#idk this was rlly ranty idk if it’s anything
hidingoutbackstage · 28 days
Something about Tucker being held to a higher standard than all of the other Reds and Blues in the later seasons. Sure he likes sex and makes “that’s what she said” esque sex jokes, but like, especially during Shisno trilogy, the show seems to really like putting him down or treating his love for sex like a comedic punching bag. Oh, Tucker’s a single dad who genuinely loves and cares about his one alien kid despite how that kid was forced upon him? Well actually he had sex with a TON of women on Chorus by using the fuck temple and now has a ton of kids that he’s reluctant to pay child support for. And speaking of the temple, despite it being said to make everyone on the planet super horny and sex obsessed, Tucker says he didn’t feel any different, because making him hypersexual is funny (why is it funny, RT?). And remember how Tucker’s arc during Chorus had him emotionally dealing with Felix’s betrayal? Well now he falls for the most obvious manipulative lies from Temple, I guess he’s just dumber now. And you remember that funny scene in season 5 where Doc is giving Sister a physical exam, and Tucker obviously really wants to see her naked, but because Doc keeps telling him to not come in, and likely out of respect, he doesn’t, while Red Team is secretly perving on her (which they never fucking get called out for), plus all the funny moments of him trying to flirt with her, and her either being receptive or so fucking weird that it takes him aback? Well Tucker still REALLY wants her, but he’s now a childish asshole who can’t stand the idea of her not wanting to sleep with him, and is now super self centered despite the arc he went through showing how he values others, and the series basically keeps fucking with him and making him miserable and barely ever giving him a moment of relief. And you know how he was mercilessly tortured for M O N T H S during Restoration? Well he doesn’t get to process that trauma, and despite all the growth he’s supposedly gone through throughout the series, his last moment is an offscreen sex joke because Tucker’s the perv, get it? We can’t let him have a fucking break despite literally everyone else being treated comparatively nicer or given some kind of levity. Why specifically Tucker, Rooster Teeth? What has he done that’s so bad to you that you continually treat his character this way despite the fact that he’s truly the best (and should have been main) character in this whole series?
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curiouskurona · 1 month
honestly im tired of ppl only lieking lizzie bc of her skill in the book of atlantic . im tired of " lizzie supportive " posts that basically boil down to " i know she may SEEM liek some stupid awful girly girl , but look , theres a part where shes bloody !! what a badass !! "
the book of atlantic arc definitely gave her character some more depth , i understand that some ppl may have lieked her moar once they got some insight into tha things she was dealing with . but it feels liek im expected to liek her in SPITE of her girliness . or rather , liek im only allowed to liek how cutesy and girly she is because , " dont worry , shes ALSO a fencer !! dont worry , she was really cool n fought zombies liek a badass !! "
ive been in tha fandom since liek 5th grade ( i dont remember what year that was , but im 24 now , to put things in perspective . ive been here for a while , i know what tha fandom has been liek ) . to be fair ive interacted w tha fandom on and off over tha years , but it rlly seems liek tha attitude has shifted from :
before boa : ew lizzie is so annoying i hate her shes just a stupid pink girly girl that gets in tha way of everything , ciel definitely hates her hahaha !! eew she sucks !!
after boa : aaaah omg lizzie is so wonderful shes such a badass , omg she looks cute AND can use a sword , slay queen !! give us girls who are feminine AND kick ass 😎
okay .. what abt girls that are just feminine tho ... why did she have to showcase her fencing skills and defend ciel from zombies to be allowed to be cutesy . why was she considered super annoying and awful before boa , but now its liek we can " let that part of her slide " bc we know what shes capable of on tha inside . its tha misogyny innit .
idk . i know how rancid this fandom was wen i was a kid , which is why i distanced myself from it in tha first place . so really i should be happy that lizzie is finally getting some love , that things are changing for tha better , and that tha fandom is looking liek a better and better place . but it still bothers me that ppl only support this idea of lizzie as a cute badass . that when she was only known as a girly girl , everyone hated her . for what .. ? she never did anything to deserve so much hate , unless you count being a cutesy 13-14 year old girl a crime . but now that shes displayed that shes capable of violence , tha tone has shifted into loving her . okay .
idk . ranty post is moar of a diary / journal entry lol . and again i understand ppl who werent fans of her bc she didnt have much depth turning around and lieking her moar bc of how tha manga went into her struggles as a person . but tha ppl who hated her for being " annoying " suddenly kissing her ass bc she got to use her fencing skills and now they wont shut up about it ,, buzz off . can you appreciate something else about her please . shes kind and cheerful and cute and hardworking but all i ever hear is " wow , girls can wear dresses and fight at tha saem tiem !! "
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ketchup0-0 · 5 months
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This is going to be a very ranty and vent like post btw
Every single person that talks behind my back and laugh at me while I’m sitting and doing nothing can eat shit and die.
And why, because I prefer to wear a skirt to school? Because I don’t like the same things they do? ITS FULL OF SHIT.
I was doing rlly good for a year after getting with my bf but because of all these assholes it’s getting bad all over again. I’ve rlly been nothing but nice to people, you need some money? Sure I’ll give you some, your hungry or don’t have water? Have some of mine! I don’t know you but you need something from me? All good I’ll give you anything you need! AND YET PEOPLE ARE STILL ASSHOLES WHY AM I EVEN NICE TO THEM ANYMORE WHATS THE POINT.
I don’t even know if I have the money for therapy.. I need something like medicine or something idfk.. ik I rlly need help but how am I supposed to get it? Idk what to do anymore I hope this goes away one day..
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purpleyoonn · 11 months
HATER ANON— ur such a lewser like oh brother this guy stinks🥱👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽COME OUT SO I CAN BEAT UR ASS😕,,, ppl are getting too comfortable disrespecting writers who are literally giving us free excellent content that saves some ppl’s lives u could not write at all or charge us but u share ur gift with us out of kindness of ur heart💜,, that anon needs to learn some respect, u take all the time u need, u go thru sm u don’t even have to tell us about for them to basically accuse u of lying is crazy like what why would u lie about these things???,, & u owe us nothing u can update whenever u want u can stop updating tomorrow who are they to order u around….idk Wut’s up with these entitled brats😕and then to do it on anonymous u can’t even have dignity to show ur true self how cowardly of them like if ur gonna be a hater at least show ur identity and be up front with it, like honestly that could be someone who says nice things non anonymously but when they’re feeling like a hater they turn to anon like a coward and take out their hating tendencies —cuz they kno they’re wrong and deep down are ashamed and they kno they will be blocked or receive backlash…the mysteries of anonymous messaging can be so scary like there could be a whole dark side to ppl we believe are the nicest in the world…. It’s insane because if they saw u irl they would not say anything of the sort such cowards😭😰
(im usually a silent reader but I had to say something cuz that anon just irked me like omg ur so sweet why are ppl so mean and entitled, you just ignore that hag and live ur life girlie‼️‼️💜) (I’m not rlly violent I just said that more as just a saying and out of frustration😭) (also sorry this was so long and very all over the place and ranty just,, u have my and other readers’ support💜)
yeah at this point like it just irks me, ya know? I mean I’ve gotten some comments about posting more chapters and stuff but this seems like such a backhanded way to go about it. anon just wanted some attention maybe? Idk.
the lying part is what bothers me the most. Like I know I share stuff on here but nowhere near as much as other writers. Like should I stop? Should I just not post anything about me from now on? Idk it just makes me second guess what I post on here now.
I’m not gonna stop posting but damn, that’s the kind of anon ask I was up to sometimes. It’s ridiculous.
And thank you! The anon seemed to think I was an attention seeker but their message seemed to do the opposite of what they wanted. I’ve gotten so many lovely messages from you guys that I feel so loved ❤️❤️
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Hiii! So like. This is a bit ranty but ik that the line between oriented and angled aroace has been blurred but still ajdjdjj. I kinda fit into both? I’m gray ace, so I aint fully aroace, but I’m not identifying as angled/oriented solely bcus of the sometimes sexual attraction. The platonic and sensual attraction play a role too. So I’m kinda split into both. I can’t rlly choose if that makes sense? I’m leaning towards angled cause I like the flag better lol, but it doesn’t rlly. Describe my whole experience. I id as bi. I’m thinking bout iding as just bi aro(gray)ace? This is kinda rambly but yeah idk man. Neither of them rlly sum it up.
Yeah honestly if you don’t feel like either quite fit you you don’t have to use them. And bi aro(gray)ace is a good label. People identifying as things like bi aroace predates both those labels too, including for people identifying with bi because of at least partially or entirely of tertiary attractions (that is non-romantic/non-sexual types of attraction), and it has the advantage of being a bit broader and covering more types of experiences. So while oriented/angled aroace are definitely useful labels, don’t feel like you’re obligated to use one personally, especially if you don’t feel like they’re useful for you.
Honestly at this stage of questioning I think it’s important to start looking at labels more as what you feel fits you and what feels right, rather than right or wrong. Because labels have just as much to do with personality and how you want to be described as anything else. It’s kind of like clothes, you can try them on and see how they feel, but if they’re not comfortable then maybe you need a different size or style. And if you find you’re never wearing a specific piece of clothes, and the rest of your outfit looks fine without it, it’s fine to toss it in the donate bin.
But yeah do what feels right, and if using angled/oriented aroace ends up feeling right, that’s fine, but don’t force yourself. And don’t be afraid to try things out or maybe even play around a bit if what you’re trying right now doesn’t feel quite right either.
All the best, Anon!
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coolgirl · 5 years
I feel like he fundamentally is so unrelatable him being a billionaire and generally really powerful (and super emotionally constipated) but his relationships with his kids is really such a good way to humanise him if only he’d get therapy and learn how to process his emotions. Also ?? He has similar trauma to some of his kids but got some reason they’re not all allowed to heal and grow from them :// idk I feel like there are so many ways to write batman well but ppl always take the edgy route
Yeah that's true, tho I gotta say the kids aren't the only way to humanise batman - his compassion for the rogues and believing they could get rehabbed and change and even being in good terms with some of them used to happen more in his comics, or at least enough that I can think of a handful of examples off the top of my head when I haven't even read the comics itself. Writers just wanna make batman edgy and like well ugh off the rails as bad as the rogues and unredeemable because they think that's interesting when like... Not necessarily.. Bruce has plenty of flaws don't get me wrong but rlly peak batman was that one batman adventures issue i believe? When he went to an ideal world or something and all the rogues were living their best lives and they were happy and healthy and he got to go home to have lunch with his family lol. Every comic questioning that is like Oh bRuce needs the rogues!! Needs them to keep on being batman!! And shit like why wont u challenge that instead of doing the same old shit as always.. like don't get me wrong it can be an interesting narrative and on itself it is challenging batman but it's been done a lot of times and it's not always done correctly and never actually has any lasting changes to the narrative yk? Like what's the point of challenging Batman's methods and moral code if the next issue it's gonna be a different writer who won't do anything about it and do their own thing separately of what was trying to be done.. like idk
SORRY I TURNED THIS ASK INTO SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY but yeah older batman comics used to have him have a deeper connection with his kids and like seeing himself reflected on them and it hit differently.. like dick with his parents, and Jason & Cass and (waves hand around) so much stuff. I feel like it will always come down to writers not wanting to address all the shit bruce has done to the kids and that he's been a really bad parent in some runs. They prefer to swept it under the rug and not question his methods when like WHAT so you're gonna write a whole book about batman being evil and the rogues actually being victims but won't spare any thoughts to his own kids???? It's kinda nuts. Like right off the top of my head, when Damian died and he put all the other batkids through the grinder and he was IMMEDIATELY forgiven because :( poor Bruce just lost his son :( like what the fuck you're never gonna address how Barbara seemed to be legitimately scared of him bc he was super aggressive towards her?? How he dismembered Frankenstein dude in front of Tim and then blew him off, how he made dick do the whole fake your death don't tell anyone thing, and taking??? Jason to the place where he died without any kind of warning under the lie of helping him in a case and then goading him into a fight because he needed to blow off some steam?? And all this was IMMEDIATE swept under the rug and Tim Babs and Jason helped him and were there for him after all this & then never really addressed... Literally a joke. It's just so unsatisfactory how he can do whatever the fuck and it's not addressed. We just gotta roll with it like 😭 it's so annoying by now 😭 if you're gonna write Bruce doing all that messed up shit AT LEAST address it and show the consequences of his actions..
SORRY I got a bit ranty with no real substance lol.
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luxsea · 5 years
For the character ask, ven and riku!! 😆💖💖
*axel voice* two? >:Oand youre hittin me with my faves too oh boythis is a bit long and ranty so im putting it under a read more
How I feel about this character: ohhhhhhhh thats my boy right there. thats my ultimate comfort character, my son, my stars, i really really love him a lot, can you tell? idk why im so drawn to him, i guess hes kinda the goal of how i wanna be as a person, kind hearted, strong willed, a great sleeper. i just think hes neat
All the people I ship romantically with this character: absolutely no one idk thats just how it is. i think its bc of his weird transcending age and i see the heart hotel as fam 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: ive fabricated the perfect dream friendship that is ventus and roxas but nomura teased it and left it out just to spite me. ive got so many headcanons i need fulfilled, all the mischief and the pranks, the identity crisis talk, anything, WORDS, not this blank stare secret telepathic convo 
My unpopular opinion about this character: im guilty of callin him a baby i guess but i get it, its fun and harmless but people do infantilize him in a way and that does.. shadow parts of his character. he’s a complex character just like everyone else. hes really cute and sweet but also devoted, brave, self-sacrificing and rlly badass. like, i never believed in the whole traiter ven theory but i did rlly like it bc it was like the first time i saw ppl putting him in a more serious light… even if it was kinda fucked up. i do think the way terra and aqua treat him sometimes with their whole older sibling/parental role is why ppl see him as such a kid. even tho he’s technically grandpa with amnesia and eternal youth. i love kingdom hearts.  
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: besides the roxas interaction, idk, im just..this sounds weird but im glad my fave is a character that is certain to have a future in the series. im just so excited for him, to learn even more about him and to see him grow, learn about his past, deal with the trauma of being in every keyblade war ever.. ouch. hmm i do want them to address his pure heart, bc technically he’s a prince of heart then? not even sora is like that, with all the darkness extracted out of him into another person. they gotta touch on that more. also more vanitas interactions that go farther than what we got in kh3.
How I feel about this character: top 10 anime crushes, i wish i was joking but whenever i think of him i cant help but remember when i was like 8 playing kh1, i would restart my ps2 over and over just to rewatch the opening and see him. i had such a huge crush on him and i still do. hes another big comfort character. also i think hes the most well written kingdom hearts character. i could literally write a book on him but i wont. yet.All the people I ship romantically with this character: im diehard soriku endgame actually, i have never invested more brain power and love into a ship as i have with this one, it just brings me so much comfort and joy and everything about it is so tender, sweet and devoted. it doesnt matter how you see it, they love each other so much and that love is the power that keeps the series going, the motivation to protect one another, to yearn to grow to love. i m gay. My non-romantic OTP for this character: oh gosh i might just list a few. rikus a bit complicated bc most of his relationships with others havent developed far so ill just list some interactions i wish to see more of. kairi!! i long for the bond they used to have in kh1, roxas, i find this one funny but they could bond so much after the loss of sora, xion too!! i loved their interactions in days i need more, namine too. mike mouse! thats his dad,, theres a lot more i just rlly want riku to have more friends he deserves all the loveMy unpopular opinion about this character: idk if this is unpopular but these are hot takes i see that kinda make me lose my mind. ppl thinking he has no room for more character development? that his story is over, that he should have actually died in kh3 bc hes done, as if thats what you do for a character once theyve been developed past a certain point, it just makes no sense really and it seems ppl have other motivations for these opinions like they wanna get rid of him bc they fear how far he will go in a way. real bad takes. im one of those ppl that believe riku is gay, theres not beating around it thats just how it is. there is no convincing me otherwise. also i want him to grow his hair out again.One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he has reached the height of just one phase of personal growth and development. his story is far from over, there are still open ends with him, secrets he is keeping, things the series CONSTANTLY is hinting at. ofc, i want a soriku confession, some kind of openness of their feelings or at least some kind of adressessing of how much they care about each other. tho i dont wanna let myself down for future games, i know for certain there will be plenty more surprises. 
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porkchop-ao3 · 7 years
i’m rlly tired of being trans and i pass well enough @ work but i’m rlly tired of pretending to be cis. Cishet dudes say so much transphobic shit :/
Ugh this breaks my heart so much. How we live in a world where trans people feel the need to pretend to be cis when there is absolutely. Nothing. Wrong. With being trans. It’s a part of who you are, you shouldn’t have to hide it unless it is your wish to appear as cis, unless you WANT to. I have also never been able to wrap my head around transphobia, or any other ‘phobia’ at that. What is it about someone else’s identity, lifestyle, whatever that offends them so much that they feel the need to comment bullshit? Honestly, why do they feel the need, why do they care so goddamn much?? I get it if they don’t understand being trans, after all it’s very hard to understand something that you have never personally experienced, but what the hell gives them the right to go 'I don’t understand X thing, therefore it must not exist and I can be a douche about it’. Ugh, I’ve had so many arguments with people in real life over this, trying my hardest to open their mind a little, get them to see things from another perspective, but the sad truth of it is… Some people just don’t want to understand. They’re set in their ways. And you know what? Let them get on with it. Just keep in mind that you are a wonderful person, nothing is wrong with you, you are exactly who you are and you are incredible for BEING that person dispite all the discrimination out there. I am proud of you, you should be proud of yourself. And anyone who makes you feel like shit about it? Fuck them. They don’t matter, they’re sad and pathetic and they spend way too much fucking time with their noses in other people’s business to be happy with their own lives.
Idk, this was kind of ranty, but I feel strongly about this. I’m just so confused as to why these days people can’t just let other people live their lives. Thank you for confessing this to me, I seriously hope you can find a situation that you feel comfortable with, where you don’t have to pretend anything. xxx
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