#idk the validity so maybe take it with a grain of salt lol idk who on reddit can confirm
mastersoftheair · 9 months
there appears to be an ongoing AMA on the MotA reddit with a cast member of the show (apparently not an extra), and it just started around 30 minutes ago!
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check it out (and even ask questions) HERE!
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
hey cas,
so, i dont really know exactly how to word things right so please bear with me while i try to explain a bit.
i think i have bipolar disorder (or something similar, im still looking into things), but i dont know if im just going crazy and imagining things. theres not really anyone in my life i can talk to about it to gauge their opinion, so im kind of left by myself to deal with it.
i dont have a trusted adult or loved one i can go to for help, and ive not been to a doctor since probably 2017 at the latest so im not even sure who id be making an appointment with to discuss anything like this. ive considered trying to get myself into therapy but im afraid that if i go in saying that i think im bipolar and have other mental illnesses (im about 99% certain i have anxiety and likely some sort of depressive disorder too, but that might be more linked with the mood swings of bipolar) that its the wrong way to go about it? like, i might just be really ignorant but i dont think thats how therapy works is it?
basically im worried that if i go in saying the disorders i think i have, then theyll tell me im exaggerating or that i need other people to back me up or that i do need to see my gp doctor (which, again, i dont actually think i have one) or that it isnt my place to try to diagnose myself etc.
im not really sure what im asking here? maybe if you have any advice/experience about what therapy is actually like or what i could expect? or a better way to go about getting help? i really dont know honestly aha, sorry
Well, you've definitely come to the right place lol, I've been to and ghosted many a therapist! (Don't ghost your therapist!)
Actually, recently I started therapy again and it's been a great experience, so let me tell you about it. Warning: I live in the US, so if you live elsewhere, it might be different.
When you start therapy, they're going to ask you a LOT of questions. Lots about your background, your childhood, your feelings, etc. It'll feel a bit invasive, but make sure to be honest! Like brutally honest. Like if you're like...'I might be feeling this way but idk if I'm faking..' tell them that. They need to know everything.
Then, if you're a minor, they'll talk to your parents and get their insight. If you have issues with your parents, make sure to tell them that BEFORE this part happens, so they can take what your parents say with a grain of salt.
Last, they'll give you a 'tentative diagnosis.' This means that this is what they think you have, but it's not a die-hard medical diagnosis. They'll treat you based on this, but if you ever wanted accommodations in school or anything for it, you would have to go to a clinical psychiatrist to get it written up.
Here's the thing: the diagnosis my surprise you or even make you feel invalidated. If it does? Tell them that. Because, two things: One- they may have gotten something wrong. Or two- they need to know if you aren't understanding something fully.
To be very personal, I am diagnosed with both depression and anxiety. When I started therapy recently and again got those diagnoses, I wasn't surprised. But I also was told I have 'illness-anxiety disorder' which is the new term for a hypochondriac. I was super insulted because I was picturing the stereotypical hypochondriac who fakes illnesses for attention (this was uneducated of me) but my therapist explained that this version of anxiety more means that I have a lot of anxiety related to being nervous to get sick or the results of getting sick. Which was like- oh. yeah. I do panic every time someone sneezes on me. My therapist said this has become increasingly common since COVID.
All this to say it sounds like seeking out therapy might be a great way for you to get the answers you're looking for. But even if they're not the answers you think they'll be, remember that your feelings and experiences are still extremely valid and no less real.
<3 <3 <3
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
See I'm not a tkk troll but a jkkr but now I'm starting to think taekook are real and tkkrs were right all this time. And just because many were against them they became toxic. Regarding jimin, either they were just hating him because they got jealous or he is indeed doing FS.
Everytime we see now tkk are spending a lot of time together. In random pics it's tkk who's together and not Jikook, but in content coming from company somehow these thing is opposite. There tkk are asked to say they are not close, not spending much time behind scenes along with lot of playful moments intiated by Jimin. Tae's best friend's brother just posted a pic of tkk playing together, that said best friend who has met BTS is only following JK and Tae on insta (I wonder why and funny because we may take this as a Jkk moment if it happened or link Tae to someone else if something like this happened ), tae posting a lot of JK pics, talking a lot about him, them going to hangout in busan. Just take busan vlive for eg, how he put arms around JK unprovoked but never does that if it is some other member. I want to say a lot but then you will label me as 'tkk troll' and ignore..
I literally have had tkkrs on here that I've interacted with and not called them trolls. You don't want to be called a troll. Don't act like a troll. It's honest to God that simple. You don't need to lie. Just say what you think and go. Pretending to be a jkkr while saying Tae only ever puts his arm around JK in vlives is just silly and not true (i mean just a few months ago he was putting an arm around Jin and kissing him on the head during their vlive with the others or pulling Hobi back into his lap for cuddles during the vlive or putting his arm around Jimin, etc etc etc).
I just heard about the bowling picture, if that's true it's great and I hope they have fun and maybe then they were talking about their bowling trip invite when Tae mentioned talking to him earlier. Which is amazing. I take all that with a grain of salt though too. I've already covered all of your other points in plenty of other posts. So not worth rehashing for me personally. Ship who you want anon. I'll wish you well. No skin off my back.
I will say though that don't pretend to be a jkkr and then say the company tells taekook to say they aren't close and that jikook don't hang out in their personal time when that's been proven incorrect many times. Just say, "I think I'm beginning to think taekook are real." And go on your merry way! Idk why you need to tell ME though. You don't need my approval love. Ship away! Just leave Jimin out of it, yeah? I think your wrong but why does that matter? And you aren't that special, I ignore lots of asks. Lol if you just really want attention, ask or DM me. I delete lots of asks I get. It's just how it goes. I deleted an ask from someone who I generally very much so enjoy talking to on this hell site about minimoni because it was a topic of conversation I just didn't want to invite into my space at this time. And when I told them, they were very understanding about it. No troll name calling involved either.
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Enjoy your time as a taekooker anon. I hope it brings you the happiness you want it to 😅 there are tons of tkkr blogs here as well that would be more than happy to hear your "conversion" story too. But honestly, even if you really are/were a jkkr, I'm not the head of the organization. You don't need to turn in your 2 weeks notice to me. You can actually just leave the "shipdom" at any time. 💜 you don't need my validation or approval to make your own choices.
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seijorhi · 2 years
asks <33
misc stuff that piled up overnight
BRO YOUR VOICE??? SOOTHING!!!! CALMS RUSHING RIVERS!!! YOUR VOICE IS IMMACULATE now i want a series of rhi reading snippets of your works KSHGLS
rhi!! i haven’t told you in a hot minute but i hope you know how loved you are 🥺💛
ILY TOO!! nonnie pls <33
me, Hatori: there’s three things that can hold his attention for hours at a time; the construction site across the street back home, the volleyball Tooru had given him on his first birthday, and the sound of RHI’S MF VOICE!1!1!1 you’re so sexy… and for WHY? -🐦
bby hfdjhvfjdkJSKFHDJK 🥺 you're gonna make me blush.
omg hi lovely c: idk if u remember meee but i was that one anon before who mentioned oika being in disguise for literally all other charas and that when it doubt its oika c: y do i feel like ive heard ur voice b4 KSNMDMDND LIKE NO WEIRDNESS BUT IDK — ngl its expected but also kinda not??? idk to throw it back from the other anon, it was scary to msg u the first time - IDK IF ITS LIKE ANXIETY, NERVES OR LIKE THE VIBES BUT IT FEELS INTIMIDATING. but ily lots anyway, bc aussie + oikawa = me and like we’re now besties for life just from these two simple facts. and yes u have a say - yes or yes c: TAKE CARE LOVE 💕✨ (and oikawa is still always the answer, no seijoh until nxt yr? hahaha i cant read my eyes r closed i cannot c - ok jks aside, imagine jan 1 hits and its just all seijoh 🤧🤧)
you're very cute nonnie hehe. yes ofc we can be besties <33 and who knows, maybe it will be a very seijoh new year ;)
Rhi you do not sound at all like I thought you would 😦😦 Idk how to explain it but you sound a lot younger than I thought you would????But your voice is very relaxing maybe you should read out one of your favourite fics for us Jkjk Unless.... 👀👀 Also I don't think you come off as mean or rude at all?? I think you're sweet and very funny (especially your responses)Then again we're all internet strangers so take every opinion with a grain of salt - @artemis32
<33 i will take 'younger' and 'relaxing' ghfjdkvbfjdk
and thank you bby!! ilysm 💕 also i would not hold your breath for the full fic, trying to record less than a minute nearly killed me hahaha
I don’t think you’re cold and mean at all lol (tho idk how much that’s worth coming from a stranger on the internet) You set clear boundaries with anons and don’t take shit which I think is very valid ✨
thank you, i try to be nice on here!!!
no that’s definitely australian,, nsw or vic by the patterns involved
i will neither confirm nor deny this. very sus. fghrejksdjhfjk
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Hello ☺️ so I went out with my coworkers and was kinda a date for me and another coworker because we knew we liked each other and was an opportunity for us to get together. I'm a girl and his a boy and we're both kinda bi. He seemed like a nice guy but then noticed couple red flags. First, I caught me saying to his friends he is a sociopath jokingly but idk if it was for real as well as idk this guy very well. Secondly, his finger nails were dirty and when I asked him why he said he was gardening before he came. Like how can u forget to wash your hands before u go out especially if u know the girl u like gonna be there! That's strange to me. But I let it slide. He confessed to me that he is autistic (highly functioning) and I never had close relationships with a guy who is autistic so I am not sure what to do. The fact that he said he's a sociopath really worries me though and so I think I will cut him off. But then again I'm a very compassionate person who loves everyone so idk. I have a hard time making decisions so I thought if you could please give me advice, I mean what would u do? 💕💕💕
Hello :)
I just want to preface that I’ve never been in a situation like this so maybe just take my words with a grain of salt - also I don’t know either of you so there might some nuisances I’m missing. If you feel comfortable doing so making sure you maybe talk to other people who knows you guys could be helpful!
I personally don’t know if I would call having dirty nails a red flag per se , but it’s definitely something that gives me the ick. It would be a turn off for me but that’s just because I’m fussy with dirty stuff lol. But that doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy for having it , it could just be an incompatible part of you guys. It’s okay to not want to be with him for it, but that doesn’t mean it’s a red flag.
As for the autism part , I’m not diagnosed with autism so this is out of my area of expertise, but I do know everyone with Autism is a bit different and has different needs. Open communication is the best part!! Doing research and just asking questions on what makes him comfortable or what to avoid will go along way. It doesn’t necessarily have to change a whole lot about what you guys do , you just might have to do it a bit differently so everyone is happy as comfortable and getting their needs met :) But I can’t really give you specifics on what to do, only he can do that, so as long as you are open to communication and compromising I think it should be fine :) (also I don’t know if the community uses high functioning anymore?? I don’t know some might , I’m not super well versed in that )
As for the sociopath, again, that’s not a diagnosis I have , but from what I have seen and read the cultural narrative of sociopath doesn’t really always line up with what it actually is. Sociopath doesn’t mean abusive, I could be wrong but I think it’s just someone’s ability to feel types of empathy. So he’s not necessarily a bad guy for it. There’s a big stigma around that illnesses so I think doing research and just talking to him about what it means for him could go a long way!
HOWEVER in saying all that you don’t have to do anything and you don’t need a big reason for it either. If you just aren’t feeling that connection or you don’t want to pursue that relationship anymore you don’t have to. It’s okay to lose feelings for someone. You aren’t a bad person for it and you don’t need to try and justify with yourself why you don’t want to be with someone. It’s okay to just not like them anymore. And I’m guessing maybe sending this was your way of looking for validation in that regard? Which if so! I’m giving it to you!! 💕💕💕 it’s okay to walk away and not date him. For whatever reason. You don’t need to make him a red flag for that. You just might not like him anymore or feeling incompatible - and that’s okay!! I promise 💕 You aren’t in the wrong for wanting to say no.
But also if you are just a bit anxious because this is new water for you I would REALLY recommend just talking to him and having an honest conversation!! Open communication and setting up boundaries and expectations can really go a long way.
But this definitely sounds like it’s weighing on you so I’m sorry for that :( I know it can be hard to make big decisions like this. You can take your time, there isn’t any rush. And I’m wishing you all the best with it!! 💕💕💕
I hope you have a wonderful day 💕
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miami2k17 · 3 years
I’m not sure that Sail on is about Liam. Can you elaborate? 🤓
maybe not specifically about liam but i do think it's at least about him leaving oasis. he described it as being about a guy and a girl and the guy tells the girl that he loves her but he's gotta move on and leave town. i take that with a grain of salt especially when you can totally understand the song just from listening to it but ... u can either view that as a blanket generic statement for oasis and that part of his life as a whole or more specifically for liam, i guess both would be valid but for a long time i viewed it more as him speaking to that part of his life and oasis fans instead of to anyone specifically, until that comment that made me think like....hello? it's about What.
also i'm one of those crazies 🤪 who thinks him leaving oasis was premeditated, obviously something he had been wanting, and he just took the first opportunity he could. being in oasis wasn't making him happy anymore and it was best for him to leave. he did a good thing in a bad and stupid way. he's even admitted to that and that they should have done it differently. so i think it's him saying that he did or maybe does still love them but he had to leave for his own wellbeing.
whoever you want to view "them" as, idk, but i think it's obviously about one of the two. i think it could possibly be at least in part about liam because he was obviously still a part of that situation regardless, and noel is starting to write like "falling out of love" songs here and there and this is one of them i think, just bc of the way he says that whoever it is he's singing about, it's past tense. he loved her once, but now it's over and he's gotta move on. it kind of reminds me of if love is the law lol. like he's done writing sad songs about it or even nice ones, to me these songs come across as his way of saying like i'm done loving you, definitely done crying over you and writing sad or hopeful songs about it, and i'm doing what's best for me. pbbt.
idk bro...i think... in the end it doesn't really matter if he meant oasis and that era and those people in a broader sense, or liam specifically, because liam was so intertwined with all of that for noel it ends up being about him anyway even if indirectly. soo....yea
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captainjellyroll · 7 years
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IM GONNA try this thing where ppl answer asks in bulk or smth??? idk- LETS GO!!
these are all asks that i got (when i asked for ppl to tell me any personality flaws i have; so i can become a better person) aaaand truthfully, i thought i was gonna get a few weird ones (aka mean ones). but, i consider myself a pretty open-minded person, so i took any asks that i got w/ a grain of salt bwahaha
i know none of these have the intention of being a personal attack, so none of these offend me in any way. i really do appreciate the feedback from y’all, it helps a lot!!
truthfully-- they are all very sweet and more nicer “roasts” than anything. if anything else; they seem more like compliments (which i dont mind, but wasnt what i was really looking for-- i guess i was kinda looking for harsher reality checks but instead i got these haha). but nonetheless, i am grateful for these, so thank you!
lets get into the nitty-gritty, shall we~? (more under the cut if it interests you LOL)
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disclaimer: i realize that most of my answers may sound like im being defensive, but i do take any critiques to heart. i am 100% listening to you guys and learning. but i do have some points id like to further explain or debunk. i hope you understand!!
aaaaand w/o further ado;; lets do this..!! //cracks fingers
1) i appreciate you read my FAQ haha. but what you are implying is that i DONT go to any friends for help. or that i even HAVE friends irl to begin with. i think you assume that i come to tumblr to vent all the time, when in truth-- tumblr is one of my last resort places i go to vent. i start with online friends who seem to care enough, then i make my way to my private twitter if i need to. i DO go to other people first who have some impact on me, and most of the time i DO NOT vent here. but when i do-- it means im at my last resort. i dont have any “irl friends” to go to. all of my medical help is in california. i have literally no where to turn to besides the internet.
when i vent here- 9/10 im just screaming into the void hoping someone will give me validation or sympathy. im not asking for any real help besides for someone to listen. thats all. if i need more, i will mention it. if not-- just listening helps me. thats all.
2) i would like for you to further explain what this means?? or if this is referencing to smth i said? again, i would like to consider myself a very open-minded or reasonable person, and im always changing and growing, whether it be in opinions or viewpoints. i think as a human, we evolve as we live on. idk, im re-reading this one over and over and i cant seem to see what you are trying to say. sorry!!
3) i agree with this one the most. i feel like if im too arrogant of my work, i will never get better. but.... i do admit that im getting to that point where i dislike what i do so much so that i dont enjoy it. and thats a really shitty feeling, lemme tell ya... so, ill try and love myself more-- but i dont believe at all that im a good artist. maybe decent, but im no top tier. i WANT to be there, and i WANT to be able to stand side-by-side w/ my senpais and truely believe i belong there, but... i dont see it. and i can admit that im not a perfect artist. i might be overrated, tbh. thats just my personal feelings on it. everyone’s eyes are different, and in my eyes, im not anything special. and im not being humble either, i really believe that. YOU may see that im pretty good, but other people may not. you get me?
but, thank you for saying so. <3
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ALRIGHTY folks thats enough rambling for today-- again, thank you for these asks, ill definitely think about them c:
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