#ido marketing services
technewsbite · 1 year
Navigating the IDO Landscape: Top Marketing Strategies for Blockchain Projects
The world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is constantly evolving, and with it comes new opportunities for businesses and investors alike. One such opportunity is the Initial Dex Offering (IDO), a decentralized fundraising method that has gained significant traction in recent years. As more and more projects turn to IDOs to raise funds and launch their tokens, it's crucial for these projects to have a solid marketing strategy in place to ensure their success.
In this ultimate guide to IDO marketing strategies, we'll explore the various tactics and techniques that can help your project stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of potential investors. We'll also discuss the importance of partnering with professional IDO marketing services to maximize your chances of success.
Understanding IDO Marketing
Before diving into the specific strategies, it's essential to understand what IDO marketing entails and why it's so important. IDO marketing refers to the process of promoting and raising awareness about a project's Initial Dex Offering. This involves creating a strong online presence, engaging with potential investors, and showcasing the unique value proposition of the project. A well-executed IDO marketing campaign can help attract a wider audience, generate buzz around the project, and ultimately lead to a successful token launch.
Building a Strong Online Presence
A strong online presence is the foundation of any successful IDO marketing campaign. This includes creating a professional and user-friendly website, setting up social media profiles, and establishing a presence on relevant forums and discussion boards. Here are some key elements to consider when building your online presence:
Website: Your project's website should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and provide all the necessary information about the IDO. This includes details about the project's vision, team, tokenomics, and roadmap. Make sure to also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) for users to participate in the IDO.
Social Media: Set up profiles on popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, and Discord. These platforms are essential for engaging with potential investors, sharing updates, and answering questions about the project. Be sure to post regularly and interact with your followers to build trust and credibility.
Forums and Discussion Boards: Participate in relevant forums and discussion boards, such as Reddit and Bitcointalk, to share information about your project and engage with potential investors. This can help generate organic interest in your IDO and establish your project as a legitimate player in the crypto space.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your IDO and showcasing the unique value proposition of your project. This involves creating and sharing valuable content that educates, informs, and engages your target audience. Some effective content marketing strategies for IDO marketing include:
Blog Posts: Publish informative and engaging blog posts on your project's website and share them on social media platforms. This can help establish your project as an authority in the space and attract potential investors.
Whitepapers: A well-written whitepaper is essential for any IDO project. It should provide a comprehensive overview of the project, including its vision, technology, tokenomics, and roadmap. Make sure to make your whitepaper easily accessible on your website and share it on relevant platforms.
Infographics: Create visually appealing infographics that break down complex concepts and data related to your project. These can be shared on social media and other platforms to generate interest and engagement.
Video Marketing: Videos are an effective way to convey information and engage with your audience. Create promotional videos with relevant content and share them on platforms like YouTube and social media. Keep the duration of the videos concise and to the point to maintain viewer interest.
Influencer Marketing and Partnerships
Influencer marketing and strategic partnerships can help amplify your IDO marketing efforts and reach a wider audience. Consider partnering with well-known influencers in the crypto space who can promote your project to their followers. Additionally, seek out partnerships with other projects, platforms, or organizations that align with your project's goals and values. These collaborations can help generate buzz around your IDO and attract more potential investors.
Community Building and Engagement
Building a strong and engaged community is crucial for the success of any IDO project. This involves fostering a sense of trust, loyalty, and enthusiasm among your target audience. Some strategies for community building and engagement include:
Regular Updates: Keep your community informed about the latest developments and milestones related to your project. This can help maintain interest and excitement around your IDO.
AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions: Host AMA sessions on platforms like Telegram or Discord, where your team can answer questions and address concerns from potential investors. This can help build trust and credibility for your project.
Bounty Programs and Airdrops: Organize bounty programs and airdrops to reward your community members for their support and engagement. This can help incentivize participation and create a sense of loyalty among your followers.
Working with Professional IDO Marketing Services
While it's possible to execute some of these strategies on your own, partnering with professional IDO marketing services can significantly enhance your marketing efforts and improve your chances of success. These services have the expertise, resources, and connections to help you develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to your project's needs. By leveraging their experience and industry knowledge, you can ensure that your IDO marketing campaign is as effective as possible.
Final Thoughts
A well-executed IDO marketing strategy is essential for the success of any blockchain project seeking to raise funds through an Initial Dex Offering. By building a strong online presence, creating valuable content, leveraging influencer marketing and partnerships, and engaging with your community, you can generate interest and excitement around your IDO and attract the attention of potential investors. Additionally, partnering with professional IDO marketing services can help you maximize your marketing efforts and ensure the best possible outcome for your project.
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nftdevelopment · 1 year
How do IDO marketing services impact an IDO platform?
An Initial DEX Offering (IDO) is a crowdfunding method that enables business minds to raise funds for their project development. As with any other platform, an IDO platform also needs effective IDO marketing strategies to stand out among other platforms. The leading marketing strategies include PR marketing, content marketing, web development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), community marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing, etc.for more information you can visit https://www.appdupe.com/ido-marketing-services
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Hire An IDO Marketing Company To Grab Result-Driven Marketing Approaches!
If you are still thinking that Cryptos are just a mere dream, then you must have been wrong. Yes, the Crypto market has been flowing like never before, and similarly, the crowdfunding business has also set its peak in the current market. But, if you (IDO creators) have been stuck behind the barriers, then it is the indication for you to undergo the effective IDO marketing services ASAP! Why not get a glimpse that a marketing specialist does it for your IDO projects? 
Why Does IDO Marketing Agency Play A Crucial Role In Uplifting Your IDO Projects?
Apart from undergoing the regular marketing ideas, they utilize dimensional marketing ways, which in turn helps each and every IDO creator to witness numerous IDO investors. Ranging from community-driven marketing to community management marketing, the specialists have excelled in IDO Marketing Solutions.. 
Moreover, keeping a constant track of the market growth and your projects is the core key for marketers. In that way, they get to work on areas that will enhance visibility and drive more traction. 
Furthermore, it does not just stop with posting enticing content on various platforms but also includes the process of converting them into real-time IDO projects investors. And that is highly possible through these blockchain masterminds. 
Winding Up 
In brief, connect and interact with the high minds like hiring the IDO Marketing Company, who will enable and guide you towards a successful spotlighting pathway. It is always better late than never, and considering such a competitive aisle; it is best that you choose the finest in-house marketers for your IDO projects.
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jack-2410 · 2 years
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arunkblog · 11 days
IDO Token Listing on Centralized Exchanges (CEXs): Pros and Cons
Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) are a favored route for launching tokens on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), yet many projects also pursue listing on centralized exchanges (CEXs). This blog explores the process of IDO token listing on CEXs, highlighting the advantages and challenges.
Advantages of IDO Token Listing on CEXs:
Enhanced Liquidity and Support: CEXs provide dedicated trade support teams that ensure liquidity, potentially boosting trading volumes and stabilizing prices.
Marketing and Additional Services: CEXs offer marketing services and market-making activities, amplifying token visibility and attractiveness to a wider audience.
Security and Fund Management: CEXs manage raised funds securely, ensuring investor confidence and asset safeguarding.
Challenges of IDO Token Listing on CEXs:
High Listing Fees: CEX listings often involve substantial fees, which may strain budgets, especially for smaller projects.
Stringent Regulatory Requirements: CEXs impose strict regulatory compliance standards, posing hurdles for projects aiming to meet these criteria.
Centralization Trade-offs: Listing on CEXs can entail relinquishing some control over the token sale process, potentially conflicting with decentralized ideals.
Choosing to list IDO tokens on CEXs demands careful consideration of these factors. For deeper insights into Crypto IDOs and token listing strategies, visit Cryptolenz.
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nadcablabs9616 · 14 days
Raydium Listing - Easy and Quickly Steps of Your Token with Blockchain Technology
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The process of listing tokens on platforms like Raydium is an important step in increasing visibility and participation in the financial (DeFi) environment. Nadcab Labs, a prominent player in this space, offers a professional Raydium Listing Services that can boost the token's place in the dynamic DeFi world.
What is Raydium?
Raydium is an automated marketing generator (AMM) and coin provider built on the Solana blockchain. Connected to Serum's decentralized exchange, users can manage transactions, trade, receive profits, and participate in DEX Initial Offerings (IDO). Users can stake Raydium Listing (RAY) to earn more RAY, unlock IDO access and participate in management decisions.
Raydium Listing Services by Nadcab Labs
Nadcab Labs, Raydium Listing Services is designed to ensure project success by providing opportunities for collaboration. They involve their customers in important decision-making processes and keep them informed every step of the way. This commitment to innovation gives the brand a competitive edge by aligning its pricing strategy with emerging market dynamics.
Why List Your Token on Raydium?
Raydium Token Listing offers several benefits:
Increased visibility:
Raydium's large user base and integration into the Solana ecosystem provide excellent exposure for your brands and help you reach a wider audience.
Increase Pool:
Raydium's AMM model ensures that token pools are deep, allowing users to trade more easily and increase project revenue.
IDO Participation:
By listing on Raydium, token holders can participate in the initial offering of the DEX and gain access to new projects and potential investment opportunities.
Executive Participation:
RAY token holders can participate in Raydium's management decisions and have a say in the foundation's progress.
Benefits of Raydium Listing with Nadcab Labs
Increase Visibility: 
Nadcab Labs expertise in Raydium's listing services can increase brand visibility in Solana's active community.
Raise money:
Registering your tokens with Raydium through Nadcab Labs allows you to raise money and participate in the DeFi ecosystem.
Continued Success:
After listing, Nadcab Labs will respond immediately and provide support and guidance to ensure the continued success of your project. 
Nadcab Labs' Expertise in Blockchain Consulting
Raydium's blockchain services, Nadcab Lab excels in blockchain communication and enhances the innovative potential of blockchain technology. Its services are multifaceted, including Web3 consulting, AI consulting, and Defi development, helping clients navigate the complexities of the blockchain environment.
Nadcab Labs is a leading technology company specializing in software development with a focus on blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Raydium Listing provides a path to success in the decentralized finance space, helping customers unlock the potential of blockchain technology.
Raydium Token Listing, along with Nadcab Labs expertise, provides a great opportunity for branded projects to succeed in the dynamic world of discount financing. By leveraging the Raydium ecosystem professional services, projects can raise their profile and open new opportunities for growth and success.
Author Profile
Nadcab Labs - A Leading Blockchain Developers With over 8+ years of experience in, Custom Blockchain Development, Smart Contract Development, Crypto Exchange Development, Token Creation and Many More Services.
Twitter — twitter.com/nadcablabs
LinkedIn — linkedin.com/company/nadcablabs
Facebook — facebook.com/nadcablabs
Instagram — instagram.com/nadcablabs
Spotify — spotify.com/nadcablabs
YouTube — www.youtube.com/@nadcablabs 
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poojanegi99945 · 29 days
How to Start a Successful DeFi Project
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Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has transformed the financial landscape, offering decentralized alternatives to traditional financial systems. To embark on a successful DeFi project, one of the crucial steps is to select the right DeFi development company. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this process and launch a thriving DeFi venture.
Understanding DeFi
DeFi, short for Decentralized Finance, utilizes blockchain technology to offer financial services without traditional intermediaries such as banks. It includes various applications such as lending platforms, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and yield farming protocols, all powered by smart contracts on blockchains like Ethereum.
Steps to Start a Successful DeFi Project
1. Define Your Niche and Objectives
The DeFi ecosystem is broad and constantly evolving. To differentiate your project, identify a specific niche or problem you aim to address. Whether it's an innovative lending solution, a new DEX, or a novel yield farming strategy, having a clear objective is essential.
2. Conduct Market Research
Understanding the market landscape is critical. Analyze existing DeFi projects to identify gaps and opportunities. This research will help you refine your concept and create a unique value proposition that stands out.
3. Develop a Detailed Whitepaper
A whitepaper serves as the blueprint for your project, detailing the concept, technology, tokenomics, roadmap, and legal considerations. It’s also a vital tool for attracting investors and stakeholders. Ensure your whitepaper is thorough, transparent, and professionally presented.
4. Secure Funding
Launching a DeFi project requires substantial funding. Explore various avenues such as venture capital, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), or Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs). A compelling whitepaper and a strong pitch are crucial for securing the necessary funds.
5. Choose the Right DeFi Development Company
Selecting the right DeFi development company is pivotal for your project’s success. Here are key factors to consider:
Expertise and Track Record
Opt for a company with a proven track record in DeFi development. Look for a portfolio of successful projects and a team comprising skilled blockchain developers, smart contract auditors, and DeFi strategists.
Security Emphasis
Security is paramount in DeFi. Ensure the development company prioritizes security and has extensive experience in conducting thorough smart contract audits and implementing robust security measures.
Customization and Scalability
Your project should be able to evolve and scale as needed. Choose a development company that offers customizable solutions and has a history of building scalable DeFi platforms.
Post-Development Support
Ongoing support and maintenance are crucial for the long-term success of your project. Make sure the company provides post-launch support to address any technical issues and implement updates.
6. Develop and Test Your Platform
Once you have chosen the right DeFi development company, the development phase begins. This includes:
- Smart Contract Development: 
Creating secure, efficient smart contracts to automate your platform's functionalities.
- User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design: 
Developing an intuitive and user-friendly interface to attract and retain users.
- Testing: 
Conducting rigorous testing to identify and fix bugs, ensuring the platform is secure and functional.
7. Launch and Promote Your Project
With your platform ready, it’s time to launch. A successful launch strategy includes:
- Marketing Campaigns: 
Utilize social media, crypto forums, and industry influencers to generate buzz around your project.
- Community Building: 
Engage with the DeFi community through forums, social media, and events to build a loyal user base.
- Partnerships: 
Form strategic partnerships with other DeFi projects to expand your reach and enhance your platform’s value.
8. Ensure Regulatory Compliance
Staying compliant with regulatory requirements is crucial. Keep abreast of regulatory developments in your target markets and ensure your project adheres to these guidelines to avoid legal complications.
9. Monitor and Improve
After launch, continuously monitor your platform's performance and gather user feedback. Regular updates, new features, and ongoing security audits are essential to maintaining competitiveness and security.
Starting a successful DeFi project involves meticulous planning, comprehensive research, and choosing the right DeFi development company. By focusing on security, scalability, and user engagement, and by leveraging the expertise of a reputable development company, you can navigate the complexities of DeFi development and create a robust, innovative platform that stands out in the dynamic world of decentralized finance.
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limitlesscrowdfound · 1 month
From ICOs to IDOs: Adapting Influencer Marketing for Decentralized Fundraising with Professionals at Limitless Crowd Fund
In the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), fundraising mechanisms have evolved from initial coin offerings (ICOs) to decentralized fundraising models known as initial DEX offerings (IDOs). With this shift comes the need for innovative marketing strategies to reach potential investors and raise awareness about new projects. Influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for promoting IDOs and attracting investor interest. In this blog, we'll explore how influencer marketing can be adapted for decentralized fundraising, from identifying the right influencers to maximizing engagement and impact.
Limitless Crowd Fund
Understanding Influencer Marketing in DeFi
Influencer marketing involves partnering with individuals who have a significant following and influence in a particular niche to promote products or services. In the realm of decentralized finance, influencers play a crucial role in educating their audiences about new projects, sharing insights and analysis, and driving investor participation in IDOs. When selecting influencers for DeFi projects, it's essential to consider factors such as their expertise in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, their credibility and reputation within the community, and the size and engagement of their audience.
Once influencers are identified, the next step is to develop a comprehensive influencer marketing strategy tailored to the unique characteristics of decentralized fundraising. This may involve collaborating with influencers to create educational content, hosting live AMA (ask me anything) sessions, or organizing virtual events to showcase the project and address investor questions and concerns. By leveraging the reach and credibility of influencers as guided by leaders at decentralized platforms like Limitless Crowd Fund, DeFi projects can increase visibility, build trust, and attract investment from a broader audience of potential stakeholders.
Identifying the Right Influencers
In the rapidly evolving landscape of DeFi, identifying the right influencers to partner with can be challenging but essential for the success of fundraising efforts. Look for influencers who have a deep understanding of blockchain technology, decentralized finance, and the specific niche or sector your project operates in. Consider their track record of promoting successful projects, the quality of their content, and the level of engagement with their audience.
Moreover, assess the alignment between the influencer's values, messaging, and audience demographics with your project's goals and target market. Seek out influencers who resonate with your project's mission, vision, and values, as this alignment will enhance authenticity and credibility in their promotional efforts. Additionally, consider the size and engagement of the influencer's audience, as well as their ability to drive action and conversions among their followers. By carefully vetting and selecting the right influencers as underscored by professionals at decentralized platforms including Limitless Crowd Fund, DeFi projects can maximize the impact and effectiveness of their influencer marketing campaigns.
Crafting Compelling Content
Once influencers are onboarded, the next step is to collaborate on crafting compelling content that resonates with their audience and effectively communicates the value proposition of the project. Work closely with influencers to develop engaging narratives, educational materials, and promotional assets that highlight the key features, benefits, and potential impact of the project. This may include blog posts, videos, infographics, or social media posts that showcase the project's unique selling points and value proposition in a clear and compelling manner.
Moreover, leverage the influencer's creativity, expertise, and unique perspective to create content that stands out and captures the attention of their audience. Encourage influencers to share their personal experiences, insights, and opinions about the project to foster authenticity and relatability with their followers. Additionally, consider incorporating interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, polls, or giveaways to encourage engagement and participation from the audience. By investing in high-quality content creation and collaboration with influencers as suggested by industry leaders at decentralized platforms such as Limitless Crowd Fund, DeFi projects can effectively convey their message and attract investor interest in decentralized fundraising initiatives.
Leveraging Influencer Engagement
In addition to creating compelling content, DeFi projects should focus on maximizing engagement and interaction with influencers to amplify the reach and impact of their marketing efforts. Encourage influencers to actively engage with their audience by responding to comments, questions, and feedback about the project. Foster a sense of community and collaboration by organizing joint initiatives such as contests, challenges, or virtual meetups that encourage participation and interaction among followers.
Moreover, leverage the influencer's expertise and network to expand the reach of your marketing campaign by collaborating with other influencers or thought leaders in the DeFi space. Consider partnering with multiple influencers to create a network effect that increases visibility and credibility for the project across different platforms and communities. Additionally, provide influencers with the support and resources they need to effectively promote the project, such as access to exclusive content, early access to product features, or incentives for driving engagement and conversions.
Measuring Impact and ROI
As with any marketing campaign, it's essential to measure the impact and return on investment (ROI) of influencer marketing initiatives in decentralized fundraising. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, social media engagement, lead generation, and token sales to assess the effectiveness of your influencer marketing efforts. Use tracking tools and analytics platforms to monitor the performance of influencer-generated content and evaluate its impact on investor sentiment and behavior.
Moreover, solicit feedback and insights from influencers, investors, and community members to gain a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness and impact of your influencer marketing campaign. Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather qualitative feedback on the perception, awareness, and engagement with the project among target audiences. Use this feedback to refine your influencer marketing strategy, optimize content creation and distribution, and identify opportunities for improvement in future campaigns.
Building Long-Term Relationships
Building long-term relationships with influencers is key to sustaining momentum and success in decentralized fundraising initiatives. Cultivate genuine connections and rapport with influencers by fostering open communication, transparency, and collaboration throughout the partnership. Provide influencers with ongoing support, resources, and opportunities to stay engaged and invested in the success of the project beyond the initial campaign.
Moreover, recognize and appreciate the contributions of influencers to the project's success by acknowledging their efforts, celebrating milestones, and rewarding their loyalty and commitment. Consider offering incentives such as exclusive access to project updates, events, or rewards programs for top-performing influencers. By nurturing long-term relationships with influencers as emphasized by leaders at decentralized platforms like Limitless Crowd Fund, DeFi projects can foster a dedicated community of advocates and ambassadors who continue to champion the project and drive engagement and investment over time.
Influencer marketing plays a crucial role in promoting decentralized fundraising initiatives and attracting investment in the rapidly evolving landscape of DeFi. By understanding the fundamentals of influencer marketing, identifying the right influencers, crafting compelling content, leveraging influencer engagement, measuring impact and ROI, and building long-term relationships, DeFi projects can effectively position themselves for success in decentralized fundraising. By harnessing the power of influencer marketing with the help of professionals at decentralized platforms including Limitless Crowd Fund, DeFi projects can raise awareness, build trust, and drive investor participation in IDOs, ultimately driving growth and innovation in the decentralized finance ecosystem.
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mastercrypto · 1 month
Cryptolenz is a US-based company with a global reach, dedicated to providing cryptocurrency-related services. Our expertise lies in curating cryptocurrency news, delivering real-time market updates, and furnishing insights on upcoming ICOs, IDOs, and Airdrops. We excel in assisting users to explore launchpad platforms, delve into diverse cryptocurrencies, and access articles and guides aimed at educating individuals about critical crypto topics. Committed to delivering comprehensive and valuable information, our goal is to become the trusted platform for crypto enthusiasts worldwide.
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crytolenz · 1 month
Cryptolenz is a US based company operating on global level, offering cryptocurrency - related services. We are specialized in aggregating cryptocurrency news, providing real time market updates and offering insights on upcoming ICOs, IDOs and Airdrops. We also assist users in discovering launchpad platforms, exploring various cryptocurrencies, offering articles and guides to educate the users about important crypto topics. With our commitment to offer comprehensive and valuable information, we are aiming to be the trusted platform for crypto enthusiasts.
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blogcrypto · 2 months
Top 6 TON coins with strong growth potential in 2024
The year 2024 promises to bring big changes to the cryptocurrency market, with the strong rise of the TON ecosystem. The TON system, built by the Telegram construction team, possesses great potential with fast processing speed, impressive scalability, and a large user community. In the context that Uptrend 2024 is on its way to the top, this article will introduce to you the top 6 "jades" hidden in the TON ecosystem, possessing strong explosive potential.  1. Top #1 : TON Toncoin (TON) is a decentralized layer 1 blockchain developed in 2018 by encrypted messaging platform Telegram. Then the project was discontinued, taken over by the TON Foundation and changed its name from "Telegram Open Network" to "The Open Network".
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2. Top #2: CATTON What is Catton? CatTon is a cryptocurrency built and developed within the TON blockchain ecosystem. allowing holders to participate in DeFi (Decentralized Finance) gaming applications while accumulating mining rewards.
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CatTon is designed for a wide audience in the cryptocurrency space For project developers, providing a secure launchpad and support including marketing services and community building initiatives For crypto enthusiasts and investors, CatTon serves those looking for potential projects in the TON ecosystem. Website: https://catton.fun Network society: Telegram channel : http://t.me/CattonGlobal Twitter:   / catcoin2024   Contract: https://tonscan.org/jetton/EQD2li75-B... Whitepaper: https://catton.gitbook.io/cattonworku
3. Top #3 : SHRAP Shrapnel (SHRAP) is a free-to-play, mission-based first-person shooter (FPS) game, built on a blockchain platform and developed by NEON Media. The game gives players creative tools to engage in combat, interact with a vibrant community of gamers, and together shape the future of gaming.
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They have directly participated in launching popular games such as Star Wars, BioShock, Halo and Call of Duty. Under the leadership of CEO Mark Long, an industry veteran with more than 32 developed titles, NEON Media has affirmed its position as a leading studio in the field of AAA quality game development. Shrapnel is their next notable product..
4. Top #4: generation coin
DeFinder Capital is currently the largest project ecosystem on the TON blockchain with more than 100 integrated services on the same platform. More than just being a token dedicated to the community, DeFinder Capital has quickly grown dramatically, attracting the attention of investors in the broader market. In just six months, DFC has seen tremendous growth with more than 1000 members joining the DAO and being listed on major TON (CEX) centralized exchanges such as MEXC, CMC and Coingecko
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Since listing, the price of DFC tokens has skyrocketed more than 3000%, demonstrating its popularity and high demand in the market. The project's strategic partnerships, such as with DeLab, a TON software company, have contributed to the expansion of the DeFinder ecosystem. DeFinder Capital's key products include DeWallet (e-wallet), DeFinder Capital Investment Fund, Lineage server and the first professiona.
5. Top #5 : TONUP
TonUP is a launchpad that operates on The Open Network (TON). The platform was built to solve the problem of asset shortages on TON and provide a supportive environment for new projects to take off successfully. Besides providing regular IDO services, the platform also introduces a new concept, Community Protection Plan (CPP), to protect the interests of IDO community members
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TonUP is designed for a diverse audience in the cryptocurrency space. For project developers, TonUP provides a secure launch pad and support, including marketing services and community building initiatives. For cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors, TonUP caters to those looking for potential projects in the TON ecosystem. 
6. Top #6 : stTON
stTON is a derivative token offered by bemo, a pioneering liquid staking platform on the TON blockchain. The bemo platform is designed for both individual users and institutions holding TON tokens. bemo offers a non-custodial staking solution, giving users full control over their tokens.
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on Raffles is an innovative service on the TON blockchain, combining community management features and modern blockchain technology. The platform includes two main directions: Web2 and Web3. Blogcrypto
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Antier - The Leading White Label Crypto Launchpad Development Company
Launch your ICO with Antier's all-encompassing white label crypto launchpad development services. We provide solutions for ICOs, IEOs, and IDOs that allow companies to secure global funding. Our experienced blockchain engineers expedite your time to market and provide you with an edge in the dynamic crypto industry.
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nftdevelopment · 2 years
IDO Marketing Services: Grab The Leading Marketing Strategies For Your IDO Platform
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An Initial DEX Offering is a decentralized exchange platform that facilitates the budding crypto projects to raise funds for their development. As a decentralized platform, the IDO eliminates the presence of any central authority or middlemen. This fundraising platform supports cryptopreneurs in reaching their epitome of success. 
For any platform or business to reach its target audience, it requires strategic marketing services. So for an IDO platform to reach its audience and support them in their venture, IDO marketing services comes to help.
Where to get the leading IDO marketing strategies?
In the present day, there are various marketing agencies that provide their prominent services for the IDO platform. To choose a suitable marketing company, one can gain the support of the search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. Various websites do case studies on the leading IDO marketing agencies to make it easy for one who searches for the best marketing company to promote their IDO platform. Also, one can pick the company based on its clientele, pricing, previous works, ratings, and reviews. One can even do one-on-one meetings with the IDO marketing companies to get to know about their work. 
The Leading IDO Marketing Strategies
PR Marketing
Community Marketing
Website Development
Search Engine Optimization
Content Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Social media Marketing
Paid Advertisements
Video Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Email Marketing
Gaining the best IDO marketing services for the IDO platform helps it attain its target audience, generate leads, engage potential customers, and build a loyal community for the platform. One can get the leading strategies from the best IDO marketing agencies, and one should focus on choosing the right one that satisfies all their needs in the marketing campaign for the IDO platform.
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IDO Token Marketing - A Way To Increase your IDO Token Visibility!
The Idea you possess might have the seed to the future evolution that we might rely on or grow with. That idea slowly grows into the project of your dream. But, Due to a few limiting sources like Lack of funds, Lack of Financial support, and many others, The project remains unmoved.
Initial DEX Offering (IDO) provides the solution to that, By teaming up with proper IDO Marketing Services, You could increase your liquidity pool by the investment from the mobs in exchange for your native IDO Token.
This might be the perfect opportunity to bring up your dream project to life and commence even further in the future by walking through the Decentralized Forum.
Continue Reading: https://www.turnkeytown.com/blog/ido-marketing-plan/
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jack-2410 · 2 years
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mobiloittet · 5 months
Initial DEX Development Services-Mobiloitte
Mobiloitte is here with its Initial DEX Development services (IDO). We make sure your DEX is up and ready to be launched along with its fundraising model. From Blockchain Development services, Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Development, Security Audits and Testing, Community and Marketing, Cross-Chain Integration, Staking and Yield Farming etc, we take care of all your development needs. We’re here for you contact us today!!
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