WIP bloom into being. Some, like Space Royalty and Piracy Pays, start off as short drabble ideas and then refuse to leave, which means I have no concrete plan for them...
8.      Do you work best in mornings, afternoons, or at night? Evening!
9.      Would you prefer to self-publish or work with an agent and publishing company and why? Agent and publishing company, because I value the help they can provide more than the ability to retain complete creative control over my book (since I’m crap at titles and designing book covers anyway)
10.  How do your emotions/moods affect your writing? Not a lot tbh. If I’m very very tired I can’t write anything good, but I’m not sure that counts as an emotion.
11.  What’s your favourite line of your WIP/one of your poems? I’ve written both of my current favourite lines for prompts, which were: ‘Time hollows all victories’ and ‘The hero doesn’t die in this one’. I’ve had other favourites in WIPs over time, but I can’t think of them right now
******************************************************************************************* tagged by the ever wonderful @time-to-write-and-suffer
1) How are you so awesome? Genetics.
2) What’s your favorite thing about your writing? The dialogue! Or the romances, which I mostly like because of the fun/cute dialogue.
3) Who’s your favorite character that you’ve written and why are they your fave? This is so mean. At the moment, Raph, because I can’t stop thinking about him and he’s so incredibly dangerous, yet on the low down (like the Mariana Trench level of low down) he has all these cute little quirks that only one or two people know about
4) One of your characters has been placed in the world/plot of a book you love. What happens? Rosalie becomes a Grisha in Leigh Bardugo’s world. She finds a sense of self-worth and gets to enjoy the little luxuries that come with the position.
5) One of your characters has been placed in the world/plot of a book you hate. What happens? X takes the place of Celeana Sardothien. He murders everyone in his path, tells the crown of Terrasen to get fucked because there’s no way he can run a whole government with any level of competance, probably murders Rowan with extreme prejudice, opens the Wyrd gates just to search the universe for Raph and bring him through so he can construct a decent government for Terrasen, would probably sleep with Dorian, would make it his new life goal to highfive Manon.
6) Your characters must fight each other to the death until only one stands victorious. Who wins? Raph. Koronis could conceivably stand a chance against him, but Raph would decimate pretty much anyone else. I think Raph would be able to stay above the fighting for longer, whereas Koronis would jump in just a touch earlier, which would be his downfall.
7) If you could steal a cover and a title from other books to use for your own WIP/s, which ones would you steal? Cover-wise I’d steal the minimalist Red Queen aesthetic, because that sleek shit is the bomb.  Title-wise? That’s harder. The Lies of Locke Lamora has some sick alliteration, but I think I’d rather steal the style of it rather than the exact title
8) If you switched places with one of your characters, what would happen to you and to them? I would die, pretty much everywhere. If Rosalie swapped with me, she would slowly come out of her shell and become a fashion designer -not an A-lister, she wouldn’t like how vicious and ruthlessly businesslike you have to be, but maybe making her own high-end clothes in a small shop in London
9) What makes your style unique compared to other writers? Thanks for the existential crisis, Eff.
10) Describe your antagonist’s song number if they were a Disney villain. No Good Deed from Wicked, for Darklight
******************************************************************************************* tagged by the lovely @itstheenglishkid
1. Have you ever realized how similar an oc is to you and felt the need to change them so they aren’t so similar? I mean, Jade from Iron Flower almost shares a name with me, and she’s ginger, which did concern me for a while, but hopefully she’s nothing like me personality wise (or else I’d have to do some serious self-reflection)
2. Do any of your ocs like candles? I bet Rosalie loves pretty candles, especially patterned or strongly scented ones! Anything luxurious that she can’t afford, really
3. Do you normally write settings that are (or are based on) places you know intimately (ie your home town)? Oh god no. I like sweeping Chinese-inspired castles or creaking pirate ships or far flung space universities and man-made planets. I’m really not a contemporary writer though, so I guess this isn’t much of a surprise?
4. What is a book that feels similar to your own wip? Ahahaha, which WIP? Piracy Pays has similar vibes to @boothewriter‘s pirates and probably also @noodlewrites’ pirates (I’m guessing? I haven’t read any excerpts from you I’m sorry). Space Royalty is just weird. Iron Flower is probably similar to a lot of generic fantasy YA, like Red Queen and whatnot.
5. Do you have a dream cast for your ocs? I don’t really faceclaim? Or know much about a wide array of actors, so no, not really.
6. Are you good at story titles? Do they come easily to you? I am abysmal at story titles, holy shit. I mean, you can see the evidence scattered around this post. Piracy Pays and Space Royalty are just placeholder names, but I’m not convinced I’ll come up with anything good to replace them. Iron Flower is alright in that its relevant to the story and fits into the series title (The Flowers of War) but…idk, its not setting the stars alight or anything.
7. Do you ever change oc names once you’ve started a wip? Not often, though I am considering changing Ace’s name because I don’t think ‘Seb’ suits him. Only question, what to??
8. Which people have you let read your work? I mean, all of y’all have the opportunity to read Piracy Pays. No one has read Iron Flower, and I’m stretching myself by letting @rrrawrf-writes @lux-deorum@haphazardlyparked read Space Royalty in its raw first draft stage.
9. What usually catches your attention about a book first? Style? Characters? Plot? I’m quite an easy reader to catch and hold tbh. What makes me love a book is a clever plot. For me, a very strong plot can carry weak-ish characters, but I can never read super deep characters with no plot.
10. Do you have a favourite author? Probs Rick Riordan, or Julia Golding.
******************************************************************************************* tagged by the wonderful @typeaadventures
1. How many works in progress do you have? Properly, three. Iron Flower, which is written (143k) but needs editing, Piracy Pays which y’all are reading, and Space Royalty which crossed 30k about a week ago
2. Do you/would you write fanfiction I used to! I stopped in Y12/13 because I didn’t have enough time to do fic and original writing, and I haven’t really had the time to pick it back up.
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Either, I’m not fussed. Though if it has a really pretty cover, I’ll be hankering after a paper copy
4. When did you start writing? 14-ish on Young justice fanfic
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with? Not all of my work, but yeah, I have a lovely server and also some irl friends that get the junk landed on them
6. Where is your favourite place to write? At home chilling with my family while we all do stuff
7. Favourite book as a child? Dragonfly by Julia Golding
8. Writing for fun or publication? Hopefully publication, but I know I need to improve a lot first, honing my skills etc.
9. Have you taken writing classes? Not a lick
10. What inspired you to write? Gotta get those stories out of my head and onto the page, man. Gotta get that sweet sweet representation out there too.
thanks everyone!  xx
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Is it true? Rio: Whatever could you be talking about, McKenna? Rio: Gis us a clue Buster: Stop playing. My sister and her MILF Rio: Sounds like a porno and suddenly you're back on the scene Rio: Funny that Rio: Why do you have any right to know if it is or isn't? Buster: Shut up Buster: Re-read the part where I said MY sister. There's your answer Rio: Re-read you making any attempt to contact her in the past however how long Rio: Oh wait, you can't Buster: Just tell me, Rio Rio: Would I be making any effort to conceal the answer if it wasn't Rio: Use your brain, Buster Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Don't be getting at me 'cause she ain't been using hers Rio: You think THIS is getting at you? Rio: Tip of the iceberg but what's the point Rio: Cba Buster: What's your fucking point, like? Buster: She's in the doghouse for once, not me Rio: Such a child Rio: Happy about that, are you? Buster: Yeah. Get's the rents off my back Buster: Am I meant to be crying about her not fucking her teacher? Buster: Move onto a new target Rio: For God's sake Rio: its not like that, you should care that your sister is heartbroken Rio: she isn't like you, she experiences human emotions Rio: at least make an attempt at sympathy, fucking hell Buster: There's plenty of younger, hotter lesbians around, she'll be fine Buster: If she could've pulled it off, fair play like, but she didn't Rio: If she wanted that, she would've gone there in the first place Rio: Are you really this dense or just committed to the act, like? Buster: She didn't really want anyone, that's why she went for the teacher who'd never go for her Buster: And her heart ain't proper broke Rio: What qualifies you to make that call? Rio: Have you even spoken to her Rio: She's felt like this about her since she got here, that's years Buster: Tried. She ain't taking my calls Buster: Got more attention that she can handle now Rio: Not everyone's a whore for it Rio: and I'm unsurprised she doesn't wanna talk to you rn Buster: Says you Buster: Don't wanna talk to her either, she's an embarrassment, that's why I'm in your inbox instead Rio: Excuse me Rio: Sure. At least the feeling's mutual then, hooray! Buster: Don't give it out like you're proud of her Rio: I'm not loving it for her, no Rio: but I'm not fucking embarrassed by her Rio: You don't even have to hear the shit said about her or see her struggle so get over yourself Buster: Whatever Buster: I've heard it all before Buster: She moved schools for a reason like Rio: Yeah and you didn't give a shit then Rio: So don't front anything else now Buster: She tell you that, did she? Buster: Don't front that you know me, girl Rio: Your actions speak loud enough Rio: Deal with it Buster: You got me under 24 hour surveillance then yeah? Rio: You wish you were that relevant Buster: You wish you had something better to do that stalk me more like Rio: You're in my inbox Buster: For a legit reason Buster: You're just chatting shit on me Rio: Just 'cause you don't wanna hear it Rio: doesn't mean it ain't legit Buster: I'm here asking Buster: Don't flatter yourself I'd be talking to you otherwise Buster: Haven't even told me how Nance is Rio: If I needed to come to you for flattery, I'd kms Rio: and I did Rio: heartbroken Rio: but you noped that 'cos you're the fucking expert on it Buster: Fuck off Buster: She coming home? Rio: No Rio: She doesn't want to Rio: Think your parents are coming here to see her Rio: If you are really arsed, at all, you should come see her too Buster: More fool her Buster: I'll check my schedule, cheers Rio: Like you said, there's reasons she left Rio: One thing you got right Buster: Like you said, it's been years Buster: She needs to get over it Rio: Being bullied by a load of posh cunts? Rio: Why should she? Rio: She gains nothing from 'getting over' that Rio: just 'cos you thrive from sponging off that scene Buster: It was hardly lord of the flies like Buster: We can't all thrive off hanging round the streets pretending we're poor as fuck, there'd be no room for you Rio: Yeah, as if you have any fucking clue Rio: even if you didn't see and hear what you wanna Rio: its girls, you don't get the dynamic, you're not privy to it Buster: There's nothing to get. She didn't stand up for herself Rio: Mhmm, that's exactly how that works Rio: Jesus fucking Christ Buster: She'll never know she didn't try it Rio: I'm fairly sure she did Rio: Anyway, this is ancient history Rio: she doesn't like you and your friends, boohoo Rio: its done, she's got her own life Buster: Get your own clue Buster: It wasn't me and my friends Buster: Good, don't need her tagging along and cramping my style Rio: They're all good as the same Rio: the female equivalent Rio: and evidently not, challenged already in that department Buster: You're full of shit Buster: You should sort that Rio: You reckon? Rio: I don't need your advice, thanks very much Buster: More fool you Rio: Not from where I'm standing Buster: More fun to look down your nose at me Buster: Whatever Buster: Not here to make friends Rio: You've gotta be kidding me Rio: If your nose was any higher in the air, you'd drown Buster: I've got plenty of reasons to hold my head high Rio: oh, please do regale me, i am so fascinated. Buster: Always trying to get with me Buster: You're as embarrassing as Nance is like Rio: what dream world are you living in? Rio: yeah, really pains not to be one of your favourites Rio: think I'll survive Buster: Survive but not thrive, yeah? Buster: Unlucky, babe Rio: You ain't that special, babe Buster: Says you Buster: Your loss Rio: Yeah you chat real loud but what would you do if I said otherwise? Rio: Freak Buster: You'll never know Buster: Deal with it Rio: Gutting, truly Buster: Yeah I know, you make it well obvious Rio: Only in your warped little mind, McKenna Buster: Keep telling yourself that, Cavante Rio: Don't need to, I'm not the delusional one Rio: but you do you, boo Buster: Well it ain't me, babe Rio: Heard that one before Buster: Should have taught you something then Rio: Don't worry, it did, I'm not waiting around for your infinite wisdom to know men ain't shit Rio: beaten to the punch there, like Buster: Back at you. I already know how crazy girls are Rio: Of course you do Rio: Colour me shook Buster: You'd have to stop knowing it all first like Rio: Ha, and do you think that's very likely? Buster: I know you think it ain't Buster: Reckoning you're clued into everything and everyone's shit Rio: N'awh, don't be salty 'cos I am and I can see through yours Buster: I ain't. I got your number too Buster: Just think it's hilarious you couldn't be more a ma and you ain't got no kids Buster: So middle aged I'm surprised my sister don't fancy you Rio: Fuck off, McKenna Rio: Just 'cos you're still a little boy Rio: isn't it past your bedtime, like? Buster: Glad to go Buster: Someone'll be round to tuck me in regardless Rio: Good, you're boring me Rio: and I didn't ask, just FYI Buster: Course I am Buster: Doesn't mean you weren't dying to know Buster: Later then Rio: Trust me, no one but you is even a little impressed by your conquests Rio: Especially not me, you weirdo Buster: Tell it to the girls forming a line Buster: Go ahead and speak up when you see me around Rio: If I fancied wasting my breath Rio: it'd be to tell them to run, nothing else Rio: Sorry to devastate you like that Buster: Trust me you ain't Buster: Gotta try a little harder to sell it if you want me to buy in Rio: Trust me when I say you'd know if I wanted that Rio: There is no try Buster: Course not Rio: We're not all tryhards, hun Buster: Just you Buster: I've seen you out, girl Buster: I've watched the hustle Buster: Not effortless as you reckon Rio: Why you watching? Buster: Why not? Buster: It's good for a laugh like Rio: Gotta get your kicks somehow, kid Buster: Least I'm up front about it Buster: You're all front Rio: Idk, I've got ass too Rio: Pretty well-proportioned all in all Buster: Hilarious Rio: What's hilarious is you thinking you know the first thing about me Buster: Likewise, babe Rio: Nah Rio: you're up front about it, remember dickhead? Rio: Contradictory too but we'll let that one slide Buster: Keeping up with you, that's all Rio: Good luck with that Rio: on any and all fronts Buster: Don't need luck Buster: Bored, yeah? but you're still here Rio: Manners cost nothing, McKenna Rio: assumedly why you've got no interest Buster: Wasting them as well as your time Buster: You do you Rio: Not talking to myself, am I? Rio: Though the effect is about the same Buster: I never said I was bored, did I? Buster: You're the one pretending you've got somewhere better to be Rio: Using people for your own amusement is par for the course in posh boy life Buster: Yeah Rio: if I was feeling it, I have plenty better candidates for the task, don't take it so personal Buster: The heartbreak catching, is it? Buster: I better watch myself like Rio: You'd need one to break it Rio: and my heart is just fine, tah for the concern Buster: Cheers for the head's up
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