ultramori · 1 year
What it says on the tin. This is a hella long list so imma put the winners under the cut. Also note that this is PART ONE of the winners since Tumblr can only allow 30 images per post. I'll reblog the rest
Okay first off, the winner for the biggest Omori fan is.....
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The winner for biggest Sunny fan is...
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The winner for biggest Aubrey fan is none other than...
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The winner for biggest Kel fan is....
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The winner for biggest Hero fan is OH MY GOD IT'S
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The winner for biggest Basil fan is....
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The winner for biggest Mari fan is (unsurprisingly)
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The winner for biggest Stranger fan is ME jk it's
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The winner for biggest SOMETHING fan is...
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The winner for biggest Sprout Mole fan is...
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The winner for biggest Boss fan is...
Basil OMORI!!!
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The winner for biggest Ye Old Sprout fan is....
Nurses I guess!!!
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The winner for biggest Pluto fan is....
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The winner for biggest Captain Spaceboy fan is....
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The winner for biggest Space Ex fan is....
@beepbeeplettuce613!!! Shocker!!!
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The winner for biggest S
IT'S @kaz-kazoo
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The winner for biggest Snaley fan is...
ME!!!!!!! YIPPEE
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The winner for biggest Mr. Jawsum fan is...
Gator Guys!!!
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The winner for biggest Humphrey fan is...
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The winner for biggest Marina fan is....
The Diamonds!!!
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The winner for biggest Molly fan is... Uh...
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The winner for biggest Medusa fan is surprisingly:
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The winner for biggest Download Window fan is..
Spamton G Spamton!!!
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The winner for biggest Life Jam Guy fan is...
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The winner for biggest Doughie/Daphne fan is...
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The winner for biggest Biscuit/Bowen fan is...
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The winner for biggest Mewo fan is...
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The winner for biggest Hector fan is...
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The winner for biggest Abbi fan is...
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The winner for biggest BYC fan is ...
Sunny OMORI!!!!
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neemso · 10 months
Alright let's see, how long since i started this... 4 months? And actually took my time on something?? I love it!
Special thanks to @idril-la-wiccan for the backgrounds and sentences mixing in the end!
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sweetlynightmarish · 10 months
Update - Back to Business
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Ladies, gentlemen and mushrooms, greetings !
It's been a while since this blog was updated, wasn't it ? Three to four years based on the latests posts made before this one, in fact.
It's funny. I would have thought it had been longer... And that also means I actually abandoned this project when I was already out of high school... Hmm...
Though that doesn't change a previous statement I made on my main blog about starting to work on Sweet Nightmares since middle school.
Anyway, you're not here for a life update, you're here for the game !
This time I plan to work on it until it's done ! And conceptually, I'm close to completion !
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That's right, this is a flowchart of the dream world. I don't really care if you can or cannot read what's on it at this point.
But the most important part is that 5 out of 8 branchings from the nexus are complete and ready to be integrated to the game.
There are only 3 branchings where I still don't know what to add, as indicated by the single questionmarks in orange bubbles.
As of making this post, I have already made a dozen of the maps with placeholder textures. So, because of their rudimentary states, I won't be able to show anything for now.
But I'd like to be more active in showing the progress I make, as I'd also like as much feed back and suggestions as needed for this game to finally see the light of day.
So here are the things I consider doing for the foreseeable future:
Smaller updates and spoiler-free content will be made available to everyone on this blog : @sweetlynightmarish.
Bigger updates and spoiler content will be made on my Ko-fi page, only available to members (link bellow).
Live streams where I show mapping and texturing process (among other things) will be held, which can be good for interaction but will also serve as archives.
I will draw a LOT of content involving Shichi and the other characters from this game.
Speaking of drawing, know that I happen to be open for commissions, so don't hesitate to hit me up on my main (@idril-la-wiccan) or on Ko-fi if you're interested.
If you have any questions, the askbox is open to all your queries !
May the Sweet Nightmares begin for real !
Cordially, Idril.
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askhenryanything · 4 years
Don't worry, Henry. I really doubt they would have revived you only to punish you afterwards. That would be... a very backwards thing to do. Especially coming from the Government.
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First: https://askhenryanything.tumblr.com/post/639312163224338432/the-asks-are-now-opened-next-coming-soon 
Next: https://askhenryanything.tumblr.com/post/639930359841243136/so-henry-to-quote-reginald-was-it-worth
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grey-spark · 3 years
Three ABBI Fan Theories
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(LONG POST, BIG SPOILERS) (tw: suicide) I have taken great interest in your Out of the Abyss Story, and I have brought you 3 offerings for your adventure. Three fan theories base around ABBI. Feel free to implement them in your story if you like, since there's a chance these theories might actually be canon.
Note: I’m going to avoid discussing the obvious and assume you already know about Tako-san, Uni, Meido and the OMORI BOY comic. 
#1 ABBI/Tako's ‘Real World’ counterpart is likely Basil or Mari’s Petrock “OCOTACO”
While its true that, Tako-san are not a “one-to-one” copy of OCOTACO. They are both black and white octopuses with tentacle pigtails with “Tako” in their name.
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We know character’s don’t have to be exact copies of their real world counterpart, kind of like how Jawsum based on the shark in Sunny’s Black Jack game. So if this is the case, who did she belong to?
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I always found it interesting how the game bends out of its way at the last minute to let us know that Basil had a Petrock. If she used to be Basil’s that’d make a lot of sense how she ended up being associated with the Truth. 
Also its also very possible that she used to belong to Mari. Although it is never state if Mari owned a petrock, it is entirely possible if not likely that she bought one as a way to bond with Sunny.
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(Note: In the final version of the game, this seems to be Ren and Shawn. However, i question if that was always the case. There’s a chance there two were meant to be Mari and Tako, but then were turned into separate characters after the fact. There no way to know for sure.) 
As the Wisest, Tako served as Sunny’s conscious, like an angel on his shoulder, just like Mari. She also has many visual similarities to Mari, and is even shown to be hanging out with her in early concept content.
It’s also possible that Ocotaco used to belong to Sunny himself since he’s the third character to know the Truth, but this is unlikely since Sunny picks “Jash” when given the option to buy any petrock he wants.
Personally speaking, I think Ocotaco was Mari’s petrock, and Basil owned a petrock called “Flowerlad”, which has a painting/flower themed rock.
#2 ABBI used to own the Lost Library
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This dialogue speaks for itself:
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Question: Who has the power to banish a library? Why would anyone want to “banish” a library? Answer: Omori, to hide the Truth. 
And based on Mari’s quote, it implies that someone had to maintain this library, but then suddenly that person vanished, so it sank underground.
Still not convinced its Tako-san?
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Notice how after you beat ABBI, she gives you the most powerful weapon in the game, the RED KNIFE, in Sweetheart’s dungeon. The area that’s situated just above the Lost Library, presumably her old base of operations.
Okay so what function did the Lost Library serve?
Nothing like the Lost Library exists anywhere else in Headspace. It has so much knowledge about Sunny’s real world memories. We don’t know exactly what the library or Tako did, but we can make an educated guess.
Personally speaking, I think each great creature was given a job in maintaining the Headspace cycle of blissful ignorance.
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Again, I’m going to assume if you’re reading this post, you already know about Daddy LongLegs story about how Sunny stumbled onto Black Space and chose blissful ignorance. Let’s discuss where the great creatures come in...
Let’s start with the cat...
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The Big Yellow Cat’s job is said outright by the Branch Coral. 
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The cat watches the Neighbor Room and his friends while Omori is away.
This dialogue is important because it sets the precedent that Omori has given tasks to at least one of the great creatures.
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At the end of the HIKI route, its also revealed that it knows how to reset the whole damn thing. So yeah, the cat is all in on maintaining the cycle. 
And then there’s Humphrey...
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Humphrey could be the subject of his own post, but I’ll give you the short version. Basically, Headspace is a literal videogame in Sunny’s mind. 
Humphrey’s job is to serve as its unbeatable final boss.
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And the bones of his friends from each route just keep piling up...
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There are also many other instances of Humphrey breaking the 4th wall of the Headspace videogame in his level and even in the FOE FACTS. 
In said “final fight”, Humphrey expounds that he thinks “ignorance is bliss” and that its best for Sunny to forget the Truth and himself entirely, like Sunny does in the in Hikiomori Abandon ending. 
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(Which means in the context of your “Out of the Abyss” story, Humphrey’s goals are 100% opposed to Tako’s. They also have this “Id vs Super Ego” rivalry going on, so I’m really interested to see where that goes...)
And then there’s Tako’s job, as the Librarian of Sunny’s Memories 
Basically, her job was to maintain Sunny’s most precious memories, which if you think about it, is super vital to the maintenance of Sunny’s fantasy world. 
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Its also possible that the castle keeper may have played a big role, considering how powerful he is and his proximity to the library itself. He may be an ally and former colleague of Tako-san.
The question is... why did Abbi agree to do this? And what made her snap?
#3 ABBI’s “act against the Dreamer’s will” created the third BLACK SPACE entrance. 
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There are five entrances/ fractures to Black Space. Again this could be the topic of its own video, but we’ll briefly discuss it here.
When Sunny approaches the area being guarded by behind Humphrey, a disembodied voice (highly implied to be The Stranger in the game’s code)  tells Sunny that there are five entrances to Black Space:
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Of all these entrances, we only get to see one get created in game:
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There is almost NO way to prove how these entrances were made. But I’m going to give you my theoretical timeline of events.
My personal take, is this:
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The Deep Well entrance is the one mentioned in Daddy LongLegs story that Sunny stumbled into. It was the original entrance to Black Space Sunny found early on after the fall out of the real world accident: 
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Shortly after discovering this world, Sunny is driven mad by Black Space, and chooses to become Omori, who then promptly locks it away, and tasks Humphrey to guard the entrance, where he can still be found.
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At some point, OMORIs friends are added (or found) in the Neighbor Room, and Headspace is combined into one world. Abbi then sets up her library. 
But why??? Why does she do this.
The answer is in Black Space, given by the stranger.
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So basically, there are two forms of OMORI, and Tako has to choose:
Either, ‘Repressive OMORI’ and Headspace
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Or, ‘Destructive OMORI’ and Sunny’s imminent suicide:
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The reasonable Tako-san choose the lesser of two evils. She created the library and helped maintain Headspace to stave off the worst and buy time.
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Things continued on for a few months, and everything was operational.
Suicide was averted. 
Omori got to have adventures with his friends, BYC watched their room and kept it and the playground monster free. The ‘still sane’ Humphrey guarded the Black Space entrance devouring any Somethings that came through, and had the gruesome task of killing his friend if he ever tried to leave. And Tako maintained her library, giving good childhood memories to Omori when asked.
Tako is now in this weird spot where she knows Headspace is wrong, but also plays a crucial role in holding everything, and everyone she loves together.
This continued for a few months. It wasn’t perfect but it was functional...
And then one day at the beach this b*tch showed up
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“Ayo the pizza’s here” Spirit Mari said, taking OMORI completely by surprise. 
This created the first fracture and second entrance to Black Space. 
Omori immediately was zipped away to White Space. What then ensued was a very short version of the Hiki route in game, where Sunny is drawn to the entrance over and over to save Basil from Headspace.
Humphrey and Tako were probably the most effected by this. Humphrey had to actually start killing Sunny for the first time, and Tako probably requested to talk to Spirit Mari, and was denied by Omori. I personally think she was probably furious about the way Spirit Mari was being treated. 
Eventually Basil was saved, and everything returned to normal, this time, Omori was ready for Spirit Mari, and so a new era of peace lasted for a month or so. Everyone was ready to go back to normal...
Everyone except Tako.
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She couldn’t stand the way Mari was treated and then-
One day, she snapped.
She confronted Omori, about the Truth, in front of his friends.
This created the second fracture and third entrance to Black Space.
Once again, Omori was quickly whisked away back to White Space, and once Sunyn was woke up. Omori detained Tako-san. He put her as far down as he could without actually putting her into Black Space. The Abyss.
They did the whole “save basil” routine again, but after that, a LONG TIME passed like YEARS passed. With both, Spirit Mari and Tako out of the picture, there was no one to disrupt the peace in Headspace. 
Over this time, the Lost Library sank underground, Sweeheart ascended to power, without Tako acting as his moral anchor Humphrey went mad from hunger, created by Sunny’s real world malnourishment. But beyond that, not much changed, this could have gone on forever.
But the next fracture would come from something Omori couldn’t account for, it would come from the real world in the form of a simple phone call:
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Keep in mind, up until this point, Sunny had the comfort to know that at any time he could theoretically leave the house and rekindle his lost ties.
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That comfort was now being taken away. And to make matters worse, now Kel was knocking and making phone calls, running circles around him.
About several months before the events of the game, this reached a breaking point during one of Sunny’s adventures in Otherworld. 
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Something happened in that barn. The big photo frame that used to belong to Aubrey reminded Sunny of the family he shattered.
This created the third fracture and fourth entrance to Black Space.
And you already know the rest. We see the fourth fracture in game. The added stress of the approaching Moving Day was too much for Sunny to bare. 
It’s now 4 days left, 
Sunny thinks back to a story his mother told him about 2 years ago during a rare in-person dinner. 
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(Disclaimer: the above image is just a illustration i made. It’s dialogue was all written by me to convey what Sunny’s mom might have said.)
Sunny drifts to sleep with that story on his mind, and he can’t help but wonder...
If Hero made it out, maybe he can too?
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Anyway, that’s what I think happened to Abbi and generally what happened during Sunny’s years of isolation. I want to clarify that, this is what I actually believe, I really think all of this is what happened in canon, off screen. I’m probably going to turn the last theory into its own YouTube video. Honestly I’ve been waiting for an excuse to make this post, and your AU caught my interest, I’ll be watching it closely!
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idril-la-wiccan · 3 years
Probably going to stream tomorrow
I'll be translating one of my Cookie Run fanfictions.
So if anyone's interested to see, here's the link to my channel. It will be around 2pm (UTC +2).
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neemso · 3 months
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Silly screenshot edits i did for me and my bestie @idril-la-wiccan two years ago :3
Here are the bios!
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neemso · 10 months
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The Dearests at the beach. :]
(A collab between me and @idril-la-wiccan, check them out!)
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neemso · 7 months
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A mermaid design requested by my bestie @idril-la-wiccan for her game! I forgot to add my own watermark so i asked them if they could add it here for me 😅
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neemso · 1 year
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Yeah well, I don't technically have any recent silly thing i drew, but this one still makes me smile lol.
Originally tagged by @cartooncadet666.
@30-fucking-boiled-potatoes talk about your interests whether it sonic related or not.
@tee3015 the most drawing you're proud of.
@idril-la-wiccan the silliest headcanons you have in general for any fandom/non fandom.
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