#also thanks for the ask about this bc this was fun ahaha :D
chocodaffodil · 1 year
now that u asked me what are ur fav twst ships !!!!! <33
um!!! I think a lot of ships are cute. I don't really mind if the ship is romantic or platonic; I just wanna see characters happy together! uhh rambled a bit so
I am ever so slowly working on fanfic of Kalim x Riddle! yeah I put my fave characters together ahaha
I think it's very cute that Riddle and Azul were helping Kalim study right before the Ghost Bride event I think? ahem ahem Riddle x Kalim x Azul
Floyd x Riddle is also great! I like their dynamic. It's just very fun :D
uh also Floyd x Kalim or Azul x Kalim ig? Honestly just think it would be very funny to see the Octavinelle trio hang out with Kalim and Jamil is just freaking out, thinking "Kalim, why are you hanging out with these people?!"
was just thinking about a vignette where Kalim invites Floyd to play the drums for some sort of greeting ceremony and Floyd only does it bc Kalim encourages him to just play whatever he wants. and then in the middle of the ceremony, Floyd quits playing the drums to dance and Kalim is shocked but laughs and joins him I think
oh dear any of the Octavinelle trio interacting with Kalim would truly give Jamil a headache. I see it as them just letting Kalim be carefree and have fun and they enjoy doing silly antics with him. the fish mafia really do be sus sometimes but just know that if I see anyone manipulating Kalim, I will wipe them out from existence
Ace x Deuce is always very funny to see (they're such idiots) but I like Epel x Deuce a bit more. Also Epel x Jack. but I think it'd be great to see Jack, Epel, and Deuce interacting with each other, just talking about workouts and stuff they think is cool
am uh thinking a bit about Epel x Sebek too. Just Sebek's admiration of Epel and like how he thought it was cool that Epel could carve apples
was also thinking about Cater x Idia. why? I have no clue lmao. Ig bc they're sort of opposites? Cater is very social and Idia is obviously not but I think they could prob relate to each other about other stuff
thanks for the ask!! :D
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thatabitcryptic · 3 years
How do you think fidds and fords relationship developed over the years? Like from college to marriage(May and Fidds) to portal partners to enemys to lovers etc. I have my own headcanons but I want to know what you think!
O o o o o o o ok I am a sap so uhh here we go
So during college I don’t really think they had an established romantic relationship,, I personally like to think it started out with ford disliking fidds with. A. Passion.
He’s stuck in the worst University, in the worst dormitory, with the worst roommate.
Fiddleford played banjo almost every night which distracted him from his study. He was loud and rowdy, trying to make conversation when ford was clearly busy and not interested. He was just a southern hick who didn’t take lessons seriously and in Ford’s opinion was wasting his time here.
Until... (please forgive me idk how American schooling works let alone college lmao) end of term exams (I feel like their called finals?? I haven’t a clue tbh) ford starts to push himself harder and harder in class because he can’t fail he can’t he has to prove he’s not just some freak no one wants but he can’t do it he can’t focus it’s all too much he’s going to fail. Everything’s all wrong. He’s missing Stan something.
Fidds sees him struggling to study. Ford’s restless in his chair, grumbling to himself, wiping his tears eyes and he’s standing up and pacing. So fidds, the kind soul that he is, asks what’s wrong to only be met with ford leaning in close and yelling at him about how it’s all his fault he’s failing with his ‘hick southern quirks’ keeping him from concentrating. I hc fidds to be very sensitive about his accent and upbringing when he was younger so this is a heavy blow. Ford sees his face shift from confusion to anger to anxiety and he feels terrible. Uh yeah next he breaks down into fidds’ chest soaking his shirt and just repeating how sorry he is.
Fiddleford comforts him and immediately forgives him bc he is clearly remorseful and tbh fidds just be like that. After ford calms down he starts freaking out again because he’s got exams coming up and he’s not going to do very well. So fiddy boy offers to help but ford is doubtful... and fidds can see it on his face. So he goes and grabs a little knickknack he had been working on (idk what it is but it’s very impressive to ford)
Fidds help him pass all his classes with flying colours. This is when ford realises that he’s gay. However my guy has some internalised homophobia.
Anyway now that they are on better terms they start to hang out and goof around as college buddy’s. If ford gets stressed fidds notices and rests a hand on his shoulder. Ford is very not straight. Also it’s canon that they stay up late and talk about the future which is sweet so that happens.
Okay so college kinda goes like that nothing explicit but lots of pining (hehe) from both sides - fidds is also a flustered mess but ford is blind to it bc there’s no way he would like me back but I’m not gay so it does matter ahaha (ford has lots of emotions)
So fidds’ marriage uhhhh I don’t really have anything positive to say here except for tate so idk
Emma-may. I don’t think she’s all too great considering she left fidds when he needed her most. Also I do think fidds was attracted too her at some point but I don’t think he was ever in love with her. He just got married and had Tate because that’s what you did back then, got married settled down and had kids.
(Oh to set it in the timeline this would be after college when ford was researching gravity falls alone - so the invitation to be the best man at the wedding was heart breaking for him bc he had no clue who this Emma-may was and he felt more alone than he ever had since Stan was kicked out.)
Next portal era!!
Ford doesn’t want to drag fidds away from his family but he needs his help. Ruh roh his feelings resurface and just a heck of a lot of pining.
Fidds and may are going through a rough patch (uhhhh she’s cheating oof) so he is super excited to see ford, to sort of get away for a bit - I like to think they filed for a divorce right before Ford’s call.
Again ford and fidds’ relationship doesn’t become offical but they are both yearning SO MUCH. Oh what Fidds is designing the bunker? oh what he can only fit one bed down there?? Welp Ford’s fine with that bc he’s not gay,, it’s not gay to blush when you homie puts his head on your hair. (Lots of ford waking up to being hugged and he’s fine with that bc ...they’re just friends)
Also fidds is like sad bc his marriage failed so ford is awkwardly trying to cheer him up while also seeing an opening but he represses that’s bc it’s insensitive and he’s totally straight .
Canon blah blah blah
(also may stinks bc even tho you are getting divorced you don't give up on someone who’s going through a huge storm,, especially if he’s the father of your son but idk that’s just my thoughts)
Now 30yrs later. Ford and fidds get together and finally get married :D I have too many ideas about how this could happen so idk but is very fluffy and soft
Okay ahahaha those are my thoughts and I have more small details about them during the portal era I didn’t put in because this is already VERY l o n g.
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baladric · 2 years
Writing questions: 1, 8, 35 please :D
yay, thank u!!!!!! :3
writing ask
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
this is a fun question, bc honestly, i write in comic sans! i read a tweet at some point somewhere that was like "listen if you're having a hard time writing bc the words on the screen seem intimidating or you're taking things too seriously, write it in comic sans." bc it's like literally impossible to be wary of comic sans!! like it's become a joke font, yeah, but we kickstarted it bc it's so friendly! also it's good for dyslexia bc it's bottom heavy!
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
honestly if i'm not paying attention, i can end up writing entire things w/o dialogue just by accident. i really love writing heavy introspection-based character studies (which is... probably apparent ahaha), so would definitely choose to go dialogue-less if pressed. it'd probably go okay, though the piece would definitely be bite-sized.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
god, there are writing rules? lmaooo, i'm not really sure!! i have no actual ~*Training*~ and i'm sort of allergic to reading non-fiction so i haven't consumed much writing about writing. the one thing i can think of is that i willfully push back against the socialized idea that flowery/purple prose is 1) "Women's Writing" and 2) less worthy than straight-forward, grounded writing styles. think faulkner, hemingway, twain—your typical all american white male authors.
when "on earth we're briefly gorgeous" really gained its stride and people started discussing it as the newest addition to the canon of Great American Literature™, ocean vuong had a lot to say about this exact thing. bc not only is his book structured after kishōtenketsu (a four-beat plot structure that originated in chinese as four-line traditional poetry, and which has spread to korea and japan; you have almost certainly encountered its usage before, bc it's the narrative structure hayao miyazaki employs) instead of the western 7-beat narrative—it's also non-linear and reads almost like a prose-poem. to have a book written by a vietnamese-american immigrant considered part of the american lit canon is huge in itself, but adding to that the fact that the novel was written in a prose style that has been looked down on by literary critics for decades (which involves a really funny amount of shitting on nabokov honestly, like y'all could fuckin Never, the dude was writing in his third language and he still wrote wildly evocative shit like "I am just winking happy thoughts into a little tiddle cup") is like!! huge.
so idk, i like to think i'm sticking it to the man (and my dad whoops) by being a trans man writing in prose that's heavy on sensory figurative language. also i have been told by english teachers past that i use too many em dashes, and to this i say Suck It, Nancy Streblow ;)
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wokestraightpuffy · 3 years
Hallo, i hope you are alright and that my ask aren’t annoying but I wanted to ask do you have any c!puffy headcannons? —🤡
as for c!puffy headcanons, i am not the best person to ever organize their thoughts properly but ill try my best >:’D
ahaha. this got. super complex and way too long and more of like an introspective study to puffy now instead of harmless fun headcanons so, uh. under read more <3 (also reminder this is all /rp and /dsmp)
* i like to think that she has a hero complex, but its a bit different since she never really sees herself as an ‘important’ part of the story, not the main character but a support one, hence ‘im fine with being the side character’ or how she’s said she doesnt care what happens to her and would gladly sacrifice(?) herself if there werent other people she had to protect. girl u need therapy urself <3
* though very open with how she feels and never afraid to say when someone/something is upsetting her, ‘opening up’ is still a whole mountain climb for her, apparently. like, she’d rant about the egg, get mad at the eggpire, let off some steam by committing arson or exploding stuff, she’ll rarely ever talk about how much the stuff that upset her actually HURT her. does that make sense? LIKE, she’ll lash out, she’ll get mad, she’ll take NO SHIT thrown at her face, but to show the kinda vulnerability of dealing with that? to cry about it talk about those feelings with someone? I think she’d rather eat her own foot lol
* adding onto the thing above, she doesnt necessarily actually realize this about herself. less of actively doing it and rather growing... used to the ‘cycle of violence’ in the smp as they call it. and the fact that rarely have people really asked, that no one’s actually available for that, w her losing her closest friends, bad and ant, sam being busy w the warden stuff... and niki. yeah. there’s foolish, but i doubt she’d ever see venting to someone she considers her son appealing
* also. puffy is just sometimes... really bad at conveying sadness. i think she’s a rare crier. id go as far to say that shes even more emotionally constipated than dream, lol (but maybe not while the guy’s in his prison arc) and that she’d be the type of person to tell you its okay to cry but beat herself up over something if she let a tear slip in a heated moment
* speaking of sadness. she’ll only ever actually Be Sad if she’s alone or with someone she doesnt necessarily care the opinions of. yknow how she mourned for tommy and blamed herself? those dialogue bits? yeah, those are only times shed actually be vulnerable
* puffy’s go to response to the egg and how its fucked up her relationship w her friends is pure fury. but, going off of her line about ‘failing bad and ant’ i like to think that she probably hates herself the most about it. THAT IS A STRONG WORD LOL BUT YEAH. she yells and curses and gets mad, but sometimes i wonder if the words she had spat before were more directed to herself
* THIS GIRL HAS SELF-IDENTITY PROBLEMS. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH FOR THAT CHAT? outside of having no goddamn clue about where she came from, how she got here and who she even is, scrounging up a role for herself in a server with a war on the background and traumatized kids got her resignedly coerced into thinking that she is only a Parent. Only good enough when she’s actually doing something Useful for people. SO. when she finds that ship? of having a crew and having a curse? OF FINDING OUT SHE MIGHT HAVE/ HAVE HAD A MOM THATS WAITING FOR HER?  the sense of control she has on herself is absolutely crushed. shattered, and she’s left to pick up the pieces w no one to talk abt it with <3
* adding onto the above, it’s why the line ‘I’m supposed to be mama puffy. me.’ hurts me so much! so yes! please cry with me :D
* also to add more on the fact that she thinks she’s only worth something when she’s being useful, puffy literally contemplated leaving the server, thinking that it wouldnt matter leaving since no one really needs her anyway, since she’s failed so many people. bad and ant, tommy, dream. shes said how foolish can take care of himself on how tubbo and ranboo have each other, how she and niki have drifted so far away from each that it might as well be a break up.
HOOOOOOOOOO OBOY . anon youve really given me the perfect chance to ramble huh? sorry for the rather incomprehensible brainrot, here’s more lighthearted headcanons about puffy asdhfkd
* she cannot stand still sometimes. she always has to be doing something extra, walking when the prime path is right there? shed rather go through tedious little holes or hop and balance onto fences to get where shes going. she’ll mindlessly fix up the path when there are holes or mismatched wood, and one time went on a long, long LONG journey cleaning up the paths tommy purposely DESTROYED near lmanburg and even added cobblestone sidings which werent there before
* puffys a bit of a sentimental person. writing in her log to clear her thoughts sometimes and cared enough to try and preserve lmanburg with the glass sheet and trying to find possible surviving artifacts of history to respect it, even though she’s never been a part of it. its also why, when doomsday happened and lmanburg got permanently poofed, she began to appreciate the buildings that are still standing and began taking more pics 
* she’s not used to being... what do you call it, um, cared for? she’d deflect compliments sometimes, when shes having a particular bad day, like, she’d laugh nervously and change the subject, sometimes she’d outright deny it, most days she’d jokingly say ‘staphhh it’ and add a very genuine thanks. my point being is, do something for puffy that is mildly nice and she’d keep that moment in her heart forever. 
* also funny story regarding the above. u know how karl is notorious for stealing her materials? and how puffy was contemplating doing something in retaliation for them? karl says hi for once when she joins the server and she goes ‘alright fine youre safe for saying hi’ LOL THIS WAS PROBABLY A BIT META WISE but something about this implying that the bare minimum or LESS is enough to make puffy forgive someone is very sad and funny at the same time for me. girl really said ‘oh you said hi to me? thats nice all the crimes youve ever done towards me is now forgiven. <3’ (this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, ofc, i just think its funny LMAO) 
* ironically, despite being the ‘captain’, whenever riding a boat with someone, she prefers being on the backseat and letting them drive. ig shes just there for the ride i suppose, her and her uber drivers :3
 * she either has a rather unhealthy obsession with baked potatoes or she just doesnt wanna waste eret’s massive potato farm
* idc what cc!puffy says is c!puffy will always and forever be 5′2″ in my HEART. u are the shortest member, u cannot change this <3
* shes really fond of animals/ neutral mobs. she often baby talks to them and they help boost her mood a lot when shes having a bad day :D
* up to this day, the little secret rooms she’s created around the server have all been yet to be discovered, unless the one under bad’s house has been found. she rarely ever really keeps tabs on them, and more often than not they are just collecting dust. she still visits sometimes and cleans them up ofc
* she still genuinely thinks dream can change. cc!puffy’s line about that, ‘i’m his last hope.’ really makes me think about this a lot. 
* ive seen people talk abt it a bit but the headcanon that puffy acts as the server mom to fill the ‘void’ of her missing her mom makes me cry at night /hj
* she really likes her rainbow onesie! i headcanon that eret gave her that along w the sunglasses, but she started wearing that less when she found her old captains uniform. shes never really said why, though, and nobody ever really bothered to ask
* god bless this woman but sometimes the server members get on her nerves sometimes so she goes out of her way to traverse along far away from the main community to maybe commit a few crimes. let off some steam. these take a few days but she always returns
i probably have a lot more hcs but i cant remember them >_> THIS IS A LOT ANYWAY. HOPE U ENJOYED MY BRAIN VOMIT. IF U READ THIS FAR ILU THANK U
if there are mistakes it is bc i am crying and cannot see my keyboard and also i am sleep deprived /hj
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anzynai · 3 years
heyooo since we got the benny hcs can we get some of his buddy razor hcs ?
Razor HCs
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ahhh thank you for requesting this !! as i was writing the bennett hcs, i was like, “wow, now i wanna write fischl or razor hcs” so this is perfect hehe :D
ahhh this furry boy has a kinda low chuckle but when you really get him, it gets like, an octave higher haha
his tickle spots? his neck and chin are good ones, but one of the common ones isssss his armpits.
he didn’t know what tickling was at first but whenever he was younger, his wolf pack would lick his injuries and whatnot whenever he got hurt, and he was always so confused why he had the urge to laugh.
benny helped him learn what it was tho after benny accidentally tickled him heh
on the ticklish scale, he’s like a ... 6? he’s pretty sensitive but not too sensitive
ahhh he actually likes being tickled because he likes to laugh and he knows it makes people happy to tickle him.. basically, he’s super sweet
ahh he’s tickled the most by benny, but fischl and traveler tickle him sometimes (sometimes klee joins them bc she can’t miss out on hearing razor’s sweet laughter, can she?)
he doesn’t really squirm, if anything he invites the tickly touches haha
speaking of that, gentle tickles are the way to go for him !!
he has a hard time speaking when he’s being tickled so the ler has to make sure to watch how he’s doing bc he won’t tell you that he’s reached his limit
when he wants tickles, he’ll grab your hand and like, touch it to his side and ask something like “can ___ make razor laugh?”
he prefers to be able to move freely instead of being pinned down and whatnot
he only lets the people closest to him tickle him, he feels safer and likes letting loose
adding onto that, he’d also rather be tickled in a more.. private area instead of public.
he’s a lee like 50% of the time hehe
ahh at first he was always the lee but after learning about it more, he was ler a lot more often (especially to bennett and fischl)
razor was a natural at it the first time he tried it, like he knew all the right spots and how to tickle someone to tears ahh
he doesn’t usually say anything ahaha he just laughs with them (although for different reasons)
he’s a really soft tickler, he learned easily bc he just imitated how fischl’s tickled him bc she was just a bit better at tickling than bennett
speaking of those two, he usually gets fischl and benny the most (benny even more of the two)
he always always asks if he can tickle someone before he does it, and no one can refuse because he looks so hopeful that they’d feel bad if they said no
when he tickles someone, it’s usually just for fun, not for revenge and whatnot
he usually tickles someone with someone else. for example, it’s usually bennett with razor and fischl as the ler.
you know how i said he knows how to tickle someone to tears? yeah, the thing is.. crying to him seems like he did something wrong and he just looks so sad... he always has to be reassured that he’s not doing anything wrong
then he’s happy again, and tickles them some more
sometimes, he tends to focus on one area a lot, forgetting that there are other spots or other times, he changes spots too quickly, so quickly he can barely tell which spots give the biggest reactions. it’s always one of the other, never in between ahaha
he stops when he can tell you’re at your limit bc he can tell really easily.
he always asks if the person okay, because, as i said earlier, he’s always worried you did something wrong
but, he’ll show the most adorable smile when they said they are okay, like no one can resist the cutest smile they’ve ever seen ahhh
he loves tickling people, he loves their laugh, and their smile because it makes him feel warm and tingly inside.
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pacificshoulder · 3 years
19, 41, and 51 for Azula please 😊
Ooh some interesting questions, thanks! ☺️
19. Who does MC have a platonic relationship?
This is a difficult one because i haven't built the character that far AHAHA but thankyou for asking bcs i need to write about this anyway
So far they're Rowan and Diego. Her relationship with Rowan is probably undoubt. She can be herself when she's with Rowan and vice versa. With Diego, they both share the same way of fun. They both -in my hc- aren't bothered of skinship, sometimes act dramatic, love dancing, and possibly more. You can see them dancing through the corridors, or duelling theatrically on the training grounds, or just chilling on the dragon club's sofa with their legs entangled.
Though they might seem comical, everyone have times when they're down. When this happen to one of them, the other one would listen and console them accordingly, just as needed.
Her relationship with Jae also started as platonic when later turned into something more.
41. What other wizarding school would MC most want to visit?
Mahoutokoro, the Japanese wizarding school. For the most silly reason tho, she just wants to ride the giant storm petrel that the students use to transport daily. Also "why cant we have colour changing robes too?", she said.
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Maybe there will be more significant reason but im still in year 5 and haven't met the infamous WIW yet D:
51. Do they join to the Battle of Hogwarts (either sides)?
She knew about the happening in Hogwarts -Bill informed her promptly before he left- but her hometown isn't safe either. Though she wanted to join and help her friends, her family comes first, as death eaters already caused dire casualties at the muggle part of the village of Tinworth.
The news that the boy-who-lived is dead reached the death eaters during the fight, then they all fled to be rejoined with their master. Azula, along with Asher (Jacob), then apparated to Hogwarts after making sure of their family safety.
They arrived right when a young man -or a boy- sliced off the head of an enormous snake with a sword. Realising the effect it gave by the upcoming uproar from the outskirts, they stand guard, aid alongside Charlie and a professor in emerald pajamas.
This could be written better but im sorry my mind's in a jumble😔
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creepypasta65 · 2 years
Helloo! I hope you are doing fine <3.I would like to ask for a creepypasta match-up (romantic relationship) please! I am A Campaigner (ENFP) and The Adorner (EFVL) and 7w6 (The Pathfinder) I am 159 cm. Female amd straight! Some things about me: I like to study until at one point I would just stay up until 3 am, im such an idiot ahaha. I also would even drink coffee after 12 am. I have a RBF and i might act like I have apathy. I am very over-protective of those who i care about . And I will fight, with words ahahha. I am usually very independent to the point i don’t realize i need help :P My phobias are trypophobia and atychiphobia. I am very afraid of wasps and bees. I have Generalized Anxiety and Body Dysmorphia (more to my face actually). So basically, i get anxious a lot about some things and my looks My personality: I’m the type of person to be confident. As in very confident. I look confident but sometimes i don’t feel confident ahaha. Sometimes, I can be very independent. Like HELLA INDEPENDANT. You wanna help me carry these boxes? No need i can handle boxes of box :’D I am witty ahah. My friends say I am smart but stoopid lmao. It’s just that I would use my inteligents for something stupid :P It’s fun 🤡 I am very eager and boldwith a hint of hard headedness . I like to do things that require bravery? courage? Y’know what i mean :D I want to paraglide and parachute. It’s in my bucket list. I am the only one in my neutral family that would put a 6 foot snake around their neck. Secretly protective. Very moody ahah💅 Am i nice? A balance of 😇 and 😈 I like to studyyyyy <only when i have motivation lmao> Most of the time I do tho. If you tell me what to do when I‘m in a mood, i would stay silent but do in. Example: “Hey could you help me with bla bla” “*nodding and does it*) Yep. Omg am I a diva hahah. As in a good fun way. Like the funny dramatics. That one time, my ramen fell and i literally cried bc it was the last packet and i was cravingggg for it like arghhhh. I am an extrovert!! I LOVE making new friendss. In a group, I am like the big and smol sister or sumthn. I vibe Pride and Prejudice Interests: I like to debate, study, draw, listen to music, watch Youtube, Twitch also I like anime and a fan of BTS. I go to boarding school and i can speak Japanese and Malay. I also play archery. What do I where?? At home i would just where a T-shirt and a blue jacket and some cozy pants. If I feel ‘fancy’, I would where a short sleeved dressed with said jacket :D My favourite colors are black, midnight blue and gold. Stuff that i like: + tall people + food (homemade at shop-made lmao) + drinks (favs are coffe and colaa) + people who like to spend time with me in any sort if way + art + M U S I C (my favourite artists are CORPSE, Billie Eilish, Sato’ Siti Nurhaliza and Naim Daniel (Malaysian singer), The Neighbourhood Metallica, AC/DC, and more) I also listen to classical music Stuff that i dont like: + slow people + annoying people that waste my time (if they are annoying in a fun way then thats fine) + bugs What do I look for in someone to love? How do i act with someone I love? Love language? I would look for someone who is both intellegent yet challenging. Charmingly sarcastic? Someone who is looks like always hard on the outside, soft in the inside! I would want him to be able to break my walls and just have me well go transparent for him. STRONG, AAROGANT, DOMINANT. When I love someone, my dedication and patience seems infinite. As well as affection, care, attention. tend to understand what people feel. My love language is quality time and physical touch? Appearance? + dark brown eyes + dark brown hair (it looks brunette-ish under the sun) My hair looks like this:
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Zodiac: Aries, moon is Taurus, Rising is Aquarius. Aesthetic? Dark academia, Grunge (modern and 90s- ish, E-Girl) RIGHT, thats all from meee. Thank you for your Time <3 TAKE YOUR TIMEE i dont mind :D
Hello!! and your hairstyle looks so pretty!!! :D I match you up with Jeff the Killer hope you're fine with that
I match you up with...Jeff the Killer
-Jeff will watch anime with you and cuddle
-Also he would also make sure you go to sleep and don't stay up too late (you need to get your beauty sleep)
-He loves your style of clothes and will buy you more
-Jeff is a person that is hard on the outside (he has a reputation) but is soft when someone he loves which is very rare
-He loves spending time with you and will go
-He gets sad how you get anxious about your face (he sometimes grabs your face and tells you "you're beautiful no matter what and I will always love you"
-He sometimes likes seeing your twitch streams sometimes he will join you
-He will buy you a BTS album and the BT21 characters plushies
-He would also got to a BTS concert with you
-Jeff works out a lot and sometimes will let you sit on his back while he does push ups or a plank
-He loves how you're very independent but sometimes will help you if he sees you struggling
-He admires you and loves you very much
-He loves learning new languages (he can't speak any language well but will try) and loves seeing you speak Japanese
-Jeff is also really tall like 6'4
-He loves spending time with you
-He will be patient with you and hug you if you ever get sad
-If you ever cry he would run to you and cry to (he doesn't like seeing you sad)
-Jeff is very loyal when he is in a relationship like why would he cheat if someone actually cares about him and loves him
Hope you like it :D
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hinderr · 3 years
ahaha……..crying anon is back after chapter 15…..
and so my theory was right!!!! very happy but also Terrified bc of that! i wish we could put images in asks bc i have so many reaction images from this fic 😭😭
now for the gritty shit! holy FUCK that chapter HURRRRRT!!!!! pissbaby my beloved :(( i’m glad she survived :’))
the crow…..squints. kristen could save pissbaby but not tubbo /lh
AND THE FUCKIN VIDEO???? EXCUSE ME???????? I!!!!!!!! IVE NEVER SEEN SOMETHING LIKE THAT DONE BEFORE AJD IM BEYOND IMPRESSED HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!! i like to think the small white text was tubbo telling ranboo not to go to the end and the large white text was ??? i’m not sure yet but MANNNNN!!!!!!!! you continue to impress and amaze me with ur storytelling skills holy FUCK!!!!!! genuinely started tearing up at the end with ranboo and phil’s moment :(( not excited to see the family’s reaction when yet another member is gone 😀 (that is….if we even SEE their reactions…..)
lord i’m worried about mr boo :( maybe. maybe he and tubbo will be reunited :’)) or ranboo will just stay in the end, locking himself away for eternity :’))
anyway i’m just!!!! MAN this fic is so good!!!!!!! i could ramble for AGES on the entire set up!!!!! i’m realizing now that you literally foreshadowed tubbo’s death??? when they were talking about birthdays and how tubbo and tommy would no longer be respawners….can’t remember which chapter but i do remember tubbo’s b-day came first 🥲 unless i’ve briefly become ranboo and my memory has gone to shit LMFAOOOO (i need to reread the fic tbh i miss the happy moments :’) plus it’s just. a banger fic in general)
i’ve rambled enough so i’m just gonna sign off with this!! very good chapter and i’m excited to see how the story continues!!!! :D
// notus, notus spoilers
AHAHAH PISSBABY SURVIVED!! That's not like, a metaphor or anything. The crow?? Kristin?? Oh yea definitely-
I'M SO EXCITED YOU LIKED THE VIDEO!! Sometime during writing I decided to take a break and put that together for....reasons I'm not too sure of myself, but it was so much fun!! I was so excited to post the chapter just because I wanted to do that video bit!! Love the music choice, too :)
oh yeah, now's definitely a good time to worry about Mr Boo...
One funny thing about writing that chapter was the sheer amount of times I'd be writing something emotional, only to have to write "Pissbaby" right after. Love that moobloom
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starglitterz · 3 years
Hello! How are you? Sorry for doing this late since I did not know what to say even though I already liked the second chapter of Cynosure. But, now I do and I'm just here to say that just like before I absolutely love everything that I've read and was honestly enjoying how chaotic each gc is and how almost everyone are having their fun teasing the main characters of the story and asking the status of their love lives not to mention how Xiao just complimented y/n in his private account saying that they're cute. The Yantao post as well really made me love their relationship more and true though they should also be talked about for how adorable they are as a couple. Also this is pretty much an afterthought but at first read it didn't register in my brain that my user was a part of the fan accounts so I honestly did a double take when I saw the end where you placed the usernames and who they were based on. So yeah that was fun and I am excited to read the next chapters. Thank you and have a great day!
P.S. If you saw me unfollowing you before then that was an accident and I really didn't mean to.
hi !!!! i'm good, ty for asking :D how are you?
ahh no worries omg, thank u for sending your comments !! it's so fun for me to read and see what everyone thinks about cynosure KJDKJS
RIGHTTT pls each gc is a different breed of absolute nonsense and chaos HAHAHA rip y/n and xiao for getting constantly bullied, fly high 🕊 /j simp behaviour spotted from xiao so true as he mf should!!! omg yantao world domination i love them sm aaaaaaa yes they def deserve more attention !! HELP OMG AHAHA i'm glad you enjoyed it !! i feel like the fan accounts thing is so fun aksjdkajs i love interacting w people & it sorta makes cynosure more realistic (???) LOL thank u for being hyped, and once again i love hearing your thoughts abt cynosure !!!!!
p.s. omg i actually didn't see it KKSDKS but np !! it's probably bc tumblr has the unfollow button & the ask button so close together so dw :D
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june-again · 3 years
what's your favourite song to play on the piano and song you wish you could play most?
hi isa <33 ahahah i love talking about piano thank you for asking 😤😤
my favourite song to play is probably between... chopin’s fantasie impromptu (even though it’s an absolute train wreck when I play, I still love the way it feels) (actually I love playing all his music even though it’s way too hard for me ndfns), and this arrangement by theister of swordland from sao (it’s so aggressive ahaha >:D)  and also dawn from pride and prejudice is really flowy and so much fun. ahh there are so many songs i love playing since I started getting my own music almost two years ago (and improved at sight reading like 📈📈📈📈)
i wish i could play liebesleid/love’s sorrow (yes I heard it the first time in ylia) ahhf i mean I can play most of it but there’s this one part on the 8th page I struggle with so much (ALSO I have been learning unravel,,, but like the animenz arrangement,,, i just wish I could make the jump in the right hand I know I can figure the rest out but that jump is pain- LIKE A 6TH??? WITH OCTAVES?? AS A SIXTEENTH NOTE?!?!?) ahh actually that leads me to all of (mark guo) animenz’s arrangements. I can play a few all the way through but I still have years to go if I want to really perfect them JKADSKL
hhhh it’s funny bc I closed my laptop and sat at the piano for almost two hours and then I came back to this ugh ily and i love talking about myself >:D
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Hi there! Anon here..lol So, I have a request for Iguro Obanai (• ▽ •) MC (preferably female) low-key declares Mitsuri a love rival (oh Lord! ヘ(。□°)ヘ) Reader is mad extra - she just wants to be noticed by snek papi! She greets him with his favorite treats every pillar meeting -but look! He didn't even notice! She offers to go on missions with him - oh..Mitsuri already volunteered? After pining after him for so long she starts to back off... until he confesses. Turns out Mitsuri (1/2)
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Ahhh, hello, bby! Okay, I had so much fun writing this as well. Bc hey, it’s mild angst and I’ve always loved writing angsty stuff. And no worries at all; I kind of like having a rough guideline to go by, bc it lessens the strain of having to figure out a mild subplot. But anything’s fine with me. Ahaha. Thank you sooo much for requesting this, and I hope you like it. :D xx
Reader Having a Crush on Iguro and Declaring Kanroji as a Rival (SFW Scenario):
“I don’t care, nee-chan. Mitsuri’s my rival for Obanai’s love— and there’s nothing that you can say that will make me change my mind,” (Y/n) declared irately, as she sat next to her sister on the engawa. Both of them were snacking on senbei, but it was more like (Y/n) was demolishing the crispy treats with every bite.
“You’re approaching this from a very immature perspective, (Y/n),” Akane— the older one of the (L/n) siblings— mused in a knowing manner. “Isn’t she your friend? You’re the Lightning Hashira; you’re supposed to set an example.”
Completely undeterred from her declaration, (Y/n) shook her head, before gnashing another chunk of senbei between her teeth. “She was my friend; until she started being too friendly with Obanai. They’re always together! And whenever Oyakata-sama asks for volunteers to go with Obanai, she’s always the first one to get chosen. It’s unfair!”
Akane chuckled at her sister’s predicament, then reached out and patted the top of her head. “If it’s so unfair, then why don’t you just move on to someone else? That boy who always visits you is cute. What was his name… uh… Rengoku?”
“Kyō-chan is like a brother to me. He doesn’t make me feel the way Obanai does.”
“Well, if you put it like that… then, try one more time. And then promise me that you’re going to stop trying to get him to notice you, if your attempt today fails. Okay, (Y/n)?” With those words hanging in the air, Akane pulled her sister close to her and laid her head on her shoulder. She then began stroking (Y/n)’s hair, more to comfort her than anything else.
“It’s just not fair, nee-chan. I loved him first.”
“That’s love, (Y/n). You know what okaa-san used to tell us, remember?” Akane began softly, as she kept lightly scratching her nails against the Hashira’s scalp.
And, after a brief pause, the sisters simultaneously spoke— with the younger one being more sullen than usual, “Some people are sent to you by the gods, so that they can teach you what you need to learn. While some people are given to you by the gods, so they can take care of you forever. There’s no telling whom was sent for what, so you will have to trust your own instincts and know when to keep on fighting, and when to give up.”
Once the hour for the Hashira meeting had rolled around, (Y/n) could not hold in her nerves. She walked into the garden at the Demon Slayer Headquarters, with her head held high and her back ramrod straight— all while her fingers curled tightly around the bento she had made for Obanai.
She’d paid particular attention to which foods he liked and disliked, and with every meeting, she always brought a bento for him. Only, he never seemed to notice her efforts— so she always ended up giving the bentos to Rengoku.
Her gaze roamed around the expansive space, only to land on the man who made her heart race: Iguro Obanai.
Iguro was lounging on his favorite tree in the garden, when he spotted (Y/n). She was carrying another bento, and was headed straight for him— which caused a blush to immediately flare up across his cheeks.
“Hello, Obanai-san,” The Lightning Hashira greeted with a bright smile. She then held up the bento in her hands, with the same sincere affection he’d always picked up from her. “I made this for you.”
While (Y/n) may have looked calm and collected on the outside, she wanted to scream on the inside. Every second that passed with Iguro just staring at her made her nervous and sad; it gnawed a hole in her heart, which she knew she was most likely never going to mend.
The pair stared at each other, with (Y/n)’s smile slowly faltering. And when the Snake Hashira made no move to get the proffered container, that was when (Y/n) knew that it was time to give up.
So, with a gracious bow, she whispered— all while barely restraining her urge to cry, “Sorry for wasting your time, Iguro-san.”
And with those words, she turned on her heel and walked away from him with as much dignity as she could muster.
Even though she wanted to just lay down on her bed and cry her heart out, she couldn’t— because she still had a meeting to attend.
Of course she sat through the entire meeting, with her comrades shooting her and Iguro some weird looks. As (Y/n) was extremely tuned in to their boring topic of internal budgets, when before she would shamelessly shoot adoring gazes at the Snake Hashira, whom sat beside her.
Iguro could also feel the change in the air. Frankly, it unnerved him, as he had always harbored feelings for (Y/n) but was just too shy to confess to her. He feared that he may have accidentally dealt the final blow to their nonexistent relationship with his inept reaction earlier.
He had been so tongue-tied that he couldn’t muster up the energy— or the brain cells— to make his hands move. His heart had pounded so hard in his chest, because the woman he’d always liked had made another effort to garner his affections.
Little did she know that she already had them.
And once the meeting was over, Iguro was sure that he had singlehandedly ruined the one good thing he’d had with (Y/n).
She tried to be discreet about it, but it was obvious to him that she was avoiding him. Hell, it pissed him off; but the proverbial icing on the cake was when she gave the bento— which was filled with food for him— to the Flame Hashira.
Iguro wanted to scream when he saw that transpire with his own eyes. And then he wanted to shove Rengoku aside, when he saw the other man laugh heartily before wrapping his arms around (Y/n).
“I told you to confess to her already,” Kanroji’s familiar voice echoed in Iguro’s ears.
Anger bubbled up within the young man at his friend’s suggestion; anger at himself, not anger towards her. He had been too stubborn and shy to act on his own feelings, which was why he felt like (Y/n) had suddenly given up on him.
He could only look on as (Y/n) and Rengoku exchanged banter, and when a loud and heartfelt laugh bubbled from her lips, something snapped within him— and he found himself walking towards her.
“Oh, hello, I-” (Y/n) couldn’t even finish her flaky sentence, as Iguro had turned her to face him and slammed his lips against hers. It was kind of awkward with his bandages in the way, but it served to get the reaction he wanted: her face flushed and her eyes misty with desire.
However, even with (Y/n)’s heart pounding frantically inside her chest, irritation and mild embarrassment simmered within her. “How dare you-!?”
Once more, she was cut off when the Snake Hashira spoke over her, “I like you, (Y/n). I’ve always liked you.”
Wide-eyed and completely in shock, the young woman’s eyes darted from the man in front of her, to the Love Hashira who stood a few paces away behind him. “But you and Mitsuri-chan… you two…”
“She was helping me find a way to confess to you,” Obanai answered her unspoken question, which made a blush color her cheeks— all the way up to the tips of her ears.
“I… well… this is awkward,” (Y/n) whispered under her breath, which was still heard by all their comrades. And when she heard the first few vestiges of laughter, it suddenly dawned on her that she and Iguro hadn’t exactly been private with their altercation.
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iiigris · 4 years
Random numbers like always! 1-5-7-9-16-23-29-33-41-50-56-58-59💞 [well, they are a lot so i hope you have fun😂]
Seeing you send me random numbers for all these ask games is one of my favorite things ever  😂🥺💞 Lol it is a lot, but thanks so much for sending these anyway!! I like answering a lot at once 😁 (I’ll put a keep reading thing here tho bc this does get pretty long and I don’t wanna scare y’all off with that first one haha )
Nice asks! 🌸
1: Selfie
Uhh okay so I suck at taking selfies so just ignore the quality of this fjdckdk hi 👉👈 Tis I
- this image has been deleted for privacy reasons :) -
5: Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
Omg YES. LITERALLY ANY OF MY FRIENDS, IRL OR OTHERWISE 🥺🥰 Just seeing them is like giving myself a serotonin injection, I'm just instantly 100 times happier
7: What was your life like last year?
Well let’s see, this time of year specifically... I was working on Inktober and posting on Instagram more (which I can’t do now bc my parents don’t want me on social media tumblr is a total secret shhh I ain’t supposed to be here 👀  ), and also I was getting SUPER excited for Halloween!! Two of my siblings and I dressed up as Ghostbusters lol it was so fun. Also I had a major crush on one of my guy friends but I hadn’t told anyone about it so it was kinda stressing me out lol.
9: Who did you last see in person?
(I would like to first say that where I live, the quarantine has been long since lifted, and the rules about wearing masks are pretty lax which is kinda weird but okay? . I feel so bad talking abt seeing my friends in person bc I know a ton of places haven’t lifted restrictions yet and how much some of y’all miss seeing your friends ;-; So I apologize in advance. If I start talking abt my friends I could go on and on but I'll try to keep it short for y’all’s sakes)
I last saw my friends from church youth group!! We had a special Bible study today so we all got to hang out afterwards and have apple cider ^v^ I see them every Sunday at church and I swear they’re the only thing I live for these days
16: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
Oh gosh, more times than I can COUNT 👉👈 For instance, that crush I mentioned earlier? I didn’t say anything for five and a half months (we’re dating now tho :’D I don’t deserve him)  OH YEAH and also today I was sitting next to one of my guy friends and we were talking, and I REALLY wanted to tell him how pretty his eyes are lol. Like they’re greenish-bluish-grey colored, but with dark brown flecks in them?? And his lashes are really long and thick and??? He just has really gorgeous eyes??? But I didn’t say anything bc I thought it’d be weird ahaha 😔
23: Fear(s)
NEEDLES, blood and guts/gore (if it’s not irl/live-action I'm good tho, also periods don’t bother me for some reason), and being rejected. Well not really rejected I guess, but like... brought down? Like again about the eyes thing I didn’t wanna say anything bc I figured he’d be like “...okay. That was weird. Why’d you randomly say that lol.” and like I don’t kNOW?? I’M JUST RANDOM AND I LIKE COMPLIMENTING PEOPLE 
Kinda like that? Idk if there’s a word for it lol
29: Favorite film(s)
Uhh I don’t watch movies very much but I love the Star Wars films, all the Marvel ones I've seen, and omg Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Bruh the animation in that movie is STUNNING!!! 😭😭 It’s just 100% gorgeous, I fell in love
33: Something you want to learn
I’d love to learn how to sing well... I really like singing but I'm not good at it at all lol. I’ve also always wanted to be really good at ice-skating 🥺🥺
41: Relationship status
Taken! And extremely in love lol
50: Favorite picture of your idol
...okay so. I had to sit and think for a while and figure out who my idol is lol. I’ve never really had one. But I guess an idol is just someone you wanna be like, right? So it doesn’t have to be a real person... right? :D
So here’s a couple pictures of my idol!
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Yep. Samwise Gamgee! He’s such a sweetheart 🥺 Sticks with his friends through and through, literally an angel, good at gardening, takes care of himself AND his loved ones... I love him sm, he’s my favorite hobbit 🥺💗
56: Favorite food(s)
I will go for Mexican food any day, any time. Also Italian food. And I've never met a dessert I didn’t like. (Chocolate is the bomb, tho. Anything chocolate) And I'll never turn down fruit.
58: Description of my best friend
Okay I couldn’t pick one best friend so here’s a brief description of my closest irl friends lol RIP I’m so indecisive 😭😭 I gave them fake names too lol Just for kicks
Nova: Hufflepuff, shortish gal, slightly chubby, good sense of humor and sass, always gets me and my sis tons of food when we visit her 🥺
Michael: Hella tall dude, like over six feet lol... Ravenclaw (like moi), acts tough but a huge sweetheart. Literal gentle giant. Bottomless appetite. Kind of intimidating but does the cutest things sometimes
Lucifer: Pretty Eyes Boy from above, Gryffindor, kind of a stinker, likes poking fun at people, Michael's younger brother (also over six feet tall skjdkds). Also bottomless appetite. (These two would eat anyone out of house and home I swear, I don’t know how their mom feeds the whole fam)
Chris: Tech genius, Hufflepuff, socially awkward but super cute and friendly with ppl he knows, never used to be a fandom geek but we roped him in and he’s DEEP in the fandom land now 😂
Gabriel: Kinda looks like Mirio from BNHA but with brown eyes or Tsukki from Haikyuu but with his hair more 80′s styled, Hufflepuff, says he’s almost six feet tall but he’s like five and a half really, another sweetheart, amazing singer, theater kid, my bf
Nicole: ANOTHER Hufflepuff (they're taking over the world I tell you), farm gal, super tall, reminds me of a cow or baby deer bc she’s literally the sweetest thing 🥺 Has like a million cats, loves animals. She got me into anime and Harry Potter and convinced me to read LOTR and watch Star Wars (she’s a Godsend I tell you)
59: Why I joined tumblr
WELL I needed an outlet for my creativity, since it was quarantine and all and I wasn’t allowed on Instagram anymore... I kinda did it on a whim. Plus before I made an account I'd been binge-reading all of @bluebellhairpin ‘s Marvel stuff and I was like huh she seems really cool... I should follow her. So yeah! Here we are! :D I’ve had a great tumblr experience so far and I'm definitely glad I came here, I hope I never have to leave :’)
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magnumx-opus · 3 years
AHHH THANK YOU! i feel bad filling your whole blog up with my own asks, if you’d like to restore neatness to your blog i can message off anon im jus real shy HAHA 🥺 and ahdhskgfjs your replies always make me smile sm goodness gracious me💕💕💕and oh my you’re so sweet and caring ahhh my heart literally went 🤯!!!!!! altho pls don’t worry i assure you I’m really okay now ahaha (especially after hearing from you hehe💖)
and catboy mozart for halloween???? absolutely iconic I’m in LOVE — AND I DIDNT KNOW YOU PLAYED PIANO !!!! HOW TALENTED CAN ONE PERSON BE ??? THATS AMAZING ILY EVEN MORE NOW 💖💕💖💕💖 i could literally have 1000 questions sdjsdjsdj but for now can I please ask what your favourite piece to play or just listen to is? 🥺
and it’s not out of nowhere at all !!!! i love talking abt music & I’m honoured that you would ramble to me pahahaha
Feel free to message whenever you like dearie I’d love to talk to you for longer ^^ and I’m so glad ur feeling better :D you’re too sweet 😭😭💕💕
YES AHAHAHA I thought it would be fun to dress in the whole 18th century attire for Halloween but it will be a struggle to find the clothing MSKSJKSJM aND NOOOO IM NOT THAT TALENTED KSJIMWHISHMIEHM I just really love music and let that passion push me 😤✊ favorite piece to play? Hmmm... I really like pieces that are loud and fast like the ending of fur Elise where you just BAM on the keys and the music is LOUDDDD but at the same time I really love melodic pieces that are rich with emotion and feeling. I actually won first place a citywide piano competition this December and I was so proud of myself !!!!! 😭😭🙏💕💕 baroque is really fun to play although very difficult to learn because I have a tendency to go fast and stray from the designated fingering which makes me trip up and AAAAGH it’s difficult but I still love to play it when it’s finished. Last year I did invention no. 8 and that was a lot of fun too. To listen to, however, I really like symphonies, each movement gives me that build up to the most satisfying release before the conclusion and 20-40 minutes of that is just hEAVEN for me. For Mozart I like 25, 38, and 41 a lot (although I haven’t heard all of his symphonies so I can’t really say). For Beethoven I like 2, 5, and 7, but like I said I don’t know all of them yet so that’s subject to change ;) I like lots of romantic era music as well as well as some other composers like Tchaikovsky (PAS DE DEUX IS BEAUTIFUL I ONCE WROTE A FANFIC AROUND THAT PIECE) and Chopin and Liszt but idk lately I’ve been super into Beethoven. I’m listening to this podcast biography lecture thing about Beethoven’s life and omg, absolutely adore it. It’s so informative and I love getting to see these composers as actual people with actual lives and I just ???? Maybe it’s weird but I love them so much they mean so much to meeee
This is getting so long I am so sorry omg but yeah about my favorite things to listen to I also love Beethoven’s 5th piano concerto!! My dad took me and my fam to watch it live once and I was absolutely entranced. I listen to it all the time now and it NEVER gets old. Sooooo good omg
You are such a sweetheart ily dear
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rosmarinys · 4 years
soft hearts, electric souls
read on ao3
Dotty Cotton to martin>>>kush: who left their fuckin socks in my room
Ash Panesar: someone change the chat name or im going to riot
Bex Fowler: pls that’s my father
Bobby Beale changed the group chat name to kush>>>martin
Habiba Ahmed: LOL
Iqra Ahmed: Despicable. All of you.
Iqra: Besides we all know the real truth.
Iqra Ahmed changed the group chat name to ash>>>
Ash: babe 🥰😍🥰
Jay Brown to Ben Mitchell: As your brother, I have to tell you that Lola can’t pick up Lexi from school today so you have to do it
Ben: stop starting every sentence with as your brother youre so annoying
Jay: As your brother, no
Ben Mitchell to Callum Highway: babe do you like drive by by train? will determine the rest of our relationship so be warned
Callum: Um. No?
Ben: im divorcing you
Callum: Ben.
Callum: Ben, we’re not married.
Callum: Ben.
Lexi Pearce to Lola Pearce: 🧚🦄🦄🦄🦄🐢🦋🐞🧜♀️🧝♀️💋💋🥰🥰🦄🦄🌈🌈🌈⭐️🌟✨💞❣️💝💘❗️❗️🔆🧜♀️🧜♀️🧚🌟🦄🦄
Lola: Thanks darling love you!
Habiba Ahmed to Iqra Ahmed: IQS!!!!
Habiba: We have a PROBLEM!!!
Iqra: What???
Habiba: Karen stretched out my leather jumpsuit and now I look FRUMPY in it!!!
Habiba: Iqra!!!!!
Habiba: Iqra I can see you reading these!!!
Ben Mitchell to oh god we’re adults: damn callum is thique ;)))))
Callum: Christ
Jay Brown has left the chat.
Lola: ahaha
Jay Brown was added into the chat by Callum Highway.
Jay: shut up ben
Lola: HAH
Bex Fowler to Bobby Beale: sorry but can you pick up some tampons for me ive ran out sorry its just ur out already and idk where iqs and habs are if u cant its fine!!
Bobby: It’s cool I’ll grab some when I pass the shop!
Bex: thanks bobby ur a lifesaver
Bex: love u!!
Bobby: :DD I love you too!!
Ben Mitchell to Phil Mitchell: Hey, text me when you’ve landed.
Ben: Also, is Louise doing better?
Bobby Beale to there should be more gays in this chat smh: was thinking about that one 5SOS song and it came on the radio. creepy
Dotty: why the FUCK are u listening to the radio
Bex: im with Dotty on this one we have spotify premium bro
Habiba: the family package!!!
Habiba: omg we’re a FAMILY
Dotty: gross i take it back bob keep listening to the radio
Bobby Beale sent a video to there should be more gays in this chat smh.
Bex: this is a spit in the face to our family account…
Ash: lmaoo
Iqra: Bobby has surprisingly good dance moves considering he’s dancing with our cleaning sponge
Bobby: I have many talents 😎
Dotty: terrible
Callum Highway to Ben Mitchell: Hypothetically, if someone left rose petals all over your bed, would you be happy or mad about that?
Ben: heading home RIGHT now ;)
Callum: Excellent because I should have gotten fake ones, these are definitely dying. Please hurry.
Ash Panesar to boobs backwards is sboobs,,,much to ponder: is it my turn to pick a movie for movie night tonight?
Iqra: Yes x
Ash: ok we’re watching the bee movie :)
Dotty: im not coming
Bex: never felt betrayal like this
Bobby: Nice!
Habiba: Yeah the bee movie is so good from what I remember!!
Iqra: I’m moving out and I’m breaking up with you
Ash: :(((((
Iqra: I take it back I love you
Habiba: how come ash gets an ‘I love you’ when she sends sad faces but I get a ‘then persish’ ??
Bex: bc iqra and ash are in luuurve
Dotty: we’re getting off topic. im not watching the bee movie. ill sue u all
Ash Panesar changed the group chat name to lets do it babey I know the law
Callum Highway to Unknown Number: Stop texting me. Leave me alone.
Vinny Panesar to Ash Panesar: I have chips. if you come outside I promise I wont talk family stuff at all, just want to show u Instagram memes.
Ash: Fine. But if you bring up anything serious I will leave.
Vinny: Deal.
Ash: Be down in five.
Vinny: 👍🏽💞
Ben Mitchell to Callum Highway: babe u want chinese for dinner???
Callum: Hell yeah!
Ben: great ill grab some after work, meet at urs?
Callum: Yeah, thanks! Love you!
Ben Mitchell to Callum Highway: ly2
Lola Pearce to Ben stop hating yourself you shit: ok who’s picking Lexi up today?? I just picked up an extra shift at the salon
Jay: me and Callum are working till 5 sorry
Ben: im working till 6 and I cant get off
Ben: because callum isn’t here ;)
Jay: :/
Callum: Jay just agreed to let me off early so I can get her??
Lola: great thanks!!
Ben Mitchell to Callum Highway: Hey are you sure youre up for this I can find a way to get someone to cover for me its all good
Callum: Ben it’s fine. I love Lexi, we get on it’ll be fine, ok? See you later for dinner?
Ben: yeah
Callum: Great!
Lexi Pearce to Ben Mitchell: 👨‍👨‍👧😻
Ben: yeah I like him too darling x
Iqra Ahmed to Dotty Cotton: Tell Bobby I’m not speaking to him.
Dotty: why
Iqra: he said that pac-man is ‘‘‘over-rated’’’
Dotty: no why are you telling me this
Dotty: also what the fuck pacman is Great
Iqra: Don’t know, you were the first contact I saw
Iqra: And right!
Ash Panesar to Stop texting d*ck jokes at 3am ALL OF YOU: what are we doing?
Bobby: Our best!
Dotty: speak for urself
Bex Fowler to Iqra Ahmed: can I get a bird?
Iqra: Why are you asking me and not the group chat?
Bex: should I not be asking you?
Iqra: Oh no, you should. And no you can’t.
Bex: :((((((
Iqra: Perish
Habiba Ahmed to dogs are better than people facts ONLY: how does dotty keep getting in she doesn’t have a key
Dotty: you’ve been hacked
Iqra: it’s a PHYSICAL key
Habiba: hackers are getting scarier these days :////
Bex Fowler to boobys are superior sorry bobby: did I waste my teenage years not pulling pranks?
Dotty: they’re not that much fun tbh like one time I broke into my school and covered the entire ground floor in those red solo cups filled with water, like wall to wall, its not that big a deal
Bobby: Are you kidding that sounds hilarious
Dotty: yeah ur right sucks to be yall >:))))))
Ash: hahah
Iqra: You are all awful why are you texting the chat a movie is on!!
Dotty Cotton changed the chat name to silence during the bee movie pls, it’s a cinematic masterpiece
Habiba: 😂😂😂
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krisdreaming · 4 years
hi :3 i hope this isn't disruptive to your break (and i'm really glad to read that the break has been so good to you!! :D ) but i recently discovered your blog and finally got the courage to message you because i want to fangirl to you about 2 things! warning: looong fangirl post incoming 😬 sorry in advance 😅 btw i love your theme(?) idk if if thats what it's called i'm a tumblr noob but yeah your aesthetic is amazing and so pleasing to look at :D
2) your writing! im not exaggerating when i say that you're my fav haikyuu blog writer. seriously. i get sad when people mischaracterize our boys :'( but you characterize them so beautifully :") your attention to detail is amazing, your descriptions are BEAUTIFUL, and the way you write is just *chef's kiss* some of my favs are your iwaizumi's 4+1 scenario ;-; (ok honestly all of them tho) and your kuroo fluffmass scenario ;-; AH mah heart too many uwus literally melting from how soft it makes me
i actually have been slowly going through all your posts from the beginning lols (because even your responses to questions/random stuff are pleasant to read LOL im a bit weird like that 😅) and i LOVE your little tag notes too hahaha (theyre so fun/funny). maybe when im caught up with everything youve written (sad) and your asks are open i'll stop by again with a request ^^ im so glad you love writing and sharing it with us! hope you have a wonderful week~ (btw your cat is so adorbs like srsly)
whoops actually 3rd thing to gush about- inarizaki match AH!! the hype. the feels. and YES i unexpectedly fell hard for kita (darn you furudate ive already adopted so many haikyuu boys!) so excited for you to write for him because ah hes honestly so amazing?? the block hinata hated the most was a nice surprise & i literally d;lajfak when i saw __ watching the match when jogging. i have such a soft spot for that year in that team ;-; heart broke a bit when __ was the only one we didnt see tho T_T
OMG I ASDJKLFJEI I’M PUTTING OFF ORGANIZING MY BLOG TO WRITE THIS I don’t even know where to start, my insides are literally just this: 🥺🥺🥺 I am SOFT you seriously have no idea how much I was grinning reading this!!!! I don’t even know where to start really, but omg I’m so happy you found my blog and that you’re enjoying it so much, that means everything to me 🥺 Ahh ty for mentioning my theme! I am honestly such a perfectionist with themes, I always mess with them for AGES so it makes me really happy that you noticed it!
You are too sweet, omg, thank you soso much for your incredibly kind words about my writing, hearing that just honestly makes my heart soar. I also have to say that the Iwaizumi 4+1 scenario is one of my favorite pieces I’ve written for this blog!!! I’m glad you liked it too! 
I am ALWAYS spouting off in the tags, tbh if you don’t read them you’re missing out on a big chunk of my personality bc I tend to hide it there orz. But please do stop in with a request!! ^^
YES INARIZAKI MATCH my peabrain has already forgotten everything that happened in it but it was a wild ride for sure. There were so many moments that had me literally pausing from reading just to squeal about them!! Kita kinda just sneaks in there without any warning, after that one chapter it was just over for me, like, Miya twins who?? I really need to keep reading, bc now the Nekoma match is starting and things are just getting 👀👀
Ahaha but anyway! I can’t tell you how much this entire message means to me?? It just made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside, I love you so much darling!!! You can stop in here anytime hehe ❤️
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hokusu · 4 years
(3/5) Soon enough we'll get to know each other even better!! I feel u bc I'm the same with my books - I'm a bibliophile :D It's a bittersweet feeling. Nobody fics? Ssshhh. Tbh I'm not that much into snk, yet I like Eren/Levi and I'll read on of your fics, I'm curious and they are a part of you! I'd absolutely love to read one of your dabihawks fics and you should post them (no pressure ofc) bc hello!! We all want to read them. I like to read almost everything, mostly adventurous stuff but I'd
Part 2 of my lovely santa messages ~
(3/5) Soon enough we'll get to know each other even better!! I feel u bc I'm the same with my books - I'm a bibliophile :D It's a bittersweet feeling. Nobody fics? Ssshhh. Tbh I'm not that much into snk, yet I like Eren/Levi and I'll read on of your fics, I'm curious and they are a part of you! I'd absolutely love to read one of your dabihawks fics and you should post them (no pressure ofc) bc hello!! We all want to read them. I like to read almost everything, mostly adventurous stuff but I'd (4/5) like to keep reading soft fics atm. When I think about it, I never had ideas pop up in my head... I'm more of a consumer, it seems :D how you connect fics with music makes sense - while reading that fic I thought of a song, so it can also work the other way around!! Dabihawks is everywhereee! may I ask which song(s) reminds you of them? Yes I paint from time to time, I mostly redraw youtube videos or pictures I like; videos are a little bit difficult, I don't like following instructions :D (5/5) I'm not talented, not at all!! I just do stuff bc I want to + it feels good. imo everything can look good, that's why: just do it, if you have fun + put effort in it, it's already awesome. Evaaaaa, don't make me blush, I'm about to scream again :D thank you, your words reassure me, so I don't put myself under too much pressure.  I appreciate your answers, always!!!  - Secret Santa
Ah!! Books, what's your favorite(s)? I love books but tbh I haven't read one properly in...years...and it's sad lmao. But at least I'm still reading fics >.> and asdfsdfs the fact that you like Eren/Levi without being too much into SNK, bless you lol. Really you don't have to read any of mines if you find they're not your cup of tea!! But if you do, well I'd love to know which ficc caught your eye and what you think! Also I totally plan to post the dabihawks, I just need to finish them first :' )
Soft fics, okay let me give you some more of my favs!
1. This (one) is probably my absolute fav modern AU dabihawks, so I HAVE to rec it! Like I finished this fic and thought about it for a whole week bcus it has that kind of effect and I literally love everything, it’s perfect. Bonus it's both *soft and adventurous*. And also it has one of the songs that remind me of them lol, bcus the title is from this (song).
2. And this (one) because it's by the same author as the fic I sent you last time and has all the cute, pining/best friend and fake pretend relationship that makes me weak. :D
3. Cough ok this (one) is really short lol you can probably read it super fast but it’s an angsty as hell canonverse rec? It's still got a soft ending though ok!! But idk if it’s too sad & isn't your thing lol. ;-; I like feels and this one somehow captures it all beautifully.
4. This (one)  --- I'm not sure if you're into texting fics, so this might be a little different ~flavor~ or even a bit ooc but I read this one recently & bcus of the manga right now, this one hit me like a ton of bricks and I just wanted to cry through even if it was supposed to be more ~casual fun~ lol. Though it has some of the *softest* lines between them that made me so happy.
Just throwing some I like, but absolutely no pressure to read any at all and... I have more if you aren’t feeling those ahaha. ^^
Now songs ok I actually started...putting together a playlist titled "hotwings" (their other ship name makes me cry laugh tbh lol). Besides the song I sent earlier, here are a few more that reminds me of them! Also I totally wonder what’s your music taste like? Bcus mines is all over the place lol, but let me know if you actually like any of these songs??
Songs: (x), these 2 bcus I love cover songs that are done well (x) + (x), and some other random ones~ (x), (x), OK i'll stop sending too much to you now ;-; ❤ ❤
Hm what does painting youtube videos mean? That sounds very cool though, if you're comfortable with in the future, I'd love love to see some of what you redraw/paint? :D And asdfsd what a mood lol, I don't like following instructions either. I actually...really dislike following tutorials. xD
Pfff I won't accept that, you're talented TO ME! And I am here for all your talents honestly!! Also that's the best though, right? Doing the things you like bcus you want to and it's fun. I'm glad you have something like that! And ahh please don't feel pressured at all! Seriously...if you ask me, I think I already have the gift ---the gift is getting you in my inbox, so have fun ok? ❤ 
Also I’m super sorry this is so long lol and I hope you aren’t stressed by how much I write D: so feel free to tell me to tone it down. ;-; Sending you love and thank you as always for talking to me. Have a lovely lovely weekend!!
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