#idk why i made 2. i am indecisive
largeonions · 2 years
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now, sympathy has no place in a righteous heart
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yermes · 4 months
PAC: 🧸
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I’ve been so poor and so broke the past few years, and now that I have an income Idk how to act or what to spend money on because in my head I am still in such an act of fight or flight. Like I kinda want to buy a cute back to school fit, I kinda want to new crochet needles, I kinda want new bedding and I just am so indecisive abt it. IF YOU STRUGGLE WITH THE IMPOSTER SYNDROME OF HAVING MONEY AND HAVE FINANCIAL ANXIETY PLEASE THIS IS FOR YOU.
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. I know you all were NOT FEELING PARADIGMS AND AEONICS BUT I SWEAR I WILL DELIVER!! Liking and sharing does a lot and feel free to follow me else where as well 🫶
Socials: TipJar | Follow me!
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The cards
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Truce 🧸
Four of Swords, Jupiter in the 3. of Libra, Chesed through Air
YOU ARE THE REASON YOU CAME INTO WEALTH DO NOT DOUBT IT. You saw the issue of what made you so poor and you solved it. Use this comfort to reflect on why you are so anxious. If you stay anxious you just deprive yourself from your victory.
The Fool 🃏
Pisces going to Aries, Uranus and Mercury, Air, Kether going to Chokmah
You never had any kind of wealth like this before and now you don’t know how to act and theres a lot of stress because there’s many different paths you can go down. Theres endless possibilities but some of them can have negative repercussions do not dive in blindly.
Valour 🪄
Mars in the 3. of Leo, Netzach through fire, seven of wands
You are being set up or your setting yourself up to face a challenge that will only make you stronger. (Saving for big investments like a house, higher education, moving in hopes of a better life.) This will fundamentally change you because it will be so hard but so worth it. You’re in a fighting state but it will be rewarded. The risk will be nothing comparable to the reward.
GOD is good I got an interview at my campus c:
I just want to say I literally embody all these so again please do not feel called out if anything these all are self roasts.
But let me tell you this anxiety has saved my ass I got a $200 book for $50 bc my ass can get a book foe CHEAP
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suratan-zir · 1 year
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Let me just tell you, things have been frustrating.
So I suddenly had this immense desire to create *something* in the sims. Because I usually make cc when I am most anxious, and lately it's been one big endless panic attack.
again, sorry to those of you poor souls who followed this blog only for war news, you can block my sims tags if you don't want to deal with this nonsense on your dash
Then this desire transformed into the need to make lip gloss, because I don't already have like a bazillion of those nor do I totally suck at creating makeup (yeah, I am really bad at it)
But we still have electricity only for 2 hours at a time, and I'm reeeally slow at cc creating.
So basically, it's like an hour passes but nothing gets done. Then when I think I'm making progress, I load my game for eternity, only to see some weird imperfections that wasn't present on the texture itself and was overlooked in Bodyshop. Then it takes another two hours to try and figure it out. It is so counterproductive. And btw, why is it so dang difficult to create a makeup in this game that would look decent on darker skin tones? Stupid makeup has no business being so hard to put together.
Anyway, I ended up with this mess you see on the screenshots. I thought I liked it, but my partner said it's "too shiny". It was the original goal?? But now I'm questioning myself, maybe it is too shiny/glossy after all? Too 2008-esque?
I think you've already guessed, I made this post just to vent into the void. idk if I'll share this lip gloss, because I'm not sure I can finish it with the power outages and also knowing my indecisiveness in choosing colors.
Thank you for listening. Hope y'all are doing well for the most part.
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nulltune · 1 year
Lynn, my deawest wynny....... please recommend me blogs to follow. i am dying.
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deawest quinny..... I GOTCHU !!!! ALL MY MUTUALS ARE SUPER WORTH IT 2 FOLLOW TBH (no duh..... why would i follow em otherwise GFJSHF) so honestly i could just list down everyone in my following list but i am is weenie </3 so i'll just @ some ppl instead !! I WOULD TAG SM MORE ACTUALLYYYY but i got hit by a frikkin 50 mentions per post limit 🥹🥹 tunglr hath silenced me.!!! smh.. BUT YEA i've categorized them (in attempt) to make it a lil easier but yes pls check everyone out 🫶
and everyone pls check quinn out too!!! have u ever seen a blog for the yandere trope before?? no?? YA I THOUGHT SO!! IT'S A HELLA UNIQUE CONCEPT IMO ?? ✨️✨️ quinn does it so much justice toooo i'm eh to yandere as a trope but i trust him with it 100% and have fallen in love with everyone on da muselist tbh 😳 -ME WILL SMITH POSING @ PSICHOPOP DOT TUNGLR DOT COM- 100/10 AMAZING WRITER, AMAZING FREN AND I CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH 💖💖💞
and speaking of cannot recommend enough!! here's some blogs i'm heart eyes @ .... 😳🥺💖 FULL DISCLOSURE- i am an out of date binch, i barely know anything abt anything anymore but gahdamn do i love these portrayals!! these r also ppl who i've talked to / interacted at least a widdle bit so ik they r very sweet and easy + fun to talk to <333
ocs that r hella neat!! i am always so damn impressed by them and the amount of thought put to their character + lore 🫶 @knightglow @xfestiviity @unmeinoniwa @zorkaya @phantasmaw @dis--parity @laplacemail @slayersaided @opalscales @necroethes @bellusnymphine @jardinae @lexpape @terestris @aceparagon @holyrisen
solo muse blogs!! i literally dgaf abt most canon charas outside of hakuno but THEY HAVE MADE ME GAF 🥺 this goes for multis too ofc, but ya i rlly luv them!!!! @brawlqueen @lureri @guthalo @poweys @shackld @glasgcw @tanjodos @spangcoles @igniferous @wolvensden @traevaler @luminousglimmer-a @madamhatter
multimuse blogs!!! i am da most indecisive binch but i fr want 2 have hakuno interact with literally everyone on all these muselists tbh 🤧 even if idk anything abt them (tho this is thestandard quo 4 lynn actually), i already Know the mun's writing is just so good that i would love em all the same @stalwartembers @resolutepath @hearttorn @nefezh @minarcana @vitriolec @unmyeoung @doomxdriven @equiilux @autumnstide @knightinsourarmor @2citiez @ofstarsandskies @altaier @heartsealed @wishfell
there's a special fate section here bc that is hakuno's source material after all tho honestly i aCTUALLY DON'T CARE ABT FATE AT ALLLL outside of hakuno ofc <3 but hakuno shall continue to exist in fate bc of my fate mutuals 💖 also i 100% trust their portrayals more than canon FDJSGFJ @tenkoseiensei @darabeatha @caemthe @corrchoigilt @noircisaint @fakcr
AND UHHHHHH anyone i write with is bound 2 be good!!! my promo tag also got a lotta pretty promos from pretty ppl ✨️✨️ idk how to end this properly but if u see this on ur dash then consider this me lovemailing all of my mutuals bc WTF HOW DID U FOLLOW MY CIRCUS OF A BLOG 😭😭❤️💞 TYSM 🥹🫶
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riddlerosehearts · 2 months
Ok, I need to know your fob album ranking and top 10 songs, GO!
oooh okay so i need to start by saying that i am heavily biased toward their older stuff because... i've listened to fall out boy since i was probably too young to listen to fall out boy AFGKJDF and their pre-hiatus albums essentially shaped my music taste and helped me get through a lot of difficult times in my life. so i'm really just generally more attached to them than the rest but i do like every single one of their albums at least a little because they all have songs i love. i also had to think about this a bit and am still not sure if it's a perfect ranking because i'm incredibly indecisive. but this is what i'm feeling right now! (also i apologize in advance for adding a bunch of commentary and rambling instead of just giving you the ranking LOL)
from under the cork tree - was the first FOB album i ever listened to so i'm biased but it's so fucking good. especially if you include the bonus tracks from it. there is not a single song on here that i don't love.
infinity on high - contains my favorite FOB song (okay maybe it's illogical that my #1 song is from my #2 album but listen... it's a very close #2), aesthetically has the coolest album cover, and it's just fantastic all around--again, especially if you include the bonus tracks.
take this to your grave - i feel like a lot of people hate TTTYG nowadays and i'll never understand why. it's a great album. it's classic pop punk and just pure fun.
folie a deux - literally never understood the hate this album got when it came out!! it's so good!! i remember listening to the whole thing the same day as it dropped and loving it and being so confused seeing how much people complained about it :(
so much (for) stardust - okay i actually love this album so much that #5 feels too low but if i switched it with folie then #5 would feel too low for folie so idk 😭😭 my favorite post-hiatus album BY FAR though. it's sooo good and it's also special to me because i literally never got to see fall out boy live until they toured for its release last year.
save rock and roll - has some misses for me, as do the albums i've ranked below it, but overall i like my favorite songs from SRAR more than i like my faves from the albums below, and it gets bonus points for how cool the youngblood chronicles is + the nostalgia i associate with FOB's return from their hiatus.
american beauty/american psycho - ABAP gets a lot of hate but i think it kind of rocks actually and putting it at #7 feels slightly wrong. it's really only this low because something has to be and because again, i like my favorite SRAR songs more than my favorite ABAP songs.
mania - i think a lot of people on here get mad if you put MANIA last so i'm sorry afksjgdsf. it honestly just has the lowest number of songs i really like and has several that i don't. though i will say that last of the real ones is a certified banger and i was so glad it had a permanent spot on the tourdust setlist.
hum hallelujah - my beloved 💙💙 when i saw FOB live they had a slot on the setlist where each night they'd either play bang the doldrums or hum hallelujah and i won't lie, i did feel disappointed for a second when doldrums started. i got over it because i love that song too but. hum hallelujah is one of my all time favorite songs.
i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me - my favorite song on FUTCT and another all time fave. i also think this is the funniest song title of all time btw.
G.I.N.A.S.F.S. - so jealous of anyone who's gotten to see this played live as a magic 8-ball song :(
calm before the storm - this having a permanent spot on the tourdust setlist got me hyped like you wouldn't believe because they had last played it in 2007. underappreciated banger.
love from the other side - this was literally my top song of 2023 on my spotify wrapped. i made an angsty raeda gifset with lyrics from it not long after the single came out because it made me so insane.
sugar we're goin' down - might be a bit of a basic choice but it was the first FOB song i ever liked and it fucking slaps 💖 also when i saw them live i swear patrick changed the lyrics to "wishing to be the friction in his jeans" which is just. legendary and iconic of him.
disloyal order of water buffaloes
grand theft autumn/where is your boy - again, a basic choice, but sometimes things are popular for a reason!
the carpal tunnel of love
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angeygirl · 11 months
AU-gust day 2: Immortals
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-This was your suit, Father. It should have been your fate.
-Oh, and I imagine you would have rather been gutted like a fish and used as a sock puppet?
-I was trying to set them free
-Ah, yes. Because waving an axe around like a lunatic in front of a terrified child is the best way to earn their trust
-Don't act like this wasn't your doing. I suppose your plan went better then?
-Elizabeth was not as aware as I thought she would be. If she had been, I am certain she would have tried to make the others spare me.
-And then what?
-I would have gotten her out, put her back together.
-What? Father, why are you grinning like that?
-Tell me the irony isn't lost on you Michael. The son atoning for his father's sin, who should have been the hero of this story, tossed to the scrap heap. And, the man behind the slaughter as nothing but a night guard with an odd complexion. Don't you think it should have been the other way around? Myself, a monster trapped in my own creation, and you, losing your heart, lungs and everything else in order to redeem yourself. Not that it matters, of course. Ha ha, ah, the two of us, two immortals trapped in an eternal struggle. You'll never catch me Michael. You'll never kill me.
Because I am indecisive, I figured I'd alternate between two different art challenge's each day. AU-gust is going to be my chance to show off AUs that I haven't much drawn for. Should this have probably been for the Role Reversal prompt? Maybe, but I'm counting it as Immortals anyway :P
Wasn't totally sure what to do to make Miketrap different from Springtrap other then the eyes, but he's got the opposite ear torn to show it's reversed from how it should be. And a big ol' gash down his torso. Purple Vincent is very important to me. IDK why but he is. Long ponytail and grey streaked hair that defies corpse logic because I said so :3
Edit: Made the lines around Miketrap's pupils glow so they're easier to see with the dark blue against black
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Belated welcome to the fandom, I am making my way through Rough Night and I am obsessed. Was curious: how would you rank the gg seasons and why? Fave character and the one you hate the most? Thoughts on 2.13 - a terrible narrative decision or a way to jump start many more episodes of delicious angst?
Aw, hi anon! Thank you for the welcome. I’m excited to be here. 😁 And thank you for your kind words about Rough Night! That’s so sweet. 🥹
I really love all the seasons in their own ways. There’s something so special about each one. Ranking them is hard for me. If I HAD to, I’d say 2,1, 4, 3 – strictly for quantity and quality of Brio interactions.
Season 1 is just so full of moxy. It’s endearing and why I kept watching the show. Everyone looks so cute in it and their excitement to be working on this set really came through. I love their wigs and I love their outfits and I love their conspiratorial energy about this naughty thing they’re doing. I even love dumb Dean and his ridiculous schemes to keep his unhappy wife.
Season 2 deepened every character. It gave us glimpses into just how unhappy Beth and Dean’s marriage had been and for how long. She never looked at him the way Ruby looks at Stan. It gave us a better view into the disproportionate friendship Beth and Ruby have had for years. How Beth would choose her above everyone else every time, and how she expected Ruby to do the same. Foreshadowing for season 4. Of course, the ✨Brio energy✨ in this season is unmatched. It’s magic. The way they were so many things to each other here and how poorly they handled it all. 2.13, in my opinion, was an excellent narrative decision. Everything Brio had been to each other in this season led up to it and made perfect sense. It showed Rio for who he is – deeply emotional, imperfect, lonely, easily hurt and petty when he is. It was our first glimpse into his humanization. He wasn’t a smirky, all-knowing, impervious figure anymore. He was made into a man who feels compassion and confusion and attraction and wants validation just like the rest of us. Season two showed us just how much he NEEDS validation and how hurt he gets when he doesn’t receive it.
Idk why people don’t like season 3. Everyone loves angst in fic and this whole season was Brio angst. The way this man suffered feeds my soul. This is a much more emotionally complicated season and I love that for all of us. 😆 The indecision, the duality, the denial, the deep deep hurt. The way he made her watch while he killed someone. “My girl.” He said it to Beth, not Lucy. He held her eyes and brought a lamb to slaughter to show Beth she wasn’t above causing someone’s death. She wasn’t better than he is. And in turn, the way we got small glimpses into how Beth thinks about him when he isn’t there. Her scene teaching Lucy’s bf to shoot and what her holding that knowledge implied. How closely she was coached and guided. She was remembering as she took her aim and fired. Remembering all he’s taught her and remembering the last time she fired a weapon. The depth of her denial is so frustrating to watch because we see the care and nostalgia there for her. She just refuses to acknowledge it.
Season 4 was unmatched Rio personal development. If anything, I think THAT was probably the most out of character and out of previous scope thing to happen. The catalyst of Nick made sense but also was kind of barely believable as a plot line. It recast Rio as much less in control than we all assumed him to be, and made him much more subservient to his lonely predicament. Ultimately though, I buy it because it’s what leads Brio back to each other. And that’s all we’ve ever wanted. Rio, who’s held on to so much anger to try and maintain control, just gave it all up. Let it drift and wash away. “We can do whatever we want.” Sir! Pleeeaaaseeee! 😭😭😭 The way he did all the gestures. The way he self-sacrificed for her. Set aside all shreds of ego for her. I will tolerate all the trash boyfriends and all the bicycle bullies for the way Rio showed Beth all his softness. I wiiiiish we would have gotten to see her soften to him too. Our white whale.
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mcjour · 1 year
i know it’s a little early,  but i am already thinking a little about summer jobs.
first of all, one option is to just take the whole damn summer off and i’m really not opposed to that. but i figure i will get bored and also i figure i need SOME money. 
the most obvious option would be to do what i did last year, which was summer school through the school district i am already working in. it was easy and it was like 4 weeks/ 4 days a week/ 4 hours a day or something. so made a little money and still had afternoons off/ many weeks off. it felt like i had a little summer beforehand and a little summer after because of the spacing between the actual school years. this year maybe less so because of the end of the year getting pushed back but alas.
but i figure why limit myself to that??? there are so many other summer jobs i could consider.
an obvious one is summer camp and idk why that kinda appeals to me. kids would have more fun than they did in summer school, that’s for sure lol.
there are many different types of summer camps i think. the most well known one around here is probably the YMCA one. which doesn’t look too bad. but let’s be real... i hate outdoors. and i can’t swim. so like.... idk. i think a full day outside with kids might just kill me. too much. not much of a “break” at that point. 
I would never ever ever do a sleepover camp, just to be clear, just a day camp.
i think the ymca has options at the ymca itself, which seems a hell of a lot more ereasonable to people like me. or other places have other summer day programs that are indoors. those are more my speed. though again, maybe not a break.
there are other seasonal jobs too. obviously the unable to swim thing means lifeguarding is out. LOL. but something like ice cream scooper is still possible. but i think i would be miserable there too. retail is miserable.
not to mention a lot of summer jobs just do not pay well!!! i’m not busting my ass for minimum wage. 
also a lot of summer jobs are geared towards teens and college students lol so like yes i am still young enough to be a camp counselor but like if all my coworkers are 16 then that’s hella weird.
i know other people my age are more advanced roles like camp director type stuff and all that but 1) i don’t really have the experence for that and 2) ewww that’s way too much work
so i guess i’m back at square one. summer school. and i still had plenty of time to hang out with friends, go places, etc. so not a bad choice by any means....
though i have options even there i guess. last year i did a “gen ed” summer school but there are other ones... MLL summer school, special ed summer school.... so just adding another dimension of indecision. i guess the gen ed stuff makes most sense since that’s what i already do, but special ed might expand my skill set kind of a thing. plus it’s for a longer day/ more weeks, so more money. but i’m not sure i want that for my summer. the bigger break the better?
i guess i have to think of what i want to do with my summer. like, do i want to go on a trip (LOL i doubt it, but like a day trip). is my brother visiting? are my parents renting a beach house? am i buying a season pass to canobie lake? like if i have a lot of plans then maybe i want to opt for the easy summer school. but if i have literally nothing to do maybe i could go for a more demanding job. nah. let’s relax this summer!
clearly i’m not relaxing if i am thinking about it  in february....
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nar-nia · 1 year
You already know I'm gonna ask you too answer them all
Hehe <3
~M 🐝
and now i have time to do so 🤩 let's go! (I don't know how long ago that was and i'm so sorry, i just found that at the bottom of the editor list)
1. What are your top 2 favourite types of weather? Why?
summer rain and a light spring wind 🤩 both are just comfortable and peaceful
2. What are some youtube video you have watched multiple times and would go back and watch again?
i've already answered that but mostly music mvs!
3. Who have you see live at a concert?
most importantly of course enhypen 🤩 everyone who was at kpop flex (enhypen, ive, g-idle, mamamoo, ab6ix, nct dream and kai) and tiziano ferro, an italian singer
4. Who is ur go to Mario character?
either toad or yoshi!
5. Who is ur comfort streamer(s)?
gronkh! he's a german youtuber and from time to time i come back to watch his old let's plays.
6. How many ppl/gcs have you currently got left unread
4... i'll answer them now.
7. What languages do you listen to music in?
mostly english, german and korean, but occasionally italian, swedish /norwegian, dutch and french too
8. What is one music performance you always go back and watch?
puh... i'd say the mama performances from itzy and enhypen!
9. Whats one WIP (any kind: song, story, art, ect.) you dont know if you will ever finish? Give us a sneak peak or tell us the concept/idea?
i had an idea for a mamma mia retelling with enhypen characters, but i'm not sure if i can pull it off. and yesterday i found the beginning of a story involving jake and a reader who works in a cafe, that i might continue if i get new ideas.
10. Whats ur MBTI?
11. Big spoon? Little spoon? Both?
both, depending on the day and the circumstances 😊
12. Go onto Pinterest (or google or picsart or smth) rn! and put together some sort of outfit you would wear and show us
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13. Have you made anything by hand recently? Show it off!
does this count?
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14. What is the 107th most recent photo in your gallery?
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15. What is your toxic trait? (Non-serious answers only)
gatekeeping heeseung and failing 😔
16. What are you procrastinating rn?
... my bachelors thesis 🤐 (rn it's writing applications for internships)
17. Do you have any plants? What are their names and do they have a personality/any notable traits?
i do! but i also have a history of them dying, so i don't really give them names. i had one called bob but he sadly died at the beginning of this year. i do have two plants on discord which have names! one i can't say because i'd probably have to censor it, but the other one is called wonie 💀
18. Show me another picrew (or 2) you really like!
i don't have any on my phone rn 🥲
19. Whats the most recent reaction meme/image in your camera roll?
.. yeah
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20. Have you got any random concepts/plans/ideas sketched or scribbled out on paper somewhere that you want to share?
just some story ideas but those are kept secret 🤫
21. What are 3 songs that are definitely on your road trip playlist. Why them?
Ooh.. good question. I think i'm too indecisive for that
22. Can you drive?
i can but i won't ever do it again
23. Who's the most famous person you have met? How, why, when, where?
i have a picture with three very famous voice actors from germany! and my boss is a famous singer for kids songs.
24. Is there a famous someone you are only a few people away from?
does my boss count?
25. Do you have good time management or are you failing as badly as I am? 💀 Credits to the love @nar-nia for q.25
i am clearly failing
26. Have you got anything (other than this blog) that you want to plug?
not really
27. Do you enjoy giving or receiving things more?
28. Show me something you've drawn.
see above 🤭
29. What app/website/game is underrated and you think more people should use/play? Why?
idk but please drop some game recommendations!
30. What is the next social event you have planned? Are you looking forward to it?
a holiday with my parents, and yes!! also an ice skating show.
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Yes I'm a 97' liner! My venus is in taurus and I have a cancer rising, hopefully that will be more helpful to you!
1) I was 19-20 or 21 with that forbidden romance trope fwb. And around the age of 21-22 we met to hook up once again, cause we had a no contact.
2) I was lucky imo with my fwb. Though my advice would be don't be rushed to do it, make sure you have a good connection with the person and if you feel like you can trust them with that experience go for it! Personally I felt rushed and if I had different circumstances in my life I don't know if my fwb would had been my first 💭 But I'm glad it was him in the end.
3) The choke-hold guy happened a year ago and I just blocked him after the convo with my guy friend. Thankfully he didn't go psycho, cause I don't know if I could be able to handle another psycho. I had enough trauma build up by having a possessive manipulative emotionally abussive narcissist 😂
4)We definitely had a loooot of people giving us weird looks 🤡
5) honestly that wasn't the only shitty move of his at the very beginning 🤡
6) It's complicated honestly. Like we had our fwb situationship, he then could not get over some things I did cause he found them super romantic (he was mostly hooked on a spiderman style kiss I surprised him with) and we thought let's get to see if we can have something more serious. We made out at a new year's party after everyone was pestering us to date and then we were like yeah there wasn't a special spark, that extra something. And well we met again after a long break and he did that and asked me to do more fun outing together so I don't know but honestly if he's so indecisive I won't waste any time 🤷🏻‍♀️
But honestly I think if I find someone attractive or if I am genuinely crushing on them I act differently. If I have a big fat crush I get so awkward and shy but in both cases I always am annoying towards them lmfao I like teasing but lightheartedly like tickling, or poking, etc.
But my tip would be go bold. I had so many opportunities by being bold, it got me phone numbers by directly telling the guy hey you seem like my type wanna exchange phone numbers to get to know each other?
Also the hashtagssss I have a kdrama series for you but it left me HEARTBROKEN like crying for three months straight... it was the good person but wrong time. Maybe I can share that story after the fwb. Also feel free to use anything for fic inspo!
- 🐇
Ohh, I see. You got that siren energy with that venus/rising duo.
You probably don't see it but you probably find it to be quite effortless in attracting the other sex.
Aww, I love the right person, wrong time trope. I just love angst, I eat it up like it's my favourite meal.
Like just pull my heart out of my chest and I will love you forever.
What's the kdrama series?? I need to get back into watching them again.
I mean, it's a spiderman style kiss, why wouldn't you be hooked? I have yet to experience it but maybe I will.
It's been three years since I made out with anyone so I hope my lips still work and I have slight game.
I get awkward too but instead of being shy, I just get over eager and end up calling them 'bro' and 'dude' and being overly affectionate. Idk how ppl can just act chill around their crushes mate, like don't your insides squirm?
Honestly, I have been bold before but I've experienced so much rejection, my boldness is dwindling. The last guy I was bold with plainly stated he wasn't attracted to me in 'that way' and my womb just clenched in embarassment.
So please 🐇 anon, give me all the flirting advice you have.
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astrojoy · 3 years
What Vibes Do You Give Off To Your Angel/Spirit Guides
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Order of the piles
Pile 1 - Pile 2
Pile 3 - Pile 4
Pile 5 - Pile 6
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•°•°• DISCLAIMER •°•°•
I do NOT own the pictures above, these were made by @tnk_gr and I do NOT take credit for them. I am simply using them for a picture to represent each card pile in an aesthetic way ^
Also if it doesn't resonate then pick another pile, maybe your intuition missed it. Sometimes none of them will resonate as well, this is a broad spectrum, and everyone has unique energies! Also some people may just not resonate with my energy, it happens and other tarot readers may have the same instances, energy is drawn to different things haha!!
This is for entertainment and I hope everyone enjoys, don't take it too seriously or if something hits you wrong them don't take it personally and remember this is for fun. Your guides love you and only want the best for you, that is why they are referred to as "guides" of course! ^-^
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Pile 1
Protective - you carry a lot of burdens, sometimes other people's - "Resilient" - closed off- determined - stubborn - creative - indecisive - "go with the flow" - you may pray often, they hear you - pretty hair - really beautiful physically - if you wear makeup they are complimenting you 😳 - again, creative, we got some artists or DIY peeps here - wise - some of you could be studying or in school, they are saying you are quite smart!
Extra - 444, 222, Libra, bolt, clean, bear, pick up, clay, telephone, breaking news, Taurus, tell her, sophisticated
Pile 2
Agile - patient - graceful - the one who glows while all else has darkened - "growth" - you've been through a lot, you've learned many lessons, "we're proud of you" - observant - peacemaker - aura is beautiful - VERY wise - OML YOU LEGIT JUST GOT THE GROWTH AND WISDOM CARD WTF? (I was only looking at a card with a crane and plant before but this legit just confirmed it) - I SAID PEACEMAKERS BEFORE AND JUST GOT THE BALANCE CARD I'M DONE, oml I love my guides so much 😭 - intelligent - great healer - "one with nature" - adventurous - some of you are multitaskers, they notice this and are like "woah" - strong physically or mentally - "listen to the signs we give you" sometimes you pray and search for an answer but don't feel like you got one, they want you to pay closer attention - risk-taker - bong
Extra - 444, green ball, nature, forest, earth energy here, Libra, some of you could want to travel someday, tree on a hill, Virgo, I got the image of a girl running towards a tree feeling free, teacup, rain, garden, party, dog (ohh maybe a select few of you are party animals or wild when you are alone haha! Cute!), someone here could smoke weed, Sagittarius
Pile 3
Creative - sweet - caring - sensitive - artsy people - some of you enjoy painting - Emotional - "eat and stay hydrated!" - in your head a lot - the enjoyment of observing things, they notice this - "beautiful soul" - loving - curious - child-like - witty - studious - deep - aesthetically pleasing - hopeful - "cutie pie" - "we love you" - they notice your enjoyment of food - dependant at times
Extra - ok so I specifically got 2 guides. Literally 2. They are a couple, such mother and father figure energy oml, idk if your parents passed away but if they did then this is them, if they didn't then this is past life parents/guardians of some kind. HAHAHA oml this tickled me, they literally baby you from the spiritual realm "is she ok?" "Yes honey she's fine, wait did she eat?-" oml so so sweet. It's like a grandmother trying to feed you cookies 🥺 222, 666, birds, they sometimes check in on your when you least expect it, if you are trying to go to college then they are helping you, "you are protected dear", "open up some, it's ok!", they actually may legit come in, in spirit form to your house just to see if your ok!, Bank, Daniel?, transfer, "careful!", gemini, 5th house placements, capricorn, aquarius, Partner, ohh so that's a good point-this could be a past life partner!
Pile 4
Passionate - independent - doesn't give up easily - fierce - romantic - "feline" - cat vibes - "don't F with me and I won't F with you" - hides their emotions at times - hides sadness and puts on a mask - "these stripes made you who you are!" - hardworking - "leave what doesn't serve you" aka toxic stuff - grateful (or be more grateful) - powerful - heartfelt - enjoys pleasure - "get rid of toxic things/habits/people", hot 🥵 - such a powerful presence, some people might stare at you, "love your style" (fashion)
Extra - scorpio dominant/rising, candles, roses, sparklers, aries, 777, leo, paint, entrepreneur, fire energy, the soul glows at times or sparks, scoffing like a baddie and leaving the scene quietly, 8th/1st house placements, mars/pluto placements, 222, black and gold, red, tranformative energy, you guys were once a half but now are whole (they are proud of you), makeup, pet cat, for females (and males if you have long hair) some of you keep your hair pulled up often while others might let their hair loose and flow, capricorn
Pile 5
Observant - thirst for knowledge/experiences - looking into the future a lot - hopeful - "never give up" attitude on your journey - they are saying they notice that maybe you feel trapped in some way? - diplomatic - hero/knight in shining armor archetype towards others - psychic/spiritual block somewhere - resilient - carrying a lot of weight on your back/burdens - "trust the process" - tired - emotional at times - a feeling of disconnectedness - you may be more closed off from your guides at times than that of others - curious at heart - mischievous when being playful - many different interests - "good manifester" - sometimes you may not see opportunities they give you - they see you as someone who enjoys baths or quiet relaxing moments too - clean
Extra - leaving something behind, some of you are tall, some of you are searching for your "other half" rn, moon dominant or sign could be important, "why do we act the way we do? Why are my emotions like this?" Can be familiar, 23 and 32, learning more about yourself right now, some of you might have hidden enemies, virgo, 333, "parking", pass, "you can transform things", shapeshifting with new environments, pocketwatch?, "it's only a matter of time"
Pile 6
Consistent - "never give up" - "hard work brings achievements and success" - patient - they see how some of you are active - a select few of you are materialistic - quiet - self-reflective - "beautiful body" - calm - the monk on the mountain - you think a lot on the past sometimes - meditation - "slow and steady" - loves nature - a person who enjoys travel - deep emotions but doesn't see a reason to show them at times - "on a path of enlightenment" - philosophical - seclucive - gentle - not really argumentative
Extra - I got the image of a lamb and it reminded me of Jesus tbh. They may see you as very important in some way, you have big mountains to climb. I also get image of a mountain goat, bambi, dance, gym, swim, 2 people holding hands, monks, fire twirler, childhood friends, your spirit guide(s) are holding your hand often throughout life, they could be past life siblings or friends, some of you could legit be spiritual monks or have thought about it, some of you live far away from somewhere that you want to go, travellers of the mind, earth, and soul, some of you live in apartment buildings with balconies, 42, capricorn, Sagittarius, 9th/12th house placements, some of you legit live on mountains or something like there is so much symbolization here of it - masculine energy but the soft kind
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nulltune · 2 years
Even if it was from a meme of forever ago, can I send a ✿? www
PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP MEME 0.2 — no longer accepting!
:flushed: ONLY IF U DONT MIND ME ANSWERING YEARS LATER..... such is the way of the snailynn </3 BUT YES, MY MEMES (except for this one, but that’s just because i’m waaay too indecisive for this one fr) (<- a discovery i made at how much i struggled to do it gdfsafd) OK BUT BACK TO THE POINT-- my memes have no expiry date! seriously, feel free to send em at any and any time uwu :sparklyhearts: always good 2 receive content from uuu! AND TYSM FOR SENDING A FLOWER FOR THIS MEME TOO <33 
send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
YEAHHHHHH very heavily biased to the friendship part-- but that’s because i just really think they’d be really wholesome together! their dynamic that we have rn make me very :pleading: and ooo i need to get off my snail ass bc (and i think i mentioned it to u already) i really do think “hakuno’s chill game” could be such a cute and sweet but also loadedd with character development kinda thing! can see both parties learning a lot from each other :nodnod: and they both have some baggage that affect them, which i would like to explore tbh! ohoho them getting to know each other... getting to see more of their good and bad sides... it’d be neat i think! OH AND FOR THE STUFF I BOLDED- adventure buddies i think would be so fun bc of how their personalities just play off of each other hehe and the roommates/flatmates one ngl is because!! hoh boy hakuno is Not The Best at housework and idk why but i think domestic shenanigans with em could be rlly fun n cute! ALSO- cannot forget the possible for some pain too bc :eyes: yeah i think these two rlly have some heavy baggage! there’s just a lot of potential with these two i think and i’m just -RUBS MY RACCOON HANDS TOGETHER- >:333   
0 notes
thereddestfox · 2 years
The guns of the Fallout series and how Bethesda knows less about guns than I do about making music.
While this is mostly about the specific weapons of the 3D Fallouts, I’ll at least go over the problems of the isometric Fallouts. Also, I should mention that, while I am a gun nerd, I am by no means a gun expert. 
The guns in Fallout are mostly future guns with modern bullets, for instance the iconic 10mm pistol being in lore the “Colt 6520 10mm pistol,” with 10mm Auto being an actual round. Although it was surpassed by the .40 S&W for being unwieldy, 10mm auto has made a resurgence in recent years and the specific pistol looks bulky enough to potentially make up for the harsh recoil.
It was here I was going to bitch about the minigun, as Minigun was originally a specific gun, and the minigun in game uses 5mm rounds, not to be confused with .223 caliber and 5.56 NATO, with them being interchangeable in guns chambered for 5.56 NATO (guns that are designed for .223 can feed 5.56 but whether or not the gun can handle the pressure and heat depends on the gun.) But upon farther reflection, the minigun in Fallout is called the “Rockwell CZ53 personal minigun”, personal implying that it is designed for infantry and probably not requiring a car battery to use. Also the minigun, along with the assault rifle, uses 5mm, which implies a new smaller NATO (or whatever replaced NATO in the Fallout universe) round that is more controllable, given that the assault rifle (8 to 16 damage) does less damage than the hunting rifle (8 to 20 damage.)
Also, this isn’t relevant to anything, but it turns out that the plasma pistol is the Glock 86. I don’t know why but I find the implication that Glock just decided to only produce plasma pistols in the future hilarious. I bet they still use the same pain in the ass to reload magazines.
Fallout 2
Fallout 2′s weapons include all of Fallout’s, but with plenty of fun additions like the G11. IDK what gun wizards HK employs but I’ve never seen an HK gun I didn’t like. That being said in game they call the P90c an HK gun. I have no idea why, the P90 is an FN gun, not an HK gun, and I don’t think they’d buy the rights to the P90 anytime soon given they have their own competitor on the market that I’m also a slut for but that’s neither here nor there. Don’t ask me which I’d prefer, I’m already indecisive about what to eat, I don’t need another internal argument.
Fallout 3
Mmmmm yes, I love my AK47 breaking after 1212 shots in a game where that can easily be a single segment of the main story, thank you Bethesda. Mmmm yes, I love not being able to repair it more than my repair skill even though it requires the same exact gun. MMMMMMMM YES PLZ fucking decide that the Fat Man should be called the Nuka Launcher in the Japanese versions of the game but don’t reflect on maybe not calling it the Fat Man in any version of the game. Especially considering that the actual weapon it’s based off is called the Davy Crocket, a much cooler less assuming name*.
*Turns out I got Davy Crocket confused with Steve Irwin, it’s still problematic but in a different direction and most importantly it wouldn't have been Bethesda’s fault.
Oh, right, this was supposed to be about guns.
It has a few guns from Fallout (but not Fallout 2), but they also changed a lot for the worst. Since I have problems with basically every gun I’ll go over them one by one.
.32 pistol: I don’t directly have a problem with this, seeing as it seems to just be a S&W Model 30, but that along with the damage implies that the .32 caliber bullets in the game are .32 S&W Long. More on that later. Also it breaks after 556 rounds, which leads me to believe that the guns don’t actually break so much as the Lone Wanderer (or Beth) just doesn’t realize that you’re supposed to clean your equipment after you use it and so they just try to replace dirty parts thinking they’re broken, which would be funny if it wasn’t such an annoying mechanic.
Chinese pistol: Why is this in 10mm? Because you didn’t want to add another ammo type? While the Mauser C96 was popular in China and the specific caliber the variants are manufactured in, fucking none of them are 10mm auto because 10mm auto is a fucking 1980s round, which means it’s inconsistent with Bethesda's version of the lore.
Scoped .44 Magnum: Why does literally every version you can get in game have a scope? I know some people do but also why is it literally everyone who owns one in this game? Guess people in the Capital Wasteland like having sore wrists.
Assault rifle: It’s a G3, which is period accurate, but the problem is it uses 5.56 NATO in game. Not only does the G3 use 7.62 NATO irl, but the 5.56 was made in the 1970s, again breaking their own lore. You could claim it’s the .223 Remington, but they specifically call it 5.56
Infiltrator: It’s the assault rifle, but with a scope, no butt stock, and a suppressor. I hope you like the gun flailing wildly now while you try to look down the scope.  I’m sorry, I can’t help but think the Lone Wanderer is using all scoped guns like this because of how dumb this is.
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Chinese assault rifle: there are a few different AK variants that this could be. Guess which caliber none of them can take? That’s right, it’s fucking 5.56 NATO, because China has a defensive doctrine that is very specific about which ammo their guns use for supply line reasons. Ok, technically there were 5.56 NATO variants of the Type 81, but only 20 were imported before being blocked and it was semiautomatic anyways.
Hunting rifle: No. No. No. Why? Why is it in .32? Why does it do so much more damage than the assault rifle if it’s in fucking .32? You already have .308, just make it fucking .308. Fuck!
Lever action rifle: Second verse, same as the first. Also reminder that 10mm auto was a 1980s round.
Combat shotgun: there’s 4 or 5 different guns this could be based off of, and all of them are submachine guns. Thanks, I hate it!
Fallout: New Vegas
Literally no complaints about the guns in New Vegas. While I personally think that they should have gone with the M14 instead of the M1 for the battle rifle, there isn’t anything wrong with the rendition of the M1 and admittedly it’s a more iconic gun. They even bothered with different types of ammo and fixed the weapon durability mechanics while still leaving it in. While I still don’t like the mechanic per say it feels like it has a reason to exist with the addition of the survival mechanics, increased weapon durability, jury rigging perk, and changing of how repair works.
Fallout 4
So they did away with weapon durability (not a bad change), the crafting system (which I really love the idea of but hate the execution) has the way you upgrade weapons no only be level locked, but it’s tied to the receiver and there’s an objective best upgrade for most guns with major increases in damage and no ammo types even though the game has a system in place to swap ammo used by two different weapons (the syringer and junk jet both use this menu.) If you wanted to have a way to upgrade damage it should have been barrel length and even then it shouldn’t have been the massive percentage increases like it is. I’ll be doing this like Fallout 3 but with a bit at the end I’d like to point out.
Deliverer: We’re back to “why is this in 10mm auto” territory. The game has .38 returning for some reason, even though the only guns that use it by default are the pipe guns (we’ll get there.) You should have renamed it to .32 and made this gun use it by default. Or fuck, pretend that .380 and .38 are the same thing if you’re that stubborn and dumb, I would have only made fun of you a little bit for it. Why you gotta do the gun that killed Hitler dirty like this?
Hunting rifle: No major complaints about the gun itself, it’s always in the left handed configuration, even though everyone in the Fallout universe is right handed, but I personally don’t have an issue with this. My dad and sister are both left handed so I’m used to a more ambidextrous mindset. Also I know the reason they did this is probably to show off the animation better, but honestly who cares? My actual issue lies in the fact that this and the pipe bolt-action [sic] are the only guns that can be modified to take .50 cal, even though the combat rifle acts as a direct upgrade for this gun.
Assault rifle: Nothing about this is an assault rifle. Fully modded this gun is easily heavier than the minigun, the gun it’s based on is the Lewis gun, a light machine gun, the ingame model is bulky af, Literally the only things assault rifle about this gun are made up by Beth, the actual Lewis gun has 47 round mags and uses full-powered rifle cartridges (as opposed to 5.56 NATO, which is an intermediate cartridge.) 
Combat rifle: Yes Bethesda, thank you for adding .45 to the game. No Bethesda, that doesn’t mean you can start making it a rifle cartridge. Should have been the actual assault rifle, which still would have been bad given that it’s obviously a BAR, but would have been better.
Gauss rifle: great, you took a cool gun from Fallout 2 and made it worse in every way. At least you bothered to remember that it used 2mm rounds in that game.
Combat shotgun: I think they did this because they couldn’t or didn’t want to bother making actual tube magazine shotguns. If you can’t then you should do what GTA 5 did which is have you load two shells then call it a day, it looks goofy but I can at least say they did it for balance reasons and not because they’re lazy. Also it’s less based on the PPSh-41 and more just “we took the combat rifle and added some detail to make it less obviously a BAR.”
Pipe pistol: Ok, real homemade guns exist, and you can set up a low tech manufacturing plant somewhere to make them, but they wouldn’t look like this:
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they’d look like this:
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and are woefully inaccurate because the barrel isn’t rifled. Still, an SMG is an SMG when you’re saying “fuck you” to the British government.
Pipe bolt-action: literally the same model, but this time in .308 and the Sole Survivor racks the bolt between every shot. Still dumb.
Pipe revolver: You really need to start labling your rounds, you can’t keep doing this. You say it’s in .45, but is that .45 ACP or .45 Colt? One you wouldn’t put into a revolver, and the other you wouldn’t put into an SMG. Fucking pick one! At least it’s a different model this time.
Ok, now for the thing I was saving: half the guns in base game Fallout 4 are late world war 1 or early interwar designs. I’m serious. With the exception of the 10mm pistol, .44 pistol, and maybe the hunting rifle, every single base game small gun is pre world war two. Have a look:
https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Deliverer_(Fallout_4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walther_PP
https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Assault_rifle_(Fallout_4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_gun
https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Combat_rifle_(Fallout_4) https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Combat_shotgun_(Fallout_4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1918_Browning_Automatic_Rifle
Also, while I’m here, I’d like to point out how dumb the missile launcher is. The base is fine, standard rocket launcher, but the upgraded variants with multiple missile tubes have nowhere for the rocket exhaust to go, meaning it would bake the operator. I don’t think I’ve seen a dev fuck up the M202 Flash so badly. Here’s a few images and a video to show what I mean.
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Yeah, good luck using that and not killing yourself.
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88mercurial · 3 years
Astrology stereotypes that are stereotypes for a reason:
based on my experiences as a Virgo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising; may apply to your big three or dominant sign/s? But observations are made based on the Sun Sign of people I know so take it with a grain of salt.
1. Aries being blunt, intimidating and dominating.
I MEAN. The Aries Suns I have met can get on a fight with someone and they!!simply!!will!! not!!back!!the!!hell!!down!!
you think you can hurt me? please my dad's an aries sun who passes off criticism every time he opens his mouth
they absolutely will run their mouth without much thought! it really is the fire in them I think
2. Taurus having a flair for the nice things in life.
my bff is a Taurean and that girl really has the ✨ taste ✨ for the fine things!
Like, she works two jobs just so she can buy whatever she wants from commercial to high end.
this can also be in their own detriment as I know people with taurus sun who spend their money as if there's no tomorrow which leads to credit card and personal debt oooo
3. Gemini being indecisive.
to all the geminis in my life, please make up your damn mind 🤯
is it a yes? a no? a maybe? are you a pro? an anti?? I can't be around geminis all the time even with me being mercury-ruled because of the constant back and forth, push and pull.
you all are very smart if you'll be able to ground your thoughts and yourself properly (yes, a Virgo telling a Gemini what to do what is new here😂)
4. Cancers being overly emotional and sensitive.
that person who blabs on how unfair the world is? how it's everyone elses fault all the time? how they can't be blamed if something fails because everyone messes up except them? yup, that's an underdeveloped cancer in my life
but that's mostly for the females; cancer males tend to be more tolerable for me for some reason (or that must be my cancer venus??? Idk)
the developed cancers in my life are still overly emotional and sensitive - they just know when to be that
5. Leos as the center of attention, being suckers for praises, and obsessed with winning.
MAN. The Leos in my life can't live a day without hearing a compliment?? Like if they don't get it, they'll do their best to get it
If they can't get it from others, they'll say it about themselves which is okayyy it gets annoying when they push the "look at me i look/am doing good" narrative every chance they get ugh
whether they are passive or aggressive in their approach, all the leos in my life really have a thing for winning (some just do not know how to do it but there will always be that drive to win)
6. Virgos being critical, over thinkers, perfectionist, and having high standards.
The only one who can beat the Virgo Sun brand of overthinking is a Virgo Moon lol
yes we are critical but if we're critical to you, we're a thousand times more critical to ourselves just so you know
I'll probably make a separate post for this lol
7. Libras balancing the scales and liking the harmony.
my clique has two libra suns and I'm not kidding when I say they're almost always the ones who adjust for the whole group
Like they want something but they're going to "tip off the scales" so they won't go for it anymore 😞
they're also the types of people that if you have a problem with them, it's you who has an issue, not them because they're all about harmony and beauty
8. Scorpios are intense and diabolical.
even if they are funny, they are intensely funny; you know whatever Scorpios do, they just have this intensity in them.
the scorpions sting back and when they do, they sting back harder; the Scorpios in my life are very creative in their revenge plans as well
this is why they always come off scary and intimidating because they are not really to be pushed around
9. Sagittarius being happy-go-lucky.
you know that person who doesn't get bothered submitting their requirements last minute? Like everything around them is on fire and they're just there like 😊? yup, that's a sagittarius in my life
they also have a very last minute hail mary that saves them which is kinda annoying because it makes them lazy as well
these people really be lucky for most of their life god is that how it feels to be Jupiterian
10. Capricorns being workaholics and emotionally repressed.
one of my closest friends is a Cap Sun and he never stops working!!!
A lot of people think Capricorns had it easy but tbh what they put out there took hours of hardwork and effort
the only one who can beat a Capricorn Sun's brand of emotional repression is a Capricorn Moon lol
11. Aquarius being unconventional and too in their heads.
think outside the box? No. Think like there is no box! That's their motto.
some of the emotionally smartest people I know because they really give thought in their feelings in a rational and at the same time emotional way that gives colors on how they feel
except most of them do not know how to properly express that too that's why they appear distant and unfeeling
12. Pisces being soft, sensitive dreamers.
not to say that they are not tough but I can almost immediately spot a Pisces Sun with they way there's a certain softness in them that I can't put my finger on
not emotional like Cancers but sensitive; the type of people who are very into their dreams and their goals!
the sister sign dynamic here is strong because they are a hit or miss for me.
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shreddheir · 2 years
Yukako and hermes for the character ask? :)
Okay I’m sorry I’m gonna come clean. I read the entirety of P6 in a single night and barely remember anything other than major plot points and 1/2 of what’s been in the anime so far </3
I don’t think I know Hermes better than you so I’m not gonna try. She’s your girl after all I don’t think I could outplay you at your own game. However I do know that she is amazing and awesome and gave Jolyne all her prison tattoos and that’s what matters :)
I have spent too much time thinking about her.
Do I like her: YES YES YES
5 good qualities:
-I think it’s important that women get to be crazy and fucked up and violent.
-The only good yandere. ever. I hate the trope in general because there’s so many places it can go wrong and get weird, but she’s like. The only one who doesn’t make me feel uncomfy so Yay!
-No one ever talks about how she made an electric chair from scratch, which bums me out because it shows that she’s actually really good at engineering and stuff.
-worlds most girl
-unintentionally really funny to me for some reason. Iike she tried to make koichi eat erasers and idk why but it cracked me up.
3 bad qualities:
-Also not immune to being written by a man
-almost killed another girl that’s not very girls supporting girls of you
-Not in enough episodes
Fav episode: again I am indecisive and have bad memory, but i like the one where she physically fought koichi bc she looks epic with white hair.
OTP: Sorry to be a hetero ship fan on main but I acc like her and koichi as a couple…
Brotp: her and josuke should be friends I think.
OT3: I don’t even think there are any with her in them lol.
NOtp: anything weird or gross with her.
Best Quote: again bad memory :(
Headcanon: I osmosised this from another post but the reason she’s so unstable in p4 and why she’s practically squatting in someone else’s house is that Keicho tried the arrow on everyone else in her house first and she was the only one who survived
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alleycat97 · 4 years
Slippery Slopes Pt.2
Part two y’all! Sorry it’s late, I’ve been busy. Should be one more part to finish this up!
Tag list: @samanthadalton @fundamentalromantic @avalawrencefl @penda-bear @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @kamilahsayeet2063
It had been an interesting 24 hours since the accident on the slopes yesterday. No word had been passed on about Emma and that left her suitors restless. Mason couldn’t cope with the fact that his father or ex best friend had committed such a cruel act that hurt Emma.
Noah couldn’t believe he was even in this situation. He should have never trusted Jennings but he let his guard down for the sake of the trip and Emma, and this is what he got. He was looking at charges for trespassing and endangerment while Principal Jennings seemed to be clearing his name.
Mack couldn’t stop pacing, Dr. Price was doing an awful job of updating his own daughter on her sisters progress. Ava wasn’t fairing much better. She had organized their room over and over trying to make sure it’s perfect for when Emma came back to the lodge.
It was just a sit tight and stand ready type of situation. None of them had a personal car available, so trapped at the lodge they were.
Ava stopped her cleaning when she heard a cellphone go off, to no surprise it was hers and the caller was Bayla. She grumbled and put the phone back down, she had called 4 times already today. Ava couldn’t bring herself to talk to her girlfriend knowing Emma was hurt in the hospital. She would sound weak, vulnerable, all red flags Bayla didn’t need right now.
Another call rang out across the house, this time it was Mack’s phone, and judging by her facial reactions, it was with her father. Mack nodded enthusiastically and ended the call, yelling out to find Mason.
“Emma is ready to come back here, dad said she will be ok, we need to go and pick her up. Spare keys are in his room, I’ll grab them and we can go.”
“What all was wrong?” Ava rushed out of the room and into the foyer.
“He didn’t say. I guess we will know when we all get back.” Mack said noticing the gloom placed on Ava’s features. “She’s gonna be alright.”
Ava went and tidied up the room once more and without knowing what Emma would require, she just cluttered the entire nightstand with odd and ends eliminating the guessing.
The front door slamming was her queue to come running, she leaned over the balcony railing only to see Jennings and Noah.
“I don’t know how you got those signs in my bag old man, but this isn’t over.” Noah hissed shoving his way past Principal Jennings.
“Maybe you should think twice before doing illegal activities. You’re never going to learn trailer trash.” Jennings barked stopping Noah dead in his tracks.
Jennings was an asshole. This dude seemed to get off on making teenagers lives miserable. The tension was unbearable.
“I know you knew about the course being closed. I just can’t figure out why you’d try to hurt Emma. You’re a sick bastard and if I go down, you’re coming with me.” Noah said inching up into Jennings face.
The scene was split up when Mack came through the door. Mason in tow pushing an unconscious Emma in a wheelchair. She had a cast on her leg and looked so cold. Dave brought up the rear looking like hell. Looks like sleep wasn't an option for him either.
“Ah yes there she is. How did everything go?” Jennings asked unfazed of what transpired.
Mason ignored him and tried to walk past to the staircase with Emma sleeping.
“I said how did everything go?” Jennings said jerking Mason back almost causing him to fall. Noah shoved Jennings aside helping to stabilize Mason so Emma wouldn’t fall out of the chair.
“Ask Mr. Price dad! Let go of me, Emma needs to be in bed!” Mason snapped shoving his fathers hands away from him.
Jennings jumped at the outburst and gritted his teeth, turning to Dave. “Let’s talk in the kitchen, I’ll have the Chef whip up some coffee.”
With the adults gone and the room de-stressed, Noah assisted Mason in carrying Emma up to her room, Ava steering clear of them until Emma was placed in bed.
“Ok boys thank you. I can handle her from here.” Ava shot out shoving them aside to check on Emma.
The boys looked to each other confused but didn’t say anything about the outburst. Mason needed his own rest and Noah had a busy day ahead of him with Jennings and the ski patrol assholes.
“Just let us know when she wakes alright? Mr. Price has her medicine.” Mason said closing the door leaving Ava alone with a sleeping Emma.
Ava had no clue why she wanted the privacy with Emma. She was a taken woman and Emma was her bestie. Nothing else, she tried to convince herself.
But the longer she sat and stared at Emma, the more her heart pounded, the more she wanted to wake her and kiss her all better. The thoughts of such activities made her dizzy and she had to get away. But it was Emma, she had this way of keeping her grounded and for the life of her, Ava couldn’t drag herself away.
So she continued to sit in silence, begging for Emma to wake up, because quite frankly? She didn’t look too well.
Ava easily got up and slipped out of the room and looked for Mr. Price. She heard some quiet commotion from the kitchen, what a shock.
“Now you listen here Jim, I don’t know how it happened, all I know is my little girl just underwent a major leg surgery after she took place in your little race.”
“Now I know how it looks Dave, I’m quite sorry that it happened, but Mr. Harris is the culprit here. I should have known not to place trust in him. What a terrible thing, taking down those signs.”
Noah heard his name and flew into the kitchen,
“I told you Jennings! I didn’t take down any signs!”
“Quiet scum! Adults are talking here! Don’t you have a meeting with the ski patrol?” Jim teased.
“I don’t know how you twisted this on me, but I’ll get you back.” Noah inched closer so only Jennings could here, “Maybe I should call off our deal?”
Whatever was said, Jennings went pale and cleared his throat. Removing himself from the conversation.
“Mr. Price?” Ava said entering the room. “Emma is still asleep. And she’s so pale, she looks sick.”
“I feared that. It’s her medication, she should be awake anytime now for another dose. Here, please give her one of these when she awakes. I’m going to get some rest.” Mr. Price said handing over the medicine.
Ava returned to the room with the meds and hot tea to find Emma slowly awaking.
“Hello sleepy head.” Ava rushed over with a smile.
“Where am I?” Emma groggily spoke out.
“Back in the bedroom with good ol me.”
Emma rubbed at her eyes trying to get them to open, “Are you an angel?”
Ava snorted, “Oh now you wanna shoot your shot huh.”
“Worth a try.” Emma laughed. “I feel terrible.”
“You look it.” Ava agreed dodging the pillow Emma tossed.
“Here Mahomes, here’s your pill and I made your favorite tea.” Ava giggled as she sat down next to Emma to help her take the meds and give her a sip of tea.
“Psh, Mahomes wishes he had this cannon for an arm.” Emma tried laughing but she done exhausted herself.
“Relax, you just underwent surgery. I’m actually impressed they released you so quickly.”
“Perks of having a doctor for a dad. I’m not about that hospital food.”
The two sat in silence for a moment while Emma sipped her tea. It was so nice just the two of them, Ava had Emma all to herself, no intruders, no boys, and no Bayla. Crap....Bayla was still her girlfriend.
Ava came to and realized she was stroking Emma’s delicate hair, resting her hand on Emma’s soft cheek. She quickly composed herself and stood abruptly, creating as much distance as possible.
What was this? What were they? Friends? More than friends? Ava knew what the answer should be, but the timing was terrible. Bayla was her own girlfriend, and Emma had her own issues.
A text shot through to Ava’s phone, it was Bayla. “Speak of the devil.” Ava whispered. She had been putting her off for long enough and by judging by the text she received, Bayla wasn’t happy.
“Ava?” Emma called out oblivious to Ava’s aggressive texting.
Ava turned immediately to face her, “Yeah?”
“Where are the boys?”
Ava doesn’t know why, but with her issues with Bayla and her feelings for Emma, hearing her ask for the boys really added fuel to her blazing fire.
“Idk. Mason is resting and Noah and Jennings are with the ski patrol.”
Emma could hear the aggression in Ava’s voice, but she couldn’t tell if it was at her texting or towards her about her question.
“Is everything alright Ava?”
“Yeah. It’s just Bayla. She’s bugging me because I haven’t responded in awhile.”
“Oh. I wonder what has her in a twist.” Emma asked innocently.
Ava knew why. She told Bayla before she left the arrangement, so naturally she had to keep tabs on her at all times. Trust between the two were slipping, but Ava wasn’t helping her cause and Emma wasn’t either. “Because that’s what a good girlfriend does!” Ava snapped surprising Emma. “She’s just concerned!”
“Oh. I understand, I’m sorry.” Emma apologized.
“No Emma you don’t! You don’t understand and you never will!” Ava said slamming her phone down on the counter and stomping towards the door.
Something told Emma deep within this was more than just Bayla being worried, she couldn’t help but think this was all her fault and the reason Ava was upset.
Ava had to get out and breathe, she loved Emma, but she couldn’t take her indecisiveness. She couldn’t stand competing for her hand any longer, it was time to set the record straight. She stepped back in to grab her phone before heading back out again.
“Where are you going?” Emma tried.
“I’ve got a phone call to make.”
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