#idk what’s happening there’s been a huge resurface in my head
kxlance · 1 year
I kinda miss klance
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stormyweaver · 4 months
First Time For Everything || Part 1/??)
Alright, so never let it be said I'm not a hypocrite. I'm a huge one. But this has been sitting in my drafts for over two months and I need to post it since it's not going anywhere else lmao. PLUS I'm still reeling from my gnawing obsession with V/ox resurfacing after... y'know idk exactly what triggered it but it happened regardless.
Anyway I'm proud of my dialogue for this one bc that's always something I struggle with when writing, so yeah! Plus the idea of V/ox's first cold in Hell has always just been rattling around in my head. Also it's short, but sweet. So yeah! Enjoy!
Summary: V/ox finds out there are worse things than just being in Hell; like being sick in Hell. Alas/tor has a laugh at his expense every step of the way. ~~~
It had started as nothing but a minor annoyance. A dryness of the throat, which was typical for an early morning in Hell. Moisture wasn’t really a thing, even if you considered the fucking acid rain. Which Vox didn’t; that shit was genuinely the worst. But he’d at least had access to clean(ish) water, and cleared his throat a couple of times… the sensation still lingered. Well, it wasn’t anything for him to be overly concerned with. Besides, he had a meeting this morning with Alastor where they were going to discuss more hot-topic talking points for his radio show. 
The cloying, scratchy feeling in his throat still hadn’t gone away, even though it had been at least a couple hours since he first woke up. He made himself breakfast, something simple - eggs and toast, which… the fact that he was even able to scrounge up the materials to have a decent meal still startled him. It was Hell after all - everything was still jarring. 
He barely managed to choke down the slightly burnt edges of bread and too runny eggs (jeez, the food didn’t usually taste five star, but today was bad) before getting washed and dressed. The turtleneck he normally wore felt scratchier than normal, and he tugged at the collar in irritation. Even his antenna weren’t properly fitting into his hat… Gah - today had barely started and it was already a wash.
Well, he could at least look forward to seeing Alastor. Despite how every denizen in Hell he’d met so far had told him to steer clear of The Radio Demon, Vox hadn’t been able to say ‘no’ to him yet. Not once. Even when he’d suggested the damn hat giving him so much trouble now - silly, ridiculous even he’d thought when he first put it on. But one look at Alastor’s approving grin had dashed his worries easily. He’d do just about anything to have that look directed towards him again… Oof, was the heater on the fritz again? It was suddenly so warm.
Sniffing idly, Vox descended the steps of his apartment and stepped out onto the sidewalk. Ugh, it was warm out here too. Well… that wasn’t so much surprising as it was an inconvenience. Hell always seemed to be too warm, but today the pentagram striped sun seemed to beat down on his head with a particularly harsh intensity.
He rolled his neck with a soft grunt, fingers gripping the taught muscle with a grimace. You’d think after however many years (1, 3, more?) of living with a fucking television set for a cranium he’d have gotten used to the aches and pains that came along with it. Vox once again had to remind himself that it was Hell - there were worse things than stiff joints.
“Quite the lovely day we have upon us, isn’t it?”
“JESUS SHIT–!” Vox staggered to the side, his screen glitching slightly from the shock of Alastor’s voice directly beside him. “Wh– You have got to stop doing that, Al! One day I’m gonna get a fucking heart attack.”
Alastor’s grin seemed to widen, eerily. “Oh, I would highly advise against that, old pal! We’re dreadfully short on paramedics here in Pentagram City.” His shoulders shook lightly, obviously amused at his own joke. Vox simple deadpanned, though he fought against his mouth instinct to inch upwards at the corners. Despite being fucking sadistic, Alastor could also be pretty funny - when he wasn’t unsettling or downright terrifying. 
“Anyhow~! You look a bit… disheveled this morning!” Vox tilted his head; he’d said it as if it were the most delightful observation he’d made in ages, “Sleep on the wrong side of the bed, hm?”
“No? I… Well, I looked fine in the mirror.” He argued, smoothing down his shirt a bit self-consciously. Alastor hummed thoughtfully, reached a hand out to gently tug on the tag sticking out of Vox’s inside-out jacket. “I suppose that’s the cons of not having eyes in the back of one’s head, haha!” 
Vox snorted as he began to shrug out of the denim. “Right, like you do?...” He trailed off, giving Alastor a once over. “You- you don’t, right?” 
“Oh, heavens no! But I do have my ways of seeing things others might easily miss.” His ears twitched slightly when Vox sniffed, and his head craned to one side unnaturally. Curious. 
Vox had barely gotten his jacket smoothed out, gaze flicking back to Alastor - only to find the other’s face mere inches from his own. He flinched, feeling heat creep up along his neck as he rose a brow, tentatively inching back. “Is… something else wrong?”
After far too long of a beat, the pinstriped demon snapped back into his place on the sidewalk, giving another curious hum. “Nothing at all, dear. Now! Enough dawdling - shall we get a move on? Rolling stones and such!” Without waiting for an answer, Alastor began walking down the pavement, and Vox blinked before following after him.
'He’s being extra weird today. Wonder why?' Although Vox had long since given up on making sense of Alastor’s every behavior. He’d go absolutely insane to even try. The guy… sinner… demon was nothing short of a fucking enigma, someone most insisted was to be feared and meant to stay FAR FUCKING AWAY from. Maybe Vox was foolish to still consider him good company, but it wasn’t as though he had other sinners breaking down his door to befriend him, let alone ones he actually found himself sharing common interests with. 
Plus… the guy was charming, when he wasn’t being wholly off-putting. And even then, Vox didn’t really mind that side of him. He was just quirky. 
As they walked and made conversation, Vox found his throat going from scratchy to genuinely sore and aching. He was clearing it more often, and trying not to be off-put by the odd, static distorted quality it would get every now and again. Alastor for his part seemed to be indifferent - thank goodness - but Vox felt a small mound of worry forming in his gut. Not for his throat, but something else was… well, no other way to describe it but itching in the back of his head. Like a clothes tag itching at the back of your neck, except it was directly behind his eyes, insistent and growing steadily as they walked.
Eventually, Vox’s steps slowed, and he began to blink rapidly. 
Alastor matched his pace until they were both standing still, the radio demon looking both curious and… oddly expectant. 
Vox gave his head a trembling shake, the feeling seeming to pulse before climbing higher.
“Hahh…?” The inhale swept through his lungs, causing them to seize up as his chest rose and fell unsteadily. His screen flickered as he continued to pant unevenly, a hand raising to mid-chest. Wait, this was all oddly familiar: the gasping, the build up, this itch... was he going to…? He hadn’t even noticed Alastor taking a precautionary step back before–
His head snapped forward, and Vox barely - just barely stopped the rest of his body from joining it in tumbling down. The raised hand held onto the top of his head in an attempt at steadying it, and he managed to right himself with a huge gasp. 
“Fucking shit–!!” He exclaimed, chest muscles heaving from the absolute workout straightening back up. He blinked again, before wincing and gripping the side of his head with a groan. “Fuck, fuck my head...” 
“Well, well!” Alastor tittered, clapping his hands together a few times, “Quite the performance, my good man! Quite the show!” Giddiness radiated from him, a stark contrast to the pained misery staining Vox’s features. 
“Nghh… did I just… sneeze?” It felt far more arduous than Vox recalled it *ever* being when he was alive. Then again, he’d never had to sneeze while trying to keep himself from falling on his ass. This really was Hell, wasn’t it?
“That’s the the term most would use, yes! Not quite used to it with your new hardware, eh?” Vox winced at the tap of Alastor’s staff against his head. 
“No, I’m not. Fuck, that was awful… snf!” He raised a finger to scrub against the middle of his face, and Alastor laughed gleefully when his companion realized he didn’t have a nose to actually rub. “... you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Oh, most assuredly, my dear!” His smile didn’t falter once when Vox began to pout, “Now don’t give me that look, it’s all in good fun!” 
Despite his insistence, Vox rolled his eyes. “I don’t see what’s so ‘fun’ about feeling like absolute shit.” Maybe if it was some other sucker sure, but it wasn’t.
“So you are feeling unwell!” Alastor interrupted his thoughts, then clasped his hands together in delight, “Oh, I’d hoped that was the case!” 
“Wait, what?”
Now it was Alastor’s turn to roll his eyes. He stepped closer to Vox, lifting the bottom of his head with his staff. “Tell me, dear - does your throat ache? Do you feel a bit warmer than usual? Perhaps a little… fuzzy in the head?” 
Vox made a slight face. “How… did you know all of that?” He hated when Alastor would do this - toy with him instead of just getting right to the point. He was already feeling like garbage, what was the point of making him think when– wait…
“Ah, the cogs seeme to be turning now, yes?” Alastor’s grin was almost too eager. Vox shuffled back a bit, rubbing the side of his head as he tried to process the conclusion he’d come to. 
“Wait, I… I can get sick? In Hell? That’s a thing?!” 
“Oh, you just make this better and better, truly!” Alastor grinned gleefully, completely ignoring the panic radiating off of Vox. “But yes, you can fall ill in Hell, of all places. I assumed you knew that–”
“HOW would I have ever known that? it’s fucking news to me!”
“Well obviously,” The way Alastor rolled his eyes was enough to potentially give Vox an ulcer. Was he capable of having those, too? Why didn’t he put the pieces of still being biologically able to fall ill together sooner?! Or better yet - why hadn’t Alastor told him, since he seemed to be so fucking knowledgeable on the subject! However it seemed that his flaring irritation would have to take a momentary backseat - that awful sensation was back, almost worse than before, and a shudder rippled along Vox’s spine before it grew uncomfortably stiff. “Hahh… hhh…?” His screen flickered with static as his breathing continued to waver, a hand rising in more impulse than actual desire to cover his mouth. Even through his fluttering lids, he could feel Alastor watching him, eager and yet patient. As if this entire situation wasn’t confounding enough, embarrassing enough, the person he least wanted to be present now had a front row seat. Take a picture, it’ll last longer nestled just on the tip of his tongue, but another sharp inhale reminded him that talking likely wasn’t the smartest option. Not while his head still felt like it was full of fuzzy, restless static–
“ehh-hahH! EA’KTTSCHHHUE!” 
Though not as large as his initial sneeze, it still sent him staggering forward harshly. His screen was almost parallel with his hips in the process, and when he righted, it felt as if rising from being submerged in water for too long. His head, his neck, his core - everything ached, all from a sneeze. He didn’t bother masking a groan. 
“Fuck…” Although his discomfort might as well have meant jack-shit when countered with Alastor’s reaction. The bastard was laughing, as if seeing Vox nearly topple over from a sneeze was just about the funniest damned thing he’d seen in decades. Vox’s temple throbbed painfully as he glared at the Radio Demon, who was dabbing at the edges of his eyes with one corner of a handkerchief. 
“Oh goodness me - you certainly don’t do anything by halves, do you?” 
“You act like I did that on purpose.” Vox countered with a roll of his eyes, sniffling which… if he didn’t have a nose or sinuses, shouldn’t have been an action he could carry out. But there were multiple facets of Hell that technically didn’t make sense. Apparently this was just one among the hundreds of others. 
Alastor didn’t offer much in the way of a response. If anything, he was eerily silent, but his gaze penetrated Vox straight through to his damned soul. Vox felt warmth creep up along his neck. 
“If you’re waiting for it to happen again, you’re shit outta luck.”
Though he said it with confidence, he was internally dreading the moment another sneeze would grab hold of him. Alastor simply shrugged, but his gaze still held that air of anticipation. 
“Suit yourself. It’s certainly no skin off my nose.” His smile widened a fraction when Vox growled under his breath. 
Cyan-tipped fingers scrubbed along the surface of his screen, a bit harsher than was necessary. The irritation wasn’t as strong as before, but it lingered just out of his reach; strong enough to make it’s presence known, but not enough to trigger another sneeze. 
By the time he’d grown tired of uselessly assaulting his own face, Alastor was already a good couple of steps ahead of him. Apparently he’d grown tired of waiting for the ‘show’ to continue.
Shoulders sagging with another liquid-tinged sniffle, Vox reluctantly broke into a jog in order to catch up with him. 
Yeah. Today was definitely going to be… entertaining. 
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
hello there!! I hope you're doing well!!
I just wanted to say, I was rewatching episode one and prans mom's reaction to finding out he met pat again reallllyyy made me think that she has no idea that pran likes him. I know the most popular theory is that she somehow found out and separated them but idk I just feel like she just thinks of him as a bad influence?? and someone who always bothers her son... I think her reaction would have been to focus more on pran if she thought he liked pat but it wasn't like that at all.
what do you think about this?? sorry If i wasn't able to make it clear what I'm saying..
you are incredibly clear, dearest anon, and i do agree with you to a certain extent!
she reacts the most when pran starts talking about fighting:
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and if we take everything she does at face value, then i think it makes complete sense for her to project pat's father onto him (and they clearly have a history, whatever it is) and simply think that he is just the same and therefore a terrible influence on pran. we could even explain the transfer this way - she thinks pat is so terrible that she doesn't want him anywhere near her son. which is a very valid possibility, and i see no reason why this interpretation could be incorrect.
however, as a [whatever the opposite of proud is] child of my very own personal manipulative and narcissistic mother, one thing that they really love to do is pretend like something they don't like simply... didn't happen. and it doesn't even mean that they initially had no reaction - sometimes, they have a HUGE reaction to something you've said or done that they absolutely hate, but then - especially when they are successful at getting rid of that thing - they do an every day grand performance of "that simply never happened". and as they do consider themselves the smartest fucking people on planet earth, they also always think that they succeeded in getting rid of that thing, and that is why they are so comfortable pretending like it never happened in the first place - to not touch an old wound they think they stitched together so seamlessly. so this could very well be what pran's mother is doing here. she hated the idea of pran liking pat, she thought she "fixed" the situation by transferring him, and now she is pretending that she is bothered by something entirely different because there is this weird battle going on in her head of "you are so fucking good at this that he could never like him again" and the deeper and more objective "oh fuck, that situation might be resurfacing again", and she is therefore trying to keep pran away from pat in a way that indicates no relation to the previous situation, but that is still supposed to ultimately succeed in keeping him away.
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selinakidreams · 3 years
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hello hello hello ! this is my comfort piece for @doinmybesthere ‘s mental health awareness month collab! and I’d just like to say a huge thank you to emme for creating such a wonderful collab and thank you for letting me be apart of it.
paring: kirishima eijirou (I’m talking 7ft big strongman vibes) x empathic quirk f!reader (established relationship)
word count: 3.7k +
genre: hurt/comfort + fluff
warnings: mentions of anxiety & toxic friendships, instigating with means to harm- please let me know if I missed anything!!
a/n: this I think,, was the best way to approach what has tormented me for years. it was a reoccurring thing for me but I never handled it properly, and just this year, someone important taught me that I deserve more than what I’ve been putting myself through. so here it is! I also think that once my schedule clears up, I’m gonna make a sister piece to this but idk !! let me know if you guys would be interested in that!
++ the absolute biggest thank you to my betas/flow checkers @doinmybesthere @lady-bakuhoe @keishinslove BIG kith
pss. the first person who can guess my love language based off this fic wins a prize
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Turning other’s confidence to despair, gloating to fear, persistence to tiredness, motivation into loss- but all you felt was drained. The overuse of your quirk left your head feeling full of cotton; Your chest heaving and vision slightly blurry. 
You arrived late to the fight because what started as a relaxing day off quickly turned into a rush to get to the streets. Thankfully Red Riot had been on the scene, waist-deep and stalling a full-fledged fight between two combat villains until backup came. 
His tired eyes met yours and you flashed him a hopeful smile until witnessing the villain get a short-termed upper hand. They landed a solid punch, which caused you to feel not only the repercussions of the shock-inducing impact but your building guilt of being a distraction.
Years of training reminded you not to let it get to your head, your hero instincts kicking in after emotionally experiencing that strike. Heart pumping with adrenaline, you began to focus your heart and mind, simultaneously tuning into what those around you were feeling, never forgetting to keep your eyes wide and alert. 
Confidence, eagerness, perseverance, exhaustion, determination. 
Taking a breath as you ease into a rhythm, you kept your sights on the two people who were attacking the boulder of a hero and finally, a steady grasp.
Quirk at work, the familiar mental image of loose strings flowing in the wind appeared, and you grabbed a hold of them, symbolizing that you had caught hold of their feelings and wasted no time on bending and contorting to your will. You watched as their actions became slower and less motivated, making it easier for Kirishima to handle. He must have realized what was happening, a new surge of elation pumped through him as he began to knock both of the villains down a peg. 
Seeing him fight had always been such a marvel to watch; it was so easy to be mesmerized by the sheer enthusiasm he had while trying to keep the balance and execute justice. Kirishima Eijirou was a hero in all senses of the word- and not just any hero, your hero- as cheesy as it sounded.
Secured under his weight and possibly unconscious, Red Riot looked around, a bit disheveled, until his gaze found yours. Expecting to be met with the warm sincere smile that always made your heart flutter, your heart sunk when you saw his eyes turn wide and frantic as he called out your hero name. 
On top of feeling a bit dizzy from honing into those particular subjects and manipulating two people at once, a wave of distress washed over you, adding to the unfavorable aftermath of pushing your quirk. 
You were quick to whip around, finding another villain was closing in closer than expected. You dropped all previous controls and focused solely on the person in front of you. 
“You had gotten better since the last time I saw you,” they sneered as they attempted to land a hard-hitting kick to your stomach. 
Missing by a hair, you pushed past the dreariness in your head and went straight into a defensive position.
The close-cut dodge wasn’t the only thing to throw you off; now you had realized why Kirishima looked at you like that; your traumatic past, the one you had divulged to him in the safety of your home, warbling with tears streaking your cheeks, was coming back to roughhouse with the intent of ending in a knockout. 
Fear twisted into gut-wrenching anxiety; the plummeting feeling hit the bottom of your stomach with a harsh thud.
In front of you stood the unmistakable frame of someone you had considered to be one of your closest friends for a time; someone that seemed so natural to be with, someone you divulged secrets and shared smiles with, someone that had made it seem like separation was not an option- now turned villain, sporting a suited evil smirk smeared on their face. 
It was hard not to let the tears collect on your waterline, thinking about the whirlwind of your relationship as your gaze met theirs for the first time in years. Months and months of triggered breakdowns, cold sweats from various nightmares, and countless tears have been shed as time progressed, the sinking feeling of long-lost fear that they had put you through now showing its ugly head; the thought you had convinced yourself for so long- that you ended up not even being worth their time starting to resurface. 
It had been hard to learn the lessons that were dealt and see the mistakes made on both parts- not just yours, to pick up all the shattered expectations of what a true friendship is, but you had. Now you were able to sort through the wrong sorts and had gotten emotionally and mentally stronger because of it; in many ways, the ending of the friendship helped you realize that there were ways you deserved to be treated, and like shit wasn’t one of them.
However, it almost seemed like all the progress you had made swirled down the drain now that they were in front of you. It was like you were experiencing the heartbreak of them ending the friendship all over again.
“Awww! The poor little hero is still heartbroken after I left her?” their tone patronizing as they jutted out their bottom lip to form an exaggerated pout. “Look at you! I can practically see the desperation on your face- desperate for me to come back? You’ve always been so fucking clingy. But you know, the news has you pinned as like... some kind of saint… no, no. You’re nothing but a selfish attention whore playing the good guy... so I just wanted to stop by and remind you of the truth.” they sneered, really aiming to trigger your trauma. 
You had opened up to them about all your fears; from the smallest to the all-consuming ones, so for them to be targeting you like this… they must have thought that you haven’t changed- and you fucking have. You worked damn hard to do so; You’ve grown and have started appreciating yourself more, started loving yourself more, started working on yourself more. The villain was only targeting your past worries, keyword, past.
Regardless, you were already feeling too much as is and the best thing you could do for yourself right now was to control yourself. 
The urge to take it personally was beyond tempting- to make them suffer as they had done to you, to watch them break right in front of you… But there was a specific way to handle this situation, one you’ve envisioned more than enough, the perfect high route. 
Quickly looking back to see how Kirishima was fairing, you were met with the rock hero in the process of cuffing the other two offenders, allowing you to feel a rush of relief. You turned around and mentally centered yourself. The convict seemed to put together what you were about to do, so without hesitation, they began charging only a second too late.
Taking a breath, the perfect feeling to muddle their prideful feeling down surged through you as you carefully knotted their violent stings together.
It was the feeling you faced when all was said and done after, the outcome you faced after you had gone through confronting all of the trauma that was built up by this person. 
All you felt was emptiness. 
When it hit them, you saw it in their eyes as they stopped in their tracks. No smugness, no pride, no cowardness. Nothing to egg them on and yet nothing to make them feel terrible. Blank. 
Before confusion slithered its way to their consciousness, you took the opportunity and roundhoused them- your efficient ankle sweep knocking their head to the floor, deeming them unconscious.
Crouching to the floor next to their body, you made sure they were breathing before cuffing them and standing back up, turning around you double-check on the scene behind you.
The police furthest from you were tucking the Red Riot’s villains in their cars while the others jogging towards you kept their eyes on the limp body behind you, Kirishima in tow. He looked incredibly tired but couldn’t seem to keep the smile off his face. He felt proud.
A weak smile graces your lips as you try to take a step, only to see your vision blur.
The last thing you saw was the panicked look in his eyes as his pace quickened to a run in attempts to catch you. You faded out to the sound of an urgent call of your actual name before your body hit the ground with a thud. 
The next few hours came in slow-paced blinks. 
The first time you opened your eyes post-fight, your body felt heavy… but you were moving. It didn’t take long to realize that you were being carried by the muscular arms that you wake up to every morning. Slowly peeling your eyes open, the sight of his signature spikey red hair reminded you that what had just happened. Your boyfriend, the one who was on the scene with you, had witnessed you overcome one of the people that truly had left damage on you. He wasn’t looking at you, but staring straight ahead; by the way, his fingers curled around your bicep and thighs, it had been tough for him to watch everything that had gone down. 
You tried to call out his name, but it sounded stifled, sounding more like a broken whisper than anything. After another try, he seemed to have heard you, his ears perking up even though all the commotion- or maybe it was just ironic timing. When his red eyes caught the beaming smile you attempted to comfort him with, he tried to mimic it, only you could make out the way his bottom lip quiver. Your eyelids became unbearably heavy and for the second time, unconsciousness took its hold over you.
The next time your eyes peeled open, you were being inspected by the all-to-familiar medical team. The inside of the ambulance was much brighter than it was outside, fluorescent lighting causing you to squint. Unnamable hands were touching your head and pulse points. When they noticed your eyes open, they tried to keep you awake as long as possible, the first step was sitting you up on the gurney. The first person you made eye contact with was your designated nurse- the one with the most comforting presence, was that part of her quirk? 
With a kind smile and knowing eyes, she jerked her head in the direction of the person she knew was first to come to mind. Following the movement, your gaze landed on Kirishima, who was standing off to the side and chewing on his nail, arms crossed against his chest. 
Had he already got checked out? Was he okay? 
When he noticed you were staring, he mustered up a small smile and in return, you slightly lifted both your hands to do a loose wave in attempts to warm up his smile. It worked.
“Okay c’mon, you know how these checkups go- you can go be with your boyfriend once we know you’re okay.” your nurse teased, knowing full well that a serious approach wasn’t going to work with you being this drowsy. 
You merely nodded in response, head and eyelids still heavy.
 The rest of the examination went by speedily, you being awake making everything go ten times smoother. After everything was checked and you were clear to go home, the nurses moved to talk to Kirishima as you moved to the edge of the ambulance, waiting for them to finish. 
“I’m so lucky that you’re not only my hero but also a registered caregiver. Well actually… both are pretty super...” You mumbled, trailing off with a lazy smile, lids finally starting to accept the losing battle of staying open. 
“Nooo, you’re lucky that it’s the overuse of your quirk that’s keeping you out of the hospital and not fatal injuries. It’s not manly to push yourself too hard.” he quipped back in a light playful tone; He didn’t miss how hard you were fighting to stay awake. “Baby, can you make it to the car or do you want me to carry you?” 
It was moments like this where you appreciated how comfortable Kirishima made you feel in your relationship; feeling no shame when you revert to a clingy pile of mush. Reaching out, you let your eyes close as you mimic grabby hands to your enormous boyfriend. 
You hear him sigh as he kneels in front of you, opening your eyes in time to catch his broad back muscles shifting, “c’mon love, you need to help me with this bit.”
You clumsily climb on his back and loosely wrap your arms around his neck, standing up with ease. He quickly adjusts you against him to get a better hold on your thighs. Once he begins walking, you let yourself subside back into unconsciousness.
You were jolted awake when you felt yourself falling, only for your behind to hit a familiar cushiony surface. Oh right, the car. Before you could fade out once again, you heard Kirishima say something about going to grab the paperwork so the both of you can file your reports later when you wake up. The last thought you were able to think was something along the lines of how incredibly lucky you were to have someone love you so deeply.
Waking up to the view of the city lights twinkling below your balcony and the energy of a healthy 8 hours of sleep, you stretch the rest of the drowsiness out of your body till you feel ready to accept the hefty amount of paperwork that’s waiting for you in the other room. 
The only light that illuminated your bedroom was the reflection of the living room lights on the hallway floors. Before getting up, you spared a glance at your nightstand, seeing a glass of water with a note underneath, as predicted; this happened more often than not after a battle. You reach out and take the glass in hand and take a steady sip before letting in more and more water, then reading the messy little note:
 in the livingroom <3 
You smiled at the little doodle he drew- two characters that seem a lot like the two of you, kissing, with a sparkly heart over their heads.
The need to recreate this drawing was growing at an incredible speed.
With newfound determination, you push yourself up from the bed and shuffle to the living room, squinting when the light becomes a little too harsh against your eyes.
Eyes fully closed when you get to the center of the living room, purposely facing the wrong way and trying to suppress a giggle, you try to use the most monotone voice you could muster.
“Kiri - where are you I can’t see.” 
“Your eyes are closed- babe, open your eyes.” 
“No it’s too bright but I saw this cute drawing on the nightstand done by this really talented artist and I must recreate it please recreate it with me.”
You heard a bit of shuffling before his voice came close to your left side.
“Was it a pretty manly drawing?” 
“I would like to think so.”
He was much closer at this point, shifted to somewhere close in front of you right before warm lips were on yours; as quick as the peck came, it was gone in a flash followed by the sound of him plopping down on the couch.
“Wait Eijirou-” you start to pout as you turn in the direction where the couch is, eyes now fully open and set on Kirishima until the shock of pain shot through your nerve endings. 
“Ah, shit! Fuck!…” you wince, lifting your leg to hug your newly stubbed toe.
Kirishima is back by your side in an instant, really trying to suppress his laugh but doing a terrible job.
“You’re such a jerk for laughing,” you pout, giving your best attempt of a proper shove… and he didn’t even budge. 
There was a moment of complete silence then the booming of your boyfriend’s boisterous laughs bouncing off the walls. Rolling your eyes, you limped over to the spot on the couch where he was previously sitting, and as the cushion beside you dips, you sigh. 
The sight in front of you was a disheveled mess. Scribbled on papers were thrown about- most were filled out but there were a few that were blank, pens and highlighters could be spotted under and over random reports.
“I did most of the reports… but I didn’t know if you wanted to fill out yours… because of who you were fighting.” he slowly stated, as if he were walking on eggshells. You could tell that he was holding back from hitting the main issue. 
Was this something you were ready to unbiasedly talk about? Kirishima knew most of the details, but he also realized that you probably wanted to talk about it more now that you’ve not only seen them after all this time but had to fight them. 
With another sigh, you let your head fall into your palms- your elbows digging into your thighs- and you roughly rub your eyes before coming up for a new breath of air. 
“My heart was pounding…” you started, attempting to prepare for the unwanted wave of grief, but as you trailed off, oddly enough, it never came. 
When reflecting on the fight, you remembered the range of emotions you felt, but now… you just felt… empty- which was ironic. No sadness, longing, anxiety… if anything, with your caring redhead staring at you with the roundest eyes, you felt at ease. 
“But honestly? I don’t really feel much right now. Like I can say that when looking back, I think I handled myself in the best way possible- they don’t deserve to have that satisfaction of creating a rise out of me, and quite frankly… I’m tired, Ei. I’m so tired of letting them have that hold on me. I don’t deserve that kind of pain. As much as I am a hero, I need to think about myself as a person and there’s only so much I can endure. My mental and emotional health comes first.” 
After saying all of that, there was a slight hint of relief that flooded your system; you already began to feel lighter.
“I’m so proud of you. I know that must have been really hard to face but you did it, and you were so good about it,” he whispered as he reached out for your thigh. 
Accepting his comfort, you sucked in another breath and smiled up at him. He held and returned your smile for a couple of seconds before slightly leaning in, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. 
“Would it be alright if I.. kiss you?” it was such a heart-warming gesture, how he was making sure you weren’t pushing yourself. 
“More than alright,” you whisper, barely getting out the last word because of how quickly the gap between you two closed. The kiss was comfort in the rawest form; his pace was slow, his large hand cupping your jaw as his tongue invaded your mouth. You were following his pace, your eyes coming to a close, melting into a relaxed state for what seemed like the first time today. 
Keeping the kiss light, he pulled away shortly, but not before placing a lingering peck on your lips, then one on your forehead and whispering, “I made you a snack. You’re probably hungry right now so I prepared you a little something filling. And while you eat, I’m gonna run a bath with some Epsom salt and lavender oil, does that sound good?” 
Overwhelming gratitude washed over you. Words couldn’t possibly measure even the bare minimum of the love you have for Kirishima Eijirou, and yet you managed to string a soft, “You are the most wonderful person in the world, and I… Eijirou I love you so much.” 
His eyes became a little teary as he looked down at you, a wobbly smile in place before whispering a returning “I love you,” before heading into the bathroom to run the water in your massive tub. 
As the thundering sound of the water filling the tub echo through your apartment, you get up and rummage the fridge to find a plate of adorably cut red apples with a glob of peanut butter off to the side. 
“Baby do you want tea?” You call out just loud enough, “I’m gonna brew that green tea with the toasted rice!” 
He came into the kitchen looking big and confused, “what did you say, baby?”
“Green tea?”
“Oh yes, please,” he said, leaning in and planting a kiss to your temple before turning back to the bathroom. 
“Kiri? Can you put on the house shows on the tv? I forgot what channel they were on.”
You didn’t need to turn around to hear tv turn on; a shout of thanks was called out before you took a bite of your snack.
It felt all very domestic, something you never thought could happen to you. Your childhood was a montage of quirk abuse, being emotionally used, following the same types of toxic people, and never learning your lesson. It all flipped somewhere in your twenties- you began to realize the pattern after being shown the kindness the world could offer. No longer world you put up with bullshit like that. You knew better now and Eijirou always reminded you of that. 
You were halfway through one of your favorite flipping shows when Kirishima came in shirtless, letting you know the bath was ready, “Okay my love, it’s ready. Take your time, I‘ll be in the tub.”
You stripped on your way to the bathroom, leaving all your clothes on the bench in the bedroom before padding into the warm-tiled bathroom.
The view you stepped in on was delicious; your huge boyfriend taking up most of the tub, his head tilted back against the wall, eyes closed.
“Gee red, you’re so sexy.” you aimed to tease, but your words came out a bit strained. He chuckles before turning to face you and groaning your name, “hurry up and come in here.”
And it’s then when you’re submerged in all the heat and laying against your boyfriend’s warmth, do you remember that life is what you make it to be. Never accept anything less than the love and care you deserve.
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thatabitcryptic · 4 years
How do you think fidds and fords relationship developed over the years? Like from college to marriage(May and Fidds) to portal partners to enemys to lovers etc. I have my own headcanons but I want to know what you think!
O o o o o o o ok I am a sap so uhh here we go
So during college I don’t really think they had an established romantic relationship,, I personally like to think it started out with ford disliking fidds with. A. Passion.
He’s stuck in the worst University, in the worst dormitory, with the worst roommate.
Fiddleford played banjo almost every night which distracted him from his study. He was loud and rowdy, trying to make conversation when ford was clearly busy and not interested. He was just a southern hick who didn’t take lessons seriously and in Ford’s opinion was wasting his time here.
Until... (please forgive me idk how American schooling works let alone college lmao) end of term exams (I feel like their called finals?? I haven’t a clue tbh) ford starts to push himself harder and harder in class because he can’t fail he can’t he has to prove he’s not just some freak no one wants but he can’t do it he can’t focus it’s all too much he’s going to fail. Everything’s all wrong. He’s missing Stan something.
Fidds sees him struggling to study. Ford’s restless in his chair, grumbling to himself, wiping his tears eyes and he’s standing up and pacing. So fidds, the kind soul that he is, asks what’s wrong to only be met with ford leaning in close and yelling at him about how it’s all his fault he’s failing with his ‘hick southern quirks’ keeping him from concentrating. I hc fidds to be very sensitive about his accent and upbringing when he was younger so this is a heavy blow. Ford sees his face shift from confusion to anger to anxiety and he feels terrible. Uh yeah next he breaks down into fidds’ chest soaking his shirt and just repeating how sorry he is.
Fiddleford comforts him and immediately forgives him bc he is clearly remorseful and tbh fidds just be like that. After ford calms down he starts freaking out again because he’s got exams coming up and he’s not going to do very well. So fiddy boy offers to help but ford is doubtful... and fidds can see it on his face. So he goes and grabs a little knickknack he had been working on (idk what it is but it’s very impressive to ford)
Fidds help him pass all his classes with flying colours. This is when ford realises that he’s gay. However my guy has some internalised homophobia.
Anyway now that they are on better terms they start to hang out and goof around as college buddy’s. If ford gets stressed fidds notices and rests a hand on his shoulder. Ford is very not straight. Also it’s canon that they stay up late and talk about the future which is sweet so that happens.
Okay so college kinda goes like that nothing explicit but lots of pining (hehe) from both sides - fidds is also a flustered mess but ford is blind to it bc there’s no way he would like me back but I’m not gay so it does matter ahaha (ford has lots of emotions)
So fidds’ marriage uhhhh I don’t really have anything positive to say here except for tate so idk
Emma-may. I don’t think she’s all too great considering she left fidds when he needed her most. Also I do think fidds was attracted too her at some point but I don’t think he was ever in love with her. He just got married and had Tate because that’s what you did back then, got married settled down and had kids.
(Oh to set it in the timeline this would be after college when ford was researching gravity falls alone - so the invitation to be the best man at the wedding was heart breaking for him bc he had no clue who this Emma-may was and he felt more alone than he ever had since Stan was kicked out.)
Next portal era!!
Ford doesn’t want to drag fidds away from his family but he needs his help. Ruh roh his feelings resurface and just a heck of a lot of pining.
Fidds and may are going through a rough patch (uhhhh she’s cheating oof) so he is super excited to see ford, to sort of get away for a bit - I like to think they filed for a divorce right before Ford’s call.
Again ford and fidds’ relationship doesn’t become offical but they are both yearning SO MUCH. Oh what Fidds is designing the bunker? oh what he can only fit one bed down there?? Welp Ford’s fine with that bc he’s not gay,, it’s not gay to blush when you homie puts his head on your hair. (Lots of ford waking up to being hugged and he’s fine with that bc ...they’re just friends)
Also fidds is like sad bc his marriage failed so ford is awkwardly trying to cheer him up while also seeing an opening but he represses that’s bc it’s insensitive and he’s totally straight .
Canon blah blah blah
(also may stinks bc even tho you are getting divorced you don't give up on someone who’s going through a huge storm,, especially if he’s the father of your son but idk that’s just my thoughts)
Now 30yrs later. Ford and fidds get together and finally get married :D I have too many ideas about how this could happen so idk but is very fluffy and soft
Okay ahahaha those are my thoughts and I have more small details about them during the portal era I didn’t put in because this is already VERY l o n g.
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2020 Masterlist
Here’s a list of all the fics I’ve posted this year! (Listed by category, then chronologically:)
Link to my ao3 where you can read all of these: embarrassingresultofmyfreetime
Currents wips:
And They Were Quarantine Mates
An old disease has resurfaced on Earth- one which most humans recover from but is permanently lethal to Time Lords.
Because of this, the Doctor stays on Earth to make sure her humans make it through okay.
And because of the Doctor, the Master- against his better judgement- also chooses to stay.
Reluctant to leave the safety of the Doctor's Tardis, the Doctor and the Master find plenty of ways to pass the time but it can be difficult to enjoy each other's company with so many things left unsaid.
Good thing they have plenty of time in isolation to work it out.
Word Count: Currently 88,172
Spyfall: Battle For Humanity
This is a little number I like to call: Roleswap AU with Dhawan!Doctor and Whittaker!Master
It's sort of a rewrite of Spyfall p2 but it's better.
Word Count: Currently 5,688 (will be about 12k when finished)
Main fics (completed):
Please Tell Me Why Do We Worry
Summary: After learning about the final loss of Gallifrey, the Doctor takes some time to grieve and finds herself with surprisingly mixed feelings about the whole ordeal.
To her surprise, a knock at her Tardis door soon reveals the Master not only alive, but in uncontrollable mental agony as he reveals that the Doctor's suffering has been amplifying his own emotions via their telepathic bond.
Note: (After so many kind and positive comments on this fic, I finally gained the confidence to start posting more! A huge thank you to so many people it means so, so much to me!)
Word Count: 5,068
Second Chances
When Graham finds a teleportation cube offering an all-expenses-paid vacation, he, Ryan, and Yaz take up the offer and give the seemingly-distant Doctor some time to herself.
After the events of Skyfall 1&2, the trust between the trio and a certain timelord is shaken. However, when their vacation quickly becomes a nightmare, it's up to the Doctor to bring about peace on an upsettingly familiar planet.
Note: (A rewrite/fix it of S11 episode Orphan 55)
Word Count: 7,130
All’s Fair In Love And War
Having escaped alive and alone, the Master dwells on his failure and uncertainty at what to do next.
Purely by accident, he runs into a version of the Doctor he's never met before and she gives him a much needed perspective on their relationship.
Word Count: 4,653
Truth and Reconciliation
“I... I destroyed a lot of things, but not this... trove of secrets. This is what started it all.”
Missing Scene where the Master goes to Gallifrey and discovers the truth of the timeless child for the first time + alternate ending to The Timeless Children episode
Word Count: 7,563
The Doctor Finally Gets Some Rest
(Ch2 update Missy pov)
The Doctor promised to guard Missy for 1000 years, but Missy doesn't mind returning the favor.
Word Count: 5,671
I Wouldn’t Wish It On My Best Enemy
"Just deserts appeared to finally be served for the Doctor. All her running had come to an end, all the lives she's taken or caused had finally been assigned a numerical value, and all the morals she had once believed in seemed to crumble to dust right before her eyes.
A life sentence.
She had JUST BEEN TOLD she would never die, and the first thing the universe does is give her a life sentence.
What kind of cruel joke is that?"
Basically: The Doctor reflects on herself while in prison, the Master rescues the Doctor and actually helps her, and idk read the tags
Word Count: 4,629
Brand New Reality
In an alternate timeline: The Master is killed in the Time War but the Doctor finds a way to salvage his oldest friend's mind by binding it to his Tardis and building him an android vessel as a way to interact with the physical world.
The Doctor also manages to save the Time Lords from their war- but he is still a renegade in their eyes. As punishment, the High Council uses the Doctor- and by extension the Master- as their personal diplomats/field agents.
The Master isn't too happy about being trapped on the Doctor's Tardis, the Doctor is fed up with being the equivalent of a dog on a leash to the Time Lords, so in a moment of anger and also pure luck- they break out from their world and end up on a parallel one with a very different version of their universe and very different versions of themselves.
(Shalka!Universe Doctor and Master meet their modern counterparts- the Thirteenth Doctor and Dhawan!Master)
Word Count: 10,148
The Imposter(s) Among Us
The Doctor has been searching the universe for the Master, but it's only when she takes a break to help a damaged space vessel that she runs directly into him!
The Doctor has a hundred and one things to ask him, but there's no time for any of that now. The ship is barely functional and if the mysterious murderer doesn't get to the Doctor first, then the trigger-happy crewmates might throw her out the airlock before the killer gets a chance.
Word Count: 12,655
My Dear, Doctor…
The Doctor investigates an anomaly to find that her previous self has stood up their oldest friend for the umpteenth time.
Confused as to why the Doctor can't recall ever receiving Missy's invitation in the first place, the Doctor goes searching for answers and ends up finding far more letters than just one…
Word Count: 6,657
And They Were Happy Au Parts 1-4:
Part 1: Dinner and a Show
All his lives, the Master had always believed that he and the Doctor could hold on for about the same amount of time. He always imagined that when they reached their last lives, they would both give all this up and spend their retirement years bickering and raising bees or whatever. The Master didn't particularly like bees, but he had always imagined that the Doctor did and as long as they were together, that was enough to satisfy him.
What he had discovered in the Matrix had proved his ideal endgame impossible.
The revelation that the Doctor was The Timeless Child meant that the Doctor would always live on. They would always evolve and survive no matter what happened. The Doctor would always race to people in need; and now, they would never have any reason to stop.
(AU where the reason the Master wanted the Doctor to kill them both in The Timeless Child is bc he's on his last life)
Word Count: 5,120
Part 2: Dinner and a Show One-Offs
"The Doctor did her best to space out her visits with O. For every couple adventures she had with her 'fam', she would stop by his home once or so. Sometimes she let months slip by, because she knew that the longer she waited, the less of O's limited time she used up.
She felt guilty to calculate it, but if O was already in his mid-thirties and he lived a full human life...
Suffice it to say, she wanted it to last for as long as possible. She had never had a situation as stable nor as safe as she now had with O. After everything they had both been through to get to this point, she refused to jeopardize a single moment.
For all the pain the Master had caused her, O was well worth the wait."
(By popular demand, a continuation of 'Dinner and a Show')
Word Count: 10,926
Part 3: Unjustifiable
O- having no recollection of his actions as 'The Master'- returns to being Earth's Horizon Watcher.
O is proud of his work and he cherishes the Doctor's frequent visits, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that she's been keeping more secrets about his past than he had theorized.
To make matters worse, the arrival of an advanced species of aliens on his doorstep brings with it a whole new plethora of problems. Something terrifying resurfaces when O hears they're searching for a Tardis and things go terribly wrong.
Word Count: 23,870
Part 4: Found Family
The Master finally gets around to seeing the universe in a more peaceful way and runs into a young woman looking for her father.
Word Count: 3,663 (Will possibly be updated at a later date, but complete for now)
Oneshots Inspired by others (specific inspiration in the beginning notes of each):
All Alone In The Dark
While heading back to Earth, the Doctor hears someone calling for her help.
She tracks it back to the Master- injured yet alive- and finds him trapped in his own head, reliving his last confrontation with The Time Lord Council before the destruction of Gallifrey.
Word Count: 1,926
You Again
The 10th Doctor and Missy each escape their last canon appearances believing that the other is dead for good.
So imagine their surprise when they run into each other at a party in the 1920's.
Word Count: 6,943
Sick Day
The Master has everything set up for his latest evil scheme but when he tracks down the Doctor, he realizes his best enemy is in no condition to fight. So the Master does what any good nemesis does and takes care of him.
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
Word Count: 2,807
Prompt: "Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge!" "Can I pick?"
The Master’s Tardis had traced the call seven minutes in advance to this exact time and location. He pushed open his Tardis door to find himself in front of some no name bar with graffiti scrawled on the side, situated in front of an empty ravine. He was on Earth, and there was probably a similarly ramshackled city around him, but he didn’t so much as spare it a glance.
The Master’s steps were determined, his jaw clenched, and his hands shaking despite his signature device in hand.
He had been on the other side of the universe, licking his wounds like any old villain would when disappointed by their latest nemesis showdown. It all made his blood boil to have caved so soon. To come back and HELP the Doctor.
The Doctor still had O’s number and her call was scheduled to be made in exactly seven minutes. A hysterical, agonizing call that begged the Master to intervene. He wasn’t sure what was worse, hearing the Doctor in so much despair, or the disappointment that hearing her in such agony somehow didn’t lessen his own.
Word Count: 2,410
The Beginning and The End
Prompt: First Doctor, Dhawan!Master, Gallifrey, and the dialogue: "I know my words mean close to nothing for you. But I do, in fact, love you very much."
Basically Theta (Academy Era Doctor) accidentally runs into the Master on a burning Gallifrey
Word Count: 4,499
Kisses Like That
The Doctor's never understood why humans enjoy kissing so much- but a certain, somewhat familiar woman piques his interest.
(Missy goes back in time to give 10 a lil kiss)
Word Count: 1,885
Spyvember 2020
Collection of short fics I did inspired by Spyvember prompts (from Tumblr)
Word Count: 15,506 (6 separate chapters)
Thank you to everyone who has inspired me, commented on my work, read any of my writing, and overall has just supported me in any way this year!! Thank you for keeping me motivated and helping me improve as a writer!
My best wishes to you in the new year! <3
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anyataylorjoys · 4 years
Idk if you even answer this kind of stuff, so feel free to ignore this, but I must ask: if you had full creative control of the show, how would you run season 5 of Riverdale? You can pick and choose whatever leaks you want to include.
Questions like this just open discussion for controversy and annoying anonymous objections which I’m allergic to nowadays but lately I’ve been open-minded so I’ll bite. 
I’ll just make some bullet points here for the characters because I’m not a fic writer, alright.
For the core four relationships: Veronica needs to dump Archie. I want him to prove that he’s deserving of her. Betty needs to come clean to Jughead and he needs to break up with her because if he doesn’t, I personally don’t know if I’ll be able to let go of my animosity toward Betty. They all need to go their separate ways romantically BUT WAIT. Let’s say we do a time jump after 5A as likely planned because I like that idea. I want a reunion for Varchie eventually and some drawn out unspoken mutual pining for Bughead (with an inclusion of never-before-seen soft flashback moments) that will resurface their chemistry and lead to a moment similar to the end of 1x13, without interruption this time 👀 and without the ‘I love yous’. Let’s complicate things between them for a minute, because it’s spicy and I want angst to be bothered about, sue me.
Career wise, Veronica would make a fantastic lawyer OR should go to business school and should keep her rum business with Cheryl as a side hustle (they will hire people on to help run this business of course) and these CEO bitches will be swimming in profit. Betty will be the next Olivia Benson of her generation, the next Jennifer Jareau, with her man, Spencer Jughead Jones Reid. I’d love to see her and Veronica team up together in the future. This could be a huge opportunity for new character connections to be introduced this season. Archie should chase a boxing career. Jughead teaching an English class at Riverdale High is speculation, and that seems legit enough, and a way to get all the characters to return to Riverdale. But I want something else for him eventually down the road, like a journalist for a publication company? Or something I haven’t put much thought into their careers until this moment tbh other than Betty working for the FBI which she was born to do obviously, miss serial killer genes. The female Dexter. I’ve name-dropped too many other character references in this paragraph Nancy Drew meets Girl with the Dragon Tattoo<3
Cheryl and Toni should stay together and get engaged after the time jump because I can’t imagine anything different for them it wouldn’t make sense. 
Before the time jump, let’s get to know Charles better from a fly-on-the-wall perspective, so that the audience knows more of his business than the other characters. But also lets have him be an ally and not a villain; which I feel is the direction we’re heading. I want to take a deeper look into his relationship with Chic. I suspect the writers plan on doing this since they left it so open. And eventually I want Chic out of the picture because I hate him. Kill him off or whatever, sorry Hart x
If I ran this show, there would be more musical moments. No, not musical episodes. Scenes that actually allow the audience to have a heartfelt, sometimes nostalgic moment accompanied by background music. Such as at the end 1x04 when they played Waves by Dean Lewis. What happened to that vibe? In all of Riverdale’s stupidity and nonstop torture of our favorite characters, the viewers deserve some genuine feel-good moments as a treat.
As for the rest of the plot... lmao I really don’t know where they’re going with the videotapes but I’m preparing for wasted potential of a plotline and another disappointing conclusion. Can we just incorporate supernatural aspects into this show already god... I’ve said this before but watching Riverdale is like watching M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘The Village’ on repeat except they erase my memory every time it restarts I don’t even know why I’m here.
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taptroupe · 3 years
evergrace chapter 10 final part YAY I AM NOW FREE FROM SCHOOL FOREVER MAYBE
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A well trained body covered with armor.
Aside from red ornaments, entirely in black - and whatever clothes could be seen underneath, a grassy colour.
His hair couldn’t be seen underneath his helmet, but instead a rough face tanned by the sun. Brown eyes, with hidden strength reflected within.
And then, a huge scar across his cheek.
The counteroffensives of Morea.
this finally wraps up chapter 10. may the next chapters not take months to finish please oh god lmao. this finally brings the introduction of ralbadora, the assassin who killed darius’s parents, and then a heart to heart between darius and olsdflsfjl, and then.............. the moment before the final fight.
“You.... YOU!”
Bitter, painful memories came back to Darius’s mind upon seeing the man from his nightmares appear in front of him again.
He swung his sword, once, twice, three times, but the man would not retaliate. He retreated backwards, out of the room, but Darius leapt forward to strike.
“Darius, what are you doing?!”
Orlsjfldjf, still at the lever, dropped it and positioned himself behind Darius - grabbing his arms and pinning it behind his back.
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darius gets two wrestling moves performed on him this chapter LOLOLOL
“This man rushed to me and Medina’s safety! Without him, we wouldn’t even be alive right now!”
“I don’t care what he did! He’s the bastard that killed my parents!”
“Bastard?” (the word used here is 仇 , implying grudge, super hated enemy)
In a moment of confusion on ordsldrsj’s side, Darius shook free of his restraint. Both his sword and his words were pointed at the man with rage.
“It wasn’t just Sharline... You, you survived too!”
The counteroffensive of Morea shook his head.
“Darius of Solta, to you who bears the Crest. For killing your parents, though I desire to apologize, an apology would never make up for what I’ve done.
But, your father raised a knife to the neck of our Mother - and that is something we could not allow to happen.”
“The Billiana forest?! You’re telling me that those trees mean more than a person’s life?!”
“That’s right. For Billiana is the source of all life.”
“I’m tired of hearing that bullshit!”
“We wanted your father to change his mind, at least for your sake, but he would not listen to our words...”
Somehow, the man he held a grudge against all these years... Was far different from the image he had created in his head. Darius felt his anger dissipate, and what arose was confusion.
“But... Why... Why would you save the son of the man you killed? I... I don’t understand...”
“Our mother’s enemy was your father and your father only. But, what I had done to your mother... Was my grave error.”
(”omae no haha made te ni kakete shimatta koto” is kinda like “what i did by my hands concerning your mother” also implying it was a mistake. kinda vague but probably on purpose. they know what happened. it was axe)
“Then.... Then you should’ve just killed me back then, too!”
“.......We couldn’t. Our rules dictate that a Crestbearer must never face the edge of a blade. But, to leave you alive would leave you with nothing but pure hate. Yet at the same time, to kill you... Would result in punishment for myself.”
“I have committed a sin I must atone for. At that time, that girl who stood in front of me, and to the you that stands in front of me now, I will protect you both.”
“Sharline, too?”
“She sacrificed herself in place of my sin.
Darius, until that girl’s safety is guaranteed, this life of mine is yours to use as you see fit.”
“How do I know I can trust you?”
The man stepped in front of Darius. He raised the sword Darius held to his throat.
“My name is Ralbadora. I can only offer this oath and my life, with the Mother of All Things as witness. To Darius and Sharline, I promise to protect you both until this life of mine is extinguished.
Darius, my life is now in your hands. You may do what you wish.”
Ralbardora stared firmly at Darius with a long silence. From the (very stiff) back, Orladin lets go of Darius’s shoulder, to Medina raises her disapproval.
“My prince, what are you doing? Don’t tell me you’re not going to stop them, are you?”
“If it’s a sacred oath like that, there’s nothing that people like us can do.”
The blond haired youth took a step back and watched the two quiet men closely. Medina watched with a tight lip, but shook her head as words of incredulousness suddenly burst from her mouth.
“No... Killing each other isn’t.... Darius, don’t do it! If... Yes, if Sharline were here, she’d tell you to stop it too!”
The cold, frozen expression on Darius’s face (and probably body too) slowly disappeared. 
Turning into one of intensity. And as he clenched his teeth, he slowly...
Lowered his sword down.
“Ralbadora, until we reunite with Sharline, I’ll let you live. But if you even dare direct your sword at me, I WILL kill you without mercy.”
Ralbadora nodded.
“For that much I am already grateful. I swear on this oath to never forget it.”
As soon as the tension in the room slackened for a moment, Darius’s wounds came back to remind him of his battle, and let out a small grunt of pain. Orladin helped to keep him steady.
“These injuries will take some time to heal. Let’s rest here for a bit.”
“No, we can’t afford to rest here... It could be a trap, and I’m sure Morpheus already knows we’re here.”
“That could be true, but, your...” Orladin looks to Medina.
“...Is there any other weird contraptions up there?”
“Not really. Between the teleporter to the secret lab, and the stairway upwards, you shouldn’t get lost or anything...”
“Okay, then you should stay here.”
“Wait, but there’s just a little bit left...”
“No. [i don’t wanna translate this but i think orladin is implying in the nicest way that she’s a burden and could be easily used for any trap morpheus has lying around, which is mean and i wish medina would stay but that’s how the cookie crumbles. sigh]”
Medina looks to Darius and Ralbadora, who silently seem to agree with what Orladin said.
“...I understand. I’ll go back, then.”
“I will accompany you to the gondola.”
Said Ralbadora, who stood beside her. Medina gives a smile of appreciation, and goes with him. As her back shrinks into the distance, she suddenly stops and turns around.
“Prince Orladin, Darius... Do you think we can meet again?”
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Darius could only frown. Orladin nodded, and started to speak in a happier tone.
“We’ll do our best, so that we may hopefully do just that.”
Medina gave a faint smile, and soon she and Ralbadora disappeared from view.
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just kidding. we’ll see her later i won’t spoil anything more. but ;___; i’m happy this novel gave medina a better role than that of the game. i quite appreciate her, sickly yet determined. she really does have a life of her own. to you medina, who accompanied this whole chapter with intellect and kindness, who wanted to talk to your grandfather, who wished the safety of trandin and sharline.. know that you will have a happy ending. ....... well
As Medina’s profile disappeared, the smile on Orladin’s face disappeared. A sullen face resurfaced as he took a small pin from his leather bag on his belt. He handed a life elixir off to Darius, to which he finished in one breath. A warm strength returned to him, clearing away the pain of his injuries. Finally, he could breathe a long sigh of relief.
He gave a nod of thanks to olselfks, but noticed that he was frustrated - biting his lips, even.
“...Orladin, is there anything wrong? At all?”
“Just disgusted in myself.”
Sitting upon a pile of junk, he couldn’t help but punch [doesn’t say what but let’s say he punched himself LOL jk probably just punched his open hand]
jk it’s his open hand ya
“Why, why couldn’t we have stopped Morpheus before all this... We knew he was up to something, we should’ve known that, and if we took action, I wouldn’t have lost everything... If I hadn’t been wrapped up in myself, then... I’m just disgusted.”
“...You’re not a time traveller, Orladin. I don’t think normal people could’ve predicted something like this.”
Completely healed of his injuries, Darius sat down on the floor of the room, and [rubbed his right belt. i’m serious. i don’t know what this means. he does have a bag on that side but uh. idk]
“It’s like how I lost Sharline, and what I did after that. Like how Medina wants her humanity back, and what Morpheus is doing. I think I understand it now. 
Somehow, life is all about picking up the pieces of what others did. Or your own. Kinda like ass wiping.”
“Ass wiping, huh...”
[full disclosure the idiom is shirinugu, which means to clean up a mess usually others but literally it’s ass cleaning so yeah. it’s also used jokingly in the beginning of the novel which is probably where darius decides to use it too but REALLY DARIUS. IF YOU’RE SAYING EVERYTHING YOU DID IS LIKE EXPLOSIVE SHITS OR SOMETHING IS SHARLINE LIKE A TOILET PLUNGER]
Upon hearing Darius’s anecdote, Orladin laughed.
“Lots of people run away at the sight of shit, huh? ...Well, myself included, I’ve run away from many things. Even with all my willpower now, it’s barely keeping me from running.”
Taking a breath, Orladin sat quietly for a bit, before looking down slightly as he spoke again.
“Darius, I feel like I can trust you. You really are my last resort against Morpheus.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. The mercenary thing and all, no worries, I get it.”
“....No, it’s not that. I’m just... Annoyed at myself [again lol] for having to rely on you, you and your... That thing... 
I... Your... I’m afraid of the power your Crest has.”
“I know, I’ve heard that plenty of times. No matter how nice people are, they’ll always say that when they see it. Not really a lot of people who get along with Mister Plague here.”
“......Darius. I told you a lie earlier. 
The one who defeated the Legendary Mercenary... It was you.”
“What did you say? But he knocked me out, didn’t he?”
“Yes, you were...” Orladin looked up at Darius with a straight face.
“But, after that, you got up... And started floating. And you started fighting again. And you won.”
“I... I did?”
“Mhm. Krisalis somehow, she knew about it too. Even the Legendary Mercenary, who could break huge rocks with ease, he saw your power as equal to his... 
Crest... Krisalis... Demon... That power that surpassed normal humans... I was terrified. And so, i hid in your shadow, for what did I know? 
Though I wanted to fight Morpheus, to use you instead...! It’s all a mess.”
Using the hidden power he didn’t even know he had - and Krisalis knew this too. Is that why she followed him around?
Darius couldn’t find any words to say, only looking aimlessly at the ground. A painfully long silence hung in the air... Until Orladin broke it again.
“Sorry, I.. I shouldn’t have said that. I know you don’t really want to think about your Crest, and all...”
“No, it’s better that I know this.” Darius looked down at his right hand, wrapped in a tight fist. Eyes of anger looking at his mark of anger.
“The fact that i didn’t know before, and this thing led me around possessed, I’m sorry.”
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Suddenly, the sound of footsteps could be heard. A shadow from afar, Ralbadora’s, approached the two silent men. Darius got up, and looked at Orladin.
“What should I do now?”
[“Well.. You were the one who said that Morpheus knew where we are, and that he’d rush to our location immediately. I thought he said this i was so smart until google translate made it make more sense]
“Well, you’re the one who brought us this far. We’re going to fight Morpheus, aren’t we? Though I don’t have a shred of royal honour anymore, I can’t guarantee I can protect you with that...”
Darius raised his right fist lightly. “All because of this scary thing, huh? Come on, decide like a proper royal, won’t you?”
Orladin was silent for a moment more, then as if shaking something off, quickly got up from his spot.
“Of course I’ll go along with you. And it’s fine to forget about me in the middle of the battle - I’ll try my best to protect you [or at least do something about it]”
As the three walked a short length, they found the next room to be narrow, long, and probably a storage room. The area contained another kind of transfer device like the previous one, though without a hint of Palmira energy and equally just as quiet. 
Aside from the difficult breathing coming from the three, the only thing they could hear was the wind that beat down on the stairways. Even the monsters were too afraid to attack, and as they reached the final steps, a door engraved with the Alcrest stood before them.
The door didn’t seem to have a lever anywhere to open it. Darius curiously touched the door, to which its left and right sides opened...
The three men, who held onto their weapons tight, were greeted with green skies and a sea of clouds beneath. The wind whipped up the clouds into a haze of white. Beyond the door and before the green skies stood the tower with a rocky path leading to it, and at the path’s end was a building... A small round building. And there were somemagicalthingsidklikeacircularsdiskIDKBROIDK
“If it’s as Medina said, then up ahead is Morpheus’s secret lab.” 
okayok darius nodded and then walked briskly but the glowing letters on the DISK THING IDK IT GLOWED SO ORLADIN WAS LIKE
so he grabs onto him but ralbadora just backs off he knows things apparently
“Medina said that this transport device will take us to the entrance of the lab. from there there’s rooms for reference, etc, idk man, stuff for experiments, smaller rooms, idk, idk BRO IDK”
“But, once we enter, it’s the rooms on the sides that’ll have the people we need to save.” IDK
ralbadora is quiet as orladin probably continues on what he needs to say
“There’ll probably be those monsters there protecting Morpheus, too. That kid from before. So, Darius, we’ll have to depend on you. Ralbadora and I, we’ll rescue Sharline and Sienna (who are on opposite sides i think as the game is). If we can’t find them in those rooms, then we’ll rush to the back to find them. And once we do, we’re taking them back out to safety.
...Is that okay?”
The three men nodded, and entered the magic circle. The circle glowed with soft yellow light, surrounding the men and TELEPORTED THEM OR SOMETHING
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lavenderlattaes · 5 years
smitten. | min yoongi
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⇒ summary: Min Yoongi had been your best friend for as long as you can remember, and he loves spoiling you rotten. Yoongi loves you more than he probably loves his Audi but you’re not so sure about that, yet. Until your friends start pointing it out to the two of you.
⇒ [college! au, rich kid! au, friends to lovers! au]
⇒ pairing: min yoongi x reader
⇒ word count: 12.9k words
⇒ genre: tooth-aching fluff, I suppose and,,, would u consider this slowburn
⇒ warnings: curse words, 12k words of word vomit lmao, and it’s too sweet for diabetic peeps sksk
⇒ note: hello, tumblr. It’s been a while, lmao. This fic wasn’t supposed to be this long, it was supposed to be a drabble idk what happened. ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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You push the car door open, and your beaten-up white Converse hits the gravel as you get out of the car. You close the car door shut behind you, slinging your backpack on your shoulders as you squint up at the massive school buildings standing gloriously underneath the early summer sun. You hear the trunk open and the sound of suitcases hitting the ground snaps you from your daze. You turn around and see your best friend Yoongi unloading your suitcases.
“Oh, sorry!” You apologize, running over to him as you help him unload your suitcases. Yoongi takes his largest suitcase out last, slamming the trunk of his Audi shut, wiping the sweat trickling down his forehead with his forearm. You sigh and pull out your hanky from your pocket as you cup his cheek and wipe the sweat.
“You know that there’s things called towels and handkerchiefs, right? You should know that, you can probably buy an entire department store of it,” you tell him as you finish wiping his face and proceed to fixing his hair.
Yoongi just chuckles as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. You just smile as you finish fixing his hair. If it were some other person, Yoongi wouldn’t have let them touch his hair, but you were Y/L/N Y/N, his best friend, and he loves you a whole fucking lot.
Yoongi takes two of his suitcases in his right hand and holds your hand in his left. You take your suitcases in your left too, and he leads you to the main building where you’ll be getting your dorm keys.
“Are you nervous?” Yoongi leans toward you slightly, noticing your clammy hand as you approach the building and pass by a lot of students. Your shyness tends to resurface in the presence of a lot of people and you were thankful that your best friend was calm, collected, and cool to help you get through it all, ever since you were in high school.
Just as you reach the steps, you hear the familiar loud voices of your other three friends behind you.
“I’m telling you, Hobi, she was looking at ME! I mean, who wouldn’t? I’m obviously the ten out of the three of us here, you and Joon are eights,” the windshield wiper laugh of Kim Seokjin soon follows after his statement, and you and Yoongi turn around to see your friends, Jung Hoseok, Kim Seokjin, and his cousin Kim Namjoon, carrying their own things. Hoseok and Seokjin were both in a very intense conversation about a girl who, according to Seokjin, had the hots for him, despite Hoseok insisting that she was only looking at him because of the amount of pink in his arms. Namjoon, who was shaking his head at his cousin and his other slightly naïve friend, spots you and Yoongi first.
“Hey, Y/N and Yoongi are already here!” He slaps the broad-shouldered guy besides him, who stops talking Hoseok’s ear off before he quickens his pace to greet the two of you. Seokjin and Hoseok follow right behind him. Yoongi lets go of your hand so he can do their handshake, and the boys give you hugs.
“I didn’t think we’d all arrive at around the same time, Seokjin was taking forever,” Hoseok brings up and the boy beside him whips his head to cry out a complaint.
“YAH! I forgot to bring RJ, he was relaxing on my bed and didn’t call out to me, I was starting to think he really didn’t want to come with,” Seokjin hoists the huge, alpaca stuffed toy up higher.
Yoongi rolls his eyes at them. “Whatever. Let’s just go inside and get our keys and room assignments.” The boys nod and Yoongi takes your hand again, leading the way inside.
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You twist the doorknob, and take a peek inside the plain, white room that will ultimately be your new home for the next four years. You step inside fully, pulling your suitcase along behind you. You bring it over to the side and Yoongi follows right behind you, carrying a few of your other things.
“I don’t understand why you didn’t get a roommate, won’t you be scared of sleeping in a room alone?” Yoongi speaks up, his eyes roaming around the room. You sit down on the bed opposite the one you’ve chosen to sleep on as Yoongi closes the door behind him. Your friends were all busy unpacking and while you told Yoongi to do the same too, he insisted on accompanying you to your room, saying he “wanted to make sure my best friend felt comfy in her new room”.
You laugh. “Yoongi, I sleep alone at home, remember?” You pull your legs up, folding them underneath you. Yoongi gives you a look. “You know what I mean. College life is stressful and scary, Y/N. Are you ready to face all of that alone?” Yoongi stresses out, making you snort.
“I’m having my classes in lecture halls, Yoongi. Not my dorm room. Besides, Joon and I share most of the same classes together, so I’m not completely alone. Plus, you talk as if I won’t see you and the others everyday.” You point out, and Yoongi nods and shrugs, getting your point.
He stands up and walks over to sit beside you. You twist your body to look at him and he looks at you, sighing, as he pulls your head in close, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You smile softly at his gentle action, reaching forward to wrap your arms around his waist.
“Promise me you won’t die before the end of the first semester,” Yoongi whispers and you laugh, punching his stomach lightly. “Tell that to yourself, Min.”
Yoongi starts playing some of his songs while he helps you unpack. You talk occasionally but focus on getting the work done first so you can hang out with the other boys.
Min Yoongi had been your best friend from pretty much the moment you were conceived. Your parents – both moms and dads – were college buddies. They were the literal definition of friendship goals. Yoongi was a year older than you, but ever since you were both born, your parents always made the two of you bond together. Yoongi’s older brother hung out with your older brother, but they weren’t as close as you and Yoongi. When you were born, of course Yoongi’s family came to visit you and your mom at the hospital. Yoongi was barely two years old, but the moment his eyes fell on you, he fell in love. You were adorable and Yoongi already wanted someone to protect at such a young age. Yoongi was smitten for you the moment you were born. So, when you were a few months older, your parents organized play dates for the two of you already. Most of the time, you hung out at Yoongi’s place. His house was larger than yours by about two floors, so you had more playing space.
Yoongi was absolutely smitten for you – whatever it was that you wanted, for as long as you both could remember, Yoongi would hand it to you on a silver platter. You remember when you were both around six years old - you wanted to have his stuffed toy poodle, and even though it was Yoongi’s favorite stuffed toy, he didn’t hesitate to give it to you. No matter though, because years later, Yoongi bought an actual toy poodle that he named Holly.
Growing up, you were the loud, outgoing one, while Yoongi was on the quieter side. It wasn’t until high school when you became good friends with Hoseok, Seokjin, and his cousin Namjoon that Yoongi started breaking out of his shell. Hoseok and Seokjin were especially loud and they always made Yoongi laugh. Namjoon was loud too, but because the boy had a thing for destroying things in his path, he chose to be quieter so he wouldn’t attract too much attention from being so loud and breaking everything along the way. It was also in high school when you started to get shy – you were faced with the reality that you were a teenager already and that soon enough, you’d have to face the world without Yoongi by your side. Everything was starting to overwhelm you, so you turned to writing pieces of literary work. You thought back then that you’d end up alone, but you found yourself hitting it off really well with Namjoon, comparing famous literary works, writing your own pieces, and asking for constructive criticism from one another.
Your fun, lovable group of five stayed together all of high school, and now up until college. You were all so excited and happy to get accepted into the same art university, a three hour drive away from home. You’re taking up creative writing with Namjoon, Hoseok will take up dance, Seokjin with theatre, and Yoongi with music, majoring in piano.
In the middle of a Halsey song, Yoongi breaks your line of thought (which was just you singing along to Roman Holiday, anyway). 
“Hey, do you wanna go get some food with the guys? They’re downstairs.” You fix your ponytail and nod, smiling.
“Sure, I’m starving anyway.” Yoongi ruffles your head and grabs his stuff while you do the same. 
“Come on, it’s my treat.” Yoongi opens your door and lets you go out first. 
“It’s always your treat, Yoongi. When was it not?” Yoongi laughs at that. “True.”
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“Make sure to turn them in before the end of next week, okay? I’ll be expecting a lot from you all; you seem like such a promising batch of writers,” Professor Bang says, making you and the rest of the class respond with “yes” and “okay”, just before you stand up to leave.
“Have you thought about what to write for your essay, Y/N?” Namjoon asks you as you both make your way outside the lecture hall along with the other students. 
You purse your lips in thought. Professor Bang wanted to start off the semester by making you write about anything that you were comfortable with. He wanted you to show him the things that you were concerned about, the things that were close to you, and you wanted to make sure you left a lasting impression in his class. Professor Bang was someone you could see yourself remembering for a long time, even if the seasons have changed and the days have gone by. He knew how to teach, not because he was smart, but because he was inspired, because he loves what he’s doing, and he wants to share that with students like you and Namjoon. He was a jolly person, but he also wanted to push you to your limits, something you’ve noticed during the hour and a half class with him that morning.
“Hm, I don’t really know yet. Maybe something about transitioning from being a teenager to an adult, the ups and downs that come along with it, the rush of it all. How about you?” You look up at the tall guy beside you, and he pushes his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose.
“I want to write something about self-love, about what it means to love yourself, despite your flaws and imperfections.” You smile; Namjoon has always been the smartest in your group, always contemplating about things. He had a habit of thinking things through properly, instead of making rash or impulsive decisions.
“Professor Bang makes me want to wear my heart on my sleeve and I don’t know why. He’s that kind of teacher that you want to impress and show all your best sides to, but at the same time, you want to show him all your worst points too, because you know he won’t hold it against you or judge you for it,” Namjoon says your thoughts out loud, making you nod in agreement.
“I really want to do well in his class, I’ve already taken a liking to him,” You reply and suddenly, an arm slings around your shoulder. The familiar smell of his cologne wafts through your nose and you smile, turning to the boy standing beside you.
“Taken a liking to who?” Yoongi asks, raising his free hand up to Namjoon as a greeting. The taller boy raises his eyebrows smiling.
“Professor Bang. He’s like, our favorite teacher now.” You explain and Yoongi lets out an ‘aah’.
“Are you up for some lunch right now? Seokjin and Hobi are at this cool diner ten minutes away from here,” Yoongi asks the two of you and Namjoon shrugs.
“Sure, why not?”
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When you get to the diner, Seokjin and Hoseok are in another intense conversation again. “I’m telling you, Hobi! She was looking at my broad shoulders!” Seokjin explains dramatically, Hoseok’s eyes were wide as saucers as he sipped on his Sprite, listening to Seokjin. Seokjin leans back in his seat and says casually, “She might even be looking for ways to get my number right now.”
Walking up to them, Yoongi places a hand on Seokjin’s shoulder and says, “She was probably staring at the alpacas resting on both shoulders as if they were your devil and angel.” Yoongi pats the alpaca heads sewn on Seokjin’s shoulders. Seokjin had a weird obsession for alpacas, it was insane.
“Why is it that all of you refuse to believe someone’s actually into me? Why do you all keep on insisting that it’s because of my fashion taste? Tsh,” Seokjin complains, scooting over so you can sit next to him. He pats your head and you bump his shoulder in response. Yoongi sits beside Hobi in front of you, and Joon takes the seat at the end of the table.
You give the exasperated man beside you a side hug as he picks up a chicken wing, groaning under his breath. “That’s okay, Seokjinnie. It’s just because they’ve never seen you actually charm the pants off someone,” You try to console him as he pouts while deboning his chicken.
“Oh, don’t boost his ego any further, Y/N,” Yoongi teases, making Hobi and Joon laugh. You pout and give him a look. “I’m not! You guys just don’t appreciate his visuals, right?” You coo and turn to look at Seokjin who finishes his chicken and puts it down, nodding furiously.
“Ah, come here, Y/N!” Seokjin pulls you in, his greasy fingers reaching out for you as you lean back, laughing. He glares at you but still pulls you in, careful to not stain your baby pink blouse. “I only care about Y/N in this friendship now, she’s the only one that can understand me. Look, she’s even wearing my favorite color!” Seokjin’s windshield wiper laugh starts up.
Namjoon throws his head back, Hobi slams his hands on the table, and Yoongi’s shoulders shake as they laugh at their eldest friend’s antics. “Yes, now give me some love and feed me,” You reply, opening your mouth for Seokjin to feed you. The boy stops laughing, a serious look on his face replacing his huge grin earlier.
“Look, Y/N. I know I said I care about you, but this is MY chicken,” Seokjin explains seriously. You pout at that and Yoongi, your ever-loving best friend swoops in.
“Stop asking for food from him! He only cares about RJ, come on, I’ll get you food,” Yoongi stands up and you follow suit.
“Oh come on, why do you always treat Y/N out for food? What about us?” Your friends protest and Yoongi squints his eyes at them. “This is my best friend we’re talking about here,” he says matter-of-factly. “Then what are WE? Are we just trees to you now?” Hoseok whines and Namjoon snorts at that.
“You’re my friends, duh?” Yoongi shrugs and you laugh. “Come on, Y/N. You want some milkshake too?” Yoongi turns around.
Namjoon lets out an obvious cough. “Whipped,” he mutters and Hoseok and Seokjin laugh. Yoongi turns back around. “What was that?” he asks, and the boys shake their heads at him.
“Nothing,” Namjoon says casually. Yoongi shrugs, turns back around and pulls you with him to the counter.
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Yoongi: something’s up with you. Meet me in the parking lot, we’re going somewhere
You sigh when you read Yoongi’s text. You text back a simple ‘okay, be there in a bit’, before making your way to the other side of the school. Even though you knew Yoongi your whole life, it still amazes you how much he can sense when something is wrong. You haven’t texted him yet about how terrible your day went, and here he is, sending the first text. You look up and think back to the events that happened an hour prior.
It’s the week after the deadline of your essay for Professor Bang’s class and during class that day, he returned your essays, red writings scribbled onto your notebooks. On top of yours, in a slightly messy handwriting were the words, “good job, y/n, see me after class please”. You smiled gently at that but then saw the long note he wrote on Namjoon’s. You were starting to doubt your work, so when class ended, you hastily made your way to the front of the room.
Professor Bang was fixing his things and you waited for the last student to walk out, giving Namjoon a close-lipped smile to let him know he should go ahead. He nods and you turn back around to face Professor Bang.
“Y/N, please sit down, kid,” Professor Bang tells you when he looks up, and you nod, grabbing a chair in the front row and bringing it closer to Professor Bang’s table. You gulp. Professor Bang was a short man, slightly on the chubbier side and had small eyes that disappeared whenever he smiled. He was absolutely adorable, but right now, you were starting to doubt that.
“Why did you call me over, Professor?” You ask timidly. Professor Bang scrunches his face up, removing his glasses as he sits comfortably. “It’s about your essay, Y/N.” He answers and you sit up straighter. “Um, what about it, Sir?”
“Do you remember what I told you when I gave you this assignment?” Professor Bang asks and you pause for a bit. 
“You, uh, told us to write about anything we were comfortable with; things that we were concerned about, things that were close to us,” You answer.
He nods. “But you know what else I said? I told you to write without restrictions, to write without thinking much about it,” he tells you and you frown lightly.
“I don’t think I quite understand what you mean, sir.” Professor Bang gives you a gentle smile.
“You wrote about something you were concerned about, correct? The transition of being a teenager to an adult,” he begins, and you nod. “You gave a wonderful essay, actually. But it had no soul, Y/N.” He says, leaving you confused. “When I read your essay you know what I thought? ‘This kid is smart, she’s talented, but she’s also trying too hard,” he explains and your heart drops.
Well. That hurt.
“In my class, Y/N, I want you to write for yourself, not for your grades. I want you to write because you want to, not because you want good grades, or because you want me to notice you. Believe me, I notice all of you. I know who you are when I read your essay. I know the kind of person you are, or you want to become. There are things you were keeping from me in your essay. There were also things you shouldn’t have included in your essay. You were keeping your true self from me. I want you to work on that, okay? Stop thinking about things that could happen in the future and start thinking about the things that could happen now. Focus on the now, rather than the later.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” Yoongi’s voice snaps you out of your trance, and you look up, realizing you’ve mindlessly made it to the parking lot, and in front of his car, no less. You sigh and just look at him. Yoongi steps closer to you, extending his arm out to you. He’s wearing all black today, but the rainbow bracelet you made for him during an arts and craft class in the summer when you were only ten rests comfortably on his wrist.
“Come on, just you and me, yeah?” Yoongi asks you gently, and you nod, reaching forward to take his hand in yours. When you look up at him, you see other students from your peripheral vision stopping to look. Yoongi notices and squeezes your hand to get your attention. You look back at him and nod again. “Okay.”
Yoongi leads you over to your side of the car and he opens the door for you. You get in and he closes it behind you, casually walking around to his side. You see him wave to a few girls who soon giggle after the interaction and snort. Yoongi opens the door and gets in. He puts his key in the ignition and starts up the car.
“Who were those girls?” You ask, and Yoongi hums. “Some girls in my class, according to Seokjin they have the hots for me, but I don’t really know what that means.” You laugh as Yoongi pulls out of his parking space and you twist in your seat, folding your legs underneath you.
“Hey, watch it. I don’t want my seat getting dirt on it,” he calls you out, his eyes never leaving the road. You pout at him and drop your legs, a grin spreading across Yoongi’s face. 
“Just kidding. You can pull your feet up. I’ll just have it cleaned if ever, anyway.” You roll your eyes at your best friend.
“Wow, Min Yoongi sure loves flexing his limitless credit card in front of me, his very much broke and short on cash best friend, Y/L/N Y/N.” You proclaim sarcastically, and Yoongi laughs at you, casting you a side glance.
“Hmm, I think it’s more like, Min Yoongi loves flexing his limitless credit card in front of you, his very much broke and short on cash best friend Y/L/N Y/N because he loves you and would spend all of it on you anyway.” Yoongi tips his head at you and you shrug, nodding.
Thirty minutes later, Yoongi stops at a cliff overlooking the entire town. The sun was just beginning to set, so you can just about imagine the beautiful scene painted in front of you.
You slowly make your way to the edge of the cliff and lean against the metal railings. You stare into the horizon, the wind blowing in your face. You soon close your eyes, your worries melting away as you just take it all in. You feel Yoongi’s presence beside you when his cologne wafts through your nose like usual. You hum softly.
“Why did you bring me here?” You ask him quietly, your eyes still closed. 
Yoongi lets out a puff of air and shrugs. “I found this place last week when I didn’t have inspiration for a composition. It helps me clear my mind, you know. Being here. You were going through something, and I just kind of wanted to help ease your worries, I guess.” He explains softly. 
You open your eyes and turn to look at him.
To someone who hasn’t known Yoongi their whole life, he was the dark and always angry sort of guy, because he always gave off a dark vibe, wearing fine, expensive clothing that was most of the time black. He stood out among his friends because Hoseok was loud, bright, and giggly; Namjoon was silent, smart, and reserved; and Seokjin…well, he was loud, funny, and attractive. Yoongi was far too different to be part of their circle if you gave them a once over and left it at that alone. But you knew him your whole life. Yes, he did give off that vibe no matter what he did, yes, he stood out among his friends like a sore thumb, but nobody knew how soft and tender he was when it came to you. His friends feared him at times too; when he was in a particularly bad mood (although it was a rare), but never in life were you ever scared of him. 
Yoongi always made you feel safe.
And when you look at him now, it didn’t matter that he was wearing all black and probably looked like the typical rich kid bad boy in all those cliché teen novellas. It didn’t matter that he would probably punch someone in the face if they dared touch his Audi. Because when you look at Min Yoongi now, you only saw your best friend since diapers, you only saw the guy who promised to care for and protect you no matter what.
“Thank you, Yoongi. I really needed it,” you whisper, and he smiles at you, something other people don’t see often, but something you saw on the daily. He pulls you in for a hug and you rest your head comfortably on his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist as he wraps his around your shoulders.
“Whatever it was that bothered you, you’ll get through it. I know you can. You don’t have to tell me now if you don’t want to. Whenever you’re ready, I’m all ears.” Yoongi tells you and nod. He squeezes you gently and kisses the crown of your head.
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
“Anything for my Y/N.”
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“Hey, guys, where’s Yoongi?” You greet Hoseok and Seokjin, as you and Namjoon sit down beside them at a table in the café your group has been frequenting at lately.
Seokjin stops eating his second serving of the banana muffin to look at you, a disappointed look on his face. 
“Yah, Y/N. Are you going to ask about Yoongi first before the people that actually invited you over?” Seokjin dramatically complains and you roll your eyes at your overly dramatic friend. You move to sit beside Hoseok instead and Namjoon sits beside the drama queen.
Just to spite him, you use Hoseok’s fork and stab a piece of his banana muffin, shoving it quickly in your mouth. You smirk when Seokjin gasps dramatically and faints, resting on Namjoon dramatically. No wonder he’s a theatre major. The younger boy rolls his eyes at his cousin but lets him stay there.
“He’s in one of the studios, he’s busy composing,” Hoseok answers your question. You give him a hug and he giggles at your action. “Thanks Hobi, you’re definitely not like that dramatic hoe across from me.”
Upon hearing you call him a dramatic hoe, Seokjin sits up straight. Just as he’s about to cry out another complaint, three girls walk up to your table, stopping Seokjin.
“Hi, Seokjin,” the girl in the middle greets, a sweet smile on her face. You bite your lip to prevent yourself from laughing. Seokjin flashes her a charming smile, which you must admit, does look great on him. 
“Hey, Sana,” he greets coolly. Namjoon and Hoseok just watch, and Seokjin revels in the fact that his friends can finally see him charm a girl.
“So there’s this new movie coming out after finals next week, um, do you maybe wanna watch it together sometime?” She asks as her friends giggle. 
Seokjin casts his friends side glance, smirking. Hoseok scratches the back of his head, that look on his face, and Namjoon just looks back and forth between Seokjin and the girl. 
You can only purse your lips, resisting the urge to laugh.
Seokjin shrugs. “Sure,” Sana bites her lip and smiles. 
“And Namjoon and Hoseok can come along too!” Her other two friends nod eagerly, and yours, Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s jaws drop. 
“Yeah, they’re coming along too,” Seokjin answers for them and all three of you snap your heads to look at him. What the fuck is he doing? Hoseok slaps a hand to his forehead and Namjoon can only hide his face in his hands.
The girls don’t seem to notice their discomfort about the arrangement because they even ask about Yoongi. “Is he coming along too? My other friend really likes him,” Sana says and just as you’re about to say something, Hoseok jumps in. 
“Um, I don’t think Yoongi hyung would appreciate that, he’s already dating someone.” 
You, Seokjin, and Namjoon all whip your heads to look at Hoseok.
“Really? But I’ve never seen him out with someone,” Sana’s friend, asks and Hoseok gulps, nodding. 
“He’s very private about their relationship, you see,” he chuckles nervously. 
The girls pout. “Well, that’s too bad. Anyway, I’ll text you?” Sana turns back to Seokjin who nods. She smiles at him and they say goodbye before walking away. 
Once they’re out of earshot, you turn to each other and both Hoseok and Namjoon turn to Seokjin. 
“What the hell man?!” 
Seokjin raises his hands up in surrender. “In my defense, I scored you guys dates. They’ve been head over heels for you since like, midterms, have you never seen them look at you before?” Seokjin asks and the two groan.
“Of course we have! But we don’t know them!” Namjoon stresses. “Then this is the perfect time to get to know them!” Seokjin rebuts. 
“They’re not our type, hyung. Do you even know who likes who?” Hoseok cries out. Seokjin pauses, then looks up in thought. “Well, no… but—” Hoseok cuts him off.
“See! Why would you go out on a date if you’re not sure whether they like you or your friend?” Hoseok asks him. Seokjin snorts. 
“Yah! At least I didn’t tell them Yoongi was seeing someone when he clearly wasn’t!” At that, you look up from your phone, having given up on joining their conversation earlier.
What a great way to change the topic.
Hoseok sits back and sighs, closing his eyes, knowing he fucked up too. He rubs his temples, clearly exhausted.
“Yeah, what was that about, Hobi?” Namjoon joins in. You can only sit properly in your seat and turn to look at the boy beside you. Hoseok opens his eyes and decides, ‘ah, fuck it’, as he crosses his hands in front of him.
“Yoongi’s not seeing anyone, sure, but he soon will.”
The three of you furrow your eyebrows, not quite sure what Jung Hoseok meant. 
Noticing the confused looks on your faces, he sips his peppermint latte and looks at you. You raise an eyebrow at him and he shakes his head.
“I think it’s obvious enough that he’s smitten for you.” You snort at his statement and turn to look at Namjoon and Seokjin, who both catch on and soon have the same expressions on their faces, one that makes it look like they know something you don’t.
“What are you talking about?” You ask, confused. Namjoon sighs and you turn to look at him. “Yoongi likes you, Y/N. He may not know it right now, but he will.” You laugh nervously and shake your head. “No, he doesn’t. He’s always been like that with me, guys.”
Seokjin shakes his head. “It’s always been you. It’s always been different whenever you were involved. Yoongi’s different when you’re around.” 
“But, how?” You ask, still clearly confused. You honestly didn’t know what they were talking about. Nothing made sense to you; what did they mean by Yoongi being different when you were around? Yoongi’s still Yoongi.
“What’s so wrong with Yoongi liking you, Y/N?” Hoseok asks, placing a hand on your shoulder. You shake your head and shrug. “Nothing, I just don’t quite understand. How can Yoongi be different around me?” Seokjin sighs and fixes his hair.
“You’re both so dense, I don’t know why I’m friends with you,” he complains. “You’ll realize it eventually. I won’t spoon feed you both on this. It’s time for you to figure that part out for yourselves.” Seokjin finishes his muffin.
“Okay, I better get going, I have to meet up with some of my classmates, we’re revising for the finals next week,” Seokjin stands up and pats your head as he grabs his stuff. You all say goodbye to him and he heads out.
The three of you stay for a little bit longer before you decide to head out. The sun was already beginning to set. You say goodbye to Hoseok and Namjoon; Hoseok had to stop by the dance studio and Namjoon was heading for the library.
Finals week is next week but you were in no mood to study and review for it just yet. The events from earlier kept clouding your thoughts and you didn’t know what to think of it all. So, instead of heading for the library, you make your way to the field where you see other students sitting together in groups, talking, studying, and hanging out amongst themselves. 
You make your way under a huge tree and sit down, placing your books and backpack beside you as you lean on the tree trunk. Folding your legs, you wrap your arms around your shins, resting your head on the space between your knees.
You allow your mind to drift off and think of Seokjin, Namjoon, and Hoseok’s words from earlier. Of course Yoongi likes you, you’re his best friend. But Yoongi liking you in a different sense? You weren’t so sure about that. Sure, he’s affectionate and overprotective with you, but that’s probably because he sees you like a little sister.
But then again, you do notice that Yoongi really is different with how he treats you, ever since you were little.
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“Y/N! Come sit beside me, I wanna show you something,” an adorable, 5-year old Min Yoongi with a few missing teeth beckons you to come sit beside him on the piano chair, his small legs dangling underneath him. You make your way over to him, your fingers still slightly sticky from the lollipop you just ate. You clamber up the piano chair, courtesy of the small stool placed next to it.
Yoongi grins at you and you merely look at him, before your eyes drift over to the white music sheets laid out in front of him. Your best friend was a prodigy and you knew that. The slightly shaky handwriting of his musical notes on the sheets were enough evidence for you to know that he composed it himself.
“What’s that, Yoongi?” you finally say, pressing a sticky pointer finger to the white sheet music. Yoongi gently takes your hand off the paper and places it back onto your lap as he looks at you with a bright smile on your face.
“I made this song for you, Y/N! I want you to listen to it carefully, okay?” Yoongi tells you and you grin excitedly.
Yoongi turns to face his piano properly and ever so delicately, he places his fingers on the black and white keys, his fingers dancing over them so effortlessly. It didn’t matter that his hands were still a bit too short for the huge piano, he still hit each and every note with precision. A beautiful melody fills the room and your eyes brighten up at the sound of it.
When Yoongi finishes, you tackle him in a hug, not caring about your sticky face or fingers at all.
“That was pretty, Yoongi!” he giggles at your reaction and hugs you back with the same enthusiasm.
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You smile fondly at the memory, that was the very first song Yoongi ever composed, and he was only five. He made it for you and even named it after you. Up to this day, that was your favorite composition of Yoongi’s.
The wind picks up and your hair blows not so gracefully in your face. You sputter after your hair gets stuck in your mouth and a melodious laughter comes from behind you. You turn around and sure enough, your best friend is standing there, a bright gummy smile on his face. His shoulders are shaking slightly as he laughs at your expression and walks closer to you.
You scoot over and make some space for him. Yoongi flops down beside you, letting out a relaxed sigh after doing so. He gives you a side hug, patting the top of your head and you line your head on his shoulder.
“How did composing go?” you bring up and he clicks his tongue. “It went great, I think I’m ready for finals next week. How about you?” Yoongi gives you his full attention. 
You shrug and he nudges you to continue.
“I’m having a hard time in Professor Bang’s class. I’m finding it hard to write anything without it coming off as trying too hard or with no effort at all. He wants me to write about me but I don’t quite get it. It’s been on my mind ever since you brought me to that cliff a few weeks ago. I’m never proud with the things I write and although Professor Bang doesn’t say much anymore, I can still feel that he’s still not contented with my work. He’s still looking for something,” you sigh and Yoongi squeezes your shoulder gently.
“You wanna know my secret?” Yoongi begins and you snort. 
“What are we, five?” Yoongi laughs. “You need to wear your heart on your sleeve. You need to let your guard down, Y/N. That’s how I compose such great songs. Being an artist kind of means like presenting yourself naked to your audience.”
You give him a look. 
“What I’m trying to say is, you shouldn’t hide who you are from your audience. You also shouldn’t try too hard to please or satisfy them. Go for what makes you happy. Go for what makes you sad, or angry, or frustrated, or confused. Don’t go for what makes them happy, sad, angry, frustrated, or confused. Your audience’s feelings will just follow through, you have to make them feel what you feel.”
You look at him in amazement, your lips parting slightly. Yoongi gives you a confused look. “What? Is there something on my face?”
“Now I know why you’re my best friend.” You proclaim and he grins at you.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You better, Min.”
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Later that night, you pull out the worn journal that Yoongi gave you for your thirteenth birthday, something he bought on a trip with his family in Greece. You treasured it so much, because most of your favorite writings were in there and it’s been a witness to your best and worst moments. Your fingers trace the worn out pages, a smile growing on your face as you skim through your writings. 
You didn’t stick to one kind of literary work; you wrote whatever came to your mind. There were scribbles and doodles, and you even found some pages stained with tears, ink, and… chocolate?
Damn, you were quite the messy kid, weren’t you?
You reach a blank page and pull out a random pen - which turned out to have pink ink, from your pouch.
You pull the cap out and stick it in the other end, your hand hovering over the page, hesitating. You remember Professor Bang’s words and Yoongi’s advice from earlier. 
Slowly, you put your pen down and your fingers start writing the first few lines to a new piece.
Maybe it was the way he constantly made me smile,
Maybe it was how he’d always go the extra mile,
“It’s different when you’re involved,” they said,
You started filling up every corner and every crevice of my head.
Was this how it was supposed to be,
Should it have been you and me?
Well, you always left me lost in a trance,
So maybe we should give this love a chance.
You stop writing and your eyes scan what you wrote. Your lips part open slightly at the realization of what you just wrote. Were you writing about Yoongi? Was this what the boys were talking about?
You’re not quite sure about it, but you might just already be in love with Min Yoongi.
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Yoongi was nowhere to be seen, and young little Y/N was already bored to death. You and Yoongi were supposed to be in the middle of a game of snakes and ladders, but the young boy had left the playroom to get something from his room. He hasn’t returned for only five minutes, yet you thought it felt like an entire lifetime.
Getting up from your spot on the floor, you make your way over to Yoongi’s grand piano sat in the corner of the large room. You eye pieces of paper lying on the floor, musical notes scribbled on it. 
Young, 3-year old you knew nothing about music, but the way the notes were scribbled on the paper left you intrigued. You crouched down, picked one up from the pile and brought it back with you to your previous spot, where your crayons were sprawled all over the floor messily.
You flop down with a huff and lies flat on your stomach, the sheet music in front of you . You pick up your chubby red crayon and bring it over the paper, pressing lightly as you start doodling all over Yoongi’s composition.
In the middle of your artwork, Yoongi walks in the room with a pink box and he gasps when he sees his best friend scribble over the composition he just finished yesterday.
“Y/N, no!” He drops the box and runs over to you as fast as his little feet can carry him. 
At the sound of Yoongi’s voice, you stop doodling and turn around, sitting up when you see Yoongi running over to you. Yoongi quickly grabs the sheet, his eyes frantically looking over the sheet music that was now covered with red doodles.
Yoongi’s eyes begin to water and although you didn’t quite understand it all, you knew that your best friend was upset. His bottom lip begins to tremble, and soon, tears flow from his eyes and he lets out a cry as he looks at his destroyed composition.
The sound of footsteps soon come closer and you turn around, seeing your mom and Yoongi’s mom walk in the room with confused looks on their faces. They spot the children sat on the floor and their eyes take in the scene in front of them - Yoongi was clutching a piece of paper in his hands, crying, and you were looking up at them, a confused look on your face mirroring theirs. 
“What happened here?” Your mom asks as they both bend down to you and Yoongi.
Yoongi turns to look at his mom as he cries. “Y/N scribbled all over my sheet music.” He crawls over to his mom and hugs her, hiding his face in her chest as he continues to cry. 
Both his mom and your mom turn to look at you, and it’s then that you realize it’s your fault. Tears fill your eyes as well and you stand up to hug your mom too.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you cry, hiding from Yoongi and his mom, ashamed of what you’d done.
At the sound of your crying, Yoongi stops crying and turns to look at you. He steps away from his mom and waddles over to you, his small hands reaching out to grab your arm.
“No, no, don’t cry, too.” He sniffles and he pulls you to face him. 
Reluctantly, you turn to face him and you try to stop crying as Yoongi squishes your face in his hands.
“It’s okay, I can do it again,” he tells you and you shake your head no.
“I’m sorry, Yoongi! It won’t happen again,” You cry and Yoongi can only nod. He pulls you with him, and he leads the both of you over to the grand piano. Yoongi gives you a side hug and he places his fingers on the black and white keys. Yoongi begins to play your favorite song, the very first one he wrote for you, snot and tears and all that.
You sniffle and calm down when you hear the familiar comforting melody. You wipe your snot away and rest your head on Yoongi’s shoulder.
Your moms watch the scene in front of them, knowing smiles on their faces.
“If our kids don’t end up together, I don’t know what I’ll do,” Your mom whispers to Yoongi’s mom as they leave the room.
Yoongi’s mom snorts. “Don’t worry, because by the looks of it, my son’s smitten as hell and he’s only five.”
Your mom laughs at that. “True.”
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“Woah, are you okay, bubs?” Yoongi asks worriedly when he steps inside your dorm room and takes in the sight before him. 
Books and notebooks are open sprawled around your bed and on the floor, your pens and highlighters open and probably all dried up, your hair was tied up in a messy bun that probably hadn’t been brushed properly since this morning, and your laptop open in front of you while you sit on your computer chair, your left leg folded underneath you and your right leg stretched out all the way to your bed. Your laptop was playing Day6’s Congratulations, and you were furiously typing away, cramming through your essays that were also due during finals week.
Your glasses fall down the bridge of your nose and you sigh, taking them off before you turn around to greet your best friend.
“Hey, Yoons, what’s up?” You smile tiredly at him, reaching over your bed to push away your books and notebooks to make room for your best friend to sit down on.
You chuckle as he sits down, scratching your hair. “Sorry about the mess, I didn’t have the time to fix it earlier.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. But you should really take a break, don’t overwork yourself,” Yoongi smiles and ruffles your hair, making you laugh. You spot the gray flask in his left hand and your eyes widen.
“Is that soju?” You gasp and Yoongi nods. You lean forward and snatch the flask from him, twisting the cap open. You pour some of the alcoholic drink onto the cap and down it all in one go, the strong taste burning down your throat. You think that maybe Yoongi meant to bring this for you and not for him, because it’s your favorite flavor, classic. Yoongi could never tolerate the classic flavor of soju and he always opted for the fresh one.
Yoongi simply watches you take shot after shot of the alcoholic drink and smiles, knowing you’ll get a hangover the next day. Nevermind though, because he’ll take care of you anyway, and your first exam isn’t until 2:00 pm tomorrow. 
Once you’ve finished the entire bottle, you wipe your lips with the back of your hand, grinning drunkenly at your best friend. He smirks at the sight of you and stands up to save your work. He closes your laptop and crouches down to look at you. 
“You’re such an alcoholic, Y/L/N Y/N.” Yoongi comments and you can only giggle.
“Thanks, Yoongi.” You pat his cheek, and knock out dead on your desk, snoring away as your head rests on your laptop. Y/L/N Y/N is out like a light at 5:22 pm.
Yoongi’s gummy smile makes its appearance as you sleep soundly, without a care in the world. He turns around and stares at the mess cluttering around your room. Yoongi bends down and starts cleaning; he picks up your pens and highlighters and puts the caps back on, although he doubts that they’d still work (maybe you bought those kind that would last for up to 48 hours uncapped but he wasn’t so sure, knowing you), and he closes your books, making sure to stick in bookmarks in case those pages were important. He stacks your stuff on the extra table beside your desk and fixes your bed for you to sleep in.
Yoongi turns around and he laughs softly at the sight of your drool running down the side of your arm. Yoongi crouches down and he brushes the hair away from your face. Upon taking a closer look at you, he can see how much you’ve stressed yourself out this week. 
The dark circles under your eyes, the messy hair, and the way you snored were enough to tell Yoongi that you were dead tired. Even your drool told Yoongi that you were exhausted, because you only ever drooled in your sleep when you were worn out.
Yoongi carefully helps you out of your chair and onto your bed, where he tucks you in snugly. He turns the lights off and leaves only your night light on. Yoongi sits down beside you and simply admires the way you sleep (it’s not as creepy as you think it is!).
Yoongi watches the way your chest heaves up and down as your breathe slowly, soft snores leaving your lips. He watches the way a small smile is etched onto your lips, making you look so sweet and so innocent, like you didn’t just down an entire flask of soju in one go. He watches the way you shift to a more comfortable position, pushing your face further into your pillow.
And as Yoongi watches you sleep so peacefully, he realizes that he can get used to this - get used to watching you fall asleep, and maybe, just maybe, fall asleep with you. Yoongi thinks that if seeing you fall asleep makes him want to fall asleep with you, then maybe the idea of waking up with you isn’t so bad, either.
A soft mumble leaves your lips and you start to babble nonsense, things like “after the falling action is the denouement, and yay, the end”, and Yoongi smiles. 
Without realizing it, Yoongi leans forward, and presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Good night, Y/N.”
His heart flutters at his own action, and Yoongi smiles when he realizes it.
“I love my best friend. I love Y/N. I love you,” Yoongi whispers to himself, his eyes never leaving your sleeping form.
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You are never drinking before an exam ever again. 
Your head is throbbing and you can’t move because every small action makes your head feel like it’s about to break. You can totally place the blame on your best friend because he didn’t stop you from downing the entire flask, but at the same time, it’s all your fault for even drinking in the first place when you knew you had an exam the following day.
You close your eyes and shield it with your arm as the 7:00 am sunlight streams in through the bedroom windows. Your stomach is grumbling and you realize that you didn’t even eat dinner last night because you fell asleep at 5:00 pm after drinking.
You badly want to get up and go find something to eat in your stash but like we’ve already established earlier, you can’t. So you endure your hunger until the hangover goes away. If it goes away.
The door opens and your savior walks through the door.
Thank God for Min Yoongi.
“Oh, you’re awake already. I brought you some aspirin and hangover food,” he greets you, closing the door shut behind him gently. Yoongi places his stuff on your chair as he makes his way over to you, helping you sit up. You’re groaning and clutching onto your best friend’s shoulders because you can’t bring yourself to sit up properly. 
Yoongi’s arms wound around your waist and - oh, come on, why now - butterflies erupt in your stomach, along with the acid and the hunger (okay that’s kinda gross). You scoot over to the wall and Yoongi places a pillow behind you to separate your back from the cold, hard wall.
Boyfriend material, anybody?
Yoongi opens the bottled water he bought and places a tablet of aspirin on your weakly opened palm. You take the medicine and finish the entire bottle of water, refreshing yourself completely.
Your head feels a bit better now and the pain is now tolerable. “Ugh, don’t make me drink before an exam again,” you groan and lean forward, clutching onto your stomach as you rest your head on Yoongi’s shoulder. Yoongi chuckles and although your head’s aching at his action, you like hearing his laugh. He strokes your hair gently and you scoot closer to him, practically clinging onto him.
“You wanna eat?” Yoongi asks you and you nod from your place in the crook of his neck. Yoongi reaches over to get your food. He starts feeding you saltine crackers and fruits and coconut milk and you think it’s weird but according to him it’s good for a hangover.
While you take small bites from the banana, Yoongi focuses all his attention on you. The sun shines on you in just the right spot; it hits your eyes perfectly that the natural color pops out prettily. Your cheeks are puffed out slightly and you chew on your banana in complete concentration.
You soon feel his gaze on you and your heart speeds up upon realizing it. Your senses are unbelievably heightened while you’re hungover, apparently. You swallow your last piece of the banana carefully before looking up at Yoongi.
When you do, a smile is on his lips and he looks at you with this strange look on his face; you’re not sure what it is, exactly. You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Yoongi shakes his head and he cups your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb gently along your cheek. His action causes more butterflies to erupt in your stomach, and at this point, you’re not sure if you want to vomit or eat some more.
“You’re so beautiful,” Yoongi whispers, his eyes never leaving yours.
You really can’t understand your best friend right now and you also don’t want to get your hopes up, so you laugh it off.
“I know I am, especially when I’m hungover,” you joke and you think Yoongi’s smile falters a bit, but he quickly covers it up with a grin.
He clears his throat, and stands up. You follow his actions, and he pats your shoulder gently.
“Get a few more hours of rest, you’ll feel better just before your exam, okay?” Yoongi tells you and you pout, making him want to just ditch his 8:30 exam to stay with you a little longer.
“Won’t you stay with me?” You tug on the hem of his yellow hoodie (wow, a change if wardrobe for finals week?), and he shakes his head ‘no’.
“Unfortunately, not everyone has exams that start at 2:00 pm. I’ve got my first one at 8:30 and it’s already 7:45. The building’s three blocks away from here, too.” Yoongi explains and you nod in understanding.
“That’s fine, good luck on your exam,” you reply, and Yoongi leans down to give you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Get some rest, love.” Yoongi whispers, making your heart speed up at the endearment.
“I will.” You assure him and he cups your face in his hands, rubbing your cheeks gently with the pads of his thumbs.
“I’ll call you, okay?” Yoongi asks and you smile, nodding.
He stands back up to his full height and makes his way to the door. He gives you one last smile before twisting the doorknob and stepping out.
The door closes and you wait for a few more beats before you sigh. 
Yes, you were definitely in love with your best friend and it wasn’t the heightened senses that came with the hangover.
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“I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!” Hoseok claps his hands together excitedly, earning an eye roll from Seokjin and a smile from Namjoon. Yoongi can only stare at his friends in confusion.
“What do you mean, ‘I knew it’?” Yoongi asks and the three boys look at each other, sighing simultaneously.
“Hyung, everyone can see how much you’re in love with her, except the both of you. Have you never read those cliché best friends to lovers trope on Tumblr?” Hoseok asks and Yoongi merely shrugs.
“I don’t have time for that shit,” Yoongi deadpans.
“But you have time for Y/N,” Seokjin points out.
“Because he’s whipped, you guys,” Namjoon adds in.
“Whatever,” Yoongi dismisses his friends comments. “All I know is that I love her. I really, really, do.” Yoongi confesses.
“Then tell her!” His friends say in unison.
“I will! I’m just,” Yoongi pauses and they look at him expectantly. 
He looks at them before continuing, “I’m just trying to find the right time to confess, I think she feels the same way.”
Seokjin flips his bangs and sighs. “Not think, but know. It’s obvious how much you both love each other, Yoongi. Literally anyone with two eyes and common sense can see that.”
“Except maybe for those girls the other week,” Namjoon coughs into his shoulder and Hoseok bursts out in laughter, holding his hand up for a high five which Namjoon gladly reciprocates.
“Yah, don’t be mean, I think they’re really nice,” Seokjin defends them and Yoongi shakes his head at them.
Namjoon and Hoseok turn their attention to Yoongi and forget about the handsome elder. 
“So, do you need our help with confessing?” Namjoon asks.
Yoongi looks up in thought. “I haven’t really thought that far yet, all I know is that I want it to be something she’ll never forget.”
“You can maybe write her a song?” Hoseok suggests.
“I write her songs all the time,” Yoongi points out.
“Maybe you can take her out somewhere and prepare this really extravagant surprise,” Namjoon tries.
Yoongi shakes his head. “Y/N’s not into that, remember? I need this to be perfect,” he stresses.
Yes, Min Yoongi was hands down whipped for you because instead of worrying about his next exam set to happen in thirty minutes, he’s busy worrying about how he’s going to confess to you.
His friends sigh. 
“Hyung, I think you should take a break. Go prepare for your exams, yeah?” Namjoon suggests and Yoongi gives in.
“You’re right, I have one in thirty minutes.”
Hoseok smiles and stands up. “I’ve gotta go, mine’s in fifteen minutes.”
“And you’re that chill?” Namjoon looks amazed. Hoseok grins.
“The perks of being a dance major, baby,” Hoseok shrugs casually before slinging his backpack over his shoulder and making his way out of the café.
Seokjin lets out a relaxed sigh. “I’m all done for the day, so I’m going to go eat something somewhere and think of how you can confess to Y/N.” Yoongi gives his hyung an appreciative smile.
“Thanks, hyung, but don’t you have exams to prepare for?” Seokjin snorts.
“I studied all of last week, I think I’m all done. One more and I might actually go crazy.” Yoongi and Namjoon laugh at that.
Yoongi makes his move to stand up. “I’ll see you guys later, good luck.” He pats the guys on the back before he leaves.
On the short walk to his building, Yoongi pulls his phone out and presses on speed dial 1, of course, the one and only Y/L/N Y/N.
Y/N picks up after three rings.
“Hey, why’d you call?” Y/N’s sweet voice rings through the phone and a smile automatically makes its way to Yoongi’s face. 
“Hey, how are you feeling, bubs?” Yoongi inquires.
“All better, thanks to you! Although I’m kind of starving, I have an hour and a half before my first test,” Y/N chirps.
“Joon and Jin hyung are at the café, maybe you can go grab something to eat with them, I have an exam in twenty minutes,” Yoongi informs her.
“Okay! Good luck on that, you’ll do great,” Y/N tells him sweetly.
“Aaah, I know I will. You’re my lucky charm,” Yoongi smirks and he can just see Y/N’s blushing cheeks from the way she started to stutter.
“Uh...ha ha, okay, uh, gotta go, Yoons! Bye!” She immediately hangs up and Yoongi chuckles when he hears the line drop dead.
Yoongi shakes his head and slides his phone back into his pocket as he walks inside the music building.
The smile never leaves his face, even as he starts to answer his test all the way until he finishes it. The people he shared that class with started to worry for his mental health, because Yoongi never smiled this much, never smile this genuine. Well, he did smile occasionally, but there was something different with the way Yoongi carried himself that day that left his classmates slightly concerned for him.
“Hey, Yoongi. You alright, man?” Kyungsoo, a friend he talks to occasionally in his class asks.
Yoongi nods, a smile on his lips. “Yeah, why?”
Kyungsoo looks at him weirdly. He laughs it off. “Nothing. Just, if you need someone to talk to, I’m all ears,” Kyungsoo pats him on the back.
It’s Yoongi’s turn to look at him weirdly. “Huh, okay, Soo. Thanks.” Kyungsoo nods and leaves the room, just as a beep comes from his phone.
It wasn’t just any beep, it was your ringtone. Yoongi had set specific ringtones for your texts and calls, so he’d know if he has to answer the call right away or not.
Yes, Min Yoongi was both smitten and biased when it came to you.
lovely best bub [3:07 pm] : hello there
lovely best bub [3:07 pm] : are your exams done? im kinda hungry
Just seeing your contact name — which you set, not him, already sent a smile crawling up his lips.
Yoongi [3:07 pm] : yea, see u
Yoongi [3:07 pm] : hoseok still has one exam left, I’ll meet u and joon there
He begins making his way back to the café, navigating his way through the students and the hallways with his phone in his hands.
lovely best bub [3:08 pm] : it’s just me, joon says he still has something to do
Yoongi wishes he can go give Kim Namjoon a hug (but he would never admit that in front of him) right now.
Yoongi [3:08 pm] : okay lol
lovely best bub [3:08 pm] : see u there :DD
When Yoongi reaches the café,you’re already sitting in your usual spot, going over some of your notes while you sip on your iced latte. Yoongi walks over, a soft smile on his lips. He knocks on the table gentle. You look up, and a smile immediately graces your features.
“Hey, how was your exam?” You greet as Yoongi sits down in front of you.
“It went really well, how about yours?” Yoongi inquires as he reaches forward to hold your right hand, playing with your fingers while he waits for your response.
You blush at the action and Yoongi marvels at your flustered reaction. You soon brush it off like it was nothing and take a sip from your drink to, hopefully, help cool down your flaming cheeks.
“Great, too! I hope I really poured all of my heart into it that Professor Bang will be proud of it,” you reply and Yoongi squeezes your hand gently.
“I’m sure you did, you worked hard last night,” Yoongi reassures you and you laugh.
“I’m pretty sure I got wasted last night, Yoongi.” He laughs at your retort, agreeing with you.
“Yeah, I know, but I think you did study before I arrived with the soju.” Yoongi’s reply makes the two of you laugh.
“Thanks for taking care of me, Yoongi.” You give him a gentle smile.
He returns it with one of his own. “Anything for you, Y/N.”
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Were you dense? Or was Yoongi not obvious enough? No, that can’t be it. He’s very transparent with his feelings for you, right? Min Yoongi can’t seem to understand why you don’t seem to notice his advances on you. At all. 
Finals week was done and over with, and for an entire week Yoongi has been trying to get you to see how much he likes you. Even during the break, Yoong did everything; he took you out on dates, gave you more gifts than usual, paid more attention to you (if he was attentive before, he got even more attentive now), and flirted with you every chance he got.
But it’s the start of the second semester now and he still hasn’t confessed to you yet. 
“I’m telling you, hyung! It’s like she pays no attention to anything I do at all. Are you guys sure she feels the same way?” Yoongi stresses, ranting to the broad shouldered male sat in front of him. The other two younger boys look at each other, giving each other that I’m tired, he’s spewing nonsense again look before grabbing Yoongi’s attention.
“Yes, she does! She probably thinks you’re just being your normal self around her,” Namjoon responds.
“But I’m not being my normal self around her…?” Yoongi trails off.
The boys sigh. “You are, you’re normally affectionate with her, Yoongi. So Y/N thinks you’re just being you,” Seokjin adds.
“Yeah, hyung. Y/N doesn’t think anything’s changed at all. Well, maybe she thinks you’re a bit more affectionate but she’s just probably just brushing it off as you being you.”  Hoseok pipes in.
“Then what do I do?” Yoongi asks, clearly pressed about everything.
Just then, the bell to the café’s door rings noisily and the four turn around to see Y/N rushing over to them. 
“Speak of the devil,” Namjoon mutters and Yoongi stares a him. “She’s not a devil, Joon.” Namjoon slaps his forehead.
“It’s an expression, hyung --” Namjoon’s cut off when you blurt out, “I need food.”
Seokjin raises an eyebrow at you. “There’s food? Over there?” He points toward the cashier. You look over to where his index finger is pointing before turning back to them, shaking your head.
“I have class in like, 15 minutes, but I was hungry so I ran over here - because my building’s all the way on the other side - to buy something but when I was a few steps away from the door I realized I forgot my wallet at the dorms and the dorms are even farther away and I don’t have much of a choice anymore because if I still tried going back that would take me another 10 minutes or so and like I said, I only have 15 minutes and I’m really hungry so I can’t go back anymore and I just really need money for food.” You finish all in one breath, heaving lightly because you’re out of breath from running and explaining yourself.
The four look at you before Yoongi shifts in his seat, pulling his card out for you.
“Here, go buy something,” he holds it out to you. Your eyes lighten, and just as your about to take it, a light bulb goes off in Yoongi’s head and he withdraws his outstretched hand, halting your actions.
“What?” You ask, slightly agitated. 
Yoongi smirks. “Kiss me first.”
Your eyes widen, Kim Seokjin’s eyes widen, Kim Namjoon’s eyes widen, and Jung Hoseok’s eyes widen.
Wait, what?
A blush creeps up your cheeks, your palms start to clam up, and your heart starts beating faster. Oh, and your stomach grumbles for the umpteenth time too.
Yoongi only looks at you, the smirk still on his face, and his credit card resting in between his index and middle finger, just close enough for you to reach if you moved just a tad bit closer.
If you kiss Yoongi, he’ll definitely know your feelings for him. If you don’t it would make things awkward between the two of you. If you kiss him, at least you’d get food, right?
Yoongi’s starting to slightly regret his impulsive decision, but he freezes when you just go for it, and lean down to kiss his cheek, snatching the card in his fingers before you run out.
“What the fuck just happened?” Hoseok manages to speak up and Yoongi snaps out of his trance.
“Dude, what the fuck, go after her!” Hoseok shakes Yoongi who soon realizes what’s really going on. He stands up abruptly and goes after you.
“Wow, they’re a mess,” Seokjin comments as they watch Yoongi through the glass of the cafe.
“Come on, let’s go after them,” Namjoon stands up and Seokjin and Hoseok follow suit.
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“Y/N, wait!” Yoongi calls out to you and when you hear his voice, you skid to a halt in the middle of the field, where some dance majors are running a routine. You attract the attention of the dance majors and they stop dancing to look at you. Clutching Yoongi’s credit card in your hand, you slowly turn around to face him.
He’s running over to you and he’s panting. When he’s close enough, he leans forward and rests his hands on his knees.
“You’re going to be late to class anyway, just, listen to me,” Yoongi wheezes out.
You bite your lip, your heart racing as you stare at the boy in front of you. When he finally catches his breath, he stands back up to his full height and looks at you.
“Yoongi, listen,I--” You begin, but he cuts you off.
“Y/N, I know you’re going to be late, I’m sorry but wait, just...let me get this off my chest because I might explode if I don’t let this out anymore, okay?” He holds you by the shoulders and you can only nod, flustered and confused at the same time.
From his peripheral, Yoongi can see a small crowd starting to form, he can see the boys somewhere too and the dance majors all stopped dancing to look at you both.
Oh, well.
Yoongi breathes deeply before he fixes his eyes on you and on you alone. 
Here it goes.
“Y/L/N YN, I love everything about you. I love the way you eat your ramen with a spoon instead of chopsticks because you’re always complaining about how your fingers hurt because you’re not the best at using chopsticks even though you’re supposed to be good at it, I mean gosh, you’re Korean you’re supposed to know that shit. I love how you can’t fall asleep without your blue and white flannel blanket because it’s the only blanket your body seems to like. I love how even though it’s beginning to smell so bad because of your drool and the food crumbs and the drinks that fall on it you still choose to use it. I love how you also sleep with that one pillow of yours that’s been there the moment I walked into the hospital room to see you bundled up in Auntie’s arms, eyes closed and without a care in the world because you were just born moments ago, and it’s so old that it’s not so fat and fluffy anymore, and oh, it also smells so bad too, seriously what is it with you and your things in bed smelling bad? Can they seriously not get washed? I love how you never use a brush to fix your hair because you’re that kind of person that just runs a hand through their hair a couple of times and you’re already good to go. I love how you scrunch your face up every time you insult one of the boys, every time you want to tease me, and every time you have your way because yet again, I’ve fallen victim to your ridiculous wishes and ideas. I love how every time you put food into your mouth, you’re pouting and chewing at the same, fuck, do you know what that fucking does to me, Y/N? It makes me go crazier and even more head over heels for you. I love how you always come to me for everything because you know that I’d never ever say no to you, it makes me feel like I matter so much to you. I love that you depend so much on me because yes, I want that so much, I want to spoil you so damn much. I love giving you all that you want, I love spoiling with anything that you want and need, no matter how stupid or out of this world or irrational it may be. I love it so much because I love the way your eyes light up like a thousand stars whenever I say yes, and fuck that’s so, so fucking cheesy but I don’t fucking care anymore because I’m pretty sure I’ve said too much that it’s enough to complete one whole damn song and I know I can’t sing but I can play the piano and compose songs so maybe I can rap too? And dammit, Y/N, I’ve loved you so much since the moment I probably first laid my eyes on you, or maybe when I wrote my first song for you and you asked me to play it for you every day. Hell, I may have even started loving you when you scribbled all over my sheet music with your big fat, red crayon. I love how you’re so selfless, how you get along with my boys, how you’re damn smart and ambitious but you’d much rather watch How I Met Your Mother and listen to angsty Day6 songs for hours on end while you wrote equally angsty prose and poetry. I love you every time you get wasted the night before an exam, drinking your stress and worries away with soju, complain about the hangover the next day and do it all over again despite promising to never do it again. I love that even though it gets you wasted because that just gives me an excuse to take care of you and have I told you that I love taking care of you? I love you for everything that you are and I’d fucking say more but dammit, we’re in public and people…people are beginning to record my confession, they were just looking at us…wait what the fuck? And I’m a blushing, stuttering mess and I’ve just poured my entire heart out to you, all these feelings I’ve kept bottled up since I was, I don’t know, five and you were three, and I’m not even fucking sure if you feel the same way but you just kissed my cheek back in the café so maybe that counts for something? Maybe it really was for the food, I don’t know. But god, I love you so much, Y/N and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way but I just want you to know that I don’t want things to ever change between us even if my feelings are out in the open already and I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve because I’m just so damn smitten for you. I love you, Y/N.” 
Yoongi finishes his rant, and he’s breathing heavily and his heart’s beating out of his chest and he doesn’t know what to do next because you’re just standing in front of him, eyes wide, cheeks a dark shade of red, and your heart ready to burst out of your ribcage at his confession.
For someone who’s a creative writing major, for someone who’s so good with words, you’re speechless. For the first time in your entire life, you’re speechless.
“So,” Seokjin shouts from the crowd, effectively catching both yours and Yoongi’s attention, “are you just going to stand there and keep him waiting or will you tell him you love him too?”
The crowd coos, and your eyes dart back to Yoongi’s. 
“Yoongi, I love you too.” You say simply and the crowd interrupts into cheers as Yoongi lets out a relieved sigh, stepping forward and pulling you into his embrace. Yoongi bends down to bury his face in your neck and you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he wraps his around your waist.
“Thank God you love me too, that would’ve been so embarrassing if you didn’t,” Yoongi whispers and you giggle.
You both pull away, and then turn to see that the crowd has dispersed, while your friends shot you thumbs ups before walking away to give you some alone time.
You look up at Yoongi, your smile bright as you see all the love and adoration Yoongi held for you.
“Well, you feed me well, Min Yoongi.” you reply, rising up on your tiptoes to kiss his nose.
“Oh yeah, let’s go get your food, I know you’re hungry.” Yoongi intertwines your fingers with his, leading you both back to the café.
“See, this is why I love you so much,” You grin, swinging your hands together.
Yoongi stops walking and turns to you. He cups your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks softly. “I love you so much, Y/N.” 
You hold onto his wrists and give him a mischievous grin. “More than your Audi?” You challenge, and Yoongi laughs heartily, kissing your forehead.
“A billion times more than my Audi.”
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⇒ let me know what you think or hmu with anything under the sun here!
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maliecity · 5 years
a lot of things have been happening to me. im going to start with one thing, then let it blend into another. (WARNING FOR ABUSE)
so there’s a lot to say. i haven’t been on tumblr because i needed to take a break. this site kinda makes me feel paranoid. idk why tho. it just does. but if you’ve seen (warning for r-slur and verbal/emotional abuse) this post then you may understand what im going to say better.
so basically i had a huge panic attack earlier prior to making this post. and i had this panic attack that he was going to kill me. what i didn’t realize was that this wasn’t just a delusion. it was repressed trauma resurfacing. i had a flashback to my abuse and neglect that my father put me through. it made me my heart clench and it was hard to breathe. then i had ANOTHER flashback where he nearly choked me. i had another panic attack, of course.
now, here’s where shit gets rough. i was talking to my therapist about the sudden flashbacks and panic attacks. i told my therapist that and i also told her about my strange thoughts inside my head, about how there are people that I talk to in my head. i told her about if i would lose days at a time and forget what day it even was. i told her i dissociated so heavily i wouldn’t feel like i was even real. even more shit. it all was like a fucking puzzle, and it put together so fucking well. she helped me come to a hypothetical reason as to why all of this fit together so well.
so basically, i may have a form of DID or OSDD. and im kind of at a loss here. i really don’t feel like a real person anymore. i feel lost and trapped. ive been looking at DID youtubers after the session with my therapist and it all makes so much more fucking sense. i didnt know. and know im beginning to. and while i do feel lost, and trapped, and kinda scared, im also glad that i know what the hell is wrong with me.
i think i may have figured out my alters. there may be more in the future. there’s 5 of us, including me, jade. and they aren’t really fragments, they’re more like full people, with different likes, dislikes, personalities, even fucking HANDWRITING. im starting realize it began around 8-9, the talking to someone in my head. this is all so bewildering. everything i thought was normal really isnt. it’s so scary and confusing but relieving at the same time. at least im beginning to know why im like this.
tldr; im a mess and i may have a dissociative identity disorder of some sort lol
thank you if you read this far. my therapist wants to continue questioning before further diagnosis. im going to continue running my queue and taking a break. i have a lot to figure out.
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spookyjuicefiction · 6 years
Serendipitous - Chapter 17
Bucky x Reader
A/N: HELLOOOO I am back on my bullshit! Sorry for the lengthy hiatus, the last few weeks have been very insane but I am here, I’m queer, I’m ready to give you all of the sexy fluffy angsty Bucky you deserve. I’ve been having some writer’s block on what’s next but I think I’m on back on track now. Also I have been trying to figure out where I’m going to end this fic, I’m thinking potentially pre-Infinity War because like, it’s just too much for my emotions to get into that. And then maybe I’ll come back to it after Avengers 4 if it applies? Idk, what do you guys think? Anyways, here is another fluffity-fluff chapter for now, hopefully going to be able to crank out a few more this weekend. :) Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think and if you want to be on the tag list!
“Ho, ho, ho,” Bucky’s tired voice in the doorway made me whirl around from the stove with a smile.
“Who are you callin’ a hoe?” I teased him as he dumped an arm full of bags on the counter and reached out to embrace me. After a lingering kiss I handed him the glass of champagne I had poured in anticipation of his arrival. “Merry Christmas, Sergeant.”
“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Barnes,” he said, clinking his glass to mine, and I hoped he was not paying attention to the way the phrase Mrs. Barnes made my heart skip to double-time as he took a large sip. He looked exhausted.
“I can’t believe you had to work on Christmas Eve,” I said, furrowing my eyebrows. He shrugged.
“Busiest day of the year for shipping things. And the time-and-a-half won’t hurt.”
I snorted at this. The rent on the apartment proved to be a drop in the bucket compared to Bucky’s income from the docks, and other than groceries and the occasional thrifted item, we were hardly spending a cent. Most of our free time these days was spent reading, listening to music, or--if we’re being honest--having sex.
“Hey,” he mock-pouted, “how else was I gonna get a nice Christmas gift for my best girl?” He pulled a small, gift-wrapped box out of his coat pocket and held it up teasingly, and my eyes widened. Smiling wickedly, he turned to the sitting area where we had erected a small, Charlie Brown-esque Christmas tree from the secondhand store on the coffee table. He placed the small box under the tree, stopping when he saw my small gift to him that was already nestled there. He turned back to me slowly.
“I don’t… I don’t think I’ve gotten a gift in seventy years,” Bucky admitted with a lopsided smile, and I felt my heart pang with sadness for him once again.
I cleared my throat. “Well, no pressure, then,” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes to mask their wetness and turning back to the stove. A moment later I felt his arms around my waist as he pressed a breathy kiss to the back of my neck that made me shiver.
“I would love anything that came from you,” he whispered in my ear, and my stomach did a little somersault. He gave my backside a squeeze before pulling away to go and take a shower. I hoped he was right.
We had our Christmas dinner and drank our champagne, reminiscing about holidays past and swapping funny stories. I was heartened to see that Bucky seemed to be regaining his old memories more rapidly, and that he was able to recall details such as the hideous house coat his grandmother used to wear when his family would open presents. After a considerable amount of chatting there was also a considerable amount of smooching which, naturally, carried us late into the evening. When we resurfaced, Bucky squinted at the clock, his face lighting up with a huge smile.
“It’s 12:15--officially Christmas!” Reaching out, he plucked up the two gifts from under the tree and handed mine to me, giving his own an experimental little shake while he grinned goofily. His joy was infectious and it made me feel warm and content, all snuggled up with him on the couch in our tiny, ramshackle apartment. Our own little hideaway.
“You first,” I told him, because I knew that he couldn’t wait much longer, and he began to carefully tear away the red and green printed paper. I held my breath, feeling suddenly nervous and squeezing my hands together in my lap as he lifted the lid of the palm-size cardboard box. He removed the leather bracelet from inside, holding it up in the dim light to examine the intricate braiding woven around an ivory bead carved into the shape of a wolf’s head.
“It made me think of you when I saw it,” I blurted quickly, “Because you’re… strong, and wild, and… beautiful. And always protect me fiercely.” I felt lame saying it, but when when Bucky looked up at me, his eyes were misted over and I realized that I had, somehow, nailed it.
He seemed to be struggling for words. He held the bracelet out to me and offered his flesh wrist for me to fasten it onto, blinking rapidly. When it was securely in place, he clutched my hands and pressed them to his lips.
“Thank you,” he murmured, his voice gravelly, “It means so much to me. I will cherish it always.” I smiled and leaned in to kiss him, feeling rather pleased with myself, before feeling butterflies in my stomach all over again in anticipation of opening my own gift. I settled back against the couch and fingered the edges of the gold paper, my heart skittering as I recognized the felt texture of a jewelry box underneath. Tossing the paper aside, I took in a breath before lifting the lid. Inside was a delicate gold ring with a crudely cut black onyx stone in the middle flanked by two smaller murky white quartz on either side.
“It’s not--you don’t have to wear it on your ring finger,” now Bucky was the one blurting and rambling. “I just thought it was so unique and interesting, like you, and also kinda fucked up, like me, and that if you wanted to, you could wear it to… to always think of me. Or as your fake wedding ring. Or whatever you want. Or you don’t have to wear it.” I looked up at him with my eyes swimming with tears: he was nervously running his hand through his hair, frowning and seeming to second guess his choice.
“Of course I’ll wear it,” I choked out, my voice thick with emotion as I slid the ring onto my left ring finger. “It’s so beautiful. Thank you, Buck. I love… it.” I chickened out of saying ‘you’ as I turned to look at him. We smiled warmly at each other with mutual relief at the success of our gifts and he scooped me up in his arms again in a big hug. Looking at my hand over his shoulder, I admired the way the ring glinted in its position of honor and felt my face heating at the mental image of walking down the aisle toward Bucky on a real wedding day. I squeezed my eyes shut and popped that bubble; in reality, the way things stood, that could never happen. But for now, this was enough.
We held each other quietly for a long while, listening to the Christmas music tinkling through the boombox speakers and admiring the winking lights on the scrawny little tree. Never in my life could I have imagined that this would be how I was spending the holidays, but once again I felt that sense of rightness. Bucky seemed to read my thoughts.
“This is perfect,” he whispered, kissing my cheek and running his fingers through my hair. I smiled and nuzzled against his chest, breathing in his warm scent and sighing contentedly.
Yes. Yes, it was.
TAG LIST: @captain-chimichanga @allseasonssoldier (wait did you want to be tagged I completely forgot, I know someone else asked me and I think it was you?? Well you’re tagged anyway mwah mwah mwah)
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