#idk what it is but something about fics in 1st or 2nd person pov just feels so wrong
disaster-j · 1 year
The tragedy of finding a fic with a cool premise you'd enjoy reading very much and excitedly clicking on it only to find that it's *shudders* in first person
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lyrablack1883 · 1 year
I can’t believe I actually found it. A good time travel fic, with good plot, good characterization. Let me list it:
1. It’s Draco’s and Harry’s centric (you get both PoV, mostly Draco’s). Before the time travel, Draco was Harry’s partner and they had been an aurors for 10 years.
2. He got sent back to the past because of these dark ritual thingy he’s been investigating, but everyone thought he’s dead except for harry. (There’s two pov during the first couple of chapters, 1st of POV is of Draco relieving his first year at hogwarts like other time travel fic and the 2nd POV is of Harry’s searching for clue for Draco’s disappearance in the OG timeline. (It was quite emotional on Harry’s part during the beginning)
3. Well spoiler alert , Harry managed to find Draco in the alt timeline. So they both gone back in time so there’s no weird mental age gap thingy I sometimes tried to ignore in some of other fic. And this Harry knows Draco fully, he knows Draco’s past and mistakes, he knows how Draco has changed as a person and came to love him even before the time travel.
4. There’s no MISUNDERSTANDING, thank god, I HATE THAT TROPE, and a bonus point for me there’s no smut :) well I only managed to read it to sixth year so idk.
5. There’s no character bashing, yes, no bashing at all, every character is decent, no one replaced Draco’s roles as a bully, you get Theo for some rivalry thingy at first year but even then, he got his character moment (and we got lovenott as side pairing). Everyone is good not out of place, they got their own interest, they’re not forced to become something they’re not.
6. It follows canon event very well, both of them decided there’s too much risk of changing the OG events, this way they can control what happen next and protect those they have lost in the OG (well they tried anyway,some event bound to happen differently , so Draco still going to join the death eater rank as a spy)
7. Cedric and Sirius lives.
8. There’s mini theater at the end of every chapter, it’s quite funny since the characters themselves commenting about the plot and situation like in incorrect quotes type of thingy.
9. The plot is light not heavy at all and enjoyable, they didn’t prolong it unnecessarily, some plot point just comes and goes. there’s no unnecessary dramatic opening scene since we knows what’s going to happen.
10. It’s COMPLETED (all 7 years in 623121 words)
Here’s the catch, it’s in Chinese. And there’s no English translation available
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junisfics · 3 years
ooh are we talking about POVs?? no one asked but here’s my lil analysis bc this is literally so interesting to me:
btw idk if it was to you or some other blog but regardless, someone was talking ab this a while back and if it was u then i might’ve sent u a less in-depth version of this? but enjoy the movie<3 let’s gooo!!!!
2nd person is the standard for fics, she’s cute, she’s reliable. not much to say, but i really do like her. although, the one con here is that it lowkey maybe sounds sliiiightly confusing if/when the narrator is omniscient. like narration for the character is fully 3rd person and when we go back to the reader’s thoughts being told by the narrator it could be a tiny bit confusing. although you’re a good enough writer and it’s not really a problem in your fics, imo.
1st person sounds bad 9 times out of 10. in published novels, 1st person really only works bc it’s to express the protagonists unique voice. it’s a largely artistic choice to let us get to know the mc in a more intimate way. which is why it often doesn’t work in reader-insert content, in which the mc is meant to be ambiguous. it’s contradictory. or at the very least it’s extremely hard to make it work.
3rd person is beautiful. sexy. everything of the sort. it sounds like i’m reading high brow literature when really i’m just reading about myself pegging the shit out of armin in a dress. works seamlessly with both an omniscient or limited narrator. however it takes a little bit of maneuvering to make it work for reader-insert fanfiction. “y/n,” “______,” “(name),” etc. have always been a bit jarring to me. it’s not that i mind it, but it sort of takes me out of the moment and out of the world that the writer has worked so hard to build. it suddenly comes crashing down and feels fake again. like oh i’m not blowing admin’s back out? i’m just reading on tumblr dot com, tuff. the reason i mention it here is bc it’s the biggest problem in 3rd person. in 1st and 2nd, the reader’s name is only written when another character says it in dialogue. in 3rd person, it could potentially be everywhere. it’s really hot, cool, sexy, and beautiful when reader is basically an oc who’s name is never written in the text. “he called out her name” type beat. no need to write out “y/n” (or any of the aforementioned variations). but yeah hjnnngghh 3rd person, my beloved!! there’s something a little bit romantic about it somehow. patiently waiting for ur 3rd person platonic eren fic bc i just know ur gonna deliver.
- 🍙
yes literally povs are so difficultttttttt
cuz i want a mix of all three but i hate when people switch povs all the time 😞😞😞😞
but yes my platonic eren fic is in third person omni and it's super different from what i usually do but i'm rly liking it so far !!!!!
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starrysamu · 3 years
More on the “I” versus u “you” discussion, whenever I read “I” in character x reader fics, it feels veerrryy personal. Like I’m saying “I did xxx” or “I thought xxx”. Which is why I kinda of veer away from first pov character x reader fics, cause you can only make a character so generic before they become boring. I think it’s easier to read 1st pov in regular books cause we are given descriptions about the person behind the “I”, so we’re able to distinguish from “I” as in myself and “I” as in(1)
+ the character that we’re told is the main person. On the other hand, when I read 2nd pov stories with “you”, I never really imagine myself in the place of “you”, ya kno? Cause when I read something like “you thought xxx” or “you did xxx”, I imagine it like I’m telling the person what they did, what they thought, etc. maybe it’s just me but I just can’t put myself in place of y/n, regardless of if I feel like I would’ve took the same action as them. Idk maybe that’s just a me thing, but yeah I(2)
+ don’t ever really imagine me as y/n, so I steer away from 1st pov character x reader fics and go toward 2nd and even 3rd pov fics where I can imagine y/n as someone who may be similar to me, but is an entirely separate person from me. (It’s probably cause I have a hard time reading stories where the “I” person is generic, and where the “I” person does actions or thinks things that I don’t necessarily think or would do). ALSO, yes! Try 3rd pov! It’ll be so nice reading something not 2nd pov! (3)
Tumblr media
definitely definitely agree about making a character so generic before they become boring. that’s like another thing i’ve been thinking about idk if you’ve seen me mention it, but like when i’m writing a second pov reader, i like to make them like an actual character, which is really what is kinda spurring this conversation i guess? 
but that’s a very interesting take on second pov! like i also don’t .. usually put myself in the shoes of yn when i’m reading bc half the time i’m like eh i probably would not in fact do that (on the flip side, i do project quite a bit of myself on my own mcs which is very funny! bc they’re annoying!) but that’s really interesting to hear. i guess the “I” does feel really personal if it’s reader insert bc like u said ... in novels and stuff it’s already established that they’re a different person 
hmmm good takes anon. very interesting takes indeed i am Looking thank u for sharing :3 
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thirddoctor · 4 years
fic writer questions
Tagged by @allislaughter​
(yeah I still write fics! and one day I may even publish them lol)
1. Do you have a preferred genre to write? Do you like to stay within the rough directions of the genre or do you like to mix and match?
In terms of source material genre, it’s pretty much always science fiction. The only exception I can think of was when I wrote a couple of Molliarty fics back in the day, but I never officially published those. In terms of fanfic genre, I probably like writing character studies best. I never really think about genre when I’m writing though. I just write what I want to write.
2. Are you a writer that has a plot idea and then figures out what character(s) to use for that or are you more set on writing (a) specific character(s) and come up with a plot around them?
Usually I come up with both at the same time. Sometimes though I will be in the mood to writer certain characters and will try to come up with something for them.
3. 1st person, 2nd, 3rd, all knowing narrator or unreliable narrator and so many more choices - do you have a clear preference? Or different ones for different kinds of writing? Do you feel a certain pov works best with a certain setting and if yes, which one?
Always third person close POV, so the tone and reliability of the narration will shift depending on who the POV character is. I really like exploring how different perspectives will colour a character’s perception of the world around them.
Tagging @astudyinimagination, @witharthurkirkland, @rebelqueen-immortalbadass, @memorydragon and idk anyone else who feels like it
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artistdove · 4 years
Killing Game
Okay Lo seriously my analytics won’t leave me in peace, so I am gonna just type this post on what I thought, have analyzed, and what is known. These are probably not accurate by my excuse is adhd. Spoilers!! @logicallypanicking
Okay here it goes. First very basic info that seems worth noting from chapters and Lo’s post(not all may be listed cuz like i lost count, forgot, or couldn’t find) I would talk about the relation statuses and character info but ya’ll can just find the student files on Lo’s blog for that
Everyone is either dressed normally or has watched to much anime and is into cosplay
Current groups in Ch.2 before the gym was Void & Florence meeting Lo& Goldie, Me & Jackson meeting Riley - Antonio(since he left),  Silver & Tiny, and everyone in the gym before 2 groups made it was Red, Alexander, William, April, Winter, and Charlie
No one seems to know each other exactly though when Lo posted info on the characters it seems everyone at least were familiarized with one another
Relationships will be made and broken as the story progresses
4 people seem to not have made it to the gym before the lights went out 
Current known locations: hallways, cafeteria, kitchen, and gym
Current friends known: William, Riley, & Tiny and Red & April and Flo & Void
Death rule order unless change: 1st death(s) is an important plot character, 2nd death(s) are the cinnamon rolls, 3rd death(s) are two random character deaths, 4th death(s) are fandom-beloved characters, and 5th death(s) is supposedly difficult. Plus the trial with the executions
There are multiple masterminds/traitors rather than one
Everyone is not free of angst from Lo
Lo adores killing his friends ( aka his way of showing love)
Don’t get attached to these characters or you will suffer
It seems some of the characters had a slight wardrobe color change not accurate to the files, for ex. my boots are black rather than white. I can’t blame the color changes or name cuz like gacha has a limited color choices
Everyone has amnesia apparently
There’s a tired cat demon creature that’s pessimistic and just want everyone to either die to complete the game
The goal of this game is to either kill the mastermind/traitor or kill everyone
Riley and Void are gonna suffer the most since most of the executions are gonna be on their hands
Only 5 or less survivors will/may make it out of the game
Killing via voting seems to be like a democracy voting thing idk
Now onto the chapter analysis/summary:
According to Ch.1 the mastermind behind the game seemed to have pulled or captured the students to play their twisted game. If not, then all the student just randomly got teleported into the game after like passing out or something. However, that doesn’t make sense since in Ch. 2 Void stated to have enrolled, which means it could be some  sort of curse that occurred once 16 participants were acquired. Though, there still is a mastermind behind the twisted game. 
Now onto Ch.2, Void wakes up to Florence checking to see if he’s dead. Their current location being the cafeteria. It becomes apparent that all students know that this is a game and to meet in the gym, so all of their current goals is to see who is all here and to meet at the gym. Flo as also seems to have meet Goldie and Lo before finding Void. Upon making their way, they bump into Goldie and Lo. (Also, it’s worth noting it being funny how when the student meet others they mention their ridiculous anime/cosplay like clothing choices) Pov switches to Riley making his way to the gym with Antonio ranting about something, possibly Silver since he seemed to have run into him. Instead they end up in the cafeteria where me and Jackson seemed to have... spawned?(idk what word to use). Antonio somehow left without anyone noticing before Riley could introduce him to me and Jackson, which is rather suspicious. (Also, Riley seems to be into me? idk) Silver is disgusted at the situation as he makes his way to the gym with “Tiny” in his arms. In the gym when he gets there are William, Charlie, Red, April, and Alexander. (possible ship idk but like the implication of him like him give me that vibe). Back to the group of 4(Void, Lo, Gold, & Flo) making their way to the gym. Lo and Goldie seem to get along as of currently, Void is in his own little world, and Flo is not having a great time. They all meet everyone previously mention that were in the gym, but with the addition that Winter has made or was in the gym. Flo tries to befriend the mysterious Winter just before the lights went out.
Based on Chapter 2, 4 out of 16 of the students are not in the gym before the lights go out and it must be the entire building went dark. I don’t know if there are windows in the gyms but possibly not idk since it just ended with lights going out. Now what students are not in the gym? Me, Antonio, Riley, and Jackson since no student that made it to the gym described them being present. I do find it odd that Antonio is by himself though that could be setting up that he bumps into me, Riley, and Jackson, being a suspect, or death. Regardless, I have a feeling either one of the 4 not in the gym may die or someone in the gym dies. It 
Edit: Just realized I didn’t really write about my thoughts on the fic. Idk how great my feedback is cuz I barely read and am not to picky or judgmental with what I’ve read. Plus, this being based on something I know nothing about doesn’t fully help with me if I criticize any certain things so...
Anyways, I love it. The change in Pov is gonna give great scenes from various perspectives. I will note that the change in Pov can be great or annoying. I have read books with changing Pov and the concept was great but the execution made or break the story because it’s either I knew who’s Pov it was or not. Whenever the change in Pov wasn’t obvious, it made the story frustrating to understand and follow. The setting is great so far despite only knowing a few areas currently. A larger setting is definitely gonna aid in creating interesting scenes. The character dynamics are interesting with the different personalities clashing at each other. The diverse dynamics help create a more complex cast. The plot so far seems intriguing, despite there being only 2 chapters. Nevertheless, I am very excited to see where this goes and how it ends.
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Okay, here it is. I started writing this on the 1st or 2nd but a bunch of stuff happened that delayed me finishing. Basically, I saw all the #2019 kingdom stuff on @beerecordings‘ blog and it sounded like people had fun that night. I was unfortunately unable to really join in because it was after 11pm for me when it got going. However, I did send a picture of my cockapoo Honey as a sort of ‘peace offering from the future’. And when I woke the next morning to discover the Queen was dead and Tardus was about to vanish, So I realised I had to race to pick her up before I lost her for the rest of 2020. And then this fic somehow came out of that. Look, idk, don’t ask me. All I know is that writing in my dog’s POV is so funny to do and maybe I should write more stuff from odd Points of View this year.
Anyway, here’s Honey doing her own thing while visiting royalty.
Honey hated this. This was far too much. The threatening noise, the bursts of colour she could sense in the sky, just everything about tonight. Holly talking nonsense at her wasn't really helping the situation either, if she was going to be honest. She would admit she had been warned but now was not the time to debate whether she should have listened. "Are you going to behave yourself? You're going to Tardus for uh, diplomatic reasons." Another intrusive noise boomed. She gristles in retaliation. The movement of Holly's hand on her back increases. "Shh, shh. It's okay, baby. Just some fireworks. There shouldn't be any of them in Tardus." "Is she ready to go?" An unfamiliar human asks upon appearing in her peripheral. "Just a second. Honey. Hey, look at me for a minute." The clicking of a tongue captures her attention. "Hi. Listen, you need to be on your best behaviour. You'll be a guest there, after all. I'm guessing there's gonna be a bunch of people walking around the castle so don't get underneath anyone's feet. And no jumping on beds, sofas or whatever. You can get away with it here because we give you permission. But, over there, you won't have explicit permission. So don't go jumping onto anything you're not supposed to. Comprende?" Another explosion. Strokes are accompanied by a sigh. "I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll come for you when it's morning there, okay?" She doesn't recognise the smell of the person who takes her from Holly. Nor are the scents in Tardus particularly familiar once they arrive. The journey across the world had been stressful. Like pretty much everything in the past several hours. The eyes of a human dressed in extravagant regalia light up at the sight of her. This must be Bee, the queen Holly had spoken of. "A gift from Holly of Medwich, ma'am. To help with the celebrations." "Oh, hello there." Hands interrupt Honey's inspection. Okay, she enjoyed strokes and scratches as much as the next dog but there was a process to this. Oh wait, no, this human has got their hands underneath her ears, making them flop slightly from the motion of scratching the back of her head. Honey takes this opportunity gets a good whiff. Alright, this Bee smelled trustworthy. She leans in when a hand cups her face. Now for the true test of faith. She is in the perfect position to flop. "Oh! Careful there. What would Holly think if you hit your head on the floor?" The queen giggles. Probably roll her eyes then give her a cuddle, Honey thinks. Her belly is seconds away from being rubbed when a servant has the audacity to interrupt. "Your majesty, there are urgent matters that require your attention concerning tonight." "Well, you heard him. I'll be back later, okay? This is a big place so if you wander off, it would be easy to get lost. Be careful. I know Holly wouldn't want you get hurt or go missing. Actually, can we get someone to keep an eye on her while I'm gone?" "Of course, ma'am." The messenger nods and departs. Unsupervised, Honey immediately sets off to explore the various surrounding halls. She enters a chamber. There, situated on a table, partially hanging off the edge, were papers. She pays them no notice as her tail absentmindedly thumps against the wood. It is only as the paper falls that she becomes attentive to them. They suffer the fate of being ripped without a moment's hesitation. Shreds of varying sizes are the end result. Bee's ever trustworthy advisor discovered the scene. "What did you do?! Those were my-" The person scrabbles at the pieces of parchment. "Wait, these were the... important notes I thought I hid before heading out." Their body jerks, slightly and silently, in a way she thinks is related to happiness in humans. Yes, that beahviour was a good one. She had done something positive. Fingers find themselves gently pressing behind her ear. Yeah, keep doing that but maybe go up just a fraction. "I suppose I should thank you. Won't tell if you don't." A wink is directed at her. Despite apparently doing something right by shredding paper, Honey is ushered away from the area. Oh well, there was always something else to check out, something to sniff or somewhere to laze about. And just her luck that her senses detected a hub of activity and delicious scents. A kitchen? Brilliant! A young cook spots her. "I heard about you. You're our little guest, aren't you? I don't blame you for coming straight to this part of the palace." He gives a smile reminiscent of when Holly stole one of her balls before hurling it across the living room. "You like chicken?" She knows how this goes. She is usually made to sit before being granted food. "Aren't you polite. Here you go." Something else emitted an amazing scent. So sweet. Undoubtedly tasty. If only she could have a bite. Honey follows the food all the way back to the throne room. Ah, she understands. Well, Bee was nice to her before so surely she wouldn't be heartless enough to ignore her sad eyes tactic. She lays her head on the queen's lap. Bee laughs, obscuring her face. Their eyes meet a moment later. There is a great deal of hesitation. Oh, forget her. Mummy was usually the only one who shared her dinner and sandwiches anyway. But she'll tell Holly about this injustice, don't think she won't. Wait, never mind. Tardus' sovereign is kind enough bestow her a morsel. Sugar! She is sure she's had something like this before. Sweet bun, was that what humans called it? She is given a few more pieces before the bun is gone. It doesn't matter. Honey had a new focus now. A servant arrives with chocolate pancakes. She administered her persuasive ways again but it proves unsuccessful this time. Bee uses the old excuse of 'chocolate is poisonous to dogs'. Please, at least think of something more creative. She's sick of that poison line. 'Dangerous' was another one of the same vein. Besides, that excuse was probably human propaganda so they could hoard all the chocolate for themselves. Honestly, she's been eating chocolate as a treat for years and has experienced no health problems as a result. So there. Stop lying about chocolate because it's not nice. Also please let her have some of those pancakes. There is speak of a pond creature who is leaving soon. The queen orders more chocolate pancakes to be delivered to the creature's aquatic dwelling. A pond sounded great. The beaches back home sucked during winter, always forbidding dogs like her to have fun and splash around. Maybe she could earn permission to swim for a while. Once more, Honey leaves Bee to her royal duties. The sky is dark now, an expanse of stars blanketing it. The night causes her further problems with navigating a landscape which was already unfamiliar. She swears she returns to a path she was travelling minutes earlier. No matter how long she searches for this elusive pond, her efforts bear no fruit. She should probably return inside. The explosions she thought she'd be escaping by coming here are sounding again. Yeah, she definitely needs to find someone. She'd prefer Mummy or Holly but they're far away. Okay. Perhaps if she retraced her steps... There is chaos as she nears her destination. It is too much noise and panicked hurry for her. She thinks she hears several shrieks regarding Bee's demise. Dodging people's feet is tricky with their volume in consideration. They weren't paying attention to her. Something big had obviously gone down. She lets the crowds lead her to the square where they seemed to be gathering. "Anyone wanting to leave Tardus for Medwich, over here!" Medwich? And what she swears sounds like Holly's voice? Yes! She wants to leave Tardus for Medwich! Please. The second Holly spots her, she flings herself off the back of the beast on which she had been perched. "Honey! Oh my god. It's okay. Hey, it's going to be alright. I'm here. I'm here." Holly comforts with both her words and actions. "What happened?" "The Queen's been assassinated." Someone answers. Holly goes quiet for a second. "I'd heard rumours but I was hoping they weren't true. Is it really true this place will return to the earth when the last timezone reaches their midnight?" There is a murmur of general agreement. A second person speaks. "There's about an hour or two left before Tardus falls for another year." "So come to Medwich. It was early morning when I left so it will probably be about 11 by the time we return." Her owner pats the cherry coloured dragon. "This guy's pretty fast." A third voice. "There's no point. We'll all be home before this kingdom is truly lost." "Are you sure?" Again, a consensus of assurance. "Well, in that case... Come on, Honey, let's go home." Holly rambles as they mount the dragon. "What do you think of my ride? I know what you're thinking. 'What are you doing with something that can fly when you hate heights?' But don't you think a dragon's a cooler mode of transport than a unicorn or lion? Plus, the Welsh have the best method of mythical transportation so why wouldn't I call in a favour to pick you up in style? Although, I had hoped it would be in a few hours. Sorry, I had no idea this place was a limited time deal. Whatever. Mum probably needs my help with today's belated Christmas dinner. I'll give you an extra pig in blanket as compensation. How's that sound?" "Make it two." "Yeah, I missed you too." Her owner tightens her hold as the dragon is signalled to depart. With a cry of "Happy New Year!" during launch, Tardus gradually fades into the horizon, leaving it doomed to be crumbling by the time they set foot in Medwich.
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moonwolfhowl · 5 years
Yuletide 2k19 edition
Hiyo, first off I’m moonwolfhowl on tumblr and nightmoonz on AO3. I’m really excited that you got me and I just want to thank you so much in advance and I really hope you have fun with this!!
Secondly, here are a couple things that I like and dislike, (and some prompts but you can take ‘em or leave ‘em). If you’re not 100% sure on if something is or isn’t my deal my ask box is open and the anon option is turned on.  
Ratings: I prefer through T-M, but tbh I’m pretty easy so if you wanna go up to E feel free ^__^“’
Likes, Loves and DNWs:
Likes and Loves!
AUs! No, seriously, every kind of AU
Humor! Especially: sarcasm, witty banter, etc…
Angst and hurt/comfort are awesome!
Slow Burns
MUTUAL PINING and/or SEEMINGLY unrequited feels
idiots to lovers, this can either be enemies to lovers or friends to lovers. sort of related to the point straight above XD
found families
Fake relationship/dating/marriage you know for a cover/mission/(fill in the blank)
Bed Sharing
Sex Pollen
“In Vino Veritas” 
Happy Endings!!
Squicks/DNWs (do not wants):
Character Bashing
Abuse of any kind
Actual unrequited feelings
Harm to animals
Major Character Death
Scat and/or Watersports
2nd and 1st person perspective
Spiders especially Tarantulas, this is a huge trigger for me
Okay! I’m gonna put a break here because this is a long post and all prompts/ideas are below.
Alrighty, so these are just some silly prompts or ideas that you can take from or totally ignore altogether! It’s really just some ideas that you can look to if you’re stuck or need a jumping off point.  And man, like if you already had an idea? Please feel free to go with that instead, I just want you to have fun  = ^__^ =  
Also again, if you have any questions the anon option is turned on for my ask box.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OOctopath Traveler - Therion, Tressa Colzione, Cordelia Ravus, and Leon Bastralle
Oh boy this game. I have no words that can even describe how much I LOVE this game. The storytelling was fantastic and I got really invested in not just the main 8 but in all of the minor/side characters too. I know I have Therion, Cordelia, Tressa and Leon specifically but if you want to throw in any of the other characters in the tagset you totally can, same with any side ships (here’s looking **You don't have to include ALL the characters I selected here in your fic, you can mix them up or follow a prompt I have. I only request that you include at least one of the ones picked here <3
I’m kind of open to anything but if you do need a jumping off point (and/or want to see me gush over my favs) check out the prompts below
Therion - I love him and would die for him he is my perfect little trash bandit. It kills me how he longs to belong somewhere but is equally afraid of it for very good reasons. Because of this he’s so heavily guarded and *sobs* his reactions to people (the 8 and Cordelia) genuinely caring about his wellbeing? It just hrrk! I’m so happy I started with him, that I got to see his growth throughout the story and how his emotional wounds finally seem like they’re on their way to healing. Tressa - My adorable little gremlin, she’s such a little badass! While money may be on her mind a lot she’d never cheat anyone! She’s genuinely kind and her travel adventure is so interesting because it’s about exploring the world, experiencing new places—and while she has a certain understanding of this—she learns the true meaning of sentimental value in things. I love her so much. Leon - I love how much of his character is wrapped up in some mystery and that he seems like a tortured but mature soul (as you can see I have a type.) Cordelia - I love Cordelia and she is entirely underrated. She’s been through quite a lot and her faith in my best boy helped him come back into the world able to to trust and love people again. She’s very soft and caring and now that her stolen heirlooms have been restored to her she can come back into the world herself.
Gen ideas:
Tressa and Therion teasing TF out of each other doesn’t matter what about or who about. I just love them and they have such a brosis vibe
Tressa spear fishing and shocking Therion or everyone by it, you can add any and/or all of the characters in the tag. (Inaccurate Tressa, "What? I live in a Port Town my dudes.”)
I know this is cheesy but Therion having his first Apple Pie would destroy me ; __ ; it can be when he’s little or an adult, AU, Canonverse or Canon divergent it can be a Birthday treat to himself, it can be the first thing he pays for with money he earned on his own. If you want to include any character my sign up sheet or want to include any other octo character(s) that’s fine too!
Shippy ideas (which I’m a little more into but whatever you are comfortable with is a-okay by me):
Cordelia Ravus/Therion (Thordelia)
THEM *SWOONS* I just love them, Cordelia helps my baby boy trust in people again and brings happiness back to his world… and he has so much respect for her I’m just— ; __ ; I just love them
Actor & Author relationship: AU, Canonverse or Canon divergent you name it!
Again Tressa teasing TF out of Therion but specifically about Cordelia (esp after his chapter good god. *swoon*)
Cordelia’s POV on her Noble Thief
Anything post game like I wouldn’t mind seeing her rebuilding Bolderfall, visiting each layer of the city and helping it thrive
Fake Dating. Any Setting XD
The “I’m supposed to take out the target but I fell for them instead” is also very good
Tressa Colzione/Leon Bastralle
; w ; their relationship and care for each other—like Thordelia’s—makes my heart melt
Any kind of them traveling together and developing feels on the open seas post game
Her being his apprentice and learning from him while teaching him some new things
Does Leon have a thing for the arts? Is that why he’s particularly enamored endeared to Tressa spotting the painting?
yeah ngl anything, my thirst is real
A Very Shippy and utterly ridiculous prompt. Tressa x Leon (Treon? Lessa?) and/or Thordelia (however if you wanna include other side ships like Olberhardt or H’aanit x Ophilia for example you can go for it!)
Masquerade! Can be Canonverse, Canon Divergent or AU!
A Masquerade ball in which: 
They can either know each other beforehand or not
Halloween Party, Adults, College AU
idk this is just something to have fun with and hey lol if you wanna make it more mature feel free
Promare - Lio, Galo, Gueira, Meis
Man this movie messed me up and all the right ways. Honestly one of the most chilling things was to see all of the Burnish being used as engine fuel… I like—ngl I cried, and then when Lio gets used as the core? ; __ ;
Honestly I will be happy with anything you come up with, there are so many possibilities just know that a heavy angst fic is A-okay by me, but if you want to do a flufflier or humor fic those are also so Very VERY good. I have some ideas below but again like if you have an idea in mind or started something by viewing my likes list go for it!
**You don't have to include ALL the characters I selected here in your fic, you can mix them up or follow a prompt I have. I only request that you include at least one of the ones picked here <3
Lio - Um yes I love him. He’s just such a tortured soul and true cares about people. I like—honestly he is my favorite character. The way he used his flame to protect Galo? How hard he fights for the Burnish? How hard Gueira and Meis fight for him and stop at nothing to save him speaks volumes about the kind of person he is. I just love him and want him to have nice things
Galo - This wonderful brilliant dumbass. I also love him and despite me calling him a dumbass he’s actually pretty with it when it comes to adapting to his environment. He also takes in new information and rather than reject it out right he examines it critically. Like the way he approached Kray about the Burnish experiments was not the smartest… However, he still went to find the truth no matter how much it could have hurt him and that really defines what kind of guy he is.
Gueira & Meis - So unfortunately we didn’t get to see much of these two but what we did get to see was GOLD. I love them, I love how they fight so hard to protect their fellow burnish and how loyal they are to Lio. Like omg when the Burnish were being rounded up but they used the last of their strength to save Lio, believing—knowing that he would come back for them? *hrrk* My heart.
So okay!!! Ideas and/or prompts! Again you don’t have to use these if you don’t want to <3
Anything Shippy with Lio and Galo + hurt/comfort?? 10/10
An AU where the Promare gift the Burnish with their “fire bending” abilities permanently
Anything found family esp if it's adopting Lio's litter fam with Galo's ; w ;
I'd love to see what was going on with Gueira/Meis while they were locked up side by side. What did they talk about? Their faith in Lio? Them possibly growing up with Lio? Their feels for each other? And honestly you can go as angsty as you want to with this.
Gueira & Meis being over protective (big bros) of their boss and bestie Lio. (Poor Galo lmao)
Feel free to include any other characters you want from the tag set or canon in general ^___^ 
Crescent Moon - Any
Ah… my poor beautiful tiny manga fandom… I love this 6 volume series so much. The storytelling can be fast paced at times but it doesn't even phase me considering how detailed and intricate the themes, lore, relationships and monsters & magic are. For this fandom anything goes, like any AUs, tropes, canon compliant or divergent is all welcome here.
Bonus points if you have your own take of the song/legend: “Princess Princess why do you cry?”
If you want to make a fic about the Princess and the Demon boy when they were kids, or have any fic at all featuring them (kid or adult) I'm all for it.
I love Mahiru Shiraishi/Mitsuru Suou they are such little disasters anything with them would be amazing but I’m a multishipper so if you have a ship that isn't them and you've been dying to write your ship? Write your ship! I'd love to read it!!! 
And anything including Akira is god tier - he is the bestest boy. 
I’m sorry I know this prompt is very open ended and very vague but like I’d just be happy with anything
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