#idk there's something about getting the thumbs up from actual pros that feels so amazing???!!!
prom-the-game · 1 year
okok so like i got in contact with a couple of experienced writers for mainly writing advice and tips and told them about the entire story of prom
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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aizawa shouta x shy!reader ; yamada hizashi x shy!reader
warnings: i think theres cussing LOL IDK
a/n: okay so these are hard for a few reasons.... one im not a shy person... so im i dont capture the essence of a shy reader im so sorry D: and i havent written for mic yet. love the man sososo much, but... he’s so scary to write for....but i love these two idiots! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!! AND THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME ANON
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Aizawa Shouta
Aizawa was standing right next to you. The two of you were out for a movie date night, waiting in the too long of a line for the midnight premiere.
You bundled up in so many coats that Aizawa found it cute! But your eyes kept jittering between the front of the line to the title of the movie over and over. You looked like a marshmallow. Aizawa knew you were already reciting what you were going to say to the employee when you got there. Something that wouldn’t happen for another thirty minutes.
Aizawa found your quiet excitement to be entertaining to watch. The way your hands would clap with every step forward. Aizawa had already asked you over a hundred times this week alone, but Aizawa couldn’t help but he couldn't resist another one. “What’s this move about again?”
Despite what should be an annoyance on your face, an award-winning smile present itself on your face. Aizawa watched as you explained what the movie is about. You spare no detail, giving away the background to the movie without going into what the actual movie was about. The small stutters and embarrassed flush still evident in your speech. This went by unnoticed as Aizawa could not hear it over the excitement that fills your speech.
“Oh my god, are you a super fan too?” The man in front of you states, he whips around, his own eyes sparkling. “I dragged all my friends with me here, but no one is as excited as me!”
Aizawa watches on without a word. The two of you chatting about the series that Aizawa wasn’t knowledgeable about at all. Furthermore, his lack of knowledge in this series irked him now. You were blushing and stuttering a lot more now that you were speaking with a stranger. Yet you still had that undeniable excitement in your voice.
“If you and your friend want to sit with us, I’m sure none of my friends would mind! Having a pretty girl who knows what’s going on during the movie is my actual dream come true.” The man says as he places an arm around your shoulder, to which you attempt to get off.
Now, he had passed a boundary.
Aizawa grabs your wrist, and within seconds he has you pressed into his side. Aizawa stands glowering at the stranger in front of him who sneers back. “The hell bro, she isn’t fucking yours.” He says rolling his eyes as he attempts to grab you back.
Aizawa outmaneuvers him, putting himself in front of you. Acting on what could only be high school boy emotions, he presses his lips against yours. Aizawa could not think straight as he bit down onto your bottom lip. Something he knew never failed to make you moan. Sure enough, a moan left your lips, and Aizawa made sure to make it obvious that he was putting his tongue in your mouth.
It lasts only a few seconds more before he can feel your arms weakly pushing against him, a weak protest against your actions. So, Aizawa complies. He pulls away. Making sure to look deep into your eyes which were swimming with different emotions. He smiles at you before snapping his attention to the stranger who was looking away. Fury, embarrassment, and envy on his face.
“Of course she’s not fucking mine, she’s her own damn person,” Aizawa glares as the words stab like knives. “But I am the one fucking her.”
Now that causes a series of shrieks and squeaks from you.
You groan as you bury your face into Aizawa’s chest, wanting nothing more than to disappear from the line. The reaction of the crowd made it known that little make-out had caught peoples attention.
“Sho-Shouta...” You whisper as he now wraps his arm around your waist as the two of you walk, following the line. The man in front now refusing to look backward, which makes Aizawa smile. “That was embarrassing.”
Aizawa winks, even so, having quite enjoyed the spur of emotion from himself, “I’m sorry, my love.”
“Like hell you are.” You retort into his arm and Aizawa chuckles as he presses a kiss to your temple as the ticket booth calls the two of you up.
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Yamada Hizashi
“And here with me tonight, listeners! Is the ONE, the ONLY, the AMAZING, Y/L/N Y/N!” Hizashi screamed into his mic. Hizashi was feeling ecstatic that you finally agreed to go on his radio show after years of begging.
“Hi!” You meekly say unto the microphone, unsure if you should wave given no one could actually see you.
“So, y/l/n, tell the audience a little bit about yourself! Let them know all the deets about you!”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escapes your lips. You watch your boyfriend stare at you with the widest grin you’ve ever seen in your life. He was just so outspoken, genuine, and kin that sometimes it made you wonder how someone so... well shy, could ever make him interested in you.
“I’m here too, Mic.” The annoyed voice of Aizawa says, and you laugh some more as Hizashi scoffs, throwing his best friend a wink.
Aizawa had also agreed to join only because you would be there. Being your boyfriend's best friend, he wanted to help you out in case Hizashi became too much Present Mic. Besides, you would get most of the attention! Nevertheless, Aizawa still wanted an introduction.
“Ah yes, the noble Eraserhead is here tonight, too! Listeners, I don’t know if I ever told you, but did you know that I chose his Pro-Hero name?!”
“You were discussing y/l/n.” Aizawa groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose, the tips of his ears turning red.
“OH, YEAH!” Hizashi exclaims as his attention is back onto you. You glance over at Aizawa who sighs and without further hesitation, the night rolls on.
You can’t believe it, but you’re actually enjoying yourself on the Present Mic Radio Show. Hizashi made it easy to talk to the void. Pretty soon, you felt as if it wasn’t even broadcasted as you felt at ease with the conversations. In fact, you had finished a conversation surrounding the latest news with the up and coming new Pro-Heroes. After all, all three of you knew them!
“Moving to the last segment of the night, we’ll be taking in some calls from you beautiful listeners!” Hizashi says throwing his fists into the air, “Start calling in folks, we only have ten minutes!”
You smiled as the calls started, and most of them didn’t need much of your attention. Most of them were more obsessed over the two Pro-Heroes on the show, that is until the very last call.
“Hi,” The scratchy phone audio plays through your headphones, “My question is actually for, y/l/n!”
This stuns all three of you. Because although you had been participating, you weren’t exactly a well-known name. You glanced over at Hizashi. An encouraging smile and thumbs up from Hizashi sent your lips near your mic and you spoke, “Go, um, go ahead?”
“Oh great, well, uh... this might sound weird, but I really love the sound of your voice. I was wondering if, by chance, you would like to go out with me—“
“That’s a hard no,” Hizashi speaks up before you can, a smile on his face as he can’t believe what’s happening, and your cheeks blush scarlet.
“I’m sorry, but why not?”
“Well besides the fact that we don’t know who you are, listener, but y/l/n is my girlfriend!” Hizashi cooly states as he looks down at his fingernails as if it was some sort of power move.
“Oh... well, my offer still stands!” The man continues, “She obviously didn’t say no, it was you who said no.”
You feel dizzy, this was not happening.
“You’re right listener,” Hizashi sighs as if he wasn’t thinking things through. “Instead of being rejected by me, you’re going to get double rejected by my adorable girlfriend! Who’s way out of your league anyway!”
You shake your head at Aizawa who is grinning at this interaction, “I’m sorry, listener. Um, well my answer, my answer is no.”
“Oh looks like the caller hung up, alongside his pride!” Hizashi fakes pouts before cackling, “Alright, until next time! PRESENT MIC, OUT!”
Hizashi rolls his eyes as the On-Air sign turns off. He tosses his glasses aside looking at you with a tired, but victorious smile. “Now get your cute ass over here and show me I’m yours.”
You pretend to scoff, but stand up anyways.
“And that’s my cue,” Aizawa says leaving followed by the echoing laughter of you and Hizashi.
after writing this, i can now confirm i love daddy aizawa and present mic, peace OUT HOMIES
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poisonous-widow · 5 years
Good enough?
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Adult katsuki bakugou / Pro hero x Adult Female Pro hero / singer
Summary: You were cheated on and it broke you down. But things never last forever. You pack your things and you leave with your kids, bakugou is filled with guilt and regret when he realises your truly gone. 
Content: Angst, Crying, Depression, Cursing
WARNING NOTE: If you don’t like reading these types of genres then please DO NOT READ! However, if you are determined to manage through it then i wish you luck. Please be sure to have some tissues, a cry pillow to hug, blankets and water for hydration for the water fountains to come!
P.S: IDK if i’m good at these, first time so i expect this to be bad lol. Enjoy though! (づ^ω^)づ  and please don’t hesitate to comment about it and if i should make a number two, byeee.
I am, the diamond you left in the dust
How many times has it been..Since you two once said those three sacred words, “I love you”? 
Your Beautiful E/c sea foam hues wandered the beautiful decor of your walls of your- Both shared bedroom. This very room, Four years ago was a cave of love, a sacred place you could never live or feel whole without the other. You let your mind reminisce the memory of the night when you would hold your other half to your bare chest and let your soft slender fingers coarse through his hair lovingly, his arms tightly secured around your naked waist with his forehead to your chest, eyes closed with relaxation and exhaustion from the previous events that happened. Making the bed, usually a mess. 
But now..It felt like a lost,floating memory in your body. 
You released a breathless sigh as you dropped your bag on the plush bed, tossing the keys on the small lamp desk beside the mattress frame, “I’m home”, Your voice whispered. Oh how you wished he would answer you back with a warm welcome, anything that could lift the heavy weight which pushed on you...but no. 
How could something like that ever happen..? 
When you graduated from U.A, Katsuki Bakugou proposed to you and of course, you happily said yes. He was your husband and you, his loyal and up-most beloved wife. You two still continued as heroes but time to time, you wouldn’t show up. That was because you were the head lead singer of the famously known band “koi”. You told your Husband about it and he agreed to keep your singing identity hidden, as long as he got free access to your performances and that he was able to see you in the best views. Singing was your second love and you wanted to have that in your life still, so having your identity hidden and your lover keeping it a secret was a good thing.
However, time passed by, you noticed that things began to change. Katsuki had started his own Hero agency and was never home much. texts and calls never answered. It frustrated you. You could understand the amount of hero work he would get and the amount of events he’d have to present himself to. But you knew when someone needs to take breaks. Shouldn’t he too? You love katsuki so much that you wished that he would take better care of himself. To be home with you and just relax, hearing you sing a sweet tune or be there when you had your...little breakdowns over the littlest things. Katsuki was your rock and would listen to you when you vent out your problems about the band. he would always be there when you needed it. But now he wasn’t. 
I am, the future you lost in the past
What was that..? 
SHIT, CRAP, IT’S YOUR PHONE! Scrambling around the bed for your bag, making it fall, trying to catch it and end in a miserable failure, you followed suit and plummeted to the floor. Hissing from the pain, you quickly pressed it aside and slammed your hand onto the vibrating mobile, sweeping it to your ear as your thumb slid the phone icon to the right, answering it. 
“Katsuki, finally! you answered your phone for O-” 
You paused and looked at the phone. That wasn’t the low-toned, gruffed voice of your husband. It was your babysitter.
“Ah, I’m so sorry Uraraka” Your cheeks tinted a light pink from the embarrassment you made of yourself to your friend. She giggled over the phone. “It’s okay Y/n” You could feel her smile through the phone “But...are you okay?” She sounded worried now. “Is there something wrong with Bakugou?” This time, Tsuyu’s voice came through the phone, her small ribbit not going unnoticed.
Uraraka and Tsuyu were some of  the few who you were still in touch with and sometimes with bakugou. But through it all, They were the caretakers to your two 4 year old twin boys, Mistuki and Tatsumi. After the wedding and the honeymoon, you wanted to take things to the next level, there is when you’re two balls of lights blossomed into both your lives. While you and katsuki were too busy with hero work or your secret singing career away from the hero agency, they would come and take them for the day. They were two balls of sunshine and mischief and the girls loved them. They both looked like their father but Mistsuki had your sweet motherly and cinnamon roll innocence and the sharp fire of determination, along with the sheer wildness of their father. Tatsumi, was the replica of katsuki himself. He had everything thing equal, to his fire and wild, the ranting (and...katsuki, i-it’s just katsuki! that’ll all! you gave birth to a katsuki Jr), but he did have your sense in some manner. 
“Y/n? You never answered my question” Tsuyu ribbits into the call, snapping your thoughts back to the conversation. “Sorry Tsuyu. I thought it was him. He doesn’t read my texts or voice mails. He doesn’t pick up his phone in particular anymore!” You scoffed. There was a small silence after your little rage. “Guys?” You called out, you heard a slight of shuffling “Oh, right! You shouldn’t worry about it and all Y/n. Bakugou runs his own agency and with his position, it’s difficult for him to attend anything like a break. Business seems to catch him quicker before he can reach a single ounce of rest”
You silently nodded, twirling the sealed bond between your free hand as the small rope tickled your neck. That had to be the reason, you were sure of it. 
Sucking in a small breath and stood up, grabbing your keys and bag while you turned your phone on and tapped the screen so you could hear your friends on loud speaker. “well, I know that you two didn’t call to see me okay, so, want me to come pick up my babies to give you two some relief?” 
Uraraka giggles, this time your mind could visualise her sweet adorable smile she’s always had, her brown hues gleaming. 
“As always, you are straight to the point” Your lips twitched upwards, a small smile appearing. “Ribbit, actually we called to tell you that the band was approved to continue on.” 
You were silent, a smile crawling it’s way to your face and it stretched beyond the cheekbones. This was the greatest success you’ve ever gotten; everyone was waiting for the conformation of it. All your hard work and your amazing band and crew really paid it off. The girls knew about your side career because you told them, you trusted them. 
“This is great! I have to tell this to katsuki, he’s going to be thrilled!” You bolted from the bed and to the wardrobe. “I gotta go guys, I’ll pick up my babies after visiting kastuki. I’ll be there in 20 minutes, bye!” 
“wait Y/n, Don’t you thi-”
You cut them off by hanging up, putting the mobile on the desk you scavenged through the pile of neat hanged clothing until you spot it; the dress you wore on your honeymoon all those years ago. The dress was simple and casual but beautiful nonetheless, it showed every aspect of yourself and not a single wrinkle in sight! i looked completely new. Yes, you were going to be just you; no make up, no formal clothing, nothing professional or superficial. It’s just you as your born self: The girl katsuki bakugou had married. 
Seems like I never compared
Wouldn’t Notice if I disappeared
You made it 5 minutes before Katsuki’s break. E/c hues beamed excitement and your body jumped with fresh bolts of motivation, your band, approved and ready for the big leagues! Katsuki was going to be real proud of you, you were positive and sure of it,of course. 
As you walked down the hallway, some people recognised you, the famous hero-wife of the one and only Ground Zero. Making your way through a small litter of crowds, you tapped a formally-dressed woman on her shoulder, making her turn. You gave her a sincere smile. 
“Sorry to bother you, do you know where i can find Katsuki Bakugou? I-” 
Your ears were ringing now, it hurt but you manage to keep a calm face. And since Curiosity just couldn’t poke you more, you turned around and a female was in front of you, squealing and red. She looked like she could explode. 
“H-hello there..” You moved your hand a little, a small gesture of a wave. Her eyes blew up like stars behind her glasses.
‘Ami?, who is that?’, you asked yourself. You subconsciously tilt your head
“I...err..see. I guess you and Ami are new here?” The girl nodded freakishly fast, you were more worried about her neck snapping. 
“YES! BOSS IS SO INCREDIBLY LUCKY TO HAVE YOU AS HIS BEST RIGHT HANDED FRIEND AND SIDE KICK! He speaks so softly about you, it’s really rare to actually see him smile! Ami and I were pretty curious about who you were..” The girl seemed to drift off on the last past. 
Your brows furrowed at some of her words, ‘FRIEND!? I’m his wife. and SIDE KICK!? I know that i work with him but the only side kick that man is gonna get is the one from my foot!’, You were practically fuming in your mind. 
“Your very pretty though, miss!” Her words seemed to cut you out of it. You smiled a little “thanks...” You rubbed your shoulder. “By the way, what position does your friend Ami have?” Curiosity was clouding over you now. “Oh! Ami is Ground zero’s Strategic Assistant. They basically go everywhere together” 
‘They basically go everywhere together’
Your heart felt like it got crushed by an invisible amount of weight. 
“W-where...where are they now?” you sternly said, eyes clouded and the girl just mistook it as exhaustion. “Down the corridor and turn right. go down the hallway and it’s the large door at the end on your left” She smiled and points you in the direction to go. You scrambled to escape from the secretary and towards the directions she gave you. 
You stole, the love that I saved for myself
The more you carried on down the hallway as instructed, the more eerier it gets and you feel a shiver crawl up your arms, you rub them to create a friction of warmth. It’s too silent down here. 
Then you hear him. Her. Them.
When you make it to the large doors on your left, your hand reaches for the handle but a moan causes you to freeze your movements from opening it with brutal strength. 
Her voice was loud, nobody would EVER call that a whisper. And to make it worse, she was crying in moans to his name. YOUR husbands name. Palm to your mouth, you stared at the coloured oak doors, frozen. Your body trembled lightly, feeling an absurd amount of weight plummeting on you; Truth was plummeting on you. 
Silence took over her cries whilst you stood outside, still shaken by the current events that are happening and are still winding in your head. Although you can’t hear anything much more. Is that room sound-proof or some-!
“Fuck!! Assistant” 
Ears perked up, that rather loud and clear moan. Your Husbands moan. Irises trembled along with your body, shock piling over each other within you. Your fingers felt cold as they trembled against the handle on the door, your tried your best to steady them as you opened the wood which stood in your way from the truth. Loud rumbles and shuffling occur as you allowed the door to freely open it’s way for you, Her scream of panic, His body trying to straighten itself. 
And I watched, you give it to somebody else
Her legs were tangled around his waist in a lock. Blood ruby eyes trail from the bare figure of the girl Ami. She’s laying on the desk, looking up at the door, to you. He’s over her, muscular arms that once cradled you are now to the sides of her head. The panic and shock in his eyes are visible. 
He’s trying to find words for this event which unfolds before your eyes. Ami hides her face. Her face was obviously red from being caught, Getting FUCKED by your husband and your husband FUCKING her. 
“G-Ground Z-zero, I’m so sorry y-your si-side-kick had to s-see this! THIS IS EMBARRASSING” she squealed through her hands. 
But these scars, I no longer hide
Firstly, you didn’t know how to react. 
You knew something had changed, you felt it coming after he got the agency. But like a fool, you ignored it. You thought of it as something small and easy to fix...but nothing as far as this. face giving it’s all, you tried to express your anger to him, to shout our your fury to demonstrate the rage within you. 
It never happened...
Water splattered the ground beneath you. All that was visible were the tears, the depression and anger somewhat showing but the walls you built to sustain the flow of water was cracking and crumbling at the scene. 
Those lonely nights alone with him at work. 
His sudden change of mood, the built up frustration, annoyance and anger. The sudden distance between you both. It was all because of this. Because of her. 
Let’s just get this over with...
“I came here to tell you that the band was approved.” You looked down and rubbed your left arm. Your walls were coming down harder and you could feel your eyes sting from trying to hold back the water flow. However, his eyes glued to your crumbling frame. 
Then a small heartless laugh came out of your lips, “You know, it’s hilarious to think..” You began, gripping your bare arm, the feeling of your nails digging into your flesh was a punishment to yourself. “My career for being a hero with you all this time was to represent that I would always be there, just you and me together on the battle field and in each others arms, but my Singing..” You let out another laugh, it was cracked but all of this was too much for you “My singing and my songs were all inspired from you because you’ve been my inspiration, my motivation and my absolute everything...ever since the day we met” 
Couldn’t love me, if you tried
Because let’s face it...
“I was never good enough was I...”  beautiful E/c sea foamed hues washed away to a rainy grey, red stains of tears lining pathways down your cheeks.
You took in a breath but you never rubbed your face from the tears, you let them slip out. You were already over-flowing with all these emotions, why should you stop them now. Turning around you were about to leave the room, but you halt for a second. 
Katsuki had slipped out of his assistant and was arranging his clothes back on his body as quickly as he can, checking every now and then if you were still in his line of sight. you were leaving. He began to panic, the girl he just fucked erased from his mind. 
Am i still not, good enough? 
Am i still not, worth that much?
“Y/n!!” He yelled, even though you weren’t that far from each other. His arm was reach out, but your back was still in his face. It was only then your head began to turn itself. “You want to know what i’m most relieved about...?” you turned around, a smile gracing your lips.
Sorry for the smile i’m wearing now
“I’m glad Mitsuki and Tatsumi were never here to see this, their back-stabbing, unfaithful and disgusting ass hole..you truly are” Angry tears pouring from your eyes, you let them fall as you flicked the envelope you pulled from your bag into their air, soon falling flat to the ground where his shoes were. 
You were gone when he looked up. 
Bending down he gripped the envelope and trailed the neat cursive writing on the front, his name beautifully designed and full of love. He un-sealed it and opens the letter within. 
To my beloved, 
My love, my life, My Inspiration and the father to our two blessed sons, thank you for supporting me throughout the years and for taking me as your lover. You gave me a brighter world and all the drastic adventures ahead, thank you for loving me with everything you had. 
I’m grateful to whoever blessed me to be fate with you, you and our children are all I need now, the next and from the previous life. With our family together, all is okay and we are strong. You are my everything and that is all i need. 
I love you with every being of my self that i gave
His body trembled erratically when he finished reading your letter, his hand resting on his eyes as he could feel the pain of tears about to flood him. 
“What the fuck have I done..” 
Guess I’m still...
No, wait
It was you that was never Good enough. 
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allamericansbitch · 4 years
well since y’all asked
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everything will be below the cut so people can just ignore this lol
the wild thing is like... everything everyone was saying from both sides makes sense. the good and the bad. i’ll start off with a pro and cons and then do a short track by track
i agree with what people are saying about how well this style suits her voice, it perfect. it’s smooth and calming but also doesnt stick her in a box and will allow her to kinda move with it and change things up as she sings, which i know she loves to do.
the production is exactly her too. it’s r&b beats with classic strings... liek that’s completely ariana grande. it’s so interesting and it weirdly works well? 
i feel like you can tell she was just in her element making these songs. i feel like she tapped into something that can be so endless for her and new ideas will be constant.
idk if it’s just me adjusting to hearing her sing but her pronunciation is getting a lot better
every song has at least one good and attractive part to it... there are no songs that i am so completely confused as to why it’s on the album.
it’s for sure my favorite era for her in terms of style
also her best album cover (but sweeter is close second) 
okay... there is a pattern with this album. every song had a really solid start. so many times i was in love with the verses and the melodies she was singing but... my god are the choruses weak. it’s just one line... repeated... like 4 times... then we move on... and i was sitting here like ‘oh that’s what we were building up to?’ and it happened with every song. so i completely agree about it kind of falling flat most of the time.
it’s so repetitive. besides the choruses mostly all being weak, the themes are all the same. like the 14 songs on the album are all about two things: her being horny or her being in love. that’s it. why did we need 14 songs to tell us two things.
another point: why were there 14 songs? so many filler tracks that just add nothing to the album for me. she could’ve honestly made a solid 10 track album and it would’ve been a good clean piece of work. 
the lyrics... oh my god the lyrics. the one thing i saw people saying, both fans of the album and not, was that the lyrics were really bad... liek they had to prepare people. and my god. there were some points that straight up sounded like 14 year old stan accounts arguing on twitter... ‘you sound dumb... shut up’ SHE USED THAT LYRIC AS A HOOK... she thought it was so good it deserved to be the hook like? and also there’s a lyric that just straight up says ‘read a fucking book’ lol. the good or tolerable lyrics are basically ones she already used before on other songs? like how many time's has this woman sung about fucking while watching movies... 
she needs to stop putting out albums so frequently. a lot of the complaints i see people having is just that it doesnt feel finished or polished enough to be an album. like she should have waiting a few months and refined things. it feels like a stepping stone rather than a destination. she doesnt have a clear vision, narrative or purpose driving the album at all. 
track by track
shut up: this was the first taste of bad lyrics like this is the song about being dumb and i fully was like omfg this is the whole song isnt it. i dig the production though.. this might have the best production of the whole album for me. 
34+35: i felt like i was listening to a horny 13 year old boy during the chorus lol. it just felt really immature at some points... like the giggling every time she alluded to 69 wasnt necessary. also the end where she says ‘mean i wanna 69 with ya’..... sweetie you didnt have to tell us we know we can add. i did like the melody of the pre-chorus. the ‘i’ve been drinkin coffee, i’ve been eatin healthy’ is really catchy and good
motive: god i had such high hopes for this. it first started and i loved the production and the prechorus worked really well... but again that chorus weakness really fucked it. and doja’s part doesnt really fit the song for me? it feels out of place and like she should’ve been put on a more upbeat song
just like magic: first song i actually liked and added to my library! i finally heard a good chorus that didnt feel like it completely slowed down the momentum of the song and helped move it along. and the lyrics are cute. i think for me she needs to improve on the difference between a cute lyric and a cringy lyric... like cute: ‘middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it’ and cringy: the rest of the album. also one thing there’s a lyric about her listening to music she wrote and like girl you had 34 writers on this album... what are you listening to two words? every time she brags about writing it’s kinda embarrassing like.... at no point am i impressed
off the table: this production would have been so good.... if it actually did anything else or went anywhere. it stayed the same the entire time.... for 4 minutes. also stop letting men on women’s music because it seriously never works. her vocals are really pretty though.
six thirty: i really like her vocal delivery in this... like kinda dropping off at the end and just starting to talk? it’s interesting. also the chorus really had potential because it actually got bigger and more layered and interesting but again with the one lyric ‘are you down’ repeated like 3 times then the chorus is just over it’s like... oh okay
safety net: again amazing verse delivery and melody... IF SHE TOOK IT ANYWHERE it would have been great. and again with the male features... not necessary. the bridge is cool with them both singing but other than that it feel flat for me. 
my hair: that smooth electric guitar intro is everything. and this sound of this song is so good.... but.... am i the only person who kinda feels weird about ariana, a white girl, being like ‘you can run your hands through me hair... dont be scared’ like?? why would they be scared... your hair is straight lol. it just toys with the whole idea of ‘don’t touch a black women’s hair’ for me. idk it could totally be a me overanalyzing thing. but god is she sang about anything else this would be my favorite song. second song i added to my library.  
nasty: if i had to pick one song that was my exact expectations for this album before listening to it it would be this one. the electronic hip-hop beat with the harmonies and vocals, all paired together for a song about her being horny (again), like yeah this all fits. it feels lost in some places though. like some points i feel like i have no idea what part for the song we’re on or what’s happening and we’re just treading water. and another weak chorus with 1 lyric repeated over and over again. (also random side not that intro of her talking reminded me of when she gave that billboard interview and people were mad at her bc she starting talking with an accent even though shes white... like thats what i thought of i was like ma’am you are a rich white theater kid form florida you do not speak like that)
west side: the production in the beginning is so cool? where is sounds like a tape rewinding kinda? love that. but other than that like... no point to this song being included on the album... it’s 2 minutes and it falls flat pretty early on.
love language: this was the one i saw most people agreeing was the best one/most hyped. i expected to be a ballad but it’s one of the more upbeat ones and honestly thank god. a chorus that actually has structure and goes somewhere? wild. good and creative lyrics? WILD. anyway the production is great and reintroduces that kinda 70s vibe from motive but in a refreshing way. really good tie in. third song added to the library. 
positions: i honestly didn’t even listen to this when it came out so i really had no idea what to expect. again the strings and orchestral pairs so well together... one of my favorite instrumentals on the whole album. i 100% see why this was the lead single and i agree with it completely. the most catchy chorus and it moves the song forward WHAT A CONCEPT. also very good placement on the tracklist because it was really refreshing. at this point it kinda started to drag on a little but this picked it right up. it also kinda threw me completely off balance because i was so familiar with the pattern of good verse weak chorus good verse weak chorus, but this is the opposite? weak verses but amazing chorus. forth song added to library.  also i am genuinely curious why it’s the album title? it doesnt really fit the theme of the album but then again one of my complaints is that it doesnt really have a theme to begin with so... 
obvious: the imagery i got when the music came in was like a dark 80′s lounge with dark wood furniture and i loved it lol. the same thing with positions, a surprising and refreshing combo of weak verse but good chorus which was nice. i can see it easily getting me stuck in my head, especially that hook. fifth song added to my library. 
pov: this is the other song off the album i heard everyone generally loved. i would say this has the best theme and story of the entire album. it has an interesting concept that isnt overly used and the whole song is pretty good decent verse and decent chorus. i love the end where she gets powerful and has more grit in her voice and we get more emotion out of her... wish she didnt wait until the last 30 seconds of the whole album to finally deliver with that but sure. sixth song to be added to the library. 
overall i was pretty surprised at how much i enjoyed it? i really expected not to the way everyone was talking about it. i think it is a good album with just some clear flaws, that could have been easily fixed if she didnt rush the album out so quickly. better lyrics and better judgement/deliberation of which songs deserve to be on the album and it would have been so solid. i would give it an overall rating of 6/10. 
here’s my current ranking:
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled.)
Oh Hop, my sweet, sweet summer child.
I've used a similar setting in three fics already. Time to get original bitch. Anyway! This story was a test run for a Postwickship fic for me and it's a success: I've had tons of fun. This is supposed to be set post-game but in an AU where Shieldbert and Swordbart or whatever their Eng names are didn't show up to steal old rusty held items idk. I just really wanted to write hurt/comfort for them lol I headcanon the player character and their crew as 16 in SwSh so they're 16-17 here. I wouldn't puncture the lung of a 10-year-old, jeebus. This could be a little incoherent because I wrote it in more than one sitting and while doing some research on the side at times, so I hope this is satisfying to someone out there.
Anima Curanda (A Soul Who Will Be Cared For)
Summary: Hop tries finding his way back to civilization after a trip field gone wrong, Gloria finds her best friend injured in Postwick and the air surrounding them is filled with unanswered questions, undisclosed pain and concerns. A lot of concern.
Fandom: Pokémon Sword and Shield Ship: Pre-rel Hop/Gloria (Postwickshipping)
Wordcount: 3.8K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
Hahaha, it hurts! It just hurts!
What hurts? Too much to keep track off, frankly. He just aches all over, from head to toe; from the migraine of having barely slept to the pain of having walked and biked for days and days; from the dark thoughts he tries to keep buried from the outside world and the hazards on the ground that he stumbles over when he starts to overthink things.
 Despite how many times he’s been curb-stomped to the ground, how many times he’s flown in the air after the shockwave a move can make, and how much all of these hurt afterwards, he’s kept rising to his feet over and over again. He’s lost to his rival ten times already, he’ll never shine as bright as his brother or the friend he spent his childhood with, unbeatable as they are and ordinary as he is. He’s nothing special, nothing shiny, just nothing.
Portraits of Lee decorating the living room and countless discussions between his own family aside, there’s a lot of other things that tell him he’s the inferior product. A lot of other little, tiny things – of details, even – that ache to think about, that pinch his heart to the point of being slightly nauseous.
 Everyone on his team has fainted, aside from Dubwool who’s courageously fighting the hail with him. He regrets having ever taken his first partner, his most loyal one, away in some PC box out of the sheer mass of his insecurities, of that constant will to improve despite nothing good ever coming from that. He hangs onto its Ball as firmly as he can, the strength of it making him afraid he’ll make it shatter if he clenches it too strongly.
He’s actually surprised he feels this strong to begin with. After trekking for days, fighting everything he could, trying to find new members to reinforce his team, it’s surprising he can still think of himself as strong enough to do that. If it wasn’t for the pain bolting in his chest, he wouldn’t be clenching that ball as if his life depended on it.
 And what a pain it is! It started with the missed Psycho Cut of a wild Gallade, whom Corviknight had narrowly the assault of shortly before getting taken down itself, hitting right into the left side of his chest and most likely at least making some internal damage in there. That was around two days ago, if he isn’t wrong, and it’s shown no sign of hurting less anytime soon.
It bruised rapidly, or so he thinks compared to those he’d often get when he was younger (and also not unlike the ones Lee got during the Eternatus incident, on second thought…). Pressing a hand against it too strongly makes him yelp in pain while his skin keeps worsening in colour around where he got it. He was lucky for it not to have bled on the spot, but that doesn’t make anything much better: it still hurts a ton and he still has trouble breathing because of it. If it’s not getting better after a couple days, when will it do so?
 At times, black dots appear all over his vision, for some reason, and he starts swaying and staggering until Dubwool catches him back with its fur. He used to apologize verbally, the first times that’d happen; but he’s found himself having less and less breath to give his excuses with. Sentences became a couple words, words some syllable.
It doesn’t help that he’s constantly lightheaded and easily gets dizzy. If he moves a little too rapidly, his vision goes for a swim and may not come back. If it wasn’t for Dubwool fending off the Sneasels that take interest in them at times, he’d have been a goner for sure. He has the feeling this is all related to his injury, to that toxic-looking bruise that’s festering under his miserable layers, but doesn’t see exactly how. Well, that’s not entirely true: he can easily suppose it’s because that injury makes it harder to breathe, so much harder, because of the pain it fires up in him every time he tries to speak and breathe.
 The city is in sight. Wyndon’s lights and tower are in view, and he finally feels some relief, Dubwool seemingly bleating in agreement. However, right as he charges his legs to rush there, he trips over some ice, his damp sole gliding for a split second, losing his balance and falling again. Dubwool doesn’t have the time to react properly and stop him, so he falls right on his chest from all of his height, a sickening thumb resonating with his fall. The air gets propelled out of his lungs in one fell swoop, dizzying him even further.
He has no time to lose, especially not what he’s that close to the city, so he tries getting up on his arms. The pain that has been dully brushing against his ribs is now acting in an even fuller swing, the black dots not leaving his line of sight, almost preventing him from breathing altogether. He could stop to take a taxi, but what if he’s to pass out before it even comes? No, no, he has no time to lose…
 His legs have endured a beating of their own before, decorated with scratches and bruises from the rocks he didn’t see coming and the claws of the local wildlife, tired of pushing on themselves to make him keep going. As a result, he has to use Dubwool as a support, failing to rise up once or twice before managing to finally regain a footing and continue his route to Wyndon. He’ll be there soon, he’ll be able to know what’s wrong and to finally give himself actual rest. Arceus, doesn’t that sound amazing?
He suddenly coughs violently, not even having the time to say anything or even put a hand in front of his mouth. He’s left gasping for air, unable to really make oxygen enter his chest anymore, especially once he sees what has just gotten out of his system, spread on the snow like an unremovable stain on an immaculate carpet. This is it: he has to go forward now or he’ll never see the light of day again.
 With tremendous efforts, he makes it to Wyndon, out of breath; legs shaking in instability and arms tired of holding a hand against an injury that most likely doesn’t get any better from getting pressed. He’s still coughing, even if it hurts him even more to do so, and he’d just like to laugh it all off. He’d have done that if the pain wouldn’t get even more excruciating from such a gesture alone. The Centre is very much near now, and he can get there if his chest doesn’t give up on him too. Still, there’s another sight that makes him stop for a few seconds, and a shiver goes down his spine.
In the distance is his childhood best friend, his journey companion, his (former?) rival, waving at him vigorously. She’s smiling, grinning even, as he runs towards him. It’s only when she notices the hand clutching the hurtful part of his abdomen that Gloria drops the smile and immediately worries. It’s kind of hard to say for sure when most of his vision is blurry from the tears that are flooding it by the second.
D-dammit, he doesn’t want to worry her of all people!
 “Hop, are you alright?” She asks, voice hesitant, in a tone he hasn’t heard in a little while.
“Y-yeah, I… I should be… real soon…!” He’s breathless and speaking hurts even further; yet tries smiling, only for his face to follow his chest.
“You’re sure about that? You look like you’re in pain!”
“It’s nothing…! I pro –”
Before he can pronounce his false oath, he starts coughing again, despite all his best efforts not to. The thing building up in his airways gets out anyway, no matter what he wants, and his vision starts swimming again. He’s afraid he’ll blackout before he can reach the Centre, so he should quickly stop that conversation and…
“Let me see.”
 He stares at her for a millisecond, eyes squinting. He was just about to grab a tissue and clean the inside of his palm.
“Hop,” her voice strengthens, reminiscent of the Champion who’s beaten his until then undefeatable brother. “Please, Hop, let me see. It really doesn’t sound right.”
He reluctantly gives her his hand, the black dots dancing around them like will-o-wisps. She doesn’t respond to it, her reaction instead cementing itself in silence. That is, until she finds what words she wants to put on it. It drops in a glacial, no-nonsense tone, raw and undignified:
“…I’m calling for help.”
 Before he could interrupt her attempt at doing so, the quick move he tried to pull off to do so makes itself felt and he collapses on his knees, the pain in his chest unbearably intense. It’s like he’s been kicked in the abdomen, and then someone was twisting something inside of it. Breathing is becoming impossible, or at least barely, from how painful it is to inhale and exhale, from how difficult it is to simply focus on that with such a hazy mind. He wants to cry, but that sounds like choking himself even further…
Gloria seems to be over with her call rapidly, as she next kneels down to his level, her warm hands on his cold shoulders, then on his forehead. Her touch is delicate, as if she’s stroking crystal, while he’s busy not strangling himself with whatever’s happening inside of him at the moment. She gives him soft words of reassurance, shelters him with her arms from the rest of the world, tells him he doesn’t have to lie or suffer anymore. He likes that. He wishes his arms could do the same for her, but she simply is so much stronger than he is, and there is nothing he can do about it. Maybe, one day, he’ll be able to pay her out…
“Don’t worry, you’ll feel better soon,” is the last thing he hears before his vision fades to black.
  Gloria wishes she could have been waiting with Dubwool by her side, both so she wouldn’t be alone and because it’s her best friend’s closest partner; but, naturally, that’s not possible in a hospital, so she instead fumbles with its Ball.
She tried calling Leon and Sonia earlier to warn them about what had happened, but neither of them responded. If she’s to assume, she’d say Leon is busy with managing the Battle Tower and Sonia is head-deep into her studies, may have had a sleepless night and is now snoring over her desk, left unable to be awaken by her phone (which she most likely put on Plane Mode anyway…). She’ll have to wait for them to pick them back up and call her back, then. Ah, that sort of stuff happens. Plus, they can’t have known.
They really can’t guess what happened.
 She can’t quite put back the pieces, at the moment, because of how little she knows about the sequence of events that brought Hop to Wyndon, on a fairly sunny day with cold air, with most of his party fainted, an exhausted Dubwool and, most of all, a couple broken ribs. If Hop can communicate with Dubwool, then she really can’t, even if she’s never wished that much in her life that she could understand bleating. She hadn’t even considered the question until today!
What worries her the most is the blood he was spitting when he was trying to talk to her. Is that a symptom of broken ribs? She can’t remember having ever broken such a bone in her life, or known someone who did. Truth be otold, there may have been that one time where that could have happened, but she never got to know why. A few years ago, the neighbours suddenly went to Wyndon for a week, taking Hop with them, and Mum just kept saying that things would be back to normal soon. She didn’t lie, but the sketchiness of it all makes her suspicious… It doesn’t help that, that year, the Gym Challenge finals got postponed.
 Still, there’s something inside of her that just knows something’s gone terribly wrong. She can’t exactly pinpoint how, or why, or if it’s even possible that such a feeling could be right. All she knows is that she’s having an awful impression of it all and that her heart is beating in overdrive. Winding out is not exactly the easiest thing to do when she’s stuck in a waiting room, having to choose between pacing indefinitely or sit on a chair and play around with her fingers or her phone.
She’s tempted to go outside to wait for the news to be given to her, absolutely; but she’s afraid that, if she does so, the doctors will have nobody to give it to if she’s still outside by then. That’d be underestimating how much she wants to see him, to know what exactly happened and how she, as a Champion and as a friend worthy of such name, can fix things. That’s part of her missions as Leon’s successor, right?
 Set on staying here until someone gets out of the operation room, the bright red light of the “In Use” sign sitting over the doorframe whose direction she regularly glances at still shining over the daylight pouring through the windows, Gloria settles on studying her surroundings yet again. The walls are still white and pristine, with barely any spot or stain to be noticed. The floor is covered by a layer of grey linoleum, as boring to comment on as it’s functional. If she can guess such a room is regularly cleaned, she can also tell there’s been a couple stretchers that have wheeled through it to the operation room today already. The lines and stains left by these, unlike the walls, are still visible.
The room is empty and, aside from her unnerved breathing and impatient footsteps, silent. The soundproof walls make it so she can’t hear a thing, even if she puts her ear against the wall, morbidly curious, trying to keep herself from dipping into some seriously messed-up thoughts that have been trying to assault her mind ever since Hop started showing signs he wasn’t as fine as he’d have liked her to believe.
 In a way, it’s funny that he’s doing exactly the same thing as his brother. They both said “I’m fine, don’t worry” at times where they knew they weren’t. Still, she doesn’t think that Hop did that on purpose, now that he’s tried freeing himself from Leon’s shadow. It’s more of a thing that she sees herself doing… As hypocritical as that may be, and as much as she dislikes knowing he purposefully lied to her thinking it’d be the right thing to do for her sake, she can understand it. She can understand it and that has to be why she hates it so much…
Gloria’s back hits the wall as she glides down to her feet, crouching with her forearms on her knees. Time’s too long and she’s getting nauseous from the anxiety that keeps piling in her throat and chest, heart throbbing. Trying not to cry is already a behemoth task in itself, so she focuses on that, only for her thoughts to change back to what could be happening and questions she can’t have an answer to.
 She snaps back to reality when the red light turns off and the door finally opens, revealing a gurney getting wheeled to the other side of the room and a surgeon, still wearing his stained scrubs, walking up to her. She stands back up, rising herself on stiff and yet trembling legs, and lies back against the wall, gulping. Her mind rings and burns with a thousand questions; but her voice can’t catch up, not even a whisper exiting her mouth. The man gives her a tired, yet soft smile back:
“Your friend will be fine. Absolutely is the brother of the former Champion, his fighting spirit showed in the OR…”
 She has to retain herself from hugging the man right in front of her and give him a waterfall of thanks. Instead, she remembers for a split second she’s the current Champion, shakes her head and keeps the waterworks from unfolding for a little while longer:
“Thank you so much, doctor.”
  There is a silent horror seeping in her veins from being here. Everything about the room is eerie: the slow, somewhat regular beeps of a monitor; the oxygen mask sitting there, accompanying an otherwise soothing breath; the abnormal serenity of the air around her, the whiteness of a room that reminds her of the snow and the smell of antibiotics.
She remembers waiting in a lobby with Hop decorated like that in Hammerlocke, his hand clutching hers while he tried not to bit his thumb or cry in stress, the both of them tired and battered yet the lucky party of the fight against Eternatus. She remembers the horrified yet relieved look on his face as they discovered in what state his brother was. She remembers the words that got out of his mouth, how he found it so creepy to have Lee lying there, almost lifeless.
Surely there is some irony to be found about Hop now playing that role.
 It hurts to be there, to see the time standing still yet again, as she waits for him to wake up. A part of her does like him to be resting after the nightmare he must have endured to end up like that. With the injuries he’s sustained, it’s only normal he doesn’t wake up immediately. She’s trying to combine that with the effect of sleeping gas, but as a girl who’s never had a surgery, it’s hard for her to estimate such a thing. She’s got to wait and…
 She’s about to drift off when she realizes Hop’s head is now turned towards her, the faintest smirk on his lips. He looks beyond tired, exhausted by the experience and the trauma of the surgery, pale all around, but he’s still here, safe. The light press she feels on her hands makes her realize she’s been holding his all along. That’d be embarrassing if she wasn’t trying to get her priorities straight.
“Hop, you’re awake!” That’s beyond obvious, what’s the point of saying aloud like that? Maybe it’s just from the sheer happiness of this being a fact…
 His voice is weak, low and raspy, barely more hearable than a whisper; quite the opposite of the roaring tone he’d usually speak in. Still, that’s his voice, that’s him being able to breathe yet again, and it’s more than enough for now. Of course, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t wish deeply for his recovery to happen soon; that’s just settling down for a sustainable goal for now. Better not rush things in, for she has a feeling that may have happened to her good old friend over here…
“How are you?” She asks, keeping her own voice down.
“Huh… Sore…?”
“Better than gone, I suppose.”
 Hop inhales deeply, wincing slightly when he does. A slow hand strokes the left side of his chest, trying to calm something down.
“A-again… Thanks for… y’know… saving me…”
“That was nothing. We have to look out for each other, don’t we?”
“Ha… Yeah…”
The mood sinks with his smile, dragging her heart with it.
“Sorry for… that…”
 Gloria doesn’t reply immediately, letting a silence settle itself, uncomfortable and thick.
“You’re having problems breathing, right?”
He nods.
“No wonder you do, with what you got for yourself… How did you even go for that long with these injuries?”
“I wanted to… make sure my… team would be safe.”
“The good news is that they’re safe, now. Dubwool seemed really worried about you when I found you two!”
“He’s such a great ’on, right…?”
“He sure is.” She clears her throat. “Anyway. I meant to ask you to be easier on yourself from now on. It was really heart-breaking to see you like that struggling to even breathe.”
“Sorry for being such a klutz… Got hit by a Gallade… Slipped on some ice…”
“…and pierced your lung.”
 He freezes.
“So, as I said: don’t do that again, okay? You deserve a lot more than dragging yourself like that, Hop.”
He looks aside.
“You… think?”
“Of course I do! What am I to you, a liar?”
He almost laughs until his pain catches back to him, causing the fit to immediately stops in its tracks.
“’t wasn’t what I meant…!”
“I guessed so.”
 It’s to Gloria’s turn to look aside and feel something burn inside of her, scratching her chin with her finger.
“I meant to say, you’re amazing, Hop. I don’t want to see you go like you almost did. What’s a Champion without her rival?”
“That’s right, not the same person! You matter very much to so many people! So, please, can you take care of yourself?”
Hop still doesn’t reply. He looks like he’s lost his words somewhere along the way.
“Not for anyone either. For yourself. I… I hope you’ll one day understand how important you are.”
She can understand she’s being confusing and emotional. Trying to pull strings together is harder than usual.
“I’ll try that, then…”
 The two of them settle in a comfortable silence. She’ll have to ask him when he’s better what happened to him in case such a disaster is to happen again (which she really hopes it doesn’t). For now, he’ll recover, and she’ll be by his side as he does so. Too bad for her Battle Tower scores and public interventions, some things just matter more than clout and fighting experience.
You know, once she’s sure they’ll be safe and sound, she can tell what’s truly on her mind and heart. It seems like he still doesn’t have a clue as to what’s hiding under the rocks…
Busting through the door, not even waiting for a yes or a no, Leon enters the room his baby brother is stuck in. Soon, however, his intense concern turns into a sort of awkwardness and utter surprise when he realizes he’s facing his brother and his best friend sleeping against next each other, their hands fiddled together.
 Before he can mellow out and smile at the sudden sight of safety and softness, Sonia’s voice comes from behind his shoulder.
“Let them sleep instead of screaming like that, you big idiot.”
He has to agree with her, so his shoulders untenses as he lets her enter and closes the door behind them.
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Baby Daddies Part 22
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Requested: idk why but i’m having some serious baby fever. could you something with a character(s) of your choosing with kids that’s super fluffy and amazing like the rest of your writing?
(you have two children with two different baby daddies lol bye)
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x Reader, Issac Lahey x Reader
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21
Third Person POV
The kiss had taken (y/n) back, back to when they were together in high school. But even though the kiss took her back, the only thing she could think about was Stiles which was what made her push him off. “I’m sorry, I-” She sighed before looking down. Isaac wiped his lips with his thumb before sighing himself.  
“No, it’s totally my fault. I shouldn’t have initiated that.” He looked down at Peter who clenched onto (y/n)’s shirt, sleeping soundly in her arms. “Sometimes I wish that I didn’t run off, that I would have actually been there for you while you were carrying Amy. I’d like to think that if I hadn’t let the fear of being a bad dad get to me that we’d actually be happy right now. Probably even be having our third child.” He gave her a small chuckle before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “I know it’s stupid of me to keep thinking like this, you’re happy, were happy, with Stiles. But I hadn’t been happy until I saw Amy, how she looked like both of us combined. She has my personality and bless your soul for putting up with that because I know how hard-headed she can be. You managed to convince me that I was actually worth something and then you got pregnant and I'm not going to lie, I blamed you the most but I knew that was the wrong thing to do.” He got up from the couch and moved towards a bookstand next to the window. He placed his hand on a book before taking it out and removing a piece of paper from it. “I made a list. Pros and cons on why it would be best for me to leave.” He walked back to the couch and sat down next to her, her eyes on the list. “I kept it in case I decided it was best for me to leave you and Amy again but I couldn’t bring myself to do that.” He gave (y/n) the list and her eyes looked at it instantly reading the cons.  
“I would be a bad dad. I’m not ready to be a dad. I can’t support them, emotionally and financially. I’ll never be a good dad. I’ll shift when I'm frustrated. I'll end up hurting one of them.” (Y/N) looked at Isaac and he bit his lip.  
“There were so many cons but all of them didn’t matter, all of them cancelled out with the only pro I had.” (Y/N) looked down at the paper reading pros before reading the only thing under it.  
“She makes me the happiest person in the world.” (Y/N) chocked out and Isaac looked down.  
“I almost stayed just for that. But my mind fooled me into thinking I wasn’t worth it. And now we’re here. I tried my best to be happy without you, Allison-” He sighed. “Allison made me a tad happy, and I got so used to the idea of only being slightly happy and I thought if I spend the rest of my life with her then I would get over you but then she decided to go back to Scott and it only made me realize how much I needed you. I sound like a needy child but I just, I don’t know. You were the first person to give me happiness, the first person to make me feel like I was worth it. Then our daughter made me feel like I could get through everything and anything. I just wish I had both you and her.” He grabbed (y/n)’s hand, and she looked at him, her eyes spilling tears only Isaac would notice. “Please don’t cry, I can’t stand to see you like this.” His thumb wiped away the tears from her cheeks. “Stiles is stupid if he decides to ever let you go.” A knock at the door made them both jump and Isaac sighed before getting up the couch. “I’ll be back.” He smiled at her before walking to the door, he opened it to reveal Stiles with his daughter.  
“Daddy!” Amy smiled and (y/n) heard her voice before hearing Stiles’ heartbeat.  
“Hey sweetie.” Isaac smiled taking her into his arms. “How’s my favorite girl?” Stiles huffed and rolled his eyes.  
“Is she here?” Stiles hard voice was hard for (y/n) to ignore, even from the living room. Isaac sighed and opened the door welcoming Stiles in. Stiles didn’t hesitate to walk into Isaac’s home walking past him into the living room where he found (y/n) wiping her tears away as she bounced Peter on her lap. “You would be here.” Stiles whispered which was pointless as both Isaac and (y/n) could hear it. “Can we talk, in private. There’s some things we need to get straightened out.” She looked down at Peter and Stiles rolled his eyes once again. “I’m sure Isaac wouldn’t mind taking care of him for a second.” Stiles’ attitude was certainly showing more than usual. (Y/N) set Peter down on the couch before getting up and looking at Isaac who walked into the living room. Isaac nodded and sat on the couch next to Peter with Amy in his arms. (Y/N) followed Stiles out of Isaac’s house. Stiles shoved his hands in his pockets and turned his back towards her.  
“Stiles.” (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest, her heartbeat beating twice as hard as it had when she saw him with Lydia.  
“So, you see me with Lydia and you run to him? I mean I should have known, you’ve been dying for this haven’t you?” His voice was harsh, of course it was, his life was crumbling and she was with his worst enemy.  
“What are you implying here Stiles. You know, I'm tired of this. I’m tired of having to deal with everything on my own. You didn’t speak to me, at all. I go to your dad’s house to surprise you with Amy and he tells me you’re a mess, and imagine my surprise when I see you laughing your way into your dad’s house with Lydia, the girl you always ran after. You know, I don’t blame you. If she makes you happy then so be it but don’t come in here accusing me of doing something I didn’t do.” (Y/N) wiped away the unwanted tears.  
“I’m leaving.” He turned around, his eyes going down to his feet. (Y/N)’s heart dropped and Stiles rubbed the back of his neck. “Job’s called, two months.” He looked at her as she backed up onto her car. Her legs feeling too weak to hold her up. “Do you know how hard it’s been to be away from you? From the kids? Lydia means nothing to me but a friend and you should know that by now. I’ve missed you like hell (y/n).” His tears spilled and he wiped them immediately. “I don’t want to go. And I regret even being away from you for this long, I shouldn’t have even left you to begin with. I promised myself I would never leave your side, give up on you. I’m just as bad as him now.” Stiles nodded towards Isaac’s home. “I love you (y/n), I love you so much and I’m sorry I left when you needed me the most. But I need you to do something for me, I need you to choose.” Stiles walked up to her. “Him or me?” He whispered out. 
forever tags; @bojabee @imperfect-circle @dakotapaigelove @a-gir1-has-n0-name @riverdalehoeeeeeee @sabertooth-potato @heyitscam99
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crazytwirlcurls · 8 years
Alright okay so I’m back at it again with the reaction posts, hopefully not procrastinating on them later on. Will maybe make them shorter and react a bit more to the point?? Idk we’ll see. Sorry that was a lie. This turned out long with discussions whoops. Anyway, this chapter (like every chapter for me lol) was enjoyable cause we now got to learn more about Mirio and his quirk and some familiar faces make their appearance again!
(BNHA chapter 124 spoilers under read more) 
Chapter begins with Todoroki being amazed at how Mirio was able to take out nearly half the class while Aizawa calls him out as to why he isn’t joining the rest, but our boy Todoroki is just like “I have no license though” and at first I thought this meant “Lmao hell no my ass will stay unkicked today, thanks” but then again this is Todoroki and he may really think he isn’t ready to fight with the rest cause he doesn’t have his license like them, but idk. Still a funny exchange between Aizawa and him haha! 
Anyway we go back to seeing a shirtless Mirio having taken out all the long range students and going for the short range now. I’m wondering how he knew who were long and short range though. Was he able to observe them all that well in such a short time? Dang. (Also HIS FACE HERE. HE’S GOT THAT SMUG POUT FACE GOING ON RIGHT NOW. Didn’t I just post a fanart with him slightly pouting, too? Coincidence??? I THINK yes it definitely was just that lmao) And so with Mirio coming for them, the rest of class 1-A is freaking the hell out and just flat out stating they can’t beat this guy. I too believe that sadly, but I hope they learn something outta this maybe. (Also that Mirio pose. Boy is BEEFED what the hell). And of course, Amajiki is judging them from a corner and comparing them to an amateur who doesn’t understand professionals. I mean, come on dude, give em a break they’re freshmen and still learning. 
But before Amajiki can finish his thought process, Izuku comes in motivating the rest to not worry about Mirio seeming invincible and instead try focusing on finding a way to beat him! And it looks like this had an impression on two of the Big Three ohohoh. And so Mirio goes in to attack...by falling right through the ground (BOY YOUR PANTS ARE GONE AGAIN). He makes his appearance right behind him and IZUKU FUCKING PREDICTED HE’D BE THERE !!! Mirio’s slightly surprised but doesn’t falter in attack and goes with an...eye poke? PSYCH! IT’S A PUNCH TO THE GUT! (Mirio’s really good at this holy dang!) It looked like it really hurt and he takes no time in going in for the rest of them with one hits as well OH MY GOD THEY ALL ARE DOWN TOO HOLY SHIT, MIRIO!! 
Amajiki here points out that Mirio has always been strong even as a kid (childhood friends??) and has yet to learn to go easy on people he fights. Guess no special treatment for anybody huh. Not sure if that’s a compliment in a way for the people he fights. Like basically him saying he doesn’t treat them lightly so he always goes all out no matter the person? Or does he just make it difficult for people to see if they are worthy of going head on with difficult obstacles that get in one’s way and overcome them like he did? Hmmmm. (Also that thumbs up panel with him saying “Power!” to the audience. Swoon//) 
And, oh my God this ridiculous boy in the next panel talking about his damn jewels and apologizing to the girls hrsdhjksdhf;;  AND HE HAS THE GALL TO STAND LOOKING CUTESY WITH HIS HANDS BEHIND HIM LIKE THAT. YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. Anyway, he goes on to just kinda treat it like “Welp, that’s that!” while all the kiddos are just dead inside with those gut punches lmao it’s okay kids. Mirio asks (with his RIDICULOUSLY CUTE FACE I’M SO MAD YOU STOP THAT DAMMIT MY HEART) if his quirk was strong for them. All of them angrily agree and Mina wonders if he’s like Todoroki (having like two quirks in one. Also you can spot a little Todoroki being confused about being called a Hybrid lol)
Hadou is excited to let them know about Mirio’s quirk but Amajiki scolds Hadou a bit telling her it’s Mirio’s time to explain (This exchange was adorable omg). And we finally learn from Mirio the name of his quirk: Permeation! and that the teleporting like part is just a part of it. It’s still just one quirk. (Also this exchange with Mirio apologizing quickly to a sulking Hadou for not letting her explain was also adorable what the fuuuuck hrjsdhfjkh look at her tug on his gym uniform lol) And then that panel of Izuku asking about why he looks like he’s teleporting while writing in notes but has no notebook omfg I can’t handle this chapter anymore cause it’s got nice, cute moments pffft. 
And so Mirio explains, basically saying he’s able to go through anything and is shot outta the ground like a catapult cause of his mass and the ground’s mass so he’s able to look like he teleported, but he just positioned himself to be able to appear where he wants to be! Neat! Also, Mina just saying Mirio is basically a fucking video game glitch and pouting had me choking on my laughter hahah!! But anyway, then Mirio explains that it may seem strong but it actually is only because he made and then points out the downsides to having his quirk. When he uses his quirk, since he’s able to go through anything that literally means also light and oxygen and sound. He basically can’t see, hear, or breathe when using his quirk. This boy can fucking DIE dude oh my God reading this information made my heart do a flip at the thought of how scary this must have been for Mirio when he was just getting his quirk. Only feeling he’d feel is falling? Fuck I’d be scared shitless if I just woke up one day falling through the damn floorboards and losing all my senses oh God...
With that aside, he explains how his quirk requires learning set of movements to use it properly and relied on learning to predict from what he’s learned from previous experiences fighting others and having this internship with a pro so this really shows just how much he went through to perfect his use of this quirk wow. He finishes off his speech with basically explaining that he wanted to fight class 1-A to show his experience and show them they can also make their quirks strong by learning from the internships and to take advantage of this opportunity. Ojiro and Momo are pretty impressed with his speech and Momo breaks the fourth wall lol. 
And so this wraps up the Big Three’s presentation about internships, though Hadou points out why the heck her and Amajiki were even there in the first place. Amajiki is thankful he didn’t have to do anything though. Izuku impressed as well thinks about what Mirio said of his quirks having drawbacks but making the most of them from experiences. He’s seems to be inspired at how Mirio was able to work around to reach the top of U.A. Definitely was left with quite an impression. No wonder All Might was recommended by Nedzu to consider Mirio as a successor! Though it leaves me wondering: why didn’t All Might actually accept him? Was there something that didn’t sit right with All Might about Mirio or was it because he met Izuku right before he had the chance to get to know Mirio? Excited to see if this will be brought up later on and also if Izuku and Mirio will interact more in later chapters! (Also that panel with Mirio leaving and the sun shining on him. All Might paralleeeeeel anybody??)
Third years are leaving and Hadou is talking to Mirio, saying how impressive it was that nobody got hurt badly and this ridiculous boy goes on to almost saying how his jewels almost got hurt (HRJSDHJKSHJD STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR FUCKING BALLS YOU DAMN IDIOT iloveyouthoughneverchangehahaha) but before he can go into more detail, Amajiki stops him to ask if any of the first years caught Mirio’s eye and impressed him and whaddya know, Izuku made him impressed for predicting his moves! Acknowledged by senpai lol. Then Mirio mentions a “Sir” and how Izuku might like him? Is this the Pro Hero Mirio trained under?? Ohhhh foreshadowing??? Will Izuku be under internship of the same guy who Mirio interned under? (Side note: Insert me tearing up a bit at that side to side panel of Mirio and Izuku. I LOVE THIS PANEL SO FUCKING MUCH OH GOD). 
And so we’re back to Class 1-A being back at the dorms and the girls are chatting about the internship while Bakugou FUCKING YELLS FOR TRASH AND DEMANDS FOR THAT TRASH TO BE GIVEN TO HIM HRJSDHSLK INTENSE GARBAGE BOY ASKS TO BE FED. DONATE YOUR TRASH. BAHAHAH!! Also Momo with her hair down is back! Ahh so pretty!!
Then next panel BAM LOOK WHOSE BACK IT’S GRANDPA, I mean, GRAN TORINO!! MISSED YOU OLD MAN! So Izuku is calling Torino to ask if he’s doing internships, but Torino shoots him down saying he’s too busy to take him for internship again and roasts Izuku while doing so. Looks like he’s with the police working on finding Shigaraki, look it’s Naomasa! :D (Squint// Why are you eavesdropping, that’s rude). But Izuku takes those insults and says that’s why he’ll do whatever he can do be number 1. Looks like that might have touched Torino about cause LOOK AT HIS SMILE AND THAT EYEBROW RAISE HRSDJHFSJDKF HE LOOKS ADORABLE. But anyway Torino wonders why Izuku doesn’t just ask All Might for someone he can intern under (Izuku says he apparently had to use his previous connection from the sports festival) and he says either way Torino knows nobody Izuku could train under and instead suggest All Might should introduce Izuku to his former sidekick. ALL MIGHT HAD A SIDEKICK. Okay, All Might. First you had a beautiful lady mentor that gave you OFA, then a previous canidate successor and now you had a sidekick?! IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE WE NEED TO FUCKING KNOW ABOUT YOU??? CAUSE YEAH WHAT THE FUCK. Unleeeeeeess this sidekick happened to be Mirio?? But is it even possible for a first year to train under a third year and that be considered internship? Maybe?? Idk but I NEED TO KNOW WHO THIS SIDEKICK IS NOW!!
And the next page had me a bit confused and I didn’t recognized it was Best Jeanist for like three seconds. Was Best Jeanist the sidekick?? I don’t think so... but then the next panel had someone calling him “Sir!”. HOLY SHIT. WAS THAT ONE PERSON WHO DID THE THEORY OF MIRIO BEING UNDER INTERNSHIP OF BEST JEANIST RIGHT??!! CAUSE IF THAT’S THE CASE, YOU HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD GREAT JOB! 
HOLD UP. HOLD. UP. Sorry for scratching out the previous paragraph, but as I was typing I decided to search up an image of Best Jeanist and this guy looks nothing like him?? His hair is black and he’s wearing glasses. I am officially confused. I don’t know who this is. TELL ME I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE IDK IF THIS THIS IS BEST JEANIST YOU GUYS. 
With that aside, this person is informed about how that one bird guy, who is named here officially as Overhaul, has made contact with the League of Villains oh shit oh shit oh shit. Twice brought Overhaul over to Shigaraki!! Shigaraki has made his appearance once again!! And it ends with him have a sinister smile. 
Ohhhhh boy so much information, but dang it was GREAT!! I can’t wait to see how this is all gonna go down. So I guess the next arc will be a focus on internships, but with the villains also making their plans! It just keeps getting better and better and I can’t wait for more! 
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