#ido marketing
takshitsolutions · 2 months
Why Is Layer 2 the Future of Efficient IDO Launchpad Development?
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, developers and investors are constantly on the lookout for the next big thing. Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) have emerged as a powerful tool for raising capital and launching new projects on decentralized exchanges. However, as the demand for IDOs grows, so does the need for more efficient, scalable, and cost-effective solutions. This is where Layer 2 technology steps in, offering a promising future for IDO launchpad development.
What is Layer 2 in Blockchain?
Before diving into the specifics of how Layer 2 can revolutionize IDO launchpads, it's crucial to understand what Layer 2 technology is. In the context of blockchain, Layer 2 refers to a secondary framework or protocol that is built on top of an existing blockchain (Layer 1) to improve its scalability and efficiency. Layer 1 is the base layer, such as Ethereum or Bitcoin, where transactions are processed and recorded. Layer 2, on the other hand, handles transactions off-chain, reducing the load on the main blockchain and significantly improving performance.
The Scalability Challenge in IDO Launchpads
One of the biggest challenges facing IDO launchpads today is scalability. As more projects seek to launch IDOs, the demand for processing transactions on Layer 1 blockchains like Ethereum has skyrocketed. This increased demand often leads to network congestion, slower transaction times, and higher gas fees, all of which can hinder the success of an IDO. Layer 2 solutions address these issues by offloading a significant portion of transactions from the main blockchain, thereby improving scalability and reducing costs.
Benefits of Layer 2 for IDO Launchpads
1. Scalability and Speed
Layer 2 solutions, such as Rollups and State Channels, allow for a higher throughput of transactions by processing them off-chain and then bundling them into a single transaction on the Layer 1 blockchain. This not only reduces the burden on the main chain but also significantly speeds up the transaction process. For IDO launchpads, this means that multiple transactions, including token swaps and fundraising activities, can be processed quickly and efficiently.
2. Cost-Effectiveness
One of the most significant advantages of Layer 2 technology is its ability to reduce transaction costs. High gas fees on Layer 1 blockchains can be a significant barrier to entry for smaller investors and projects looking to participate in IDOs. By moving transactions off-chain, Layer 2 solutions can dramatically lower these fees, making IDO participation more accessible to a broader audience.
3. Enhanced Security
While Layer 2 transactions occur off-chain, they are still anchored to the Layer 1 blockchain, ensuring that they inherit the robust security features of the main chain. This dual-layer approach provides a secure environment for IDOs, where funds and transactions are protected from potential attacks. For instance, Optimistic Rollups and ZK-Rollups offer security guarantees that are on par with those of the Layer 1 blockchain, making them ideal for IDO launchpad development.
4. Improved User Experience
The success of an IDO often depends on the user experience. Long wait times and high transaction fees can deter potential investors and negatively impact the launchpad's reputation. Layer 2 solutions offer a smoother, faster, and more cost-effective user experience, which can enhance the appeal of an IDO platform and attract more users.
5. Flexibility and Interoperability
Layer 2 solutions are designed to be flexible and interoperable with multiple Layer 1 blockchains. This means that IDO launchpads built on Layer 2 can support a variety of tokens and blockchain networks, providing more options for projects and investors. This flexibility can help launchpads cater to a diverse range of projects and audiences, further driving the adoption of IDOs.
Popular Layer 2 Solutions for IDO Launchpads
Several Layer 2 solutions have gained traction in the blockchain community, each offering unique benefits for IDO launchpad development. Here are some of the most popular options:
1. Optimistic Rollups
Optimistic Rollups are a Layer 2 solution that allows smart contracts to be executed off-chain and then submitted to the Layer 1 blockchain. They are called "optimistic" because they assume transactions are valid unless proven otherwise. This approach significantly reduces the computational load on the main chain, making it ideal for high-throughput applications like IDOs.
2. ZK-Rollups
Zero-Knowledge Rollups (ZK-Rollups) use advanced cryptographic proofs to validate transactions off-chain and then submit them to the Layer 1 blockchain in a compressed form. ZK-Rollups offer even higher scalability than Optimistic Rollups, making them a powerful tool for IDO launchpads that need to handle a large volume of transactions.
3. State Channels
State Channels allow users to conduct multiple transactions off-chain and then record only the final state on the Layer 1 blockchain. This approach is highly efficient and cost-effective, making it an excellent choice for IDO launchpads that require fast and frequent transactions.
4. Plasma
Plasma is a Layer 2 solution that creates "child" blockchains (Plasma chains) connected to the main chain. These child chains handle transactions independently, reducing the load on the Layer 1 blockchain and improving scalability. Plasma is particularly well-suited for IDO launchpads that need to process large volumes of transactions without compromising security.
The Future of IDO Launchpads with Layer 2 Technology
As the blockchain industry continues to grow, the need for more efficient and scalable solutions will only increase. Layer 2 technology is poised to play a crucial role in the future of IDO launchpad development, offering a way to overcome the limitations of Layer 1 blockchains and provide a better experience for both projects and investors.
Adoption by Major Blockchain Platforms
Several major blockchain platforms have already started integrating Layer 2 solutions to enhance their IDO launchpads. For example, Ethereum's transition to Ethereum 2.0 includes plans to incorporate Layer 2 scaling solutions like Rollups to improve transaction throughput and reduce fees. Other platforms, such as Binance Smart Chain and Polygon, are also exploring Layer 2 technologies to enhance their IDO offerings.
Increased Participation and Accessibility
Layer 2 technology has the potential to democratize access to IDOs by reducing transaction costs and improving scalability. This increased accessibility could lead to a surge in participation, with more projects choosing to launch IDOs and more investors looking to get involved. As a result, IDO launchpads could see significant growth in the coming years, driven by the adoption of Layer 2 solutions.
Innovation in IDO Models
The integration of Layer 2 technology into IDO launchpads could also spur innovation in the IDO model itself. With the ability to handle more transactions at a lower cost, launchpads may experiment with new fundraising mechanisms, such as multi-chain IDOs or decentralized autonomous launchpads (DAOLPs). These innovations could further enhance the appeal of IDOs and solidify their position as a preferred method of fundraising in the blockchain space.
Layer 2 technology represents the future of efficient IDO launchpad development, offering solutions to the scalability, cost, and user experience challenges that currently plague the industry. By leveraging Layer 2 solutions like Rollups, State Channels, and Plasma, IDO launchpads can provide a more scalable, cost-effective, and secure platform for launching new blockchain projects. As adoption of Layer 2 technology continues to grow, we can expect to see a new wave of innovation in the IDO space, making it an even more attractive option for projects and investors alike.
Taksh IT Solutions Private Limited is at the forefront of this evolution, committed to delivering cutting-edge blockchain solutions that leverage the power of Layer 2 technology to drive the future of IDO launchpad development.
🙋Contact us for more details: 📞Call us: +91-9650020493 📧Email us: [email protected] 🌐Website: https://takshitsolutions.com/ido-launchpad-development
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auroragracesblogs · 3 months
IDO Marketing Price and Package: What You Need to Know
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In the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology, Initial Dex Offerings (IDOs) have become a popular method for startups to raise funds and engage with the crypto community. However, launching a successful IDO involves more than just technical preparations—it requires a well-defined marketing strategy, accompanied by careful consideration of costs, packages, and overall budgeting. This blog explores the intricacies of IDO marketing costs, the elements of an effective marketing package, and essential considerations for startups looking to navigate this dynamic fundraising landscape.
Understanding IDO Marketing Essentials
An IDO is not just a fundraising event; it's an opportunity to establish credibility, build a community, and generate long-term interest in a project. Effective marketing is critical to achieving these goals, and it typically involves several key components:
Brand Positioning and Messaging: Crafting a compelling narrative that communicates the project's value proposition clearly and resonates with the target audience.
Community Engagement: Building and nurturing a supportive community of early adopters, investors, and enthusiasts through various channels like social media, forums, and community platforms.
PR and Media Outreach: Securing media coverage, participating in interviews, and leveraging influencers to amplify visibility and credibility.
Digital Marketing: Utilizing online advertising, content marketing, and email campaigns to reach and engage with a broader audience.
Tokenomics and Incentives: Designing a tokenomics model that incentivizes participation and aligns with long-term project goals.
Factors Influencing IDO Marketing Costs
The cost of IDO marketing can vary widely based on several factors:
Project Complexity and Scope: The complexity of the project, its technological requirements, and the novelty of the idea can impact marketing costs.
Target Audience and Market Size: The size and demographics of the target audience influence the scale and scope of marketing efforts.
Geographical Reach: Whether the marketing campaign targets a local, regional, or global audience affects costs, particularly in terms of media buying and influencer outreach.
Type of Marketing Channels: The choice of marketing channels—such as social media, paid advertising, PR campaigns, or influencer partnerships—significantly impacts costs.
Duration of Marketing Campaign: The length of the marketing campaign, including pre-launch, launch, and post-launch phases, affects budgeting and resource allocation.
Components of an Effective IDO Marketing Package
An effective IDO marketing package encompasses various strategies and activities tailored to the specific needs and goals of the project. Here are essential components typically included in an IDO marketing package:
1. Strategic Planning and Consulting
Market Research: Conducting thorough market research to understand the competitive landscape, target audience, and market trends.
Marketing Strategy Development: Developing a comprehensive marketing strategy aligned with project goals, including brand positioning, messaging, and campaign timeline.
2. Brand Identity and Content Creation
Logo and Visual Identity: Designing a distinctive logo and visual assets that reflect the project's identity and resonate with the target audience.
Content Creation: Developing high-quality content such as whitepapers, blogs, videos, and infographics to educate and engage potential investors and users.
3. Community Building and Management
Community Engagement: Building and managing online communities through platforms like Telegram, Discord, and social media channels to foster interaction, answer queries, and generate buzz.
Community Management: Implementing strategies to nurture and grow the community, including organizing AMAs (Ask Me Anything sessions), contests, and community-driven initiatives.
4. PR and Media Outreach
Press Releases and Media Kits: Crafting compelling press releases and media kits to announce milestones, partnerships, and project updates to the media and crypto influencers.
Media Relations: Establishing relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers in the blockchain and crypto space to secure media coverage and interviews.
5. Digital Marketing and Advertising
Social Media Marketing: Running targeted advertising campaigns on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to increase visibility and attract potential investors.
Content Marketing: Publishing SEO-optimized content on the project's blog and other platforms to enhance organic reach and establish thought leadership.
6. Influencer Partnerships
Influencer Outreach: Collaborating with influencers and thought leaders in the blockchain and DeFi community to endorse the project, reach their followers, and build credibility.
7. Tokenomics Design and Distribution Strategy
Tokenomics Consultation: Designing a tokenomics model that incentivizes early adopters and aligns with the project's long-term goals and sustainability.
Token Distribution Strategy: Planning and executing a fair and transparent token distribution strategy to ensure broad participation and equitable distribution.
Budgeting and Allocating Resources
Effective budgeting is crucial to maximizing ROI and ensuring the success of an IDO marketing campaign. Startups should consider the following when budgeting for IDO marketing:
Allocating Resources: Determining how much budget to allocate to each component of the marketing package based on priorities and projected outcomes.
Monitoring and Adjusting: Continuously monitoring the performance of marketing campaigns and adjusting strategies based on real-time data and feedback.
Contingency Planning: Setting aside a contingency budget for unforeseen expenses or adjustments needed during the campaign.
Launching a successful IDO requires a strategic approach to marketing that goes beyond fundraising—it's about building credibility, engaging the community, and establishing a solid foundation for long-term growth. By understanding the costs involved, crafting a comprehensive marketing package, and allocating resources effectively, startups can enhance their chances of standing out in the competitive landscape of decentralized finance and blockchain technology. As the crypto market continues to evolve, IDOs represent a powerful tool for startups to innovate, raise capital, and realize their visions in a global, decentralized economy.
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chrisitnapaul · 1 year
ICO vs. IDO: Marketing Insights for Success
In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) represent two popular methods for raising capital. However, they differ significantly in terms of execution and regulatory considerations. As such, the marketing strategies for ICOs and IDOs must also adapt to these unique characteristics. In this article, we will explore the distinctions between ICOs and IDOs and provide insights into effective marketing strategies for each.
Understanding ICOs and IDOs:
ICOs have been around longer than IDOs and were the primary means of fundraising for blockchain projects before decentralized exchanges became widely adopted. In an ICO, tokens are sold to investors, typically in exchange for established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. ICOs often involve a broader range of investors and a more extensive marketing campaign to attract potential contributors.
On the other hand, IDOs are conducted directly on decentralized exchanges, like Uniswap or PancakeSwap, using smart contracts. They are usually associated with specific DeFi projects and require users to provide liquidity to the project's liquidity pool in exchange for tokens. IDOs tend to have a more targeted audience of users who are already familiar with decentralized finance.
Marketing ICOs:
Building a Strong Online Presence: ICOs benefit from a strong online presence, including a professionally designed website and active social media accounts. Regularly updating these platforms with project developments, team information, and engaging content is crucial to building trust with potential investors.
Community Engagement: Cultivating a supportive and engaged community around your ICO is essential. Platforms like Telegram, Discord, and Reddit can be powerful tools for fostering communication and excitement among potential investors.
Whitepaper and Documentation: A well-drafted whitepaper is essential for explaining the project's goals, technology, and tokenomics. Clear and transparent documentation can build trust and attract knowledgeable investors.
Partnerships and Advisors: Collaborating with reputable industry partners and securing advisors with a strong track record in blockchain can lend credibility to your ICO.
Marketing IDOs:
Liquidity and Utility: IDOs are often more successful when they offer immediate utility for the tokens. Highlighting how tokens can be used within the DeFi ecosystem can attract liquidity providers.
Decentralized Exchange Listings: Since IDOs take place on decentralized exchanges, it's crucial to ensure your token is listed on popular DEX platforms. Marketing efforts should include announcements about exchange listings.
Community Within DeFi: Target your marketing efforts toward existing DeFi enthusiasts who are already familiar with the decentralized exchange where your IDO is taking place. Engaging with DeFi communities on platforms like Twitter and Discord can be highly effective.
Tokenomics and Staking: Explain the tokenomics of your project, including staking opportunities and potential rewards for liquidity providers. IDO participants are often interested in these details.
In conclusion, while ICOs and IDOs share some similarities, they require distinct marketing strategies due to differences in their execution and audience. Successful marketing for ICOs involves building a broad online presence and engaging with a wide range of potential investors. In contrast, IDOs benefit from targeted marketing efforts within the DeFi community and emphasizing immediate utility and liquidity. Understanding these differences is essential for achieving success in the increasingly competitive world of blockchain fundraising.
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technewsbite · 1 year
Navigating the IDO Landscape: Top Marketing Strategies for Blockchain Projects
The world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is constantly evolving, and with it comes new opportunities for businesses and investors alike. One such opportunity is the Initial Dex Offering (IDO), a decentralized fundraising method that has gained significant traction in recent years. As more and more projects turn to IDOs to raise funds and launch their tokens, it's crucial for these projects to have a solid marketing strategy in place to ensure their success.
In this ultimate guide to IDO marketing strategies, we'll explore the various tactics and techniques that can help your project stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of potential investors. We'll also discuss the importance of partnering with professional IDO marketing services to maximize your chances of success.
Understanding IDO Marketing
Before diving into the specific strategies, it's essential to understand what IDO marketing entails and why it's so important. IDO marketing refers to the process of promoting and raising awareness about a project's Initial Dex Offering. This involves creating a strong online presence, engaging with potential investors, and showcasing the unique value proposition of the project. A well-executed IDO marketing campaign can help attract a wider audience, generate buzz around the project, and ultimately lead to a successful token launch.
Building a Strong Online Presence
A strong online presence is the foundation of any successful IDO marketing campaign. This includes creating a professional and user-friendly website, setting up social media profiles, and establishing a presence on relevant forums and discussion boards. Here are some key elements to consider when building your online presence:
Website: Your project's website should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and provide all the necessary information about the IDO. This includes details about the project's vision, team, tokenomics, and roadmap. Make sure to also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) for users to participate in the IDO.
Social Media: Set up profiles on popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, and Discord. These platforms are essential for engaging with potential investors, sharing updates, and answering questions about the project. Be sure to post regularly and interact with your followers to build trust and credibility.
Forums and Discussion Boards: Participate in relevant forums and discussion boards, such as Reddit and Bitcointalk, to share information about your project and engage with potential investors. This can help generate organic interest in your IDO and establish your project as a legitimate player in the crypto space.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your IDO and showcasing the unique value proposition of your project. This involves creating and sharing valuable content that educates, informs, and engages your target audience. Some effective content marketing strategies for IDO marketing include:
Blog Posts: Publish informative and engaging blog posts on your project's website and share them on social media platforms. This can help establish your project as an authority in the space and attract potential investors.
Whitepapers: A well-written whitepaper is essential for any IDO project. It should provide a comprehensive overview of the project, including its vision, technology, tokenomics, and roadmap. Make sure to make your whitepaper easily accessible on your website and share it on relevant platforms.
Infographics: Create visually appealing infographics that break down complex concepts and data related to your project. These can be shared on social media and other platforms to generate interest and engagement.
Video Marketing: Videos are an effective way to convey information and engage with your audience. Create promotional videos with relevant content and share them on platforms like YouTube and social media. Keep the duration of the videos concise and to the point to maintain viewer interest.
Influencer Marketing and Partnerships
Influencer marketing and strategic partnerships can help amplify your IDO marketing efforts and reach a wider audience. Consider partnering with well-known influencers in the crypto space who can promote your project to their followers. Additionally, seek out partnerships with other projects, platforms, or organizations that align with your project's goals and values. These collaborations can help generate buzz around your IDO and attract more potential investors.
Community Building and Engagement
Building a strong and engaged community is crucial for the success of any IDO project. This involves fostering a sense of trust, loyalty, and enthusiasm among your target audience. Some strategies for community building and engagement include:
Regular Updates: Keep your community informed about the latest developments and milestones related to your project. This can help maintain interest and excitement around your IDO.
AMA (Ask Me Anything) Sessions: Host AMA sessions on platforms like Telegram or Discord, where your team can answer questions and address concerns from potential investors. This can help build trust and credibility for your project.
Bounty Programs and Airdrops: Organize bounty programs and airdrops to reward your community members for their support and engagement. This can help incentivize participation and create a sense of loyalty among your followers.
Working with Professional IDO Marketing Services
While it's possible to execute some of these strategies on your own, partnering with professional IDO marketing services can significantly enhance your marketing efforts and improve your chances of success. These services have the expertise, resources, and connections to help you develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to your project's needs. By leveraging their experience and industry knowledge, you can ensure that your IDO marketing campaign is as effective as possible.
Final Thoughts
A well-executed IDO marketing strategy is essential for the success of any blockchain project seeking to raise funds through an Initial Dex Offering. By building a strong online presence, creating valuable content, leveraging influencer marketing and partnerships, and engaging with your community, you can generate interest and excitement around your IDO and attract the attention of potential investors. Additionally, partnering with professional IDO marketing services can help you maximize your marketing efforts and ensure the best possible outcome for your project.
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nftdevelopment · 2 years
what is ido marketing ?describe in detail ido marketing services?
IDO, or Initial DEX Offering, is a fundraising method used by decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to help launch new cryptocurrency projects. IDO marketing refers to the various strategies used to promote these projects and their IDOs to potential investors and participants.
IDO marketing services typically include a range of activities aimed at creating awareness, building hype, and attracting interest in the project and its IDO. Some of the key services offered by IDO marketing firms include:
Community Building: One of the most important aspects of IDO marketing is building a strong and engaged community of supporters around the project. IDO marketing firms help create and manage social media channels, chat groups, and other online forums where investors can discuss the project and stay up-to-date on its progress.
Influencer Marketing: IDO marketing firms also work to identify and partner with influential voices in the cryptocurrency space, such as bloggers, YouTubers, and social media influencers, to promote the project and its IDO.
Public Relations: IDO marketing firms often work with public relations (PR) professionals to secure media coverage and generate positive buzz around the project.
Advertising: IDO marketing firms may also help the project run advertising campaigns across various online platforms, such as Google and social media, to drive traffic and increase awareness.
Tokenomics Consulting: IDO marketing firms often have experts who can provide guidance on the project's tokenomics, or the economic design of the project's token. This includes advice on pricing, supply, and distribution.
Partnership Management: IDO marketing firms can also help identify and secure partnerships with other projects or companies in the cryptocurrency space to build credibility and drive adoption.
In summary, IDO marketing services are designed to help decentralized exchanges and cryptocurrency projects raise funds and generate interest in their offerings. These services often include community building, influencer marketing, public relations, advertising, tokenomics consulting, and partnership management.
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blackfortress · 1 year
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annabelledarcie · 2 years
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lgcrp · 2 months
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hi everyone ! as we approach our fifth anniversary, we're so grateful to still have muses around since (almost) the beginning, and since our initial opening, lgc has grown in a way none of us have ever imagined before. we think it's a testament to not only ours, but also our members' hard work that we've been able to ic-debut five idol groups (with a sixth on the way !) within the almost-five years we've been open as a roleplay, and we've always operated in a way to reward our members' commitment and dedication to their groups with new, fun ideas for activities and gigs that keeps the excitement for writing for your muses going, even after debuting. however, we at lgc also like to maintain a certain level of realism in our directory, while also being considerate that both admods and members alike all have real lives that take precedent to roleplaying. hence, we've made a conscious effort to diversify as much as possible for our idol groups in terms of ooc-missions and writing requirements that correlate with ic-career development. it's come to our attention, however, that there's speculation of favoritism amongst the idol groups in terms of what the admod team 'gives them'. to address it bluntly, we have never and will never 'play favorites', and to make that clear, we'd like to clarify as much as we've deemed necessary to finally put the topic to rest.
firstly, we want to address the culture of comparison that's been happening around lgc. as it stands right now, a person could have two muses in the idol career path, in two separate idol groups regardless of gender, and would have two completely different experiences ooc and ic. we intentionally operate this way because we think that one of lgc's charms is the variety we provide our members as writers here. we all know how monotonous and boring idol roleplays can get, which is why we've made a conscious effort to diversify as much as we can as we've expanded. however despite these efforts, it's disheartening, to say the least, to hear talks of comparison more than anything whenever we post new events. we understand that, to some extent, comparison is inevitable, especially when we ourselves simulate an environment of competition with future dreams, awards, and other marks of popularity. but it seems that lately, more often than not, these comparisons and even criticisms are done without the consideration that we purposely give our idol groups their own unique flair, and that what we write out in missions (and even sometimes what we don't write out in missions) is not done because we supposedly favor one group over the other.
we've never planned to release this information publicly, but to cease all debate on the topic, just in terms of music releases, we can break our idol groups down simply:
crystallis is the group with subunits and their own solo shows;
v&a is a self-producing group with their own reactions;
nova gets 6 songs constantly;
type zero gets prereleases; and
nknd releases often but mostly digitally, then will compile in physical releases.
everybody gets two korean comebacks + one other comeback in a targeted market in the original calendar we plan out at the beginning of the year:
crystallis and agito target the japanese market;
type zero targets the chinese market;
fabula and versus target the western market;
nova targets the domestic market; and
nknd currently just targets domestic but will likely also target japan.
these are just two factors that come into play when we plan out an idol group's activities for a quarter. not to mention that agito, crystallis and fabula all have members that regularly act for their notoriety tiers gigs, and as acting career gigs are the most time-consuming along with idol career gigs, we have to also take those into account when writing out missions.
and on the topic of notoriety tiers, we want to provide some context: the Great Revamp of 2021™ really solidified a lot of what we wanted to do for the idol groups early on here at lgc. as the years went on and muses gained more points and notoriety, though, we implemented our notoriety tiers system mainly as a way for our members to provide input into their career trajectories for the first time, but also as a great resource for us as admods to figure out the 'reputation' each group has.
needing to have all this information in place is partially why notoriety tiers gigs happened so frequently in the beginning, but as muses started reaching higher tier levels and claiming activities that required more time and effort for us to plan out, we've had to adapt the way members submit their notoriety tiers forms.
it's now explicitly denoted how busy muses actually are in the forms so that everyone has an idea of the amount of additional work they're putting on their muses through the notoriety tiers vs. the work they already have through their career missions. additionally, this change was done to better reflect just how much a muse's solo activities do impact their group activities, both ic and ooc.
as stated before, realism is important here at lgc, and it's not unrealistic to see idols miss out on comeback promotions because of their individual activities. for us as admods, the choice has either been between (1) planning comeback/group promotions for certain idol groups to accommodate their members' acting gigs or (2) to exclude certain members from comeback/group promotions if their schedules don't permit them. we haven't started the latter, and we don't intend to, but with growing complaints amidst all the comparison, we wonder if taking it to the extent of excluding certain members is necessary to reach a compromise.
for instance, it's unrealistic to give a 12-track full album to a group whose main vocalist is also an actor and busy with acting gigs, but right now, we could give the group a two-track single album instead and only let the main vocalist be on the title track with minimal promotions to still include them in the comeback if that's preferred.
from our perspective, though, it's always been more realistic that during that first seven-year period when an idol signs their contract and debuts, their priority is always the group first and foremost. there's always exception to the rule, and idols do typically have to make that big decision of solo vs. group career eventually. but our most senior muses are at-most three years into their careers, and in the fictional entertainment company that we run, it doesn't make sense for us to let an idol prioritize their solo career over their group's at this point in time.
relatedly, the notoriety tiers have also been a great way for us to see which muses actually aren't eligible for any notoriety tier gigs and as such, we're able to give additional gigs to certain muses as part of their career missions. this is part of our constant struggle of balancing older muses with newer muses, especially when it comes to our idol groups.
as is the natural course of things in roleplay, members and their muses come and go, and that unfortunately means that muses in idol groups do drop and throw a wrench in our plans. along with future dreams, that's part of why we've also introduced team unknown – we'll be honest and say that we had different plans for team unknown, but had to change said plans because of members leaving the roleplay.
again, that's just one of the many factors that we have to take into consideration as we keep the machine going that is lgc. we don't want to over-explain ourselves but at the same time, we hope people can start understanding our reasonings better through this post.
and that's not to say that we aren't open to any criticism nor suggestions. if anything, we always to strive to make ourselves as available as possible to our members either individually on our personal accounts or as a group through the main to consult with us about anything. we have no desires to close those lines of communication, but as much as we want to reiterate that we're always open to discussion as our roleplay continues to evolve, we also hope we won't have to make another statement on the matter.
lgc has always had a long-standing issue of being too events-focused, and we've tried as best as we can to alleviate the stress and dissatisfaction that comes with such a culture by taking in feedback, implementing new systems, and keeping things fresh and fun for everyone as k-pop fans.
however, it's only natural that most people focus on their own muses in idol roleplays and can view other muses getting certain things as missing out on something when, in reality, we hope people can start seeing that they also have things that no other muse (or group) has in lgc. no one has ever gotten less or more, just different, and different is okay.
at the end of the day, we hope everyone doesn't focus too much on the comparison or competition-side of things. lgc is what it is today partly because of what we've curated for you all as an admod team, but mostly because of the unique experiences our members have crafted for themselves as writers and roleplayers.
thank you all for your understanding. please like this post to indicate you've read this announcement.
– lgc admod team
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reverieparacosm · 2 years
what do you think is bondrewd's ideal date?
Headcanons what Bondrewd's ideal date would be
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Bondrewd (Made In Abyss) x GN!Reader
Warnings: none
Note: Realistically, he wouldn't go on dates, but who cares. In the fanfiction universe, you can break just about any rule! ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)
Bondrewd is an enigmatic figure – mysterious and alluring, his date agenda is sure to be interesting. From exploring the depths and secrets of the Abyss to sampling exotic dishes from the local markets (I'm not sure yet if I would want to eat the food in the Golden City though…)
For Bondrewd, the perfect date would be an adventure
He loves exploring and trying new things, so an exciting day out filled with activities and experiences would certainly spark his interest
He would love to take his date out for an eye-opening tour of his beloved Abyss, showing off the beauty and unique creatures that live within its depths
“Come with me. I have great things in store for us… You have nothing to be afraid of, my dear. Let me take you to a realm of infinite wonder, where your greatest wishes and desires will come true… Let me take you to the Abyss, where all shall be as you desire…”
He would show you creatures like the Crimson Splitjaw (The Crimson Splitjaw is a large, legless reptile found in the 3rd Layer)
Bondrewd values ambition and courage, so he'd likely choose a date activity that involves pushing his boundaries and testing his limits, with plenty of inspiration and admiration for the wonders of nature
He would take the time to get to know his date, talking and listening intently
“Tell me about yourself, I am quite interested to learn more about you. Please, enlighten me.”
Bondrewd loves to share his knowledge of the depths and the creatures that inhabit it, and his date would be amazed by his stories of his adventures
On a date with Bondrewd, you would never quite know what to expect
He displays an almost theatrical level of stoicism and control, while also being incredibly unpredictable and calculating
His conversations are always full of wit and charm and he is always looking for ways to further his agenda. His presence exudes an aura of danger and mystery, making for an unforgettable and exhilarating experience
You would spend time together chatting around a campfire about your thoughts on the Abyss; the light flickering through the trees and casting it's warm glow upon what is sure to be a beautiful night
Bondrewd sometimes feels bad about taking a person he loves to dangerous places. That's why he worries when he takes his darling to other places that aren't Ido Front
An intellectual conversation in Ido Front would also suit his interest
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After some wandering, how about a cup of tea? The tea itself is from Iruburu, and you can sit with it in the area known as "The Garden of the Flowers." There you will see a lot of beautiful and various plants, and even creatures of the Abyss that are not too dangerous
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vophuocthien · 2 months
How to Optimize Your Crypto Investments
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With the rapid pace of modern life, it seems that only professional traders can afford to leave their full-time jobs and concentrate solely on trading. For someone like me who values security and doesn't have the time to monitor the market 24/7, finding ways to generate income with minimal effort is appealing. This approach allows me to participate in crypto without the constant stress and time commitment required by active trading.
Several way to invest in crypto
There are several ways to create passive income from DeFi: staking, lending, farming, and real yield. However, today I want to share a strategy that requires minimal effort yet brings in profits: hunting for ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) and presales.
ICOs and presales offer a unique opportunity for investors. Tokens sold during these events are usually priced very low, as they are in the early stages of their lifecycle. By participating in these sales, you can purchase tokens at a fraction of their potential future value. The strategy is simple: buy the tokens, hold onto them, and wait for them to be listed on an exchange where their value typically increases.
For example, consider a meme project like BUSAI, which leverages AI technology and enjoys strong community support. BUSAI offers an attractive opportunity during its presale phase. The project blends meme culture with advanced AI, creating a unique ecosystem. By purchasing tokens during the presale, investors can benefit from low prices and potentially see significant returns once the tokens are listed.
Successful ICOs and Presale Tokens
Several notable case studies illustrate how presale tokens have significantly increased in value once listed on exchanges, providing substantial returns for early investors.
Ether (ETH)
The native token for Ethereum, Ether, is one of the most successful ICOs in history. During its ICO, Ether was sold at 2,000 ETH per 1 BTC. By March 2024, the value of Ether had surged to $3,496 per token, offering an incredible return on investment for early backers
Often referred to as "China’s Ethereum," NEO had a remarkable ICO. The initial token price was around $0.03, and at its peak, NEO traded at approximately $180. Even though its current value is around $14.83, early investors saw substantial returns​
Bonk started as an airdrop, not a presale, and was distributed freely via social media. It surged over 25,000% in a year and briefly hit a $2 billion market cap after its Coinbase listing.
How to find Presale token?
Historically, platforms like Coinlist were excellent for finding such opportunities. However, in the past year, many projects listed there have underperformed, leading me to seek alternatives. The key to success with this strategy lies in thorough research and careful selection of projects.
While this method may not yield as much profit as active trading, it is well-suited for those with a lower risk appetite. It allows participation in the crypto market without the need for constant vigilance. However, no investment is entirely risk-free. Even with presales and IDOs, there is always the potential for loss. The crypto market is volatile, and projects can fail despite promising initial signs.
In summary, hunting for IDOs and presales is a viable strategy for earning passive income from crypto without dedicating too much time and effort. By carefully selecting projects like BUSAI, you can capitalize on early-stage investments and potentially enjoy substantial returns. However, always conduct thorough research and be aware of the inherent risks.
Source: Compiled
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neonbutterfly2 · 3 months
BLANCA!!!!! Tumblr no me dejar comentar….🤦‍♀️ pero te mando mucha suerte y espero que tus entrevistas te hayan ido de maravilla hermosa 🥰 tqm <333
gracias bebesitaaa <333 me fue muy bieeen jiji, sin nervios pero si es un desafío grande y una oportunidad emocionante 💞💞 mañana me llaman para la segunda entrevista <33 es en un hospital y como ya trabajé haciendo marketing con un dr antes me beneficia mucho. graciasss x tus deseos 🫶🏼👩🏻‍💻
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auroragracesblogs · 3 months
Leading IDO Marketing Agencies for 2024: Top Picks
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Launching a successful Initial DEX Offering (IDO) in 2024 requires not only a revolutionary blockchain project but also a strategic marketing approach that can effectively capture investor interest, build community engagement, and ensure regulatory compliance. IDO marketing agencies play a crucial role in navigating these challenges and driving the success of IDO launches. In this comprehensive guide, we highlight some of the leading IDO marketing agencies for 2024, showcasing their strengths, expertise, and contributions to the blockchain industry. Among these, Blockchain App Factory, NinjaPromo, ICOBox, Crynet, and Coinband stand out as top picks, each bringing unique capabilities and proven track records to the table.
Top 5 IDO Marketing Agencies
1. Blockchain App Factory
Blockchain App Factory has established itself as a prominent player in the blockchain and crypto space, specializing in comprehensive IDO marketing services. With a focus on innovation and client satisfaction, Blockchain App Factory offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of blockchain startups launching IDOs. Their expertise spans strategic planning, community management, influencer marketing, regulatory compliance, and creative content development. Blockchain App Factory's holistic approach and commitment to delivering measurable results make them a top choice for blockchain projects looking to achieve successful IDO launches in 2024.
2. NinjaPromo
NinjaPromo is renowned for its strategic digital marketing solutions, including specialized services for blockchain and cryptocurrency projects. They excel in creating tailored marketing campaigns that maximize project visibility, engage target audiences, and drive investor interest during IDO presales and launches. NinjaPromo's team of experts leverages advanced analytics, influencer partnerships, and creative content strategies to ensure effective brand positioning and community outreach. Their proactive approach to campaign management and commitment to client success have earned them a reputation as a trusted IDO marketing agency in the crypto industry.
3. ICOBox
ICOBox has a strong reputation for providing end-to-end ICO and IDO marketing solutions, catering to startups and established blockchain ventures alike. Their comprehensive service offering includes strategic consulting, tokenomics advisory, legal compliance, marketing strategy development, and investor relations management. ICOBox's extensive experience in launching successful ICOs and IDOs, coupled with their global network of investors and industry professionals, positions them as a preferred partner for projects seeking to navigate the complexities of fundraising and regulatory compliance in 2024.
4. Crynet
Crynet specializes in blockchain marketing and PR services, focusing on enhancing project visibility and credibility in the crypto community. They offer a range of services, including media relations, content marketing, social media management, and community engagement strategies tailored to the needs of blockchain startups launching IDOs. Crynet's commitment to delivering impactful results and their proactive approach to client collaboration make them a reliable choice for projects looking to establish a strong market presence and attract early adopters through effective IDO marketing campaigns.
5. Coinband
Coinband is recognized for its expertise in digital marketing and growth hacking strategies for blockchain projects. They provide specialized IDO marketing services that encompass brand development, influencer outreach, content creation, and performance analytics. Coinband's data-driven approach and focus on ROI optimization ensure that every marketing initiative is aligned with client objectives and market trends. With a reputation for innovation and transparency, Coinband continues to empower blockchain startups to achieve fundraising success and long-term sustainability in the competitive crypto landscape.
Choosing the Right IDO Marketing Agency
Selecting the right IDO marketing agency is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your blockchain project's fundraising efforts. When evaluating potential agencies, consider the following factors to make an informed choice:
1. Industry Experience and Reputation
Evaluate the agency's track record and reputation within the blockchain and crypto community. Look for agencies with proven experience in successfully launching IDOs for projects similar to yours. Client testimonials, case studies, and industry partnerships can provide valuable insights into their credibility and expertise.
2. Range of Services
Assess the agency's service offerings and capabilities in strategic planning, community management, influencer marketing, regulatory compliance, and creative content development. Ensure they provide comprehensive solutions that address your project's specific needs and objectives for a successful IDO launch.
3. Strategic Approach and Innovation
Consider the agency's approach to campaign strategy, innovation, and adaptability to market trends. Look for agencies that demonstrate a proactive stance in developing tailored marketing strategies and leveraging emerging technologies to maximize campaign effectiveness and investor engagement.
4. Compliance and Risk Management
Verify the agency's expertise in regulatory compliance, KYC/AML procedures, legal documentation, and risk management practices. Compliance with regulatory requirements is essential for mitigating legal risks and safeguarding investor interests throughout the IDO process.
5. Communication and Transparency
Prioritize agencies that emphasize clear communication, transparency, and collaborative partnership. Effective communication channels, regular progress updates, and open dialogue foster trust and alignment between your project team and the marketing agency.
6. Performance Metrics and ROI
Look for agencies that emphasize data-driven decision-making and provide insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, social media engagement, and advertising ROI. Access to analytics tools and performance reports enables you to measure campaign success and optimize strategies for maximum ROI.
Partnering with a leading IDO marketing agency is instrumental in navigating the complexities of launching a successful IDO in 2024. Agencies such as Blockchain App Factory, NinjaPromo, ICOBox, Crynet, and Coinband offer specialized expertise, innovative solutions, and proven strategies to maximize project visibility, engage investors, and ensure regulatory compliance. By selecting an agency that aligns with your project's goals, values transparency, and prioritizes strategic execution, blockchain projects can leverage their expertise to achieve fundraising success and establish a strong market presence in the competitive landscape of the crypto industry.
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chrisitnapaul · 1 year
Revolutionize Your Business with Ido Marketing Services
In the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, staying ahead of the competition requires a strategic and innovative approach to marketing. Introducing Ido Marketing Services – your partner in driving growth, enhancing brand visibility, and reaching new heights in the digital age.
Unveiling Ido Marketing Services: At Ido Marketing Services, we specialize in crafting customized marketing solutions that cater to the unique needs and goals of your business. Our team of seasoned experts understands that no two businesses are alike, and therefore, a one-size-fits-all approach simply won't cut it. Whether you're a budding startup or an established enterprise, we have the tools and expertise to take your brand to the next level.
Our Comprehensive Offerings: Ido Marketing Services is your one-stop destination for a wide array of marketing strategies that encompass both traditional and digital realms. From traditional advertising to cutting-edge digital campaigns, we've got you covered. Our services include:
Strategic Planning: We start by gaining a deep understanding of your business and objectives. This enables us to create a tailor-made marketing strategy that aligns with your goals and maximizes your ROI.
Digital Marketing: Our digital wizards harness the power of SEO, social media, content marketing, and PPC advertising to ensure your brand captivates the online audience and ranks higher on search engines.
Creative Content: Our team of creative minds develops compelling content that tells your brand story and engages your target audience across various platforms.
Social Media Management: We handle your social media presence, building a strong online community, and fostering meaningful interactions with potential customers.
Data Analytics: Our data-driven approach allows us to monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns in real-time, enabling us to make informed decisions and optimize strategies for better results.
Brand Enhancement: Elevate your brand identity with our brand enhancement services, which include logo design, brand messaging, and a consistent visual identity.
Why Choose Ido Marketing Services?
Tailored Solutions: We believe in a personalized approach. Our strategies are built around your specific needs, ensuring that your marketing efforts are aligned with your business objectives.
Expertise: Our team comprises skilled professionals with a proven track record in diverse marketing disciplines. With Ido Marketing Services, you gain access to a wealth of experience and knowledge.
Innovation: In the dynamic world of marketing, innovation is key. We stay ahead of industry trends and emerging technologies to keep your brand relevant and ahead of the curve.
Measurable Results: Our data-driven approach ensures that every marketing dollar you invest yields quantifiable results. We constantly analyze and adjust strategies to optimize your ROI.
Partnership: When you collaborate with Ido Marketing Services, you're not just a client – you're a partner. We're committed to your success and work hand-in-hand with you to achieve your business goals.
In the modern business landscape, effective marketing is the cornerstone of success. Ido Marketing Services empowers you to navigate this landscape with confidence, harnessing the power of innovative strategies and digital tools to drive growth, boost brand visibility, and outshine the competition. Ready to embark on a transformative marketing journey? Join hands with Ido Marketing Services and witness your business reach new pinnacles of success.
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caramelperformance · 4 months
Evelyn Vozui
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Evelyn Vozui is the main character of the game “Caramel Performance”. A slightly timid girl who can easily be caught off guard. However, over time, Vozui turns out to be a rather strong-willed gymnast. After joining the crew, she quickly found a common ground with everyone using her “ability to understand what is on people's minds,” although this does not always work. Her personality often varies depending on people she's around - sometimes she is a modest and quiet girl, or she could be the soul of the company, always ready to help.
Evelyn is also entirely incompetent when it comes to orienting herself in space; even walking to the nearest station is a huge and impossible trial for her.
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Age: 24
Birth Date: 25th of April
Pronouns: She/Her
Main magic: Caramel, White
Job: Aerial Gymnast, Magician's Assistant, Toy-Store Clerk (part-time)
Hobbies: sewing, watching old movies and TV shows
Family: Pall Vozui (younger brother), Liney Vozui (mother)
Best friends: Ido shteri, Helga Jarvinen
Close/Warm Relationships: Heather Ober, Ottavio Conte, Dorothy Fleming, Koli–Amiko
Good relationship/neutral: other circus participants
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The following text may contain spoilers
Main magic: Purple partially
Family: Emil Novotny (father)
Conflicts/hostility: "Him"
Evelyn works (or rather, works part-time) in a toy store, which is located right in the center of the market. She lives in a rented apartment with windows facing the rising sun.
Vozui has a small family: Mother and younger brother. Both live in a neighboring country, and Evelyn has not had contact with them for a long time. Her relationship with her family are quite warm, but sometimes it feels as if they are hiding something from her.
A small feature of her magic is that sometimes she does not have control over it, which leads to,,, unusual consequences. I wonder what this could be connected to?,,,
On top of that, one day her magic "glitched" , which is why Evelyn began to manifest Violet magic. But, was it a glitch, a special ability, unprofessionalism in testing or something else?
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nftdevelopment · 2 years
How do IDO marketing services impact an IDO platform?
An Initial DEX Offering (IDO) is a crowdfunding method that enables business minds to raise funds for their project development. As with any other platform, an IDO platform also needs effective IDO marketing strategies to stand out among other platforms. The leading marketing strategies include PR marketing, content marketing, web development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), community marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing, etc.for more information you can visit https://www.appdupe.com/ido-marketing-services
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skzoombie · 2 years
Série Sugar Daddy - Jungwoo
taeil | taeyong | johnny | yuta | doyoung | jaehyun | jungwoo | mark | haechan
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I'm the sticker for your love - Sticker
Ceo de uma empresa que administra o marketing de marcas de luxo!
Conheceu você em uma reunião de entrevista de emprego.
Você era alguém já um pouco conhecido(a) neste ramo mas nunca chegou a trabalhar com empresas grande como a dele e nem recebia a metade do valor que jungwoo lucrava no ano todo.
Ele nem disfarçou o interesse na reunião, pedia para as pessoas ficarem quietas para conseguir te escutar.
Quando estava prestes a ir embora, ele pediria que ficasse e falaria que você seria o(a) contratado(a).
"Suas ideias foram ótimas, gostaria muito que não tentasse outra entrevista e fosse contratado(a) direto conosco! pode começar amanhã mesmo"
Investiu bastante em você até aceitar sair com ele, jungwoo sabia que estava com medo das pessoas fazerem comentários, principalmente por ele ser mais velho.
No primeiro encontro ele levou você para um restaurante de luxo e fez questão de ficar mostrando formas de carinho e conversar com voz calma.
Nos primeiros meses de namoro você tinha percebido que de calmo jungwoo não tinha nada, em casa era agitado e ficava fazendo piadas de tio o tempo todo.
Sempre respondia os comentários preconceituosos que faziam sobre a diferença de idade dos dois.
"Sério? e quem te perguntou alguma coisa?"
Parecia um adolescente manhoso quando você não conseguia te encontrar o dia todo, ficava mandando mensagem com o emoji.
"Quase morrendo de tanta saudade! vem visitar seu daddy 😭😖"
Nepotismo com toda a certeza, ficaria subindo seu cargo de tempos em tempos até chegar em um que exigisse bastante comunicação com ele.
Nas reuniões acabava sempre aceitando as propostas de ideias do seu setor de marketing, o que acabou sendo suspeito para as outras pessoas e você tendo que chamar atenção dele para a situação.
No primeiro mês de namoro jungwoo convidaria para morar com ele.
4/7 sexo na semana, ele gostaria de ter a vida sexual do casal mais ativa mas a empresa tirava muito tempo de vocês.
Fizeram no escritório dele depois da hora quando todo mundo tinha ido embora.
Com você jungwoo se permitiu experimentar coisas novas na cama, o que quando mais jovem tinha medo.
Normalmente iam junto para a empresa pela manhã mas você não gostava de fofocas, então sempre entrava depois dele, o que deixava jungwoo bravo porque nunca foi de se importar com a opinião alheia.
Chefe com cabelo colorido? Sim e todos os funcionários ficavam apostando dinheiro em qual seria a próxima cor (ele tem 40 ou 15?)
Única pessoa que ele evitava brigar é com você, quando estavam começando a se exaltar, ele logo começaria a baixar o tom de voz e soltar uma piadinha para descontrair.
Presentes não eram pouca coisa, de carros luxuosos á residências em outro país.
Fofocavam dos funcionários quando estavam em casa, como você circulava em quase todos os setores, acabava por contar coisas que ele nem imaginava que acontecia dentro da empresa.
Jungwoo sempre foi amoroso tanto em casa quanto em público, ficava te abraçando por trás ou beijando sua mão.
A família de ambos aceitou teoricamente bem a relação, apesar de ainda pontuarem algumas vezes a diferença de idade.
Ele queria ter filhos em breve mas não também não desejava pressionar você porque sabia que era jovem e ele que era o mais velho na situação.
Amigos dele conheceram você bem rápido e te admiraram pela coragem de namorar "alguém mais velho com a mentalidade de um adolescente" como eles próprios descreveram o amigo.
Esse homem amava você demais e não deixaria ir embora tão cedo.
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