#idk what they put in that family but them oak boys sure do got that oak family sadness
prismadog · 3 years
Found Family AU character facts (part 3)
apparently, I can't just leave this at one or two, I have to do more than is required for this au - such is the way of life I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
for these, I'm only doing a sort of pre-story type thing, ya know, like their origins, who the characters were before they all knew each other. if I didn't condense these down to that point, well, we'd be here all day reading practically an entire book on one single character [I think I'm exaggerating here?]
this one got a bit long so I'm putting it under the line.
hey uh, are any of you actually interested in their backgrounds? idk if that's something that interests people or not but I'm writing these and it just makes me wonder, y'know? [of course, now that I've started, I can't just stop, there's still so many characters. but still...curiosity and all's got me wondering]
Sausage is a dwarf of Mythland who was born a single child to the Dwarf King. ever since he was a child, he dreamed of being a mighty sorcerer that could use all kinds of magic but being a dwarf, magic comes a lot harder to him than it would a human or another magical creature - such as his good friend Gem.
the kingdoms of Mythland and the Crystal Cliffs were close allies and have been for generations - the Grimlands does not exist at this time. Sausage grew up alongside Gem and fWhip of the Crystal Cliffs - he revered Gem and her magical abilities, and found a close friend in fWhip due to neither of them being able to wield magic. Gem did try to teach Sausage magic despite the lessons never producing even a spark of magic - that of course didn't stop him.
he and fWhip would often get into trouble, playing pranks and whatnot on the people of the two kingdoms, and sometimes they could convince Gem to join in with them.
the trio stayed close friends through the years, and when Sausage's father was slain in battle against a pillager raid the siblings were there mourning alongside their friend. he took vigil at his father's final resting place for an entire day, as is tradition, then the next day he held a celebration in honor of the fallen King, with a feast to finish off the night.
Sausage was crowned the new Dwarf King within the week and his friends were there for his coronation - fWhip, ever the tinkerer, set up a firework display for him, and Gem gifted him with an old spell book written by a Mythlandian and enchanted rings that provided protection.
things became hectic around this time, what with being a new king with new duties and protecting his empire from pillagers, and he can't see his friends as often. Gem also gets busy with her studies and fWhip starts exploring the mountains - something that the people of the Crystal Cliffs don't do. in this time, he also adopted a pup that he named "Bubbles" and she became his second in command.
several months later, he gets word that his friend fWhip has gone missing. he drops everything to travel to the Cliffs and be at Gem's side - she tells him that fWhip has been missing for quite some time and she blames herself that she never noticed. he comforts her and they go out on a search for him, which unfortunately results in nothing but a few belongings found deep within the mountain and a journal.
Gem holds a funeral for her brother and Sausage stands vigil once again for a loved one. he offers Gem any aid that Mythland can provide and she graciously accepts. he visits her from time to time after the event but eventually, he just gets busy and more time drags between each visit.
his kingdom prospers with a plethora of new buildings - an iron farm, a forge, new docks, bigger and better homes for the people, and all kinds of other things. one thing that stands out from the rest is a summoning circle - this, he uses to sacrifice the crimson sheep of the land in the hopes, not for power, but for knowledge and guidance, and that one day the gods - whoever may be listening - will return his friend to him.
he gains quite a bit of knowledge in the ways for forging weapons imbued with magic and using anothers' magic to alter ordinary everyday things - such as a dark oak tree or even a mushroom. this is all for the benefit of his kingdom so he doesn't see a problem with his sacrifices, despite what his advisors may believe.
he met with other rulers, some he'd been neglecting to talk to, and others who were just coming into power. one of the first new rulers he met was Pearl of Smallholding - a chaotic girl with flowers in her hair and a grin that never fades. another was the Codfather, Jimmy Solidarity-Shadow - one of the merfolk who's kingdom rose slowly from the swamps and without anyone seeming to notice. months after meeting these two, another kingdom arose, this time practically overnight, and the ruler was none other than fWhip of the Crystal Cliffs - his best friend - but this time, fWhip was the Count of a near-barren plains dubbed the Grimlands.
the trio celebrated fWhip's return and Sausage, once home, thanked whatever gods that had brought his friend back. visits between the three kingdoms became commonplace again, as well as visits to the new Cod Empire - though, those were to pick on the new ruler there.
Sausage did learn not to take things too far in teasing the Codfather because one day, he and fWhip had set up a "minor, harmless" trap and when the Codfather got injured and bedridden for a few days, well, they found out that Queen Lizzie of the Ocean Empire was not someone you wanted to anger. after, they did continue their teasing but they kept it well below danger levels.
a year or so after fWhip's return, Sausage met another new ruler who had just come into power and who's kingdom had been lost to the world for ages - King Joey Graceffa of the Lost Empire. Joey took interest in his sacrifices and his borrowed magics, maybe a little too much interest if the bloodlust in his eyes was anything to go by.
Joey is born the youngest of three children to the Emperor of the Maztec Empire - his siblings being the princesses.
he, like all others of the royal family, are born with parrot wings to match the local parrots of the jungle. he often used his wings to escape his lessons, though being third in line for the throne, he was allowed lenience to goof off and have fun anyway since the throne always went to the eldest.
but, Joey was the jealous sort as well and would often play dirty pranks on his sisters, and most times, they ended in some injury. though, he was also quite intelligent and could almost always pin the blame on another, usually on someone of the lowest class - the mudbloods who were more of a hybrid of cat and human.
one such dirty prank went horribly wrong and his eldest sister lost her life. it had involved a cave, the cave collapsed, and she got caught in it. he watched her struggle for some time, oddly curious about it, but eventually went and got help. the healers tried to help her but she soon passed on.
a funeral was held for the princess days later and she was cremated - as is tradition for royalty. life moved on, as it does, and the second princess became next in line.
after the death of the first princess, he became a little more interested in the act of dying than a boy should. he was curious and wanted to find out more about death, and the mudblood people were right there for him to experiment with. he made sure to only take one person every so often for experiments - the jungle could be a dangerous place and was often unkind to wanderers so if one or two people went missing every few months, then who was to know?
aside from secretly pranking his sisters and stealing away the lower class, he would spend time with the gentlemen of higher standing - the purebloods who were humanoid cats and certainly looked it. he would pick one to mess around with, or two or three if he so desired, until he eventually grew bored and discarded them like they were yesterday's trash.
his remaining sister, nearing her adulthood, started dreaming of leaving the kingdom to explore the world - she'd always wanted to but their parents would never permit it, nobody entered the kingdom and nobody left. he would stay up late with her on the nights he grew bored of gentlemen, and talk to her about her dreams.
with her becoming an and their parents getting older, he worried that soon, she would be taking the throne. so, he thought up a plan and talked with her about it - he could get things set up and all she would have to do is follow through, and before she knew it, she'd be exploring to her heart's content.
she was nervous, of course, but Joey is a charmer and used that to his advantage. he convinced her it was the best option for her if she didn't want to be tied down, and she could always return if she wanted. she agreed, wrote a farewell scroll that she gave him for safekeeping, and followed him one night to a secret area where a boat and some supplies were waiting, as well as one of his callers.
this she was confused about at first until Joey showed his true colors and killed her in cold blood. he then casually sent the gentleman off in the boat with his sister's body, promising him great rewards for his return if he got rid of the evidence.
he then returned home and set out the farewell letter in her room where it would be found, and went to bed. he awoke to the news late the next day, and also with a visit from his accomplice.
a few weeks later and there was no word from the princess and the guards sent out to search for her found no trace. though his parents prayed she was well, they still mourned her leaving. Joey was to be next in line should the Emperor and Empress pass and he celebrated in secret with the gentlemen who helped him - then when he got bored shortly after, he killed him too in the same cave his eldest sister died in and left his body to the mobs.
when he neared adulthood - only months away - he started his next plan for his rise to the throne. he acquired a poison that would imitate a deadly disease but not be curable by any known remedies. he used this on his father over the next several weeks and watched with secret glee as the Emperor grew weaker and weaker and the healers floundered about trying to cure him.
preparations were made, the Emperor passed on with few final words, and days later a funeral was held for him as well. his urn was placed next to the eldest princess' once everything was done. the Empress mourned the loss and Joey stood at her side.
he watched as her grief began to consume her, she spoke of loss and wishing she could join her husband, Joey listened to her words and wondered about what Maztec would do if she left too. she said it would be in good hands - he was a capable young man and if he ever needed help, there was a council of advisors at his side.
over a week later, the Empress took her own life, leaving behind a letter to her only remaining child. a third funeral was held, his mother cremated and laid to rest beside his father and sister, and he was crowned Emperor of the Maztec Kingdom.
Joey was free to do as he wished and he gladly accepted the freedom - everything was good and he was King.
but over the next several years, he found himself growing bored - not even building new temples kept his attention for long. he eventually started exploring, just a little ways, from his home and eventually came across the edge of the jungle which met the edge of a more barren land.
he visited the boarder a few times, curious about this other land, but never crossed it. then one day he met Count fWhip of the Grimlands - the name of the barren land. they spoke for some time at the boarder of their kingdoms, and set up a couple future visits to one another's kingdoms - fWhip visited his first, then he visited fWhip's.
at the visit to the Grimlands capitol, fWhip invited him to the next Gathering of Empires - apparently there were 9 other rulers out there besides the two of them, and one even had wings too!
he accepted the invitation without a moment's hesitation and at the next Gathering, his kingdom - the Lost Empire as it was written in old history books that an ally of fWhip's had found - became known to the rest of the world.
he found that the other winged ruler - Scott Smajor of Rivendell - was a very cold and distant person. but, the others were friendly enough, especially the Dwarf King - J Sausage of Mythland - and he took an interest in the man and the magics he was studying.
they became friends, and he by default joined an alliance with fWhip and Gem who were allied with Sausage.
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lupinlongbottom · 4 years
Practically a Weasley pt. 3
Charlie Weasley x Reader
Summary: What could make Charlie’s life more full? He already had a wife he adored, a job he loved and a child who loved him more than the moon and stars. Lunch with his mum isn’t the first idea on his list, that’s for sure. 
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: a couple of swears? but like when isn’t there my dudes
A/N: So like, these are probably like 3 different stories in one, no clear plot. Oops that’s just my brain getting excited at the idea of their child and the Weasley dynamic so idk still cute
Part 1 ... Part 1.5 ... Part 2 ... Epilogue
“Charles Septimus Weasley!”
The name echoed through the quaint cottage, volume boasting only what could be rivaled to a howler. Charlie had been anticipating a screech like that all day, quietly enjoying a pot of tea, reading the latest issue of the Quibbler before his wife awoke.
“Yes my flower?” Charlie hummed, eyes not leaving his magazine. The latest headlining story involved a sighting of a new type of mini-dragon, one with invisible wings. They were not lizards, a fact Charlie was sure of.
“I just received an owl,” (Y/N) pointed, hopping down the oak stairs as if it were nothing. “From your brother,” she crossed her arms.
“You’re going to have to be more specific, love. Got quite a few of those,” he took a sip of tea.
“From Bill, the brother who was watching your daughter last night?”
“Oh love, I can’t remember much from last night. Maybe you can jog my memory?” His eyes peeked over the magazine, eyeing his wife up and down. 
“Cheeky,” (Y/N) replied cooly, feeling a slight heat rise to her cheeks. “He said that Kayda had a wonderful time with her cousins, but when it came time to get ready for bed, she didn’t have any pajamas.”
“You know what she had, though?”
“Not exactly,” he shrugged, flipping the page. “I let her pack her own overnight bag.”
“Did you double check it before you dropped her off?” (Y/N) crossed her arms, all her weight shifting to one side. “You know, considering she’s five?”
“I trust my daughter,” Charlie said, finally setting the magazine down, looking his wife in the eye. “But, to answer your question, it just might have slipped my mind.”
“Funny,” (Y/N) moved over to the table, standing directly over Charlie. “You know, last night, I was wondering why I couldn’t find that little red thing you like,” (Y/N) hummed, tapping her chin. “But Bill made it abundantly clear that Kayda had a very similar ‘night gown’ to wear.”
It took Charlie every ounce of his being to not laugh out loud. “And? You wore the black thing I like even better,” he grinned, pulling his wife onto his lap. “I’m sure Bill was mortified.”
“Charlie, I’m mortified! I don’t need your brother knowing what sorts of intimates I own!” (Y/N) allowed her head to fall into her hands. Charlie wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Flower,” another kiss. “He know’s we fuck. He babysat the evidence last night.”
“Charlie!” (Y/N) slapped his arm, trying to escape her husband’s grip. He tightened his hold. “I’m serious. We have lunch with your mum today! How am I supposed to look anyone in the eye?”  
“Then don’t,” Charlie shrugged, swaying side to side, resting his head on (Y/N)’s shoulder. “Try avoiding your best mates once Bill tells ‘em after he drops Kay off,” Charlie laughed, pressing a kiss to his wife’s neck.
“No,” (Y/N) practically sighed. “Fred and George aren’t going to let me hear the end of it,” Charlie pressed another kiss to her neck, this time sucking lightly on her pulse. “Charlie, we shouldn’t…”
“Funny,” Charlie said, rubbing his hand up and down her arm. “You didn’t say that last night. Got out all the candles, busted out the turntable—”
“—we have to leave for The Burrow soon,” she sighed again, leaning into Charlie’s peppering kisses. “I barely have enough time to get ready as it is!”
“Come on, love. You look even more radiant than the day I met you,” He pressed a kiss to her lips, soft and sweet. “We can be quick, considering we took our time last night,” another kiss. “Think of it as an encore presentation.”
(Y/N) laughed, finally releasing herself from her husband’s grip, headed towards the stairs. Charlie focused all too intently as she walked away. “Well?” (Y/N) stood at the end of the stairs, hand on her hip. “You coming?”
Charlie and (Y/N) arrived to their planned lunch on time. It only took a quick use of their floo and a careful once over of their appearances to make it to Molly and Arthur’s.
“Charlie! (Y/N)!” Molly exclaimed, practically rushing over to the fireplace to greet her children. With two wet smooches, (Y/N) and Charlie entered the living room. “Oh, Kayda is going to be thrilled that you’ve made it,” Molly said, rubbing Charlie’s cheek. “Sorry, sweetie. Floo powder.”
“Mum…” he hissed, swatting her hand away. “Where is everyone?” Charlie noted, taking a longer look at the living room and kitchen. 
“They’re out playing quidditch, dear,” Molly answered, nodding her head to the back door. “Ginny made time in her busy schedule to be here, so Fred and George have been testing their little sister’s skills.”
“Sounds about right,” (Y/N) laughed, putting a dish on the kitchen table. “Do you have room for a cake, Molly? Charlie and I made one last night,” (Y/N) laughed. “Well, Charlie did most of it, but I added the hundreds and thousands.”
“I’m sure with the lot outside working as hard as they are, they’ll appreciate the treat, it won’t go to waste,” Molly smiled, setting the table. “I think the twins were trying to get little Kay up on a broom, might need her mum’s eye on that.”
(Y/N) groaned. “Peachy. Thanks for the heads up, Molly.”
“(Y/N), hear me out,” Charlie approached, blocking (Y/N) from opening the door to the backyard. “If they let her fall off you take Fred and I’ll take George.”
The couple walked out to the makeshift quidditch pitch, hand in hand. Only two redheads could be seen flying in the sky, relief leaving their bodies with a deep exhale. 
“Mummy!” A little redhead exclaimed, her chocolate brown eyes meeting (Y/N)’s. She struggled out of Ginny’s lap to run over to her mother, barreling faster than a snitch. Her little arms wrapped tightly around (Y/N)’s legs. “You’re here!”
“I am!” (Y/N) giggled, pulling her daughter up into her arms, kissing her forehead. The softness of her red bangs tickled (Y/N)’s nose.
“Daddy made it too, you know,” Charlie mumbled, fighting back a grin. He pulled his family in for a short hug, enjoying the warmth.
“Hi daddy,” Kayda said, waving to her father lightly, her hand moving in small circles.
“Glad to see you two made it safe,” Ginny laughed, walking over to her brother and his wife. “You just missed Bill.”
“He’s not staying for lunch?” (Y/N) asked. Ginny shook her head. “Amazing,” (Y/N) sighed, setting her daughter down. “He didn’t… share anything about their night last night, did they?”
“No, nothing out of the ordinary,” Ginny hummed, fingers running through her pixie cut. “But Kayda couldn’t stop talking about the dinner that Auntie Phlegm made.”
Kayda’s eyes lit up, a lightning bolt of remembrance hitting her face. “Oh! Mum! Aunt Phlegm made this yummy—”
“Kayda, her name is Aunt Fleur, not Phlegm,” (Y/N) looked at Ginny, who was wearing a proud grin, pride boasting from her chest. “What did Fleur make you?”
“Sorry mum,” Kayda sighed. “Aunt Fleur made dinner with all vegetables! She cut them really, really thin and called it rat-a-patoolie!” 
“Rat-a-patoolie?” Charlie asked.
“You ate vegetables?” (Y/N) asked.
“They were really good, better than your veggies, mum!” Kayda smiled, hands on her hips. “Did you see that I dressed myself?”
“I did,” (Y/N) smiled, noting the bright purple overalls atop of a lime green jumper, not a pair of matching socks in sight. “I heard dad let you pack your clothes.”
“We heard that too,” Fred said, leaning down from his broom, now hovering over his family.
“Bill told us all about it,” George winked, hovering a few meters away from Fred, spinning upside down. “Say, Kay, how were your pajamas?”
“Red!” Kayda exclaimed, jumping lightly.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N), Uncle Billy made sure that she wore something else,” Fred cooed. “Mummy’s ‘fun clothes’ are folded neatly away.”
“You both have seven seconds to fly away,” (Y/N) said, pulling her wand out of her sleeve. “Before I do something I regret.”
“I’d listen to her, blokes,” Charlie laughed. “She nearly had my head this morning.”
“Bet she had more than your head this morning,” George smiled, high fiving Fred. The two laughed in the air, circling menacingly.
“Charlie, Ginny, take Kayda inside,” (Y/N) pushed up her sleeves. Charlie nodded and swooped his daughter right up.
“What’re you going to do from down there?” Fred chided, flying higher on his broom. “Last I checked, little (Y/N) isn’t good in the air.”
“Yeah, as long as we’re up here,” George laughed, holding his arms out. “We’re untouchable!”
(Y/N) stood for a moment. This was true, she was never good on a broom, practically cursed the second she sat upon it. It had been years since she tried again.
“Mum’s going to kill you!” Kayda shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth. “You’re just scaredy-cats! Come down and fight her like boys!”
“Kayda,” (Y/N) scoffed. “I would never kill your uncles,” she smiled, patting her head. “Seriously injuring or harming them? Fair game.”
“No fair,” Fred yelled. “Using our favorite niece to taunt us?”
“Low blow, (Y/N),” George added.
“She learned that all on her own,” (Y/N) laughed. “Now, do you want to disappoint your little Kay-Kay?”
“Uncle Fred, Uncle George!” Kayda waved, grinning widely. “I wanna see your new toys!” Charlie whispered in his daughter’s ear. “Please?” she pleaded, now corrected by her father.
“Kayda…” Fred groaned, hanging upside down on his broom. “Stop looking so cute!”
“(Y/N), using children like this should be a criminal offense,” George pointed. “Punishable by an unforgivable curse!”
“Charlie?” (Y/N) turned, giving her husband a knowing look. “Time for the big guns.” Charlie nodded, leaning in to whisper to his daughter one more time. 
“Uncle George and Fred?” Kayda asked, batting her brown eyes. “If you won’t come down to play with me, I’ll make Uncle Percy my favorite uncle.”
“Percy!?” The twins screamed in unison, instantly lowering their brooms and landing on the ground below. 
“Go on, (Y/N),” Fred said, getting on his knees. “Take your best shot! We’ll take anything over your daughter’s threats.”
(Y/N) smiled, walking over to the twins, tapping her wand to the tip of her nose. “Rictusempra,” she mumbled, causing the twins to buckle in complete hysteria. She turned around to her husband, still holding their daughter. “Let’s go see what Molly cooked for lunch, yeah?”
“Mummy,” Kayda whimpered, pushing her plate away. “I don’t want any carrots.”
“Darling, you’ll hurt your gran’s feelings if you don’t at least try them,” (Y/N) sighed, patting her daughter’s back. The rest of the family had finished eating over 20 minutes ago, Ginny had already left, the twins were outside. (Y/N) was determined to get Kayda to eat one baby carrot, even if it killed her. 
“You won’t hurt my feelings,” Molly piped up, washing the dishes. “Charlie never cared for carrots either,” she laughed.
“Molly,” (Y/N) hissed. “If she can eat Fleur’s ratatouille, she can eat at least one of your carrots.”
“Let me try,” Charlie said, sitting on the chair next to his daughter, cracking his knuckles exaggeratedly. “Kay, you remember going to go see Harriet, right?” Kayda nodded. Harriet was her favorite to visit at the sanctuary, after Charlie of course. “She didn’t used to be as big as she is now, you know why?”
“Because she grew up?” Kayda asked, looking up at her father.
“Well, yes,” Charlie smiled lightly. “But she grew because she also ate her carrots.” Charlie put his hand atop his daughters, holding it gently.
“Dragons don’t eat carrots, daddy,” Kayda laughed, swatting his hand away. “You said Harriet used to eat spinach too! She can’t eat both!”
(Y/N) laughed. “She’s right, Charlie, Harriet couldn’t possibly have eaten both carrots and spinach,” Charlie gave (Y/N) an exasperated look. She shot back a shit-eating grin.
“Tell you what,” Charlie said, picking up a spare fork. “If you eat a carrot, I’ll eat a carrot,” he held back a gulp. “Then you can go and play with Fred and George all you want, okay?”
“You’ll eat a carrot?” Kayda’s brown eyes grew to the size of saucers. She quickly shoved her fork in her mouth, the orange disappearing behind her lips. A few chews and swallow, she grinned. “Your turn, daddy!”
Charlie sat still. “You ate that fast, Kay,” he laughed nervously, tapping the fork lightly to the plate. “Did you think she’d eat it that fast?” He turned to (Y/N). She laughed.
“She’s your daughter,” (Y/N) shrugged. “Stubborn and determined as all hell.”
“As all hell!” Kayda repeated, grinning wildly.
“Kayda,” Charlie groaned. “What did we say about swearing?”
“That mummy and daddy are allowed to do it, but not me,” Kayda sighed, looking down. Her crestfallen expression quickly flipped. “Eat your carrot, dad!” she exclaimed, changing the subject.
“She’s right,” (Y/N) hummed, leaning behind Charlie, wrapping her arms around his chest, head resting on his shoulder. “You’re avoiding the carrot, dad.”
“(Y/N),” he groaned again, feeling (Y/N)’s lips press against his temple. “Carrots are gross.”
“Stop being a baby,” (Y/N) laughed, her hand guiding his to the plate, stabbing a baby carrot with the fork. “You’re setting a bad example for your daughter,” (Y/N) said, holding his hand, now forcing the carrot closer to his lips. 
“What’s in it for me?” Charlie asked, turning his head away from the fork.
(Y/N) smiled, her lips meeting his for a short peck. “The satisfaction of your daughter’s dreams coming true,” another short kiss.
“Please, daddy?” Kayda pleaded, clasping her hands together. Molly grinned from the sink, enjoying the scene before her.
“You have two beautiful girls asking you to eat a carrot, Charlie. There are worse things.” Molly laughed.
Charlie took a deep breath, finally determined to fulfill his promise. With a bated breath, he put the carrot in his mouth, chewing slowly. All eyes were on him, waiting for his final swallow. “There,” Charlie groaned, slamming the fork down. “Are you all happy?”
“Yeah, I am,” Kayda said, dropping down from her chair. “Gran, can I be excused?” Molly nodded. “I’m going to go play with Uncle Fred and George!” 
“You did it,” (Y/N) laughed, rubbing Charlie’s back. “You ate a carrot without vomiting,” she grabbed Kayda’s plate, finally turning it into the sink.
“And they say love is dead,” Charlie said, wiping his mouth. “I can’t believe Kayda actually ate a carrot. I was almost certain she would throw a fit.”
“You underestimate our daughter, sometimes.” 
“Maybe so,” Charlie groaned. “She just holds such a power over me, (Y/N),” he shook his head. “I better go make sure Fred and George don’t use Kayda as a test subject or something.”
“A doting father never rests,” (Y/N) laughed. 
“You know,” Molly said, turning from the sink. “I never thought I’d see the day where Charlie was under the complete mercy of a little girl,” she laughed, pulling her greying hair out of her bun. “Besides Ginny, of course.”
“Children change people,” (Y/N) shrugged. “Changed me a bit. Kayda gives me more than enough inspiration for new books. I reckon I could pump at least two or three more out just thinking about it.”
“Children?” Molly asked excitedly.
“What?” (Y/N) felt her cheeks heat up, realizing what she had just said. “Oh, Godric no! I reckon one’s enough. I was talking about my books, Molly.”
“You never thought of having another one?” Molly sat at the kitchen table, summoning a pot of tea. “Children are a blessing, you know.”
“Charlie and I never talked about it,” (Y/N) shrugged. “I know Kayda wants a little brother, asked for one last Christmas. But Charlie’s so busy at work, I’m practically locked in my study every hour of the day now that Kay’s at school…”
“Last I remember, you and Charlie didn’t talk about having Kayda,” Molly hummed. “Come to think of it, you didn’t exactly talk about marriage either. You’re a very spontaneous lot, the two of you,” she smiled, sipping from her mug. “I know it’s none of my business, but I would adore another grandchild.”
“I appreciate the sentiment, Molly,” (Y/N) said, forcing a small smile. “It’s just, our life is just so perfect the way it is, you know? I have a husband who loves me unconditionally, an angel of a child and a career I love. I’m just afraid—”
“That a new baby is going to ruin it?” (Y/N) nodded her head. “Did I ever tell you about when I had Bill? Arthur and I had the same conversation about having Charlie.”
“You did?”
“Children bring joy, (Y/N). I’m sure you know that with Kayda. I’m sure Charlie knows, too.”
“You seem a bit biased,” (Y/N) smiled.
“I am,” Molly laughed. “I just can’t wait for more grandkids! I’m up to four now, quite the collection.”
“I’ll try talking to Charlie, see where his head is at,” (Y/N) stood up, hearing a loud crash from outside. “Didn’t Fred mention at lunch that they were working on a new dungbomb?” Molly nodded. “I didn’t realize becoming a mother meant I had to babysit my best mates and husband, too,” she sighed, enjoying the jovial laughter Molly sprung from the kitchen as (Y/N) went outside.
The scent was excruciating, swelling into (Y/N)’s senses. The culprits, (Y/N) deduced, were laughing like maniacs. The sweet bell-like sound of her daughter’s laugh was sprinkled into the mess.
“Mummy! Do you smell that?” Kayda laughed, calling from George’s lap, his arm wrapped lovingly around her. “Uncle George farted!”
“Did not!” George said, looking down at his niece. “I thought that was you!” Kayda’s laughter rang out again, shaking her head wordlessly. “Maybe it was Fred?”
“Oi! Maybe it was the dungbomb?” Fred asked, pointing to the exploded fragments a few meters away from the group.
“Can’t even go along with Kay-Kay’s joke? What kind of comedian are you?” George asked, glaring at his twin. “Honestly, I don’t even know you anymore.”
“Where’s Charlie?” (Y/N) asked, realizing that her husband wasn’t around.
“He’s out flying,” George said, thumb pointing to the pitch. “We convinced him to—”
“—blow off some steam while we had some quality time with the greatest product tester,” Fred ruffled Kayda’s bangs, eliciting a grin from the girl.
“What did you say to him, exactly?” (Y/N) asked, knowing full well that Charlie wouldn’t have just left their daughter in the hands of the twins for too long.
“Oh nothing…”
“Just maybe that his quidditch skills are dwindling every second he spends off of a broom…”
“The fact that also his little sister is dominating in the quidditch world and out-shining him as the ‘Weasley star’…”
“Alright,” (Y/N) said, holding her hand up. “I’m going to find my husband, don’t let Kayda eat anything funky, okay?” (Y/N) turned to the pitch, walking away.
“Is a ‘face pickling fudge’ considered funky?” George shouted, ignoring the finger (Y/N) was proudly flashing for him.
(Y/N) looked to the sky, watching Charlie zoom through the various hoops on either end of the field with ease, as if he had been born on a broom. The wind breezed through his hair, blowing it back. Charlie noted his audience, lowering almost instantly.
“No helmet?” (Y/N) laughed, kissing Charlie as he dismounted. 
“Seekers don’t wear helmets, love,” Charlie said, combing through his hair. “Besides, you love the wind-swept look.”
“I do,” (Y/N) hummed, kissing her husband again. “For someone who claims to never fly at work, you were pulling those stunts off pretty easily,” (Y/N) noted, tracing her finger in a loop.
“I didn’t say I never fly,” Charlie said, laughing lightly. “But flying for fun and flying away from an angry dragon are two completely different things, flower.”
“Maybe,” (Y/N) agreed. “Why don’t you fly more around the house? Kayda would love to watch you.”
“You know how you are on a broom, love. The second Kay sees me fly around, she’ll want you to join. I’m just avoiding that disappointment.”
“When Kayda figures out that her mum’s a wussy,” Charlie beamed, fully expecting the slap to the side he had received. “You know I’m right!” 
“Kayda knows that I’m shit on a broom,” (Y/N) said, crossing her arms. “I know how badly you want to get her on one, but we agreed—”
“Stop talking, (Y/N),” Charlie said, hopping back onto his broom, holding his hand out. “Get on the broom.”
“Are you kidnapping me to make a point?” (Y/N) laughed, pointing an eyebrow upwards at the notion.
“Wouldn’t call it a kidnapping,” Charlie said, offering his hand again. “Don’t you want your child to know you’re not a wussy? If I can eat a carrot for our daughter, you can ride on a broom for her too.”
“I failed flying class at school—”
“I didn’t,” Charlie said, taking his wife’s hand, pulling her up onto the stick. She sat behind him, holding onto his chest tightly. “I’m the one flying this broom, yeah?”
“Charles Weasley if you do any funny tricks, I swear on my own life—”
“What? I can’t hear you!” Charlie shouted, swiftly lifting into the air, pointing to his ear. “The wind!”
“Shut your mouth, Charlie!” (Y/N) screamed, clinging to her husband tighter as the ground below became smaller and smaller. “You can hear me perfectly fine!”
Charlie stopped, floating midair, The Burrow the size of an apple below them. “Love, there’s no need to shout,” he said, turning his head slightly, a grin stretched to his face. “I’m right here.”
“I think I’m going to be sick,” (Y/N) said, burrowing her face into Charlie’s red jumper.
“Aim for one of the twins, would you? I overheard them scheming to put different prank supplies for Kayda in her bag before we leave,” he laughed. “Besides, you’re the one who gave me this jumper, I quite like it.”
“I guess it’s not so bad from up here…” (Y/N) said, taking another look at the ground.
“Of course not,” Charlie laughed, causing (Y/N)’s arms to bounce. “You’re with your favorite person, your husband, whom you trust I hope?”
“Kayda’s my favorite person,” (Y/N) said simply. “You’re up there, though."
“I could flip this broom around right now and you have the audacity to say that your daughter is your favorite person?”
“Hey, she’s our daughter. Last I checked it took the two of us to make her,” (Y/N) laughed. “I can be a bit of a narcissist and say that my favorite person is a perfect mix of my other favorite person and myself, right?”
“Perhaps,” Charlie said, flying slowly around the grounds, gently elevating and dipping every so often. “She’s pretty perfect.”
“Do you want another?” (Y/N) blurted, not even realizing what she had said. 
“Molly said something after lunch that had me thinking—”
“Yes,” Charlie said simply. “Of course I want another.”
“You better not be pulling on my leg, Charles Weasley.”
“I’m serious,” Charlie laughed. “I know my mum planted that seed in your head—obsessed with her grandchildren, that one—but understand that I’d be open to having another.”
“Like you said, love,” Charlie began to fly closer to The Burrow, watching Kayda jump enthusiastically below. “It takes two,” he shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to try day and night—”
“I get the picture,” (Y/N) laughed, her face surely growing pink. “I’m not entirely sure I want another, honestly. We didn’t plan Kayda, but I’m so happy she’s in our lives…”
“So maybe we don’t plan?” Charlie shrugged, turning his head again. “Maybe we just continue our weekly routines—a little less carefully—and accept whatever is to come of it?”
“We’re quite against planning anything, aren’t we?” (Y/N) said, loosening her grip on Charlie, finally growing used to the height.
“Speaking of, we didn’t use any—”
“—this morning? No. No we did not,” (Y/N) laughed. “An oversight.” (Y/N) pressed a soft kiss to the back of Charlie’s shoulder, leaning fully onto his back. A husband who loved her, friends closer than brothers and a child who lit up her waking days? Maybe another wouldn’t hurt.
General Tag List: @maralisa124 , @leighxlover , @hey-its-me-rai , @missihart23 , @biatheintrovert , @chocolaterumble, @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy , @steve-thotgers , @greeneyedthief
Charlie Weasley Tag List: @sungoddessra , @phantom-pheonix , @dccomicnerd-world , @marveltrash99 , @graymountaingal, @storiesbycaroline, @mytinybaguette , @garbdump , @utahjoerdis , @eldritchscreech , @fiiiinewine
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alolanrain · 4 years
Found Family!AU *Christmas Edition* Pt.2
Imagine Opal dealing with Madam Boss and bby Giovanni
Gio learns all his baking skills from his Aunt Opal
But his mother hated her sister with a passion
So he doesn’t see her often
When Madam Boss dies, it’s a bloody gory mess, he’s the first one to call her
“I have a son.” Is his hello, because I’m not making Giovanni and utter asshole in this AU he’s going to love Ash from a distance and actually steps down from Team Rocket the first time Ash stops him
And Opal is like, “P l e a s e let it be with that Female Kanto Trainer you brought to Galar that one Christmas, she’s such a sweet heart.”
And Opal finds out it is!!!
She puts her foot down on choosing the name bc Giovanni is fucking HORRIBLE with names and Delia was so tired and stressed a lot during the pregnancy to the point she couldn’t get a lot of shit down for the baby’s
Ash forces reluctant Grunkle Kabu to come to Alola for a week to meet up with extremely reluctant Grunkle Nanu
And Ash doesn’t even KNOW
Acerola kinda knows bc there’s this one picture her Uncle Nanu has at his desk at the police station next to a frame of her parents, him, and Acerola as a baby
She never commented on it and catches Nanu either looking at it with such a warm smile or either a really pained look in his eyes
it was a friendly split up
Both got to busy
And just had to let go
But it still hurt them a lot
No but I’m expanding on the relationship of Bby! Ash and Gary with the older Head Chairman, who I’m naming Diego Thorn, and Younger!Rose, and finally Younger!Kabu
I’m hc that the Chairman BEFORE Chairman Thorn was named Theo Grass
So it’s kinda like earth, grass, thorn, then rose
Because it’s the pretty things in life that are truly poisonous
grumpy Grunkles are getting back together with the help of Ash, Gary, and the Ghost baby’s
the only reason why Kabu is considered a Grunkle is because both Ash and Gary seemed to have fucking LOVED him so much and he fathered Delia a lot since her own family was shit
So he’s the honorary Grunkle while Nanu IS Ash’s Grunkle bc yes tf Nanu is Giovanni’s Uncle but he’s really distant so he never actually found out Ash was his great Nephew until Ash at the age of 20-something came stumbling into his police station with wide whisky brown eyes and shocking black hair and a jaw line that seemed to familiar that Nanu could never forget
Chairman Thorn ALWAYS Came down from his work place, dragging Rose and his own assistant/secretary, Milly, to see bby Ash and Gary bc he’s a really big family man and the two boys absolutely adore him as much as Thorn adored them
And Delia was so afraid at first that Opal would nearly be/ or just plain be the same as Madam Boss and hurt the poor girl but it’s quite the opposite
Opal spoiled her SO HARD, she was the one to make sure that Delia and Gio had everything they could need for Bby Ash’s arrival and afterwards
And both women found out that they share a deep love for winter in general
So they start small traditions that they then pass down to Ash and Gary, because the Oaks get sucked into this bc Professor Oak can’t say no and Daisy loves Delia like the mom she barely remembers
And Opal is just like “Yes more great grand babies.”
And she was there for Delia when Giovanni left Ash and Delia, yes she was absolutely ROYALY pissed at her Nephew, but she also knew why Gio did what he did
Because he did the best thing to protect her, Ash, and by extent the Oaks as well
Because he fathered Gary and Daisy as much as Delia mothered them
But it because a tradition to bring the kids up to Galar to see Graunty Opal and Grunkle Kabu and spend the second week of December all the way to a week after New Years there
So like almost a whole month of family lovin’ time
Raihan would just inwardly panic bc he’s never been good with baby’s before
But damn OH DAMN does Leon start bouncing Ash up and down while trying his best to answer Ash’s questions because he absolutely ADORES children at Ash’s age and wants to get better bc his mom and dad are thinking about having another kid and he wants to be the BEST big brother that he can be
Then Gary waddles over bc he couldn’t find Ash and Gary’s suppose to stick by Ash’s side to make sure the younger boy doesn’t get hurt
Raihan would start to panic even more bc there’s TWO babies now
But Leon would be ecstatic because there’s T W O BABIES NOW
but then he comes back with Gou in tow and the first part of the HC happens and then he sees Leon again
And everyone just watches Leon gush’s about how Ash and Gary were so cute as toddlers and then Ash recalls and just screams “COUSIN L!!!!” Because as a Bby he couldn’t pronounce Leon’s full name
And Hop is like “w h a t”
And then Piers gets abducted every year until Delia and Ash stop showing up bc their busy with work/traveling
Until, again, Ash comes back with Gou in tow and Gary gets guilted to come up to Galar
And he sees Piers and just gives the man a cheeky smile and then sees Marnie kinda hiding behind Piers and thinks “Ah yes, new sibling #5,437”
And Marnie latches on faster to Ash than Piers has seen her ever do to anyone else bc she’s been grown up on the wild things Ash would get Piers and another boy into before he stopped coming back to Galar every winter
Bede also gains Brotherly Love bc his family kicked him out for being trans and Ash was having NONE OF THAT bc he’s trans himself
I’m thinking about having Ash and Gary together since this AU is kinda like my AM!AU but not really
Still debating on that
But no My favorite part has to be the competition between all the League officials, except Rose bc he’s an asshole, to get the best seasonal themed picture/video with the trio bc OF COURSE Gou is immediately adopted into the family and becomes Ash’s little sibling
Even people like Allister and Bae get into it
Like there’s a picture Melony took for Allister that had Ash lofting the boy up so he could place the star on the small Christmas tree at their gym lobby with Gou and Gary helping to place other decorations on it
Or Bae’s selfie of the Trio with her together with a snowman that looks like a certain Galar Champion, stolen cape and all
Gou fears for a while that they were all just being awkwardly nice about it until Kabu find them out at night behind Opals mansion they were staying at and gently nudges the truth towards them that they actually LIKE having Gou with them and participating with their family shenanigans and other shit and that they ARE family now because do you honestly think Delia is going to let go of you know? Because she sure as hell hasn’t let go of Kahuna Nanu in Alola
God when Ash brings all his friends who don’t have Good Families over it becomes even more Chaotic
And Lillie and Melony talk about ice types over a cup of hot coco why Allister, Bae, and a shit ton of other people are loosing their mind over Silvally because it can change TYPING W T F GLADION
and Ash is like “oh it’s Silvally!” And Gary would be intrigued but Ash literally shares EVERYTHING with him so he can meet the Pokémon another time when Gladion isn’t so bombarded by people bc the blonde was so used to people in Alola who are used to seeing Silvally that he forgot Alola is definitely not like everywhere else
Hhh Serena, May, Dawn, Zoey, and a bunch of other girls talking with Opal, Oleana, and other female League members about fashion and the younger girls find out that the Women watch their performances religiously bc Ash flippantly said something and that got them interested now they can’t stop watch them
RAIHAN DUKING IT OUT WITH DRAYDEN, because he’s still cousins with Delia in this AU, AND W I N N I N G
So it’s canon, from the new Pokémon game app, that Iris is Leon and Hops cousin
So now Leon just rounds on Ash and is so confused bc Iris talked about this one boy name Ash with a Pikachu who acts like such a kid over face time but Leon didn’t make the connection it was THIS Ash she was traveling with
Hhh snuggle piles in the living room after a fun day outside building forts and what not
Like Ash is dead center in the kids pile bc he’s a kid at heart and Gary’s legs are thrown over his shoulder a bc Ash is in a blanket fort/nest with the other younger kids while Gary is pressed between Delia and Daisy
Opal is curled with Serena bc she’s currently getting deets in the fairy world in Kalos
All the younger trainers are so focused on the movies as the adults just talk quietly in the background
And Gou is laying over Ash’s lap while on their phone and Ash doesn’t say anything even though his legs are falling asleep
Idk I’m gonna have Lance as Delia’s brother in this AU
But that doe NOT stop him from acting like Ash’s uncle because Ash ripped Lances two titles out from under him in three years
Leon has been Champion for 20-something years instead of the in game 10 Years
So that it could be plausible that Trainer!Leon and Bby!Ash/Gary could meet each other
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peaky-malachai · 5 years
Tumblr media
✒︎requested: no i just loved the gif ✒︎warnings: swearing & narcotics + mentions of blood, bruises & violence && lots of tension ✒︎word count: 5000+ ✒︎season set: 1
[originally posted on my wattpad, bc idk how to post via tumblr but we tryin’. feedback majorly appreciated x]
You took a deep breath as you lifted your bruised and dried bloody knuckle to the oh so familiar door. A thousand thoughts racing through your mind as you tapped your foot, both with impatience and disconcertment of what consequences would follow. 
You had moved to Small Heath at the age of seven, give or take, your father had got a job promotion which meant moving up country. When you first arrived you were known as 'The Cockneys At The Bottom Of Watery Lane'. You weren't even from London. You just happened to live near the capital. Not that anyone cared.
When you started school it was the same, only worse. All the girls would pick on you for speaking funny and the boys would pick on you for being too 'brash'. It wasn't your fault your parents had raised you to not take any shit. With your fathers line of work, he wasn't around an awful lot which mean you and your mother had to do a lot of things yourself. Which you, of course, didn't mind but it did mean that a lot of people would be confused and usually straight up rude.
They'd say things along the lines of, 'Whys a women doing this' and, 'Are women even capable of doing that', and so on, when you and your mother were doing the simplest of things.
Anyway, when you joined the school in Small Heath you found that being a girl with her head held high and strong arms wasn't easy.
One day you were minding your own business under the oak tree in the corner of the playground, reading Oliver Twist, if you remember correctly. When out of nowhere a group of kids made their way over to you; three girls and about five boys, all looking irritated.
"Wot ya doing, girl?", a boy with a scarf on asked you.
You rolled your eyes, turning to look at him as you put your bookmark in your book, "I have a name, you know?".
The boy scowled, "I don't care".
'What do you want?', you asked again, looking at the rest of them, "I'm busy".
A girl took a step forward, her hands behind her back as her plaits fell in front of her shoulders, "Just wanted to know why you're such a freak?".
You laughed, "I'm not a freak", you stood up.
"Yeah you are", a little boy from the back spoke up, "Ya read all the time n wear trousers". Another girl nodded, "Yeah girls don't wear trousers, they're for boys, ya freak".
"Girls can wear trousers too, you know?", you crossed your arms, "They're actually really comfortable".
The first boy that spoke to you shook his head, "I bet you wear trousers coz your mum n dad can't afford dresses, ay?", he said as he turned to look at his friends.
You didn't think twice before you lunged forward and brought the boy to the ground, "Fuck did you just say?", you spat as his friends gasped. When the boy didn't answer you shook him by his collar a little, "Didn't hear you".
"I said", he spoke, "You're poor and a freak of a girl", he sniggered.
You narrowed your eyes and lifted your fist before hitting him in the nose. He yelled and pushed you, knocking you slightly but you didn't fall over.
The kids started shouting "Fight... Fight... Fight...", causing a crowd of other kids to come running.
Soon enough you had hit him about four times before you heard an older voice, "Wots going on 'ere then?". You turned around to see three boys in flat caps, the voice belonging to the tallest.
"Wot's it look like?", you said, "I'm beating him u-", you were cut off as the boy beneath you grabbed one of your braids, yanking you down to the floor with him.
You quickly kicked him in the stomach before the three boys grabbed you and held you back, the other boy groaning in pain.
Walking you away as you shouted the boys laughed.
"Wot's your name then?", the smallest one asked as they sat you on a bench. You kept your chin up as you studied them, "Y/N", you narrowed your eyes, " 'ho uh you's then?".
The other two boys looked at each-other and chuckled before turning back to you, "That", they motioned to the smallest boy, "Is John". You nodded. "I'm Arthur", the tallest said before turning to the boy in the middle, "And this is-".
"I'm Tommy", he said as he held his hand out for you to shake, "These are my brothers".
You shook his hand and sat up straighter, "So Wot?", you began, "Yous the topdogs 'ere or sumin?", you asked.
They laughed as John spoke, "Yeah! We're the best here". Tommy gently shoved his brother, "Shut up, John", he said and looked back to you, "We're not yet, but no one messes with us if that's what you mean".
You nodded again, "So can I join your little gang?".
Arthur laughed, "Well you're not a Shel-", his brother Tommy cut him off.
"That's what I wanted to speak to you about actually, Y/N".
You smiled, "So that's a yes?".
John looked over to his older brothers, "Oh please, she's funny!".
Arthur looked back to you, "Where'd you live?", he asked you.
"Wa'ery Lane", you told him, "'bout a month now".
"Oh you're that girl", he said, "She's the cockney down the bottom of the Lane", he nudged Tommy.
"Alright we'll come and see you after school and you can join us", Tommy smiled.
You jumped to your feet and stood on your tippy-toes to be at the same height as Tommy, "Nah", you simply said as you watched his eyebrows furrow, "I'll meet yous, by the bridge at 'alf three", alright?".
Tommy sighed, "Deal". The two of you spat on your hand and shook on it.
The rest was history. You and the three brother became best friends.  Wherever you went, they followed and whoever they met up with, so did you.
You and John were the same age, you two were practically the same, it was hilarious. As you grew up you and John would always be playing pranks on the others and messing around with baby Micheal. No one left the two of you alone because they knew something would end up alight.
As for Arthur and Tommy, you all got on well. Whenever anyone messes with you, a seldom occurrence, they wouldn't mind paying them a quick visit. You helped Arthur with his maths and various other things as often as you could, although you didn't tell everyone about that, he wasn't proud.
As for Tommy, you two always loved to talk about the bigger picture and such. Often you two would walk down to the Canal or Charlie's Yard and spend a good few hours just talking about life and theories and your life aspirations.
By the time you and John were 18 your life had changed a lot, along with his. Of course you were still close friends but what with work and relationships you didn't see him as much as you would've liked. The same with Arthur, he always seemed to be busy, doing what you weren't sure exactly but when you did see him you'd always stop for a chat.
You saw Tommy most, he always made a point of stopping into the Newsagents you worked at, just to say good morning. You appreciated the gesture but couldn't help but feel as if you were wasting his time, you were always so busy trying to set up for the day you never got a minute to sit and chat with him.
As you had grown older, yours and Tommy's relationship had shifted slightly. Not that either of you dared to acknowledge, but you knew. You were both guilty of finding excuses to be around each-other and touch one another. Purposely bickering to clear a room of Shelby's out so that you were alone. Stealing glances whilst the other weren't paying attention. Just silly little things that you would try and pass off as platonic intimacy as you laid in bed at night overthinking every single word you said to the man that day... and every other day you'd ever known him.
Of course you wondered if he felt the same. It felt like he did but you could just be imagining that. And you weren't prepared to ruin what you had just because of some silly crush.
However come the end of 1913 your father was now too old to do the job he had moved here to do. And your mother missed her home town and family and as one thing led to another and they decided it was time to move back.
Of course you were devastated, you loved your job even though it was more than trouble then it was worth and you loved your friends. But you were also excited to go back, of course you had been back, Christmas and Easter and what not. But you missed living there, the bustle, the accents, the opportunities and fast changing trends.
So that's what happened, you spent your last few weeks making the most of it with the Shelby's and your job before the day you left came around. You promised you'd visit, and of course you would. You promised to write, and of course you went out and brought new writing pens and paper.
By the time you were settled back into your hometown war had broken out and it seemed almost every man you knew here was off to war. The brothers back in Birmingham as well. You couldn't bare to think about the consequences of that. You still kept in touch with all three of them though.
Until you didn't.
Around a month after the boys were back from the war the letters stopped coming. You weren't sure why or how but they did. So you stopped writing. Your pride was to big to just simply write to Aunt Pol and ask if everyone was ok incase they were and they just didn't like you.
So how did you get to knocking on their betting shop front doors at 11 o'clock at night?
The door opened after you had began knocking constantly after a minute of waiting.
"The fock do ya wan-", a deep voice began before releasing who they were speaking to.
You looked up, almost shocked, "Fuckin' 'ell, Arthur, you ain't 'alf grown since a last saw ya", you let out a strained chuckle as you looked at the man who seemed to be stunned.
"You gunna let me in or should I just bleed out over your shop front?", you joked dryly, "Don't think it'd be good for business".
"Uh yeah", he said as he shook his head, "No come in, yeah, just watch your step, it's busy". You furrowed your eyebrows as you stepped past him, it was 11 at night why would it be busy?
It was though. The entire room was full of people racing back and forward, counting money, writing numbers, sneaking an extra line now that Arthur had his back turned.
"There's a race tomorrow", Arthur told you as he placed a hand around your shoulder, "Now come on, let's get you fixed up, and then you can tell me what the fock happened to ya hands".
You nodded and followed him through the busy shop, keeping your head. Avoiding catching anyone's eye. Someone's eye.
"Polly!", Arthur shouted as he closed the green doors behind you, "Ay! Polly! Ada! Get down 'ere!".
"Sorry, am I causing you trouble, I didn't mean to end up here I just sort of- did?", you mumbled to Arthur, nervously.
"Wot you on about? You're always welcome here Y/N, you know that", he smiled before shouting for Polly once more. "And besides, this is a great time coz Tommy needs a fucking cheering up", he said as he pulled out a chair at the table for you to sit at.
You looked down at the table as you carefully held your hands above it, trying not to ruin it, "Is that so", you began, "dunno if I can help with that mate".
Arthur reached forwards and tilted your chin up to face him, "I hope for both our sakes that ain't true, you're the only hope left, Y/N", he said honestly.
"Wot do'ya mean?", you asked quietly.
Before he could reply you heard two squeals from behind Arthur. Looking up you saw Polly and Ada, and a little boy following behind.
"Y/N!", Polly said as she lifted her hands in the air, "You're here! You're well", she smiled as she walked over to you, wrapping her arms around your side.
"Oh my god", Ada said as she walked over to the other side of you.
"Wot the fuck happened to ya-" Polly asked as she grabbed an old tea towel and placed it carefully under your hands.
"To make a long story short", you forced a smile, "I thought it would be a good idea to find the man that burgled my parents", you cut yourself off with a 'fuck' as Ada began tending to your bruises, "And let's just say.. it wasn't".
Arthur sat up straight, "Can't be that bad", he laughed, "What'd'ya kill him or something", he joked, making light of the situation.
You licked your bottom lip, not saying anything for a moment before looking up from your hands to Arthur's face with a gulp.
"Wait you-", he began.
"You fucking killed someone!", Ada raised her voice in shock.
"Who's killed who then?", A chirpy voice asked as they walked in the room. You knew that voice from a mile off.
"John?", you called out, "John is that you, come 'ere", you said as you tried your best to turn towards the direction of the voice but Ada and Polly were blocking your view.
"Oh fuck off", John said as he pulled out a chair next to Arthur and next to you, "You didn't come and see me first! I'm offended" he joked, "When did you get back?", he beamed as he leant onto the table, hands clasped, "How are you? Any crazy stories to tell me coz I've got loads and- The fock happened to your hand?", John besieged you with questions.  
You laughed, "Yeah, missed you too, mate", you said simply as you looked back down at your hands which were stinging now as Polly cleaned them with neat alcohol.
"So do you wanna go down the Garrison after this then?", John simply asked you, ignoring the fact you were being patched up and hadn't seen him since 1913. It was as if you hadn't even spend half an hour apart let alone five or so years.
You looked up with a beaming smile across your red lips, "Fuck kind of a question is that .. of course I do, John".
Arthur cheered as he got up and reached up on top of the kitchen cabinet and grabbed a bottle of whisky. Finding a few small glasses he poured out some drinks, passing them around. John holding yours as both your hands were currently being worked on.
"To this one", Arthur said as he ruffled your hair slightly, just like he had to when you were kids (which you hated, but now it seemed comforting), before everyone cheered slightly and downed their drink.
"Who we toasting to this time then, ay?", a quite deep voice spoke from across the room. Arthur turned around in shock, spilling the bottle of whiskey over that he had brought over and left on the table. "Oh fuck sake Tommy, look what you made me do!", he shouted.
"You fucking idiot", Polly complained as she looked up, "I brought that whiskey to drink, not wash the floor with!".
John burst out laughing as he watched Arthur scuttle around trying to find something to soak it up with. As Ada left your side to help her brother, you looked up back to where the voice had come from.
You gulped softly, running your eyes over the man across the room. He seemed colder, more mature but rather in a sense that he had lost any grip on hope or joy. A contrast to how John seemed. As you looked back up to his face you blushed as you realised he was already staring back at you.
He walked over as he took his cap off, shoving it into his pocket and pulling out a cigarette.
He sat down at the table, stealing Arthur's seat, who was still trying to apologise to Polly for spilling her drink.
"Bet you're glad to be back", Tommy joked dryly as he placed his cigarette in his mouth and nodded in your direction as he pulled out out a light.
You smiled, "Yeah, I definitely missed this", you said sincerely, looking over at everyone, "Whatever 'this' is", you laughed, looking back over at Tommy.
Everyone pretended to still be busy as they all secretly listened in on the exchange between the two of you - amazed that Tommy had even cracked a smile.
"Right, well that should be fine now", Polly tapped your shoulder, "Just don't get into any fights for about a week, at least", she smiled before walking off, taking Ada and Arthur with her. Leaving John who was playing with his thumbs.
"So the Garrison yeah?", you looked over at your best mate, "tonight?".
"Yeah", he smiled, "I'll buy the first round".
You tilted your head with narrowed eyes, "Don't you practically own the pub", you asked as the smell of Tommy's cigarette filled your nose, in a weird sense it was comforting to you.
John nodded with a shrug, "So you won't be buying it then, will you?", you laughed, "And I will".
"Yeah something like that", he laugh as he stood up, "That's what you get for leavin' us".
"Yeah, coz it's not like you went away to war or anything anyway", you shouted after him as he walked off, acting offended. You let out a quiet snort as you watched.
"Why didn't ya visit?", Tommy spoke after a moment, "Y'know, when we got back".
"Yous stopped writing", you said plainly, "So I thought yuh didn't wanna see me", you shrugged as you looked down at your bruised hands.
"We didn't stop.. you stopped", Tommy leant back in his chair.
"Um, No", you furrowed your eyebrows, "I didn't stop writing first, why would I've done that", you argued.
Tommy shook his head slightly, blowing smoke out as he rubbed his temples, "I know what happened". You looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to explain. "Someone stopped delivering our letters and stealing yours when they got here", he leant forward, looking down at your hands, clenching his jaw, "Wot happened?".
"But- But why would someone do that?", you asked, ignoring his question.
"Dunno", he said and thought for a moment, "I'll ask Finn, he used to collect our post and such".
"Finn?", you raised your eyebrows, "Oh my god, is Finn the boy that- oh my god he's so grown up now!", you gasped.
Tommy smiled, "Shot up when we all went away, didn't he?". You nodded, shifting in your seat, turning towards Tommy slightly as you leant back.
"What happened?", Tommy asked again, in reference to your hands. You watched as he brushed away any dirt on the table, not wanting anything to get lodged in your cuts even if they were now covered and treated. You studied his hands now, all the small marks left from old cuts and gashes.
"Um", you didn't know where to start, "Just after the war ended, y'know, everyone settling back in best they could, everyone still disorientated", you absentmindedly began tapping your foot under the table as you continued. Tommy noticed but kept quite. "Well this man, I knew him actually — right cock'ead, worked at the butchers and spied on all the school girls when they walked 'ome", you grimaced, "So yeah anyway, it was a Wednesday evening, I'd popped round to me parents 'ouse, just two roads away from mine, and um", you licked your bottom lip, lightly biting the skin on the inside.
"When I got- when I got there they were both knocked out cold, only just fuckin' breathin'", you shook your head as you remembered, your tapping growing louder, "That's when I realised someone was in thee 'ouse". Tommy held his chin high as he tried to contain his displeasure, not only had this mysterious man caused you pain but also your parents - who he knew well and respected.
"So I goes up stairs and the pig is filing though my mothers jewellery box ain't he?", you laughed dryly to yourself, "Only to realise everything is sentimental and barely worth a fuckin' thing", you cursed.
Tommy opened his mouth to speak, unsure of what to say but he wanted to comfort you, even if he was a little late. He didn't get the chance as you began speaking again, the anger in your voice more present.
"I mean what the fuck did he think was gonna be there? Fucking Faberge Eggs? We're livin' on the outskirts of London for fucks sake", you wanted to clench your fists but it would ruin everything Polly had just achieved, instead you decided to throw your head back and angrily  shout 'fuck'.
Tommy stifled a laugh as he watched you so desperately want to lash out, "So what did you do?".
You lifted your head back up slowly and looked over at Tommy, dead in the eyes, "I told him to fuck off and never come back", you simply said, adding, "With a butchers knife in my hand, and a pistol in the other".
Tommy took a long drag of his cigarette as he looked at you, "And people say I'm threatening", he joked.
Shrugging with a small smirk you leant forward, crossing your legs in hopes of stopping yourself from tapping them. "Anyway, he left with his hands up and then I never saw him again".
Tommy butted his cigarette in the ashtray and folded his arms, ready to hear the gruesome end to your story.
"That was until I obviously tracked him down, I wasn't going to let him get away with hurting my parents".
"Did it take long?".
"No", you looked down at your hands once more, "I found him in a day or two, moved up to Coventry .. I went up to visit him once a month— secretly of course, just to make sure he was still there and what no", you raised your eyebrows before you spoke, "And then today I decided he was finally comfortable, my threats of finding him finally at the back of his mind".
Tommy looked you over as you sat, one leg still bouncing as your thumbs rolled over one another, your bottom lip a piece of meat to your top teeth as little bits of your lipstick began to wear off.
"I'll spare you the gore but let's just say he got more then I intended to give him and now he's resting in his own fire pit", you smiled sinisterly as you looked up to Tommy. "I feel bad of course, I guess", your smile faded, "But he deserved it, and it wasn't as if he had any family that cared about him".
Tommy took a short breath, straightening his back and smoothing his waistcoat down before looking at you with a concerned look.
"Wot?", you asked as you saw the look in his eye, "Look, if you're going to ask any questions about my well being- don't .. I'm clearly fine, aren't I?".
"What about the stuff that's not obvious", Tommy said lowly, "Why are you really here? Hmm?", he leant forward, adjusting your bloodied shirt cuffs, "I'm sure you could find many people to patch you up, and better then Pol too", he joked.
"Ay don't discredit Pol, she did a great job", you changed the subject. "And anyway", you carefully stood up, standing behind your hair as you pushed it under the table with your hip, "It's easy to hide in plain sight here".
Tommy watched you as you walked over to their sink, turning on the tap and bending to drink the water. The prospect of filling and holding a cup in your bandages wasn't looking fun right now. Tommy held back a giggle as he raised a brow at your behaviour, "How so?".
You turned around, leaning on the kitchen surface, "Well not only do I just have to put some coal on me and call it day, my best mate is the leader of arguably one of the most powerful organised gangs in the country, no one would dare give me up", you smirked.
"You reckon John's in charge?", Tommy stood up, leaving his chair untucked as he walked over to you, placing his hands either side of your waist, "Is is that what he's told you".
You gulped with a playful expression still on your face, "Well Arthur's too hot-headed and you're too collected, Johns a mix of both", you half lied, just to test Tommy's patience. He narrowed his eyes with a sly smirk upon his lip.
"You don't think that", he said simply.  
"Says who?".
"Well I literally just said the opposite so I don't exactly understan-".
Tommy cut you off as he leant closer, his hands subconsciously moving closer to your body as they glided across the surface edge, "Your body language", he said as if it was obvious, "Your heart".
You let out a loud dry laugh, trying to outwit him as you held your chin high, feigning confidence, "What do they say then? Because my brain is saying that you're embarrassed by my opinions".
"Well for starters you've ended up in my old house, pinned to a surface by me", Tommy took a shallow breath as he stood up straight, now his chest was practically touching yours, "Not John", he looked down into your eyes, holding your gaze, "Not Arthur, and not Jack from down the lane who used to flirt with you every fockin' chance he got".
You bit your lip, praying that no one would interrupt this, wanting to see how far it could go.
Of course you had thought about this before. You and Tommy. The way you both bounced off of eachother so well, the way you never felt awkward around eachother, the way you just understood eachother. Tommy and You. Of course you had thought about his lips on yours before, his hands on your waist- around your neck. The two of you cuddled up after a long day of running the betting shop. It had occupied the small space at the back of your mind since you were fourteen. You ignored it best you could though.
But over time that small space had become bigger, migrating to the front of your brain. And after all of your hard work getting it to shut up whilst you were back home, you had to come back to Birmingham and run into him. He had to ruin it and make you fall for his rubbish all over again.
Or maybe you came to Birmingham for that exact reason. Shit. He was right.
"No, you're in front of me", He said as you looked back into his eyes, "And I think we both know why".
"Do we?".
Tommy narrowed his eyes a playful smirk grew upon his lips, he chuckled to himself quietly, just above a whisper, "You know what your problem is?", he asked.
You shook your head a little, not trusting yourself to speak, afraid you would give in to him first.
"You're too stubborn, your ego is the size of a circus".
You furrow you're eyebrows with a gasp, "Am not!", you childishly defended yourself, "What makes me stubborn then, huh?".
"The fact you won't admit you've come here to see me".
"Well in actual fact, if I had come to see anyone, it would be John", you raised an eyebrow, "But as I said, I just ended up here and I'm glad I did because Polly is the only other person besides from my mum that I'd trust to patch me up".
Tommy returned back to his infamous imperturbable expression as he looked at you, "Why aren't you with John Boy now then? Ay?", he pressed, "Why aren't you terrorising Harry with him down at the Garrison?".
You shrugged, "Maybe", you smirked, "Maybe because you've trapped me in this godforsaken little kitchen because you're to scared to admit that you fancy me", you flushed a little as you finished your sentence, your heart racing as you wondered if this was the end of you and Tommy. Whatever you and Tommy was.
Tommy clenched his jaw, his eyes darting from your eyes, to your chest, to your hands, to your lips. "Well go on then", he stepped back, leaving you just enough space to walk away, "Go off and play with John then".
You frowned, eyes narrowed as you wondered if he was being serious, it was hard to tell with him.
You pushed yourself off of the counter, closing the gap between you both again as you stood as tall as you could. Your nose practically touching his chin as you looked up to him. "Fine", you said coldly, "I'll see you later then, after I'm done catching up with John", you quickly turned and headed for the front door before you could fall victim to Tommy's eyes again.
"And my Gin", you shouted before the door slammed shut behind you.
Damn both of your conceit.
✒︎author note: part two? + plus plz comment any spelling mistakes etc ✒︎requests: open 09/2019
~ published: 29.10.2019 ~
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drarryangels · 5 years
I’m a new follower and I love your acc. You don’t have to do this but- an au where every student gets re-sorted each year because morals change. Most people stay in the same house their whole life, but there’s an occasional ravenclaw turned hufflepuff. Harry has always been almost sorted into slytherin, and every year he turned down, getting placed in Gryffindor. By eighth year he just doesn’t care anymore and imagine Draco Malfoy’s reaction when the golden boy gets sorted into his house.
Thank you so much for this prompt! It was really interesting to think about, and I definitely think the re-Sorting would’ve made more sense for canon but you know whatever. Sorry this is so late!! It took me foreeeever to write this. Hope you like it.
ps. if someone knows how answer box things work pls message me and lmk. srsly. idk how to do the keep reading and tags on ask box prompts. 
Year 1:
“Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.” A pointy faced boy held out his hand to Harry.
“I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks,” Harry said, glaring up at Malfoy.
Malfoy sniffed and walked away just as a tall woman with a tight bun strode up to the top of the stairs.
“We are ready for you,” she said, smiling stiffly, and beckoning the crowd of tiny first years after her.
Harry’s stomach churned with anticipation in what was awaiting him wherever this strict teacher was taking them. Professor McGonagall, he thought her name was. In any case, he was just hoping he wasn’t going to get kicked out of school before the first day of classes. It seemed likely for someone like him. He had never been worth much. Although, maybe he could change that here, away from the Dursleys and his old school.
Professor McGonagall stopped in front of a set of large oak doors and turned to smile slightly at the first years before pushing the doors open.
Harry’s eyes widened as the doors opened, revealing a great hall full of students. Four long tables lined the room, with one table heading the room, where the teachers must sit. Every table was heavily laden with glimmering plates and sparkling silverware, the likes of which Harry had never seen. Mass amounts of staring eyes lasered down on Harry, making his face flush up in a wave of heat. His vision waved and dotted in front of him with the heat of the eyes, and he looked down hurriedly at his feet.
“Potter, Harry,” Professor McGonagall said after a long list of names.
Harry looked down even further at his feet, wishing desperately for everyone to disappear. Or, even better, for himself to disappear. Unfortunately, no such thing happened, and Harry walked up slowly to Professor McGonagall, where she held a mangy, trembling hat.
Malfoy’s snickering whisper followed Harry all the way up until he sat on the stool in front of the whole student body. Harry’s knees knocked shakily as the hat was put down over his eyes.
“Hmmm,” a rough voice sounded in his ear. It took Harry a moment before he realized the voice belonged to the hat speaking to him in his head. “Not Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff? No… too much desire to prove yourself. In that case, Slytherin would be a good choice.”
“Not Slytherin, please,” Harry whispered.
“Not Slytherin, eh?” the hat responded.
“Not Slytherin.”
“Well, alright then, better be… GRYFFINDOR!”
Harry sighed in relief and nearly ran down to the Gryffindor table to sit next to the new red haired friend he had made, the one with the big family. Oh, yeah. Ron.
Harry smiled as the Sorting finished up. Malfoy had gotten Slytherin, of course. He really was going to turn out rotten.
Year 2:
“I can’t believe we didn’t get expelled,” Harry muttered to Ron, climbing up the stairs to the common room.
“Me neither,” Ron said, his mouth still full of the sandwiches Professor McGonagall had given them.
The two walked in silence along the corridors of Hogwarts up to the common room until a familiar nasty smirk caught Harry’s eye as they passed the passageway that split up to the Ravenclaw tower.
“Malfoy,” Harry said flatly.
“Potter,” Malfoy snorted. “Enjoy your ride to Hogwarts?”
Harry started forward, but Malfoy stepped back, the green crest on his robes flashing up at Harry. Harry shook his head and walked away with one last glare thrown over his shoulder.
“Doesn’t surprise me a bit he got Slytherin again,” Ron said, finally finished with his sandwiches.
“Again?” Harry asked.
“Yeah,” Ron nodded, “we’re all re-Sorted every year, although the older students are Sorted separately from the first years. Wish I knew where but…” Ron trailed down, looking down at the snapped wand held in his hand.
“It’ll be alright, Ron,” Harry said, pulling him along to hurry up to Gryffindor tower. Ron scoffed as he was dragged along.
“There you two are,” Hermione said from behind them as they reached the portrait hole.
“Hermione!” Ron said, his face lifting.
“Save it, Ronald. I know what happened.”
“Hermione,” Harry began, “what are you doing here?”
“Waiting up for you,” Hermione sniffed. “You can’t as well get into the common room without the password, now can you?”
Harry and Ron looked down at their feet. Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled slightly.
“Come on, boys. McGonagall is waiting to re-Sort you. Honestly. She’s been sitting on my armchair for the last half hour.”
Once Harry was sat down on a chair with the Sorting Hat on his head and more than a few eyes watching carefully, the Sorting Hat began again.
“Mr. Potter. Still want Gryffindor, yes?”
“Er..yes. Not Slytherin.”
“Gryffindor,” the hat said tiredly to the room.
Year 3:
“Not Sly-”
“Not Slytherin. I got it Potter,” the Sorting Hat grumbled. “Can’t understand why you hate it so much. Never thought I’d say this to you, but you’re sounding a little prejudiced.”
Me? Prejudiced? Harry thought.
“Yes, you. I’m sure the Weasleys have told you plenty about Slytherins, but foul wizards end up in all Houses, Potter. You would do well to remember that.”
What do you mean?
“Better be….”
No, wait!
A collective whoop rose up from the Gryffindors as Harry walked out of the side room and took his usual place at the Gryffindor table.
Ron was already seated and was happily chattering with Seamus about his summer holidays in Egypt, while Dean dozed off with his head propped on Seamus’s arm.
Hermione walked out of the side room, her face tipped with crimson, and Harry waved her over, hoping for someone to talk to. Hermione gave him a small wave as she walked straight past him.
Huh? Did Hermione not want to sit next to him? Harry was trying to think of what he might’ve done wrong when Hermione sat by herself at the Ravenclaw table. Ron had stopped talking and was staring gobsmacked at where Hermione was now sitting.
“You’re joking me,” Ron said, stunned.
Harry just stared.
“I mean we all knew she would end up there, I suppose,” Ron said with his mouth still hanging open. “But still. Some part of me thought she would always be in Gryffindor.”
“Yeah,” Harry muttered. He looked down at his empty plate. A sinking feeling filled Harry’s stomach. Anticipation for this year climbed up his throat as he realized how different this year would be without Hermione over their shoulders in the common room constantly. He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn’t notice when Draco Malfoy emerged from the side re-Sorting room and sat down across from Hermione at the Ravenclaw table.
Ron noticed though.
“But that’s Draco Malfoy,” he gasped.
Harry looked, and sure enough, Hermione was glaring at Draco from across the Ravenclaw table.
He looked at her, said something, and then looked down.
Ron started up from the table, but Harry grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back down.
“No, Ron. Look.”
Draco Malfoy was shaking hands with Hermione Granger from across the table. He wasn’t smiling, but when his robes shimmered and changed from green to blue, he didn’t look completely displeased either.
Harry thought about what the Sorting Hat had said to him about not all bad wizards being Slytherin. This year really was going to be different.
Year 4:
“I don’t know why you two have got your knickers in such a twist,” Hermione said with annoyance as they filed into the re-Sorting room once again. “I thought last year went fine even when we were in different houses. We just spent less time in our common rooms, and more time in the library.”
“I wouldn’t consider that an improvement,” Ron grumbled. He was lucky Hermione hadn’t quite heard him.
“Look,” Hermione said. “Ron, I know you’re upset about this because of Draco-”
“Draco?” Ron’s face was full of disgust.
“Yes, Draco,” Hermione glared. “I don’t know why you’re so fussed about it. Even him and Harry are polite now. Granted, they’re not friends. But they’re civil at least. Why can’t you give him a chance?”
“Are you kidding?” Ron said, his voice rising. “He called you a- a you-know-what, and is a jerk! He tormented us first and second year! You can just ignore that?”
“He apologized! You don’t know what it’s like for him!” Hermione huffed.
“Oh, I sure don’t. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be hopelessly rich and to have everything I need whenever I need it.”
“Ron,” Hermione said in a warning voice.
“Seriously, Hermione! He’s like your new best friend or something!”
“That’s ridiculous,” Hermione said, color rising quickly on her face. “You two are my best friends. No one’s going to replace you. You know that. He’s just a friend. Among some of my other Ravenclaw friends. You don’t complain about them!”
“Because they’re not evil!”
“He’s not like that anymore, Ron,” Harry said quietly.
Ron fell quiet. “You too, then?” Harry stayed silent until Ron stormed off.
Draco Malfoy chose that moment to walk by and wave at Hermione. He sent a nod in Harry’s direction, who returned the gesture.
“Long year ahead of us, hm?” Hermione said, looking after Ron.
“I’ve got a feeling,” Harry nodded.
Year 5:
“Mate, you’ve got to stop going on about these invisible creatures,” Ron said across Gryffindor table.
“I just want to know what they are!” Harry said, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Loony Lovegood seemed to know,” Hermione snorted around a sip of her drink. She was looking well and happy with a Gryffindor tie hung loosely around her neck.
“Leave her alone,” Malfoy said, coming to sit next to Hermione. “Hullo, Hermione.”
“Hi, Draco. I know she’s nice, but still!”
“Malfoy,” Harry nodded and took a bite of his potatoes.
“Potter,” Malfoy said. “Weasley.”
Ron grunted and Malfoy raised his eyebrows and looked away.
“Lovely Sorting this year, wasn’t it?” Malfoy asked.
“Happy to be back in Slytherin, huh?” Ron said.
“Perfectly fine either way, thank you very much. Although I will be happy to avoid my father’s wrath this year,” Malfoy said.
Harry looked up sharply and stared at Malfoy at that.
“Your father’s wrath?” Harry asked, leaning forward subconsciously. Hermione nudged Harry in the side, although he didn’t seem to get the hint.
“Yes, Potter. My father’s wrath. Unlike your perfect life, we can’t all avoid being hit by our parents at the very slight of their whim,” Malfoy said offhandedly while reaching for the jug of pumpkin juice. Ron choked and Harry stared. Hermione put her hands over her face with a sigh.
“My perfect life?” Harry said.
“Yes,” Malfoy said sarcastically. “You, Potter. I know you really have it bad over there.”
“Malfoy. I live with my Muggle uncle and aunt.”
“I’m well aware,” Malfoy rolled his eyes.
“They….” Harry hesitated.
“What, Potter?” Malfoy finally set his utensils down to look at Harry. “Spit it out.”
“They hit me, too. You shouldn’t assume things you don’t know about people’s lives,” Harry said quietly.
Hermione had stopped cold in her movements and Ron’s face was rapidly turning purple.
“Why did you never tell us?” Hermione said softly.
“Didn’t seem important,” Harry shrugged. Ron gripped his fork tighter.
“Oh boys,” Hermione closed her eyes and set one hand down over Malfoy’s hand and the other over Harry’s. “Less trouble this year, okay?”
“Sure, Hermione,” Harry said with a growing smile.
Year 6:
Harry sat down heavily on the stool he had sat on every year since coming to Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat was set on his head, and for the first time, it didn’t slip over his eyes. He closed his eyes anyway, squeezing them tightly until the Sorting Hat yelled out Gryffindor after a long deliberation.
“Where’s Malfoy?” Harry asked Hermione as he passed her seat at the Ravenclaw table. Hermione shrugged and pointed to the Slytherin table.
Malfoy sat completely alone with his head on his arms and a sad look etched into his features.
“What’s up with him?” Harry asked.
“I don’t know,” Hermione sighed, standing up from the Ravenclaw table to join them at the Gryffindor table.
“Ravenclaw again?” Ron asked as she sat down.
“Yeah,” Hermione said.
“Where’s Draco?” Harry asked, looking around. A strange streak of nervousness spiked through his stomach.
“Slytherin table,” Hermione said. “He’s been ignoring me.” She shook her head and looked down with a distinct expression of concern.
“Ignoring you?” Harry said, still scanning the tables.
“Harry…. Are you…” Hermione paused. “Are you blushing?”
“Me? Blushing? No!” Harry stammered. But his face only heated up more and the nervousness settled into Harry’s stomach.
“Oh my god! He totally is!” Ron let out a bellow of laughter.
“Shut up!” Harry shoved Ron off his seat.
“Oh, Draco!” Harry called, standing up and waving as Draco’s blonde hair bobbed past the Gryffindor table in green robes.
“What do you want, filthy half blood?” Draco snarled as he passed. Harry sat down with a plunk and expression of shock.
“Draco?” said Ron, stunned.
“Don’t want to hear it, blood traitor.”
“Did he just…?” said Hermione.
“I thought he was….you know, on our side,” Ron said.
Harry sat blankly in his seat, his eyes following Draco across the Great Hall, and a look of sharp pain in his eyes.
With another swish of green robes, Draco was gone.
Year 7:
“I miss being at Hogwarts,” Hermione said. “All of the magic and wonder.”
“I miss the food,” Ron sighed.
“Oh, Ronald,” Hermione rolled her eyes. She looked over at Harry out of the corner of here eye. “Harry you’re going to have to talk to us at some point.”
Harry shrugged from his seat on the armchair where he was curled with his chin on his knees.
“Look,” Hermione knelt by the foot of Harry’s chair. “I know… I know you’re upset about Dumbledore still. And I know…that you miss Draco. And that you feel betrayed by what he did, but-”
“Please stop speaking to me as if I’m your patient, Hermione,” Harry turned his head away.
“Please, Hermione.”
“Harry, you need to talk about how you’re feeling!”
“I’m scared, Hermione!” Harry sat up. “For him. I knew he got the Dark Mark, and he wouldn’t talk to me all year. Avoided me at every turn. Shoved me away. Every time. We had actually become friends, and he couldn’t even look me in the face. Now I can’t stop thinking about him at Hogwarts, surrounded by darkness and evil that he’s a part of!”
“Mate, he made his choice and you made yours,” Ron said. “I’m sorry to say this, and I get that you liked him, but you really need to get over that now.”
Harry shrugged and buried his face back in his knees. Hermione sat down next to Ron with a groan and leaned over.
“He loved him. You get that, don’t you? Harry loved Draco,” Hermione whispered.
“Loves him, more like,” Ron snorted.
“Sh! Either way. I don’t think he can get over him,” Hermione put her head in her hands.
“He’s going to have to.”
Year 8:
“It is wonderful to have you all back,” McGonagall  stood regally in front of the High Table. “Although we have experienced trying times for many years, our world, and your education, is now safe once more. Our annual re-Sorting for each year will take place in the same locations as always. First years are on their way, and their first Sorting will be witnessed by the whole student body. I’m sure some of you have noticed by now that we have some old faces for an extra year. An additional eighth year has been added on for those who missed out on their education the previous year.” McGonagall sniffed. “Let the re-Sorting commence?”
The freshly minted eighth years filed into the same old room for re-Sorting that they always had and waited quietly for the Sorting Hat to reach their room. Some quiet chattering filled the room, but for the most part, it was silent.
Harry could see Draco in the corner of the room. Thin and tired looking, with bruises under his eyes. Harry thought he would be angry when he saw Draco again, but there was nothing but the familiar swooping of his stomach and the flushing of his skin. It was almost infuriating how through everything, his reaction to Draco remained the same. Harry looked away quickly when McGonagall finally entered the room.
He waited patiently while the rest of his classroom was re-Sorted, most staying in the Houses they had always been in. Hermione was back in Gryffindor, which she seemed very happy about with Ron at her side. Neville also remained in Gryffindor, and Draco stayed in Slytherin. A nasty look flashed across his face when the Sorting Hat called Slytherin, but it was so fast that Harry was half convinced he had imagined it.
After what felt like hours, Harry’s name was called. The feeling of the Sorting Hat being set on his head was all too familiar.  
“Ah, Harry Potter yet again,” the Sorting Hat said, “vanquisher of the Dark Lord.”
It’s not all glory.
“Of course not. So what will it be this year? Gryffindor again?” the Sorting Hat sneered.
Harry left his mind blank for a moment.
To be honest, I really don’t care anymore.
“Really?” the Hat said interestedly. “Even if I said Slytherin?”
You know better than I do.
“Finally you admit it,” the Hat laughed. “SLYTHERIN!”
Harry opened his eyes to the stunned faces of his remaining classmates. Ron and Hermione both had their mouths wide open, and Neville had dropped his latest potted plant.
“Slytherin?” Harry heard someone mutter.
Harry’s eyes met Draco’s. His skin was whiter than usual, and his hands hung loose at his sides. His mouth was opening and closing as if he was choking on his own air.
“Hi,” Harry said, coming to stand in front of Draco.
“You’re in Slytherin,” Draco said, his voice scratchy.
“The Sorting Hat has been trying to put me in there for years,” Harry smiled a little stiffly.
The two stood in silence in front of each other until Draco finally looked down.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. Harry stood in silence, his eyes widening. “I did it to protect Hermione, and Weasley, and… you. I thought if I stayed away, they wouldn’t come after you. But then once I was there, they offered me so much. I was so stupid.” Draco threw his head back in annoyance with himself. “I thought they would really give me what they promised. Safety, happiness, riches, fame. And then those things never came and,” Draco’s voice came quicker, “and then they were threatening me, and hurting me, and I couldn’t back out. It was too late. I already had the Mark.”
“It’s okay,” Harry said quietly.
“No, it’s not,” Draco said.
“No, I guess you’re right,” Harry said. “It’s not okay. But I forgive you.”
Harry stepped a little closer and cautiously wrapped his arms around Draco in a hug. Draco straightened for a second before he hugged Harry back with loose arms. Harry held him a little closer and smiled.
Maybe this year, things might actually go the way Harry wanted them to.
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eclecticash22 · 4 years
For the anon asking about the Norma Jeane anon! LD goes into more depth on this.
**Trigger Warning: sexual themes, self harm, suicide**
Also, before you begin reading I want to make sure that we’re on the same page. No judgment is welcome here. Anon doesn’t want to be judged and I do not want to see judgment. You’re entitled to your opinion, but if you have anything negative to say, then I ask that you keep it to yourself. This is a judgment free zone and it will not be tolerated! Thank you for being kind human beings.
Hi this is LD from the Norma Jeane ask. I was gonna answer this in your ask but the letter limit made it hard to explain. I ask that when you post this that my username remains unknown. To respond to the other anon, I asked another psychic on tumblr who I was in a past life. She said a European woman between the 50’s-70’s. Now I’m not sure what made me decide to look up Marilyn Monroe but I did and I just felt something. I’ve looked into her and we really have a lot of similarities and synchronicities. Our childhood is similar. My mother is someone that part of me loves but another part would rather stay away. My dad is in my life, but as rarely as we see each other he may as well be absent. Norma Jeane would go to the beach with her mom sometimes and she’s always loved the beach. The beach for me is one of the few places where all of my worries disappear. I overthink a lot. But being at the beach, there’s just one thing on my mind and that’s the water. ( I’m also the same person that asked you if I was a mermaid sorry😅). Anyway, like Norma Jeane I’ve also been sexualized at a young age. Like her, it started with ppl in my family. Idk i just always seemed to attract ppl in that way. I had mixed feelings about it at first. I loved the feeling of sex, craved it lots of times(I heard that not everyone who has been sexually exposed at a young se stays away from sex and the opposite may happen instead). However on the other hand, I felt dirty for the ppl that I’ve had those intimate moments with. It was never rape because i was never forced. It would just be suggested by a friend or cousin and I would give in. I always had a hard time saying no to ppl. I felt guilty and ashamed whenever I would touch myself( I probably should’ve warned from the beginning that this might get a bit sexual). However, I’m starting to embrace my sexuality and am learning that whatever attracts ppl to me is my own kind of power, so long as nobody takes advantage of that. I’ve never been in any foster home or orphanages but I remember my mom threatening me a lot of times about cps taking me away and telling me I would live in a foster home. I’ve stayed in numerous of different people’s households. Some family members. Some friends who I clung to( I think I have abandonment issues, I get very attached to ppl I like). Idk I was just always looking to stay with a family that wasn’t my own. I’m also very shy now in contrast to my friendly younger self. Despite that I’ve always been told that I’m good with words and speaking. I’ve always loved reading and am good at writing, although I don’t really like writing much. If you knew that Marilyn Monroe loved to read and wrote poetry, then congratulations you know more about her than most ppl who walk around with her on shirts and posters of her on their walls for aesthetic reasons( something that bothered me at first but whatever). I’ve also been into acting. My mom told me that I was good with speaking in public and that I should try it. She encouraged me to join in middle school but my shyness and fear of being embarrassed or made fun of prevented me from doing that. I tried out tho in high school. Although that was short lived because the theatre teacher left, she told me that I was good and I enjoyed acting very much. Animals are something else that I really loved. I always wanted a dog, but because I’ve lived in apartments almost my whole life, I always ended up with fish, which was probably a sign from my higher self that I was a mermaid but that’s a different story. I’m sorry I’m all over the place and I keep losing track. There’s just so many things to cover. Los Angeles is another place I’ve been interested in going to. Specifically Sherman Oaks. That’s because I had an obsession with the late Cameron Boyce, who now that I look back on had a few things in common with Marilyn Monroe, such as height, where he lived, being an actor, writing poetry, and dying at such an untimely age. My walk is something else that I think we have in common.
This doesn’t happen often because it’s not really noticeable, but every now and then someone would point out how I would twist or how my hips would sway whenever I walked. My mom looked at me funny once when I was younger when I walked in front of her. This is because I’m a guy. A bisexual guy specifically, which makes sense since Marilyn has been with many men. Maybe she’s been with a few women as well, or maybe I’m fully gay and just won’t accept it yet idk. I’ve always been feminine as well. I don’t identify as a woman, but I do feel like one lots of times. I’ve also been told a few times that i should be a model, mainly I think because of my long legs. A trait Marilyn also had. Maybe because of my face too but I don’t think I’m THAT good looking. Then again, there were ppl who didn’t find Marilyn attractive enough either. I’ve also been in a mental hospital once. I’ve had suicidal thoughts and even tried it a few times. I’ve seen a therapist, and right now, with how I’ve currently been feeling I wonder if I’m bipolar. I also suffer from insomnia and anxiety. Again, if you know more about Marilyn Monroe than just looks and glamour than you’ll understand. I also love the 50’s aesthetics. Although I’m a fan of the 80’s and 90’s as well so ig that probably doesn’t mean much. I love roses and been interested in gardening. I’ve also always wanted to live in one of those Spanish homes. I always found them beautiful.I love love. I love men, I love children. I have a lot of fantasies. Part of those fantasies are of being with various men(I’m not getting into details). But other fantasies involves being with a secure, fun, intelligent man who really loves me and having children. Which is weird since I’m a guy but Marilyn has always wanted to marry with a man she really loves, have kids, and be a good wife. After she settles down and retires from her career ofc. It hurts me so much that none of my relationships seem to last. They always leave. I’m currently trying to recover from a “break up” right now. I’ve determined my beauty and value based on how many guys are attracted to me, which is cruel and untrue. There are times when I feel like I can’t really live and be happy without someone by my side. I have a huge fear of being alone and rejected and unhappy my entire life. Just the thought depresses me. I can’t express enough how much I’ve loved and gotten attached to boys, thinking I would be loved back and live a life together, only to be heartbroken. I think in this life, I have to learn lessons that I didn’t learn in my past life to not depend so much on men to keep me happy and that I shouldn’t get so attached. Not all relationships are forever. There are probably more similarities but that’s all I can think of for now, and this is long enough already. Now, even with all of these similarities it still doesn’t prove that i was Marilyn Monroe. I’m pretty sure a lot of ppl can relate to most if not all of what I just said. So I went to you Ash to ask if Joe DiMaggio was my twin flame in my past life(yes that was me too Ash I’m so sorry). I feel like Marilyn and Joe were twin flames in that life and I’ve had dreams of this guy who looks very similar and have similar characteristics to Joe. When you told me Joe DiMaggio was in fact my twin flame, I saw this as another confirmation that I could’ve been Marilyn Monroe in a past life, however I still couldn’t be 100% sure so I decided to just pop the question I really wanted. I asked Ash if I was a girl named Norma Jeane. I didn’t feel comfortable saying Marilyn Monroe because I didn’t want to be seen as those egocentric nut jobs who claim to be the reincarnation of famous ppl. I also knew less ppl would know who Norma Jeane is compared to if I put Marilyn Monroe. In fact it’s these very reasons why I’m hoping that what I’m telling you doesn’t get out of hand. I don’t like TOO much attention and I don’t want to be backlashed for believing in this. Speaking of which, Marilyn also
Didn’t like all of the attention and invasion of privacy a while after being famous. She would walk around in “disguises” and give fake names whenever she checked into hotels. Which is somewhat similar to things I’ve done before. Marilyn and I both seemed to be secretive and enjoy our privacy. Not that we weren’t honest or open, it’s just not everyone needs to know everything you know. Also I’ve always said that I wanted to die in my sleep. I’ve always said that because I wanted to die a peaceful and painless death, not knowing that I did die in my sleep in my past life. Anyway, yeah so I asked if I was Norma Jeane and I got a yes, which was a relief. I’m sorry anon that this probably what you wasn’t looking for. I didn’t have any psychic moments. I didn’t have any dreams or recall any memories. Marilyn Monroe didn’t appear to me and tell me that I was her in a past life. Everything that I learned is only due to research, signs, intuition, and these two lovely and helpful tumblr psychics that I mentioned. Ofc part of me will always have doubts whether or not I really am Marilyn Monroe. It’s only natural to have doubts. Just like how I have my doubts if I’m really a mermaid in the astral or spirit realm or afterlife or whatever you call it. But until I get proof that I’m not Marilyn Monroe or a mermaid or that Joe DiMaggio wasn’t her twin flame, I will go on believing these things to be true or at least a possibility. But I’ll never be 100% sure until I’m dead. This has honestly been painful to talk about considering I’m bringing up not only my past life but also my past in THIS life, which some of it still hurts. But it’s been nice sharing this. Thank you❤️.
*Hey, LD! Thank you for sharing your story. And no need to apologize for asking about being a mermaid or Joe DiMaggio! I’m happy to answer your questions  ❤️ ❤️ *
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arnorcttos · 5 years
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( ludovico tersigni + 22 + muse 59 ) isn’t that apollo amoretto over there? i heard HE joined faction: nomads after they got back to west ham. it’s funny, ‘cause they were only on the service trip to terrorize his peers. hopefully they fit in there – they’re ADROIT, but also INDELICATE. oh, i’m sure they’ll be fine. ( james, she/they, 20, EST )
okay hi i’m james and this is my baby apollo, who is actually a brand new spankin’ muse of mine so !! we’ll see how this goes b/c i’ve literally never rp’d him before !! and i’ll b frank. his background is inspired by logan in veronica mars. sue me. actually don’t i’m already in college debt but sudfjkfg PLEATHE plot w/ him. leave a like. two likes. that’s not even possible. i may change his fc in the future b/c like ... i’m currently making his gif icons as i go and to b frank ,,, it’s rly hard sdjfkgh but i love him. so we’ll see. sdjnfkmgh
a e s t h e t i c s
fingers across keyboards and piano keys, m&m’s scattered, vintage gaming consoles and tangled wires, worn vans and broken skateboards, banging of drums and splintering drumsticks, deep rhythms beating with your heart, the hum of a hefty computer and the buzz of a monitor, green text against black screens, unruly hair unkempt, flannels filling closets, bloody baseball bats, posters lining up and down walls, loud punk music shaking the walls, glares and whispers, the suffocation that comes with loneliness, pills rattling in their bottles, unmade beds.
general info !!
full name: apollo casimir amoretto
nickname(s): caz, polly, lover boy, 2000 (b/c of his screen names lmaoo)
b.o.d. - january 31st, aquarius boi
label(s): the escapist, the hellion, the insurgent, the netizen, etc. etc.
height: hitting 6′0″
hometown: west ham, kansas !
sexuality: bi...? fucking. it’s pride month ofc he’s bi.
his stats are TBD but his pinterest is HERE !
biography !!
cristian amoretto and camilla silvestri had a romance that could be described turbulent at best, and down right explosive at worst
cristian, a native italian actor whose career began before he could walk, and camilla, the daughter of two italian immigrants with big dreams in a small town, met on the set of a coffee shop. their love story began quickly, dating within only a few months of knowing each other and engaged before the year was up
camilla walked down the aisle 6 months pregnant with lil’ baby apollo, who was then born in west ham, kansas, aka the town that camilla’s family had settled in
was raised primarily by his mother and grandparents! his father was often off shooting movies, leaving camilla to take on the role of stay-at-home mom despite her own dreams of making it big as an actress
apollo grew up as a huge momma’s boy -- i mean, god, he just really loved this mother, y’know? his relationship with his father was much rockier because of his ... lack of being around.
when his grandparents died around the age of eight, that’s when things got...worse. it felt as if camilla’s parents were the only barrier between camilla and cristian’s budding wrath.
it became more apparent that cristian was not meant for the family life, his anger quick and his fists quicker, stinging words and venomous glares. a control freak who couldn’t handle camilla being an independent woman.
this wasn’t apparent to the neighbors, or much of the town in general, because the amorettos were such a prominent family up in their mini-mansion in oak ridge -- it was hard to imagine that their life was anything but exquisite and dreamlike.
this was, of course, up until camilla filed for divorce and a restraining order in the same day, face bruised and nearly unrecognizable. she, obviously, got custody of apollo.
at this point in time, apollo was fourteen and...pretty stoked for them to get away from his father. they holed up in southside and life continued as normal. for the time being. gossip swarmed apollo at school surrounding the circumstance which was annoying, to say the least. it led to him becoming withdrawn from the other students, not getting the whole ... gossip appeal.
in hindsight, they should’ve moved out of west ham. death threats in the form of letters and the eerie feeling of eyes constantly being on them came to a halt on apollo’s graduation day: the day that his father also, coincidentally, murdered his mother.
for making me miss out on years of my son’s life, was cristian’s excuse as he was escorted from the bloody crime scene at their apartment and into the police car.
obviously, cristian was convicted and sentenced to prison. apollo still has dreams about testifying in court against his father.
and then apollo became known not as the son of two celebrities, but the son of a murderer. total bummer !
became even more withdrawn and almost dropped out of college a few good times! the only thing that kept him rooted to west ham was his band.
and now he can’t leave, and he’s surrounded by people who all look at him weird and he feels like they’re all expecting him to be like his father, and he’s not, but god -- when people expect you to be one way, it’s so hard to act otherwise. it’s just not a good time !
pretty much why he went on the service trip tbh ... like, y’know ... if ppl want to believe that he’s just as bad as his dad then damn ! he was gonna wreck sm havoc on the trip, just being an absolute nuisance. 
personality !!
his main focuses are computers / video games, drums / his band, and like ... skating ... vaping ... gamer things, y’know.
from a young age he’d always been very fascinated by video games, and being the Rich Boi (tm) that he was, ended up with a whole lot of them to play, on a whole bunch of consoles.
but like ... he’s a PC guy :/ he may have a super rare nintendo 64 console or two but nothing can beat his dual-monitor set up with his hand-build computer !
he also got real into hacking, y’know, just small things like watching security cameras in different cities and occasionally changing his grades b/c like ... who wouldn’t ? also ... cheated in dark souls. fucking loser.
his favorite games to play were always multiplayer games online like WoW and overwatch so !! he’s pretty fucking mad he can’t play them anymore. like. so mad. genuinely furious. he’s been trying to hack his way into like ... wifi or something dumb, ever since they got stranded in new west ham, but he’s had no luck !
he joined a band in high school because he was angsty and young, and like, turned out to be really good on drums ?? they had like ... some real big jimmy eat world / green day / say anything / old school fall out boy vibes. just a whole bunch of ‘fuck the government, fuck the authority, anarchy, rebellion, revolt revolt revolt’ angry rock music that got a buuunch of noise complaints during practice.
his role in the band was essentially the ~nerdy~ one, because he was a gamer, but like he was also Edgy and Angry and wore all black like Constantly (he still does who are we kidding)
probably paints his nails black and has a nose ring b/c gamers can be edgy too !!
huuuuuge junk food junkie. like ... he will consume Everything and Anything unhealthy. has a huge sweet tooth, he can’t remember the last time he’s drank straight up water.
but like ... he’s a loner pretty much. only friends he really bothered keeping were his bandmates and like ! half of them went missing along with the rest of the town so ! he’s feeling a lil’ lost
but not lost enough to do Nothing, y’know ?? coming back to west ham to an empty town awoke his little baby survivalist in him, probably due to a lot of survival games he played online, and he immediately took over his old home in oak ridge ! it was pretty much rotting there with his dad in jail, but not anymore !!
has also probably broken into a few homes already tbh b/c he’s just. ruthless. impulsive. if it feels like the end of the world then he’s yolo’ing, he’s peace-ing out, u cannot stop him.
uuhhh so he’s got this fucking...pomsky, right? her name is tulip. she was camilla’s before she passed away and like, what is apollo gonna do, huh ? put the dog in a shelter ? hell fucking nah. that’s his dog now.
unfortunately tulip isn’t the most .... tough looking dog. apollo set up a bunch of fucking speakers around the property of his dad’s house and plays large barking noises whenever somebody gets too close, just to ward off intruders, but like ... there’s no fucking big dogs man. it’s just apollo and tulip.
this isn’t like a Personality Trait but idk where to put it so ! apollo’s on antidepressants b/c like ... y’know ... the whole dad-murdering-mom thing sort of fucked him up a lot ! they make him feel pretty blah and diminished his sex drive so like ... hook ups aren’t really an option for him atm !
besides that he smokes a lot of weed b/c self medication
he’s ... sort of an asshole. like ... he can be rude and he doesn’t have much of a filter and i don’t know if there’s any softness left to him ! he just really misses his mom and his bandmates and has a lot of wishes involving changing the past and he reacts badly to things because he’s so defensive and on edge constantly.
he misses twitter the most, tho.
no but he’s just like. .. sad gamer boi ... a man and his dog ... who also carries like five knives on him and definitely knows where his dad kept his gun.
like he’s not socially awkward or necessarily Bad with people .. he’s just bad with people :/ doesn’t try hard enough ! is a little too apathetic ! chaotic to true neutral
wanted connections !!
i envision his band to have like ... four or five members including him. two guitar electric guitar, one bass, one drums / keyboard, any of them singing idk that’s not important. and since two of them have Disappeared, i’d like the One (or two) that Remains ! anarchy boys !
generally .. anybody else who is tryn to survive, that maybe he can bond with or completely clash with ??
i’d love enemies, just ppl he Refuses to get along with or they are just on bad terms for whatever reason
people he’s trying to not ! not get along with ! but it just doesn’t work out b/c like ... lbr, apollo’s pretty bad with other people.
just any falling outs.
uuhh ... maybe a few somewhat-friendships ! like... awkward acquaintances
ppl he knew primarily from high school / haven’t spoken to since
maybe one or two ppl who’s soft towards him or he’s soft towards or vice versa b/c like ! i’ll b real .. it’s pretty nice to have !
ex-flings, ex-somethings, ex-gfs, bfs, anything from the past.
hookup gone bad b/c he couldn’t get it up b/c antidepressants be like that (this is based off of a true story can we get a sad yeehaw in here)
gaming pals from before no wifi.
skater buds. vaping buds. b/c i can confirm that apollo owns like three juuls. stoner buds.
someone he’s like ... hesitantly forming an alliance with b/c sometimes it’s easier when you have someone on ur team ! b/c then drama when one of them betrays the other uwu
somebody trying 2 break into his house b/c u Know it’s got some good shit in there but he’s just like ‘alexa play dogs barking audio’ and then ur muse is like ... there’s no fucking dogs
juul pod dealer. that’s all.
i’m down for anything rly !! pleathe hmu !!
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babylon-bitch · 6 years
You're It For Me l.h
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Luke and (Y/N) lived a happy life with two children aged 5 and 3, everything was going great, until they decided to get divorced after 7 years of marriage, tearing the family of 4 apart. Nearly two years later, (Y/N) is the first to go on a date, and it gives them both a wake up call that they're actually over, and Luke doesn't know how to feel about.
Warnings: divorce and language
Words: 10,636 (dude idk how to make them short, I just keep going, but maybe that's my thing)
Stepping out the car, immediately being hit with the rain, doing the awkward half jog/half speed walk movement all the way up the drive way until he gets to your porch, sheltered from the rain.
Pushing the doorbell, he waits for you to open the door, hearing some faint voices on the other side.
"Hey!" Luke greets as you open the big oak door, sending you a small smile.
"Hello." You say, stepping aside so he can come in, and he wipes his shoes on the doormat before stepping inside. "You get here alright?" You ask, closing the door.
"Yeah, a little slippery but it was fine." He shrugs, waiting for you until he makes his way to the lounge.
"Good." You mumble and you guys start to chat a little as you go to the lounge. When you enter Luke finds Lexi, your 5 year old sitting on the floor colouring at the coffee table, in a Frozen dress, and Casey, your 3 year old playing with some toys opposite her.
Lexi gasps and drops her pencil, running up to Luke, who catches her and lifts her up. "Hey, princess." He smiles, brushing some hair out of her face.
"Hi, daddy." She giggles.
"What have you been doing?" Luke asks intrigued, poking her sides a little.
"Colouring." She answers then starts to describe what she'd done, and you can't help but melt a little at the sight of them, because he seems so interested in what she's saying, and she's replying with as much enthusiasm as him making them both happy.
You get knocked out of your moment by Casey making grabby hands up at you, and Luke looks over at you, gaining eye contact for a second before you pick him up.
"What's up, little guy?" You question, holding his hand.
"'M tired." He mumbles, fisting at your shirt as you walk over to Luke.
"I didn't know what time you were coming, so I didn't put him down for a nap as we both know how moody he gets when you wake him up." You explain.
"Aw, little man." Luke chuckles, stroking his hair. "Your mum gets moody if you wake her up too." He adds and you roll your eyes at him.
"Don't listen to him, he's silly sometimes." You say.
"Uh, no." He replies.
"Isn't daddy silly?" You bounce him, and Luke looks at you unimpressed. "So what have you got planned this weekend?"
"Nothing much, the boys are over at my house right now so I guess the boys will amuse them for a while, but I don't know after that." He answers, straightening Lexi's dress out.
"Lex do you want to get ready so you can see uncle Mike?" You suggest, and she nods quickly, squirming to get out of Luke's arms. He puts her down, and you both chuckle as you watch her run down the hall in her Elsa dress.
"Case?" Luke questions, usually he'll run after her but he seems content with where he is. "Aw mate, you're so sleepy." He smiles, and takes him from you, playing with his toes when he's comfortable.
He's always done that, ever since Lexi was born he was so fascinated with her feet as they were so small. You'd constantly find him in your used-to-be-shared bedroom, fiddling with their toes.
"I'll get his shoes." You mumble and fetch his tiny shoes, listening out for Lexi.
"What you doing tonight?" Luke asks as you pass him Casey's shoes, sitting down and putting Casey on his lap.
"Oh, um, I'm going on a date..." You trail off sheepishly, and watch as he pauses for a second, shock taking over his body, and he's a little dumbfounded.
Luke just nods and purses his lips, continuing his task of putting Casey's shoes on.
"Daddy?" Casey asks.
"Yeah?" Luke raises an eyebrow, but Casey just giggles in reply, making you and Luke look at each amused.
"I think someone is a little delerious." You smile.
"How long should I let him nap for when we get home?" Luke questions.
"Depends if he sleeps in the car. Probably around an hour, it's a little late so you don't want to disrupt is bedtime. If he sleeps in the car just let him nap for like 30 minutes." You advise, and Lexi enters the room, shoes on, a little backpack in her hands filled with random things. She's already got clothes at Luke's so she doesn't usually bring anything with her.
"Okay, you guys ready to go?" Luke asks, placing Casey down and standing up.
"Yep." Lexi nods and heads towards the door.
Luke ghosts his hand on the back of Casey's head as they follow Lexi. "Lex, it's raining so you're going to have to rush to the car." Luke informs.
"No!" She whines as Luke picks Casey up.
"What?" Luke asks, biting his lip to disguise a laugh.
"I don't wanna run." She huffs.
"Just like your mother." Luke teases.
"Carry me." She proposes.
"Baby," Luke laughs softly. "I can't carry the both of you and unlock the car."
"Please, daddy, please." She begs, tugging at his free hand.
"You know she's not going to give this up, Luke." You tell him.
"Fine." He dramatically rolls his eyes and then picks her up. "We're off, um, have fun on your date tonight." He awkwardly adds as you walk closer to him.
"Yeah, thanks, have fun with them." You reply, kissing Lexi's cheek, making her grin, then kissing Casey's head.
"Where's my kiss?" Luke teases.
"Just go." You laugh, and open the door for him, waving at Lexi as she enthusiastically waves at you.
Luke opens the car door, putting Lexi in her car seat first, doing her seatbelt with one hand, poking her ribs a little before moving onto his sleepy little guy.
Opening his car door, he looks back at you, getting hit with some nostalgia, and his stomach sinks as he remembers what you're doing tonight. Sending you a small smile, he enters his car, a little wetter than he had planned.
Pushing the door open, Lexi runs in, and I carefully walk in with Casey sleeping on my shoulder.
"Hi!" Michael exclaims, picking Lexi up and placing her on his knee.
"Oh dear." Calum chuckles as he sees Luke and Casey.
"Yeah, (Y/N) didn't put him down for a nap as she didn't know what time I was coming so he missed out on it. So I'll be back in a second." He explains, stroking his back.
"Are you okay?" Ashton questions, sensing that something is off with him.
"Yeah?" Luke replies, confused.
"Okay." He nods, not fully convinced but letting it go anyway as he watches Luke go up the stairs.
Closing the door silently then making the short trip downstairs and into the living room where everyone else is after putting Casey down.
"How was (Y/N)?" Calum asks, looking up from his phone.
"She's good, she's uh going on a date tonight." Luke shrugs.
"Wait hold up, she's going on a date?" Michael chokes.
"So that's why you're being all off." Ashton notes, making him roll his eyes.
"I'm not off." He claims.
"Mm, sure." Ashton hums.
"Anyway..." Michael says.
"Are you like okay with this?" Calum asks.
"Hey Lex, do you want to go take your shoes off by the door?" Luke suggests and she wordlessly hops of Michael's lap and leaves the room. "I don't know really, I'm still in the heartbreak stage, we were together for so long, it's hard to get over that in a year and some, you know? I thought she was in the same boat as me, and I can't help but think if our relationship ment more to me than her."
"No, your relationship ment the same to you as it did to her. You could probably say anything about her, but one thing I'm certain on was your relationship. She'd do anything for you and I believe that she still would." Calum states.
"Do you guys even talk about the divorce or is it like Voldemort?" Michael questions.
"She avoids anything to do with it, so I don't push her. We've only talked about it a handful of times, and that was when it was absolutely necessary." Luke sighs, picking at the loose thread on his jeans.
"I think you hurt her a lot more than you think." Ashton comments, a distant look on his face.
"I know." He says.
"Do you know who she's going on a date with?" Ashton asks.
"No, she didn't say, as soon as she mentioned she's going out tonight the whole mood changed." He replies. "I can't believe she's going on a date. She's allowed to do what she wants to do, we're not together anymore, I know that, I just didn't expect her to do this so soon."
"It's been over a year, Luke." Calum reminds him.
"Yeah, one of the worst years of my life." Luke says sadly, his finger running over his ring finger, where a ring had previously been for the past 7 years.
"I still can't believe you guys split up." Michael pipes up, his mind going back to the time he opened the door finding Luke crying and barely managing to get a 'she's gone' out.
"Honestly, it feel like just yesterday we were getting married and having babies." Luke bitterly smiles.
"Do you think you'll ever get there again?" Ashton asks.
"No, she's made it very clear that she doesn't want a romantic relationship with me." He shakes his head.
"Daddy, I can't take my shoe off!" Lexi says as she jogs in with one boot on, making Luke laugh.
"What have you done?" He asks, lifting her up and putting her next to him, fiddling with the zip.
"How has (Y/N) been? I haven't seen her in over a month." Michael questions.
"Good, she's been busy with work there's this huge case she's doing, that's taking a lot of her time up, other than that she's been spending time with her family and the kids." Luke informs and manages to take Lexi's boot off.
"Is it going well?" Ashton asks.
"I guess, she hasn't really told me anything about it recently." He shrugs.
"When do you think we'll see her again?" Calum asks.
"I'm not sure, you'd have to time it right as she has such a busy schedule." Luke tells them.
"I see, well I've gotta get going." Calum states and stands up, making Lexi whine and rush over to Calum, who picks her up.
"Hey, I thought I was your favourite!" Michael exclaims, to which Lexi responds by poking her tongue out at him.
"Nah, that was just a cover up." Calum smirks and flips Lexi around making her giggle. "I believe this belongs to you." Calum says and drops her into Luke's arms bridal style, smiling when she squeals. "Say hi to your little man for me and I'm off."
Walking down the stairs with a now awake Casey, Luke places him on the ground and walks into the lounge, Casey following him.
"What are you doing, Curly?" He asks Lexi, his fingers brushing through her hair as he sits down.
"Drawing." She mumbles, lost in concentration.
Luke nods and looks over at what she's doing, spotting the piece of paper she's trying to copy, his stomach sinking.
"Baby, where'd you get this from?" Luke asks, picking up the drawing you made when you'd gotten engaged of you in a wedding dress and him in a suit.
He didn't know you still had this, he thought you threw it out after you showed him.
"Found it in mummy's room." She says nonchalantly, taking the drawing back.
"Does mum know you have that?" He questions.
"No." She shakes her head.
"Okay, just be careful with it, it means a lot to your mum." Luke warns, his mind going back to you, once again.
"Daddy." Casey captures Luke's attention, tugging at his side in the process.
"Yeah?" He asks, looking over at him, staring into his eyes that resemble yours so much.
"When's dinner?" He questions.
"God, you sound like your mum." He chuckles. "It's going to be a while, bub."
Casey pouts and rests his chin on Luke's chest, making Luke smile.
"You're probably just thirsty, drink this." Luke states, and picks up his sippy cup, passing it to him.
"Buddy, shhhh." Luke coos, swaying a screaming Casey in his arms. "What's wrong?" He asks, gently stroking his back.
Casey answers in sobs.
"It's okay, shhh, little man." He soothingly speaks, wiping some tears away.
Casey is never like this, he's usually the one who's a quiet sleeper. Luke's changed his night time nappy, tried to feed him something, gave him some water, sung to him, even put something on the tv but it didn't work, none of it really did, he's been crying for the past 45 minutes, and in the last 10 minutes it's gotten a lot more intense; because of that, he went downstairs so he wouldn't wake Lexi up.
"You've got to be quiet, you're going to wake Lexi up, bud." Luke says, growing exhausted by the second. "Can you do that for me?"
Casey nods, trying to conceal his sobs but comes undone in seconds.
"Talk to me." Luke suggests, stroking the back of his head.
"Mummy." He says through his cries.
"Mummy?" Luke questions, and he sees Lexi sleepily walk down the stairs, rubbing her eye.
"Where's mummy?" Casey whines.
"Mummy's not here, buddy." Luke replies, his voice cracking.
"Daddy?" Lexi asks, walking closer to the pair.
"What's up, baby?" He sighs.
"Mummy, I want mummy!" Casey cuts her off, screaming Luke's ear off, and he winces, bouncing him, as Lexi starts to cry.
"Casey, mummy's not here, she can't come, she's busy sleeping. Come on, why don't we go back to bed, you can sleep in my bed?"
"No, I want mummy." He sniffles.
"Lexi, do you want to go back to sleep, I'll be up soon enough." Luke recommended.
"No." She defiantly replies, making Luke curse the stubbornness she gets from you.
"Baby, please." He begs.
"No! I don't want to." She protests, tears flowing down her cheeks.
Luke closes his eyes for a couple seconds, does a couple breathing techniques to stop himself breaking down right then and there.
"Casey, what's wrong?" Luke asks one more time, his shoulder becoming progressively wet from his crying.
"Mummy." He bawls.
Luke huffs, and picks his phone up, looking for your name, once he finds it, he presses his phone to his ear, trying to block out the crying toddlers.
"What's up?" You answer almost instantly.
"Hey, how come you answered so fast?"
"I was already up, what's with all the crying in the background?"
"Casey's been crying for the past hour, and it woke Lexi up and now she's crying." He explains.
"Why's he crying?" You ask.
"You tell me, because he won't speak, all he does is cry and call for you." He sighs, rubbing his face.
"Where's mummy?" Casey whines, placing a hand on Luke's chin.
"Can you please come over, I know it's late but I've done everything and he won't stop crying. I need you." He pleads.
"Yeah, of course, don't worry about it, I'll be there in just under half an hour." You respond.
"Thank you so much." He breathes.
"Why don't you calm Lexi down, and pass the phone to Case." You advise him.
"Okay." Luke mumbles. "Do you want to talk to mum?" He asks, and Casey nods. Luke takes him to the couch, places him down and places the phone in his hand.
Listening to Casey's cries become quieter as he concentrates on your voice, as Luke attempts to calm Lexi down.
Luke opens the door, seconds after you knock, and immediately you hear crying. Originally when you hung up, Casey was just sniffling but now he seems as if he was worse than before.
"Thank God, you're here." Luke lets out a breath of relief and catches you off guard by wrapping his arms around you you. You furrow your eyebrows and place a hand on his side.
"Are you alright?" You ask concerned.
Before he can answer Casey cuts him off by calling out for you. You sigh, moving away from Luke and walk into the living room, Casey reaching out for you when he spots you.
"Hi, little guy!" You coo, picking him up, wincing at the ear piercing screams.
"Mummy my head hurts." He mumbles through his tears.
"It does?" You question, and you press your hand to his forehead. "Woah." You say at the temperature. "He's got a temperature, have you got any medicine or anything?" You ask Luke.
"I don't think so, you always give me what they need if they need anything." He replies, looking guilty.
"Oh, okay." You nod and begin to bounce Casey to quiet him down. "Shhh, baby." You mumble, pressing a kiss to his burning forehead.
He stops screaming which is good, but he's still a blubbering mess with tears streaming down his face.
"Where's Lexi?" You ask to spark up some conversation.
"She's in the kitchen reading, apparently it calms her down." He answers, poking his head into the hallway.
"That's good." You mutter, looking down at Casey who is playing with the strings on your hoodie.
"So how come you were already up when I called you?" Luke questions.
"Busy with work, someone decided to be a dick and I've gotta find a way to sort it out." You sigh, caressing Casey's face to make him close his eyes so he can become sleepy.
"Right." He nods, looking down awkwardly.
Soon enough you've got Casey quiet and asleep and Luke has put Lexi back to bed, now you're just talking.
"I'm a terrible dad." Luke blurts out.
"Luke, no you're not." You protest, your heart breaking at the broken expression on his face.
"Yeah I am! I didn't know what was wrong with him, I don't have anything to make him feel better, I didn't even know how to stop him from crying for fucks sake. I just about sorted Lexi out and that was a struggle." He explains.
"He told me what was wrong with him, I didn't magically figure it out."
"Why didn't he tell me? I had to call my fucking ex-wife or I would've had a mental break down. I can't call you every time things get too much!" He sighs, and you wince when he calls you his ex-wife
"Luke you're an amazing dad, you always have been. It's more of a mum thing that takes care of them, they see me as comfort, you know that. The kids ask for you when they're at home, it's not just you, they miss us so it's not your fault." You reassure, and take the few steps closer to him and wrap an arm around his waist. He takes his hand out of his pocket, wrapping his arms around you, pressing his forehead to you shoulder.
"You've done so much for them, one night has nothing on 5 and 3 years. I couldn't of asked for a better dad for our kids, honestly. They always tell me about the things you did when they're here, don't put yourself down, I hate it when you do that. They love you so much, we all do." You tell him, and nods, pulling back a little, keeping his arms around you.
You meet his eyes, silently telling him that you mean every word of what you just said, but you can't help but slowly glancing down his face until you're staring at his lips, memories immediately flying at you. You look back up to his eyes, slightly stunned to find Luke looking at yours, he quickly meets your eyes and you both silently know what just happened without talking.
Casey wiggles slightly, letting out a tiny whine making you both look at him. "I should probably go back home and put him to bed." You mumble quietly.
"Of course." Luke nods, his voice coming out a little raspy and steps away from you.
"Could you hold him whilst I get my phone and stuff?" You ask, he nods and takes him from you, mumbling something to him as you walk away.
Luke opens the door for you, the three of you walking out into the cold to your car. Luke opens the car door, putting a now sleepy but awake Casey in his car seat.
"Night, buddy. Hope you feel better soon." He whispers, pressing a kiss to his head.
"Night, daddy." He smiles, making Luke smile then close his door lightly.
"Thank you." You say when he meets your side.
"Not a problem." He shrugs, shoving his hands in his pockets. "So uh, how was your date?"
"Oh, it was nice." You bob your head, brushing it off.
"Cool." He replies. "When will I see you again?"
"I'll come over tomorrow if he's feeling better." You state.
"Okay, look forward to it. Drive safely and thanks again for coming over in the middle of the night."
Giving Luke a small smile and nod in response.
Placing Lexi's breakfast in front of her, to which she thanks Luke for, before he fixes himself some breakfast. A little late of a start because Luke was tired from losing an hour and a half of sleep, but he still missed his little man when he woke up.
"My hair looks weird in the morning." Lexi mumbles, making Luke laugh when he sits opposite her with his food.
"My hair looks weird." She shrugs, tucking some of it behind her ear.
"Mum's hair does that that when she first wakes up, always found it cute." Luke comments.
"Daddy, why did you and mummy split up?" Lexi questions, making Luke pause and look up at her.
"Well," he starts, lost for words. "When people don't love each other anymore, they don't stay together."
To put it simply for her.
"But you told me that you still loved mummy." She states confused and Luke bitterly laughs.
"Lexi, some things just don't work out the way you want them to, but you've got to accept that." He says. "Where's this coming from anyway?"
"I don't know, I jus' miss you and mummy together." She sighs.
"Baby you were like 3 and a half when we broke up." Luke chuckles, trying to divert the conversation.
"So? I still remember." She informs matter-of-factly.
"Of course." He nods.
"Do you think you and mummy are going to get back together?" Lexi asks, a hopeful expression on her face, and Luke can't help but think back to last night.
"Probably not." He speaks deflated.
"Why?" She whines, tears forming in her eyes, breaking his heart because he broke her heart.
"Some things don't go as planned sometimes." He tells her, recalling his relationship with you. "Come here." Luke softly speaks.
Closing Casey's door shut, you readjust your bag on your shoulder before locking the car up. Walking with a slightly sleepy Casey by your side up Luke's driveway, until you get to the porch, where you have to lift Casey up because the steps are a tiny bit too big for him.
"You want to ring the bell, Case?" You ask.
"Yeah!" He smiles and his little finger presses the button, a satisfied grin taking place on his lips.
Looking up when the door opens, surprised to see Ashton there. You haven't seen any of the boys in a while, so it's a nice to see a familiar face.
"Oh, hey." You smile.
"Hello! Didn't expect to see you today." He replies, letting you in.
"Well I'm kinda the mother of your band mate's son, so..." You joke.
"Good point." He nods, closing the door.
"Y/N! Looking good!" Calum exclaims, coming out of the kitchen.
"Hi, Calum." You laugh.
"Cally." Casey grins, reaching a hand out for him.
"Hi little dude." Calum chuckles, squeezing his hand. "Your dad said you were ill."
"Yeah, but mummy made me better." Casey speaks.
"Mum makes everyone feel better." Calum claims, making you roll your eyes.
"Did I hear my mum's name?" You hear Michael call from the living room before he walks out.
"Michael that's weird." Ashton comments.
Michael attacks you with a hug and you mouth to Ashton for him to save you. "I know what you're doing." Michael deadpans.
You four all catch up as you haven't seen each other in over a month, with Casey interrupting every now and then. It takes you back, because you're laughing and joking with them like you used to.
Luke comes down the stairs, holding Lexi's hand helping her down the stairs, Lexi jumping off the first step when they reach the end.
"How's my little man?" Luke asks, caressing his cheek, making both of them smile.
"He's pretty much fine, I gave him something when we got home and soon after that he went to sleep. I gave him some Calpol this morning so he should be alright, for now at least." You explain, straightening his shirt out.
"And I slept in mummy's bed." Casey adds.
"You did? I'm sure she loved that." Luke says, smirking at you, making you smile.
"We watched a film in bed this morning because somebody woke up extra early." You dramatically speak, poking Casey's cheek, making him laugh looking up at you. Luke finds himself looking at you in awe, suddenly thankful for having you as the mother of his children. He always has been but it's become super apparent.
Looking towards his right, he shares a look with the boys who look kinda sad at the torn apart family.
"I'm thirsty." Lexi mumbles, coming out of her daydream.
"Yeah?" Luke questions turning around heading for the kitchen.
"Do you want to take, Case?" You offer Ashton.
"Come here C-dizzle." Ash grins, taking his under arms.
"Hey, that's my name." Calum warns.
"Jelous of a 3 year old, Hood?" You ask.
"More than ever." He replies making you shake your head and follow after Luke in the kitchen.
"Oh yeah, my family are coming over next week and they want to see the kids, so can I have them next week?" Luke asks.
"What day?" You question.
"Wednesday on." He answers, leaning against the counter.
"I've got some family coming down on Wednesday too." You sheepishly say, beginning to plait Lexi's hair.
"Oh." He mumbles.
"It's fine, I can reschedule or something." You tell him.
"No, your parents haven't seen you or the kids in a while, I couldn't do that to you." He declines.
"Why don't you guys come over to my house and we can make this whole thing with dinner or something?" You suggest.
"Are you sure?" He questions.
"Of course, I haven't seen your family since Lexi's birthday anyway." You shrug.
"Okay, I can text you a time closer to he date?"
"Yeah." You nod, tying the end of Lexi's hair. "Well I've got to go, I'll see you soon." You sigh, pushing your bag behind you slightly.
"Alright." Luke replies, walking with you into the living room.
"Bye Casey, you be good for daddy." You tell him, kissing his head.
"Bye-bye." He waves, going back to playing with Ashton's necklace.
"When will we see you again?" Michael asks.
"I'm not sure, you could come over to my house with Luke's family on Wednesday next week." You suggest.
"Sounds like an idea." Calum states.
"Cool, see you guys then." You nod, and say goodbye to Lexi before heading towards the door.
"I'll text you later or something." Luke tells you, opening the door for you.
"Yeah, see you later." You smile.
"Mummy why don't you love daddy anymore." Lexi's little voice asks, making you freeze.
"Daddy said that when people don't love each other anymore they split up." She explains.
You look over at Luke, kinda silently questioning where she got this from.
"She asked why we um broke up this morning." He informs.
Kneeling down in front of her, you tuck some hair behind her ear, swallowing thickly, trying to find the right words as this is still such a sensitive topic. "Lexi, that's not the only reason couples don't work out, sometimes things just don't have a fairy tail ending and you can't do anything about it."
She nods confused, and you kiss her cheek lightly, then silently walk past Luke, bouncing down the steps and walk towards your car.
"I'm so sorry, she's been asking a lot about us recently, I didn't think she'd bring it up." Luke apologises, catching you by your car.
"It's fine Luke, she's young so she's going to question things." You brush it off. "No matter how bad we want those fairy tale endings like she watches, we don't always get them."
Luke looks at you sadly before wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing the most delicate kiss ever to your hairline, which makes it even harder to conceal your feelings.
"Thanks again for coming over in the middle of the night." He states, and you nod, not having the confidence in your voice to speak.
Opening the door for Luke's family, who you haven't seen in over 5 months, and haven't properly spoken to in 8 months.
"Hi!" Liz greets, giving you and Lexi a quick hug before going straight to Casey who's leaning against your leg.
"Hey, he's still slightly sick so be careful." You warn.
"Yeah Luke said." She replies. "Who's the sweetest little guy? Yeah is it you?"
"It's me." Casey smugly says, loving the attention.
"Andy!" You chuckle.
"(Y/N)!" He jokes, you've always gotten along well.
He squeezes your shoulder before stepping inside, walking over to Liz.
You say your hellos to Luke's brothers and their partners as well as his grandma, politely saying hi and joking a little with Luke's brothers. It's not the same as it once was, but it's not nearly as awkward as when Luke and you first got divorced.
You still get nightmares from those times.
Luke's the last to walk up the driveway as he had to wait for people to get out of his car before he could lock it.
He jokingly widens his eyes when he steps into the porch.
"Is it that bad?" You laugh.
"It's actually not too bad. Yet." He explains, giving you a quick hug.
"Yet." You chuckle.
"Hey, princess." Luke coos but all she does is groan annoyed.
"She's a little cranky." You reassure.
"Right, where's Casey?" He questions.
"With your mum." You answer, feeling his hand ghost the small of your back for a second as he guides you to the living room.
"I'm not gonna see any of our kids today am I?" Luke asks, as you walk into the lounge.
"Doubt it." You smile, sitting in an arm chair, that could easily fit two people comfortably. Gesturing to the empty space next to you, Luke sits down, beginning to fiddle with Lexi's toes that are poking out, as you spark up some conversation.
After half an hour the doorbell rings again, so you get up excited to see your family again, opening the big door immediately hugging them.
"So how's single life?" Jack asks Luke, catching Luke off guard.
"Um, it's-it's different." He replies, slightly dumbfounded. "(Y/N) and I were together for so long, so it's a big change." He shrugs, not knowing what to say, getting up to say hello to your family.
"Yeah, of course." He nods understandingly.
Closing the oven door, you place the knife on the counter, moving across the spacious kitchen to the stove, you place a saucepan on the ring. Running your fingers through your hair and beginning to rummage around in a draw.
"This is all so tiring to be honest." You hear Luke huff as he walks into your kitchen.
"I feel like a teenager with my mum nagging me all the time." You smile.
"Honestly." He laughs, opening a cupboard and pulling out a box of cereal.
"Remind me to never bring up animals in front of my mum again." You note, looking over at him, finding him eating cereal and you roll your eyes walking over to him.
"What are you doing, I'm making you some glorious food! Why do you even eat that it's made for kids? And why do you always eat my food? When I go shopping I actually buy extra stuff because I know you'll eat it." You dramatically say.
"Aww, that means so much to me." He places his hand on his heart, making you scowl at him and then take the box from you.
"And this is my cereal, I want to save it." You confess, making him laugh.
"So whilst the kids eat boring stuff like porridge and shit every morning you're eating what they actually want to eat?" He questions.
"It's not like I eat it in front of them!" You defend.
"You're a monster." He claims, pinching your stomach and you push his hands away.
"Respect me." You laugh putting your hand out.
"You're an idiot." He teases fondly, flicking your forehead, and you jab him in the ribs before going back to what you were originally doing, happily chatting with each other.
"I found a bunch of used disposable cameras the other week so I got them developed and I got all the picture last week." You inform.
"How far back do they go?" He asks.
"I can't really work out, pretty sure some are from when we didn't have kids." You reply, putting some stuff in the bin.
"Woah, that seems like a lifetime ago." He says,
"I know, so much has happened since I got pregnant with Lexi." You agree, a sad undertone to your voice. "Do you want to see them?"
"Sure." He nods, you leave the room for a second going into the utility room, opening up a cupboard finding the box with all the pictures.
"They're not in a specifically order so it's a lucky dip." You tell him, when you place the box on the kitchen table, Luke coming over.
"Aw, she used to be so small." Luke coos as he picks up a small file, looking at a picture of Lexi when she was just days old. You put down a stack of pictures, looking over at him, "Yeah, we made tiny babies which is weird because you're literally 12 feat tall."
He playful glares at you making you smile, walking back to the saucepan.
"Remember this?" Luke asks, showing you a picture of the two of you. You're both laying on a sofa backstage in some city that you couldn't remember if you tried, you're on top of him laying between his legs, your face buried in his neck, his head is resting on yours whilst he reads something on a piece of paper, his hand in your hair with the other holding the paper.
"Vom." You mumble.
"Rude." He replies.
Luke goes through the pictures, most of them of the kids, you with the kids, him with the kids, people with the kids, random pictures and then there's a few sprinkled about of the two of you. All the pictures take him back to happy times, when things were perfect, remembering the back story to the pictures that some won't even remember.
"We'd just fucked here." Luke confidently states, showing you a picture.
"Luke!" You exclaim, punching his shoulder.
"You can't deny it!" He laughs.
"Ya nasty, I'm saving myself for marriage!" You joke.
"You've already been married, to me, and you've had two children, also with me." Luke point out the obvious, and you can't help but smile. "What happened to your wedding dress anyway? Like I took it off one night and never saw it again." He smirks, loving to wind you up, feeling satisfied when your jaw drops and then you laugh.
"If you have to know, it's at my mum's house." You answer, choosing not to respond to his lewd jokes.
Originally your dress was in your house, but after you and Luke got divorced you couldn't stand to see it as it was a reminder of the failed and broken marriage, so you sent it off to your mum's and haven't seen it since.
"You looked pretty in it." He comments, not looking at you.
"Thank you." You mumble, checking on the food.
Luke suddenly gasps, you look over at him concerned but then it turns into confusion when he seems fine.
"What?" You question.
"This is our song." Luke explains, gesturing to the radio.
"No it's not." You disagree.
"No, this is our dance song." He says.
"We had one?"
"I'm just going to ignore that dagger in my heart." He says, causing you to laugh. Approaching you dramatically, giving you these big eyes he holds his hand out, you exaggeratedly roll your eyes and take his hand, letting him bring you into the middle of the room.
It started with Luke taking the lead, melodramatically twirling you around and dancing with you, full of laughter, until Luke decides he wants you to be in control, triggering a memory of when you'd be cuddling in bed and he'll suddenly decide he wants to be little spoon.
"Lu, you're so tall, I can't do this." You laugh when you twirl him around, and Luke gets a warm feeling in his body when he hears you say his nickname you'd called him for years.
Luke spins you around, keeping you at arms length for a second, then twirls you all the way into his chest. You look up at him, your smile diminishing as your faces are quite close, involuntarily your eyes quickly flicker down to look at his pretty pink lips which are parted slightly. Luke reaches his hand up as if he was going to do something but decides against it and takes away any seriousness by bending over slightly, placing his hand on your thigh and dramatically running his hand up your side, making you laugh then shrug him off.
Liz walks past the kitchen on the way to the bathroom, feeling bittersweet when she sees the two of you laughing and talking. You're the only girl that Luke's brought home that she's really liked, sure she's been polite and gotten along quite well with some others, but as soon as she met you, she could tell how happy you made each other, not only that but you were incredibly nice.
When Luke told his mum that you were getting divorced, it came as a shock, a shock to everyone. He didn't tell many people about all the fighting that happened towards the end, only a few close friends, not even the kids knew, mainly because they were so young at the time. The decline in your relationship was so sudden, there was this 4 month period where one day you'd be completely fine, then the next you couldn't even look at him. It was so tiring and after a few huge fights, you both became so defeated and sat down in silence before you brought up that maybe you should get divorced, and Luke seemed to agree with you, deciding that that was what was best, it felt like the only solution at that point.
It was one of the hardest decisions you ever had to make, and you still remember everything about it. One of the things that stuck out the most was when he agreed that it was a good idea you broke down, tears flowing everywhere, thoughts swirling around your mind that you never thought you'd ever think, yet Luke still comforted you. He wrapped his arms around you, let you cry into his chest, whilst he rested his head on yours, letting some tears out himself. He wanted to stay strong for you in that moment but he just couldn't, this was going to be the hardest thing he'd ever had to go through.
Luke didn't tell his family until at least 2 weeks, after the divorce was finalised. As he didn't tell his family about the end of your relationship, no one knew what to think, it was so sudden as you both seemed so happy with each other, 2 children, an amazing house, both your careers going well, everything was perfect; to them at least.
It was heart breaking. Not only for the two of you, but for everyone else, like family and friends. They'd seen you both happy for years, been with you through every stage of the relationship, watched it stem from 2 people, to 3, to 4,and they knew that you were ready for having another child. Everyone felt your sadness, just not as deep as you.
The divorce was the hardest thing for the two of you have had to go through, because suddenly you're a single parent, and the person you turn to for all your troubles and support is gone and is the reason for your sadness.
It's never been the same since.
"Daddy!" Lexi excitedly says when she walks into the kitchen, interrupting you, and putting an end to the explicit jokes.
"Hey baby." He sings, picking her up.
"You having a nice day?" You ask, taking her hand when she puts it out.
"Yeah, but I miss uncle Mikey." She pouts.
"Aw baby." Luke laughs, brushing the hair away from her face.
"What's going on in there? Are you being a good host?" You question.
"Yep, Ben is playing with me, and grandpa is playing with Casey." She explains.
Luke wraps an arm around your shoulder, instinctively resting your head on his shoulder, taking in the (minus one) family moment.
"My two favourite girls." He mumbles, pressing a kiss to your forehead, and you can't help but feel a little sad.
The doorbell rings, you detach yourself from the pair, and head towards the door.
"Hey." You smile, opening the door.
"What's up?" Ashton greets.
"Oh my God, it feels so weird to be here again." Calum says, taking in your house, as he hasn't been here in over a year.
When you got divorced, both you and Luke decided I was best that he moved out and you kept the house
"Welcome home?" You suggest.
"It's changed a bit but it looks even better than before." Ashton tells you.
Grabbing the washing basket, you open the tumble dryer beginning to take the clean and dry washing out.
Lunch/dinner is over, it went well everyone enjoyed your cooking, conversation never dulled or got awkward, it was nice. Getting to catch up with everyone was refreshing because nowadays all you have time for is work, the kids, and Luke. Your social life is non-existent because you've thrown yourself into work to distract yourself from everything that has been going on around you.
"I swear Lexi is going to be a tv presenter or something some day, she's so confident when she talks to everyone." Luke jokes, entering the utility room.
"She is very talented." You agree.
"Casey is just cuddling up with both of your parents, it's kinda sweet." Luke says.
"What can he say? He's a mummy's boy." You shrug.
"Tell me about it." He smile.
"Wonder where he gets it from." You tease.
"Ouch." He huffs, placing his hand on his heart.
"You'll get over it."
"Physically yes, emotionally, never."
"C'est la vie." You reply, making him playfully glare at you.
"What are you doing this week?" Luke questions.
"Not much, doing some things with the kids, work, that's it." You tell him, tucking some hair behind your ear.
"You're missing something out." He states.
"What do you mean?"
"(Y/N), I've known you forever, I know everything about you, literally." He chuckles.
"I'm um, I'm going another date with the guy I told you about last week." You confess, and it's like something punctures his heart, as it's a wake up call that you're actually over now.
"Why'd you feel the need to hide that from me?" He asks and you give him a knowing look, before walking past him. "Is it serious?" He inquires and you laugh.
"Luke, we've only been on one date."
"How'd you meet?" He raises an eyebrow.
"A friend."
"Where'd he take you?" He asks and you can't help but smile at his concern.
"Some restraunt."
"What's he like?"
"He's nice, we get along really well." You answer his many questions.
Going to walk out of the room Luke grabs your hand, telling you to wait. "What's up?" You question, looking at him, seeing the many emotions going around in his eyes.
"Nothing," he shakes his head.
"Are you sure?" You give him a weird look, and he nods, before you walk away, not seeing the miserable eyes following you.
"Hey!" Luke greets, opening the door,
"Hi, can't talk right now, someone's had a little accident." You inform and he steps aside for you to walk past and go upstairs, leaving just Luke and Lexi.
"Well, how's my little princess doing?" He asks, shutting the door.
"Good, but I fell over and banged my head on the door this morning." She answers, and Luke has to purse his lips.
"Poor baby." He mumbles, leading her into the living room, going back to the piano he was sat at before you came over and Lexi heads twoards the toys Luke put out earlier.
"What are you doing?" Lexi asks after a little bit of playing with some blocks, staring at her dad who's writing then scribbling out what he just wrote.
"Writing a song, but it's not going very well." He sighs, deciding to take a break from all the creativity.
Heading down the stairs, listening to Luke's voice and talented piano playing, leaving Casey to get dressed himself as you know he can do it and won't do anything naughty.
That's something you've missed about Luke, hearing him sing around the house or coming home after a long day seeing him sat with his guitar or sat at the piano singing. His voice always gave you a sense of comfort.
Half way though Luke singing Waste The Night you join him on the long stool, he looks over at you, his voice slowing down but you encourage him to keep going, joining in, your voices harmonizing together perfectly and it takes you back, losing yourself in nostalgia.
You sing the last notes, playing around with the keys you add a lot to bit to the end, and Luke's staring at you in awe because you havent sung together in years.
"You should sing more." He tells you.
"It's not really my thing." You shrug, looking up at him.
"It should be." He comments, making you chuckle.
"No." You say.
"You know, I uh, I wrote that song about you." He confesses.
"What? I always thought it was one of the other's girlfriends." You reply.
"No, it was for you." He confirms.
"Thanks, even though I'm like years late." You smile, turning back to the keys, you push at them a little, creating something that was sounding good... until Lexi comes over smashing her hand on the lower keys making you both laugh.
"Wow, thanks for contributing." You laugh, and Luke picks her up, placing her on his lap, letting her play with the keys.
"I have to go, got somewhere to be." You tell him.
"Okay." He nods and kisses your cheek.
"Where are you going?" Luke asks as you say goodbye to Lexi on his lap.
"Um, my dates house, we're hanging out this afternoon." You answer.
"Oh cool." He responds.
"Yeah." You agree.
"Case, mum's going." Luke calls up the stairs, and you can hear him running and come bounding down the stairs.
"Mummy." He says.
"Bye, little guy, are you going to have fun with daddy?"
"Good, see you soon." You smile, kissing his head. "Bye Lex." You wave.
"Bye-bye." She giggles.
"I'll talk to you later or something." You tell Luke.
"Yeah, of course." He nods, and you squeeze his shoulder gently before leaving.
Putting your pen into you mouth as you read over the case that's been giving you hell this past month one more time. Running your hand through your hair, letting out a huff, trying to figure out how to get out of this rather sticky situation.
Just as you get an idea and you're in the zone, everything is flowing well yet going 100 mph, the doorbell rings.
The kids are with Luke and Lexi is at school as well as Casey being in preschool, you're not expecting anyone, so you don't have an idea on who it might be. Pushing your rolling chair out, you get up, your ankle boots with a large heel echoing throughout the hall way, it's always so quiet without the kids here, especially without Luke here anymore, he was always making noise, either with his voice, musically, playing with the kids or clattering about in the kitchen, it's quite depressing to be honest.
Opening the door, you find Luke standing there, not at all expecting him to be here.
"Luke, hi, what are-what are you doing?"
"Hey, so Casey forgot his teddy bear, and I know he won't sleep without it." He explains.
"Oh okay, it should be in his room." You tell him, distracted.
"Alright." He nods, walking past you, jogging up the stairs and you go back to your office.
Sitting back down, you start typing into your computer, pushing some hair behind your ear as you look something up.
"It was in o-your room." He informs, feeling embarrassed at his slip up.
"Cool." You mumble, miles away.
"Are you okay?" Luke asks and you enter the world again.
"Yeah, sorry, caught up in work." You apologize, blinking a couple times, turning around to face him properly.
"It's fine, I just came over to collect Casey's things." He shakes it off.
"What are you doing today? I swear I never see you on Tuesdays." You fire up a conversation.
"Yeah, it's unusual nowadays to see each other on specific days. I'm working in the studio, and then I have to get Casey then later on I have to pick Lexi up." He answers, leaning against the doorway.
"How's work in the studio going?" You ask.
"Yeah it's going really well, some amazing songs to come, I've been loving it." He says. "What are you doing?"
"I've got work to do, then I need to go over to the firm, then I'm going on a date tonight." You tell him.
"Of course you are." Luke mumbles, losing his filter.
"Excuse me?" You ask, giving him a chance to take back what he said.
"All you do is go on dates nowadays." He sighs.
"Yeah, because I'm single." You deadpan, starting to get mad.
"Tell me about it." He says, widening his eyes.
"We're not married anymore, you don't have any claim on me, I can do whatever I want." You get worked up, and he bitterly chuckles.
"I never did." He remarks, referring to the time he thought you were cheating on him, but you stated multiple times that he was just a friend, this had nothing to do with the divorce though.
"Don't you dare, you know fair fucking well that he was just a friend, don't even go there." You warn, a deadly look in your eyes as you stand up.
"Well what was I supposed to think, you spent more time with him than you did with me!" He raises his voice slightly.
"We are not having this fight again."
"Wouldn't surprise me if he was this date you've been seeing." Luke huffs.
"It would be a taste of your own medicine because I can't go to a club where their isn't a handful of girls you've slept with. But I mean, is it even a night out if there isn't a girl you haven't slept with there?"
"In a relationship you're supposed to trust one another, I thought you could handle that, but no, you decided you didn't want that, and you wonder why all your relationships fail. This happened years ago, so stop bringing up things that aren't relevant." You match his tone.
"You let our relationship fail the day you came to me with your bullshit divorce papers." He spits.
"Don't blame our failed marriage on me, you know it was both of us. I tried so hard to keep it going, yet you just gave up! Do you know how worthless that made me feel?"
"I tried so fucking hard but you clearly didn't want it as bad as I did, don't come at me with that, you cannot doubt that I didn't try." He defends.
"Clearly not hard enough." You glare, making him shake his head.
"Just don't." He tells you.
"Scared of the truth?" You raise an eyebrow. "Fucking hell, Luke, our relationship ended nearly two years ago, just get over it, you're always going to wonder about the possibilities but try living in the real world yeah?"
"Just get over it," he quotes, taking a step twoards you. "Yeah okay, thank you, I'm now over the woman I'd been in love with for years, got married to, and had two children with, I couldn't of done it without you (Y/N)." He sarcastically adds.
"You're such a dick, I fucking hate you." You shake your head.
"Sure, honey, of course you do." He glares.
"I can't believe you, you just come into my house, act like a sulking toddler when I say I've moved on, then you come and insult me." You bitterly laugh.
"It was our house at one point-,"
"Yeah, but it's my house now." You cut him off, bluntly.
"I'm not sulking because you've moved on, it just seems a little early after were married for you know, 7 years!" He raises his voice, taking a step forward.
"I mean it's been nearly 2 years, but I guess I forgot about your attachment issues." You remark.
"I'm sorry I like having you around." He yells.
"That was one of our problems! I need my space, I like being independent!" You match his voice.
"Then there's a valid reason why we didn't work out, we don't work together well."
"You're acting as if that's the only reason we split up, we split up because things became toxic, one day we were fine the next I wanted to be miles away from you!" You shout.
"Yeah, I don't need reminding! I know how my own fucking relationship ended!" Luke spits, shaking his head, taking me back to the last stages of our marriage.
You don't feel like fighting even more, this whole fighting scene is taking you back to the memories you've been trying to block out through this impossibly hard life change. You feel defeated, and hurt in more ways than Luke knows, and you know these weren't his intentions, everything that's happening right now is in the moment.
Glancing over at him, finding him already looking at you and you gain eye contact.
It all happens so fast, suddenly Luke's marching over to you, grabbing your sides, closing the gap between you, and there's absolutely nothing in your body that's stopping you. You work your lips against his and wrap an around his neck as he backs you up and parts your lips, slipping his tongue in before he slams you against a wall.
You both put your everything into the kiss, his hands are roaming your sides, and it's so intense yet meaningful, because you're delving into each other in a way that hasn't happened in a long time. You bite his lip, and he can't help but let out a small moan, making you smirk against his mouth, bringing some memories back for the two of you.
You push him back, slightly staggering as you stumble blindly around the room, never disconnecting at any point. Something falls off a table as Luke hits the wall but neither of you pay attention to it, you're too invested in each other to pay attention to anything else. Luke's wondering hand ghosts over your chest, going up to your neck and burys his fingers into your hair, whilst he tucks you impossibly close to him by the small of your back.
The feeling of his tongue brushing against yours makes you let out a tiny moan taking your breath away. You work so well, because you know each other's boundries, what you like, what you dislike, how to tease each other perfectly, and how rough to take it.
Once you caress his jawline the kiss loses it's roughness, instead it becomes needy, keeping the intensity, grabbing at your hips as he softly massages your lips with his own.
"I'm sorry." He mumbles against your lips.
"What for?" You pull back slightly.
"Things I said." He replies, squeezing your hips lightly.
"Right." You nod, starting to come back down and into reality. You let go of him, taking a couple steps away slightly wide eyed, what just happened suddenly dawning on you. Looking over at Luke, you notice he's kinda bracing himself for something.
"I've gotta go to the studio, I'm already l-late," Luke says, scratching the back of his neck.
You nod, not wanting to talk.
Now you've completely lost concentration.
Opening up the oven to check on the food, satisfied with the result, you close the door, going back to stirring the saucepan on the stove. Looking over at the tv mounted on the wall, turning the volume up slightly as you keep an eye on dinner.
Pulling some plates out you begin to lay the table, but before you can place the final plate down the doorbell rings. Putting the piece of china down, you make your way to the door, your heart rate increasing slightly.
Letting out a breath, you open the door, Lexi not even a waiting a second before she wraps her arms around your legs.
"Hi!" You smile, crouching down to her height.
"I've missed you." She mumbles, wrapping her arms around you.
"Aw, I've missed you too, bub." You chuckle, stroking her back. "You haven't been away from me that long though." You point out.
"Feels like it."
"You're going to make me cry, we've got the rest of the week together so we can catch up on lost time." You remind her. "Do you want to go into the bathroom and wash your hands?"
She detaches herself from you and walks down the hallway, reaching up for the door knob.
"And how's my little man?" You question, putting your attention into Casey.
"Hungry." He giggles.
"You're always hungry." You laugh, taking him from Luke. "You know, Alfie called me yesterday asking for you to go to his house." You tell him about his best friend.
"What'd you say?" He asks.
"I said that you'd love that." You inform, watching his smile grow. "Why don't you go join Lexi in the bathroom, I've got your favourite dinner cooking." You say, putting him down, he trots down the hallway.
"Hey." Luke greets.
"Hey." You greet back, finally looking at him.
You haven't spoken since he left a few days ago, usually you text each other quite often, sending pictures of the kids or just chatting on your own, or you'll talk on the phone for a while until one of you pass the phone onto the kids.
"How've you been?" He questions, stroking his inner arm, a nervous habit you've picked up on over the years.
"Good, yeah." You nod, looking behind you to save some awkwardness. "You?"
"Good." He repeats. "So, uh, about the other day..."
"Don't worry about it." You brush it off, your whole body dying when you see his sad little nod.
"Yeah, of course, it was a heat of the moment kind of thing." He replies. "So how was your date?"
"It was nice." You say, slightly deflated.
"What's wrong?" He question, picking up on your tone of voice.
"I've known you for years, I know when you're lying (Y/N)." He chuckle lightly. "Is he treating you right?" He asks, and you suck in a breath, letting out a bitter laugh.
"Actually, he's great, so amazing, we have so much in common, really funny, we're quite similar, and he's a really great guy, but he's just-he's just not you." You sigh, watching his shocked face.
"And I know that we've broken up, we separated ages ago, so I can't have you anymore, but I can't help but want you. After you kissed me and I went on a date later that day, all I could think about was you the whole night. It's always been you Luke, you know that. This period in my life has been the hardest thing I've ever had to go through, even harder without you, my best friend. Who am I supposed to go to with my problems when you are my problem? You're probably over me at this point, and I'm still learning to accept that, to be honest I'm still trying accept that we're over as we were together for so long, but I'm okay with that. It's always going to be you, you're the father of my children and you were the best partner I could of ever asked for you, how could I let that go so easily? You're a-"
You get cut off because Luke's kissing you, his lips moulding over yours desperately, and it's so good, how his tongue slides inside your mouth, taking your breath away, both of your bodies coming alive in front of each other.
"You're it for me, I don't want anything else and I won't settle for anything but you, you're my whole world." Luke confesses, his hands interlacing behind your back.
"Really." He confirms, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. "This might me too premature, I've told you this a million times and it never loses its meaning but I love you." Luke tells you a little nervously, brushing some hair out of your face.
"I love you too." You reply with a smile that has him weak.
Luke leans in again closing the small gap between you, working in sync together. "Daddy, why are you licking mummy?" Lexi interrupts, making you laugh.
"I think you need to find a new kissing technique." You tease, before he picks Lexi up, tickling her making her squeal.
"Shut up." He laughs, pecking your lips, making you smile.
"Have you got any plans for tonight?" You question.
"No." He shakes his head.
"Do you want to stay for dinner? I've got your favourite on." You offer.
"Please, daddy." Lexi begs.
"Well I mean, I guess I have to now." Luke says.
"Good." You say, leading him into the kitchen, not being able to help the smile that's on your face at this new yet familiar life.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveyss 015.
WHO ... was the last person you saw face to face? gram
... was the last person you texted or messaged online? Ummm, Harrison? We were talking about health.
... was the last person who asked you for a favour? Kile asked me to respond to him. I came so close to doing it, but we are almost at a week without talking.
... was the last person you lent something to? Uhhh, probably my sister.
... was the last person who told you a secret/confided in you? Em
... is the tallest person you know? Nick. I think hes 6′5?
... the shortest person you know? Goodness... I don’t know.
... your oldest (in years) friend? My mom?
... is the oldest (in length of time) friend? Alix. Since i was 5.
... is your youngest friend? I’m the youngest of my group... so ...
... is your newest friend? Probably my school friends
... is your closest relative? my sister? nephews? niece?
... was your favourite teacher? Mom looool. Or in college I really liked Dr. T
... was your least favourite teacher? ugh. shelly?
... did you spend the most time with when growing up? scott
... knows you the best? kile
... always beats you in games or sports? probably nathan lol
... who is the most creative of the people you know? Thats a great question. maybe my sister.
... is the funniest person you know? EM. definitely a goofball.
... is the most organised that you know? Em. 
... that you know has travelled the most? Nathan travels a lot, roger has gone to so many countries.
... has always been there for you? Hmm. 
... has given you the most personal gift? Mike
... has an annoying laugh? Marcia
... never forgets a birthday? sawyer
...,do you have the most in common with? I really don’t know. I don’t share a ton of the same interests with anyone.
...is the sportiest person you know? devin?
...was your last missed call? I think my sister
...did you last open your door for? mom
... has your heart? sigh. I don’t think it’s wanted right now.
... has your respect? people who are honest 
...do you share a special song with? i got my first kiss to the song “my best friend” by tim mcgraw
...do you miss right now? kile andrew. I miss who i thought he was. I miss talking to him all hours of the day. He felt like an extension of myself... almost like we shared this secret life where we could just .. exist together. without him, I just feel like I lost part of myself.
...last made you angry? the hose.
...did you last buy a gift for? I got my mom and my brother and kile something on my vaca.
...did you celebrate your last birthday with? So kile spoiled me like crazy. I spent the day with mom and then at night, em, nathan, devin, and I got tanked lol.
...have you gone to a concert with? sister, janelle, uhhhh nicole
...can make you laugh? It is easy to make me laugh
...has taught you how to do something? Uhhhhhh, thats a very good question. Probably kile teaching me how to do a stats problem? 
...has lost something of yours? Uhh, not sure.
...has broke your heart? kile
...has stood you up? I haven’t been stood up
WHAT Is your favourite colour? blue
Can you do that most your friends can’t? memorize really well, deny bread, sign, talk neuro
Is your birthday? next weekend
Colour eyes do you have? blue with navy and gray
Form of transport do you take to work/school? typically the car.
Music do you like to listen to in the car? Oh goodness anything that I put on spotify
Languages can you speak? english. some spanish and some asl but not fluently
Was the last thing you drank? diet coke
Was the last thing you ate? trail mix
Time did you wake up this morning? I wake up all hours lately and just stare out my window or at the ceiling. Eventually I just give up and get up for good. I think today was like 5am
Colour are your bedroom walls? They’re kind of a mauve-y brown-y purple
Drink do you usually order when eating out? sometimes, not always.
Food can you cook well? I’m a great baker but I don’t cook all that often. Or rather I should say I am insecure about my cooking.
Animals have you had for a pet? Oh goodness. Dogs, cats, bunnies, chickens, turtles, pigs, horses, birds, parrots, fish, flying squirrels, lizards, ...
Are your initials? dls
Kind of activities do you like to do on the weekends? I like to play games, go on drives, see the world, see friends, window shop, idk
Movie do you know line by line? father of the bride, finding nemo, sleepless in seattle, youve got mail, something borrowed, how to lose a guy in ten days, made of honor, while you were sleeping
Band(s) have you seen in concert? I don’t remember all of them. relient k was one.
Do you buy/get to treat yourself? food or clothes lol.
Colours your phone cover? right now it’s like a teal color. 
Part of the world would you love to visit? switzerland. europe. 
Question do you dislike being asked? when are you going to be married.
Subject were you good at in school? science
Careers do your parents have? mom is a manager of a store and I’m not entirely sure of what dad does. I think he owns a company.
Brand of clothing do you buy most often? probably ON
Chocolate bar is your favourite? right now, probably uhmmm 
TV show have you watched every series of? tbh I couldn’t tell you
Radio station do you listen to the most? 99.5, 98.3, 103.5, 96.3, 
Podcasts are you subscribed to? I’m not the biggest fan of podcasts
Is your favourite dessert? anything mega rich
Can’t you do that most around you seem to? roller blade, skateboard, ice skate
Are 5 qualities you value in a friend? honesty, loyalty, kindness, consideration, humor
Are 5 qualities you value in a partner? honesty, loyalty, kindness, slow-tempered, loving
Size pizza do you usually order? goodness I havent had pizza in so long.
Cuisine do you like to order or cook? I suppose right now mexican
Colour(s) dominate your wardrobe? Black. I want to wear more colors I think I refrain because of drawing attention to my figure.
Toothpaste brand do you use? I think right now it’s crest!
Sounds can you hear right now? one of the most dear movies to me.. Serendipity. I think about this movie all the time in my current situation. Maybe.
Is the weather like today? Steamy. But I have been very comfortable in the AC tbh
Are your plans for tomorrow? I’m going to sleep in. Relax. Spend the day reading in the pool, trying to not think about my situation. 
WHERE Do you keep your phone when not using it? I used to always keep it on me, but now I’m trying to get used to leaving it in the other room or just leaving it at home so I stop obsessing.
Were you born? Palos.
Do you go to unwind? On a drive
Is your best friend right now? I’m not sure where Kile is anymore. Emily is likely asleep. Nathan’s probably out lol
Can you go nearby to have a good time? Tbh, I can be alone and have a great time.
Is the nearest restaurant? like 3-4 blocks away.
Is the nearest beach? There is lake michigan, indiana dunes, or lakes. depends what you fancy.
Did you meet your closest friend? kile and I met on CM. em and I met thru Alix. 
Did you go for your last vacation? Pigeon Forge, TN.
Is the nearest mall or superstore? mall would be orland. Superstore would probably be like a walmart or a target. 
Did you last get an injury? I screwed up my foot somehow so I’m trying to nurse that.
Is the most extravagant place you’ve stayed at? Hmm, probably when my sister would travel and we would stay in these exotic hotels.
Do most the local kids play? If you mean kids like 21 ish, there are some great local bars on Oak Park Ave
Have you been with your family? I mean, I’m going to need more detail in the question
Did you spend Christmas last year? home. Then the boys called for us to come over and see their new toys lol
Did your parents grow up? they grew up in roseland which is now a chicago ghetto lol
Did you buy the shoes you’re wearing? barefoot at the moment.
Would you like to go right now if you could? if I can be totally transparent, I would give anything to go sit on a park bench next to kile. 
Do you miss the most from your childhood? The innocent beliefs. the lack of trauma. 
Is the best restaurant you know? I donno, I’m fairly easy-going about restaurants.
Will you never go again as it was so bad? lol this local burrito joint
WHEN ...was your last vacation? two weeks ago. 
...did you graduate? this may. I really thought it would have been more exciting, but it was such a tragic time. 
...did you have your first kiss? on my 16th birthday
...did you learn how to swim? young. like 5-6? 
...did you have your first relationship? uhhhh 19.
...do you feel the most at peace? on a drive.
...do you usually fall asleep? I have no idea. I’m all over the place these days.
...do you usually wake up? thats a wide range of times.
...did you last watch a movie? i’ve been watching movies in bed all day. 
...did you last go to a party? yesterday
...did you last cry? today
...did you laugh really hard? I laughed yesterday. 
...did you buy something pricey last? my vacation I suppose. I really need to get new gym shoes because it has been a few years but man they are pricey.
...did you have an argument last? I haven’t argued this past week. I don’t know if I’m just worn down or if I have lost the fight in me? I’m not entirely sure.
...did you last have a sick day? donno really.
...did you last recieve a hug? I got about 400 hugs from the kids yesterday lol
...when is your best friend’s birthday? aug 16. april 20. march 13.
...did you learn how to drive? I refused to drive as long as possible. mom tricked me into drivers ed when I was about 18.
...did you last receive a surprise? umm.. I really don’t know.
HOW Many pets do you have? Two.
Many houses have you lived in? one
Often do you shower? once per day usually.
Well can you cook? I am mediocre at the moment.
Many close friends do you have? just gets smaller and smaller.
Many Brothers or sisters do you have? one sister two brothers
Often do you go swimming? I WISH all the time. tomorrow will be my first time in a long time. it’s hardly swimming cus its a small pool, but still.
Many times have you texted today? I’ve hardly touched messaging apps. I’m really behind on my correspondence. 
Do you like your toast (colour, topping)? I used to love it toasted with light butter and then pb
Do you like your tea and/or coffee? no coffee. I’m not huge on tea.
Do you like to celebrate your birthdays? typically the way I spent it last year. this year was supposed to be with Kile. For some reason I just glanced at the calendar and it had our weekend trip for march all highlighted. 
Are you feeling today? I’m ok. I mean, I’m not but it’s closer to being OK.
Serious are you about your career goals? I’m passionate about it.
Many rooms are in your house? 11 I suppose.
Many bedrooms in your house? 4.
Did you do in your school exams? I excelled at them. 
Close do you live to your parents? very close to mom. thousands of miles from dad.
Close do you live to your siblings? My brother is around the block. another brother is maybe 30 mins away. my sister is thousands of miles.
Sensitive to criticism are you? pretty sensitive. its a fault.
Motivated to make changes are you? quite motivated.
Creative are you (1-10): 5
Hard working are you (1-10): 11.
Sporty are you (1-10): 1
Musical are you (1-10): 0
Do you prefer your eggs? uhh, moms scrambled, over easy, or sunny side up.
Often do you go out to eat? like once a month.
Would your best friend describe you? I don’t really know. probably studious, the caregiver, patient
Can someone cheer you up if you’re sad? if they know me well enough. 
Often do you meet up with your friends? like 2-3x a month
Important is religion to you? faith is important.
Old were you when you first stayed overnight from home? like 5
Old were you when you got your first pet? I was an infant
Tech savvy are you? decent. not great but decent.
Do you show you appreciate those you care for? I learn what matters to them and I support their dreams obsessively. I research things that matter, I ask questions, I write cards, buy gifts, and just tell them.
Often do you cut your hair? I need to cut it. asap.
Often do you paint your nails? I’ve stopped painting my hands since graduation. I just .. i cant.
Many countries have you visited? 1
Boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? haha
WHY  ... did you choose your username? because it’s one I use
... did you take this survey? it seemed to have some decent questions. I’m trying to work through stuff regarding kile right now, so it had some opportunities. right now I’m wondering if he still reads these. It doesn’t tell me if someone does, only if they like or comment on it. what does it matter, I don’t know. my mind just swirls.
... did you choose the career you did? I had a professor who showed me a video during a neuro class on aphasia and it was a CLICK moment.
...did you last leave the house? running errands for the party
...did you last give up on something? I am in the process. I don’t want to. my whole body aches and screams not to let go, but my brain is recognizing it is time.
...did you search the last thing you searched? i was converting celsius to fahrenheit 
...would you give up on someone completely? I think sometimes I have this mindset that I can help. I can support. I can enhance your situation. I want to help you grow. I want to be there for it all. I think the reality is I am learning that not everyone wants that. I don’t know that i’m helping as much as I hope, and it destroys me to think I was maybe making his life worse. 
IF You could live in any country which would you choose? switzerland
You could choose any animal as a pet which one? cat or dog
You could be famous for something what would you like? I don’t know that I would want to be.
You are sad, how do you combat it? Right now it is sitting with the feelings of loss. I’m trying not to just blow over it or pretend it isn’t real, but to just let it suck as bad as it sucks. I don’t know. I don’t have any magic way of moving through the sadness.
You can drive when did you learn? when I was 18
You could have any job what would it be? I would want to be somewhere with little human interaction tbh.
You could go anywhere for a vacation where would you go? europe. 
You could eat anything right now what would it be? nothing. loss of appetite.
You wrote a book what genre/topic would it be? maybe a book of poetry. or a biography.
You had a theme song what would it be? that would take me a while to come up with.
You could meet any band/singer in person which one? harry connick jr.
You could act in any movie which would it be? I’m not sure I would
You get married what venue would you like? i think I would want to elope 
If you have kids do you have names picked out? I have names I like on a list.
Could describe your dream home what would it be like? farm. land. big ole porch with comfy furniture. lots of trees. a dreamy bedroom. i really want a window seat. You could go back in time what would you change? for the longest time I wished I could have gone to see John immediately. However, had I done that I would have left here and moved there and I wouldnt have the life I do now. So I guess maybe i dont really know.
Could use 3 words to describe your childhood which ones? the memories without my dad were extremely pleasant. My mom tried her best.
Could get the answer to any question which question would you choose? right now I’d want to know why Kile kept things from me. Like how do you wake up everyday OK with knowing I’m unaware. I wanna know what the plan was.. was he planning to meet me and just secretly break up with her? was he ever planning to move to me? Why did he never fight for me? how was I so easy to let go of? why wouldn’t he just break off what he was was “breaking off” to keep me? what was the alternative? keep us both?? why couldn’t he see how he was hurting me? why didn’t it matter? how does he just let go of me so simply and not c ---- but honestly I’ll never get those answers. I would probably be better off asking will i have my own family one day
You could have an endless supply of something what would it be? Money, because of course.
CAN ... you ride a bike? yes
... you ski? i want to learn
... you bake a cake? oh yes.
... you sing well? mediocre
... you do your own taxes? badly
... you remain calm in a crisis? extremely calm.
... you do first aid? like... bandaid level yes.
... remember your best friend’s family members’ names? almost entirely.
... you fire a gun? yes
... your parents drive? Yes
...your best friend dance well? probably not.
...you make people laugh easily? mom, yes lol
...stand up for yourself? if i get pushed enough, yes.
...you do a martial art? Nope
WOULD You like to learn a new language? absolutely.
Save the life of a stray animal? Absolutely.
Know what to do if there was a hurricane? sure, but it would be very very very very unlikely for me to need to utilize that sort of skill set considering I live in the middle of a loooooooot of land. Not coastal at all.
Try a new cuisine? yes
Risk your life for anyone? Yes.
You like to get back in touch with someone? oh boy. how i wish.
You drive in the middle of the night to get a stuck friend? Ina heartbeat.
You Know how to perform CPR? I mean.. vaguely.
You likely win in a game of chess? I promise you no.
You stop talking for a day for $100? happily.
0 notes
court-of-pokemuses · 4 years
Every Hunter J ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Hunter J and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Hunter J with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
Also while I play J as asexual and Aromantic these are what if situations.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Hunter J w/ a villain
Top rated ships: AmontilladoShipping
Bottom rated ships: Merciless, Laketriocapture, Acrimonious, Bellona, and Hussy shipping
*AcrimoniousShipping - Charon & Hunter J 0/10 Strictly business, they both don’t give off a ‘interested in a anything but work’ kind of vibe.
AmontilladoShipping - Giovanni & Hunter J 10/10 baddest dude with baddest lady villain. Ye I can see it. No love just business and late nights together when one of them needs it. 
BellonaShipping - Hunter J & Mars 0/10 Mars is so cute and happy and J is so mean and cold. I don’t see them meeting each other’s needs in a relationships and J has the shortest temper with child like people. 
CruelScienceShipping - Colress & Hunter J 5/10 Colress would likely be a good client of J, and I can see him maybe adding upgrades to her gear or them talking about gear. I think they’d get along alright. 
EliminatorShipping - Lysandre & Hunter J 3/10 Lysandre in the full on gonna kill everyone mode yes. Maybe after the machine fails they work out a way to make her tech work through people’s holo casters. though also tentative because well J needs clients and she can’t do that if most people are gone, so they’d have to work something out. Romance tho? Eh I can't see it. 
HussyShipping - Hunter J & Jessie 0/10 Oh Jessie no, baby you bad but like she baaaaaad. Nope Jessie is at her core too good. 
LaketriocaptureShipping - Cyrus & Hunter J 4/10 They both are practically emotionless and very lone wolf like. I can see them getting along but in an asexual relationship where they just enjoy being around each other, quietly, doing their own thing.
*MercilessShipping - Guzma & Hunter J 0/10 Bruh wut? No no no, like Guzma is bad but again not like that bad, and J wouldn't be down with how unstructured his team is. yeh they’d clash too much. 
*YouLookSoRightShipping - Ghetsis & Hunter J 4/10 This name is weird but I like it. They definitely got the crazy vibe, and no care about hurting kids. I mean I can definitely seeing their evil plans interlocking, but eh maybe romance would work with them both being off their rockers and non empathetic. 
Hunter J w/ Specifically MANGA VILLIANS
ButtHunterShipping - B-2 & Hunter J 0/10 This is the grunt taht has no name in plasma, and I just see them being that fan boy who idolizes J, and she’s annoyed by him. 
DeadRingerShipping - Blaise & Hunter J 10/10 Ya’ll Blaise is actually a really cool character not gonna lie, but anyway I can see them making one heck of a cool team up, but no romance really. 
MedusaShipping - Storc & Hunter J 0/10 She’s just a Rocket member who want’s Deoxys. I can see J helping her and them boom they’re done interacting. 
Hunter J w/ Specifically ANIME VILLIANS
Top rated ships: PursuitShipping
Bottom rated ships: EvilIntentShipping
*BlackmarketShipping - Rico & Hunter J 2/10 Ah another pokemon hunter. Tbh I just see J looking at other pokemon hunters as competition, and if she does team up with hem it’s to learn their tricks and move on.
CatscratchShipping - Domino & Hunter J 1/10 Domino is cute and perky and I se that clashing with J like with Mars but I do think they’d team up on occasion. 
**EvilIntentShipping - King of Pokelantis & Hunter J -10/10 Bruh if he managed to possess J then he would def be pretty fracking strong. I don’t think she’d be happy to be possessed though so that wouldn’t go well. 
PursuitShipping - Hun & Hunter J 10/10 Ah yes two aromantic and asexual nerds getting along, this is Cyrus again. They just appreciate someone respecting their boundary. 
MasterCriminalShipping - Brodie & Hunter J 0/10 He’s a sneaky boi and all which works with J but she’s not much of a flair for the dramatics which he is so idk about it working. 
MercenaryShipping - Danku/Dirk & Hunter J 0/10 He’s a rough and tough kind of guy but he’s a coward. J would see that as a weakness and not be terribly impressed by him at all. Even less than Rico.
Hunter J w/ Specifically MOVIE VILLIANS
Top rated ships: Irredeemable, and Clientele shipping
Bottom rated ships: BountyHunter, Snare, and Drastic shipping
*BountyHunterShipping - Captain Phantom & Hunter J 0/10 They’re both greedy jerks with one being a pirate and the other having technology. They would in no way romance and I don’t see a team up lasting long.
ClienteleShipping - Grings Kodai & Hunter J 6/10 They both have that no empathy super evil vibe, and like super cool tech/ plans, so I can see a team up working well. Romance I could also see to some extent. 
DrasticShipping - Zero & Hunter J 0/10 Ah Girintina boi, you know I can see J getting the pokemon for him, but I don’t think it’d go farther than a job. 
EvilnessShipping - Jarvis & Hunter J 3/10 Ok Jarvis certainly has some cool tech she’d like to get her hands on, and maybe they could ship but it’s a maybe. 
HuntedPirateShipping - Galen & Hunter J 5/10 Works better than his captain for sure, but also he’d be a pawn in her game long term I imagine. 
IrredeemableShipping - Dr. Yung & Hunter J 6/10 J wants this mans tech! As for romance I can maybe see it starting as,”you give me your tech while I house you while you run from Oak,” and maybe something develops from there. 
SnareShipping - Iron-Masked Marauder & Hunter J 0/10 So he plotted to overthrow rocket, J wouldn’t want him around cause she doesn’t want him to overthrow her. However his dark balls she’d find useful and want those so that she can make the pokemon she catches obedient. 
Hunter J w/ a champion
BlueVelvetShipping - Cynthia & Hunter J 0/10 Like they are from the same region but come on now Cynthia has too strong a sense of justice to put up with this woman
DracoIllegalShipping - Lance & Hunter J 0/10 Same with Lance his sense of justice gets in the way. Sure the Johto elites are fine but they’re on the path of being better, J will not change. 
MarcShipping - Wallace & Hunter J 0/10 Wallace is a dramatic lad full of color and gusto. It would drive J nuts. 
WigShipping - Steven Stone & Hunter J 7/10 Maybe if Steven goes down the path of evil where he gets tired of basically being forced to take the family company and can’t be champion again and just spirals. Eventually ending up crossing paths with a certain someone who could use funding to remake her airship. 
Hunter J w/ an Elite
ImperiousShipping - Hunter J & Karen 4/10 Karen if she didn’t go good, ye ok I could see it. As it stands right now though there is no way especially if Ho-oh ever gets brought up into anything because Karen will protect that bird even at the threat of being bronzed. 
UndeadLoveShipping - Grimsley & Hunter J 2/10 With the name this is given I’m just imagining zombies right now or vampire Grimsley and J hunting him. 10./10 there. I mean I could see them both playing poker at the same table, but an overall romance or interaction past that no. 
WatchingYourEveryMoveShipping - Koga & Hunter J 3/10 Koga when he was still with Rocket and bad, ok maaaaybe. At the very least maybe them as rivals in some way or J taking a job from Rocket and Koga told to stay with her to make sure she doesn’t betray them, Anyways romance wise again maybe with Rocket Koga, but tbh I’d just think they’d be interesting going into combat as it stands. 
ZahkriisosShipping - Drake (Hoenn) & Hunter J 1/10 Drake be getting around. Anyways I don’t see romance or team up but I do see J maybe hunting that dragonite that saved Drake and Drake now having to save it. 
SlivovitzShipping - Hunter J & Lorelei / Hunter J & Prima 4/10 I see this as Harley and Ivy but Lorelei is the Harley but much more tuned down. 
Hunter J w/ a gym leader (aka if there is a gym leader there’s a 90% chance they’re shipped with J)
Top rated ships: DragonTamerShipping, and a plot with Pryce in GlaciateShipping
Bottom rated ships: Many
AntiAerialShipping - Hunter J & Skyla 2/10 Skyla is so pure though, no. Maybe they casually talk about air ships and planes though without Skyla realizing who she’s talking to is bad. 
AstasiaShipping - Norman & Hunter J 0/10 Hm, all I’m imagining is some really weird martial spat happening and J being caught in teh middle which while funny, and I have a million ideas on how this could happen I don’t see them interacting past that
BackToHealthShipping - Hunter J & Lenora 1/10 Lenora is happily married canonically but with this title maybe J wakes up in someone’s house after a fight and now is in an awkward debt to this lady so she goes and steals some artifact or book for there museum
BedlamShipping - Hunter J & Liza (Hoenn) 0/10 Liza is a friction child, and the games aren’t even subtle about it. Also too early to really call what kind of person she grows up into being.
BindShipping - Falkner & Hunter J 0/10 Falkner also gets around in the shipping world but I don’t know what there guys would have in common even to talk bout. 
BugHunterShipping - Bugsy & Hunter J 2/10 This man needs a listed age. In short I have seen evil Bugsythough and I love that so when he grows up just him hiring her to find and catch the largest baddest bug pokemon around. She meanwhile gets stuck with him for awhile. and he grows on her or at least his evil does. 
CassavaShipping - Cilan & Hunter J 0/10 Cilan is also super pure all the time and with his “I'm an expert in this, and that, and this,” all the time I can see her getting tired of it. 
ChasseresseShipping - Fantina & Hunter J 1/10 Another very extravagant person which doesn’t fit with J’s subtlety, and all I can see is them maybe meeting in the cute pokemon square when J’s drapion was still a skroupi, but J doing that kinda thing is a low chance. 
ConcreteShipping - Hunter J & Misty 0/10 Misty would beat J up, or at least try to. Again raging sense of justice. 
DeflagrationShipping - Flannery & Hunter J 0/10 Flannery is too insecure for J to put up with for long 
DeforestationShipping - Erika & Hunter J 0/10 Erika is too lax for J, and one of the most peaceful people 
*DragonplateShipping - Drayden & Hunter J 0/10 Strong sense of justice strikes this yet again. Evil him could possibly work but I can’t think of much motivation for him to be evil. 
DragonTamerShipping - Clair & Hunter J 5/10 OK hear me out, Clair goes to the dark side trying to overcome her cousin strength wise, and want’s to gain control of the region like he has control on it but to a greater extent. And she teams up with J to do that. 
DrowningShipping - Brawly & Hunter J 0/10 As the name implies I’m just imagining J getting annoyed with him and his constant positiveness and wanting to drown him. 
EclateRocShipping - Hunter J & Maylene 0/10 Maylene is another one who’s got a sense of justice but couple that with she can actually fight you and J is out of there because that’d be annoying.
**ElectrowebShipping - Wattson & Hunter J 0/10 Wattson is an old mania and I get J is kind of old too but still one of them definitely shows it more meaning the other couldn’t keep up. I don’t see this. 
EverclearShipping - Cress & Hunter J 3/10 One thing I didn’t talk bout with Cilan was the shadow triad theory which when applied here I can see working out more with them both being more quiet loners. The age gap though would be the issue. 
*FiletShipping - Crasher Wake & Hunter J 0/10 This man is loud, J would get a headache. 
FireForestShipping - Hunter J & Winona 2/10 Ok I’ve seen evil Winnona and I love it, and I think they’d have a cool vibe together. Though motivation for Winnona’s evil is what would have to be worked out. 
GewitterShipping - Volkner & Hunter J 0/10 Look Volkner maybe a recluse and kinda depressed but he still would have the brains to pick up on J being bad news and avoid her. 
***GlaciateShipping - Pryce & Hunter J Ok J would want his time travel abilities and knowledge. Again there is the issue of one of them is alot older than the other despite them both being kinda old. OOOH BUT maybe he recruits her to ‘get his family back’ aka the masked kids and well bronze is kinda like ice, and this man is crazy. 100/10 on that plot. Romance tho, naw.
GrieferShipping - Roark & Hunter J 0/10 Roark is like a spunky young kid at least in personality, so no.
HemlockShipping - Gardenia & Hunter J 0/10 Gardenia is a justice type and like Maylene will try to fight you. J is not into fighting for fighting sake. 
I'mAlreadyRockHardShipping - Byron & Hunter J 2/10 Idk why but Byron always seemed a bit evil to me, maybe cause most parents in pokemon are bad, but like maybe if he goes into the bad route. I can think of a few motivations. 
ISaidFreezeShipping - Candice & Hunter J 1/10 The name is great on this one. As far as the two of them no on romance, but yes as far as J trying to get to regigigas again and Candice stopping her. 
LascauxShipping - Burgh & Hunter J 1/10 He’s an art boi and she has no creative bone in her body except machines. Oh but him seeing a statue she recently got but not how she got it and him thinking she’s just an incredible metal worker. Oh this has funny possibilities. Nothing romance wise though. 
LaserSculptureShipping - Brock & Hunter J -10/10 Like Brock is time and time again nothing but a good guy, so I don’t see this working out at all. 
**MindCorruptionShipping - Tate & Hunter J 0/10 Oh well this has some super bad implications in it and I don’t like that. Same with Liza in the hard to tell what he grows up into though. 
MorganeShipping - Hunter J & Sabrina 4/10 The two rather quiet dead panned girls hanging out? Ya know maybe when Sabrina was still with Rocket, and kind of the same context as Koga. I could see it. 
MrFreezeShipping - Brycen & Hunter J -0/10 But the real question is Brycen’s other personality batman? Ok with this one Brycen is kinda cold, and distant, and while yes he plays a villain usually those who play villains on tv or in movies are the kindest people in real life so no I don’t see it. He’s that way in pokemon Master’s too, it’s cute.
NaufrageShipping - Morty & Hunter J -10/10 Morty gets so desperate to find Ho-oh he gets J, yes. Romance no, and if she tries to get Ho-oh without him on board he will hate her. 
*PastisShipping - Juan & Hunter J 0/10 Ok they’re both pretty flippant about some things and maybe a one night stand but also Juan is kinda snooty so idk if he’d have a night with a criminal. 
PyromaniaShipping - Chili & Hunter J 0/10 This is like Cilan where even shadow triad theory wouldn’t save it cause he’s too emotional. 
*RiddleMeThisShipping - Blaine & Hunter J 0/10 Age range is right but I feel like J would grow tired of his riddles and games. She likes easy, and she likes direct. She doesn’t see a need to complicate things. 
RockBlastShipping - Chuck & Hunter J 2/10 She would give 0 cares about home wrecking with him and his wife and he’s so flippant anyway I could see him falling, leaving his wife, and not realizing he’s being played. And not even being played well, he’s just not observant. 
RockyTroubleShipping - Hunter J & Whitney 0/10 Whitney is too pure and spunky so no way. 
SchoolHuntingShipping - Hunter J & Roxanne 0/10 They both have that sharp personality but Roxanne is a good influence on kids and likes to be that, she’s not about to associate with j.
SteelyHunterShipping - Hunter J & Jasmine 0/10 Jasmine will be doing something nice for J and get played hard. Then try to get her pokemon back and possibly still fail. This will be more sad than cute. 
StoneManShipping - Lt. Surge & Hunter J 4/10 Maybe Lt. Surge after leaving Rocket still doesn’t adapt well and needs to get on board with someone so he gets involved with J. I can kinda see romance if he really goes all in to the evil. 
TotalDistortionShipping - Hunter J & Roxie 0/10 Roxie is a kiddo 1. Also no she’s punk metal and yellow, another headache inducer for J
TryMeShipping - Elesa & Hunter J 2/10 I wanna see a fight with hese two because they’re both gonna be so confident and it’d be wild watching Elsa work when her opponent is so non responsive to the antics. Romance is a maybe if Elsa goes evil and maybe starts wanting some rare pokemon in her modeling. 
WhalingShipping - Marlon & Hunter J 0/10 Marlon is too spacey for her this would not work out. 
Hunter J w/ a minor GAME npc
AudaciousShipping - Brandon & Hunter J 1/10 She’d want his pokemon, and maybe if he was evil. Motivation would be intersting though to come up with. 
CompleteGlobalSaturationShipping - Brycen-Man & Hunter J 0/10 Naw again movie and tv villians are usually played by the nicest people.
*SnakeEaterShipping - Hunter J & Lucy 2/10 Evil Lucy tired of not getting a say and being spoken over. Ok maybe but a stretch. 
UxoriousShipping - Eusine & Hunter J -10/10 Eusine finally cracks and gets desperate for Suicune, yes I see it. Romance, No way in heck. 
WildHunterShipping - Benga & Hunter J 0/10 Benga is another that a child and he's a rambunctious wild one at that, what would they possibly connect on?
Hunter J w/ a minor MOVIE or ANIME npc
Top rated ships:
Bottom rated ships: He'llHuntYouDownShipping
BastilleShipping - Reggie & Hunter J -10/10 This man is like the sweetest and a big lover of pokemon so no he’d hate J
CondemnShipping - Hunter J & Officer Jenny 8/10 Heheheh, ok this would be funny with J corrupting an officer maybe one who’s studied all her cases and has grown a fascination for J’s work. Kinda the fan boy from B-2, but J would be pretty proud of herself to have a cop as her puppet. 
DeathorcareShipping - Delia & Hunter J -10/10 Bruh it Ash’s mom up in here. Ok hard no, we have never seen the mom as evil at all and if anything Delia would be mad at J for almost killing her son. 
FoxdieShipping - Hunter J & Naomi 0/10 Another sweet soul that has no business being with J who would just use her. In this case take her lapras research notes and then get herself a bunch of lapras to sell. 
He'llHuntYouDownShipping - Santa Claus & Hunter J -24/10 In some dark twisted absolute crack fanfic I support this, but in general wtf.
HideAndSeekShipping - Hunter J & Kidd Summers 0/10 So Kidd Summers isn’t actually terribly evil, so I don’t see her and J lasting long unless Kidd really needs J to help her with some new record to break. 
LegendaryHunterShipping - Tobias & Hunter J 1/10 In the world where Tobias has legendary pokemon he’s one of J’s best clients. Shipping naw, but them working together to take control of the league ye.
*OJShipping - O (anime) & Hunter J 0/10 This is strictly for the naming meme I am convinced cause there is no info on O anywhere and if anyone has it please tell me. 
PreyShipping - Hunter J & Kelly 0/10 She pure she cute, she has no reason to hang out with J. 
RestInPeaceShipping - Sir Aaron & Hunter J 0/10 This man is nothing but justice wtf are they gonna do? Yes I get this is cause these are the two characters that anime wise we have conclusions they’ve died so maybe ghost shenanigans? 10/10 on that
*RockBusterShipping - Georgia & Hunter J 0/10 Look Georgia was annoying but I don’t see her turning to a poacher to get a leg up on Iris.
SecretServiceShipping - Looker & Hunter J 0/10 This is trying to be the ‘sleeping with the enemy every so often ‘ plot but Looker is dedicated to his job and J is not very romantic so no. Enemies tho 10/10
**ShadowHunterShipping - Sanpei & Hunter J 0/10 He is a child and seriously wtf are they gonna connect on?
SoftButchHardButchShipping - Hunter J & Zoey 0/10 Zoey is another rival but in no way did she show any evil, in fact she’s rather kind and helpful, so I don’t see this at all. 
*TechBombShipping - Professor Lund & Hunter J 0/10 I mean she’d want his tech, I don’t see them romancing though cause she’s not too great with kids. 
*WitchhuntShipping - Hunter J & Lily (Johto) 0/10 She child and she’s nothing but pure and sweet. 
WristletShipping - Kellyn & Hunter J 0/10 For one he’s a child and secondly ranger with all the justice mentality.
Hunter J w/ Ranger, Manga, Orre npcs
*ScorpionShipping - Mr. Kincaid & Hunter J 0/10 I mean they both don’t really like kids so that’s a plus, but he’s overall more goofy than anything else and J wouldn’t vibe with that. 
*SpeedHuntShipping - Karuta & Hunter J 0/10 Child who in his description cries easily. That’s a no.
TrenchcoatShipping - Wes & Hunter J 0/10 Look Wes is good now, and a child! Though she would want his arm stealing thing so badly.
Hunter J w/ multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see J being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas) 
Top rated ships: PoacherShipping, SinfulHuntersShipping, and HuntingPirates shipping
Bottom rated ships: A few of them
AdvancedBountyHunterShipping - Ash, Captain Phantom, Hunter J & May 2/10 This would be May and Ash vs. J and Captain Phantom but with Ash and May actually being a team. Interesting sorta but eh not much past that.  
BountyShipping - Annie, Hunter J & Oakley 4/10 In this adventure the girls team up with J to get latias and latios. I could see J making them her left and right hand though possibly. 
DeviantShipping - James, Hunter J & Jessie 0/10 J is so much better than them at this she’d drop them in a second. 
ExtremeTransportationShipping - Brandon, Grings Kodai, Lawrence III, Zero & Hunter J 3/10 These are just the guys with cool vehicles. all of them having a cool vehicle meet up and Brandon not realizing they’re all evil until the middle of the hangout. Could see all of them minus Brandon teaming up though.
HighTechShipping- Clemont, Wes & Hunter J 1/10 Clemont and Wes Vs. Hunter J basically, and not much past that. Add Lysandre in here and it can be ‘robotic arm shipping’ all the nerds with robot arms in some capacity. 
HolyMasterCriminalShipping- Brodie, Hunter J & Arceus 0/10 This is a wild combination of people and I can’t even fathom how it’d happen. 
HuntingPiratesShipping- Archie, Galen, Captain Phantom & Hunter J 8/10 Ah the pirate squad, kinda missing some people but I mean you put it in a period writing with pirates as the time period ye it’d be fun. 
LetterShipping- James, Hunter J, Jessie & Jupiter 0/10 It’s just cause they all have J, funny but no they would not get along. 
MasterThiefShipping- the Black Arachnid, Brodie & Hunter J 1/10 They’re all kinda sneaky and all but J is the muscle. Maybe with her as the boss and them acting off her orders?
MILFhunterShipping- Brock, Caroline, Delia & Johanna 0/10 This breaks down to, Brock no.
PoacherShipping- Iron-Masked Marauder, Rico, Rizzo & Hunter J 10/10 Poacher team up! This will go well for a short timer nd a short time only but I would enjoy seeing it. 
QuadBitchShipping- Hunter J, Jessie, Jessiebelle & Misty 0/10 Ouch throwing Misty in here? As the name implies they would not get along well rather quickly. 
RomanticHuntShipping- Clemont, Bonnie, Ecclarisse, Hunter J, Lillia & Princess Allie 0/10 I am baffled what this name is implying and trying to do and I can’t see any connections here. 
SalamenceShipping- Butler, Drake (Hoenn) & Hunter J 3/10 Salamence meeting and they don’t realize that J is a criminal. 
ShadeShipping- Ardos, Eldes & Hunter J 0/10 This is just because they have similar glasses. 
SinfulHuntersShipping - Courtney (Magma), Domino, Hunter J, Mars & Shelly 9/10 I mean I’m down with the villain girls teaming up to make their own group. Idk what the motivation would be but it’d be interesting to see. 
SunshadesShipping - Ardos, Eldes, Scott, Hunter J & Michelle 0/10 This is more madness with glasses I mean I don’t know what they would have past that. 
WristDeviceShipping - Michael, Wes & Hunter J 0/10 We get it they all have wrist devices and I mean I can see them talking about it for a bit and then Michael and Wes realizing she’s bad new. 
0 notes
i don't know which questions to ask you so i'm just going to say answer as many as you like / whichever ones you like! i love reading your answers!! i hope you have a week full of stars and candy and love Xx
Hi nice anon, thank you so much for this distraction now get ready for some ranting
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Yes but I think I do it ironically.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Normally 1 but a 5 if it was a really bad day and I get a little anxiety.
4. What is your favorite word? I like de word Melancolía (melancholy) 
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? A holm oak because they’re strong and they can endure everything (I have an actual favourite tree and it’s, in fact, an enormous holm oak I used to climb when I was little and that I still sometimes climb tbh it’s so tall and creates a magical atmosphere)
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? This sounds really pessimistic but I thought about how disgusting my face was because my acne is really bad these days and I sleep with a bun which isn’t the most flattering hairstyle
7. What shirt are you wearing? A pyjama shirt I have since I was 11 but that still fits me
8. What do you label yourself as? Forgettable
9. Bright room or dark room? Dark
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? I was avoiding my responsibilities on the verge of an anxiety attack
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? When I was 13-14 because I believe at some point in that time I was genuinely happy for the last time
12. Who told you they loved you last? My mom
13. Your worst enemy? This sounds so fake deep but I think it’s my fear of living
14. What is your current desktop picture? I made an album with some of my photography (when I used to take pictures and stuff) which are mostly flowers and my cats
15. Do you like someone? I did 2 weeks ago but I’m not so sure now
16. The last song you listened to? New Jerusalem by Bear’s Den
17. You can press a button that will make anyone person explode. Who would you blow up? Probably Trump tbh
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I mean I don’t like violence but rn there’s a boy who was in my class who is trying to throw a party and he’s so so so so SO annoying he needs someone to punch him and put him in his place because he thinks that he’s becoming some kind of ”influencer” (which he’s not) and that he’s above everyone else and he needs to calm the f down
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) Idk I like my lips and sometimes my hair looks nice
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? I’ve been thinking for a while but nothing comes to mind sorry
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? It’s not unique but I have an irrational fear of dolls and I also can’t stand mantis because they move as if they were being controlled by Satan himself
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? I’m going to save it most probably because I don’t spend money but if I felt generous I’d buy my parents/friends something nice
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? I can’t make this kind of decisions, too many places in this world but somewhere I can just go braless all the time and feel free like a lil bird
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Everyone chillax
29. What is your favorite expletive? I don’t swear like never ever so I don’t have one
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? One of my mom’s paintings
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Being publicly humiliated by the people who I thought were my friends would be nice to forget
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? My maternal grandfather because he left us too soon and my mom always says I had a really strong connection with him when I was a kid and I would’ve loved to get to know him more because she always talks about him and he seemed like a very wise person
34. What was your last dream about? I dreamt I had to take a train and I lost it and there were lots of people waiting at the station and I felt so confused (which is the story of my life tbh)
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? I’d like to say I’m a good listener
37. Have you ever built a snowman? Not only a snowman but a WHOLE FAMILY of snowmen
38. What is the color of your socks? Black
39. What type of music do you like? I love instrumental and acoustic music but I’m currently rediscovering my love for electro-pop
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets because I think they’re prettier but I love the way watching the sunrise makes me feel
43. Do you have any scars? I have a scar on my knee and I also have my knuckles full of scars because I would rub them against rocks all the time as a kid (don’t ask me why I don’t know)
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would get rid of the anxieté obviously because it’s ruining me
46. Are you reliable? I wouldn’t say I’m a tomb but I sure know what I can definitely not tell under any circumstances and if someone asks me not to tell something I won’t. 
48. Do you hold grudges? I did like a month ago but now I’ve managed to make peace with almost everyone who I’ve wronged/has wronged me and it feels so nice honestly
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? A few weeks ago I ended up talking about all my school trauma with a boy who told me about all his childhood trauma, being this boy the person I most hated at some point in the past so that was pretty surreal
51. Are you a good liar? I’m not but people are used to me NOT lying about stuff so if I lied (which I don’t) they’de believe me even though I would sound fake af
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? I’m really bad at accents 
56. What do you like on your toast? Sugar with butter, olive oil with sugar or just some melted chocolate with cinnamon
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? I love drawing flowers 
61. Do you often read your horoscope? Not often but I should because I find it so so so entertaining
64. What do you think about babies? They’re cute sometimes if I stare at them from a distance with earplugs in my ears 
These are a lot of answers but you asked for them so there you have! Thanks!! 🍁🍁🍁
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